Guest Welcome Kit 2013/14
Guest Welcome Kit 2013/14
! "#$%&! '$()*+$!,-&! ./01203! ! Our General Manager will be handling the preparations for your stay. Anything she can do to help make your trip more enjoyable, would be her pleasure. Please write her with any questions you may have. Important Numbers: from US add 011-502 Villa Sumaya 4026.1390 or 4026.1455 Xocomil Shuttle: 7762.2005 or 5710.3903 If you miss your flight please call Xocomil so they can adjust your shuttle, you will be charged if they are not notified. Bienvenidos Thank you for choosing Villa Sumaya Retreat Center for your stay on Lake Atitlan. We know you will enjoy the beautiful surroundings and our heart felt intentions to co-create an amazing retreat experience for you and your group. This package was designed to make your trip as easy as possible and give you some important information that will ensure your stay with us is comfortable. Please read this package carefully. If you are coming with a group, please also refer to their registration information and contact your group leader with questions. Feel free to visit our website to learn more about our center. . There are also great videos on Youtube – just search for Villa Sumaya. ! Safety – The Most Important Thing Please read this entire package carefully. Villa Sumaya is pleased to announce we have never had any problems getting our guests from the airport to our hotel. Here, in Santa Cruz, the local ex-pats all feel very safe. We walk around late at night, leave our doors unlocked etc… but we are also aware of the news articles about Guatemala City and its dangers. Read the following information to ensure your safe and smooth arrival to our center. Once you arrive to Villa Sumaya, please ask for a tour of the grounds and ask any questions that will help you familiarize yourself with our center. For your convenience, we have a hotel safe, where you can place your valuables. !"#$$%&'()*+&,' "#$%&!'$()*+$!W-&! !"#$%&#'#()*$+($,(-#.#/#01%'( 0!4$5%*6! 78/9:! .!4$*4($! 7;/!$<)=( 1!4$*4($! 71;!$<)=! 3!4$*4($! 71/!$<)=! ;!*5!+*5$! 7.;!$<)=! ! !""#$#%&'()'(*+'!#",)"(' ' When you arrive at Aurora Airport (Guatemala City), you will first go through Immigration, then you will get your bags and exit after customs. Do not leave your bags unattended in the airport or at the curb or with someone who may say they will watch them for you. Inside the airport there are men to help get your bags off the carousel. Depending on the number and weight of bags you can tip them in dollars ($1-2 per bag). Sometimes, the men who carry your bags, hand them off at the curb, to another helper. If this happens split the tip between them. We will have your shuttle waiting with the driver holding a sign with our name “Villa Sumaya”. If you are traveling with a group, you can wait for other arrivals in the van. ( 2.$*3"#($,(-#.#/#01%'( 0>1!4$*4($!!! 7?;9:! 3>@!4$*4($! 78/! A!*5!+*5$!! 70;!$<)=! B#C(-)!:=#&&($%!D5*+!E6&-F#<!<5$!70.! G$4<5$!H-+$%I! ?I1/<+J!0.I1/4+!K!3I//!4+! ! B($<%$!4<L!&=$!%=#&&($!M5-N$5O!!H=$L! <))$4&!M*((<5%!*5!P#$&Q<(%O!!R*!)5$M-&! )<5M%O!!S&!-%!)#%&*+<5L!&*!*DD$5!<!%+<((! &-4!&*!L*#5!M5-N$5O!!7;!-%!<M$P#<&$O! The drive to Panajachel is about 3 hours (about 1 hour into the ride the roads get curvy and mountainous). If you have issues with carsickness, be sure to bring a remedy that will help you. -./$'0)/1,2&)'$.'.#)'3&1$&)' Arriving in Panajachel Your shuttle driver will drop you off at the top of the dock area. If you need help with your bags, there are kids who will help for about 5 Quetzals per heavy bag (.80US). If you are on a prearranged private boat, Xocomil, the shuttle company, will call ahead and your boat should be waiting. If you plan to take a public boat, walk down to the dock and get a boat to our dock (just say “Villa Sumaya in Santa Cruz”). This is important to establish before you get on the boat… ALL OTHER DOCKS ARE TOO FAR TO CARRY YOUR BAGS. If you are in a group – your group leader has prearranged shuttles and boats. Check with them for details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f You Go to Antigua or Guatemala City First ! Some guests decide to check out Antigua, a very quaint Spanish Colonial city about 40 minutes