SucceSS - Damar Services, Inc.
SucceSS - Damar Services, Inc.
Success Whatever it takes. 2012-2013 Community Impact Report “Intellectual ability will take you only so far in life… a positive attitude, the ability to persevere without exception and a commitment to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals; that will take you to the places of your dreams.” 1 ~ Doug Fortenberry, educator What is success worth? What does it take to help children and adults with developmental, intellectual and severe behavioral challenges achieve success — not just individually through clever interventions and occasional miracles, but in significant numbers, and in ways that could be replicated statewide? Or even nationally? whatever it takes to ensure every challenge is followed by triumph — from providing emergency treatment and care for a child to working with community school educators to helping a family keep the lights on. Whatever it takes. Just as we would do for ourselves and our own families in times of great need. Successful people create successful communities. At Damar, we’d like to think we are doing our part to ensure the success of the 1,450 clients we proudly serve each day. Whatever it takes is not a program or an initaitive. It is a bold and profoundly hopeful dispatch to employees at every level of our organization — a message of unyielding expectation that our work enhances the ambitions of our clients, strengthens their families and improves entire communities. It is inspired by children and families destined to be better — and to live better — often against great odds. To us, their success is priceless. And it takes positive change in every aspect of their lives to help them achieve it. It takes changing how they feel about themselves. Changing how they learn. How they cope with challenges. How they interact with others. And how they experience everyday life. At its root, our mission is both clinical and moral, based on the spirit of charity, solidarity and hope. When a client or family we serve is facing unimaginable challenges, we’ll do On the following pages, we’d like to share some the many ways we strive to achieve excellence in our mission and inspire success for our clients, their families and the communities we serve. 2 Programs & Services Child & Youth Services Outpatient Behavioral Health Services Who We Serve: Damar’s Outpatient clinic service provides counseling, behavior management, consultation, evaluation, crisis response and medication management services to hundreds of children, youth and adults. Outpatient services are provided to the public and to clients served by Damar in other capacities. Services are provided by licensed Master’s and Doctoral level professionals. Where We Serve: Clinics, Schools, Homes, Community Facilities. Approximate Number Served Annually: 400 Community Based Services for Children and Families Who We Serve: Damar’s Community-Based services provides individual and family counseling, supervised visitation, case management, competency building, and cross system care coordination services to youth and families referred by the Department of Child Services. Community-Based services are provided by Bachelor level as well as licensed Master’s and Doctoral level professionals. 3 Where We Serve: Clinics, Schools, Homes, Community Facilities. Approximate Number Served Annually: 100 Children’s Residential Treatment Services Who We Serve: Damar’s campus-based intensive residential services provide a full array of behavioral and mental health services to hundreds of children each year within the context of residential placement. Children are referred for residential placement by the Department of Child Services, local school systems through the Department of Education, Probation Departments, and through other various community organizations. Services are multidisciplinary and provided by direct care, clinical, nursing, physician, and other professionals. Where We Serve: Residential Campus Approximate Number Served Annually: 250 Short-Term Residential Diagnostic and Evaluation Services Who We Serve: Damar’s campus-based Diagnostic and Evaluation services provide focused diagnostic work ups resulting in specific recommendations for treatment for the child and family going forward. Services are completed within 30-days and typically the child would 4 transition from residential placement at that time. Children are referred for Short-Term Diagnostic and Evaluation services by the Department of Child Services and/or Probation Departments. Services are multidisciplinary and provided by direct care, clinical, psychologist, nursing, physician, and other professionals. ST. JOSEPH L APORTE LAKE LAGRANGE STEUBEN NOBLE DEKALB PORTER MARSHALL STARKE KOSCIUSKO WHITLEY JASPER NEWTON WHITE BENTON ALLEN FULTON PULASKI Where We Serve: Residential Campus Approximate Number Served Annually: 25 ELKHART MIAMI CASS WABASH HUNTINGTON WELLS ADAMS CARROLL GRANT Older Youth Services BLACKFORD HOWARD TIPPECANOE WARREN CLINTON Who We Serve: Damar’s Older Youth services provide practical support and supervision services to older youth who are aging out of the DCS system. Services include case management, budgeting, financial assistance, vocational assistance and support, housing supervision and support, and coordination of medical and behavioral health services. These services are provided mainly near the cities of Kokomo and Lafayette. Older Youth services are provided are provided by Bachelor and Masters level professionals. TIPTON MADISON DELAWARE RANDOLPH FOUNTAIN V E R M I L L I O N JAY MONTGOMERY BOONE HAMILTON HENRY WAYNE PARKE HENDRICKS PUTNAM HANCOCK MARION RUSH FAYETTE SHELBY MORGAN VIGO CLAY FRANKLIN OWEN DECATUR MONROE BROWN BARTHOLOMEW SULLIVAN Where We Serve: Communities UNION JOHNSON RIPLEY GREENE DEARBORN JENNINGS JACKSON Approximate Number Served Annually: 80 OHIO LAWRENCE KNOX DAVIESS JEFFERSON MARTIN ORANGE WASHINGTON SCOTT CLARK PIKE DUBOIS GIBSON Indiana Counties Served The goal of Damar’s innovative programs and services is to help our clients and their families succeed in every way possible. This fiscal year, Damar’s provided life-changing treatment, education and support services to clients in the 56 Indiana counties highlighted. 