curriculum vitae - Chalmers tekniska högskola


curriculum vitae - Chalmers tekniska högskola
Jenny Stenberg
Associate Professor, Architect, Planner
Present employment: 100%
Time for research: no limit
Chalmers Architecture, 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden
Phone +46 31 772 2346, Cellphone +46 730 445790
Researcher in the project Compact cities and informal settlements: Exploring qualities, drivers and
strategies for promoting sustainable urban development funded by Formas.
Steering committte for and researcher in the National Transdisciplinary Centre of Excellence for
Integrated Sustainable Renovation, funded by Formas. Coordinator for Learning Lab Hammarkullen: Codesigning Renovation in WP3.
Researcher in the project Compact Cities? Exploring qualities, drivers and strategies for promoting mixed-use urban development funded by Formas.
Researcher in the project Bridging the Gap: Children and Planners Co-Creating the Urban Space
funded by Formas.
Researcher in OIKONET – A global multidisciplinary network on housing research and learning
funded by EU.
Project leader for the research project Codesign in urban planning in Cuba funded by Adlerbertska.
Permanent employment as Associate Professor, Chalmers Architecture, Gothenburg.
Project leader for the research project Interplace—The interplay between citizen initiatives and
invited participation in urban planning: An interaction research project. Funded by Formas in the
call Samordnad stadsutveckling.
Project leader for the Mistra Urban Futures pilot projet 3: Urban Empowerment: Cultures of participation and learning. Chalmers Architecture.
Vice manager, initiator, representative for Chalmers for the Centre for Urban studies Hammarkullen, Chalmers and University of Gothenburg.
Master Course Assignment, Chalmers Architecture. Examiner and project leader for the design
studio Suburbs – design & future challenges 22,5 ects (Hammarkullen, Gothenburg) in the master
programme Design for Sustainable Development. Chalmers Architecture.
Local coordinator in Hammarkullen for one master student thesis in the master programme Design
for Sustainable Development. Chalmers Architecture.
Local coordinator in Hammarkullen for one master student thesis in the master programme Design
for Sustainable Development. Chalmers Architecture.
Permanent employment as researcher, Chalmers Architecture, Gothenburg.
Examiner for three master student thesises in the master programme Design for Sustainable Development. Chalmers Architecture.
Evaluation Assignment, Region Västra Götaland. Evaluation of Health 360°, which is a project
about youths’ participation in urban development processes funded by the Public Health Committée. Chalmers Architecture.
Master Course Assignment, Chalmers Architecture. Initiator and teacher in the design studio Suburbs – design & future challenges (Hammarkullen, Gothenburg) in the master programme Design
for Sustainable Development. Chalmers Architecture.
Master Course Assignment, Chalmers Architecture. Teacher in the design studio Design in a
Southern Context (Zanzibar, Tanzania) in the master programme Design for Sustainable Develop1
ment. Chalmers Architecture.
Coordinator Assignment, Chalmers University of Technology. Coordinator for Chalmers as UNHABITAT Partner University.
Coordinator Assignment, Centre for Environment and Sustainability, Chalmers. Investigating the
prerequisites for initiating a National Resarch School on Sustainable Urban Development at
Chalmers. Chalmers Architecture.
Post-graduate Course Assignment, Chalmers Architecture. Setting up a Case Study Course for
doctoral candidates in the field of architecture and planning. Chalmers Architecture.
Teacher in the ground course Theory and Text. Chalmers Architecture.
Researcher in the research project In the name of safety funded ded by Formas. An interdisciplinary project about public housing, local partnership, safety and social exclusion. The Department
of Sociology, Gothenburg University and Chalmers Architecture.
Process Leading Assignment, City District Administration of Biskopsgården, Gothenburg. A citizen group having an advisory role towards the Town Planning Department when working with the
densification programme for the city district. Chalmers Architecture.
Evaluation Assignment, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. Evaluation of the Local Investment Programmes from the point of view of environmental and social aspects. Project leader,
Chalmers Architecture.
