aerospace – your future
aerospace – your future
AEROSPACE – YOUR FUTURE Aerospace career development = APRIL 2012 PUBLISHER: Tom Teel - 607 322 4068 TFTEEL@GMAIL.COM TERRAFUGIA: Terrafugia (ter-ra-FOO-gee-ah) The Company’s mission is to provide innovative solutions to the challenges facing personal aviation. The result: the Transition® Roadable Aircraft. NOTES FROM THE PUBLISHER: NEW: This month we start a new section entitled ”**RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT** ACTIVE PROJECTS”. These active R & D projects are ongoing, and will affect your future in aerospace. NEW: This month we start a new section entitled “When did you Know?”. The objective is to publish pictures of young people experiencing aerospace (THEY ARE OUR FUTURE). Please forward pictures that you may have for publication in this section. We will not publish any personal information regarding the children Please forward this newsletter to individuals (youth & adult) and organizations who may enjoy receiving this newsletter PAL-V ONE The launch of the PAL-V ONE marks a truly historic event: the birth of a new class of vehicles offering unprecedented freedom, adventure, flexibility and pleasure – all in one product! SCALED COMPOSITES – PROJECTS - (HELP WANTED) Scaled's aerodynamic analysis and design capability, when combined with our proof-of-concept building experience, provides our customers with the most cost-effective and accurate development data available. AEROSPACE – THE FUTURE NASA CLAIMS SUPERSONIC BREAKTHROUGH FOR BIZ JETS ?channel=busav&id=news/avd/2012/04/02/08.xml&headline =NASA Claims Supersonic Breakthrough For Biz Jets Apr 2, 2012 By, Graham Warwick Please forward additional “INNOVATION” websites THANK YOU! ** INNOVATION ** AIRBUS INNOVATION: BOEING-INNOVATION VIDEO: EADS-INNOVATION: NASA is claiming a breakthrough in the design of supersonic aircraft, with wind-tunnel tests proving it is possible to design configurations that combine low sonic boom with low cruise drag, characteristics once thought to be mutually exclusive. The tests involved scale models of small supersonic airliners designed by Boeing and Lockheed Martin and aimed at entry into service about 2025. Although the measured shock wave signatures are at the high end of what would be publicly acceptable, they proved the design tools could produce a supersonic business jet capable of unrestricted overland flight, says Peter Coen, NASA’s Supersonic Fixed-Wing project manager. HONEYWELL-INNOVATION: LOCKHEED-MARTIN – INNOVATION: RAYTHEON-INNOVATION: TERRAFUGIA ENVISIONS FLYING CARS ON AUTOPILOT April 0 , 2012 A future of flying cars may need to follow the path of driverless cars if it's to become a reality. SAFRAN - AREAS OF EXPERTISE: HYDROGEN-POWERED SCAN EAGLE FLIES By: Zach Rosenberg Dallas The first Insitu Scan Eagle has flown powered by a hydrogen fuel cell instead of traditional fossil fuel, successfully completing a 2h flight. The Scan Eagle flight marks the first time a widely-flown unmanned air vehicle (UAV) has been modified with a hydrogen fuel cell. NEW Please forward additional active “R & D” websites THANK YOU! **RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT** ACTIVE PROJECTS RED BULL STRATOS: Supported by a team of experts Felix Baumgartner plans to ascend to 120,000 feet in a stratospheric balloon and make a freefall jump rushing toward earth at supersonic speeds before parachuting to the ground. BOEING'S NEW CREW-CARRYING SPACESHIP TAKING SHAPE by Leonard David,’s Space Insider Columnist 05 April 2012 SOLAR IMPULSE: Solar Impulse is a demonstration of what can be achieved with today’s technologies. In July 2010, HB-SIA became the first solar-powered airplane in history capable of flying through a complete daylight cycle, thereby establishing 3 World Records. 1 AEROSPACE – YOUR FUTURE Aerospace career development = APRIL 2012 PUBLISHER: Tom Teel - 607 322 4068 TFTEEL@GMAIL.COM Boeing's CST-100 space capsule falls to Earth in a successful parachute drop test held April 3, 2012, at the Delamar Dry Lake Bed near Alamo, Nev. CREDIT: Boeing Aircraft fires pose unusual challenges for first responders. Extinguishing jet fuel requires thousands of gallons of flamesmothering foam, and the fuel burns so hot (up to 2,500°F) that firefighters typically have only three minutes to respond before passengers would be overcome by heat and smoke inhalation. Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) vehicles, then, must balance a heavy payload with quick acceleration. Since its release in 2001, the Oshkosh Striker has become the industry-leading ARFF; today it’s used at the White House, nearly every Air Force base, and more than 200 U.S. airports. In 2010, Oshkosh revamped the $600,000-to-$800,000 vehicle for the first time, streamlining the design and refining the controls. See how this fire truck works here. CLEAR LAKE, Texas — Boeing’s new private spaceship may be ready to carry astronauts to the International Space Station and other locales in low-Earth orbit by 2015, company officials say. PROPOSED SATELLITE WOULD BEAM SOLAR POWER TO EARTH 06 April 2012, Leonard David,’s Space Insider Columnist SYNERGY AIRCRAFT UPDATE ergyAircraft_JohnMcGinnis_206520-1.html?CMP=OTC-RSS April 13, 2012, Glenn Pew, Video Editor Space-based energy factory, SPS-ALPHA – the Solar Power Satellite via Arbitrarily Large PHased Array. CREDIT: John Mankins PASADENA, Calif. — For decades, researchers have been appraising the use of power-beaming solar-power satellites. But the projected cost, complexity and energy economics of the notion seemingly short-circuited the idea. Now, a unique new approach has entered the scene, dubbed SPS-ALPHA, short for Solar Power Satellite via Arbitrarily Large PHased Array. Leader of the concept is John Mankins of Artemis Innovation Management Solutions of Santa Maria, Calif. The Synergy aircraft design gained the attention of NASA and Burt Rutan for its unorthodox and aggressive integration of high-efficiency aerodynamic principles. Now designer John McGinnis is hoping similarly ambitious steps will help see the project to production. SYNERGY AIRCRAFT: RECOVERING EXHAUST HEAT TO GENERATE ELECTRICITY AND BOOST EFFICIENCY 08-Jul-2011 GM engineers are testing