Family. - Damar Services, Inc.


Family. - Damar Services, Inc.
2009 Annual Report to the Community
That’s what one Dad recently said about Damar. At a difficult
time, he said, Damar worked with him to solve problems.
Respected his fears and concerns. Included him in decisions.
Cared for his child. Helped him and his child grow.
At Damar, we know that the word “family” is not defined by where
“ They treated us like family.”
you live or even who you’re related to. A family grows from shared
hope. From shared successes and failures. From shared laughter,
worries and growth. And from shared stories.
On the following pages, we’d like to share some of our family
stories with you so that you can see the many ways we define
family, and the many ways our family — in its many forms —
defines us.
Family is together.
The two sisters work side-by-side. They mix ingredients, pour batter into pans and later,
when their cake has cooled, they carefully apply icing and decorations. They’re focused and
diligent, but they’re also smiling and laughing, having a great time together.
Damar’s Community
For Rebecca and Nancy, that’s the operative word: together.
Living & Support Services
A year ago, the sisters who had been through thick and thin together were at risk of being
separated. Both were residents on Damar’s campus, but Rebecca was approaching the time
when she would “age out” and need to move off campus.
program offers supervision
Siblings often cling to each other in the wake of adversity, and Nancy and Rebecca are no
different. A difficult childhood culminated in their being separated from their family. At
adults with developmental
and behavioral challenges
Damar, they grew and learned to focus on the future.
who reside in communities
“They wanted to stay together,” said Diane Lamond, Director of Campus Services. “We
wanted to help them do that.”
across central Indiana.
Working closely with the Division of Children’s Services, Damar was able to keep the girls
together until both could move into the community. Now they’re thriving – together – in
an apartment with two other girls under the 24-hour supervision of Damar’s Community
Living & Support Services program. Today, Rebecca has a job at Goodwill Industries.
Nancy is learning skills at Noble Centers. And, with the help of Damar, the sisters are
building healthy connections with the rest of their family.
“They wanted to stay together. We wanted to help them do that.”
and support to youth and
Our team helps them and
their families in finding the
right home setting with the
right people, and we assist
in the daily activities and
Still, as much as the girls have fought to stay together and love being with each other, each
is her own woman. They like different things. They have different aspirations.
responsibilities — from
For now though, they’re reveling in their life together. Because, after all, growing, becoming
independent and reconnecting with your past are all wonderful things. And doing it with
your beloved sister at your side? That’s icing on the cake.
meals — necessary for a
— Diane Lamond, Director of Campus Services
paying bills to preparing
rewarding lifestyle.
Family is growth.
Shortly before his family brought Sean to Damar, he turned a TV over onto himself. It
wasn’t the first time. He would occasionally turn over furniture, try to get out of the house
or play too aggressively with his sister. It made life difficult for his mom, Kelly.
Damar’s Transitional Living
“Every moment you had to be paying attention to what he was doing,” Kelly said. At the
same time, you had to help him with basic tasks: brushing his teeth, dressing, eating.
Services provides 24-hour
Born with developmental disabilities, Sean’s communication and skills were limited, and
he often compensated with aggressive behavior. The family had sought help through
clinics and specialists, but none of them seemed to have a profound impact. Finally, the
family was directed to Damar. It didn’t take long for Kelly to see real progress.
allowing youth ages 6-21
“Before Sean came to Damar, if you said you loved him, he would put his hand up to his
cheek [to say ‘I love you’ in sign language], but he never did that on his own,” she said.
in Marion, Hendricks,
“He was here about two months, and I came to visit him and as soon as he saw me, he put
his hand to his cheek. That meant so much to me.”
counties, the program helps
Sean spent time on Damar’s residential campus, learning to get along with others and
picking up basic life skills, and soon moved to a supervised transitional setting in an
apartment with other boys. Sean made great strides, gaining previously unimaginable
The next step: Returning Sean to his family’s home. “Damar has meant to our family that
we can come back together and live under one roof again,” Kelly says.
No doubt, when Sean returns home, Kelly will still keep a close eye on him. But now it
will be to make sure she doesn’t miss a single minute of growth.
“Damar has meant to our family that we can come back
together and live under one roof again.” — Kelly, Sean’s mom
support and supervision
to transition to and remain
in the community. Offered
Elkhart and Tippecanoe
youth maintain positive and
permanent connections to
families, neighborhood
schools and other
community resources while
living in the least restrictive
setting possible.
Family is support.
When Tom walked into a courtroom to make the case for custody of his daughter, Anna,
the judge took one look at him and his situation and — as she later admitted — figured he
didn’t have a chance.
But — as the judge also later admitted — she was wrong. Last October, Anna did indeed
move home with Dad.
The judge’s doubts were well-founded. A few years ago, Anna was a child in trouble.
Aggressive. Oppositional. Victimized. A runaway risk. Unsuccessful at school. On the outs
with her mom. And dad? He had spent Anna’s most formative years behind bars.
A lot of people would have given up on this family. But the people at Damar saw a young
woman with potential and a man willing to do anything to bring his daughter home.
“This was a family that was so determined,” says Angel Knapp-Reese, Director of Damar’s
Prevention and Support Services (PASS). “It’s an amazing story.”
When Anna first came to Damar’s campus she was put in the most restrictive setting. She
blossomed under the structure, absorbed the lessons she learned and progressed to lessrestrictive settings. She attended Damar Academy and began to shine. Meanwhile, Dad
came back into the picture, showing an interest in bringing Anna home.
Damar built on that interest, provided family counseling and guidance on preparing a home
for Anna. Damar also smoothed the way with the New Castle school that Anna would
attend, and simply served as a resource for Tom’s family recovery project. “Everybody at
Damar was great,” Tom says. “All of them told me, if I need anything, just call.”
“When this family was given the opportunity at a second
chance, they amazed us beyond our expectations.”
— Angel Knapp-Reese, Director of PASS
And how have things worked out? Anna has settled in with Tom and his wife, Phyllis, and
she’s flourished in school, winning good grades and high praise from teachers. Now 17,
she’s thinking about college, with hopes of one day being a veterinarian. And Dad promises
that he’ll do whatever it takes to get her there. As he’s proven, with his determination and
Damar’s help, the odds are in his favor.
Damar’s Prevention and
Support Services (PASS)
is an early intervention
program for high-risk
children and families
impacted by developmental
disabilities. Established in
2007, PASS has helped
45 children and youth stay
where they belong — in
a safe community living
setting with their families.
Family is home.
One evening last February, 17-year-old Randy Hurt stepped off of a plane at the
Indianapolis International Airport to find a crowd waiting to greet him. TV news cameras
recorded the scene as members of the Indianapolis Ice hockey team high-fived Randy, and
Damar staff and volunteers applauded and hugged him.
Randy smiled shyly and accepted the applause and accolades, his reward for an amazing
achievement: Just days earlier he had won three gold medals in speed skating at the Special
Olympics World Winter Games in Idaho.
Randy’s journey to an Olympic podium has been a long one. Coming to Damar in 2001,
he had up to that point struggled with development disabilities that were exacerbated by
neglect and abuse. Like so many other children who come to Damar, he had already been
through a number of other programs, with little success. He was withdrawn and difficult.
“When he first got here, Randy struggled to adhere to policies and procedures,” said Chris
Akers, a Training Director at Damar. “He was just a scared little kid.”
But all of that changed. That scared kid grew into a remarkable young man. Chris credits
the continuity and innovation of the staff team around Randy — and the involvement of
volunteer Pete Koers. It was Pete who discovered then-10-year-old Randy’s interest in
hockey and arranged for the boy to be a manager for the Ice. That led to a chance to train
as a speed skater and, ultimately, to the scene in the airport. “To watch Randy grow from
this scared, itty-bitty kid into this 6’4” champion speed skater has been the biggest thrill,”
Chris said.
“To watch Randy grow from this scared, itty-bitty kid into this
6’4” champion speed skater has been the biggest thrill.”
— Chris Akers, Quality Control Manager
“Randy got more than medals out of all this,” added Cindi Hart, the IndySpeed Sport
Club coach who served as Randy’s coach in the World Games. “He got new self-esteem.”
For Randy, Damar became the family he didn’t have. It gave him security. It gave him
consistency. It gave him a place to be himself — a home. Perhaps most important, it gave
him a dream, and the chance to achieve it.
Damar’s state-of-theart residential campus
provides services to 125
residents at a time, and
served more than 200
children and youth this
year. Residents are trained
in the skills they need to
achieve success and return
to their own communities.
Nearly half of our residents
face challenges related to
autism. In all, about 96
percent of those we serve
successfully transition to
more independent settings.
Four decades ago, an Indianapolis family faced a dilemma.
in the way. We help families deal with a range of issues, from
household needs and domestic difficulties to school problems
and basic life skills.
Theodore and Beverly Farkas wanted the best situation for
David and Martha, their two children with developmental
disabilities. They knew they couldn’t care for them at home, but
they weren’t interested in the prevailing alternatives at that time
– a state institution or out-of-state residential care.
A family holds you close, but aims to let you go. Like good
parents, we nurture people in order to equip them to stand on
their own two feet. That’s why we’re so proud that 96 percent
of the people we serve progress to greater independence in their
So they did what families tend to do: They created a better
situation. That better situation is what we know today as
Damar Services, Inc.
A family remains a family even after you move on. A door
never closes behind anyone at Damar. Even those individuals
who move on to independence or return to their families can
count on us for help at any time.
A lot has changed since Damar opened in 1967, but one thing
has remained consistent: an approach inspired by the best
attributes of a family. What does that mean? Consider these
attributes, and how Damar strives to live up to them.
Damar is family.
