St. William
St. William
St. William 2600 N. Sayre Avenue, Chicago, IL 60707 Phone: 773/637-6565 Fax: 773/637-7042 RECTORY STAFF Rev. Robert J. Lojek, Pastor - ext. 102 Fr. Stanislaw Czarnecki, S.J. - ext. 112 Fr. Jarek Maciejewski, Assoc.-ext. 114 Deacon Edward Simola Deacon John Ponce De Leon Peggy Forgione, Principal - School-102 Monika Wawrzyniak, Bus Mgr.- ext 103 Julie Gorski, Rel Ed. - 630/697-7294 Sister Patrycja, Night Reception ext 101 Kathy Rudy, Secretary-ext. 0 email: \ RECTORY HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Closed Tuesday morning until 12:00) (Closed daily 1:00—2:00pm -Lunch) Evening Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Closed Thursday) Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon RECTORY OFFICE: 773/637-6565 RECTORY FAX: 773/637-7042 SCHOOL OFFICE: 773/637-5130 SCHOOL HOURS: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. SCHOOL FAX: 773/745-4208 SCHOOL WEB: *** EW PARISH WEB SITE: March 6, 2016 *** 4th Sunday of Lent St. William March 6, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, MARCH 6—4TH SUNDAY OF LENT 7:30am Francisco Livorsi Frances Penda Forlano 9:00am Florence Wajda Mary Kilian –1st Death Anniv. Esther Calderone –Birth Rem. 10:30am Kazimierz Nowacki Maria & Aleksander Konieczny Leszek Dus –20th Death Anniv. Wawrzyniec Mosz— God’s Comfort Tomasz—Special Intention 12:00pm Valentino Sisters Vito & Maria DePinto & Domenica DeFano Jenny, Ruben, Mario & Oscar Arceo George Richard Ciucci Joseph Hardy 2:00pm Jozef Koszut & Zofia Modla Jozef Czyz MONDAY, MARCH 7 –Sts. Perpetua & Felicity 8:15am Luis Alaba Margaret Dyja Tomasz—Special Intention TUESDAY, MARCH 8 –St. John of God 8:15am Tomasz—Special Intention WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9 –St. Frances of Rome 8:15am Casey Pietrzyk 7:00pm Jozef Koszut –5th Death Anniv. Tomasz—Special Intention THURSDAY, MARCH 10 8:15am Tomasz—Special Intention 12:00pm Francisco Livorsi FRIDAY, MARCH 11 8:15am Chick Ricchio –Birth Rem. 6:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm Polish Tomasz—Special Intention 7:30pm Polish Stations of the Cross SATURDAY, MARCH 12 8:15am Bernadine Janicek Zofia Glownia –Birth Rem. Tomasz—Special Intention 4:30pm Ursulo Alaba Ronald Schultz Jessie Wishnow TAX TIME For a letter with your church contributions for income taxes, call Sr. Patrycja at 773/637-6565 ext. 101. Leave your name, phone number and envelope number on her voice mail, it will take a week or two then you can pick up the letter on the table in back of church Saturday, March 12, before bed set your clock forward by one hour for Daylight Saving Time! LITURGICAL CELEBRATION EUCHARISTIC LITURGY: Saturday: 8:15 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 12:00pm & Polish at 10:30am & 2:00pm Monday - Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Mass with rosary starting at 7:30 a.m. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Wednesday after English & Polish Mass Polish Mass: Wednesday & Friday 7:00 p.m. Civic Holidays: 8:15 a.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Every Thursday: (Noon Mass), Noon—4:15p.m. 3:00pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy-Polish 4:00 Chaplet of Divine Mercy-English followed by Benediction SACRAMENTAL LIFE BAPTISM: One Preparation Class is required. The Class will meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Rectory Hall. Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of the month, attend Noon Mass then Baptism immediately following. MARRIAGES: An appointment should be made with one of the priests or deacons at least six months prior to the wedding. This should be done before a date or banquet hall is reserved. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 3:30—4:15 p.m. You may also call the rectory for an appointment. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Call the Rectory for a priest. Please do not wait until the person is unconscious or near death. COMMUNION CALLS: If you would like to receive Communion, call the rectory to make arrangements. 773/637-6565 RECTORY HOURS: Daytime: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00am—4:30pm. Rectory Closed EVERY TUESDAY MOR I G Tuesday open from oon-1:00 & 2:00-4:30pm Mon.—Fri. closed from 1:00—2:00pm for lunch Evening Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri. from 6—8pm, and Saturday 10am—12 (Noon). St. William Page Three WEEK AT A GLANCE NEW amount needed weekly to cover our budgeted expenses is: $7,000 Budget for Weekly Collection ……….....………...$7,000 Weekend Collection……...……………………......$6,360 Under $( -640) Please Remember your Parish in your Will! HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE 2016 Sacrament of Reconciliation Wednesday, March 23rd 6:00—8:00pm English, Polish, Italian & Spanish Holy Thursday, March 24th o 8:15am or 12:00pm Mass/ o Adoration 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Church is open for visitors until 11:00pm Good Friday, March 25th 3:00pm Stations of the Cross w/ Choral Presentation 6:00pm Service of the Lord’s Passion (Polish) 7:30pm Service of the Lord’s Passion Church open until Midnight - visit the Tomb of Christ Holy Saturday, March 26th No 8:15am or 4:30pm Mass Blessing of Easter Food Baskets at: 11:00am English & Spanish, 12:00pm Polish and 1:00pm English & Polish 7:00pm Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday, March 27th 7:30am, 9:00am & 12:00pm –with Blessing of Children’s Baskets 5:30am, 10:30am & 2:00pm (Polish) PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK atalina Kass Elzbieta Mital Mary Targosz Maria Hinojosa Dana Oades John Pugliani orma Bode Jinger Rush Sue Coston Donna Ricchio Joel Rivera Dottie Blaska Virginia Goggin Amanda Bert Leila Bandy Dolores Piccoli Lizette Del Valle Michelle Petersen Angelo Tufano icholas Goldie Rich Traush Caleb Fisher Ruthanne Gowin Marilyn Berry Joe & Rose Cernack Matthew Bert Sunday, March 6 PPP/MA A Gift Card Sale –After All Masses 10:45am—1:00pm Rel Ed -302, 303, 310, 312, Library 1:00—3:00pm Teen Youth Group –School Rm 209 1:00pm Religious Ed Reconciliation –Church 5:00—10:00pm Raising the Roof Rehearsal–Liebrich Monday, March 7 10:00am –1:00pm Seniors Group –Liebrich Hall 6:30—8:30pm PPC & Finance Council Mtg –Rectory 7:00pm School Board Mtg –School Library Tuesday, March 8 7:00—8:30pm RCIA –Teacher’s Lnge Wednesday, March 9 7:00 –8:30pm Confirmation Prep –School Library Thursday, March 10 12:00 –4:15pm Noon Mass & Adoration –Church 6:30 –9:00pm Girl Scouts –Rm 315 & 316 6:30—7:30p Teach Who Christ Is Mtg –Rectory 7:30 –9:00pm Boy Scouts Troop 49 –Liebrich Hall Friday, March 11 Cancelled— o 2:30pm Stations/School out early 4:30 –6:00pm Pasta Dinner –Liebrich Hall 6:00pm Stations of the Cross –Church 8:00—9:30pm Polish Bible Study –Rectory Hall Saturday, March 12 10:30am –12:00pm Cub Scouts –315 & 316 Stop by the rectory to fill out a Facility Scheduling Form to reserve a room or a Cancellation/Change Form. Wedding Banns Wojciech Solarczyk & Anna Golen TABERNACLE LIGHTS Katia & Casey Pietrzyk FROM DEACON ED: A people free to choose will always choose peace. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK: MASSEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Thanks for your sponsorship! See ad in the back of the bulletin. If you’d like to advertise here, please call 1-800/566-6170. Page Four For the last two weeks I have been going to the meatless Pasta dinners served by the Teen Youth Group. Last week they served bow-tie pasta with Vodka sauce. It was amazing! They also serve pie from Baker’s Square for $1! Where can you go and have pasta, salad, fresh baked bread and butter and desert for $6? It costs less if you are a senior. No cooking, helps the parish and delish; what can you be waiting for? Hop down to Liebrich Hall this Friday for a pasta dinner—you will not be disappointed! St. William GYM CLASS The children have been busy inside with stacking cups, volley balloon, the alligator game, tumbling, scooter basketball, foam hockey, hula hoops games and much more. St. William School and Youth Group: Lenten Pasta Dinners Date: March 11 Pasta Donated By: Ristorante Agostino 2817 N Harlem Ave. 773-745-6464 Dinner includes: Bowl of pasta, salad and bread. Beverages also available for purchase. Cost: $5.00 for adults, $4.00 for seniors and $3.50 for kids under 12. Where: Liebrich Hall Time: 4:30—6:00pm Bring your friends to help raise money for the St. William 100th Anniversary Celebration. ST. WILLIAM SCHOOL—RESTAURANT NIGHT St. William School will be hosting “Restaurant Night” at Amato’s Pizza, 1737 . Harlem on Tuesday, March 15, from 11:00 am till 11:00 pm. Flyers will be available at School, Rectory and Church entrances. Take the flyer, mention or present when ordering and Amato’s will donate 15% back to the school. Come join us, for pizza, salads, Italian specialty sandwiches, and more (too much to mention) and help support St. William School. EAGLE SCOUT COLLECTION FOR SHRINER’S CHILDRENS HOSPITAL St. William Boy Scout Troop 49 is holding an Eagle scout project by Edward Dunne to collect entertainment items for Shriner's Hospital for Children. We are collecting card games, board games, children's books, and DVDs rated G, PG, and PG13. Collection bins will be placed at all four exits of the church. We will be collecting through Saturday, March 26th. RAISING THE ROOF 10 IS COMING! Save the date! April 1 –2 marks the 10th Anniversary of “Raising the Roof”, 2 nights of food, music, an auction, the Roofapalooza Raffle, comedy by Harlem Nights Players and celebrity appearances! Your $10 ticket includes entertainment and a pasta dinner too. April 1 there’s a tribute to “Clowning at the Corners” and Alum, Brendan Gardiner, will do stand up comedy before the show. April 2 features “Battle of the Celebrity Bartenders” with Chicago personalities competing and Rich “Svengoolie” Koz appearing! St. William Page Five HOLY THURSDAY, MARCH 24 PILGRIMAGE That melodic hymn echoed on Holy Thursday, “Stay with me… Remain here with me….Watch and pray” is Jesus’ invitation to us all to reflect on one of the most solemn nights of the Triduum. We are in the early planning phase and want to know who is interested. Like in the past…..Come join us here at the 7:00 Mass for Holy Thursday services. Thereafter, embark with us as we travel to six additional churches as the faithful of old have done. We will pilgrimage by school bus and return at approximately 11:45 pm. Seats will be limited and a fee will be required to reserve one. If you are interested or need additional information, please call the rectory, 773/637-6565 ext. 50 and leave your name, phone number and a brief message and we’ll return the call. Come……. pray with Him. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE PRAYER SERVICE BEGINS IN APRIL-Not March Please join us the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the church to offer prayers of thanksgiving and healing. COMBINED PARISH MISSION Saint Celestine, Saint Cyprian & Saint William Fr. Pawel Komperda “Deepening Our Spirituality Through Discerning Our Thoughts” Monday & Tuesday, March 14 & 15, 7:00 pm at Saint William Church. THE GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mass will be held on Sunday, September 18, 2016, at 2:45 PM, at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 North State Street, Chicago, Illinois. Couples married in 1966 interested in attending this celebration should contact the