CITY OF ROCKPORT AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 11, 2007 Rockport City Hall, 622 East Market Street NOTICE is hereby given that the Rockport City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. at the Rockport City Hall, 622 E. Market, Rockport, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed to wit: I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD - “At this time, comments will be taken from the audience on any subject matter that is not on the agenda. To address the Council, please sign the Speaker’s Card located on the table outside the Council Chamber and deliver to the City Secretary before the meeting begins. In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Council may not discuss or take action on any item which has not been posted on the agenda.” IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS – City of Rockport will hold the following Public Hearings: 1. Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget presentation pursuant to Article 7 “Municipal Finance” of the Home Rule Charter. This budget will raise more total property taxes than last year’s budget by $648,587.00, and of that amount $72,063.24 is tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year. The purpose of this meeting is to allow citizens an opportunity to be heard, either for or against any item of the proposed budget. 2. Proposal to Increase Total Tax Revenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding tax year by 25.19 percent (percentage by which proposed tax rate exceeds lower of rollback tax rate or effective tax calculated under Chapter 26, Tax Code). Your individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property and the tax rate that is adopted. V. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING – The Rockport City Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a Joint Public Hearing to consider a Zoning & Land Development Application from Isabelle Templeton and Ted Fowler, P.O. Box 2341, Rockport, TX, for a zoning change to property, located at 630 Sunset Drive, Rockport, Texas, from R-1 (1st Single-Family Dwelling District) to a PUD single-family residential district. Legal description: 8.223 Acres out of Tracts 35 & 55, Aransas Pass Colonization Subdivision, City of Rockport, Aransas County, Texas. Reason for request: Development of a residential subdivision. Rockport City Council September 11, 2007 City Council Agenda Page 1 of 5 Pages VI. CONSENT AGENDA - “All consent agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda”. A. Deliberate and take action to approve the Tuesday, August 28, 2007 City Council Workshop Meeting Minutes as presented. B. Deliberate and take action to approve the Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes as presented. C. Deliberate and take action to approve the Tuesday, September 4, 2007 Special City Council Meeting Minutes as presented. D. Deliberate and take action to approve request from Rita Martinez to place “Spirit Signs” from Rockport-Fulton High School along Enterprise Boulevard to the intersection of Pearl Street, and from Pearl Street to Hwy 35 Relief Bypass beginning Thursday, September 13 and ending November 9, 2007. E. Deliberate and take action on request from Paul & Sermsri Bleicher, dba Seaside Brass & Wood, 508 S. Austin Street, to place a temporary 40” x 90” sign on their property announcing 16th Anniversary Celebration beginning September 12, 2007 with removal on October 15, 2007. F. Deliberate and take action on request from 2007 Hummer/Bird Celebration for temporary directional sign at the following locations from September 12 to September 17: 1) Blue Marlin Car Wash, 1716 Hwy 35-Business; 2) Pearl Street exit at the intersection with Hwy 35 Relief Bypass – SE corner; 3) FM 3036 and Hwy 35-Business intersection – SE corner; 4) Intersection of Pearl Street and Enterprise Boulevard adjacent to Memorial Park; 5) Intersection of Jenkins Street and Enterprise Boulevard; 6) 1st Victoria Bank, 1629 Hwy 35; and 7) Triangle south of McDonalds Restaurant, 1302 N. Hwy 35. G. Deliberate and take action on request from 2007 Seafair Land Parade Chairman Rose Marie Mauzy for the following action items needed in conjunction with Seafair Parade scheduled for Saturday, October 6, 2007: 1) Parade line-up from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. the closing of S. Live Oak Street at the intersection of Market Street south; 2) Parade route – 10:00 a.m. parade begins at Market Street at the intersection of Live Oak, east to Austin Street, down S. Austin Street to Concho Street VII. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A. Deliberate and take action on first reading of Ordinance No. 1402, An Ordinance Amending Rockport City Council September 11, 2007 City Council Agenda Page 2 of 5 Pages the City of Rockport Code of Ordinances, Chapter 22 “Building and Building Regulations” by Adding Therein a New Section in Article III “Building/Residential Codes” Pertaining To Policing Of Construction Sites During Construction; Repealing all Prior Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; and Providing for Publication and an Effective Date. B. Deliberate and take action on first reading of Ordinance No. 1403, An Ordinance Amending the City of Rockport Code of Ordinances, Chapter 110 “Vehicles For Hire” Article II “Taxicabs”, Section 110-27, Sub-Paragraph (b) Pertaining to Insurance Requirements; Repealing all Prior Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; and Providing for Publication and an Effective Date. C. Deliberate and take action to approve Resolution No. 07-19, A Resolution of the City of Rockport, Texas Adopting a New Employee Grade Schedule Effective Fiscal Year 20072008; Repealing the Grade System Previously Adopted With Resolution No. 04-12 Adopted July 27, 2004; and Finding and Determining That the Meeting at Which This Resolution is Adopted Was Open to the Public, That the Public Notice of Time, Place, and the Subject Matter of the Public Business to be Considered was Posted as Required by Law, Including This Resolution. D. Deliberate and take action to enter into Second Amendment to Agreement Pertaining to Area One between the City of Rockport, Heritage Hotels Rockport, LLC, TRV Development LTD, and Dorothy LeBlanc with said Agreement pertaining to sewer capacity acquired by the Baker Development Company in document recorded under Clerk’s File No. 146611 and No. 236807. E. Deliberate and take action on Project No. UE 1560.A4.05 Linden Area Water Grant Improvements, TCDP Contract No. 725739 Change Order No. 2 a decrease of $27,646.60. F. Deliberate and take action on second reading of Ordinance No. 1401, An Ordinance of the City of Rockport, Texas Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rockport by Updating References to Laws and Statutes Now Codified in Vernons Texas Codes Annotated; Adding to Chapter 66 “Offenses And Miscellaneous Provisions” A New Article III. “Prepayment For Gasoline And Diesel Fuel” to Prohibit an Owner, Employee, or Manager/Supervisor of a Retail Fuel Business From Activating a Pumping Device to Dispense Gasoline or Diesel Fuel From a Pumping Device Without Receiving Prepayment for Such Gasoline or Diesel Fuel; Providing a Penalty Not to Exceed $500 for Violations; Providing a Defense; Providing That This Ordinance Shall be Cumulative; Providing a Severability Clause; Providing a Savings Clause; Providing For Publication; and Providing an Effective Date. G. Deliberate and take action on proposed Facility License Agreement with the RockportFulton Youth Football League for use of Memorial Park Senior Baseball Field Outfield and field lights as follows: 1. exclusive use beginning October 1, 2007 through November 16, 2007 - Monday through Friday; 2. exclusive use from sunset until 8:30 p.m. for team practices; Rockport City Council September 11, 2007 City Council Agenda Page 3 of 5 Pages 3. field use fee of $1,750; and 4. light use fee of $10 per hour. H. Deliberate and take action on proposed Individual Service Contract for Aquatics Exercise Classes with Cathy McCormack for a period of 6-months beginning October 2 for 50% of class revenue. VIII. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL & STAFF - “At this time, the City Council will report/update on all committee assignments which may include, but is not limited to the following: Community Park Committee, Park & Leisure Advisory Board, Chamber of Commerce, Coastal Bend Council of Governments, Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries, Texas Maritime Museum, Fulton Mansion, Rockport Center for the Arts, Coastal Celebration of Lights, and Texas Municipal League. Staff reports include the following: Building & Development – Bi-Weekly Code Enforcement, Proposed Development Report; Accounting & Finance – Financial & Investment Information, Monthly Financial Reports; Police Department – Grant Update, Quarterly Police Reports; Public WorksBuilding Maintenance, Construction Updates; Park & Leisure Services - grant(s) update, miscellaneous park projects, Beach Drainage; Administration –Meeting Schedule, Interlocal Agreements, Public Information, Hotel Occupancy Report. No formal action can be taken on these items at this time.” IX. CLOSED SESSION – The City Council will now hold a closed executive meeting pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 Texas Government Code, in accordance with the authority contained in the following: Section 551. 072: To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property; and Section 551.071(a): To consult with attorney on pending or contemplated litigation Aransas County Navigation District No. 1 vs City of Rockport X. OPEN SESSION - The City Council will now convene into open session pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 551 Texas Government Code, in accordance with the authority contained in the following: Section 551. 072: To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property; and Section 551.071(a): To consult with attorney on pending or contemplated litigation Aransas County Navigation District No. 1 vs City of Rockport XI. ADJOURNMENT NOTICE This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary’s office at 361/729-2213 ext. 138 or FAX 361/790-5966 or E-Mail for further information. Braille Is Not Available. The City of Rockport reserves the right to convene into Closed Session under Government Code 551.071-551.074 and 551-086. Rockport City Council September 11, 2007 City Council Agenda Page 4 of 5 Pages CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at City Hall, 622 E. Market Street, Rockport, Texas on Friday, September 7, 2007 at 12:30 p.m. and on the City’s webpage at I further certify that the following News Media were properly notified of this meeting as stated above: The Rockport Pilot, Coastal Bend Herald, and Corpus Christi Caller Times. Irma Parker, City Secretary I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by the City Council was removed by me from the bulletin board at City on the day of 2007. Title: Rockport City Council September 11, 2007 City Council Agenda Page 5 of 5 Pages PUBLIC HEARING This budget will raise more total property taxes than last year’s budget by $648,587.00, and of that amount $72,063.24 is tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year. Required notice pursuant to (H.B. 3195) § 102.005 LGC, Subsection (b) NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Rockport will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. at the Rockport City Hall, 622 E. Market Street, Rockport, Texas pursuant to Article 7 “Municipal Finance” of the Home Rule Charter. The purpose of this meeting is to allow citizens an opportunity to be heard, either for or against any item of the proposed budget. Copies of the City of Rockport’s Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget and Budget Message will be available for inspection by the public in the Office of the City Secretary, 622 E. Market Street, during regular business hours Monday through Friday, beginning Friday, August 24, 2007. The City Council may adopt the budget with or without amendment by ordinance on one (1) reading. The proposed Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget will be submitted for adoption at the regular City Council Meeting of Tuesday, September 25, 2007. The City encourages citizens to participate and to make their views known at this public hearing. Citizens unable to attend this meeting may submit their written comments to Thomas J. Blazek, City Manager, 622 E. Market Street, Rockport, TX 78382 or email at For further information on the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget, please contact the Finance Department at 361-729-2213 ext. 126 or email at This facility and parking spaces are wheelchair accessible. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting by contacting the Office of the City Secretary at 361/729-2213 ext 138 or email at Braille is not available. POSTED this the 17th day of August 2007 in the City of Rockport City Hall, 622 E. Market Street, Rockport, Texas 78382 and on the City’s webpage at TIME: 6:00 p.m. PUBLISHED in the Rockport Pilot on Wednesday, August 22, 2006. CITY OF ROCKPORT Irma G. Parker, City Secretary Public Hearing - 2007-2008 Budget.doc Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase The City of Rockport will hold a public hearing on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding tax year by 25.19 percent (percentage by which proposed tax rate exceeds lower of rollback tax rate or effective tax calculated under Chapter 26, Tax Code). Your individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property and the tax rate that is adopted. The public hearing will be held on September 4, 2007 at 6:30 PM and September 11, 2007 at 6:30 PM at Rockport City Hall, Council Chambers, 622 E. Market St., Rockport, TX 78382. The members of the governing body voted on the proposal to consider the tax increase as follows: Mayor Pearson Mayor Pro-Tem Reilly FOR: Councilman Fisher Councilman Villa Councilman Beattie AGAINST: None PRESENT and not voting: ABSENT: None None Comparison of Proposed Budget with Last Year's Budget The applicable percentage increase or decrease (or difference) in the amount budgeted in the preceding fiscal year and the amount budgeted for the fiscal year that begins during the current tax year is indicated for each of the following expenditure categories: 8.70% increase Maintenance and operations 107.57% increase Debt service 20.56% increase Total expenditures Total Appraised Value and Total Taxable Value as calculated under section 26.04, Tax Code Preceding Tax Year Current Tax Year Total appraised value* of all property Total appraised value* of new property** Total taxable value*** of all property Total taxable value*** of new property** $1,307,419,505 $57,634,827 $1,144,303,146 $22,928,978 $1,460,986,033 $162,271,110 $1,288,060,950 $25,829,118 Bonded Indebtedness Total amount of outstanding and unpaid bonded indebtedness $34,525,000 Tax Rates $0.244300 Adopted tax rate for the preceding tax year $0.279000 Proposed tax rate for the current tax year $0.034700 Difference in the proposed tax rate and the adopted tax rate for the preceding tax year 14.20 % Percentage increase or decrease in the proposed tax rate and the adopted tax rate for the preceding tax year These tax rate figures are not adjusted for changes in the taxable value of property. per $100 in value per $100 in value per $100 in value Increase Comparison of Residence Homestead Values Average appraised and taxable values on residence homesteads are compared from the preceding tax year and the current Preceding Tax Year Current Tax Year $192,896 $209,916 Average residence homestead appraised value $5,000 $5,000 Homestead exemption amount for the taxing unit (excluding special exemptions for persons 65 years of age or older or disabled) $187,896 $204,916 Average taxable value of a residence homestead (excluding special exemptions for persons 65 years of age or older or disabled) Comparison of Residence Homestead Taxes The taxes that would have been imposed in the preceding tax year on a residence homestead at the average appraised value (excluding special exemptions for persons 65 years of age or older or disabled) are estimated to be $459.03. The taxes that would be imposed in the current tax year on a residence homestead appraised at the average appraised value in the current tax year (excluding special exemptions for persons 65 years of age or older or disabled), if the proposed tax rate is adopted, are estimated to be $571.72. The difference between the amount of taxes on the average residence homestead in the current tax year, if the proposed tax rate is adopted, and the preceding tax year would be an increase of $112.69 in taxes. * "Appraised value" is the amount shown on the appraisal roll and defined by Section 1.04(8), Tax Code. ** "New property" is defined by Section 26.012(17), Tax Code. *** "Taxable value" is defined by Section 1.04(10), Tax Code. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that the Rockport City Council and the Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a Joint Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at 6:30 p.m., Rockport City Hall, 622 E. Market, Rockport, Texas, to consider a Zoning & Land Development Application from Isabelle Templeton and Ted Fowler, P.O. Box 2341, Rockport, TX, for a zoning change to property, located at 630 Sunset Drive, Rockport, Texas, from R-1 (1st SingleFamily Dwelling District) to a PUD single-family residential district. Legal description: 8.223 Acres out of Tracts 35 & 55, Aransas Pass Colonization Subdivision, City of Rockport, Aransas County, Texas. Reason for request: Development of a residential subdivision. The City encourages citizens to participate and make their views known at this Public Hearing. For further information on this request please contact the Building Department at (361) 7901155. This facility is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Secretary’s office at (361) 729-2213 ext. 138 or FAX 361/7905966 or e-mail for further information. Braille is not available. POSTED this the 17th day of AUGUST, 2007 on the bulletin boards at Rockport City Hall, 622 E. Market Street and Rockport City Hall Annex, 621 E. Market Street, Rockport, Texas and on the webpage TIME: 8:00 a.m. PUBLISHED in The Rockport Pilot in the Saturday, August 25, 2007 Edition. NOTIFICATION sent to affected property owners in accordance with Local Government Code § 211.006 on Friday, August 24, 2007. CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS Irma G. Parker, City Secretary Public Hearing - Jt. Cottage Lake.doc CITY OF ROCKPORT BY: ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: REQUESTING: PLEASE FILL OUT COMPLETELY. IF MORE SPACE IS NEEDED, ArrACH ADDITIONAL PAGES. REZONING SPECIAL PERMIT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (P.U.D.) BY SPECIAL PERMIT ADDRESS AND LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 630 SUNSET DRIVE CURRENT ZONING OF PROPERTY: R-1 PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: RAW ACREAGE ZONING DISTRICT REQUESTED: P.U.D. SPECIAL USE REQUESTED: P.U.D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (FIU IN THE ONE THAT APPUES) ACREAGE TRAa SEE AllACHED FIELD NOTES AND PRELIMINARY PLAT (SUBMIT SURVEY AS PER METES AND BOUNDS AND/OR FIELD NOTES) LOT(S): TRACTS 35 AND 55 BLOCK: NIA SUBDIVISION: ARANSAS PASS COLONIZATION COMPANY SUBDIVISION (SEE AllACHED PLAT) (AS PLAllED AND RECORDED IN THE PLAT RECORDS OF ARANSAS COUNN, T W . (SUBMIT COPY OF PLAT) NAME OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: (IF APPUCABLE) COllAGE LAKE ESTATES REASON FOR REQUEST AND DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT: ( P W E BE SPECIFIC) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: (PLEASE PRINT) OWNER'S NAME: ISABELLE TEMPLETON AND TED FOWLER ADDRESS: P. 0. BOX 2341 CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: ROCKPORT, TEMS 78381 ISABELLE TEMPLETON (463-6 104) CELL: TED FOWLER (463-6 544) E-MAIL ADDRESS: UNKNOWN REPRESENTATIVE: (IF OTHER THAN OWNER REPRESENTATIVE NAME: N/A ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE: PHONE NO(S): NOTE: DO YOU HAVE PROPERTY OWNER'S PERMISSION FOR THIS REQUEST? YES - NO FlUNG FEE: REZONING................................................. PLANNED UNIT DWELOPMENT............................ P,U.D. REVISION......................................... SPECIAL PERMIT......................................... $1 50.00 + $10.00 PER ACRE $200.00 + $10.00 PER ACRE $200.00 + $10.00 PER ACRE $150.00 + $10.00 PER ACRE (MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO THE ClTY OF ROCKPORT) SUBMIT APPUCATION AND FlUNG FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUIIDIWG & DEVELOPMENT, CITY OF ROCKPORT, 621 EAST MARKET STREET, P. 0. BOX SIGNED: (OWNER OR REPRESENTATIVE) FOR ClTY USE RECEIVED BY: FEES PAID $ SUBMlllED INFORMATION: BY: IF REJECTED, REASON WHY: RECEIPT NO. ACCEPTED REJECTED Smooth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5 1 6 0 ~ P 0 BOX 234 1 ROCKPORT, TX 78381-2341 HORTENSIA MCCLEES P 0 BOX 2292 FULTON, TX 78358-2292 GREGORY J KANNING & MICHAEL J ZEZULA 14006 OLD TREE SAN ANTONIO, TX 78247-384 1 C V BURGES P 0 BOX 2259 FULTON, TX 78358-2259 TONY DOMINGUEZ 1 1 16 NORTH PEARL ROCKPORT, TX 78382-4323 GERALD R ETUX JO A PERCIVAL 208 W WALNUT BLUE SPRINGS, MO 64014 SHIRLEY A OLIVER P 0 BOX 1492 ROCKPORT, TX 7838 1-1492 JOHN T COLLIE 2555 N REPSDORPH RD #336 SEABROOK, TX 77586-6521 FELIPE B ETUX RODRIGUEZ 649 SUNSET DR ROCKPORT, TX 78382-7056 WILLLAM D HAWES, SR 645 SUNSET DR ROCKPORT, TX 78382-7056 WILLIAM D HAWES, JR 645 SUNSET DR ROCKPORT, TX 78382-7056 EDWARD A ETUX ALICE BRENNAN 641 SUNSET DR ROCKPORT, TX 78382-7056 STEVE JURESKI 635 SUNSET DR ROCKPORT, TX 78382-7056 ANDREW J BOYLS 3321 LAGUNA SHORES RD CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78418 KLUGE FAMILY PROPERTIES LTD P 0 BOX 2323 ROCKPORT, TX 78381-2323 TEXAZCONSTRUCTION LLC JIMMY R ETUX CLARK P 0 BOX 442 ROCKPORT, TX 7838 1-0442 ~ A V E W @ J Address Labels Laser 5160~ Ilk- L -- *- ALL STR- AW SW WIDE PUlLlO R0mW.S IfB~MffTWlSOYOS yIRII~yL(-nacppm~ mv~~.yIRIIKullPl,TOUl mw~ml&sUT~cf~amN,ma. mWPlwJOHIISM19DIYvY*murw ~ccum,m CITY OF ROCKPORT MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Rockport City Hall, 622 East Market Street On this the 28th day of August 2007 the City Council of the City of Rockport, Aransas County, Texas convened in a Workshop Session at 3:00 p.m., at the regular meeting place in City Hall, and notice of meeting giving time, place, date and subject having been posted as described in V.T.C.A., Government Code § 551.041. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Todd W. Pearson Mayor Pro-Tem Frank Reilly, Ward 3 Council Member Bill Fisher, Ward 1 Council Member Jerry Beattie, Ward 4 CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT Council Member Leo Villa, Ward 2 STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT City Manager Thomas J. Blazek City Secretary Irma G. Parker Public Works Director Billy Dick Parks & Leisure Services Director Tom Staley Police Chief Tim Jayroe STAFF MEMBERS ABSENT City Attorney Bill Walston Building/Development Director Mike Henry Finance Director Jacky Cockerham EMPLOYEES PRESENT Building Inspector Gary Payne IT Manager Brian Jacobs BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBERS None ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT Mayor Russel Cole, Town of Fulton TOTAL VISITORS IN AUDIENCE: 4 I. CALL TO ORDER - With a quorum of the Council Members present, the Workshop Meeting of the Rockport City Council was called to order by Mayor Pearson at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 28, 2007 in the Council Chambers of the Rockport City Hall, 622 E. Market Street, Rockport, Texas. II. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A. Presentation and general discussion regarding payment of Fulton Capital Recovery Fee. PRESENTATION – City Manager Thomas J. Blazek: In May, Fulton passed a Resolution where they “agree to a total capital recovery fee of $324,633.50, to be paid to the City of Rockport in Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 Workshop Minutes Page 1 of 5 Pages monthly payments over a period of ten (10) years at an interest rate of 5.5%.” A copy of said Resolution was presented for Council information. Neither the City Council nor the Staff had any input into determining the interest rate. At the January 6, 2007 meeting, the statement was made that “ten years is probably acceptable.” Under the Rockport-Fulton Sewer Agreement, Fulton has the option of making a one-time payment, monthly payments or a Capital Recovery Fee based on metered usage. At the January 6 meeting, Fulton wished to replace the Capital Recovery Fee with an Impact Fee payable by new customers added to the Fulton Sewer System. To this end, both Rockport and Fulton approved an amendment to the Rockport-Fulton Sewer Agreement in late January. Had Fulton chosen to make a one-time payment, Rockport would invest that money in TexPool. The interest rate proposed by Fulton is above the current interest rate for TexPool (July 2007: 5.2760%). Rockport should not be charging an interest rate more than it earns on its investments. However, should interest rates rise, the 5.5% offered would not longer look “generous.” Recommend the interest rate on the monthly repayment of the Fulton Capital Recovery Fee be “adjustable,” based on the monthly average paid by TexPool. A short discussion followed. COUNCIL DIRECTIVE: Contract to be presented for future action by the City Council to include: (1) payment of $324,633.50 paid over ten (10) years; (2) interest rate determined by the average yearly interest rate paid by TexPool to the City for their investments; (3) variable interest rate - interest rate to be reviewed annually (February of each year) with interest rate amended, increased or decreased, as needed; (3) 2006 average interest rate for first contract to be 5.2760% which is the average current interest rate for TexPool. B. Presentation and general discussion of a new Rockport-Fulton Sewer Agreement. PRESENTATION – City Manager Thomas J. Blazek: One outcome of the January 6, 2007 meeting between Rockport and Fulton was the recognition of the need for a new Rockport-Fulton Sewer Agreement as the one entered into on August 6, 1987 had a term of 20 years, with no provisions renewals. Prior to the August 5, 2007 termination, both Rockport and Fulton mutually extended the Agreement until September 30, 2007. The proposed Rockport-Fulton Sewer Agreement to become effective October 1, 2007 for a term of ten (10) years (with the option of additional 10 year renewals thereby avoiding a date-certain termination) was presented. A copy of this proposed Agreement was provided to the Town of Fulton at a meeting held on July 27, 2007. A short discussion followed. COUNCIL DIRECTIVE: Amended contract to be presented for Council action. C. Presentation and general discussion of the proposed Pro-Rata Agreement from VillageBy- The-Bay Subdivision to allow developer to recoup the costs of improvements made to lift station capacity and gravity trunk system. PRESENTATION – City Manager Thomas J. Blazek: Rockport Area Development, Inc. has a proposed subdivision in South Rockport, named Village by the Bay. In order to serve the new subdivision, the First Street lift station will need to be rebuilt to create additional capacity. This increased capacity will serve the new development, as well as create excess capacity for the future. Included in the subdivision design is a gravity trunk line that could also serve outside the Village By the Bay Subdivision boundaries. At the request of the developer, Urban Engineering has created a pro-rata agreement which would allow the developer to recoup the cost of excess lift station capacity and oversize over depth of the gravity trunk system. Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 Workshop Minutes Page 2 of 5 Pages Mr. Chip Urban was present to discuss the proposed pro-rata agreement. Rockport Area Development’s proposal for a tap lien agreement to offset the additional cost of deeper lines and lift station improvements being constructed for Village by the Bay that will benefit other property owners in the First Street Lift Station service area. The developer is being required to build a new lift station since the existing one is at capacity. The lift station improvements are estimated to cost $301,000. The new lift station is designed to accommodate the entire service area. Developer proposes that any new taps on undeveloped property within the service area should pay a fee to be received by the developer in the amount of $767per living unit or $1,670 per acre, whichever is higher. A spreadsheet was presented to show the breakdown for estimating the fee. In the event that a development outside the service area pumps into the First Street Lift Station system and consumes lift station capacity provided by Rockport Area Development then the developer pumping through the First Street Lift Station shall pay Rockport Area Development based on the capacity used. The cost for the lift station has been determined to be $433 per gallon per minute. Second, collection lines were installed larger and deeper than necessary to provide service beyond the Village by the Bay development. The additional cost for these lines should be compensated through the tap fee also. These fees would be based on the cost of the line per service or area sewed. Any connections onto or upstream of “Line A” as shown in the attached exhibit should be assessed a tap fee of $222 per living unit or $1,109 per acre, whichever is higher Connections to “Line B” should be assessed a tap fee of $1,183 per living unit or $5,917 per acre, whichever is higher. The Developer has requested that the higher of the two fees be applied to avoid the following scenarios: 1. A developer platting several acres with a single house would not be paying fair compensation to Rockport Area Development if he was allowed to only pay a tap fee for one living unit. 2. There would also be inequitable compensation If a developer received a zoning change to build high density multifamily units higher than the estimated 5 units per acre and paid on a per acre basis. Mr. Urban stated they have attempted to create a fair and equitable cost sharing of the public improvements. The fees above were calculated using bids taken for the project in October 2006. If requested, the fees may be recalculated using actual construction costs once a construction contract has been executed. A short discussion followed. COUNCIL DIRECTIVE: An ordinance adopting a pro-rata agreement with the Development will be presented for Council action. D. Presentation of proposed amendment to Code of Ordinances Chapter 22 “Building & Building Regulations” Article III. “Building/Residential Codes” to address the policing of construction sites during construction. PRESENTATION – City Manager Thomas J. Blazek; Director of Building & Development Mike Henry: Currently, Staff requires that a construction site provide a receptacle to contain trash and debris. This is a staff requirement only as the residential code is silent on the subject and the building code makes only casual requirements regarding construction clean-up. Currently, clean up concerns can only be addressed under Chapter 42 of the City Code: Public Nuisances. Section 4236. Notice to abate public nuisance states: “Notice required. The code enforcement officer shall give written notice to the owner of property to abate a violation found on the premises. The notice shall require the abatement of the violation within ten days of the date of the notice.” A short Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 Workshop Minutes Page 3 of 5 Pages discussion followed. COUNCIL DIRECTIVE: An ordinance will be presented for Council action. E. Presentation and general discussion of recent increased insurance requirements for taxicab companies operating within corporate city limits. PRESENTATION – City Secretary Irma Parker: Ordinance No. 1396 was approved on August 14, 2007, amending the “Vehicles for Hire” Chapter in the Code of Ordinances. The amendment changed the insurance requirements for taxicab liability from $20,000/$40,000/$15,000 to $250,000/$500,000/$50,000. To date, we have two taxicab companies that have indicated that they would not be able to provide taxicab service to the City of Rockport because of the new insurance requirements. One company, who has only one vehicle, has indicated that it would cost him between $6,000 and $7,000 per year for the new insurance requirements, and that he just would not be able to make enough money to continue serving our area. Another company, which has 6 vehicles and currently pays $17,000 per year, has gotten a quote for $27,000.00 to comply with the new requirements. This company has also indicated that they would not be able to continue to serve Rockport because of the new requirements. The Company representatives believe they could not make enough money in Rockport to pay these kinds of insurance rates. The other two Taxi Companies permitted by the City have permits that do not expire until Dec. 2007 and Jan. 2008. A short discussion followed. COUNCIL DIRECTIVE: Amending ordinance will be presented for Council action will insurance limits adjusted as needed. Staff to verify minimum requirements and verify with City Attorney Walston if the City would incurred any liability. F. Presentation of the 2010 Census Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Program. PRESENTATION – City Secretary Irma Parker: Information on the Local Update of Census Addresses Program, known as LUCA, which will allow the U.S. Census Bureau and partnering local government to assist in developing a Master Address File for the 2010 Census was presented. There are 3 different participating options of the program. Participation in this program will assist staff in formulating an accurate count for the 2010 Census. However, the main benefit for participating in this program is the ability to work within the Census Bureau information i.e. maps, geographical information with the ability to download pertinent information. Members of various departments will be attending the organizational meeting to receive more information and get a better idea of what applications would be desired by city staff. A short discussion followed. COUNCIL DIRECTIVE: Staff would attend meeting and determine feasibility of participating in this program. III. ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 3:51 p.m. CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS Todd W. Pearson, Mayor ATTEST: Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 Workshop Minutes Page 4 of 5 Pages Irma G. Parker, City Secretary Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 Workshop Minutes Page 5 of 5 Pages CITY OF ROCKPORT MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, August 28, 2007 Rockport City Hall, 622 East Market Street On this the 28th day of August 2007 the City Council of the City of Rockport, Aransas County, Texas convened in a Regular Session at 6:30 p.m., at the regular meeting place in City Hall, and notice of meeting giving time, place, date and subject having been posted as described in V.T.C.A., Government Code § 551.041. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Todd W. Pearson Mayor Pro-Tem Frank Reilly, Ward 3 Council Member Bill Fisher, Ward 1 Council Member Leo Villa, Ward 2 Council Member Jerry Beattie, Ward 4 CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT City Manager Thomas J. Blazek City Attorney Bill Walston City Secretary Irma G. Parker Building/Development Director Mike Henry Public Works Director Billy Dick Parks & Leisure Services Director Tom Staley Police Chief Tim Jayroe Finance Director Jacky Cockerham STAFF MEMBERS ABSENT None ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT None EMPLOYEES PRESENT None BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBERS None TOTAL VISITORS IN AUDIENCE: 9 I. CALL TO ORDER - With a quorum of the Council Members present, the Regular Meeting of the Rockport City Council was called to order by Mayor Pearson at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 14, 2007 in the Council Chambers of the Rockport City Hall, 622 E. Market Street, Rockport, Texas. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Council Member Fisher led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. III. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD - “At this time, comments will be taken from the audience on any subject matter that is not on the agenda. To address the Council, please sign the Speaker’s Card located on the table outside the Council Chamber and deliver to the City Secretary before the meeting begins. In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Council may not discuss or take action on any item which has not been posted on the agenda.” Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 City Council Minutes Page 1 of 10 Pages No citizens appeared before the City Council to address any subject matter not on the agenda. IV. CONSENT AGENDA - “All consent agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda”. A. Deliberate and take action to approve the Tuesday, July 17, 2007 City Council Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes as presented. B. Deliberate and take action to approve the Tuesday, July 31, 2007 City Council Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes as presented. C. Deliberate and take action to approve the Tuesday, August 14, 2007 City Council Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes as presented. D. Deliberate and take action to approve the Tuesday, August 14, 2007 City Council Meeting Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. Mayor Pearson asked if any Council Member wished to remove any item from ARTICLE IV. “CONSENT AGENDA” Sections “A” through “D” for separate discussion. There were no requests; therefore, Mayor Pearson called for a motion. MOTION: Mayor Pro-Tem Reilly moved to approve ARTICLE IV. “CONSENT AGENDA” Sections “A” through “D” as presented. Council Member Villa seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. V. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A. Presentation by Rockport-Fulton Area Chamber of Commerce Board Member of monthly “Star Report”. Rockport-Fulton Area Chamber of Commerce Board Representative Linda Pouyer presented the Stars Monthly Activity Report. This year’s theme is “Stars on the Water of RockportFulton…Shine with the Chamber”. Notable facts include the following: • NEW YORK TIMES — The Hummer/Bird Celebration is drawing lots of attention nationally! The New York Times featured the event in their August 24, 2007 issue. View the speakers and information at • SEASON OPENER — Chamber Luncheon set for Tuesday, Sept. 11 and will feature the Education Foundation’s Career Initiative. State Rep. Juan Garcia will speak on Windstorm Issues. • SEAFAIR AND SEA-A-BRATION —The Sea-A-Bration’s proceeds benefit the building fund. • WINTER TEXAN ADVERTISING - This ad campaign blitz scheduled for September. Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 City Council Minutes Page 2 of 10 Pages • • • BUSINESS BREAKFAST - The Business Builders’ Breakfast Series will kick off on September 26. BUSINESS AFTER HOURS is at Royal Oaks 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 30. ANNUAL BOARD RETREAT - Wednesday, Aug 29, the Board of Directors will be meeting to discuss the survey results and plan the year. No action taken. B. Deliberate and take action on second reading of Ordinance No. 1395, An Ordinance closing, vacating and abandoning 0.184 Acres 0.184 Acres or 8,000 Square Feet of Land Embracing That Portion of a 20.0 Foot Wide Alley Lying Within Block No. 100, Manning Addition, City of Rockport, Aransas County, Texas, According to Map Recorded in Volume 1, Page 7, Map Records of Aransas County, Texas, With Said 0.184 Acre Tract Being More Particularly Described by Metes and Bounds as Exhibit A and Map as Exhibit B Attached Hereto; Repealing all Ordinances in Conflict Therewith; Providing for Severability; and Providing an Effective Date. City Secretary Parker presented Ordinance No. 1395 on seconded reading. Staff received a request to narrow and vacate 0.184 Acres or 80,000 Square Feet of Land Embracing a 20.0 Foot Wide Alley Lying Within Block No. 100 Manning Addition from property owner, Mr. Billy Todd Moore, and his representative Mr. Jerry Brundrett. A notice was placed in the Rockport Pilot advising the public of a Public Hearing, which was held on August 14th. Staff has reviewed this request and has no objection to the closure. In addition, no objections have been received by the surrounding property owners. No request has been made by Staff to request an appraisal of said property. There have been no changes to form or content since first reading. Mayor Pearson called for any questions or comments. There being none, Mayor Pearson called for a motion. MOTION: Council Member Villa moved to adopt on second reading of Ordinance No. 1395, An Ordinance closing, vacating and abandoning 0.184 Acres 0.184 Acres or 8,000 Square Feet of Land Embracing That Portion of a 20.0 Foot Wide Alley Lying Within Block No. 100, Manning Addition, City of Rockport, Aransas County, Texas, According to Map Recorded in Volume 1, Page 7, Map Records of Aransas County, Texas. Council Member Fisher seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Deliberate and take action on second reading of Ordinance No. 1397, An Ordinance Amending the City of Rockport Code of Ordinances, Chapter 40 “Employees”, Article I. “Personnel Policy”, Division 4. “Compensation and Benefits”, Section 40-65 “Benefits” to Allow Employees the Option to Opt-Out of the City Group Medical Insurance Benefit; Repealing all Prior Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; and Providing For Publication and an Effective Date. City Manager Blazek presented Ordinance No. 1397 on second reading. The Texas Municipal League-Intergovernmental Employee Benefit Pool has recently permitted individual employees under the group plan to “opt-out” of the health insurance portion where TML Group Policies has previously required 100% participation. There are at least two employees who are covered by other health insurance which pays more than our TML health plan. Currently, they must make a claim Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 City Council Minutes Page 3 of 10 Pages against the TML health plan first (primary payer) and file their own paperwork for reimbursement from the other health plan, which is considered as the secondary payer. Those who “opt-out” of the City’s TML health plan would allow complete payment and claims processing under their other health insurance. They agree not to seek a cash payment in lieu of this benefit. There have been no changes to form or content since first reading. Mayor Pearson called for any questions or comments. There being none, Mayor Pearson called for a motion. MOTION: Council Member Beattie moved to adopted on second reading of Ordinance No. 1397, An Ordinance Amending the City of Rockport Code of Ordinances, Chapter 40 “Employees”, Article I. “Personnel Policy”, Division 4. “Compensation and Benefits”, Section 40-65 “Benefits” to Allow Employees the Option to Opt-Out of the City Group Medical Insurance Benefit. Mayor ProTem Reilly seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Deliberate and take action on first and only reading of Ordinance No. 1398, Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance, Sale and Delivery of Approximately $17,000,000 in Aggregate Principal Amount of "City of Rockport, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007"; Securing the Payment Thereof by Authorizing the Levy of an Annual Ad Valorem Tax and Pledging Surplus Revenues of the City's Waterworks and Sewer System; and Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, a Purchase Contract, an Official Statement and all Other Instruments and Procedures Related Thereto. Financial Advisor Bob Henderson and Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta LLP representative Noel Valdez presented Ordinance No. 1398 for Council consideration and adoption on first reading. The Bond will provide funding for the following: Sources Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007 Original Issue Premium Total sources Uses Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Henderson Street Drainage Outfall Street Rehabilitation Projects Master Plan Storm Sewer Crossings Linden Street Rehabilitation & Upgrade Storm Sewer Rehabilitation Country Club Fire Station Beach Park Road Rehabilitation Beach Park Drainage Beach Park Additional Parking Parks & Leisure Services Building Open Land Acquisition Community/Recreation Center Additional Deposit to Construction Accounts Municipal Bond Insurance Underwriter's Spread Cost of Issuance/Rounding Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 City Council Minutes $17,000,000 $270,249 $17,270,249 $2,794,923 $300,000 $4,397,245 $551,800 $794,081 $500,000 $100,000 $200,000 $150,000 $45,000 $350,000 $4,500,000 $2,000,000 $302,700 $55,700 $116,789 $112,011 Page 4 of 10 Pages Total Uses: $17,270,249 Mayor Pearson called for any questions or comments. There being none, Mayor Pearson called for a motion. MOTION: Council Member Beattie moved to approve first and only reading of Ordinance No. 1398, Ordinance Authorizing the Issuance, Sale and Delivery of Approximately $17,000,000 in Aggregate Principal Amount of "City of Rockport, Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2007"; Securing the Payment Thereof by Authorizing the Levy of an Annual Ad Valorem Tax and Pledging Surplus Revenues of the City's Waterworks and Sewer System; and Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, a Purchase Contract, an Official Statement and all Other Instruments and Procedures Related Thereto. Council Member Villa seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. E. Deliberate and take action on Resolution No. 07-18, A Resolution Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse With Tax-Exempt Obligation Proceeds Costs for Improvements to the City’s Utility System and for Street and Drainage Improvements. Public Works Director Dick presented Resolution No. 07-18 which would allow the City to pay expenditures in connection a project, being funded by certificates of obligation, prior to the issuance of obligations to finance the Project. The City believes that reimbursement of such expenditures will be appropriate and consistent with the lawful objectives of the City and, as such, chooses to declare its intention, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1. 150-2 of the Treasury Regulations, to reimburse itself for such payments at such time as it issues obligations to finance the Project. The City reasonably expects to incur debt, as one or more series of obligations, with an aggregate maximum principal amount currently estimated to be approximately $17,000,000, a portion of the proceeds of which are expected to be used for the purpose of paying the costs of the Project. All costs to be reimbursed will be capital expenditures within the meaning of Section 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations. No tax-exempt obligations will be issued by the City in furtherance of this Resolution after a date which is later than 18 months after the later of (1) the date the expenditures are paid or (2) the date on which the property, with respect to which such expenditures were made, is placed in service. No tax-exempt obligation will be issued pursuant to this Resolution more than three years after the date any expenditure which is to be reimbursed is paid. Mayor Pearson called for any questions or comments. There being none, Mayor Pearson called for a motion. Voting to be by roll call and conducted by the City Secretary. MOTION: Mayor Pro-Tem Reilly moved to approve Resolution No. 07-18, A Resolution Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse with Tax-Exempt Obligation Proceeds Costs for Improvements to the City’s Utility System and for Street and Drainage Improvements. Council Member Villa seconded the motion. Roll call is as follows: Mayor Todd Pearson Mayor Pro-Tem Reilly Council Member Fisher Council Member Villa Council Member Beattie Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Motion carried unanimously. Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 City Council Minutes Page 5 of 10 Pages F. Deliberate and take action on first reading of Ordinance No. 1401, An Ordinance of the City of Rockport, Texas Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rockport by Updating References to Laws and Statutes Now Codified in Vernons Texas Codes Annotated; Adding to Chapter 66 “Offenses And Miscellaneous Provisions” A New Article III. “Prepayment For Gasoline And Diesel Fuel” to Prohibit an Owner, Employee, or Manager/Supervisor of a Retail Fuel Business From Activating a Pumping Device to Dispense Gasoline or Diesel Fuel From a Pumping Device Without Receiving Prepayment for Such Gasoline or Diesel Fuel; Providing a Penalty Not to Exceed $500 for Violations; Providing a Defense; Providing That This Ordinance Shall be Cumulative; Providing a Severability Clause; Providing a Savings Clause; Providing For Publication; and Providing an Effective Date. Police Chief Jayroe reported that his Department has proposed pre-payment be required for all gasoline or diesel fuel dispensed at a retail fuel business. A significant number of motorists drive into business establishments with gasoline and/diesel fuel pumps, fill their vehicles and/or containers with gasoline and/or diesel fuel and then drive off without paying. For the year 2006 the City of Rockport crime statistics showed approximately 242 thefts as a result of drive offs without paying for gasoline and/or diesel fuel. The time spent by our Police Department investigating these thefts detracts from proactive policing opportunities in regard to other community matters and time better spent investigating and/or preventing more serious crimes. Frequency of these crimes results in real and significant costs that are borne by citizens in the City of Rockport. These crimes seriously and significantly adversely impact revenues of owners of those business establishments in the City. Council Member Villa inquired as to how many cities in the area have adopted such a policy. Police Chief Jayroe stated that the City of Corpus Christi is considering adoption of such an ordinance but the City of Rockport will be the first city in the Coastal Bend to adopt this type of ordinance. Business owners have been consulted regarding this proposal and are optimistic about the savings that they will incur. This ordinance was patterned after the City of Burleson. Mayor Pearson called for any questions or comments. There being none, Mayor Pearson called for a motion. MOTION: Mayor Pro-Tem Reilly moved to approve on first reading of Ordinance No. 1401, An Ordinance of the City of Rockport, Texas Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rockport by Updating References to Laws and Statutes Now Codified in Vernons Texas Codes Annotated; Adding to Chapter 66 “Offenses And Miscellaneous Provisions” A New Article III. “Prepayment For Gasoline And Diesel Fuel” to Prohibit an Owner, Employee, or Manager/Supervisor of a Retail Fuel Business From Activating a Pumping Device to Dispense Gasoline or Diesel Fuel From a Pumping Device Without Receiving Prepayment for Such Gasoline or Diesel Fuel; Providing a Penalty Not to Exceed $500 for Violations. Council Member Fisher seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. G. Deliberate and take action on Resolution No. 07-17, A Resolution of the City of Rockport Authorizing Designated Signators for Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Contract 726282; and Finding and Declaring That the Meeting at Which This Resolution is Adopted was Open to the Public, That the Public Notice of Time, Place, and the Subject Matter of the Public Business to be Considered was Posted as Required by Law, Including This Resolution. Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 City Council Minutes Page 6 of 10 Pages City Secretary Parker introduced Resolution No. 07-17 to the City Council. The City has received funding under the Texas Capital Fund Downtown Revitalization Program as administered by the Texas Department of Agriculture. Resolution No. 07-17 is required to designate authorized signators and submitted to ORCA in order to start utilizing this grant. This grant was awarded to install 10 concrete corner sidewalk bulbouts, 1,410 linear feet of curb and gutter, 19 ADA ramps, 22 signs, 5 inlet grates, payment removal, and 200 linear feet of 15” drainage pipe at Austin, Market, St. Mary’s, Main and Wharf Streets. Resolution No. 07-17 designates the mayor, mayor pro-tem and city secretary as the authorized signators for the State of Texas Purchase Vouchers, the Requests for Advance or Reimbursement and designates the mayor as Chief Executive Officer and authorized representative to act in all matters in connection with this grant. A contract agreement was executed between the City and GrantWorks for administration of this grant at the August 14 meeting. Staff did request clarification regarding reference to a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Contract instead of Texas Capital Fund Downtown Revitalization Program. GrantWorks Project Manager Sharon Hernandez-Dorow indicated that this grant was a Community Development Block Grant Program item. Mayor Pearson called for any questions or comments. There being none, Mayor Pearson called for a motion. MOTION: Council Member Fisher moved to approve Resolution No. 07-17, A Resolution of the City of Rockport Authorizing Designated Signators for Texas Community Development Block Grant Program Contract 726282; and Finding and Declaring That the Meeting at Which This Resolution is Adopted was Open to the Public, That the Public Notice of Time, Place, and the Subject Matter of the Public Business to be Considered was Posted as Required by Law, Including This Resolution. H. Deliberate and take action to approve Job No. 1560.A3.06 – Live Oak Street Paving & Drainage Improvements Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $134,030.50 to J. Carroll Weaver, Inc. for rehabilitation of a street section between Maple and Orleans. Public Works Director Dick presented a brief history of this project. He stated that in 2005 the City issued $1,705,500 debt for Live Oak Paving & Drainage / Linden Drainage Projects. Our contractor is approximately 95% complete with all the underground work on this project. During the underground construction of utility relocation and storm water collection system, many problems were encountered and overcome without additional costs to the project. However; due to the fact that very little of the existing roadway remains intact for the hot mix asphalt cement application, Staff recommends the base section from Maple to Orleans be pulverized and cement stabilized to give a uniform base for the new hot mix asphalt cement application to be laid on. This process will also extend the life of the new roadway. Staff recommends approval of Change Order No. 2 for J. Carroll Weaver, in the amount of $134,030.50. This will bring the new contract price to $1,561,098.50. Council Member Beattie inquired as to the project costs and whether or not the project should be rebid. Public Works Director Dick stated that this was not necessary as the project has not increased in cost to require, by law, a re-bidding of this project. Funds are available to provide for this upgrade. Cost break-down is as follows: Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 City Council Minutes Page 7 of 10 Pages Original Contract Amount Change Order #1 Change Order #2 New Contract Amount Additional Items: (Change Order #2) Pulverize & Cement Stabilize Existing Roadway 1-1/2" HMAC w/Prime Cut & Restore Pavement Junciton Box at Laurel Street One Course Seal Coat Deleted Items : (Change Order #2) 2" HMAC w/Prime $1,365,189.55 $61,878.00 $134,030.50 $1,561,098.05 $76,000.00 $66,800.00 $25,600.00 $10,125.00 $31,505.50 ($76,000.00) Total Change Order #2 $134,030.50 Mayor Pearson called for any questions or comments. There being none, Mayor Pearson called for a motion. MOTION: Mayor Pro-Tem Reilly moved to approve Job No. 1560.A3.06 – Live Oak Street Paving & Drainage Improvements Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $134,030.50 to J. Carroll Weaver, Inc. for rehabilitation of a street section between Maple and Orleans. Council Member Villa seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. I. Deliberate and take action on request from Persons Organized for the Development of Educational Resources (P.O.D.E.R.) for $2,000.00 to $3,000.00 of Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds for advertising 2007 Fiesta en la Playa festival. City Secretary Parker reported that a request was received from Janet Pina, representative of Persons Organized for the Development of Educational Resources (P.O.D.E.R.), for funds from the Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund for advertising of the annual Fiesta en la Playa Festival held on Labor Day weekend. The purpose of the organization is to raise funds for scholarships for Rockport-Fulton High School graduates. Funds are available in the Hotel Occupancy Tax fund should Council wish to grant this request. This funding request of $2,000 to $3,000 is to be used for advertising with the Tejas Group i.e. KMJR, KOUL. A ‘Radio Promotional Proposal’ dated July 24 with a total cost of $3,500.00 were presented along with copies of Wells Fargo Checks payable to Tejas Broadcasting in the amount of $1,000.00 (7/31/07 #2272), $1,000.00 (8/13/07 #2288), and $500.00 (8/15/07 #2285) were provided. Council Member Villa and Mayor Pearson both stated that requestors should present a proposed budget for council review. In addition, organizations should be encouraged to make their yearly funding requests at the council meeting designated for these discussions and review. Staff reported that this organization has been notified of the hotel occupancy tax request/presentation meeting and have not participated. PODER has made a request each year prior to their annual event. Awards have been made to this organization and contracts executed; however, if a report is not submitted and approved by Council after the event then, funding is not provided. Mayor Pearson called for any questions or comments. There being none, Mayor Pearson called for a motion. Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 City Council Minutes Page 8 of 10 Pages MOTION: Mayor Pro-Tem Reilly moved to approve request from Persons Organized for the Development of Educational Resources (P.O.D.E.R.) for $2,000.00 of Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds for advertising 2007 Fiesta en la Playa Festival. Council Member Villa seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. J. Deliberate and take action on Facility License Agreement with the Coastal Bend Youth Soccer Association for use of Memorial Park Soccer Field #1 exclusive use beginning September 15, 2007 through November 18, 2007 - Saturday (after 1:00 p.m.) or Sunday at times specified in the Fall 2007 Game Schedule a field use fee of $500.00. Parks & Leisure Service Director Tom Staley presented the Coastal Bend Youth Soccer Association (CBYSA) Faclity License Agreement for Council approval. CBYSA requests the exclusive use of Memorial Park Soccer Field #1 at Memorial Park on either Saturday or Sunday beginning September 15, 2007 and ending November 18, 2007. Any scheduled Saturday games will be held after 1:00 p.m., so as not to conflict with the Tri-City Youth Soccer League play. A rental fee payment of $500.00 will be due by September 11, 2007. This association has been granted field use annually since 1998. This request does not conflict with any other known requirement for soccer field use. CBYSA Representative Lee Green addressed the City Council and requested that the rental fee payment be waived. Council Member Villa thanked Mr. Green for his dedication in working with the CBYSA. Mayor Pearson called for any questions or comments. There being none, Mayor Pearson called for a motion. MOTION: Council Member Villa moved to approve Facility License Agreement with the Coastal Bend Youth Soccer Association for use of Memorial Park Soccer Field #1 exclusive use beginning September 15, 2007 through November 18, 2007 - Saturday (after 1:00 p.m.) or Sunday at times specified in the Fall 2007 Game Schedule and waive field use fee of $500.00 as requested. VI. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL & STAFF - “At this time, the City Council will report/update on all committee assignments which may include, but is not limited to the following: Community Park Committee, Park & Leisure Advisory Board, Chamber of Commerce, Coastal Bend Council of Governments, Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries, Texas Maritime Museum, Fulton Mansion, Rockport Center for the Arts, Coastal Celebration of Lights, and Texas Municipal League. Staff reports include the following: Building & Development – Bi-Weekly Code Enforcement, Proposed Development Report; Accounting & Finance – Financial & Investment Information, Monthly Financial Reports; Police Department – Grant Update, Quarterly Police Reports; Public WorksBuilding Maintenance, Construction Updates; Park & Leisure Services - grant(s) update, miscellaneous park projects, Beach Drainage; Administration –Workshop Schedule, Interlocal Agreements, Public Information, Hotel Occupancy Report. No formal action can be taken on these items at this time.” VII. ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 City Council Minutes Page 9 of 10 Pages CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS Todd W. Pearson, Mayor ATTEST: Irma G. Parker, City Secretary Rockport City Council August 28, 2007 City Council Minutes Page 10 of 10 Pages CITY OF ROCKPORT MINUTES CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 4, 2007 Rockport City Hall, 622 East Market Street On this the 4th day of September 2007 the City Council of the City of Rockport, Aransas County, Texas convened in a Special Session at 6:30 p.m., at the regular meeting place in City Hall, and notice of meeting giving time, place, date and subject having been posted as described in V.T.C.A., Government Code § 551.041. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor Todd W. Pearson Mayor Pro-Tem Frank Reilly, Ward 3 Council Member Bill Fisher, Ward 1 Council Member Leo Villa, Ward 2 CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT Council Member Jerry Beattie, Ward 4 STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT City Manager Thomas J. Blazek City Secretary Irma G. Parker Finance Director Jacky Cockerham Public Works Director Billy Dick STAFF MEMBERS ABSENT City Attorney Bill Walston Building/Development Director Mike Henry Parks & Leisure Services Director Tom Staley Police Chief Tim Jayroe BOARD/COMMISSION MEMBERS None EMPLOYEES PRESENT None ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT None TOTAL VISITORS IN AUDIENCE: 1 I. CALL TO ORDER - With a quorum of the Council Members present, the Special Meeting of the Rockport City Council was called to order by Mayor Pearson at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 in the Council Chambers of the Rockport City Hall, 622 E. Market Street, Rockport, Texas. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Pro-Tem Reilly led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. III. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD - “At this time, comments will be taken from the audience on any subject matter that is not on the agenda. To address the Council, please sign the Speaker’s Card located on the table outside the Council Chamber and deliver to the City Secretary before the meeting begins. In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Council may not discuss or take action on any item which has not been posted on the agenda.” IV. PUBLIC HEARING – City of Rockport will hold a Public Hearing on a proposal to Rockport City Council September 4, 2007 City Council Special Minutes Page 1 of 2 Pages increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding tax year by 25.19 percent (percentage by which proposed tax rate exceeds lower of rollback tax rate or effective tax calculated under Chapter 26, Tax Code). Your individual taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property and the tax rate that is adopted. Mayor Pearson opened the Public Hearing on the proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll by 25.19%. Staff advised that no letters or correspondence has been received, either pro or con, to be introduced at this Public Hearing. Mayor Pearson announced that another Public Hearing would be held on Tuesday, September 11 at 6:30 p.m. The City Council will vote on the proposed tax rate at Tuesday, September 25, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. Regular City Council meeting. There being no questions or further comments from the City Council or Staff, Mayor Pearson closed the Public Hearing. V. ADJOURNMENT Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS Todd W. Pearson, Mayor ATTEST: Irma G. Parker, City Secretary Rockport City Council September 4, 2007 City Council Special Minutes Page 2 of 2 Pages I spoke to Ms. Rita Martinez on September 5, regarding her request to place "Spirit Signs" during High School Football Season, with the last game being November 9a. Ms. Martinez indicated the signs will be placed on Enterprise Blvd. on private property and along Pearl Street (1069) on public right-a-way. Ms. Martinez stated she would place the signs on Thursday evenings and she (Martinez) would remove the signs on Saturday evening. September 5,2007 Mayor Todd Pearson Mayor Pro-Tem Frank Reilly Council Member Bill Fisher Council Member Leo Villa Council Member Jerry Beattie Reference: Seaside Brass & Wood 16thAnniversary This shall serve as a formal request to allow lacement of a temporary 40" x 90" sign announcing Seaside Brass & Wood's 1 6 ~Anniversary. This temporary sign, if approved, will be placed on our property at 508 S. Austin Street beginning September 12thwith removal on October 15, 2007. R Please join us for our 'Customer Appreciation Day Celebration' to be held on Saturday, September 29". Paul & Sermsri Hleicher Seaside Brass & Wood 508 S. Austin Street Rockport, TX 78382 790-7500 ROCKPORT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 AGENDA ITEM “A ”: Deliberate and take action on first reading of Ordinance No. 1402, An Ordinance Amending the City of Rockport Code of Ordinances, Chapter 22 “Building and Building Regulations” by Adding Therein a New Section in Article III “Building/Residential Codes” Pertaining To Policing Of Construction Sites During Construction; Repealing all Prior Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; and Providing for Publication and an Effective Date. SUBMITTED BY: Building & Development Director City Secretary Parker REVIEWED BY CITY ATTORNEY: 8/20/07 & 9/7/07 WORKSHOP: August 28, 2007 1st READING: 2nd READING: APPROVED FOR INCLUSION ON AGENDA: TJB (6) SUMMARY: Currently, city staff requires that a construction site provide a receptacle to contain trash and debris. This is a staff requirement only as the residential code is silent on the subject and the building code makes only casual requirements regarding construction clean-up. Currently, clean up concerns can only be addressed under Chapter 42 of the City Code: Public Nuisances. Section 42-36. Notice to abate public nuisance states: “Notice required. The code enforcement officer shall give written notice to the owner of property to abate a violation found on the premises. The notice shall require the abatement of the violation within ten days of the date of the notice.” Staff presented a recommendation to Chapter 22, Buildings and Building Regulations, in the Code of Ordinances at the August 28 Workshop Meeting. RECOMMENDATION: City Council approve Ordinance No. 1402 on first reading. Ordinance No. 1402 Page 1 of 3 Pages ORDINANCE NO. 1402 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF ROCKPORT CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 22 “BUILDING AND BUILDING REGULATIONS” BY ADDING THEREIN A NEW SECTION IN ARTICLE III “BUILDING/RESIDENTIAL CODES” PERTAINING TO CONSTRUCTION CLEAN-UP; REPEALING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS: SECTION 1. ADDITION That Chapter 22 “Building and Regulations”, Article III. “Building/Residential Codes” is hereby amended by adding the following new Section “22-58 “Safeguards During Construction” to wit: Sec. 22-58. Safeguards During Construction. a) It shall be unlawful for any contractor, or other person in charge of the construction, to leave the jobsite in an unsafe or unsanitary condition at the end of each days work, as hereinafter provided. b) At the end of each work day the contractor, or other person in charge of the construction, shall be responsible for and see that i) all equipment and materials are stored and placed in neat order and/or safe location so as not to endanger the public, the workers or the adjoining property; and ii) the construction site is cleaned up such that all debris and/or litter is placed in enclosed containers or trash bins (which shall not be located in a public right-of-way unless pre-approved in writing). c) The contractor, or other person in charge of the construction shall dispose of all cut brush, trees and/or tree limbs prior to framing of the project. However, firewood for future use, may be stored on the property in a neat manner behind the front building set back line. Secs. 22-59 – 22-79 Reserved for future use. SECTION 2 - REPEALER Any previously adopted ordinances, and any subsequent amendments to them, which are in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. SECTION 3 - SEVERABILITY It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Rockport that if any phrase, sentence, section or paragraph of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remainder of this ordinance since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation of the unconstitutional or invalid phrase, sentence, section or Ordinance No. 1402 Page 2 of 3 Pages paragraph. SECTION 4 - EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall become effective upon adoption by second and final reading and after publication. APPROVED ON FIRST READING this day of 2007. CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS _________________________ Todd W. Pearson, Mayor ATTEST: Irma G. Parker, City Secretary APPROVED, PASSED and ADOPTED ON SECOND READING this 2007. day of CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS _______________________ Todd W. Pearson, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________ Irma G. Parker, City Secretary Ordinance No. 1402 Page 3 of 3 Pages CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Regular Meeting: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 AGENDA ITEM “B” Deliberate and take action on first reading of Ordinance No. 1403, An Ordinance Amending the City of Rockport Code of Ordinances, Chapter 110 “Vehicles For Hire” Article II “Taxicabs”, Section 110-27, Sub-Paragraph (b) Pertaining to Insurance Requirements; Repealing all Prior Ordinances in Conflict Herewith; and Providing for Publication and an Effective Date. SUBMITTED BY: City Secretary Irma Parker WORKSHOP: 8/28/07 APPROVED BY CITY ATTORNEY: 9/6/07 1ST READING: 2nd READING: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: TJB (6) SUMMARY STATEMENT: Staff has presented recommended updates to Chapter 110 “Vehicles for Hire” of the Code of Ordinances which were approved on August 14, 2007. At the August 28 Workshop meeting Staff advised Council that due to the large minimum insurance requirements, the Taxicab Owners/Operators found those premium to be excessive. The amendment changed the insurance requirements for taxicab liability from $20,000/$40,000/$15,000 to $250,000/$500,000/$50,000. To date, we have two taxicab companies that have indicated that they would not be able to provide taxicab service to the City of Rockport because of the new insurance requirements. One company, who has only one vehicle, has indicated that it would cost him between $6,000 and $7,000 per year for the new insurance requirements, and that he just would not be able to make enough money to continue serving our area. Another company, which has 6 vehicles and currently pays $17,000 per year, has gotten a quote for $27,000.00 to comply with the new requirements. This company has also indicated that they would not be able to continue to serve Rockport because of the new requirements. This Company stated that they simply could not make enough money in Rockport to pay these kinds of insurance rates. After discussion at the abovementioned Workshop, Council directed Staff to consult with City Attorney Walston regarding what liability the City may incur by the lower of these insurance amounts. City Attorney Walston suggested using the same coverage as adopted for Wrecker Services, which is the same amount adopted by the City of Corpus Christi. City Attorney Walston will be present to answer any questions. RECOMMENDATION: City Council approve Ordinance No. 1403 on first reading, ORDINANCE NO 1403 Taxi insurance.doc Page 1 of 3 Pages ORDINANCE NO. 1403 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF ROCKPORT CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 110 “VEHICLES FOR HIRE” ARTICLE II “TAXICABS”, SECTION 110-27, SUB-PARAGRAGH (b) PERTAINING TO INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS;; REPEALING ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS: SECTION 1. AMENDMENT That Chapter 110 “Vehicles for Hire”, Article II. “Taxicabs”, Section 110-27 (b), to wit: Section 110-27. (b) Insurance. Before any license or permit shall be issued to any owner or operator, or before any renewal of a license or permit shall be granted, the owner or operator should be required to file a certificate of insurance wit the city secretary and thereafter with a company duly authorized to do business in the state and performable in the county insuring the public against any loss or damage that may result to any person or property from the operation of such vehicles; provided, that the maximum amount of recovery in such policy of insurance specified shall not, for each vehicles, be less than two hundred fifty thousand ($250,000.00) for injury or death of one (10 person and five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) for injuries or death in any one (1) occurrence; and not less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for injury to or destruction of property I any one (1) occurrence One hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars bodily injury for each person; Three hundred thousand ($300,000.00) dollars aggregate for bodily injury; and One hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars property damage. Each insurance policy shall require notice from the insurer to the city at least ten (10) days before any such policy is to be terminated for any reason by the insurer or by the insured. SECTION 2 - REPEALER Any previously adopted ordinances, and any subsequent amendments to them, which are in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. SECTION 3 - SEVERABILITY It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Rockport that if any phrase, sentence, section or paragraph of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not ORDINANCE NO 1403 Taxi insurance.doc Page 2 of 3 Pages affect any of the remainder of this ordinance since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation of the unconstitutional or invalid phrase, sentence, section or paragraph. SECTION 4 - EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption by second and final reading and publication in the official newspaper of the City of Rockport. APPROVED ON FIRST READING this day of , 2007. CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS _________________________ Todd W. Pearson, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________ Irma G. Parker, City Secretary APPROVED, PASSED and ADOPTED ON SECOND READING this 2007. day of CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS _______________________ Todd W. Pearson, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________ Irma G. Parker, City Secretary ORDINANCE NO 1403 Taxi insurance.doc Page 3 of 3 Pages CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Regular Meeting: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 AGENDA ITEM “C” Deliberate and take action to approve Resolution No. 07-19, A Resolution of the City of Rockport, Texas Adopting a New Employee Grade Schedule Effective Fiscal Year 2007-2008; Repealing the Grade System Previously Adopted With Resolution No. 04-12 Adopted July 27, 2004; and Finding and Determining That the Meeting at Which This Resolution is Adopted Was Open to the Public, That the Public Notice of Time, Place, and the Subject Matter of the Public Business to be Considered was Posted as Required by Law, Including This Resolution. SUBMITTED BY: City Manager Thomas J. Blazek BUDGETED ITEM: Yes APPROVED FOR AGENDA: TJB (6) SUMMARY STATEMENT: During this year’s budget process, it was recognized that it has become more difficult to recruit and retain quality personnel with the current grade schedule authorized. The most difficult positions to fill are labor positions in the Street, Utilities and Parks Departments. This pay grade realignment proposed a starting pay for the entry level labor positions to $10 per hour. The Police Department has had a difficult time with recruitment. Therefore, their grades are proposed to be realigned to make the Department competitive with departments in the region. The cost of these grade realignments is approximately a five percent increase over the current fiscal year cost for those departments. As an equity issue, those positions without a realignment plan will receive a five percent increase. The cost of this grade realignment is included in the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. RECOMMENDATION: City Council approve a Resolution adopting an Employee Grade Schedule effective October 1, 2007. RESOLUTION NO. 07-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS ADOPTING A NEW EMPLOYEE GRADE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008; REPEALING THE GRADE SYSTEM PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED WITH RESOLUTION NO. 04-12 ADOPTED JULY 27, 2004; AND FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS RESOLUTION IS ADOPTED WAS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, THAT THE PUBLIC NOTICE OF TIME, PLACE, AND THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE PUBLIC BUSINESS TO BE CONSIDERED WAS POSTED AS REQUIRED BY LAW, INCLUDING THIS RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, during Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget process, it was determined that it has become increasing difficult to recruit and retain quality personnel with the Employee Grade/Step Pay Schedule and Grading System as approved by Resolution No. 04-12 adopted by the Rockport City Council on July 27, 2004; and WHEREAS, a pay grade re-alignment is included in the proposed Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS THAT: Section 1: The City of Rockport adopts the following Employee Grade Schedule, effective on October 1, 2007 upon adoption of Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget for all full-time employees as follows: DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION JOB TITLE Administrative Assistant Information Technology Manager Records Clerk GRADE 19 22 12 MUNICIPAL COURT Senior Municipal Court Clerk Municipal Court Clerk Municipal Court Fines Collector 15 14 14 FINANCE Accounting Clerk Utilities Customer Service Supervisor Utilities Customer Service Clerk 18 20 13 PARKS & LEISURE SERVICE Maintenance Superintendent Maintenance Team Leader Maintenance Worker 23 12 11 DEPARTMENT ROCKPORT BEACH PARK JOB TITLE Business Operations Supervisor Business Operations Asst. Supervisor GRADE 14 13 POLICE Administrative Assistant Commander Sergeant Police Officer Detective Records Clerk 16 31 27 23 26 13 COMMUNICATIONS CENTER Communications Center Administrator Telecommunications Operator 22 15 PUBLIC WORKS Administrative Assistant Service Center Coordinator 19 14 BUILDING MAINTENANCE Janitor 11 UTILITIES Superintendent Distribution/Collection System Operator Team Leader Maintenance Technician Systems Operator II Systems Operation I Water Quality Specialist Meter Service Attendant Chief Wastewater Plant Operator Wastewater Plant Operator Lift Station Technician Lift Station Maintenance Worker Wastewater Equipment Operator 29 25 21 11 16 13 21 15 21 16 19 13 13 STREETS & RIGHTS-OF-WAY Superintendent Team Leader Equipment Operator Maintenance Worker 23 19 15 11 FLEET OPERATIONS Chief Mechanic Fleet Assistant 24 18 DEPARTMENT BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT JOB TITLE Secretary/Clerk Permit Coordinator Building Inspector Code Enforcement Officer GRADE 12 12 20 15 Section 2: Employee Grade/Step Pay Schedule adopted with Resolution No. 05-30 on September 27, 2005 shall remain the same and is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. Section 3: The City Council of the City of Rockport hereby finds and determines, and hereby declares that the meeting at which this Resolution is adopted was open to the public, that the public notice of time, place, and the subject matter of the public business to be considered was posted as required by law, including this Resolution. INTRODUCED, READ, and PASSED by the affirmative vote on this the 2007. day of CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS Todd W. Pearson, Mayor ATTEST: Irma G. Parker, City Secretary EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 A B H 10,712.00 10,819.12 10,927.31 11,036.58 11,146.95 11,258.42 11,371.00 11,484.71 11,599.56 11,715.56 11,832.71 11,951.04 12,070.55 412.00 416.12 420.28 424.48 428.73 433.02 437.35 441.72 446.14 450.60 455.10 459.66 464.25 5.15 5.20 5.25 5.31 5.36 5.41 5.47 5.52 5.58 5.63 5.69 5.75 5.80 A B H 11,258.42 11,371.00 11,484.71 11,599.56 11,715.56 11,832.71 11,951.04 12,070.55 