Sell what you have plenty of Buy now what you really love
Sell what you have plenty of Buy now what you really love
“Sell what you have plenty of Buy now what you really love” Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, freely adapted from Piet Hein Alexa, Frederik and Jesper Bruun Rasmussen with Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers of Fine Art request the pleasure of your company for the opening of the Auction Preview: Tres år – Trésor – 60 years at Bredgade Wednesday, the 12th of November 2008 at 17.00 to 20.00 hours. Dagens program: 18.00 Jesper Bruun Rasmussen Velkomst Auktionssalen 18.10 Frederik Bruun Rasmussen Skagensmalerne på auktion Auktionssalen 18.20 Anna von Lowzow Om filmen P.S. Krøyer – Sikken Fest Auktionssalen 18.40 Lise Svanholm Kunstnerkolonien på Skagen Auktionssalen Filmen P.S. Krøyer – Sikken Fest vises løbende samtlige eftersynsdage Foredrag af 15 minutters varighed ved husets specialister kl. 17.30, 18.30 og 19.30: Birte Stokholm C. W. Eckersberg 1. sal (1.1) Bettina Sinnet Vilhelm Hammershøi 2. sal Anders Fredsted Ældre møbler 1. sal (1.11) Alexa Bruun Rasmussen Sølv Mezzanin Katrin Mikkelsen-Sørensen Diamanter 1. sal (1.15) Kristian Haagen Armbåndsure 2. sal (1.7) Kasper Nielsen Russisk kunst 3. sal Sebastian Hauge Lerche Bøger 1. sal (1.8) Henrik Schleppegrell Tæpper 1. sal Peter Christmas-Møller Moderne kunst Bredgade 25 Peter Kjelgaard Dansk møbelkunst Bredgade 25 Vi kan desværre ikke tilbyde parkering i gården. Bredgade 31 (2.1) (1.10) Alexa, Frederik og Jesper Bruun Rasmussen samt Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner har hermed den glæde at invitere Dem med ledsager til åbningen af eftersynet: Tres år – Trésor – 60 år i Bredgade Onsdag den 12. november 2008 kl. 17.00 til 20.00. Sixty Years of Pleasures and Treasures This autumn, Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers of Fine Art celebrates its 60th Anniversary by presenting a wealth of pleasures and treasures at auction - a true horn of plenty. We are proud to offer various paintings by the founder of the Danish Golden Age C.W. Eckersberg, a number of splendid Skagen paintings by P.S Krøyer and Michael Ancher, significant works by Vilhelm Hammershøi and city views from the old Copenhagen by Paul Fischer. Modern art includes principal works by Danish artists Wilhelm Lundstrøm, Henry Heerup, Tal R and Michael Kvium and well-known foreign artists such as Tom Wesselmann, Mel Ramos and Andy Warhol. Antiques include magnificent crystal chandeliers, rare signed furniture, gilt mirrors and fine jewellery and collectibles from antiquity to our time. This exclusive selection of treasures is just a small reflection of what has engaged us since Arne Bruun Rasmussen knocked down the hammer for the first time. Today, sixty years later, this legacy is carried on by the second and third generations. Enjoy the treasure hunt! Jesper Bruun Rasmussen Trésor - 60 years auction 18 November 2008 at 6 pm 20 November 2008 at 6 pm preview Wednesday 12 November 5 pm - 8 pm Thursday 13 November 1 pm - 5 pm Friday 14 November 1 pm - 5 pm Saturday 15 November 11 am - 4 pm Sunday 16 November 11 am - 4 pm Monday 17 November 11 am - 4 pm Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 Copenhagen K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 · Tres år – Trésor Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner fejrer i dette efterår sit tres års jubilæum – og hvad kunne være mere naturligt end at markere de tres år med et katalog fuld af skatte. Vi præsenterer en perlerække af malerier af den danske Guldalders fader C.W. Eckersberg, prægtige Skagens-billeder af P.S. Krøyer og Michael Ancher, en stribe væsentlige værker af Vilhelm Hammershøi samt populære motiver fra det gamle København af Paul Fischer. Også den moderne kunst er med. Hovedværker af Wilhelm Lundstrøm, Heerup, Tal R og Michael Kvium samt billeder af store udenlandske kunstnere som Tom Wesselmann, Mel Ramos og Andy Warhol. Antikviteterne er repræsenteret med pragtfulde prismekroner, signerede møbler, forgyldte spejle og kommoder, strålende juveler samt samlerobjekter fra oldtiden til vore dage. Udbuddet af denne skat – trésor – viser, hvad vi har beskæftiget os med i de tres år, der er gået siden Arne Bruun Rasmussen svingede hammeren for første gang. Nu er det anden og tredje generation, der skal løfte arven. God skattejagt! Jesper Bruun Rasmussen Tres år - Trésor auktion 18. November 2008 kl. 18 20. November 2008 kl. 18 eftersyn Onsdag 12. November 17 - 18 Torsdag 13. November 13 - 17 Fredag 14. November 13 - 17 Lørdag 15. November 11 - 16 Søndag 16. November 11 - 16 Mandag 17. November 11 - 16 Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 · auction 795 tuesday 18 november 6 pm tresór - 60 years selected paintings wednesdy 19 november 1 pm thursday 20 november 1 pm 6 pm friday 1 - 79 paintings 200 - 424 paintings and drawings 425 - 614 tresór - 60 years modern paintings and design antiques 101 - 187 21 november 11 pm monday 24 november 1 pm tuesday 25 november 1 pm russian paintings and antiques (separate catalogue) furniture and clocks furniture and clocks wednesday 26 november 1 pm thursday 27 november 1 pm friday 28 november 1 pm silver and jewellery oriental works of art and carpets ceramics and glass 700 - 1070 Tuesday 18 November at 6 pm lot 1 - 79 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 12 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 1 1 Philip August Fischer b. Rudkøbing 1817, d. Copenhagen 1907 View of "Kastellet" in Copenhagen. Signed and dated Ph. Aug. Fischer 1852. Oil on canvas. 55 x 66 cm. "Kastellet" (The Citadel) located in Copenhagen is one of the best preserved fortifications in Northern Europe. DKK 30.000-50.000 / € 4.000-6.700 12 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 13 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 2 Dankvart Dreyer b. Assens 1816, d. Barløse 1852 "Hulvejen ved Forbæk bro i nærheden af Silkeborg". The sunken road at Forbæk bridge close to the town of Silkeborg. A study. 1841. Unsigned. Oil on canvas mounted on canvas. 28 x 37 cm. Damborg frame. Leo Swane, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Dankvart Dreyer no. 110, reproduced p. 74. A study for no. 111 in the Catalogue Raisonné, that one exhibited at Charlottenborg in 1842 and later sold at ABR auction 734, 2004 no. 1511. Suzanne Ludvigsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Dankvart Dreyer no. 121. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Udstilling af Dankwart Dreyers Arbejder", 1912 no. 58. Stockholm, "Utställning av dansk konst från 1800-talets förra hälft", 1922 no. 24. Fyns Stiftsmuseum Odense, "Mindeudstilling for Dankvart Dreyer 1816-1852", 1952 no. 49, reproduced p. 23. Aarhus Kunstmuseum, "Jylland i Dansk Malerkunst", 1956 no. 84, reproduced p. 3. Literature: "Kunst i Privateje", 1945, vol. II, p. 53, mentioned p. 59-60. Herman Madsen, "200 Danske Malere og deres Værker", 1946, vol. I, p. 169, fig. 2. Kirstine og Hjalmar Bruhn, "Malerier, Tegninger, Kunstindustri" volumes I-III, 1934-1954, reproduced here. Provenance: Miss Wilhelmine Knudsen, a present from the artist. Oluf Knudsen, Policeman (1901). Same year bought by Julius Hertz, Merchant. Peter Hertz, Curator, Winkel & Magnussen auction 189, 1936 no. 3, reproduced p. 9. The collection of Hjalmar Bruhn, Shipbroker, ABR auction 276, 1972 no. 1, reproduced p. 7. The collection of Frands Hougaard, Doctor. DKK 100.000-125.000 / € 13.000-17.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 2 13 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 14 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 3 Jens Juel and his workshop b. Balslev, Funen 1745, d. Copenhagen 1802 A portrait of Batholomæus Hansteen (1743-1820), Customs Officer, sitting at a table holding some letters and a quill. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 56 x 43 cm. On the reverse an old inscription: "The face is painted by the Danish portrait painter Jens Juel". DKK 125.000-150.000 / € 17.000-20.000 4 Jens Juel b. Balslev, Funen 1745, d. Copenhagen 1802 Hindsgavl Slot. Hindsgavl manor house. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 38 x 51 cm. Provenance: ABR auction 205, 1967 no. 9, from a Danish private collection. The collection of Frands Hougaard, Doctor. Ellen Poulsen mentions two views of Hindsgavl: "Udsigt over Lillebælt fra Hindsgavl" (View of the Little Belt from Hindsgavl) and "Udsigt fra Hindsgavl over Middelfart og Lillebælt" (View from Hindsgavl over the town of Middelfart and the Little Belt) C. 1799/1800. 42 x 62 cm each. These counterparts are in the Thorvaldsens Museum. The present painting is a bit smaller and shows Hindsgavl manor house. The two views from Hindsgavl in the Thorvaldsens Museum were commissioned by the owner of Hindsgavl manor house, Christian Holger Adeler. It is likely that he also commissioned the painting here of the manor house. It is interesting to notice that Jens Juel often painted landscapes in pairs. A pendant to this painting could be no. 719 in Ellen Poulsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Jens Juel. "Udsigt mod Frederiksgave på Fyn" (View of Frederiksgave) with the same measurements 38 x 51 cm. Also see note for 719 p. 197 in Ellen Poulsen. DKK 300.000-400.000 / € 40.000-54.000 3 14 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 15 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 4 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 15 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 16 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 5 Christen Købke b. Copenhagen 1810, d. s. p. 1848 Portrait of Margrethe Hahn, married Stougaard. Half-lenght portrait in profile with a blue silk headscarf. Signed and dated on the reverse C. Købke 14-9-1829, this now covered by a new canvas. Oil on canvas. 21 x 18 cm. Emil Hannover, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Christen Købke no. 16 (in the note). Mario Krohn, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Christen Købke no. 18. Hans Edvard Nørregård-Nielsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Christen Købke no. 18. Exhibited: Guildhall, London, "Exhibition of Works by Danish Painters", 1907 no. 220, in that case with a wrong provenance: Mario Krohn. Kunstforeningen, "Fortegnelse over Christen Købkes Malerier", 1912 no. 19. Kunstforeningen, "Christen Købke", 1953 no. 14. Statens Museum for Kunst, "Christen Købke 1810-1848", 1996 no. 18. Literature: Hans Edvard Nørregård-Nielsen, "Christen Købke - Omkring Kastellet", vol. I, 1996, p. 102 and 112, reproduced p. 104. Mogens Nykjær, "Kundskabens billeder. Om Christen Købke" in "Argos. Tidsskrift for kunstvidenskab - visuel kommunikation - kunstpædagogik" no. 3, 1986 p. 27. Provenance: Always in the possession of the family of Margrethe Hahn. Søren Sørensen, Doctor, Thisted (1893). Jerslev, Pharmacist, Fjerritslev (1953). 5 16 In a diary from 1829 Købke writes the following on the 12th of August: "Started to paint Grethe" and again on the 14th of September: "Finished the painting of Grethe". (Mario Krohn, "Maleren Christen Købkes Arbejder", 1915 p. 5). In the summer of 1829 Købke spent a couple of months at the vicar J. C. Hahn's home. Here Købke flirted with one of the Vicar's two daughters, Margrethe, called Grethe. He painted the present portrait for the family, and a repetition for himself as a memory. Hans Edvard Nørregård-Nielsen, Art Historian, charmingly describes the small, fine portrait in "Christen Købke Omkring Kastellet" p. 112: "Her face is like a winter apple, but with a sweetness, that goes downwards and gathers around her mouth, while the sadness in her eyes most certainly is due to her youth and the fact that the two of them were about to part". DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 17 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 6 6 I. C. Dahl b. Bergen 1788, d. Dresden 1857 "Møens Klint". The Cliffs of Møn. Signed and dated Dahl 1828. Oil on paper mounted on canvas. 10 x 15,8 cm. Marie Lødrup Bang, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of I. C. Dahl no. 586. Provenance: The estate auction of the late J. A. Blom, Titular Councillor of State, and wife, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen 1912 no. 388. P. Søsterhagen, Kristiania 1920. J. A. Greislingaa's sale at Blomqvist Kunsthandel, Oslo 1964 no. 15. Blomqvist Kunsthandel, Oslo 2003 no. 256. Two other well-known Golden Age painters, C. W. Eckersberg (lot 7) and P. C. Skovgaard (lot 30), are represented in this sale with views of the Cliffs of Møn. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 17 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 18 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 7 C. W. Eckersberg b. Blåkrog, Aabenraa 1783, d. Copenhagen 1853 "Anden Udsigt til Sommerspiret". The second view of "Sommerspiret". 1809. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 39 x 45 cm. Emil Hannover, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of C. W. Eckersberg no. 58. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Udstillingen af C. W. Eckersbergs Malerier", 1895 no. 37. Aarhus Kunstmuseum, "C. W. Eckersberg", 1983 no. 15. Nivaagaards Malerisamling, "Møen i dansk kunst - Naturromantik i Guldalderen", 1994 no. 9. Literature: Peter Michael Hornung & Kasper Monrad, "C. W. Eckersberg dansk malerkunsts fader", 2005 p. 66-81, reproduced p. 66 and 71. Provenance: Christopher von Bülow of Nordfeld, Møn, Prefect and Chamberlain. Baron Güldencrone of Vilhelmsborg. In his family until now. In 1809 Christopher von Bülow commissioned a series of landscape paintings by Eckersberg. He wanted Eckersberg to paint the manor Nordfeld, but also the surrounding landscapes - including Møns Klint, the Cliffs of Møn with the "Sommerspiret" - the now vanished chalk spire at the top of the cliffs. Eckersberg depicted the cliffs in two small companion pieces: the present one focusing on the cliffs and the "Sommerspiret", the counterpart first and foremost presenting a view of the Baltic (Hannover no. 57). Both views are framed by trees and leaves and in the foreground the elegantly dressed walkers are wandering on the paths in the area. From here you could experience the grandiose and dramatic scenery around the cliffs - a rare sight in Denmark that artists and visitors flocked to at that time. About 1800 people became aware of nature from a new perspective. Not only the utility value was of interest, nature's different atmospheres could be experienced and perceived, preferably at the most spectacular and untouched spots - as Møns Klint - but always at a safe distance, like in the present painting with visitors sitting on a bench and standing behind a fence. It is uncertain, how many paintings Eckersberg painted for Christopher von Bülow during and after his stay at Nordfeld, but the series of landscape paintings was Eckersberg's last large job before he in 1810 started to make preparations for his journey to Paris and Rome, from which he returned to Copenhagen not until 1816. Two paintings from the Møn series are today in the Statens Museum for Kunst (The Danish National Gallery). Two other well-known Golden Age painters, I. C. Dahl (lot 6) and P. C. Skovgaard (lot 30), are represented in this sale with views of the Cliffs of Møn. DKK 1.500.000-2.000.000 / € 201.000-268.000 18 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 19 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 7 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 19 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 20 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 8 8 Heinrich Hansen b. Haderslev 1821, d. Frederiksberg 1890 Visitors exploring the ruins of Pompei. Signed and dated H. H. 69. Oil on canvas. 31 x 40 cm. DKK 75.000-100.000 / € 10.000-13.000 20 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 21 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 9 9 Fritz Petzholdt b. Copenhagen 1805, d. Patras 1838 Italian landscape with a young couple on a path. Unsigned. Inscribed on the reverse E. C. F. Petzholdt. Oil on paper mounted on canvas. 29 x 39 cm. DKK 50.000-75.000 / € 6.700-10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 21 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 22 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 10 C. F. Sørensen b. Samsø 1818, d. Copenhagen 1879 "Kjöbenhavns indre Rhed. Orlogsskibe under Eqvipering i Foraaret 1851". The Port of Copenhagen with warships being equipped in the spring of 1851. Signed and dated C. Fredrik Sørensen 1862. Oil on canvas. 110 x 162 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1862 no. 200. DKK 200.000-300.000 / € 27.000-40.000 22 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 23 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 10 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 23 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 24 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 11 I. L. Jensen b. Copenhagen 1800, d. s. p. 1856 Lillies, roses, bindweeds and dahlias in a “greek vase” on a table top with a fruit bowl and a branch of black cherries. Signed and dated I. L. Jensen 1838. Oil on canvas. 81 x 65 cm. DKK 200.000-300.000 / € 27.000-40.000 11 24 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 25 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 12 C. W. Eckersberg b. Blåkrog, Aabenraa 1783, d. Copenhagen 1853 "En Storm”/"Blæsevejr". Stormy weather. 1845. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 32 x 28 cm. Emil Hannover, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of C. W. Eckersberg no. 583. Literature: The exhibition catalogue “Nivaagaard viser Marstrand”, 1992 p. 94. Erik Fischer, “C. W. Eckersberg. His mind and times”, 1993 reproduced p. 118. Peter Michael Hornung & Kasper Monrad, “C. W. Eckersberg - dansk malerkunsts fader”, 2005, reproduced p. 364 and p. 362-363 (detail). Provenance: The collection of Willy Breinholst, Author and Humorist. Emil Hannover is quoting from Eckersberg's diary on the 12th of April 1845: "Anlagt et lille Genrebillede" (Started on a new genre painting) and on the 16th of May 1845: "Arbeidet paa og er blevet færdig med et lille Genrebillede "en Storm". (I have been working on and have now finished a small genre painting "a storm"). DKK 1.000.000-1.200.000 / € 134.000-161.000 12 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 25 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 26 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 13 26 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 27 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 13 Friedrich Thøming b. Eckernförde 1802, d. Naples 1873 The Bay of Naples with fishermen carrying the catch of the day ashore. Signed and dated Thöming 1842. Oil on canvas. 75 x 97 cm. Thøming studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen 1823-1824. He then moved to Italy and lived there for the rest of his life. He exhibited at Charlottenborg 1823-1853. Among the buyers of his paintings were the Royal Family, the sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen, who owned several paintings by Thøming, and well-known Danish high officials as etatsråd (Titular Councillor of State) Bugge, hofråd (Court Official) Hambro and grosserer (Merchant) Puggaard. DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 14 C. W. Eckersberg b. Blåkrog, Aabenraa 1783, d. Copenhagen 1853 "En Brig". The brig "Møen", a training ship for naval cadets. 1823. Unsigned. Oil on canvas mounted on board. 45 x 56 cm. Emil Hannover, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of C. W. Eckersberg no. 305. Provenance: Captain Deconink. The collection of Frands Hougaard, Doctor. Eckersberg writes the following in his diary on the 23rd of March 1823: "Af Cpt. Deconink 40 Rbdr. Sølv for 2 Søestykker Corvetten og Briggen". (Received 40 Rbdr. Silver from Captain Deconink for the two seascapes). DKK 150.000-200.000 / € 20.000-27.000 14 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 27 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 28 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 15 Jens Juel b. Balslev, Funen 1745, d. Copenhagen 1802 15 28 A pair of portraits of bookkeeper at Asiatisk Kompagni Christophe Battier (died in Paris 1783) and his wife Anna Elisabeth Battier, née Storp (17551793). He is wearing a dark reddish brown jacket and is sitting at a table which is covered by a green cloth, on the table some books. She is wearing a brownish dress with lace at the elbows and a greyishwhite cape. Her hair is put up and around her neck a black ribbon. She is holding a basket with roses in her hands. Both unsigned. Both oil on canvas. 78 x 62 cm each. Period frames. (2). BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 29 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM The artist's own repetitions of no. 117 and 118 in Ellen Poulsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Jens Juel. She is dated 1771, he is dated 1772 and both are signed. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Jens Juel Udstillingen", 1909 no. 20 and 21. Literature: E. F. S. Lund, "Danske malede Portrætter", vol. I, 1895 p. 21. Provenance: Mrs. Mary Gamborg (her mother was née Battier) (1909). The paintings were owned by the family until 1931. Winkel & Magnussen auction 99, 1931 no. 80 and 81, reproduced p. 10 and 11. DKK 750.000 / € 101.000 15 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 29 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 30 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 16 C. W. Eckersberg b. Blåkrog, Aabenraa 1783, d. Copenhagen 1853 "Castel St. Angelo". View across the Tiber towards Castel St. Angelo in Rome. 1818. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 38 x 55 cm. Emil Hannover, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of C. W. Eckersberg no. 229, owned by Count Bille-Brahe of Hvedholm. The painting is a companion piece of Hannover's no. 246 ("Monte Aventino", 1819) also owned by Count Bille-Brahe of Hvedholm. Provenance: The estate of the late Baron Preben Bille-Brahe-Selby, Winkel & Magnussen auction 112, 1932 no. 12, reproduced p. 5 - here also the companion piece was sold. Peter Hougaard, Painter, and wife Laura Hougaard, née La Cour, married first time Dinesen, Rungstedgaard. The collection of Frands Hougaard, Doctor. ckersberg stayed in Rome 1813-1816 and painted the present work after his return to Copenhagen. The painting looks very much like a smaller work painted c. 1815 in Rome, it shows the same locality and has since 1889 been in the possession of the Statens Museum for Kunst (The Danish National Gallery) (28,5 x 44 cm, Hannover no. 183). The last-mentioned is a counterpart of Hannover's no. 182 painted in Rome at the same time and also showing the Tiber but here with the Ponte Rotto bridge in 30 the foreground and the Mount Aventine in the background, also owned by the Statens Museum for Kunst since 1909. It seems Bille-Brahe commissioned two slightly larger versions of the two views of the Tiber. Bille-Brahe's "Mount Aventine" painting is very close to the earlier painting at the Statens Museum for Kunst, only a few alterations in the group of figures in the foreground have been made. In the present version of the "Castel St. Angelo" motif Eckersberg has incorporated more Roman street life and a small anecdote, than in the smaller painting at the Statens Museum for Kunst. A young Italian girl is washing clothes in the fountain "Fontana della Barchetta" to the left, while following the couple in the foreground, who are having a proper southern quarrel, closely. The intention with Eckersberg’s stay in Rome was to improve his history painting. But the Roman architecture captured his interest and he decided to paint some of the greatest views of Rome instead, while focusing on the architecture and precision in colour, form and lines. (Peter Michael Hornung og Kasper Monrad, "C. W. Eckersberg - dansk malerkunsts fader", 2005 from p. 132). His project was not to paint the most famous Roman localities, nor did he, with the exception of the two pairs of views of the Tiber, where one of Rome’s most characteristic landmarks, the Castel St. Angelo, is pictured. DKK 2.000.000-2.500.000 / € 268.000-335.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 31 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 16 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 31 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 32 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 17 Wilhelm Marstrand f. Copenhagen 1810, d. s. p. 1873 A newly married couple. Crown Prince Frederik (the later Frederik V) and Crown Princess Louise sharing cherries in their home at Charlottenborg. (After Charlotte Dorothea Biehl's letters). Signed and dated W. M. 1868. Oil on canvas. 56 x 37 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1869 no. 135. Kunstforeningen, "Marstrand Udstilling", 1898 no. 476. Literature: Smaa Kunstbøger no. 10, 1913 reproduced p. 55. Provenance: Ferdinand Meldahl, Titular Councillor of State and Architect. Miss Charlotte Dorothea Biehl (1731-1788) was by her friend, Johan von Bülow, asked to write about her time and nearest past in a row of letters for him only. The letters were published in 1865 and were interesting, because Miss Biehl was very well-informed about the conditions of her time, especially at Court. For a period she lived at Charlottenborg, where also the Crown Prince resided, and there she made her observations: "Especially I remember the last Christmas Eve. The Princess was standing in her room and the Prince came to her with a plate full of cherries ... But how did they eat them? She held the stalk in her mouth, so he had to eat the cherry from her lips, and she got hers in the same way from his lips". This text gave Marstrand the inspiration for his colourful romantic painting. Karl Madsen, "Wilhelm Marstrand", 1905 p. 382. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 18 Wilhelm Marstrand b. Copenhagen 1810, d. s. p. 1873 “En Kildereise”. A trip to the springs. A horse-drawn carriage with many people on their way to the springs. Indistinctly signed and dated W. M. 1830? Oil on canvas. 29 x 42 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1830 no. 85. Bought by King Christian VIII. Kunstforeningen, "Marstrand Udstilling" 1898 no. 4, belonging to E. le Marie, Wholesale Dealer. Provenance: King Christian VIII. Emil le Marie, Wholesale Dealer. Winkel & Magnussen auction 337, 1947 no. 248, reproduced p. 9. Winkel & Magnussen auction 342, 1947 no. 118, reproduced p. 9. ABR auction 291, 1973 no. 168, reproduced p. 27. DKK 225.000 / € 30.000 17 32 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 33 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 18 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 33 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 34 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 19 Jens Juel b. Balslev, Funen 1745, d. Copenhagen 1802 "Landskab ved Øresund". Landscape near Øresund. View of Aggershvile, Strandvejen and Øresund (The Sound) seen from a place near Mathildehøj (Mathilde Hill). In the background the island Hven. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 55 x 76 cm. Ellen Poulsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Jens Juel no. 823, reproduced vol. II, p. 528. Exhibited: Städtisches Museum Flensburg, "Ausstellung Dänischer Malerei" 1948 no. 79. Provenance: The estate of the late Baron Preben Bille-Brahe-Selby, Winkel & Magnussen auction 112, 1932 no. 31. Peter Hougaard, Painter, and wife Laura Hougaard, née La Cour, married first time Dinesen, Rungstedgaard. The collection of Frands Hougaard, Doctor. As in many of Jens Juel's paintings the contrast between the peasant population and the master and mistress is clear. In the present work the harvesters are to the left with a little boy pointing at an elegant lady in a light dress to the right - while her daughter is bringing her wild flowers. DKK 1.500.000-2.000.000 / € 201.000-268.000 34 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 35 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 19 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 35 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 36 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 36 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 37 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 20 20 Frederik Theodor Kloss b. Braunschweig 1802, d. Copenhagen 1876 Seascape with American ships of the line. Unsigned. Oil on canvas mounted on panel. 77 x 110 cm. DKK 150.000-200.000 / € 20.000-27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 37 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 38 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 21 Wilhelm Marstrand b. Copenhagen 1810, d. s. p. 1873 "Parablen. Den store Nadver". The Parable of the Great Supper. Religious scene from Luke chapter 14:16-24. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 96 x 142 cm. Literature: Karl Madsen, "Wilhelm Marstrand", 1905 p. 315 pp. Gitte Valentiner, "Wilhelm Marstrand", 1992 p. 147 pp. Otto Marstrand, "Wilhelm Marstrand", 2003 p. 193 pp. During a stay in Sorø, where Marstrand was commissioned to portray B. S. Ingemann, the Hymn Writer and Clergyman, Marstrand went to a service where "The Parable of the Great Supper" was the text of the day. The painting here is a preliminary work for the large painting (190 x 280 cm) now in the Statens Museum for Kunst (The Danish National Gallery). It took Marstrand about 10 years to complete the painting. It was bought by the museum when it was first exhibited at Charlottenborg in 1869. People were carried away by the way he represented the topic. The smaller version here is a finished painting very similar to the version in the museum. St. Luke's Gospel tells us the story about a rich man who invites his friends for dinner. Everyone has an excuse not to come. It makes him angry and he asks his servants to go into town and invite the poor, the blind and other disabled people for dinner. Inspiration for the composition of this painting is "Levi's Feast" by Paolo Veronese in Venice. The painting is dominated by a hall supported by Corinthian columns. The host welcomes his guests, among others a poor shepherd and a blind helped to the table by a child. The dregs of society are enjoying the well-provided tables. A mother and her children are seen at a table to the left and to the right is another mother with all her children inspecting the delicacies. Music is played and there is a nice view of the market place and the mountains in the background. Wilhelm Marstrand wanted to depict "The ideal love of mankind". It is a kind of testament: showing his humanistic outlook through the painting. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 38 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 39 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 21 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 39 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 40 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 22 Albert Küchler b. Copenhagen 1803, d. Rome 1886 "Italienske Jægere i et Vertshuus". Hunters in an osteria. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 72 x 63 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1840 no. 37. Provenance: Justitsråd (Councellor) Wilde in Randers. (1840). Etatsråd (Titular Councellor of State) Fenger. Mrs. Barnekow. Albert Küchler moved to Rome in 1830 and settled there for the rest of his life. He felt like a native Roman and converted to Catholicism in 1844 and became a monk. Hereafter he only painted religious motifs. Albert Küchler has here managed to catch the atmosphere of the Italian osteria. The innkeeper at the fireplace, his wife pouring wine, the hunters enjoying the wine and the innkeeper's daughter trying to attract the attention of the young hunter by showing him a kitten. DKK 75.000-125.000 / € 10.000-17.000 23 Friedrich Thøming b. Eckernförde 1802, d. Naples 1873 The Italian coast. Signed and dated F. Thøming 1850. Oil on canvas. 67 x 101 cm. DKK 150.000-200.000 / € 20.000-20.000 22 40 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 41 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 23 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 41 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 42 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 24 Carl Balsgaard f. Copenhagen 1812, d. s. p. 1893 Still life with oysters, lobster, flowers and fruit on a table near a window. Signed and dated C. Balsgaard 1854. Oil on canvas. 128 x 98 cm. Frame decorated with gilt DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 ornamentation. 25 Frans Snyders b. Antwerp 1579, d. s. p. 1657 Nature morte with roe deer, wild fowl, parrots, lobster and oysters. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 120 x 183 cm. DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 24 42 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 43 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 25 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 43 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 44 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 26 Albert Küchler b. Copenhagen 1803, d. Rome 1886 Two young Italian women playing with an infant on a terrace. In the background a view of Lake Nemi. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 96 x 83 cm. Unframed. A painting with a nearly identical motif was sold at ABR auction 366, 1977 no. 126. The painting was signed and dated 1837 with the measurement 43 x 36 cm. It could be a study for the present painting. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 27 Constantin Hansen b. Rome 1804, d. Frederiksberg 1880 "Udsigt fra Villa Mattei over Campagnen mod Albanerbiergene". View from Villa Mattei over the Roman Campagna towards the Alban Hills. Signed and dated C. H. 1841. Oil on paper mounted on canvas. 34 x 43 cm. Damborg frame with a label. Emil Hannover, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Constantin Hansen no. 218, reproduced p. 109. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1842 no. 282 (in the supplement). Palazzo Braschi, Rome, "Pittori Danesi a Roma nell'Ottocento", 1977 no. 31. Statens Museum for Kunst, "Danske malere i Rom i det 19. århundrede", 1977-78 no. 31. Thorvaldsens Museum and Aarhus Kunstmuseum, "Constantin Hansen 1804-1880", 1991 no. 71. Grand Palais, Paris, "Paysage d'Italie Les peintres du plein air 1780-1830", 2001. Palazzo Te, Mantova, "Un paese incantato - Italia dipinta da Thomas Jones a Corot", 2001. Literature: Emil Hannover, "Maleren Constantin Hansen", 1901 p. 107-108, where the painting gets a very good review. Provenance: Mr. C. Brun, Krogerup (1842). Mrs. E. Brun, née Bluhme (1901). Tesdorpf, Klippinge (1991), Landowner. The manor Gjorslev, Stevns. DKK 250.000-300.000 / € 34.000-40.000 26 44 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 45 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 27 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 45 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 46 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 28 C. W. Eckersberg b. Blåkrog, Aabenraa 1783, d. Copenhagen 1853 "Prospekt af Hovedgaarden Nordfeldt paa Møen". View of the manor Nordfeld on the island of Møen. 1810. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 58 x 74 cm. Emil Hannover, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of C. W. Eckersberg no. 86. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1810 no. 10. Kunstforeningen, "Udstillingen af C. W. Eckersbergs Malerier", 1895 no. 51. Nivaagaards Malerisamling, "Møen i dansk kunst - Naturromantik i Guldalderen", 1994 no. 58, not in the catalogue. Literature: Peter Michael Hornung & Kasper Monrad, "C. W. Eckersberg - dansk malerkunsts fader", 2005 p. 66-81, reproduced p. 72. Provenance: Christopher von Bülow of Nordfeld, Møn, Prefect and Chamberlain. Baron Güldencrone of Vilhelmsborg near Århus. In his family until now. In 1809 Christopher von Bülow commissioned a series of landscape paintings by Eckersberg. He wanted Eckersberg to paint the manor Nordfeld, but also the surrounding landscape - including Møns Klint, the Cliffs of Møn. Eckersberg depicted the manor and surroundings in a couple of paintings from the gardens, but he also painted the manor and in a quite untraditional way not focusing on the house itself, which is seen from a distance and almost hidden behind trees, but on the landscape. It is uncertain, how many paintings Eckersberg painted for Christopher von Bülow during and after his stay at Nordfeld, but the series of landscape paintings was Eckersberg's last large job before he in 1810 started to make preparations for his journey to Paris and Rome, from which he returned to Copenhagen not until 1816. Two paintings from the Møn series are today in the Statens Museum for Kunst (The Danish National Gallery). DKK 800.000-1.200.000 / € 107.000-161.000 46 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 47 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 28 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 47 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 48 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 29 C. W. Eckersberg b. Blåkrog, Aabenraa 1783, d. Copenhagen 1853 A portrait of Sarah Wolff née Cruttendon in a blue dress, writing a letter. 1821. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 65 x 49 cm. Period frame. Emil Hannover, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of C. W. Eckersberg no. 275. Literature: C. W. Eckersberg's diary the 5th of May 1821: "Imodtaget for Madam Wolffs Portrait 100 Rbdl (rix-dollar)". (Received 100 Rbdl for the portrait of Madam Wolff). Provenance: ABR auction 115, 1960 no. 101. DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 30 C. F. Sørensen b. Samsø 1818, d. Copenhagen 1879 The frigate "Stockholm" and sailing ships on the ocean. Signed and dated C. Frederik Sørensen 1873. Oil on canvas. 162 x 225 cm. Provenance: C. F. E. von Holstein-Rathlou. The estate auction of the late C. F. E. von Holstein-Rathlou 1919 no. 194. Winkel & Magnussen auction 277, 1941 no. 218, reproduced p. 13. ABR auction 395, 1979 no.190, reproduced p. 55. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 29 48 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 49 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 30 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 49 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 50 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 31 P. C. Skovgaard b. Ringsted 1817, d. Copenhagen 1875 View of the Cliffs of Møn. Signed and dated P. C. Skovgaard (in one word) 1852. Oil on canvas. 126 x 190 cm. Not many Danish painters had the ability, like P. C. Skovgaard, to paint the magnificent and dramatic Danish nature. A very good example of this can been seen in the present painting from the Cliffs of Møn. P. C. Skovgaard was very fascinated by the nature of Møn and he often returned to this specific place with the vertical white cliffs, and from there he painted a number of sketches as well as minor and larger paintings as this one. In 2007 a storm unfortunately damaged the cliffs so this specific view is no longer to be seen. P. C. Skovgaard visited Møn for the first time in 1842. The Art Historian N. L. Høyen and P. C. Skovgaard had a long correspondence about the Cliffs of Møn. Høyen described the area with enthusiasm and told Skovgaard that many picturesque motifs were to be found here. He compared the cliffs with the marble palaces painted by Paulo Veronese. Høyen accentuated the special light appearing in the sea and the sky, and mentioned that the light here, more than anywhere else in Denmark, reminded him of the light in Southern Europe. Høyen’s recommendations prompted P. C. Skovgaard to experience the landscape himself and he was overwhelmed. It was not an easy task to paint the enormous cliffs and integrate them into the surroundings - the sky, sea and beach. For a long time Skovgaard was unsure of how to paint the cliffs until one day, while walking on the beach, it suddenly occured to him from where and how to paint them. He decided to paint them seen from the beach, by doing this the cliffs became even more impressive and by a clever use of sunlight and shadow in the painting he gave the cliffs more facets. A smaller painting with a similar subject can be seen in Fuglsang Kunstmuseum, Lolland. Two other well-known Golden Age painters, C. W. Eckersberg (lot 7) and I. C. Dahl (lot 6), are represented in this sale with views of the Cliffs of Møn. DKK 500.000-600.000 / € 67.000-80.000 50 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 51 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 31 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 51 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 52 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 32 P. S. Krøyer b. Stavanger 1851, d. Skagen 1909 "Daphnis og Cloë". Daphnis and Chloe. Two naked figures in a landscape. He is playing the flute. She is sitting next to him with her hands on his right shoulder. Signed and dated S. Krøyer Paris 1879. Oil on canvas. 164 x 123 cm. H. Chr. Christensen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of P. S. Krøyer no. 211. 32 52 Exhibited: Charlottenborg, "En Samling Malerier, Studier, Tegninger m.m. af Maleren P. S. Krøyer", 1905 no. 39 and reproduced in the catalogue. Skagens Museum, "Salon", Museets 100års udstilling (100 years anniversary), 2008 no. 103. The painting was deposited at Skagens Museum from 1995 till August 2008. Literature: Smaa Kunstbøger, no. 1, 1910 p. 12. Kunstbladet 1909. "P. S. Krøyer. Tradition. Modernitet", Århus Kunstmuseum, 1992 p. 56. Elisabeth Fabritius, "Michael Ancher og det moderne gennembrud", 1999 p. 28. Provenance: Mr. Wilh. Jørgensen, Factory Owner. P. S. Krøyer travelled via Holland and Belgium to Paris in 1877 where he visited the art museums. In Paris he rented a room in the Montmartre district, an area where other Danish painters lived. His good friend the painter Tuxen introduced him to Léon Bonnat and soon Krøyer joined the "École Bonnat". The Greek author Longus (3rd or 4th century) wrote this pastoral romance about a pair of lovers, their adventures and their final happy reunion and marriage. The couple is very often depicted as shepherds with a syrinx. DKK 600.000-800.000 / € 80.000-107.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 53 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 53 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 54 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 33 Annibale Carracci, studio of 16th century Diana and Acteon. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 109 x 152 cm. According to the mythology Acteon (or Actaeon) saw Diana, the hunting goddess, bathing naked in a river. Therefore Diana transformed Acteon into a stag and set his own hunting dogs to kill him. For more than 200 years, until World War II, the painting was ascribed to the Italian baroque painter Annibale Carracci (1560-1609). DKK 1.000.000 / € 134.000 54 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 55 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 33 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 55 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 56 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 34 Christian Holm b. Copenhagen 1803, d. Rome 1846 Carriages in front of an inn close to one of the town gates of Munich. Signed and dated C. Holm (in one word) München 1840. Oil on canvas. 