September 2010 - Hartland Consolidated Schools


September 2010 - Hartland Consolidated Schools
Volume 76
Number 7
September 2010
24 Pages
Superintendent’s Message
Janet Sifferman, Superintendent
Welcome to the 2010/2011 school year. We have been busy
this summer preparing for our students’ return. You will
see several new faces due to the large number of teacher
retirements at the close of the last school year. We are very
excited to welcome our new staff on board.
This summer we began the first phase of our 2010 Bond Issue work. Some
classrooms will see new technology and our parking lot and gym lighting has been
upgraded. Thank you Hartland community for your support of our 2010 Bond
proposal. During these difficult financial times and with significant turmoil involving Michigan’s economy, Hartland Consolidated Schools continues to stay on
course and keep its eye on its major objective – to educate and prepare students
for the world outside.
I am extremely proud that our administrators, employee groups, and support
staff, under the calm and measured direction of our Board of Education, continue to work cohesively and cooperatively to provide our students with the best
possible education. The cooperation we enjoy is the key to navigating through
difficult times. The Hartland community has a tradition of banding together and
functioning as a family with all stakeholders putting children first. We at Hartland
Consolidated Schools are fortunate to be a part of this, and are eagerly looking
forward to another successful school year.
Hartland Cheer Teams
Offer a BIG Thank You!
The Hartland High School Cheer Teams recently participated in a Stunt Camp on
June 24 sponsored by Champion Cheer. Approximately 250 girls attended this
camp held at Hartland High School to sharpen their stunting skills and learn new
techniques in the field of cheerleading.
As a fundraiser, the Hartland Teams offered concessions to the girls in attendance.
The girls would like to extend a big thank you to Hartland Kroger and the Brighton
Costco Store who each donated items for the girls to sell.
The teams were fundraising for camps they attended during the summer. The
Varsity Girls attended camp at the University of Kentucky and the Junior Varsity
Team attended camp at Alma College. Each camp offered opportunities for the
girls to practice stunting, advance their knowledge in the field of cheerleading,
and bond as a unified team for the competitive season.
People in the News
Hartland Student Awarded GVSU Scholarship
Deputy Shawn Callahan
Honored as Support Person of the Year!
Deputy Shawn Callahan was a police liason officer for Hartland Consolidated
Schools. Deputy Callahan was selected by the district to receive Support Person
of the Year because of his commitment to Hartland’s students, staff, and community. Hartland was very fortunate to have such a dedicated and hard working man
working so closely with our students. Thanks for all that you do, Deputy Callahan!
Ana K. Rosczewski of Hartland has been named a recipient of a Faculty Scholarship to Grand Valley State University. Rosczewski, a recent graduate of Hartland
High School, is the daughter of Kristin Appel and Greg Garcia.
To be considered for a Faculty Scholarship, the recipient must have a 3.6
high school grade point average (CPA), a minimum ACT score of 29, and attend a
scholarship competition. The award is renewable for three additional years with
a minimum of a 3.5 GPA or better.
Grand Valley is dedicated to providing a rich learning environment for students,
offering a wide range of majors and hands-on research opportunities. Highly credentialed and responsive faculty and individual advisors and mentors promote a
liberal arts emphasis that teaches students critical thinking and problem solving
Inside This Issue
HHS CLASS Reunions
Editor’s Page......................................... 2
Who: What: Where: When: Contact: HIP Happenings................................. 15
Class of 2000
Hartland High School Class of 2000
Hartland High School Class of 2000 10 Year Reunion
Dunham Hills Golf Club
Saturday, September 4, 2010 @ 7pm
Lindsay Dawson at 517.204.6734 or
Class of 1976
Plans are just beginning for a 35 year reunion in 2011. Send your contact information to
School News................................... 3-13
Cromaine District Library................. 14
Business Directory............................. 16
Places of Worship ............................ 17
Clubs & Organizations................ 18-19
Scouting News.................................... 20
Art & Entertainment.......................... 21
Be sure to save the
Fall 2010
HCE Enrichment Brochure
inserted in the issue.
2/ Community Life/September 2010
Editor’s Page
Thanks for the donations
We have received a total of $100.00 in donations for FY 10-11 to help offset the
cost associated with publishing Community Life. Your support is appreciated for
the only paper dedicated to promoting news about the schools and the Hartland
Area for the past 76 years.
Thank you: Lee Crouse MacBride
Community Life Advertising Rates
Advertisements are designed in a horizontal or vertical format. Requests for specific
placement of the advertisement cannot be honored.
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DEADLINES: Advertisements may be mailed, dropped off in person or emailed to the editor,
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QUESTIONS: Questions concerning advertising should be directed to Nadine Cloutier,
editor Community Life; PO BOX 282; Hartland, MI 48353. Ph.810.626.2142 or email
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CALL US TODAY 810.632.9000
Beth Yarmak, CPA, EA
Faye Jones Bessette, EA, ABA, ATA
Welcome Back Hartland Teachers and Students!
Hartland Community Education
Deadlines 2010- 2011
Listed below are the Community Life deadlines for articles and advertisements for each
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otherwise noted. All advertisements must be prepaid.
Every effort is made to mail Community Life on the last Wednesday of each month.
REMEMBER: I am always working a month ahead. Scheduled mailing dates are listed
below. Please note these dates when writing press releases. Thank you!
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Thank You For Your Support
Community Life
Volume 76, No. 7 — September 2010
A monthly publication sponsored by the Heartland Foundation in cooperation
with the Hartland Board of Education and Hartland Community Education,
dedicated to informing the public in matters of education, local government,
community services, organizations and cultural opportunities. Founded in
October 1933 by the Hartland Area Project in the interest of rural progress
and prosperity.
Editor: Nadine Cloutier
Printing: For information on deadlines, subscriptions and advertising rates,
call 810.626.2142 or write Community Life, c/o Hartland Community Education, 9525 Highland Rd., Howell, MI 48843. News may be faxed to
810.626.2151 or Emailed to:
$25.00 subscription rate per year for readers outside of Livingston County.
Reader donations appreciated. A minimum of $20.00 is suggested.
Community Life /September 2010 / 3
Hartland Consolidated School District
9525 Highland Rd., Howell, MI 48843 • 810.626.2100
Hartland Consolidated Schools
2010-11 School Calendar
August 2010
September 2010 1
October 2010
November 2010 2
December 2010 3
January 2011
February 2011 25-28
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
APPROVED 7/26/10
New teachers report
Staff Breakfast – teacher work day
One teacher workday required between Aug. 16 & 31 - date optional
Professional Development (Admin) - no students
First day of school
Professional Development – no students
End of first marking period – High School
Professional Development - Parent-Teacher Planning – no students
Elementary P/T Conferences following regular school day, 5-8 p.m.
Farms P/T Conferences following regular school day, 5-8 p.m.
End of first marking period – K-8
Elementary P/T Conferences following regular school day, 5 – 8 p.m.
Farms P/T Conferences following regular school day, 5-8 p.m.
High School P/T Conferences following regular school day, 4-7 p.m.
Parent/Teacher Conferences during school day - no students
Middle School P/T Conferences following regular school day, 4-7 p.m.
Thanksgiving Break - no school students or staff
End of second marking period – High School
Holiday Break, no school students or staff
School Resumes
Martin Luther King Day – no school students or staff
High School Exams, 1/2 day
High School Exams, 1/2 day
High School Exams, 1/2 day
End of marking period - K-12
Teachers Records Day, no students
End of 1st Semester
Mid-Winter Break, no school students or staff
End of fourth marking period – High School
Professional Development/Parent-Teacher Conf. – no students
End of third marking period – K-8
Spring Recess – no school for students or staff
Good Friday Holiday – no staff or students
End of fifth marking period – High School
Professional Development – no students
Memorial Day - no school students or staff
High School Exams, 1/2 day
High School Exams, 1/2 day
High School Exams, 1/2 day
Last Day of School, ½ day school – PM Teacher work day
If needed, snow day make ups begin June 13
Food Service Subs Needed
Want a job that works around your Childs schedule?
Come and join the Food Service Crew.
Fill out an application at the Village Elementary from 10 AM - 2 PM
Call 810.626.2868 for further information.
Statement Of Compliance With Federal Law
The Hartland Consolidated School District complies with all Federal laws and
regulations of the U.S. Department of Education. It is the policy of the Hartland
Consolidated School District that no person on the basis of race, color, religion,
national origin or ancestry, age, sex, marital status, handicap, or limited English
proficiency shall be discriminated against, excluded from participation in, denied
the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to, discrimination in any program or
activity to which it is responsible or for which it receives financial assistance
from the U.S. Department of Education.
Presented and Approved: July 17, 2001
Preschool program
is taking Registrations
The Hartland Community Education Preschool offers an exception educational
program. Each classroom is staffed with one teacher and one classroom assistant,
who are very qualified and eager to offer your child the finest start into their
educational future.
The Hartland Preschool program is a tuition based program. Our program is
designed to develop social skills, and educational skills through play based activities. We will encourage your child to develop a positive self image through social
interaction and problem solving. We offer a wide range of activities to accommodate
the varied stages of each child’s development.
As your child progresses through the program, they will work on strengthening
their fine and gross motor skills. The children will progress through introductory
reading, math and science, as part of the curriculum throughout the year.
The Hartland Community Education Preschool programs offer two convenient
locations in the Hartland and Howell areas. Each classroom offers a spacious, well
lit area. Each center offers outside play areas. Both locations offer classrooms which
are set with learning centers, books, dress up clothes, and games.
We will be offering a full range of classes and class times. The preschool classes
are offered as a 2 or 3 day option. For the 3 year olds, Mrs. DeRosier will offer a 3
year old program on Monday & Wednesday, for both A.M. and P.M. sessions. *New
this year!* The 3 year old children will have the option of adding the Friday class!
This class will be offered for the A.M. & P.M. sessions.
Mrs. Lubeski will offer a 3 year old program on Tuesday & Thursday for the
A.M. session. Please remember that the child must be 3 years old by September 1,
The 4 year old programs will continue to be offered by Mrs. Potts, Mrs. DeRosier
and Mrs. Lubeski. Mrs. Potts and Mrs. Lubeski will offer the additional Friday class
option. You can choose either a Monday & Wednesday or a Tuesday & Thursday
schedule. Please remember that the child must be 4 years old by December 1, 2010.
The registration fee is $50.00 Classes run from September through May.
The two day tuition is $798.00. The three day rate is $999.00. We offer a 5% tuition
discount, if the entire tuition amount is paid before the classes start. If you have
any questions or for more information, please call 810.626.2780.
Are you looking for Childcare
during the school year?
Would you like to have a safe and fun place to bring your child?
If yes, we would like to welcome you and your child to the
Hartland Community Education Before & After School Program. Our goal is to
ensure that every child entering the Center is provided with the most excellent care.
The Before School Program at the School Street location is open from 6:30
a.m. to approximately 8:45 a.m.. Each of the elementary schools (including Farms
Intermediate School) have buses assigned to pick up your child from our Center. The
buses will transport them to their designated school.
The After School Program is open from approx. 3:50 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Hartland
School buses will deliver your child to our Center each day. The time that they arrive at the center will vary, depending on the school bus route schedule.
The Hartland Community Education also offers a Before and After School
Program at the Lakes Elementary School. The Before School Program at the Lakes
is open from 7:00 a.m. to approx. 8:45 a.m. The After School Program at the Lakes
runs from 3:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The caring and qualified staff will offer childcare, snack, homework time and
supervised activities for the children. There is a minimum attendance of five mornings
or five afternoons. Your tuition charge is based on full time enrollment regardless
of the number of days attended each week.
The spots on the bus fill up fast so don’t delay!
If your child is registered for the Before or After School Programs, he/she can
attend the Center when there is a “No School” or “Snow Day.” Tuition for “No school”
or Snow days is more, and the amount due will be adjusted accordingly. Please
remember that we offer year-round childcare.
Our center offers care for infants (2 weeks old to 2-1/2 years), daycare (2-1/2
years to 5 years old) and Before & After Care (Kindergarteners-5 year olds through
12 years old), Preschool and Summer Kamp.
Any questions, please feel free to call us Linda Easton-Director or Debbie StegerOffice Manager at 810.626.2780. We look forward to serving you and your child.
4/ Community Life/September 2010
of Rights under FERPA
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and
students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records.
They are:
1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the District
receives a request for access.
a. Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal [or appropriate school official]
a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The principal will make
arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the
records may be inspected.