a prototype thermoelectric exhaust-heat energyrecovery device on a Chevy Suburban. Despite the unprecedented technical sophistication of today’s cars, automotive engineers can never really overlook the fact that those same vehicles waste more than two-thirds of the energy that is in the gasoline they burn. Most of that—around 40%—is squandered out the exhaust system as hot gases exit at a temperature from 300 to 700°C (570 to 1300°F). PROPULSION IS KEY TO US NAVY'S F/A-XX By: Dave Majumdar Washington DC Propulsion is key to the US Navy's next-generation F/A-XX fighter to replace the service's Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fleet in the 2030s. The USN will have to engage with industry to determine where the "art of the possible" might lead the service. "Propulsion has a lot of benefits, and we know it’s kind of the critical path to new developments," he says. HOW IT WORKS: A FUTURISTIC FIRE TRUCK PUTS OUT AIRPLANE FIRES April 11, 2012, Andrew Rosenblum A plane engulfed in flame is about the hardest fire to extinguish. How does this truck do it? 2 AEROSPACE – YOUR FUTURE Aerospace career development = APRIL 2012 PUBLISHER: Tom Teel - 607 322 4068 TFTEEL@GMAIL.COM EUROFIGHTER’S FUTURE: TRANCHE 3, AND BEYOND medium=textlink&utm_term=Eurofighter’s%20Future:%20Tr anche%203,%20and%20Beyond Apr 24, 2012 Latest updates: EUR 2 billion support contract; AESA radar – just a study; Major Eurofighter maintenance contracts; Eurofighter weapons list; Eurofighter vs. Gripen lists. The multi-national Eurofighter Typhoon has been described as the aerodynamic apotheosis of lessons learned from the twin engine “teen series” fighters that began with the F-14 and F-15, continued with the emergence of the F/A-18 Hornet, and extends through to the most recent F/A-18 Super Hornet variants. Aerodynamically, it’s a half generation ahead of all of these examples, and planned evolutions will place the Eurofighter near or beyond parity in electronic systems and weapons. Less energy: The number of computations carried out by computers for the same energy has been increasing by a factor of two every 1.5 years. Jonathan Koomey See the rest of our Business Impact report on Computers Storm the Grid. NASA: DOWN TO EARTH FUTURE AIRCRAFT _airplanes_index.html PICK UP WHERE NASA'S SHUTTLES LEFT OFF Denise Chow, Staff Writer, 25 April 2012 Image credit: NASA Three industry teams spent 2011 studying how to meet NASA's goals for making future aircraft burn 50 percent less fuel than aircraft that entered service in 1998, emit 75 percent fewer harmful emissions; and shrink the size of geographic areas affected by objectionable airport noise by 83 percent. An artistic rendition of the Dream Chaser vehicle launching into space. CREDIT: Sierra The new spaceship being built by private aerospace firm Sierra Nevada Corp. may look like a miniature space shuttle, but while the design takes cues from the past, company officials are hoping this vehicle shepherds in a new era of commercial human spaceflight. NASA AIRBORNE SCIENCE PROGRAM'S CORE RESEARCH AIRCRAFT The NASA Airborne Science Program aircraft catalog provides unique NASA aircraft and commercial aircraft that benefit the earth science community. These manned and unmanned aircraft carry the sensors that provide data to support and augment NASA spaceborne missions. END AEROSPACE – THE FUTURE SCIENCE THAT CAN AFFECT AEROSPACE THE COMPUTING TREND THAT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING rss Computing isn't just getting cheaper. It's becoming more energy efficient. That means a world populated by ubiquitous sensors and streams of nanodata. April 9, 2012, Jonathan Koomey WHY WOODPECKERS DON'T GET CONCUSSIONS Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Writer, 10 April 2012 Notably, the woodpecker's brain is surrounded by thick, plate like spongy bone. At a microscopic level, woodpeckers have a large number of trabeculae, tiny beamlike projections of bone that form the mineral "mesh" that makes up this spongy bone plate. These trabeculae are also closer together than they are in the skylark skull, suggesting this microstructure acts as armor protecting the brain 3 AEROSPACE – YOUR FUTURE Aerospace career development = APRIL 2012 PUBLISHER: Tom Teel - 607 322 4068 TFTEEL@GMAIL.COM OPENING THE GATE TO ROBUST QUANTUM COMPUTING: NEW TECHNIQUE FOR SOLID-STATE QUANTUM INFO PROCESSING 33916.htm ScienceDaily (Apr. 9, 2012) — Scientists have overcome a major hurdle facing quantum computing: how to protect quantum information from degradation by the environment while simultaneously performing computation in a solid-state quantum system. The research was reported in the April 5 issue of Nature. NASA MAKES PROGRESS IN QUIET SUPERSONIC FLIGHT ogressInQuietSupersonicFlight_206511-1.html?CMP=OTCRSS April 11, 2012, Mary Grady, Contributing editor HOW WELL DOES SCOTCH AGE IN ZERO GRAVITY? A DISTILLER LAUNCHES SOME TO FIND OUT April 10, 2012, Paul Adams New wind-tunnel tests by NASA of designs by Boeing and Lockheed show it's possible to build jets that can fly at supersonic speeds quietly enough to fly over land, according to the National Business Aviation Association. "The game-changing technology out there is having tools available to design the external shape of the vehicle to give you a low sonic boom on the ground," Tom Jones, project manager for the NASA research team, told NBAA. The latest experiments, which have been heralded as a "breakthrough," show that the aircraft might not create a "boom" at all, or if it does, it would be very quiet. HYBRID COPPER-GOLD NANOPARTICLES CONVERT CO2 20529.htm ScienceDaily, Apr. 11, 2012 — Copper -- the stuff of pennies and tea kettles -- is also one of the few metals that can turn carbon dioxide into hydrocarbon fuels with relatively little energy. When fashioned into an electrode and stimulated with voltage, copper acts as a strong catalyst, setting off an electrochemical reaction with carbon dioxide that reduces the greenhouse gas to methane or methanol. Ardbeg, makers of extremely peaty Scotch whisky, has launched samples of its product into space. Not as a gift from Earth to extraterrestrial races, nor even as a refreshment for human astronauts -- no, the idea is to