Memos from Memorial
Memos from Memorial
MEMORIAL U NITED PRES BY TERIAN CHURC H Memos from Memorial V O LUME 6 , I SSUE 3 M ARC H 2016 The Ponderings “I regard everything as loss because of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things, and I regard them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of his sufferings by becoming like him in his death.” - Philippians 3:8-10 Our journey from Lent to Easter is not without difficulties nor sorrow nor pain. The very nature of the Lenten road is to see that within us which must die and to see the One who made that possible. Maybe our Lenten question should be “What should we count as rubbish in our life?” The power of the resurrection cannot be obtained without going first through death. What must we die to in this dark season? What is rubbish? And if death is all too present in our lives, how do we go to the cross without fear? We do not go there alone. Jesus goes before us and through the tomb and on to resurrection light. We can trust him. May Christ’s deepest peace and joy be with you as we walk from death to life. Pastor Kelley I N S I D E T HI S IS S UE : News for the Younger The Spoken Word 2 Youth News 3 Missions of Memorial 4 Lenten Events 5 Volunteers - Birthdays Events 6 Appreciations 7 Calendar 8 S PEC IA L P OI NT S O F I N TER ES T: March 2 & 16 - Kids Night Out March 10 & 17 - Lenten dinner/program March 20 - Palm Sunday March 24 - Maundy Thursday March 25 - Good Friday March 27 - Easter Sunday V O LUME 6 , I SSUE 3 P AGE 2 News for the Younger Set Sunday, February 7th, the Children’s Christian Ed class began their competition with the adult classes to see which class will be able to collect the most breakfast cereal and cereal bars, and new tooth brushes, tooth paste, bars of soap, toilet tissue, and deodorant for the FISH pantry. The whole congregation is asked to join in this friendly competition to help the families that visit the FISH pantry. We will extend the competition until Sunday, March 13th due to the fact that the last Sunday in February we will be worshiping at Westminster. Thank you for your support of our children’s projects. Place your items in the boxes outside of the Art Room to be counted for the competition!! Thank you!! Easter Sunday is on March 27th and we hope all of you and your families will be able to join us for a light breakfast right after sunrise service. Then immediately after our Intergenerational Christian Education Class with Pastor Kelley, all of your children and grandchildren are invited to join us for our annual Easter Egg hunt. I love this day and all of the hope and love that comes with it. It is also a day we get to spend time together with our families. A few weeks ago, the Youth started cleaning the youth room and after their hard work was done, they had a game night!! They also had a meeting to finalize some plans. We have established that Friday evenings are the best possible time for the kids to meet so that is when we will gather for faith lessons and fun!! The young people are so busy yet they are making time for Youth Group. I am so happy to have Friday evenings with them since they have so much school work throughout the week and the weekends are filled with band, color and winter guard and sports. The youth are making plans for spring camp, the Presbyterian Youth Triennium, summer camp, and also have some plans for our congregation. We will have more information to pass on to you in a few weeks. I am wishing you and your family many blessings during Lent and the coming Easter Season. ~Nancy The Spoken Word We continue in our season of Lent and lead into Easter season during the month of March. Pastor Kelley will be preaching from the Gospel of Luke as we continue to follow the Revised Common Lectionary readings. March 6 Fourth Sunday in Lent “Lost” Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 Communion Sunday March 13 Fifth Sunday in Lent “Anointed” March 24 Maundy Thursday With Westminster at Westminster 7:00 p.m. The Lord’s Supper March 25 Good Friday With Westminster at Memorial 7:00 p.m. Service of Tenebrae March 27 Resurrection of the Lord Sunrise Worship (8:00 a.m.) “Idle Tale” John 12:1-8 Luke 24:1-12 March 20 Easter Worship (10:30 a.m.) Passion/Palm Sunday “Stones” Luke 19:28-40 “Women Witness” Luke 24:1-12 V O LUME 6 , I SSUE 3 P AGE 3 Youth News Confirmed in the Faith We celebrated the receiving of Confirmation Youth Members on Sunday, February 14, during our morning worship at Memorial and February 28 at Westminster. God’s blessings to our Confirmation Youth: Caroline Prindle and Ian Johnson from Memorial and Cameron McCoy from Westminster The youth studied with Pastor Kelley and met