Assistant supervisor for doctoral candidate Pål Castell. Chalmers Architecture.
Evaluation Assignments, the Municipal Board of Administration of Gothenburg. Evaluation of the
Local Development Agreements in Gothenburg from the point of view of democracy and social
inclusion on the one hand and the physical environment and feeling av safety on the other hand.
The Department of Culture studies, Gothenborg University and Chalmers Architecture.
Teacher in the ground course Sustaninability, Building and Planning. Chalmers Architecture.
Teacher in the ground course Sustaninability, Building and Planning. Chalmers Architecture.
PhD student in Built Environmet & Sustainable Development, Chalmers Architecture.
Program writing for research project, Chalmers Architecture.
Architect, Kjell Palmeby Arkitektkontor AB, Gothenburg.
Architect, White Arkitekter AB, Gothenburg.
Practice in architect’s office, Arkitektkontoret Vallgatan13 AB, Gothenburg.
Assistant supervisor at building site, Göteborgs Stads Bostadsaktiebolag
Practice at building site, Armerad Betong Vägförbättringar AB, Gothenburg.
Diploma of Higher Education: Supervisor Forum, Chalmers University of Technology.
Diploma of Higher Education, 6 credit points: Pedagogical project. The IT University of Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg University.
Associate Professor in Architecture with specialization in Urban Design and Planning. Title of
lecture: Citizen Participation in Planning and other Social Aspects of Sustainable Development.
Chalmers Architecture.
Diploma of Higher Education, 3 credit points: Teaching, Learning and Evaluation. The IT University of Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg University.
Diploma of Higher Education, 3 credit points: Popular Science Communication. The IT University
of Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg University.
Diploma of Higher Education, 3 credit points: Supervision of Research: Principles, Models and
Issues. The IT University of Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg University.
Doctor of Philosophy. Title of the thesis: Planning in Interplace? On Time, Power and Learning in
Local Activities Aiming at Social Inclusion and Sustainable Development. Opponent: Prof. Murray
Stewart, University of the West of England, Bristol, U.K. Examiner and principle advisor: Prof.
Björn Malbert, assistant advisors: Dr. Henriette Söderberg, and Dr. Lena Falkheden. Department of
Built Environment & Sustainable Development, Chalmers Architecture.
Licentiate of Architecture, Chalmers Architecture.
The future for suburban areas 10p, Chalmers Architecture.
Urban planning with environmental concern 20p, Chalmers Architecture.
Planning and construction with environmental concern 10p, Chalmers Architecture.
Master of architecture 180p, Chalmers Architecture.
Marketing 13p, Gothenburg University.
Juridical basic course 10p, Gothenburg University.
Business economist 15p, Gothenburg University.
Information technique 40p, Gothenburg University.
One project of the Master of architecture and the thesis were realized in Buenos Aires and Mendoza in Argentina, in
cooperation with Universidad Tecnológica Nacional and the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm:
The first project contained two parts: a) Inventory studies for realization of better housing conditions in different slum areas in Argentina. b) Design and constuction of a community house in
Barrio Brandsen, a slum area in Mendoza.
The title of the thesis is ‘Casa Aguirre – Design Based on the Users Decisions, Resourse-Saving
Materials and the Local Eco-System’ and descibes the process which leads to the design of the
house of the family Aguirre.
Swedish; speak, write and read English; speak, write and read Spanish to some extent; understand some Portugues.
Member of one of visionary teams (The Growing City), initiated by Gothenburg’s city council, for
coming with suggestions of the 400-year-celebration of Gothenburg in 2021.
Vice manager and representative for Chalmers for the Centre for Urban studies Hammarkullen, the
GU and Chalmers campus in the North-eastern part of Gothenburg.
Delegate for Chalmers Architecture in the Steering Group for Security and Emergency Management (TSS—Trygg Säker Stad), Gothenburg.