A family grows and prospers for the benefit of the family. At
Damar, we’ve grown a lot, but not for the sake of growth. Like
loving parents, we seek to grow and prosper so we can do even
more for the people who rely on us.
A family accepts you for who you are, but strives to help
you be better. Most adults and children who come to Damar
already have failed in other settings. We welcome them and
help them grow.
That last point is particularly pertinent this year, as we find
ourselves in the midst of our most exciting period of growth
ever. Our recently completed Exceeding Expectations capital
campaign has combined with the ongoing support of our
many loyal donors and friends to ensure that our growth will
continue well into the future.
A family sees you as a whole person. The challenges children
and adults bring to Damar don’t define them. We address each
person as an individual and develop a growth plan tailored to
his or her unique hopes and potential.
A family goes the extra mile. Damar routinely stretches
itself, pushing past barriers and extending its reach –
geographically and organizationally – to ensure the best
opportunities for the people we serve.
A family is there when you need it. Most Damar services are
offered on a 24-hour basis.
A family makes sure you learn. Damar strives to give
practical instruction and also provide or connect the children
and adults we serve with schooling or job training.
A family does what it takes. We’ll have little success
addressing developmental disabilities if other challenges get
Executive Letter
Executive Staff
Dear Friends,
This past year was one of the most exciting in Damar’s history. We served more adults and children than ever before.
We achieved a successful conclusion to our Exceeding Expectations capital campaign. We continued the expansion and
improvements on our campus. We saw new volunteers and donors join our ranks. And, most important, we enjoyed
countless success stories like the ones you’ve read in these pages.
As a result of all of this good news, we’ve celebrated a lot this year. But, even as we’ve grown and expanded throughout the
state of Indiana, we’ve also watched the demand for our services increase, continuing to outstrip our capacity.
Gregory A. Johnson
Jim Dalton, Psy.D., HSPP
Richard L. Harcourt
Liz Snyder, PHR
David DeWitt
President &
Chief Executive Officer
Senior Vice President &
Chief Operating Officer
Vice President &
Chief Financial Officer
Vice President
of Human Resources
Director of Advancement
of Directors
While we now can serve nearly 800 children and adults annually through residential and community-based services – more
than double the number we could serve just a few years ago – many more need such services.
Vice Chair
Michael F. Conly, AIA
Rick Torbeck
John Ehrmann, Jr., Psy.D.
Stephen D. Price, CPA
Architura Corporation
Harmon Associates
Ehrmann & Associates
Price & Gartrell, P.C.
Jeffrey A. Bates, CPA
Timothy J. Brei, M.D.
Julia F. Crowe, Esq.
Michelle L. Daley
Patty O. Edwards
Lisa K. Grimes
Sapper & Bates, LLC
Riley Hospital for Children
Attorney at Law
Daley Concepts, Ltd.
Community Hospitals
Cooke Financial Group
While our residential capacity is nearing 145, at any given time, we have a waiting list of approximately 160 children due to
lack of space.
While we can provide educational support services to nearly 200 students in the new Damar Academy building, we get
inquiries almost daily about its programs.
While our transitional living services now include 25 transitional homes and serve Marion, Hendricks, Elkhart and
Tippecanoe counties, the need grows throughout the state.
We are proud of the work Damar does to meet the needs of the people we serve – we have an amazing team, from the paid
staff to our volunteers to our generous donors. But we also know that we must all do more if we are to meet the needs of
everyone who needs Damar.
We cannot rest. We cannot relax. We cannot pause in our drive to make life better for more people who face some of life’s
greatest challenges. So we ask you to join us in our celebrations. But we also ask you to continue to support the growth
that will allow us one day to turn away no one, to fulfill every request and to give more families hope and success where
hopelessness and failure seemed so certain.
Those are ambitious goals, but, after a year such as this one, we feel certain that we can reach them with your help.
Brad Linville
Susan Massela
Phil Nolting
Kay Pashos, Esq.
Cynthia Purvis, Esq.
Joe Robinson
Walker Information
Simon Property Group
Retired, Zenith Electronics
Baker & Daniels
Attorney at Law
ESG Security, Inc.
Greg Johnson
President and Chief Executive Officer
Mike Conly
Board Chair
Gail Shiel
Karen Snyder
Patrick Terrell
Patrick Tynan
James M. Van Tassel, Ph. D.
Edward L. West
Community North Hospital
The Winston Terrell Group, Inc.
Financial Consultant
Retired, USA Group
Retired, National City Bank
Not pictured: Ann Calvert, USA Funds, Inc.
The Damar Guild Family
At Damar, you won’t find a single aspect of our
operations — or a single individual we serve —
that hasn’t been touched by the Damar Guild.
For nearly four decades, the members of the Damar Guild have given
faithfully of their time, talent and treasure in a remarkably successful efforts
to engage others in the same kind of giving. They’ve worked relentlessly on
our behalf, raising funds, organizing events, marshalling manpower and
forging the connections to the community that have helped us grow and
serve so many.
This year, we must especially acknowledge the support the Guild gave us
as we successfully concluded our Exceeding Expectations capital campaign.
The Guild itself contributed $100,000 to the campaign, but it also should
be credited with creating some of the enduring relationships that played
such a big role in our success.
In the past year, the Guild highlighted its efforts with Shop ’Til You Drop,
a holiday shopping extravaganza held on Damar’s campus; and two
fun-filled and fruitful BINGO evenings at the Northside Knights of
Kristin Parkevich, Damar Guild President,
and Katie Stephenson, a Damar client.
Event Sponsors
Architura Corporation
Circle Office Supplies, Inc.
Complete Office Supply Inc
Cox-Jones Contracting, Inc.
Duke Energy Foundation Inc.
Horning Roofing
HP Products
Ikon Office Solutions, Inc.
InVentiv Clinical Solutions
Lilly Endowment Inc.
Main Style Flooring
Mastic Spa
National Wine & Spirits
P.I.P.E., Inc.
P.W. Gollmer Electric
PRN Pharmaceutical Services
Carole Shelbourne
Andrew & Gail Shiel
Zink Distributing
Event Donors
A Sign of the Tymes Salon
Adhoc Promotions
Melanie Albright
Ale Emporium
Merilee Andrews
Aronstam Fine Jewelers
Artifacts Contemporary
Art & Craft
Rebecca Berner
BD’s Mongolian Barbque
Miki Bean
David & Sarah Becker
Barbara Belt
Ben and Ari’s
Best Buy
Bradford Travel
Brighton Collectibles
Marion Campbell
Leslie Cannon
Canterbury Hotel
Cardinal Fitness
Carmel Raquet Club
Cathedral High School
Charlie Browns Pancake
and Steak House
Chili’s Bar & Grill
Cincinnati Zoo
Circle Office Supplies, Inc.
Conner Prairie
Cracker Barrel
Crackers of Broad Ripple
Cuppy’s Coffee
Curves for Women
Cynde’s Shoes
Greg and Janet Davis
Deck the Walls
Terri Decker
Delaney’s Shoppe
Dixon Phone Place
Brent & Sarah Ducker
Easley Winery
Connie Elliott
April ElNagger
Joe Robinson
Fairway Custom Golf
Fox and Hound Pub & Grille
Lisa Fox
Geist Jewelers
Richard & Merry Glaser
Krystal Gresock
GT South’s Rib House
Harbour Spa Salon
Harry & Izzy’s
Susie Hayden
Hollyhock Hill
Hot Box Pizza
Phyllis Hubbard
Indianapolis Business Journal
Indiana Reperatory Theatre
Indiana State Museum
Indianapolis Chamber
Indianapolis Indians
Indianapolis Tennis
JC Penny
Debbie Johnson
Tiffany Johnson
Joyce & Friends Hair and Spa
Sarah Kiefer
Missy Krulik
Chris Lauer
Lowes Home Improvement
Lulu’s Electric Cafe
Rene Mancourt
Marco’s Pizza
Mark Anthony’s Pizzeria
Jennifer McGuigan
Meijer - Heartland Crossing
Meineke Car Care Center
Monkey Joe’s
Morgan Services
Rebecca Munger
Phil & Peggy Nolting
Oreck of Greenwood
Ossip Optometry
Peak Performance Fitness
Red Robbin
Clay & Amy Robbins
Janice Rogers
Heidi Roll
Sam’s Club #6325
Scholars Inn
Secret Ingredient
Sheral Shelley
Elaine Showalter
Shula’s Steak House
Jamiann Smith
Liz Snyder
Starbucks of Camby
T.J. Maxx
Target Regional
Office & Warehouse
Target Plainfield
Erin Tebbe
The Accent Shop
The Fixx Hair Studio
Heartland Crossing Golf Links
The Studio by Mark A. Rice
Tractor Supply Company
Heidi Tumbarello
Tyler Mason Salon
Uno Chicago Grill
Value Market
Walmart Supercenter
Jeanna West
Westin Hotel
Wild Birds Unlimited
Yellow Rose Carriages
Event Attendees
Barbara Adams
Mark Adang
Gary & Colleen Agee
Mitch & Melanie Albright
Merilee Andrews
Rebecca Berner
Jay & Jennifer Baker
Miki Bean
Barbara Belt
Sharon Berger
Howard, Jr. & Shannon Bess
Brian & Carla Bill
Danyelle Blue
Pete & Jane Bolls
Jerry Bowan
Alicia Boyd, CPA
Peggy Brindle
Mark & Barb Buroker
Michael & Nancy Busk
Candy Camden
Abbey Carlow
Virgene & Tina Cline-Jones
Angela Coleman
Michael & Elaine Conly
Eugene P. & Helen Cornett
Janice Cornett
Allison Creekmore
Rob Crick
Gloria Crowell
The Crump Family
Nick Cummings
Jim & Jodi Dalton
Betty Davis
Greg and Janet Davis
Terri Decker
Brent & Sarah Ducker
Don & Sharon Ebert
Connie Elliott
Jeanette Ellis
Bruce & Vickye Gerlitz
Dottie Gilliam
Richard & Merry Glaser
Kristi Gmutza
Jason Godwin
Steve & Joan Gore
Calin Gray
Kari Gray
Will & Tonja Green
John & Marilynn Greenwood
Krystal Gresock
Katherine Hancock
Katie Harrell
Adrienne Harris
Mary Heisig
Anita Horne
Horning Roofing
Debbie Johnson
Shannon Johnston
Darlene Kellar
Emily Kellar
Sarah Kiefer
Tom Kientz
David & Cynthia Kiesel
Stephen & Jean Kiesel
Jay & Carole Kirkpatrick
Nancy Kitchin
Sue Knapp
Angel Knapp-Reese
Bob & Katie Koers
Madonna Koers
Mike Koers
Susie Koers
Angela Kraas
John Kraas
Missy Krulik
Diane Lamond
Lana Lawson
Brooke Love
Susan Lowe
Lisa Mahan
Main Style Flooring
Dave Marren
Mastic Spa
Jill Maude
Tifini McClyde
Katie McCoy
Miranda McCoy
Natalie McCoy
Jennifer McGuigan
Stacy McGuire
Craig & Susie Melton
Michael & Cathy Miller
Ally Moran
Tom & Joan Mulry
Brook Munger
Joanne Murphy
Kathy Neal
Michelle Nolting
Phil & Peggy Nolting
Nick & Kristin Parkevich
Betty Pogue
Bernie Price
Kim Quispe
David Rabb
Kristy Rhodes
Lincoln & Andrea Ridge
Dick Ristine
Janice Rogers
Bobby & Patricia Rose
Heather Rugg
Missty Saltsman
Teresa Scott
Stuart Sears
Mike & Karen Smeltzer
Chris Smith
Jamiann Smith
Marsha Soderholm
Dennis & Mariann Staton
Carrie Steffan
Norma Sterling
Dan & Donna Stutler
Abigail Taylor
Melissa Taylor
Michael & Veneita Taylor
Robin & Heather Taylor
Erin Tebbe
Amy Tenney
Amy Tovsky
Cindy Tovsky
Kathy Trittipo
Homer & Nancy Twigg
Bonnie Uber
Patricia Vaugn
Monica Villalta
Lisa Watson
Amy Weber
Allyson Wells
Ashlie West
Jeanna West
John & Elise Westhoff
Lynn Williamson
Steve & Gina Wintermeyer
Terry Yount
This list encompasses donors to Damar Guild, Inc. between July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2009. Damar Guild, Inc.