2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student
believes are inaccurate or misleading.
a. Parents or eligible students may ask Hartland Consolidated School District to amend a record that
they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the school principal, clearly identify the
part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.
b. If the District decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the
District will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a
hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing
procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
3) The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s
education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
a. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with
legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the District as an
administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff
and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company
with whom the District has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor,
medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a
disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her
b. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education
record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
c. Upon request, the District discloses education records without consent to officials of another
school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. [NOTE: FERPA requires a school
district to make a reasonable attempt to notify the student of the records request unless it states in
its annual notification that it intends to forward records on request.]
4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the
District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers
FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 600 Independence Avenue,
SW Washington, DC 20202-4605
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 provides that the following information may be
released upon request: student’s name, date of birth, phone number, address, parent name(s); school of attendance,
picture(s), video(s), publication of student picture(s) with name(s) attached, artwork and school activity group(s).
In order to comply with this legislation, the district requests that parents, emancipated minors, and those students
18 years of age and over, who do NOT wish release of this information, mail written notice by September 30, 2010,
to: Hartland Consolidated Schools, 9525 E. Highland Road, Howell, MI 48843.
Armed Forces Recruiting
Important Notice to Parents
Armed Forces Recruiter Access to Students & Student Recruiting Info
The “No Child Left Behind Act of 2001” passed certain new requirements with respect to
Armed Forces Recruiter Access to Students and Student Recruiting Information:
• Duty to Provide Information to Military Recruiters. Unless the parent otherwise request, the District must provide upon request by military recruiters access to high school
student’s names, addresses and telephone listings.
• Consent. Either the high school student or the parent of the student may request
that the student’s name, address and telephone listing not be released without the prior
parental consent. Schools are required to notify parents of this option to make a request
and shall comply with the request.
• Access to Students. Each district shall provide military recruiters the same access to
high school students as is provided generally to higher education institutions, community
colleges, and prospective employers.
If you do not want your student’s name, address and telephone listing released to Armed
TO: Principal, Hartland High School, 10635 Dunham Road, Hartland, MI 48353
I object to the release of the name, address, or telephone number of _______________________
__________ [print name of student] to military recruiters during this school year. I understand
that once this form has been signed by either the student or a parent, only a parent may change
it. I also understand that if I want to change it, the parent must notify the principal in writing
that the form is no longer in effect and that student information may be released.
Signature of student or parent: ________________________________________________________
Name of signing student or parent please print: _________________________________________
Date: ________________
What’s for Lunch?
A guide to school lunch
We in the Food Service Department are dedicated to serving your child nutritious and inviting meals. School lunch is a federally mandated program. We are
required to serve meals that meet the Federal guidelines for child nutrition. As
a Government program we are audited to make sure that we are in compliance
with the governments’ standards for nutrition. To view menus, go to the Hartland
Consolidated Schools Web site at,, click on Food Service
and click on the menu you would like to view. Carbohydrate counts are available
online for the Elementary & Intermediate Schools. If you do not have access to
the internet you may get the elementary menu for the week by calling the Menu
Hot line at 810.626.2190.
How do I pay for Lunch?
Each school year students are issued a student ID card, on this card is the Childs
picture and ID number. This number does not change through out their academic
years in the Hartland Schools. ID cards for students K- 6 are kept in the food service department; Ore Creek & High School students carry their ID cards. Parents
of children in K-12 may make payment by cash or checks made out to Hartland
Food Service, you may also make payments online through Parent Connect using Pay Pal. You must have a Parent Connect Pin and Password and your child/
rens ID number to make online payments, there is a 4% fee for this service. For
students K-8 place the cash or check in an envelope that is clearly marked with
the Childs name, student ID number and LUNCH MONEY. This money can be
put into the Blue box located at each Elementary, Farms Intermediate and Ore
Creek. Ore Creek students may also pay the cashier directly. High School students
must make payment directly to the food service cashier. The money is then put
into the Childs account and their ID card is used as a debit card when purchases
are made. Students at the High School and Ore Creek do not need to have their
ID when making purchases, if they know their ID number they may enter it and
their picture comes up on the screen.
How do I know how much money is on my Childs account?
Go to the Hartland School web page and click on Parent Connect, enter your pin
and password, click on Food Service and your Childs account will come up. At
the top of the statement is where you will find the balance. If you do not have a
pin & password, email in the subject line type pin and
password, in the body of the letter list all students, grade and school they attend.
You must also include your full name, and address. A pin & password will be
emailed back to you within three weeks.
Notification of Low or Negative Balances.
Twice a week calls concerning low or negative balances are made using our automated system. This is an automated system that lets you know that at the end of
lunch on (will give date) your child’s balance was low (under $10, these calls are
made for elementary and intermediate students only) or negative (all students), it
will give you the amount positive or negative in your child’s account. If you have
multiple children you will get a call for each child that has less than $10.00 or a
negative balance. Staff also reminds students when they are getting low on funds
or owe money. A negative balance of -$6 or more at the elementary & intermediate level will result in your child receiving a peanut butter sandwich, until the
negative balance is paid. Middle School students may charge one lunch. There
is no credit given at the High School. Peanut butter sandwiches are available for
students who do not have lunch money.
Parents are encouraged to join their student for lunch to see the nutritional
choices the Hartland Food Service is offering your child. If you would like to join
your child for lunch please contact your child’s school office and place an order
by 9 a.m. (Elementary Level). Please direct any question to 810.626.2867 or 2868.
Bus Drivers Needed
We have immediate openings for regular and substitute bus drivers for Hartland.
Please apply on-line at
Community Life /September 2010 /5
High School News
HHS Top Graduates - Class of 2010
Cory Bodziak- 4.0 ~ Valedictorian
Parents- Michael and Cindy Bodziak
Achievements and Awards: Cory was inducted into the
National Honors Society, Student Council and was in Varsity
Club. He also played soccer all four years as a goalie and
coached youth soccer as well. While keeping up his studies
he worked all through high school at Prestwick Village Golf
Club and traveled to many states on his free time to attend
Bruce Springsteen and Dave Matthews concerts.
After Graduation: Cory will be attending Grand Valley State
to study Environmental Science and Alternative Energies.
Erika Paajanen ~ Valedictorian
Parents: Richard Paajanen and Denise Reichenbach
Achievement and Awards: Erika has earned several awards,
Most Valuable Player on the Varsity Tennis Team, Hartland
Optimist Club Award, Athlete of the Week from State Bank,
and Kensington Valley Conference All Conference Honors
in Academics. She also was the Secretary for her class all 4
years and participated in Link Crew and Student Council.
Erika enjoys teaching tennis at the Genesys Athletic Club,
slalom skiing and wakeboarding in the summer.
After Graduation: Erika will attend Purdue University and
pursue a degree in Applied Physic and minor in Spanish.
Veronica Burt-4.0 ~ Valedictorian
Parents: Christopher and Theresa Burt
Achievement and Awards: Veronica was inducted into
the National Honors Society spring of sophomore year.
She played tennis and ran cross country all four years and
became captain for both. While keeping up her academic’s
she also worked at the Brighton library and was a teen leader
for her church youth group.
After Graduation: Veronica plans on attending Grand Valley
State University.
Brooke Purdy ~ Salutatorian 3.99
Katie Curtis- 4.0 ~ Valedictorian
Zachary Montroy 3.98
Parents: Allan and Annie Curtis
Achievement and Awards: Katie has been in student
council for two years and also a French club leader. She
participated in our Link program being a mentor to our
incoming freshman and also has been in all 8 of our high
school musicals and plays. She competes in gymnastic and
has earned state champions for all the events she competed
in. When she is not working on her academics she enjoys
traveling and coaching gymnastic to young children.
After Graduation: Katie plans on attending Franklin College
in Switzerland to major in French and International Studies.
Parents: John and Chris Purdy
Achievement and Awards: Brooke has been part of the
National Honors Society while in high school as well as
dual enrolled in Community College courses. She has been
in three of the shows that the drama club has put on and
been in the Con Espiritu Choir for three years.
After Graduation: Brooke will attend University of
Michigan in Flint.
Parents: Jim and Marisa Montroy
Achievement and Awards: Zack has spent four years as a
Varsity Wrestler, been a mentor in Link Crew, achieved the
Scholar Athlete award twice and the KLAA Scholar Athlete
award. He also received Academic Awards in English, Physics
and Building Wealth. Outside of school Zack works as Rental
Car Service manager and Umpire.
After Graduation: Zack plans on attending Purdue
University and studying Financial Counseling.
Jennifer Murawa- 3.98
Melanie Leonard-4.0 ~ Valedictorian
Parents- Michael and Julie Leonard
Achievement and Awards: Melanie has had several awards
in cross country some to mention are Coaches Award,
Scholastic Athlete, and Hartland Varsity Award. She also
earned awards in Tennis as Scholar Athlete Award and
earned her academic letter. Melanie was also part of the
National Honors Society doing a lot of community service
work for Relay for Life, Sudan Relief, and at the Humane
Society for the Animal Advocacy Club. When she is outside
of school she enjoys running, playing tennis, working in the
church nursery and working at Marcos Pizza.
After Graduation: Melanie plans on attending Hope College
to obtain a degree in Secondary Education with a major in
math and minor in English.
Josie Limburg-4.0 ~ Valedictorian
Parents: Karl and Jan Limburg
Achievement and Awards: Josie has been part of the student
council and Vice president for the National Honors society
as a senior. She also participated as a mentor in Link Crew
for two years and a member of the bible club all 4 years. Josie
has danced for 4 years in high school and earned the most
inspiring dancer award, and Universal Dance Association
All Star Award. She enjoys being a counselor in the summers
at Bair lake bible camp and skiing.
After Graduation: Josie will attend University of Michigan
in the LSA honor program and study Biology and Spanish.
Parents: Gary and Lynn Murawa
Achievement and Awards: Jennifer has been on Quiz Bowl
for 3 years in High School and received academic excellence
awards in Spanish and Science. She has spent numerous
hours of community service work through her church.
Jennifer enjoys reading when she is not focusing on her
academics and working at McDonalds.
After Graduation: Jennifer plans on attending Michigan
State University and majoring in either Finance or
Accounting and minoring in Spanish.
Chelsea Onstad- 3.98
Parents – Gary and Cheryl Onstad
Achievement and Awards: Chelsea has earned a gold and
silver medal in FCCLA state competitions and was a National
qualifier in 2010. She received her varsity letter in Cross
Country and played JV basketball. Chelsea has done a lot
of volunteering in our community organizing food drives,
community clean up’s, volunteered at the 2008 elections,
and has worked in our elementary schools fun fest and
family fest. In her spare time, from giving to others, Chelsea
enjoys traveling and spending time with her grandparents
After Graduation: Chelsea plans on attending Central
Michigan and majoring in Special Education
6/ Community Life/September 2010
Principal’s Corner
Chuck Hughes, Hartland High School Principal
Welcome to the 2010-11 school year. Things are moving fast and I am sure that
the students are excited to be back. The 2009-10 school year saw many successes
by our students. Hartland High School graduated 473 students on June 10, 2010.
Our high school students continue to record a 95% Average Daily Attendance
rate while being credited with a .45% Drop-Out Rate (less than ½ of 1 percent).
The high school has earned its second consecutive “A” on the State Report Card
and once again earned Adequate Yearly Progress under the No Child Left Behind
legislation. This year the high school will have a visit by the Advanced Education
/ North Central Accreditation program for a Quality Assurance Review. The result
of this visit will be shared with the community. All in all, I am extremely proud of
our students, teachers, support personnel and community for the support in how
we go about learning and preparing for post secondary opportunities.
As the year begins, I am asking parents to remember that while it may seem
a great time to allow students more autonomy in their decision making process,
I have found that the reverse is true. There will be many distractions such as the
transition to earning credit for graduation, driver education, additional extracurricular opportunities, dating, new friends, jobs, etc. as your child finishes their
final years in public education. Please remember to support them, ask many
questions about what is happening in school, review their homework, and stay
connected to what is happening at school. Parent-Connect, the high school web
page and Community Life should help you stay “in
the know.” If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact the high school
at 810.626.2200.
Chuck Hughes, Janet Sifferman, Kim Roberts, Emmalie Quella, Nathan Oakes and Jean Eckman
Day of Caring Logo Design Winner
version b —center
Congratulations to HHS student Emmalie Quella for taking
first place in the Livingston County United Way Day of Caring
Logo Design Competition! High school students from across
Livingston County were invited to submit a logo design to give
the Day of Caring Logo a fresh, new look. The competition was
structured to emphasize to students the importance of doing
research about the organization, the necessity of ‘brand marketing’, working with
real-life deadlines and working to the customer’s satisfaction. The winning design
was then incorporated into a final graphic to be used in upcoming marketing
pieces. Congratulations also goes out to third place winners Drew Wagner, Hailey
Pleshakov, Briana Tamas, Andrew Wilkinson, Alex Mitchell, and Sam Stark.