with the Sessions to prepare for full membership into the church. Some of the Youth enjoying the fruits of their labor—game night in a clean youth lounge!! Youth Kroger Fund It’s time to renew or even sign up for the first time for the Kroger Community Rewards. Thank you to the 16 people who have signed up. We could use more participation. The Youth Kroger Fund is an easy way to help the youth of Memorial earn money for trips and camps. The only things that are needed are a Kroger Card and an e-mail account. If you feel comfortable signing up on your own, go to and follow the links for Community Rewards. Memorial’s account number is 81031. If you are not as comfortable navigating the website, please come to Nancy’s office throughout the month of March, Monday-Friday, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. with your Kroger Plus Card and your e-mail address and I will sign you up! Then the only thing you have to do when shopping at Kroger is to show the cashier your Kroger Plus Card (which you do anyway!) and Kroger will donate a portion of the funds to the Memorial Youth Group. Thank you for your support! ~Nancy M E MOS FROM M E MORIA L P AGE 4 Missions of Memorial This year as we move into Lent and prepare for One Great Hour of Sharing on March 20, I remain grateful for the transformation made possible through this special offering. In places like Kitui, Kenya, Asheville, North Carolina, and Iona, Michigan, those most in need are finding hope and help through the work of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, the Self-Development of People program, and their partners in ministry. In this media-driven environment of “the next big story,” it is easy to become distracted from the reality faced by our brothers and sisters around the world where poverty, disaster, and war cause displacement and suffering. This is why we continue to give to One Great Hour of Sharing. When we give this year, we give in faith— knowing that staff in the three One Great Hour of Sharing programs will be responding in Christ’s name to the cries of our sisters and brothers throughout the next year. We trust that they will respond as they did in West Africa in the wake of the devastating Ebola crisis: immediately, directly, and through our partners wherever the emergency occurs. But equally important, we know that they will remain in areas of devastation long after the news cameras have moved elsewhere as they continue rebuilding both lives and communities. Feeding the hungry, helping people build up their own livelihoods, responding to disasters—these are all ways that your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing are changing lives, changing communities, and changing the world. We’ll read about examples of this in bulletin inserts leading up to the Offering on Palm Sunday, March 20. Changing Lives, One Pair at a Time In just about any dresser drawer, one can find a pair of eyeglasses that are no longer being used. That same pair of eyeglasses can change another person's life. That's why we started the Lions Recycle for Sight program. Everyone can help. Throughout the year, Lions’ volunteers collect used eyeglasses and deliver them to regional Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centers (LERCs). LERC volunteers clean, sort by prescription strength and package the glasses. Most of the recycled glasses are distributed to people in need in developing countries where they will have the greatest impact. Eyeglass Recycling – How You Can Help Donate glasses and change someone's life. Imagine if you could help a child read. An adult succeed in his job. A senior maintain her independence. And provide a community with more opportunities to grow and thrive. There is a donation box on the table by the office to place your old glasses. FISH FOOD PANTRY Don’t forget that we collect for the FISH Food Pantry the 4th Sunday of each month, so plan ahead to bring in some nonperishables. If you forget, they will always take monetary donations to defray the costs of buying fresh food. Please place your donation in the specially marked envelope and drop in the offering plate. Help if you can! According to the director of FISH Pantry, 1615 adults and 887 children were helped in January alone! And the numbers keep rising… The Pantry is also in need of more helping hands. It only takes a few hours a week to make a big difference. Call to volunteer: 372 -8441. A Gift of Love: Second Sunday Café The Mission Ministry Team once again sponsored a drive to collect food for the FISH Food Pantry of Greene County. On February 14th, the congregation “paid” for their meals with canned goods for the pantry. Thank you for your generosity - the FISH Boat was overflowing! Bags 4 Beds next work days are March 8 and 22, 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall, to continue working on the mats for the homeless. For info, contact Elaine Anderson at 372-7139 or Ruby Rector at 372-6771. Thanks for all the plastic bags, but we have plenty now! M E MOS FROM M E MORIA L P AGE 5 Lenten Events Lenten Thursdays The Spiritual Growth Team invites you to two family Lenten dinner. On Thursday, March 10th the Xenia High School Chemistry Club will present a program to remind us of the unseen forces and powers of God. Dinner will be pizza, salad and brownies. On March 17th, Terry Reiff and David Fleming will trace the wilderness experience they had last summer during their trip through the Grand Canyon on the Colorado River. Dinner will be chili, salad and dessert. Mark these events on your calendar and plan to join us for these two great programs beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. GOOD FRIDAY DAY OF PRAYER Our Memorial chapel will be available from 10:00 a.m. to. 2:00 p.m. on Good Friday, March 25, for a time of silent and individual prayer. On this day of deep meaning and reflection, all are welcome to come pray, light a candle, write a prayer or just be silent before God. Sunday, March 20 – Palm Sunday 9:15 a.m. – Sunday School for all ages 10:30 a.m. – Worship service with the tradition of the Palms One Great Hour of Sharing Offering received Thursday, March 24 – Maundy Thursday 7:00 p.m. – we join together at Xenia Westminster Presbyterian to celebrate the Lord’s Supper Friday, March 25 – Good Friday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.—Good Friday Day of Prayer in the Chapel 7:00 p.m. – we invite Xenia Westminster Presbyterian to join us at Memorial for a Service of Tenebrae Sunday, March 27 – Easter Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Sunrise Service in the Fellowship Hall 8:30 a.m. – Light Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall 9:00 a.m. – Intergenerational Christian Education in the Fellowship Hall 9:45 a.m. – Easter Egg Hunt – out front (weather permitting) 10:30 a.m. – Easter Celebration in the Sanctuary Odd & Ends P AGE 6 V O LUME 6 , I SSUE 3 March Birthdays Remember in Prayer: Jay Upham, the families of Catherine Kyle and John Beason, Mike Ungard, Jerry Randall, Fred Berry, Barbara and Lew Meade, John Sparks, Bud and Jane Geyer, Carolyn Grimes, Hunter Minton, Bill Kruckemeyer, our shut-ins and military personnel and their families who wait for them to come home. Mary Boggs 2-Mar Eric Van Horn 2-Mar John Bloom 5-Mar Maryssa Smith Misamore 5-Mar Morgan Detty 6-Mar Nicholas Bradley 8-Mar Shayna Caraway 9-Mar Richard Grimes 10-Mar Keegan Noble 11-Mar Harry Davies 14-Mar Madeline Davis 15-Mar Carol Ondercin 15-Mar Bonnie Berry 18-Mar Carole Carlson 19-Mar Betty Van Horn 19-Mar Luke Prindle 20-Mar Jacqueline MacIntyre 21-Mar Dana Caraway 22-Mar Larry Ellsberry 25-Mar Carolyn Grimes 25-Mar Thanks to our volunteers! Tony McIlvaine 26-Mar Mary Beam 27-Mar Morning Fellowship Coffee Schedule Gail DeWall 27-Mar Margaret Parsley 28-Mar Tom Proctor 28-Mar Memorial Single Ladies Lunch A group of ladies in our church who are single at this time of their lives are getting together to eat out once a month. On Monday, March 21, we plan on eating at the Carillon Park Brewery in Dayton. We will meet at noon at the restaurant. Call Linda Howey at 376-9686 if you are interested in joining us. Welcome to our newest members! Marsha Saxer, Joyce Stacy and Kyle Ann McKiernan were welcomed into the membership of Memorial on February 14, 2016. March 6 - Deacons March 13 - Deacons March 20 - Deacons March 27 - Easter, no cookies Lay Readers Children's Sermon If I have missed anyone’s birthday, please let me know. Dawn Enoch, 376-9461 Thank you! Greeters Acolyte Ushers D - Sandi Jacobs 3/6 Beverly Harrison Michael Weller Shirley Lang Barber 3/13 Madeline Prindle Betsy Crandall Lillie Whitelow Alec 3/20 Terry Reiff Robin Riley Jane Alkire Poole 3/27 Judy Martin Debbie Bickett Carla Anderson E - Terry Reiff Appreciations Memorial United Presbyterian Church 343 West Ankeney Mill Road, Xenia, OH 45385 Church Office – 376-9461 Office Hours: MondayFriday, 9:00 am-2:00 pm E-mail: Website: Memorial United Presbyterian Church Dear Friends, on behalf of the FISH Food Pantry, our many volunteers, and the hundreds of Greene County Families we serve, thank you for your generous monetary support of $131.00. Your support helps us provide nutritious meals to families, the elderly and the very young. In January, the Xenia Area FISH Food Pantry served 1615 adults and 887 children—and the number of people in need continues to