values support of its mission and maintains records of all donations. If you feel your name or organization name
has been inadvertently omitted from this list, please call 317.856.5201.
Mission Statement
We, as caring volunteers,
help Damar Services, Inc. and
its clients achieve their highest
potential by raising funds and
generating community awareness.
Kristin Parkevich
Amy Tenney
Vice President
Kari Gray
Bingo Night Co-Chairs
Katie Koers
Marilyn Greenwood
Shop ‘Til You Drop Chair
Kati Gray
Carol Adams
Barbara Belt
Alison Creekmore
Sarah Ducker
Beth Logan
Jill Maude
Stacy McGuire
Susie Melton
Jo Ann Murphy
Nicole Roberts
Nancy Twigg
Amy Weber
Donna Stutler
Damar Guild, Inc.
6067 Decatur Blvd.
Indianapolis, IN 46241
P: 317.856.5201
F: 317.856.2333
Our Volunteer Family
Some things simply can’t be valued in terms
of dollars and cents. Usually, those are the
things that are most valuable.
Things like helping a child learn a skill. Listening to a young
a new experience. Pointing a parent in the right direction.
man’s fears, or a young woman’s hopes. Giving a child
Wrapping your arms around someone who has just achieved
something remarkable, or failed in a remarkable attempt.
At Damar, we can’t imagine what it would cost to provide these
human gifts without the help of our hundreds of dedicated and
big-hearted volunteers. Frankly, as important as these practices
are to what we do at Damar, if we had to include them in the
budget, we couldn’t do them at all. That’s why volunteers play
such an essential role in the lives of the children, youth and
young adults we serve, and why they have become such an
integral part of our success.
The board, leadership, staff and family of Damar are grateful
to the more than 1,200 individuals who so generously gave
22,499 hours of their time and talent in support of our
Alternative Break Program Volunteers
Nathan Acey
Josh Ackermann
Charles Adams
Kelsey Adams
Brittany Adeleson
Jonathon Aimes
Raven Akers
Skyler Akler
Josh Albecht
Brittany Alderson
Jim Alderson
Shannon Alderson
Max Alexander
Vanessa Alexander
David Allen
Jake Allen
Jessie Allen
Jonathan Allinson
Irina Alvarez
A. Peter Amundson
Darla Anderson
David Anderson
Julie Anderson
Lauren Anderson
Victoria Anderson
Mary Andorfer
John Andreko
Laura Andres
Kady Anoskey
Betsy Apolaya
Carlos Apolaya
Sonia Ardeel
Gina Ardizzone
Beth Arkanoff
Heather Arnold
K.J. Ash
Carrie Atkinson
Carrie Atlainsan
Marlena Auberry
Ashley Avelar
Magy Awad
Tina Ayers
Tony Backer
Ashley Badgley
Jeff Badgley
Stephanie Badgley
Lamren Bailey
Jay Baker
Keyuna Baker
Stacy Baker
Pam Ball
Connor Bane
Sami Bane
Robb Barbauld
Maddie Barga
Maureen Barkley
Danni Barnes
Michael Barnes
Stu Barnes-Pagerl
Abbey Barnett
Jodie Barnett
Hannah Barney-Israel
Nicki Barry
Kirollos Barsoum
Carl Basey
Julie Bates
John Baverlo
Cierra Baxter
Scott Bay
Jacob Beaty
Marisa Beaty
Jennifer Beckner
Robert Beckwith
Kim Beeman
Mike Beeman
Cathy Beemer
Dameon Been
Brittney Belchior
Janis Benner
Lori Bennett
Sara Benton
Katie Berno
Rachel Beyke
Wade Binion
Steph Bishop
Beth Block
Tessa Boeing
Melvin Bolden, Jr.
Bob Bollman
Greg Bollman
Megan Bollman
Pam Bollman
Steve Bollman
Tyler Bollman
Nicki Bonk
Brittany Booker
Mindy Boone
Emily Borchert
Eric Borgert
Brittany Bort
Kelly Botos
Emily Bouxier
Traci Boyle
Michael Brackman
Danette Bradley
Tracey Brammann
Allison Brave
MacKenzie Bray
Katie Brecheisen
Ashley Breitenback
Abby Brennah
Sarah Brenner
Alex Brock
Hilary Broderick
Steph Broker
Alyssa Brooks
Shelby Brown
Daniel Brown
Chloe Brown
Victoria Brown
Angie Brown
Sally Brown
Kylie Buck
Brett Buck
Kytene Buczynski
Katelyn Bullman
Mat Bunch
Jach Buns
Amanda Burce
Alexander Burke
Alyssa Burkhardt
David Burks
Cassidy Burnell
Zachary Burns
Zach Burns
Gabriella Burr
Gabbey Burr
Justin Burris
Katherine Burriz
Joel Bussell
Charlotte Butler
Matthew Bystry
Matt Bystry
Allison Casteel
Sydney Catt
Ashton Chaffee
Jessica Chapple
Argel Cheatham
Stephanie Cheek
Natasha Cheek
Molly Childers
Nandita Chittajaller
Virginia Christ
Daniel Christian
Katie Cich
Katie Ciechanowicz
Nick Ciochina
Lisa Ciralsky
Donna Clair
Mia Claretto
Jonathan Clark
Beth Clark
Je’Keira Clay
Katelyn Clevidence
Kalin Clifford
Joan Cole
Connie Coleman
Jay Coleman
Julie Coleman
Kodi Colip
Delaney Collier
Katie Collins
Terry Colson
Jillian Conley
Danielle Conlon
Robert Conn
Jim Connors
Richie Conway
Julianne Cook
Rene Cooper
Roy Cooper
Terrance Corbett
Kelli Cornelius
Dylan Cosren
Lindsey Cottier
Frank Council
Kilynn Courtney
Scott Cox
Jeff Coyle
Tim Craft
Lakashia Craft
Mackenzie Crain
Chris Crane
Justin Cranfill
Sarah Cravens
Ben Craw
Nick Crochina
Janell Cross
Jeff Crough
Kalvin Crump
Lisa Crump
Les Cruse
Jackie Cruse
Emily Curistenberry
David Curtiss
Stan Curts
Alexandra Czok
Mackenzie Cach
Ceirra Callahan
Bridget Callhan
Angie Cantrell
Jenna Cantrell
Bill Cardwell
Patty Cardwell
Patrick Caric
Arika Carpenter
Chase Carroll
Benton Cartcoolge
Lacey Carter
Ashley Caruthers
Celine Casals
Al Case
Drew Cash
Megan Daley
Cora Daniel
Samantha Daniel
Tracy Daniels
Doug Darling
Wanda Davee
Drew Davis
Brittany Davis
Kortney Davis
Tony Davis
Adam De Oliveira
Shavonne Dearman
Bob DeBolt
Jennifer DeBolt
Samantha Deitz
Jake DeLong
Tiarra Delph
Terra Delph
Marisa DeMougin
Dustin DeNeal
Meredith Dennis
Carli DePur
Maddie Dick
Chelsea Dickhaus
Kim Dieser
Zeina Diomande
Shannon Dixson
Whitney Dominiack
Hannah Donlan
Gabe Dougherty
Diana Douglas
Elaine Douglas
Grace Douglas
Sharon Douglass
Dawn Drake
Megan Drudy
Ellen Dunaway
Griffon Dunaway
Kaleb Dunaway
Landon Dunaway
Robert Duncan
Stephanie Dylus
Kevin Eagan
Linda Earl
Jenna Easterday
Kristin Edmundson
Courtney Edwards
Nick Edwards
Nicole Ehlert
Bart Eickhoff
Melody Ekstrom
Josh Elijah
Mike Ellington
Katy Ellis
Maddie Ellis
Mike Ellis
Leroy Engle
Michele Engle
Sarah Enz
Meredith Erwin
Apolonia Estrada
Jennifer Estrada
Vanessa Estrada
Eriel Etelleson
Elizabeth Etienne
Nicholas Eve
Kim Fairchild
Emily Fajman
The Christensen Family
The Creighton Family
The Daniels Family
Molly Fields
John Finch III
Deiter Finn
Caleb Fischer
Tara Fleck
Kari Fletcher
Tara Flinchbaugh
JD Flynn
Janet Fonner
Mike Fonner
Cynthia Ford
Fran Ford
Riley Fore
Charlotte Foreman
Curtis Foreman
Elizabeth Foster
Blair Franas
Blair Francis
Kaya Francis
Kayce Francis
Kayla Francis
Michael Frank
Marie Franus
Meredith Freeman
Emma Friday
Logan Friday
Trevor Friday
Leann Fruits