MITES Competition
Congratulations to the Drafting and Architectural students from Hartland High
School who competed with their drawing projects in the annual Michigan Industrial Technology Education Society (M.I.T.E.S.) Student State Competition. The
competition was held in Sault Ste Marie at Lake Superior State University. The
students were selected from among thousands of competing students throughout
the state of Michigan. Three of our students were awarded plaques for placing in
the top 3 in the entire state of Michigan. The following students were awarded for
placing in the top ten positions of a particular project category.
High School Math Calculators
It is recommended that students have a
TI-84 Plus Calculator for their math and
science classes at HHS.
Mechanical Drawing:
Jon Betoski Nick Shaieb Kyle Classen
Natalie Nogoy Nick Gugin Michael Wojciechowski Kevin Pennala Sarah Goodall Laura Clift Brian Dougherty Architecture:
Jesse Nimmo Nathan Theisen Region 8
2nd Place
2nd Place 3rd Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th Place
1st Place
1st Place
3rd Place
2nd Place
2nd Place
3rd Place 3rd Place
4th Place
4th Place
4th Place
5th Place
5th Place
6th Place
7th Place
2nd Place Plaque
3rd Place Plaque
3rd Place Plaque
1st in Region 8 and state honorable mention
2nd in Region 8 and state honorable mention
Earn More Money Through Recycling!
Dr. Chris McDaniel
Dr. Ryan Miller
Dr. Ken McDaniel
Congratulations to
Ken Waypa & Mary Laurel Brady
Winners of the 2010
“Smiles Make a Difference” Scholarship
Hartland High School Green Team
Hartland Student, Parents, and Community Members:
Put paper in our GREEN and YELLOW bin and help
Hartland High School earn money. You can recycle paper
at our location in front of the high school 7 days a week.
We earn money for paper dropped off at our green and yellow Paper Retriever. This
is an easy way for you to recycle your paper every week and help us raise money for
projects and other worthwhile activities at Hartland High School. Please remember
to bring your paper and drop it in the Abitibi Paper Retriever bin, which is free to use!
We accept:
Shopping catalogs
Office and school papers (scrap paper)
We do NOT accept:
Please add recycling to your errand route and bring your paper by once a week. Help
our organization and the environment!
11499 Highland Rd.
Hartland, MI 48353
Community Life/September 2010 /7
Middle School News
Cross Country and Girls Volleyball seasons start at the beginning of the school
year. Students planning on participating in any school sports team or club this
year must have a current physical (dated after April 15, 2010) on file in the Middle
School office in order to participate (forms are available in the Middle School office and will be mailed with student schedules). There is a participation fee for
interscholastic sports and school sponsored clubs. A one-time $95 fee will allow
students to participate in any school team and/or club for which they otherwise
qualify (this one-time fee covers all sports and clubs throughout the year).
Tardy To School Policy
Please help your child do his or her best. Attendance is a crucial factor for student
academic success.
Students tardy to school (i.e. late to Homeroom) must be signed in at the front
office by a parent or legal guardian in order for the tardy to be considered excused.
Unexcused tardies to school will result in disciplinary action.
Excessive parent excused tardies may be referred to the Livingston County
Attendance Officer.
Parent Connect
The busses, hallways, classrooms, and commons will soon be filled with students again,
as in this photo from a past beginning of the school year.
Welcome From The Principal
On behalf of the faculty and staff of Hartland Middle School at Ore Creek, welcome to the students and families new to our school as well as to those returning
for another school year. We have been working hard to continue to provide the
best education possible for our students.
The school office reopens August 16 with office hours 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Please feel free to drop by or call the Middle School office at 810. 626.2400 with
any questions. We plan to mail schedules and other information home the week
of August 23.
Parent Connect allows parents with Internet access to monitor their children’s
grades. If you had a password assigned last year, it remains the same. Contact
Karen Wilson at for assistance.
Phone Messages To Students In School
It can be very disruptive to call students out of class to deliver routine messages.
Please make every effort to communicate after school plans with students before
they begin their school day. We appreciate your help in keeping our school the
best learning environment possible.
Safety In The Parking Lot
The morning “drop off” time before school and afternoon “pick up” time after
school means that students who are being driven to and from school must negotiate a very busy parking lot. PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY AND CAUTIOUSLY and put
the safety of our students ahead of time issues.
Hartland Barbershop
Family Hair Care, LLC
100 years
of service to the
Hartland Area
* Monday 9-4
* Tues Wed & Fri 9-5:30;
* Thur 9-8:00pm
* Saturday 8-2
On M-59, East of US 23
in the Dairy Queen Building
Proud supporter of
Hartland Baseball & Wrestling
Newsletters will not be mailed home or sent home with students. Updated newsletters will be available approximately every two weeks (every other Thursday) via
the school website ( If you do not have Internet access,
you or your child may pick up a hard copy of the newsletter in the school office.
National Junior Honor Society (Njhs)
Mrs. Otto, our school counselor and NJHS sponsor, provides information to eighth
grade students who are eligible to join the Hartland Middle School NJHS. If you
believe your child qualifies, but has not received information, please call Mrs.
Otto through the school office. Students must have maintained a 3.6 or higher
grade point each marking period in seventh grade and write an essay on service,
character, and leadership in order to be considered for admission.
8/ Community Life/September 2010
Farms Intermediate News
Welcome Mr. Pumford
Farms Intermediate welcomes Mr.
Lawrence Pumford as the new assistant
principal for next year. Mr. Pumford
has worked at the high school for the
past ten years; eight as a science teacher
and for the past two years he served as
the Dean of Students. Additionally, he
has taught in Montreal, North Carolina
and Utah. He is also a veteran 5th grade
camp parent volunteer and is excited to
be part of the Farms team.
Congratulations Farms Retirees !!
Congratulations to the following individuals who retired from Farms Intermediate
School at the end of the school year. Thank you to one and all for your many years of
hard work and dedication. Back row (l-r): Jan Stitle, Marv Herman, Keenan Simpson,
Sue Robbins-Brabandt, Sharon Donohue. Front row (l-r): Patsy Brandstatter, Heidi
Crossman, Karen Kidwell, Donna Anderson, Sandy Zimkiewicz.
School Pride Day
Wednesday, May 5 was School Pride Day at Farms Intermediate School. Nearly
90 student, parent and staff volunteers joined forces after school to clean and
beautify the grounds at Farms. Over 100 new plants and twelve yards of mulch
were installed. Thanks to everyone that worked so hard to make the appearance of
the front of the building something to be proud of. A big thank you to Mr. Gerald
Grostic of Nature Select Landscape Supply who donated and delivered the mulch
for the second year in a row.
Front row: Aleigha Cox, David Kalaj
Back row: Jon Chaffee, Ashley O’Connor, Joshua Malewski and Tyler Ray
Star Readers Program
Our Star Reader is a program designed to encourage students to read, read, read.
The Farms teachers select two students each month from their homeroom classes
who have exhibited good reading habits. These students are the ones you see
reading whenever they have a few minutes to spare. All monthly winners receive
a $1.00 gift certificate to our School Spirit Store. Congratulations to our May Star
Front row: Mollie Kiser, Josh Mastroionni, Ben Farris Back row: Tyler Kazmierczak, Abbey
Johnson, Konlan Paul, Jennifer Bauer, Julia Dean
Lets Go Bowling !!
March is Reading Month contest winners were treated to an afternoon at Striking
Lanes Bowling Alley as a reward for their hard work. (l-r): Ricky Ascherl, Nathan
Huerta, Evelyn Ehgotz, Emily Glover, Anna Lin, Ramsha Aamir, Allison Darish,
Caroline Wolff, Kiana Joyce and Madelyn Traub.
Congratulations to Our May 2010 All Stars
Each month at Farms Intermediate School we acknowledge students who have
been nominated by their teachers for outstanding academic performance, as
well as, for displaying exemplary Reason, Respect, and Responsibility. Students
are presented with an All-Star Certificate and their names are announced during
each lunch period as well as in individual classrooms. Congratulations to our
May 2010 All-Stars
Community Life/September 2010 /9
Creekside Elementary
Thanks For All The Memories
We would like to say good luck to all of the 09-10 Creeskside
4th graders. Whether it was dancing around at the sock
hop or running around the track for the Fall Fun Run this
group of kids always had a smile on their faces. They also
found time to have fun while learning during the reading
exchange and on Mackinac Island. We thank you for all
the memories that you have created over the last 5 years
here at Creekside and wish you good luck at the Farms!! Ms. Murphy’s Class is hanging out with the Eagle Mascot before the Fall Fun Run.
The students learned how to use flint rocks to crate
sparks like the French Voyageurs on Mackinac Island.
During the middle school reading exchange the students
find some time to smile for the camera.
Ms. Sahouri danced the night away with her students at
the spring Sock Hop.
10299 Grand River, Suite N • Brighton, Michigan 48116 • Phone 810.229.0220
The Brown family reunion has always been an event
everyone looks forward to. Family visits, games,
stories and everyone’s favorite foods are always on
the agenda. On the top of the menu is Grandma’s
Lemon Coconut Cake. Grandma always makes the
traditional cake from her old family recipe. This
year, however, the cake tasted a little on the salty
side, perhaps a half cup full of salty.
Though the family was disappointed over the
cake, of more concern was Grandma’s confusion
with the receipt and her similar confusion about the
loved ones around her. Could something be wrong
with grandma’s mental state?
One might say that for an elder person a little
forgetfulness or confusion is normal, but when do you
know if there is a serious problem, such as dementia?
An online article from Family
outlines some common symptoms in recognizing
“Dementia causes many problems for the person
who has it and for the person’s family. Many of the
problems are caused by memory loss. Some common symptoms of dementia are listed below. Not
everyone who has dementia will experience all of
these symptoms.
Recognizing Symptoms of Dementia
Recent Memory loss. All of us forget things for a
while and then remember them later. People who have
dementia often forget things, but they never remember
them. They might as you the same question over and
over, each time forgetting that you’ve already given
them the answer. They won’t even remember that they
already asked the question.
Difficulty performing family tasks. People who have
dementia might cook a meal but forget to serve it. They
might even forget that they cooked it. Problems with
language. People who have dementia may forget simple
words or use the wrong words. This makes it hard to
understand what they want.
Time and place disorientation. People who have
dementia may get lost on their own street. They may
forget how they got to a certain place and how to get
back home.
Poor judgment. Even a person who doesn’t have
dementia might get distracted. But people who have
dementia can forget simple things, like forgetting to put
on a coat before going out in cold weather.
Problems with abstract thinking. Anybody might
have trouble balancing a checkbook, but people who
have dementia may forget what the numbers are and
what has to be done with them.
Misplacing things. People who have dementia may
put things in the wrong places. They might put an iron
in the freezer or a wristwatch in the sugar bow. Then
they can’t find these things later.
Changes in Mood. Everyone is moody at times, but
people who have dementia may have fast mood swings,
going from calm to tears to anger in a few minutes. Personality changes. People who have dementia may
have drastic changes in personality. They might become
irritable, suspicious or fearful.
Loss of Initiative. People who have dementia may
become passive. They might not want to go places or
see other people.”
Dementia is caused by change or destruction of
brain cells. Often this change is a result of small strokes
or blockage of blood cells, sever hypothyroidism or
disease. There is a continuous decline in
ability to perform normal daily activities. Personal care
including dressing, bathing, preparing meals and even
eating a meal eventually becomes impossible.
What can family members do if they suspect
dementia? An appointment with the doctor or geriatric
clinic is the first step to take. Depending on the cause
and severity of the problem there are some medications
that may help slow the process. Your doctor may rec-
ommend a care facility that specializes in dementia
and Alzheimer’s. These facilities offer a variety of
care options from day care with stimulating activities to part or full-time live-in options. Sometimes
if patients tend to wander off, a locked facility is
In the beginning family members find part time
caregivers for their loved one. At first, loved ones
need only a little help with remembering to do daily
activities or prepare meals. As dementia progresses,
caregiving demands often progress to 24 hour care. Night and day become confused and normal routines
of sleeping, eating and functioning become more
difficult for the patient. The demented person feels
frustrated and may lash out in anger or fear. It is not
uncommon for a child or a spouse giving the care to
become overwhelmed and discouraged.
Professional home care services are an option
to help families in the home. These providers are
trained and skilled to help with dementia patients. Don’t forget care facilities as well. It may be the
best loving care a family member can give is to
place heir loved one in a facility where that person
is safely monitored and cared for.