12,191.26 12,313.17 12,436.30 12,560.66 12,686.27 433.02 437.35 441.72 446.14 450.60 455.10 459.66 464.25 468.89 473.58 478.32 483.10 487.93 5.41 5.47 5.52 5.58 5.63 5.69 5.75 5.80 5.86 5.92 5.98 6.04 6.10 A B H 11,832.71 11,951.04 12,070.55 12,191.26 12,313.17 12,436.30 12,560.66 12,686.27 12,813.13 12,941.26 13,070.68 13,201.38 13,333.40 455.10 459.66 464.25 468.89 473.58 478.32 483.10 487.93 492.81 497.74 502.72 507.75 512.82 5.69 5.75 5.80 5.86 5.92 5.98 6.04 6.10 6.16 6.22 6.28 6.35 6.41 A B H 12,436.30 12,560.66 12,686.27 12,813.13 12,941.26 13,070.68 13,201.38 13,333.40 13,466.73 13,601.40 13,737.41 13,874.79 14,013.53 478.32 483.10 487.93 492.81 497.74 502.72 507.75 512.82 517.95 523.13 528.36 533.65 538.98 5.98 6.04 6.10 6.16 6.22 6.28 6.35 6.41 6.47 6.54 6.60 6.67 6.74 A B H 13,070.68 13,201.38 13,333.40 13,466.73 13,601.40 13,737.41 13,874.79 14,013.53 14,153.67 14,295.21 14,438.16 14,582.54 14,728.36 502.72 507.75 512.82 517.95 523.13 528.36 533.65 538.98 544.37 549.82 555.31 560.87 566.48 6.28 6.35 6.41 6.47 6.54 6.60 6.67 6.74 6.80 6.87 6.94 7.01 7.08 A B H 13,737.41 13,874.79 14,013.53 14,153.67 14,295.21 14,438.16 14,582.54 14,728.36 14,875.65 15,024.40 15,174.65 15,326.40 15,479.66 528.36 533.65 538.98 544.37 549.82 555.31 560.87 566.48 572.14 577.86 583.64 589.48 595.37 6.60 6.67 6.74 6.80 6.87 6.94 7.01 7.08 7.15 7.22 7.30 7.37 7.44 A B H 14,438.16 14,582.54 14,728.36 14,875.65 15,024.40 15,174.65 15,326.40 15,479.66 15,634.46 15,790.80 15,948.71 16,108.20 16,269.28 555.31 560.87 566.48 572.14 577.86 583.64 589.48 595.37 601.33 607.34 613.41 619.55 625.74 6.94 7.01 7.08 7.15 7.22 7.30 7.37 7.44 7.52 7.59 7.67 7.74 7.82 A B H 15,174.65 15,326.40 15,479.66 15,634.46 15,790.80 15,948.71 16,108.20 16,269.28 16,431.97 16,596.29 16,762.25 16,929.88 17,099.17 583.64 589.48 595.37 601.33 607.34 613.41 619.55 625.74 632.00 638.32 644.70 651.15 657.66 7.30 7.37 7.44 7.52 7.59 7.67 7.74 7.82 7.90 7.98 8.06 8.14 8.22 A B H 15,948.71 16,108.20 16,269.28 16,431.97 16,596.29 16,762.25 16,929.88 17,099.17 17,270.17 17,442.87 17,617.30 17,793.47 17,971.40 613.41 619.55 625.74 632.00 638.32 644.70 651.15 657.66 664.24 670.88 677.59 684.36 691.21 7.67 7.74 7.82 7.90 7.98 8.06 8.14 8.22 8.30 8.39 8.47 8.55 8.64 A B H 16,762.25 16,929.88 17,099.17 17,270.17 17,442.87 17,617.30 17,793.47 17,971.40 18,151.12 18,332.63 18,515.96 18,701.11 18,888.13 644.70 651.15 657.66 664.24 670.88 677.59 684.36 691.21 698.12 705.10 712.15 719.27 726.47 8.06 8.14 8.22 8.30 8.39 8.47 8.55 8.64 8.73 8.81 8.90 8.99 9.08 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 09/07/2007 STEP 13 Page 1 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 A B H 12,191.26 12,313.17 12,436.30 12,560.66 12,686.27 12,813.13 12,941.26 13,070.68 13,201.38 13,333.40 13,466.73 13,601.40 13,737.41 468.89 473.58 478.32 483.10 487.93 492.81 497.74 502.72 507.75 512.82 517.95 523.13 528.36 5.86 5.92 5.98 6.04 6.10 6.16 6.22 6.28 6.35 6.41 6.47 6.54 6.60 A B H 12,813.13 12,941.26 13,070.68 13,201.38 13,333.40 13,466.73 13,601.40 13,737.41 13,874.79 14,013.53 14,153.67 14,295.21 14,438.16 492.81 497.74 502.72 507.75 512.82 517.95 523.13 528.36 533.65 538.98 544.37 549.82 555.31 6.16 6.22 6.28 6.35 6.41 6.47 6.54 6.60 6.67 6.74 6.80 6.87 6.94 A B H 13,466.73 13,601.40 13,737.41 13,874.79 14,013.53 14,153.67 14,295.21 14,438.16 14,582.54 14,728.36 14,875.65 15,024.40 15,174.65 517.95 523.13 528.36 533.65 538.98 544.37 549.82 555.31 560.87 566.48 572.14 577.86 583.64 6.47 6.54 6.60 6.67 6.74 6.80 6.87 6.94 7.01 7.08 7.15 7.22 7.30 A B H 14,153.67 14,295.21 14,438.16 14,582.54 14,728.36 14,875.65 15,024.40 15,174.65 15,326.40 15,479.66 15,634.46 15,790.80 15,948.71 544.37 549.82 555.31 560.87 566.48 572.14 577.86 583.64 589.48 595.37 601.33 607.34 613.41 6.80 6.87 6.94 7.01 7.08 7.15 7.22 7.30 7.37 7.44 7.52 7.59 7.67 A B H 14,875.65 15,024.40 15,174.65 15,326.40 15,479.66 15,634.46 15,790.80 15,948.71 16,108.20 16,269.28 16,431.97 16,596.29 16,762.25 572.14 577.86 583.64 589.48 595.37 601.33 607.34 613.41 619.55 625.74 632.00 638.32 644.70 7.15 7.22 7.30 7.37 7.44 7.52 7.59 7.67 7.74 7.82 7.90 7.98 8.06 A B H 15,634.46 15,790.80 15,948.71 16,108.20 16,269.28 16,431.97 16,596.29 16,762.25 16,929.88 17,099.17 17,270.17 17,442.87 17,617.30 601.33 607.34 613.41 619.55 625.74 632.00 638.32 644.70 651.15 657.66 664.24 670.88 677.59 7.52 7.59 7.67 7.74 7.82 7.90 7.98 8.06 8.14 8.22 8.30 8.39 8.47 A B H 16,431.97 16,596.29 16,762.25 16,929.88 17,099.17 17,270.17 17,442.87 17,617.30 17,793.47 17,971.40 18,151.12 18,332.63 18,515.96 632.00 638.32 644.70 651.15 657.66 664.24 670.88 677.59 684.36 691.21 698.12 705.10 712.15 7.90 7.98 8.06 8.14 8.22 8.30 8.39 8.47 8.55 8.64 8.73 8.81 8.90 A B H 17,270.17 17,442.87 17,617.30 17,793.47 17,971.40 18,151.12 18,332.63 18,515.96 18,701.11 18,888.13 19,077.01 19,267.78 19,460.46 664.24 670.88 677.59 684.36 691.21 698.12 705.10 712.15 719.27 726.47 733.73 741.07 748.48 8.30 8.39 8.47 8.55 8.64 8.73 8.81 8.90 8.99 9.08 9.17 9.26 9.36 A B H 18,151.12 18,332.63 18,515.96 18,701.11 18,888.13 19,077.01 19,267.78 19,460.46 19,655.06 19,851.61 20,050.13 20,250.63 20,453.13 698.12 705.10 712.15 719.27 726.47 733.73 741.07 748.48 755.96 763.52 771.16 778.87 786.66 8.73 8.81 8.90 8.99 9.08 9.17 9.26 9.36 9.45 9.54 9.64 9.74 9.83 A B H 19,077.01 19,267.78 19,460.46 19,655.06 19,851.61 20,050.13 20,250.63 20,453.13 20,657.67 20,864.24 21,072.88 21,283.61 21,496.45 733.73 741.07 748.48 755.96 763.52 771.16 778.87 786.66 794.53 802.47 810.50 818.60 826.79 9.17 9.26 9.36 9.45 9.54 9.64 9.74 9.83 9.93 10.03 10.13 10.23 10.33 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 09/07/2007 STEP 26 Page 2 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 1 A B H 13,874.79 14,013.53 14,153.67 14,295.21 14,438.16 14,582.54 14,728.36 14,875.65 15,024.40 15,174.65 15,326.40 15,479.66 15,634.46 533.65 538.98 544.37 549.82 555.31 560.87 566.48 572.14 577.86 583.64 589.48 595.37 601.33 6.67 6.74 6.80 6.87 6.94 7.01 7.08 7.15 7.22 7.30 7.37 7.44 7.52 A B H 14,582.54 14,728.36 14,875.65 15,024.40 15,174.65 15,326.40 15,479.66 15,634.46 15,790.80 15,948.71 16,108.20 16,269.28 16,431.97 560.87 566.48 572.14 577.86 583.64 589.48 595.37 601.33 607.34 613.41 619.55 625.74 632.00 7.01 7.08 7.15 7.22 7.30 7.37 7.44 7.52 7.59 7.67 7.74 7.82 7.90 A B H 15,326.40 15,479.66 15,634.46 15,790.80 15,948.71 16,108.20 16,269.28 16,431.97 16,596.29 16,762.25 16,929.88 17,099.17 17,270.17 589.48 595.37 601.33 607.34 613.41 619.55 625.74 632.00 638.32 644.70 651.15 657.66 664.24 7.37 7.44 7.52 7.59 7.67 7.74 7.82 7.90 7.98 8.06 8.14 8.22 8.30 A B H 16,108.20 16,269.28 16,431.97 16,596.29 16,762.25 16,929.88 17,099.17 17,270.17 17,442.87 17,617.30 17,793.47 17,971.40 18,151.12 619.55 625.74 632.00 638.32 644.70 651.15 657.66 664.24 670.88 677.59 684.36 691.21 698.12 7.74 7.82 7.90 7.98 8.06 8.14 8.22 8.30 8.39 8.47 8.55 8.64 8.73 A B H 16,929.88 17,099.17 17,270.17 17,442.87 17,617.30 17,793.47 17,971.40 18,151.12 18,332.63 18,515.96 18,701.11 18,888.13 19,077.01 651.15 657.66 664.24 670.88 677.59 684.36 691.21 698.12 705.10 712.15 719.27 726.47 733.73 8.14 8.22 8.30 8.39 8.47 8.55 8.64 8.73 8.81 8.90 8.99 9.08 9.17 A B H 17,793.47 17,971.40 18,151.12 18,332.63 18,515.96 18,701.11 18,888.13 19,077.01 19,267.78 19,460.46 19,655.06 19,851.61 20,050.13 684.36 691.21 698.12 705.10 712.15 719.27 726.47 733.73 741.07 748.48 755.96 763.52 771.16 8.55 8.64 8.73 8.81 8.90 8.99 9.08 9.17 9.26 9.36 9.45 9.54 9.64 A B H 18,701.11 18,888.13 19,077.01 19,267.78 19,460.46 19,655.06 19,851.61 20,050.13 20,250.63 20,453.13 20,657.67 20,864.24 21,072.88 719.27 726.47 733.73 741.07 748.48 755.96 763.52 771.16 778.87 786.66 794.53 802.47 810.50 8.99 9.08 9.17 9.26 9.36 9.45 9.54 9.64 9.74 9.83 9.93 10.03 10.13 A B H 19,655.06 19,851.61 20,050.13 20,250.63 20,453.13 20,657.67 20,864.24 21,072.88 21,283.61 21,496.45 21,711.41 21,928.53 22,147.81 755.96 763.52 771.16 778.87 786.66 794.53 802.47 810.50 818.60 826.79 835.05 843.40 851.84 9.45 9.54 9.64 9.74 9.83 9.93 10.03 10.13 10.23 10.33 10.44 10.54 10.65 A B H 20,657.67 20,864.24 21,072.88 21,283.61 21,496.45 21,711.41 21,928.53 22,147.81 22,369.29 22,592.98 22,818.91 23,047.10 23,277.57 794.53 802.47 810.50 818.60 826.79 835.05 843.40 851.84 860.36 868.96 877.65 886.43 895.29 9.93 10.03 10.13 10.23 10.33 10.44 10.54 10.65 10.75 10.86 10.97 11.08 11.19 A B H 21,711.41 21,928.53 22,147.81 22,369.29 22,592.98 22,818.91 23,047.10 23,277.57 23,510.35 23,745.45 23,982.91 24,222.74 24,464.96 835.05 843.40 851.84 860.36 868.96 877.65 886.43 895.29 904.24 913.29 922.42 931.64 940.96 10.44 10.54 10.65 10.75 10.86 10.97 11.08 11.19 11.30 11.42 11.53 11.65 11.76 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 09/07/2007 STEP 39 Page 3 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 1 A B H 15,790.80 15,948.71 16,108.20 16,269.28 16,431.97 16,596.29 16,762.25 16,929.88 17,099.17 607.34 613.41 619.55 625.74 632.00 638.32 644.70 651.15 657.66 7.59 7.67 7.74 7.82 7.90 7.98 8.06 8.14 8.22 A B H 16,596.29 16,762.25 16,929.88 17,099.17 17,270.17 17,442.87 17,617.30 17,793.47 17,971.40 638.32 644.70 651.15 657.66 664.24 670.88 677.59 684.36 691.21 7.98 8.06 8.14 8.22 8.30 8.39 8.47 8.55 8.64 A B H 17,442.87 17,617.30 17,793.47 17,971.40 18,151.12 18,332.63 18,515.96 18,701.11 18,888.13 670.88 677.59 684.36 691.21 698.12 705.10 712.15 719.27 726.47 8.39 8.47 8.55 8.64 8.73 8.81 8.90 8.99 9.08 A B H 18,332.63 18,515.96 18,701.11 18,888.13 19,077.01 19,267.78 19,460.46 19,655.06 19,851.61 705.10 712.15 719.27 726.47 733.73 741.07 748.48 755.96 763.52 8.81 8.90 8.99 9.08 9.17 9.26 9.36 9.45 9.54 A B H 19,267.78 19,460.46 19,655.06 19,851.61 20,050.13 20,250.63 20,453.13 20,657.67 20,864.24 741.07 748.48 755.96 763.52 771.16 778.87 786.66 794.53 802.47 9.26 9.36 9.45 9.54 9.64 9.74 9.83 9.93 10.03 A B H 20,250.63 20,453.13 20,657.67 20,864.24 21,072.88 21,283.61 21,496.45 21,711.41 21,928.53 778.87 786.66 794.53 802.47 810.50 818.60 826.79 835.05 843.40 9.74 9.83 9.93 10.03 10.13 10.23 10.33 10.44 10.54 A B H 21,283.61 21,496.45 21,711.41 21,928.53 22,147.81 22,369.29 22,592.98 22,818.91 23,047.10 818.60 826.79 835.05 843.40 851.84 860.36 868.96 877.65 886.43 10.23 10.33 10.44 10.54 10.65 10.75 10.86 10.97 11.08 A B H 22,369.29 22,592.98 22,818.91 23,047.10 23,277.57 23,510.35 23,745.45 23,982.91 24,222.74 860.36 868.96 877.65 886.43 895.29 904.24 913.29 922.42 931.64 10.75 10.86 10.97 11.08 11.19 11.30 11.42 11.53 11.65 A B H 23,510.35 23,745.45 23,982.91 24,222.74 24,464.96 24,709.61 24,956.71 25,206.28 25,458.34 904.24 913.29 922.42 931.64 940.96 950.37 959.87 969.47 979.17 11.30 11.42 11.53 11.65 11.76 11.88 12.00 12.12 12.24 A B H 24,709.61 24,956.71 25,206.28 25,458.34 25,712.92 25,970.05 26,229.75 26,492.05 26,756.97 950.37 959.87 969.47 979.17 988.96 998.85 1,008.84 1,018.93 1,029.11 11.88 12.00 12.12 12.24 12.36 12.49 12.61 12.74 12.86 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 09/07/2007 STEP 48 Page 4 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 A B H 17,617.30 17,793.47 17,971.40 18,151.12 18,332.63 18,515.96 18,701.11 18,888.13 19,077.01 19,267.78 19,460.46 19,655.06 19,851.61 677.59 684.36 691.21 698.12 705.10 712.15 719.27 726.47 733.73 741.07 748.48 755.96 763.52 8.47 8.55 8.64 8.73 8.81 8.90 8.99 9.08 9.17 9.26 9.36 9.45 9.54 A B H 18,515.96 18,701.11 18,888.13 19,077.01 19,267.78 19,460.46 19,655.06 19,851.61 20,050.13 20,250.63 20,453.13 20,657.67 20,864.24 712.15 719.27 726.47 733.73 741.07 748.48 755.96 763.52 771.16 778.87 786.66 794.53 802.47 8.90 8.99 9.08 9.17 9.26 9.36 9.45 9.54 9.64 9.74 9.83 9.93 10.03 A B H 19,460.46 19,655.06 19,851.61 20,050.13 20,250.63 20,453.13 20,657.67 20,864.24 21,072.88 21,283.61 21,496.45 21,711.41 21,928.53 748.48 755.96 763.52 771.16 778.87 786.66 794.53 802.47 810.50 818.60 826.79 835.05 843.40 9.36 9.45 9.54 9.64 9.74 9.83 9.93 10.03 10.13 10.23 10.33 10.44 10.54 A B H 20,453.13 20,657.67 20,864.24 21,072.88 21,283.61 21,496.45 21,711.41 21,928.53 22,147.81 22,369.29 22,592.98 22,818.91 23,047.10 786.66 794.53 802.47 810.50 818.60 826.79 835.05 843.40 851.84 860.36 868.96 877.65 886.43 9.83 9.93 10.03 10.13 10.23 10.33 10.44 10.54 10.65 10.75 10.86 10.97 11.08 A B H 21,496.45 21,711.41 21,928.53 22,147.81 22,369.29 22,592.98 22,818.91 23,047.10 23,277.57 23,510.35 23,745.45 23,982.91 24,222.74 826.79 835.05 843.40 851.84 860.36 868.96 877.65 886.43 895.29 904.24 913.29 922.42 931.64 10.33 10.44 10.54 10.65 10.75 10.86 10.97 11.08 11.19 11.30 11.42 11.53 11.65 A B H 22,592.98 22,818.91 23,047.10 23,277.57 23,510.35 23,745.45 23,982.91 24,222.74 24,464.96 24,709.61 24,956.71 25,206.28 25,458.34 868.96 877.65 886.43 895.29 904.24 913.29 922.42 931.64 940.96 950.37 959.87 969.47 979.17 10.86 10.97 11.08 11.19 11.30 11.42 11.53 11.65 11.76 11.88 12.00 12.12 12.24 A B H 23,745.45 23,982.91 24,222.74 24,464.96 24,709.61 24,956.71 25,206.28 25,458.34 25,712.92 25,970.05 26,229.75 26,492.05 26,756.97 913.29 922.42 931.64 940.96 950.37 959.87 969.47 979.17 988.96 998.85 1,008.84 1,018.93 1,029.11 11.42 11.53 11.65 11.76 11.88 12.00 12.12 12.24 12.36 12.49 12.61 12.74 12.86 A B H 24,956.71 25,206.28 25,458.34 25,712.92 25,970.05 26,229.75 26,492.05 26,756.97 27,024.54 27,294.79 27,567.73 27,843.41 28,121.85 959.87 969.47 979.17 988.96 998.85 1,008.84 1,018.93 1,029.11 1,039.41 1,049.80 1,060.30 1,070.90 1,081.61 12.00 12.12 12.24 12.36 12.49 12.61 12.74 12.86 12.99 13.12 13.25 13.39 13.52 A B H 26,229.75 26,492.05 26,756.97 27,024.54 27,294.79 27,567.73 27,843.41 28,121.85 28,403.06 28,687.09 28,973.97 29,263.71 29,556.34 1,008.84 1,018.93 1,029.11 1,039.41 1,049.80 1,060.30 1,070.90 1,081.61 1,092.43 1,103.35 1,114.38 1,125.53 1,136.78 12.61 12.74 12.86 12.99 13.12 13.25 13.39 13.52 13.66 13.79 13.93 14.07 14.21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 09/07/2007 Page 5 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 11 A B H 20,050.13 20,250.63 20,453.13 20,657.67 20,864.24 21,072.88 21,283.61 21,496.45 21,711.41 21,928.53 22,147.81 22,369.29 22,592.98 771.16 778.87 786.66 794.53 802.47 810.50 818.60 826.79 835.05 843.40 851.84 860.36 868.96 9.64 9.74 9.83 9.93 10.03 10.13 10.23 10.33 10.44 10.54 10.65 10.75 10.86 A B H 21,072.88 21,283.61 21,496.45 21,711.41 21,928.53 22,147.81 22,369.29 22,592.98 22,818.91 23,047.10 23,277.57 23,510.35 23,745.45 810.50 818.60 826.79 835.05 843.40 851.84 860.36 868.96 877.65 886.43 895.29 904.24 913.29 10.13 10.23 10.33 10.44 10.54 10.65 10.75 10.86 10.97 11.08 11.19 11.30 11.42 A B H 22,147.81 22,369.29 22,592.98 22,818.91 23,047.10 23,277.57 23,510.35 23,745.45 23,982.91 24,222.74 24,464.96 24,709.61 24,956.71 851.84 860.36 868.96 877.65 886.43 895.29 904.24 913.29 922.42 931.64 940.96 950.37 959.87 10.65 10.75 10.86 10.97 11.08 11.19 11.30 11.42 11.53 11.65 11.76 11.88 12.00 A B H 23,277.57 23,510.35 23,745.45 23,982.91 24,222.74 24,464.96 24,709.61 24,956.71 25,206.28 25,458.34 25,712.92 25,970.05 26,229.75 895.29 904.24 913.29 922.42 931.64 940.96 950.37 959.87 969.47 979.17 988.96 998.85 1,008.84 11.19 11.30 11.42 11.53 11.65 11.76 11.88 12.00 12.12 12.24 12.36 12.49 12.61 A B H 24,464.96 24,709.61 24,956.71 25,206.28 25,458.34 25,712.92 25,970.05 26,229.75 26,492.05 26,756.97 27,024.54 27,294.79 27,567.73 940.96 950.37 959.87 969.47 979.17 988.96 998.85 1,008.84 1,018.93 1,029.11 1,039.41 1,049.80 1,060.30 11.76 11.88 12.00 12.12 12.24 12.36 12.49 12.61 12.74 12.86 12.99 13.12 13.25 A B H 25,712.92 25,970.05 26,229.75 26,492.05 26,756.97 27,024.54 27,294.79 27,567.73 27,843.41 28,121.85 28,403.06 28,687.09 28,973.97 988.96 998.85 1,008.84 1,018.93 1,029.11 1,039.41 1,049.80 1,060.30 1,070.90 1,081.61 1,092.43 1,103.35 1,114.38 12.36 12.49 12.61 12.74 12.86 12.99 13.12 13.25 13.39 13.52 13.66 13.79 13.93 A B H 27,024.54 27,294.79 27,567.73 27,843.41 28,121.85 28,403.06 28,687.09 28,973.97 29,263.71 29,556.34 29,851.91 30,150.42 30,451.93 1,039.41 1,049.80 1,060.30 1,070.90 1,081.61 1,092.43 1,103.35 1,114.38 1,125.53 1,136.78 1,148.15 1,159.63 1,171.23 12.99 13.12 13.25 13.39 13.52 13.66 13.79 13.93 14.07 14.21 14.35 14.50 14.64 A B H 28,403.06 28,687.09 28,973.97 29,263.71 29,556.34 29,851.91 30,150.42 30,451.93 30,756.45 31,064.01 31,374.65 31,688.40 32,005.28 1,092.43 1,103.35 1,114.38 1,125.53 1,136.78 1,148.15 1,159.63 1,171.23 1,182.94 1,194.77 1,206.72 1,218.78 1,230.97 13.66 13.79 13.93 14.07 14.21 14.35 14.50 14.64 14.79 14.93 15.08 15.23 15.39 A B H 29,851.91 30,150.42 30,451.93 30,756.45 31,064.01 31,374.65 31,688.40 32,005.28 32,325.34 32,648.59 32,975.08 33,304.83 33,637.87 1,148.15 1,159.63 1,171.23 1,182.94 1,194.77 1,206.72 1,218.78 1,230.97 1,243.28 1,255.71 1,268.27 1,280.95 1,293.76 14.35 14.50 14.64 14.79 14.93 15.08 15.23 15.39 15.54 15.70 15.85 16.01 16.17 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 09/07/2007 Page 6 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 11 A B H 22,818.91 23,047.10 23,277.57 23,510.35 23,745.45 23,982.91 24,222.74 24,464.96 24,709.61 24,956.71 25,206.28 25,458.34 25,712.92 877.65 886.43 895.29 904.24 913.29 922.42 931.64 940.96 950.37 959.87 969.47 979.17 988.96 10.97 11.08 11.19 11.30 11.42 11.53 11.65 11.76 11.88 12.00 12.12 12.24 12.36 A B H 23,982.91 24,222.74 24,464.96 24,709.61 24,956.71 25,206.28 25,458.34 25,712.92 25,970.05 26,229.75 26,492.05 26,756.97 27,024.54 922.42 931.64 940.96 950.37 959.87 969.47 979.17 988.96 998.85 1,008.84 1,018.93 1,029.11 1,039.41 11.53 11.65 11.76 11.88 12.00 12.12 12.24 12.36 12.49 12.61 12.74 12.86 12.99 A B H 25,206.28 25,458.34 25,712.92 25,970.05 26,229.75 26,492.05 26,756.97 27,024.54 27,294.79 27,567.73 27,843.41 28,121.85 28,403.06 969.47 979.17 988.96 998.85 1,008.84 1,018.93 1,029.11 1,039.41 1,049.80 1,060.30 1,070.90 1,081.61 1,092.43 12.12 12.24 12.36 12.49 12.61 12.74 12.86 12.99 13.12 13.25 13.39 13.52 13.66 A B H 26,492.05 26,756.97 27,024.54 27,294.79 27,567.73 27,843.41 28,121.85 28,403.06 28,687.09 28,973.97 29,263.71 29,556.34 29,851.91 1,018.93 1,029.11 1,039.41 1,049.80 1,060.30 1,070.90 1,081.61 1,092.43 1,103.35 1,114.38 1,125.53 1,136.78 1,148.15 12.74 12.86 12.99 13.12 13.25 13.39 13.52 13.66 13.79 13.93 14.07 14.21 14.35 A B H 27,843.41 28,121.85 28,403.06 28,687.09 28,973.97 29,263.71 29,556.34 29,851.91 30,150.42 30,451.93 30,756.45 31,064.01 31,374.65 1,070.90 1,081.61 1,092.43 1,103.35 1,114.38 1,125.53 1,136.78 1,148.15 1,159.63 1,171.23 1,182.94 1,194.77 1,206.72 13.39 13.52 13.66 13.79 13.93 14.07 14.21 14.35 14.50 14.64 14.79 14.93 15.08 A B H 29,263.71 29,556.34 29,851.91 30,150.42 30,451.93 30,756.45 31,064.01 31,374.65 31,688.40 32,005.28 32,325.34 32,648.59 32,975.08 1,125.53 1,136.78 1,148.15 1,159.63 1,171.23 1,182.94 1,194.77 1,206.72 1,218.78 1,230.97 1,243.28 1,255.71 1,268.27 14.07 14.21 14.35 14.50 14.64 14.79 14.93 15.08 15.23 15.39 15.54 15.70 15.85 A B H 30,756.45 31,064.01 31,374.65 31,688.40 32,005.28 32,325.34 32,648.59 32,975.08 33,304.83 33,637.87 33,974.25 34,314.00 34,657.14 1,182.94 1,194.77 1,206.72 1,218.78 1,230.97 1,243.28 1,255.71 1,268.27 1,280.95 1,293.76 1,306.70 1,319.77 1,332.97 14.79 14.93 15.08 15.23 15.39 15.54 15.70 15.85 16.01 16.17 16.33 16.50 16.66 A B H 32,325.34 32,648.59 32,975.08 33,304.83 33,637.87 33,974.25 34,314.00 34,657.14 35,003.71 35,353.74 35,707.28 36,064.35 36,425.00 1,243.28 1,255.71 1,268.27 1,280.95 1,293.76 1,306.70 1,319.77 1,332.97 1,346.30 1,359.76 1,373.36 1,387.09 1,400.96 15.54 15.70 15.85 16.01 16.17 16.33 16.50 16.66 16.83 17.00 17.17 17.34 17.51 A B H 33,974.25 34,314.00 34,657.14 35,003.71 35,353.74 35,707.28 36,064.35 36,425.00 36,789.25 37,157.14 37,528.71 37,904.00 38,283.04 1,306.70 1,319.77 1,332.97 1,346.30 1,359.76 1,373.36 1,387.09 1,400.96 1,414.97 1,429.12 1,443.41 1,457.85 1,472.42 16.33 16.50 16.66 16.83 17.00 17.17 17.34 17.51 17.69 17.86 18.04 18.22 18.41 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 09/07/2007 Page 7 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 11 A B H 25,970.05 26,229.75 26,492.05 26,756.97 27,024.54 27,294.79 27,567.73 27,843.41 28,121.85 998.85 1,008.84 1,018.93 1,029.11 1,039.41 1,049.80 1,060.30 1,070.90 1,081.61 12.49 12.61 12.74 12.86 12.99 13.12 13.25 13.39 13.52 A B H 27,294.79 27,567.73 27,843.41 28,121.85 28,403.06 28,687.09 28,973.97 29,263.71 29,556.34 1,049.80 1,060.30 1,070.90 1,081.61 1,092.43 1,103.35 1,114.38 1,125.53 1,136.78 13.12 13.25 13.39 13.52 13.66 13.79 13.93 14.07 14.21 A B H 28,687.09 28,973.97 29,263.71 29,556.34 29,851.91 30,150.42 30,451.93 30,756.45 31,064.01 1,103.35 1,114.38 1,125.53 1,136.78 1,148.15 1,159.63 1,171.23 1,182.94 1,194.77 13.79 13.93 14.07 14.21 14.35 14.50 14.64 14.79 14.93 A B H 30,150.42 30,451.93 30,756.45 31,064.01 31,374.65 31,688.40 32,005.28 32,325.34 32,648.59 1,159.63 1,171.23 1,182.94 1,194.77 1,206.72 1,218.78 1,230.97 1,243.28 1,255.71 14.50 14.64 14.79 14.93 15.08 15.23 15.39 15.54 15.70 A B H 31,688.40 32,005.28 32,325.34 32,648.59 32,975.08 33,304.83 33,637.87 33,974.25 34,314.00 1,218.78 1,230.97 1,243.28 1,255.71 1,268.27 1,280.95 1,293.76 1,306.70 1,319.77 15.23 15.39 15.54 15.70 15.85 16.01 16.17 16.33 16.50 A B H 33,304.83 33,637.87 33,974.25 34,314.00 34,657.14 35,003.71 35,353.74 35,707.28 36,064.35 1,280.95 1,293.76 1,306.70 1,319.77 1,332.97 1,346.30 1,359.76 1,373.36 1,387.09 16.01 16.17 16.33 16.50 16.66 16.83 17.00 17.17 17.34 A B H 35,003.71 35,353.74 35,707.28 36,064.35 36,425.00 36,789.25 37,157.14 37,528.71 37,904.00 1,346.30 1,359.76 1,373.36 1,387.09 1,400.96 1,414.97 1,429.12 1,443.41 1,457.85 16.83 17.00 17.17 17.34 17.51 17.69 17.86 18.04 18.22 A B H 36,789.25 37,157.14 37,528.71 37,904.00 38,283.04 38,665.87 39,052.53 39,443.05 39,837.48 1,414.97 1,429.12 1,443.41 1,457.85 1,472.42 1,487.15 1,502.02 1,517.04 1,532.21 17.69 17.86 18.04 18.22 18.41 18.59 18.78 18.96 19.15 A B H 38,665.87 39,052.53 39,443.05 39,837.48 40,235.86 40,638.22 41,044.60 41,455.05 41,869.60 1,487.15 1,502.02 1,517.04 1,532.21 1,547.53 1,563.01 1,578.64 1,594.42 1,610.37 18.59 18.78 18.96 19.15 19.34 19.54 19.73 19.93 20.13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 09/07/2007 Page 8 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 20 A B H 27,567.73 27,843.41 28,121.85 28,403.06 28,687.09 28,973.97 29,263.71 29,556.34 29,851.91 30,150.42 30,451.93 30,756.45 31,064.01 1,060.30 1,070.90 1,081.61 1,092.43 1,103.35 1,114.38 1,125.53 1,136.78 1,148.15 1,159.63 1,171.23 1,182.94 1,194.77 13.25 13.39 13.52 13.66 13.79 13.93 14.07 14.21 14.35 14.50 14.64 14.79 14.93 A B H 28,973.97 29,263.71 29,556.34 29,851.91 30,150.42 30,451.93 30,756.45 31,064.01 31,374.65 31,688.40 32,005.28 32,325.34 32,648.59 1,114.38 1,125.53 1,136.78 1,148.15 1,159.63 1,171.23 1,182.94 1,194.77 1,206.72 1,218.78 1,230.97 1,243.28 1,255.71 13.93 14.07 14.21 14.35 14.50 14.64 14.79 14.93 15.08 15.23 15.39 15.54 15.70 A B H 30,451.93 30,756.45 31,064.01 31,374.65 31,688.40 32,005.28 32,325.34 32,648.59 32,975.08 33,304.83 33,637.87 33,974.25 34,314.00 1,171.23 1,182.94 1,194.77 1,206.72 1,218.78 1,230.97 1,243.28 1,255.71 1,268.27 1,280.95 1,293.76 1,306.70 1,319.77 14.64 14.79 14.93 15.08 15.23 15.39 15.54 15.70 15.85 16.01 16.17 16.33 16.50 A B H 32,005.28 32,325.34 32,648.59 32,975.08 33,304.83 33,637.87 33,974.25 34,314.00 34,657.14 35,003.71 35,353.74 35,707.28 36,064.35 1,230.97 1,243.28 1,255.71 1,268.27 1,280.95 1,293.76 1,306.70 1,319.77 1,332.97 1,346.30 1,359.76 1,373.36 1,387.09 15.39 15.54 15.70 15.85 16.01 16.17 16.33 16.50 16.66 16.83 17.00 17.17 17.34 A B H 33,637.87 33,974.25 34,314.00 34,657.14 35,003.71 35,353.74 35,707.28 36,064.35 36,425.00 36,789.25 37,157.14 37,528.71 37,904.00 1,293.76 1,306.70 1,319.77 1,332.97 1,346.30 1,359.76 1,373.36 1,387.09 1,400.96 1,414.97 1,429.12 1,443.41 1,457.85 16.17 16.33 16.50 16.66 16.83 17.00 17.17 17.34 17.51 17.69 17.86 18.04 18.22 A B H 35,353.74 35,707.28 36,064.35 36,425.00 36,789.25 37,157.14 37,528.71 37,904.00 38,283.04 38,665.87 39,052.53 39,443.05 39,837.48 1,359.76 1,373.36 1,387.09 1,400.96 1,414.97 1,429.12 1,443.41 1,457.85 1,472.42 1,487.15 1,502.02 1,517.04 1,532.21 17.00 17.17 17.34 17.51 17.69 17.86 18.04 18.22 18.41 18.59 18.78 18.96 19.15 A B H 37,157.14 37,528.71 37,904.00 38,283.04 38,665.87 39,052.53 39,443.05 39,837.48 40,235.86 40,638.22 41,044.60 41,455.05 41,869.60 1,429.12 1,443.41 1,457.85 1,472.42 1,487.15 1,502.02 1,517.04 1,532.21 1,547.53 1,563.01 1,578.64 1,594.42 1,610.37 17.86 18.04 18.22 18.41 18.59 18.78 18.96 19.15 19.34 19.54 19.73 19.93 20.13 A B H 39,052.53 39,443.05 39,837.48 40,235.86 40,638.22 41,044.60 41,455.05 41,869.60 42,288.29 42,711.18 43,138.29 43,569.67 44,005.37 1,502.02 1,517.04 1,532.21 1,547.53 1,563.01 1,578.64 1,594.42 1,610.37 1,626.47 1,642.74 1,659.16 1,675.76 1,692.51 18.78 18.96 19.15 19.34 19.54 19.73 19.93 20.13 20.33 20.53 20.74 20.95 21.16 A B H 41,044.60 41,455.05 41,869.60 42,288.29 42,711.18 43,138.29 43,569.67 44,005.37 44,445.42 44,889.87 45,338.77 45,792.16 46,250.08 1,578.64 1,594.42 1,610.37 1,626.47 1,642.74 1,659.16 1,675.76 1,692.51 1,709.44 1,726.53 1,743.80 1,761.24 1,778.85 19.73 19.93 20.13 20.33 20.53 20.74 20.95 21.16 21.37 21.58 21.80 22.02 22.24 A B H 43,138.29 43,569.67 44,005.37 44,445.42 44,889.87 45,338.77 45,792.16 46,250.08 46,712.58 47,179.71 47,651.51 48,128.02 48,609.30 1,659.16 1,675.76 1,692.51 1,709.44 1,726.53 1,743.80 1,761.24 1,778.85 1,796.64 1,814.60 1,832.75 1,851.08 1,869.59 20.74 20.95 21.16 21.37 21.58 21.80 22.02 22.24 22.46 22.68 22.91 23.14 23.37 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 09/07/2007 Page 9 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 A B H 31,374.65 31,688.40 32,005.28 32,325.34 32,648.59 32,975.08 33,304.83 33,637.87 33,974.25 34,314.00 34,657.14 35,003.71 35,353.74 1,206.72 1,218.78 1,230.97 1,243.28 1,255.71 1,268.27 1,280.95 1,293.76 1,306.70 1,319.77 1,332.97 1,346.30 1,359.76 15.08 15.23 15.39 15.54 15.70 15.85 16.01 16.17 16.33 16.50 16.66 16.83 17.00 A B H 32,975.08 33,304.83 33,637.87 33,974.25 34,314.00 34,657.14 35,003.71 35,353.74 35,707.28 36,064.35 36,425.00 36,789.25 37,157.14 1,268.27 1,280.95 1,293.76 1,306.70 1,319.77 1,332.97 1,346.30 1,359.76 1,373.36 1,387.09 1,400.96 1,414.97 1,429.12 15.85 16.01 16.17 16.33 16.50 16.66 16.83 17.00 17.17 17.34 17.51 17.69 17.86 A B H 34,657.14 35,003.71 35,353.74 35,707.28 36,064.35 36,425.00 36,789.25 37,157.14 37,528.71 37,904.00 38,283.04 38,665.87 39,052.53 1,332.97 1,346.30 1,359.76 1,373.36 1,387.09 1,400.96 1,414.97 1,429.12 1,443.41 1,457.85 1,472.42 1,487.15 1,502.02 16.66 16.83 17.00 17.17 17.34 17.51 17.69 17.86 18.04 18.22 18.41 18.59 18.78 A B H 36,425.00 36,789.25 37,157.14 37,528.71 37,904.00 38,283.04 38,665.87 39,052.53 39,443.05 39,837.48 40,235.86 40,638.22 41,044.60 1,400.96 1,414.97 1,429.12 1,443.41 1,457.85 1,472.42 1,487.15 1,502.02 1,517.04 1,532.21 1,547.53 1,563.01 1,578.64 17.51 17.69 17.86 18.04 18.22 18.41 18.59 18.78 18.96 19.15 19.34 19.54 19.73 A B H 38,283.04 38,665.87 39,052.53 39,443.05 39,837.48 40,235.86 40,638.22 41,044.60 41,455.05 41,869.60 42,288.29 42,711.18 43,138.29 1,472.42 1,487.15 1,502.02 1,517.04 1,532.21 1,547.53 1,563.01 1,578.64 1,594.42 1,610.37 1,626.47 1,642.74 1,659.16 18.41 18.59 18.78 18.96 19.15 19.34 19.54 19.73 19.93 20.13 20.33 20.53 20.74 A B H 40,235.86 40,638.22 41,044.60 41,455.05 41,869.60 42,288.29 42,711.18 43,138.29 43,569.67 44,005.37 44,445.42 44,889.87 45,338.77 1,547.53 1,563.01 1,578.64 1,594.42 1,610.37 1,626.47 1,642.74 1,659.16 1,675.76 1,692.51 1,709.44 1,726.53 1,743.80 19.34 19.54 19.73 19.93 20.13 20.33 20.53 20.74 20.95 21.16 21.37 21.58 21.80 A B H 42,288.29 42,711.18 43,138.29 43,569.67 44,005.37 44,445.42 44,889.87 45,338.77 45,792.16 46,250.08 46,712.58 47,179.71 47,651.51 1,626.47 1,642.74 1,659.16 1,675.76 1,692.51 1,709.44 1,726.53 1,743.80 1,761.24 1,778.85 1,796.64 1,814.60 1,832.75 20.33 20.53 20.74 20.95 21.16 21.37 21.58 21.80 22.02 22.24 22.46 22.68 22.91 A B H 44,445.42 44,889.87 45,338.77 45,792.16 46,250.08 46,712.58 47,179.71 47,651.51 48,128.02 48,609.30 49,095.39 49,586.35 50,082.21 1,709.44 1,726.53 1,743.80 1,761.24 1,778.85 1,796.64 1,814.60 1,832.75 1,851.08 1,869.59 1,888.28 1,907.17 1,926.24 21.37 21.58 21.80 22.02 22.24 22.46 22.68 22.91 23.14 23.37 23.60 23.84 24.08 A B H 46,712.58 47,179.71 47,651.51 48,128.02 48,609.30 49,095.39 49,586.35 50,082.21 50,583.03 51,088.86 51,599.75 52,115.75 52,636.91 1,796.64 1,814.60 1,832.75 1,851.08 1,869.59 1,888.28 1,907.17 1,926.24 1,945.50 1,964.96 1,984.61 2,004.45 2,024.50 22.46 22.68 22.91 23.14 23.37 23.60 23.84 24.08 24.32 24.56 24.81 25.06 25.31 A B H 49,095.39 49,586.35 50,082.21 50,583.03 51,088.86 51,599.75 52,115.75 52,636.91 53,163.28 53,694.91 54,231.86 54,774.18 55,321.92 1,888.28 1,907.17 1,926.24 1,945.50 1,964.96 1,984.61 2,004.45 2,024.50 2,044.74 2,065.19 2,085.84 2,106.70 2,127.77 23.60 23.84 24.08 24.32 24.56 24.81 25.06 25.31 25.56 25.81 26.07 26.33 26.60 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 09/07/2007 Page 10 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 20 A B H 35,707.28 36,064.35 36,425.00 36,789.25 37,157.14 37,528.71 37,904.00 38,283.04 38,665.87 39,052.53 39,443.05 39,837.48 40,235.86 1,373.36 1,387.09 1,400.96 1,414.97 1,429.12 1,443.41 1,457.85 1,472.42 1,487.15 1,502.02 1,517.04 1,532.21 1,547.53 17.17 17.34 17.51 17.69 17.86 18.04 18.22 18.41 18.59 18.78 18.96 19.15 19.34 A B H 37,528.71 37,904.00 38,283.04 38,665.87 39,052.53 39,443.05 39,837.48 40,235.86 40,638.22 41,044.60 41,455.05 41,869.60 42,288.29 1,443.41 1,457.85 1,472.42 1,487.15 1,502.02 1,517.04 1,532.21 1,547.53 1,563.01 1,578.64 1,594.42 1,610.37 1,626.47 18.04 18.22 18.41 18.59 18.78 18.96 19.15 19.34 19.54 19.73 19.93 20.13 20.33 A B H 39,443.05 39,837.48 40,235.86 40,638.22 41,044.60 41,455.05 41,869.60 42,288.29 42,711.18 43,138.29 43,569.67 44,005.37 44,445.42 1,517.04 1,532.21 1,547.53 1,563.01 1,578.64 1,594.42 1,610.37 1,626.47 1,642.74 1,659.16 1,675.76 1,692.51 1,709.44 18.96 19.15 19.34 19.54 19.73 19.93 20.13 20.33 20.53 20.74 20.95 21.16 21.37 A B H 41,455.05 41,869.60 42,288.29 42,711.18 43,138.29 43,569.67 44,005.37 44,445.42 44,889.87 45,338.77 45,792.16 46,250.08 46,712.58 1,594.42 1,610.37 1,626.47 1,642.74 1,659.16 1,675.76 1,692.51 1,709.44 1,726.53 1,743.80 1,761.24 1,778.85 1,796.64 19.93 20.13 20.33 20.53 20.74 20.95 21.16 21.37 21.58 21.80 22.02 22.24 22.46 A B H 43,569.67 44,005.37 44,445.42 44,889.87 45,338.77 45,792.16 46,250.08 46,712.58 47,179.71 47,651.51 48,128.02 48,609.30 49,095.39 1,675.76 1,692.51 1,709.44 1,726.53 1,743.80 1,761.24 1,778.85 1,796.64 1,814.60 1,832.75 1,851.08 1,869.59 1,888.28 20.95 21.16 21.37 21.58 21.80 22.02 22.24 22.46 22.68 22.91 23.14 23.37 23.60 A B H 45,792.16 46,250.08 46,712.58 47,179.71 47,651.51 48,128.02 48,609.30 49,095.39 49,586.35 50,082.21 50,583.03 51,088.86 51,599.75 1,761.24 1,778.85 1,796.64 1,814.60 1,832.75 1,851.08 1,869.59 1,888.28 1,907.17 1,926.24 1,945.50 1,964.96 1,984.61 22.02 22.24 22.46 22.68 22.91 23.14 23.37 23.60 23.84 24.08 24.32 24.56 24.81 A B H 48,128.02 48,609.30 49,095.39 49,586.35 50,082.21 50,583.03 51,088.86 51,599.75 52,115.75 52,636.91 53,163.28 53,694.91 54,231.86 1,851.08 1,869.59 1,888.28 1,907.17 1,926.24 1,945.50 1,964.96 1,984.61 2,004.45 2,024.50 2,044.74 2,065.19 2,085.84 23.14 23.37 23.60 23.84 24.08 24.32 24.56 24.81 25.06 25.31 25.56 25.81 26.07 A B H 50,583.03 51,088.86 51,599.75 52,115.75 52,636.91 53,163.28 53,694.91 54,231.86 54,774.18 55,321.92 55,875.14 56,433.89 56,998.23 1,945.50 1,964.96 1,984.61 2,004.45 2,024.50 2,044.74 2,065.19 2,085.84 2,106.70 2,127.77 2,149.04 2,170.53 2,192.24 24.32 24.56 24.81 25.06 25.31 25.56 25.81 26.07 26.33 26.60 26.86 27.13 27.40 A B H 53,163.28 53,694.91 54,231.86 54,774.18 55,321.92 55,875.14 56,433.89 56,998.23 57,568.21 58,143.89 58,725.33 59,312.59 59,905.71 2,044.74 2,065.19 2,085.84 2,106.70 2,127.77 2,149.04 2,170.53 2,192.24 2,214.16 2,236.30 2,258.67 2,281.25 2,304.07 25.56 25.81 26.07 26.33 26.60 26.86 27.13 27.40 27.68 27.95 28.23 28.52 28.80 A B H 55,875.14 56,433.89 56,998.23 57,568.21 58,143.89 58,725.33 59,312.59 59,905.71 60,504.77 61,109.82 61,720.91 62,338.12 62,961.50 2,149.04 2,170.53 2,192.24 2,214.16 2,236.30 2,258.67 2,281.25 2,304.07 2,327.11 2,350.38 2,373.88 2,397.62 2,421.60 26.86 27.13 27.40 27.68 27.95 28.23 28.52 28.80 29.09 29.38 29.67 29.97 30.27 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 09/07/2007 Page 11 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 20 A B H 40,638.22 41,044.60 41,455.05 41,869.60 42,288.29 42,711.18 43,138.29 43,569.67 44,005.37 1,563.01 1,578.64 1,594.42 1,610.37 1,626.47 1,642.74 1,659.16 1,675.76 1,692.51 19.54 19.73 19.93 20.13 20.33 20.53 20.74 20.95 21.16 A B H 42,711.18 43,138.29 43,569.67 44,005.37 44,445.42 44,889.87 45,338.77 45,792.16 46,250.08 1,642.74 1,659.16 1,675.76 1,692.51 1,709.44 1,726.53 1,743.80 1,761.24 1,778.85 20.53 20.74 20.95 21.16 21.37 21.58 21.80 22.02 22.24 A B H 44,889.87 45,338.77 45,792.16 46,250.08 46,712.58 47,179.71 47,651.51 48,128.02 48,609.30 1,726.53 1,743.80 1,761.24 1,778.85 1,796.64 1,814.60 1,832.75 1,851.08 1,869.59 21.58 21.80 22.02 22.24 22.46 22.68 22.91 23.14 23.37 A B H 47,179.71 47,651.51 48,128.02 48,609.30 49,095.39 49,586.35 50,082.21 50,583.03 51,088.86 1,814.60 1,832.75 1,851.08 1,869.59 1,888.28 1,907.17 1,926.24 1,945.50 1,964.96 22.68 22.91 23.14 23.37 23.60 23.84 24.08 24.32 24.56 A B H 49,586.35 50,082.21 50,583.03 51,088.86 51,599.75 52,115.75 52,636.91 53,163.28 53,694.91 1,907.17 1,926.24 1,945.50 1,964.96 1,984.61 2,004.45 2,024.50 2,044.74 2,065.19 23.84 24.08 24.32 24.56 24.81 25.06 25.31 25.56 25.81 A B H 52,115.75 52,636.91 53,163.28 53,694.91 54,231.86 54,774.18 55,321.92 55,875.14 56,433.89 2,004.45 2,024.50 2,044.74 2,065.19 2,085.84 2,106.70 2,127.77 2,149.04 2,170.53 25.06 25.31 25.56 25.81 26.07 26.33 26.60 26.86 27.13 A B H 54,774.18 55,321.92 55,875.14 56,433.89 56,998.23 57,568.21 58,143.89 58,725.33 59,312.59 2,106.70 2,127.77 2,149.04 2,170.53 2,192.24 2,214.16 2,236.30 2,258.67 2,281.25 26.33 26.60 26.86 27.13 27.40 27.68 27.95 28.23 28.52 A B H 57,568.21 58,143.89 58,725.33 59,312.59 59,905.71 60,504.77 61,109.82 61,720.91 62,338.12 2,214.16 2,236.30 2,258.67 2,281.25 2,304.07 2,327.11 2,350.38 2,373.88 2,397.62 27.68 27.95 28.23 28.52 28.80 29.09 29.38 29.67 29.97 A B H 60,504.77 61,109.82 61,720.91 62,338.12 62,961.50 63,591.12 64,227.03 64,869.30 65,517.99 2,327.11 2,350.38 2,373.88 2,397.62 2,421.60 2,445.81 2,470.27 2,494.97 2,519.92 29.09 29.38 29.67 29.97 30.27 30.57 30.88 31.19 31.50 A B H 63,591.12 64,227.03 64,869.30 65,517.99 66,173.17 66,834.91 67,503.25 68,178.29 68,860.07 2,445.81 2,470.27 2,494.97 2,519.92 2,545.12 2,570.57 2,596.28 2,622.24 2,648.46 30.57 30.88 31.19 31.50 31.81 32.13 32.45 32.78 33.11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 09/07/2007 Page 12 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 30 A B H 45,338.77 45,792.16 46,250.08 46,712.58 47,179.71 47,651.51 48,128.02 48,609.30 49,095.39 49,586.35 50,082.21 50,583.03 51,088.86 1,743.80 1,761.24 1,778.85 1,796.64 1,814.60 1,832.75 1,851.08 1,869.59 1,888.28 1,907.17 1,926.24 1,945.50 1,964.96 21.80 22.02 22.24 22.46 22.68 22.91 23.14 23.37 23.60 23.84 24.08 24.32 24.56 A B H 47,651.51 48,128.02 48,609.30 49,095.39 49,586.35 50,082.21 50,583.03 51,088.86 51,599.75 52,115.75 52,636.91 53,163.28 53,694.91 1,832.75 1,851.08 1,869.59 1,888.28 1,907.17 1,926.24 1,945.50 1,964.96 1,984.61 2,004.45 2,024.50 2,044.74 2,065.19 22.91 23.14 23.37 23.60 23.84 24.08 24.32 24.56 24.81 25.06 25.31 25.56 25.81 A B H 50,082.21 50,583.03 51,088.86 51,599.75 52,115.75 52,636.91 53,163.28 53,694.91 54,231.86 54,774.18 55,321.92 55,875.14 56,433.89 1,926.24 1,945.50 1,964.96 1,984.61 2,004.45 2,024.50 2,044.74 2,065.19 2,085.84 2,106.70 2,127.77 2,149.04 2,170.53 24.08 24.32 24.56 24.81 25.06 25.31 25.56 25.81 26.07 26.33 26.60 26.86 27.13 A B H 52,636.91 53,163.28 53,694.91 54,231.86 54,774.18 55,321.92 55,875.14 56,433.89 56,998.23 57,568.21 58,143.89 58,725.33 59,312.59 2,024.50 2,044.74 2,065.19 2,085.84 2,106.70 2,127.77 2,149.04 2,170.53 2,192.24 2,214.16 2,236.30 2,258.67 2,281.25 25.31 25.56 25.81 26.07 26.33 26.60 26.86 27.13 27.40 27.68 27.95 28.23 28.52 A B H 55,321.92 55,875.14 56,433.89 56,998.23 57,568.21 58,143.89 58,725.33 59,312.59 59,905.71 60,504.77 61,109.82 61,720.91 62,338.12 2,127.77 2,149.04 2,170.53 2,192.24 2,214.16 2,236.30 2,258.67 2,281.25 2,304.07 2,327.11 2,350.38 2,373.88 2,397.62 26.60 26.86 27.13 27.40 27.68 27.95 28.23 28.52 28.80 29.09 29.38 29.67 29.97 31 32 33 34 09/07/2007 Page 13 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 A B H 51,599.75 52,115.75 52,636.91 53,163.28 53,694.91 54,231.86 54,774.18 55,321.92 55,875.14 56,433.89 56,998.23 57,568.21 58,143.89 1,984.61 2,004.45 2,024.50 2,044.74 2,065.19 2,085.84 2,106.70 2,127.77 2,149.04 2,170.53 2,192.24 2,214.16 2,236.30 24.81 25.06 25.31 25.56 25.81 26.07 26.33 26.60 26.86 27.13 27.40 27.68 27.95 A B H 54,231.86 54,774.18 55,321.92 55,875.14 56,433.89 56,998.23 57,568.21 58,143.89 58,725.33 59,312.59 59,905.71 60,504.77 61,109.82 2,085.84 2,106.70 2,127.77 2,149.04 2,170.53 2,192.24 2,214.16 2,236.30 2,258.67 2,281.25 2,304.07 2,327.11 2,350.38 26.07 26.33 26.60 26.86 27.13 27.40 27.68 27.95 28.23 28.52 28.80 29.09 29.38 A B H 56,998.23 57,568.21 58,143.89 58,725.33 59,312.59 59,905.71 60,504.77 61,109.82 61,720.91 62,338.12 62,961.50 63,591.12 64,227.03 2,192.24 2,214.16 2,236.30 2,258.67 2,281.25 2,304.07 2,327.11 2,350.38 2,373.88 2,397.62 2,421.60 2,445.81 2,470.27 27.40 27.68 27.95 28.23 28.52 28.80 29.09 29.38 29.67 29.97 30.27 30.57 30.88 A B H 59,905.71 60,504.77 61,109.82 61,720.91 62,338.12 62,961.50 63,591.12 64,227.03 64,869.30 65,517.99 66,173.17 66,834.91 67,503.25 2,304.07 2,327.11 2,350.38 2,373.88 2,397.62 2,421.60 2,445.81 2,470.27 2,494.97 2,519.92 2,545.12 2,570.57 2,596.28 28.80 29.09 29.38 29.67 29.97 30.27 30.57 30.88 31.19 31.50 31.81 32.13 32.45 A B H 62,961.50 63,591.12 64,227.03 64,869.30 65,517.99 66,173.17 66,834.91 67,503.25 68,178.29 68,860.07 69,548.67 70,244.16 70,946.60 2,421.60 2,445.81 2,470.27 2,494.97 2,519.92 2,545.12 2,570.57 2,596.28 2,622.24 2,648.46 2,674.95 2,701.70 2,728.72 30.27 30.57 30.88 31.19 31.50 31.81 32.13 32.45 32.78 33.11 33.44 33.77 34.11 31 32 33 34 09/07/2007 Page 14 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 30 A B H 58,725.33 59,312.59 59,905.71 60,504.77 61,109.82 61,720.91 62,338.12 62,961.50 63,591.12 64,227.03 64,869.30 65,517.99 66,173.17 2,258.67 2,281.25 2,304.07 2,327.11 2,350.38 2,373.88 2,397.62 2,421.60 2,445.81 2,470.27 2,494.97 2,519.92 2,545.12 28.23 28.52 28.80 29.09 29.38 29.67 29.97 30.27 30.57 30.88 31.19 31.50 31.81 A B H 61,720.91 62,338.12 62,961.50 63,591.12 64,227.03 64,869.30 65,517.99 66,173.17 66,834.91 67,503.25 68,178.29 68,860.07 69,548.67 2,373.88 2,397.62 2,421.60 2,445.81 2,470.27 2,494.97 2,519.92 2,545.12 2,570.57 2,596.28 2,622.24 2,648.46 2,674.95 29.67 29.97 30.27 30.57 30.88 31.19 31.50 31.81 32.13 32.45 32.78 33.11 33.44 A B H 64,869.30 65,517.99 66,173.17 66,834.91 67,503.25 68,178.29 68,860.07 69,548.67 70,244.16 70,946.60 71,656.07 72,372.63 73,096.35 2,494.97 2,519.92 2,545.12 2,570.57 2,596.28 2,622.24 2,648.46 2,674.95 2,701.70 2,728.72 2,756.00 2,783.56 2,811.40 31.19 31.50 31.81 32.13 32.45 32.78 33.11 33.44 33.77 34.11 34.45 34.79 35.14 A B H 68,178.29 68,860.07 69,548.67 70,244.16 70,946.60 71,656.07 72,372.63 73,096.35 73,827.32 74,565.59 75,311.24 76,064.36 76,825.00 2,622.24 2,648.46 2,674.95 2,701.70 2,728.72 2,756.00 2,783.56 2,811.40 2,839.51 2,867.91 2,896.59 2,925.55 2,954.81 32.78 33.11 33.44 33.77 34.11 34.45 34.79 35.14 35.49 35.85 36.21 36.57 36.94 A B H 71,656.07 72,372.63 73,096.35 73,827.32 74,565.59 75,311.24 76,064.36 76,825.00 77,593.25 78,369.18 79,152.88 79,944.40 80,743.85 2,756.00 2,783.56 2,811.40 2,839.51 2,867.91 2,896.59 2,925.55 2,954.81 2,984.36 3,014.20 3,044.34 3,074.78 3,105.53 34.45 34.79 35.14 35.49 35.85 36.21 36.57 36.94 37.30 37.68 38.05 38.43 38.82 31 32 33 34 09/07/2007 Page 15 of 16 Pages EMPLOYEE GRADE/STEP PAY SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07-19 (Amended 9-2005) Pay Pay STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP Group Basis 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 30 A B H 66,834.91 67,503.25 68,178.29 68,860.07 69,548.67 70,244.16 70,946.60 71,656.07 72,372.63 2,570.57 2,596.28 2,622.24 2,648.46 2,674.95 2,701.70 2,728.72 2,756.00 2,783.56 32.13 32.45 32.78 33.11 33.44 33.77 34.11 34.45 34.79 A B H 70,244.16 70,946.60 71,656.07 72,372.63 73,096.35 73,827.32 74,565.59 75,311.24 76,064.36 2,701.70 2,728.72 2,756.00 2,783.56 2,811.40 2,839.51 2,867.91 2,896.59 2,925.55 33.77 34.11 34.45 34.79 35.14 35.49 35.85 36.21 36.57 A B H 73,827.32 74,565.59 75,311.24 76,064.36 76,825.00 77,593.25 78,369.18 79,152.88 79,944.40 2,839.51 2,867.91 2,896.59 2,925.55 2,954.81 2,984.36 3,014.20 3,044.34 3,074.78 35.49 35.85 36.21 36.57 36.94 37.30 37.68 38.05 38.43 A B H 77,593.25 78,369.18 79,152.88 79,944.40 80,743.85 81,551.29 82,366.80 83,190.47 84,022.37 2,984.36 3,014.20 3,044.34 3,074.78 3,105.53 3,136.59 3,167.95 3,199.63 3,231.63 37.30 37.68 38.05 38.43 38.82 39.21 39.60 40.00 40.40 A B H 81,551.29 82,366.80 83,190.47 84,022.37 84,862.60 85,711.22 86,568.33 87,434.02 88,308.36 3,136.59 3,167.95 3,199.63 3,231.63 3,263.95 3,296.59 3,329.55 3,362.85 3,396.48 39.21 39.60 40.00 40.40 40.80 41.21 41.62 42.04 42.46 31 32 33 34 09/07/2007 Page 16 of 16 Pages CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Regular Meeting: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 AGENDA ITEM “D” Deliberate and take action to enter into Second Amendment to Agreement Pertaining to Area One between the City of Rockport, Heritage Hotels Rockport, LLC, TRV Development LTD, and Dorothy LeBlanc with said Agreement pertaining to sewer capacity acquired by the Baker Development Company in document recorded under Clerk’s File No. 146611 and No. 236807. SUBMITTED BY: City Manager Thomas J. Blazek APPROVED BY CITY ATTORNEY: September 6, 2007 APPROVED FOR AGENDA: TJB (6) SUMMARY STATEMENT: On August 28, 1984, the City entered into an Agreement with the William R. Baker Development Company in which the City would receive $554,000 and the Baker Company would “be vested with the right to have approximately 200,000 gallons per day of sanitary sewer effluent … to be treated by the City of Rockport at the same rate as other users of a similar type….” On March 14, 1989, the City entered into an Amendment to Agreement agreeing “to treat up to two hundred thousand (200,000) gallons per day for Baker and AWL [Austin White Lime], with the allocation between AWL and Baker to be one hundred thirty-three thousand thirty three (133,333) gallons per day to AWL….” Subsequently, AWL sold the property and transferred the 133,333 gallons per day sewer capacity to Heritage Hotels Rockport, LLC. The City was not a party to this sales agreement. Subsequently, Heritage Hotels Rockport LLC sold a portion of its property to Dorothy LeBlanc. The City was not a party to this sales agreement. Now, Heritage Hotels Rockport, LLC wishes to sell a portion of its property to TRV Development Ltd. In this Second Amendment to Agreement, the 133,333 gallons per day sewer capacity is proposed to be apportioned as follows: Heritage Track [Lighthouse Inn], 30,000 gallons per day; TRV Track [site of proposed condominiums], 15,000 gallons per day; and LeBlanc Tract [Boiling Pot Restaurant], 5, 000 gallons per day. “The total capacity of sanitary sewage effluent allocable to Area One under the Agreement is hereby reduced from 133,333 gallons per day to 50,000 gallons per day. It is the belief of the City that the entire $554,000 has been paid. In the Amendment to Agreement dated March 14, 1989, there were provisions for the payment of the final $54,000 in four equal amounts. The last payment of $13,500 was received by the City in March 1991. The impact to the City is that Agreement states “included in the sum of the $554,000 paid hereunder is a credit for such sewer taps and initial user fees … no other additional charges shall Baker Agreement.doc Page 1 of 2 Pages be made….” This means that those holders of sewer capacity are exempt from wastewater Impact Fees and tap fees. The Boiling Pot predates Impact Fees, the Lighthouse Inn was exempt from wastewater Impact fees and the new proposed condominium project will not pay have to pay wastewater Impact Fees. Should any or all of the current (or projected) improvements be destroyed, future development up to the vested capacity would not have to pay wastewater Impact Fees (if future development exceeds current wastewater collection usage). RECOMMENDATION: Pertaining to Area One. Baker Agreement.doc City Council approve the Second Amendment to Agreement Page 2 of 2 Pages CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Council Meeting: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 AGENDA ITEM “E” Deliberate and take action on Project No. UE 1560.A4.05 Linden Area Water Grant Improvements, TCDP Contract No. 725739 Change Order No. 2 a decrease of $27,646.60. SUBMITTED BY: Billy W. Dick BUDGET ITEM: Yes APPROVED FOR AGENDA: TJB (6) SUMMARY STATEMENT: History: The City received Texas Community Development Grant, Number 725739, for installation of water lines in the Linden Area for upgrades to existing customers and to provide first time water service for many residents. The project has been completed for some time; however, the state has requested that we execute Change Order No. 2, for decreases in the amount of $27,646.60, to the contract price. Original Contract Price $289,606.00 Change Order #1 $ 1,210.00 Contract Price $290,816.00 Change Order #2 ($ 27,646.60) Contract Price w/all Change Orders $263,169.40 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approval and execution of Change Order No. 2 which decreases the contract price with Mercer Construction by $27,646.60. Linden Area Grant - Change Order 2.doc Page 1 of 1 Page CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Regular Meeting: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 AGENDA ITEM “F” Deliberate and take action on second reading of Ordinance No. 1401, An Ordinance of the City of Rockport, Texas Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Rockport by Updating References to Laws and Statutes Now Codified in Vernons Texas Codes Annotated; Adding to Chapter 66 “Offenses And Miscellaneous Provisions” A New Article III. “Prepayment For Gasoline And Diesel Fuel” to Prohibit an Owner, Employee, or Manager/Supervisor of a Retail Fuel Business From Activating a Pumping Device to Dispense Gasoline or Diesel Fuel From a Pumping Device Without Receiving Prepayment for Such Gasoline or Diesel Fuel; Providing a Penalty Not to Exceed $500 for Violations; Providing a Defense; Providing That This Ordinance Shall be Cumulative; Providing a Severability Clause; Providing a Savings Clause; Providing For Publication; and Providing an Effective Date. SUBMITTED BY: Police Chief Jayroe City Secretary Parker WORKSHOP: February 26, 2007 1st READING: 8/28/07 APPROVED AS TO FORM & CONTENT: City Attorney Walston (August 2007) APPROVED FOR AGENDA: TJB (22) SUMMARY STATEMENT: The Department has proposed pre-payment be required for all gasoline or diesel fuel dispensed at a retail fuel business. Approximately 242 thefts as a result of drive offs without paying for gasoline and/or diesel fuel. This level of crime adversely impacts the City of Rockport’s Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics and creates a negative image of the City. RECOMMENDATION: City Council adopt on second reading of Ordinance No. 1401. ORDINANCE NO. 1401 Prepayment. doc.doc Page 1 of 4 Pages ORDINANCE NO. 1401 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ROCKPORT BY UPDATING REFERENCES TO LAWS AND STATUTES NOW CODIFIED IN VERNONS TEXAS CODES ANNOTED; BY ADDING TO CHAPTER 66 “OFFENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS” A NEW ARTICLE III. “PREPAYMENT FOR GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL” TO PROHIBIT AN OWNER, EMPLOYEE, OR MANAGER/SUPERVISOR OF A RETAIL FUEL BUSINESS FROM ACTIVATING A PUMPING DEVICE TO DISPENSE GASOLINE OR DIESEL FUEL FROM A PUMPING DEVICE WITHOUT RECEIVING PREPAYMENT FOR SUCH GASOLINE OR DIESEL FUEL; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $500 FOR VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING A DEFENSE; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a significant number of motorists in the City of Rockport are driving into business establishments with gasoline and/diesel fuel pumps located thereon, filling their vehicles and/or containers with gasoline and/or diesel fuel and thereafter immediately driving off without paying for same; and WHEREAS, for the year 2006 the City of Rockport crime statistics evidence approximately 242 thefts as a result of drive offs without paying for gasoline and/or diesel fuel; and WHEREAS, the time spent by the City of Rockport Police Department investigating these thefts detracts from proactive policing opportunities in regard to other community matters and time better spent investigating and/or preventing more serious crimes; and WHEREAS, the frequency of these crimes results in real and significant costs that are borne by citizens in the City of Rockport; and WHEREAS, these crimes seriously and significantly adversely impact revenues of owners of those business establishments in the City of Rockport involving the same of gasoline and/or diesel fuel; and WHEREAS, the Rockport City Council finds that gasoline and/or diesel fuel thefts are of serious concern, and should be eliminated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS: SECTION 1. AMENDMENT That Chapter 66 “Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions” is hereby amended to add references to new V.T.C.A. statutes, as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1401 Prepayment. doc.doc Page 2 of 4 Pages __________ *Cross references: Alcoholic beverages, ch. 10; amusements and entertainments, ch. 14; health and sanitation, ch. 54. State law references: Municipality may not enact or enforce law already addressing conduct covered under state Penal Code as offense subject to criminal penalty, V.T.C.A. Penal Code § 1.08; municipal authority concerning firearms and explosives, V.T.C.A., Local Government Code § 229.001; Suit to abate prostitution, gambling, etc., V.T.C.A., Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 125.001 et seq.; preemption of criminal offenses by Penal Code, V.T.C.A., Penal Code § 1.08; municipal public health powers, V.T.C.A., Health and Safety Code § 122.006; abatement of health nuisances, V.T.C.A., Health and Safety Code § 341.011 et seq. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT That Chapter 66 “Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions”, Article III. “Prepayment of Fuel”, is hereby added to wit: Section 66-60. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Employee means person(s) other than the owner or manager/supervisor employed to perform services on the premises of a retail fuel business who have no supervisory responsibilities. Manager/supervisor means the person(s) granted authority or responsibility by the owner for the operations of the retail fuel business. Owner means the individual, group, corporation, partnership, joint venture, or other group or entity that owns a retail fuel business. Payment means payment by any legal means including cash, credit card, debit card, check or otherwise. Presenting a form of payment to be finalized at the conclusion of the transaction shall be considered payment in full. Section 66-61. Prepayment Required for gasoline or diesel fuel dispensed at a retail fuel business; offense; defense. a) It shall be unlawful for a retail fuel business owner, manager/supervisor, or employee] to knowingly: 1. Activate any gasoline or diesel fuel pumping device prior to receiving payment in full for the gasoline or diesel fuel. 2. Allow or permit any person to dispense gasoline or diesel fuel from a pumping device at a retail fuel business unless the person has first made payment in full. b) It shall be a defense if the owner, manager/supervisor or employee of a retail fuel business allows the dispensing of gasoline or diesel fuel for repair and/or testing of the dispensing devices used by the retail fuel business. ORDINANCE NO. 1401 Prepayment. doc.doc Page 3 of 4 Pages Section 66-72. Penalty Any business owner, manager/supervisor, or employee who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not more than $500 for each offense. SECTION 3. REPEALER This ordinance shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances of the City of Rockport, Texas, except when the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances, in which event the conflicting provisions of such ordinances are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Rockport that if any phrase, sentence, section or paragraph of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or otherwise invalid by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any of the remainder of this ordinance since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation of the unconstitutional or invalid phrase, sentence, section or paragraph. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be in full force and effect as soon as all necessary publication requirements have been met. APPROVED and PASSED on first reading this the day of 2007. CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS Todd W. Pearson, Mayor ATTEST: Irma G. Parker, City Secretary APPROVED, PASSED and ADOPTED on second reading this the day of CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS Todd W. Pearson, Mayor ATTEST: Irma G. Parker, City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. 1401 Prepayment. doc.doc Page 4 of 4 Pages 2007. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Regular Council Meeting: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 AGENDA ITEM “G ” Deliberate and take action to approve the Facility License Agreement with the Rockport-Fulton Youth Football League for use of Memorial Park Senior Baseball Field Outfield and field lights as follows: 1. exclusive use beginning October 1, 2007 through November 16, 2007 - Monday through Friday; 2. exclusive use from sunset until 8:30 p.m. for team practices 3. field use fee of $1,750 and 4. light use fee of $10 per hour. SUBMITTED BY: Tom Staley, Director, Parks & Leisure Services APPROVED FOR INCLUSION ON AGENDA: TJB (5) SUMMARY STATEMENT: The Rockport-Fulton Youth Football League requests the exclusive use of the Senior Baseball Field Outfield Area and field lights at Memorial Park, Monday-Friday, beginning October 1, 2007 and ending November 16, 2007. The Agreement authorizes exclusive use from sunset until 8:30 p.m. for team practices. A field use fee of $1,750 and a light use fee of $10 per hour applies. There is no conflicting field use. ________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: City Council approve the License Agreement with the RockportFulton Youth Football League. Rockport-Fulton Youth Football League 2007 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF ROCKPORT AND ROCKPORT-FULTON YOUTH FOOTBALL LEAGUE FACILITY LICENSE AGREEMENT This license agreement is made and granted this the __ day of SEPTEMBER, 2007 by the City of Rockport, Aransas County, Texas, hereinafter called the CITY, to the Rockport-Fulton Youth Football League, hereinafter called R.F.Y.F.L. This agreement supercedes all previous agreements. Article I. The City grants to the R.F.Y.F.L. a limited license for the use of City facilities described as the Senior Baseball Field Outfield located at Memorial Park, beginning October 1, 2007 and finishing on November 16, 2007. The R.F.Y.F.L. shall have exclusive use of said facility Monday-Friday from sunset to 8:30 p.m. to utilize lights for team practices. Any amendment or changes to the schedule shall not be made unless specifically authorized by prior written approval from the Director of Parks & Leisure Services. The R.F.Y.F.L. will submit a rental fee payment of $1,750 to the City of Rockport on or before September 25, 2007. A prorated reimbursement is authorized if weather conditions prevent field use on any of the scheduled game days. The R.F.Y.F.L. will also submit a field light-use payment calculated at a rate of $10 per hour to the City of Rockport by November 23, 2007. Article II. The R.F.Y.F.L. agrees to utilize only the outfield area of the Senior Baseball Field, and that the use of football cleats on the outfield turf will not be permitted. Article III. The R.F.Y.F.L. agrees to place all litter, inside and immediately surrounding the ball field in provided park receptacles, to turn off field lights, and to secure the light control box after each use. Article IV. The R.F.Y.F.L agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City from any neglect or misconduct on the part of the League, its agents, servants, employees and assigns and shall in every way hold the City harmless from same. Rockport-Fulton Youth Football League 2007 Page 2 of 3 Article V. This agreement will expire on November 16, 2007. Approved by the City of Rockport City Council this the __ day of SEPTEMBER, 2007. CITY OR ROCKPORT, TEXAS Todd W. Pearson, Mayor ATTEST: Irma G. Parker, City Secretary Rockport-Fulton Youth Football League Roxanna Ponton, President 176 Whistler’s Cove Rockport, Texas 78382 361-727-2311 By: ________________________________________ Rockport-Fulton Youth Football League 2007 Page 3 of 3 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Regular Council Meeting: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 AGENDA ITEM “ H ” Deliberate and take action to approve Individual Service Contract for Aquatics Exercise Classes with Cathy McCormack for a period of 6-months beginning October 2 for 50% of class revenue. SUBMITTED BY: Tom Staley, Director, Parks & Leisure Services APPROVED FOR INCLUSION ON AGENDA: TJB (5) SUMMARY STATEMENT: An Individual Service Contract was prepared authorizing Cathy McCormack to perform as Leader of Aquatics Exercise Classes for a six month period beginning October 2, 2007. Classes will be held Tuesday through Friday of each week at the Community Aquatic & Skate Park. The Contractor will be paid fifty (50%) percent of the class revenue collected each of the six months. This Contractor is currently performing under a six month contract that expires at the end of September, 2007. RECOMMENDATION: City Council approve the Individual Service Contract with Cathy McCormack to perform as Leader for Aquatics Exercise Classes at the Community Aquatic & Skate Park. 2007 Water Exercise Instructor, Cathy McCormack Page 1 of 3 THE CITY OF ROCKPORT and INDIVIDUAL SERVICE CONTRACT WATER EXERCISE INSTRUCTOR This contract made and entered into this the ____day of SEPTEMBER___, 2007, by and between the City of Rockport, Aransas County, Texas, hereafter called the CITY and Cathy McCormack, hereafter called Contractor is for a period of not-to-exceed 6 months subject to the provisions set forth hereunder. Witnesseth That: Whereas the parties hereto desire to contract to perform as an Aquatics Exercise Class Leader at the Community Aquatic & Skate Park. Now therefore, in consideration of mutual covenants and agreements between the parties hereto, it is agreed as follows: 1. Performance of Service. The Contractor agrees to perform services for the payment specified in paragraph 3. The Community Aquatic & Skate Park collects all daily and monthly payments for services provided by the Contractor. The Community Aquatic & Skate Park will not be liable for any costs incurred by the Contractor. 2. Service Provided. Contractor will serve as leader for one-hour of aquatics exercise classes, Tuesday through Friday, beginning Tuesday, October 2, 2007. The Contractor will lead each class with exercises approved by the Pool Manager. Any amendment or changes to the schedule shall not be made unless specifically approved by the Pool Manager or the Director of Parks & Leisure Services. 3. Payment. The Contractor will submit a written “Request for Payment of Services Rendered” to the Pool Manager at the end of each month. This document will specify each hour of service provided during the month. The Contractor will be paid a rate of fifty (50%) of the total Aquatic Exercise class revenue collected each month, prorated on the percentage of service days to class days. Payment will be made to the Contractor within 10 working days of submittal to the City of Rockport Finance Department. 4. No Employer-Employee Relationship. The Contractor is not an employee of the City and is not covered by Worker’s Compensation, group life, accident or health insurance, or other benefits associated with an employer-employee relationship. 5. Hold and Save Harmless. The Contractor agrees to indemnify, save harmless, and defend the City from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, debts, liabilities, and attorney’s fees arising out of, claimed on account of, or in any manner predicated on loss of or damage to the property of, and injuries to or death of any and all persons whatsoever, in any 2007 Water Exercise Instructor, Cathy McCormack Page 2 of 3 manner caused or contributed to by the Contractor, his or her agents, servants, or employees. Contractor further agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City from and on account of damages of any kind which the City may suffer as the result of the acts of the Contractor. 6. Licenses, Taxes, Permits, and Fees. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to obtain, at Contractor’s own expense, all necessary licenses and permits, and to pay all taxes and fees as may be required by Law. 7. Termination: This contract may be terminated upon two weeks written notice of either party. SIGNED: This the ___ day of OCTOBER 2007. CITY OF ROCKPORT, TEXAS ___________________________________ Todd W. Pearson, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Irma G. Parker, City Secretary Cathy McCormack 138 Teal Road Rockport, Texas 78382 (361) 729-9390 By: _______________________________ 2007 Water Exercise Instructor, Cathy McCormack Page 3 of 3 EXECUTIVE SESSION SECTION 551.072 DELIBERATIONS ABOUT REAL PROPERTY A governmental body may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberations in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third party. September 11, 2007 EXECUTIVE SESSION SECTION 551.071 CONSULTATIONS WITH ATTORNEY A governmental body may consult with its attorney to seek his or her advice on legal matters: (a) pending or contemplated litigation: Aransas County Navigation District No. 1 vs City of Rockport September 11, 2007 09/04/07 2007 PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS: ACTIVE 1) ST – Downtown Drainage Project Contractor – J. J. Fox Construction (40 – 038 / 90 – 903) (Downtown / Market St) Material to be delivered 09/05/07. 2) ST – Linden Street Drainage / Live Oak Paving & Drainage Improvements Contractor – J. Carroll Weaver (40 – 032 / 90 – 905) Installing storm water conduit in front of court house. Begin road work 09/10/07. 3) ST – Fulton Beach Rd. Overlay / Widening (90 – 900) Rehabilitation of the City’s portion of Fulton Beach Rd.; including some widening, guard rail improvements, level up & Hot mix overlay, re-striping & reflectors. Plans & specifications being completed. Setting bid date. 4) W – Auxiliary Generator – Pen Oaks Water Plant Contractor – Rabalais (90-912) Transfer switch delivered. Contractor on site & working. FUTURE 1) ST – Concho Street Drainage (90 – 902) Installation of 3,000+ linear feet of box culverts from the Harbor front, extending across Bus. 35, up Laurel St., to provide drainage for future development in Smith & Woods Subd. It will also enhance drainage along Bus 35 form Cornwall to Market St. 2) ST – Orleans Street Drainage (90 – 904) Installation of approximately 2,200 linear feet of box culverts beginning at Little Bay by the Duck Inn and parallels Orleans to east of Live Oak St, and is intended to enhance drainage along Bus 35 form Austin to Lady Claire and also Old Rockport. 3) ST – West Terrace Drainage (90 – 906) Ditch cleaning, resizing of culverts and improvements to the outfall will bring the drainage system to a level where only routine maintenance will be required. C:\Documents and Settings\Irma Parker\My Documents\September 11, 2007\STAFF REPORT Project Update.doc 4) W – 16” Water Line – Doughty – Phase I & II 09/04/07 (90 – 910 & 90 – 911) Replacement of a 35 year old 10” asbestos cement water main with approximately 14,300 linear feet of 16” PVC water main. This will eliminate the bottle neck allowing more flow into the distribution system from FM 188 to the south side of Rockport. 5) W – Replace Palm Harbor Infrastructure (90 – 913) Complete replacement of approximately 4,000 linear foot of PVC water main and installation of 14 fire hydrants and new service lines to resident’s property, on a system purchased by the City in 2000, which only provided marginal service to 140 customers and had no fire protection. C:\Documents and Settings\Irma Parker\My Documents\September 11, 2007\STAFF REPORT Project Update.doc Memo TO: Mayor & Council From: Irma Parker, City Secretary CC: Date: 09/06/2007 Re: Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue Attached please find Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenue for Period Ending 06-30-07 and comparisons for Years 2001-2002 through to-date totals for Council review and information. - - -- Ancient Oaks RV Park Angel Rose Bed & Breakfast Anthony's B&B Balboa Courts Bayfront cottages- -Calm Harbor Rental Mgmt. Casa Allegro Condo Coastal Management SVC Dustin Ford (620 Fulton Beach Rd.) Gloria Dean Properties Gloria ~ e a n ~ r o p e r t i e s $242.34 $134.62 $2.45 $0.00 ' $134.62 8/27/2007 ~n&d~penalty sent cert E e r $2.858.20 $28.80 $2.887.00&~ $1,390.96 $231.83 $1,622.79 711912007 owes $69 55 $324.08 $327.35 711712007 I $3.27 $34.65 $0.35 $35.00 1 711912007 $ 7 2 6 9 . 2 3 ~$5,322.45?130/2007~ $101.34 $1.02 $102.36 YIW+ -$1.071-$107.30 712512007( $106.23 I $1,344.02 $13.581 $1,357.60 7/25/2007 $6.72 $6719 1 712512007~ Heritage Hotels (Lighthouse) -- A $3,247.58 $416.641 $41,664.22-7/9/2007 Hoopes House I $2,644.14 $26.71 I $ m i 8 5 713012007 J&R Vacation Rental (Joy ~us s e l m a n ) t ~$61.33 $0.62 $61.95 7/16/2007 Jackson, Rafe (No.3 Nassau) $207.90 $2.101 $210.00 7/19/20071 Kant, Inc. (Hunts Castle) $9,204.22 $92.97 $9,297.19 8/1/2007 1 Key Allegro Real Estate I, Inc. $10,441.72 $1=3$10,547.1 9 7124120071 Key Allegro Properties, LLC $1,481.49 $14.96 $1,496.45 5124120071 $4,342.29 1 Key Allegro Properties, LLC $43.86 $4,386.15 61712007 Key Allegro Properties, LLC $11.192.53~113.06% 1 , 3 m m 0 7 1 KRSNA Corp. (Sunset Inn) $13.16 $1,316.077/23/2007 $1,302.91 Lagoons RV Resort $40.54 $0.41 $40.95 7/9/2007' Laguna Partners $18,996.31 $191.88 $19,188.19 7/23/2007 $17,296.00 $174.71 $17,470.71 7/31/2007 Lokseva, Inc. (Holiday Inn) $1,188.75 7/19/2007 Luce Properties (#I ,2,3 & 4) $12.00 $1,200.75 $578.66 711912007 $5.84 $584.50 Luce Properties (#5&6) Magic Suntan Motel a10 4-22-05 $1,492.65 $15.08 $1,507.73 712012007 $2.78 $274.72 $277.50 711712007 Miss Kitty's (29 Sandpiper) Oechsner, John --$129.50 7/31/2007 Pelican's Perch (Maureen Christian) $128.20, $1.30 $127 7/31/2007Queenie's Catch (Maureen Christian) $126.47, $1.28 $414.77 7/9/2007 $4.14 $410.63, Raintree RV Park 10uGf business $7,134.00 Rockport Hotelier, Inc. (Days Inn) $7,206.06 7/31/2007 1 $72.06 Rockport-Fulton Real Estate $0.00 8/28/2007 $5,254.62 7/27/2007 $52.55 -Little BS Resort $5,202--$0.00 $ 3 0 3 . 8 0 ~ ~ 1 2 0 0 7 $303.80 Security Real Estate $52.50 7/31I2007 $0 53 $51.97 Seven Oaks (Maureen Christian) $2,150.82 713012007 $21.51 Surf Court Motel $2,129.31 Surfside Motel $3,131.25 $3,162.88 7/31/2007 $31.63 $0.00 8/7/2007 Texas Coast Real Estate, Inc. $0.00 ---$1,049.89 $1,060.501 711712007 $10.61 1 The Cat's Meow (66-B Copano Ridge) $2,874.92 I village% (Bhakta) $29.03 $2,903.95 712712007 +-- -I -- 1- 1 5 8 1 1 9 1 - I .= - 1 - * --A Total -- , - $157,007.1I $1,799.20 $15%806.31 --- , -- - -- I HOTELIMOTEL TAX COMPARISONS - CITY OF ROCKPORT Year 2001-02 Quarter Ending City Share Year Total $388,556.96 Year Total $365,177.25 Year Total $459,705.82 Year Total $468,054.67 Owner's Share Total Tax CITY OF ROCKPORT SURPLUSSALERESULTS HELD AUGUST 29,2007 TOTAL WINNING BIDS = $1 1,731.32 SURPLUS SALE LOT # ITEM CITY OF ROCKPORT MODEL IDESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER FIXED ASSET ID I Monitor F74lSylvania 17" LCAY1908788 2 Monitor Sony 21" 2701459 00536 3 Monitor Daytek 17 " DT-1731D 00103 001 19 4 Monitor Dell 17" 1780R-DFNZY-79 5 Monitor Panasync MG5450526 00163 6 Monitor Dell 17" 1780R-DFNZE-79 00152 7 Monitor F74lSylvania 17" LCAYI 908800 00246 8 Monitor Dell 8260993 0057 1 9 Monitor Ultrascan P I 1IOlDell JP-0917R 10 Monitor Sony 21" 7026569 00323 I1 Monitor Dell 17" 8582325 00201 12 Fax Machine Panasoniclbroken 2BAFC131833 13 Fax Machine 1230lHP CN3BTB11PH 14 Printer Okidata GE8293A 712B1001618 15 Printer HP 6310 - All-in-One CN66CCFOHG 16 Laptop stand Dell 07W762* 17 Printer HP 4531A SG7201C03P C:U)DcurneMa and S ~ i n g a \ p b r o w n . C I P I O F R O C K P O R DDcUmentS\PAT ~ BROWNPAT\lnventoryWO7 bid amount totals WINNING BIDDER WINNING BID 1 ALANIZ 00212 BRETT 00008 2.00 Page 1 1 ' ITEM LOT # MODEL 1 DESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER FIXED ASSET ID WINNING BID WINNING BIDDER 42 CPU Precision 220lDell DL50206 PICARAZZI $ 2.00 43 CPU DimensionIDell U3Q4L PlCARAUl $ 2.00 44 CPU Dell U3Q4G 00208 PICARAZZ1 $ 2.01 45 CPU Tiger 002677695' 00186 46 CPU Dell 52N7301 $ 47 CPU Gateway 0023485927* 00362 48 CPU Dell U3Q4D 00202 49 CPU Tiger 003190501' 50 CPU Dell U3Q49 51 Wheel Chair 52 - VERNEUIL $ 10.00 VERNEUIL $ 10.00 DYE $ 15.00 $ 00204 DYE $ 15.00 Tan KEE $ 6.00 Wheel Chair Black wl Ryobi reel KEE $ 6.00 53 Electric Scooter E-Scooter GBlU GOLDSBY $ 55.95 54 Electric Scooter Eagle GI31W VERSTUYFT $ 26.05 55 Electric Scooter Xpower GBlS GOLDSBY $ 55.95 56 Weedeater commercial 22" craftsman GM3M JACKSON $ 40.50 57 Pressure Washer "Ex-cell" rough condition GB20 LASKOWSKI $ 10.36 58 X-BOX w/controllers & cords JACKSON $ 51.oo 59 Electric Hair Clippers Wahl VERSTUYFT $ 2.05 60 Hand Grinder Clark Strong Arm PHILLIPS $ 12.00 $ - 62 Water Tester Lake Systems Color Collector 63 Gas Blower Ryobi 64 Blower 65 GBL6 p p $ 6.00 Elite VERNEUIL $ 5.00 Pressure Washer Campbell-Housfeld - complete BROTZMAN $ 30.00 66 Pressure Washer Campbell-hausfeld w/o nozzle VERSTUYFT $ 5.55 67 Canvas Tool Bag wlvarious tools GH6R ALLENGER $ 3.00 68 DVDNHS player Emerson combo player GH6L HAMMlT $ 10.29 Craftsman wlcase I $ KEE 52.00 DYE d 70 Set of 12 golf clubs 71 Asian Walking Cane 72 Table Parts 73 Tatoo Kit wllnk home made 74 Movie Projector Bell&Howell-good condition BRANDL $ 10.01 75 Paint Ball Gun Spyder Victor DEAN, G $ 20.00 76 Fishing Reel Penn Peerless No. 8 DYE $ 15.00 77 Cut-Saw 14" Chicago Electric VERsTUyFT $ 66.55 78 VCR Sanyo 4-Head MATTHEWS $ 5.00 79 Portable Stereo Sanyo 80 11OAC Kenmore Ping wlbag $ VERsTuYFT $ 1.05 $ QV30 GB2E $ $ GARZA $ 28.05 p p p 81 Work Boots Thermo-Life Size 9 good cond 82 Paint Spayer Magnum DX 83 Electric Winch Dayton 84 ClockIRadio Westinghouse C:WocumenIsend SeIiings\pbrovn.CITYOFROCKPORTUllyDocuments\PAT BROWNPANnvenlwy\.?007 bid amount totals - -- $ DEAN, G $ 75.00 DYE $ 20.00 BROTZMAN $ 7.00 Page 2 ITEM LOT # , MODEL I DESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER FIXED ASSET ID WINNING BID WINNING BIDDER $ 85 VCR Sylvania 86 Cable Box Scientific Atlanta Explorer 3100 GAP0 87 Satellite Receiver Hughes GH6L HAYNES 88 Television G.E.-19 $ 2.00 $ $ 3.00 $ 89 CD Case Black wlCDs GBSW ROLLINS 90 Blue CD case w l l l cd's GBMO WHITE $ 5.00 91 CD Case Black & orange W CDS I GBMO WHITE $ 5.05 92 Set of speakers AutomobilelKicker brand GB2A HAYNES $ 24.00 93 Flare Gun Olin HAYNES $ 16.00 94 Small Fishing Boxes Set of 5 - plastic wl tackle DYE $ 20.00 95 Fishing Pole Master VERSTUYFT $ 3.55 96 Fishing Pole Black wl Ryobi reel LASKOWSKI $ 5.26 97 Fishing Pole Gold Star DEAN, G $ 30.00 98 Fishing Pole Ugly Stick DYE $ 15.00 99 Fishing Pole Eagle Claw SMITH $ 27.90 100 Fishing Pole White wl Penn reel DYE $ 15.00 101 Fishing Pole Typhoon VERSTUYFT $ 5.55 102 Fishing Pole Eagle Claw WELLS $ 5.37 103 Fishing Pole MARTINEZ $ 10.00 104 Fishing Pole All Star wlpresident reel PLoCH $ 37.50 105 Fishing Pole Falcon SOLIS $ 60.00 106 Fishing Pole Eagle Claw VERSTUYFT $ 2.55 107 Fishing Pole Mitchell DYE $ 20.00 108 Fishing Pole Genesis wl Zepco reel LASKOWSKI $ 5.09 109 Truck Bed Cover Century - Black VERSTUYFT $ 8.26 I10 Port. Pressure Washer Campbell-hausfeld-elec. DYE $ 30.00 111 Port. Air Compressor RMM Electric - CASEY $ 26.86 112 Pressure Washer Ex-Cell 2100 VERSTUYFT $ 5.55 113 Elec. Trolling Motor - Piece 114 Air Compressor Campbell-Hausfeld VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 115 Air Compressor Campbell-Hausfeld VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 116 Pressure Washer Quick Start-unknown cond. VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 117 Elec. Weedeater Genuine-good condition PLUMMER $ 2.00 118 Gas Weedeater Hornelite-fair condition VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 119 Gas Weedeater Homelite-fair condition VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 120 Gas Weedeater Homelite-good condition PLUMMER $ 7.00 121 Gas Weedeater Homelite-good condition GUERRA $ 15.00 122 Gas Weedeater Homelite-good condition VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 123 Gas Weedeater Snapper-good condition CASEY $ 7.41 124 Gas Weedeater Featherlite-good condition LASKOWSKI $ 7.31 125 Gas Weedeater Featherlite-good condition LASKOWSKI $ 8.99 126 Gas Weedeater Mcculloch-good condition HAYNES $ 10.00 127 Gas Weedeater McCulloch-good condition BROTZMAN $ 6.00 $ c:\Documentsand Smings~brownCINOFROCKPORTW~ DocumentsWAT BROWNWAT\lnvenlory\2007bid amount totals Page 3 p LOT # 1 - p - MODEL I DESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER ITEM 128 Gas Weedeater Shindaua-good condition 129 Weedeater Ryobi 130 Weedeater Generic 131 Body Jack (2 ton) Mack w/case FIXED ASSET ID WINNING BID WINNING BIDDER DYE $ 75.00 BROTZMAN $ 6.00 $ PEARSON $ 12.00 VERSTUYFT $ 5.55 VERSTUYFT $ GOLDSBY $ 22.50 DEAN, G $ 20.00 VERNEUIL $ 3.00 132 Kayak Paddle 133 Skim Board green 134 Pressure Washer Campbell-hausfeld-Water Wizard 135 Video Game X-Box - Receiver unit only 136 First Aid Kit 137 Dremel wl black case KINIKIN $ 5.00 138 Shower Stall DEAN. G $ 40.00 139 Playground Slide 10' Stainless Steel WELLS $ 12.52 140 Aerobic Floor Mat portable - Set of 4 boxes VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 141 Aerobic Floor Mat portable - Set of 4 boxes GARZA $ 5.25 142 Aerobic Floor Mat portable - Set of 4 boxes ALLENGER $ 5.00 143 Aerobic Floor Mat portable - loose & misc boxes ALLENGER $ 5.00 145 Tailgate expanded 96 Chevy GARZA $ 5.01 146 2002 Dodge Ram 1500 Pickup Min Bid $4500.00 DEAN, W $ 6,501.00 147 1999 Ford F-150 VIN 8358 GREEN $ 200.26 148 Alamo Mower Deck 1914 WELLS $ 22.58 149 Mistake no item 150 Alamo Mower Deck A726 DYE $ 30.00 151 Alamo Mower Deck A726 WELLS $ 18.52 152 Tiger Flail WELLS $ 37.52 WELLS $ 106.22 GB2C - A726 - - 2.05 - TRF751056 153 Mower Extreme Force-chrome 305140 R22 Tires Set of 4 wheels & lug nuts 154 1997 Mazda 1WGE22C9V5627691 DEAN, W $ 351.OO 155 2000 Mitsubishi 4A3AC84L4YE177631 CASEY $ 663.41 156 2003 Crown Victoria BAY RIDGE $ 1,999.00 157 Black Case VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 WHITE $ 20.05 MATTHEWS $ 25.00 WELLS $ 5.60 I- 158 - Police Interceptor VIN 8369 Amp & Wires Vibe 159 Speaker power speaker in box 160 Clothes (Bag) 161 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 162 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 4.05 163 Bicycle Gibbons $ 5.00 164 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 5.05 165 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 166 Bicycle WELLS $ 21.58 167 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 168 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 169 Bicycle RANGEL $ 15.00 170 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 c \Documents and Selt~ngsWbrmunCIPIOFROCKPORTM~ DocumenlsPAT BROWN\PAT\lnvenlo~W7b ~ damoum totals -- Page 4 ITEM LOT # MODEL I DESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER FIXED ASSET ID WINNING BID WINNING BIDDER 171 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 172 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 173 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 174 Bicycle WILLMORE $ 3.00 175 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 176 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 177 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 178 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 179 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 180 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 181 Bicycle WELLS $ 7.52 182 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 183 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 184 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 185 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 186 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 187 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 188 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 189 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 190 Bicycle RANGEL $ 5.00 191 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 192 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 193 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 194 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 4.55 195 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 196 Bicycle WELLS $ 11.80 197 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 198 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 199 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 200 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 201 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 -- p p 203 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 204 Bicycle RANGEL $ 15.00 205 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 206 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 207 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1 05 208 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 209 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 4.55 210 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 211 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 212 Bicycle GOLDSBY $ 20.00 213 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 C : ~ u m e n t send S&ings\pbrom.CITYOFROCKPORT\My DocumentsPAT BROWNPANnventoryUW7 bid amount ldals Page 5 ITEM LOT # MODEL IDESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER FIXED ASSET ID WINNING BID WINNING BIDDER 214 Bicycle DYE $ 15.00 215 Bicycle GOLDSBY $ 20.00 216 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 217 Bicycle VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 VERSTUYFT $ 1.05 219 Headboard Wooden 220 Auger Little Beaver - gas power 221 Desk Wooden $ 222 Door Wooden $ 223 Door Wooden 224 Baby Stroller Kolcraft 225 Fireplace Prop 226 Ballasts I Bulbs Flourescent VERSTUYFT $ 2.05 227 Blower McC~lloch VERSTUYFT $ 2.25 $ VERSTUYFT VERNEUIL $ $ 26.55 3.00 $ $ $ C:\Documents and S~ingsi$.brom.CITYOFROCKPORT\My Documems\PATBROWN\PAT\lnventory\2W7 bid amount totals Page 6 DRAFT CITY OF ROCKPORT MINUTES WATER QUALITY COMMITTEE 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, August 22, 2007 Rockport City Hall, 622 E. Market Street, Rockport, Texas On this the 22nd day of August, 2007 the Water Quality Committee convened in Regular Session at 9:10 a.m. at City Hall, and notice of meeting giving time, place, date and subject having been posted as described V.T.C.A., Government Code § 551.041. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Ron Helmke Sharon “Smitty” Smith Gary Johnson Francis Hicks Tom Staley COMMITTEE MEMBERS NOT PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT Kay Jenkins Council Member Frank Reilly I. CALL TO ORDER AND RECOGNIZE NEW APPOINTED MEMBERS Ron Helmke called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. Opening welcome was given by Council Member Frank Reilly, City Council Liaison to the Water Quality Committee. Council Member Reilly briefly addressed the committee, commenting on the important role of this committee in addressing our water quality issues. He said that the city is setting funds aside to purchase native habitat for preservation, and in next year’s budget there is funding for a part-time environmentalist. II. CITIZENS TO BE HEARD “At this time, comments will be taken from the audience on any subject matter that is not on the agenda. In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the Board may not discuss or take action on any items which has not been posted on the agenda.” There were no citizens to be heard. III. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A. Deliberate and take action to approve the July 25, 2007 regular meeting minutes of the Water Quality Committee. Draft Water Quality Committee Agenda August 22, 2007 Page 1 of 3 DRAFT Motion: Gary Johnson introduced a motion to accept the meeting minutes of July 25, 2007 with the following corrections: The word seagrass is spelled as one word versus two in Paragraph 5. Change word continuation to “attenuation”. Francis Hicks seconded the motion to accept the minutes with those two corrections. Motion passed unanimously. B. General discussion on water testing results from July 24, 2007 - August 20, 2007. For clarification Tom Staley noted the Blue Wave Water Test Charts include testing for both Fecal Coliforms and Enterococci bacteria. The Rockport Beach Park staff draws water samples each Tuesday and results are faxed from the Nueces County Health Department Lab to City Hall on Thursday afternoon. We have had several elevated bacteria counts this year. Tule Creek Water Test results include the months of July and August. A new test site is on Palmetto across from the Fulton Water Tower. All Tule Creek test sites recorded elevated bacteria levels. A cause has not been determined. Ron said nitrate testing was conducted along Tule Creek by Tracy Villarreal of The University of Texas Marine Science Institute (UTMSI). No report is available on those samples. C. General discussion on Little Bay Seagrass Planting and Water Quality Testing. Tom received a seagrass planting permit from Texas Parks & Wildlife. Belaire Environmental will begin planting after Labor Day and will finish by the middle of September. Preliminary results from (UTMSI) Dr. Ken Dunton’s tests of four Little Bay locations indicate low salinity, which, may be too low to sustain the type of seagrass in Little Bay. There is also a light attenuation issue at the site close to Leggett Channel since the water is deeper there. It was also noted that this data was derived from a single sample taken during a very rainy period. Since there have not been any strong recommendations against planting the seagrass, planting will go forward. D. General discussion on City of Rockport Resolution No. 07-15, Redefining the Purpose, Composition, Function, Duties, Accountability and tenure of the Water Quality Committee. This City Resolution was compiled by the City Secretary after reviewing similar cities’ resolutions and can be modified based on members input to determine their goals for this committee. The committee can make a recommendation to the City Council. One thing might be to have the scope of the committee to look at what happens to the water before it enters Little Bay and Aransas Bay. Members agreed to review the written duties of the committee and be prepared to further discuss these at the next meeting. E. Deliberate and take action to appoint special purpose subcommittees. No action was taken at this time. Subcommittees should be appointed once priorities of goals have been established. Funding sources could be selected for general assistance and applications submitted where and when deemed appropriate. It was noted that some groups may already have data the committee needs and it may be purchased from those sources. Draft Water Quality Committee Agenda August 22, 2007 Page 2 of 3 DRAFT IV. ADJOURNMENT __________________________________ Ron Helmke, Chairman Draft Water Quality Committee Agenda August 22, 2007 __________________________________ Tom Staley, Secretary Page 3 of 3 CITY OF ROCKPORT MINUTES TREE COMMITTEE 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 27, 2007 Rockport City Hall, 622 East Market Street On this the 27th day of August 2007 the Tree Committee of the City of Rockport, Aransas County, Texas convened in Regular Session at 5:00 p.m. at the regular meeting place in the City Hall and notice of meeting giving time, date and subject having been posted as described in V.T.C.A., Government Code § 551.041. TREE COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT ABSENT Kay Wilson, Chairman Ron Helmke, Vice-Chairman Bron Rorex Brett Bohn Alex Johnson (Ex) GUESTS PRESENT CITIZENS PRESENT Vicky Martin – Home owner Jessica Garcia – Representative for JFK Home Moving STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Gary Payne, Building and Development Inspector Mary Bellinger, Secretary for the Director I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. II. ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION A. Consideration to approve minutes from meeting held May 22, 2007. Chairman Wilson asked for a motion to approve the minutes from meeting held May 22, 2007. Member Helmke made a motion to accept the minutes with some corrections. Member Bohn seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Motion carried. B. Deliberate and take action regarding a request to remove several trees from property located at 308 N. Live Oak for relocation of a building. August 27, 2007 Tree Committee Minutes 1 Mr. Gary Payne opened with; Ms. Vicky Martin has purchased a house only and not the property. Ms. Martin wants to move the house off the property. The only way to remove the house from the lot is to remove at lest three (3) trees in the front. Mr. Payne continued; the house can not be removed from the rear of the property because the owner of the adjacent property has denied access. Chairman Wilson as well as Vice-Chairman Helmke asked; why was access denied. Mr. Payne responded; the property is owned by the Margaux group and they don’t want the liability. Ms. Martin as well as the Building Department approached the owners (Margaux) and they have denied access. After lengthy discussion Member Helmke made a motion to accept the request to remove three (3) trees from the property located at 308 N. Live Oak. Member Bohn seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Motion carried. III. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Wilson asked for a motion to adjourn. Member Helmke made a motion to adjourn. Member Bohn seconded the motion. All voted in favor, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:30 p.m. Kay Wilson, Chairman August 27, 2007 Tree Committee Minutes Mary Bellinger, Secretary 2 City of Rockport Dept of Finance & Utility Billing Memo To: Mayor, Council Members, City Manager, City Secretary, and Department Heads From: Jacky Cockerham, Finance Director Date: 9/6/2007 Re: August Financial Statement Please find attached the August 2007 Financial Statement. This is the eleventh month in the Fiscal Year 2006-2007. Revenue and Expenditures should ideally be at 92% this month. General Fund Operating Revenues are at 59.26% approximately 2% over the expected 57.96% and expenditures are at 51.74% approximately 8% below the expected 59.80%. Property tax revenues are at 95.29% of budget predictions. The budget is based on a 97% collection rate. Sales tax revenue reported this period is 86.89%, slightly under budget expectations. August Sales Tax Receipts were slightly below collections last year for the same period. Sales Tax Collections will continue to be monitored. Operating Revenues for the Water and Wastewater Fund are at 65.53% slightly under the 70.84% expected. Expenses are at 56.79% which is 11% below the expectation of 67.16%. Water sales are at 84.09%, 8% under budget expectations and sewer revenues are at 87.31% slightly under budget projections. With the recent rains water sales will continue to be slow, but less water is being purchased to reflect the slow sales. Water purchases are at 69.34% at the end of August. Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund revenues are at 97.38%, taxes are paid quarterly to the State and the City. This quarter was due by July 31, 2007. This will include the months of April, May and June. There will be some late filings in the next few months. Most of the budgeted expenditures have been made at the time of this report. The Community Aquatic Park charges for service are at 69.34% compared to 123.40% for the same period last year. Translated into dollars, in August, 2006 collections were $111,061.45 compared to August, 2007 where collections are at $91,871.48 year to date. The Rockport Beach Park charges for service are at 96.74%. These are approximately 17% lower than last year revenue for the same period, which was 114.17%. Collections for August, 2007 are at $289,250.24 compared to $283,150.52 for August, 2006. Percentages appear lower as the revenue line items were increased in the current budget. Beach Park expenditures are slightly above budget expectations. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 729-2213 ext. 126. Financial Statement Summary Report Council Report August-07 Income Year to Date Inc. % Budget Expected % Expense Year to Date Exp. % Budget Expected % Net Year to Date General Fund Operation Operating Trf. Projects Subtotals General Fund $ 5,738,951.03 $ 785,394.60 $ 6,524,345.63 59.26% 8.11% 67.37% 57.96% 34.04% 92.00% $ 5,142,542.29 $ 1,035,924.98 $ 6,178,467.27 51.74% 10.42% 62.16% 59.80% 32.20% 92.00% $ 345,878.36 Utility Fund Operation Operating Trf Projects Subtotals Utility Fund $ 6,144,104.60 $ 581,772.27 $ 6,725,876.87 65.53% 6.20% 71.73% 70.84% 21.16% 92.00% $ 5,519,051.87 $ 962,803.75 $ 6,481,855.62 56.79% 9.91% 66.70% 67.16% 24.84% 92.00% $ 244,021.25 Communtiy Aquatic Park $ 182,105.11 81.06% 92.00% $ 215,750.73 96.03% 92.00% $ (33,645.62) Hotel/Motel Tax $ 505,564.56 97.38% 92.00% $ 533,499.99 100.09% 92.00% $ (27,935.43) Rockport Beach Park $ 371,648.67 76.62% 92.00% $ 490,303.21 91.99% 92.00% $ (118,654.54) Total $ 14,309,540.84 $ 13,899,876.82 $ 409,664.02 Comments: Issues/Concerns 09/06/2007 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 00-PROPERTY TAXES 40001 CURR.TAX REV. 1,909,946.00 24,512.42 1,819,920.91 95.29 90,025.09 40003 DELINQUENT TAX 40,000.00 100.39 19,019.26 47.55 20,980.74 40004 PENALTY & INTEREST 30,000.00 4,277.22 21,409.88 71.37 8,590.12 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 1,979,946.00 28,890.03 1,860,350.05 93.96 119,595.95 1,800,000.00 171,109.69 1,564,080.91 86.89 235,919.09 5,000.00 1,085.00 4,802.50 96.05 22,000.00 0.00 29,746.07 135.21 ( 7,746.07) CATEGORY TOTALS 02-OTHER TAXES 40201 SALES TAXES RECEIPTS 40203 OCCUPATION TAX/LICENSES 40205 MIXED BEVERAGE TAXES 40206 FRANCHISE TAX/TELEPHONE 130,000.00 36,949.06 154,321.94 118.71 ( 24,321.94) 40207 FRANCHISE TAX/ELECTRIC 391,400.00 38,975.51 329,239.48 84.12 62,160.52 40208 FRANCHISE TAX/ GAS 29,200.00 0.00 26,132.78 89.50 3,067.22 40209 FRANCHISE TAX/CABLE 37,000.00 8,413.28 36,499.67 98.65 500.33 40210 FRANCHISE TAX/GARBAGE 87,800.00 0.00 77,113.85 87.83 10,686.15 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 2,502,400.00 256,532.54 2,221,937.20 88.79 280,462.80 100,000.00 7,080.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 35,000.00 1,306.45 24,851.32 71.00 10,148.68 CATEGORY TOTALS 197.50 03-LICENSES & PERMITS 40310 BUILDING PERMITS 40312 ANIMAL CNTRL.FEE/LICENSES 40313 ELECTRICAL 40314 ALARM 40315 MECHANICAL 40316 PLUMBING PERMITS CATEGORY TOTALS 950.00 50.00 8,800.00 365.00 107,767.01 107.77 ( 1,175.00 123.68 ( 7,038.18 79.98 26,296.50 114.33 ( 7,767.01) 225.00) 1,761.82 23,000.00 2,043.50 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 3,296.50) 168,250.00 10,844.95 167,128.01 99.33 1,121.99 0.00 04-INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVE 40403 CEPRA REIMBURSEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 40413 COG GRANT 0.00 0.00 2,387.00 40414 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GRAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40415 TXDOT GRANT FUNDS 246,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 246,400.00 40418 DEPT OF AGRICULTURE GRANT 141,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 141,600.00 40419 BEAUTIFICATION GRANT-DEPT 0.00 0.00 4,999.00 0.00 ( 4,999.00) 40420 COASTAL BEND BAY & ESTUARI 0.00 0.00 22,929.82 0.00 ( 22,929.82) ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 388,000.00 0.00 30,315.82 7.81 357,684.18 300,000.00 24,179.44 286,304.21 95.43 13,695.79 1,300.00 94.22 1,224.71 94.21 75.29 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 301,300.00 24,273.66 287,528.92 95.43 13,771.08 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 0.00 2,387.00) 05-FINES AND FEES 40501 COURT FINES-LOCAL REVENUE 40503 COURT PMT DISCOUNT REV CATEGORY TOTALS 06-INTEREST REVENUES 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT 40601 INT.INVESTMENTS & NOW CATEGORY TOTALS BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET 186,500.00 17,504.82 ------------ ------------ 193,379.81 103.69 ( 186,500.00 17,504.82 193,379.81 103.69 ( 6,883.87 114.73 ( ------------ ----- BUDGET BALANCE 6,879.81) -----------6,879.81) 07-CHARGES FOR SERVICE 40701 ZONING & PLATTING 6,000.00 580.00 40702 MAPS,CERT.COPIES&ETC. 4,000.00 1,295.20 40709 CODE COMPLIANCE CATEGORY TOTALS 10,000.00 330.00 ------------ ------------ 20,000.00 2,205.20 2,390.53 59.76 15,368.96 153.69 ( ------------ ----- 24,643.36 123.22 ( 883.87) 1,609.47 5,368.96) -----------4,643.36) 08-RENTS 40800 RENT ROCKPORT VOL FIRE DEP CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09-OPERATING TRANSFERS 40905 TRF FROM UTIL SYS FUND 553,216.00 0.00 553,216.00 100.00 40907 TRF FROM BEACH PARK FUND 147,373.00 0.00 147,373.00 100.00 40908 TRF FROM UTIL SURCHARGE FU 6,500.00 0.00 40911 TRF FROM DEPT. FOR FUEL 82,000.00 34,906.33 84,835.85 103.46 ( 40912 TRF FROM DEPT FOR VEHICLE 90,000.00 16,462.03 51,045.42 56.72 38,954.58 40913 TRF FROM CIP FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40915 TRF FRM KEY ALLEGRO ASSESS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40916 TRF FROM STREET ASSESSMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40917 TRF FROM 2005 BOND FUNDS 3,203,950.00 59,787.22 785,394.60 24.51 2,418,555.40 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 4,083,039.00 111,155.58 1,621,864.87 39.72 2,461,174.13 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,500.00 2,835.85) 30-OTHER REVENUES 43001 ATHLETIC FIELD RENTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 43002 INSURANCE CLAIMS 0.00 0.00 381.86 43003 TML REGIONAL MEETING 0.00 0.00 0.00 43004 MISC.REVENUE 0.00 614.59 34,641.20 43006 KEEP ROCKPORT BEAUTIFUL SH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43010 ROCKPORT COUNTRY CLUB/DRAI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43011 DONATIONS-MEMORIAL FOUNTIA 0.00 0.00 30.00 43012 FUEL REIMBURSEMENT 50,000.00 2,597.00 43,148.18 86.30 6,851.82 43013 DONATIONS MAYOR MEMORIAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43014 PEACE OFFICERS TRAINING 2,200.00 0.00 2,197.48 99.89 2.52 43016 100 CLUB DONATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43018 SKATE PARK ENTRY FEES 3,000.00 146.00 1,098.87 36.63 1,901.13 43019 SALE OF PROPERTY 0.00 0.00 16,400.00 0.00 ( 43021 POLICE EQUIPMENT DONATIONS 0.00 0.00 19,300.00 0.00 ( ------------ ------------ ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 55,200.00 3,357.59 ============ ============ 0.00 ( 0.00 0.00 ( 0.00 ( ----- 117,197.59 212.31 ( ============ ===== 0.00 381.86) 0.00 34,641.20) 0.00 0.00 30.00) 16,400.00) 19,300.00) -----------61,997.59) ============ 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT FUND TOTAL REVENUES BUDGET 9,684,635.00 PERIOD 454,764.37 YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET 6,524,345.63 67.37 BUDGET BALANCE 3,160,289.37 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 02-MAYOR & COUNCIL __________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6021001 BASE PAY 6021011 FICA 6021013 WORKERS COMPENSATION 6021020 CAR ALLOWANCE CATEGORY TOTALS 7,800.00 556.00 6,116.00 78.41 1,684.00 648.00 54.03 594.33 91.72 53.67 19.00 0.00 1,800.00 150.00 1,650.00 91.67 150.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 10,267.00 760.03 8,473.38 82.53 1,793.62 35.00 0.00 17.69 50.54 17.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,153.70 113.05 595.00 ( 94.05) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6022004 AUDIT 6022016 LEGAL FEES 6022020 PUBLIC RELATIONS 5,000.00 50.00 3,846.30 76.93 6022042 ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 2,500.00 0.00 2,338.00 93.52 162.00 6022043 KEEP ROCKPORT BEAUTIFUL 4,200.00 0.00 1,476.34 35.15 2,723.66 6022044 WATER QUALITY COMMITTEE 2,000.00 0.00 89.00 4.45 1,911.00 6022046 CONTRACT SERVICES 5,700.00 0.00 314.49 5.52 5,385.51 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 19,435.00 50.00 8,081.82 41.58 11,353.18 CATEGORY TOTALS 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6024001 SCHOOLS/SEMINARS 0.00 0.00 2,737.03 6024006 REIMB. SERVICES 7,500.00 129.36 1,911.65 25.49 6024008 DISCRETIONARY ITEMS 1,500.00 75.09 943.90 62.93 556.10 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 9,000.00 204.45 5,592.58 62.14 3,407.42 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 2,737.03) 5,588.35 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6028001 COMPUTER HARDWARE CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 38,702.00 1,014.48 22,147.78 57.23 16,554.22 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET YEAR PERC. PERIOD TO DATE BUDGET 83,339.15 BUDGET BALANCE 05-MUNICIPAL COURT __________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6051001 BASE PAY 88,858.00 9,804.00 6051002 STABILITY PAY 2,745.00 0.00 6051005 PART TIME 1,500.00 0.00 6051006 OVERTIME 6051010 TMRS 6051011 FICA 6051012 HOSPITALIZATION 6051013 6051014 93.79 2,745.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 5,518.85 0.00 1,500.00 600.00 0.00 591.72 98.62 8.28 13,369.00 910.48 11,126.64 83.23 2,242.36 7,168.00 463.54 5,979.63 83.42 1,188.37 13,803.00 1,100.91 12,110.01 87.73 1,692.99 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 232.00 0.00 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 128,275.00 12,278.93 116,176.95 90.57 12,098.05 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 284.80 122.76 ( 52.80) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6052000 OVERAGES/SHORTAGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6052003 FINE COLLECTION SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6052004 AUDIT 121.00 0.00 87.25 72.11 33.75 6052009 JURY EXPENSES 2,000.00 0.00 498.00 24.90 1,502.00 6052011 INSURANCE(BONDS) 550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 550.00 6052015 COURT PROSECUTOR 14,000.00 540.00 11,880.00 84.86 2,120.00 6052018 COURT ADMINISTRATOR 11,400.00 950.00 10,450.00 91.67 950.00 6052019 COURT JUDGES 15,000.00 1,200.00 13,200.00 88.00 1,800.00 6052046 CONTRACT SERVICES CATEGORY TOTALS 5,000.00 369.60 ------------ ------------ ------------ 7,195.24 143.90 ( ----- ------------ 2,195.24) 48,071.00 3,059.60 43,310.49 90.10 4,760.51 3,590.89 30-SUPPLIES 6053001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6,000.00 377.75 2,409.11 40.15 6053002 POSTAGE 3,500.00 113.44 1,489.17 42.55 2,010.83 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 9,500.00 491.19 3,898.28 41.03 5,601.72 3,500.00 755.21 2,575.09 73.57 924.91 350.00 0.00 155.00 44.29 195.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 3,850.00 755.21 2,730.09 70.91 1,119.91 CATEGORY TOTALS 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6054001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 6054002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CATEGORY TOTALS 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6058001 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 6058002 OFFICE EQUIPMENT CATEGORY TOTALS 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT TOTALS BUDGET 190,896.00 PERIOD 16,584.93 YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET 166,115.81 87.02 BUDGET BALANCE 24,780.19 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 06-FINANCE __________ 10-PERSONNEL 6061001 BASE PAY 6061002 STABILITY PAY 87,801.00 10,026.12 1,250.00 0.00 6061006 OVERTIME 6061010 6061011 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 TMRS 12,804.00 747.21 10,940.10 85.44 1,863.90 FICA 6,851.00 522.70 6,263.54 91.43 587.46 6061012 HEALTH INSURANCE 9,202.00 733.94 8,073.34 87.73 1,128.66 6061013 WORKERS COMPENSATION CATEGORY TOTALS 83,991.60 95.66 1,250.00 100.00 268.33 123.09 ( 3,809.40 0.00 218.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 50.33) 118,626.00 12,029.97 110,786.91 93.39 7,839.09 100.00 0.00 95.00 0.00 72.52 76.34 22.48 18,000.00 0.00 12,760.91 70.89 5,239.09 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 18,195.00 0.00 13,479.66 74.08 4,715.34 1,455.85 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6062001 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 6062004 AUDITS 6062046 CONTRACTED SERVICES CATEGORY TOTALS 646.23 646.23 ( 546.23) 30-SUPPLIES 6063001 OFFICE 4,000.00 0.00 2,544.15 63.60 6063002 POSTAGE 8,000.00 83.38 1,036.34 12.95 6,963.66 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 12,000.00 83.38 3,580.49 29.84 8,419.51 1,387.83 CATEGORY TOTALS 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6064001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 3,350.00 0.00 1,962.17 58.57 6064002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,500.00 0.00 810.00 54.00 690.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 4,850.00 0.00 2,772.17 57.16 2,077.83 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6068000 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6068001 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6068002 OFFICE FURNITURE/EQUIP 5,000.00 0.00 1,627.36 32.55 3,372.64 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 5,000.00 0.00 1,627.36 32.55 3,372.64 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 158,671.00 12,113.35 132,246.59 83.35 26,424.41 CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 07-OFFICE OF THE CITY SEC _________________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6071001 BASE PAY 6071002 STABILITY PAY 6071005 PART-TIME 6071010 TMRS 6071011 FICA 6071012 HOSPITALIZATION 6071013 6071014 95,171.00 11,136.39 745.00 0.00 92,086.88 96.76 3,084.12 745.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13,908.00 1,034.20 12,192.49 87.67 1,715.51 7,338.00 567.98 6,817.93 92.91 520.07 13,802.00 1,100.91 12,476.98 90.40 1,325.02 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 258.00 0.00 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 131,222.00 13,839.48 124,600.10 94.95 6,621.90 CATEGORY TOTALS 280.82 108.84 ( 22.82) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6072004 AUDITS 6072009 ELECTION EXPENSES 6072010 RECORDING FEES 6072012 PUBLISHING FEES 6072013 CODIFICATION 6072020 PUBLIC RELATIONS 6072025 SPECIAL SERVICES 6072026 MINUTE INDEXING 6072045 CONTRACT SERVICES CATEGORY TOTALS 126.00 0.00 91.30 72.46 34.70 10,000.00 0.00 154.10 1.54 9,845.90 600.00 4.00 516.00 86.00 84.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,333.99 88.93 166.01 8,000.00 0.00 4,616.07 57.70 3,383.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 898.89 5.99 14,101.11 13,000.00 1,709.80 10,463.82 80.49 2,536.18 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 48,226.00 1,713.80 18,074.17 37.48 30,151.83 30-SUPPLIES 6073001 OFFICE 5,000.00 115.00 4,900.78 98.02 99.22 6073002 POSTAGE 2,200.00 37.78 753.79 34.26 1,446.21 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 7,200.00 152.78 5,654.57 78.54 1,545.43 5,000.00 235.00 4,646.34 92.93 353.66 600.00 0.00 583.60 97.27 16.40 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6074001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 6074002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 6074003 CAR ALLOWANCE-COUNCIL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6074006 REIMB.EXP.-COUNCIL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 5,600.00 235.00 5,229.94 93.39 370.06 117.29 29.32 282.71 CATEGORY TOTALS 70-MAINTENANCE 6077044 TRANSFER TO FLEET/FUEL 400.00 61.12 6077045 TRANSFER TO FLEET/VEHICLE 700.00 459.47 ------------ ------------ 1,100.00 520.59 CATEGORY TOTALS 1,017.64 145.38 ( ------------ ----- 1,134.93 103.18 ( 317.64) -----------34.93) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6078002 PC/PRINTER/SOFTWARE 1,900.00 0.00 6078008 OFFICE FURNITURE 4,500.00 0.00 64.94 1.44 4,435.06 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 4,237.09 223.00 ( 2,337.09) 6,400.00 0.00 4,302.03 67.22 2,097.97 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 199,748.00 16,461.65 158,995.74 79.60 40,752.26 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 08-OFFICE OF THE CITY MAN _________________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6081001 BASE PAY 6081002 STABILITY PAY 88,971.00 10,540.38 410.00 0.00 6081006 OVERTIME 6081010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TMRS 12,928.00 1,036.72 12,208.10 94.43 719.90 6081011 FICA 6,806.00 569.34 6,799.45 99.90 6.55 6081012 HOSPITALIZATION 4,600.00 366.97 4,036.67 87.75 563.33 6081013 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 221.00 0.00 6081014 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6081020 CAR ALLOWANCE-CITY MGR. 5,400.00 623.07 5,192.25 96.15 207.75 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 119,336.00 13,136.48 115,919.78 97.14 3,416.22 CATEGORY TOTALS 86,999.95 97.78 1,971.05 410.00 100.00 0.00 273.36 123.69 ( 52.36) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6082004 AUDITS 6082045 CONTRACT SERVICES CATEGORY TOTALS 90.00 0.00 61.40 68.22 28.60 5,000.00 0.00 4,380.36 87.61 619.64 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 5,090.00 0.00 4,441.76 87.26 648.24 3,000.00 0.00 908.18 30.27 2,091.82 200.00 0.41 80.38 40.19 119.62 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 3,200.00 0.41 988.56 30.89 2,211.44 5,000.00 156.35 5,686.38 113.73 ( 686.38) 700.00 0.00 1,042.40 148.91 ( 342.40) 1,000.00 3.23 855.93 85.59 144.07 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 6,700.00 159.58 30-SUPPLIES 6083001 OFFICE 6083002 POSTAGE CATEGORY TOTALS 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6084001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 6084002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 6084008 DISCRETIONARY ITEMS CATEGORY TOTALS 7,584.71 113.20 ( 884.71) 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6088001 PC/PRINTER/SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6088002 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6088003 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6088008 OFFICE FURNITURE/EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 134,326.00 13,296.47 128,934.81 95.99 5,391.19 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT YEAR PERC. PERIOD TO DATE BUDGET 40,907.00 4,596.00 39,495.12 120.00 0.00 0.00 205.86 751.64 BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 09-INFORMATION/TECHNOLOG ________________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6091001 BASE PAY 6091002 STABILITY PAY 6091006 OVERTIME 6091010 TMRS EXPENSE 5,949.00 437.49 5,319.58 89.42 6091011 FICA EXPENSE 3,139.00 240.24 2,960.85 94.32 178.15 6091012 HEALTH INSURANCE EXPENSE 5,147.00 366.97 4,036.67 78.43 1,110.33 6091013 WORKERS COMPENSATION CATEGORY TOTALS 96.55 120.00 100.00 0.00 ( 116.48 108.86 ( 1,411.88 0.00 751.64) 629.42 107.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 9.48) 55,369.00 5,846.56 52,800.34 95.36 2,568.66 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6092004 AUDITS 6092045 CONTRACTED SERVICES CATEGORY TOTALS 40.00 0.00 35.36 88.40 4.64 17,000.00 0.00 15,338.86 90.23 1,661.14 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 17,040.00 0.00 15,374.22 90.22 1,665.78 30-SUPPLIES 6093001 OFFICE SUPPLIES CATEGORY TOTALS 250.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ 708.29 283.32 ( 250.00 0.00 2,500.00 169.30 200.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 2,700.00 169.30 2,584.64 95.73 115.36 ------------ ----- 708.29 283.32 ( 458.29) -----------458.29) 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6094001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 6094002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CATEGORY TOTALS 2,369.64 94.79 215.00 107.50 ( 130.36 15.00) 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6098001 COMPUTER HARDWARE 500.00 0.00 410.01 82.00 89.99 6098002 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 2,000.00 0.00 332.95 16.65 1,667.05 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 2,500.00 0.00 742.96 29.72 1,757.04 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 77,859.00 6,015.86 72,210.45 92.75 5,648.55 CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 10-FINANCE __________ 10-PERSONNEL 6101001 BASE PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6101002 STABILITY PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6101006 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6101010 TMRS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6101011 FICA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6101012 HOSPITALIZATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6101013 WORKMANS COMPENSATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6101014 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6102001 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6102004 AUDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6102045 CONTRACT SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 30-SUPPLIES 6103001 OFFICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6103002 POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6104001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6104002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6108000 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 6108001 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 6108002 OFFICE FURNITURE/EQUIP CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 11-POLICE ADMINISTRATION ________________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6111001 BASE PAY 6111002 STABILITY PAY 139,817.00 15,126.45 2,570.00 0.00 6111005 O/T PD BY WRT SVC 6111006 OVERTIME 6111010 6111011 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 212.06 42.41 287.94 TMRS 19,904.00 1,404.76 16,647.73 83.64 3,256.27 FICA 10,931.00 768.44 9,405.24 86.04 1,525.76 6111012 HOSPITALIZATION 17,650.00 1,100.91 13,530.60 76.66 4,119.40 6111013 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 4,250.00 0.00 6111014 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 195,622.00 18,400.56 175,249.34 89.59 20,372.66 CATEGORY TOTALS 125,492.82 89.76 2,860.00 111.28 ( 7,100.89 167.08 ( 14,324.18 290.00) 2,850.89) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6112004 AUDITS 6112011 INSURANCE(LIAB.&BONDS) 1,107.00 0.00 1,017.19 91.89 89.81 19,094.00 0.00 18,854.00 98.74 240.00 6112012 6112031 PUBLISHING FEES 3,000.00 0.00 236.23 7.87 2,763.77 EMPL.APPLICANT EXAMS 4,000.00 0.00 850.00 21.25 6112033 PRISONER EXPENSES 3,150.00 12,500.00 0.00 2,520.00 20.16 6112035 PAGER AIR TIME 9,980.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6112036 0.00 CELL PHONE SERVICE 1,800.00 0.00 977.62 54.31 822.38 6112045 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,000.00 6112057 EMP.MEDICAL EXPENSES 6112061 6112090 0.00 ( 481.94) 12.05- 800.00 0.00 219.94 27.49 MOVE/ABATEMENT EXP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FIRE MARSHAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 768.60 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 46,301.00 0.00 24,961.64 53.91 21,339.36 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 4,481.94 580.06 0.00 768.60) 30-SUPPLIES 6113001 OFFICE 8,200.00 446.22 6,293.74 76.75 1,906.26 6113002 POSTAGE 2,000.00 86.17 556.47 27.82 1,443.53 6113005 AMMUNITION 315.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 315.00 6113006 UNIFORMS 0.00 0.00 121.17 0.00 ( 121.17) 6113008 OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 907.78 0.00 ( 6113028 PUBLICATIONS 2,000.00 0.00 954.85 47.74 1,045.15 6113047 WATER SAFETY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6113048 SPECIAL OPERATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 12,515.00 532.39 8,834.01 70.59 3,680.99 8,500.00 15.00 3,797.04 44.67 4,702.96 650.00 0.00 270.00 41.54 380.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 907.78) 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6114001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 6114002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT CATEGORY TOTALS BUDGET 9,150.00 PERIOD 15.00 YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET 4,067.04 44.45 BUDGET BALANCE 5,082.96 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6115080 TRF TO VEH & EQUIP REPLAC 6115081 TRF TO CITY/COUNTY DISPATC CATEGORY TOTALS 87,167.00 0.00 198,214.00 19,369.52 178,827.51 87,381.98 100.25 ( 90.22 19,386.49 214.98) ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 285,381.00 19,369.52 266,209.49 93.28 19,171.51 0.00 0.00 70-MAINTENANCE 6117011 CAPITAL LEASE PAYMENT 6117044 TRANSFER TO FLEET/FUEL 6117045 TRANSFER TO FLEET/VEHICLE 6117046 POLICE STATION MAINTENANCE CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 3,020.00 470.99 4,231.23 140.11 ( 0.00 1,211.23) 1,242.00 242.47 647.57 52.14 594.43 50,000.00 0.00 22,742.72 45.49 27,257.28 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 54,262.00 713.46 27,621.52 50.90 26,640.48 0.00 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6118000 COMPUTER HARDWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 6118001 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 189.99 0.00 ( 189.99) 6118002 OFFICE FURNITURE/EQUIP. 0.00 0.00 194.36 0.00 ( 194.36) 6118003 DEPRICIATION EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6118010 RADIO & COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6118011 PATROL VEHICLES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6118012 SECURITY EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6118014 BOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6118015 CID EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6118020 POLICE STATION 120,686.00 0.00 6118021 REVERSE 911 SYSTEM CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 120,926.26 100.20 ( 0.00 0.00 240.26) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 120,686.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ 121,310.61 100.52 ( ===== ============ 624.61) 723,917.00 39,030.93 628,253.65 86.79 95,663.35 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 12-POLICE PATROL ________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6121001 BASE PAY 6121002 STABILITY PAY 562,509.00 65,420.24 516,628.48 91.84 8,490.00 0.00 7,975.00 93.93 6121006 OVERTIME 32,000.00 2,247.62 38,468.55 120.21 ( 6121010 TMRS 83,998.00 6,304.15 73,497.25 87.50 10,500.75 6121011 FICA 46,129.00 3,439.81 41,125.84 89.15 5,003.16 6121012 HEALTH INSURANCE 66,975.00 5,871.52 58,977.07 88.06 7,997.93 6121013 WORKER COMPENSATION 25,660.00 0.00 19,544.36 76.17 6,115.64 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 825,761.00 83,283.34 756,216.55 91.58 69,544.45 CATEGORY TOTALS 45,880.52 515.00 6,468.55) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6122036 COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 9,600.00 497.40 7,465.70 77.77 2,134.30 6122045 CONTRACTED SERVICES 2,000.00 150.00 1,370.74 68.54 629.26 6122057 EMPLOYEE MED EXP 0.00 0.00 200.00 6122090 FIRE MARSHAL SERVICES 2,250.00 0.00 444.33 19.75 1,805.67 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 13,850.00 647.40 9,480.77 68.45 4,369.23 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 200.00) 30-SUPPLIES 6123005 AMMUNITION 6123006 UNIFORMS 5,100.00 0.00 3,073.16 60.26 2,026.84 12,000.00 0.00 3,914.18 32.62 6123008 8,085.82 OPERATIONS SUPPLIES 6,600.00 622.18 3,420.08 51.82 6123047 3,179.92 WATER SAFETY 4,000.00 401.32 1,024.96 25.62 2,975.04 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 27,700.00 1,023.50 11,432.38 41.27 16,267.62 7,500.00 0.00 5,709.70 76.13 1,790.30 475.00 10.40 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 7,975.00 10.40 6,341.54 79.52 1,633.46 21,200.33 CATEGORY TOTALS 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6124001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 6124002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CATEGORY TOTALS 631.84 133.02 ( 156.84) 70-MAINTENANCE 6127044 TRF TO FLEET/FUEL 45,628.00 10,249.18 24,427.67 53.54 6127045 TRF TO FLEET/ VEHICLE MAIN 18,768.00 5,694.26 12,315.92 65.62 6,452.08 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 64,396.00 15,943.44 36,743.59 57.06 27,652.41 CATEGORY TOTALS 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6128000 COMPUTER HARDWARE 0.00 0.00 1,675.95 6128012 PATROL EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 6128013 TACTICAL EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 22,367.28 6128022 POWER FLARES 6,000.00 0.00 5,014.50 0.00 ( 0.00 0.00 ( 83.58 1,675.95) 0.00 22,367.28) 985.50 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET ------------ ----- BUDGET BALANCE ------------ ------------ 6,000.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 945,682.00 100,908.08 849,272.56 89.81 96,409.44 29,057.73 484.30 ( -----------23,057.73) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 13-POLICE CID _____________ 10-PERSONNEL 6131001 BASE PAY 6131002 STABILITY PAY 182,747.00 24,365.69 2,310.00 0.00 6131006 OVERTIME 18,000.00 669.46 7,105.88 39.48 10,894.12 6131010 TMRS 28,286.00 2,401.20 26,222.85 92.71 2,063.15 6131011 FICA 15,534.00 1,318.68 14,714.82 94.73 819.18 6131012 HEALTH INSURANCE 22,064.00 1,834.85 18,348.30 83.16 3,715.70 6131013 WORKERS COMPENSATION CATEGORY TOTALS 190,731.14 104.37 ( 2,310.00 100.00 7,984.14) 0.00 9,450.00 0.00 8,175.93 86.52 1,274.07 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 278,391.00 30,589.88 267,608.92 96.13 10,782.08 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6132036 COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES 3,000.00 0.00 1,408.66 46.96 1,591.34 6132045 CONTRACTED SERVICES 3,500.00 525.40 1,540.29 44.01 1,959.71 6132091 CRIME VICTIMS SERVICES 6,000.00 450.00 1,350.00 22.50 4,650.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 12,500.00 975.40 4,298.95 34.39 8,201.05 CATEGORY TOTALS 30-SUPPLIES 6133005 AMMUNITION 1,590.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,590.00 6133006 UNIFORMS 1,500.00 0.00 1,499.66 99.98 0.34 6133008 OPERATIONS SUPPLIES 6,000.00 83.96 6133048 SPECIAL OPERATIONS 15,000.00 0.00 4,411.83 29.41 10,588.17 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 24,090.00 83.96 11,917.50 49.47 12,172.50 CATEGORY TOTALS 6,006.01 100.10 ( 6.01) 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6134001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 6134002 DUES & SUBSCRIPITONS CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 3,062.20 175.00 30.00 173.06 98.89 0.00 ( 1.94 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 175.00 30.00 18,788.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 10.65 7,728.00 1,000.00 1,005.80 13.02 6,722.20 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 26,516.00 3,000.00 3,005.80 11.34 23,510.20 80.92 1,164.00 3,235.26 848.72 ( 3,062.20) 3,060.26) 70-MAINTENANCE 6137044 TRF TO FLEET/FUEL 6137045 TRF TO FLEET/VEHICLE MAINT CATEGORY TOTALS 16,788.00 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6138000 COMPUTER HARDWARE 6,100.00 0.00 4,936.00 6138001 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 449.00 6138002 OFFICE FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT 2,850.00 0.00 942.94 6138010 RADIO & COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 0.00 149.95 6138015 CID EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( 33.09 0.00 ( 0.00 449.00) 1,907.06 149.95) 0.00 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- 8,950.00 0.00 6,477.89 72.38 -----------2,472.11 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 350,622.00 34,679.24 296,544.32 84.58 54,077.68 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT YEAR PERC. PERIOD TO DATE BUDGET 61,486.00 7,130.97 59,338.12 1,143.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 41.37 8.27 458.63 243.38 BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 21-BUILDING & DEV-ADMIN _______________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6211001 BASE PAY 6211002 STABILITY PAY 6211006 OVERTIME 6211010 TMRS 8,794.00 718.98 8,550.62 97.23 6211011 FICA 4,829.00 394.86 4,695.51 97.24 6211012 HEALTH INSURANCE 6,645.00 733.94 7,951.00 119.65 ( 6211013 WORKERS COMPENSATION 688.00 0.00 621.83 6211016 UNIFORMS 500.00 0.00 993.62 198.72 ( 6211020 CAR ALLOWANCE CATEGORY TOTALS 96.51 1,175.00 102.80 ( 90.38 2,147.88 32.00) 133.49 1,306.00) 66.17 493.62) 5,400.00 623.07 5,192.25 96.15 207.75 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 89,985.00 9,601.82 88,559.32 98.42 1,425.68 118.30 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6212004 AUDITS 300.00 0.00 181.70 60.57 6212012 PUBLISHING FEES 600.00 0.00 245.73 40.96 354.27 6212035 COMMUNICATIONS 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 6212045 UNSAFE BLDG ABATEMENT 10,000.00 0.00 12,010.00 120.10 ( 2,010.00) 6212046 CONTRACTED SERVICES 40,000.00 3,810.00 36,274.28 90.69 3,725.72 6212048 RENTS & LEASES 13,050.00 1,100.00 11,800.00 90.42 1,250.00 6212065 COMPLIANCE EXPENSE 7,500.00 1,829.76 11,026.77 147.02 ( ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 74,450.00 6,739.76 71,538.48 96.09 2,911.52 CATEGORY TOTALS 3,526.77) 30-SUPPLIES 6213001 OFFICE 5,000.00 0.00 2,884.15 57.68 2,115.85 6213002 POSTAGE 1,600.00 90.45 558.48 34.91 1,041.52 6213003 EQUIPMENT 1,500.00 0.00 99.12 6.61 1,400.88 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 8,100.00 90.45 3,541.75 43.73 4,558.25 2,000.00 0.00 1,997.83 99.89 400.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ 2,400.00 0.00 2,463.83 102.66 ( CATEGORY TOTALS 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6214001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 6214002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CATEGORY TOTALS 466.00 116.50 ( ------------ ----- 2.17 66.00) -----------63.83) 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6218001 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5,000.00 0.00 1,242.77 24.86 6218002 OFFICE FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT 3,000.00 0.00 32.65 1.09 2,967.35 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 3,757.23 8,000.00 0.00 1,275.42 15.94 6,724.58 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 182,935.00 16,432.03 167,378.80 91.50 15,556.20 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 22-INSPECTIONS ______________ 10-PERSONNEL 6221001 BASE PAY 6221002 STABILITY PAY 61,873.00 8,418.72 985.00 0.00 6221006 OVERTIME 6221010 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TMRS 8,756.00 734.08 8,729.61 99.70 26.39 6221011 FICA 4,809.00 403.16 4,906.67 102.03 ( 6221012 HEALTH INSURANCE 8,825.00 733.94 7,951.00 90.10 6221013 WORKERS COMPENSATION 582.00 0.00 497.06 85.41 84.94 6221016 UNIFORMS 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 6221020 CAR ALLOWANCE CATEGORY TOTALS 62,207.92 100.54 ( 985.00 100.00 334.92) 0.00 97.67) 874.00 5,400.00 623.07 5,192.25 96.15 207.75 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 91,730.00 10,912.97 90,469.51 98.63 1,260.49 30-SUPPLIES 6223028 PUBLICATIONS CATEGORY TOTALS 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 80.00 4.00 1,920.00 0.00 ( 45.00) 11.25- 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6224001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 6224002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 400.00 ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS ------------ ------------ ----- 445.00 ------------ 2,400.00 0.00 35.00 1.46 2,365.