here - Wokingham U3A


here - Wokingham U3A
Monthly Afternoon Meeting
Tuesday 20th September 2016 at 2.30pm
St Paul’s Parish Rooms
Ian Keable
TRUTH OR HOAX: The Vanishing Maidservant
An 18th Century mystery told through contemporary prints
People have always loved a mystery and a bit of melodrama.
In 1753 Elizabeth Canning claimed she was kidnapped by gypsy Mary Squires and
held in captivity for 28 days with barely any food or water.
Three famous men of the day, including Henry Fielding the author of Tom Jones,
became embroiled in the controversy, resulting in acrimonious battles both in
journals and in the court room. Through the medium of graphic prints, Elizabeth
Canning’s allegations are unravelled. Was she really the perpetrator of a hoax
that might result in the hanging of an innocent woman; or instead was she herself
a blameless victim of a diabolical crime?
Ian Keable graduated from Oxford University and qualified as a Chartered Accountant and then became
a professional magician. He is a Member of the Inner Magic Circle and has received The Magic Circle
Comedy Award.
Registered Charity No: 1049995
For the WEBSITE go to:
Members Area Username: wokingham (all in lowercase).
Password: changed from 1st June 2016 and shown on your 2016-2017 membership card.
E-group sign-up:
Wokingham U3A belongs to the Thames Valley Network of U3As. Accordingly, if
you are a member of the Wu3a, then you are also a member of the Thames Valley
Network of U3As. There is a website covering the activities available within the
Network, which you can access from the ‘Links’ page on the Wokingham U3A
website (click on the ‘Links' menu entry). Also you can access the TVN website
directly at
Committee members, 2016-17:
Pam Hares
Olga Hughes
John Waddington
16 Waterloo Road
Wokingham, RG40 2JH
Tel: 0118 979 9007
Sue Waddington
16 Waterloo Road
Wokingham, RG40 2JH
Tel: 0118 979 9007
Dave Howlett
Hilary Taylor
4 Silk Court,
Rose Street
Wokingham, RG40 1GP
Tel: 0118 989 2520
Denise Allen
Neil Goodhand
Hilary Hough
Chris Readings
Jacky Smith
WU3A Committee for 2016-17 .................................................... 2
View from the Chair ............................................................... 4
Notes from the Treasurer.......................................................... 5
News from the Third Age Trust ................................................... 5
Dates for your Diary ................................................................ 6
An important message from the Speakers' Secretary ........................ 6
Evening and Monthly Meetings .............................. front page and 7-9
Members' Events .................................................................... 10
Groups News ........................................................................ 11
Groups wishing to start............................................................ 11
New groups starting ................................................................ 11
Groups closing/closed ............................................................. 11
Groups looking for members ..................................................... 12
Group Changes ...................................................................... 12
Group Programmes .............................................................12-15
Group News and Reports ......................................................16-19
Computer News ..................................................................... 20
Looking ahead....................................................................... 21
The Wokingham U3A Website .................................................... 21
Poems (Barry Stebbings) ......................................................22-23
Quiz answers, And finally…. ...................................................... 24
Deadline for next newsletter .................................................... 24
View from the Chair
I hope you have all been enjoying the long awaited warmer weather. It seems
hard to believe that a year has passed since I was writing about our splendid WU3A
25th Anniversary tea party at the Coppid Beech hotel where Neil Goodhand
demonstrated our new website for the first time. Talking of the website, it really
is the place to get the latest news of what is happening in your U3A. We would
still appreciate more photographs from you to include in our Groups pages and
always welcome suggestions of how we can improve the site for you.
Our Research Sub-Committee has got off to a flying start and is currently working
hard to finalise the details of their Showcase event at the end of August.
Following on from her successful Golf Days and other Committee led events Jacky
Smith has been investigating the possibilities of other outings so keep an eye open
for what comes next.