Elder Law Today is published as a service of The Nawrocki Center for Elder and Family Law, 10299 Grand River, Suite N, Brighton, Michigan 48116. This
information is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For specific questions you should consult a qualified attorney.
10/ Community Life/September 2010
Lakes Elementary News
Welcome Back !
from your Principal, Mrs. Smither:
I am so excited to welcome you all to the Lakes Elementary for the 2010-2011 school
year! I hope that your summer was filled with great fun, lots of reading, plenty of rest
and relaxation, and that you are ready to begin another awesome year at Lakes. Our
teachers and staff have been busy preparing their classrooms and the building, and
we are anxious to begin the new school year with all of you.
We have quite a few changes this year at Lakes, including our starting and ending
times. School will begin at 9:05am now and will end at 3:55pm. This is a 10 minute
shift from previous years, however, students will continue to receive the same amount
of important instruction time as in the past.
We will also be losing several of our teachers due to either retirement or other assignments within the district. Congratulations to our 2010 Lakes retirees: Mrs. Joyce
Johnson, Mrs. Maggie Shrier, Mrs. Debbie Karr, Mrs. Kay Knoeferl and Mrs. Diane
LaGuire-Quinn. We appreciate all their wonderful service to the Lakes Family and wish
them all the best as they pursue other exciting adventures. We will miss them dearly!
Congratulations to our own Mrs. Dotty Selix and Mrs. Jenna Furr who will be taking a year off of their current assignments to participate in a special project for the
Hartland district. They have been chosen to be Intervention Coaches for all of the
Hartland elementary buildings, where they will support and coach our K-6 teachers
in the areas of reading and writing. We are proud of them as they embark on this important initiative and know that they will have a great impact on literacy instruction
throughout the district.
Congratulations also to Mrs. Lisa Eagloski, on her marriage this summer. Her new
name is Mrs. Dennis and she has also moved from teaching second grade at Lakes to
teaching Kindergarten at Lakes. Mrs. Dennis has lots of experience at this level as she
taught kindergarten and first grade for several years at the Round School.
We are also pleased to welcome several new teachers to the Lakes. Coming from
Creekside Elementary we have Mrs. Mary LaPointe who will be teaching in the Media
Center, Mrs. Lisa Villar who will be returning to Lakes and will teach second grade,
and Mrs. Madeline Atreo (formerly, Mrs. Madeline Bouck) who will be teaching kindergarten. We also have Mrs. Tara Bosely who comes from Round School who will be
teaching Reading Recovery and Reading Support. We are so happy to have all of these
quality teachers join our Lakes family.
Finally, we will be hiring three new teachers to fill two first grade vacancies and one
teacher to fill a fourth grade vacancy over the summer. We will probably have them all
in place by the time this issue of Community Life comes out, but are in the process of
interviewing at the time of this writing. There are spectacular teaching candidates out
there and I have no doubt that we will find top notch teachers to fill these positions,
as is the standard in Hartland and at Lakes Elementary.
You will receive a letter from me sometime near the end of August, concerning teacher
assignments for the new school year, as well as other important information to know
before the first day. Some important dates to remember are:
September 1: Kindergarten Open House:
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
September 7: First day of school for all students
As always, I have missed you all over the summer and can’t wait for school to begin
again! Enjoy the rest of your vacation and I will see you soon.
Honor Roll
Natalie Batten, Natalie Baughman, Grace Bohlen, Alex Braid, Jacqueline Burant, Maxwell Cothran, Jessica Cummings, Bryn Dittmar, Ava
Graves, Jacob Houtman, Ellie Kastamo, Andrew Kussmaul, Ryleigh
Norton, Logan Pietila, Emma Smith, Joseph Strutz, Natalie Wiltshire,
Conner Wisniewski, and Madison Wright.
Kazuma Bals, Matthew Bannon, Delaney Bayliff, Jacob Beauchamp,
Mitchell Bednarski, Jacob Behnke, Hannah Binkiewicz, Gabryel Boaz,
Anthony Bosio, Danielle Brown, Tyler Colombo, Kyle Cooper, Mitchell
Cotten, Isabella D’Arcy, William DeYoung, Janelle Dompierre, Joseph
Ellison, Thomas Fisher, Benjamin Fritch, Rebecca Guilford, Haley
Hodge, Jenna Holden, Nicklas Holme, Megan Hotchkin, Olivia Huerta,
Noelle Hundal, Dino Iannello, Joshua Joseph, Lilley Kastamo, Alexandra
Kubasta, Meghan Milarch, Jake Moyer, Daniel O’Hara, Michael Operti,
Collin Pajot, Haydn Pashby, Blake Pietila, McKinzie Pillen, Harrison
Roberts, Devin Rocha, Patrick Rosso, Elise Schilling, Rachel Schneider,
Ethan Stover, Dominick Van Ess, and Connor West.
The 2009-2010 school year ended in grand fashion, with our Ice Cream Social and
Lakes Field Day! Fun was had by all as we anxiously anticipated the beginning
of summer!
“You’ve got a friend
in the Diamond Business”
F.A.O.’s Master Jeweler
has over 25 years of Experience.
Hartland’s Jewelry Repair Expert
Frank and Everett Dagenhardt
thoroughly enjoyed an end of the
year fire truck ride to school, courtesy
of the Hartland Fire Department.
Thanks to the fire department for
donating this awesome prize that was
won by Frank and Everett at the Lakes
Family Fun Fest in March.
* On-Site Jewelry Repair
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F.A.O. Jewelers
9996 Highland Rd.
S.E. Corner of Old 23 & M59
Behind Speedway
Fountain Square Plaza
Community Life /September 2010 /11
Round Elementary News
Round Elementary School welcomes everyone back for another exciting school
year. The Round Family is looking forward to many great things from our students
and staff. The featured pictures are some of the exciting events that ended the
2009-2010 school year. We look forward to seeing everyone this fall.
Mackinaw Bridge
Round Elementary School’s 2010 Top Readers
Back row (l-r): Jack Wilson, Nate Crammer, Hunter Boik, Cody Juvonen.
Front row (l-r): Eli Horski, Tim Patawaran, Jessica Callaghan, Devon Pietila,
Brandon Waldron.
Last school year’s 4th graders stand by the Mackinaw Bridge. (l-r):Philip Spicer,
Jesse Erickson, Brooke Campau, Ashlinne Gilroy, Hannah Mourad, Marianna
Syamsyul, Samantha Behen, and Lauren Kwiatkowski.
Clap Out for 4th graders
One of our Field Day activities included the Tug-O-War. It is one of the most
popular events.
Our last day “Clap-Out” for our 4th grade students. Retiring teacher Alex Vida
led the 4th grade around the Round to close out a great school year.
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Our field day assembly was held in our front parking lot. A BMX stunt team
performed for our students, staff, and parents. Their message was to always
keep trying if something is hard and safety awareness.
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• Thomas Matthews
• Dennis Brewer
Divorce • Personal Injury • Insurance Claims
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12/ Community Life/September 2010
Village Elementary News
Little Patriots At Village
Mrs. Bell (4th grade teacher) and Principal, Mr. Cain offer thanks and good wishes to
Mrs. Madden (4th grade teacher). Mrs. Madden is one of 3 beloved teachers retiring from
Village this year. We will also miss Mrs. Darrah (2nd Grade) and Mrs. Kalohn (3rd Grade).
Village elementary first and second graders expressed their best wishes to our troops in
Afghanistan with special homemade cards. The students each colored a big teddy bear
in uniform with a heart flag on the front. Some of the messages in the cards: Thank You
Very Much, We Hope You Win, We Miss You, Thank You for Everything You Do, Stay
Safe, Love You Guys, Come Home Soon.
4th Graders Ashton Refsell
and Tara Petersen exchange
hugs with Mr. Cain. They
are part of the Class of 2018
graduating from Village and
moving on to Farms this year.
Professional and Friendly Staff — Most Insurances Accepted
Evening Appointments Available
New Patients Welcome - School Sports Physicals
Principal (for a day) Mr. Jack Fraser and Secretary (for a day) Ms. Tara Hughes had a
fun-filled day of work and play as they assumed the responsibilities of Mr. Cain and Mrs.
Wright. The children won the prize roles at the VES Fun Fair Auction.
(South Side of M-59 Between ReMax and National City)
U.S. 23
11150 Highland Road
Christine Kopel, P.A.C. Dr. Kopel, D.O. Focusing on preventive medicine for your family
Hartland Family Health Center
11150 Highland Road • Hartland, MI 48353
(South Side of M-59, East of US 23)
Community Life /September 2010/ 13
Kirk Evenson, Principal
The LEGACY Alternative School, located in Hartland, is an excellent educational
option for youth in and around the surrounding Livingston County area. Nearly
thirty years ago, Hartland opened the program and it still exists today because of
the strong philosophy and support from the Board of Education and the district
The program, located on the campus of the HESSC (Hartland Educational
Service Support Center), has successfully graduated hundreds and hundreds of
students that may have otherwise quit school without LEGACY. The program
boasts an impressive 85% graduation rate, truly one of Livingston County’s, and
Southeast Michigan’s, best kept secrets.
New to LEGACY this coming year will be physical education & health instructor, Mr. Scott Lemay. Mr. Lemay is a
graduate of Eastern Michigan University and is very active
sports and coaching. He will make a great addition to our
team of highly qualified instructors and staff.
The staff at LEGACY is second to none and has served
the youth of Livingston County with pride and much success, connecting with each student to foster a relationship
built on educational success. As a scheduling option for
Hartland High School students; LEGACY has provided a
small, warm, and friendly environment for at-risk students
to thrive. A typical student referral to LEGACY includes students that have not
had success in the traditional school and are in need of a more personal setting
to learn and grow.
Over the years, the LEGACY Alternative School has boasted several special
activities and projects that allow for student creativity and success, which include;
art classes, disc golf team, basketball, and job skill training, just to name a few.
The educational program in place at LEGACY is delivered differently than the traditional school setting, allowing for personal differences and individual support.
This past year, we proudly sent another 48 graduates into the world. We want
to invite you to come and visit to see if LEGACY is the right place for you or your
high school age student. Questions or concerns should be directed to Kirk Evenson
at 810.626.2140 or by email at
Smoke Free Dining!
Fun Night
Tuesday, September 14
5:00 - 7:30 pm
Enjoy a great meal while we
entertain the kids!
Brings classes close to you.
In Hartland:
We offer a roster of courses ranging from accounting, computers and
algebra to composition, speech and study skills.
Check out our Basic Nursing Assistant Skills class. This three-week day
or five week evening program prepares students to take the state certification exam. Certified nursing assistants can find employment is area
hospitals, nursing homes and home healthcare agencies.
In Brighton:
Courses include art, speech, communication, economics, writing, history,
math, philosophy, and more…
All classes are held in Brighton High School, and Livingston County
residents are eligible for tuition scholarships.
Registration for Winter Semester 2011
begins November 10, 2010
Kids can earn Big Boy Bucks for their school.
Always the 2nd Tuesday of the month!
More details at Hartland Big Boy or
Visit us at our web site:
Ohhh Boy!
Hartland Big Boy
M-59 & US 23
College education close to home
Hartland Center
Hartland Educational
Services Center
9525 Highland Rd.
Hartland, MI
(810) 626-2152
Brighton Center
Brighton High School
7878 Brighton Road
Brighton, MI
(810) 299-4195
14/ Community Life/September 2010
2 Locations and
Convenient Hours:
Village Location
Historic Hartland
3688 N. Hartland Road
Hartland, MI
Crossroads Branch
Hartland Town Center
Old US-23, South of M-59
Howell, MI
24-Hour Pick-up is available
at the Crossroads Branch!
Banned books, Civil War, Storytimes and Poetry @ Cromaine Library!
Monday - Thursday
9 am - 8 pm
9 am - 6 pm
9 am - 4 pm
@ Crossroads Branch
Return on
September 12
1 - 5 pm
Yo u r J o u r n e y B e g i n s H e r e !
For students in grades 7-12
Tuesday, September 7 at 7:00 pm
Adult Book Discussion Group – The Girl with the
Dragon Tattoo by Sieg Larsson. Drop-in - Village.
Wednesday, September 8 at 7:00 pm
Daylilies: Garden Beauties – Daylilies come in amazing
colors. Learn about how to take care of and breed these beautiful
flowers from a real expert. Registration required -Village.
Monday, September 13 at 7:00 pm
The Life and Times of a Civil War Soldier – Bob
Zaetta will describe the objects used by a civil war soldier, as well as
discussing the history of the time. Registration required -Village.
Tuesday, September 14 at 7:00 pm
Mystery Book Club – Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane.
Drop-in - Crossroads.