study how whisky ages in zero-gravity conditions. Scotch gets a lot of its flavor, and all of its color, from aging in oak barrels for decades on end. Precisely what happens in those barrels, on a chemical level, is a very complex and not-entirely-understood process. There's been a lot of analytical science devoted to it, and efforts to get the benefits of aging much faster -- but this is the first time to my knowledge that it's been aged in space SULFUR IN EVERY PORE: IMPROVED BATTERIES WITH CARBON NANOPARTICLES 30704.htm ScienceDaily (Apr. 10, 2012) — Lithium-sulfur batteries may be the power storage devices of the future. Newly developed porous nanoparticles containing sulfur deliver optimized battery performance. NEW METHOD FOR CONTINUOUS PRODUCTION OF CARBON NANOTUBES 05109.htm ScienceDaily (Apr. 12, 2012) — A group of researchers from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) have successfully created a new method for producing carbon nanotubes. The new method is capable of reducing the price of carbon nanotubes from $100 - $700 US to just $15 to $35 US for each gram, much lower than world market prices. AIRCRAFT OF THE FUTURE COULD CAPTURE AND RE-USE SOME OF THEIR OWN POWER ScienceDaily (Feb. 23, 2012) — Tomorrow's aircraft could contribute to their power needs by harnessing energy from the wheel rotation of their landing gear to generate electricity. They could use this to power their taxiing to and from airport buildings, reducing the need to use their jet engines. This would save on aviation fuel, cut emissions and reduce noise pollution at airports. ARTIFICIAL PHOTOSYNTHESIS BREAKTHROUGH: FAST 05430.htmMolecular ScienceDaily (Apr. 12, 2012) — Researchers from the Department of Chemistry at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden, have managed to construct a molecular catalyzer that can oxidize water to oxygen very rapidly. In fact, these KTH scientists are the first to reach speeds approximating those is nature's own photosynthesis. The research findings play a critical role for the future use of solar energy and other renewable energy sources. THE PROTECTIVE COATING AGAINST RADIATION FOR THE COMBAT AIRCRAFT CANOPY HAS BEEN DEVELOPED IN RUSSIA RUAVIATION.COM, April 17, 2012 The specialists of Obninsk-based Technologiya research and development enterprise have developed the metaloptic nano-coating for the canopy of combat aircraft, which protects the pilots against radiation and intense 4 AEROSPACE – YOUR FUTURE Aerospace career development = APRIL 2012 PUBLISHER: Tom Teel - 607 322 4068 TFTEEL@GMAIL.COM solar radiance during altitude flights. It has been declared by the Director of Steklo research and development division of Technologiya, Valery Temnikh, reports. ENGINEERING REVIEW BOARD CONCLUDES REVIEW OF HTV-2 SECOND TEST FLIGHT April 20, 2012 aspx Graphene-Based Electronics: Entirely New Carbon-Based Material Synthesized from Graphene 30404.htm Aerodynamic design validated and new understanding of thermal material properties gained Following an extensive seven-month analysis of data collected from the Aug. 11, 2011, second flight of DARPA’s Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (HTV-2), an independent engineering review board (ERB) investigating the cause of a flight anomaly completed its report. The findings of the ERB validated the vehicle’s aerodynamic design and uncovered new information regarding the thermal material properties of the vehicle. Physics Professor Michael Weinert and engineering graduate student Haihui Pu display the atomic structure on GMO. (Credit: Photo by Alan Magayne-Roshak) ScienceDaily (Apr. 16, 2012) — Scientists and engineers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) have discovered an entirely new carbon-based material that is synthesized from the "wonder kid" of the carbon family, graphene. The discovery, which the researchers are calling "graphene monoxide (GMO)," pushes carbon materials closer to ushering in next-generation electronics. DEATH OF DARPA'S SUPERFAST HYPERSONIC GLIDER EXPLAINED Tariq Malik, Managing Editor 23 April 2012 02:47 PM ET An ultra-fast U.S. military drone that streaked across the sky at 13,000 mph and met its demise in the Pacific was doomed by the excessive heat of hypersonic travel, which literally peeled away the drone's metal skin, military officials have revealed. TINTED WINDOWS GO ORGANIC, GENERATE ELECTRICITY Heliatek ureoftech/tinted-windows-go-organic-generateelectricity-720690# Semi-transparent, flexible organic solar panels are being integrated into windows. The technology is under development by German startup Heliatek and aims to “be instrumental in establishing environmentally friendly solar energy as a widespread, commonplace technology available to everyone.” To do this, they are rolling out solar panels that are made via a vacuum deposition process that puts small organic molecules on flexible films, MIT Technology Review explains in a profile of the company. VACUUM DEPOSITION PROCESS (WIKIPEDIA): Reference: B-787 Windows AERION PREPARES FOR UPCOMING NASA F-15B SUPERSONIC FLIGHT TESTS Fabrication Of Test Article Expected To Be Completed In May Aerion Corporation has released details about its next round of supersonic test flights, a vital element in the company’s plan to design the world’s first supersonic business jet (SBJ). RETHINKING ICING CERTIFICATION jsp?channel=awst&id=news/awst/2012/04/23/AW_04_23 _2012_p84-445436.xml&headline=Rethinking Icing Certification Apr 20, 2012 Guy Norris, Michael Mecham Winnipeg, Manitoba, Thompson, Manitoba Aerion has designed the next test article that will fly in the centerline position under NASA’s F-15B aircraft. The last round of tests during the summer of 2010 reached Mach 2.0 and used an instrumented flat plate to map the highspeed flow field under the F-15B and validate computer modeling. The spate of incidents, ranging from complete multiengine flameouts and surges to unexpected power “roll-backs,” is forcing U.S. and European airworthiness agencies into an urgent rethink on icing certification. With more than 150 such events recorded so far, the phenomenon continues to pose a risk. Given the inexorable growth of longer-range twin-engine operations over remote