5 FLOYD CRAWFORD HARRISON POSEY VANDERBURGH PERRY WARRICK SPENCER SWITZERLAND Group Homes for Children Who We Serve: Damar’s Group Homes for Children services provide a full array of behavioral and mental health services to children within the context of communitybased residential placement. Children are referred for Group Home services by the Department of Child Services, local schools through the Department of Education, Probation Departments, and the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities. Services are multidisciplinary and provided by direct care, clinical, nursing, physician, and other professionals. Where We Serve: 10 Community-Based Group Homes Approximate Number Served Annually: 85 Transitional Living Services for Youth Who We Serve: Damar’s Transitional Living services for youth provide a full array of behavioral and mental health services to children within the context of communitybased transitional placement. Children are referred for Transitional Living services by local schools through the Department of Education. Services are multidisciplinary and provided by direct care, clinical, nursing, physician, and other professionals. Where We Serve: 6 Community-Based Transitional Service Homes Approximate Number Served Annually: 30 ABA Autism Services by Damar Who We Serve: Damar’s ABA services provide a full range of treatment and support services for children with autism and their families. Services range from weekly outpatient supports to intensive 1:1 clinic-based ABA therapy. Students receiving ABA services may be enrolled in Damar’s residential services or may be referred from the community. Services are provided by Bachelor, Masters, and Doctor level professionals. All treatment services are supervised by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). Where We Serve: On-campus and offcampus clinic settings, schools, family homes Approximate Number Served Annually: 30 (expansion underway) Damar Foster Care Services Who We Serve: Damar’s Foster Care services provide a full range of supervision and support services for children who no longer require residential placement but who are unable to return to their family. Damar credentials, trains and supervises several foster home settings in the community. Where We Serve: Community Foster Homes Approximate Number Served Annually: 20 Education Services Public School Supports and Mentoring Who We Serve: Damar’s Public School Supports and Mentoring services provide 1:1 supervision, coaching and behavioral training in various public school settings – primarily in Indianapolis Public Schools. Students are referred by Public Schools and funded directly or through the Department of Education for funding supports. School Mentoring services are provided are provided 6 by High School and Bachelor level professionals. Where We Serve: Public Schools Approximate Number Served Annually: 50 Damar Freeway Academy Who We Serve: Damar’s Freeway Academy provides special education services to students referred by local schools through the Department of Education. Services range from traditional classroom settings to 1:1 intensive behavioral supports during the school day. Students attending the Freeway Academy may be enrolled in Damar’s residential services or may come from the community to attend school daily. All students are served consistent with Special Education Law and are referred via an Individualized Education Plan - dictated and monitored by the Case Conference Committee. Where We Serve: On-campus Classrooms Approximate Number Served Annually: 130 Damar Charter Academy (DCA) Who We Serve: Damar’s Public Charter Academy provides special education services to students through family/guardian choice. The majority of students who attend DCA have struggled in other public school settings are have been denied educational services due to problematic behaviors or special needs. Services range from traditional classroom settings to 1-on-1 intensive behavioral supports during the school day. Students attending DCA may be enrolled in Damar’s residential services or may come from the community to attend school daily. All students are served consistent with 7 Special Education Law via an Individualized Education Plan - dictated and monitored by the Case Conference Committee. Where We Serve: DCA is a public school setting located in Decatur Township Approximate Number Served Annually: 220 Adult Services 24-Hour Community Living and Support Services (CLASS) Who We Serve: Damar’s CLASS services provide 24-hour supervision and supports to adults living in their own home settings. Adults are referred through the Bureau of Developmental Disability Services (BDDS). CLASS services are provided are provided by High School and Bachelor level professionals. Where We Serve: Client Homes, Community Outpatient Behavioral Health Services Approximate Number Served Annually: 85 Who We Serve: Damar’s Outpatient Clinic service provides counseling, behavior management, consultation, evaluation, crisis response and medication management services to hundreds of children, youth and adults. Outpatient services are provided to the public and to clients served by Damar in other capacities. Services are provided by licensed Master’s and Doctoral level professionals. Less than 24-Hour Community Living and Support Services (CLASS) Where We Serve: Clinics, Schools, Homes, Community Facilities. Approximate Number Served Annually: 400 Who We Serve: Damar’s CLASS services provide less than 24-hour supervision and supports to children and adults living in their own home settings. Children and Adults are referred through the Bureau of Developmental Disability Services (BDDS). CLASS services are provided are provided by High School and Bachelor level professionals. Where We Serve: Client Homes, Community Approximate Number Served Annually: 120 8 Highlights Realizing the Goal of National Accreditation Standards Damar’s pursuit of best practices and care standards is at the forefront of Damar’s strategic interests. As part of our annual planning in 2010, Damar convened a group of employees representing every aspect of our mission to explore the importance of continuous quality improvement standards as seen through the eyes of our stakeholders and regulatory agencies. The results were clear: The best and most effective providers will achieve and maintain national accrediation standards. In 2011, we pursued