Pat Funk
Jason Gabehart
Javier Galicia
Caleb Galoozis
Wendy Garcia
Jennifer Gardner
Egle Garliauskaite
Donna Garner
Marissa Garner
Rachel Gasaway
Brooke Gasparovic
Asiah Gayfield
Daniel George
Bryce Gergely
Blake Gerhing
Jake German
Abraham Ghattas
George Gilbert
Autumn Gill
Jacqueline Gill
Danielle Gilmore
Abby Givan
Carolyn Givens
Mike Givens
Karen Glaser
Merry Glaser
Mary Glasser
Hope Golden
Cameron Golden
Joan Goldfarb
Tia Goodloe
Steve Gore
Heather Gormon
Carolyn Gornick
Dylan Goshen
Claude Gougen
Jacob Gourley
Ann Govert
Berdina Grady
Jozlyn Graham
Cory Grajzer
Megan Grant
Michael Grant
Cory Gratzor
Cheri Gray
Hannah Gray
Jason Gray
Lora Gray
Rachael Gray
Sarah Gray
Ashton Green
Kathryn Greenlee
Maddie Gregg
David Gresham
Chandra Grider
James Grider
Jaylon Griffith
Maureen Grimm
Tim Gross
Jessi Grostefan
Nyiol Gruk
Mayra Guel
Keyla Guevara
Ellen Gustafan
Matt Gutierez
Jason Hackbarth
Lauren Hacker
Madeleine Hacker
Rebekah Hadley
Marcus Hagberg
Alice Hager
Rachel Hale
Cindy Halfman
Allen Hall
Austin Hall
Neil Hall
Whitney Hall
David Hammons
Kathy Hammons
Volunteers give
and give … and receive
Jeff and Toni Schabel weren’t looking for a new
member of the family. They were just looking for
a volunteer opportunity – a chance to serve their
community by touching someone’s life.
But when they were connected with a Damar
resident named Lukas a couple of years ago
through Damar’s One-on-One Volunteer
Program, they got both: a chance to give back
and a chance to welcome someone new into their
family. In no time, Luke – as the family calls him
– became a regular on family outings, attending
baseball games, going fishing and just hanging
out around the house with Jeff and Toni’s kids,
Cameron, Bridgette and Morgan.
Hundreds of people volunteer for Damar each
year, many of them people who choose to spend
one-on-one time with Damar clients. And,
while the impetus for volunteering usually is a
desire to give to someone else, just about every
volunteer will say he or she gets the most out of
the relationship.
And the Schabels are no exception. “Luke has
shined a light on our family and made us grow
in so many ways,” Toni Schabel said. “He will
always be a part of our family.”
Help children and adults who need your help.
Become a Damar volunteer! Learn more at
Internships bring classroom lessons to life
Emily Wiegand has learned a lot about nonprofit organizations in her master’s level classes at Indiana
University-Purdue University Indianapolis. But the nine months the Ohio native has spent working in
Damar’s Internship and Practicum Program adds relevance to her studies. “I’m able to incorporate some of
the skills that I’m learning in the classroom at Damar, and vice versa,” she said. “It’s been great.”
Expecting to graduate in December with degrees in nonprofit business management and philanthropic
studies, Emily has learned by doing hands-on donor research and grant writing. She also has benefited from
watching Damar serve developmentally challenged children and adults. Moved by Damar’s work, she says
she feels good knowing that she’s contributing to something positive and meaningful.
Having engaged in church-based charity work overseas, Emily hopes to one day lead a nonprofit
organization with an international outreach. “I have a heart to see people’s physical and spiritual needs being
met,” she says. Thanks to Damar, she has real-world experience and knowledge to go with that giving heart.
Looking for a fun internship that offers real-world experience? Opportunities abound at Damar!
Explore the possibilities at
David Hanna
Weston Harcourt
Shaamora Harden
Brady Harman
Norma Harreld
Cree Harris
Patrice Harris
Linda Haskins
Andrea Hauman
Mia Hawkins
Tia Hawkins
Candace Hayden
Kelly Haywood
David Hebber
Officer Cathy Hedges
Jordan Hedges
Kirstyne Heine
Mary Heisig
Michael Hendon
Blake Hensley
Karen Herbert
Pam Herkless
Sally Hermeeda
Dina Hermina
Tori Hernandez
Kristin Hess
Rachel Heusemann
Samuel Hiatt
Damian Higgins
Lydia Higgins
Megan Hight
Keenan Hightower
Cathy Hill
Michelle Hillderbrand
Rachel Hiller
Jonathon Himes
Caleb Hintz
Brittany Hock
Will Hoffman
Cynthia Holland
Shyanna Holland
Victor Holland
Victoria Holland
Shyanna Hollans
Kyle Holsinger
Wysteria Holt
David Holtkamp
John Holtkamp
Roxanne Hood
Michael Hooker
Megan Horious
Tiffany Hornaday
George Hornedo
Nick Horstman
Kristen Horton
John Horton
Brianna Hoskins
Rachel Hoskins
Allyson Hostetler
Margaret House
Megan Hovious
Brooke Howell
Alan Hoyt
Marissa Hradek
Sheehan Hubbard
Sarah Huck
Caroline HuckWatson
Judy Hudson
Diane Huerkamp
Ashley Humble
Brianna Humble
Nicole Humphrey
Gage Hunt
Lara Hunt
Kate Hussmann
Krista Hynes
Sarah Ignas
Meri Iliff
Christy Indiano
Christina Indiano
Olivia Ingle
Nick Ioannacci
Alex Isaacs
Mary Jackson
Sydney Jackson
John Jacobs
Adrian Jalas
Codi Jameson
Jarom Jameson
Brandi Jarrett
Jeremiah Jarrett
Lacey Jaynes
Caine Johnson
Dave Johnson
Joni Johnson
Johnny Johnson
Danielle Johnston
Angela Jones
Cristi Jones
Dominique Jones
Kamille Jones
John Jones
Shane Jones
Cynthia Jordan
John Joseph
Rose Joyce
Erika Kacer
Taylor Kagilliery
Marissa Kartman
Alexandra Keehan
Kiely Keesler
Devin Keith
Fred Keller
Mike Keller
Laura Keller
Megan Kelly
Dani Keonig
Sasha Kershaw
Zoe Kidwell
Will Kiesel
Hank Kiesel
Michael Kiger
Lisa King
Kristine King
Maureen Kinney
Caleb Kinsey
Grace Kinsey
Andrew Kirk
Nancy Kirklin
Kayla Kirkpatrick
Rachelle Kirkpatrick
Matt Kiser
Eli Klein
Mary Klene
Tyler Klene
Alex Klosowski
Frank Knez
Justin Koch
Dodie Kocher
Anthony Kocher
Austin Koehl
Brittany Koehl
Dave Koehl
Dave Koell
Barbara Koenig
Dani Koenig
Tyler Kolby
Masazumi Kondo
Brittan Koull
Dave Koull
Kristin Kraemer
Shelby Krick
Danny Kroupa
Kim Kruse
Tyler Kuakle
Greg Kuhrhoff
Derrek Kuioiua
Chamae Kurgiwa
Kiersten Kurgiwa
Bric Nzng Kurldi
Kristen Kyres
Kelly Kyrovac
Vitaliz Kyryk
Cassie Lachmann
Courtney Lachmann
Hope Lachmann
Vivian Lambert
Alex Lancaster
Stephanie Lander
Stacy Landers
Taureese Lanier
Tyreese Lanier
Lauren Lapsley
Lars Larson
Madeleine Latt
Mike Lawrence
Jordan Lay
Jacob Layer
Mark Lazar
Elise LeBlanc
Leanne Lechko
Alison Ledbetter
Ericka Ledyard
Ruthie Leeth
DeeDee Lehner
Grant Leiendecker
Jake Lemon
Abby Lewis
Mark Lewis
Samantha Lewis
Shay Lewis
Terry Lewis
Tommy Lewis
Jackie Liegibel
Kristen Light
Amy Lilly
Rebecca Lipasek
Chuck Lippens
Nancy Lippens
Chelsea Listenfelt