regions, and no ready explanation yet found, the phenomenon has attracted international concern. VIDEO: FLYING OBJECT PROPELS ITSELF BY FLIPPING INSIDE OUT 20 April 2012, Sandrine Ceurstemont, editor, New Scientist TV It's not a bird or a plane: it's an unusual flying object that propels itself by flipping inside out. Created by engineers at Festo in Esslingen, Germany, the floating band filled 5 AEROSPACE – YOUR FUTURE Aerospace career development = APRIL 2012 PUBLISHER: Tom Teel - 607 322 4068 TFTEEL@GMAIL.COM with helium takes on different shapes while expanding and contracting to generate thrust and move through the air. IMPROVING ON THE AMAZING: SCIENTISTS SEEK NEW CONDUCTORS FOR METAMATERIALS 21748.htm ScienceDaily, Apr. 24, 2012 — Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory have designed a method to evaluate different conductors for use in metamaterial structures, which are engineered to exhibit properties not possible in natural materials. SECOND WIND: AIR-BREATHING LITHIUM BATTERIES PROMISE RECHARGE-FREE LONG-RANGE DRIVING--IF THE BUGS CAN BE WORKED OUT m-air-oxygen-battery By Larry Greenemeier | April 20, 2012 A model of a three-dimensional metamaterial. Ames Laboratory scientists developed a method to evaluate different conductors for use in metamaterial structures. (Credit: Image courtesy of DOE/Ames Laboratory) IN THE AIR: In this screen capture from an IBM computational simulation, scientists study the simulations of the interaction of an organic solvent electrolyte (propylene carbonate) with lithium ions (white) and oxygen near a surface of Lithium-peroxide (the planar structure near the bottom of the screen).Image: Courtesy of IBM Research-Zurich TESTING A HUMAN-POWERED PLANE April 25, 2012, Miquel Ros The dream of flying has always captivated humans and, while aircraft and other machines have made this possible, some have not totally given up on the idea of human-powered flight. Researchers predict a new type of lithium battery under development could give an electric car enough juice to travel a whopping 800 kilometers before it needs to be plugged in again—about 10 times the energy that today's lithium ion batteries supply. It is a tantalizing prospect—a lighter, longer-lasting, air-breathing power source for the next generation of vehicles—if only someone could build a working model. Several roadblocks stand between these lithium–air batteries and the open road, however, primarily in finding electrodes and electrolytes that are stable enough for rechargeable battery chemistry. THE SUIT THAT WILL HELP FELIX BAUMGARTNER WITHSTAND A 120,000-FOOT FREE FALL Today, April 2 , 2012, Steven Kotler The life-saving technology behind the daredevil's attempt to accomplish the longest free fall in history SHAPED BOOM SUCCESSES INCREASE DEMAND FOR SUPERSONIC DEMONSTRATOR April 23, 2012, Graham Warwick, Source: Aviation Week & Space Technology Sometime before the end of this year, skydiver Felix Baumgartner intends to climb into a capsule suspended beneath a helium balloon, rise 23 miles above Roswell, New Mexico, open the capsule door, and jump out. On the 120,000-foot free fall—the longest ever attempted— he will face temperatures as low as –70°F and speeds of more than 700 miles an hour, becoming the first person to accelerate through the sound barrier without a craft. At the outset of the project, dubbed Stratos by its sponsor, Red Bull, no high-altitude full-pressure suit had ever been built specifically to withstand this kind of controlled free fall. Engineers at the David Clark Company, which builds full-pressure suits for NASA and the Department of Defense, spent four years developing one. Baumgartner’s jump will be the first live trial at Mach speeds. DAVID CLARK COMPANY: Success in the wind tunnel is increasing pressure on NASA to find funds for a supersonic flight demonstrator to take low-boom testing out of the confines of Edwards AFB, Calif., and into communities not inured to sonic booms. While confidence is growing that aircraft can be designed that have both low sonic boom and good cruise efficiency, exactly what level of boom the public will judge acceptable for routine supersonic flight over land is not so clear. 6 AEROSPACE – YOUR FUTURE Aerospace career development = APRIL 2012 PUBLISHER: Tom Teel - 607 322 4068 TFTEEL@GMAIL.COM COMMERCIAL SPACE SHUTTLE REPLACEMENTS COMPLETE WIND TUNNEL TESTING April 27, 2012, Jason Paur VIDEO: TRANSITION FLYING CAR PRODUCTION PROTOTYPE TAKES TO THE SKIES By: Kate Sarsfield London US start-up manufacturer Terrafugia flew the first production prototype of its Transition "flying car" on 23 March from its base in Plattsburgh, New York. The two-seat light sport aircraft - designed as a street legal aircraft that can be driven safely on the highway successfully conducted initial drive and conversion testing. During the eight-minute flight the aircraft reached an altitude of 1,400ft (430m), says Terrafugia. The proof-ofconcept Transition took to the skies in 2009 and completed 28 flights. TERRAFUGIA: Image: Blue Origin Two of the companies competing in NASA’s Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) program have been busy in the wind tunnel. The overly secretive Blue Origin broke its silence this week with pictures of its unique capsule design and Sierra Nevada Corporation also released news of its Dream Chaser, completing scale model wind tunnel testing in Texas. SOLAR PLANE SET FOR NEW RECORD-BREAKING FLIGHT InnovationNewsDaily Staff, 02 April 2012 END SCIENCE THAT CAN AFFECT AEROSPACE AEROSPACE INDUSTRY / MILITARY / GOVERNMENT NEWS THAT CAN AFFECT YOUR CAREER A solar-powered plane that has shattered three world records plans to go the distance again this year. The pilots of the "Solar Impulse" want to fly more than 1,500 miles (2,500 kilometers) without a drop of fuel during a two-day journey — a dress rehearsal for the ultimate goal of flying around the world in 2014. SOLAR IMPULSE: n&video=140 FLYING CAR MAKES SUCCESSFUL MAIDEN FLIGHT April 2, 2012 RAAMDONKSVEER, The Netherlands, April 2, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -The Dutch company PAL-V has successfully concluded test flights of its flying car, PAL-V (Personal Air and Land Vehicle). During the