from the airport. If you arrive very late and stay in either Antigua or Guatemala City, we have some hotel suggestions at the end of the package or you can surf the net for other options. Typically, whatever hotel you choose will make airport transport arrangements for you. If they do not provide this service, we are happy to. We prefer to make shuttle arrangements for your journey to Lake Atitlan so we know where you are in-transit. Private shuttle pricing is located on the previous page, along with the shared shuttles times and prices. We recommend that you arrive before 5pm, as it is nice to arrive in the daylight to become acquainted with our center. At your hotel in Antigua or Guatemala City, be sure to ask at the front desk about safety. We do not suggest walking around either city past 9 at night. You may ask for a cab or Tuk Tuk if you plan to be out late. Whether you are on a private or public shuttle, please be sure to be waiting in front of your hotel or designated location on time. You may want a snack and water for the ride. It’s about a 2.5 -3 hour drive, E(&=*#F=!"#<&$+<(<!-%!*6(L!<! )*#4($!=*#5!D(-F=&!D5*+! Z(*5-M<!<6M!H$]<%J!-&!-%!<! M-DD$5$6&!V*5(MO!!S!&=-6W!-6! +*%&!)<%$%J!L*#!V-((!C$! 4($<%$M!V-&=!&=-%!M-DD$5$6)$O! :4<6-%=!-%!*6$!*D!&=$!+<-6! (<6F#<F$%!%4*W$6!=$5$O!! [$5%-*6%!*D!^<L<6!M-<($)&%!<5$!<(%*!%4*W$6! CL!&=$!+<U*5-&L!*D!!&=$!-6M-F$6*#%!4$*4($O!! T#5!+<6<F$5%!%4$<W!_6F(-%=!<6M!:4<6-%=O!! H=$L!<5$!=<44L!&*!M*!&5<6%(<&-*6%!D*5! =*#%$W$$4-6F!<6M!&=$!W-&)=$6!4$5%*66$(O! ! "#<&$+<(<!-%!<!%(*V$5!4<)$M!)#($!`V=-)=! &5<6%(<&$%!-6&*!%-6F($!&<%W-6FJ!+$<6-6FJ! a$6U*L-6F!L*#5!(-D$!CL!%(*V-6F!M*V6bO!H=-%! =$<5&>)$6&$5$M!4$5%4$)&-N$!-%!<!5$(-$D!D*5! +*%&!4$*4($!)*+-6F!&*!5$(<]!<6M!#6V-6MO!!E! D$V!&-4%c!-D!L*#!6*&-)$!<!%&<DD!+$+C$5!-%!C#%L! <6M!&=$5$!-%!<!%+<((!(-6$!d!)*+$!C<)WO!!e$! 4<&-$6&J!&=-6F%!&<W$!+*5$!&-+$!&*!5$%*(N$! =$5$!&=<6!L*#!+<L!C$!<))#%&*+$M!&*O!!Z$$(! D5$$!&*!<%W!<F<-6J!-D!%*+$&=-6F!L*#!5$P#$%&$M! 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Some guests bring a few hundred dollars for incidentals. ! Staff Gratuities If you enjoy your stay, the staff and management greatly appreciate it if you would leave a tip at the end of your stay. We recommend between $6-$8 per day. This Dana (offering) goes to the entire staff; from the gardeners (who carry your bags), to kitchen staff and housekeeping to the local managers. There is no need for additional tipping to our staff. Please tip body workers separately. Changing Dollars to Quetzals If you have a chance to exchange money in a U.S. airport, we recommend getting $100.00 to start off. In the Guatemala City Airport there is also a chance to change money depending on the timing of your shuttle. Your shuttle driver, airport vendors, Villa Sumaya and many other places will accept dollars. Please do not worry if you do not get a chance to change money - Xocomil, the shuttle company, will accept US dollars for your shuttle. Once you are near our center there are banks and ATMs in Panajachel that would be happy to change dollars or travelers checks. At Villa Sumaya, we are unable to change large amounts of money. ! Activities During your stay, most guests go on at least one tour. This really depends on the nature and length of your vacation. We have a big selection of tours and activities to choose from and for 1-2 people most tours will be about $60 for a guide plus transportation. If you are in a group, your leader will have chosen activities for your week, so check with them. Prices for group tours range between $30-60 per person depending on tour. You can also go out exploring on your own. There are public boats, going to most of the villages easily, from our dock. ^-%)$((<6$*#%!S6D*5+<&-*6! ! i _($)&5-)-&L!-%!00/J!U#%&!(-W$!-6!&=$!9O:O! ! '$!M*!6*&!=<N$!=<-5!M5L$5%! ! H=$!'$<&=$5!=$5$!-%!&L4-)<((L!)**(!;;>@/!! Z<=5$6=$-&J!g%V$<&$5!V$<&=$5h!-6!&=$!$<5(L! +*56-6F%!<6M!$N$6-6F%O!!G#5-6F!&=$!M<L!-&f%! #%#<((L!C$&V$$6!A/>8/!Z<=5$6=$-&O!!E-5! )*6M-&-*6-6F!<6M!=$<&!<5$!6*&!6$)$%%<5LO!^<LJ! j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k-W$%I! ! :<6&<!\5#Q!g*#5!N-((<F$h! ! :<6&-<F*!g(<5F$%&!N-((<F$h! ! :<6!j#<62:<6!B$M5*!g\5<D&%h! ! :<6&<!\<&<5-6<2:<6!E6&*6-*!gV<(W-6F!&*#5!*D!.! 