As our summer begins to draw to an end our WU3A Monthly and Evening meetings
will recommence in September at St Paul’s Parish Rooms. We are still desperately
short of volunteers to help at these meeting, particularly the Evening ones. It was
very disappointing that despite asking for helpers for the last Evening meeting,
Hilary had no offers to help put out the chairs. When I arrived I was horrified to
see Hilary and her husband Brian struggling to do the job themselves. If people
don’t come forward to help, in future everyone will have to put out their own
chair when they arrive.
On a sad note, for personal reasons Hilary Hough has said that she will be stepping
down from the position of Speaker Secretary. If WU3A is to continue to hold the
Monthly meetings that we all enjoy so much we will need someone to take over
the role from Hilary in the coming months.
We must all remember the ethos of the U3A movement. We are not a social club
that we pay to join and it is run for us. We are a self-help organisation and as
such we need everyone “to do their bit” however small.
Although we are months away from our March AGM I know that there will be
vacancies coming up on the Committee so please give some thought to whether
you would like to take on a role. Please contact me on the email address below if
you are interested or would like to find out more about what is involved.
That is all from me this time around.
Chairman WU3A. Email:
Notes from the Treasurer
Group financial returns - half year to 30 June 2016
Requests have been issued to group convenors for their 6 monthly returns
covering 1st January 2016 – 30th June 2016.
Many thanks to those convenors who have already replied: if you have not
replied yet, could you please do so as soon as possible.
The email request had an incorrect email address within the text: this should
Email issues
We have experienced difficulties in recent weeks, when some emails sent by
members to me at have not been forwarded
to me via our systems.
I understand that this has now been corrected and apologise for any
John Waddington, Treasurer 0118 979 9007
News from the Third Age Trust
U3A Stays Sharp at the Royal Society
270 U3A members attended the annual Staying Sharp meeting at the Royal
Society on 7th June, where Professor Richard Faragher delivered a lively talk
entitled “Live Longer, Live Well – Seize the Day”
To watch the talk, click here or type this address into your browser:
For further information on and about the Third Age Trust, go to:
Dates for your Diary
WU3A Coffee Mornings
Every Tuesday
10.30am at Cantley House Hotel
WU3A Meetings (see separate articles for further details)
Sept 13th
Evening Meeting
St Paul’s Parish Rooms
Sept 20th 2.30pm
Monthly Afternoon Meeting
St Paul’s Parish Rooms
Oct 11th
Evening Meeting
St Paul’s Parish Rooms
Oct 14th
Autumn Golf Day
Royal Ascot Golf Club
Oct 18th
Monthly Afternoon Meeting
St Paul’s Parish Rooms
Nov 4th
Afternoon Tea Dance
Berkshire Ballroom
Nov 30th
all day
Trip to Christmas Market
An Important Message from the Speakers’ Secretary
This is to inform everyone that I will be leaving the role of Speakers’
Secretary at the next AGM in March 2017. We really need someone to
take on this role. I have already booked all the speakers for the
afternoon meetings in 2017 so taking over will be a gentle introduction
and I am happy to help anyone who would like to do the job. It may
be that two friends would like to share this work.
If we don’t get any offers of help, then of course the meetings will
come to an end.
There are several roles within this work that could be shared out – such
as producing the advertising posters for the newsletter/website or
organising the helpers’ rota for the year.
Please get in touch with me or any member of the committee if you
would like more information about what the role entails.
Hilary Hough
Evening Meeting
Tuesday 13th September at 7.30pm
at St. Paul’s Parish Rooms (doors open at 7.00)
Experiencing Egypt, Ancient and Modern
Janet Diamond
In the 1980’s Janet Diamond spent three eventful years in Egypt which led
her to devote herself over the next thirty years or so to the study of
Egyptology. She now today in the West Country where after a career in
industry and education she now regularly gives talks, mostly on Ancient Egypt
– an empire spanning 3000 years!
Her talk today however – illustrated with personal photos - will give us an
insight into life in 20th century Egypt and the challenges she encountered on a
day to day basis in Cairo. It was at this time her passion for Egyptology grew.