73 x 90 cm. Christian Holm travelled to Munich after having received a scholarship in 1830-32. He stayed there for around 10 years and was linked to the circle of artists that gathered in the city and included among others the Danes Sonne, Blunck, Storch, Kiellerup and H. C. Andersen. The Crown Prince Christian Frederik bought paintings by Holm for himself and for the Kunstforeningen. DKK 50.000-75.000 / € 6.700-10.000 35 F. C. Lund b. Copenhagen 1826, d. s. p. 1901 34 56 "Stormen paa Kjøbenhavn Natten imellem den 10de og 11te Febr. 1659. Det første Angreb paa Volden, som foregik, hvor Stormgade nu ligger. De Svenske have iført sig hvide Skjorter, for at de ikke skulle kjendes fra Sneen. Tilhøire i Billedet Kong Frederik III, Børsen, Proviantgaarden og Tøihuset; tilvenstre Stadens Kommandant Thuresen, det gamle Kjøbenhavns Slot med Blaataarn, Holmens Kirke og Nikolai Taarn". The assault on Copenhagen on the 10th and 11th of February 1659. The Swedes are dressed in white in order not to be distinguished from the snow. To the right King Frederik III, to the left the city's commandant Thuresen against the skyline of Copenhagen. Signed and dated F. C. Lund 1880. Oil on canvas. 175 x 280 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1880 no. 153. The assault on Copenhagen by the Swedish army on the 11th of February 1659 was a major battle during the Northern Wars. It took place during the Swedish siege of Copenhagen and resulted in Danish victory. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 57 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 35 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 57 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 58 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 36 Johan Thomas Lundbye b. Kalundborg 1818, d. Bedsted 1848 "Studie fra Sørups Vang ved Frederiksværk". A study from Sørup’s Field in the vicinity of Frederiksværk. Signed with monogram and dated Sörups Vang 24. Aug. 41. Oil on cardboard. 24 x 33 cm. Karl Madsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of J. Th. Lundbye no. 106. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Arbejder af Johan Thomas Lundbye", 1893 no. 54. Aarhus Kunstforening, 1925 no. 9. Kunstforeningen, "Malerier af Johan Thomas Lundbye", 1931 no. 49. Literature: Karl Madsen, "Malerier af Johan Thomas Lundbye", 1931, reproduced no. 16. Provenance: C. C. Lundbye, War Minister and Colonel. Mrs. E. C. Lundbye. Mrs. Agnete Broge. H. C. Broge, Merchant. The estate of the late Mrs. Paula Broge, ABR auction 201, 1966 no. 3, reproduced p. 9. The collection of Frands Hougaard, Doctor. DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 37 Theodor Philipsen 36 b. Copenhagen 1840, d. s. p. 1920 "Vejen til Bromølle". The road to Bromølle. Signed with monogram and dated 1910. Oil on canvas. 93 x 131 cm. Vibeke Skov, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Theodor Philipsen no. 641. Exhibited: Den Frie 1911 no. 154. Kunstforeningen, "Th. Philipsen Udstilling", 1911 no. 336. Provenance: Theodor Philipsen (1911). Theodor Philipsen auction 1916 no. 187. Mr. Victor Hans Meyer. Mr. C. J. Liebe (1991). DKK 50.000-75.000 / € 6.700-10.000 58 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 59 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 37 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 59 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 60 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 38 60 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 61 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 38 Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann b. Warsaw 1819, d. Copenhagen 1881 A Fellah woman and her baby. Signed and dated Elisabeth Baumann Jerichau Memphis 1872. Oil on canvas. 99 x 128 cm. The work was painted in connection with the artist's two journeys to the East in respectively 1869-70 and 1874-75. A Fellah is a peasant, farmer or agricultural labourer of the original rural population in the Middle East, in this case from Egypt. DKK 200.000-300.000 / € 27.000-40.000 39 Martinus Rørbye b. Drammen 1803, d. Copenhagen 1848 A Nubian sitting on a staircase in Rome, smoking a cigarette. Signed and dated M. R. Rom 1839. Oil on canvas. 75 x 63 cm. Thorvaldsens Museum, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Martinus Rørbye no. 161. Exhibited: Thorvaldsens Museum, "Martinus Rørbye", 1981 no. 82. Martinus Rørbye wrote in his diary from Rome on the 18th of November 1839 about his meeting with the Nubian, whom he met at the steps leading up to the church Santa Maria in Aracoeli, and whom he immediately made an appointment with. The painting shows an unusual and exotic motif in Danish art. DKK 700.000 / € 94.000 39 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 61 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 62 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 40 62 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 63 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 40 Michael Ancher b. Bornholm 1849, d. Skagen 1927 "To Gamle udenfor deres Hus en Sommeraften". Two elderly people in front of their house on a summer evening. Niels and Ane Gaihede at their cottage in Østerby, Skagen. Signed and dated Michael Ancher 89. Oil on canvas. 77 x 105 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1890 no. 14. Michael Ancher painted the present motif several times - in 1887, 1889 and 1890. The paintings vary in size and presentation of the motif. The work here is the largest and has strong bright colours and light. The present painting combines the best features of the two smaller works: The characteristic representatives of the local people and the beautiful Skagen landscape. DKK 150.000-200.000 / € 20.000-27.000 41 Michael Ancher b. Bornholm 1849, d. Skagen 1927 Self-portrait. The painter Michael Ancher in a warm winter coat lined with fur and a cap. Signed M. A. Oil on canvas. 64 x 58 cm. DKK 150.000-200.000 / € 20.000-27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 41 63 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 64 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 42 P. S. Krøyer b. Stavanger 1851, d. Skagen 1909 Two boys sitting in the sunshine on Skagen Beach. Signed and dated S. Krøyer Skagen 93. Oil on canvas. 38 x 60 cm. In the late 1870s Krøyer studied in Paris under Léon Bonnat and became influenced by the naturalist plein-air school of painting, especially by its emphasis on colour and light. In 1882 Krøyer visited Skagen for the first time and found this desert between two seas an ideal place to study the qualities of colour and light. Besides his great interest in and ability to paint sand, water and the outdoor atmosphere Krøyer also was a brilliant painter of figures. He often painted himself, his wife Marie or local women and fishermen walking or sitting on the beach. When children were his theme, he usually painted them naked and bathing like the children seen in the background of this painting. Not very often are they just sitting like in this piece. Maybe these two boys on summer holiday from Copenhagen are watching the local fishermen leaving or returning from fishing? DKK 3.000.000 / € 402.000 64 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 65 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 42 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 65 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 66 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 43 66 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 67 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 43 Viggo Johansen b. Copenhagen 1851, d. s. p. 1935 "Børn, der male Foraarsblomster". Children painting spring flowers. Signed and dated V. Johansen 94. Oil on canvas. 46 x 56 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1895 no. 186. DKK 125.000-150.000 / € 17.000-20.000 44 Anna Ancher b. Skagen 1859, d. s. p. 1935 "Småpiger med en torsk". An interior from Skagen with four children showing a codfish. Signed A. Ancher. Oil on canvas. 81 x 63 cm. Exhibited: Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum, Forum des Landesmuseums, Hannover, "Anna Ancher", 1994-1995 no. 65. Den Hirschsprungske Samling (The Hirschsprung Collection), Copenhagen, "Anna Ancher", 1995 no. 65. Skagens Museum and Helga Anchers Fond, Michael and Anna Anchers Hus, "Anna Ancher", 1995 no. 65. Literature: Christine Refflinghaus, Elisabeth Fabritius and Heide Grape-Albers, "Anna Ancher 1859-1935", 1994, p. 176 no. 65. DKK 600.000 / € 80.000 44 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 67 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 68 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 45 P. S. Krøyer b. Stavanger 1851, d. Skagen 1909 "Madam Bentsens Hus, Krøyers første Bolig". Mrs. Bentsen's house, the artist's first home in Skagen. 1890. Unsigned. Oil on panel. 23 x 32 cm. H. Chr. Christensen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of P. S. Krøyer no. 427. Exhibited: On the reverse old exhibition labels from Kunstsalon Keller & Reiner, Berlin, no. 45 and Kunstsalon Banger, Wiesbaden, no. 23. Literature: Alba Schwartz "Skagen", 1912, reproduced p. 179. Provenance: The estate auction of the late P. S. Krøyer 1910 no. 117. ABR auction 311, 1974 no. 280. In Krøyer's early years in Skagen he and Marie rented a modest house owned by a local woman, Mrs. Bentsen. The painter Viggo Johansen had rented it before and later Laurits Tuxen took over. (Today the house is better known as The Tuxen villa). The house already had large studio windows so it was perfect for P. S. Krøyer who immediately set up his studio and started to paint. The most well-known painting from this early period is Marie Krøyer and the hunting dog Rap by moonlight on Skagen beach. DKK 250.000-275.000 / € 34.000-37.000 45 68 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 69 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 46 P. S. Krøyer b. Stavanger 1851, d. Skagen 1909 "Åben Strand. Skagen". At Skagen Beach. Signed and dated S. K. 06. Oil on panel. 32 x 41 cm. H. Chr. Christensen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of P. S. Krøyer no. 747. DKK 250.000-350.000 / € 34.000-47.000 46 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 69 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 70 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 47 70 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 71 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 47 Michael Ancher b. Bornholm 1849, d. Skagen 1927 "To Damer ved Nordstranden. Solnedgang". Two women in the sunset at Skagen Nordstrand (Skagen Beach). Marie Dinesen (to the left) and Anna Bitsch (née Saxild) strolling along Skagen Nordstand in the sunset. Signed and dated Mich. Ancher 07. Oil on canvas. 79 x 111 cm. Michael Ancher worked with the charming motif of the ladies on the beach several times. In 2006 Bruun Rasmussen sold two smaller versions from 1905 and 1908. The early one showing only Marie Dinesen on the beach, the later one both ladies - here Anna Bitsch is wearing her hat instead of carrying it in her right hand as in the present work. The painting here easily compares to works of P. S. Krøyer with beautiful women in summer dresses strolling on the beach in the sunlight or in the evening atmosphere, The "l'heure bleu". Ancher displays how skilfully he handles the colours, the light and the composition and manages to create nothing less than the essence of the Skagen feeling. Ancher is especially known for his paintings of the local people of Skagen, first and foremost fishermen and their wifes, but as time went by he started to include young and well-dressed women from the middle classes. At the end of the 19th century Skagen became a popular place for wealthy Copenhageners to spend their summer holidays. The well-off summer guests now both appeared in the paintings and bought them as souvenirs reminding them of warm and happy days in Skagen. DKK 2.000.000-3.000.000 / € 268.000-402.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 71 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 72 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 48 Peter Ilsted b. Sakskøbing 1861, d. Copenhagen 1933 Interior from Liselund. A young woman tossing the salad. 1917. Signed with monogram. Oil on canvas. 71 x 60 cm. DKK 250.000-300.000 / € 34.000-40.000 49 Michael Ancher b. Bornholm 1849, d. Skagen 1927 "Den druknede". The drowned fisherman. Signed and dated M. Ancher 93. Oil on canvas. 56 x 70 cm. "The drowned fisherman" is a principal work of Ancher's and one of the most popular and also the largest painting he ever painted (212 x 289 cm) - now at Skagens Museum. Ancher painted several sketches of the painting and this is one of the most finished with many fine details and very close to the final, large version. Ancher worked a long time with several compositions for this work. Ancher is first and foremost a painter of man and the daily life of the local fishermen and their families with the rough sea as the worst enemy. The drowned fisherman is surrounded by family and colleagues all resigned in silent grief. DKK 350.000-400.000 / € 47.000-54.000 48 72 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 73 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 49 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 73 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 74 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 50 Laurits Tuxen b. Copenhagen 1853, d. s. p. 1927 "Badende børn i modlys". Two bathers at Skagen Beach. C. 1913. Signed L. T. Oil on canvas. 46 x 68 cm. Lise Svanholm, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Laurits Tuxen no. 934. On the reverse an exhibition label from Charlottenborg. Exhibited: Nivaagaards Malerisamling, "Tuxen og Skagen", 1990-1991 no. 37. In this painting "Two bathers at Skagen Beach" Tuxen was inspired by the European movement "Vitalism", which among other things focused on the beautiful vigorious naked body, health, strength, the masculine body, the emancipated woman, light and nature. In this painting several of these elements are celebrated. DKK 250.000-350.000 / € 34.000-47.000 51 P. S. Krøyer b. Stavanger 1851, d. Skagen 1909 50 74 "Augustaften i Thy. Fra Billedets højre Hjørne snor en sandet Kørevej sig over Heden mod Klitbakker i Baggrunden. Midt på Vejen trækker en Dreng med et par Køer. Fuldmaane". Evening in August, Thy. A sandy road is winding through the landscape. In the background dunes. A boy is leading two cows, full moon. 1889. Signed S. Krøyer. Oil on canvas. 38 x 60 cm. H. Chr. Christensen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of P. S. Krøyer no. 417. Study for no. 418 in the Catalogue Raisonné once owned by Kunsthalle in Hamburg. Exhibited: Stiftelsen Modums Blaafarveværk, "Somrene på Skagen", 1997 no. 82. The painting was deposited at Skagens Museum till August 2008. Provenance: N. Bjørn-Pedersen, Chief Engineer (overingeniør). DKK 600.000-800.000 / € 80.000-107.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 75 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 51 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 75 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 76 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 52 Vilhelm Hammershøi b. Copenhagen 1864, d. s. p. 1916 "Stue. Tilhøjre op mod den gullig-hvide Bagvæg, et gult Chatol paa høje Ben. Derover et firkantet Spejl i Mahogni-Ramme. Tilhøjre en hvid Dør med Messing-Beslag. I forgrunden, tilvenstre for Billedets Midte, en ung sortklædt Kvinde med Ryggen mod Beskueren". Room. On the right against the yellowish-white back wall a yellow bureau on tall legs. Above the bureau a square mirror in a mahogany frame. On the right a white door with brass furniture. In the foreground left of centre a young woman dressed in black with her back turned against the beholder. 1893. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 40 x 37 cm. Sophus Michaëlis and Alfred Bramsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Vilhelm Hammershøi no. 135. Yet (cf. the text above) described partly reverse. Exhibited: De Frie Studieskoler (Independent Study Schools) in Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, 1896. A photo of the painting hanging in that exhibition can be seen in the exhibition catalogue at the Royal Academy of Arts, 2008, p. 163. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Arbejder af Vilhelm Hammershøi", 1916 no. 111. Provenance: Bought by Kunstforeningen 1894. Later in the collection of Alfred Bramsen. Bramsen was a very dear friend and the painter's patron. In an interview given to the magazine "Hjemmet" (Home) in 1909 Hammershøi states: "If people would only recognize that a few good pieces of furniture in a room gives a far more beautiful and fine look than do many mediocre things". And further: "And if you could just get rid of all the "rubbish" - what a gain it would be for the look of the homes!". (Paul Vad, "Hammershøi", 1988, p. 402-403). This "matter of fact" statement does not at first reveal any deep metaphysical reflections concerning the interior decoration of Hammershøi's home. However the "naked" unostentatiousness is essential in the fascination that Hammershøi's art arouses. Time has stopped and the moment seems frozen as when you go off into a trance. Hammershøi has been internationally famous for a long time. Recently the British Comedian, Actor and Globetrotter Michael Palin has sought the key to understanding Hammershøi's art. ("Michael Palin and the Mystery of Hammershøi", BBC 2005). Along with so many others Palin is fascinated with the "mysterious" silence in Hammershøi's paintings. DKK 2.500.000-3.000.000 / € 335.000-402.000 76 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 77 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 52 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 77 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 78 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 53 Paul Fischer b. Copenhagen 1860, d. s. p. 1934 The artist's first wife Dagny standing in a garden door. Signed Paul Fischer. Oil on canvas. 74 x 58 cm. DKK 225.000 / € 30.000 54 Vilhelm Hammershøi b. Copenhagen 1864, d. s. p. 1916 A nude woman laying on a bed. Signed V. H. Oil on canvas mounted on cardboard. 35 x 45 cm. In the few cases Hammershøi depicted nudes they were preferably seated or standing – never reclined. The painting carries no date but is presumably painted very early in Hammershøi’s oeuvre, perhaps even as a nude study, perhaps on his first journey to Paris in 1889 judging by the influence of the French style. The painting thus seems to indicate an early stage of Hammershøi’s production while at the same time pointing to a later epoch in art history, in that the somewhat contorted, bony female nude could boldly be interpreted as resembling those rendered a century later by the German-born British painter Lucian Freud (b. 1922). However, the averted face, the somewhat freehanded brushwork on the grey back wall, and not least the small painting hanging high on the wall above the bed are very typical Hammershøi features. Only few other painters would think of placing a small picture in the room at this exact spot on the wall and few other painters would include such an image in a painting where, indeed, the focus is on the model rather than the interior. DKK 250.000-300.000 / € 34.000-40.000 53 78 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 79 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 54 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 79 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 80 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 55 Paul Fischer b. Copenhagen 1860, d. s. p. 1934 "Østergade". Shopping in "Strøget" (Østergade) in Copenhagen. Signed and dated Paul Fischer 1886. Oil on canvas. 136 x 96 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1886 no. 104. Literature: Jan Møller, "København før og nu - og aldrig" 3, 1988, reproduced p. 20. "Strøget" is a row of shopping streets in central Copenhagen. DKK 2.500.000 / € 335.000 55 80 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 81 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 81 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 82 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 56 Vilhelm Hammershøi b. Copenhagen 1864, d. s. p. 1916 "Landskab. Sommer. Fra Ryet ved Farumsø." Summer landscape. From Ryet near Lake Farum. The branches and leaves of the trees on the hillside stand out against the sky. In the foreground beeches. 1895. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 51 x 65 cm. Sophus Michaëlis and Alfred Bramsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Vilhelm Hammershøi no. 141. Exhibited: Den Frie 1896 no. 34. "Kunst- og Industriudstillingen i Paris 1900" (a letter to the owner of the painting, Instrument Maker Hjorth, from Danish painter P. S. Krøyer, Chairman of the committee for the Danish participation in the Paris exhibition, is enclosed). Guildhall, London, "Exhibition of Works by Danish Painters", 1907 no. 112. On the reverse of the painting there is an exhibition label from "Det Danske Kunststævne i "Forum", Copenhagen, 1929, but the painting is not registered in the exhibition catalogue. Since the turn of the year 2006/07 and until now the painting has been exhibited at the Statens Museum for Kunst (The Danish National Gallery). Provenance: Instrument Maker Emil Hjort, in his family since 1895 and until now. There is a difference of opinion regarding how Mr. Hjort acquired the painting, if the painting was specifically painted for him or if he bought it at art dealer Kleis's shortly after it was painted. Mr. Hjort owned 4 paintings by Hammershøi. At the abovementioned exhibition in Paris 11 works by Hammershøi were presented, three of these were Mr. Hjort's: The present landscape, the painting "Tre unge kvinder" (Three young ladies) from 1895, now at Ribe Kunstmuseum, and a dining room interior. . DKK 600.000-800.000 / € 80.000-107.000 82 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 83 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 56 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 83 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 84 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 57 Vilhelm Hammershøi b. Copenhagen 1864, d. s. p. 1916 Self-portrait. Half natural size. Presumably a preliminary work for "Double portrait of the artist and his wife" no. 104 in Sophus Michaëlis and Alfred Bramsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Vilhelm Hammershøi. 