Member of the Swedish scientific reference group of European Union Knowledge Network
Member of the advisory group of the project ‘Invest Socially’at the Swedish Council for Sustainable Development.
Member of the board of the Swedish Research Association for Sustainable Development.
Planning and implementation of a series of seminars for inhabitants, employees and politicians on
the theme of democracy, in cooperation with the City District Committée Biskopsgården, Göteborg. The aim was to implement the results from the evaluation of the Local Development Agreements in the local plan for democracy in the city district.
Editor for the newsletter of Chalmers Architecture.
Design and system for distribution of the newsletter of Chalmers Architecture.
Planning and implementation of a Research Day with project presentations from the research programme Sustainable Building, in the further education Stadsbyggande med miljöhänsyn (Urban
planning with environmental concern), Chalmers Architecture, Göteborg.
Chairman of Tenant-owner’s Association Bäcken in Göteborg
Chairman of Brasilian-Swedish Cultural Association A Bunda in Göteborg
Articles, books, book chapters in peer-reviewed international publications
Kain, Jaan-Henrik, Jenny Stenberg, Liane Thuvander, Marco Adelfio (2016 in prep). [Review on Compact Cities].
Stenberg, Jenny (2013). "Citizens as Knowledge Producers in Urban Change: Participation Changing Procedures and
Systems." Footprint - Participatory Turn in Urbanism 7(2): 131-142.
Stenberg, Jenny (2012). ‘The Strength of Codesign: Citizens as Community Builders’. In: Design, Participation,
Sustainability, ICT: Sustainable Public Open Spaces and Participation through Interaction and ICT. Ooms and
Verbeke. Ghent, Belgium: 78-93.
Stenberg, Jenny & Lasse Fryk (2012). "Urban Empowerment through Community Outreach in Teaching and Design."
Elsevier Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 46: 3284–3289.
Stenberg, Jenny, Liane Thuvander & Paula Femenías (2009). "Linking Social and Environmental Aspects: A Multidimensional Evaluation of Refurbishment Projects." Local Environment 14(6): 539–554.
Stenberg, Jenny (2008). ‘Multi-facetted Evaluation for Sustainable Development: Managing the Intermix of Mind,
Artefact, Institution and Nature’. In: New Principles in Planning and Evaluation. Hull, Angela, Abdul Khakee,
Donald Miller, John Woltjer (Eds.). Ashgate.
Stenberg, Jenny (2004). Planning in Interplace? On Time, Power and Learning in Local Activities Aiming at Social
Inclusion and Sustainable Development. Thesis. Göteborg, Chalmers Architecture.
Articles, books, book chapters with international coverage
Stenberg, Jenny, Maria Zwanenburg and Lasse Fryk (2016 in prep). Can policy meet local diversity in approaches on
urban development and regeneration? In: Global Dwelling. Leandro Madrazo (Ed.). Barcelona, Oikonet – Erasmus
Life Long Learning Programme.
Stenberg, Jenny and Lasse Fryk (2015). "Local community responses". In: Oikonet: A global Multidisciplinary Network
on Housing Research and Learning (Reader 2). Khadjri. Barcelona, Oikonet – Erasmus Life Long Learning
Stenberg, Jenny & Lasse Fryk (2014). "Interspace Thinking, Capacity-Building and Codesign". In: Oikonet: A global
Multidisciplinary Network on Housing Research and Learning (Reader 1). Khadjri. Barcelona, Oikonet – Erasmus
Life Long Learning Programme.
Stenberg, Jenny, (2012). "Urban Empowerment: Cultures of Participation and Learning". In: Open access paper Gothenburg, Mistra Urban Futures.
Stenberg, Jenny (2007). Interplace Planning – Theory and Practice: Partnership and Participation in Transformation
of Multicultural Neighbourhoods. Open access paper. Chalmers Architecture, Gothenburg.
