February 2016 Newsletter


February 2016 Newsletter
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for daily info, news and
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Va l e n t i n e ’ s
Follow @SSS_1991
D ay
Sterling Silver Studio has
been invited to perform for
the Duluth KidsClub's special event, Valentine's Day
Ball & Extravaganza.
activities to Twin Ports families.
Duluth KidsClub website:
The Duluth KidsClub is a
501(c)(3) not-for-profit
charitable organization that
promotes area events and
Purchase Tickets Here*: http://
Event Location: Clyde Iron
Works (2920 W Michigan St,
Everyone is welcome to
Duluth, MN)
attend the event. The Ball & Event Date: Sunday, February
Extravaganza tickets are $11 14, 2016
per person (24 mos &
Performance time: 1:00 PM
younger are free). There is
Performers arrive at Clyde:
also a special craft & vendor 12:30 PM with costume on &
show up stairs that is free to ready to perform (performance
order below)
Valentine’s Day
To ensure that we have a
smooth performance we will
be having a rehearsal with
all groups and soloists that
are performing that day.
The rehearsal will be at the
studio on Saturday, February
13 at 11:30.
Rehearsal will run about one
hour. This rehearsal is required for everyone, so we
all can be prepared and look
our best at the event.
During the week of
Valentine’s, Feb 8 - 13
wear anything
Wear clothing & accessories that are
Hearts, Love, or the
colors Red or Pink.
Show Your Love!
P e r f o r m a n c e
* Performers receive free admission by checking in at the
door. Performer's family
members receive a special
ticket price when your purchase tickets online. Performer's families have been
sent an email with ticket information.
Faith & Motion uniform
6. Thu 6:45 Teen Lyrical
"Heaven Was Needing a Hero"
- wear Spring Recital costume
7. Traxx's Solo
8. PAC Cruella de Vil - wear
PAC costume
9. PAC Acro - wear PAC
10. Danielle & Maggie's duet
11. Brianna's solo
Teams and soloists performing
12. Adult Lyrical "Heroes" (this is the performance order):
wear PAC costume
1. Sr. Parade Corps - wear
13. Bella's solo
Corps uniform
14. Jr. Twirl Corps - wear Jr.
2. Alexis' solo
Twirl Corps uniform
3. Tue & Sat Mommy & Me - 15. Zoe's solo
wear red & white or Valentine's 16. Special Needs - wear red
shirt, black pants & black shoes
4. Rokkyn's solo
17. Emily's solo
5. Faith & Motion - wear
P.A.S.S. Foundation Upcoming Meeting
Meetings will be held at Vintage Italian Pizza (VIP), 1201
Tower Avenue at 6:30 p.m. on the following days:
 March 7
 April 4
 May 2
What is the P.A.S.S. Foundation?
The Performing Arts Student Scholarship Foundation (P.A.S.S.) is a
non-profit organization with officers
and members who consist of parents
& grandparents who have children
enrolled at Sterling Silver Studio and
adult students with an interest in
performing arts.
Meetings are open to everyone at
Sterling Silver Studio.
Makeup/Hair Class
Recital Ad Information
It’s Tax Time!
Suggestion Box
Helpful Hints
In the Next Issue…
“Bring A Friend” Winner
P a g e
E v e n t
F e b r u a r y
C a l e n d a r
 Feb 9 – PAC & Corps: Hair & Makeup Meeting, 5:00-7:00
 Feb 20 – PAC & Corps: Hair & Makeup Meeting, 1:00-3:00
 Feb 25 – Scentsy/Thirty-One Fundraiser Due
 Mar 11-13 – Showstopper Competition, Wisconsin Dells
 Mar 18 – Scentsy/Thirty-One Fundraiser Pick-Up at the studio
 Mar 19 – TUTC’s Spring Fling Competition
 Mar 21-27 – Spring Break, No Regular Scheduled Classes
 Mar 27 - Happy Easter
 Mar 28—Apr 2 – Spring Into The Arts Week
 Apr 9 - Sparta NBTA Competition
 Apr 16 – Spring Recital T-shirt Orders Due
 Apr 22-24 – Tentative: Celebration Talent Competition, Duluth
 Apr 24-25 - Group & Individual Picture Days
 Apr 30 - 1st Dancing with My Guy Practice – Younger: 12:30-1:30,
Teens: 1:30-2:30
 May 4 - Spring Recital Volunteer & Preschool Parent Meeting, 6 pm
at the studio
 May 6 - Grand Finale Rehearsal #1* –Jr/Sr Show Performers: 4:305:30, Mini Show Performers: 5:45-6:45, (*If you are performing in
both shows, attend both rehearsals.)