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Hot Tub – is solar heated and complimentary for late afternoon soaks. For evenings tubs there is a $40 fee for 2 hours Sauna – our wood burning is $30 for a 2-hour sweat Pool – enjoy relaxing in our solar heated pool or lay on the dock to catch some rays. :4<! Z<)-<(%! ^<6-)#5$%! k<-5!\#&%! Z**&!e<&=%! k*&!H#C!! :<#6<!! ! '$!M*!6*&!V<6&!&*! *N$5(**W!5$%&-6FJ! 5$<M-6FJ!meditating, or U#%&!=<6F-6F!*#&!<6M! integrating all these new experience%O!!H=$5$!<5$! (#%=!F<5M$6%!V-&=! =<++*)W%!<6M!(*#6F$! )=<-5%!D*5!L*#5!4($<%#5$O! _6$5FL! S6&#-&-N$!_6$5FL!'*5W! X$-W-! e5$<&=!'*5W! X$<M-6F%! \(<-5N*L<6&!X$<M-6F! :=<+<6-)!_FF!\($<5-6F!! T&=$5! Z$(M$6W5<-%! '$((6$%%!\*#6%$(-6F!! E)#4#6)$! Treatment Pricing One hour - $65 One hour and a half - $85 Two hour - $115 Two hour readings - $105 <@*7*$(A,3(B,"$*C"%( T#5!%&*5$!*DD$5%!<6!$)($)&-)! %$($)&-*6!*D!=<6M-)5<D&%J!_)*! :#+<L<!G$%-F6%!<6M!+<6L! &5$<%#5$%!L*#!+<L!V<6&!<%! +$+$6&*%!D5*+!L*#5!%&<L!V-&=! #%O! E44*-6&+$6&%!D*5!k<5+*6L!:4<!)<6!C$!+<M$!*6>%-&$O!!.3>=*#5!)<6)$((<&-*6!-%!5$P#-5$MO! ! S&$+%!&*!C5-6F!*6!L*#5!&5-4! Clothing: ! hat – for sun and for chilly nights (We are at high altitudes- 5000ft) ! bathing suit, cover-up or sarong ! sunglasses ! windbreaker or raincoat ! layers for cool mornings and evenings ! sunny and warm weather clothing ! shawl , sweatshirt, poncho or fleece (one warm thing for cold mornings and evenings) For getting around: ! sunscreen and lip balm ! flashlight (we have eco flashlights in store) ! insect repellent ! walking shoes or sport sandals Health ! homeopathic remedies ! Highly recommended –Nutribiotic (grapefruit seed extract) tablets-that can really help bad travelers’ stomachs (we have remedies for bad tummies) ! vitamins/energy drinks ! Dramamine (car sickness) for winding roads to Panajachel ! any prescriptions ! eye glasses ! tampons – not always available here. Yoga or Meditation Props: ! yoga mats and props only if you want your own special ones ! zafus for meditation, (ask group leader if necessary we do have some) ! eye pillows for savasana Food and other comforts ! decaf coffee or -decaf black tea or other special teas – WE DO NOT HAVE ANY DECAF COFFEE AVAILABLE IN GUATEMALA ! clocks and hair dryers ! laptops – we have wireless in our courtyard for $20.00 per week. Limited up and downloading permitted. ! any other items that will make you feel at home, ie, ipad, headphones ! snack for airplane and shuttle ride to hotel (3 hours) ! books and magazines ! PASSPORT and a copy of it, Airplane Tickets and other form of ID ! Personal checks, cash or travelers checks to pay for incidentals and spa treatments are preferred. Credit cards we must add on 8% fee. ! Villa Sumaya Wish List – if you have a mat that is in good condition and would like to donate it, we would be grateful. ! H=<6W!Y*#! Hotels in Antigua You can google hotels in Antigua or Guatemala City. We have listed 4 hotels in Antigua for your convenience, but would recommend surfing the web for new and wonderful places. We are always interested in hearing about your experiences in local hotels. We are not prepared to act as your booking agent for other hotels. All prices are approximations. Meson Panza Verde Double: $100 Suites: $165 -$300 Very special place - our personal favorite Casa Christina Tel; (502) 7832 0623 Rates: Double Room: $30.00 We have heard the rooms are cute. Good price value. Quinta De Las Flores Doubles - $75-95 Singles - $65-95 Great grounds, nice rooms Posada Los Bucaros, (they have four ! different locations in Antigua) E-mail: Single Room: $35.00 Double Room: $45.00 Triple Room: $50.00 Clean, adequate, nicely located ! Hotels in Guatemala City If you arrive super late at night and would like to stay in Guatemala City we recommend hotels in Zone 10 or Tikal Futura. Hotel Tikal Futura $110.00+ Comp. shuttle from airport, luxury rooms, spa and great buffet breakfast Best Western, Stofella $70 Good location, nice rooms, comp. breakfast Otelito $100. Boutique hotel, good location Barcelo $100+ Luxury center, good location
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! shawl , sweatshirt, poncho or fleece (one
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