She will take us on a trip to see the oldest boat in the world (the 4,600 yearold Solar Barque of Khufu) with Kamel El-Mallakh, the very archaeologist who
discovered it, and then on an unusual visit to the Valley of the Kings where we
will see some lesser known but very important pyramids – and more.
We will also get an insight into Egyptian politics, as Janet experienced the
assassination of President Anwar Sadat and the succession of Hosni Mubarak.
Evening Meeting
Tuesday 11th October at 7.30pm
at St. Paul’s Parish Rooms (doors open at 7.00)
How Tropical Rainforests Work
David Jones
Walking leaves in Madagascar
Tropical rainforests are the most biologically diverse and complex habitats on
the planet. Only around 5% of Earth's land surface is rainforest - but
about half of all animal and plant species live there! According to National
Geographic a quarter of ingredients in modern medicines come from
rainforest plants.
In this talk, David Jones will outline the main ecological processes that keep
the forests functioning, and he will describe the current threats that
surround their long-term survival.
David works at the Natural History Museum in London, and lectures at
Imperial College. He is an entomologist specialising in rainforest insects and
soil ecology. He has done fieldwork in 18 countries including Indonesia, Gabon,
Madagascar, Belize and French Guiana. Adding together all his tropical
fieldwork, he has spent more than five years of his life living and working in
rainforests around the world. He has published more than 50 research
articles in scientific books and journals. David is also an award-winning public
speaker, and frequent after-dinner speaker. He has won the annual
Toastmasters’ UK & Ireland Impromptu Speech championship five times.
Monthly Afternoon Meeting
Tuesday 18th October 2016 at 2.30pm
St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Reading Road, Wokingham
The Work of the Hearing Dogs
Sally Botwright
Sally Botwright usually comes to Wokingham U3A with her work hat on as a
London Blue Badge Tourist Guide but this time she will be wearing her
volunteer’s hat and telling us all about Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Nearly
nine million in the UK experience some degree of hearing loss, which is one
person in every six. Over 650,000 of these people are severely or profoundly
deaf and could benefit from a hearing dog. A hearing dog changes a deaf
person’s life on many levels. Deafness can be a very isolating and lonely
disability, a hearing dog can offer increased independence, greater
confidence and companionship. Sally will tell you all about the charity, the
puppies and their training and how they help their deaf recipients.
Members’ Events
Following on from our previous two successful golf days, a third has been arranged as
above at a cost of £29.50 per person. This will include 18 holes of golf, a two-course meal,
prizes and of course good company - and hopefully some good golf!
Please go to the WU3A website for an application form:
or contact Events Coordinator Jacky Smith at
With the festival season on the way now is the time to brush up on your dancing skills.
Once again we are holding an Afternoon Tea Dance at The Berkshire Ballroom,
Easthampstead Park. A mixed Dance programme. Delicious cakes and tea to be had for
the princely sum of £4.50 per head. Booking confirmed by email – check in at the door.
Please go to the WU3A website for an application form:
Group News
If you have an idea for a new group, why not find out if other members are
interested? Your ideas can be included in the Newsletter and on the website.
The website contains a wealth of information on groups mentioned in the
newsletter, and you can make contact with convenors through the group page.
Groups wishing to start
Poetry Writing Group
The Poetry Writing Group will be an informal group for people who would like to
try writing poetry or who would like to share their poetry with other writers. The
aim of the group is to encourage writers through constructive comment and
encourage people to share their interest and develop their skills.
If interested, please contact Barry Stebbings*: or phone 0118 969 9853.
* Some examples of Barry’s own entertaining poems can be read on pp22-23 (Ed.)
New Groups starting
Latin for Beginners
Following the continuing success of main Latin group, we are starting a new
venture called “Latin for Beginners”.