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 95,130.00 10,912.97 90,504.51 95.14 4,625.49 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT YEAR PERC. PERIOD TO DATE BUDGET 35,928.00 4,333.20 35,533.60 98.90 394.40 353.00 0.00 320.00 90.65 33.00 0.00 0.00 41.38 BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 23-CODE ENFORCEMENT ___________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6231001 BASE PAY 6231002 STABILITY PAY 6231006 OVERTIME 6231010 TMRS 5,054.00 6231011 FICA 6231012 HEALTH INSURANCE 6231013 6231016 6231020 CAR ALLOWANCE 0.00 ( 41.38) 459.14 5,395.16 106.75 ( 341.16) 2,775.00 252.14 3,015.91 108.68 ( 6,645.00 366.97 4,281.35 64.43 2,363.65 WORKERS COMPENSATION 420.00 0.00 284.04 67.63 135.96 UNIFORMS 500.00 0.00 112.10 22.42 387.90 5,400.00 623.07 5,192.25 96.15 207.75 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 57,075.00 6,034.52 54,175.79 94.92 2,899.21 2,000.00 0.00 914.45 45.72 1,085.55 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 240.91) 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6234001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 6234002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2,400.00 0.00 914.45 38.10 1,485.55 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 59,475.00 6,034.52 55,090.24 92.63 4,384.76 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 31-STREETS & ROW ________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6311001 BASE PAY 218,797.00 24,155.20 6311002 STABILITY PAY 5,135.00 0.00 6311005 PART-TIME 5,000.00 0.00 6311006 OVERTIME 10,000.00 1,909.95 10,196.68 101.97 ( 6311010 TMRS 32,587.00 2,361.66 27,604.29 84.71 4,982.71 6311011 FICA 18,278.00 1,296.97 15,731.74 86.07 2,546.26 6311012 HOSPITALIZATION 36,810.00 2,935.76 32,293.36 87.73 4,516.64 6311013 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 12,451.00 0.00 6311014 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6311016 UNIFORMS 4,935.00 0.00 3,566.81 72.28 1,368.19 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 343,993.00 32,659.54 315,096.04 91.60 28,896.96 CATEGORY TOTALS 198,991.52 90.95 5,135.00 100.00 429.52 8.59 21,147.12 169.84 ( 19,805.48 0.00 4,570.48 196.68) 8,696.12) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6312004 AUDIT 1,980.00 0.00 1,867.09 94.30 112.91 6312011 INSURANCE 6,100.00 0.00 4,778.02 78.33 1,321.98 6312012 PUBLICATIONS 100.00 0.00 22.50 22.50 77.50 6312037 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4,500.00 0.00 2,875.75 63.91 1,624.25 6312040 ENGINEERING,SURVEY FEES 4,500.00 1,260.00 4,260.00 94.67 240.00 6312042 STREET LIGHT INSTALL. 4,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 6312044 EASEMENT EXPENSE 6312046 CONTRACT SERVICES 6312050 BUS 35 ENGINEERING CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 1,620.00 10,299.99 68.67 4,700.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 36,180.00 2,880.00 24,103.35 66.62 12,076.65 30-SUPPLIES 6313001 OFFICE 6313012 STREET LIGHTS-ELECTRICITY 1,500.00 0.00 576.96 38.46 923.04 160,000.00 12,691.23 134,591.86 84.12 25,408.14 6313013 STREET MAINT. 6313015 DRAINAGE MAINT. 42,000.00 10.00 28,532.22 67.93 13,467.78 18,000.00 728.23 6,585.45 36.59 6313020 11,414.55 TOOLS/SAFETY EQUIP. 1,500.00 5.40 6313027 STREET SWEEPING BROOMS 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 6313030 SIGNS & POST 10,000.00 0.00 2,687.05 26.87 7,312.95 6313031 GRANT EXP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 234,000.00 13,434.86 174,640.88 74.63 59,359.12 2,567.20 CATEGORY TOTALS 1,667.34 111.16 ( 167.34) 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6314001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 3,500.00 33.48 932.80 26.65 6314002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 4,500.00 33.48 932.80 20.73 3,567.20 CATEGORY TOTALS 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6315080 TRF TO VEH & EQUIP REPLAC CATEGORY TOTALS 52,800.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ 52,800.00 0.00 52,800.00 100.00 ------------ 0.00 ----- ------------ 52,800.00 100.00 0.00 70-MAINTENANCE 6317005 SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE 6,500.00 0.00 2,524.96 38.85 3,975.04 6317011 DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE 80,000.00 28,286.55 45,135.62 56.42 34,864.38 6317044 TRANSFER TO FLEET/FUEL 26,000.00 6,718.02 16,055.82 61.75 9,944.18 6317045 TRANSFER TO FLEET/VEHICLE 22,000.00 6,154.06 16,722.00 76.01 5,278.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 134,500.00 41,158.63 80,438.40 59.81 54,061.60 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6318001 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6318002 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6318003 SEAL COAT PROGRAM 175,000.00 143,074.36 150,391.22 85.94 24,608.78 6318004 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6318005 SIDEWALK MAINT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6318010 STREET & ROW IMPROVEMENTS 3,168,950.00 1,100.00 988,253.40 31.19 2,180,696.60 6318011 DRAINAGE MAINT. 0.00 2,882.34 2,882.34 6318012 EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6318013 STREET & ROW IMPROVEMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6318026 HEAVY DUTY TRUCK & EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 3,343,950.00 147,056.70 1,141,526.96 34.14 2,202,423.04 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 4,149,923.00 237,223.21 1,789,538.43 43.12 2,360,384.57 CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0.00 ( 2,882.34) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET YEAR PERC. PERIOD TO DATE BUDGET 21,300.08 BUDGET BALANCE 32-BUILDING OPER & MAINT ________________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6321001 BASE PAY 23,101.00 2,632.80 6321002 STABILITY PAY 545.00 0.00 6321006 OVERTIME 300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 6321010 TMRS 3,336.00 244.50 2,816.69 84.43 519.31 6321011 FICA 1,832.00 134.28 1,604.07 87.56 227.93 6321012 HOSPITALIZATION 4,601.00 366.97 4,036.67 87.73 564.33 6321013 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 697.00 0.00 6321014 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6321016 UNIFORMS 3,150.00 0.00 1,778.71 56.47 1,371.29 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 37,562.00 3,378.55 33,040.95 87.96 4,521.05 CATEGORY TOTALS 92.20 545.00 100.00 959.73 137.69 ( 1,800.92 0.00 262.73) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6322004 AUDITS 117.00 0.00 88.17 75.36 28.83 6322046 CONTRACT SERVICES 30,000.00 480.32 15,063.50 50.21 14,936.50 6322047 TELEPHONE 42,000.00 0.00 35,921.68 85.53 6,078.32 6322048 FIRE DEPT. CLEANING 3,900.00 325.00 3,575.00 91.67 325.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 76,017.00 805.32 54,648.35 71.89 21,368.65 457.22 CATEGORY TOTALS 30-SUPPLIES 6323020 SAFETY EQUIPMENT 2,000.00 0.00 1,542.78 77.14 6323022 JANITORIAL 4,000.00 4.87 3,201.76 80.04 798.24 6323023 UTILITIES (WSG) 15,000.00 714.85 10,571.34 70.48 4,428.66 6323024 ELECTRICITY 52,900.00 2,824.78 26,510.32 50.11 26,389.68 6323025 MATERIALS 5,000.00 0.00 3,461.82 69.24 1,538.18 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 78,900.00 3,544.50 45,288.02 57.40 33,611.98 CATEGORY TOTALS 70-MAINTENANCE 6327008 PD/CITY MAINTENANCE CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6328008 PD/CITY HALL MAINT 0.00 0.00 6328010 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 400.00 0.00 6328012 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 500,000.00 1,646.00 201,394.96 40.28 6328027 FIRE SUBSTATION EXTENSION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 3,178.24 794.56 ( 0.00 2,778.24) 298,605.04 500,400.00 1,646.00 204,573.20 40.88 295,826.80 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 692,879.00 9,374.37 337,550.52 48.72 355,328.48 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET YEAR PERC. PERIOD TO DATE BUDGET 72,308.03 BUDGET BALANCE 33-FLEET OPER & MAINT _____________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6331001 BASE PAY 77,277.00 9,346.32 6331002 STABILITY PAY 2,580.00 0.00 6331006 OVERTIME 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 6331010 TMRS 11,263.00 911.24 9,591.54 85.16 1,671.46 6331011 FICA 6,186.00 500.41 5,514.19 89.14 671.81 6331012 HOSPITALIZATION 9,202.00 733.94 8,073.34 87.73 1,128.66 6331013 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 1,829.00 0.00 6331014 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6331016 UNIFORMS 1,470.00 0.00 732.85 49.85 737.15 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 110,807.00 11,491.91 101,265.02 91.39 9,541.98 CATEGORY TOTALS 93.57 2,580.00 100.00 2,465.07 134.78 ( 4,968.97 0.00 636.07) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6332004 AUDITS 6332037 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6332046 CONTRACT SERVICES 6332048 UGS FEES CATEGORY TOTALS 215.00 0.00 224.82 104.57 ( 1,000.00 0.00 321.48 32.15 678.52 9.82) 12,000.00 0.00 9,250.27 77.09 2,749.73 150.00 0.00 50.00 33.33 100.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 13,365.00 0.00 9,846.57 73.67 3,518.43 842.44 30-SUPPLIES 6333001 OFFICE 1,300.00 0.00 457.56 35.20 6333020 SAFETY EQUIP./TOOLS 1,200.00 0.00 430.53 35.88 769.47 6333026 GAS, OIL, GREASE 299,000.00 14,812.81 165,046.39 55.20 133,953.61 6333027 PARTS/PM 45,000.00 0.00 35,408.78 78.69 9,591.22 6333030 PAINT/BODY MATERIALS 3,500.00 0.00 677.95 19.37 2,822.05 6333031 CLEANING 2,200.00 0.00 1,300.71 59.12 6333032 SHOP MATERIALS/TOOLS 2,400.00 0.00 6,178.23 257.43 ( ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 354,600.00 14,812.81 209,500.15 59.08 145,099.85 CATEGORY TOTALS 899.29 3,778.23) 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6334001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS CATEGORY TOTALS 1,000.00 0.00 110.00 11.00 890.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 1,000.00 0.00 110.00 11.00 890.00 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6335080 TRF TO VEHICLE & EQUIP FUN CATEGORY TOTALS 6,500.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ 6,500.00 0.00 4,100.00 668.87 6,500.00 100.00 ------------ 0.00 ----- ------------ 6,500.00 100.00 0.00 70-MAINTENANCE 6337044 TRANSFER FOR FUEL 1,695.28 41.35 2,404.72 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 2 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT 6337045 TRANSFER FOR VEHICLE MAINT CATEGORY TOTALS BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 1,500.00 0.00 425.57 28.37 1,074.43 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 5,600.00 668.87 2,120.85 37.87 3,479.15 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6338003 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6338010 FLEET IMPROVEMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6338012 EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6338013 FUEL MGMT SYSTEM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 491,872.00 26,973.59 329,342.59 66.96 162,529.41 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 3 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 61-PARKS & LEISURE SER ______________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6611001 BASE PAY 6611002 STABILITY PAY 6611005 PART-TIME 6611006 OVERTIME 4,000.00 11.28 6611010 TMRS 32,670.00 2,223.33 26,679.24 81.66 5,990.76 6611011 FICA 18,860.00 1,334.88 16,046.40 85.08 2,813.60 6611012 HEALTH INSURANCE 43,044.00 3,669.70 37,592.28 87.33 5,451.72 6611013 WORKERS COMPENSATION 4,000.00 0.00 7,472.11 186.80 ( 3,472.11) 6611016 UNIFORMS 3,200.00 0.00 3,353.55 104.80 ( 153.55) 6611020 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,402.00 373.83 3,115.25 91.57 286.75 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 351,708.00 33,343.47 309,563.15 88.02 42,144.85 CATEGORY TOTALS 228,742.00 23,566.81 1,790.00 0.00 12,000.00 2,163.64 192,416.20 84.12 1,790.00 100.00 36,325.80 0.00 15,102.04 125.85 ( 3,102.04) 5,996.08 149.90 ( 1,996.08) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6612004 AUDITS 6612011 INSURANCE 500.00 0.00 5,000.00 627.00 6612012 6612016 6612020 PUBLISHING FEES 200.00 0.00 LEGAL SERVICES 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 ADVERTISING/PROMOTIONS 3,500.00 0.00 2,434.99 69.57 1,065.01 6612037 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3,000.00 525.00 2,029.50 67.65 970.50 6612040 ENGINEERING 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6612046 CONTRACTED SERVICES 9,500.00 0.00 6612048 FIELD & COURT LIGHTING CATEGORY TOTALS 1,086.60 217.32 ( 3,861.65 77.23 386.24 193.12 ( 11,494.73 121.00 ( 586.60) 1,138.35 186.24) 500.00 1,994.73) 2,000.00 0.00 1,307.42 65.37 692.58 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 24,800.00 1,152.00 22,601.13 91.13 2,198.87 1,500.00 0.00 786.76 52.45 713.24 400.00 32.15 360.33 90.08 30-SUPPLIES 6613001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6613002 POSTAGE 6613003 RECREATION EQUIPMENT 2,500.00 446.44 6613004 RECREATION PROGRAMS 5,000.00 0.00 2,747.10 54.94 2,252.90 6613011 CHEMICALS 6,000.00 0.00 3,172.01 52.87 2,827.99 6613020 SAFETY EQUIP/TOOLS 2,000.00 0.00 1,998.19 99.91 6613022 JANITORIAL 3,000.00 0.00 3,360.70 112.02 ( 6613023 UTILITIES 13,000.00 656.56 10,889.76 83.77 6613024 ELECTRICITY 13,000.00 981.46 8,986.59 69.13 4,013.41 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 46,400.00 2,116.61 34,919.13 75.26 11,480.87 2,700.00 0.00 2,568.27 95.12 131.73 450.00 0.00 220.00 48.89 230.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 2,617.69 104.71 ( 39.67 117.69) 1.81 360.70) 2,110.24 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6614001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 6614002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 3 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT CATEGORY TOTALS BUDGET 3,150.00 PERIOD 0.00 YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET 2,788.27 88.52 BUDGET BALANCE 361.73 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6615080 TRF TO VEHCILE & EQUIP FUN CATEGORY TOTALS 27,764.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ 27,764.00 100.00 27,764.00 0.00 1,500.00 232.19 820.39 54.69 679.61 35,000.00 7.00 29,542.55 84.41 5,457.45 5,000.00 900.00 4,930.89 98.62 69.11 20,000.00 4,172.23 9,525.16 47.63 10,474.84 ------------ 0.00 ----- ------------ 27,764.00 100.00 0.00 70-MAINTENANCE 6617001 VANDALISM REPAIR 6617002 MAINTENANCE REPAIR 6617003 TREE MAINTENANCE 6617044 TRF TO FLEET/FUEL 6617045 TRF TO FLEET/VEHCILE MAINT CATEGORY TOTALS 10,000.00 1,787.12 7,088.62 70.89 2,911.38 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 71,500.00 7,098.54 51,907.61 72.60 19,592.39 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6618001 COMPUTER HARDWARE 6618005 TREE ENHANCE PROGRAMS 0.00 0.00 594.36 3,000.00 0.00 2,375.67 79.19 6618012 PARK IMPROVEMENTS 6618040 6618045 6618050 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 624.33 348,000.00 0.00 47,671.58 13.70 300,328.42 TPWD TRAIL GRANT 0.00 0.00 418.00 0.00 ( 418.00) DOWTOWN BEAUTIFICATION PRJ 0.00 0.00 2,275.91 0.00 ( 2,275.91) CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0.00 ( 594.36) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 351,000.00 0.00 53,335.52 15.20 297,664.48 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 876,322.00 43,710.62 502,878.81 57.39 373,443.19 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 3 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 99-NON-DEPARTMENTAL ___________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6991001 VACATION PAY 6991002 SICK PAY 10,000.00 2,642.62 18,291.66 182.92 ( 8,291.66) 1,450.00 0.00 3,637.07 250.83 ( 6991010 2,187.07) TMRS 0.00 278.71 2,900.06 2,900.06) 6991011 FICA 765.00 153.07 1,628.46 212.87 ( 6991040 EDUCATION REIMB. 10,000.00 0.00 3,822.29 38.22 6,177.71 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 22,215.00 3,074.40 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 30,279.54 136.30 ( 863.46) 8,064.54) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6992001 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6992004 AUDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6992011 INSURANCE 24,000.00 8,645.00 17,841.43 74.34 6,158.57 6992012 RETIREE INSURANCE 74,368.00 5,625.03 62,588.73 84.16 11,779.27 6992016 LEGAL SERVICES 27,000.00 1,755.00 25,785.00 95.50 1,215.00 6992021 RADIO STATION 1610 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6992046 CONTRACTED SERVICES 16,000.00 100.00 6992048 RENTS & LEASES 0.00 0.00 0.00 6992050 ORGANIZATIONAL DUES 0.00 0.00 500.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 141,368.00 16,125.03 123,201.26 87.15 18,166.74 CATEGORY TOTALS 16,486.10 103.04 ( 0.00 0.00 ( 0.00 0.00 486.10) 0.00 500.00) 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6995002 ARANSAS COUNTY APPRAISAL D 45,000.00 0.00 33,275.61 73.95 11,724.39 6995003 TAX COLLECTION SERVICES 10,425.00 0.00 9,351.33 89.70 1,073.67 6995007 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES 57,015.00 0.00 66,008.57 115.77 ( 6995023 ROCKPORT VOL FIRE DEPT 52,000.00 0.00 39,000.00 6995024 ARANSAS COUNTY LIBRARY 6995025 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES 6995026 6995027 75.00 8,993.57) 13,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 78,280.00 6,523.33 71,756.63 91.67 6,523.37 COUNCIL ON AGING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EMERGENCY MGMT SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6995030 ACND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6995031 BUS. 35 VOL. TRANS. IMP PR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6995032 NORTH BAY EFF FAC INITIATI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6995033 BAYS & ESTUARIES 7,500.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 250,220.00 6,523.33 226,892.14 90.68 23,327.86 28,724.50 100.00 0.50 17,364.22 100.00 ( 0.22) CATEGORY TOTALS 7,500.00 100.00 0.00 60-BOND PAYMENTS 6996010 BOND PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 28,725.00 0.00 6996012 BOND INTEREST PAYMENT 17,364.00 8,376.91 6996020 BOND INTEREST PAYMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 46,089.00 8,376.91 46,088.72 100.00 0.28 CATEGORY TOTALS 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T 3 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6998003 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 83,134.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 83,134.00 85-OPERATING TRANSFERS 6998505 TRF TO POOL OPER FUND 6998506 TRF TO BEACH PARK 6998540 TRF TO GEN CIP FUND 6998580 TRF TO VEH & EQUIP REPLAC CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 108,134.00 0.00 25,000.00 23.12 83,134.00 0.00 90-OTHER USES OF FUNDS 6999001 MAYOR MEMORIAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6999099 RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* ( 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 568,026.00 34,099.67 451,461.66 79.48 116,564.34 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 9,939,985.00 624,865.97 6,178,467.27 62.16 ( 3,160,289.37) ============ ============ ============ ===== 255,350.00)( 170,101.60) 345,878.36 135.45-( ============ 601,228.36) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 02 -WATER AND SEWER FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 04-INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVE 40401 ACCRD 40402 TCDP GRANT FUND -WATER 40404 FEMA REIMBURSEMENT CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 5,669.10 263,500.00 69,482.29 0.00 ( 5,669.10) 284,820.00 108.09 ( 5,669.10 21,320.00) 0.00 0.00 2,184.83 ------------ ------------ ------------ 263,500.00 75,151.39 0.00 ( ----- 292,673.93 111.07 ( 2,184.83) -----------29,173.93) 05-FINES AND FEES 40501 WATER CAPITAL IMPACT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40502 SEWER CAPITAL IMPACT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INT.INVESTMENTS & NOW-WA CATEGORY TOTALS 180,000.00 19,393.51 ------------ ------------ 180,000.00 19,393.51 216,109.76 120.06 ( ------------ ----- 216,109.76 120.06 ( 36,109.76) -----------36,109.76) 07-CHARGES FOR SERVICE 40701 WATER REVENUES 4,391,278.00 355,367.89 3,690,095.84 84.03 701,182.16 40702 SEWER REVENUE 1,626,415.00 136,343.15 1,419,970.32 87.31 206,444.68 40703 WATER CONNECTION FEES 120,000.00 9,562.00 84,066.59 70.06 35,933.41 40704 SEWER LINE CONNECTION FEE 46,000.00 1,670.00 31,832.50 69.20 14,167.50 40705 WATER LINE INSTALLATIONS 100,000.00 200.00 13,402.36 13.40 86,597.64 40706 SEWER LINE INSTALLATIONS 100,000.00 0.00 38,872.25 38.87 61,127.75 40707 SERVICE CHARGES & FEES 80,000.00 7,812.50 40708 LATE PENALTY FEE 70,000.00 6,945.63 67,121.80 40711 SEPTIC TANK DISPOSAL FEE 18,000.00 2,680.00 27,040.00 150.22 ( 40712 FULTON SEWER REVENUE 149,285.00 45,493.99 101,039.29 67.68 48,245.71 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 6,700,978.00 566,075.16 5,574,378.39 83.19 1,126,599.61 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 100,937.44 126.17 ( 95.89 20,937.44) 2,878.20 9,040.00) 09-OPERATING TRANSFERS 40909 TRF FROM VEH & EQUIP FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 40910 TRF FROM 2001 CONST BOND 0.00 0.00 108,552.68 40911 TRF FROM CONSTRUCTION FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40912 TRF FROM UTILITY CIP FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40913 TRF FROM DEPOSIT RESERVES 291,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 291,300.00 40917 TRF FROM 2005 BOND FUNDS 1,535,000.00 0.00 473,219.59 30.83 1,061,780.41 40918 TRF FROM IMPACT FEES 360,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 360,000.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 2,186,300.00 0.00 581,772.27 26.61 1,604,527.73 0.00 0.00 13,562.00 15,000.00 127.90 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 0.00 108,552.68) 0.00 30-OTHER REVENUES 43002 INSURANCE CLAIMS(SE) 43004 MISC REV 0.00 ( 13,562.00) 20,787.49 138.58 ( 5,787.49) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 02 -WATER AND SEWER FUND ACCOUNT 43005 SALE OF EFFLUENT 43013 BIOXIDE REIMBURSEMENT CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 6,850.00 578.46 6,496.98 94.85 353.02 24,000.00 1,013.80 20,096.05 83.73 3,903.95 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 45,850.00 1,720.16 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 9,376,628.00 662,340.22 6,725,876.87 71.73 2,650,751.13 60,942.52 132.92 ( 15,092.52) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 02 -WATER AND SEWER FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 41-WATER STORAGE & DISTRI _________________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6411001 BASE PAY 412,000.00 43,826.13 6411002 STABILITY PAY 6,750.00 0.00 6411005 PART TIME 7,000.00 856.25 3,395.75 48.51 6411006 OVERTIME 34,000.00 3,807.97 29,561.84 86.95 4,438.16 6411010 TMRS 63,068.00 4,353.58 51,712.25 81.99 11,355.75 6411011 FICA 35,171.00 2,438.24 29,518.93 83.93 5,652.07 6411012 HOSPITALIZATION 66,396.00 4,770.60 51,253.77 77.19 15,142.23 6411013 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 11,200.00 0.00 6411014 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6411016 UNIFORMS 7,560.00 0.00 4,212.70 55.72 3,347.30 6411020 CAR ALLOWANCE CATEGORY TOTALS 361,988.16 87.86 7,625.00 112.96 ( 19,574.44 174.77 ( 50,011.84 875.00) 3,604.25 8,374.44) 2,700.00 311.52 2,596.00 96.15 104.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 645,845.00 60,364.29 561,438.84 86.93 84,406.16 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6412004 AUDITS 6412011 INSURANCE 2,500.00 0.00 2,776.13 111.05 ( 276.13) 25,000.00 21,833.00 25,945.85 103.78 ( 6412012 945.85) PUBLISHING FEES 1,200.00 0.00 399.38 33.28 800.62 6412016 LEGAL FEES 5,000.00 405.00 3,712.50 74.25 1,287.50 6412037 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 6,000.00 0.00 3,845.00 64.08 2,155.00 6412040 ENGINEERING,SURVEY FEES 5,000.00 0.00 100.00 2.00 4,900.00 6412044 EASEMENT EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 160.00 0.00 ( 160.00) 6412046 CONTRACT SERVICES 8,000.00 0.00 10,087.87 126.10 ( 2,087.87) 6412047 TELEPHONE 6412054 SYSTEM INSPECTIONS,TESTS 6412055 ACCRD ADMIN FEE 6412056 SECURITY SYSTEM MONITORING 6412057 SCADA SYSTEM CATEGORY TOTALS 6,000.00 0.00 4,477.92 74.63 1,522.08 25,000.00 0.00 8,943.05 35.77 16,056.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.00 646.50 16.16 3,353.50 10,000.00 0.00 57.90 0.58 9,942.10 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 97,700.00 22,238.00 61,152.10 62.59 36,547.90 98.48 30-SUPPLIES 6413001 OFFICE 2,200.00 0.00 2,166.60 6413011 CHEMICALS 1,000.00 0.00 1,975.69 197.57 ( 975.69) 6413020 SMALL TOOLS/SAFETY EQUIP. 6,000.00 489.00 7,283.61 121.39 ( 1,283.61) 6413023 UTILITIES(WSG) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6413024 ELECTRICITY 77,000.00 6,313.50 46,176.65 59.97 30,823.35 6413038 WATER 2,840,210.00 184,876.16 1,969,293.76 69.34 870,916.24 6413040 METERS,METER BOXES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6413041 LINE MATERIALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 2,926,410.00 191,678.66 2,026,896.31 69.26 899,513.69 CATEGORY TOTALS 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 33.40 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 02 -WATER AND SEWER FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 6414001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 8,500.00 377.68 5,222.37 61.44 3,277.63 6414002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 4,500.00 0.00 2,674.50 59.43 1,825.50 6414004 PUBLIC RELATIONS 6,000.00 0.00 4,481.10 74.69 1,518.90 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 19,000.00 377.68 12,377.97 65.15 6,622.03 CATEGORY TOTALS 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6415080 TRF.TO VEH & EQUIP FUND CATEGORY TOTALS 50,317.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ 50,317.00 0.00 50,317.00 100.00 ------------ 0.00 ----- ------------ 50,317.00 100.00 0.00 70-MAINTENANCE 6417001 PROVISION FOR BAD DEBTS 6417012 WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE 6417016 PUMP STATION MAINTENANCE 6417018 METER REPLACE PROGRAM 6417031 6417040 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 1,200.00 7,091.82 47.28 7,908.18 10,000.00 124.70 526.99 5.27 9,473.01 100,000.00 0.00 60,700.46 60.70 39,299.54 WATER TANK MAINT/INSP. 25,000.00 0.00 24,975.00 99.90 25.00 METERS & BOXES 60,000.00 0.00 46,605.16 77.68 13,394.84 6417041 LINE MATERIALS 20,000.00 0.00 8,089.60 40.45 11,910.40 6417044 TRANSFER TO FLEET/FUEL 26,000.00 7,509.65 18,760.12 72.15 7,239.88 6417045 TRANSFER TO FLEET/VEHICLE 22,000.00 1,000.22 5,975.93 27.16 16,024.07 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 278,000.00 9,834.57 172,725.08 62.13 105,274.92 3,000.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6418001 COMPUTER HARDWARE 6418003 DEPRECIATION EXEPNSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6418010 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT P 1,828,500.00 1,100.00 430,568.70 23.55 1,397,931.30 6418011 LIGHT DUTY TRUCKS & EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6418012 WATER SYSTEM MAINT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6418015 MAIN LINE EXT & TAPS 100,000.00 0.00 28,231.17 28.23 71,768.83 6418016 PUMP STATION MAINT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6418018 METER REPLACE PROGRAM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6418019 UTILITY MAPPING 125,000.00 0.00 12,500.00 10.00 112,500.00 6418031 WATER TANK INSPCTN CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 3,020.39 100.68 ( 20.39) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 2,056,500.00 1,100.00 474,320.26 23.06 1,582,179.74 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 6,073,772.00 285,593.20 3,359,227.56 55.31 2,714,544.44 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 02 -WATER AND SEWER FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 46-SEWAGE COLLECTION & TR _________________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6461001 BASE PAY 6461002 STABILITY PAY 177,263.00 22,486.56 153,558.44 86.63 3,505.00 0.00 2,540.00 72.47 6461005 965.00 PART-TIME 11,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,000.00 6461006 OVERTIME 14,000.00 2,477.86 17,947.58 128.20 ( 3,947.58) 6461010 TMRS 27,131.00 2,386.88 22,903.66 84.42 4,227.34 6461011 FICA 15,741.00 1,291.48 12,677.40 80.54 3,063.60 6461012 HOSPITALIZATION 32,019.00 2,568.79 23,853.05 74.50 8,165.95 6461013 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 3,115.00 0.00 6461014 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6461016 UNIFORMS 4,725.00 0.00 2,079.92 44.02 2,645.08 6461020 CAR ALLOWANCE CATEGORY TOTALS 5,132.74 164.77 ( 23,704.56 2,017.74) 2,700.00 311.55 2,596.25 96.16 103.75 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 291,199.00 31,523.12 243,289.04 83.55 47,909.96 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6462004 AUDITS 6462011 INSURANCE 6462012 PUBLISHING FEES 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 750.00 6462016 LEGAL FEES 5,000.00 405.00 3,712.50 74.25 1,287.50 6462037 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,500.00 0.00 1,444.50 57.78 1,055.50 6462040 ENGINEERING,SURVEY FEES 3,000.00 0.00 4,100.00 136.67 ( 6462045 CONTRACTED SERVICES 15,000.00 14.00 6,045.52 6462046 CONTRACT SERVICES 0.00 0.00 121,656.40 6462047 TELEPHONE 1,500.00 0.00 1,276.36 85.09 223.64 6462054 SYSTEM INSP/PERMITS/TESTS 30,000.00 0.00 19,122.14 63.74 10,877.86 6462055 STP WASTE REMOVAL 55,000.00 0.00 42,873.39 77.95 12,126.61 6462056 SECURITY SYSTEM MONITORING 2,000.00 0.00 1,075.94 53.80 924.06 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 132,200.00 2,352.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 1,450.00 0.00 853.10 58.83 596.90 16,000.00 1,933.00 9,340.13 58.38 6,659.87 40.30 0.00 ( 211,499.98 159.98 ( 1,100.00) 8,954.48 121,656.40) 79,299.98) 30-SUPPLIES 6463001 OFFICE 6463011 CHEMICALS 1,900.00 0.00 898.06 47.27 1,001.94 30,000.00 0.00 22,783.48 75.94 6463020 SMALL TOOLS/SAFETY EQUIP. 7,216.52 5,000.00 3.88 6463023 UTILITIES (WSG) 10,000.00 744.63 6463024 ELECTRICITY 176,000.00 16,940.63 6463042 6463043 LIFT STATION REPAIR PARTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MANHOLES/LINES/FITTINGS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6463049 H2S CONTROL 0.00 120,000.00 0.00 108,421.42 90.35 11,578.58 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 342,900.00 17,689.14 342,029.60 99.75 870.40 CATEGORY TOTALS 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6,120.58 122.41 ( 8,532.75 85.33 195,273.31 110.95 ( 1,120.58) 1,467.25 19,273.31) 0.00 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 02 -WATER AND SEWER FUND ACCOUNT 6464001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 6464002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CATEGORY TOTALS BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 6,000.00 147.72 2,049.60 34.16 500.00 61.00 283.00 56.60 3,950.40 217.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 6,500.00 208.72 2,332.60 35.89 4,167.40 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6465080 TRF TO VEH & EQUIP REPLAC CATEGORY TOTALS 41,850.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ 41,850.00 0.00 41,850.00 100.00 ------------ 0.00 ----- ------------ 41,850.00 100.00 0.00 70-MAINTENANCE 6467012 WASTEWATER SYSTEM MAINTENA 25,000.00 0.00 6467016 TREATMENT PLANT EQUIPMENT 15,000.00 0.00 6467017 LIFT STATION MAINTENANCE 50,000.00 29.30 31,030.90 62.06 18,969.10 6467041 STP EQUIPMENT M & R 30,000.00 0.81 23,068.43 76.89 6,931.57 6467043 MANHOLES/LINES & SUPPLIES 12,000.00 0.00 10,096.47 84.14 1,903.53 6467044 TRANSFER TO FLEET/FUEL 16,000.00 3,056.27 8,023.28 50.15 7,976.72 6467045 TRANSFER TO FLEET/VEHICLE 8,000.00 124.43 5,852.17 73.15 2,147.83 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 156,000.00 3,210.81 94,958.97 60.87 61,041.03 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 16,887.72 112.58 ( 25,000.00 1,887.72) 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6468003 DEPRICIATION EXPENSE 6468010 WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEM 6468012 WASTEWATER SYSTEM MAINT. 6468015 MAIN LINE EXTENSIONS 6468016 6468017 6468019 UTILITY MAPPING 6468020 6468028 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 827,300.00 0.00 532,235.05 64.33 295,064.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,000.00 0.00 49,625.00 49.63 50,375.00 TREATMENT PLANT EQUIP.MAIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LIFT STATION MAINT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 BAR SCREEN REPLACEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 HEAVY MACH. & EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6468041 STP EQUIP M&R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6468042 LIFT STATION M&R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6468043 MANHOLES/LINES & SUP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6468044 STP LAB M&R 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 930,800.00 0.00 581,860.05 62.51 348,939.95 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 1,901,449.00 54,983.79 1,517,820.24 79.82 383,628.76 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 02 -WATER AND SEWER FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 51-UTILITY CUSTOMER SERVI _________________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6511001 BASE PAY 6511002 STABILITY PAY 136,974.00 15,618.00 3,050.00 0.00 6511005 PART TIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 6511006 OVERTIME 0.00 116.04 264.67 6511010 TMRS 19,505.00 1,510.62 17,867.57 91.61 6511011 FICA 10,712.00 829.62 10,143.54 94.69 568.46 6511012 HOSPITALIZATION 22,063.00 1,834.85 20,183.35 91.48 1,879.65 6511013 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 350.00 0.00 6511014 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 192,654.00 19,909.13 186,108.98 96.60 6,545.02 44.88 CATEGORY TOTALS 134,169.50 97.95 2,804.50 3,050.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( 430.35 122.96 ( 0.00 264.67) 1,637.43 80.35) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6512000 OVERAGES/SHORTAGES 0.00 44.88) 0.00 6512001 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6512004 AUDITS 150.00 0.00 118.61 79.07 31.39 6512045 CONTRACT SERVICES 17,000.00 0.00 11,649.90 68.53 5,350.10 6512047 TELEPHONE 1,500.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 18,650.00 86.82 13,424.74 71.98 5,225.26 4,835.46 CATEGORY TOTALS 86.82 ( 1,701.11 113.41 ( 201.11) 30-SUPPLIES 6513001 OFFICE 12,500.00 498.57 7,664.54 61.32 6513002 POSTAGE 29,500.00 2,732.90 28,509.45 96.64 990.55 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 42,000.00 3,231.47 36,173.99 86.13 5,826.01 CATEGORY TOTALS 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6514001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS CATEGORY TOTALS 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6518000 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 6518001 COMPUTER EQUIP 6518003 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 6518008 OFFICE FURNITURE CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 350.00 17.50 1,650.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,200.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 5,200.00 0.00 350.00 6.73 4,850.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 259,504.00 23,227.42 236,057.71 90.96 23,446.29 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 02 -WATER AND SEWER FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 99-NON-DEPARTMENTAL ___________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6991000 VACATION PAY 6991002 SICK PAY-RETIREMENT 3,000.00 213.60 0.00 0.00 6991010 6991011 TMRS 451.00 FICA CATEGORY TOTALS 6,728.07 224.27 ( 3,728.07) 3,470.40 0.00 ( 3,470.40) 29.76 1,410.87 312.83 ( 959.87) 230.00 16.34 780.18 339.21 ( ------------ ------------ 3,681.00 259.70 ------------ ----- 12,389.52 336.58 ( 550.18) -----------8,708.52) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6992004 AUDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6992011 INSURANCE 13,000.00 0.00 8,805.64 67.74 4,194.36 6992012 RETIREE INSURANCE 23,000.00 1,612.40 15,499.14 67.39 7,500.86 6992016 LEGAL SERVICES 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 6992042 ACCRD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6992046 CONTRACTED SERVICES 6,500.00 100.00 1,220.00 18.77 5,280.00 6992048 RENTS & LEASES CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 44,000.00 1,712.40 25,524.78 58.01 18,475.22 0.00 70-MAINTENANCE 6997001 PROVISION FOR BAD DEBT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6997004 AMORTIZATION OF BOND COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6998000 BOND PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6998002 DEPRECIATION - WATER SYS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6998004 DEPRECIATION - SEWER SYS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69980100 INTEREST EXPENSE CATEGORY TOTALS 85-OPERATING TRANSFERS 6998501 TRF TO GEN FUND 270,304.00 0.00 270,304.00 100.00 0.00 6998502 PMT TO GEN FUND IN LIEU TA 282,912.00 0.00 282,912.00 100.00 0.00 6998530 TRF TO GEN D/SERV FUND 0.00 0.00 6998532 TRF TO UTIL D/SERV FUND 760,300.00 24,171.48 6998542 TRF TO UTIL SYS CIP FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6998558 TRF TO 01 TCDP GRANT FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6998580 TRF TO VEH & EQUIP REPLAC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 1,313,516.00 24,171.48 CATEGORY TOTALS 90-OTHER USES OF FUNDS 0.00 0.00 777,619.81 102.28 ( 1,330,835.81 101.32 ( 0.00 17,319.81) 17,319.81) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 02 -WATER AND SEWER FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 6999040 TRF RES TO UTIL CIP FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6999042 TRF RESERVE TO UTIL CIP FU 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6999099 RESERVE FOR CONTINGENCY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* ( 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 1,361,197.00 26,143.58 ============ ============ ============ ===== 9,595,922.00 389,947.99 6,481,855.62 67.55 ( 2,650,751.13) ============ ============ ============ ===== 219,294.00) 272,392.23 1,368,750.11 100.55 ( 244,021.25 111.28-( 7,553.11) ============ ============ 463,315.25) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 03 -SANITATION FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INTEREST INVESMENT ACCOUNT 0.00 ( ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 275.97) -----------275.97) 3,070.71 -----------3,070.71 0.00 ( ----0.00 ( 3,070.71) -----------3,070.71) 07-CHARGES FOR SERVICE 40701 COLLECTION FEES 1,174,754.00 0.00 30.35 0.00 40702 COLL.DISCOUNT/SALES TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40708 LATE PENALTY FEE 0.00 929.11 10,956.69 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 1,174,754.00 929.11 10,987.04 0.94 1,163,766.96 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 1,174,723.65 0.00 10,956.69) 30-OTHER REVENUES 43004 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 1,174,754.00 653.14 14,057.75 1.20 1,160,696.25 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== 0.00 ( 1,160,696.25) ============ 1,174,754.00 653.14 14,057.75 1.20 1,160,696.25 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 04 -CHILD SAFETY FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 05-FINES AND FEES 40502 COURT COST-SCHOOL ZONE CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 58.84 10,326.36 ------------ ------------ ------------ 0.00 58.84 10,326.36 0.00 ( ----0.00 ( 10,326.36) -----------10,326.36) 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INT.INVESTMENTS & NOW 0.00 ( ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 0.19) -----------0.19) 39.19 -----------39.19 0.00 ( ----0.00 ( 39.19) -----------39.19) 30-OTHER REVENUES 43004 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 58.65 10,365.55 0.00 ( 10,365.55) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 04 -CHILD SAFETY FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 04-CHILD SAFETY _______________ 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6042002 ARANSAS COUNTY IND.SCHOOL CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 0.00 0.00 10,211.08 ------------ ------------ ------------ 0.00 0.00 10,211.08 ============ ============ ============ 0.00 0.00 10,211.08 ============ ============ ============ 0.00 ( ----0.00 ( ===== 0.00 ( ===== 10,211.08) -----------10,211.08) ============ 10,211.08) ============ 0.00 0.00 10,211.08 0.00 10,365.55 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 58.65 154.47 0.00 ( 154.47) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 05 -POOL/PARK OPERATIONS FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 04-INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVE 40401 AC POOL REVENUE 40403 FULTON POOL REVENUE 40404 ACISD/IN KIND 40412 TPWD GRANT FUNDS CATEGORY TOTALS 25,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 41,164.00 3,430.33 37,733.63 91.67 3,430.37 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 67,164.00 3,430.33 65,233.63 97.13 1,930.37 0.00 ( 0.00 2,500.00) 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INV. INTEREST INCOME CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 07-CHARGES FOR SERVICE 40711 POOL ENTRY FEES 72,000.00 6,036.70 49,002.95 68.06 22,997.05 40712 CONCESSION REVENUE 25,500.00 2,708.17 15,287.46 59.95 10,212.54 40713 POOL RENTAL FEE REV 15,000.00 596.62 10,724.12 71.49 4,275.88 40714 INSTR CLASS REV 20,000.00 1,176.00 16,856.95 84.28 3,143.05 40715 MISC. REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 132,500.00 10,517.49 91,871.48 69.34 40,628.52 CATEGORY TOTALS 09-OPERATING TRANSFERS 40901 TRF FROM GEN FUND CATEGORY TOTALS 25,000.