Stenberg, Jenny (2002). ‘Bridging what Gap? The Role of Local Professionals Working for Sustainable Development in
Collaboration with the Inhabitants’. In: MISTRA Sustainable Building: Experiences from a Cross-disciplinary Research Programme. Edén, Michael & Åsa Jönsson, (Eds.). Chalmers University of Technology. Göteborg: 33-38.
Stenberg, Jenny (2001). Bridging Gaps: Sustainable Development and Local Democracy Processes. Licentiate Thesis.
Chalmers Architecture. Göteborg.
Stenberg, Jenny (2001). ‘Prerequisites for Local Democracy Processes: Conclusions from a Field Investigation in Göteborg’. In: Swedish Planning in Times of Diversity. Christoferson, Inger, (Ed.). Gävle, Föreningen för Samhällsplanering.
Stenberg, Jenny (1998). ‘Bottom-up Processes and Sustainabilty: A Research Project about Participatory Democracy
Processes and their Importance for Sustainable Development’. In: Agenda 21 and the Built Environment: Research
and Practice in Refurbishment and Management, Svane, Örjan (Ed.). Stockholm, Department of Infrastucture and
Planning, Built Environment Analysis, The Royal Institute of Technology.
Conference proceedings
Stenberg, Jenny (2016 in prep). Co-design with citizens for social intensification – applying the compact city
concept to the Swedish large-scale housing area of Hammarkullen. The third OIKONET conference on “Global
Dwelling” in Manchester, 23 September 2016.
Mjörnell, Kristina, Paula Femenias, Jenny Stenberg & Dennis Johansson (2015). A Strong Research Environment for
Sustainable Renovation Established in Sweden. SASBE 2015 (Smart and Sustainable Built Environments). Pretoria,
South Africa.
Stenberg, Jenny & Lasse Fryk (2015). Learning Lab Hammarkullen: Codesigning Renovation (poster). OIKONET
Second International Conference "Global Dwelling", 24-25 September 2015, Bratislava.
Kain, Jaan-Henrik, Jenny Stenberg & Liane Thuvander (2015). Compact Cities? Exploring qualities, drivers and
strategies for promoting mixed-use urban development (poster). OIKONET Second International Conference
"Global Dwelling", 24-25 September 2015, Bratislava.
Mjörnell, Kristina, Paula Femenias, Jenny Stenberg & Dennis Johansson (2014). A Strong Research Environment for
Sustainable Renovation Established in Sweden. World SB14, Barcelona, Palau de Congressos de Catalunya, 28-30
October 2014.
Stenberg, Jenny (2013). The Strength of Codesign: Citizens as Community Builders. Poster presentation and facilitation
of workshop at the InContext Final Conference & Informed Cities Forum 2013, 6-7 June 2013, Berlin, Germany.
Stenberg, Jenny (2012). The Strength of Codesign: Citizens as Community Builders. Peer-reviewed conference paper
and presentation for the ASPIS International Conference: Design, Participation, Sustainability, ICT, Sint-Lucas
School of Architecture, Ghent, Belgium.
Stenberg, Jenny & Lasse Fryk (2012). Urban Empowerment through Community Outreach in Teaching and Design.
Peer-reviewed conference paper and presentation for the 4th World Conference on Educational Sciences, WCES
2012, 2-5 February, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Stenberg, Jenny (2005). Multi-dimensional Evaluation of National Funding Programmes: Managing the Intermix of
Mind, Artefact, Institution and Nature. Peer-reviewed conference paper and presentation for the Evaluation in Planning, Sixth International Workshop in Stockholm, December 9–11 2005.
Thuvander, Liane, Jenny Stenberg & Paula Femenías (2005). Potentials for Sustainable Development by Amalgamating
Social and Environmental Aspects: Experiences from Refurbishment Projects in Sweden. Peer-reviewed conference
paper and presentation: The 2005 World Sustainable Building Conference, Sep 2005, Tokyo, Japan.
Stenberg, Jenny (2005). Planning in Interplace: On Transformation of Stigmatized and Ethnically Segregated Suburban
Metropolitan Housing Areas. Peer-reviewed conference paper and presentation for Life in the Urban Landscape
Conference, May 2005, Göteborg, Sweden.
