ETA 13.0373 Albini Fontanot - Aedilitia
ETA 13.0373 Albini Fontanot - Aedilitia
Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Via Lombardia 49 - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese – Italy tel: +39-02-9806.1 – Telefax: +39-02-98280088 e-mail: Autorizzato e notificato conformemente all’articolo 10 della Direttiva 89/106/CEE del Consiglio del 21 dicembre 1988, relativa all’avvicinamento delle disposizioni legislative, regolamentari ed amministrative degli Stati membri, relativa ai prodotti da costruzione. European Technical Approval Membro EOTA ETA 13/0373 (English language translation; the original version is in Italian) Nome commerciale Trade name Stairs “Pixima Cube”, “Pixima Cube Line”, “Pixima Ring”, “Pixima Ring Line”, “Arkè Klan”, “Arkè Kloè”, “Arkè Phoenix”, “Magia 70”, “Magia 70.Xtra”, “Reflex Lux T Tonda”, “Reflex Titan T Tonda”, “Reflex Lux Q Quadra”, “Reflex Titan Q Quadra, “Genius 010 T tonda”, “Genius 020 T tonda”, “Genius 030 T tonda”, “Genius 050 T tonda”, “Genius 060 T tonda”, “Genius 010 Q Quadra”, “Genius 020 Q Quadra”, “Genius 030 Q Quadra”, “Genius 050 Q Quadra”, “Genius 060 Q Quadra”, “Oak 70”, “Gus 010, Gus 020”, “Rex”, “Nice 1”, "Ago", "Nice Line" Beneficiario Holder of approval Albini & Fontanot S.p.A. - Via P. Paolo Pasolini, 6 - 47853 Cerasolo Ausa (RN) - Italy Tipologia del prodotto da costruzione ed utilizzo Generic type and use of construction product Sistema di scale a chiocciola prefabbricate con gradini in legno Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Validità da/a Validity from/to 24.05.2013/23.05.2018 Stabilimento di produzione Manufacturing Plant Via Tenuta Amalia, 129 - 47826 Villa Verucchio (RN) - Italy Questo Benestare Tecnico Europeo contiene This European Technical Approval contains 27 pagine, inclusi 15 allegati 27 pages, including 15 annexes __________________________________________________________________________ European Organisation for Technical Approvals Organisation pour l’Agrément Technique Européen I LEGAL BASIS AND GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This European Technical Approval is issued by Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (called ITC-CNR in the following text) in accordance with: Council Directive 89/106/EEC of 21 December 1988 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of Member States relating to Construction Products1, modified by the Council Directive 93/68/EEC of 22 July 19932 and by Regulation EC n. 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council3; - DPR 246 of 21/04/934 and DPR 499 of 10/12/975, concerning the implementation of Council Directive 89/106/EEC; - Common Procedural Rules for Requesting, Preparing and Granting of European Technical Approvals set out in the Annex of Commission Decision 94/23/EC6; - Guideline for European Technical Approval of "Prefabricated stair kits - Part 1: Prefabricated stair kits in general (excluding severe climatic conditions)", ETAG 008-01, edition January 2002 (called ETAG 008-01 in the following text). 2. ITC-CNR is authorised to check whether the provisions of this European Technical Approval are met. Checking may take place in the manufacturing plant. Nevertheless, the responsibility for the conformity of the products to this European Technical Approval and for their fitness for the intended use remains with the Holder of the European Technical Approval. 3 This European Technical Approval is not to be transferred to manufacturers or agents of manufacturers other than those indicated on cover page, or manufacturing plants other than those as laid down in the context of this European Technical Approval. 4. This European Technical Approval may be withdrawn by ITC-CNR, according to Article 5 (1) of Council Directive 89/106/EEC. 5. Reproduction of this European Technical Approval including transmission by electronic means shall be in full. However, partial reproduction can be made with the written consent of ITC-CNR. In this case partial reproduction has to be designated as such. Texts and drawings of advertising brochures shall not contradict or misuse the European Technical Approval. 6. The European Technical Approval (ETA) is issued by ITC-CNR in its official language. This version fully corresponds to the version used by EOTA for circulation. Translations into other languages have to be designated as such. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Official Journal of the European Communities N° L 40, 11.02.1989, p.12 Official Journal of the European Communities N° L 220, 30.08.1993, p.1 Official Journal of the European Union N° 1 L 220,30.10.2003, p.1 Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana n. 170 of 22.07.1993 Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana n. 21 of 10/12/1998 Official Journal of the European Communities N° L 17, 20.01.1994, p.34 ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 1 of 27 II 1 SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF THE EUROPEAN TECHNICAL APPROVAL DEFINITION OF PRODUCT, INTENDED USE AND ASSUMED WORKING LIFE The system is composed of a set of prefabricated components (steps, spacers, etc.) assembled together so as to form a spiral staircase. The load bearing structure is made up of a steel post, 60 mm in external diameter and 4 mm in thickness. All around the post, which is fixed at its ends and under tensile stress, are arranged the steps and the spacers which are, therefore, under compression. In all kits, the staircase is reinforced by means of a fastening device connecting the railing to a side wall and a landing which can be adjusted during installation and can have three different shapes: trapezoidal, triangular and circular to be fixed to the floor with two brackets and secured to the central load bearing structure of the stair. The direction of rotation, clockwise or anticlockwise, is decided during installation (all versions). “Pixima Ring” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing while the rods Ø 44 mm round handrail is in wood-effect PVC with aluminium core. The railing is made of □ 20x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 118, 128, 138, 148 and 158 cm. Maximum reachable height is 380 cm with 16 risers. “Pixima Ring Line” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing while the Ø 44 mm round handrail is in wood-effect PVC with aluminium core. The railing is made of □ 27x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel connected by 7 crossable stainless steel safety cables. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 118, 128, 138, 148 and 158 cm. Maximum reachable height is 380 cm with 16 risers. “Pixima Cube” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing while the Ø 44 mm round handrail is in wood-effect PVC with aluminium core. The railing is made of □ 20x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel. This square spiral staircase is available in the dimensions 118x118 cm, 138x138 cm. Maximum reachable height is 380 cm with 16 risers. “Pixima Cube Line” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing while the Ø 44 mm round handrail is in wood-effect PVC with aluminium core. The railing is made of □ 27x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel connected by 7 crossable stainless steel safety cables. This square spiral staircase is available in the dimensions 118x118 cm, 138x138 cm. Maximum reachable height is 380 cm with 16 risers. “Arkè Klan” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing while the Ø 44 mm round handrail is in wood-effect PVC with aluminium core. The railing is made of □ 20x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 120, 140, 160 cm. Maximum reachable height is 377 cm with 16 risers. “Arkè Phoenix” (marketed in the U.S.A.) is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing while the Ø 44 mm round handrail is in wood-effect PVC with aluminium core. The railing is made of □ 20x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 120, 140, 160 cm. Maximum reachable height is 377 cm with 16 risers. “Arkè Kloè” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing while the Ø 44 mm round handrail is in wood-effect PVC with ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 2 of 27 aluminium core. The railing is made of □ 27x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel connected by 5 stainless steel safety cables. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 120, 140, 160 cm. Maximum reachable height is 377 cm with 16 risers. “Magia70” is made up of 44 mm Plywood (birch) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing while the Ø 44 mm round handrail is in wood-effect PVC with aluminium core. The railing is made of □ 20x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 110, 130, 150 cm. Maximum reachable height is 359 cm with 15 risers. “Magia 70.Xtra” s made up of 44 mm Plywood (birch) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing while the Ø 44 mm round handrail is in wood-effect PVC with aluminium core. The railing is made of □ 20x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel connected by 5 safety PVC tubes. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 110, 130, 150 cm. Maximum reachable height is 359 cm with 15 risers. “Genius 010 T tonda” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, the Ø 48 mm round handrail is in Solid Wood (beechwood). The railing is made of □ 27x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel which are joined to one another by 5 stainless steel safety cables. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160 cm. Maximum reachable height is 381 cm with 16 risers. “Genius 020 T tonda” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, the Ø 48 mm round handrail is in Solid Wood (beechwood). The railing is made of square section painted steel vertical balusters 20x20x2 mm. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160 cm. Maximum reachable height is 381 cm with 16 risers. “Genius 030 T tonda” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, the Ø 48 mm round handrail is in Solid Wood (beechwood). The railing is made of □ 20x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160 cm. Maximum reachable height is 381 cm with 16 risers. “Genius 050 T tonda” and “Genius 060 T tonda” are both made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, the Ø 48 mm round handrail is in Solid Wood (beechwood).The railing is made of □ 27x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel; balusters are in stainless steel in the Genius 050 T tonda version and steel with satin finish in the Genius 060 T tonda version, respectively, and they are connected by 5 safety stainless steel rods Ø 5 mm. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160 cm. Maximum reachable height is 381 cm with 16 risers. “Genius 010 Q Quadra” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, the Ø 48 mm round handrail is in Solid Wood (beechwood). The railing is made of □ 27x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel connected by 5 stainless steel safety cables. This square spiral staircase is available in the dimensions 110x110 cm, 120x120 cm, 130x130 cm, 140x140 cm. Maximum reachable height is 381 cm with 16 risers. “Genius 020 Q Quadra” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, the Ø 48 mm round handrail is in Solid Wood (beechwood).The railing is made of square section painted steel vertical balusters. This ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 3 of 27 square spiral staircase is available in the dimensions 110x110 cm, 120x120 cm, 130x130 cm, 140x140 cm. Maximum reachable height is 381 cm with 16 risers. “Genius 030 Q Quadra” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, the Ø 48 mm round handrail is in Solid Wood (beechwood). The railing is made of □ 20x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel. This square spiral staircase is available in the dimensions 110x110 cm, 120x120 cm, 130x130 cm, 140x140 cm. Maximum reachable height is 381 cm with 16 risers. “Genius 050 Q Quadra” and “Genius 060 Q Quadra” are both made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, the Ø 48 mm round handrail is in Solid Wood (beechwood).The railing is made of □ 27x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel; balusters are in stainless steel in the Genius 050 Q Quadra version and steel with satin finish in the Genius 060 Q Quadra version, respectively, and they are connected by 5 safety stainless steel rods (Ø 5 mm). This square spiral staircase is available in the dimensions 110x110 cm, 120x120 cm, 130x130 cm, 140x140 cm. Maximum reachable height is 381 cm with 16 risers. “Gus 010” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, the Ø 48 mm round handrail is in Solid Wood (beechwood). The railing is made of □ 27x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel connected by 5 stainless steel safety cables. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160 cm. Maximum reachable height is 333 cm with 14 risers. “Gus 020” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, the Ø 48 mm round handrail is in Solid Wood (beechwood). The railing is made of square section 20x20x2 mm painted steel vertical balusters. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160 cm. Maximum reachable height is 333 cm with 14 risers. “Oak” is made up of 44 mm Solid Wood Panel (oak) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing while the Ø 44 mm round handrail is in wood-effect PVC with aluminium core. The railing is made of □ 20x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 110, 130, 150 cm. Maximum reachable height is 359 cm with 15 risers. “Rex” is made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, the Ø 48 mm round handrail is in Solid Wood (beechwood). The railing is made of □ 27x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel connected by 7 stainless steel rods (Ø 5 mm). This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160 cm. Maximum reachable height is 333 cm with 14 risers. “Reflex Lux T Tonda” and “Reflex Titan T Tonda”are made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, the Ø 48 mm round handrail is in Solid Wood (beechwood). The railing is made of □ 27x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel; balusters are in stainless steel in the Reflex Lux T Tonda version and steel with satin finish in the Reflex Titan T Tonda version, respectively, and they are connected by 7 safety stainless steel rods rods (Ø 5 mm). This round spiral staircase is available in the diameters 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160 cm. Maximum reachable height is 381 cm with 16 risers. “Reflex Lux Q Quadra” and “Reflex Titan Q Quadra” are made up of 42 mm Solid Wood Panel (beechwood) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, the rods Ø 48 mm round handrail is in Solid Wood (beechwood). The railing is made of □ 27x2 mm vertical ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 4 of 27 balusters in painted steel; balusters are in stainless steel in the Reflex Lux Q Quadra version, steel with satin finish in the Reflex Titan Q Quadra version, and they are connected by 7 safety stainless steel rods (Ø 5 mm). This square spiral staircase is available in the dimensions 110x110 cm, 120x120 cm, 130x130 cm, 140x140 cm. Maximum reachable height is 381 cm with 16 risers. “Nice 1” is made up of 34 mm Plywood Panel (birch) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, while the handrail is in extruded through-body coloured PVC with approximate dimensions 50x36x4 mm. The railing is made of □ 20x1,5 mm vertical balusters in painted steel. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameter 130 cm. Maximum reachable height is 330 cm with 14 risers. “Ago” is made up of 34 mm Plywood Panel (birch) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing, while the handrail is in extruded through-body coloured PVC with approximate dimensions 50x36x4 mm. The railing is made of □ 20x1,5 mm vertical balusters in painted steel. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameter 110 cm. Maximum reachable height is 330 cm with 14 risers. “Nice Line” is made up of 34 mm Plywood Panel (birch) steps. The fixings match the colour of the railing,while the handrail is in extruded through-body coloured PVC with approximate dimensions 50x36x4 mm. The railing is made of □ 20x2 mm vertical balusters in painted steel connected by 5 stainless steel safety cables. This round spiral staircase is available in the diameter 130 cm. Maximum reachable height is 330 cm with 14 risers. Geometry, dimensions and construction details are illustrated in Annexes 1 to 11 to this ETA. 1.1 Intended use Stairs “Pixima Ring”, “Pixima Ring Line”, “Pixima Cube”, “Pixima Cube Line”, “Arkè Klan”, “Arkè Kloè”, “Arkè Phoenix”, “Magia 70”, “Magia 70.Xtra”, “Reflex Lux T Tonda”, “Reflex Titan T Tonda”, “Reflex Lux Q Quadra”, “Reflex Titan Q Quadra, “Genius 010 T tonda”, “Genius 020 T tonda”, “Genius 030 T tonda”, “Genius 050 T tonda”, “Genius 060 T tonda”, “Genius 010 Q Quadra”, “Genius 020 Q Quadra”, “Genius 030 Q Quadra”, “Genius 050 Q Quadra”, “Genius 060 Q Quadra”, “Oak 70”, “Gus 010, Gus 020”, “Rex”, “Nice 1”, "Ago", "Nice Line" are intended for indoor use in buildings of category “A” EN 1990:2002 with air temperatures between +5°C and +30°C and relative air humidity between 30 % and 70 %. The provisions made in this European Technical Approval are based on an assumed working life of the stairs of at least 50 years, provided that the conditions laid down in sections 4.2, 5.1 and 5.2 for installation, packaging, transport and storage as well as for appropriate use, maintenance and repair are met. The indications given on the working life cannot be interpreted as a guarantee given by the producer, but are to be regarded only as a means for choosing the appropriate products in relation to the expected economically reasonable working life of the works. 