and achieved accreditation fron the Council on Accreditation of Residential Facilities for day services programs. And in May 2012, after a rigorous yearlong application process that involved a detailed review and analysis of both our administrative operations and our service delivery practices measured against national standards of best practice, Damar received full accreditation from the prestigious Council on Accreditation (COA). The Council’s press release states, “COA’s commitment to maintaining the highest level of standards and quality improvement is designed to identify providers that have set high standards for themselves and have made a commitment to their constituents to deliver the highest quality services. COA is proud to recognize Damar Services, Inc. as one of these outstanding providers.” This benchmark accomplishment was led by our training director Simone Brewer and a number of dedicated and hard working key staff members for whom we are so grateful. However this was truly a team effort involving hundreds of people and every part of our organization. 9 Executives Providing agency, local and national leadership for system reform and partnering with others to develop innovative communitybased solutions Greg Johnson* Damar Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Jim Dalton, Psy.D, HSPP* President & Chief of Operations There is strength in numbers, and Damar is more than 900 strong. Drawing on our diverse skills and human services legacy, we’re finding innovative ways to make the most of our employees and assets while remaining flexible and transforming exisiting programs and services to more effective and efficient models. For our leadership and staff, this requires contant readiness for change. However, leading change toward more effective business operations systems in Indiana and on a national level opens numerous growth doors. In 2012, Damar doubled the capacity of our community-based programs through expansion of Integrated Services, development of Cross-systems of Care Services and the launch of our Applied Behavior Analysis Program. We explored various corporate structures and models that could better support our core mission and services. The result is a newly reorganized Management Team Model with changes in job titles and responsibilities to better position Damar for growth and business opportunities. Rich Harcourt* Sr. Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Liz Snyder Vice President of Human Resources Empowering People to Excel Damar Services is committed to engaging the absolute best talent to fulfill our mission, and that means tapping the skills, expertise, and potential of every employee. The demand for talented and dedicated entrylevel human services workers is on the rise, and college students represent a large share of the talent pool. These factors make attracting and developing qualified talent imperative — and a strategic driver that fuels our organization’s growth. Jason McManus Vice President of Programs & Services Dave DeWitt Director of Advancement *Management Team Member 11 In 2012, Damar partnered with local colleges and universities — an organization-wide strategy for targeted recruitment — to enhance our support of student professional development in human services, social work, nursing and education; and to foster a work experience that enables both full- and part-time employees to reach great heights. “This initative is creating new opportunities to increase our access to diverse job candidates with interests in highly specialized careers,” says Liz Snyder, vice president of human resources. “These relationships also support the schools as they serve the broader community.” Strategic mentoring initiatives to boost employee satisfaction and retention ensure that employees and their supervisors have more regular and meaningful conversations about job performance and career development opportunities. And to promote career advancement within Damar, we also introduced new programs to support leadership skill-building among our top direct care staff and increase exposure of internal career advancement opportunities. Together, these initiatives are expanding the climate of promotion across our organization — and are boosting our reputation as an employer of choice in central Indiana. Beyond their professional service, Damar is especially proud of our employees’ personal committment to our mission their individual charitable giving. “The engagement and dedication of our staff brings to life Damar’s core values and clearly demonstrates how our collective energy and skills can make a lasting difference for those we serve,” said Greg Johnson, Damar chairman and chief executive officer. “Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” 13 Many stories you hear at Damar are touching tales of people born with unimaginable challenges — developmental disorders like autism, intellectual disabilities, and the most severe behavioral and mental health issues. Some of these are people who were subjected to abuse or neglect as children. Some are people who lost their families to violence, mental illness or addiction. Some are people who became aggressive — sometimes even engaging in dangerous behavior — as they strive to cope with everyday life. They come to Damar vulnerable, often rejected and underappreciated, and living in situations that seem impossible. But that changes at Damar. Here, they encounter something unexpected: Hope. Purpose. Success. The chance to say, “I’m possible.” In the coming pages, you’ll meet three of the many deserving people served by Damar — on our campus, in our community and across the state — and discover what our mission means to them. ~ Muhammad Ali, Boxing legend 14 Tommy, Chase & Dilana Born with severe autism, Chase was the middle child in a family of three children lingering from foster home to foster home in Osceola County, Florida’s child welfare system. A family history of drug abuse and neglect prevented him, older brother Tommy and younger sister Dilana from living with their biological parents. Martina Heid — who was familiar with the children’s plight — and her husband Doug wanted to give the children the love, support and family they deserve. But they wanted to do it here — in Indiana. “These children are important to us, so we just did what we