Heart Thoughts


Heart Thoughts
Heart Thoughts
VOL. 12, NO. 5
From Miss Jennifer
Merry Christmas!
ith the crazy schedules and many “to-do” lists during this month, AFTH
wanted to take a moment and tell each of you how much we appreciate you
and your children. We know there are many options for you to choose from in the
realm of Dance Studios and we are grateful that each of you are part of our great
AFTH family. We truly value your decision to allow us to be part of your weekly
routine and have valuable time with your children.
My friend, Martha Munizzi, recently wrote and recorded an incredible song on
her Christmas CD that expresses my heart as Christmas and a New Year
“White Christmas”
by Martha Munizzi & Israel Houghton
Life used to be so dark and cold
A bitter wind blowin’ thru my soul
But now I’ve gotta let you know
Everything changed it’s a miracle
Hard to explain how it came to be
Yesterday I was blind, today I see
This love I have so wonderful
Cause everything changed it’s a miracle
Oh what a beautiful season
Oh and Jesus is the reason
It’s gonna be a white Christmas
Into the new and out of the old
Though my sins were red as crimson
Now they’re white as snow
It’s gonna be a white Christmas
The past is passed away
And it’s a brand new day because of Jesus
It’s gonna be a white, white Christmas
This can be the year for change
Where Christmas happens everyday
And joy returns to you in full
This is your day for a miracle
Dreams and destiny renewed
What he’s done for me He can do for you
So open up your heart once more
This is your day for a miracle.
From all of us at AFTH, we wish you a wonderful Holiday Season and Blessed New Year,
Miss Jennifer, Miss Noelle, Miss Aimee, Miss Ashley, Miss Kendall, Miss Ali, Miss Eva, Miss Merry Glee
Christmas giving opportunity!
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Once again this year, AFTH will be performing at the Edgewood Children’s
Ranch. This is a facility that houses young children through teens that are considered troubled / at risk
young people.
AFTH not only provides an evening of dance & Christmas atmosphere, but we also go the extra mile
and try to meet their practical needs. As such, we would like to give a $10 Target or Walmart gift card to
each of the children.
We are trying to accommodate all the children as well as host families and their children. In order to do
this, we need 100 of these $10 Gift Cards.
AFTH has always come through for this special facility. Let’s make sure we do it again this year! Please
take a moment and help a child who needs to know that they are loved and appreciated.
You can help by:
1. Writing a check (denominations of $10) and dropping it in the Tuition Box in the studio lobby
(payable to AFTH).
2. Purchase gift cards (in denominations of $10) and drop in the Tuition box in the studio lobby.
3. Go online to www.artfromtheheartstudio.com and click on the payment button. Make a one-time
payment (in denominations of $10) and we will purchase your card.
** If paying by check or online, be sure to notate EDGEWOOD RANCH GIFT CARD. Thank you in
advance for your help in making this happen!
Christmas Performances!
Please be sure to review the detailed 2. Advise your child’s teacher immediately if you
Christmas Performance Info (posted in the studio
cannot be part of the scheduled Christmas
lobby, mailed to you in November and online on
Performance. This will allow them to re-block
our website) Mark any applicable dates on your
the dance.
calendar. All of our classes have worked very hard
in preparation for their Christmas Performances. 3. Take notice of any special parking instructions
We appreciate you making it a priority in your busy
and or what to bring to the performance (homeschedule. Just a few things to highlight:
made card, gift, etc.).
1. Remember, the times and dates have been 4. Remember: Christmas Performances are done
scheduled to accommodate the facility and
to provide an opportunity for our students to
their residents. Thank you in advance for your
use their talents to minister to people at a time
flexibility and willingness to alter your regular
when many of them feel lost, forgotten or
routine to be there.
Are you looking for a great
Christmas Movie?
Anna Herlong, Laurynn Newcomb, Bridgette Norris,
Kelsey Stroven, Charlotte Crawford,
Catherine Glasgow, Mary Morgan Weaver,
Ginny Leavy, Elliana Alligood, Mackenzie Tacey,
Academy Award nominee Keisha Castle-Hughes (Whale
Ashley Badman, Kayla Ferguson, Lauren Grandstaff, Rider) and distinctive newcomer Oscar Isaac (Spanish
Makenna Peters, Megan Long, Melany Wiltshire, writer/Civil War martyr Federico García Lorca in Beauty of
Hope Badman, Josephine Negvesky, Vivianna Nute the Father) star as Mary and Joseph in the retelling of the birth
of Christ.