Tuesday, September 14 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Fundamentals of Starting a Business – Nancy
Johnson of Livingston County’s MSBTDC will present a course
designed for those who are considering starting their own business.
Registration required – Village.
Tuesday, September 21 at 7:00 pm
Live Juicy! Write! – A writers’group. Tips and support from
fellow writers and creative types. Registration required - Crossroads.
Saturday, September 25 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Banned Books Week Read-in – Join staff and community
for a read-in of the books that have been “banned,” censored, or challenged over the years. Sign up to read for 15-20 minutes from one
of your favorites, including the Bible, Charlotte’s Web, Winnie-thePooh, Fahrenheit 451, Grapes of Wrath, Sylvester and the Magic
Pebble, and many more. Drop-in to listen – Village.
Tuesday, September 28 at 7:00 pm
Veronica Stone: Local Author – Hear how Veronica
began her writing career and how she got published. Books available
for sale and signing. Registration required -Village.
Thursday, September 30 at 6:30 pm
Gettysburg: The Movie, Part 1 – View the Civil
War movie that started the movie filming industry in
Michigan. Part 2 will be shown on October 7. Registration
required -Village.
Tuesday, September 7 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
First Day of School – Not for me, I am a Homeschooler!
Calling all Homeschoolers. Celebrate by visiting the Cromaine
Library Open House and see what we have to offer you. Tours,
prizes, sign up for classes and library cards. All ages – Village.
Visit the Teen Page of the library website ( to
take a survey and let us know what YOU want in YOUR library! We
are listening! Tell us what we can do to improve your Cromaine
The whole month of September
Newspaper Blackout Poetry – Looking for an edgier lit-
Thursday, September 16 at 7:00 pm
Tail Waggin Tutors – Have your child read aloud to a
trained therapy dog. No pressure, just the dog and the child. Each
child has 10 minutes to read to a dog. Registration required - Village.
Monday, September 20 – Friday, September 24
at 10:00 am
Michigan Reads! One State, One Children’s
Book – EVERY DAY this week we will host a Storytime around
this year’s winner: The Runaway Garden by Jeffery Schatzer.
For preschool age. Drop-in – Village.
Mondays, starts September 27
at 10:00 am & 11:00 am
Babygarten – For babies from birth to 23 months and their
special caregivers. 7 weeks. Registration required - Village.
Tuesdays, starts September 28
and Wednesdays, starts September 29
Preschool Storytime – Bring your child to enjoy stories,
erary outlet? Take a newspaper article and use a permanent marker
to blackout the words you don’t want. What’s left behind becomes
your poem! Come to the Village or the Branch for the details!
Tuesday, September 14 from 6:00 pm
Graffiti Contest – We supply the materials; you create the
“graffiti”! Winner will receive a certificate and a prize pack with
supplies to create a second work of art. Dress for a mess.
Registration required – Village south lawn.
Tuesday, September 21 at 6:00 pm
Too Cool for School – Beat the back-to-school blues with
Fun Pens, Locker Magnets and Beaded Bookmarks. Supplies provided. Registration required - Village.
Banned Books Week (Sept 25-Oct 2) – Stop by the
2nd floor of the Village to see the Banned Books display. Support
Intellectual Freedom, read a banned book today!
music and crafts! For children 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds (not in
Kindergarten), 7 weeks. 10:00 am and 11:15 am on Tuesdays;
10:00 am on Wednesdays. Registration required - Village.
Wednesdays, starts September 29 at 1:30 pm
Family Storytime – For children of all ages and their loved
ones. Stories, music and more. 7 weeks. Drop-in - Village.
Thursdays, starts September 30
at 10:00 am and 11:00 am
Toddler Storytime – For 2-yearolds and their special adult. 7 weeks.
Registration required - Village.
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and details and easy sign-up!
Community Life /September 2010/ 15
HIP Happenings
Alice Andrews, Director
9525 Highland Rd., Howell, MI 48843
RX for Better Health
This prescription can:
Help maintain and improve your physical strengthen and fitness
Help improve your ability to do the things you want to do.
Help improve your balance and prevent falls.
Help manage and prevent diseases like diabetes, heart disease, breast and colon
cancer and osteoporosis.
Help reduce feelings of depression and may improve mood and overall well-being.
May help to maintain cognitive functioning.
Physical Activity
Dosage: 30 minutes of exercise or physical activity at least 5 days a week.
Where to Start
• Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise program. The doctor
can advise you on the type of program that would be good for you.
• Identify your starting point. On a typical day how much time do you spend
sitting and how much time are you active.
• Start increasing your active time by 10 minutes.
• Work up to 30 minutes. (This can be done in 10 minutes increments 3X a day.)
• Make it a routine. Write out a weekly activity goal.
• Find a friend to walk with or join a class.
• Try to make it fun!
Be Safe
If you experience any of the following symptoms stop exercising and consult your
33 Shortness of breath
33 Dizziness
33 Chest pain
33 Acute or new joint pain
Don’t give up! Check with your doctor and resume your exercise routine under
her/his direction.
Include All 4 Areas of Fitness
•Endurance - Include walking, biking, light aerobics. Anything that safely increases your heart-beat and breathing.
•Strength - Lifting light weights, resistance bands or even soup cans to build
muscle strength.
•Balance— Standing on 1 foot, heel-to-toe walking, Tai-Chi or Yoga.
•Flexibility—Static stretching the gives more flexibility and freedom of movement.
It is highly recommended that your join a class or gym program
that will provide you with a safe and supervised work-out.
International Week for Active Aging
September 20-26
For information on Fitness Programs for people 55 +
Hartland Senior Center 810.626.2135
Hartland’s Caroselli Aquatics & Fitness Center – 810.626.2279
Boy Scout Troop 380 Collection Dates
The following are the dates for Troop 380 Paper,
“Returnable” Can and Bottle Drive.
September 4
October 2, November 6, December 4
Drop off is the first Saturday of each month from
10:00am-12 noon at the corner of School and Washington Streets
in the village of Hartland. We accept all items delivered with your newspaper.
Elaine Walker and Flo Litogot get
in the spirit for Tiger Opening Day.
Ben Dubetz wins Tiger Cake
donated by Wal-Mart.
Annual Open House-September 9
Come enjoy a day at the senior center. Our annual open house will be held on
Thursday, September 9 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Learn more about the programs and classes that are offered at the center. Visit informational tables from
local healthcare and other businesses and a chance to win door prizes. A salad
station will be available from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. by the L.C.S.N.P. $3.00 for
persons 60 and over.
Drive Safer Longer
The AARP Driver Safety Program is coming to the Hartland
Senior Center this September. While this 8-hour informational
classroom refresher course is geared for drivers 50 and older,
anyone may attend and membership in AARP is not required.
There are no tests and you can assess your own abilities. The
fee covers all course materials including a Student Workbook
and a Certificate of Completion that is valid for three years. Some automobile
insurers in Michigan are offering a premium discount to individuals who have
completed the course.
Tuesday and Thursday, September 7 & 9 at 12:30 p.m.
$12.00 for AARP members
$14.00 for non-members
Please make checks payable to AARP. Call the Center at 810.626.2135 to register.
Resource Advocacy
The Hartland Senior Center provides outreach services to the elderly in the
community with the help of Resource Advocacy grant from the Area Agency
on Aging 1-B and through the support of our local community. Our Resource
Advocate, Carol Ringle, can assist older adults and their families in obtaining the
following services:
• Transportation. • Home chore service
• In-home counseling
• Legal services
• Home repair
• Lawn cutting and snow removal
• Various food programs (Senior Food and MOW)
• Information regarding assisted living, adult foster care and nursing homes.
• Taxes
A Resource Advocate does not provide all these services, but coordinates with other
agencies to assist the seniors in these areas. There may be eligibility guidelines
for the programs that are offered through the state and federal government. If you
need help please call Carol at 810.626.2139.
Chess Players
Welcome On Thursdays
Our chess group is looking to take on new challengers. If you enjoy the game of
chess, you can find a game at the Center on Thursdays at 12:30 p.m.
16/ Community Life/September 2010
Business Directory
Family Owned and Operated Since 1983
If someone you love needs more care
than you can provide . . . Call Today
Classes offered at Hartland, Brighton
and Milford High Schools
Varsity Jacket Specialists!
Located at
M-59 &
Grand River
Expires: 6-30-10
Air Purified
We are proud of our clean, modern
facility. We invite you to visit us before
deciding where to board your pet.
Owners: Dennis & Barbara Goodwin
(In the Hartland Professional Center)
7215 Highland Rd. Howell MI 48843
Serving the Hartland Area Since 1927
1100 N. Old US 23
Howell, Michigan
Installation & Repair
24 Hour Emergency Service
* Landscape Supplies
* Tree & Shrub Care
6346 Green Road
• Tools • Equipment • Party Rentals
Custom Trailer and Much More
Business Services
Hartland Big Boy
Family Dining
Smoke-Free Dining
PO Box 138 • 10004 Highland Rd. • Fountain Square
Hartland, MI 48353
Tel 810 632 9600 Fax 810 632 7989 Cell 810 397 8182
Ash Gowan
M-59 & US 23
Mon - Fri
6am - 11pm
Sat & Sun
6am - midnight
Breakfast Buffet Daily
Friday Night Dinner Buffet
Call Ahead for Carryout
“Kids Night Out” Event Nights
Michigan Rehabilitation Specialists
Telecommunications Consultant
10010 Highland Rd.
Hartland, MI 48353
Phone: 810.632.9363
Fax: 810.632.9369
Physical Therapy & Wellness
Jouni K. Mantyla, PT
Owner/Physical Therapist
A teacher
Takes a hand,
Opens a mind,
Touches a heart
Author Unknown
* Lawn Maintenance
* Lawn Fertilizing
948 North Old US 23 • Brighton, MI 48114
Now Scheduling Greener Lawns!
CALL TODAY! 810.632.7775
Mention this code CL2010 for 5% off
Diamond Brake
& Front End, Inc.
Payroll, Bookkeeping, Tax and Advice
Enrolled Agent
FAX 517.545.8834
Thomas L. Bouhana D.D.S.
U.S. 23
10860 Highland Rd.
Brakes, Front End, General Auto Repair, Oil Changes
Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm
Rick Essenburg
4670 S. Old US 23
Licensed Master Mechanic
Brighton, MI 48114
All About Me Publishing
Personalized Children’s Books
and Gifts
Visit Us On The Web At:
335 Norlynn Drive
Howell, MI 48843-9026
Phone: (517) 861-7434
Make Your Child The Star in a We Do Fundraising Too!
Book All About Them!
Sodium Free Water Softening Salt
Purchase at:
Beau-Life Inc. - 8392 Argentine Rd.
Beauchamp Lawn * Kroger
Big Acre * Miracle Soft Water * Meijer
or call 517.546.0511
Cellular: 313.690.9085
Community Life /September 2010/ 17
Places of Worship
Our Savior Evangelical
All Saints
Lutheran, LC-MS
13667 W. Highland Road (M-59), Hartland, MI 48353 Lutheran, ELCA
Phone: 248.887.4300
Rev. Christopher Thoma, Pastor;
Judy Thompson, School Principal
Sunday Divine Services: 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m.
Sunday School/Bible Classes: 10 a.m.
Hartland United
10300 Maple Rd. Hartland, Michigan 48353
Phone 810.632.7476
Pastor: Rev. Fred Finzer
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.\hartland
Fellowship Bible
2500 Hartland Rd., Hartland, MI 48353
Phone: 810.632.7263
Sr. Pastor: Howard Wideman
Sunday School: 10 a.m.
Worship 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday Bible study 7p.m.
Tyrone Community
9141 Hartland Rd.,
Fenton, MI 48430
Phone: 810.750.0350
Pastor: Linda Living-Hawley
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School: 10:15 a.m.
Fellowship: 11:15 a.m.
Bible Study: Wednesdays 6:30 p.m.
12701 W. Highland Road (M-59) Hartland, MI 48353
Church Phone: 248.887.8060
Rev. Mary Duerksen, Interim Pastor
Theresa Kull, Little Saints Preschool Director
Preschool Phone: 810.746.0238
Sunday Worship Services: 8:30 & 11 a.m.
Christian Education for all ages: 9:45 a.m.
St. John Catholic
2099 N. Hacker Road, Howell, MI 48855
Office Phone: 517.546.7200
Pastor: Fr. Francis George
Mass Schedule: Saturday 5 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m. (Main Church)
Tuesday: 6:45 p.m.; Wed., Thurs., Fri., 9:00 a.m.