felt we were called to do to help them. And we’d do it again.” ~ Martina In April 2011, the Heid’s became the first family licensed through Damar Foster Care Services. Four months later, an inter-state agreement between Florida and Indiana enabled Tommy, Chase and Dilana to transition more than 1,000 miles to the Heid’s residence in Indianapolis. Immediately, Chase began receiving much-needed autism treatment through Damar’s Outpatient & Mental Health Clinic. And, Damar Foster Care Services director Guene Kalal began supporting the Heid’s plans to adopt the three children. In January 2012, the adoptions were finalized. In September 2012, the Heid’s also adopted a fourth sibling, baby Isaiah, born two months prematurely less than a month earlier. “Doug and Martina represent the kind The family has overcome many challenges. Today, the children are doing remarkably well. Tommy, 16, is a sophomore in high school and is earning his lifeguard certification. Chase, 9, now uses a specialized computer that enables him to communicate with others. Dilana, 2, gets smarter and sassier each day. Baby Isaiah is healthy and growing. Finally, the four of them are exactly where they should be. Home. Together. of family that every foster child needs — the kind that will do anything to give children what they need.” Tommy, Chase and Dilana ~ Guene, Director of Damar Foster Care Services Damar Foster Care Services 15 16 “I feel really good about myself. For someone like me that has trouble reading, keeping a job for as long as I have and getting my driver’s license is a big deal.” “Saquan has become a very independent young man with a strong work ethic. He has the potential to be highly successful in whatever life brings his way.” ~Shelly, Saquan’s Residential Manager 17 ~ Saquan Saquan Saquan’s difficult relationship with his mom and step-father left him left living with friends by age 13 and homeless less than four years later. He slept wherever he could find safe shelter. He missed a few meals. But he never missed school. Never missed a shift at his part-time job. In 2007, after a brief stay at an Indianapolis youth emergency shelter, Saquan, came to Damar’s Transitional Living Program. A well-behaved young man with excellent survival skills, he also faces a mild intellectual development disorder. He struggled with impulse control. Had difficulty making good decisions. Could barely read. Damar made sure that Saquan received all the support he needed. He was able to continue working, and taking culinary and academic classes at Indianapolis Public Schools. He graduated in 2008 and transitioned to Damar’s less-than 24 hour Community Living and Support Services Program. Today, Saquan, 23, enjoys living in an apartment with a roommate and has maintained the same two full-time jobs for the past three years. Damar’s staff continues to help him with personal development and living skills like money management. In August 2012, after two years of preparation to develop his reading skills, Saquan earned his driver’s license and purchased his first car. Now he has a new goal in sight: culinary school. Saquan Damar’s less-than 24 hour Community Living and Support Services Program LaQuinta “I used to be a follower. Now, I am proud of myself because I make better choices and get to enjoy being an adult. I am more independent. ” ~ LaQuinta LaQuinta’s rough start in life included abuse and neglect that lasted more than a decade and placement at several other treatment facilities before she came to Damar in 2008. Understandably, she was quite a handful — facing not only mild intellectual challenges, but also ADHD, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Disruptive Behavior Disorder. LaQuinta was angry. Agressive. Loud. Disruptive. Distructive. Uncooperative. Unpreditable. Untrustworthy. And nearly impossible to control. LaQuinta is strong-willed with a great sense of humor — strengths that go a long way toward helping her achieve success at Damar. And she is a success. Damar provides LaQuinta with the care, support, counseling and education she needs to set her own goals and achieve her potential. Four months after her arrival, she transitioned from Damar’s residential campus to a nearby group home. She is a 2010 graduate of Damar Academy and a client in Damar’s Community Living and Support Services Program since 2011. “The structure and consistency LaQuinta receives from Damar are instrumental to her success. She knows that we genuinely care Today, LaQuinta, 21 is making positive choices. She enjoys living in her own apartment with a rommate, working several days a week and participating in Damar’s Aktion Club, a social group for adult clients. Most importantly, she is happy. Her smile says it all. about her, and she feels loved and supported.” ~Brittney, LaQuinta’s Behavior Clinician LaQuinta 18 Damar’s 24 hour Community Living and Support Services Program 19 Executive Letter Board of Directors This past year has once again been a year of change, challenge and opportunity for the Damar mission. As you will read in these pages, we have met the challenge of severe reductions in state revenue and are returning to a position of greater financial sustainability. Such a feat cannot occur without wise board stewardship, visionary staff, strategic planning and the support of our giving community. Damar has adapted to this new austerity and an environment of increased regulatory burden in a manner that held true to our principles of best practice and outcomes for the wonderful children, adults and families we serve. Chair Gail Shiel IUPUI Though we have adjusted by reluctantly contracting in some coveted program areas, we have also grown in new and exciting areas of opportunity for our clientele and community. This past year we pursued and received national accreditation through the prestigious Council on Accreditation (CoA) which has both validated our measurement of internal quality and set new standards for future excellence in service. We also doubled our capacity in community based services and launched our new Applied Behavioral Analysis therapy services for children with Autism which will serve families in our community as well as those who are directly in our care. Damar Services has grown through the years to become a diverse and comprehensive service provider in fulfillment