1891. Unsigned. Pastel on paper. 30 x 25 cm. Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Vilhelm Hammershøi 18641916", 1955 no. 52. Ordrupgaard,"Hammershøi. Retrospektiv udstilling", 1981 no. 39, reproduced p. 70. Wildenstein, New York, "Hammershøi. Painter of Stillness and Light", 1983 no. 25. The Philips Collection, Washington, "Hammershøi. Painter of Stillness and Light", 1983 no. 25. Literature: Poul Vad, "Vilhelm Hammershøi. Værk og liv", 2003 reproduced p. 131. Provenance: Johannes C. Bock, his auction, Winkel & Magnussen 380, 1953 no. 41. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 57 84 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 85 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 58 Vilhelm Hammershøi b. Copenhagen 1864, d. s. p. 1916 "Portræt. Knæ-Billede en face. Frk. Else Aagesens venstre Arm hviler paa et med grønt Klæde bedækket Bord, yderst tilhøjre. Den højre hviler i Skødet. Hvid udringet Kjole, bare Arme. Portrait. Three-quarter lenght, full face. Else Aagesen's left arm is resting on a table covered by a green cloth to the right in the painting. The right arm is resting in her lap. White low-cut dress, bare arms. Signed and dated V. H. 1913. Oil on canvas. 91 x 68 cm. Sophus Michaëlis and Alfred Bramsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Vilhelm Hammershøi no. 361. Exhibited: Den Frie 1914 no. 98. Literature: Sophus Michaëlis and Alfred Bramsen, "Vilhelm Hammershøi - Kunstneren og hans værk", 1918, reproduced. Provenance: Viggo Aagesen. Owned by the family of the sitter until now. DKK 1.000.000 / € 134.000 58 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 85 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 86 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 59 59 CD H. A. Brendekilde b. Brændekilde 1857, d. Jyllinge 1942 A winter day in the forest with newly-fallen snow. Signed and dated H. A. Brendekilde 93. Oil on canvas. 103 x 128 cm. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 86 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 87 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 60 60 Paul Fischer b. Copenhagen 1860, d. s. p. 1934 Winter day in Kongens Nytorv with two elegant women. Signed Paul Fischer. Oil on canvas. 60 x 75 cm. DKK 450.000 / € 60.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 87 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 88 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 61 61 CD Johannes Larsen b. Kerteminde 1867, d. s. p. 1961 Two shelducks with their ducklings. Signed with monogram and dated 1914. Oil on canvas. 94 x 131 cm. Provenance: ABR auction 230, 1969 no. 698, reproduced p. 35. DKK 100.000-150.000 / € 13.000-20.000 88 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 89 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 62 CD Edvard Eriksen b. Copenhagen 1876, d. s. p. 1959 "The Little Mermaid". Signed Edvard Eriksen. Patinated bronze sculpture. H. 96 cm. In 1913 "The Little Mermaid" was placed on Langelinie, Copenhagen. The sculpture was financed by the brewer Carl Jacobsen. Originally Jacobsen's plan was to place the sculpture in an artificial waterbasin surrounded by an arrangement of flowers. But after some time, Edvard Eriksen managed to talk Jacobsen into placing the mermaid in a more natural surrounding on a rock by the seaside. The figure is executed in three different sizes, of which this one is half the size of the original sculpture, thereby making it the largest of the three bronze-variations excluding the one in 4/5 size displayed in Osaka, Japan. In accordance with the artist's testament no subsequent copies were to be made in the same size as “The Little Mermaid” on Langelinie. Literature: "Den lille Havfrue" (The Little Mermaid), Det Berlingske Bogtrykkeri (printing house), 1960. Egon Eriksen, "Edvard Eriksen og Den lille Havfrue" (Edvard Eriksen and the Little Mermaid), 1998, mentioned herein, reproduced p. 25. The Little Mermaid (Danish: Den lille havfrue) is a fairy tale by the Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen about a young mermaid willing to give up her life in the sea and her identity as a merperson to gain a human soul and the love of a human prince. The tale was first published in 1837 and has been adapted to various media including musical theater and animated film. DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 62 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 89 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 90 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 63 Carl Holsøe b. Århus 1863, d. Asserbo 1935 Interior with the artist's wife in a white dress. Signed C. Holsoë. Oil on canvas. 53 x 50 cm. DKK 150.000-200.000 / € 20.000-27.000 63 90 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 91 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 64 Vilhelm Hammershøi b. Copenhagen 1864, d. s. p. 1916 "Stue". I forgrunden til højre en hvid, åben dør. Længere tilbage en anden dør som står åben ind til værelset bagved. "A room". In the foreground to the right an open white door. In the background another open door with a view into the room behind. 1913. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 45 x 40 cm. Sophus Michaëlis and Alfred Bramsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Vilhelm Hammershøi no. 364. Provenance: The estate auction of the late Vilhelm Hammershøi 1916 no. 8, here with the title "Hvide Døre. Interiør fra Strandgade 25" (White doors. Interior from Strandgade 25). The address is written on the stretcher too. Here bought by J. Chr. T. Levinsen. DKK 1.000.000 / € 134.000 64 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 91 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 92 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 65 92 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 93 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 65 Paul Fischer b. Copenhagen 1860, d. s. p. 1934 A flower market in Højbro Plads in Copenhagen. Signed and dated Paul Fischer 1916. Oil on canvas. 59 x 74 cm. Provenance: ABR auction 221, 1968 no. 70. DKK 400.000 / € 54.000 66 Paul Fischer b. Copenhagen 1860, d. s. p. 1934 View of Borgergade in Copenhagen with people buying apples from a salesman with a red cart. Signed and dated Paul Fischer 1919. Oil on canvas. 75 x 58 cm. DKK 500.000 / € 67.000 66 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 93 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 94 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 67 Paul Fischer b. Copenhagen 1860, d. s. p. 1934 An interior with the artist's wife Musse and daughter Grethe. Signed Paul Fischer. Oil on canvas. 56 x 40 cm. DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 68 CD H. A. Brendekilde b. Brændekilde 1857, d. Jyllinge 1942 The first steps. Little sister gets help from her big sisters. Signed and dated H. A. Brendekilde 92. Oil on canvas. 106 x 127 cm. DKK 400.000-450.000 / € 54.000-60.000 67 94 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 95 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 68 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 95 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 96 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 69 Vilhelm Hammershøi b. Copenhagen 1864, d. s. p. 1916 Portrait of Karen Bramsen (1877-1970) who later married Gustav Falck, Art Historian and Director of Statens Museum for Kunst (The Danish National Gallery). Halflenght portrait. Natural size. She is wearing a black velvet dress with a white collar. Under her right arm a violin. Painted in London 1898. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 60 x 51 cm. Sophus Michaëlis and Alfred Bramsen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of Vilhelm Hammershøi no. 174. 69 96 Exhibited: Kunstforeningen, "Arbejder af Vilhelm Hammershøi", 1916 no. 135. Literature: Sophus Michaëlis and Alfred Bramsen, "Vilhelm Hammershøi - Kunstneren og hans værk", 1918, reproduced. Poul Vad, "Hammershøi - Værk og liv", 1988 reproduced p. 166. Provenance: The collection of Alfred Bramsen, Author, and Gustav Falck, Director of Statens Museum for Kunst (The Danish National Gallery), ABR auction 576, 1992 no. 139, reproduced p. 108. Karen Bramsen (1877-1970) was the daughter of Alfred Bramsen and a violinist. DKK 300.000-400.000 / € 40.000-54.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 97 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 70 Paul Fischer b. Copenhagen 1860, d. s. p. 1934 Elegant Copenhagen girl in a black dress and hat trimmed with white feathers walking in Øster Søgade near Søtorvet. 1898. Signed Paul Fischer. Oil on canvas. 64 x 39 cm. DKK 350.000-450.000 / € 47.000-60.000 70 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 97 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 98 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 71 71 L. A. Ring b. Ring 1854, d. Roskilde 1933 "Roskilde Fjord. Vinter. Gule og brune Siv i Forgrunden. Udsigt over Vandet mod Landsbyen Veddelev." Roskilde Fiord. Winter. Yellow and brown rushes in the foreground. View across the water to the village of Veddelev. Signed and dated L. A. Ring 1920. Oil on canvas. 76 x 123 cm. H. Chr. Christensen, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of L. A. Ring no. 812. Provenance: Chr. Larsen, Art Dealer. DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 98 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 99 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 72 72 CD Peder Mønsted b. Grenå 1859, d. Fredensborg 1941 Summer day at Lac Leman. Signed and dated P. Mønsted Lausanne 1887. Oil on canvas mounted on panel. 53 x 86 cm. DKK 250.000-300.000 / € 34.000-40.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 99 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 100 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 73 Carl Holsøe b. Århus 1863, d. Asserbo 1935 Interior with a woman dressed in white reading by the window. Signed C. Holsøe. Oil on canvas. 78 x 66 cm. DKK 250.000-300.000 / € 34.000-40.000 73 100 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 101 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 74 Carl Holsøe b. Århus 1863, d. Asserbo 1935 Sunshine in the living room. Signed C. Holsøe. Oil on panel. 77 x 65 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1928 no. 195 with the title "Interiør" (Interior). DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 74 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 101 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 102 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 75 102 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 103 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 75 Christen Dalsgaard b. Skive 1824, d. Sorø 1907 "Hellested Præstegaard". Hellested vicarage. Signed and dated C. D. 1850. Oil on canvas. 25 x 31 cm. Provenance: ABR auction 212, 1967 no. 53, reproduced p. 7. The collection of Frands Hougaard, Doctor. Den Hirschsprungske Samling (The Hirschsprung Collection) in Copenhagen has an almost identical painting of the vicarage, that one painted in 1847 and with slightly larger dimensions (29 x 41 cm). DKK 125.000 / € 17.000 76 Carl Thomsen b. Copenhagen 1847, d. s. p. 1912 "De Nyforlovede". The newly engaged couple. Signed with monogram and dated 1881. Oil on canvas. 63 x 54 cm. Exhibited: Charlottenborg 1881 no. 248. Provenance: Winkel & Magnussen auction 330, 1946 no. 289, reproduced p. 25, bought by "Kunstforeningen". Thorkild G. E. Larsen, Stockbroker, ABR auction 309, 1974 no. 26, reproduced p. 42. DKK 125.000 / € 17.000 76 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 103 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 104 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 77 77 Paul Fischer b. Copenhagen 1860, d. s. p. 1934 Winter day outside Glyptoteket in Copenhagen. An elegant lady is crossing the street. Signed and dated Paul Fischer 1919. Oil on canvas. 72 x 90 cm. DKK 800.000 / € 107.000 104 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 105 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 78 78 CD Ole Ring b. Baldersbrønde 1902, d. 1972 A winter day in the village. Signed Ole Ring. Oil on canvas. 71 x 104 cm. DKK 50.000-75.000 / € 6.700-10.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 105 tresor_s12-106_mal Page 106 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM 79 CD Bruno Liljefors b. Uppsala 1860, d. Stockholm1939 Forest scene with a black grouse in a pine. Signed and dated Bruno Liljefors 1931. Oil on canvas. 80 x 76 cm. 79 106 In Liljefors' later paintings animals blend into their right environment in the landscape. The colour scale is principally dominated by brown and ochre tones, applied with a technique that evokes that of the Impressionists with its light touches of pure colours that can be seen in this painting. Liljefors had an intimate knowledge of countryside and wildlife and the relationship between the two. After observing animals in their natural habitats, Liljefors could with his paintbrush accurately convey their behaviour, anatomy and relationship with the environment as can be seen in this painting as well as in most of his production. DKK 500.000 / € 67.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR tresor_s12-106_mal Page 107 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:32 AM BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 107 Thursday 20 November at 6 pm lot 101 - 187 101 CD Vilhelm Lundstrøm b. Copenhagen1893, d. s. p.1950 "Opstilling", (Still life), 1937. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 140 x 105 cm. Exhibited: "Kunst i privateje i Sønderjylland", Badmintonhallen, Esbjerg, March 1957, cat. no. 84. Exhibited: "Vilhelm Lundstrøm", Nordiska Konstförbundets Vandringsutställning", Aarhus Kunstmuseum; Esbjerg Kunstpavillon; Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo; Moderna Museet, Stockholm; Amos Andersons Konstmuseum, Helsinki, November 1977 - May 1978. Literature: Preben Wilmann & Marianne Brøns: "Lundstrøm", 1977, cat. no. 268, ill. full page in colours p. 254, mentioned pp. 246-248. Literature: Gösta la Cour: "16 malere", 1958, reproduced p. 180. Provenance: Sven Tobiesen, Hjerting, Denmark. Provenance: Kunsthallen, Copenhagen, auction 406, October 1991, cat. no. 112, ill. on the frontpage of the catalogue. Quote from "Wilmann & Brøns" pp. 246-248: "Hans Bendix recalls that he [Lundstrøm] exclaimed one day: "You see, it's about lifting yourself into the light. [original: Forstår du, det drejer sig om at komme op i lyset.] In this there lies a proclamation of the change his art underwent in relation to colour, the first steps of which were taken in his pictures from 1937. Suddenly images were saturated with strong light. An example is his composition shown on page 254 (this painting). The intense orange of the table edge and the unadulterated cadmium red of the under frame of the table are powerfully complemented by all the blue, which is still the predominant hue but which in more ethereal form adds a flowing sense of glow to the white housewares: good old-fashioned classics such as the French enamel and faience jugs above the fruit dish. The plastics of the shapes are still a style feature although less predominant. The shadows indicate several light sources and express a sense of uncertainty as to whether they wish to remain caretakers of classical order or whether they aspire to the liberties of abstract composition. A new era has been heralded; one characterised, not only for its sentiments, as being colourful'". DKK 1.000.000 / € 134.000 108 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 101 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 109 102 CD Henry Heerup b. Copenhagen 1907, d. 1993 "Livsfrise" (Life Frieze). Signed Heerup 41. Oil on canvas. 198 x 230 cm. Exhibited: “Heerup 1940-45”, Heerup Museum, Rødovre, February – May 2005. Provenance: Purchased in person from the artist by the current owner’s father in the early 1950s. Not previously offered for sale. The current owner’s father was a friend of Johan Møller-Nielsen, a folk high school teacher and later arts critic at the Danish daily newspapers Socialdemokraten and Aktuelt. The two friends often visited Heerup in his allotment garden in Rødovre. During one of these visits, the current owner’s father saw the painting hanging outdoors under an overhang, which he thought was a shame. Despite clear instructions from his wife not to buy paintings, since their means were limited, the canvas was rolled up and taken home by the two men travelling by train. The price was DKK 300, which was the equivalent of one month’s wage for the purchaser, who was a newly graduated officer with the Civil Defence. “Livsfrise” [‘Life Frieze’] (1941), which until now has been in private possession and, as far as can be established, has only been on public display once, can with good reason be considered an ‘unknown’ principal work by Henry Heerup. The monumental painting, which features a central female/womb symbol, is an effervescent orchestration of almost all of Heerup’s later so celebrated motifs, symbols and themes: the heart, the cross, the wheel of life and the foetus, which are symbols of fertility, life and death, good and evil, love and war, edification and destruction. 110 As so often with Heerup’s art, life-embracing, humane values are given prominence and weight. The highly ornamental composition reflects Heerup’s declared admiration of the Jelling Stone and the artisitc heritage of the Viking Age and medieval times, which also preoccupied Asger Jorn all through the wartime years and onwards. Jorn saw Nordic artistic tradition as being in opposition to the dominant classical European style. In an article in the periodical “Helhesten” from 1944, Heerup voiced the same opinion: “Den Folkelige Kunst har i Al sin Enkelhed Ornamentet som Grundform” [“Folk art has in all its simplicity the ornament as its basic form.”]. “Livsfrise” is a uniquely splendid example of Heerup’s seminal and deeply original contribution to the development of abstract art in Denmark and Europe of the 1940s. 1941, the year the painting was conceived, was the exact same year Heerup became a member of the artist’s association “Corner- Og Høstudstillingen”, which was the forerunner of the European CoBrA movement. It was also the year in which the periodical “Helhesten”, the principal voice of early abstract-expressionism in Denmark, was issued with a cover drawing by Heerup. The major Heerup exhibition in 2003 at the ARKEN Museum of Art, Denmark, highlighted the vitalism and life-affirming allegories of fertility that characterised Heerup’s oeuvre. “Livsfrise” (1941) is in size, ambition, complexity and execution comparable to the principal work of the exhibition featured on the cover of the catalogue “Figurkomposition (Sindbillede)” [‘Figure Composition (Emblem)’] (1942), which at Bruun Rasmussen fetched a record price for a Heerup painting in 1996. DKK 800.000-1.000.000 / € 107.000-134.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 102 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 111 103 CD Robert Storm Petersen b. Valby 1882, d. Frederiksberg 1949 "Cirkusgarderoben" (The circus dressing room), c. 1925. Signed R. Storm P. Oil on canvas. 131 x 97 cm. Literature: Professor, Dr. Phil. Frithiof Brandt: "Robert Storm Petersen- Malerier og tegninger", ill. p. 25. Provenance: Grosserer Aage Jensen. Provenance: Private Collection, Denmark. The stage is set and the evening performance is about to begin. A ballerina prepares herself behind the curtain. A clown gets dressed and a little dog is sitting ready in his red uniform. The audience is a motley assembly of individuals, including society ladies to lonely workers, but they all share an enthusiasm for the evening's amusement. The painting is humorous but at the same time offers a very reflective depiction of "the circus of life", which Storm P defined with the following words: "Life is a circus. You make your entry, bow and run around - and then leave!" The circus of life or the circle of life, if you prefer is the theme of this painting. For in the eyes of the arts, the circus ring is a mirror of life: "with the only difference that outside the circus everything is taken seriously. At least in the circus ring performers know they are clowns and buffoons, players in a grotesque game." The following witty dialogue in one of his comic strips, entitled "Fluer" ["Flies"], echoes this notion: "Isn't being a clown a peculiar occupation? No, not when you know you're one!" (Professor Frithiof Brandt: "Robert Storm Petersen - Malerier og tegninger", ["Robert Storm Petersen - Paintings and Drawings" ] p. 28. DKK 500.000 / € 67.000 112 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 103 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 113 104 CD Helene Schjerfbeck b. Helsinki 1862, d. 1946 A portrait of a young woman in a blue dress. Signed H. S. and dedicated to: "Á Ulla Stenman". Charcoal and washed watercolour on paper. Visible size 44 x 35 cm. Provenance: Art dealer Stenman's collection. The portrait representing a young woman in a blue dress with white collar has been painted on yellowed lithography paper. Behind the sheet there is seen a part of Helene Schjerfbeck's lithograph "At the Hearth", which was printed in 1938-39 (see Helene Schjerfbeck, The Finnish National Gallery Atheneum, 1992, p. 260, no. 424). Therefore this pastel could not be executed until 1938. Ulla (Putte) Stenman (later Ulla Fock) may refer to Gösta Stenman's daughter. However, in another of Schjerfbeck's portrait of Ulla Fock (1943) she looks quite different (see image Helene Schjerfbeck, The Finnish National Gallery Ateneum, 1992, p. 96, nr 476). The stylized portrait with charcoal and washed watercolour manner is fairly typical for Helene Schjerfbeck. DKK 500.000-600.000 / € 67.000-80.000 104 114 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 105 CD Robert Jacobsen b. Copenhagen1912, d. Egtved 1993 Construction. C. 1951. Signed RJ, 134. Black painted iron. H. 47 cm. L. 34 cm. D. 31 cm. During Robert Jacobsen's stay in Paris in the 1950s the artist offers a new approach to the heavy tradition of massive sculptural presence to give his artworks the character of three-dimensional figures penned in space. With these stringent forms rendered in black, Jacobsen placed himself centrally on the international art scene and became one of the most successful of the circle of artists devoted to Concretism at Galerie Denise René. DKK 400.000-600.000 / € 54.000-80.000 105 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 115 106 CD Gerda Wegener b. Hammelev 1885, d. Frederiksberg 1940 "Sur la route d'Anacapri". On the road to Anacapri. The artist and her husband Einar Wegener in an Italian landscape. He is dressed as a woman. Signed and dated Gerda Wegener 1922. Oil on canvas. 