Lilly Lobato
Kristen Lohrey
Heather Long
Jayme Long
Rudy Longman
Rich Longworth
Lauren Lucas
Macy Lynch
Sora Lyu
Angie Madden
Gary Madden
Pat Maguire
Danielle Maher
Jacqui Mahuren
Zoila Malespin
Cathy Mangold
Jay Mann
Josh Mann
Caitlin Mannan
Monique ManningJones
Toni Maraldo
Maden Marhed
Brenda Marion
Meghan Markusfeld
Chelsea Marten
Sarah Martin
Tammy Martin
Alyssa Martinez
Katie Mastny
Evan Matlock
Andy Matters
Andrew Mattingly
Austin Mattingly
Carol Maveety
Shay Mays
Sean McCarthy
Lauren McClure
Erin McCord
Jacey McCowan
Sara McDermand
Cheris McDonald
Zach McGuire
Andria McHugh
Kathy McHugh
Mary Cay McKenzie
Linda McKinley
Tanner McKinley
Brooke McKinney
Lauren McKinney
Shannon McKinney
Nicolette McMahon
Dustin McNab
Cierra McNeal
Pat McNeely
Kelly McNeil
Rebeka McRae
Jenny Mcubben
Angela McVey
McKenzie Meehan
Kristina Meheff
Gary Melton
Gabriela Mendoza
Audrie Meredith
Jake Merrill
John Merrill
Rachel Milah
Jennifer Miles
Cathy Miller
Jessica Miller
Kirby Miller
Kimberly Miller
Lauren Miller
Jonathon Millson
Hillary Misner
Christine Mitchell
Taylor Mitchusson
Lourdes Mitrisin
Robin Mitrisin
Chelsea Mohr
Dylan Mohr
Stephanie Moles
Zoila Molespin
Jessica Monday
Jay Monn
Jimmy Montague
Elizabeth Mooney
Linda Moore
Mike Moore
Pam Moore
Patty Moore
Rick Moore
Brittany Moore
Spencer Moore
Stephanie Moore
Diviya Moorjani
Michael Morris
Roxi Morris
Cathy Morrison
Randy Morrison
Trent Morse
Mitch Mosbey
Susie Moschimeyer
Warner Moses
Colleen Mpofu
Nicki Mueller
Anthony Murray
Katie Murray
Mark Ryan Myers
Dave Nash
Victor Navarro
Nikki NcMahon
Rachel Nealis
Shelby Neff
Annie Neumann
Abby Newbauer
Andrea Newton
Kathy Newton
Lucy Newton
Harold Ngulube
Alex Nicholson
Theresa Niehaus
Aaron Noblet
Zachary Nolan
Katie Norris
Tammy Nungester
Sam O’Conner
Kennie Odnfolurm
Colleen O’Gara
Chiew Ohia
Jenny Oleason
Jessie O’Neal
Tammy Ooley
Clorissa Orrick
Pattie Orrick
Katie Osborn
Liz Osborn
Kim Osting
John O’Toole
Zach Ott
Todd Overstreet
Abigail Overton
Kelly Overton
Steven Overton
Brooklyn Owens
Ethan Owens
Laura Owens
Haley Oxley
Logan Oxley
Susan Oxley
Adam Packer
Jacob Pactor
Jon Pactor
Katlyn Padgett
Sarah Pajkos
Nicole Pallme
Michelle Pallone
Don Pardue
Barb Parell
Hali Parker
Shefali Patel
Sherri Paxton
Gayland Payne
Shelby Pearson
Christine Pemberton
Ashleigh Pennington
Jerry Perkins
Sherry Perkins
Nick Perry
Josh Peters
Claire Peterson
Jillian Petro
Erin Pettit
Christy Phan
Melanie Piecuch
Erica Pike
Mason Pike
Courtney Pitcher
David Pitcher
David Pitts
Krysten Plahm
Lindsay Playbolt
Liz Pointer
Jeff Polley
Elizabeth Porter
Haley Powers
Mackenzie Prather
Mike Prestal
Bernie Price
Kelly Price
Kari Priser
Sandra Pritchard
Emily Proizier
Brooke Propes
Brian Propes
Billy Quan
Stephanie Quinlain
Julie Raasch
Laura Racop
Micah Raebel
Karoline Ralls
Tyler Ramey
Austin Ramsey
Bryan Rattliff
Natalie Raver
Becky Rawlins
Connor Ray
Katie Rayl
Brett Reardon
Marty Reardon
Christian Rearick
Bridget Redman
Bridget Redmon
Heather Reed
Tasha Reed
Tim Reed
Tiamia Reese
Caleigh Reff
Catelyn Reff
Tiffany Reid
Brett Reinert
Erik Reinert
Philip Reinhavdt
Mike Renner
Caitlin Renner
Lexi Reno
Tara Reprogle
Amy Rexing
Matthew Reyes
Jan Rhoades
Isaiah Rhodes
Mike Rice
Tamara Richardson
Debbie Richardson
Haleigh Richardson
Jerry Richey
Chris Riesenmey
Kathy Riesenmey
Megan Ritchie
Mary Rizk
Macrae Roark
Daniel Roberts
Nicole Roberts
Arlene Robinson
Brandy Robinson
Julie Robinson
Volunteer Organizations
Avon Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
Butler University Ambassadors for Change
Butler University Bulldogs into the Streets
Butler University Alpha Phi Omega
Butler University Junior Class
Butler University Delta Tau Delta
Camy Chaos Softball Team
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)
CB Richard Ellis
Center United Methodist Women Group
Covenant Christian High School
Duke Energy
Beverly Roche
Zach Rodenbarger
Matt Rodgers
Grant Rodgers
Alexis Rodriguez
Jean Rodriguez
Amy Roederer
Abby Rohlrfing
Joey Rohr
Kyle Roseberry
Bruce Rosen
Lyndsey Rosenberger
Allie Rosenbrough
Ethan Roth
Joshua Roth
Juanesa Rowe
Nicki Ruppe
Adam Rupright
David Russell
Doris Russell
Joseph Rust
Stephanie Ryan
Ntianu Sababu
Andrew Sahm
Adrian Saias
Rosene Salmo
Kenya Samba
Cheryl Samples
Patrick Samuels
Luke Sanders
Joe Sanford
Trisikh Sanguan Bun
Mina Sawires
Nolan Schafer
Erin Scherer
Robin Schilling
Jackie Schilliy
Noah Schluter
Drew Schmelzer
Deanna Schmidt
Alex Schoettle
Casey Schoettle
Alex Schottle
Dan Schramm
Jason Schubert
Joshua Schubert
Jessica Schuemann
Angela Schumacher
Paula Schumacher
Megan Schuman
Heather Schwarrholt
Megan Schwegel
Kristin Scott
Marquisha Scott
Patty Scott
Vincent Scott
Mason Sedgwick
James Sells
Lindsey Sewell
Tyler Sexson
Bob Shackleford
Josh Shanley
Dave Shaw
Taylor Shelby
Cassandra Shell
Josh Sherman
Nathan Sherman
Steven Sherman
Danny Shields
Ben Shilson
Chris Shilson
Ben Shilson
Alex Shipley
Brian Shipley
Carla Short
Micah Short
Russell Showers
Jamie Shurig
Amanda Shutters
Cay Sibbitt
Julianna Sidlaw
Becky Siegman
Jessi Siegman
Dee Simerl
Alex Simpson
Octavia Sims
Joseph Singleton
Dan Skinner
Terry Smalley
Chelsea Smalling
Katlin Smart
Ashley Smith
Cathy Smith
Debbie Smith
Jesse Smith
John Smith
Kent Smith
Melissa Smith
Sandie Smith
September Smith
Stacia Smith
Romona Smith
Zach Smith
Zachary Smith
Michael Smithen
Dana Smoler
Sarah Smurthwaite
Stew Smurthwaite
Raymond Sniper
Carol Snyder
Logan Snyder
Megan Snyder
Natalie Snyder
Simon Solimau
Laura Sominen
Paige Southerland
Kimberly Spartz
Lilly Spencer
Rosie Spencer
Lauren Spengler
Maggy Spolnik
Nancy Spriggs
Linda Spurgeon
Summer Spurgeon
Courtis Spurrier
Steven Stalling
Steven Stallings
Stacie Stamann
Mike Stanewicz
Angela Stanifer
Ian Starnes
Nichole Steffen
Scooter Stein
Katy Steiner
Drew Steuer
Callie Stevens
Greg Stevens
Doug Stewart
Mallory Stinson
Tyler Stock
Liz Stonehill
Andrea Stopher
Matt Strandmark
Shea Strauss
Aliza Strock
David Stumpf
Kaylee Stumpf
Melinda Styer
Steve Styer
Gretchen Sullivan
Victoria Summers
Michael Sumner
Mick Swadley
Cynthia Swallow
Nikki Swallow
Ben swarens
Leah Swindle
Shirley Swindle
Charissa Tarnow
May Tarter
Michelle Tate
Adam Taylor
Haley Taylor
Justine Taylor
Kaytlyn Taylor
Madi Taylor
Melissa Taylor
Mindy Taylor
Veneita Taylor
Derrick Teague
A.J. Teave
Chiamei Teng
Chelsea Tetzlaff
Terry Theyford
Brittany Thomas
Larry Thomas Jr.