of our mission. Our growth has not been for growths sake but, rather, to better meet the needs of our clients, families and communities. This past year our board of directors approved and implemented a new management team structure in order to more efficiently and strategically administer the wide variety of services under the Damar umbrella. The organization’s Chairman and CEO, president and COO, and senior vice-president and CFO serve in this function with a dedicated and talented array of program, clinical and educational leaders directing the many Damar service lines. Through this report, we invite you learn more about Damar Services and our tremendous positive impact on children and adults facing life’s greatest developmental and behavioral challenges. See for yourself how we live the phrase “Whatever it Takes” that you will see throughout this report. Our children, our adult clients and our families deserve nothing less. Gregory A. Johnson, Chairman & CEO Damar Services, Inc. 20 Gail Shiel, Chair Damar Services, Inc. Board of Directors Jim L. Dalton, President & Chief of Operations Damar Services, Inc. Timothy J. Brei, M.D., Riley Hospital for Children Ann Calvert USA Funds, Inc. Greg Johnson Damar Services, Inc. Grant Jenkins JP Morgan Private Banking Vice Chair Rick Torbeck Georgia-Pacific Corporation Michael F. Conly, AIA Architura Corporation Phil Nolting Retired, Zenith Electronics Secretary Brad Linville Walker Information Treasurer Stephen D. Price, CPA, Price & Gartrell, P.C. Immediate Past Chair John Ehrmann, Jr., Psy.D. Ehrmann & Associates Julia F. Crowe, Esq. Attorney at Law Bruce Curry Barton Early Indiana Live! Casino Karen Snyder Community Health Network Patrick Terrell The Winston Terrell Group, Inc. Patrick Tynan Financial Consultant Patty O. Edwards Community Health Network Lisa K. Grimes Cooke Financial Group of Wells Fargo James M. VanTassel, Ph.D. Edward L. West Retired, USA Group Retired, National City Bank Not pictured: Nicole Conrad 21 Damar Guild Barbara Belt President Amy Tenney Vice President Susie Melton Secretary Charlene Finn Kim Flowers Marilynn Greenwood Cindy Heimlicher Nikki Lothian Jennifer Melton Joanne Murphy Jamie Petty Susan Rider Architura Corporation Barnes & Thornburg Michael & Elaine Conly Dr. Jim & Jodi Dalton Delta Dental Indiana Bart Early Ermco Electric Gregory & Appel Insurance Lisa Grimes Richard & Dianne Harcourt HP Products Indy West Embroidery, LLC Greg Johnson Lilly Endowment Inc. Macy’s Foundation Tom & Joan Mulry P.I.P.E., Inc. PNC Bank Patricia Porter Matt & Karen Snyder Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St. Vincent Patrick Tynan USA Funds Farra & Donald F. Woodley Amy Tovsky Event Supporters Nancy Twigg Abuelo’s Adhoc Promotions Karl Ahlrichs Arni’s Restaurant Bed Bath and Beyond Bob Evans Burlington Coat Factory – Castleton California Shop Children’s Museum of Indianapolis Circle Office Supplies, Inc. Conner Prairie Lenore Webb Amy Weber Nicole Williams Donna Stutler Liaison 22 Guild Partners Crackers of Broad Ripple CVS Daddy Jack’s Dance Kaleidoscope Designs by Jasmine Bart Early Fairway Custom Golf George’s Neighborhood Bar and Grill Hair @ 6310 Harry & Izzy’s Hoosier Park Racing & Casino Indiana Grand Casino Indiana Repertory Theatre Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra Indy West Embroidery Jasmine Thai Restaurant Kelsey Clark Photography Khan’s Fine Wines & Spirits Knits & Knots Peggy Nolting Kohl’s –Noblesville Kohl’s – Carmel Lowes Home Improvement Macy’s –Castleton Main Style Flooring Pier One David & Judy Reed Bob & Patricia Rose Sam’s Club – 96th Street Sandra’s Rice and Noodles Santorini’s Greek Kitchen Scotty’s Brew House Gail Shiel Signature Lime Photography St. Elmo Steak House Stein Mart Target Plainfield Tastefully Simple – Marianna Butler Tellman Dentistry The Great Frameup Thirty One – Amanda Boggess Tractor Supply Company Tyler Mason Salon Walgreen’s – Fishers Westin Hotel May Wilson Zink Distributing Company Event Attendees Nick & Christine Andersen Steve & Marilyn Anderson Dan & Kate Appel Heidy Bangert Carma Barnes Debbie Batey Kylie Beach Barbara Belt Howard & Shannon Bess Melvin Bolden, Jr. Angela Bratton Jason & Simone Brewer Jay Brinegar Lindsey Bush Donna Campbell LeAnne Cantwell Bart Carroll Helen Carroll Rachel Colip Michael & Elaine Conly Kesha Conner Chuck Cornett Kevin & Julia Crowe Ashley Cullison Nick Cunningham Bruce Curry Matt Dailey Dr. Jim & Jodi Dalton Laura Davidson Erica Davidson Greg & Janet Davis David DeWitt Kristin Dovenmuehle Billie Dragoo Bart Early Greg Everling Keon Frazier Willie Frazier Joseph Gaafar Laura Gaskill Vickye Gerlitz Lisa Ann Goldberg-Mitton Steve & Joan Gore Tammy Gray-Myers John & Marilynn Greenwood Lisa Grimes Rich & Dianne Harcourt Kimberly Hart Cynthia Heimlicher Sarah Helderman Mike & Julie Herbertz Carlos & Mary Kay Hood Anita Horne Kawana Howeel Grant Jenkins Robert Jeschke Greg Johnson Tammy Jones Margaret Jordan Guenevere Kalal Steve & Linda Kantner Dick Kennedy Jay & Carole Kirkpatrick Sadi Kluft Angel Knapp Pete & Therese Koers Elly Kreutzer Robert & Ella Kuleff Keenan Lavenberg Bobby & Machelle Lindsay Brad Linville Mohammad Loh Billi Lord Nina Macchia Jack Mahoney Mikhail & Yevgeniya Malyovanny Sherry Manning Kandi Martin Jill Maude Cameron Mayberry Janet McClure Tifini McClyde Katie McCoy Eric McNamera Gary & Susie Melton Craig & Jennifer Melton Carla Meyer Robert Miller Lee & Cindy Money Tom & Joan Mulry Joanne Murphy Belinda Neal Phil & Peggy Nolting Michelle Nolting Gayle Pannell Jeff Parker Nina Perry Patty Ping Leslie Piper Glenn Plaster Jace Platt Jim Porter Patricia & Richard Porter Stephen & Jan Price Bethany Query Mary Lou Raby Marty Read Ron Read David & Judy Reed Don & Linda Reeve Jeff Rhoades Donald & Connie Richards Lisa Roberts Bob & Patricia Rose Don Sanders Dahna Sanders Gina Sandman Debbie Sears Jen Shockley Laura Shumaker Amy Silcox Wallace Sisemore Heather Slieker Stacy Small Janet Smith Liz Snyder Marla Snyder Marsha Soderholm Rev. James Stuck Dan & Donna Stutler Amy & Matt Tenney Bill & Carolyn Thomas Don & Dee Thornton Julio Tierno Rick & Mary Pat Torbeck Amy Tovesky Norm & Sherry Tucker Nancy Twigg Dr. James & Laurel Van Tassel Chad & Katy Walker Amy Weber Reamone Webster Stephanie Weedling Edward & Sue Ellen West Greg & Lisa Whitehead Julie Whitman Rose Willett Brian Wilson Madeleine Witt Gordon & Sharon Woosley This list encompasses donors to Damar Guild, Inc. from July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012. Damar Guild, Inc. values support of its mission and maintains records of all donations. If you feel your name or organization name has been inadvertently omitted from this list, please call 317.856.5201. 