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ 25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 100.00 ------------ 0.00 ----- ------------ 25,000.00 100.00 0.00 30-OTHER REVENUES 43004 MISC. REVENUE CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 224,664.00 13,947.82 182,105.11 81.06 42,558.89 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 05 -POOL/PARK OPERATIONS FUND ACCOUNT YEAR PERC. PERIOD TO DATE BUDGET 25,000.00 2,083.33 22,916.63 91.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60,000.00 12,523.17 BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 72-POOL OPERATIONS __________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6721001 BASE PAY 6721002 STABILITY PAY 6721005 PART TIME 6721006 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 2.78 0.00 ( 6721010 TMRS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6721011 FICA 4,590.00 728.02 6721013 WORKERS COMP 2,800.00 0.00 1,746.61 62.38 6721014 UNEMPL INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6721021 MILEAGE 0.00 24.21 226.43 ------------ ------------ ------------ 92,390.00 15,358.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120.00 0.00 102.69 85.58 17.31 1,868.00 37.36 3,132.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 66,095.19 110.16 ( 4,826.63 105.16 ( 0.00 ( ----- 95,814.27 103.71 ( 2,083.37 0.00 6,095.19) 2.78) 0.00 236.63) 1,053.39 0.00 226.43) -----------3,424.27) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6722001 OVERAGE & SHORTS 6722004 AUDITS 6722011 INSURANCE 5,000.00 0.00 6722046 CONTRACT SERVICES 6,000.00 293.50 10,996.46 183.27 ( 4,996.46) 6722047 TELEPHONE 1,800.00 224.40 2,110.31 117.24 ( 310.31) 6722052 ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS 500.00 0.00 25.50 5.10 474.50 6722056 ACISD IN-KIND SERVICES 16,164.00 1,347.00 14,817.00 91.67 1,347.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 29,584.00 1,864.90 29,919.96 101.14 ( 335.96) 800.00 45.16 1,031.18 128.90 ( 231.18) 90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.00 700.00 0.00 172.36 24.62 527.64 15,000.00 0.00 12,543.36 83.62 2,456.64 600.00 141.58 310.98 51.83 289.02 CATEGORY TOTALS 30-SUPPLIES 6723001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6723002 POSTAGE 6723006 UNIFORMS 6723011 CHEMICALS/POOL SUPPLIES 6723022 JANITORIAL 6723023 UTILITIES 23,000.00 1,163.46 20,307.10 88.29 2,692.90 6723024 ELECTRICITY 26,000.00 2,670.92 24,109.85 92.73 1,890.15 6723025 MATERIALS 0.00 0.00 31.29 6723037 EVENT EXPENSE 500.00 0.00 328.36 6723051 CONCESSION SUPP CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 65.67 8,117.11 108.23 ( 31.29) 171.64 7,500.00 1,373.64 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 617.11) 74,190.00 5,394.76 66,951.59 90.24 7,238.41 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6724001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS CATEGORY TOTALS 70-MAINTENANCE 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 05 -POOL/PARK OPERATIONS FUND ACCOUNT 6727002 MAINTENANCE/REPAIR 6727003 MATERIALS CATEGORY TOTALS BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET 13,316.19 133.16 ( BUDGET BALANCE 10,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 578.20 4,456.72 74.28 1,543.28 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 16,000.00 578.20 17,772.91 111.08 ( 3,316.19) 1,772.91) 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6728002 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6728003 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6728029 SHADE CANOPIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6728030 POOL RESURFACING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6728031 DECK CHAIRS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6728032 LOCKERS 10,000.00 0.00 5,292.00 52.92 4,708.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 10,000.00 0.00 5,292.00 52.92 4,708.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 224,664.00 23,196.59 215,750.73 96.03 8,913.27 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 224,664.00 23,196.59 215,750.73 ============ ============ ============ 0.00 ( 9,248.77)( 33,645.62) 96.03 ( 42,558.89) ===== ============ 0.00 33,645.62 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 06 -FULTON SE CAP.RECOVERY ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INT.INVESTMENTS&SUPER NOW 0.00 ( ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 207.52) -----------207.52) 2,561.17 -----------2,561.17 0.00 ( ----0.00 ( 2,561.17) -----------2,561.17) 07-CHARGES FOR SERVICE 40701 CAPITAL RECOVERY CHARGE CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 18,520.81 ------------ ------------ ------------ 0.00 0.00 18,520.81 0.00 ( ----0.00 ( 18,520.81) -----------18,520.81) 30-OTHER REVENUES 43004 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 ( 207.52) 21,081.98 0.00 ( 21,081.98) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 06 -FULTON SE CAP.RECOVERY ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 64-FULTON SEWER CAP.ESCRO _________________________ 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6642001 BANK SERVICE CHARGES CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6645009 TRF.TO UTIL.DBT.(96SRF REV CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,081.98 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 ( 207.52) 21,081.98 0.00 ( 21,081.98) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 07 -MUNICIPAL COURT FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 05-FINES AND FEES 40510 BUILDING SECURITY FEES 6,500.00 467.01 5,894.64 90.69 40512 COURT TECH FEES 8,200.00 610.65 7,819.25 95.36 380.75 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 14,700.00 1,077.66 13,713.89 93.29 986.11 CATEGORY TOTALS 605.36 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INTEREST REVENUE 500.00 ( ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 500.00 ( 65.58) -----------65.58) 953.25 190.65 ( ------------ ----- 953.25 190.65 ( 453.25) -----------453.25) ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 15,200.00 1,012.08 14,667.14 96.49 532.86 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 07 -MUNICIPAL COURT FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 75-BUILDING SECURITY ____________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6751001 BASE PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6751002 STABILITY PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6751005 PART TIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6751006 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6751010 TMRS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6751011 FICA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6751012 INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6751013 WORKMANS COMP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6751014 UNEMPL INS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6752046 CONTRACTED SERVICES CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30-SUPPLIES 6753001 OFFICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6753002 POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6754001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6754002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6758001 COMPUTER SYSTEMS/HARWARDE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6758002 COMPUTER SOFTWARE/APPLICAT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 07 -MUNICIPAL COURT FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 77-COURT TECHNOLOGY ___________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6771001 BASE PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6771002 STABILITY PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6771005 PART TIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6771006 OVERTIME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6771010 TMRS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6771011 FICA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6771012 INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6771013 WORKMANS COMP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6771014 UNEMPL INS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6772046 CONTRACTED SERVICES CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30-SUPPLIES 6773001 OFFICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6773002 POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6774001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6774002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37,000.00 0.00 1,085.87 2.93 35,914.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6778001 COMPUTER HARDWARE 6778002 COMPUTER SOFTWARE/APPLICAT CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* ( 37,000.00 0.00 1,085.87 2.93 35,914.13 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 37,000.00 0.00 1,085.87 2.93 35,914.13 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 37,000.00 0.00 1,085.87 ============ ============ ============ 1,012.08 13,581.27 21,800.00) 2.93 ( ===== 62.30-( 532.86) ============ 35,381.27) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 09 -UTILITY BILL SURCHARGE ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INT.INVESTMENTS & NOW 0.00 ( ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 128.24) -----------128.24) 961.67 -----------961.67 0.00 ( ----0.00 ( 961.67) -----------961.67) 07-CHARGES FOR SERVICE 40701 UTILITY BILL SURCHG.REV. 40708 LATE PENALTY FEE CATEGORY TOTALS 130,000.00 851.25 11,021.72 0.00 143.03 1,549.99 8.48 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 130,000.00 994.28 12,571.71 9.67 117,428.29 0.00 ( 118,978.28 1,549.99) 30-OTHER REVENUES 43004 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 130,000.00 866.04 13,533.38 10.41 116,466.62 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 09 -UTILITY BILL SURCHARGE ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 59-UTILITY BILL SURCHARGE _________________________ 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6592001 BANK SERVICE CHARGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6592003 FULTON FIRE DEPARTMENT 28,405.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28,405.00 6592004 ROCKPORT FIRE DEPARTMENT 52,357.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52,357.00 6592005 CITY ROCKPORT GEN.CONTG. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 80,762.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80,762.00 6,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6595001 TRF TO GEN FUND 6595029 TRF TO DEBT SER FUND CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 6,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,500.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 87,262.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 87,262.00 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 09 -UTILITY BILL SURCHARGE ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 99-NON-DEPARTMENTAL ___________________ 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6995001 TRF TO GEN FUND CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60-BOND PAYMENTS 6996005 PAYING AGENT FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6996010 BOND PRINCIPAL PMTS 26,637.00 0.00 26,636.50 100.00 0.50 6996012 BOND INTEREST PMTS 16,102.00 7,767.98 16,101.98 100.00 ------------ ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* ( 42,739.00 7,767.98 ============ ============ 42,739.00 7,767.98 ============ ============ ------------ 42,738.48 100.00 ============ 130,001.00 7,767.98 42,738.48 ============ ============ 6,901.94)( ===== 42,738.48 100.00 ============ ============ 1.00)( ----- ===== 32.88 ( 0.02 -----------0.52 ============ 0.52 ============ 116,466.62) ===== ============ 29,205.10)510.00 29,204.10 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 16 -CITY/COUNTY DISPATCH SER. ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 04-INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVE 40401 COUNTY OF ARANSAS 40416 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT CATEGORY TOTALS 243,067.00 21,892.48 0.00 0.00 255,714.92 105.20 ( 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 243,067.00 21,892.48 255,714.92 105.20 ( 12,647.92) 12,647.92) 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INT.INVESTMENTS&NOW CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09-OPERATING TRANSFERS 40901 TRF FROM CITY OF ROCKPORT CATEGORY TOTALS 198,014.00 19,369.52 178,827.51 90.31 19,186.49 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 198,014.00 19,369.52 178,827.51 90.31 19,186.49 30-OTHER REVENUES 43004 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 441,081.00 41,262.00 434,542.43 98.52 6,538.57 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 16 -CITY/COUNTY DISPATCH SER. ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 22-INSPECTIONS ______________ 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6228002 COMPUTER SOFTWARE CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 16 -CITY/COUNTY DISPATCH SER. ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 62-CITY/COUNTY DISPATCH _______________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6621001 BASE PAY 6621002 STABILITY PAY 6621003 VACATION PAY 6621005 PART TIME 0.00 0.00 6621006 OVERTIME 27,000.00 6,340.00 37,185.58 137.72 ( 6621010 TMRS 42,268.00 3,362.26 40,734.98 96.37 6621011 FICA 23,212.00 1,846.47 22,748.40 98.00 463.60 6621012 HEALTH INSURANCE 49,085.00 4,403.64 46,972.16 95.70 2,112.84 6621013 WORKERS COMPENSATION CATEGORY TOTALS 273,845.00 29,922.41 267,771.78 97.78 2,585.00 0.00 2,295.00 88.78 0.00 243.12 2,480.08 0.00 0.00 ( 0.00 6,073.22 290.00 2,480.08) 0.00 10,185.58) 1,533.02 1,086.00 0.00 805.56 74.18 280.44 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 419,081.00 46,117.90 420,993.54 100.46 ( 1,912.54) 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6622001 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6622004 AUDITS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6622012 PUBLISHING FEES 0.00 0.00 31.25 6622031 EMPLOYEE EXAMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 6622036 CELL PHONE RENTAL 0.00 0.00 256.44 0.00 ( 256.44) 6622046 CONTRACTED SERVICES 0.00 0.00 595.00 0.00 ( 595.00) 6622047 TELEPHONE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 882.69 0.00 ( 882.69) 0.00 ( 10.00) CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.25) 0.00 30-SUPPLIES 6623001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 10.00 6623002 POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6623006 UNIFORMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6623028 PUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 10.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 10.00) 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6624001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6624002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6625081 TRF TO CITY/COUNTY DISPATC CATEGORY TOTALS 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 22,000.00 0.00 19,595.74 89.07 2,404.26 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 22,000.00 0.00 19,595.74 89.07 2,404.26 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 16 -CITY/COUNTY DISPATCH SER. ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 6628000 COMPUTER HARDWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6628002 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 441,081.00 46,117.90 ============ ============ 441,081.00 46,117.90 ============ ============ 0.00 ( 4,855.90)( 441,481.97 100.09 ( ============ ===== 441,481.97 100.09 ( ============ 6,939.54) 400.97) ============ 6,538.57) ===== ============ 0.00 6,939.54 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 25 -SYLV.HGTS.ET AL ASSESSMEN ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INTEREST-INVESTMENTS 0.00 ( 0.30) 3.44 0.00 ( 40605 ACCRUED INTEREST-ASSESS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 3.44) 0.00 ( 0.30) 3.44 0.00 ( 3.44) 30-OTHER REVENUES 43004 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43010 ASSESSMENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43011 PENALTY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 ( 0.30) 3.44 0.00 ( 3.44) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 25 -SYLV.HGTS.ET AL ASSESSMEN ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 25-SYLV.HGTS.ET AL ASSESS _________________________ 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6252001 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6252016 LEGAL FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 30-SUPPLIES 6253001 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6253002 POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6253003 RECODING FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6255007 TRF TO UTILITY SYSTEM CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.44 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 ( 0.30) 3.44 0.00 ( 3.44) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 26 -LUAU/FLAM ASMT FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INTEREST INCOME 0.00 ( 2,639.97 0.00 ( 40605 REVENUE-ACCRUED ASSMT INTE 0.00 32.73 398.78 0.00 ( ------------ ------------ ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 207.34) ----- 2,639.97) 398.78) ------------ 0.00 ( 174.61) 3,038.75 0.00 ( 3,038.75) 0.00 ( 3,637.51) 30-OTHER REVENUES 43010 REVENUE-ASSESSMENT PRINCIP 0.00 307.41 3,637.51 43011 REVENUE-PMT PENALTY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 307.41 3,637.51 ============ ============ ============ 0.00 132.80 6,676.26 0.00 ( ===== 0.00 ( 3,637.51) ============ 6,676.26) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 26 -LUAU/FLAM ASMT FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 99-NON-DEPARTMENTAL ___________________ 30-SUPPLIES 6993002 POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 6993003 RECORDING FEES 0.00 0.00 16.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ 0.00 0.00 16.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 ( ----0.00 ( 0.00 16.00) -----------16.00) 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6995001 TRF TO STREET IMPROVEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6995010 TRF TO DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 0.00 16.00 ============ ============ ============ 0.00 ( ===== 16.00) ============ 0.00 0.00 16.00 0.00 6,676.26 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 132.80 6,660.26 0.00 ( 6,660.26) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 27 -HOTEL MOTEL TAX ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 02-OTHER TAXES 40201 H/M OCC TAX COLL 40202 H/M OCC TAX - PRIOR YEARS CATEGORY TOTALS 518,175.00 63,589.55 501,341.07 96.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,833.93 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 518,175.00 63,589.55 501,341.07 96.75 16,833.93 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INTEREST INCOME 1,000.00 ( ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 1,000.00 ( 205.78) -----------205.78) 4,223.49 422.35 ( ------------ ----- 4,223.49 422.35 ( 3,223.49) -----------3,223.49) 30-OTHER REVENUES 43004 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 519,175.00 63,383.77 505,564.56 97.38 13,610.44 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 27 -HOTEL MOTEL TAX ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 60-HOTEL MOTEL TAX __________________ 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6602000 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 6602001 R-F CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 295,000.00 0.00 295,000.00 100.00 6602002 0.00 TEXAS MARITIME MUSEUM 75,000.00 0.00 75,000.00 100.00 6602009 FULTON MANSION 18,000.00 4,625.00 6602013 BLUE WAVE BCH RECERTIFICAT 1,275.00 0.00 6602020 RCFTA-UP WITH PEOPLE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6602030 SALTWATER PAV PROMOTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6602032 TML BOOTH PROMOTIONS 10,000.00 0.00 2,941.78 29.42 7,058.22 6602040 RCFTA-ROCKPORT CTR FOR ART 71,810.00 0.00 71,810.00 100.00 0.00 6602041 GOSPEL FORCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6602042 P. O. D. E. R. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6602043 AC COUNCIL ON AGING 2,000.00 0.00 829.35 41.47 1,170.65 6602044 ROCKPORT YACHT CLUB 0.00 0.00 1,607.04 6602045 ROCKPORT KAYAK OUTFITTERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 6602046 CONTRACTED SERVICES 0.00 0.00 1,385.00 6602047 SEAFAIR - R-F CHAMBER COMM 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 100.00 6602048 HUMMER/ R-F CHAMBER COMMER 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 100.00 6602049 TEXAS DOWNTOWN ASSOC. CONV 2,000.00 0.00 6602050 CHRISTMAS IN ROCKPORT 3,000.00 0.00 6602051 BABES ON THE BAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 6602052 FLW FISHING TOURNAMENT 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ 481,085.00 4,625.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 18,125.00 100.69 ( 1,275.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 ( 0.00 0.00 ( 0.00 8,608.82 286.96 ( 0.00 0.00 ( ----- 481,581.99 100.10 ( 0.00 125.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,607.04) 0.00 1,385.00) 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 5,608.82) 0.00 2,000.00) -----------496.99) 30-SUPPLIES 6603001 OFFICE SUPPLIES CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6604001 TRAVEL/TRAINING CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 481,085.00 4,625.00 481,581.99 100.10 ( 496.99) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 27 -HOTEL MOTEL TAX ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 99-NON-DEPARTMENTAL ___________________ 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6995034 TRF TO BEACH PARK FUND 6995035 TRF TO GEN CIP FUND CATEGORY TOTALS 51,918.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51,918.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 51,918.00 0.00 51,918.00 100.00 0.00 60-BOND PAYMENTS 6996010 BOND PRINCIPAL PMTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6996012 BOND INTEREST PMTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* ( 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 51,918.00 0.00 ============ ============ 533,003.00 4,625.00 ============ ============ 13,828.00) 58,758.77 ( 51,918.00 100.00 ============ ===== 533,499.99 100.09 ( ============ 0.00 ============ 13,610.44) ===== ============ 27,935.43)202.02 14,107.43 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 28 -KEY ALLEGRO ASSESS.FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INT. INVESTMENTS & NOW 0.00 ( 0.33) 1.86 0.00 ( 1.86) 40605 ACCRUED INTEREST-KA PID 0.00 0.00 76.05 0.00 ( 76.05) ------------ ------------ ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 0.33) ----- ------------ 77.91 0.00 ( 77.91) 0.00 ( 151.14) 30-OTHER REVENUES 43010 KA PID ASSESSMENTS 0.00 0.00 151.14 43011 KA PID 10% PENALTY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 0.00 151.14 ============ ============ ============ 0.00 ( 0.33) 229.05 0.00 ( ===== 0.00 ( 151.14) ============ 229.05) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 28 -KEY ALLEGRO ASSESS.FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 65-KEY ALLEGRO ASSESSMENT _________________________ 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6652001 BANK SERVICE CHARGES CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30-SUPPLIES 6653000 CONTRIBUTION FOR '01 BD ST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6653002 POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 28 -KEY ALLEGRO ASSESS.FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 99-NON-DEPARTMENTAL ___________________ 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6995001 TRF TO STREET DEPARTMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6995029 TRF TO DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 229.05 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 ( 0.33) 229.05 0.00 ( 229.05) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 30 -I&S DEBT SERVICE FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 00-PROPERTY TAXES 40001 CURRENT TAXES 40003 DELQ.TAXES 40004 P & I DELQ.TAX CATEGORY TOTALS 763,195.00 12,248.67 10,000.00 33.82 8,000.00 2,091.24 ------------ ------------ 781,195.00 14,373.73 909,055.72 119.11 ( 7,298.88 72.99 8,969.57 112.12 ( ------------ ----- 925,324.17 118.45 ( 145,860.72) 2,701.12 969.57) -----------144,129.17) 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INV INT - CURRENT TAXES 40602 INV INT - PREV ISSUES 10,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 554.81 40604 40605 INT ON INV.1993-REFUNDING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INT INC FROM '01 BOND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 13,000.00 554.81 5,898.09 45.37 7,101.91 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 5,898.09 196.60 ( 10,000.00 2,898.09) 0.00 09-OPERATING TRANSFERS 40909 TRF FR UTIL DEBTFUND CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 794,195.00 14,928.54 931,222.26 117.25 ( 137,027.26) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 30 -I&S DEBT SERVICE FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 99-NON-DEPARTMENTAL ___________________ 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6992000 OVERS & SHORTAGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 6992001 BANK SERVICE CHGS 0.00 0.00 82.22 ------------ ------------ ------------ 0.00 0.00 82.22 1,000.00 0.00 500.80 50.08 499.20 341,699.00 0.00 336,063.00 98.35 5,636.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 ( ----0.00 ( 0.00 82.22) -----------82.22) 60-BOND PAYMENTS 6996005 PAYING AGENT FEES 6996010 BOND PRINCIPAL PMTS 6996012 BOND INTEREST PMTS CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 421,497.00 201,516.77 409,812.51 97.23 11,684.49 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 764,196.00 201,516.77 746,376.31 97.67 17,819.69 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 764,196.00 201,516.77 746,458.53 97.68 17,737.47 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 764,196.00 201,516.77 746,458.53 97.68 137,027.26 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 29,999.00 ( 186,588.23) 184,763.73 615.90 ( 154,764.73) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 32 -UTILITY DEBT SERV FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INT REV - LMTD PLDGE ISSUE 0.00 0.00 40602 INT REV - 96 UTIL REV BOND 10,000.00 1,056.55 ------------ ------------ 10,000.00 1,056.55 10,213.62 102.14 ( 213.62) 777,619.81 102.28 ( 17,319.81) CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 10,213.62 102.14 ( ------------ ----- 0.00 213.62) ------------ 09-OPERATING TRANSFERS 40902 TRF FR UTIL SYS FUND 760,300.00 24,171.48 40911 TRF FROM CONSTRUCTION FUND 0.00 0.00 40912 TRF FROM UTILITY CIP - IMP 150,000.00 150,000.00 ------------ ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 910,300.00 174,171.48 ============ ============ 920,300.00 175,228.03 0.00 0.00 150,000.00 100.00 ------------ ----- 927,619.81 101.90 ( ============ ===== 937,833.43 101.91 ( 0.00 0.00 -----------17,319.81) ============ 17,533.43) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 32 -UTILITY DEBT SERV FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 99-NON-DEPARTMENTAL ___________________ 60-BOND PAYMENTS 6996005 PAYING AGENT FEES 6996010 BOND PRINCIPAL PMTS 6996012 BOND INTEREST PMTS CATEGORY TOTALS 2,120.00 0.00 562,941.00 0.00 347,360.00 174,171.48 ------------ ------------ 912,421.00 174,171.48 1,499.20 70.72 568,576.00 101.00 ( 359,043.81 103.36 ( ------------ ----- 929,119.01 101.83 ( 620.80 5,635.00) 11,683.81) -----------16,698.01) 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6998000 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 912,421.00 174,171.48 ============ ============ 912,421.00 174,171.48 ============ ============ 7,879.00 1,056.55 929,119.01 101.83 ( ============ ===== 929,119.01 101.83 ============ ===== 8,714.42 110.60 ( 16,698.01) ============ 17,533.43 ============ 835.42) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 34 -ROCKPORT BEACH PK.OPER. ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 04-INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVE 40401 COUNTY OF ARANSAS 20,000.00 0.00 40402 ACND 25,000.00 25,000.00 40408 TPWD GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40409 CMP GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40410 TPWD BOAT DOCT REIMBURSEME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40411 TPWD BOAT RAMP PARKING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 45,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 55.56 20,000.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 20,000.00 25,000.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INT.ON INVESTMENTS & NOW CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.48 ------------ ------------ ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.00 ( ----0.00 ( 0.48) -----------0.48) 07-CHARGES FOR SERVICE 40711 PERMIT FEES 235,000.00 31,717.20 228,900.21 97.40 6,099.79 40712 CONCESSIONS 4,000.00 373.93 1,642.53 41.06 2,357.47 40713 RESERVATION FEES 60,000.00 5,380.00 58,707.50 97.85 1,292.50 40714 SUNDRY REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 299,000.00 37,471.13 289,250.24 96.74 9,749.76 CATEGORY TOTALS 09-OPERATING TRANSFERS 40911 TRF.H/M TAX 51,900.00 0.00 40913 TRF FROM GENERAL FUND 83,134.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 83,134.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 135,034.00 0.00 51,918.00 38.45 83,116.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 51,918.00 100.03 ( 18.00) 11-EVENT REVENUES 41100 REGISTRATION FEES CATEGORY TOTALS 4,000.00 0.00 2,571.00 64.28 1,429.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 4,000.00 0.00 2,571.00 64.28 1,429.00 2,000.00 150.00 1,444.45 72.22 0.00 0.00 1,464.50 ------------ ------------ ------------ 2,000.00 150.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 485,034.00 62,621.13 371,648.67 76.62 113,385.33 30-OTHER REVENUES 43004 MISC.REVENUE 43005 DEPOSITS WITHHELD CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 ( ----- 2,908.95 145.45 ( 555.55 1,464.50) -----------908.95) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 34 -ROCKPORT BEACH PK.OPER. ACCOUNT YEAR PERC. PERIOD TO DATE BUDGET 46,527.00 5,334.12 44,398.40 1,100.00 0.00 37,000.00 4,232.99 BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 71-PARK OPERATIONS __________________ 10-PERSONNEL 6711001 BASE PAY 6711002 STABILITY PAY 6711005 PART TIME WAGES 6711006 OVERTIME 1,500.00 0.00 6711010 TMRS 6,843.00 528.16 6,514.84 95.20 6711011 FICA 6,589.00 491.10 5,780.76 87.73 808.24 6711012 HOSPITALIZATION 6,455.00 366.97 4,036.67 62.54 2,418.33 6711013 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,377.00 0.00 6711014 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 6711020 CAR ALLOWANCE 2,620.00 353.10 6711021 PAV-ATT MILEAGE CATEGORY TOTALS 95.43 1,100.00 100.00 29,208.00 78.94 1,503.89 100.26 ( 2,405.88 101.21 ( 0.00 0.00 2,942.50 112.31 ( 2,128.60 0.00 7,792.00 3.89) 328.16 28.88) 0.00 322.50) 700.00 37.82 575.64 82.23 124.36 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 111,711.00 11,344.26 98,466.58 88.14 13,244.42 42.93 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6712000 OVERAGES/SHORTAGES 6712001 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 42.93) 0.00 50.00 6712004 AUDITS 6712011 INSURANCE 6712012 PUBLISHING FEES 6712016 LEGAL SERVICES 6712018 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 500.00 0.00 218.38 43.68 281.62 8,500.00 12,420.00 13,767.00 161.96 ( 5,267.00) 200.00 0.00 461.50 230.75 ( 261.50) 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CASH REGISTER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6712045 CONTRACT SERVICES 0.00 0.00 1,129.32 6712046 CONTR SVC-PAV ATTD 10,500.00 6712047 TELEPHONE 5,000.00 6712050 BEACH TESTING 750.00 0.00 23.06 3.07 726.94 6712052 ADVERTISING/PROMOTIONS 9,000.00 1,302.00 8,866.61 98.52 133.39 6712090 MAINTENANCE SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 34,600.00 15,281.96 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 17.00 ( 100.00 0.00 0.00 ( 1,129.32) 1,414.26 11,906.11 113.39 ( 1,406.11) 128.70 6,696.40 133.93 ( 1,696.40) 43,025.45 124.35 ( 8,425.45) 30-SUPPLIES 6713000 PARKING PERMITS 7,000.00 0.00 4,555.13 65.07 6713001 OFFICE 2,500.00 293.77 2,469.29 98.77 2,444.87 30.71 6713002 POSTAGE 1,000.00 37.35 692.27 69.23 307.73 6713003 RECREATION EQUIP 0.00 0.00 6713006 UNIFORMS 6713011 CHEMICALS 6713020 SAFETY EQUIP./TOOLS 6713022 JANITORIAL 6713023 0.00 0.00 650.00 0.00 712.02 109.54 ( 1,000.00 0.00 278.26 27.83 721.74 500.00 0.00 352.28 70.46 147.72 5,000.00 0.00 4,511.31 90.23 488.69 UTILITIES(WSG) 25,000.00 2,764.78 25,569.04 102.28 ( 569.04) 6713024 ELECTRICITY 29,000.00 2,696.01 32,744.29 112.91 ( 3,744.29) 6713025 MATERIALS/REPAIRS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 62.02) 0.00 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 34 -ROCKPORT BEACH PK.OPER. ACCOUNT 6713037 SPECIAL EVENTS 6713038 SUNDRY EXPENSES 6713039 X-MAS TREE EXPENSES CATEGORY TOTALS BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 7,000.00 0.00 6,495.23 92.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 504.77 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 1,212.90 60.65 787.10 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 80,650.00 5,791.91 79,592.02 98.69 1,057.98 1,400.00 0.00 998.81 71.34 401.19 350.00 0.00 280.00 80.00 70.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 1,750.00 0.00 1,278.81 73.07 471.19 40-TRAVEL & TRAINING 6714001 SCHOOLS & SEMINARS 6714002 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CATEGORY TOTALS 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6715002 TRF.TO GEN.FUND CATEGORY TOTALS 147,373.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ 147,373.00 0.00 147,373.00 100.00 ------------ 0.00 ----- ------------ 147,373.00 100.00 0.00 70-MAINTENANCE 6717001 VANDALISM REPAIR 6717002 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 6717005 RECREATION EQUIPMENT 6717006 CONTRACTED MAINTENANCE CATEGORY TOTALS 1,000.00 0.00 452.26 45.23 547.74 25,000.00 2,093.92 13,105.36 52.42 11,894.64 3,568.24 6,000.00 0.00 2,431.76 40.53 10,000.00 328.60 9,319.03 93.19 680.97 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 42,000.00 2,422.52 25,308.41 60.26 16,691.59 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6718000 COMPUTER HARDWRE 0.00 0.00 194.36 6718003 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ( 0.00 6718018 CASH REGISTER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6718020 LIGHT DUTY TRUCKS & EQUIP 7,000.00 0.00 6,825.00 97.50 175.00 6718021 BEACH CABANAS 5,000.00 0.00 6,443.65 128.87 ( 6718022 BEACHFRONT PAVILION IMPROV 5,000.00 0.00 4,393.46 87.87 6718023 SALTWATER PAV MAINT & REPA 5,000.00 0.00 4,095.72 81.91 6718024 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 13,000.00 0.00 6718025 PALMS & LANDSCAPING 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 100.00 6718027 BEACH OFFICE UPGRADE 7,000.00 0.00 7,151.53 102.16 ( 6718028 PIER REPAIR 0.00 0.00 20,171.54 6718029 CHRISTMAS POLE REPLACEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 6718030 PICNIC TABLES 20,000.00 0.00 6718031 CMP GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6718032 DOCK REPAIR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6718033 TPWD TRAIL GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6718034 BULK HEAD REPAIR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6718035 PARK ROAD REPAIR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6718036 DRAINAGE PROJECT 0.00 0.00 2,938.75 6718037 BOAT RAMP PARKING LOT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6718090 DEPRECIATION EXP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,484.92 126.81 ( 0.00 ( 0.00 21,560.01 107.80 ( 0.00 ( 194.36) 0.00 1,443.65) 606.54 904.28 3,484.92) 0.00 151.53) 20,171.54) 0.00 1,560.01) 0.00 2,938.75) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 34 -ROCKPORT BEACH PK.OPER. ACCOUNT BUDGET CATEGORY TOTALS PERIOD ------------ ------------ 67,000.00 0.00 YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET ------------ ----- 95,258.94 142.18 ( BUDGET BALANCE -----------28,258.94) 90-OTHER USES OF FUNDS 6719002 BOND PAYMENTS CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* ( 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 485,084.00 34,840.65 ============ ============ 485,084.00 34,840.65 ============ ============ 50.00) 27,780.48 ( 490,303.21 101.08 ( ============ ===== 490,303.21 101.08 ( ============ 5,219.21) ============ 113,385.33) ===== ============ 118,654.54)309.08 118,604.54 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 42 -UTILITY CAP IMPROV FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 05-FINES AND FEES 40501 WATER CAPITAL IMPACT FEES 150,000.00 10,063.59 266,844.36 177.90 ( 40502 SEWER CAPITAL IMPACT FEES 25,000.00 3,047.09 111,077.02 444.31 ( ------------ ------------ 175,000.00 13,110.68 CATEGORY TOTALS ------------ ----- 377,921.38 215.96 ( 116,844.36) 86,077.02) -----------202,921.38) 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INTEREST INCOME 0.00 3,813.64 30,458.67 40602 WATER CAPITAL IMPACT INT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40603 SEWER CAPITAL IMPACT INT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40604 TCDP GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 3,813.64 30,458.67 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( 0.00 ( 30,458.67) 30,458.67) 09-OPERATING TRANSFERS 40902 TRF FR UTIL SYS FUND CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30-OTHER REVENUES 43004 MISCELLANESOUS REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43012 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 175,000.00 16,924.32 408,380.05 233.36 ( 233,380.05) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 42 -UTILITY CAP IMPROV FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 01-ADMINISTRATION _________________ 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 601202 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 601204 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 601206 INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 601208 ENGINEERING SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6015001 BAD DEBT EXPENSE CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6018001 WATER SYSTEM ACQUISITION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018003 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018010 WATER SYSTEM IMPROV PROJEC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018030 WASTEWATER SYS IMPROV PROJ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018040 WATER CAPITAL IMPACT IMPRO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018050 SEWER CAPITAL IMPACT IMPRO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018051 TRF TO UTILITY DEBT SERVIC 150,000.00 150,000.00 ------------ ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 150,000.00 150,000.00 ============ ============ 150,000.00 150,000.00 ============ ============ 150,000.00 150,000.00 ============ ============ 25,000.00 ( 133,075.68) 150,000.00 100.00 ------------ ----- 150,000.00 100.00 ============ ===== 150,000.00 100.00 ============ ===== 150,000.00 100.00 ============ 258,380.05 ===== 33.52 ( 0.00 -----------0.00 ============ 0.00 ============ 233,380.05 ============ 233,380.05) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 55 -FORFEITURE FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INTEREST REVENUE CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30-OTHER REVENUES 43005 FORFIETURE 0.00 180.75 1,501.50 0.00 ( 43006 SIEZURES OF ASSETS 0.00 0.00 706.10 0.00 ( ------------ ------------ ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 180.75 2,207.60 ============ ============ ============ 0.00 180.75 2,207.60 ----0.00 ( ===== 0.00 ( 1,501.50) 706.10) -----------2,207.60) ============ 2,207.60) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 55 -FORFEITURE FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 99-NON-DEPARTMENTAL ___________________ 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6992001 BANK SERVICE CHARGES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6992016 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 30-SUPPLIES 6993003 EQUIPMENT 0.00 2,248.99 3,951.61 6993006 UNIFORMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 0.00 2,248.99 3,951.61 ============ ============ ============ 0.00 2,248.99 3,951.61 ============ ============ ============ 0.00 ( 0.00 ( ===== 0.00 ( ===== 3,951.61) 3,951.61) ============ 3,951.61) ============ 0.00 2,248.99 3,951.61 0.00 2,207.60 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 1,744.01 0.00 ( 2,068.24)( 1,744.01) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 57 -ABANDONED PROPERTY FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INTEREST INCOME 0.00 ( ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( ============ FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 ( ============ *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 0.00 ( 1.30) -----------1.30) ============ 1.30) ============ 1.30) 16.90 -----------16.90 ============ 16.90 ============ 16.90 0.00 ( ----0.00 ( ===== 0.00 ( ===== 0.00 ( 16.90) -----------16.90) ============ 16.90) ============ 16.90) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 60 -2001 BOND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 04-INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVE 40400 BOND PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40401 BOND PROCEEDS-ISSUANCE COS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INTEREST & INVESTMENTS CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 2,423.68 ------------ ------------ ------------ 0.00 0.00 2,423.68 0.00 ( ----0.00 ( 2,423.68) -----------2,423.68) 09-OPERATING TRANSFERS 40901 TRANSFER FROM GEN FUND CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30-OTHER REVENUES 43004 MISC. REVENUE CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 0.00 2,423.68 0.00 ( 2,423.68) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 60 -2001 BOND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 01-ADMINISTRATION _________________ 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 6012002 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6012004 BOND PREMIUM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6012011 BOND INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6012012 FINANCIAL & ACCOUNTING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6012014 ADVERTISING AND PUBLISHING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6012040 ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6012099 PROJECT MANAGER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6015001 TRANSFER TO STREET DEPT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 6015002 TRANSFER TO UTILITY FUND 0.00 0.00 108,552.68 ------------ ------------ ------------ 0.00 0.00 108,552.68 CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 ( ----0.00 ( 0.00 108,552.68) -----------108,552.68) 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6018001 STREET & DRAINAGE PROJECTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018002 UTILITY SYSTEM PROJECTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018003 TRANSFERS TO DEBT SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CATEGORY TOTALS 85-OPERATING TRANSFERS 6018501 TRANSFER TO STREET & ROW 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018502 TRANSFER TO UTILITY FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 0.00 108,552.68 ============ ============ ============ 0.00 ( ===== 108,552.68) ============ 0.00 0.00 108,552.68 0.00 2,423.68 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 106,129.00 0.00 0.00 ( 106,129.00) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 80 -GEN VEH & EQUIP REP FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 04-INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVE 40406 COG SOLID WASTE GRANT CATEGORY TOTALS 20,000.