Did you do Latin at school all those years ago, long forgotten things but would like
to pick it up again? Did you always want to try a new language or
project? Whatever the thinking, why not enjoy the first stage with us. No
previous experience necessary and there is the added fun of picking up a little
ancient history.
A visiting - more fluent - member of the main group will be on hand but the pace
and content of our meetings will be up to us. Venues will vary.
The first meeting will be Wednesday 7th September, 10.30am-12.30pm (to include
If interested, please contact Barry Boddy: or phone 01189 785541.
Groups closing or closed
None at present that I have been informed about. (Ed.)
Groups looking for members
More details can be found on the Web Site under Groups Groups with Availability.
Spanish Chat
We are a group of people who have studied Spanish to an intermediate level or
above. We meet to chat, either using prepared topics or just general
conversation. The emphasis is on communication, rather than grammar practice,
and we do not follow a course.
¿Te gusta charlar español?
We meet on Tuesdays, in Weeks 2 and 4, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, and take turns
to host the meetings.
If you would like to find out more, please contact:
Diane Darling at or phone 0118 977 1429
Group Changes
None at present that I have been informed about. (Ed.)
Group programmes
French walk ‘n’ talk
Ça va?
Tuesday 30th August 10.00am
Fingest, Turville and Skirmett 9 km
From Fingest village, parking near church in
Chequers Lane, SU777911, post code RG9
Leader: Caroline Layton 0118 978 1336.
Mobile on day: 07906 182893.
Tuesday 27th September 10.00am
Meet in public car park opposite Horse and Groom, Mortimer, RG7 3RD,
SU655646. Walk of about 9 kms. led by Phillip (0118 969 8771)
Tuesday 25th October 10.00am
Meet in car park of Tally Ho, Eversley, RG27 0RR, SU775625.
Walk of about 2 hours led by Anita (07717 858797 on the day)
(Group programmes, cont.)
Walk ‘n’ talk Italian
Friday 2 September at 10.00am
Silchester fortifications. 5 miles from Silchester
Roman Town CP, (RG7 2HJ) GR 785 865.
Leader: Caroline Layton 0118 978 1336. Mobile
on day: 07906 182893.
Friday 7 October at 10:00am
Binfield Heath and Shiplake College. 6 miles from small parking area opposite
the French Horn in Sonning, GR 753 759.
Leader: Danielle Barnett. Mobile on day: 07869 417846.
German Chat
Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday mornings 10.00am-12.00pm. New members welcome.
For more details, contact:
Sue Falquero 0118978 4386 or email
Travel Group
This group meets in the Woosehill Community Hall upstairs on the first Wednesday
afternoon of the month. Newcomers and visitors are always welcome.
Wednesday 7th September
Convenor Elizabeth presents Canada, from Niagara to
A journey touching on the history and intriguing cultural
diversity of a vast country.
Wednesday 5th October
Anne Morden presents Cuba - La Isla Grande.
An exploration of a unique and fascinating land, once
again on the threshold of change.
If interested in coming along or joining the group, please contact the convenor,
Elizabeth Manley on 0118 977 2569
(Group programmes, cont.)
Wednesday 7th September, 7.00 for 7.30pm
The Angel's Share (2011)
directed by Ken Loach
Ken Loach is one of Britain 's most
filmmakers, who makes tough,
beleaguered working class with poetry
and humour. The Angel’s Share is a
comedy that successfully blends a
charming story of redemption with
bits of dark humour and a social
Introduced by John Hayes
Wednesday 5th October, 7.00 for 7.30pm
Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948)
directed by Max Ophuls
The classic romantic film - a lush tearjerker par excellence - on the bittersweet
theme of unrequited, lost love.
European director Max Ophuls' deeplymoving, timeless film is considered his
greatest and most successful American
film, but a film unlike most of Hollywood.
It demonstrates his lyrical, gliding camera
atmospheric melancholy and romantic
dialogue, and the recreated flavour of
turn-of-the century Vienna.
Introduced by Clive Tomlin
Wokingham Methodist Church Hall, Rose Street
For more information, contact Clive Tomlin 01344 774409
(Group programmes, cont.)