96 x 85 cm. DKK 75.000-100.000 / € 10.000-13.000 107 CD Kaj Gottlob b. Copenhagen 1887, d. s. p. 1976 Unique cabinet of rosewood. Front in four sections, each with two doors mounted with brass fittings and with rossette inlays and handles of ivory. Interior of birch. Upper left section fitted with 10 drawers, upper right section arranged as a barsection, lower two sections with shelves. Body mounted on two curving plinths. Designed 1936. Made 1937 by cabinetmaker A. J. Iversen. H. 140. D. 43. B. 130 cm. Exhibited: Copenhagen Cabinetmakers’ Guild Exhibtion 1937. Museum of art and design, Copenhagen Denmark. Exhibited: "Masterpieces- Danish art of cabinetmaking", Kronborg, Helsingør, Denmark October-December 2000. Literature: Bodil Busk Laursen, Søren Matz & Christian Holmsted Olesen [ed.]: "Mesterværker - 100 års dansk møbelsnedkeri", 2000, pp 30-31. Literature: A.J Iversen, Magnus Stephensen & Sigurd Schultz (ed.):"Møbelhåndværk gennem 25 år,- A. J Iversens snedkervirksomhed 1916-1941", 1941. Reproduced p. 15. Provenance: The cabinet was never sold by Cabinetmaker A. J Iversen. It was in his personal use and has remained with the Iversen family until now. DKK 250.000-300.000 / € 34.000-40.000 106 116 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 107 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 117 108 Finn Juhl b. Copenhagen 1912, d. Ordrup 1989 "Chieftain Chair". Easy chair with frame of rosewood. Upholstered with original patinated natural leather on seat, back and armrests. Designed in 1949. Made and stamped by cabinetmaker Niels Vodder. 108 118 Literature: Grete Jalk [ed.]: "Dansk Møbelkunst gennem 40 aar", 1987, vol. 3, mentioned p. 124-125. Literature: Noritsugu Oda: "Danish Chairs", 1999, mentioned p. 92. Literature: Arne Karlsen: "Dansk Møbelkunst i det 20. århundrede", 1993, vol. 2, mentioned pp. 186-189. Literature: "Finn Juhl Memorial Exhibition", 1990, mentioned pp. 56-57. Literature: Esbjørn Hiort: "Arkitekten Finn Juhl", Arkitektens Forlag, 1990, mentioned pp. 40-41. On p. 40 with the following remark: "For the Copenhagen Cabinetmakers’ Guild Exhibition in 1949 Finn Juhl designed the chair that became known as the "Chieftain Chair". It is probably the most characteristic of all his pieces of furniture. It did however then not receive undivided recoqnition among the critics, but today most agreee that it is among his masterpieces. At the 1949 exhibtion Finn Juhl showed, that in shaping the wooden frame of the chair, he had been inspired by the shapes of weapons and everyday utensils of indigenous people. If that was, why the chair got its name is unknown. Finn Juhl has himself told, that a journalist at the opening of the 1949 Exhibtion, had asked him, since the Danish King Frederik IX had sat in the chair, if the chair now should be called "The Kings Chair". Finn Juhl had found that too pretentious, and replied "You should rather call it a Chieftain Chair" , which the Jounalist then did". DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 109 CD Tove og Edv. Kindt-Larsen Unique chest of drawers. Striped front and sides veneered with alternating bands of rosewood and Cuban mahogany. Top of African Mahogany. Curving lower edge on body of chest. Legs with tall "shoes" of brass. Designed 1947. Made in 1947 by Cabinetmaker Gustav Bertelsen. H. 95. W. 97,5. D. 49,5 cm. Exhibited: Copenhagen Cabinetmakers’ Guild Exhibtion 1947. Museum of Art and Design, Copenhagen Denmark. Exhibited: "Masterpieces- Danish art of cabinetmaking", Kronborg, Helsingør, Denmark October-December 2000. Literature: Grete Jalk [ed.]: "40 Years of Danish Furniture Design", 1987, vol. 3, ill. p. 8-9. Literature: Povl Christensen and Håkon Stephensen [ed.]: “The Craftsmen show the way", 1966, illustrated p. 48. Literature: Bodil Busk Laursen, Søren Matz and Christian Holmsted Olesen [ed.]: "Mesterværker - 100 års dansk møbelsnedkeri", 2000, illustrated p. 27. Literatur: Frederick Sieck [ed.]: "Dansk Møbelkunst", 1990, ill. p 144. Provenance: Aquired directly at the exhibition in 1947 by previous owner, then in private collection until now. This unique chest of drawers is one of the most iconic, celebrated and referenced pieces of Danish furniture of all periods. It has been featured in almost all major referenceworks on handcrafted Danish modern furniture. It was first presented at the Copenhagen Cabinetmakers’ Guild Exhibtion in 1947. Here is it was received with the following comment by two contemporary critics: " Year in and year out, the partnership between the architects Tove and Edvard Kindt-Larsen and Cabinetmaker Gustav Bertelsen yields a number of carefully prepared and highly cultured pieces of furniture, and each time the Kindt-Larsens introduce a new concept of design. This year, it was a sligthly rococoish chest of drawers which attracted the most attention" and : "As a little extra treat the Kindt-Larsens exhibited a striped chest of drawers made of different kinds of wood - a very graceful affair...". DKK 250.000-300.000 / € 34.000-40.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 109 119 110 CD Jacob Hermann b. 1910, d. Ulfborg 1995 Very long unique table / bench of solid walnut. Top with visible joints and "butterfly" reinforcement in top. Bench designed and handcrafted between 1958-61 by Jacob Hermann personally. Signed monogram JH. H. 53,5. L. 350. W. 54 cm. Jacob Hermann’s works as a designer are characterized by an internal tension between a sensitive artistic mind and a delicate understanding of the craft of cabinetmaking. Jacob Hermann only designed and made/had made few pieces of furniture. His designs span from classical English inspired models in the tradition of Kaare Klint to pieces which in their execution and form point more to contemporary Peder Moos, but where the design language has a more powerful "nature" appearance. It can propably best be compared to the pieces by Nakashima. The bench is a unique piece that Jacob Hermann personally made for his partner and girlfriend Birthe. Provenance: Jacob Hermann, private collection in Denmark. DKK 150.000-200.000 / € 20.000-27.000 110 120 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 111 Poul Kjærholm b. Vester Vrå 1929, d. Copenhagen 1980 "PK-12". A pair of armchairs with frame of chromed steel and seat of patinated cognac coloured leather. Armrest and back with leather braid. Designed 1964. Each stamped to the rear seat rail "Denmark". Manufactured by E. Kold Christensen. (2). 111 Literature: Michael Sheridan [ed.]: "Poul Kjærholm - Furniture achitect", 2006. A similar example of this chair illustrated p. 118. The present pair of chairs is the very rare variant with leather braid not only to the tubular steel pipe that forms the armrests and front legs, but also to the steelpipe that forms back legs and back support. This variant of a PK-12 has not previously been offered for sale. DKK 250.000-300.000 / € 34.000-40.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 121 112 Tom Wesselmann b. 1931 "Study for Documenta Foot Print (68-8)", 1968. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 20 x 20 cm. Provenance: Sydney Janis Gallery, New York (numbered # 12292 on a gallery label on the reverse). Provenance: Private Collection. Between 1965 and 1970, Tom Wesselmann continuously worked on a series of paintings called the "Bedroom Series". Here the artist isolated or combined elements from his characteristic imagery: Still life, landscapes, and not least his series of iconic female portraits with the collective title "The Great American Nude" on which he started in 1961. In these paintings the artist emphasises individual details of the models, such as the hands, feet, and bosom. Tom Wesselmann's name is inextricably associated with the American Pop Art movement of the 1960s and names such as Jim Dine, Roy Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist and Claes Oldenburg. However, Tom Wesselmann resisted such labelling and emphasised his focus on the aesthetic representation of everyday motifs rather than maintaining criticism of consumer society: "I dislike labels in general and 'Pop' in particular, especially because it overemphasises the material used. There does seem to be a tendency to use similar materials and images, but the different ways they are used denies any kind of group intention.". DKK 550.000-600.000 / € 74.000-80.000 122 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 112 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 123 113 Mel Ramos b. 1935 "Red Fox", 1971. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 133 x 153 cm. Literature: Donald B. Kuspit: "Mel Ramos Pop Art Fantasies: The Complete Paintings", Watson-Guptill, New York, 2004, ill. p. 142. Provenance: Galleri Östergren AB, Malmö, Sweden. Provenance: Private Collection. Since the mid 1960s, Mel Ramos has developed his own kind of pop art, typically with nude models placed decoratively in relation to consumer goods of over dimensioned size and wild animals. In his paintings, he makes use of the images of advertising and mass culture, often achieving a humorous and poster-like effect. Together with Ed Ruscha and Wayne Thiebaud, Mel Ramos is one of the leading pop artists of the American West Coast. DKK 2.500.000 / € 335.000 124 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 113 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 125 114 Richard Artschwager b. 1923 "The Kitchen", 1971. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Acrylic on celotex. 111 x 144 cm. Provenance: Leo Castelli Gallery, New York. Provenance: Private Collection. Richard Artschwager's paintings are near-photorealistic representations of everyday objects rendered with the monochrome palette of grisailles. Richard Artschwager is known for his unorthodox use of materials, which is also expressed in the catalogued painting "Kitchen" from 1971. The acrylic paint is rendered on Celotex, which is a material made of dried and compressed sugarcane fibres that features a sandpaper-like surface. This material invites interesting modulations when applying the paint. Artschwager describes the use of Celotex with the following words: "For me it has been sometimes a useful art material in that it liberates drawing from the handheld and allows it to move into a space more commonly occupied by [canvas] paintings. It keeps the intimacy because of its paper-like characteristics, but allows it to operate at a greater physical, thereby mental, distance because of its magnified coarseness" (R. Artschwager, A Note on Celotex, Connections: Richard Artschwager, Boston, 1992, n.p.). DKK 2.800.000-3.200.000 / € 375.000-430.000 126 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 114 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 127 115 CD Michael Kvium b. 1955 "Outline painting I", 1998. Unsigned. Oil on canvas. 200 x 150 cm. Exhibited: "Michael Kvium. Jaywalking Eyes", ARoS - Aarhus Kunstmuseum, January- April 2006, ill. in cat. p. 35 and on the cover. Provenance: DCA Gallery, New York. Literature: Lennart Gottlieb: "Michael Kvium. Malerier og motiver", ill. p. 168. "Outline painting I" was the designated icon of the exhibition entitled "Michael Kvium. Jaywalking Eyes" at ARoS Aarhus Art Museum (2006). A large image of the painting was shown on the facade of the museum building. It featured on the cover of the catalogue for the exhibition. The painting also featured in folders, postcards and banners advertising the exhibition. A copy of the catalogue "Michael Kvium. Jaywalking Eyes" with the dedication: "Til dig med det røde kærligst Kvium" ["For you with the red, with love Kvium"] is included. DKK 800.000 / € 107.000 128 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 115 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 129 116 Edward Ruscha b. 1937 "Stains". Signed E. Ruscha 1970. Gunpowder and pastel on paper. Sheet size 58,5 x 74 cm. Provenance: Leo Castelli Gallery, New York. Provenance: Private Collection. Preoccupation with the written word is a defining character of Edward Ruscha's oeuvre. By isolating words and text fragments the artist offers new graphical perspectives and new reflections on their artistic significance. The artist enjoyed limited exposure to art during in his childhood but like other American Pop-Art artists he became immensely preoccupied early in his career with ubiquitous expressions of pop culture: comic strips, typography, book design and advertisements. When Ruscha settled in Los Angeles in 1956, he found work as a sign writer and graphic designer while working as a typographer for an art book publisher. Ruscha belonged to the inner circle of artists associated with the legendary Ferus Gallery behind such seminal exhibitions as Andy Warhol's breakthrough exhibition in 1962 that featured "Campbell's Soup Cans". His intellectual investigation of semantics differentiates Ruscha from other Pop-Art artists but his reference point was nonetheless popular culture. The artist's recurrent motif with words suspended freely in an undefined space draws on a personal memory of driving along Route 66 from his hometown to Los Angeles where gigantic billboards would sporadically interrupt the horizon, as punctuations on the landscape that gradually grow in size before they wiz pass the windows of the car. The word "Stains" furthermore explicitly refers to the group of works entitled "Stains" created in 1969 (The Museum of Modern Art, New York). In these works the artists allowed a number of different materials to sink into the paper: "The idea of using something that stains rather than a paint that sits on the surface of a canvas was a discovery for myself at the time. So there is everything from wine stains, coffee stains, L.A. tap water that's almost invisible - lots of 'em, lots of stains". DKK 2.500.000 / € 335.000 130 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 116 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 131 117 117 117 Andy Warhol b. 1930, d. 1987 "Queen Margrethe II". "Reigning queens (Royal Edition, Diamond Dust)", 1985. Suite of four silkscreens in colours with diamond dust. Signed Andy Warhol, R 4/30. Printed 132 by Rupert Jasen Smith, New York. Published by Mulder, Amsterdam. Sheet size 100 x 80 cm. (4). Literature: Feldman & Schellman no. 11. 342-345, ill. p. 140. DKK 500.000 / € 67.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 117 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 117 133 118 CD Tal R b. 1967 "Nej, er det nye ja" (No is the new Yes), 2007. Signed on the reverse Tal R, 2007. Oil on canvas. 385 x 385 cm. Exhibited at: “Danskjävlar”, Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, January – March 2008. Literature: Depicted in “; aktuel information om samtidskunst”, 16 January 2008; interview with the Director of Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Bo Nilsson. Provenance: Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin. Even before graduating from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 2000, Tal R had made his mark as an innovative, stylesetting, accessible, resolved and widely experimental painter. The artist has on several occasions described his style and his entire artistic project with reference to the Jewish kibbutz tradition kolboijnik, i.e. to make a festive dinner of leftovers. He elaborated his views of the concept – and his art – in an interview in which he identified the ‘ingredients’ in his work as the baggage we carry through life: “ (...) you were brought up in Brøndby, you attended some school or other, you played football somewhere, and you were slapped in the face by some guy or some girl or other. It’s [about] the things you have never asked for but which happen to be there; where you come from; things that you carry around and which are useful. That is what I call kolboijnik. But then there is also something else; something that all people need – to express themselves. We are generally used to institutions taking care of art training since it’s the institutions that are the guardians our cultural heri- 134 tage. But each of us carries a story too. Not a literary story about where you come from but about being human: having a body, an ass, a spine. That’s what pictures are generated from! (Source: Ferdinand Ahm Krak: “Interview: Tal R”, September 2007, In another interview Tal R has spoken about the painting as medium: “Every time a painting tries to add its voice to current public debate it becomes the funniest clown in the ring. It [a painting] lacks social commitment and is, when all comes to all, just a piece of canvas, some sticks and some paint that dries on the canvas. The painting has no influence. It’s like fencing with a serviette rather than a sword. But the painting can create the most amazing things with simple means. The paint is a kind of coloured mud that can say something fantastic, and I like that. In my art I operate with three layers. First of all I use the white canvas, secondly there is the ‘mud’ that creates the vision that allows people to use the painting as a window, and thirdly there is the object – some white sticks and a canvas. To me a painting isn’t an object that occupies a territory (...) but rather an object that carries a number of decisions and some visions (...). The painting is a small serviette in a sword fight. And art is a tiny little fraction of human life. It’s a silly little thing to crate pictures. And all the same it’s something very fundamentally human since it embraces spirituality and the body”. (Source: Lisbeth Bonde: “Golem - Interview with Tal R”, January 2004, DKK 1.200.000-1.500.000 / € 161.000-201.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 118 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 135 119 119 CD Olafur Eliasson b. 1967 "Islandsserien" (The Iceland Series), 2000. All signed, titled and dated on the reverse Olafur Eliasson 2000 1/1. Three photographs in colours. Each 60 x 90 cm. (3). Exhibited: "Stalke Out Of Space - 10 års jubilæumsauktion 19912001", Galleri Stalke, 2001, ill. in the cat. p. 36-37, mentioned p. 33-35. The work was executed especially for Galleri Stalke’s jubilee exhibition and has not been offered for sale since. 136 Birgitte Kirkhoff writes about the series in the above mentioned catalogue: "Iceland serie 2001 by Olafur Eliasson makes the relation between nature and culture explicit. Three large photographs show greenhouses in the Icelandic landscape. The greenhouses are placed on top of hot springs that produce enough energy for a production of fruits and vegetables to feed the entire Icelandic population. The greenhouses are lit from the inside and almost look like spaceships that have landed in the landscape. Their geometric structures stand out from the organic forms of nature, but in a way that also BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR accentuates the latter. The tremendous power, mysteriousness and mythology of Icelandic nature finds its counterpart in the cultural and alien elements represented by the greenhouses. The greenhouses maintain an artificial naturalness which is paradoxical and ironic. Olafur Eliasson works with the elements of nature (water, air, light and earth) and the point of departure of his works are problems of representations, like the opposition between nature and culture, inside and outside. Different kinds of scientists, engineers and architects often participate in the production of his installations. BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR They are all specialists who work with the displacement of scale, representation and models. Focus is on the experience of the viewer and sometimes he or she will find nature more real, beautiful and overwhelming by watching the representation than by actually being in nature. Nature is staged as a piece of fiction - with the viewer as the centre - and this fiction might influence the viewer's future experiences of nature and stimulate him or her to adopt an aesthetisized view on the familiar surroundings". DKK 400.000-500.000 / € 54.000-67.000 137 120 Robert Stanley b. 1932, d. 1997 "Gabriella #427". Signed R. Stanley '90; signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Oil on canvas. 