Popular scientific publication and reports in Swedish
Fryk, Lasse & Jenny Stenberg (2016 in prep). [Ett kapitel om samhällsarbete i form av kapactitetsbyggande processer i
Hammarkullen – och om att länka undervisning, forskning och civilsamhället genom samverkan med kommunen.].
I: Samhällsarbete och social mobilisering – mot nya utmaningar. Turunen (red). Studentlitteratur, Stockholm.
Stenberg, Jenny (2015). "Medskapande renovering". I: Social hållbarhet med fokus på bostadsrenovering – en antologi.
Lind & Mjörnell (red.). Stockholm, KTH & Formas.
Stenberg (2015). "Invånare som medskapare i stadens utveckling". I: Gränsöverskridande stadsforskning: Erfarenheter
från sex hållbarhetsprojekt. Olofsdotter, Björnberg & Kopp. Stockholm, Formas.
Stenberg, Jenny, et al (2013). Framtiden är redan här: Hur invånare kan bli medskapare i stadens utveckling (The
Future is already here: How inhabitants may be codesigners in urban development). Göteborg, Chalmers Tekniska
Högskola. (can be downloaded from
Stenberg, Jenny (2010). "Tre bostadsområden: Olika typer av governance" (Three Neighbourhoods: Different Types of
Governance). I: I trygghetens namn (In the name of safety). Sahlin. Göteborg, Daidalos.
Stenberg, Jenny (2010). "Partnerskap för trygghet: Stadsutveckling eller social exkludering?" (Partnerships for Safety:
Urban Development or Social Exclusion?). I: I trygghetens namn (In the name of safety). Sahlin. Göteborg, Daidalos.
Stenberg, Jenny (2008). "Vi arkitekter är medspelare (We architects are co-actors)." Göteborgs-Posten September(11):
Femenías, Paula, Jenny Stenberg, Liane Thuvander (2007). ‘Rusta med miljön i fokus!’ (Environmental Focus in Regeneration Projects). In: Invandrare & Minoriteter, 34(4-5), 42-46.
Stenberg, Jenny, Liane Thuvander (2005). Att länka miljöeffekter och sociala effekter: Utvärdering av LIP-finansierade
bostadsförnyelseprojekt (Linking Environmental and Social Effects: Evaluation of Housing Regeneration Projects
Financed by the Local Investment Programme). Stockholm, Naturvårdsverket.
Andersson, Åsa, Ulf Borelius, Thomas Johansson, Kerstin Lökken, Ove Sernhede, Jenny Stenberg (2004). »Man måste
väl ibland tro att det som görs blir bra också» Goda projekt och sega strukturer – Rapport i utvärderingen av Storstadssatsningen i Göteborg (‘One must believe that what´s done also sometimes ends up well’ Good Projects and
Tough Structures – Report from the Evaluation of Local Development Agreements in Göteborg). Göteborg, Centrum
för Kulturstudier, Göteborgs Universitet.
Schulz, Solveig, Gunila Jivén, Inga Malmqvist, Jenny Stenberg & Lotta Särnbratt (2004). Arkitektur betyder: Om
trygghet och trivsel i fyra stadsdelar – Rapport i utvärderingen av Storstadssatsningen i Göteborg (Architecture
Matters: On Safety and Comfort in Four City Districts – Report from the Evaluation of Local Development Agreements in Göteborg). Göteborg, Chalmers Arkitektur.
Stenberg, Jenny (2004). »Hur får vi hela Göteborg engagerade i detta?» Utvärdering av Storstadssatsningen i Norra
Biskopsgården (»How may the entire city of Göteborg be involved in these issues?« Evaluation of Local Development Agreements in Northern Biskopsgården). Göteborg, Centrum för Kulturstudier, Göteborgs Universitet.