Tiffany Thomas
Chris Thompson
Danielle Thompson
Steve Thompson
Joan Thuer
Libby Thuer
Walter Thuer
Brendan Tiernan
Bryce Tiernan
Shelbe Tillman
Tonya Todd
Ashley Tomasello
Dawn Tomey
Evan Torline
Angela Torres
Emmanuel Towett
Kristi Trasher
Jennifer Trevino
Peggy Trieb
Aaron Turner
Emily Turner
Reid Turner
Michael Tutts
Monica Twibell
Loren Twigg
Nancy Twigg
Austin Tyler
Susan Ulmer
Breyanna Urquhart
Pamela Usiatynski
Ryan Utterback
Terri Utterback
Jeff Vanarsdall
Mimi Vanarsdall
Josh VanBibber
Olivia VanBuskirk
Tom VanDeverds
Ignas Varbala
Ignas Varleola
Kaitlyn Vaughan
Sherrie Vaughan
Steve Vaughan
Victor Vavarro
Julie Veckovich
Josh Vet
Sara Vik
Katie Von Essen
Tim Wachob
Ryan Waggoner
Andrew Wagner
Katie Wagner
Megan Walke
Mindy Walker
Dewayne Wallace
Amber Walters
Kiersten Walters
Carrie Walton
Celia Ward
Heather Ward
Skylar Ward
Teddy Ward
Wyatt Ward
Sara Warloick
Ruth Warner
Robert Warren
Riley Warwick
Sara Warwick
Kaela Watkins
Laura Weatherford
Kaleb Weddle
Karen Weidner
Hannah Weismiller
Evan Werckenthien
Rachelfo Wers
Eric Wessel
Sarah West
Josh Whitaker
Julian White
Chrisjaan Whitson
Lucas Wickersham
Trisha Wilcox
Marissa Wilex
Leanne Wiley
Marissa Wiley
Erin Willhelm
Amber Williams
Ashlee Williams
Courtney Williams
Greg Williams
Sarabeth Willis
Breanne Wilson
David Wilson
Katie Wilson
Lisa Wilson
Taylor Wilson
Seth Wind
Ashley Winfield
Jamie Wingate
Kayla Wininger
Samantha Wiseman
Courtney Wishnew
Katie Wishnew
Brad Wood
Kimi Wood
Karen Woods
Mason Works
Ben Wright
Robbie Wright
Waylon Wright
Sarah Xiong
Hanna Yaeger
Rachel Yockey
Lindsay Young
Jeannetle Young
Brian Zahn
Ben Zakhary
Aaryn Zandarski
Adriana Zermeno
Alexander Zhang
Cierra Ziegler
Jess Zimmerman
Julie Zimmerman
Eli Lilly & Company
IUPUI Jags in the Streets
Southport Middle School Staff
Evan Bayh’s Youth Leadership Summit
IUPUI Rotaract Club
First Free Will Baptist Church
IUPUI Service Learning Group
Southwest Indiana District
of the Church of Nazarene
Franklin Grace United Methodist Church
MidWest Motorcycle Club
Gatorade, A Division of Pepsi Co.
Mighty Hands Puppeteers
Girl Scout Troop 1955
Mission Indy
Grace Community Church
MLK Day of Service
Heaven Sent Clown Ministries
Mooresville Kiwanis
Indiana Blood Center
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
IPS 49 Peace Makers Club
Original Circle City Corvette Club
IU Nursing Health and Wellness Students
Pike High School Soccer Team
IU School of Dentistry
Plainfield Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
IU School of Occupational Therapy
Salvage Yard Christian Church
IUPUI Cesar Chavez Day
Southeast Neighborhood School
of Excellence
IUPUI Delta Sigma Pi
St. Mark’s Church
St. Mary’s Church
Starfish Initiative
University of Indianapolis
Service Learning Class
University of Indianapolis Circle K Club
United Way Day of Central Indiana
United Way Youth Day of Caring
Wabash College Alumni
Westside Sertoma
This list encompasses volunteers of Damar Services, Inc. between July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2009. Damar Services, Inc. values support of its mission and maintains records of all
volunteers. If you feel your name or organization name has been inadvertently omitted from this list, please call 317.856.5201.
Our Donor Family
When you wrap up a capital campaign,
you have many ways to measure your success.
Allen Whitehill Clowes
Charitable Foundation
City of Indianapolis DMD/HUD
Damar Guild, Inc.
Elba L. and Gene Portteus Branigin
Holladay Properties
Indianapolis Power & Light Co.
Indianapolis Star/
Lend A Hand Foundation
P.I.P.E., Inc.
Pearson Partners
Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation
Tynan Equipment Company
Walker Information
Most obviously, you can look at the bottom line: the money
The first is 838. That’s the number of individuals, corporations
you raised. Certainly, that figure and the non-campaign
and foundations that contributed to our $6 million Exceeding
contributions that continued to come to us certainly
Expectations capital campaign. At a time when the nation finds
demonstrate the generosity of our community. But there are
itself entrenched in difficult economic times, the fact that more
some other numbers that also should be considered.
than 800 donors found it within their hearts and budgets to
support our work is especially heartening.
The other is 100.8 percent. That’s the percentage of goal we
achieved in our campaign. That would have been a notable
achievement in any time, but given the overall uncertainty
of our times, that was an amazing achievement — one that
delivers a powerful message about the community’s dedication
to our mission. That dedication inspires us to strive for an even
broader reach and an even bigger impact.
To all of our donors, we at Damar can say little more than,
“Thanks.” But we ask that you all please understand the
profound appreciation and respect wrapped up in that one
word. Your financial support makes what we do possible; your
demonstration of support encourages us to strive always to do
even more.
Lilly Endowment Inc.
Mid-West Motorcycle Club
Simon Property Group Inc.
Joe & Nancy Tynan
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
Adesa Corporation
Arthur Jordan Foundation
Autism Advocates of Indiana
Jeffrey A. Bates, CPA
Michael & Elaine Conly
Duke Energy Foundation
Johnson, Grossnickle & Associates
Kiwanis Club of Mooresville
Miller Summer Mission for Children
O’Keefe Family Foundation
Sertoma Club of West Indianapolis
The Mary E. Van Drew
Charitable Foundation
United States Golf Association
Timothy Brei, M.D.
David & Deanna Coates
Kevin & Julia Crowe
Dr. Jim Dalton
Patricia Edwards
Dr. John Ehrmann
Samuel & Suzanne Flanders
Steve & Joan Gore
James & Donna Gwin
Rich & Dianne Harcourt
Tim Irwin
Greg Johnson
Katie McCoy
Angela McKibben
Phil & Peggy Nolting
Hilary & Ronald Salatich
David & Anne Shane
Liz Snyder
John & Jen Thomas
John & Martha Tynan
Patrick Tynan
Dr. James & Laurel Van Tassel
Pamela Wolsiefer-Leak
Affiliated Group Insurance
Services, Inc.
AMG Engineering & Machining
Baker & Daniels
Indiana Sports Corporation
Indiana Wildlife Federation
Meijer Gift Card Team
RJE Business Interiors
Shackelford Masonry
Charitable Foundations
& Community Organizations
Ayres Foundation, Inc.
Jerry L. and Barbara J. Burris
Foundation, Inc.
Knights of Columbus Council #3660
Sam’s Club Foundation
UPS Foundation
Walmart Foundation
Dorothy Anderson
Jeff & Christine Arnold
Jay & Jennifer Baker
Rex Craig
Mike & Michelle Daley
Ron & Rena Elberger
Brian & Brenda Fike
Brad & Teri Fuson
Thomas Grande
Jason & Dawn Holliday
Pete and Therese Koers
Chuck & Nancy Lippens
Nick & Kristin Parkevich
Kay Pashos & Neil Steinbart
Jeff Rhoades
Michael & Candice Ryan
Bob Shackelford, Jr.
Denise Thornberry
Joe Vandivier
Susan Wilson
Nicole Woods
Annamaria Zimmerman
Bering & Company, LLC
Compton Mechanical Services, Inc.
Custom Cast Stone, Inc.
Ermco Electric
Fox and Fox, Inc.
Indiana Brick Corporation
Law Office of Curtis E. Shirley
P.W. Gollmer Electric
Steve & Jan Price
Ward’s Apparel
Charitable Foundations
& Community Organizations
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Bear Hugs Foundation
Community Foundation
of Morgan County
Indiana Youth Institute
Kappa Kappa Sigma
Lafayette Life Foundation
Southport High School
Stanley H. Byram Foundation
The Grennes Foundation
The Original Circle City
Corvette Club
Walker Family Foundation
Paul & Nancy Behymer
Brad & Carla Berg
Howard & Shannon Bess
Rhonda Chase-Haddock
Margaret Duffner
Dr. David Dunn
Kimberly Foreman
Lisa Grimes
Greg Hempstead
Julie Herbertz
C. Stephen & Nancy Hollinden
Gary Kaiser
Angel Knapp-Reese
Stephen & Susan Kraabel
Rea Logue
Richard & Beverly Markoff
Charles McCormick
Charles McNeal
Cinnamon McPhee
Frank Moore
Tom Osborne
Cindy & Rick Purvis
Clay & Amy Robbins
Joe Robinson
Elaine Showalter
Ernie & Bonnie Smith
Bill Strauss
Dan & Donna Stutler
Mike & Nancy Tynan
Blade Runner Lawn Service
BMW Constructors, Inc.
Link Federal Credit Union
The Allen Team
of Remax Preferred Realtors
Tilson HR
Wilds Restoration Services
Charitable Foundations
& Community Organizations
Decatur Central Lions Club
Good Shepherd Church CYO
General Giving
Up to $249
Mark Adang
Tola Afolayan
Cindy Agan
Chris Akers
Artwilla Allen
Samuel & Delores Ashpaugh
Carmen Austin
Phillip Austin
Gregory & Cheryl Ayers
Olu Babatunde
Jon & Denise Bachman
William & Phyllis Bakeis
Amy Barbar
Danni Barnes
April Barnett
The smiles say it all
Want to know whether Damar’s Annual Fund can make
a difference in a young person’s life? Look at Zach’s smile.