past two weeks, several test flights were conducted. The patented vehicle flies in the air like a gyrocopter with lift generated by an auto-rotating rotor and forward speed produced by a foldable push propeller on the back. On the road it drives like a sports car. No new infrastructure is required because it uses existing roads and airstrips. PAL-V: VIDEO: ed&v=SgHSaNtAMjs FREE-MARKET FANS ENCOURAGE RUSH FOR OFF-PLANET REAL ESTATE April 02, 2012, Rebecca Boyle FEARS OF AN AIRCRAFT ORDER BUBBLE .jsp?channel=comm&id=news/awst/2012/04/02/AW_04_ 02_2012_p30-441893.xml Apr 2, 2012 - By Joseph C. Anselmo , Guy Norris, Phoenix It is a truism of statistics that two people can study the same data and see radically different outcomes. Such is the case with the large commercial jet market. First, the facts: Airbus and Boeing took more than 2,200 net orders in 2011, twice the level of 2010 and far above the 1,011 jets they delivered. The two airframers are sitting on backlogs equivalent to about seven years’ worth of output. Getting to the moon is a noble and ambitious goal for any country, and other nations will probably follow in our footsteps here pretty soon. But private companies won’t go without the promise of profit, and until they do, space will be left unsettled, advocates say. The latest in a drumbeat of procolonization comes from the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute, which is advocating the recognition of property rights on the moon or other celestial bodies. Space settlement activist Rand Simberg says in a new white paper that the U.S. should recognize land claims off-planet, which would allow for legal land titles sort of like the former Homestead Act. Moon land titles could be used as collateral for loans, or sold to raise money to develop the lunar landscape, he argues. 7 AEROSPACE – YOUR FUTURE Aerospace career development = APRIL 2012 PUBLISHER: Tom Teel - 607 322 4068 TFTEEL@GMAIL.COM BUYER SOUGHT FOR LANCASTER, NY AIRPORT Apr 03, 2012 Current Owners Frustrated Over Taxes, Regulations, NIMBYS Since being designated as a reliever airport for Buffalo Niagara International (KBUF), the owners of BuffaloLancaster (NY) Regional Airport (KBQR) say they have been the target of a determined group of city residents who have complained about noise and fought further growth of the facility. Couple that with high taxes and strict regulations, and the owners say the airport is on the market. MOTORGLIDER AUTOLAND A SUCCESS utoland_Success_206472-1.html?CMP=OTC-RSS April 4, 2012, Russ Niles, Editor-in-Chief German motorglider manufacturer Stemme has demonstrated an automatic flight control system that is under development for airborne sensor versions of its aircraft. The LAPAZ system will eventually be able to take control of a flight from takeoff to landing and on March 22 it put a STEMME S15 right on the centerline of the runway at Neuhardenburg, near Berlin. COMPETITION IN TWIN-AISLE RACE BECOMES CLEARER April 3, 2012, leehamnet As details emerge on Boeing’s 777X, the line-up in the twin-aisle competition is now becoming clearer. The following table is based on known data and our estimates of some of the technical detail. What is emerging is that the 777-8X — ostensibly a replacement for the 777-200 series — is in reality closer to the current specifications of the 777-300ER. The 777-9X is an entirely new airplane category, mid-way between the current 777-300ER and the 747-8. Boeing’s proposed 787-10 will be the replacement for the 777-200. MH-60R/S: THE USA’S NEW NAVAL WORKHORSE HELICOPTERS m_medium=textlink&utm_term=MH60R/S:%20The%20USA’s%20New%20Naval%20Workhors e%20Helicopters DIAMOND FLIES ITS NEW DA52 April 3, 2012, Paul Bertorelli, Editorial Director tsNewDA52_206462-1.html?CMP=OTC-RSS The US Army’s UH-60 Black Hawks have always had a naval counterpart. SH-60B/F Seahawk/ LAMPS helicopters were outfitted with maritime radar, sonobuoys, and other specialized equipment that let them perform a wide variety of roles, from supply and transport, to antisubmarine warfare, search and rescue, medical evacuation, and even surface attack with torpedoes or Kongsberg’s AGM-119 Penguin missiles. Like their landbased counterparts, however, the Seahawks are getting older. The Reagan defense build-up is receding into history, and its products are wearing out. Diamond reported Tuesday that its new DA52 twin completed its first flight, with Diamond CEO Christian Dries and test pilot Ingmar Meyerbuch at the controls. The DA52 is essentially the cabin of the DA50 SuperStar, which was proposed a few years ago, paired with new wings and two 180-HP Austro AE300 engines. The engines are manufactured in a new facility adjacent to Diamond's factory in Weiner Neudstadt, Austria. According to Diamond, the aircraft took off at a gross weight of 3,900 pounds and climbed to 12,000 feet in nine minutes, for an average two-engine climb rate of about 1300 FPM. On the initial flight, the aircraft achieved a true airspeed of 190 knots with no abnormalities, Diamond said. NEAR-MISSES BETWEEN SPACE STATION AND DEBRIS ON THE RISE Statistics show the International Space Station came under growing danger from space junk after 2007, with half of the orbiting lab's close calls since then due to nearcollisions with debris from a Chinese anti-satellite missile test, the mysterious explosion of a Russian military spacecraft, and the cataclysmic high-speed crash of two satellites. FAT HEAD ENTERS UAS MARKETPLACE Ben Sclair | General Aviation News, The UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) market is coming. There is a lot of work yet to be done, but it’s coming all the same. Late last month, Wichita-based Fat Head Solutions announced its hung out its shingle in the UAS market and, “will provide low cost, high value, and complete subsystem solutions for small unmanned aerial systems.” DELTA AIR LINES LOOKING TO BUY AN OIL REFINERY April 0 , 2012 - Delta Air Lines is seriously considering the purchase of an oil refinery, CNBC's Kate Kelly reported on Wednesday. This would be a first for a major airline. 