Industrial Heritage
Thursday 8th September – IHG monthly meeting
Films focusing on the Early Years of Heathrow Airport in the ‘40s and ‘50s. The
films will cover the original construction works at Heathrow Airport, aircraft
manufacture (the Viscount at nearby Brooklands), aircraft maintenance and
many different aspects of airline operation in the immediate post-war years.
The films will be followed by topical discussion.
Sunday 18th September – visit to Hollycombe Steam Museum
Hollycombe Steam Museum is Britain’s largest collection of working steam. This
is also the most varied collection of steam engines and fairground rides in
Britain, including narrow gauge and miniature steam railways, as well as steam
road engines, road rollers, and farm and other engines, plus a fully working
Edwardian- era steam fairground.
Thursday 13th October – IHG monthly meeting
1760 to 1830. Revolution or Evolution? - a presentation by Colin Mitchell which
will consider this important period of our industrial history. The presentation
will be followed by topical discussion.
Tuesday 18th October – visit to the Morgan Car Factory, Malvern,
We will visit the site where Morgans have been built since 1914. The staggered
floor layout sends each car down the natural slope of the hill as it passes each
stage of the manufacturing process. Every Morgan body is expertly crafted using
three core elements: ash, aluminium and leather. This is a unique opportunity
to see a factory which is building cars using the traditional methods of the early
20th century.
If you are not already a member of the Industrial Heritage Group and would
like to join us, then please email
Roger Crowther
Group news and reports
Contributions are always welcome from group members as well as convenors. Pictures
are always a bonus (but please get featured individuals’ permission!)
MOTO4 – A few highlights from 2016
Our year kicked off with a stroll around Savill Gardens, taking advantage of an
offer of free entry to the gardens during the winter months. It may have been
winter but the gardens were full of both colour and interest, made more
enjoyable by the bright sunny, if chilly day.
This was followed by a visit to the Henley River and Rowing Museum, to see an exhibition of
the early works of the artist, David Hockney. Not everyone’s cup of tea maybe but certainly
worth a visit.
The month of June saw us taking ourselves to Wimbledon for a tour of the Lawn
Tennis Club and Museum. Hugely enjoyed by the group and highly recommended.
As was our outing to Strawberry Hill to explore Horace Walpole’s
century Gothic Castle. It is rightly described as a theatrical house, with
a grey gothic staircase leading to a magnificent gallery and rooms offering
wonderful examples of renaissance glass. A restored Shell Seat is just visible
through the recently replanted grove of lime trees. Strawberry Hill is certainly
worthy of a visit by other WU3A groups.
A more recent adventure was to Loseley Park, which many will know as
the home of the Loseley Dairy Ice cream - sadly sold in 2011. The 16th
century house, however, is still very much part of the More-Molyneux
family, having been home to the
family for more than 500 years, with
four generations currently living there. During our guided
tour we were shown fine works of art, furniture from the
17th century and we learnt about the family’s connections
with royalty and other great characters in history. After
lunch we were given a tour of the delightful gardens
including the Rose Garden, the White Garden and the
Organic Vegetable Garden. Although a showery day, it
didn’t dampen our spirits, with many of the group finishing
the day with a tub of Loseley Dairy Ice Cream.
A visit to the Bombay Sapphire Distillery proved to be one of the hottest
days of the year. The group enjoyed a guided tour of the distillery,
finishing with a choice of complementary cocktails. Mmmm.
Our future plans include a trip to the Olympic Park, with a Blue Badge Guide who in 2012 was
a “Gamesmaker”. She will focus on the legacy following the 2012 London Olympics. Rather
topical in this year of the Rio Games.
(Group news and reports, cont.)
(MOTO4 highlights 2016)
In autumn we hope to visit The Supreme Court. We have already purchased our
tickets for Windsor Castle to see The Shakespeare Exhibition, marking 400 years
since his death and also an exhibition of the Queen’s Wardrobe, commemorating
Her Majesty’s 90th Birthday.