The studio and film makers have worked hard to ensure
that the The Nativity Story is both historically and biblically
accurate: There are many Christians involved with the film,
such as screenwriter Mike Rich and producer Wyck Godfrey,
and a wide spectrum of Christian New Testament scholars and
historians has been involved in the pre-production process.
Additionally, New Line Cinema brought some influential evangelical leaders to the set, including Anne Graham Lotz and
Frank Wright, president of the NRB. Both leaders also read
the script; here is what they had to say:
We would appreciate everyone taking a
moment to be sure that your account is current
and paid through December 2006; prior to the
Christmas Break. AFTH has financial obligations
to its Staff, and other vendors, etc. We cannot
meet our financial obligations to others if you do
“From what I have observed, THE NATIVITY STORY is
not fulfill your financial obligation to AFTH. We
Biblically accurate, historically authentic and visually stuncount on your “on-time” payment which has been
ning. Written with heart, directed with sensitivity, produced
factored into our monthly budget.
with excellence and performed with artistic grace, it is destined
If you are unsure of your account status, to become a beloved, cherished classic.” – Anne Graham Lotz,
please call us at 407-858-0807 or email us at afth- AnGeL Ministries
dance@adelphia.net. THANK YOU!
“THE NATIVITY STORY is a biblically faithful and
artistically superb expression of the most momentous event in
human history – when God became a man. For a generation of
movie-goers unfamiliar with this truth and its implications for
Tuition is due on the first class of every month their lives, this magnificent film may well be transformational.”
and a $15 late fee will be applied to all unpaid – Frank Wright, Ph.D., President & CEO, National Religious
accounts. Late fees will be incurred on the 12th of Broadcasters
each month. Please be sure to contact the office
before the 12th if you have not made your payFor more information concerning this very promising proment or a late fee will be applied.
duction, go to the web site: http://www.thenativitystory.com/.
Recital Costume Balance STATEMENTS will be
mailed to you in the next few days. These statements
are not due until Januar y 2, 2007.
However, AFTH has fronted the monies required by
the Costume Companies to have our orders designed, cr eated and shipped in time for Recital. We would appreciate any of you who could pay your balance upon receipt
of your statement. This would help us out greatly!
Drop your check in the mail or in the Tuition Box in
the studio lobby. If you are in Auto – Pay, please email
or call our office and give us the OK to charge your costume balances now! Thank you in advance.
Your dance season has been divided into equal monthly
payments as an affordable option for paying your dance
tuition. As such, your monthly tuition is due in full in order
to fulfill your financial obligation to AFTH. Tuition is based
on a full dance term and is divided into equal monthly payments for your convenience. This includes the
months of December & May. ALL TUITION IS PAYABLE
EACH MONTH. If paying by auto credit card or PayPal,
your tuition will automatically be processed on approximately the 24th of the preceding month. If a tuition payment
is not received by the first class of the month, a $15 LATE
FEE IS INCURRED. All unpaid late fees will be added to
your costume balance at the end of the season. There are no
refunds for registration fees, missed lessons, costume payments, recital tickets and some retail cannot be returned.
AFTH accepts checks and all major credit cards. Credit card
charge forms can be found in the studio lobby. Online payments are also available via our website at www.artfromtheheartstudio.com.
Make-up lessons are available and must be taken within 2
weeks of absence or are forfeited. A student may make up a
class in a level equal to or 1 level higher than their normal
class. No make-up classes are available after the beginning
of March 2006 due to recital rehearsals / classes. No
Adjustments for missed classes.
AFTH must be given a written notice 30 days prior to a student withdrawing from a class. Tuition must be paid in full
until the 30-day notice is completed and fulfilled.
The AFTH calendar is subject to change.
Please frequently check our Newsletter and
web site for updates.
• Various Christmas performances
• Studio closed December 17th-January 3rd
for Christmas & New Year’s
• Studio re-opens Thursday, January 4, 2007
• Recital Costume Balances Due
• Begin Recital dances
MARCH 2007
• AFTH picture week March 19-23, 2007
APRIL 2007
• Recital fee due; $10 per student
MAY 2007
AFTH dress rehearsal and recital May 11-12
Jennifer Kroger, Noelle Romanacce, Aimee Bennett,
Kendall Dupree, Ashley Boss, Eva Young,
Ali Kroger, Merry Glee Dupree
Tuesday-Friday: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Phone: 407-858-0807
Fax: 321-251-5334
Email: afthdance@adelphia.net
Web site: artfromtheheartstudio.com