(Little Church)
The River Community
Heritage Hills
Free Methodist
5530 Runyan Lake Road, Hartland Twp.
Pastor Rob Mohr 810.632.3417
Worship 9:30 a.m. , 11:00 a.m.
Christian Study 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.
Hardy United
6510 E. Highland Road Howell, MI 48843
517.546.1122 Rev.
Joyce E. Wallace, Pastor
Worship Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Victory Baptist
P.O. BOX 523
3642 Washington St.
Hartland, MI 48353
Pastor Ryan Guenther
Services: Sunday 10, 11 a.m. & 6 p.m.
Wednesday 7 pm.
9525 Highland Road, Howell (just west of 23)
Mailing address: P O Box 506, Highland MI 48357
Meets at the Hartland Performing Arts Center,
Lead Pastor: Terry Prisk;
Student Ministry: Ryan Gerten;
9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.
Phone: 248.887.8977
Tri County
13020 Holtforth Rd., Fenton, MI 48430
Pastor: Randy Greene
Sunday School: 9am Sunday Worship: 10am
Various weeky Bible studies
Ore Creek Community
Hartland Middle School at Ore Creek
3250 Hartland Rd.
Office: 11460 Highland Rd., Hartland 48353
Lead Pastor: Dave Classen;
Youth Pastor: Aaron Young;
Worship Service: Sunday 10:00 a.m.
18/ Community Life/September 2010
Club & Organization News
Black Sheep Weavers’ Fiber Guild
Meetings resume September 9
Heritage Day Quilt Display
There will be a quilt display, over and on the pews, at Hartland United Methodist
Church from 10am-4pm. To display a home made quilt, or one made by others,
please call Barbara Krueger 248.887.1283. See the Community Council web site
for additional information.
Basic/Early Intermmediate Quilting Class – September 18
Heritage Day activities will include a quilting class (10 am-1 pm) in the lower
level of Victory Baptist Church in the village of Hartland. The class will be led by
Susan Walters-Steinacker and will involve demonstrations and teaching how to
construct 2 or 3 different block patterns. Bring a sewing machine if you wish;
hand sewers welcome. Completed blocks will be put together with sashing for a
quilt which will be raffled off to benefit Epley Park in Hartland. Completed blocks
may be dropped off at Cromaine Library if not completed during the class. Susan
will be assisted by Helen Singer. Materials to bring: 3 fat quarters (pastel colors),
rotary cutter, cutting mat, scissors, ruler, needles, pins and thread (winter white
in color). See the Community Council web site for additional information: www.
Please join us as we begin our new year of interesting programs.
Meet your new Board members and a welcoming group of artists
who enjoy sharing their time and experience in the fiber arts.
Our first program is our Members Showcase. Each member is
encouraged to show and speak about their recent fiber art projects
with the group. Guests or artists coming for the first time and wish to join
should bring their art work to show. In addition, the 2010-11 annual dues ($25)
are collected at this meeting. To be eligible to sell items in the December Holiday
Show, dues must be paid at or by the October 7 meeting.
Our meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. for social time, a brief business meeting at
7p.m. followed by the program. We meet in Room 23 at the HESSC (former high
school) on M-59 just a ½ mile west of the US 23 Interchange on the first Thursday
of each month (except December) from September through May. We end our year
with a potluck at a member’s home in June.
If you are interested in weaving, spinning, knitting, dyeing, beading, crocheting,
needle-felting, rug hooking, quilting, papermaking, basketry, raising alpacas and
more, we are the group for you. Check out our website at www.blacksheepweavers.
com or call our Hospitality Chairperson Cheri at 248.887.9759 or our Treasurer/
Membership Nadine at 810.626.2142.
Hartland Lions Club
The new Hartland Lions Club just finished their first year. We helped 7 people with
eyeglasses and exams, and several other community projects. We meet the third
Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. We need more members! If interested please
call Ken Ridalls at 810.588.3492 for our meeting location. For more information
visit the website
U.S. Pat. No. 7,007,507
Now Available at our Hartland and Brighton Locations!
Hartland Heritage Day booklet ads
For the first time a small booklet will be printed for Heritage Day. This will
provide an opportunity for businesses to have an ad; the ads will assist with expenses connected with Heritage Day, such as signs around the community, porta
johns and event insurance. Some businesses have already paid for their ad, along
with their Memorial Day booklet ads.
One page, $70; 1/2 page, $40; and business card size, $20. Check the web site
for additional information at
Treasure Sale
As a part of the Hartland Heritage Days Festival, the Hartland United Methodist
Church (in the village just up from the Post Office) will be having a Treasure Sale
on Saturday, September 18 from 9:00am-3:00pm.. We will have antiques, glassware,
Depression glass, pottery, Roseville, jewelry, furniture, sports equipment, household
items, memorabilia, clothing, toys, and lots of “one-of-a-kind” treasures. Bargains
galore. Join the fun. Don’t miss out.
The Hartland Area Macintosh User Group (HAMUG) will meet Tuesday, September
14 at 7:30 p.m. at the Hartland Educational Support Service Center. Anyone
interested in learning more about the Macintosh computer is welcome to
attend, regardless of your level of computer knowledge. Have questions or need
information? Call Jim Sparks at 810.632.6630.
F.A.O. Jewelers
You’ve Got a Friend in the Diamond Business
333 W. Grand River
Brighton, MI 48116
next to Dairy Queen
9996 Highland Rd.
Hartland, MI 48353
Fountain Square Plaza
Hartland Audubon Nature Club
Meetings and programs resume September 7
The Hartland Audubon Nature Club meets the first Tuesday of the month from
September through June. Our purpose is to promote the preservation of natural
habitats while fostering an understanding and appreciation of birds and other
wildlife. We’ll begin our 2010-11 season with some live birds from the Howell
Nature Center: an eagle, a rough-legged hawk, a kestrel and two or three owls. It
is an unforgettable experience to see these birds close up. Their eyes, made to see
minute details at long distances, are rather arresting when gazing across a room.
While the birds are sizing us up, we’ll be learning about their habitats, habits, and
how they came to be residents at the Nature Center.
Upcoming events include a photographic tour of the Galapagos Islands on
October 5, and our November 9 meeting will feature “Journey of the Cranes” starring the sandhill cranes of the Waterloo Recreation Area.
Our first meeting of this season will be held September 7 at the Senior Center
in the Hartland Education Support Service Center on M 59 just west of US 23.
The meeting will begin at 6:30pm to allow us plenty of time to enjoy all the pot
luck specials brought in by our members. Newcomers and guests are welcome.
Bring your children and grandchildren! The business meeting begins at 7:15pm
and the presentation will follow. For more information, please contact Jami Bond
at 810.632.5223.
The Weatherization
Assistance Program
Where Great Smiles Are Created
Here at Boss Orthodontics we take great pride in helping patients
achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts a life time!
Call to schedule your FREE exam and consultation.
715 Byron Road
Howell, Michigan 48843
Visit Us On The Web At:
To qualified Veterans and Widows of Veterans
Call for details. . . .
please visit
If someone you love needs more care than you can provide . . .
Meetings resume September 21
Our next “Friends” meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 21 beginning at
6:30pm in the Cromaine Library-village location. Please join us for the election
of officers and a little social activity.
“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person, you may be the world.”
English Proverb
Fantastic Fall
Used Book Sale
A huge variety of adult and childrens books both hardbacks and paperbacks,
C D’s and videos. Never before offered at such values!
Friday, September 17 9am-5pm
Saturday, September 18 9am-3pm ($5 Bag Sale all day Saturday)
Special PREVIEW SALE for members Thursday, September 16
from 5-7:30 pm If you are not already a member, you can join that night.
Report cards are in for the mentoring program Big Futures facilitated by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Livingston County. Because of a grant provided by Community
Foundation of Livingston County, the agency was able to provide 125 elementary
students a mentor in the 5 school districts. Nineteen high school mentors volunteered their time once a week at Round Elementary school. The goal was to
provide a positive and supportive experience to children in need of improvement
in their academic performance and positive social interactions.
From November through March, “Bigs and “Littles” meet at the designated
location in an elementary school right after school is let out for the day. Once a
week for an hour, mentors and mentees work on homework and play board games
which teach cooperation and problem-solving. A Big Brothers Big Sisters Case
Manager is there to supervise the mentoring sessions.
At Round Elementary, 19 youth participated and completed the evaluation.
Ninety percent of them felt their grades had improved. Seventy-three percent felt
their interest in school was better. Eighty-four percent said their friendships were
better and 64% felt they were getting along with those at home better.
Big Brothers Big Sisters is hopeful that funding for this program will be obtained for the 2010-2011 school year. For more information call 517.546.1140.
Please welcome new Pastor
Please come and welcome the new Pastor at
Heritage Hills Free Methodist Church. Pastor
Rob Mohr and his wife Becky moved here from
Atlanta Georgia where he was a Senior Pastor
of Faith Community Church. Pastor Rob graduated from Warner Pacific College with a degree
in Religion and Christian Ministries and a minor in Youth Ministries. Pastor Rob
and his wife Becky have been married for 8 years.
Basic Care
Family Owned and Operated Since 1983
Flash from the Friends
Big Futures Gets an A+
WEATHERIZATION was the nation’s best kept secret for residential energy conservation, But the secret’s out! WEATHERIZATION WORKS!!
The Weatherization Assistance Program is a FREE service funded by the Federal
Department of Energy (DOE) that provides FREE energy conservation services
for eligible low-income households. Weatherization can help reduce energy use
and lower your energy bills, and may include services such as wall, ceiling and
attic insulation and ventilation, combustion appliance testing, furnace repair or
replacement, air leakage reduction, and many other energy saving measures!
Don’t miss this great opportunity to save money and lower your utility bills!
Call OLHSA at 517.546.8500 or 248.209.2600 today!
11479 Highland Road
Hartland, Michigan 48353
Community Life /September 2010/19
•Respite Care
•Elderly Men & Women
•Alert or Oriented
•Hospice Care
•Day Care
•Incontinent Care
•Memory Impaired or
24 Hour Supervision and Assistance
•In Home Physician Visits:
General, Podiatry, X-ray, etc.
•Full Assistance with Activities of
Daily Living if Needed
•Home Cooked Meals Prepared On Site
•Personalized Activities in a
Stimulating Home Atmosphere
•In Home Rehabilitation Programs
•Fully Licensed and Insured Facility
• Supervised Medication
20/ Community Life/September 2010
Scouting News
Cub Scout Pack#380 News
Cub Scout Pack 380 is winding down from a year packed full of fun, safety, learning about engineering, racing and community service and now we are winding
up for a summer full of fun – like resident camp and summer picnics.
The scouts of Pack 380 had an awesome time building and launching their
rockets. We would like to send a very special THANK YOU to the family of Mr. and
Mrs. James Germaine for letting our scout’s blast off the rockets on their farm.
Our pack is again scheduled for a Submarine Overnighter. This will take place
in October. The boys will have the opportunity to sleep on a retired World War II
Submarine. This is one of the many exciting activities that are planned for this
upcoming year.
Our Round Up will again be held at Round Elementary, during the Open House.
We look forward to welcoming many new boys to the pack during the Round Up!
Incorporating learning with fun events is a part of what scouting is all about.
Any boy, grade 1-5, is invited to join our Pack for lots of fun while learning some
valuable life skills.
Contact Tom McMullen, Cubmaster, 248-887-6062,
for more information.
Girls Scout Troop 41133
Congratulations to the young ladies of Troop 41133! In June, the girls completed
their time as Brownie scouts and participated in a ceremony to “Fly-Up” to
Junior scouts. They also completed and earned their Bridge to Junior Girl Scouts
Rainbow. The girls receiving their Rainbow were Brooke Bommarito, Madison
Cheney, Hailey Darling, Olivia Davenport, Ashley DiNobile, Kaylee Furge, Paige
Harde, Jocelyn Hankins, Sarah Klink, Rachel Ohrt, Briana Schumann, Erin Vimr,
Sydney Wesley and Lauryn Zvoch. In the fall, the new Juniors will begin another
chapter in their scouting adventures by helping their community and taking on
new challenging activities.
Lakes’ Cub Scout Pack 385
Lakes’ Cub Scout Pack 385 had a great summer, participating in the Memorial
Day Parade, then celebrating the end of the school year with a picnic. Many
boys attended the Cub Scout Day Camp in Brighton, and a large number also
attended the Resident Camp at Camp Munhacke. A great time was had by all! We
welcome everyone back to school – and extend an invitation to all 1st-5th grade
boys at Lakes and Farms. If you are interested in Scouting, we’d love to have you
join our Pack – watch for the fliers that will be sent home early in the school year!