An early booking was needed for this year’s Christmas lunch, which will be at The
Mill at Sonning, followed by a performance of “The Rat Pack at Christmas”.
Certainly a few more interesting activities for our MOTO group to look forward to
before the end of 2016. What will 2017 have in store for us, I wonder?
Sylvia Mason – for MOTO4
(Group news and reports, cont.)
Duffers 1 Golf Group – July 2016
This month saw us celebrating the 80th birthday of John Cope at Billingbear Park
Golf Course.
It was John who came up with the idea of a golf group for
Wokingham U3A and with the help of Brian Davis, started this new group way back
in 2007. Without John, there may not
be such a thriving and enthusiastic golf
section in WU3A, now with 3 Duffers
Groups regularly playing on a Thursday
at Billingbear.
For John’s very special birthday, we
started the morning in the club house
with a breakfast of bacon baps and
This was followed by the
traditional blowing out of candles,
giving of card and presents, plus of
course a hearty rendition of “Happy
John then led his team
onto the course in a specially
decorated buggy, for a friendly
competition of Texas Scramble. His
team may not have quite come first,
but in our eyes John is most definitely
“The Duffers’ Number One”.
Sylvia Mason – Duffers 1
Photo courtesy of Brian Davis
Short Tennis Group
Everyone is welcome to join us at 1:30pm on Thursdays at the Loddon Valley
Leisure Centre.
Short tennis is played on a badminton court
and uses junior tennis rackets and soft
sponge balls which we provide. Rules are
similar to tennis but games are shorter as
games are played to 11 points. This game is
suitable for people who have never played
tennis or badminton and players with some
experience and is a very enjoyable game to
We have the court for 2 hours so there is plenty of opportunity for a good 'work
out' for those who so wish. If you would like to come and try this game, please
phone Kathy on 01189 448938.
(Group news and reports, cont.)
Jive Group
We have now been going since August 2014 and now have 24
members. We practise at the Suttons Bowls Club in Earley
(near Asda) every Friday morning from 10.00am to 12.30pm.
Our jive style is 1950's Rock ‘n’ Roll. With my co-instructor
Judy, I take the members through all levels of this popular
pastime. Our members now also attend various dance clubs,
in particular the Reading Rock 'n’ Roll club, the “3Rs” at
Burfield (
I have had many compliments from other experienced dancers on how well our
members dance.
The Group is currently full, but if you require any further information do call me
on 07894 658180 or contact our Convenor Nikki Humphries on 0118 989 3998; she
has a waiting list of U3A members who would like to join.
Ron Blagden
Contact from Down Under
Wokingham U3A recently had an interesting
email from a gentleman in Australia, Ross
Edward Bell is an active member of Sydney
U3A, and wrote “I was interested in the
recent article published about your
organization’s older adult learning. On my Learning Later in Life Facebook
page, I try to post interesting news concerning education in later life from
around the world. I would like to repost your item by Chris Carter, published
in Get Reading Newspaper/online) .... wonderful craft work!”
You can see the article
Also, do have a look at Ross’ fascinating Learning Later in Life Facebook page:
Computer News
Windows 10 – is it still a problem?
We can help!
Our new season of monthly “Computer Workshops” will commence in September.
This term, we will concentrate on helping members get to grips with Microsoft’s
new operating system, Windows 10. So why not come along? (See below to sign
We plan to cover the new, different and exciting, though perhaps bewildering
W10 features. The Start Menu, Task Bar, Desk Top and Tiles will all be explained.
What is Edge and Cortana? Find out this, plus much more besides, with lots of
tips and tricks on how to get the best out of your Windows 10.
There will be the opportunity for open questions, discussion and the general
exchange of ideas.
Of course we will be happy to cover other computer queries such as the use of
emails, the internet, security, photos and maintenance. You just have to ask!!?
We will do our best to help.