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF PRODUCT AND METHODS OF VERIFICATION 2.1 General This ETA is issued for stair kits “Pixima Ring”, “Pixima Ring Line”, “Pixima Cube”, “Pixima Cube Line”, “Arkè Klan”, “Arkè Kloè”, “Arkè Phoenix”, “Magia 70”, “Magia 70.Xtra”, “Reflex Lux T Tonda”, “Reflex Titan T Tonda”, “Reflex Lux Q Quadra”, “Reflex Titan Q Quadra, “Genius 010 T tonda”, “Genius 020 T tonda”, “Genius 030 T tonda”, “Genius 050 T tonda”, “Genius 060 T tonda”, “Genius 010 Q Quadra”, “Genius 020 Q Quadra”, “Genius 030 Q Quadra”, “Genius 050 Q Quadra”, “Genius 060 Q Quadra”, “Oak 70”, “Gus 010, Gus 020”, “Rex”, “Nice 1”, "Ago", "Nice Line" on the basis of admitted information/data, deposited with ITC-CNR, which identify the kit that was assessed and judged. Changes to the production ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 5 of 27 process of the kit or to the components of the kit which could result in deposited information/data being incorrect, shall be notified to ITC-CNR before they are introduced and ITC-CNR will assess whether or not such changes affect the ETA and, if so, whether further assessment and/or alteration to the ETA shall be necessary7. The characteristics of the components and of the system not mentioned in this ETA nor in the Annexes shall correspond to the respective values laid down in the Technical Documentation of this ETA, checked by ITC-CNR. 2.2 Methods of verification The identification tests and the assessment of fitness for the intended use of “Pixima Ring”, “Pixima Ring Line”, “Pixima Cube”, “Pixima Cube Line”, “Arkè Klan”, “Arkè Kloè”, “Arkè Phoenix”, “Magia 70”, “Magia 70.Xtra”, “Reflex Lux T Tonda”, “Reflex Titan T Tonda”, “Reflex Lux Q Quadra”, “Reflex Titan Q Quadra, “Genius 010 T tonda”, “Genius 020 T tonda”, “Genius 030 T tonda”, “Genius 050 T tonda”, “Genius 060 T tonda”, “Genius 010 Q Quadra”, “Genius 020 Q Quadra”, “Genius 030 Q Quadra”, “Genius 050 Q Quadra”, “Genius 060 Q Quadra”, “Oak 70”, “Gus 010, Gus 020”, “Rex”, “Nice 1”, "Ago", "Nice Line" were carried out in compliance with ETAG 008-01. 2.2.1 Essential Requirement 1: MECHANICAL RESISTANCE AND STABILITY The staircase corresponds to the drawings and data contained in the annexes. The material values, dimensions and tolerances of the components of the stair not indicated in the annexes shall correspond to the values laid down in the technical documentation. The staircase has a sufficient mechanical resistance and stability in order to resist static or quasi-static loads. The characteristic values of resistance of the staircase given in Annex 15 were determined from loading tests and by structural analysis. Prevention of progressive collapse Failure of individual components of the staircase does not lead to a progressive collapse of the complete staircase. Residual load-bearing capacity The steps loaded by service loads stated in Annex 15 have a sufficient residual load-bearing capacity. A local material failure does not lead to an abrupt total loss of load-bearing capacity of the steps. Long-term behavior Under appropriate use and maintenance conditions, the characteristic values of resistance stated in Annex 15 will be ensured over the indicated working life. Resistance to earthquakes No Performance Determined (NPD). Load/displacement behavior and vibration behavior The characteristic values concerning the load/displacement behaviour were determined by test and are given in Table 1. The vibration behaviour was determined by test. Under a single load of 1 kN acting on the most unfavourable point the staircase shows a deflection of w ≤ 5 mm. The first natural frequency of the staircase (inclusive of a single mass of 100 kg) is greater than 5 Hz. 7 The ETA Holder may change, under his own responsibility, some of the suppliers of a component, but only provided that the characteristics and the performances of the new components and the final performances of the system do not change at all. These changes must be fully recorded within the Factory Production Control documents in order to grant full traceability. ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 6 of 27 Deflection and proper oscillation frequency under load Q = 1 kN Stair version Deflection w [mm] Spiral “Arkè Klan” h = 3712 mm, Ø = 1600 mm, 3.32 16 laminated beech wood steps, thickness = 44 mm “Pixima Ring”, “Pixima Ring Line”, “Pixima Cube”, “Pixima Cube Line”, “Arkè Kloè”, “Arkè Phoenix”, “Magia 70”, “Magia 70.Xtra”, “Reflex Lux T Tonda”, “Reflex Titan T Tonda”, “Reflex Lux Q Quadra”, “Reflex Titan Q Quadra, “Genius 010 T tonda”, “Genius 020 T tonda”, “Genius 030 T tonda”, “Genius 050 T ≤ 3.32 tonda”, “Genius 060 T tonda”, “Genius 010 Q Quadra”, “Genius 020 Q Quadra”, “Genius 030 Q Quadra”, “Genius 050 Q Quadra”, “Genius 060 Q Quadra”, “Oak 70”, “Gus 010, Gus 020”, “Rex”, “Nice 1”, "Ago", "Nice Line"Klio quadra Zink”, “AF26”, “Nice 3” Table 1: Deflection and proper oscillation frequency Frequency f [Hz] 5.9 ≥ 5.9 Resistance of the fixings No Performance Determined (NPD). The stairs are fixed by means of fasteners which are covered by ETAs. The specifications of such fasteners are given in the manufacturer’s technical documentation. 2.2.2 Essential Requirement 2: SAFETY IN CASE OF FIRE Reaction to fire With regard to reaction to fire, steel components are classified as Euroclass A1 in accordance with the provisions of EC decisions (96/603/EC and 2000/605/EC) without the need for testing. In accordance with the provisions of EC decisions (2005/610/EC) without the need for testing, the classification of wood steps and landings is: D – s2, d0. Fire resistance No Performance Determined (NPD). 2.2.3 Essential Requirement 3: HYGIENE, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT Dangerous substances The written declaration of the manufacturer states that stair kits do not contain any of the dangerous substances listed in the EU database. In addition to the specific clauses relating to dangerous substances contained in this European Technical Approval, there may be other requirements applicable to the products falling within its scope (e.g. transposed European legislation and national laws, regulations and administrative provisions). In order to meet the provisions of the EU Construction Products Directive, these requirements need also to be complied with, when and where they apply. 