165 x 178 cm. Provenance: Private Collection. Robert Stanley was born in Yonkers, N.Y., in 1932. After attending Columbia University for two years, he received a bachelor's degree in English literature in 1953 from Oglethorpe College in Atlanta and studied art at the High Museum of Art. Back in New York, he first worked in collage. In the early 1960's, he began to base his paintings on images clipped from newspapers and magazines, following the example of Pop artists like Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein, who would become his brother-in-law. His preferred subjects, including rock stars, sporting events and pornography, always seem to grate against the pretenses of high art. In the late 1960's the artist started using his own photographs, basing paintings on images of tree branches or the ground, and also using pictures of life-drawing models at the School of Visual Arts, where he was a faculty member for 16 years. His work is represented in many public collections, including the Museum of Modern Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Whitney Museum of American Art. DKK 225.000-275.000 / € 30.000-37.000 138 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 120 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 139 121 Urban Jürgensen gentleman's wristwatch of platinum, ref. 8. Automatic movement with date. Hand decorated dial with Roman hour markers, so-called observatoy central hands and constant seconds at "6"-marker. Caseback of platinum. Original crocodile strap with partial platinum. Case diameter c. 35 mm. 2001. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 122 Urban Jürgensen gentleman's wristwatch of platinum, reference 3. Automatic movement with perpetual calendar, moon phase and power reserve indicator. Silver dial with hand decorated guilloché decoration, Roman hour markers and handmade so-called Observatory central hands. Day by the "9"-marker, moon phase and power reserve indicator by the "12"-marker, month by the "3"-marker and date by the "6"-marker. Original Urban Jürgensen crocodile strap with platinum buckle. No 23 of a limited production of 50. Case diam. 37 mm. Original case included. Circa 2005. DKK 350.000 / € 47.000 140 122 121 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 124 125 123 123 An Art Deco diamond bracelet set with numerous older pear-shaped and brilliant-cut diamonds weighing app. 50.00 ct., mounted in white gold. L. 16.5 cm. SGL certificate and case included. France, circa 1920. DKK 400.000-450.000 / € 54.000-60.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 124 A pair of diamond earstuds each set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 4.55 ct., totalling app. 9.11 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. SGL certificate included. Circa 2000. (2). DKK 300.000-350.000 / € 40.000-47.000 125 A diamond necklace set with numerous pear-shaped, brilliant- and marquise-cut diamonds weighing app. 80.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-SI. L. 42 cm. SGL certificate included. Italy, circa 1960-80. DKK 800.000-1.000.000 / € 107.000-134.000 141 126 A pair of Danish early baroque silver small candlesticks, on stepped square bases with cut corners. Maker Jens Pedersen Komløv, Copenhagen townmark 1724, assay master Conrad Ludolph 1679-1729. Weight 450 gr. H.14.5. (2). DKK 80.000-100.000 / € 11.000-13.000 126 142 127 An early Danish baroque silver tureen and cover, oval body, finial in the shape of a twisted snake, two handles in the form of bird's heads, lid and body abundantly embossed, the underneath inscribed with scratchweight Vog 78 Lod. Maker Daniel Madsen Werum, Copenhagen townmark 1722, assay master Conrad Ludolph 1679-1729. Weight 1135 gr. L. 35. DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 127 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 143 128 Theophilus Hansen b. 1831, d. 1891 Armchair of mahogany polished oak, richly carved with ornaments. Denmark, c. 1840. Literature: Miriam Gelfer Jørgensen. "Guldalderdrømmen", p. 459- 463. 128 144 Theophilus Hansen was trained at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts under C.F. Hetsch who tutored and inspired him. He graduated from the academy with a Gold Medal. Most of his body of work lies within architecture and he achieved great international recognition with his architectural designs in Vienna and Athens. He was one of few architects to bridge the transition between late classicism and early historicism. Knowledge of his historicist furniture design is limited, however. Only few examples can with certainty be attributed to Theophilus Hansen. The chair in mention is known from a draft in the Hetsch Collection at the Danish Museum of Art and Design. The draft was executed by Christian Hetsch and carries the inscription "comp. Th. Hansen." There are, however, discrepancies between the chair and the draft. The chair is embellished with fine festoons that constitute the "ears" of the chair. According to the current owner, the chair originates from the Scavenius family, which commissioned Hetsch to design a room interior for their manor, Klintholm. The interior was executed between 1837 and 1840. DKK 125.000 / € 17.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 129 A pair of Danish Louis XVI black painted beechwood armchairs, designed by C.F. Lillie, decorated with gold ornaments and sceneries in colours. Late 18th century. (2). Five armchairs and a settee have been preserved. They were acquired in 1797 by chandler Thøger From, who furnished his property on the corner of Frederiksborggade and Rosenborggade, which served as his home and shop from 1794 until his death. According to family legend, Thøger From purchased the set from Lillie. The company was continued by Thøger From’s heirs in the same building until 1912 when the last proprietor died, Merchant Johannes Michael Holm. The two catalogued chairs were bequeathed to Holm’s oldest son, Sophus Thøger From Holm, who in turn passed them on to his daughter, Benedicte Helweg. Reproduced and referred to in Tove Clemmensen’s: “Møbler af N.H. Jardin, C.F. Harsdorff og J.C. Lillie”. Copenhagen 1973, plate 149. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 130 129 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 130 A small Jens Villadsen Bundgaard black painted wood bracket clock, movement with brass dial and chapter ring of pewter. Signed Bundgaard, Frÿsenborg. Denmark, 18th century. H. 27 cm. W. 13 cm. D. 8 cm. DKK 100.000-150.000 / € 13.000-20.000 145 131 146 131 An Italian Louis XVI gilt wood console table with top of veneered marble in geometrical design in colours, apron carved with lion masks, rosettes and foliage, turned tapering and fluted legs. Late 18th century, probably Tuscany. H. 94 cm. W. 145 cm. D. 77 cm. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 132 A large Empire Russian or French 24-light gilt-bronze chandelier, decorated with twelve angles each holding two curved candle arms. Early 19th century. H. 160 cm. Diam. 100 cm. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 132 147 133 133 A pair of French Empire gilt- and patinated bronze figures in the manner of Thomire, Cupid and young woman in classic drapery, square bases with rosettes and laurels. Circa 1830. H. 33 cm. (2). DKK 125.000 / € 17.000 134 A pair of French Louis XVI green marble and gilt bronze vases, cast with Classic women in scenery, square bases of white marble. Late 18th century. H. 47 cm. (2). DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 148 134 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 135 A Danish Rococo walnut mirror, decorated with gilt-wood carvings in the shape of rocailles, flowers and foliage. Mid 18th century. H. 128 cm. W. 61 cm. DKK 40.000 / € 5.400 135 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 149 136 136 A pair of Gustavian gilt-wood mirrors with flowers and foliage carvings, each with two scrolled brass candlearms. Sweden, late 18th century. H. 78 cm. W. 55 cm. (2). Provenance: Prince Georg and Princess Anne. Previously sold at ABR auction 500, 1987, lot 1013. DKK 75.000-100.000 / € 10.000-13.000 150 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 137 A pair of Swedish gilt wood console tables with Ölands marble top. Late 18th century - early 19th century. One probably later. H. 83 cm. W. 115 cm. D. 50 cm. (2). The console tables originate from the Swedish Ekolsund Palace, which reaches back to the 1300s. In 1747, the castle was purchased by Heir Presumptive Adolf Frederik as the seat of newborn Prince Gustav, later King Gustav III of Sweden, who frequented the palace in the early years of his reign. Several sources mention it as having been his favourite place of residence. The palace has undergone restructuring and refurbishment several times, by architects such as C.F. Adelcrantz and J.E. Rehn. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 137 151 138 152 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 138 A rectangular Schleswig faience tea tray, decorated in underglaze blue with flowers bordered with rocailles. Underneath engraved N:3. SL and Lücke in blue paint. 18th century. 81 x 54 cm. Rococo table, white-painted and gilt wood, sides with two extension leaves, cabriole legs. H. 72. W. 55 cm. Provenance: The manor Gjorslev. DKK 80.000-100.000 / € 11.000-13.000 139 A Danish "Langeland" walnut and marquetery Rococo chest, curved break front with four drawers, black painted base. Presumably made by Jørgen Nielsen "Blomsnider". Mid 18th century. H. 116 cm. W. 123 cm. D. 64 cm. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 139 153 140 154 140 A pair of large gilt-wood theatre lamps, each with 15 curved candlearms of gilted metal, hung with crystal prisms. Second half 19th century. H. 245 cm. (2). DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 141 A Norwegian Rococo gilt-wood mirror and console, curved top of white marble, carved with openwork ornaments and busts. Mid 18th century. Mirror H. 180 cm. W. 73 cm. Consol H. 72 cm. W. 72 cm. D. 45 cm. (2). DKK 75.000-100.000 / € 10.000-13.000 142 A Norwegian Rococo gilt-wood mirror and console, curved top of white marble, carved with openwork ornaments and busts. Mid 18th century. Mirror H. 137 cm. W. 60 cm. Consol H. 80 cm. W. 72 cm. D. 45 cm. (2). DKK 75.000-100.000 / € 10.000-13.000 141 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 142 155 143 A French walnut Rococo sofa, curved apron carved with flowers and foliage, cabriole legs. Mid 18th century. L. 200 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 143 156 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 144 A French Louis XV style rosewood and gilt bronze mounted bureau plat, curved top inlaid with gold printed brown leather, front with three drawers, cabriole legs, the mounts with Oriental female busts. Second half 19th century. H. 80. W. 190. D. 98 cm. DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 144 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 157 145 A large Louis XVI crystal and gilt-bronze twelve-light chandelier, hung with clear and amethyst prisms in chains and cascades. Denmark or Russia, late 18th century. H. 190 cm. Diam. 100. Literature: Christian Waagepetersen: “Lysekroner i Skandinavien fra gotik til klunketid” (Chandeliers in Scandinavia from Gothic to Victorian Style). Fig. 54 depicts a similar crystal chandelier in the Rosenborg Collection, possibly from either Frederiksberg Palace or Amalienborg Palace. This crystal chandelier is believed to be of Danish origin. DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 158 145 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 147 146 A Russian Louis XVI crystal, blue glass and gilt-bronze four-armed chandelier, with spears and hung with crystal prisms in chains. Late 18th century. H. 85 cm. Diam. 62 cm. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 146 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 147 A pair of French Louis XVI blue glass and gilt bronze candelabra, decorated with foliage and rosebuds, square bases of white marble. Late 18th century. H. 40 cm. (2). DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 159 148 A pair of large South German Rococo blue and whitepainted terracotta urns on stands, after the design by Franz Xaver Haberman (1721-1796). Each baluster form urn with flowers and scrolling foliage surmounted by a rocaille and flanked by scrolling arms, on a triform base sheathed with rocailles and scrolls on claw and ball feet. Augsburg, mid 18th century. H. 173 cm. W. 92 cm. (2). After visiting Italy, Franz Xaver Haberman, the Sculptor, Designer and Engraver, settled in Augsburg in 1746, where he produced over 500 prints covering a wide range of designs for furniture, silver, ironwork, carriages, organs and altars. He was also influential through his position as professor of drawing at the newly founded School of design in Augsburg, a post he held from 1781 until his death. DKK 350.000 / € 47.000 148 160 149 Flemish allegorical tapestry of Winter from a Series of the Four Seasons. In the foreground master and mistress in a cane crossing the frozen lake with skaters in the back Executed in Antwerp on Ludwig van Schoor's cartoons after Jan van den Hecke. Brussels, c. 1720. W. 270 cm. H. 234 cm. Jan van den Hecke, highly appreciated baroque still life painter. (Belgian/Flemish1620-1684) Ludwig van Schoor, designer.(Flemish 1666-1726). DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 149 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 161 150 Schleswig faience tea tray, presumably painted by Boerre Odewald, rectangular with rounded corners, decorated in underglaze blue with hunters in landscape, having caught a wild boar, architecture in the background. Motif surrounded by rocailles, border with grapes and foliage. Back engraved with 6. North Germany, c. 1761-1765. 43 x 63. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 150 162 151 A pair of Danish gilt wood and walnut Rococo commodes, tops of Norwegian Gjellebæk marble. Mid 18th century, newly restored, some legs restored. H. 80 cm. W. 66 cm. D. 47 cm. Most likely from the workshop of Mathias Ortmann. Marble is still quarried at some locations in Norway, but there is no longer any Gjellebæk marble of the type introduced in the 18th century into Danish stately homes. DKK 600.000 / € 80.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 151 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 163 152 164 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 152 French tapestry attributed to Francois Boucher, Paris; "The Chinese series" (the second series), madame instructing her Chinese servants how do the garden and decorate the pavillion. 18th century. W. 318. H. 238 cm. The first Chinese Series (Tenture chinoise) to be woven at the Beauvais Manufactory, now called The Story of the Emperor of China, was proably designed about 1688. Its cartoons was were by the figure painter Guy-Louis Vernansal, the celebrated flower painters Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer and Jean Belin de Fontenay. Popular for some forty years, the series was last woven about 1727-28, by 1731 the cartoons were to be damaged for no futher use. Sensing a growing revival of chinoiserie, Jean -Baptiste Oudry commissioned a new Chinese series from Francois Boucher. DKK 175.000-200.000 / € 23.000-27.000 153 A pair of large French Louis XVI gilt and patinated bronze candelabra, each with female figures on cylindrical bases of white marble, holding aloft three branches decorated with vases of Blue John. Second half of the 18th century. H. 92 cm. (2). DKK 600.000 / € 80.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 153 165 154 Antique all silk Royal Heriz Persian carpet, north west Persia. A first class example of a very rare type made as a gift to the Persian Shah. Classical medallion design surrounded by a border with the inscription: Royal Highness young King, Emperor of the World, (Shah Alam - King of the World) brave King sun of the country. Your crown is like the crown of Darius. The earth turned into paradise through your achievements. Your benevolent achievements. Thou King of the earth, the land and the sun will follow you. Your power is more superior than King Daraous` and Kasran` King Djamschid and Keygobad envy your position. Your crown is like the crown of Darous. Your face is like soul of the world and the world of the soul. To serve you brings me inward peace. My name found an eternity through the announcements of your achievements. This elaborate painting that I give you, covers your Court like a screen. Your face is like the soul of the world and world of the soul. You are an example of justice. 19th century. 294 x 204 cm. Antique Silk Heriz rugs and carpets have been regarded among the most prized rugs of many private collectors and connoisseurs alike. DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 166 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 154 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 167 155 A Louis XV ormolu and stained green horn bracket clock decorated with sprays of flowers, outlined and applied with gilt bronze foliate mounts, with a conforming wall bracket, white enamel dial. Movement and dial signed L. Formont á Paris. 18th century. H. 135 cm. DKK 100.000 / € 13.000 155 168 156 A large German walnut and gilt bronze mounted Rococo commode, the top inlaid with parquetry, curved sides and front with four drawers, corner mounts, handles and sabots of gilt bronze. Mid 18th century. H. 180 cm. W. 130 cm. D. 70 cm. DKK 175.000 / € 23.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 156 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 169 157 A Louis XVI crystal and gilt bronze twelve-light chandelier, hung with prisms in chains, three sections with ruby red plates. Late 18th century. The Baltic or Berlin. H. 148 cm. Diam. 92 cm. DKK 100.000-125.000 / € 13.000-17.000 158 A large French cabinet after George Haupt's Minéralogique cabinet, mahogany with gilt-bronze mounting. Profiled top with the Swedish coat of arms, front with two large doors and two narrow doors with marquettery of light and dark wood, tapering fluted legs. Plaque with the inscription: Muséum minéralogique Sonné en 1774 par Gustave III Roi de Suéde á Louis Joseph de Bourbon Prince de Condé. Second half 19th century. H. 214 cm. W. 180 cm. D. 66 cm. The Condé museum is the duc d'Aumale's creation. Whilst in exile in England he collected paintings, furniture, books which are all on display in the Château de Chantilly. The Condé museum, one of France's most prestigious heritages and is the first museum for classical paintings after the Louvre. The Antechamber and the Salle des Gardes date from the 19th century. They were built by Honoré Daumet to link the Grand Château to the Petit Château, which up til then were separated by a moat spanned by a covered bridge. During the French Revolution the château was emptied of its collections, but the antechamber has several reminders of how Chantilly was decorated in the 18th century, such as the mineralogical cabinet by George Haupt (1741-1784). The mineralogical cabinet by Haupt was given to the Prince de Condé by Gustav III, King of Sweden. DKK 500.000 / € 67.000 157 170 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 158 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 171 159 Two colossal gilt bronze chandeliers, each with twelve curved arms for 48 candles. The top casted with acanthus, from which chains in the shape of bees and framed oval prisms, the frame is decorated with female figures, faun masks and palmettes, the bottom finished of with openwork palmettes and a large acorn. 19th century, restored. H. 190 cm. Diam. 200 cm. According to tradition these chandeliers are made on commission of Prince Friedrich of Hessen-Kassel (1820-1888) and his wife Alexandra Grand Duchess of Russia for the residence in Copenhagen Dehn’s Palace. DKK 2.000.000 / € 268.000 172 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 159 173 160 Gerhard Henning b. Stockholm 1880, d. Hellerup 1967 Gerhard Henning: "Prinsessen på Ærten" (The Princess on the Pea) porcelain juvel box, decorated in overglaze colours, the Princess sitting on a pile of cushions, in the corners small bells. Mounted on a eight-sided plinth. Marked with Juliane Marie 23-6-18. Royal Copenhagen. H. 42 cm. 160 174 1912-1913 Gerhard Henning modeled several fairytale figures for The Royal Porcelain Factory. "Prinsessen på Ærten" - The Princess on the Pea, mentioned in Peter Hertz: Billedhuggeren Gerhard Henning, 1931. P. 72 ff. According to information from Royal Copenhagen since 1911 the figure has been produced c. 20 times - there are no total stocktaking. It takes a porcelain-painter 600 hours to finish a figure. No doubt the fairytale "Prinsessen på Ærten" - The Princess on the Pea by Hans Christian Andersen inspired Gerhard Henning creating this charming box. DKK 125.000 / € 17.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 161 "One of the largest paper cuts by H.C. Andersen known to exist”. Unique paper cut by Hans Christian Andersen. 34 x 41,8 cm. The fabulous composition depicts a swarm of ballerinas, princesses, laughing faces, flowers, palms and dancing clowns. In the center of the composition formed like an octagon Andersen has written a verse: "Den Klipning her er noget dyr,/ den er sat til en halv Rigsdaler,/ Men det er et heelt klippet Eventyr,/Den Dit Hjertelag betaler./ H.C. Andersen." ("This paper cut is somewhat expensive/ it costs half a "rigsdaler"/ But it is a whole cut fairy tale/ It will pay your kind heart / H.C. Andersen"). This outstanding paper cut is one of the largest paper cuts by H.C. Andersen known to exist. According to the diaries of H.C. Andersen it appears to have been given as a gift to Andersen's very close friend, the famous composer J.P.E. Hartmann (1805-1900). The paper cut is unusually well preserved and has never been mounted on canvas or paper. The composition has the same verse (with a few variations) as "the court baker Bruun's paper cut" at the H.C. Andersen Museum in Odense. According to the diaries of H.C. Andersen these two paper cuts appear to have been made in May 1864. At that time Denmark had just lost a war against Germany and it is likely that Andersen intended the paper cuts to encourage fallen soldiers. The present cut is truly "a whole cut fairy tale" far away from any war. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 161 175 162 162 "Flora Danica" large porcelain tureen, decorated in colours and gold with flowers, finial and handles in the shape of twisted twig with repoussé flowers. 