Members can even bring along their laptops or tablets. Towards the end of each
session, time is allowed for you to ask for help with your own particular problems
from our team of mentors.
If you would like support and guidance with Windows 10, as well as other
computer issues, then this is the group for you.
WHEN & WHERE? Subject to school holidays, meetings are normally held on the
first Thursday of the month, at St Crispin’s School, from 3.30 to 5.30pm.
However, please note that the September session will be a week later to
accommodate the beginning of the school term.
1st Session - Thursday 8th September 2016
St Crispin’s School
To check availability and enrol, please contact the Convenor, Rod Rainer.
Tel: 0118 967 7720
Looking ahead.......
A seasonal Members Only event
Tuesday 13th December at 2.30pm
St Paul’s Parish Rooms, Reading Road, Wokingham
Andy Thomas
A Celebratory History of Christmas
This talk in December will be an all ticket event and is a strictly ‘Members Only’
event. Tickets must be bought in advance, as we need to know how many to cater
for. The cost of a ticket is £2.50. The ticket price includes admission to the talk
and a glass of mulled wine or fruit juice and a mince pie following the talk.
Tickets will be on sale at the October and November Monthly Meetings. Tickets
may also be purchased by post. Details on where to send your cheques will be
included in the November and December Newsletter.
The Wokingham U3A Website
A reminder that the WU3A website contains a huge amount of information
relating to groups, activities and people.
If you need help accessing or navigating the site, please contact the Web
Coordinator/Administrator, Neil Goodhand:
As mentioned on p.11 (Groups wishing to start: Poetry Writing), here are a
couple of Barry Stebbings’ entertaining poems.
The Irritating Fly
The irritating fly zoomed round the room
Not stopping anywhere as I planned its doom.
It flew up and down, and buzzed round and round,
Pestering me with that annoying sound.
It zipped by the window and hummed by the door
Then it buzzed back around the room once more.
I picked up a spray, taking careful aim
But that relentless fly buzzed just the same.
I chased it with swatter, I chased it with spoon,
The end of that fly was going to be soon.
It zoomed round the kitchen and buzzed round the hall,
It flew round the ceiling and settled on the wall.
A well aimed swipe then a sudden splat;
For that irritating fly, that was that.
Cats and Mouses
A little piece of advice is
For those who have got mouses
In their respective houses.
The cat knows where the mouse is.
If the cat doesn't know where the mouse is
The mouse knows where the cats is.
Which is how the cats and mouses
Share their respective houses.
The Spider
The spider climbs from inside a drawer
Then, on eight legs he scuttles to the floor
Walking closely by the kitchen wall
Moving slowly toward the open door.
On hairy jointed legs he stops and waits
Then he turns and appears to concentrate.
Looking at me with large arachnid eyes,
For a moment he seems to hesitate.
I wonder now, what can he see
(I do not know arachnid 'he' or 'she')
His expression is meant to terrify,
He's staring intensely straight at me
Should I run away or should I stay?
Then, to my absolute dismay
This tiny monster that seems so large,
(Something I remember until today),
Springs suddenly up on to my chair,
Not heeding that I am sitting there.
I give a loud cry of great surprise
Then, (it is genuine I do declare),
This alarming monster is no more,
He turns and scuttles toward the door.
No longer a hairy fiend grown large,
Just a tiny spider on the floor.
Barry’s poems are published on line at
Answers to last edition’s quiz questions:
The object pictured here was built in Wokingham
many years ago by a Mr A.M. Farbrother.
What was it nick-named? A: The Wokingham Whale
In what year was it built? A: 1909-10
Why was it built? A: Competition entry for new flying machine, but never flew!
Where in Wokingham were Farbrother’s premises? A: Westcott Road, Wokingham
And finally….
Can you identify the name and location of this ancient tree?
(Answers in next edition)
Deadline for contributions to next Newsletter (Nov-Dec 2016):
Please send to Steve Block, Newsletter Editor