Rectory to register. For further information, call the Marriage and Family Ministries Office at 312.534.8351 or visit the website: EARLY EASTER BULLETIN CUT-OFF’S 3/13 articles were due March 3 3/20 articles due to rectory on March 8, send to printer 3/11 3/27 articles due rectory on March 14, send to printer 3/18. Mass requests are due on the same cut-off dates. ATTENTION SENIORS! St. William Seniors will meet Monday, March 7th at 10:00am in Liebrich Hall. There will be coffee and sweet or hard rolls, bingo and other games. Totus Tuus 2016 Summer Program Missionaries Needed! Accepting Application Today! Benefits: $2,000 Stipend Applicants: College Student Practicing Catholic Public speaking & organizational skills Food & Housing Included Opportunity to impact the youth Apply at: 100th Anniversary Book Committee: For the 100th anniversary book, our committee wanted to honor all the St. William parishioners who served in our military. Our committee is reaching out to all alumni. Currently we have the names of all the WWII service members from our parish but not many names from the Korean War or any conflicts forward to the present day. If anyone has any type of list or photos or any other type of information, please email Greg Fidanzia at 100th Anniversary Church History Committee: We are asking parishioners for any photographs or movies you may have of the original St. William churches on the East side of Sayre Ave. (There were two churches, either wood frame or brick). This may be photos or movies of weddings, church services or other sacramental gatherings, inside or outside. The presentation is currently scheduled for late April, so please contact Dan Steppan at 847-226-9041 as soon as possible. We will arrange to pick up your photographs so we can scan them for the presentation and then return them to you. Page Six St. William Ministry Schedule for the Weekend of March 12 & 13, 2016 Priest Saturday 4:30pm 3/12/16 Sunday 7:30am 3/13/16 Sunday 9:00am 3/13/16 Sunday-Polish 10:30am 3/13/16 Sunday 12:00pm 3/13/16 Sunday-Polish 2:00pm 3/13/16 Fr. Stan Fr. Robert Fr. Jarek Fr. Stan Fr. Jarek Fr. Stan Deacon E. Simola Lectors J. Ponce de Leon O. Budz R. Chojnacki T. Supergan T. Zejer Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers O. Cardona C. Chora S. Chora D. Padua S. Munoz J. Lazalde I Armenta L. Ruiz L. Ruiz abożeństwa Wielkopostne w języku polskim Msza święta w ciągu tygodnia środa —7:00 wieczorem z Nowenna do Matki Bozej Nieustajacej Pomocy Piątek —7:00 Msza świeta Droga Krzyżowa Piątek 7:30 wieczorem Gorzkie Żale Niedziela po Mszy Swiętej o godzinie 2 :00 PM Adoracja Najsw. Sakramentu każdy czwartek 3:00 PM Koronka do Bożego Miłosierdzia Kurs Przedmałżeński w Parafii Św. Williama Kolejny kurs przygotowujący młode pary do zawarcia Sakramentu Małżeństwa odbędzie sie w naszej parafii 6 Marca 2016, po polskiej Mszy świętej o godzinie 2:00 PM. Po więcej informacji prosimy dzwonic pod numer 1 773 637 6565 wew. 102. Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału. REKOLEKCJE PARAFIAL E „Miłosierdzie Boże uzdrawiającym lekarstwem dzisiejszej zagrozonej rodziny” Prowadzi: Ks. Dr Boguslaw Jaworowski MISJONARZ ŚWIĘTEJ RODZINY, WYKŁADOWCA HOMILETYKI, CENIONY KAZNODZIEJA I REKOLEKCJONISTA – GŁOSI SŁOWO BOŻE W POLSCE, W USA I W KANADZIE. Rekolekcje rozpoczną się w sobotę, 5 marca, podczas czuwania, godz. 7-10pm. auki rekolekcyjne podczas Mszy Świętych: w niedzielę 6 marca, godz. 10:30, 2pm, 3pm - Gorzkie Żale z kazaniem pasyjnym; poniedziałek-środa, 7-9 marca, godz. 7pm. V. Witkowski D. Chudy J. Pawlikowski C. Jurczyk C. Jurczyk J. Sanchez Wszystkie troski wasze przerzućcie na zależy na was. D. Szara M. Spiewak B. Wozny iego, gdyż Jemu Czas Wielkiego Postu zachęca nas do wdzięczności za bezcenny dar odkupienia. Tegoroczna dekoracja w naszej świątyni przypomina