3560. Royal Copenhagen. L. 37. DKK 60.000 / € 8.000 176 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 163 163 Georg Christian Oeder and others (eds.): Flora Danica. Aftegninger paa de Planter, som voxe vildt i Kongerigerne Danmark og Norge [...]." 17 vols plus 3 supplementary parts bound in one volume, plus the rare index "Nomenclator". In all 19 vols. Copenhagen 1766-1883 (the "Nomenclator" published 1887). Folio. Complete set with 3240 orig. hand-coloured engraved plates of plants. Some occasional browning and scattered spotting in some volumes. One plate restored. Bound in uniform half morocco. (19). BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR "Flora Danica" is the most extensive illustrated work in the Danish history of printing with 3240 hand-coloured engravings of Danish plants and flowers. Georg Christian Oeder (1728-91) was the first director of the Danish Botanical Garden and as part of this job he planned the monumental work "Flora Danica" which was completed in 1883, nearly 120 years after the first part was issued. Provenance: From the library of Count Carl Ahlefeldt-Laurvig (stamp on first title page: "C.A.L." with crown). DKK 600.000-800.000 / € 80.000-107.000 177 164 A Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted rosewood bureau plat signed Paul Sormani a Paris 10, r. Charlot after a model by Charles Cressent. A rounded and curved rectangular brown leather-inset top, the front with three drawers divided by scrolled rocaille mounts, wavy shaped sides centred by female masks, cabriole legs mounted with male military busts after the antique. France, circa 1860. H. 79 cm. L. 212 cm. W. 103 cm. Paul Sormani (1817-1877) was born in Venice. Having trained as a cabinet maker he moved to Paris where he opened his first shop in 1847. Later his business expanded and he moved to the rue Charlot in 1867. Napoleon III's wife the Empress Eugenie was particularly fond of furniture in the Louis XV and Louis XVI style. She decorated her home with both original pieces and spectacular reproductions in these styles. Sormani was a cabinet-maker who was able to meet the Empress's high standards. Paul Sormani was a maker of fine "meubles de luxe", whose work was described in the 1867 Exposition Universelle catalogue as "toute sa production revele une qualite d'execution de tout premier ordre" The firm also made eclectic furniture in contemporary styles. It can be difficult to date Sormani's work, as the firm produced furniture for nearly ninety years. However, when Paul Sormani died (circa 1877), his wife and son took over the business and from this date onwards pieces are normally signed "Veuve Sormani & Fils". DKK 600.000 / € 80.000 178 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 164 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 179 165 180 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 165 A large French rosewood chest of drawers, after a model by Jean-Henri Riesener, richly inlaid with flowers, vases, leaves and ornaments in various types of wood, gilt-bronze ornaments in the shape of rosettes, flowers and leaves, red marble top. Louis XVI style. Second half 19th century. H. 95. W. 168. D. 65 cm. Literature: Pierre Kjellberg, "Le Mobilier Francais du XVIIIe Siècle, similar model illustrated p. 697, placed at Château de Fontainebleau. DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 166 A large French Louis XVI gilt bronze and white marble mantel clock, on each side of the movement standing Muse, white enamel dial decorated with flowers in colours, movement with calender and moon phase. Movement and dial signed Charlea á Paris. Second half 18th century. H. 56 cm. W. 57 cm. DKK 400.000 / € 54.000 166 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 181 167 167 A French Empire ormolu four-piece Surtout de Table, openwork gilt bronze gallery with ornaments, foliage and classical masks. Early 19th century. L. 260 cm. W. 64 cm. Similar piece made by Pierre-Philippe Thomire (1751-1843) around 1800 in Paris. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 182 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 168 168 A George III mahogany four pedestal extending dining table, top with two insertions, four baluster turned pillars, legs ending in brass sabots and castors. England, circa 1800. H. 74 cm. L. 352 cm. W. 152 cm. Extended L. 468 cm. DKK 150.000-200.000 / € 20.000-27.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 183 169 184 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 169 A pair of large Louis XVI gilt-wood armchairs, medallion-shaped backs carved with leaves and ornaments, curved fluted arms, round, tapered and fluted legs. One stamped C. Chevigny. France, late 18th century. (2). Claude Chevigny was accredited master in 1768. Chevigny's style of chair design was always simple in its outline but sophisticated in its detail. He maintained his preference for the Louis XVI fashion and refined the neo-classical detail with particularly elegant squared and oval backs usually with both reeded and fluted detailing which was repeated on seat frames and legs. This sophistication gained him many aristocratic clients, such as the Duc de Choiseul at the Château de Chanteloup and the Duke of Montmorency. Similar armchairs made by Chevigny at the Louvre in Paris and the Metropolitan Museum in New York. DKK 50.000 / € 6.700 170 A French Louis XVI gilt and patinated bronze mantel clock, model after Francois Rémond, writing young man and reading young woman on red marble base. Signeret Lé Chopié á Paris. Late 18th century. H. 70 cm. W. 63 cm. The figures of the reader and the writer follow the models of Simon-Louis Boizot, the design of the pendulum clock is attributed to Francois Remond. Comparative Literature: Hans Ottomeyer/Peter Pröschel: "Vergoldete Bronzen", Die Bronzearbeiten des Spätbarock und Klassizismus, München, 1986, p. 295. Elke Niehüser: “French bronze clocks”, 1700-1830, p. 26. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 170 185 171 171 J. de Beers, c. 1790 The Queens Castle at Greenwich. C. 1790. Signed J. de Beers. Engraved and painted on glass. 46 x 89 cm. Provenance: Kenneth S. Harris, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Gavin Henderson, Lord Farringdon, Barnsley House, Burford, England. . DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 186 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 172 Københavner Pokalen: a cut crystal goblet by Heinrich Gottlieb Köhler featuring a cuppa-cut rendition of the Copenhagen city arms flanked by lion rampant. On the reverse it features the towers of Copenhagen rendered in Rococo cartouche flanked by Justitia in addition to two other allegorical figures and the inscription "Gott Steh dem Könige, mit Krafft und Seegen bey. Er hatte Selbst mit Rath, Er Schütz die Policey." and "Er Seegne all Ihr thun, und was getht aus und ein. So mus Stäts heil und gelück, in Copenhagen Sein." Roughly translated: "God stands by the King, inducing power and offering benediction. He has council and offers protection to the state." and "He blesses all that they undertake and which goes around. May fortune and happiness prevail in Copenhagen." The lid is adorned with an olive-shaped cut crystal pattern. The goblet has a facetted, baluster-shaped hollow stem. Manufactured in Silesia and cut in Denmark, circa 1752-1756. H. 42 cm. The cut crystal goblet is manufactured in Silesia and cut by H.G. Köhler in Copenhagen while he resided in the city between 1741 and 1756. The goblet is identical to one in the collections of the Danish Museum of Art and Design in Copenhagen: B22/1935. The cut crystal motif resembles that of an image of the towers of Copenhagen rendered in Ada Buch Polak: Gammel Norsk Glas, plate 7, plate 13. Literature: Holger Rasmussen, Arv og Eje. 1968. P. 134-135. H.G. Köhler was trained as a glass-cutter at the Saxon glass company and soon became a supplier of cut crystal goblets to the Danish Royal Court. He has created 12 signed works, but many more are attributed to him due to his characteristic style. DKK 125.000-150.000 / € 17.000-20.000 172 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 187 173 A signed French Louis XVI style rosewood and gilt bronze mounted cupboard with a pair of lacquered doors in the Chinese taste, with figures, houses and rocks in a landscape top of multicoloured marble. Stamped: Krieger. Second half 19th century. H. 154 cm. W. 135 cm. D. 50 cm. Antoine Krieger: ébéniste (1804-1869) A major manufacturer cabinet-maker during the second half of the 19th century. Krieger set up shop in the Faubourg SainteAntoine District in 1826. The company had changes its name several times by 1880, latter becoming Damon et Cie. Exhibited varios types of furniture in 1852 and 1855, making copies of 18th century furniture, also modern interpretations of earlier styles. Some of his piece bear a paper label, others signed with his surname of metal work. DKK 150.000 / € 20.000 174 A large French rosewood and gilt bronze bureau plat. Top inlaid with brown leather and gold-tooled border, apron with three drawers. Régence style, circa 1900. H. 76 cm. L. 200 cm. W. 100 cm. DKK 175.000-200.000 / € 23.000-27.000 173 188 174 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 174 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 189 175 A large German Baroque 16-lighted brass chandelier. Late 17th century or early 18th century. H. 112 cm. Diam. 120 cm. DKK 100.000-150.000 / € 13.000-20.000 176 An Italian walnut Rococo writing bureau, curved sides and front with four drawers and fall-front. Lombardy, mid 18th century. H. 114 cm. W. 154 cm. D. 58 cm. DKK 30.000-40.000 / € 4.000-5.400 175 190 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 176 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 191 177 A pair of French Louis XVI gilt and patinated bronze candelabra, each with female figures on cylindrical bases of breche d' Alep marble, holding aloft three branches. Second half 18th century. H. 77 cm. (2). DKK 200.000 / € 27.000 178 A pair of Danish Louis XVI gilt wood console tables, both with tops of white marble and fronts with openwork ornaments. Attributed to the Architect Caspar Frederik Harsdorff. Late 18th century. H. 84 cm. W. 91 cm. D. 60 cm. (2). Provenance: Lilliendal Manor. 177 192 Architect Caspar Frederik Harsdorff represented an austere neoclassical style that was a reaction to the prevailing rococo style. A couple of Harsdorff’s most accomplished examples are his own residence, Kongens Nytorv 3-5 (constructed in 1780), and Erichsens Palæ (Manor) by Kongens Nytorv (constructed 1799). He also practiced interior design and was not only epoch-making within architecture but also within the design and manufacturing of furniture. In acknowledgement of his evident talent, C.F. Harsdorff was appointed Court Architect and Professor. DKK 400.000 / € 54.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 178 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 193 179 Antique Tabriz, Persia. A fine example of a top grade carpet with an impressive classical medallion drawing executed with the best wool and use of colors. Mint condition. Early 20th century. 402 x 310 cm. Tabriz is the dominant city of Northwest Iran/Persia and is the second largest city in Iran. Tabriz has been a center of the Persian carpet trade for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years. Quality spans all grades from Bazaar quality all the way up to some of the best rugs woven in Iran. DKK 300.000 / € 40.000 194 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 179 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 195 180 Important Sévres porcelain coffee-set, decorated in colours and gold with portraits of ladies Agnes Sorel, Mme Duchatelet, Rosalba, Jeanne Gray, Anne de la Vigne, Mme Deshouilleres, Heloïse, Marie Thérèse, Mme de Graficny, Anne d'Autriche, Christine de Suede, Marguerite de Valois, Elisabeth d'Angleterre, Marie Stuart, Blanche de Castile. The saucers adorned with the emperial insignia in gold; the set comprising eight cups and eight saucers, coffee pot, sugar bowl, creamer and slop basin. Marked in reed M. Imp/de Sévres. France, circa 1810. Marie-Victoire Jacquotot or Jaquotot 1772-1855) painter at the Sévres factory 1801-1842. After the Tilsit Peace she painted under order from Napoleon I, a dessert service which was given to the Russian Tzar. Literature: Similar cup reproduced in Sévres: Marcell Brunet et Tamara Préaud, 1978, p. 288, planche 342. Tasse Jasmin à pied cannelé. Fond vert, 1810. DKK 1.000.000 / € 134.000 196 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 180 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 197 181 A French mid 19th century ormolu-mounted, brass-inlaid ebony and ebonised Boulle-style vitrine on cabinet. The rectangular spreading top surmounted by a shaped pediment centred by a female mask, flanked to each side by a seated putto and scrolling foliage, the angles to the front with bouquets of grapes and vine leaves, above a pair of glazed cupboard doors with reeded surround, the mirrored-back interor fitted for shelves, the base inlaid with flower-heads, scrolling branches and masks, the sides with similar glazed panels, the cabinet with two frieze drawers above a pair of cupboard doors each centred by a female mask within pierced scrolling foliate mounts inscribed to the reverse Gf, the interior fitted with a shelf, the sides with similar inlaid panels and mask mounts, on a plinth with square feet. H. 268. W. 117. D. 58 cm. Guillaume Grohé (1808-1885) established his workshop in Paris in 1829 with his brother, under the trade name "Grohé Frères" and by 1861 he run the business on his own. The firm created original pieces of furniture in Louis XIV and Louis XVI styles and delivered many pieces to the Second Empire court. Grohé toook part in all major exhibitions until 1878 when the business closed. In the 1855 Paris Expositon Universelle Grohé were awarded with a médaille d'honneur. The Jury reports that Grohé Freres exhibited: "un cabinet à deux corps, en ébène, avec partie surpérieure fermant a glaces", a description which could correspond to the present lot. (Rapports du Jury de l'Exposition Universelle de 1855, Paris, p. 1118. Grohé worked as main supplier to the Duc d'Aumale in the château de Chantilly and som similarities can be found with the meuble-bahut they delivered for the salon des Guises, illustrated in Ledoux-Lebard p. 241, in particularly the floral garlands mounts flanking the cupboard doors. Comparative literatur; Ledoux-Lebard, Les Ébénistes du XIX siècle 17951889, pp 239-245. DKK 500.000 / € 67.000 181 198 182 A French Regence style black painted and gilt bronze bureau plat in the style of Charles Boulle, inlaid with tortoise and brass, the top inlaid with black leather, corner mounting, handles and sabots of gilt bronze. The lock stamped Sormani & Fils, 10 r. Charlot Paris. 19th century. H. 78 cm. L. 147 cm. W. 74 cm. Similar bureau plat in château de Versailles. Comparative literature: Denise Ledoux-Lebard: Les Ébénistes du XIX Siècle 1795-1889. DKK 400.000 / € 54.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 182 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 199 183 183 Italian artist, 19th century Micro mosaic depicting Forum Romanum in Rome. Unsigned. 21 x 28 cm. DKK 25.000-30.000 / € 3.400-4.000 200 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 184 White marble torso, young man with cape over left shoulder. Roman. 1st or 2nd century. H. 70 cm. Pedestal H. 8.5 cm. Provenance: From the collection of J.A. Jerichau (1816-1883), professor of sculpture - Auction 5 May 1884, no. 5. "Standing man with cape on left shoulder. Missing head and arms, legs truncated on the diagonal. Mounted at a pedestal of a later date. Marble sculptures from this collection can today be seen in the collections of the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek and in the Classical and Near Eastern Antiquities’ collection of the National Museum of Denmark. This torso was later purchased by G.A. Sadolin and has been part of his collection until now. The standing motif and small size are well-known from Roman marble statues depicting handsome young men intended for display in a peristyle or garden setting. The cape is rather short, resting only on the shoulder and serving mainly to emphasize the figure's nudity. DKK 300.000-400.000 / € 40.000-54.000 184 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 201 185 Egyptian canope of alabaster with bas-relief inscriptions and a lid shaped like the head of the funeral deity Amset [also transcribed Imset] adorned with a wide wig. 26th Dynasty, 525-664 BC. H. 37 cm. Inscription: "To quote Isis: I will kill your adversary and take over guard of Amset, which lies within. When Amset is protected the honourable Osiris is protected. Pe-Sehar-Nat, the blessed is Amset". The hieroglyphs were deciphered by Professor Lander-Hansen of the University of Copenhagen. Pe-Sehar-Nat is the name of the deceased. 185 202 Provenance: Purchased by the current owner's father from Antique Dealer Carl Becker in the 1980s. Canopic jars were used to store embalmed viscera removed from the body during the process of mummification. Canopes were commonly rendered in alabaster, ceramic, wood or bronze. DKK 60.000-80.000 / € 8.000-11.000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 186 obverse enlarged 300% reverse enlarged 300% BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 186 Denmark, Valdemar II, the Victorious, 1202 - 1241. Penning (pfennig, penny, denar, denier) struck in the city of Roskilde "In the year of our Lord" 1234, 1,00g. Very Fine condition. P. Hauberg, "Danmarks Myntvæsen", Copenhagen 1906, Tab. V, 12; A. Frey, "The Dated European Coinage prior to 1501, New York 1915, N1; R. A. Levinson, "The Early dated coins of Europe 1234 1500", New Jersey 2002, VI-1. The coin shows a crown on the obverse and a miter (bishop's hat) on the reverse and bears the following legends in uncial script: +ANNO DOMINI / MCCXXXIIII. From an old Swedish collection. First published in Nordisk Numismatisk Unions Medlemsblad, August 2003, by Kent Bengtsson. Of the utmost historical importance. A wonderful example, probably the best of the 7 in existence and unique in private hands. The present coin, which ranges among the most famous and most important of all European coins ever, owes its position to the fact that it is the earliest dated coin in the history of European numismatics. In his standard reference work Robert Levinson puts it very accurately when he says that "The decision to begin dating coins to an Anno Domini standard was hardly a trend-setter: 138 years passed until the next European coins were dated in 1372", and the first collectable dated coin is normally considered as being the 1374 Groschen from Aachen. The reason for the issue of this outstanding coin has since its first discovery around 1700 been something of a mystery, and in fact precisely the mysterious could hold some of the explanation for the dating of this coin. In the Medieval world superstition played a vital part in every day life and the magic in numbers should not be underestimated. After all, never before - or for that matter since - has there been a year containing such a "powerful" sequence of numbers, no matter if you use the Arabic numbers 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 or the Roman numerals M (x 1) C (x 2) X (x 3) I (x 4). Most of the 13th century there was an intense conflict between the King and the Catholic Church, and king Valdemar tried to secure full proceeds from the minting, which was divided between the crown and the church. Following a meeting in 1234, Niels Stigsen, who was bishop of Roskilde from 1225 till 1249, apparantly succeeded in maintaining "his" share of the income, and so the present coin, showing the miter of the bishop, could be seen as a sort of ecclesiastical commemorative. DKK 250.000 / € 34.000 203 204 BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 187 A highly important Il Khanid silver and gold inlaid brass pencase, late 13th cent. AD. The Ilkhanate of Northwest Iran, late 13th century AD. Brass pencase of rectangular form with rounded ends richly decorated with gold and silver inlays with a drawing of medallions showing affronted and avert flying birds - in some the birds are surrounded by four-legged animals and in some by heads of mythical creatures. On the lid two medallions are seen depicting a mounted falconer and another with a mounted archer. All medallions framed with borders of vegetal motifs, pair of birds, and trellis pattern. Two silver hinges, Brass base added later. Length 15.3 cm. Minor scattered corrosion, but in general of exceptional condition, of superior workmanship and of the highest importance. Comparable pieces can be seen in the Museum of Islamic Art, Doha (ex. Sotheby's, London, April 30th 2003, lot. 68) and in the David Collection, Copenhagen (Kjeld Von Folsach: Islamic Art, 1990, p. 204f.). Islamic decorative art reaches a pinnacle under the Mongolian Dynasty called the Il Khanids, who ruled over present days Iran and Iraq from 1256 till 1353. Silver and gold inlaid luxury goods in bronze and brass belonged to the most highly esteemed prestigious objects, but only very rarely have these beautiful, but delicate and frail inlays been preserved to our times. The present richly decorated case, which served as a container for writing tools, must certainly have belonged to a highranking member of the Il Khanid court. Whereas figurative representations of humans and animals are normally considered to be in conflict with Islamic teaching, this has mostly held true within the specifically religious sphere. Secular art, however, has sometimes been adorned with very beautiful figurative motives. In the present case scenes of courtly hunting are depicted in combination with series of symbolic and highly poetic representations of flying birds, which probably also allude to esoteric conceptions. 