2.2.4 Essential Requirement 4: SAFETY IN USE Geometry of the stair The geometry of the stair is stated in Annexes 1 to 13. Within one flight, the going measured on the walking line is constant. ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 7 of 27 Slipperiness No Performance Determined (NPD). Equipment of the stair for a safe use Barrier and handrail: No Performance Determined (NPD). Note: Barrier and handrail must be attached to the stair (Annexes 1 to 13). Tactility and visibility No Performance Determined (NPD). Safe breakage of components A brittle failure of individual components is excluded. Impact resistance In consideration of the materials used, the brittle failure of individual components of the stair is excluded. However, the impact resistance of both stairs and their components was proved under the conditions contained in table 2. Hard body Weight of the impact body (kg) 1 3,5 30 50 4.5 Hard body 4.5 Impact body Test Hard body Pendulum (barrier) Soft body Drop (solid wood step) Drop (plywood step) Max drop height (mm) 1200 1200 1200 1200 2200 3000 Table 2: Impact resistance 2.2.5 Essential Requirement 5: PROTECTION AGAINST NOISE Not relevant. 2.2.6 Essential Requirement 6: ENERGY ECONOMY AND HEAT RETENTION Not relevant. 2.2.7 ASPECTS OF DURABILITY AND SERVICEABILITY Durability and serviceability Resistance to deterioration caused by physical, chemical and biological agents. Under appropriate use and maintenance conditions and at an indoor climate with air temperatures between +5 °C and +30 °C and relative air humidity between 30 % and 70 % the stair will have for the intended use an adequate resistance to: - physical agents such as the effects of temperature, solar radiation and variations of relative humidity, - chemical agents such as the effects of cleaning agents, water, carbon dioxide, oxygen and naturally occurring corrosives and pollution agents and - biological agents such as the effects of fungi, bacteria, algae and insects. Finishes and surface layers All non-stainless steel, aluminium alloy and zinc alloy components are corrosion protected with a powder coating surface treatment while nuts and bolts and the central post are either hot dip or cold galvanized for the same purpose. ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 8 of 27 3. EVALUATION OF CONFORMITY AND CE MARKING 3.1 Attestation of conformity system According to the Decision on the procedure of attestation of conformity 98/279/EC of 5 December 1997 as amended by Decision 2001/596/EC of the European Commission the system 2+ of attestation of conformity applies. In addition, according to Decision 2001/596/EC of the European Commission the System 4 of attestation of conformity applies with regard to reaction to fire. The system of Attestation of Conformity specified by the European Commission is System 2+ as described in the Council Directive 89/106/EEC Annex III, 2 (i), First possibility, as follows: Declaration of Conformity of the product by the manufacturer on the basis of: a) Tasks of the manufacturer: 1. Initial type testing of the product 2. Factory Production Control, including testing of samples taken at the factory in accordance with a control plan8. b) Tasks of the Notified Body: 3. Certification of Factory Production Control on the basis of: - Initial inspection of the factory and of factory production control; - Continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of Factory Production Control. 3.2 Responsibilities 3.2.1 Tasks of the manufacturer Initial Type testing (system 2+) For Initial Type Testing, the results of the test performed as part of the assessment for this European Technical Approval shall be used unless there are changes in the production line or plant. In such cases, the necessary new initial type testing has to be agreed between ITCCNR and the Notified Body involved. These tests could be taken over by the Manufacturer for Declaration of Conformity. Factory production control The ETA Holder has a Factory Production Control system in his plant (manufacturing of the stair kits) and exercises permanent internal control of production, including testing samples in accordance with his control plan. For the components of “Pixima Ring”, “Pixima Ring Line”, “Pixima Cube”, “Pixima Cube Line”, “Arkè Klan”, “Arkè Kloè”, “Arkè Phoenix”, “Magia 70”, “Magia 70.Xtra”, “Reflex Lux T Tonda”, “Reflex Titan T Tonda”, “Reflex Lux Q Quadra”, “Reflex Titan Q Quadra, “Genius 010 T tonda”, “Genius 020 T tonda”, “Genius 030 T tonda”, “Genius 050 T tonda”, “Genius 060 T tonda”, “Genius 010 Q Quadra”, “Genius 020 Q Quadra”, “Genius 030 Q Quadra”, “Genius 050 Q Quadra”, “Genius 060 Q Quadra”, “Oak 70”, “Gus 010, Gus 020”, “Rex”, “Nice 1”, "Ago", "Nice Line" which the ETA Holder does not manufacture by himself, he makes sure that an appropriate Factory Production Control carried out by the other manufacturers guarantees the compliance of such components with the European Technical Approval. To this end: - he relies on national certification bodies, 8 The control plan has been deposited with ITC-CNR and is only made available to the Notified Bodies involved in the conformity attestation procedure. ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 9 of 27 - has specified through contracts with his suppliers the awaited characteristics, the controls and frequencies, and - he carries out controls on such components by himself. The control plan and the provisions taken by the ETA Holder for components not produced by himself have been agreed with the Approval Body and deposited with ITC-CNR where it is only made available to the Notified Body involved in the Conformity attestation procedure. Such control plan will be given to the Notified Body chosen by the ETA Holder to perform the duties laid down in the attestation of conformity. The manufacturer only uses raw materials supplied with the relevant inspection documents as laid down in the control plan. The incoming raw materials are subject to verifications by the manufacturer before acceptance. All the elements, requirements and provisions adopted by the manufacturer are documented in a systematic manner in the form of written processes and procedures. This production control system ensures that “Pixima Ring”, “Pixima Ring Line”, “Pixima Cube”, “Pixima Cube Line”, “Arkè Klan”, “Arkè Kloè”, “Arkè Phoenix”, “Magia 70”, “Magia 70.Xtra”, “Reflex Lux T Tonda”, “Reflex Titan T Tonda”, “Reflex Lux Q Quadra”, “Reflex Titan Q Quadra, “Genius 010 T tonda”, “Genius 020 T tonda”, “Genius 030 T tonda”, “Genius 050 T tonda”, “Genius 060 T tonda”, “Genius 010 Q Quadra”, “Genius 020 Q Quadra”, “Genius 030 Q Quadra”, “Genius 050 Q Quadra”, “Genius 060 Q Quadra”, “Oak 70”, “Gus 010, Gus 020”, “Rex”, “Nice 1”, "Ago", "Nice Line" and their components are in conformity with this European Technical Approval. The results of Factory Production Control are recorded and evaluated. The records include, among the others, the following information: - designation of the product, raw materials and components; - type of control or testing; - date of the product’s manufacture and date of testing of the product or raw materials and components; - results of controls and testing and, if appropriate, comparison with requirements; - signature of the person responsible for Factory Production Control. The records shall be presented to the inspection body during the continuous surveillance. They shall be presented to ITC-CNR on request. Details of the extent, nature and frequency of testing and controls to be performed within the Factory Production Control shall correspond to the control plan which is part of the technical documentation of this European Technical Approval. 3.2.2. Tasks of the Notified Bodies Initial inspection of factory and Factory Production Control The Notified Body shall ascertain that, in accordance with the control plan, the factory, in particular the staff and equipment, and the Factory Production Control are suitable to ensure a continuous and orderly manufacturing of the components according to the specifications given in clause 2 of this ETA. Continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of factory production control The Notified Body shall visit the factory at least once a year for surveillance purposes. It shall be verified that the system of Factory Production Control and the specified manufacturing process are maintained taking into account the deposited control plan. Continuous surveillance and assessment of Factory Production Control have to be performed in accordance with the control plan. During each visit, the Notified Body shall use an ad-hoc checklist and shall examine, among the others: - the control registers of raw materials, products in course of manufacture and finished products, - the documents attesting the application of the control frequencies. ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 10 of 27 - the conformity of the products subjected to this ETA. In cases where the provisions of the European Technical Approval and the control plan are no longer fulfilled, the conformity certificate shall be withdrawn. 3.3 CE Marking The CE Marking shall be affixed on the packaging or on accompanying commercial documents (DDT). The symbol «CE» shall be accompanied by the following information: - identification number of the Notified Body, - name or identifying mark of the ETA Holder and name of his manufacturing plant, - legal address of the ETA Holder, - the last two digits of the year in which the CE marking was affixed, - number of the EC Certificate of conformity, - number of this European Technical Approval, - name of the stair version (“Pixima Ring”, “Pixima Ring Line”, “Pixima Cube”, “Pixima Cube Line”, “Arkè Klan”, “Arkè Kloè”, “Arkè Phoenix”, “Magia 70”, “Magia 70.Xtra”, “Reflex Lux T Tonda”, “Reflex Titan T Tonda”, “Reflex Lux Q Quadra”, “Reflex Titan Q Quadra, “Genius 010 T tonda”, “Genius 020 T tonda”, “Genius 030 T tonda”, “Genius 050 T tonda”, “Genius 060 T tonda”, “Genius 010 Q Quadra”, “Genius 020 Q Quadra”, “Genius 030 Q Quadra”, “Genius 050 Q Quadra”, “Genius 060 Q Quadra”, “Oak 70”, “Gus 010, Gus 020”, “Rex”, “Nice 1”, "Ago", "Nice Line"), - ETAG 008-01, edition January 2002. 4. ASSUMPTIONS UNDER WHICH THE FITNESS OF THE PRODUCT FOR THE INTENDED USE WAS FAVOURABLY ASSESSED 4.1 Manufacturing Stairs “Pixima Ring”, “Pixima Ring Line”, “Pixima Cube”, “Pixima Cube Line”, “Arkè Klan”, “Arkè Kloè”, “Arkè Phoenix”, “Magia 70”, “Magia 70.Xtra”, “Reflex Lux T Tonda”, “Reflex Titan T Tonda”, “Reflex Lux Q Quadra”, “Reflex Titan Q Quadra, “Genius 010 T tonda”, “Genius 020 T tonda”, “Genius 030 T tonda”, “Genius 050 T tonda”, “Genius 060 T tonda”, “Genius 010 Q Quadra”, “Genius 020 Q Quadra”, “Genius 030 Q Quadra”, “Genius 050 Q Quadra”, “Genius 060 Q Quadra”, “Oak 70”, “Gus 010, Gus 020”, “Rex”, “Nice 1”, "Ago", "Nice Line" shall correspond, as far as their composition and manufacturing process are concerned, to the products subjected to the approval tests. The manufacturing process scheme is deposited with ITC-CNR. 4.2 Installation 4.2.1. General It is the responsibility of the ETA Holder to make sure that all persons concerned are appropriately informed about the specific design and installation conditions of the stair kits “Pixima Ring”, “Pixima Ring Line”, “Pixima Cube”, “Pixima Cube Line”, “Arkè Klan”, “Arkè Kloè”, “Arkè Phoenix”, “Magia 70”, “Magia 70.Xtra”, “Reflex Lux T Tonda”, “Reflex Titan T Tonda”, “Reflex Lux Q Quadra”, “Reflex Titan Q Quadra, “Genius 010 T tonda”, “Genius 020 T tonda”, “Genius 030 T tonda”, “Genius 050 T tonda”, “Genius 060 T tonda”, “Genius 010 Q Quadra”, “Genius 020 Q Quadra”, “Genius 030 Q Quadra”, “Genius 050 Q Quadra”, “Genius 060 Q Quadra”, “Oak 70”, “Gus 010, Gus 020”, “Rex”, “Nice 1”, "Ago", "Nice Line”. Such information can be given using reproductions of the respective parts of this European Technical Approval. Furthermore, all the data concerning the execution shall be clearly indicated on the packaging and/or on the enclosed instruction sheets using one or several illustrations. In any case, it is appropriate to comply with national regulations and particularly fire regulations. ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 11 of 27 5 RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Packaging, transport and storage The stair kits are placed into wood packaging boxes on which specific identification labels are affixed. The manufacturer takes measures to avoid damage during storage and transport, for instance by sticking warning signs such a “do not expose to water” or “handle with care” on the packaging boxes. 5.2 Maintenance and repair of the stair The first maintenance service is carried out after twelve months and consists in evaluating the fastening state of all the connecting screws of the different components. The stairs can be cleaned with a water-moist cloth or, if required, with a non-aggressive detergent. All cleaning tools that may cause wear on the surface of the components of the stair and all products containing abrasive agents and chemical solvents of any kind whatsoever, shall be avoided in any case. Any localised damage due to accidental actions shall be timely repaired. The original version is signed by Dr. Roberto Vinci (ITC Director) ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 12 of 27 Annex 1 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Wood spiral stairs Names, geometries and materials ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Annex 1 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 13 of 27 Annex 2 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps “Arkè Klan”, “Arkè Kloè”, “Arkè Phoenix”, “Reflex Lux T Tonda”, “Reflex Titan T Tonda”, “Genius 010 T tonda”, “Genius 020 T tonda”, “Genius 030 T tonda”, “Genius 050 T tonda”, “Genius 060 T tonda”, “Gus 010”, “Gus 020”, “Rex” Type and geometry of the stairs ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Annex 2 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 14 of 27 Annex 3 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps “Arkè Klan”, “Arkè Kloè”, “Arkè Phoenix”, “Reflex Lux T Tonda”, “Reflex Titan T Tonda”, “Genius 010 T tonda”, “Genius 020 T tonda”, “Genius 030 T tonda”, “Genius 050 T tonda”, “Genius 060 T tonda”, “Gus 010”, “Gus 020”, “Rex” Stairs plan ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Annex 3 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 15 of 27 Annex 4 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps “Magia 70”, “Magia 70.Xtra”, “Oak 70” ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Annex 4 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 16 of 27 Annex 5 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps “Pixima Ring”, “Pixima Ring Line” Type and geometry of the stairs ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Annex 5 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 17 of 27 Annex 6 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps “Pixima Ring”, “Pixima Ring Line” Stairs plan ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Annex 6 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 18 of 27 Annex 7 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps “Pixima Cube”, “Pixima Cube Line”, “Reflex Lux Q Quadra”, “Reflex Titan Q Quadra, “Genius 010 Q Quadra”, “Genius 020 Q Quadra”, “Genius 030 Q Quadra”, “Genius 050 Q Quadra”, “Genius 060 Q Quadra”, Type and geometry of the stairs ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Annex 7 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 19 of 27 Annex 8 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps “Pixima Cube”, “Pixima Cube Line”, “Reflex Quadra”, “Reflex Titan Q Quadra, “Genius Quadra”, “Genius 020 Q Quadra”, “Genius Quadra”, “Genius 050 Q Quadra”, “Genius Quadra” Type of step and plans ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Lux 010 030 060 Q Q Q Q Annex 8 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 20 of 27 Annex 9 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps “Nice Line”, “Nice 1”, “Ago” Type and geometry of the stairs ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Annex 9 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 21 of 27 Annex 10 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Landing step Riser bars Wall anchor Wood spiral stairs Stairs accessories (details) ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Annex 10 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 22 of 27 TIPO Annex 11 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Plywood (Betulla) spessore 34mm SWP (Faggio) spessore 42 mm per scala a pianta rotonda - con fori per paletti SWP (Faggio) spessore 42 mm per scala a pianta rotonda - senza fori per paletti SWP (Faggio) spessore 42 mm per scala a pianta quadrata - 1 gradino triangolare e 1 gradino trapezoidale d'angolo SWP (Rovere) spessore 44 mm per scala a pianta rotonda - - senza fori per paletti Plywood (Betulla) Plywood (Betulla) SWP (Faggio) SWP (Faggio) SWP (Faggio) SWP (Rovere) Spessore 44mm Spessore 34mm Spessore 42mm Spessore 42mm Spessore 42mm Spessore 44mm NICE 1 AGO NICE LINE Klan Phoenix Kloè Genius 010 T Tonda Genius 020 T Tonda Genius 030 T Tonda Genius 050 T Tonda Genius 060 T Tonda Gus 010 Gus 020 Rex Reflex Lux T Tonda Reflex Titan T Tonda Ring Line Ring Cube Line Cube Genius 010 Q Quadra Genius 020 Q Quadra Genius 030 Q Quadra Genius 050 Q Quadra Genius 060 Q Quadra Reflex Lux Q Quadra Reflex Titan Q Quadra Oak 70 Magia 70 DISTANZIALE IN PA66 DISTANZIALE IN PC DISTANZIALE IN ABS SCALE DOVE VIENE INSTALLATA FIGURA TIPO SCALE DOVE VIENE INSTALLATA DIMENSION MATERIALE I FIGURA Plywood (Betulla) spessore 44mm Ring Line Ring Cube Line Cube Magia 70.Xtra Magia 70 Oak 70 NICE 1 AGO NICE LINE Genius 010 T Tonda Genius 020 T Tonda Genius 030 