Scouting is a great way to meet other families, to learn valuable skills and to just
have fun with events like the Pinewood Derby, Paper Airplane Fly-Ins, field trips,
camp-outs and the like.
Boy Scout Troop 380
Troop 380 wrapped up the school year with a successful fundraising golf outing – the
community support was outstanding! We thank everyone for their participation
and generosity: your support helps fund our troop’s activities! These young men
are truly striving to be our future leaders. June continued to be a busy month, as six
Scouts were elected to the Order of the Arrow (Cameron Comeau, Will Houtman,
Sean McCarthy, John Moraitis, Zach Piontek and John Rembisz). Nearly the entire
troop then headed off to camp at Cole Canoe Base, where they earned a number
of merit badges (which included Wilderness Survival, Emergency Preparedness,
Fish and Wildlife Management, Wood Carving and Leatherworking). The Scouts
also earned a number of camp awards – with special congratulations going to Dan
Gallagher for 1st place in Archery and to the entire troop for being recognized as the
“Honor Troop” – awarded to the troop that exemplifies the best community service,
camp participation and adherence to Scouting values. Activities died down a bit
in the summer, but we did have two Scouts finishing up their Eagle requirements
and another three steadily working on their Motorboating Merit Badge (fun!). Boy
Scouts is open to all boys who have completed the 5th grade. You do not need to
have participated in Cub Scouts (in fact, our most recent Eagle was never a Cub
Scout). If you are interested in joining, please contact Scoutmaster John Rembisz
at 517-545-5668 for more details. We typically meet Monday evenings from 7-9 pm.
Girl Scouts Receive GOLD Award
Victoria Buelow and Sarah Vicary have gone the distance in Girl Scouting and
earned their Gold Award. The Gold Award is the highest award a Girl Scout can
achieve. Both young ladies have earned it by developing a service project that
helped the Safe Town Program run by Hartland’s Community Education. This
project entailed the designing and building of two new buildings, a replica of the
Hartland Music Hall and Bank as well as updating the existing buildings. They
ladies had to create a budget, fund raise and then enlist support of their peers to
paint and build the structures. Victoria started Girl Scouts in kindergarten at the Lakes Elementary Daisy
troop . Sarah joined scouts in 1st grade in the Grand Rapids area, transferring to
the Round troop in 2000. The ladies met at the Farms where their Junior troops
merged. In the 6th grade Victoria and Sarah started working at the Safe Program
as volunteers. The Safe Town Program is for children 5 years old entering Kindergarten. The children learn about fire, road, bus and stranger safety. As part of
their project a scrapbook was put together outlining the activities that take place
at Safe Town. Victoria and Sarah have successful completed all of the Award Levels in scouting
Bronze, Silver and now the Gold. The Scouts were honored along with several of
their peers on May 16th at the annual Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan Celebration
of Leadership.
Community Life /September 2010/21
Art & Entertainment
Go Ahead, Be a Scrooge…
Audition for Encore Youth Theater’s production of A Christmas Carol!
Hartland Heritage Day
Saturday, September 18 from 10am to 4pm
Join in Hartland’s Heritage Day Festivities this year! All are welcome to participate in this annual festival celebrating the unique history of the Hartland area
with activities! Many events are scheduled, including a Quilt Show at Hartland
United Methodist Church, quilt classes at Victory Baptist Church, Treasure Sale
at HUMC, Encore Theater tours and Costume Sale at the Hartland Music Hall,
Petting Zoo, historic Car Show, PastinPerson’s Michael Deren Presents Civil War
Music as a period Musician at 1 p.m. at the Hartland Music Hall, tractor Show,
Pet Walk-along and contest, and MORE!!!
If your organization would like to have a fund raiser booth, which will provide awareness of your group’s activities, you must fill out the proper form by
September 20. Booths for all groups will be staged along the closed Avon Street
between Crouse Road and School Street. There will be a nominal fee this year for
all organizations, which will provide funding for signage around the community,
porta johns and event insurance. See Hartland Community Council website for additional information.
Auditions will be held on September 11 at 9:30 am in the Hartland
Music Hall. Check out our website or
pick up your audition packet at either branch of the Cromaine
Library. Actors will be asked to prepare a one to two minute
memorized monologue of their choice – not from the script.
Membership selection for Encore will be determined through
audition and interview by the Encore Committee. All students
(ages 8-18), regardless of previous experience, are encouraged to apply. Determining
factors for selection are: talent, potential, a strong desire to participate and commitment to the program by both student and parent. Auditions will be evaluated in the
areas of memorization or improvisation, vocal projection, movement, eye contact and
facial expression. A parent must attend the audition and interview with their child.
Mark your calendars for Hartland’s Heritage Day on September 18. Encore Youth
Theater will be holding a costume sale at the Hartland Music Hall from 9:30 am to
4:00 pm. This is a perfect opportunity to find that unique Halloween or party costume
and support the youth of our community and all of the profits will go toward Encore
Celtic Kettle Concert ­- September 25
“Keep the Kettle Black Fundraiser Concert” will be the opening concert for the Kettle
on Saturday, September 25 at Hartland Music Hall, 3619 Hartland Rd. Come help the
Kettle continue another season of bringing you the traditional music that you love. This
fundraiser concert will feature performances by the Kettle Staff and Friends and by your
favorite open mic singers. For this special event, tickets will be $8. You can purchase your
tickets at Hartland Community Ed., Hartland Flowers, Milford Music, Milford Feed and
at Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Children 11 and under
are free and refreshments are available. Help us “Keep Live Music Alive.”
Livingston Gem and Mineral Society 37th Annual
September 18 and 19, 2010
Lapidary Exhibits
Gold • Silver • Pearls
Fossils • Crystals
Faceting • Polishing
Wire Craft • Spheres
Family Owned and Operated Since 1983
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M-59 (Highland Road)
US 23
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Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
For information call
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more care than you can provide . . . .
Call 800-427-6298
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9150 Parshallville
5978 Cullen Hartland
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The Cottage
22/ Community Life/September 2010
Hartland Community
Soccer Asssociation
Congratulations to the Hartland Eagles
U14 Girls select team for winning the
WSSL Divison 1 title for the second
consecutive season! The Eagles had a
record of 5 wins, 1 loss and 2 ties, and
scored 6 goals while allowing 3. The
Eagles are coached by Steve West and
Ron Buffa.
Congratulations to the Hartland
Hawks U9 Boys select team for winning
the WSSL Division 3 title for the 2010
spring season! The Hawks had a record
of 7 wins and 1 loss, and scored 36 goals
while allowing only 7. The Hawks are
coached by Lonnie Spires.
Congratulations to the Hartland
Hurricanes U10 Girls select team for
getting to the finals of this year’s Canton
Cup Tournament held over Memorial
Day weekend. The girls made it to the
championship game undefeated, beating Kingdom Strikers 2-0 in their first
game, beating Midland Fusion 7-2 in
their second game, and beating Vardar
5-2 in their third game. The Hurricanes
are coached by Matt Huber.
The fall outdoor season begins on
Saturday, September 11, 2010. For updated information about the upcoming
fall season, as well as all other club news,
visit us at
2009/2010 Michigan Olympic
Development Program Soccer Team
Over 150 boys born in 1997 tried out for the 2009 Michigan
Olympic Development Program (ODP) Soccer Team on
August 1-2, 2009 in Canton, MI. The goal of the ODP
tryout was to identify and develop soccer players capable
of competing at Olympic and International levels from
the State of Michigan. The boys that attended the tryout
were put through an extensive array of soccer drills and
scrimmages while being judged by coaches from throughout
the State of Michigan.
At the end of the second day of tryouts, 26 boys were
chosen to continue on training in hopes of making the final cut for the Michigan
ODP Team. The boys trained together in November, 2009 and once again in
January, 2010. Following the last training session, cuts were made and a team of
18 boys were chosen to represent the State of Michigan at the Region II ODP Camp
in Overland Park, Kansas the week of July 6, 2010. Region II ODP is comprised
of 14 states from the mid west. Each state sends their best players to Camp to be
evaluated by the National and Regional U.S. Soccer Coaching Staff. If chosen, they
could be invited to attend other regional events throughout the year.
Noah Kleedtke, a 7th grader at Ore Creek Middle School, has been chosen for
the 1997 Michigan ODP Soccer Team. He is very excited to represent the State at
the Regional Camp and looks forward to playing in front of soccer coaches from
all over the mid west. Noah currently plays for the Michigan Wolves U13 Soccer
Team. He has always loved the sport of soccer and hopes to continue playing it
for many years to come. Good luck to Noah and all the other ODP players that will
be traveling soon to Regional Camp to represent our State.
Boot Camp Fitness for Women
Still Running Strong
Hartland Community Education’s Boot Camp Fitness for Women is heading into its third
year and still running strong. This multi-faceted program combines fitness along with nutritional guidance and trainer support to help women of all fitness levels reach their goals.
Whether you’re new to fitness or haven’t worked out in years, if you are looking for support,
encouragement and motivation then Hartland Boot Camp Fitness is for you.
Boot Camp is a four-week program with new sessions running continuously. Campers
meet as a group with the trainers twice per week for a great workout with plenty of variety.
Boredom is never an issue! Campers are allowed an additional two classes of their choice
per week from the group fitness schedule.
Comments from a Boot Camper: “This class is a life-saver. I am stronger, more energetic, and much happier. This is not an “easy-way” to better health but it’s the only thing
that’s worked for me-and I’ve been trying to lose weight for the past 10 year!” Patti McRae
Many of our students who are new to Boot Camp tell us that they have read about the
program and have contemplated joining for a very long time, but they were nervous and not
sure it they would fit in. If this is you; if you’re looking for that little push; if you want to
re-claim your life through fitness and proper nutrition; if you want the encouragement and
support of women who are going through the exact same things; if you’re looking for help
from certified trainers who have been motivating and supporting women for years, then
wait no longer.
We’ve listened to your feedback and made a few changes to the program. Sessions are
now shorter, only 4-weeks running continuously through the fall and more affordable-only
$99. This way you can join whenever your busy schedule allows.
Classes are currently forming for the Fall Session and we’re happy to announce that
we have added a morning Boot Camp to the schedule that will include free childcare.
Comments from a Boot Camper: “I joined Boot Camp to lose weight and ended up
changing my life. I got ‘me’ back.” Sue Fitzpatrick
If you have any questions regarding Boot Camp Fitness for Women then contact the
Hartland Community Education office at 810.626.2150 and they will be happy to put you
in touch with a trainer. View schedule and sign up at
Hartland Pool offers
New 3-yr. old Class
The Hartland Pool is offering a new class designed to fit the needs of 3-year olds.
In the past, this age group has been included in Aqua Tots. However, some young
swimmers have already taken that class, or their swimming skills have advanced
beyond Aqua Tots.
Because of safety concerns due to the limited attention span of this age group,
parent and child will work together to learn as much as their child’s unique developmental abilities can take them.
The class is held in the 86-degree pool and limited to 5 children. Please note
that Pre-beginner and up classes are limited to age 4 and older, because they
are the first class a young swimmer does without a parent. Call the pool office at
810.626.2279 for more information or visit our website at
and follow the link to the aquatic center.
Xtreme Flips
Birthday Parties
Open Gym
9525 Highland Rd.
Howell, MI 48843
Community Life /September 2010/23
10 Hartland Lacrosse players selected for
the Michigan US Lacrosse Team
Back row: Head Coach Todd Vydick, RJ Bortle, Alex Vydick, Brendan Blower, Jake Economou,
Ryan Haver, Thomas Rivet, and Coach Sean Blower Front row: Coach Rick Bortle, Adam
Szymanski, Kyle Cavanaugh, Bailey Hobson, Marcus Grosso, Jayson Nystrom, and Coach
Al Rivet
Hartland Eagles 12U Travel
Baseball Team Triumphs in
Home Tournament
Hartland travel baseball hosted their annual spring invitational from May 14-16,
where 30 hopeful teams competed for trophies, medals, and bragging rights. Four
age divisions were represented, and the boys kept Spranger and Ore Creek fields
swinging until the final games on Sunday afternoon. Hartland’s 12U Eagles took
top honors in their division, while the West Oakland Wings finished first in 9U,
the South Lyon Thunder captured 10U, and Livonia Travel prevailed in the 11U
group. Good job boys!