Gillberg, Gunnar & Jenny Stenberg (2002). Livsformsanalys och lokalt utvecklingsarbete: En pilotstudie om
analysmetodens potental vid studier av socialt kapital, social ekonomi och hållbar utveckling (Life Mode Analysis
and Local Development Work: A Field Investigation Concerning the Potential of this Method in Analysing Social
Capital, Social Economy and Sustainable Development). Göteborg, Göteborg University and Chalmers Architecture.
Stenberg, Jenny (2000). Villkor för lokala demokratiprocesser: En intervjuundersökning i Göteborg (Prerequisites for
Local Democracy Processes: A Field Investigation in Göteborg). Göteborg, Built Environment & Sustainable Development, Chalmers Architecture.
Interview about Learning Lab Hammarkullen: Codesigning Renovation to be sent in a series of programs on housing.
Swedish Television SVT. 2 Feb 2016.
Lecture. Old Havana: A photo cavalcade | Citizen Participation in Cuba. In the master course Design and Planning for
Social Inclusion at Chalmers Architecture Hammarkullen. 23 Oct, 2015.
Lecture. Tools and Methods for Citizen Participation in Urban Transformation. In the master course Design and Planning for Social Inclusion at Chalmers Architecture Hammarkullen, and online for Urban Systems, an architect
course on contemporary housing at the School of Architecture La Salla, Barcelona. 23 Oct, 2015. The film:
Lecture. Four Research Projects on Citizen Participation. In the master course Design and Planning for Social Inclusion at Chalmers Architecture Hammarkullen, and online for Urban Systems, an architect course on contemporary
housing at the School of Architecture La Salla, Barcelona. 13 Oct, 2015. The film:
Invited speaker. Reflexiónes: Participación Ciudadana Urbana. Suecia – Cuba. Colegio de San Gerónimo. Habana
Vieja, Cuba, 17 Dec, 2014.
Invited speaker. Urban Empowerment: Action research, field based higher education and community outreach in a
multi-ethnic suburb. Instituto Superior Politécnico, José Antonio Echeverri, Archuitectura, CUJAE, Havana, Cuba,
21 Nov, 2014.
Invited speaker. Samspelet mellan medborgarinitiativ och inbjudet deltagande i stadsplanering (The interplay between
citizen initiatives and invited participation in urban planning). »Samordnad stadsutveckling ‒ en förutsättning för
hållbarhet». Formas, Malmö Stad, Naturvårdsverket, Energimyndigheten, Riksantikvarieämbetet, Trafikverket.
Malmö, 20 maj 2014.
Lecture/training. Hur invånare kan bli medskapare i stadens utveckling – föredrag och diskussioner (How citizens may
become codesigners in ban urdevelopment – lectures and discussions). Jenny Stenberg and Pål Castell. Presentation
för med Västarvet & Kultur i Väst, 4 sep, 2013.
Lecture/training. Mellanplats – medborgardialog och professionella roller (Interplace – Citizen Dialogue and Professional Roles). Jenny Stenberg and Pål Castell. Presentation för Lundby SDF 13 juni, 2013.
Lecture/training. Mellanplats – medborgardialog och professionella roller (Interplace – Citizen Dialogue and Professional Roles). Jenny Stenberg and Pål Castell. Presentation för fastighetsägare och boende i Floda 25 april, 2013.
Lecture/training. Dialog som projekt eller process (Dialogue as Project or Process). Jenny Stenberg. Presentation för
Utveckling Nordost den 9 April 2013.
Invited speaker, ‘Urban empowerment through field based higher education in a multi-ethnic local community’ in the
theme ‘Involving the Community’, EUPRIO-conference ‘The Social Contract between Universities and Society’,
Gothenburg, Sep 7, 2012.
Invited speaker, ‘Medborgarens roll i stadsutveckling’ (The Role of the Citizens in Urban Planning’), Conference ‘Den
inkluderande staden’ (The inclusive city), Centrala Älvstaden, Gothenburg. March 23, 2011.