 May 11 - Spring Recital Volunteer & Preschool Parent Meeting, 6 pm
at the studio
 May 20 - Grand Finale Rehearsal #2* –Jr/Sr Show Performers: 4:305:30, Mini Show Performers: 5:45-6:45, (*If you are performing in
both shows, attend both rehearsals.)
 May 28 - Memorial Weekend - Saturday recital classes will still meet
(recital following weekend)
 May 30 - Memorial Day - Monday classes will still meet (recital following weekend)
 Jun 2 – Rehearsal at Wessman Arena—Jr/Sr Show, 4:00, grand
finale first today
 Jun 3 – Rehearsal at Wessman Arena—Mini Show, 4:00, grand finale
first today
 Jun 5 – Spring Recital – 2 Shows, Mini Show 11:00 AM & Jr/Sr Show
3:00 PM
P e r f o r m a n c e H a i r
M a k e u p C l a s s
Recital Ad Information
Business & Personal ad forms are available at the studio (Also, attached to the newsletter). As an incentive for students to sell advertising, PASS offers prizes to advertising sellers!
FUN GOOD LUCK AD OPPORTUNITY! Parents & family members are able to purchase business style ads to wish their kids, friends
or teams good luck! Simply pick up one of the business/personal ad
forms at the studio and be creative! You can add text, logos and photos that are not copyrighted.
If you have questions on how to build your good luck ad, please contact us!
Business Ad Prices:
 Full Page Ad - $150.00 (Will receive 2 complimentary tickets to
the recital)
 1/2 Page Ad - $100
 1/4 Page Ad - $75
 Business Card Ad - $50
Business Ad Prizes:
 Everyone who sells a business ad will get their picture in the
recital program and will receive a pin.
 $300 or more will receive picture in program, pin, PLUS a Free
Parade Camp
 $500 or more will receive picture in program, pin, a Free Parade
Camp, PLUS a Crown & Banner
 $1,000 or more will receive picture in program, pin, a Free Parade Camp, Crown & Banner, PLUS a free birthday party at
Sterling Silver Studio and VIP Recital Seating for your entire
family (up to 10 people)
 Top 3 Sellers - large picture in program
Ad forms are due back on May 1.
Do you want to learn how to apply performance makeup and do
an easy performance hair style
for any style of dance or twirl?
This will be fun afternoon for you
and your daughter to learn some
new tips and tricks for performance
hair and makeup.
We are offering a Hair & Makeup
class for girls all ages. Everyone
from Sterling Silver Studio is welcome to attend.
Sign-up at the desk if you know that
you will be attending the
Classes will be held on:
Note: Attending
one of these
classes is mandatory for PAC
February 9 - 5:00 - 7:00
February 20 - 1:00 - 3:00
N e w s l e t t er
It’s Tax Time!
For your convenience, we now have Student Summary Receipts available.
If you need a 2015 receipt for your taxes, please send a
“2015 Receipt Request” to: info@sterlingsilverstudio.com
and we will email one to you.
Suggestion box
How can we make your newsletter better? What information would you like to see? Do you have any questions that we can answer in future publications? Suggestions are welcome! I look forward to hearing from you!
Send any ideas to Connie at: sconniegirl68@gmail.com
7 1 5 - 3 9 4 - 4 6 6 0
P a g e
S c e n t s y / T h i r t y - O n e
F u n d r a i s e r s
All Sterling Silver Studio families are invited to participate in one or both of the current fundraisers. Profits from the fundraisers can be used toward tuition, merchandise and costumes. The fundraisers will run from February 8 -25th. Order pick up will
be March 18th at the Studio. Packets will be available in the studio office on February 8th. Funds will be available for use
April 15th.
Scentsy Fundraiser:
This fundraiser will donate 30% to each family’s PASS Foundation fundraising account, based on their individual sales.
Paper packets returned with orders in the studio by February 25th, will receive free shipping and will be sales tax-free.
Have your customers write their checks to you or pay you in cash.
Please write one check to PASS Foundation for the entire total of orders placed*.
Orders can be placed online also at: https://ambermichelizzi.scentsy.us. Shop in parties and select PASS Foundation
Fundraiser - Sterling Silver Studio. These orders will be subject to shipping and tax charges. When ordering online, fill
out the email address portion so the consultant may contact you for the family name to apply credit.
Any questions can be directed to: Amber Michelizzi - 218-355-1030
Thirty-One Fundraiser:
 This fundraiser will donate 25% to each family’s PASS Foundation fundraising account, based on their individual sales.
 All orders, both online and paper turned into the studio, will be subject to shipping and sales tax charges.