grow. We are grateful to donors like you who make such a meaningful difference in the lives of our community members during difficult times. Sincerely, Bob Bosl, Director ~~~ Dear Friends, Thank you for donation of $2085.00 from Sunday School and $1285 from Alternative Gift Market and other mission funds to X-Out Hunger Backpack Cuisine in 2015. The X-Out Hunger Endowment Program was developed by volunteers. Your support helps us to achieve our goal to eliminate weekend childhood hunger! Thank you for your support. Sincerely, X-Out Hunger Backpack Cuisine, Sandy Pramer and Jeanne Mills/Co-chairs March 13, 2016 Rev. Kelley Shin, Stated Supply Pastor Nancy Beam, Director of Youth & Children’s Ministries Michael Weller, Music Director Jill-Ann Bryant, Organist Dixie Szalejko, Memorial Preschool Director We’re on the Web: We are saddened to say good-bye to our sister, Catherine Kyle and our brother, John Beason, but we rejoice that they have gone home to be with our Savior. Please pray for their families. Please sign the attendance sheets in the pews each Sunday morning so we can get an accurate count of attendance. Bulletin information must be received in the office by Thursday at nine a.m. to guarantee inclusion in the next week’s bulletin. Newsletter information and articles must be received in the office by the 20th of each month to guarantee inclusion in the next Memos from Memorial. Do you need help? If you are ever hospitalized or want to receive a pastoral visit, or know of someone who does, please call the church office at 376-9461. If it is after hours, you may contact Pastor Shin at home: 350-5007. Her normal office schedule is Tuesday through Friday. Sunday 6 Monday 7 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 2 3 4 5 9:00 AM Preschool - West Wing 9:00 AM Preschool West Wing 5:30 PM Kids Night Out! - Art Room 6:30 PM Bell Choir Rehearsal - Parlor 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room 9:00 AM Preschool West Wing 10:00 AM Pastor's Bible Study - Library 6:00 PM Visitation for John Beason - Neeld Funeral Home 7:00 PM Youth Group 10:00 AM John Beason Memorial Service Neeld Funeral Home 11:00 AM Graveside Service at New Burlington cemetary 12:00 AM Funeral meal - FH 11 12 18 19 8 9 10 7:30 AM Men's Fellowship Breakfast - Xenia Frisch's 9:00 AM Preschool - West Wing 9:30 AM Bags 4 Beds - FH 5:00 PM Worship and Music Team - Computer Room 6:00 PM Spiritual Growth Team - Room 1 6:00 PM Stewardship Team Library 7:00 PM Mission Team - Computer Room 7:00 PM Personnel Team Library 9:00 AM Preschool West Wing 6:30 PM Bell Choir Rehearsal - Parlor 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room 9:00 AM Preschool West Wing 10:00 AM Pastor's Bible Study - Library 6:00 PM Lenten Dinner - FH 13 14 15 16 17 9:00 AM Preschool - West Wing 1:30 PM Ruth Circle 9:00 AM Preschool - West Wing 9:00 AM Preschool West Wing 5:30 PM Kids Night Out! - Art Room 6:30 PM Bell Choir Rehearsal - Parlor 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room 9:00 AM Preschool West Wing 10:00 AM Pastor's Bible Study - Library 6:00 PM Lenten Dinner - FH 21 22 23 24 9:00 AM Preschool - West Wing 12:00 PM Memorial Ladies Lunch Carillon Brewery Dayton Deadline for Memos 9:00 AM Preschool - West Wing 9:30 AM Bags 4 Beds - FH 7:00 PM Deacon Meeting Room 1 7:00 PM Session Meeting Library 7:00 PM Trustee Meeting Computer Room 9:00 AM Preschool West Wing 6:30 PM Bell Choir Rehearsal - Parlor 7:30 PM Choir Re9:00 AM Preschool hearsal - Choir West Wing Room 9:30 AM Morning Friendship Circle Pam Daum's home 10:00 AM Pastor's Bible Study - Library 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday Service at Westminster 28 29 30 31 Office closed for the holiday Preschool on Spring Break Preschool on Spring Break Preschool on Spring Break 6:30 PM Bell Choir Rehearsal - Parlor 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room Preschool on Spring Break 10:00 AM Pastor's Bible Study - Library 9:15 AM Christian Education Classes - East Wing & Parlor 10:30 AM Worship - Sanctuary 11:45 AM Fellowship - Narthex 9:15 AM Christian Education Classes - East Wing & Parlor 10:30 AM Worship - Sanctuary 11:45 AM Fellowship - Narthex 27 FISH Food Pantry Collection Day 8:00 AM Sunrise Service - FH 8:30 AM Breakfast - FH 9:00 AM Intergenerational Christian Education - FH 9:45 AM Easter Egg Hunt Outside (weather permitting) 10:30 AM Worship - Sanctuary Saturday 1 9:15 AM Christian Education 9:00 AM PreClasses - East Wing & Parlor school - West 10:30 AM Worship with Com- Wing munion - Sanctuary 11:45 AM Fellowship - Narthex 20 Friday 7:00 PM Youth Group 25 10:00 - 2:00 Good Friday Day of Prayer Chapel 7:00 PM Good Friday Service – Sanctuary 26