Hartland Wrestling
Club Registration
Registration dates will be Tuesday, October 5 and Tuesday, October 12 from 6-8pm
at Ore Creek Middle School. Each wrestler will need a current physical and a copy
of their birth certificate. Practices begin in November. Registration forms, fees,
and other information about Hartland Wrestling Club can be found at: www. Please feel free to contact Rob or Sherri Hughes with
any specific questions at:
Front Row: Amy Longe, Sharon Goolsby, Emily Bontekoe; Second Row: Nick Bazany,
Rocco Mularoni, Danny Smith; Back Row: Noah Castillo, Nick Colling, Nate Smith
and Ozzie Corbitt Not Pictured: Annelise Kulpanowski
Lacrosse is an up and coming sport and the Hartland Youth Lacrosse program is proud to
announce that several Hartland youth lacrosse players were selected to be a part of an elite
group chosen to play for the Team Michigan US Lacrosse teams. These players played
with other TOP Lacrosse players chosen from across the state of Michigan to play in the
US Lacrosse National Festival. The U-13 Festival was held in Cincinnati, OH, June 11-13
and the U-15 team played in Lake George, NY, June 18-20. The U15 Team Michigan Boys did so well in Lake George that they were invited to
attend the Lacrosse World Series being held in Rhode Island in July 2010. Well done Team
Michigan and Congratulations to all the Hartland Lacrosse players for outstanding performances!
U13 Girls Team Michigan US Lacrosse Team: Amy Longe and Annelise Kulpanowski
U15 Girls Team Michigan US Lacrosse Team: Sharon Goolsby (Goalie) and Emily Bontekoe (Middie)
U13 Boys Team Michigan US Lacrosse Team: Ozzie Corbitt (7th grade)-Middie, Rocco Mularoni
(6th grade)-Middie, Danny Smith (7th grade)-Attack and Nick Bazany (6th grade)-Defense
U15 Boys Team Michigan US Lacrosse Team: Noah Castillo (8th Grade)-Defense, Nick Colling
(8th Grade)-Goalie and Nate Smith (8th Grade)-Defense
The Hartland Youth Lacrosse program offers lacrosse opportunities for both boys and
girls with boy’s teams beginning as early as 3rd Grade and Girls teams beginning in 5th grade.
The interest in the sport continues to grow each and every year and so does the program.
HYLAX is excited with the progress and expansion of the program and has an outstanding
reputation in our league as producing respectful and talented teams. Interested in being a
part of a Hartland Youth Lacrosse? Visit our website at
Look for Youth Lacrosse registration announcements in late fall or early winter of 2010.
Hartland Youth Lacrosse…Be a part of it!
Hartland Gymnastics
Offers an Xtreme Flips Class
Hartland Gymnastics has started a new class to help teach flips and twists to those
wanting to learn tricks. We are offering a great opportunity to train the correct
technique and safety to the extreme sports fanatics. This class will offer training
on trampolines, tumbling, flipping and twisting. We have foam pits and state of
the art equipment to help all athletes learn air awareness in a safe environment
with proper training. This class is geared toward ages 10 and up and will focus
on each individual’s athletic level.
To those snowboarders, cheerleaders, skateboarders, martial arts, divers,
break dancers, or anyone wanting to learn how to flip and twist, this class is for
you! Class will be offered twice per week beginning September 8. If you have
questions please inquire at 810.626.2170 or info@hartlandgymnasticsacademy.
com. Find us on the web at
Celebrating Our 5th Anniversary in Hartland
11518 Highland Rd., Hartland, MI 48353
Benefiting the
10am - 2pm
Open House
Open Gym
Team Demonstrations
11am, noon & 1pm
Face Painting
Bounce House
Bake sale
Fire Truck
Hartland Educational
Support Service Center
9525 E. Highland Rd. • Howell
24/ Community Life/September 2010
Located Inside of Hartland Mobile General Store
& Grill
Groceries • MoneyGram • Check Cashing • D & R License • EBT/Food Stamps
Open for Breakfast & Lunch • Open Late • Hot Fast Food
BBQ Ribs • Chicken • Subs • Hamburgers • Seafood • Salad
10050 Clyde Rd., Fenton, MI 48430
Dressing: Gourmet Italian
Ranch • Greek • Bleu Cheese
Honey Mustard • Thousand Island Sm 10” Med 12” Lg 14” XL 16”
Add’l Items 1.00
AntiPasta Salad................................6.99
Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onions,
Black Olives, Pepperoni, Ham,
Salami, Provolone Cheese
Tossed Garden Salad.......................6.99
Fresh Crisp Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onions,
Pepperoncini Peppers, Cheese & Croutons
Chef’s Salad......................................6.99
Fresh Crisp Lettuce, tomatoes, Onion,
Ham, Turkey, American Cheese
Greek Salad......................................6.99
Fresh Crisp Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onions,
Feta Cheese, Sliced Beets, Pepperoncini
Peppers & Black Olives
Add Chicken or Shrimp or Steak ..2.50
Extra Dressing.................................. .50
Add’l Items.......................................1.50
Sm 10” Med 12” Lg 14” XL 16”
Meat Lovers 10.99
11.99 12.99 13.99
Pepperoni, Ham, Bacon, Italian Sausage, Hamburger
11.99 12.99 13.99
Pepperoni, Ham, Italian Sausage, Onions,
Green Peppers, Yellow peppers
11.99 12.99 13.99
Grilled Chicken Breast, Tomatoes, Onions, Green
peppers, Mushrooms, Mozzarella and Cheddar
BBQ 10.99
11.99 12.99 13.99
Grilled chicken Breast, Onions, Mushrooms, Yellow
Peppers, Cheese, BBQ Sauce
11.99 12.99 13.99
Steak, Onions, Green Peppers, Mushrooms, Cheese
11.99 12.99 13.99
Bacon, Lettuce, Tomatoes & Ranch Dressing
Hawaiian 10.99
11.99 12.99 13.99
Bacon Ham, Pineapple
Mexican Taco10.99
11.99 12.99 13.99
Hamburger, Green Pepper, Onion, Taco Sauce,
Breakfast XL only
Eggs, Italian Sausage, Bacon, Ham, Green Peppers,
Onions and Cheese
Chicago XL only
Double Dough, Pepperoni, Ham, Bacon, Italian
Sausage, Double Cheese
2 Items on Each
99 $
+ Tax
With Coupon • Limited Time Offer
+ Tax
Shrimp Basket w/fries.....................6.99
2Pc w/Biscuits.................................4.99
3Pc w/Biscuits.................................6.99
4Pc w/Biscuits.................................8.99
Add Fries/Coleslaw & Bread $2.50 Extra
Chicken & Shrimp.........................10.99
2 Pc Chicken & 5 Pc Jumbo Shrimp
Ribs & Chicken..............................11.99
3-4 Bones & 2 Pc Chicken
Ribs & Shrimp...............................11.99
3-4 Bones & 5 Pc Jumbo Shrimp
Ribs, Chicken & Shrimp...............14.99
3-4 Bones, 2 Pc Chicken & 5 Jumbo
3-4 Pc BBQ Ribs, 2 Pc Chicken
5 Pc Jumbo Shrimp & 2 Pc Cat Fish
All Above Includes Fries, Coleslaw, Bread
+ Tax
Cake Slices........................................1.99
Hand Batter Dipped
Black Tiger Shrimp
Made Fresh to Order
1/4 lb Shrimp 5 Pc............................5.99
1/2 lb Shrimp 10 Pc..........................8.99
3/4 lb Shrimp 15 Pc........................12.99
1 lb Shrimp 20 pc...........................15.99
Add Fries & Coleslaw 1.50 extra
BBQ or Spicy 1.00 extra
Hartland Burger...............................4.99
Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pickles, Onions, Mustard, Ketchup & Mayo
Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pickles, Onions,
Mustard, Ketchup & Mayo
Filet of Fish.......................................4.99
Cat Fish, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Tartar Sauce
Corned Beef......................................6.99
Sliced Corned Beef, Swiss Cheese,
Mustard, Pickles on an Onion Roll
Patty Melt.........................................5.99
Swiss Cheese, Grilled Onions
Sliced Corned Beef, Swiss Cheese,
Cole Slaw, Thousand Island Dressing
on Deli Rye Bread
Turkey Reuben.................................7.99
Sliced Turkey, Swiss Cheese, Cole Slaw,
Thousand Island Dressing on Deli Rye
Add Fries & Cole Slaw....................2.00
Add Cheese.......................................1.00
Bread Sticks......................................3.99
Cheese Bread....................................5.99
French Fries SMALL......................1.59
French Fries LARGE.....................2.99
Onion Rings......................................2.99
Cheese Stix........................................3.99
Potato Poppers.................................2.99
Jalapeño Poppers.............................3.99
Queso Stix.........................................3.99
Bowl of Soup.....................................2.99
Cup of Soup......................................1.99
Chili or Chicken Noodle
Potato Wedges..................................2.99
Extra Dressing.....................................50
Large SQ.
1 Topping
$ 99
Breakfast Muffin Sandwich............1.99
Sausage, Egg & Cheese
Breakfast Pizza (slice)......................2.69
99 $
Dark Mixed White
2Pc w/1 Biscuit
2.99 3.49 3.99
3Pc w/1 Biscuit
3.99 4.89 5.39
4Pc w/2 Biscuits 5.79 6.39 7.39
8 Pc
7.99 9.99 12.49
12 Pc
11.79 14.79 17.99
16 Pc
15.49 19.49 23.79
25 Pc
23.99 29.49 36.49
Breast 2.39 Thigh 1.99 Leg 1.49 Wing 1.49
4 Pc w/1 Biscuit........................................ 4.69
8 Pc w/1 Biscuit........................................ 8.49
12 Pc w/2 Biscuits...................................11.99
25 Pc....................................................... 22.99
.49 each 3 for 1.35 6 for 2.49
#1. 2 pc Mix w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.......... 5.09
#2. 2 Pc Dark w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.........4.59
#3. 2 Pc White w/Side, Drink & Biscuit...... 5.59
#4. 3 pc Mix w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.......... 6.49
#5. 3 Pc Dark w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.........5.59
#6. 3 Pc White w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.......6.99
#7. 4 pc Mix w/Side, Drink & Biscuit...........7.99
#8. 4 Pc Dark w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.........7.39
#9. 4 Pc White w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.......8.99
#10 4 Pc Tender w/Side, Drink & Biscuit . ..6.29
Small Large Family
1.59 2.99
1.59 2.99
Fried Corn on the Cob
Boudin Bites
11 12 14
10 Pc..................................................7.99
20 Pc................................................14.99
30 Pc................................................20.99
50 Pc................................................29.99
Spicy or BBQ add 1.00
with 3 Items
FREE 2 Liter of Pop
2 Lg
10 13
1/2 Slab Dinner...............................12.99
Whole Slab Dinner.........................19.99
Above include Fries, Coleslaw & Bread
Slab Only........................................16.99
2 Med
7.99 8.99
1.50 1.50
Pepperoni, Ham, Bacon, Ground Beef, Italian Sausage, Onions, Green Peppers,
Green Olives, Black Olives, Feta Cheese
Yellow Pepper Rings, Jalapeño Peppers,
Mushrooms, Pineapple, Extra Cheese
Add Steak, Chicken, or Shrimp 2.50 extra
Ham, Salami, Provolone Cheese, Lettuce,
Tomatoes, Onions, Yellow Mild Peppers
Rings, Mayo & Italian Dressing
Turkey & Cheese..............................6.99
Turkey, Cheese Lettuce, Tomatoes, Yellow
Pepper, Onions, Mayo, Dressing
Ham & Cheese..................................6.99
Ham, Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Yellow
pepper, Onions, Mayo & Dressing
Roast Beef.........................................6.99
Cheese, Lettuce, Yellow peppers, Mayo
& Dressing
Ham Bacon, Turkey, Cheese, Lettuce,
Tomatoes, Yellow Pepper, Mayo, Dressing
Meatball, Cheese, Marinara
Philly Cheese Steak Sub..................7.99
Beefsteak, Cheese, Lettuce, Tomatoes,
Lettuce, Mayo & Dressing
Grilled Chicken Sub........................7.99
Chicken Breast Strips, Cheese, Tomatoes,
Lettuce, Mayo, Dressing
Pizza Sub...........................................6.99
Pepperoni, Ham, Bacon, Onions, Mushrooms, Cheese, Pizza Sauce
Double Meat 2.00 Double Cheese 1.00
Open 24 Hours
Hartland Mobil General Store
Gas • Off Road Diesel • Diesel
Racing Fuel • Kerosine Propane
99 $
+ Tax
+ Tax
Valid Monday - Wednesday Only With Coupon • Limited Time Offer
+ Tax
With Coupon • Limited Time Offer
Full Slab Ribs
1 Large Pizza
with 2 items
2 Liter Pop
+ Tax
With Coupon • Limited Time Offer
20 Pc Wings &
1 Large Pizza
with 2 Items
2 Liter Pop
+ Tax
With Coupon • Limited Time Offer