8 AEROSPACE – YOUR FUTURE Aerospace career development = APRIL 2012 PUBLISHER: Tom Teel - 607 322 4068 TFTEEL@GMAIL.COM BOEING MAKES 737 MAX DESIGN DECISIONS 12 RENTON, Wash., April 11, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) has made a series of design updates to the 737 MAX to further optimize the new-engine variant's performance. "The 737 MAX is on-track to deliver substantial fuelsavings to customers starting in 2017," said Beverly Wyse, vice president and general manager, 737 program. "We've made several design decisions that support the performance targets for the MAX and evolve the NextGeneration 737's design within the scope of the 737 MAX program." Those design decisions include: New-engine variant Aft body aerodynamic improvements Engine installation Flight control and system updates strengthening the main landing gear, wing and fuselage NEW AIR FORCE ONE DEBUTS IN PENTAGON PLANNING 02/304100010/New-Air-Force-One-Debuts-PentagonPlanning?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE Apr. 10, 2012, MARCUS WEISGERBER FUTURE VERTICAL LIFT AIRCRAFT FASTER, WITH LESS LOGISTICS FOOTPRINT Thu, Apr 12, 2012 A BOEING PHONE: AEROSPACE GIANT PLANS ANDROID DEVICE etbox/boeing-phone-aerospace-giant-plans-androiddevice-715010# Todd Bishop , GeekWire via Technolog Air Force One sits on the tarmac at Los Angeles International Airport. A replacement of the long-serving Boeing 747 is in the Pentagon's latest version of its aviation plans. (Saul Loeb / AFP via Getty Images) A new Air Force One presidential transport has appeared in the latest version of the Pentagon’s aviation plans, marking the first time the Pentagon has included a replacement for the long-serving Boeing 747 jet transport. Boeing is jumping into the smartphone business, developing a new mobile device — but we probably won’t be buying this one at our local wireless store. The company is working on a secure communications device for the U.S. government defense and security market, a spokeswoman for the company confirmed this morning. While what is now being called "Future Vertical Lift", or FVL, by the Army is still a concept, its capabilities are already known. The FVL concept will be "able to support the Army and the ground commanders better than we can do it today," said Maj. Gen. Anthony G. Crutchfield, commander, U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence." I see this aircraft being able to do all the missions that we currently do. I see the aircraft that can do it because it can be scaled. It may be a medium variant, something that is the size of maybe a Black Hawk or an Apache is today, that can do the attack mission, or the assault/lift mission. I see the same aircraft scaled smaller that will be able to do the reconnaissance mission, similar to what a Kiowa Warrior does today." HOW END OF SHUTTLE ERA COULD USHER IN NEW SPACE AGE Denise Chow, Staff Writer, Date: 18 April 2012 "Just because the shuttle is retired doesn't mean NASA is shuttered — far from it," NASA administrator Charles Bolden told the audience here at the 28th National Space Symposium. "I believe the best is yet to come. Our bigger dreams are just starting to come to fruition." ECLIPSE OPERATOR RECEIVES PART 135 PAPERLESS COCKPIT APPROVAL Apr 20, 2012 North American Jet Charter Group Moves To iPad EFB North American Jet Charter Group (NAJ) has recently been approved for a paperless cockpit on Part 135 flights. The iPad will now become an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) for all NAJ operated Eclipse Jets. This approval gives pilots the option to use Foreflight or Jeppesen en route and approach charts as well as paperless versions of General Operating Manuals and Minimum Equipment Lists — all stored and referenced through the iPad interface. 9 AEROSPACE – YOUR FUTURE Aerospace career development = APRIL 2012 PUBLISHER: Tom Teel - 607 322 4068 TFTEEL@GMAIL.COM SENATORS REIN IN AERONAV'S FEE PROPOSAL _In_AeroNav_206571-1.html?CMP=OTC-RSS April 21, 2012, Russ Niles, Editor-in-Chief The powerful Senate Appropriations Committee has rapped the knuckles of the FAA over its handling of proposed changes to the delivery of online navigation information services and suggested more congressional oversight on the implementation of those changes. The committee, whose report must be approved by the full Senate and House, says AeroNav, the arm of the agency that publishes navigation and airport information, should immediately restore the 17-day advance availability of the next iteration of online publications, which it abruptly reduced to 24 hours last year. The change made it difficult if not impossible for third-party online navigation information providers to fully update their data bases before the effective dates of the new charts. "The committee is concerned that these changes may conflict with the FAA's mission to provide timely and accurate information for pilots in the interest of safe and efficient navigation," the committee said. It also warned against using online products as a cash cow to make up for lost revenue from diminishing paper chart sales. Britain's aerospace industry lobby group said proposals were being drawn up by the industry that could allow Prime Minister David Cameron and even Queen Elizabeth to use modified Airbus jetliners that double as refueling planes. PLANETARY RESOURCES: GOOGLE EXECS AND DIRECTOR JAMES CAMERON BACK GOLD RUSH TO MINE ASTEROIDS (VIDEO) Reuters, Irene Klotz, 04/24/2012 CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - Google Inc executives Larry Page and Eric Schmidt and filmmaker James Cameron are among those bankrolling a venture to survey and eventually extract precious metals and rare minerals from asteroids that orbit near Earth, the company said on Tuesday. PLANETARY RESOURCES’: VIDEO: NASA Public News AIRPORT COURTESY CAR PROJECT CELEBRATED Janice Wood.Airports, General Aviation News The courtesy car at Alexandria Field Airport (N85) in Pittstown, N.J., represents much more than a way for general aviation pilots to get from the airport to the surrounding area. The successful initiative began in September 2010 when N85 became involved with the Garrett A. Morgan Technology & Transportation Education Program Grant. As part of the grant’s aviation education programming, an Aviation Science Club was formed with local school districts and airport flight students. The club