Not long ago, that smile was almost a liability for
21-year-old Zach. His crowded and uneven teeth
impeded his speech, caused him to drool and made
him terribly self-conscious. Generous donations to the
Damar Annual Fund allowed Zach to get braces and
dental services that, quite frankly, changed his life.
Designed to help with matters not typically covered by
other funding sources, the Annual Fund provides for
braces, eyeglasses, clothing and other things that could
affect a client’s chances for success. The Annual Fund
Committee is creative in its funding decisions, and the
group embraces the holistic philosophies central to
Damar’s success.
Damar nurse Angie Fine worked with Dr. Jeffrey Dean
at Westpointe Dentistry to arrange for Zach’s dental
work. Dr. Dean was so willing to help that he provided
services for Zach and another Damar client named
Aaron at a discounted cost.
Like Zach, Aaron had trouble speaking clearly because
of his teeth. He was so self-conscious that he would look
down when he spoke. Now, 20-year-old Aaron holds his
head up and speaks more clearly.
And, of course, like Zach, Aaron smiles more often than
before. And why not? Thanks to the Annual Fund, they
have new reasons to.
See how your gift can make a positive
difference at Damar! Call 317.856.5201
or visit
Thomas & Margaret Barr
Scott Basore
Carrie Bates
Keith & Cindy Bauer
Mamie Beamon
Robert & Ruth Beasley, Sr.
David & Sarah Becker
Richard & Merry Bees
Allison Bell Smith
Jacqueline Berns
Brandon Berry
James & Valerie Bertoglio
Michael & Laura Bill
Larry & Lucinda Biltz
Ronald & Kristina Birchler
Chad Bocock
Sydney Book
Richard Booker
Mary Bookwalter
Guy & Linda Boruff
David & Carly Bowers
Tara Bowman
Dessra Bragdon
Brenda Branch
Shannon Branic
Dr. Gerald & Elaine
Simone Brewer
Cleveland Brown
Daniel & Marjorie Brown
Robert Brown
Robert & Betty Burns
Gary & Elaine Butler
Larry & Jill Carter
Wayne & Barbara Carter
Steve Cavanaugh
Jennifer Charles
Brian & Michele Chase
Kitzi Chotlos
Richard & Carolyn Coffin
Mildred Coglianese
Jerry & Patricia Cokain
Donald & Shirley Collier
Dana Collins
Jim & Marie Conners
Jason Cookson
Eric & Maranda Cooper
Leo & Anne Corrigan
Jerry & Catherine Cothron
James & Mary J. Couch
Rodney Couch
Jeraldine Craig
Angelica Crawford
Alisha Dahl
Judy Dalton
George & Glenda Jo Davis
Mitchell & Julie Davis
Sherrae Davis
Julia De La Cruz
Robert & Jennifer DeBolt
Steven Delaney
Thomas & Nancy Dinwiddie
Dr. Steve Douglass
S.M. & A.M. Downs
Michael Duke
Esther Dunn
Beverly Dupree
Jack Dyson
Michael & Becky Eckerle
Floyd & Patricia Edwards
Professor George E. Edwards
Robert & Brenda Edwards
Angela Elisea
Marcia Esping
Michael & Elizabeth Faith
Kolawole Fatyoe
Marvin Ferguson
Bryon & Dana Fields
William Fisher
Jennifer Fowler
Lincoln & Glenda Fraley
Kent & Paula Freeman
Lynn Galvez
Woody & Linda Garland
Oretha Gbollie
Amber Geisler
Mark Gentry
Sara Gerety
Vera Gerlach
Bruce & Vickye Gerlitz
Alisa Gill
Dottie Gilliam
Kristi Gmutza
Olga Goloschokin
Sherry Gore
Darrell & Thecla Gossett
Tracie Gott
Berdina Grady
John & Susan Grant
Sara Grass
Kari Gray
Michael & Helen Gray
John & Marilynn Greenwood
Monnie Greeson
Yvette Grider
Marilyn Grissom
Kay Gutierrez
James & Cynthia Hacker
Janice Hackett
David Halsema
Michael Halstead
& Lisa Lanham
Kristin Harmon
Rodney & Vicky Harrison
Ann Hayward
Lisa Heid
John & Debra Helwig
James & Janice Herr
Anne M. Hill
Michael & Jeanne Hoagland
Cindy Hodge
Jack & Janice Hodge
Timothy & Kathryn Hoke
Stephen & Angela Hornak
Anita Horne
Criss Horton
Raymon & Charlotte Hudson
Kimberly Irwin
Bob & Susan Jackson
Daniel & Susan R. Jackson
Joshua & Emily Jackson
Kimberly Jackson
Randy Jackson
David & Tina Jenkins
Brandon Johnson
Robert & Amy Johnson
Donald & Lydia Johnston
Ken & Paula Justice
Juanita Keith
Emily Kellar
Lesley Kelsey
Dan Kelso
Dick & Ruth Kennedy
David & Deanna Kieffaber
Paul & Kay Kinder
Gene King
Lisa King
Tony King
Dwight Kopis
Kevin & Leesa Kopp
Timothy Kraabel
Mary Beth Kraft
Edward & Judith Kristoff
Marc & Nancy Kruithoff
Thomas & Phyllis Kukla
Michael & Mina La Londe
Michael & Michele Laine
Diane Lamond
Kay Landis
Jason Lantzer
Joel & Sharon Larmore
Gary Lee
Daniel Lehman
Danielle Lehman
Bob Leventhal
Samuel & Libby Levin
Clayton & Amy Lewis
Brooke Love
Sylvia Luker
Mike & Glenna Lykens
Susan Machledt
Evans Machora
Mikhail & Yevgeniya
Mary Ann Manuel
Fern Marlatt
Gina Marqua
Bradley & Yvonne Martin
Martin Michael
& Joan C. Traub-Martin
Mitzi Martin
Ann Mason
Michael & Kim May
Tifini McClyde
R.J. McConnell
Keisa McDuffie
Woody & Theresa McFadin
James & Kathleen McGrath
Lori McGuire-Dodge
Mary Cay McKenzie
James & Patricia McMichael
Donald McNabb
Heather Meadows
D. Michael & Lynn Mealy
Kevin Mealy
Paul Mealy
Shawn Merriman
Crystal Miles
Mary Irene Miller
David Miller & Jim Philippi
James & Peggy Miner
B.S. Moore
David Moore
Lisa Morgan
Laura Morrison
Tom & Katherine Mosbaugh
Ibrahim Moussa
Christopher & Sally Neal
Kathy Neal
Larry Nedde
Delmar & Mary Neely
Donald & Mary Jane Newby
Tamara Nichols
David Niederhaus
Maria Oliver
Kristina Orr
John & Kathleen Osborne
Shirley Overton
Lois Pardue
Joseph Passalacqua
Ashish & Mintoo Patel
Alan & Karla Pearson
Warren & Jean Perney
Brian & Pam Phillips
Marcia Poston
Thomas & Susan Proctor
Vincent Rago
Maureen Ramsey
Sandra Raynor
David & Carol Rea
David & Judy Reed
Shawn Renner
G. Richard & Peggy Rettof
Michael & Andrea Riffel
Margret Robb
Cindy Ross
James Ross
Brent & Jan Sandman
Jim & Adalyn Schillaci
Elmer & Frances Schubert
Thomas & Joan Scimeca
James Seach
Anthony Sears
Allan Seefeldt
Scott Shackelford
James and Lynda Sherer
Andrew & Gail Shiel
Dr. Terry Silke
Matthew Simpson
Daphin Smith
Gordon & Donna Smith
Jared & Laura Smith
Marla Snyder
James Sparks
Eric Speer
Steven & Kathleen Spencer
Jane Stanton
Sherry Stepp
Jeffery Stokes
Sarah Stone
William & Jacquelyn Strauss
James Strickland
Anne Stump
Keith & Kathy Susko
Stephanie Theis
Dennis Thompson
Bertha Thondhlana
David & Sheila Tilton
Don & Donna Todd
Randy Toliver
Brad Tollefson
Elden & Dorothy Torbeck
Rick & Mary Pat Torbeck
Thomas & Kathleen Torbeck
Kathleen Tynan
Roy & Rowana Umbarger
H. D. & Abby Van Demark
Robert Vasel
Kelly & Roberto
Donna Vincett
Sandra Wakefield
William & Carolyn Ward
Ruth Warner
Phillip Washington
Michael & Anne Elizabeth
Harold & Thelma Weddle
Gary & Linda Weidman
Allyson Wells
Janet Wells
Molly Wells
Edward & Sue Ellen West
Elise Westhoff
C. Mark Wetzel
Bryan & Penny Whaley
Walter & Gloria Wheeler
Bob Williams
Frances Williams
Kristine Williams
Randal & Marilyn Williams
Stacy Williams
Melvin Winzenread
Michael Wise
Marlene Withrow
David Woo
Gary Wright
Albert Wurster
David & Kay Wyler
Daniel & Sherry Yagodnik
Kenneth Zartman
James Zink
Allstate Giving Campaign
Al’s Paint and Body
Anderson Corporation
Architura Corporation
Banning Engineering, PC
Bison Group
Bonness Family Dentistry
Bradley G. Kristel, Inc.
Brown Tape Products Co.
Capital Charities Inc.
Central Engineering &
Construction Associates
Cox-Jones Contracting, Inc.
Credit Shack, LLC
Daley Concepts, Ltd.
Dann Pecar Newman
& Kleiman PC
Darrell Brooks Painting Co.
Donna Rice Photography
Economy Plus
Fisher Law Office
Heartland Community Bank
Horning Roofing
Imperial Water Conditioning
Indiana Department
of Insurance
Indiana Endodontics P.C.