23 Volunteers The clients served at Damaar often need more than we can provide thorugh treatment and services alone. Many times, they need someone to listen. Someone to offer words of encouragement Give a hug or a pat on the back. Make them laugh or smile. These sentiments of love and support are often 24 Jesse Abrams Kristen Adair Jenna Adams Lindsey Adams Makenzie Adams Rob Adams Dana Akers Deb Albacek Gregg Albacek Whitney Albright Bonnie Alexander Callie Allen Jerry Allen Kory Allen Robyn Allgood Christian Amaro Sharon Ancelet Dawn Anderson Laura Anderson John Andreko Michael Andry Gina Ardizzone Ben Argo Jeremy Arledge Barry Armour Jennifer Armour Alisha Ashmore Cade Aspinwall Lindlee Aspinwall Eric Augustus Meredith Ausenbaugh Ashleigh Baker Monty Baker Bill Ball Pam Ball Tammy Ballard Steve Ballman Braden Bantley Danielle Bantley Jacquie Bantley Lindsey Bantley Madeleine Bard Andrew Bare shared by more than 1,200 Damar volunteers whose selfless contributions of time and talent have a positive and lasting impact on those we serve. Every year, Damar volunteers represent the best of the human spirit. Love. Caring. And kindness. On behalf of the Damar Board of Directors, the entire Damar team Kelly Bargess Patty Bargess Julie Barnes Patrick Barnes Hannah Barnes-Isreal C.J. Barnett Ben Barrabee David Barrabee Linda Barrabee Judi Barth Kent Barth Samantha Barton Shawn Batens Sage Bates Linda Baugh Lisa Baugher Rich Baugher Marisa Beaty Brittney Bech Kelly Bednar Kim Beeman Mike Beeman Taja Bell Barb Belt Travis Belt Giana Bender Grant Benefiel Kevin Benefiel Ty Benefiel Rachel Bewley Dave Bienz Albert Billings Elaine Billings Tyler Billman Kelly Biro Ann Bishop Ariana Black Lorelei Blakley Moira Blakley Kristina Bleau Daniel Blosser Nathaniel Blythe Jennifer Boesch Danielle Bollier Jacqueline Booner Brook Bostick Nate Boulais Mary Bova Sara Boverspike Sabrina Bowersock Kristin Bowlby Jacob Bowles Ben Bozych Patrice Bradley Tara Bradley Rob Brandenburg Karissa Brashear Debby Brauard Edward Brennan Jordan Brickler Shawn Brickler Elijah Britton Zac Brooksher Annis Brown Brittany Brown Derek Brown and the countless clients and families served by our mission over the past 46 years, we extend to you our most sincere appreciation for your dedication and support. Jack Brown Jud Brown Kati Brown Rachel Brown Rachel Bruce Terra Bruggeman Patricia Brumfield Jeremy Bull John Bull Jillian Bullock Carly Bunch Eli Bunch Julie Bunuh Brayden Burbrink Kira Burdine Michelle Burgett Walter Burgin Alicia Burns Mallory Burton Lindsey Bush Brittany Byrum Christine Calabio Alex Caldera Guillermo Caldera Jay Caldera Luis Caldera Donnie Caldwell George Cantin Cindi Capek Bill Cardwell Patty Cardwell Jonathan Carey Angel Carr Joe Carr Lauryn Carr Robert Carr David Carson Bria Carter Diamond Carter Melissa Carter-Black Celine Casals Shelby Casper Mandy Chan May Chang Matthew Chapman Rae Chapman Jim Cheek Toni Cheek Taylor Cherry Sharon Chilcote Linda Childers Cameron Clark Steve Clark Taylor Clark Umi Claywell Nick Clements Lisa Clinger Deanna Cloud Melissa Coffman Marsha Collins-Brown Greg Colman Sherrie Cook Katie Copeland Chelsea Cortese Jennifer Cotfrey Natalie Covert 25 Top 20 Volunteer Groups 1. University of California San Diego 2. Grand Valley State University 3. Church of the Nazarene SW Indiana Chapter 4. Butler University 5. Southwest Church of Christ, Jonesboro, AR 6. WellPoint 7. IUPUI 8. Future Farmers of America (FFA) Day of Service 9. Good Shepherd Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) 10. Rolls-Royce North America 11. Mt. Gilead Christian Church 12. BKD, LLP 13. Covenant Christian High School 14. Mid-West Motorcycle Club 15. Stones Crossing Church 16. Indianapolis Association of Health Underwriters 17. Sharp, USA 18. Kingdom Kids Choir, First Baptist Church, Bloomfield, IN 19. UPS 20. Murphy Oil, USA 26 Other Volunteer Groups Best Buddies Indiana Cathedral High School Best Buddies Center Grove Best Buddies Delta Theta Tau Duke Energy Future Farmers of America Day of Service (FFA) HR Angel Network Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation IUPUI Black Student Union IUPUI Day of Caring IUPUI Delta Pi IUPUI Make A Difference Day IUPUI MLK Day of Service IUPUI Office of Residential Life IUPUI Student African American Sisterhood Ivy Tech Community College Kelley Indianapolis Cares Salvage Yard Christian Church Southport Middle School The Original Circle City Corvette Club TOMS Shoes Wabash College Alumni West Side Sertoma Club Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Individual Volunteers Jeff Cox Leah Cox Rileigh Cox Charlie Coy Loren Crook Jackie Cruse Lester Cruse Darlene Cruz Devan Daeger Chanell Davis Karlee Davis Larry Davis Rachel Davis Bryant Dawson Katie Day Ronald Days Palpma Deerfield Cody Deffendall Alex DeKemper Adam Delalruz Jaclyn Demeter Amy Demien Amy DeNeal Dustin DeNeal Drew Denton Shannon Denton Keeli Depoister Melanie Depoy Morgan Deschaine Kouame Diby Bethany Diehl Maggie DiRenzo Stephanie Dlatt Tyson Dodd Tammy Dodson Sam Doebler Kasey Dollens Allison Dominguez Tameka Donnell Michael Dotson Diana Douglas Elaine Douglas Gene Douglas ShaLeana Douglass Christine Dow Scott Dowling Ashley Drees Mark Dreher Courtney Dubay Jessica Durden Brooke Durham Sharon Durham Tonya Durham Joni Dye Carrie Eakle Conner Edwards Eric Ellis Amber Ellison Steven Engelstad Pat Enoens Luke Erichsen Eloise Erickson Erin Erickson Dillan Etter Charlene Evans Robyn Evans-Long Kimberly Everette Lauren Ezell Angela Faillaci Jonathon Fellmann JoAnn Ferguson Shaun Ferguson Veronica Ferrel Kelly Fieberger Patricia Finklea Charlene Finn Nicole Fishback Maddie Fisher Madison Fishero Jeanne Fitzgerald Mark Fleschner Chelsea Flo Jessica Flodder Kim Flowers Lauren Foley Amber Foreman Sarah Fortney Erika Fotsch Christina Fox Jeffrey Fox Yvette Fox Adam Frank Lisa Franklin Ryan Frazier Beverly Freitag Katerina Freitag Mandy Freshour Nic Freshour Krista Galloway