Have your customers write their checks to you or pay you in cash.
Please write one check to PASS Foundation for the entire total of orders placed*.
Orders can be placed online at: http://www.mythirtyone.com/barblarson31. Shop PASS Foundation Fundraiser - Sterling Silver Studio. When ordering online, fill out the email address portion so the consultant may contact you for the family name to apply credit.
Any questions can be directed to: Barb Larson - 218-390-4611
*If you are participating in both fundraisers, write one check to PASS Foundation for the total of both combined.
Helpful hints
In the next issue...
Picture Schedule
Me & My Guy Information
Recital T-Shirt Order Form
Parade and Summer Class Information
PAC Audition Information
Bring A Friend to Class
Allanah Priem
Thank you to everyone who
participated!! So much fun!
Over the next few months, there will be a flurry of information coming your way. We are
getting into our busy time! Everything from picture scheduling, recital information, parades,
PAC auditions, summer classes, etc. As a former dance/twirl and PAC Mom, I understand
that it can be overwhelming. I thought I’d share a few tips that I used to make sure my
daughter and I didn’t miss or forget anything:
 When the newsletter comes out (I personally found it helpful to print it out), sit down
with it and read through each article. If an event pertains to you, write it down in your
calendar or use your phone calendar as a reminder.
 Add info@sterlingsilverstudio.com to your address book in your email. Doing this will
keep any emails we send out from hitting your spam folder so you don’t miss anything.
 Check for any postings on the office door or walls in the lobby - we will post lists, callouts for volunteers, etc. in these areas at times.
 Recital/competition time: To ensure you don’t forget anything when you’re packing,
make a detailed list of items you need to have with you. Down to bobby pins...check it
off as you pack it.
 If you have any questions, please feel free to stop in and ask our friendly office staff.
They are always helpful and are dance/twirl moms. ~ Connie
Sterling Silver Studio’s Recital
Victors & Villains
Saturday, June 5, 2016
Wessman Arena
If you would like to wish your twirler or dancer good luck, you can do it by placing
an ad in our recital program. Our program is yearbook style and is something
that your child will want to keep forever. Your ad can be as long or as short as
you would like. (See examples below)
If you wish to place an ad in this year’s program, please fill out this form and turn
it in with your payment to the studio by May 1, 2016. No late orders will be
accepted. Please print legibly – ads will appear in the program as they are written below.
Ad price is $3.00 per line.
Performer’s Name:
Parent’s Name:
# of lines:
Amount Due:
Checks payable to: P.A.S.S. Foundation
(Performing Arts Student Scholarship Foundation)
We are very proud of you and
we love you very much!!
Love, Mommy & Daddy
Good Luck, Julie!
Love: Mommy, Daddy & Fluffy
Suzy – You are my SUPER STAR!
Love, Mom
Have fun today, Joe & Cassie!
You’re going to be fabulous in the “Dancing With My Guy”
routine. This is a very special moment for both of you.
Smile BIG!
From: Your loving family
Sterling Silver Studio
Recital Advertisement 2016
Business/Personal Advertisement Form For:
Sterling Silver Studio’s 25th Annual Spring Recital
Saturday, June 5th
At the Wessman Arena
Your business/personal advertisement will be featured in our 2015 recital program that each attendee will receive. In your ad you can include text, logos, clip art and photos that are not copyrighted.
The 30+ page program also doubles as a dance and twirling yearbook for all of our students and
their families. Our show will feature over 250 performers.
Performer’s Name__________________________________________________________
Person Placing Ad_____________________________ Phone Number ( ) ____________
E-mail Address____________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________
Check One:
______Camera Ready Ad Enclosed
______Please Develop Ad for Me
______Picture Enclosed
______I will email my picture/ad to: AMBERL_16_2002@YAHOO.COM
_______________________________Child whom should receive credit for ad sale
Advertisement Size:
_____Full Page
______ ½ Page
_____ ¼ Page _____ ⅛ Page
_____Back Cover Full Page (This option is available to business advertisements only)
** Full page ads placed will receive two complementary 2016 Spring Recital tickets & program in the mail.
If we are developing the ad, please print information below exactly how you want it to appear:
Please attach additional sheets, photos, clip art, etc., if needed.
Amount Enclosed $____________________
Additional Information:
Check payable to: Performing Arts Student Scholarship Foundation (P.A.S.S.)
Please return forms, artwork and payment no later than May 1, 2016 to:
Sterling Silver Studio – Recital Ad Form, 69 N 28th St, Ste 1A, Superior, WI 54880
If you have any questions, you can contact Amber Priem, 218-428-9978,
Thank you!