T Tonda Genius 050 T Tonda Genius 060 T Tonda Genius 010 Q Quadra Genius 020 Q Quadra Genius 030 Q Quadra Genius 050 Q Quadra Genius 060 Q Quadra Gus 010 Gus 020 Rex Reflex Lux T Tonda Reflex Titan T Tonda Reflex Lux Q Quadra Reflex Titan Q Quadra Wood spiral stairs Types of step and spacers depending on the stair ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Klan Phoenix Kloè Annex 11 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 23 of 27 Types of step and spacers depending on the stair ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps TIPO FIGURA MATERIALI E DIMENSIONI Wood spiral stairs SCALE DOVE VIENE INSTALLATA A) Paletti in acciaio 20x1,5mm verniciati a polvere Oak 70 NICE 1 polvere Ring Cube Klan Phoenix Magia 70 Genius 030 T Tonda Genius 030 Q Quadra AGO Solo paletti A) Paletti in acciaio 20x2mm verniciati a Solo paletti verniciati a Gus 020 Genius 020 T Tonda Genius 020 Q Quadra polvere ? 20x20x2mm A) Paletti in acciaio Solo paletti Ring Line Cube Line Rex polvere , B) 7 cavi in acciaio inox A) Paletti in acciaio 27x2,5mm verniciati a Paletti 7 cavi A) Paletti in acciaio 27x2,5 mm verniciati a Paletti 5 cavi Reflex Lux T Tonda Reflex Titan T Tonda Reflex Lux Q Quadra Reflex Titan Q Quadra Kloè Genius 010 T Tonda Genius 050 T Tonda Genius 060 T Tonda Genius 010 Q Quadra Genius 050 Q Quadra Genius 060 Q Quadra Gus 010 NICE LINE polvere , polvere , B) 7 tondini in acciaio inox B) 5 cavi in acciaio inox A) Paletti in acciaio 27x2,5mm verniciati a Paletti 7 tondini Magia 70.Xtra polvere , B) 5 tubi in PVC A) Paletti in acciaio 20x2mm verniciati a Paletti 5 tubi PVC Annex 12 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Annex 12 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 24 of 27 TIPO Annex 13 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps CORRIMANO IN LEGNO CORRIMANO IN PVC CON ANIMA IN ALLUMINIO SCALE DOVE VIENE INSTALLATA DIMENSION MATERIALE I FIGURA CORRIMANO PVC PVC Estruso Solid wood (faggio) PVC con anima di alluminio 50x36x4 mm 48 mm 44 mm NICE 1 AGO NICE LINE Genius 010 T Tonda Genius 020 T Tonda Genius 030 T Tonda Genius 050 T Tonda Genius 060 T Tonda Genius 010 Q Quadra Genius 020 Q Quadra Genius 030 Q Quadra Genius 050 Q Quadra Genius 060 Q Quadra Gus 010 Gus 020 Rex Reflex Lux T Tonda Reflex Titan T Tonda Ring Line Ring Cube Line Cube Klan Phoenix Kloè Magia 70.Xtra Magia 70 Oak 70 6 mm phenolic sides SHIPPING LABEL Wood spiral stairs Types of handrail and shipping package ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Annex 13 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 25 of 27 Annex 14 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Dimension Diameter of the stair Unit of measurement [mm] Height between floors Number of risers Riser Length of the step Tread width Thickness of the wood step Diameter of central tie-rod Thickness of central tie-rod Height of the handrail Outer diameter of the balusters [mm] [n] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] Outer diameter of the handrail [mm] [mm] Value From 1100 to 1600 (See Annex 1) Up to 3760 Up to 16 Up to 235 From 490 to 740 Up to 350 See Annex 1 60 4 900 ÷ 1050 Ø 20, Ø 27, □ 20x20 (See Annex 1) □ = 50 x 36 x 4 , Ø = 44 (See Annex 1) Components Materials Type Mechanical characteristics Structure: central tie-rod and balusters Steel S235 JR EN 10025 ftk = 360 N/mm² Steps Wood Laminated beech wood Multi-layer birch wood Nuts and bolts Steel Class 8.8 PA 66 PC Spacers Polyamide Polycarbonate Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene ftk = 30 N/mm² ftk = 30 N/mm² ft.k = 800 N/mm² fv,k = 640 N/mm² fd,N = 560 N/mm² fd,V = 396 N/mm² fyk ≥ 50 N/mm² fyk ≥ 55 N/mm² ABS fyk ≥ 45 N/mm² Wood spiral stairs Geometry and materials of the stairs ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Annex 14 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps page 26 of 27 Annex 15 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Load-bearing capacity at ultimate limit state - Characteristic values of resistance Rk Characteristic values Component of Load Coefficients of resistance stair Steps Steps SWP Vertical variable evenly distributed load qRk = > 4,78 Vertical variable single point load QRk = > 4,55 [kN/m²] γQ = 1,5 γw = 1,5 [kN] plywood γp = 2,0 3,94 Horizontal variable evenly distributed load Handrail γs = 1,1 hRk = NPD [kN/m] Proof of ultimate limit state is only given if the design value of the loads(Fd) does not exceed the design value of the resistance (Rd): Fd ≤ Rd with Fd = Fk ⋅ γQ and Rd = Rk / γs γs = partial safety factor of steel γw = partial safety factor of wood γp = partial safety factor of polymers γQ = partial safety factor taking account of the model's uncertainties and dimensional variations (Appendix A of standard CEN/TS 15680:2007) Fk = characteristic values in accordance with Eurocode EN 1991-1-1:2002 for Category A residential buildings. Load-bearing capacity at serviceability limit state - Deflections under loading Deflection of the steps under evenly distributed load Load Fs qs = 2,00 [kN/m²] (1) Length of the stair's middle line l= Length [mm] Deflection (w) under load Fs related to the stair's middle line w≤ l/200 [-] Qs = 2,00 [kN] Deflection of the step under single point load Load Fs Clear width of the stair l= Width (1) [mm] Deflection (w) under load Fs w≤ l/100 [-] Proof of serviceability limit state is only given if the design value of the loads (Fk) does not exceed the values (Fs): Fk ≤ Fs (1) dimension depending on the type of stair Load-bearing capacity – Admissible loads Minimum value from proof of ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state Vertical variable evenly distributed load q= 2.00 [kN/m²] Vertical variable single point load Q= 2.00 [kN] Horizontal variable evenly distributed load hs = NPD [kN/m] Admissible loads = min [Rk / (γs ⋅ γQ) , Fs] Wood spiral stairs Load-bearing capacity ETA 13/0373 Prefabricated spiral stair kit with wood steps Annex 15 of European Technical Approval 13/0373: Wood spiral stairs page 27 of 27