was just one of 20 programs introduced to the community over the 12month period of the grant. Video: PC-Aero's New Solar One Electric Cruiser veVideo_Aero2012_ElectraSolarOne_ElectricAirplane_206 573-1.html April 22, 2012, Paul Bertorelli, Editorial Director PC-Aero has come out with its second solar-powered airplane, the Electra Solar One. PC-Aero's Calin Gologan gave AVweb a briefing on it at the Aero Friedrichshafen show in Germany. MOVIE MONDAY: A MASTER AIRCRAFT DESIGNER ON HIS HIGHEST ACHIEVEMENT -- THE SR-71 /movie-monday-a-master-aircraft.html Stephen Trimble, April 22, 2012 On 24 April, 1962 -- 50 years ago on Tuesday -- Lockheed test pilot Lou Schalk climbed into the A-12 Oxcart, the CIAfunded precursor of the SR-71, and attempted a brief hop at the end of a high-speed taxi test. He nearly crashed. Schalk had intentionally turned off the A-12's stability augmentation system (SAS) dampers, only to find out almost too late that his Mach 3.2-speed aircraft is 'SOS' without them. Two days later, with SAS dampers switched firmly 'on', Schalk completed the real first flight, launching the short-lived operational career of the CIA's A-12 fleet, and the US Air Force's three-decade history with the SR71 Blackbird. Pilots flying to N85 are asked to call the airport and reserve the courtesy car. In addition to use of the car, pilots will receive discount coupons to a variety of products and services offered by members of the Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce, including discounts for local bed and breakfast, museums, skydiving, river rafting, golf courses, town shopping, balloon rides, and restaurants. Upon arriving at Alexandria Field, pilots are given the keys to a 2011 Hyundai Sonata Hybrid (donated by Muller Hyundai) to drive to their destination. No payment is required for the use of the car. Instead, if pilots enjoy the car and feel the coupons were worthwhile, they are encouraged to do two things: Add fuel to the tank (not much at 40 mpg) and make a donation to support the Aviation Science Club, airport officials said. BRITAIN'S CAMERON OFFERED AIR TANKER AS VIP JET Tim Hepher, Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:09pm EDT (Reuters) - Senior British politicians and royals might consider making foreign visits in converted air force refueling jets after a row over the use of a rented Boeing for a trade mission to tout European-made Airbus planes. 10 AEROSPACE – YOUR FUTURE Aerospace career development = APRIL 2012 PUBLISHER: Tom Teel - 607 322 4068 TFTEEL@GMAIL.COM NASA PUSHES AERONAUTICS TO GUIDE FLIGHT RESEARCH April 23 , 2012, Graham Warwick, Aviation Week & Space Technology AIRBUS PLANNING STRETCHED A380 ed_A380_206606-1.html?CMP=OTC-RSS April 29, 2012, By Russ Niles, Editor-in-Chief The director of Airbus's A380 program has told an Australian television station that the company intends to build a stretched version of the world's largest airliner, adding about 100 seats. Richard Carcaillet told Ten News the super jumbo is an "environmentally more responsible" answer to airport congestion because it will enable fewer aircraft to serve the burgeoning demand for airline seats worldwide. "It is a way to grow without adding to congestion," he told the TV station. Airbus is planning first deliveries in 2020, according to the report. Is NASA's aeronautics research misdirected and irrelevant, or is it the victim of its own success in producing meaningful results despite insignificant funding? And does a commercial aerospace industry with record order books even need government R&D support? These are questions the agency's aeronautics research leadership is wrestling with as it tries to make more of its meager budget—just 3% of NASA's total—even as funding is being reduced again. Their answer, for now, is to try to convince their industry and government partners to agree on priorities for U.S. aeronautics research and push for public-private funding of two or three big-ticket, nationallevel X-plane programs. END AEROSPACE INDUSTRY / MILITARY / GOVERNMENT NEWS THAT CAN AFFECT YOUR CAREER AEROSPACE CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT RELEASE : 12-142 NASA STATEMENT ON JOHN GLENN SELECTION FOR MEDAL OF FREEDOM April 27, 2012, David Weaver, Headquarters, Washington WASHINGTON -- NASA has released the following statement by Administrator Charles Bolden about President Obama's announcement that astronaut John Glenn has been selected as a recipient of the 2012 Presidential Medal of Freedom: Please forward “CAREER & JOBS” websites THANK YOU! ** AEROSPACE – CAREER & JOBS ** THE AEROSPACE CORPORATION: AIRBUS: B/E AEROSPACE: BEST AVIATION: "NASA sends its warmest congratulations to Sen. John Glenn on being named a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Both of John's historic missions to space personified America's dreams and what we believed we could be. Just as President Obama has set us on a course to explore farther destinations in the solar system, John Glenn helped this nation forge a path to a brighter future with greater capabilities. We will build on his achievements to remain the world's space leader for generations to come." BOEING : BOMBARDIER: HONEYWELL: LOCKHEED MARTIN: FAA's Pilot Qualification NPRM Endangers Pilot Supply, RACCA Says April 24 , 2012, Kerry Lynch , Source: AWIN First FAA’s proposal to increase the qualifications for first officers and other pilots has the potential to deplete the available pool of pilots and impose burdensome new costs, says the Regional Air Cargo Carriers (RACCA). NASA: EMBRY-RIDDLE OFFERS SUMMER PROGRAMS FOR TEENS ID=1&ArticleID=104987 Prescott Daily Courier Teens interested in aviation, aerospace and global security are eligible for six-day summer programs that run from June 3 through August 3 at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Prescott campus. 