Erik Gardener Dristen Gayheart Christine Geiger Tori Giblin Mary Jo Giesman Kara Gilbert Haley Givens Kourtney Givins Audrey Gleason Ross Gleason Mary Glowner Zach Goar Cameron Golden Hope Golden Sarah Goletz Jacob Golob Dilexi Gonzalez Abigail Goss Anne Gothe Julia Gould Jill Grande Savannah Grant AJ Grass Carli Grass Jamie Grass Jim Grass David Graues Gerald Gray Tami Gray-Myers Courtney Green Eric Gregory Katie Grible Adam Griffin Danielle Griffin Matt Griffin Mariah Griffo Jackie Grondani Chris Grossman Melissa Guerrero Andrea GuisketWilliams Juan Guzman Charles Hackler Rose Hackler Daliethl Hadcock Sherri Haddix Jennifer Hagarbome Rachel Hale Karina Hamamouche Neil Hample Whitney Hampton Spencer Handwork Ali Hanmore Abby Hanner Brittany Hansen Haleigh Hanson Kristen Hanson Mark Harris Aaron Harrison Stacey Harrison Eric Hart Farrah Hassan Abbie Hastings Alli Hauser Julie Hawes Sonya Hawkins Tedd Hawkins Jeanne Haywood Rachel Head Diane Headington Lyle Headington Fredrick Hedges Kathy Hedges Cindy Heimlicher Rachel Heinhuis Samantha Helforich Kyle Hempen Cody Hempstead Jason Hendershet Tim Hendrickson Alecia Henry Paula Hensley Carrie Herbert Ellie Hersh Gregg Hershberger Molly Hershberger Stephanie Hershberger Dan Heslin Katie Hetlage Terri Hewitt Stephen Higgins Amanda Hillman Rob Hillman Jonathon Hines Julie Hippleheuser Barb Hittle Dave Hockett Amanda Hoffman Chauna Holder Steve Hollinden Rebecca Holmes Lydia Honeycutt Wendi Hopewell Mike Horman Adam Horn Brian Horn Isaac Horn Keri Horn Maggie Horn Dawn Howard Tatya Hrobsky Jodi Huang Brady Hudson Gracie Hudson Julie Hudson Robin Huey Kathryn Humes JR Humphreys Amanda Hundley Brianna Hunter Keelee Hurlburt Francois Hurtubise Fatima Hussain Claire Hustava Karen Huter Anna Hyrczyk Marika Inskeep Joseph Intrago Abbey Jackson Jessica Jackson Kim Jackson Megan Jackson Danielle Jacquin Olivia James Kelly Jameson Emma Jang Ray Jang Anthony Jay Kristin Jessee Unique Jeter Annie Johnson Charlie Johnson David Johnson Drew Johnson Emily Johnson Jami Johnson Jeni Johnson Myesha Johnson Shantell Johnson Dave Jones Deborah Jones Erricka Jones Jennifer Jones Julie Jones Kelley Jones Julie Joson Andrea Jurries Brexton Just Julie Justus Isabel Kadir Paula Kaenemann Emily Kambic Jordan Kanter Donna Keen Lauren Keisler Mike Keller Spencer Kelley Kathryn Kendall Adam Keyler Ahmer Khan Arishar Khan Kevin Khaus Jill Kidwell Bridgett Kilgore Sadie Kilgore Morgan Kimmell Deanna King Roy King Courtney Kinstle Sam Kiphert Carolyn Kissel Alyssa Kistler Denise Kivett Jonathan Klem Melissa Klemm Hannah Klineman Brian Knight Jillian Koch Paula Koenemann Peter Koers Sarvany Koller Kelby Korby Joseph Kreckhafer Kim Kruse 27 Our young men deserve to be dressed to the nines for prom. You can help. There’s nothing like the feel of nice threads to boost a guy’s confidence. You can help ensure the young men at Damar look and feel great at next year’s prom by donating new or gently used suits, sports coats, dress slacks and shirts, neckties, dress belts and dress shoes. Men’s clothing (sizes small to 3XL) and shoes (sizes 6 to 13) are needed. Items must be in good, presentable condition without needing repairs or mending. Prom dresses for young ladies are not needed at this time. Collecting donations is an easy way for individuals, groups, churches and businesses to have a direct and meaningful impact on the lives deserving youth in need. Please deliver items no later than March 15, 2014 to Damar Services at 6067 Decatur Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46241. Questions? Contact Mike Kraft at or 317-856-5201. Doug Kuhn Phyllis Kukla Heather Kunkel Gary Kurucz Jennifer Kurucz Lindsey Kurucz Kevin Laisure D. Lajoie Branden Laman Patrice Laman Lauren Lamb Kevin Lampman Brad Langdon Nicole Langdon Jim Laudick Lori Lawson Brice LeBlanc Amy Lee Sarah Lemon Sarah Levenson Symantha Leventhal Laura Levine Corrine Levy Aaron Lewis John Lewis Chuck Lile Steve Lilly Marty Lindgren Emily Lindsay Chuck Lippens Nancy Lippens Jessica Lloyd Jordan Loeser Madison Loeser Erin Loftus Sami Long Paige Lorentzen Christina Luchette Amanda Lumpkin Julia Lundrigan Peyton Lustig Victoria MacLain David MacPherson Hannah MacPherson Emily Malek Karen Malek Aiden Malone Alex Malone Cathy Manship Tony Maraldo Danielle Markowitz Laura Marquez Aaliyah Marshall Christina Marshall Rachel Marshall Christina Martin Drew Martin Shannon Martin Amber Mathew Andrew Matters Lee Matthews Barry Maxwell Ava Mayer Olivia Mays Shane Mays Britta McArthur Savannah McAtee Lauren McClendon Carrie McClure Janet McClure Dave McCod ReAnna McCormick Jason McDaniel Kimberly McDaniel Drue McEvilly William McEvilly Kevin McFadden Nick McGuire Ginny McIntire Tracy McIntosh Kelly McKenney Aaron McKimmie Ashanti McPherson Alex Mehas Jennifer Melton Susie Melton Tony Merlie Sharon Mibey Ryan Michalak Victoria Micks Rachel Mierzwa Jay Miller Kate Miller Keith Miller Ryan Miller Vince Miller Fred Milles Dawn Millis Drew Millis Hannah Mills Jaime Mininger John Mininger Jordan Mininger Jose Miranda Joseph Miranda Jason Missi Lia Missler Rick Mittman Nita Mohabir Kelsey Moody Kinley Moody Penn Moody Raven Moody Michael Moore Patty Moore Rick Moore Ronni Moore April Morgan Keith Morgan Mady Morgan Ian Morley Alli Morrill Ashlynn Morrill Allan Moso Dunia Moso Lla Mossler Connor Mowery Lauren Mugavin Jesse Mullins Joanne Murphy Julie Murphy Kim Muston Sarah Myers Whitney Myles Amy Myrick Victor Navarro Heather Negvesky Sherry Nelson David Nguyar Tammy Nguyen Bruce Nickerson Jon Nix Rick Nolte Addie Nuniey Kayla Nutter Derek Nutty Jeff O'Barr Brooke O'Brien Dan O'Brien Jeffery O'Brien Mary Oburnen Erika Ocampo Lisa O'Connor Amy O'Dell Ian Oechsle Rachel O'Heran Amy O'Keefe Sylwia Oles Sherrie Olson Carol Onyett David Orr Zach Orr Ciera Oshodi Sara Otto Ashley Ovelar Hayley Overbay Todd Overstreet Christy Owen Michele Owen Tomeika Pacheo Jon Pactor Elizabeth Pagett Melanie Pai Julie Pakenham Skylar Parker Kristina Parro Kelci Pasch Olivia Pate Henna Patel Paul Patel Rohan Patel Vivek Patel Eric Paul Eyan Paul John Paul Valerie Paul Olivia Perkins Beth Perry Daniel Perry Danielle Perry Megan Perry Abbey Peterson Alex Peterson Alexander Peterson Bethany Peterson Kayla Peterson Rick Peterson Amanda Petty Jamie Petty Jeanna Pey Michele Peyton Daisy Pham Beth Phillips Matt Pilipovich