nam, że „zbawienie przyszło przez krzyż”. Krzyż jest obecny i w naszym życiu. Każdy z nas codziennie tego doświadcza. Jeśli w dźwiganiu krzyża zjednoczymy się z Chrystusem i powierzymy Mu nasze zmartwienia, nasza droga będzie łatwiejsza. Dlatego każdy może przypiąć do krzyża pod ołtarzem symboliczną karteczkę ze swoimi bólami i kłopotami. Te wszystkie przypięte intencje polecamy w każdej Mszy Św. sprawowanej przy tym ołtarzu. Te kartki spalimy w ogniu pobłogosławionym w noc Paschy, by dym z nich wzbił się ku niebu i aby Bóg przemienił te troski w radość zmartwychwstania. „Akcja Miska Ryżu”: Kolor fioletowy, który dominuje w kościele w okresie Wielkiego Postu jest symbolem pokuty. Pragniemy wrócić do Boga nie tylko poprzez modlitwę, post, jałmużnę i dobre uczynki. Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich do wzięcia udziału w akcji „Miska Ryżu” organizowanej przez Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Pomocy. Akcja polega na zbieraniu funduszy w czasie Wielkiego Postu dla „ostatnich” tego świata- dla ludzi biednych, głodujących, i potrzebujących. Specjalne papierowe skarbonki i ulotki na ten temat sa wyłożone przy wyjściach z kościela. Skarbonki z nasza jałmuzna będziemy zwracać w ciągu Wielkiego Tygodnia. MEDYTACJA AD IEDZIEL Ą EWA GELIĄ 4 iedziela W. Postu – Miłosierny ojciec i nawrócony syn W czwartą niedzielę Wielkiego Postu czytamy jedną z bardziej znanych opowieści ewangelicznych, przypowieść o tematyce wielkopostnej: o grzechu, nawróceniu i Bożym miłosierdziu, czyli o synu marnotrawnym i jego miłosiernym ojcu. Jest to przepiękna opowieść o historii dwóch synów, którzy się pogubili, ale ostatecznie wracają do kochającego ojca, który z wielkiej radości organizuje wystawną ucztę. Miłosierny Ojciec. Postać ojca w swej dobroci i miłosierdziu jest wręcz urzekająca i godna naśladowania dla każdego z nas. Zwłaszcza teraz w Jubileuszowym Roku Miłosierdzia jesteśmy gorąco zapraszani do tego, aby doświadczać osobiście tej dobroci i miłosierdzia Ojca Niebieskiego, zwłaszcza w Sakramencie Pojednania, by z kolei okazywać miłosierdzie innym ludziom, pełniąc wspanialomyslnie uczynki miłosierdzia. Syn marnotrawny. Początkowo syn ten bardzo się pogubił i zgrzeszył. Zabrał od ojca swoją część majątku, która na niego przypadała i odszedł z domu ojca, żyjąc rozrzutnie i na własną rękę, co doprowadziło go do upadku. Kiedy jednak dotknął dna postanowił wrócić z powrotem do domu swojego kochającego ojca. Ten młodszy syn może być tutaj przykładem jak powinien się zachowywać każdy grzesznik, gdy sobie uświadomi całą swoją nędzę. Postanawia wtedy wrócić do Ojca i wyznać Mu szczerze: „Ojcze, zgrzeszyłem przeciwko Tobie”. Starszy syn. Niby był on z ojcem w jego domu cały czas, ale nie potrafił się z tego cieszyć. Był jakiś taki ciągle sfrustrowany i zgorzkniały. Miał on za złe ojcu właśnie to, że jest tak bardzo miłosierny, że właśnie przebaczył bratu, wielkiemu publicznemu grzesznikowi. Smucić się, gniewać się dlatego, że Bóg jest dla kogoś dobry, miłosierny – to poddawać się uczuciom najzgubniejszej zazdrości i zawiści. Każdy z nas może znaleźć w sobie coś z syna marnotrawnego, a także cos ze starszego syna, ale w tym czasie Wielkiego Postu jesteśmy gorąco wezwani do naśladowania miłosiernego Ojca. Niech nam w tym pomogą nasze REKOLEKCJE PARAFIALNE, na które serdecznie zapraszamy! CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. William Church #947950 2600 N. Sayre Avenue Chicago, IL 60707 TELEPHONE 773 637-6565 EXT. 100 or 0 CONTACT PERSON Kathy Rudy EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER Ricoh Aficio MP 161 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 3:00PM SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION MARCH 6, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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