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 100.00 ------------ 0.00 ----- ------------ 20,000.00 100.00 0.00 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INTEREST REVENUE CATEGORY TOTALS 5,000.00 1,204.10 ------------ ------------ 13,977.36 279.55 ( 5,000.00 1,204.10 174,231.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 174,231.00 0.00 174,231.00 100.00 0.00 ------------ ----- 13,977.36 279.55 ( 8,977.36) -----------8,977.36) 09-OPERATING TRANSFERS 40901 TRF FR GEN FUND 40902 TRF FR UTIL SYS FUND CATEGORY TOTALS 174,231.00 100.00 0.00 30-OTHER REVENUES 43004 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 199,231.00 1,204.10 208,208.36 104.51 ( 8,977.36) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 80 -GEN VEH & EQUIP REP FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 01-ADMINISTRATION _________________ 20-CONTRACTS AND SERVICES 601202 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 601204 LEGAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 601206 INSURANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 601208 ENGINEERING SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.62 CATEGORY TOTALS 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6018010 PATROL VEHICLES 60,000.00 0.00 59,769.00 6018012 CID & ADMIN VEHICLES 40,000.00 0.00 41,769.95 104.42 ( 6018014 BOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT 6018020 LIGHT DUTY TRUCK & EQP 6018022 6018024 231.00 1,769.95) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18,500.00 LIGHT MACH & EQP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRACTOR & MOWING EQUIP - S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018026 HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS & EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018030 LIGHT DUTY TRUCK & EQP-PAR 25,000.00 0.00 23,773.45 95.09 1,226.55 6018032 LIGHT MACHINERY & EQUIPMEN 28,000.00 0.00 27,393.00 97.83 607.00 6018034 TRACTORS & MOWING EQP 8,500.00 0.00 6018050 LIGHT DUTY CARS/TRUCKS & E 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018060 LIGHT MACHINERY & EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018070 HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS & EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018080 HEAVY MACHINERY & EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 8,554.12 100.64 ( 54.12) 180,000.00 0.00 161,259.52 89.59 18,740.48 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 180,000.00 0.00 161,259.52 89.59 18,740.48 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 180,000.00 0.00 161,259.52 89.59 8,977.36 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 19,231.00 1,204.10 46,948.84 244.13 ( 27,717.84) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 82 -UTIL VEH & EQUIP REP FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INTEREST REVENUE CATEGORY TOTALS 9,000.00 1,208.17 ------------ ------------ 9,000.00 1,208.17 14,291.73 158.80 ( ------------ ----- 14,291.73 158.80 ( 5,291.73) -----------5,291.73) 09-OPERATING TRANSFERS 40902 TRF FR UTIL SYS FUND CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 92,167.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ 92,167.00 0.00 ============ ============ 101,167.00 1,208.17 92,167.00 100.00 ------------ ----- 92,167.00 100.00 ============ ===== 106,458.73 105.23 ( 0.00 -----------0.00 ============ 5,291.73) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 82 -UTIL VEH & EQUIP REP FUND ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 01-ADMINISTRATION _________________ 80-CAPITAL OUTLAY/PROJECT 6018010 LIGHT DUTY TRUCKS & EQUIPM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018011 LIGHT DUTY TRUCKS & EQUIPM 37,000.00 24,452.30 24,452.30 66.09 12,547.70 6018012 LIGHT MACHINERY & EQUIPMEN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018020 LIGHT DUTY TRUCKS & EQUIPM 0.00 24,452.30 24,452.30 6018022 LIGHT MACHINERY & EQUIPMEN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018028 HEAVY MACHINERY & EQUIPMEN 230,000.00 0.00 229,403.00 99.74 597.00 6018030 RADIO & COMM EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018050 LIGHT DUTY CARS/TRUCKS & E 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018060 LIGHT MACHINERY & EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018070 HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS & EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018080 HEAVY DUTY MACH & EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6018090 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* ( 267,000.00 48,904.60 ============ ============ 267,000.00 48,904.60 ============ ============ 267,000.00 48,904.60 ============ ============ 165,833.00)( 47,696.43)( 0.00 ( 278,307.60 104.24 ( ============ ===== 278,307.60 104.24 ( ============ ===== 278,307.60 104.24 ============ 0.00 24,452.30) 11,307.60) ============ 11,307.60) ============ 5,291.73 ===== ============ 171,848.87)103.63 6,015.87 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 REVENUES 90 -2005 CONSTRUCTION BONDS ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 04-INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVE 40400 BOND PROCEEDS - CO CATEGORY TOTALS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 06-INTEREST REVENUES 40601 INTEREST REVENUE CATEGORY TOTALS FUND TOTAL REVENUES 240,000.00 33,701.77 ------------ ------------ 240,000.00 33,701.77 ============ ============ 240,000.00 33,701.77 352,522.03 146.88 ( ------------ ----- 352,522.03 146.88 ( ============ ===== 352,522.03 146.88 ( 112,522.03) -----------112,522.03) ============ 112,522.03) 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 90 -2005 CONSTRUCTION BONDS ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 01-ADMINISTRATION _________________ 50-INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRFS 6015001 TRANSFER TO STREET DEPT. 3,203,950.00 59,787.22 785,394.60 24.51 2,418,555.40 6015002 TRANSFER TO UTILITY FUND 1,551,000.00 0.00 473,219.59 30.51 1,077,780.41 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 4,754,950.00 59,787.22 1,258,614.19 26.47 3,496,335.81 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 4,754,950.00 59,787.22 1,258,614.19 26.47 3,496,335.81 CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 9-06-2007 10:41 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 EXPENSES 90 -2005 CONSTRUCTION BONDS ACCOUNT BUDGET PERIOD YEAR PERC. TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE 99-NON-DEPARTMENTAL ___________________ 30-SUPPLIES 6993002 POSTAGE CATEGORY TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS FUND TOTAL EXPENSES *TOTAL PROFIT (LOSS)* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ 4,754,950.00 59,787.22 1,258,614.19 26.47 112,522.03 ============ ============ ============ ===== ============ ( 4,514,950.00)( 26,085.45)( 906,092.16) 20.07 ( 3,608,857.84) 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10201 PETTY CASH-CITY HALL & COURT 300.00 10202 PETTY CASH - POLICE DEPT 200.00 10203 PETTY CASH - BLDG DEV 100.00 10204 PETTY CASH-SVC CTR 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10304 COMPENSATING BALANCE FUND 10305 CASH-CREDIT BALANCES 10400 ACCRUED INTEREST REC. 10401 TAXES RECEIVABLE CURRENT 10402 TAXES RECEIVABLE DELQ. 10406 ACCT REC - SALES TAX 10408 ACCT REC - SALES TAX DELQ 10409 RETURN CHECKS RECEIVABLE 10410 A/R INTERGOVERNMENTAL 0.00 10411 SUNDRY RECEIVABLE 0.00 10412 EMPLOYEE RECEIVABLE 0.00 10413 A/R PENALTY 0.00 10414 A/R-RCKPT.CNTRY.CLUB-DRNG 10415 A/R - OTHER TAXES 10417 A/R COG(RECYCLING) 10418 A/R CODE ENFORCEMENT LIENS 10419 A/R FINES & WARRANTS 10423 ACCOUNTS REC-GRANTS 10424 BANK RECEIVABLE-BK ERR 10501 INVESTMENTS - OPERATING 2,607,572.43 10502 INVESTMENTS - CONTINGENCY 1,133,062.58 10844 LOAN TO BEACH PARK FUND 10901 ACCUM. DEPR 11001 ALLOW FOR UNCOLL TAXES 11002 ALLOW UNCOLL - GARBAGE 11050 DEPOSITS RECEIVABLE 11201 INVENTORY GENERAL FUND 11300 PREPAID POSTAGE 11301 PREPAID SUPPLIES & SERVICES 11302 PREPAID WORKER COMP EXP. 0.00 11303 DEFERRED EXPENDITURES 0.00 12502 DUE FROM WATER & SEWER 0.00 12503 DUE FROM GARBAGE FUND 0.00 12504 DUE FR.CHILD SAFETY FUND 12505 DUE FROM 2005 CO BONDS 12509 DUE FROM UTLTY.BILL SURCH 0.00 12510 DUE FR.1991 BOND FUND#410 0.00 12514 DUE FR.1990 WA&SE PROJECT 12516 DUE FR.CITY/COUNTY DISPATCH 12517 DUE FR. 95 C.O. WA/SE IMP 0.00 12520 DUE FROM PAYROLL FUND 0.00 200.00 297,107.82 0.00 ( 353,377.66) 0.00 29,117.12 78,110.04 148,249.13 0.00 1,914.91 0.00 10,316.38 0.00 44,418.27 1,189,589.53 0.00 66.85 0.00 0.00 ( 41,442.00) 0.00 750.00 74,939.45 0.00 3,280.30 0.00 9,500.00 0.00 57,471.39 1 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT# TITLE 12525 DUE FR.SYLVAN HGHTS ASSES 0.00 12526 DUE FR.LIVE OAK SE PROJ 0.00 12527 DUE FROM HOTEL MOTEL TAX 12529 DUE FR.GEN.DEBT SERV.FD. ( 254.36) 12530 DUE FROM GF DEBT SERV FUND ( 1,778.50) 12532 DUE FROM UTIL DEBT SERV FUND ( 12534 DUE FR.RKPT.BEACH ENT.FD. 12540 DUE FR GEN CIP FUND 0.00 12546 DUE FR 97 TX COM DEV GRANT 0.00 12550 DUE FR 98 BOND FUND 12551 DUE FROM COMMUNITY POOL 12552 DUE FROM POOL CONSTRUCTION FD 0.00 174.00) 272,503.99 0.00 23,402.28 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 5,585,145.95 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 20101 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 207,997.03 20102 PAYABLE TO INSURANCE ACCT ( 4,761.47) 20103 ACCTS.PAYABLE-TDCA/HOUS. ( 11,299.65) 20105 SALES TAX PAYABLE 20106 PAYABLE-TAX ATTNY FEES 20107 PAYABLE-COURT COSTS DUE STATE 20108 COURT BONDS PAYABLE 20109 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 20111 ACCT PAY - SOLID WASTE 0.00 20112 SOLID WASTE BAD DEBT RESERVE 0.00 20114 A/P INTERGOVERNMENTAL 20116 DEPOSIT PAYABLE 20120 SALARIES/WAGES PAYABLE 20122 FED W/H PAYABLE 8,399.73 20124 FICA/MEDICARE PAYABLE 6,083.41 20126 TMRS PAYABLE 5,618.16 20128 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE PAYABLE 2,386.49 20130 CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 20132 IRS PAYABLE 0.00 20140 UNITED WAY PAYABLE 0.00 20145 STUDENT LOAN 0.00 20150 REPAIRS & DAMAGES PAYABLE 0.00 20151 BID BOND RCC PAVING 22500 DUE TO OTHER FUNDS 12/4 22502 DUE TO UTIL SYS FUND 22503 DUE TO GARBAGE FUND 22507 DUE TO MUNI COURT FUND 22509 DUE TO UTIL BILL SURCHG FUND 22520 DUE TO PAYROLL FUND 22527 DUE TO H/M 0.00 649.10 19.38 86,199.94 ( 200.00) 86,260.81 0.00 345.00 615.79 278.77 0.00 ( 255.00) 0.00 90,149.72 0.00 0.00 60,512.69 0.00 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 3 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 01 -GENERAL FUND OPERATING ACCOUNT# TITLE 22530 DUE TO I&S DEBT SERV FUND 0.00 22534 DUE TO BEACH PARK FUND 0.00 22540 DUE TO GEN CIP FUND 0.00 22546 DUE TO 96 BOND FUND 0.00 22550 DUE TO 98 BOND FUND 0.00 22554 DUE TO COMMUNITY POOL DONATION 0.00 22580 DUE TO VEH & EQUIP FUND 0.00 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH FUND 0.00 23001 DEFERRED REVENUE-VEND.MA. 23002 DEFERRED REVENUE-TAXES 23003 RCKPT.CNTRY.CLUB-DRAINAGE 23004 DEFERRED REV-CODE ENFC LIENS 23005 DEFERRED REV. FINE & WARRANTS 29901 SUSPENSE 30101 FUND BALANCE 30102 RET EARNINGS - GARBAGE 30104 CONTRIBUTIONS 30105 RESIDUAL EQUITY TRANSFER CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 0.00 65,785.11 0.00 44,418.27 1,189,589.53 2,248.00 3,301,995.41 0.00 0.00 96,231.37 6,524,345.63 ( 6,178,467.27) -------------- TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 5,585,145.95 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 02 -WATER AND SEWER FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10102 CASH ON HAND 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 701.50 10301 B/B WA.METER DEPOSIT #407 0.00 10302 B/B WA&SE REV.ACCT.#408WA 0.00 10303 B/B WA&SE REV.ACCT.#408SE 0.00 10304 B/B 96 TDC SEWER GRANT 0.00 10304-1 B/B 97 TCDP WATER GRANT 0.00 10306 B/B UTLTY.CAP.IMPR.#413WA 0.00 10306-1 B/B UTLTY.CAP.IMP.#413-SE 0.00 10307 B/B CONTINGENCY #415-WA. 0.00 10308 B/B CONTINGENCY #415-SE. 0.00 10400 ACCRUED INT.REC. 10401 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - WA. 308,206.46 10402 ACCTS. RECEIVABLE WA.DELQ 107,323.92 10403 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 133,854.68 10404 ACTS.RECEIVABLE SE. DELQ. 10405 ACCTS.REC. SERVICE CHG. 10406 ACCTS. REC. SER.CHG. DELQ 10407 A/R FULTON SEWER 10408 A/R FULTON SEWER DELQ. 10409 RETURN CHECKS RECEIVABLE 810.84 10410 UNPOSTED RETURNED CHECKS 852.55 10411 A/R ATTORNEY FEES 10412 A/R-CUST.METER DEPOSIT 10413 A/R PENALTY 10414 A/R WATER LINE EXTENSION 0.00 10415 A/R SEWER LINE EXTENSION 0.00 10416 A/R ADMINISTRATION FEE 10419 A/R DATAPROSE DEPOSIT 10420 A/R REFUNDS PAYABLE 10421 RECEIVABLE FR.OTHER GOVT. 0.00 10422 A/R URBAN ENGINEERING 0.00 10423 A/R-TDC SEWER GRANT 0.00 10424 A/R - FULTON SWR CAP RECOV 0.00 10425 A/R INT.DUE FR.R.BCH#434 0.00 10426 A/R WESTERN HORIZON 10501 INVESTMENTS - DEPOSITS 10502 INVESTMENTS - OPERATING 10503 INVESTMENTS - CONTINGENCY 269,329.65 10512 INV.UTLTY.DEBT #412(1986) 0.00 10512-1 INV.UTLTY.DEBT #412(1990) 10600 BUILDINGS 10601 LAND 10602 EQUIPMENT 10603 WATER SYSTEM 13,718,879.47 10604 SEWER SYSTEM 10,022,510.81 501,343.12 0.00 SE. 36,848.68 9,347.33 4,807.74 21,278.35 5,152.83 0.00 77.15 3,803.83 0.00 2,300.00 12.99 0.00 811,494.06 3,383,248.60 0.00 273,253.00 110,653.43 1,188,815.05 1 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 02 -WATER AND SEWER FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE 10605 WORK IN PROGRESS 10844 LOAN TO BEACH PARK FUND 0.00 10901 ACCUM DEPRECIATION (11,448,963.00) 11001 ALLOWANCE FOR BAD DEBTS ( 11201 INVENTORY WA & SE FUND 11220 BOND ISSUANCE COST 11221 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS-99 BONDS 11222 ACCUM AMORT BOND COSTS 0.00 11223 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS-2001 SERIE 0.00 11300 PREPAID POSTAGE 0.00 11301 PREPAID SUPPLIES & SERVICES 0.00 12202 DEFERRED COSTS 12225 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 12226 ACCUMULATED AMORT 12233 ACCM AMORT 2001 13,436.00 12501 DUE FR GEN FUND 0.00 12506 DUE FROM FUL SWR CAP FUND 0.00 12514 DUE FR 1990 WA&SE PROJECT 0.00 12515 DUE FR 1996 URB CONST 0.00 12516 DUE FR 1993 BOND FUND 265,000.00 12517 DUE FR 95 CO CONST 115,000.00 12520 DUE FR PAYROLL FUND 0.00 12530 DUE FROM I&S D/SERV FUND 0.00 12532 DUE FR UTIL D/SER FUND 0.00 12546 DUE FROM 96 UTIL REV BOND FUND 0.00 12548 DUE FR 98 BOND FUND 0.00 12552 DUE FROM 99 BOND FUND 0.00 12560 DUE FROM 2001 CONSTRUCTION FND 12565 DUE FROM 2005 BOND FUND 12580 DUE FR GEN VEH & EQ FUND 12582 DUE FR UTIL VEH & EQ FUND 0.00 162,893.02) 77,020.34 112,165.05 20,386.48 0.00 130,625.44 ( 136,194.00) 0.01 2,404,905.32 0.00 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 22,305,394.66 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 20101 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 20102 CUST METER DEPOSITS 20103 A/P FULTON SEWER 20104 A/P-TDC SEWER GRANT 20105 ACCRUED INTEREST PAYABLE 20106 SALES TAX PAYABLE 20107 PRO RATA AGREEMENT REIMBURSEME 20108 ACCRUED COMPENSATION 20109 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 20120 SALARIES/WAGES PAYABLE 20122 FED W/H PAYABLE 221,823.71 0.00 642,427.98 94,043.59 0.00 48,999.73 0.00 0.00 116,021.00 27,795.06 0.00 2,331.44 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 3 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 02 -WATER AND SEWER FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE 20124 FICA/MEDICARE PAYABLE 2,253.87 20126 TMRS PAYABLE 2,080.64 20128 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE PAYABLE 896.33 20130 CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 736.38 20132 IRS PAYABLE 20133 BANKRUPTCY PAYABLE 339.23 20140 UNITED WAY PAYABLE 0.00 20500 RETAINAGE PAYABLE 0.00 20601 CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS 0.00 20602 WA/SE BD INDEBTEDNESS(86) 0.00 20603 WA/SE BD INDEBTEDNESS(90) 0.00 20604 WA/SE BD INDEBTEDNESS-93R 20605 BONDS PAYABLE-99 BONDS 20608 BOND PAYABLE -1993 SERIES 20610 NOTE PAYABLE-PENN OAK WATER 20612 BOND PAYABLE-2001R SERIES 20613 BONDS PAYABLE-2001 CONTRABUTIO 20614 BOND PAYABLE - 2001 SERIES 20615 BOND PAYABLE 2005 20617 ACCUM AMORT-BOND PREMIUM 22501 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 22503 DUE TO GARBAGE 0.00 22509 DUE TO UTLTY.BILL SURCHG. 22520 DUE TO PAYROLL FUND 22526 DUE TO LIVE OAK SE PROJ 22529 DUE TO GEN D/SERV FUND 0.00 22532 DUE TO UTIL D/SER FUND 265,000.00 22580 DUE TO VEH & EQUIP FUND 0.00 22582 DUE TO UTIL VEH & EQUIP FUND 0.00 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH FUND 0.00 29901 SUSPENSE 29950 UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 30102 RETAINED EARNINGS 30201 RES FOR REV BOND DEBT SER 20,779.11 30301 WA & SE FUND CONTRIBUTION 1,274,675.33 30302 CONTRIBUTIONS-GRANTS 30303 ACCUM.AMORT.CONTRIBUTIONS CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 398,720.00 0.00 0.00 490,000.00 17,533.54 2,194,220.00 4,275,431.00 ( 3,839.00) 0.00 21,085.23 0.00 0.00 ( 871.32) 11,368,589.03 673,373.53 ( 93,072.00) 6,725,876.87 ( 6,481,855.62) -------------- TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 22,305,394.66 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 03 -SANITATION FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10301 B/B GARB.REV.&DISB. #404 194,431.01 10402 A/R SOLID WASTE 95,123.31 10403 A/R SOLID WASTE - DELQ 26,217.13 10406 A/R DEBRI DELQ 10407 A/R DELQ-GARBAGE GOBBLER 10408 A/R SALES TAX 7,146.45 10409 A/R SALES TAX DELQ. 2,075.01 10413 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PENALTY 10500 INV.GARBAGE ACCT. 11002 ALLOWANCE UNCOLLEC-SOLID WASTE 12501 DUE FR GEN FUND 12502 DUE FR WA/SE FUND 12507 DUE FR WATER METER DEP 0.00 1,658.72 69.45 336.65 0.00 ( 28,012.02) 90,149.72 0.00 0.00 -------------TOTAL ASSETS 389,195.43 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 20101 ACCOUNT PAYABLE-SOLID WASTE 166,692.43 20102 SOLID WASTE BAD DEBT - RESERVE 144,004.39 20105 SALES TAX PAYABLE 22500 DUE TO OTHER FUND 12/4 0.00 22501 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 22503 DUE TO OTHER FUNDS 0.00 22520 DUE TO PAYROLL FUND 0.00 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH FUND 30102 FUND BALANCE 34,949.14 CURRENT REVENUE 14,057.75 CURRENT EXPENSES 0.00 29,491.72 0.00 0.00 -------------- TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 389,195.43 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 04 -CHILD SAFETY FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10301 B/B CHILD SAFETY FUND 157.26 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 157.26 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 0.00 22501 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH FUND 0.00 30101 FUND BALANCE 2.79 CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 10,365.55 ( 10,211.08) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 157.26 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 05 -POOL/PARK OPERATIONS FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10101 CASH ON HAND 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10302 CONTINGENCY FUNDS 10409 RETURN CHECK RECEIVABLE 10410 DUE FROM ACISD IN KIND SALARY 10601 LAND 10602 BUILDINGS AND POOL 10603 EQUIPMENT 10901 ACCUM DEPRECIATION 12520 DUE FROM PAYROLL 150.00 ( 57,096.75) 0.00 236.00 0.00 104,300.00 1,944,239.75 7,870.00 ( 325,201.00) 0.00 -------------TOTAL ASSETS 1,674,498.00 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 20104 RESERVATION DEPOSIT PAYABLE 596.88 20109 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 20122 FED W/H PAYABLE 160.97 20124 FICA/MEDICARE PAYABLE 230.06 22501 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 22520 DUE TO PAYROLL 23002 DEFFERED REVENUE 30101 RETAINED EARNINGS 30301 CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL 0.00 30303 ACCUM AMORT - GRANTS 0.00 30304 CONTRIBUTIONS - GRANTS 697.50 2,816.28 0.00 2,616.05 0.00 1,701,025.88 0.00 CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 182,105.11 ( 215,750.73) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 1,674,498.00 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 06 -FULTON SE CAP.RECOVERY ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10301 B/B FULTON SE CAP.RECOV. 10410 A/R CITY OF FULTON 141,771.08 0.00 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 141,771.08 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 0.00 20103 A/P FULTON SEWER CAP.ESCR 4,208.83 22502 DUE TO UTIL SYS FUND 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH FUND 30101 FUND BALANCE CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 116,480.27 21,081.98 0.00 -------------- TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 141,771.08 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 07 -MUNICIPAL COURT FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 12501 DUE FROM GEN FUND 45,341.85 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 45,341.85 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 30101 FUND BAL - BLDG SECURITY 30102 FUND BAL - COURT TECHNOLOGY 0.00 31,760.58 0.00 CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 14,667.14 ( 1,085.87) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 45,341.85 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 09 -UTILITY BILL SURCHARGE ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10301 B/B ULTY.BILL S/C REV#409 90,090.38 10401 A/R UTILITY BILL SURCHG. 10402 A/R UTLTY.SURCHG.DELQ. 10409 RETURN CHECKS RECEIVABLE 10413 A/R PENALTY 10501 INV.UTLTY.BILL SURCHARGE 11001 ALLOW FOR UNCOLLECTIBLE 12501 DUE FROM GEN FUND 0.00 12502 DUE FR.WA.MET.DEP.#407 0.00 12530 DUE FROM I&S D/SERV FUND 0.00 10,827.85 3,306.91 0.00 72.57 0.00 ( 3,369.45) 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 100,928.26 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 0.00 20103 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE-FULTON 0.00 20104 A/P ROCKPORT FIRE DEPT 0.00 20105 A/P GEN.CONTG.FUND 0.00 22501 DUE TO GEN FUND 0.00 22530 DUE TO GEN I&S D/SERV FUND 0.00 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH FUND 23002 DEFERRED REVENUES 30101 FUND BAL.UTLTY.SURCHG. 0.00 129,944.24 189.12 CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 13,533.38 ( 42,738.48) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 100,928.26 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 16 -CITY/COUNTY DISPATCH SER. ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10201 DUE FROM COUNTY 10250 DUE TO PAYROLL FUND 38,331.48 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10501 INV.1993 BOND FUND 0.00 11020 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 0.00 11221 ACCUM AMORT 0.00 ( 51,900.21) 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS ( 13,568.73) LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 20101 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 5,593.01 20122 FED W/H PAYABLE 960.81 20124 FICA/MEDICARE PAYABLE 946.20 20126 TMRS PAYABLE 865.82 20128 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE PAYABLE 20130 CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 20132 IRS -LEVY 20300 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 22501 DUE TO GEN.FUND #401 22512 DUE TO UTIL.DBT SVC-1993 22520 DUE TO PAYROLL FUND 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH FUND 30102 RETAINED EARNINGS 0.00 284.33 ( 12,119.54 0.00 0.00 9,259.02 0.00 ( CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 92.31) 146.70 36,712.31) 434,542.43 ( 441,481.97) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY ( 13,568.73) 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 25 -SYLV.HGTS.ET AL ASSESSMEN ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10301 B/B SLV.HGTS.ET AL ASSESS 10401 A/R ASSESSMENTS 10409 RETURN CHECKS RECEIVABLE 10501 INVESTMENTS 12517 DUE FROM 1995 CO CONST. 203.54 0.00 10,135.76 28.35 0.00 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 10,367.65 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 0.00 22501 DUE TO GEN.FUND 0.00 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH FUND 0.00 23001 DEFERRED REVENUES 30101 FUND BALANCE 30102 RETAINED EARNINGS 30103 CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL 0.00 CURRENT REVENUE 3.44 CURRENT EXPENSES 0.00 ( 613,643.44) 624,007.65 0.00 -------------- TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 10,367.65 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 26 -LUAU/FLAM ASMT FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10401 A/R ASSESSMENTS 142,321.27 10409 RETURNED CHECK RECEIVABLE 10501 INVESTMENTS 0.00 10604 SEWER SYSTEM 0.00 10901 ACCUM.DEPRECIATION 0.00 12502 DUE FR.SE.OPER. 8,444.41 48.01 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 150,813.69 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCTS PAYABLE-POOLED 0.00 22501 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH 23001 DEFERRED REVENUE 30101 FUND BALANCE 30102 RETAINED EARNINGS 0.00 30107 ACCUM.AMORTIZATION 0.00 30302 CONTRIBUTIONS 0.00 8,444.41 135,709.02 0.00 CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 6,676.26 ( 16.00) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 150,813.69 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 27 -HOTEL MOTEL TAX ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10301 B/B HOTEL MOTEL TAX 170,068.64 0.00 10401 A/R HOTEL/MOTEL TAX 144,281.97 10409 RETURNED CHECKS 0.00 10411 A/R ATTORNEY FEES 0.00 10501 INV.HOTEL MOTEL TAX 0.00 12501 DUE FROM GEN.FUND 0.00 12530 DUE FROM I&S D/SERV FUND 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 314,350.61 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 0.00 20101 A/P H/M TAX 0.00 22501 DUE TO GEN.FUND#401 0.00 22530 DUE TO GEN I&S D/SERV FUND 0.00 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH FUND 30101 FUND BAL.HOTEL MOTEL TAX 0.00 342,286.04 CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 505,564.56 ( 533,499.99) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 314,350.61 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 28 -KEY ALLEGRO ASSESS.FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10301 B/B 10401 A/R KA PID ASSESSMENT 10402 A/R - INTEREST 0.00 10403 A/R - PENALTY 0.00 10501 INVESTMENT KA PID ASSESS. 0.00 12529 DUE FROM DEBT SVC(KA PID) KA PID ASSESSMENTS 229.18 0.00 734.68 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 963.86 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH FUND 23001 DEFERRED REVENUE 30101 FUND BALANCE CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 734.68 0.13 229.05 0.00 -------------- TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 963.86 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 30 -I&S DEBT SERVICE FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10301 CASH IN BANK - CURRENT TAXES 10302 CASH IN BANK - PREV TAXES 281,318.49 37,353.29 10401 TAXES RECEIVALE-CURRENT 14,487.51 10402 TAXES RECEIVABLE-DELQ. 27,868.12 10501 INV - CURRENT TAXES 10502 INV - PREV TAXES 10503 INV.GEN.FD.DEBT SERV.1991 10504 INV.GEN.FD.DEBT.SERV.1988 11001 ALLOW FOR UNCOLL TAXES 12501 DUE FROM GEN FUND 0.00 12509 DUE FROM UTIL SURCHG FUND 0.00 12527 DUE FROM HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUND 12560 DUE FROM 2001 CONSTUCTION 1,393.74 123,654.63 0.00 0.00 ( 14,288.00) 0.00 194.96 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 471,982.74 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 22101 98 BOND INTEREST PAYABLE 0.00 22501 DUE TO GEN FUND 0.00 22502 DUE TO UTIL SYS FUND 0.00 22509 DUE TO UTIL SURCH FUND 0.00 22527 DUE TO H/M TAX FUND 23002 DEFERRED REVENUE-TAXES 30100 F/B GEN.DBT.SVC.G0 93-R 30101 F/B GEN FUND 91 D/SERV 22,231.75 30102 F/B K.A. PID ASSESSMENTS 54,000.00 30104 F/B GEN.FD.DEBT SERV.1988 19,851.58 30105 REVENUE 30106 EXPENDITURES 0.00 28,066.97 163,068.71 0.00 0.00 CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 931,222.26 ( 746,458.53) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 471,982.74 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 32 -UTILITY DEBT SERV FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10301 CASH IN BANK-LTD PLDG ISSUES 10302 CASH IN BANK-96 UTIL REV BOND ( 41,140.06) 10303 CASH IN BANK-96 BOND RESERVE 10501 INV - LMTD PLDG ISSUES 3,153.45 10502 INV - 96 UTIL REV BOND 233,954.82 12502 DUE FROM UTIL SYS FUND 0.00 12503 ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE 12560 DUE FROM 2001 BOND FUND 0.00 171.40 0.00 250.04 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 196,389.65 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 22101 BOND INTEREST PAYABLE 0.00 22501 DUE TO GEN FUND 0.00 22502 DUE TO UTIL SYS FUND 0.00 22546 DUE TO 96 BOND FUND 30101 FUND BALANCE 0.00 187,675.23 CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 937,833.43 ( 929,119.01) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 196,389.65 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 34 -ROCKPORT BEACH PK.OPER. ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10101 CASH ON HAND 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 555.00 10301 B/B RCKPT.BCH.PK.OPER#434 0.00 10302 B/B R/BEACH INS.TRUST FD. 0.00 10303 B/B-R/BCH.PK.-T.F.S.GRANT 0.00 10401 A/R CHAMBER COUPON SALES 0.00 10402 A/R BEST WESTERN COUPONS 0.00 10409 RETURN CHECKS RECEIVABLE 696.00 10410 A/R TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE 0.00 10412 EMPLOYEE RECEIVABLE 0.00 10501 INV.ROCKPORT BEACH PARK 10601 ROCKPORT BEACH PARK 10602 EQUIPMENT 10603 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 10901 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION 11201 INVENTORY 0.00 11300 PREPAID POSTAGE 0.00 12501 DUE FROM GEN FUND 0.00 12520 DUE FR PAYROLL FUND 0.00 12527 DUE FROM H/M TAX 0.00 12550 DUE FR 98 BOND FUND ( 390,854.89) 0.00 2,822,841.35 135,460.60 0.00 ( 2,102,125.00) 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 466,573.06 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 20101 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 1,223.48 20102 A/P CONCESSIONAIRE BOND 20104 RESERVATION DEPOSITS PAYABLE 20105 PAYABLE ST.TREAS.SALES TX 20108 ACCRUED COMPENSATION 20112 A/P CONSTRUCTION BOND 20120 SALARIES/WAGES PAYABLE 20122 FED W/H PAYABLE 352.20 20124 FICA/MEDICARE PAYABLE 211.55 20126 TMRS PAYABLE 132.71 20128 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE PAYABLE 20130 CHILD SUPPORT PAYABLE 20132 IRS PAYABLE 20140 UNITED WAY PAYABLE 20300 ACCRUED WAGES PAYABLE 20501 LOAN FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 20515 LN.FR.CONTINGENCY#415-GEN 0.00 20515-15 LN.FR.CONTINGENCY#415-WA 0.00 22501 DUE TO GEN.FUND 0.00 10,616.60 21.44 14,291.42 0.00 6,702.00 0.00 0.00 12.24 0.00 0.00 24.00 2,222.20 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 34 -ROCKPORT BEACH PK.OPER. ACCOUNT# TITLE 22520 DUE TO PAYROLL FUND 2,735.57 22550 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 0.00 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH FUND 0.00 23000 DEFERRED REV - INS REIMB 30102 RETAINED EARNINGS 30104 CONTRIBUTIONS 0.00 30105 CONTRIBUTIONS -BOND FUNDS 0.00 30106 CONTRIBUTIONS - GRANTS 0.00 30107 ACCUM.AMORT.-CONTR.GRANT 0.00 546,682.19 0.00 CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 371,648.67 ( 490,303.21) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 466,573.06 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 42 -UTILITY CAP IMPROV FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10301 WATER CAPITAL IMPACT FEES ( 120,841.20) 200.23 10302 SEWER CAPITAL IMPACT FEES 0.00 10401 GRANTS RECEIVABLE 0.00 10402 INTEREST RECEIVABLE 10501 INVESTMENTS 857,297.64 10603 WATER SYSTEM 701,555.19 10604 SEWER SYSTEM 10901 ACCUM DEPR 12546 DUE FROM 96 BOND FUND 9.95 630,478.26 ( 146,761.00) 0.00 -------------TOTAL ASSETS 1,921,939.07 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 0.00 20102 WATER CAPITAL IMPACT FEE 0.00 20103 SEWER CAPITAL IMPACT FEE 0.00 22501 DUE TO GEN.FUND 0.00 22520 DUE TO PAYROLL FUND 0.00 22548 DUE TO 97 TX COM.DEV.GRANT FND 0.00 22550 DUE TO 98 BOND FUND 0.00 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH FUND 30101 FUND BALANCE 30102 RETAINED EARNINGS 0.00 30104 CONTRIBUTIONS 0.00 31000 CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL 0.00 31001 ACCUMULATED AMMORTIZATION 0.00 1,663,559.02 0.00 CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 408,380.05 ( 150,000.00) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 1,921,939.07 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 55 -FORFEITURE FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10301 OPERATING CASH 9,681.02 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 9,681.02 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20108 SUSPENSE 6,547.83 30100 FUND BALANCE 4,877.20 CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 2,207.60 ( 3,951.61) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 9,681.02 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 57 -ABANDONED PROPERTY FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10401 A/R ABANDONED PROPERTY 893.63 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 893.63 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20101 ABANDONED PROPERTY PAYABLE 30101 FUND BALANCE CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 871.32 5.41 16.90 0.00 -------------- TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 893.63 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 60 -2001 BOND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10501 INVESTMENTS 0.00 12501 DUE FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 12540 DUE FROM GEN CIP FUND 0.00 12542 DUE FROM UTIL CIP FUND 55.97 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 55.97 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCTS PAYABLE-POOLED 0.00 20210 RETAINAGE PAYABLE 0.00 20502 DUE TO WATER & SEWER FUND 20532 DUE TO UTILITY DEBT SERVICE 22501 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 22502 DUE TO DEBT SVC FUND 30101 FUND BALANCE 0.00 250.04 0.00 194.96 105,739.97 CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 2,423.68 ( 108,552.68) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 55.97 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 80 -GEN VEH & EQUIP REP FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10501 INVESTMENTS 43,057.50 12501 DUE FROM GEN FUND 0.00 12502 DUE FROM UTIL SYS FUND 0.00 12540 DUE FROM GEN CIP FUND 237,518.04 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 280,575.54 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 0.00 22501 DUE TO GEN FUND 0.00 22502 DUE TO UTIL SYS FUND 0.00 22582 DUE TO UTIL VEH & EQ FUND 30101 FUND BALANCE 0.00 233,626.70 CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 208,208.36 ( 161,259.52) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 280,575.54 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 82 -UTIL VEH & EQUIP REP FUND ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10501 INVESTMENTS 10602 EQUIPMENT 10603 VEHICLES 10901 ACCUM DEPR 12502 DUE FROM UTIL SYS FUND 12580 DUE FROM GEN VEH & EQUIP FUND ( 25,751.55) 320,384.63 84,607.15 115,126.78 ( 98,538.00) 0.00 0.00 -------------TOTAL ASSETS 395,829.01 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCT PAYABLE - POOLED 0.00 20516 DUE TO 93 BOND FUND 0.00 22502 DUE TO UTIL SYS FUND 30101 FUND BALANCE 0.00 567,677.88 CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 106,458.73 ( 278,307.60) -------------TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 395,829.01 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 90 -2005 CONSTRUCTION BONDS ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10501 INVESTMENTS ( 7,559,198.42 56,878.39) 10901 ACCUM DEPT. 0.00 11220 BOND ISSUANCE COSTS 0.00 11221 ACCM AMORTIZATION 0.00 12501 DUE FROM GENERAL FUND 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 7,502,320.03 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE -POOLED CASH 20502 DUE TO WATER & SEWER-CO 20603 BONDS PAYABLES- 2005 C.O. 0.00 22500 DUE TO OTHER ACCOUNTS 0.00 22501 DUE TO GENERAL FUND 30101 FUND BALANCE CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES ( 954.19) 2,404,905.32 0.00 6,004,461.06 352,522.03 ( 1,258,614.19) -------------- TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 7,502,320.03 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 95 -GEN.FIXED ASSET ACCT.GRP. ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 10601 LAND 0.00 10602 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 10603 BUILDING & IMPROVEMENTS 10604 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 146,071.00 10606 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 0.00 10901 ACCUM DEPREC. 658,948.00 771,549.00 3,886,580.00 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 5,463,148.00 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH FUND 30301 CONTRIBUTION FR GEN FUND 30302 CONTRIBUTIONS-GRANTS 30303 CONTRIBUTION-CITIZENS 30304 CONTRIBUTIONS-ASSESSMENTS 30305 CONTRIBUTIONS-BONDS CURRENT REVENUE CURRENT EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 4,717,103.00 346,045.00 0.00 0.00 400,000.00 0.00 0.00 -------------- TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 5,463,148.00 9-06-2007 10:43 AM C I T Y O F R O C K P O R T PAGE: 1 BALANCE SHEET AS OF: AUGUST 31ST, 2007 96 -GEN.LONG TERM DEBT ACCT ACCOUNT# TITLE ASSETS ====== 10201 AMOUNT AVAILABLE 10202 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED 10300 CLAIM ON POOLED CASH 240,036.00 8,990,174.00 0.00 -------------- TOTAL ASSETS 9,230,210.00 LIABILITIES & EQUITY ==================== 20100 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - POOLED 20125 ACCRUED COMPENSATION 20601 1998 C. O. BONDS 3,694,496.00 20602 1999 C. O. BONDS 1,574,320.00 20603 2001 G. O. REFUNDING BONDS 20604 2001 C. O. BONDS 22599 DUE TO POOLED CASH FUND 0.00 30101 FUND BALANCE 0.00 CURRENT REVENUE 0.00 CURRENT EXPENSES 0.00 260,150.00 661,816.00 3,039,428.00 0.00 -------------- TOTAL LIAB. & EQUITY 9,230,210.00
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