Invited speaker, ‘Urban Empowerment’, Pilot project 3. Conference. Mistra Urban Futures 3rd International IP Meeting, Kisumu, Kenya. March 7, 2011.
Invited speaker, ‘Interplace Planning: Erfarenheter från medborgardeltagande i Biskopsgården och studentprojekt i
Hammarkullen’. June 8, 2010. In SDF Härlanda-Örgryte, a seminar organized by the City District of Gothenburg.
Invited speaker, ‘Deltagandeplanering i stadsomvandling’. Bodagarna Gävle. April 22, 2010.
Invited speaker, ‘Interplace Planning: Erfarenheter från medborgardeltagande i Biskopsgården och studentprojekt i
Hammarkullen’. February 24, 2010. In Kommunstyrelsens planeringsdagar organized by the City of Gothenburg.
Invited speaker, ‘Interplace Planning: Erfarenheter från medborgardeltagande i Biskopsgården och studentprojekt i
Hammarkullen’. February 24, 2010. In Stadsarkitekträff, a seminar organized by Norconsult, Gothenburg.
Invited speaker, ‘Interplace Planning: Erfarenhtere från medborgardeltagande i Biskopsgården och studentprojekt i
Hammarkullen’. February 24, 2010. In Mellanrum at Stadsmuseet, a seminar organized by the City of Gothenburg.
Lecture on ‘Citizen Participation in Planning’ in the design studio Suburbs: Design & future challenges, in the master
programme Design for Sustainable Development, October 21, 2008. Chalmers Architecture, Gothenburg.
Invited speaker at the seminar Sustainable Urban Development, in the conference on Research for Sustainable Development, November 15 2007, Centre for Environment and Sustainability GMV, Gothenburg.
Lecture on the software ‘Hyper Research’ in the PhD course Case Study Methodology in Research on the Built Environment and Societal Change, October 16 2007. Chalmers Architecture, Gothenburg.
Lecture on ‘Social Aspects of Sustainable Development’. Invited speaker at public the conference ‘Socially sustainable
living environment’, April 3 2007. The Swedish Union of Tenants, Gothenburg.
Lecture on ‘Social Aspects of Sustainable Development’. Invited speaker at internal seminar, March 7 2007. The managerial body of ‘Hur 2050’, Gothenburg.
Paper presentation at the Evaluation in Planning, Sixth International Workshop, KTH Stockholm, Dec 9 2005.
Presentation of the evaluation of the Local investment programme (LIP). Invited speaker at public conference, Nov 11
2005. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Stockholm.
Final presentation of the evaluation of the Local Investment Programme (LIP) for the Council for Investment Programmes, Aug 24 2005. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Stockholm.
Presentation of the evaluation of the Local Development Agreements for civil servants in the city district Biskopsgården, March 17 2005, Göteborg.
Final presentation of the evaluation of the Local Development Agreements for politicians and civil servants in the municipality. Konference, Aug 31 2004, Göteborg.
Presentation of the evaluation of the Local Development Agreements at a seminar on democracy in the city district
Biskopsgården, Oct 11 2003, Göteborg.
Presentation of the evaluation of the Local Development Agreements for the municipal executive committee of Göteborg, June 16 2003.
Opponent at the conference Att förebygga brott och rädsla (To Prevent Crime and Fear), organised by the Municipality
of Göteborg, the University of Göteborg and Chalmers Architecture, Dec 6 2001.
Project presentation at the Seminar for Sustainable Development, organised by the Research Fund Adlerbertska, Handelshögskolan, Oct 23 2000, Göteborg.
Paper presentation, Mistra Bygg Program Seminar, Nov 3 1999, Stockholm.
Project presentation at the further education Stadsbyggande med miljöhänsyn (Urban planning with environmental
concern), Jan 29 1999, Chalmers Architecture, Göteborg.
Paper presentation, Mistra Bygg Program Seminar, June 12 1998, Gävle.
Paper presentation, Agenda 21 Seminar, Nov 24 1998, KTH, Stockholm.