1 DKK 2.250.000-3.000.000 / € 302.000-402.000 1. BRUUN RASMUSSEN TRÉSOR 187 205 index A H Ancher, Anna Ancher, Michael 44 40, 41, 47, 49 Artschwager, Richard 114 Balsgaard, Carl 24 Beers, J. de 171 Brendekilde, H. A. 59, 68 C 33 D Dreyer, Dankvart 6 75 2 7, 12 14, 16, 28, 29 Eliasson, Olafur 119 Eriksen, Edvard 62 F Fischer, Paul 53, 55, 60, 65 66, 67, 70, 77 Fischer, Philip August 1 G Gottlob, Kaj 57, 58, 64, 69 Hansen, Constantin 27 8 Heerup, Henry 102 Henning, Gerhard 160 Hermann, Jacob 110 Holm, Christian 34 63, 73, 74 107 T Larsen, Johannes 61 Thomsen, Carl Liljefors, Bruno 79 Thøming, Friedrich Lund, F. C. 35 Tuxen, Laurits Lundbye, Johan Thomas 36 W Lundstrøm, Vilhelm 101 M Marstrand, Wilhelm Mønsted, Peder 17, 18, 21 72 P I Ilsted, Peter E Eckersberg, C. W. 52, 54, 56 Holsøe, Carl Carracci, Annibale, studio of Dalsgaard, Christen Hammershøi, Vilhelm Hansen, Heinrich B Dahl, I. C. L 48 J Petersen, Robert Storm Petzholdt, Fritz Philipsen, Theodor Jacobsen, Robert 105 Jensen, I. L. 11 Jerichau Baumann, Elisabeth 38 103 9 37 R R, Tal 118 43 Ramos, Mel 113 Juel, Jens 3, 4, 15, 19 Ring, L. A. 71 Juhl, Finn 108 Ring, Ole 78 Johansen, Viggo K Kindt-Larsen, Tove og Edvard 109 Kjærholm, Poul 111 Kloss, Frederik Theodor Krøyer, P. S. 20 32, 42, 45, 46, 51 Ruscha, Edward 116 Rørbye, Martinus 39 S Schjerfbeck, Helene 104 Skovgaard, P. C. 31 Snyders, Frans 25 Kvium, Michael 115 Küchler, Albert 22, 26 Stanley, Robert 120 5 Sørensen, C. F. 10, 30 Købke, Christen 76 13, 23 50 Warhol, Andy 117 Wegener, Gerda 106 Wesselmann, Tom 112 k ø bsk o n d i t i o n e r § 1. Budgivning Køber er den byder, der får hammerslag. Den, der byder for andre, hæfter som selvskyldnerkautionist for berigtigelsen af købet. På opfordring fra Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner (herefter benævnt Bruun Rasmussen), skal alle bydere, hvadenten de ønsker at afgive et bud ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet eller afgive en kommission pr. brev, fax eller hjemmeside eller byde direkte pr. telefon eller hjemmeside, kunne dokumentere deres betalingsdygtighed samt til enhver tid identificere sig. Bruun Rasmussen er altid berettiget til at nægte at acceptere et bud, hvis på forlangende ikke tilstrækkelig sikkerhed er stillet eller en passende à conto betaling har fundet sted. Bud afgives af byderen ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet eller ved skriftlig kommission enten pr. brev, fax eller hjemmeside. På online-auktioner afgives bud direkte fra hjemmesiden. Afgivelse af bud pr. telefon er muligt under visse forudsætninger, der afgøres af Bruun Rasmussen. Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejl eller fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service. Auktionarius bestemmer overbuddets størrelse og træffer ligeledes afgørelse i alle tvivlstilfælde om budgivningen. For at kunne byde på online auktioner kræves forudgående registrering af byders betalingskort- / kreditkortoplysninger. § 2. Betaling For numre, der handles til brugtmoms, opgøres købesummen som hammerslagsprisen med tillæg af 25% i auktionsomkostninger inklusive afgift. Visse numre handles efter særlige regler til fuldmoms, så udover auktionsomkostninger på 20%, beregnes moms på 25% af hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. Hvilke numre der sælges til fuldmoms fremgår af katalog og hjemmeside med stjerne (*). Danske momsregistrerede købere skal overfor Bruun Rasmussen oplyse deres SE-/CVR-nr. (moms-nr.), da dette skal anføres på de fakturaer, hvor varen købes i fuld moms. For visse udenlandske købere gælder der særlige regler for afgiftsfritagelse jvf. § 4. Afgiftsfritagelse omfatter ikke EU private købere, som ligestilles med danske købere jvf. gældende dansk lovgivning om handel med brugte varer, kunstgenstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter. Købesummen forfalder til betaling ved tilslaget. Der kan betales kontant op til DKK 100.000 eller med Dankort, banknoteret check, rejsechecks, Visa-, Master-, Diners Club- eller Eurocard. Personlige udenlandske checks kan kun anvendes efter forudgående aftale. Betaling kan finde sted under eller umiddelbart efter auktionen og under alle omstændigheder skal betaling finde sted senest 8 dage efter fakturadatoen. På online auktioner trækkes købesummen på de af byderen oplyste kort- og kontooplysninger i forbindelse med at det købte emne udtages til transport (ca. 12 timer efter dagens salg). Samtidig tilsendes køber faktura og transportoplysninger. Betales købesummen ikke rettidigt, skal der svares rente heraf med 1,5% pr. påbegyndt måned. Betales købesum og renter ikke inden 8 dage efter at Bruun Rasmussen har afsendt påkrav herom til køber, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at annullere købet og bortsælge det købte på ny auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen eller underhånden og afkræve køber ethvert herved opstået tab. Et eventuelt overskud tilfalder den, der har indleveret det købte til auktion. Har den misligholdende køber tilgodehavender fra salg af effekter hos Bruun Rasmussen, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at berigtige ethvert tilgodehavende hos køber ved modregning. Har den misligholdende køber indleveret andre effekter til salg, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at bortsælge sådanne effekter på auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen uden at være bundet af en af den misligholdende køber fastsat mindstepris. Den misligholdende køber er ikke berettiget til at kræve ud- levering af effekter indleveret til salg, så længe forfalden gæld til Bruun Rasmussen ikke er betalt, uanset om værdien af sådanne effekter må anses at overstige forfalden gæld. Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at afvise bud afgivet af en køber, der er i misligholdelse med sine betalingsforpligtelser over for Bruun Rasmussen eller et bud afgivet af en anden på den pågældendes vegne, ligesom Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at kræve et depositum som betingelse for accept af fremtidige bud. § 3. Fortrydelsesret For privatkøb af emner på en online-auktion gælder loven om fjernsalg, herunder også 14 dages fortrydelsesret. Eventuelle omkostninger forbundet med transport af købte emner retur fra køber, betales af køber selv. Såfremt køber benytter sig af sin fortrydelsesret, refunderer Bruun Rasmussen betalingen umiddelbart efter, at varen er sendt retur og modtaget af Bruun Rasmussen. Bruun Rasmussen gør opmærksom på, at det herefter er op til bankerne/kreditkortselskaberne, hvornår refusionen indgår på købers konto. § 4. Afgiftsfritagelse Udenlandske købere, der opfylder nedennævnte betingelser, betaler 20% i auktionsomkostninger af hammerslaget, og bliver ikke belastet af danske afgifter. A. Købere med bopæl i et andet EU-land: Købere, som er momsregistreret i et andet EU-land, fritages for at betale dansk moms, når momsregistreringen dokumenteres over for Bruun Rasmussen, som skal påføre momsnummeret på fakturaen. B. Købere med bopæl uden for EU: 1. Forsendelse gennem speditør: Effekter, der eksporteres gennem en af Bruun Rasmussen godkendt speditør, fritages for afgift. 2. Udførsel som rejsegods: Der kan ske fritagelse for dansk afgift, når køberen selv medtager det købte under forudsætning af, at følgende betingelser er opfyldt: Fakturaen skal være betalt, og den danske afgift på 25% af fakturabeløbet skal være deponeret hos Bruun Rasmussen. a. Købere med fast bopæl i Norge vil få den danske moms refunderet, så snart Bruun Rasmussen har modtaget købsfakturaen retur med påtegning om officiel indførsel fra det endelige lands toldmyndighed eller anden på omsætningsafgiftsområdet kompetent myndighed, hvis købet overstiger DKK 1.200. b. Købere med fast bopæl andre steder uden for EU vil få den danske moms refunderet, efter at effekterne har været forevist til toldbehandling i forbindelse med køberens udrejse fra EU. Eksportørblanketten returneres til Bruun Rasmussen efter at være forsynet med et toldvæsens attest for udførslen, hvis købet overstiger DKK 300. Dette gælder også for Færøerne og Grønland. § 5. Afgiftsbetaling A. Momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande, der ikke ønsker at gøre brug af § 4, kan i stedet vælge at handle til brugtmoms/fuldmoms på lige fod med private købere. Dette skal meddeles Bruun Rasmussen inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. B. Momsregistrerede i Danmark kan vælge at købe til fuldmoms med 25% af både hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. Dette skal meddeles inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. § 6. Udlevering Købesummen skal være betalt, inden det købte kan udleveres til køberen. Det købte henligger fra hammerslaget for købers regning og risiko. For varer, der ikke afhentes ifølge aftale efter hammerslaget, vil blive kørt på fjernlager på købers regning og risiko. Købte varer, der er betalt, men ikke afhentet, vil efter 1 år blive videresolgt for købers regning ved auktion eller underhånden. § 7. Forsendelse Såfremt Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at emballere og fremsende købte varer, sker dette på købers regning og risiko. Bruun Rasmussen kan således ikke drages til ansvar for skader forvoldt på købte varer under forsendelse eller for forsvundne forsendelser. § 8. Kunstnerafgift til Copy-Da n CD Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal der opkræves følgeretsvederlag på værker af alle nyere danske og visse udenlandske kunstnere. Følgeretsvederlaget opkræves hos køber af Bruun Rasmussen på vegne af kunstnernes organisation Copy-Dan, for de kunstværker, der er omfattet af loven. Disse værker er mærket CD for Copy-Dan ud for katalognummeret. Følgeretsvederlaget beregnes som følger for det enkelte kunstværk, når hammerslagsprisen overstiger DKK 1.864: • 5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 0 og DKK 310.729 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift • 3% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 310.729 og DKK 1.242.917 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift • 1% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 1.242.917 og DKK 2.175.104 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift • 0,5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger mellem DKK 2.175.104 og DKK 3.107.292 med tillæg af auktions-omkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift • 0,25% af den del af hammerslagsprisen, der ligger over DKK 3.107.292 med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% ekskl. afgift Copy-Dan afgiften kan ikke overstige DKK 93.219 for det enkelte kunstværk. § 9. Eksporttilladelse Kulturværdiudvalget er blevet ansøgt om eksporttilladelse, hvor dette kræves iflg. gældende dansk lovgivning om sikring af kulturværdier i Danmark. Foreligger en sådan ikke, vil dette blive meddelt den udenlandske køber umiddelbart efter hammerslaget. Derefter vil Bruun Rasmussen igen ansøge Kulturværdiudvalget på købers vegne, nu hvor prisen kendes. Gives eksporttilladelse ikke, er Kulturværdiudvalget forpligtet til at overtage det købte til den opnåede pris, hvilket betyder at købet bliver hævet for køber. § 10. Beskrivelse af emner Alt sælges i den stand, hvori det ved hammerslaget er at forefinde og som beskrevet i katalog eller hjemmeside med senere offentliggjorte ændringer og modifikationer. Beskrivelsen er foretaget efter bedste overbevisning og under anvendelse af de anførte katalogiserings-principper. De solgte effekter er ofte af en alder eller af en art, der bevirker, at de kan være behæftet med fejl, mangler, restaurering eller beskadigelser, der ikke nødvendigvis angives i katalog eller på hjemmesiden. Afbildninger i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er blot til identifikation og kan ikke anvendes til vurdering af effekternes stand. Enhver der ønsker at byde på auktion, bør derfor ved selvsyn på de før auktionen afholdte eftersyn forvisse sig om de ønskede effekters stand. Beskrivelsen er udtryk for den på salgstidspunktet blandt lærde og eksperter herskende opfattelse. Skulle der efter købet opstå tvivl om det købtes ægthed eller dettes overensstemmelse med beskrivelsen, skal dette straks meddeles til Bruun Rasmussen. Såfremt det må erkendes, at det købte er en forfalskning, eller såfremt beskrivelsen har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der har medført en væsentlig højere hammerslagspris, end en korrekt beskrivelse må antages at ville have resulteret i, er køber berettiget til at annullere købet, hvorefter den samlede erlagte købesum tillagt auktionsomkostninger og evt. moms, vil blive refunderet køber. Væsentlige fejl i beskrivelsen relateret til mål eller vægt erstattes kun procentuelt i forhold til differencen. 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Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, Auktionsholder Jørgen Byriel, Auktionsleder KOMMISSIONER Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at byde i kommission for bydere, der ikke kan være til stede ved auktionen. Det er en forudsætning, at kommissioner indleveret pr. brev eller fax er Bruun Rasmussen i hænde i 24 timer før auktionens start, så om nød-vendigt bydernes kreditværdighed kan undersøges. Via hjemmesiden er denne deadline 3 timer. Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejl-tagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service. Konditionsrapporter Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig, hvis det er muligt, at orientere nærmere om numrenes kondition og tilstand. Dette er ment som en service for kunder, der ikke selv har mulighed for ved selvsyn at undersøge numrene på eftersynet. Det understreges, at de givne oplysninger ikke kan gøres til genstand for reklamationer; her henvises til beskrivelsen. 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Vi henviser imidlertid til vores hjemmeside:, hvor der under det enkelte katalognummer ofte er oplysninger om bevaringstilstand, reparationer o. lign. Er disse oplysninger ikke tilstrækkelige kan én af afdelingens sagkyndige kontaktes for yderligere informationer. The amount in Euro is, in Bruun Rasmussen's judgment, roughly adjusted to presentable figures. Condition Bruun Rasmussen draws attention to the fact that, as a rule, no information is provided regarding the condition of the lots (cf. conditions of purchase § 9). However, we refer to our website: where information regarding condition, repairs, etc. can usually be found for the individual lot. Should this information be insufficient, further details can be obtained by contacting one of the experts of the department. Bankforbindelse Bankers Danske Bank · Konto: 30014310970638 IBAN: DK4130004310970638 Swift-BIC DABADKKK Danske Bank · Account: 30014310970638 IBAN: DK4130004310970638 Swift-BIC DABADKKK virksomhedsregistrering business registration CVR-nr. DK25472020 CVR-nr. DK25472020 m o ms o g k u n st n e rafg i ft v at a n d c o p y - d a n i n f o rmat i o n standard auktionsomkostninger BUYER’S STANDARD PREMIUM 25% - brugt moms 25% AUCTIONEERS’ MARGIN SCHEME 1. januar 1995 trådte nye love i kraft i EU vedrørende moms ved handel på auktion med brugte varer, kunstgenstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter, der nu kan handles til brugt moms. As of 1 January 1995 new EC regulations came into effect regarding the sale of secondhand goods, works of art, collector’s items and antiques; these items may now be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme. Efter de nye regler er det kun auktionsomkostninger, der skal tillægges moms, og ikke som tidligere varens fulde pris. I auktionsomkostninger er indregnet ikke fradragsberettiget moms. Under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme the premium only is subject to VAT, i.e. the hammer price is exempted from VAT. The buyer’s premium of 25% will thus henceforth include non-refundable VAT. Fuld moms * full vat * anvendes for visse varer som ikke kan handles i brugt moms. Disse er mærket med en stjerne *. Købere skal betale 20% i auktionsomkostninger, hvortil lægges 25% moms af hammerslaget og auktionsomkostningerne. Reducerede auktionsomkostninger 20% betales af købere der opfylder følgende betingelser: 1. Danske momsregistrerede købere kan vælge at betale 20% i auktionsomkostninger + 25% moms af hele (fuldmoms). Momsbeløbet kan køber modregne, og betaler derved 20% i auktionsomkostninger. 2. Momsregistrerede købere i andre EU-lande kan, ved at anvende deres EU-momsnr., undgå den danske moms og derved betale 20% i auktionsomkostninger. 3. Alle købere med bopæl i et land uden for EU, der opfylder de danske toldmyndigheders krav i forbindelse med eksport, betaler derved 20% i auktionsomkostninger (se købskonditioner, §3, Afgiftsfritagelse). Kunstnerafgift til Copy-dan CD Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret, skal der opkræves 5% i kunstnerafgift af hammerslagsprisen med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 20% excl. afgift på værker af alle nyere danske og de fleste udenlandske kunstnere. Disse værker er mærket CD for Copy-Dan ud for katalognummeret. For nærmere information henvises til købskonditionerne. will be charged on goods that cannot be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme. These lots are marked with an asterix *. The buyer pays the auction premium of 20% plus 25% vat on the hammer price as well as the buyer’s premium. BUYER’S REDUCED premium 20% is paid by buyers fulfilling the following terms/conditions: 1. Danish VAT registered buyers may choose to pay the 20% buyer’s premium + 25% VAT on the total amount (Full VAT). The buyer may have the total VAT refunded and thus pays 20% in buyer’s premium only. 2. VAT registered buyers in other EU countries may avoid Danish VAT by using their VAT registration number and thereby pay a buyer’s premium of 20% only. 3. Residents of countries outside the EU meeting the Danish customs authorities’ requirements regarding the export of goods pay the buyer’s premium of 20% only (see Conditions of Purchase §3, Exemption from VAT). Artists’ royalties payable to copy-dan CD Pursuant to current Danish legislation on copyright an artists’ royalty of 5% of the total price exclusive of VAT (i.e. hammer price plus buyer’s premium 20%) shall be collected on works of modern art by all Danish and most foreign artists. These works are marked CD for Copy-Dan next to the lot number. For further information please refer to the Conditions of Purchase. k o mm i ss i o n sb u d c o mm i ss i o n b i d s Det er muligt at afgive kommissionsbud, hvis De ikke selv kan være til stede på auktions dagen. Denne service er gratis. Når De afgiver en kommission, beder De vores kundeservice på Deres vegne byde op til et af Dem bestemt beløb i hammerslag. Der kan opstå den situation, at en anden køber allerede har budt det beløb, som De ønsker at afgive. Er De da villig til at gå et bud højere eller er De indforstået med at nummeret sælges til anden side? Ønsker De ikke at byde højere så skriv “Max” ud for beløbet. Er De i tvivl om hvor højt De vil byde, kan De hæve budet med op til ca. 15% eller ca. 25%. Salgsprisen kan blive højere eller lavere end vurderingen, så der er også mulighed for at købe til under den angivne vurdering. Vor kundeservice køber altid så billigt som muligt til Dem, som havde De selv været tilstede på auktionen. Alle kommissioner behandles strengt fortroligt. Kommisionsbud skal være Bruun Rasmussen i hænde senest 24 timer før auktionens start. It is possible to leave commission bids if you can not be present at the auction yourself. This service is free of charge. When leaving a commission bid, you are instructing our customer service to bid up to a specified amount on your behalf. The situation can occur that another buyer has already bid the same as you were prepared to. Are you then willing to bid further? If not the lot will be sold to another buyer. If you do not wish to exceed your bid then write “Max", for maximum, next to the amount. You can also allow us to raise your bid by approx. 15% or approx 25%. The hammer price may be higher or lower than the estimated price, so it is possible to buy below the estimate. Bruun Rasmussen will always buy at the lowest price possible, as if you yourself had been present at the auction. All commission bids are strictly confidential. Commission bids must be submitted no later than 24 hours prior to the start of the auction. Sådan byder De: How to make a commission bid: Udfyld blanketten kommissionsbud med alle oplysninger. Angiv katalognummer. Angiv beløbet De ønsker at byde. Er dette Deres absolutte maximum bedes De anføre “Max” i kolonnen. De kan også forhøje Deres bud med henholdsvis ca. 15% eller ca. 25%, ved at indikere dette i kolonnen. De bedes underskrive kommissionsblanketten og sikre Dem, at Bruun Rasmussen modtager den senest 24 timer før auktionens start. Hvis Deres oplysninger ikke er tilstrækkelige, kan Bruun Rasmussen undlade at byde for Dem, ligesom Bruun Rasmussen ikke kan gøres ansvarlig for fejl ved budgivningen. Complete the commission form with all pertinent information. Indicate the lot number. Indicate the amount you are prepared to bid. Should this amount be the absolute maximum, please write “Max” in the appropriate column. 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" Ret til ændringer forbeholdes © 2008 Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner Foto: Bent Lange & Henrik Wichmann Tryk: Narayana Press Grafik og dtp: Jorge Figueiredo, Steven Leweson & Lene Klibo Undertegnede har udfyldt ovennævnte med de ønskede oplysninger, samt har accepteret købskonditionerne. The undersigned has supplied the required information and agrees to be bound by the conditions of purchase. Signatur: * ................................................................................. B.R. kunde-nr. Client No.: ....................................................... Auktion nr auction no: Katalog nr. Lot. No. Beskrivelse Description Bud kr. Bid DKK 795 Max +15% +25% B RUUN RA SM USSEN kun staukt ion e r A /S Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1116 · ·
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