11 AEROSPACE – YOUR FUTURE Aerospace career development = APRIL 2012 PUBLISHER: Tom Teel - 607 322 4068 TFTEEL@GMAIL.COM SLIDE SHOW: TOP 10 AEROSPACE COMPANIES IN THE PUGET SOUND AREA lide-show-top-10-aerospacecompanies.html?s=image_gallery FAA - OFFICE OF COMMERCIAL SPACE TRANSPORTATION Aerospace Careers Join the new race to space in the exciting field of commercial space transportation! As an aerospace engineer or transportation industry analyst in the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Office of Commercial Space Transportation, you will work in the newest transportation sector and work on the latest developments for space flight. We are accepting resumes from applicants seeking challenging career opportunities. Here is a "general" Aerospace Engineer position description to assist in completing your resume. Federal Aviation Administration: Office of Commercial Space Transportation Washington, DC Salary: $44,827 -$125,943 Astronaut Clay Anderson, Expedition 15 flight engineer, waves to the camera during a construction spacewalk on the International Space Station in July 2007. Credit: NASA An old NASA idea for keeping astronauts cool could finally become reality. U.S. high school students recently won $5,000 to make spacesuit undergarments using materials that can absorb heat without changing temperature. IN FOCUS: MIDDLE EAST CAREERS 2012 April 16, 2012, As the global aviation industry slowly finds its feet again, airlines and employers in the Gulf are not finding it easy to persuade pilots and professionals to relocate to the region from countries where jobs are scarce. However, expatriates moving to the Arabian Peninsula can still live the dream - with a rewarding, well-paid job and a chance to live in some of the most dynamic cities on the planet CRISIS FOR US SCIENCE IS LOOMING, PHYSICISTS WARN 06 April 2012, Clara Moskowitz, LiveScience Senior Writer ATLANTA — The United States is at risk of ceding its leadership in science, a number of physicists agreed Monday (April 2), though there was less of a consensus on a clear solution to the problem. Five physicists shared their worries about America's scientific future during a panel discussion here at the April 2012 meeting of the American Physics Society, saying that governmental funding for science research is in crisis, and not enough U.S. students graduate with degrees in science, technology, engineering and math. Cantwell pushes for more aerospace workers in visit to Kitsap April 13, 2012, Rachel Pritchett, BREMERTON — Washington state must grow its aerospace workforce by 20,000 people in a decade if it has a prayer of staying competitive. That was the sobering message U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell, DWash., delivered to educators and others during a local stop Friday. The educators reminded her that funding for more college instruction in aerospace could solve the shortfall. Read more: Help Wanted at Scaled Composites Janice Wood | General Aviation News | 17 hours ago With several high-profile projects like Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo and the Stratolaunch Carrier in progress, Scaled Composites is in need of employees. According to a post at, Scaled will conduct an open house/career fair on April 21 at its headquarters in Mojave, California. RUSSIAN ENGINEERS, ONCE TURNED BACK, NOW FLOWING TO BOEING AGAIN 2017969432_boeingrussians15.html?syndication=rss By Dominic Gates, Seattle Times aerospace reporter After flying more than 13 hours from Moscow, 18 Russian engineers arrived at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport on Oct. 14 for two-to-three-month stints at Boeing. Some in the group, all contractors at Boeing's engineering design center in Moscow, had done up to seven similar tours in the previous four years. They carried letters of invitation from Boeing and short-term B-1 business-visitor visas. HELP WANTED AT SCALED COMPOSITES Janice Wood, General Aviation News With several high-profile projects like Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo and the Stratolaunch Carrier in progress, Scaled Composites is in need of employees. According to a post at, Scaled will conduct an open house/career fair on April 21 at its headquarters in Mojave, California. STUDENTS A COOL $5,000 d_science-innovation Jeremy Hsu, InnovationNewsDaily Sr Writer, 10 April 2012 12 AEROSPACE – YOUR FUTURE Aerospace career development = APRIL 2012 PUBLISHER: Tom Teel - 607 322 4068 TFTEEL@GMAIL.COM NEW BOEING CHIEF PILOT: TRAINING MUST TRANSFORM TO MAXIMIZE FULL PILOT ORLANDO, Fla., April 17, 2012 /PRNewswire/ - called today on the aviation industry to transform aviation training for the next generation of commercial airline pilots and maintenance technicians. At the World Aviation Training Symposium in Orlando, Fla., Mike Carriker, Boeing Test & Evaluation chief pilot for New Airplane Development, focused on training future aviation personnel to their fullest potential to maximize the capabilities of today's high technology airplanes. This month we start a new section entitled “When did you Know?”. The objective is to publish pictures of young people (THEY ARE OUR FUTURE) experiencing aerospace. Please forward pictures that you may have for publication in this section. We will not publish any information regarding the children WHEN DID YOU KNOW? YOUR NEXT JOB: ASTEROID MINER? April 26, 2012, Looking to reboot your life? A new asteroid mining venture backed by Silicon Valley titans and filmmaker James Cameron is hiring. Planetary Resources, Inc., announced Tuesday at a news conference in Seattle that it wants to mine near-Earth asteroids for water and precious metals like gold and platinum within the next 10 years if all goes as planned. And the brand-new company is looking for a helping hand. "Since my early teenage years, I've wanted to be an asteroid miner. I always viewed it as a glamorous vision of where we could go," company founder Peter Diamandis told reporters at the Museum of Flight in Seattle. Diamandis hopes others share his passion for space exploration: The company website is now accepting applications for a “few good asteroid miners,” to help the firm find new ways to “explore space beyond Earth orbit.” Read more: END WHEN DID YOU KNOW? PICTURE OF THE MONTH Flying semi-trucks, courtesy of one of April 3rd's twisters near Dallas! END AEROSPACE CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT END PICTURE OF THE MONTH 13
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PUBLISHER: Tom Teel – 908 798 1051 / TFTEEL@GMAIL.COM
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