Water Company
Interstate Motorcycle Agency
of Indiana
K & R Tool Shed, Inc.
Larry Jacobs Accounting
Masonry By Mohler, Inc.
McDonald’s Faith Corp.
Michael’s Construction
Midwest Telephone Co., Inc.
Mooresville Family Dentistry
Nick & Mike Dental
Osborne Law Firm
POP Multimedia
Protect-All Insurance Agency
Ray’s Trash Service
Ripley Orthodontics, P.C.
River Glen Country Club
Shackelford Graphics, Ink
Shrewsberry & Assoc.
Southside OB-GYN, P.C.
Sweet Lipz
The Clinger Group, Inc.
Thomas Monument, Inc.
Wheeler Corporation
Wilcher Automotive
Charitable Foundations
& Community Organizations
American Legion Post 132
Clothe A Child Inc.
Decatur Township
Fire Department
Indy “G” Walkers
Volksport Association
Kappa Kappa Kappa
Never Too Late
Southport Middle School Staff
United Methodist Women
at Mt. Auburn Church
In-Kind Gifts
Gifts valued at $100+
Judy Anderson
Chris Baire
Jill Barkheimer
Rick & Christa Bell
Keith & Becky Bradley
Lucia Cairns
J. Chris Cooke
Christine Crewse
Rachel Davidson
Katie DeFur
Tammy Divelbliss
Brent & Sarah Ducker
Natasha Dunbar
Marilynn Edwards
Feld Entertainment
David & Carol Fitzgerald
Harold & Mary Fugate
Pauline Haley
Judy Harding
Norma Herrald
Patrice Harris
Tamera Henderson
Donna Hundertmark
Erricka Jones
David & Cynthia Kiesel
Mr. & Mrs. Linn
Lon & Carolyn Lyke
Shirley Martin
Susan Massela
Natalie McCoy
Angela McGinnis
Ellen McNutt
Scott & Cari Medaris
J. Paige Mitton
Leslie Mull
Desire Nyathi
Jim & Judy Ransome
Sharon Sirim
Lynn Stalbaum
Sarabeth Stewart
James Sublett
Christine Tegarden
Rob & Erin Crick
Allen & Cynthia Tinsley
Maryverrel Washburn
Angela White
Abrams Eyecare
Adhoc Promotions
All Things IT
Angela May
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
Beck Service Center, Inc.
Brown County Inn
CB Richard Ellis
Chip Ganassi Racing
Country Inn & Suites
Crackers of Broad Ripple
Curves for Women
Cynde’s Shoes
Dan Bennett
Digital Color Graphics
Emmis Communications
First United Methodist Church
Fox and Hound Pub & Grille
Acres of vision for the future
If you had 8 acres of property at a key intersection in a thriving business park, what would you do? Put
in a restaurant, or maybe a little retail strip? Build a distribution facility and lease it to clients? Sell it for
a nice profit?
If you’re Holladay Properties, the answer is “None of the above.”
Instead, Holladay Properties allowed Damar to take ownership of the land, which is adjacent to our
fast-growing 38-acre campus. The in-kind gift, valued at more than $468,000, helped Damar wrap up
its $6 million Exceeding Expectations capital campaign.
The developers behind the 1,500-acre AmeriPlex business park that has grown up around Damar,
Holladay Properties always has been a good neighbor, with company representatives like Chris Wilkes
(pictured) getting involved in a variety of ways. But now the company has taken neighborliness to a new
level, putting into Damar’s hands the property it needs to support a vision for future expansion.
An investment in Damar is an investment in the community. Learn how your organization can help us
build better futures for those we proudly serve! Visit
Harris Bank
HP Products
Ikon Office Solutions, Inc.
Indianapolis Business Journal
Indianapolis Fruit
ISM for Education Loans
Joe’s Crabshack
Key Bank
Kroger Co. Regional Offices
Leavenworth Inn
MacAllister Machinery Co, Inc.
Marathon Petroleum Co.
Matt Cook
McDonald’s Restaurant
McFarling Foods
Meijer – Heartland Crossing
Meridian Street Greenhouse
NAPA Auto Parts, Inc.
O’Charley’s of Camby
Plainfield Kroger
Prairie Farms Dairy
Ray & Mascari Inc.
Re-Power, Inc.
Richeson Cabinets
Ruble Flowers
Sarah Phillips
Schreiber Lumber Inc.
Spotlight Indianapolis
Staybridge Suites by Holiday Inn
TCM International
Urban Euphoria Salon Spa
Value City Furniture
Vincent Furs, Inc.
Wal-Mart Supercenter of Camby
Weddle Heating & Cooling
Wingate by Wyndham
WKLU 101.9 FM
WorkSmart Systems
Charitable Foundations
& Community Organizations
Abbey Apartments
Arlington Elementary School
Decatur Central High School
Goodwill Industries
Grace United Methodist Church
of Franklin
Hendricks Regional Health
Indiana Reperatory Theatre
Indiana State Department of Health
Indiana State Fair
Indianapolis Church of Christ
IUPUI Athletics Department
Murat Shrine Circus
Pacers Foundation
PeyBack Foundation
Project Linus
Speedway Moose Lodge #500
St. Francis Hospital Beech Grove
St. Mary and St. Mark Coptic
Orthodox Church
St. Roch Catholic Church
University of Indianapolis
Vision Service Plan
WFYI Public Broadcasting
In Honor of:
Alexander Bashenow
by John & Susan Grant
Jacqueline Berns
by Juanita B. Keith
Warren & Jean Perney
Svea Braverman
by Dr. Gerald & Elaine Braverman
Commons Transition Home
by Samuel & Suzanne Flanders
Julia F. Crowe
by Richard & Beverly Markoff
Les & Jackie Cruse
by Ruth Warner
Damar Academy
by Samuel & Suzanne Flanders
Beverly Farkas
by Juanita B. Keith
Josh Flanders
by Samuel & Suzanne Flanders
Amy Hooser
by Dennis Thompson
Susan Massela
by Richard & Beverly Markoff
Paul Mealy
by Greg Hempstead
D. Michael & Lynn Mealy
Kevin Mealy
POP Multimedia
Joseph A. Passalacqua
by Rick & Mary Pat Torbeck
Pooja Patel
by Ashish & Mintoo Patel
David & Judy Reed
by Capital Charities Inc.
Michael Reffeitt
by Jason Cookson
Joe Robinson
by Brad & Teri Fuson
Patrick & Karen Terrell
by Margret Robb
Robbie Wade
by Robert & Jennifer DeBolt
Edward & Sue West
by Michael & Anne Elizabeth Weaver
Walter & Gloria Wheeler
by Sherry Gore
In Memory of:
Randall D. Arnold
by Jeff & Christine Arnold
Gregory Cavanaugh
by Steve Cavanaugh
Marjorie Dyson
by Sherry Stepp
James W. Haganman
by Gregory & Cheryl Ayers
Warren Hahn
by Kelly & Roberto
Elizabeth Jones
by Steve & Jan Price
Randy Morrison
by Bison Group
Ann Hayward
Matthew Simpson
Sister Susan Pietrus
by Angela White
George Potsch
by Bryan & Penny Whaley
Yvonne Singleton
by Katie McCoy
Chris Smith
by Julie Herbertz
The Smith Family Trust
Daniel Tollefson
by George E. Edwards
Indiana Department
of Insurance
Lafayette Life Foundation, Inc.
G. Richard & Peggy Rettof
Brad Tollefson
Walter & Gloria Wheeler
Countess Wickens
by Kitzi Chotlos
Marilyn Grissom
Martin Michael
& Joan C. Traub-Martin
B.S. Moore
This list encompasses donors to Damar Services, Inc. between July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2009. Damar Services, Inc. values support of its mission and maintains records of all
donations. If you feel your name or organization name has been inadvertently omitted from this list, please call 317.856.5201.
Financial Report
About Our Family
Damar Services builds better futures
for children and adults facing life’s greatest
Financial responsibility and stewardship is an important role of the Damar Board of Directors and management team in ensuring
the financial stability and health of Damar for future generations of families in need. The following summary represents Damar’s
financial revenue and expenditures from July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009.
Revenue Sources
developmental and behavioral challenges.
At Damar, we help people challenged by autism, mental
Whether on our nationally recognized campus or in the
retardation and other developmental disabilities and related
community, we offer life-changing programs with the
behavioral challenges live more successful lives.
help of more than 700 human services professionals and
1,500 volunteers. Collaborating with families, referring
organizations, government agencies and each other, we
help those we serve develop new skills, a greater sense of
Indiana Department of Child Services
Campus Open Treatment
Indiana Department of Education
Transitional Living Homes
Our innovative and individualized programs are rooted
Campus BASE
in research and the knowledge gained by embracing and
Indiana Bureau of Developmental
Disability Services
Community Living & Support Services
Philanthropy/Charitable Contributions
Interest & Other Income
confidence and — most importantly — hope.
sharing the best practices for the treatment of those with
developmental and behavioral challenges. Our continuum of
services enables us to provide the highest quality treatment
and support to individuals of all ages and backgrounds.
Administrative, Human Resources & Training
Group Homes
Outpatient Behavioral & Mental Health Clinic
Through this approach, we have been able to help 96
percent of our clients live better, more independent lives in
communities across the nation.
The financial statements of Damar Services, Inc. are audited annually by an independent firm and receive unqualified opinions on a regular basis. Audited financial statements
are available upon request. Expenses are shown as a percent of the Organization’s functional expense allocation.
Damar Services, Inc.
6067 Decatur Blvd.
Indianapolis, IN 46241
Phone: 317.856.5201