Sampson Pinkston Emily Pion Allisa Pipes Brooke Poeppel Alicia Polen Amy Pollock Erin Pollock Chris Polluck Libby Powell Mike Prestel Bernie Price Dan Price Heath Price Samantha Price Brenda Pridemore Anitesha Prosser Macaire Prouty Lori Pruitt Luke Pruitt Lorenc Qorloze Jordan Quillen Alex Quinlan Stephanie Quinlan Brenda Quinn Geri Quinn Andrew Raebig Judy Raker Amanda Rasch Anne Ratz Emma Raulston Brenda Ray Hannah Raynes Anna Reddell Austin Reddell Laken Reddell Tanya Reddell Dheevena Reddy Bryant Reed Kaela Reed Elgin Reese Imani Reese Shantia Reese Elgin Reese Elgin Reese II Douglas Reid Erik Reinert Beccah Rendall Brittnee Rene Sara Renneisen Karmen Rensberger Tyler Rensberger Emma Resler Greg Rexing Micki Reynolds Emma Rhoads Angeri Rias Andrew Rice Michael Rice Jessica Richards Susan Rider Portia Riegel Kathy Riesenmey Tommy Riggs Trista Riley Nicole Risslemann Taylor Ritchey Ashley Rittenhouse Linda Rittenhouse Lucy Robie Anthony Robinson Porcha Robinson Qiana Robinson Jim Rodenbeck Madeline Roger Emily Rogers Taylor Rollison Patricia Rose April Roser Ansley Ross Beth Rouse Bill Rouse Andrea Rubens David Russell Rebecca Sahm Jessica Sanders Yuka Satu Johnna Saucerman Jeanne Saylor Jason Scales Kathryn Scheer Caleb Schmidt Nicholas Schmutte Aryn Schounce Teresa Schrader Jennifer Schrier Joshua Schubert Tracy Schwarz Jocelyn Scott Meghan Searight Lisa Seifert Natasha Seitz Mitchel Sermersheim Alyssa Sethar Alyssa Setnor Bri Sever Gabe Sevigny Khalilah Shabazz Bob Shackelford Addi Shafer Ava Shafer Christy Shafer Elandra Shafer Ally Shambaugh John Shambaugh Marvin Shamugarira Karen Shanks Carter Sharp Brittany Shaw Dave Shaw Patrick Shay Nancy Shevlot Leticia Shoddy Tony Shook Victoria Shook Beth Shreve Josh Shrum Prashant Shuklabaidya Laura Shumaker Todd Sidebottom Becky Siegman Dee Simerl Ryan Simpson Susie Singer Taylor Sitoris Taylor Sitorius Rachel Skelton Mollie Slinker Stacy Small Megan Smalley Chelsea Smalling Jacki Smeltzer Becca Smith Brian Smith Bridgett Smith Calvin Smith Carson Smith Herb Smith Kent Smith Lance Smith Lauren Smith Lindsey Smith Lisa Smith Maria Smith Matt Smith Matthew Smith Melissa Smith Michael Smith Pat Smith Rebecca Smith Sandie Smith Stacey Smith Stacia Smith Talai Smith Zach Smith Raymond Snider Eva Snowden Brian Southern Joseph Spaulding Jane Spencer Courtney Sportleder Emma Sprague Amy St. John Nicole Stagge Steven Stallings Mary Stamps Mackenzie Standeford Joy Stanish Corey Stasen Brandy Steiner Lindsey Steiner Bailey Stenger Dorothy Stenger Kennedy Stenger Scott Stenger Matt Stepp Sarah Stepp Chelsea Sterba Alisha Stevens Lee Stevens Whitney Stewart Corey Stewert Madi Stine Sam Stit Evan Strattman Juli Strattman Penny Straub Gina Strickland Jess Strong Jennifer Sturges Melinda Styen Steve Styer Katelynn Suits Susan Suits Chris Sullivan Conor Sullivan Tammy Summers Allie Sweeney Anna Swenson Danette Swenson Gerald Swenson Ryan Swenson Molly Swigart Jasmine Tafaya Sarah Tahmoush Turhan Tandy Ricky Tanner Gabrielle Tatara Bev Taylor Emily Taylor Jeff Taylor Jenna Taylor Veneita Taylor Isabella Tea Amy Tenney Cindy Terrell James Terry Carrie Thesier Terry Thetford Cort Thomas Melissa Thomas Teresa Thomas Chris Thompson Luke Thompson Mark Thompson Melinda Thompson David Thrall Samantha Tobar Davea Todd Stephen Tofaute Malea Toon Amy Tovsky Kate Trinkle Bernie Tripp Andrew Tumbusch Beth Turner Jaci Turner Nancy Twigg Steven Tyler Susan Ulmer Elayna Underwood Haley Underwood Sydney Valde Christian Valencia Tiffany Van Hook Ben Vandersyden Janet Vaught Corey Venable Will Vocher Jeff Vohs Kay Vohs Barbara Voris Olivia Vuleys Shay Vuleys LeAnn Waddelow Adam Wagner Ellse Wagner Shelby Waldrip April Walford Diane Walker Evanna Walker Maggie Walker Marcie Walker Vicki Walker Scott Walloch Daniel Waninger Celia Ward Heather Ward Teddy Ward Wyatt Ward Ruth Warner Keyana Warren Michelle Wath Larua Weatherford Donisha Webb Amy Weber Anna Weber Karie Weddle Gabrielle Weeks Jennifer Weinmann Kevin Weinmann Joy Welhoelter Krista Wesolowski Eric Wessel Eric Westrick Austin White Brad White Caylen White Deborah White Jennifer White Valerie Whitmer Will Whittecar Sharra Wilbuse Kouston Wilkinson Alex Williams Alyssa Williams Ceara Williams Mick Williams Nicole Williams Courtney Williamson Brian Wiloughby Brian Wilson Tayler Wilson Tyler Wilson S. Winbush Tara Winters Sydney Wisman Marlene Withrow Jerome Witt Madeleine Witt Robin Witt Ginger Witte Jason Witte Holly Wood Weston Woodruff Leah Woodrum Teri Woods Audrey Wright Ben Wright Celia Wright Janis Wright Renee Wright Emily Wyatt Lisa Wyeth Alica Yates Debbie Yates Dannelle Yelder Alexis Yenke Rachel Yockey Katie Yohe Nathan York Evan Zahn Klara Zierk Sam Zigler Amber Zimay Dawn Zumbrun This list encompasses volunteers of Damar Services, Inc. from July 1, 2011, to June 30, 2012. We value your support of our mission and we maintain records of all volunteers. If you feel your name or organization name has been inadvertently omitted from this list, please call us at 317.856.5201. 29 Donors Visionaries Gifts of $10,000+ City of Indianapolis The Cohen Family Foundation Your gift, whether time or treasure, is not only a gift to Damar Services, it is a gift to a child or adult with intellectual and behavioral challenges. Your gift yields a high return on investment. Regardless of size of the gift, it brings about a smile to a deserving person. It builds self-esteem and grows confidence for those doing their best to transition to a more independent living arrangement. It brings hope to countless number of parents and families as they turn to our mission to create a better life for a son, daughter, sibling or grandchild. Individually and as a whole, your generosity enhances our community in a substantial way. We at Damar are truly blessed to have so many wonderful volunteers, partners and friends. You are the foundation and strength to our critical mission. For over 46 years we have relied on the compassion and giving of others to help us to advance the care and treatment of the special population we so proudly serve. We extend our thanks to all those who support us as we collectively strive to build better futures for those who face life’s great challenges. Thank you for all you do! Damar Guild, Inc. Margaret Duffner Lilly Endowment Inc. Opus Foundation P.I.P.E., Inc. Superior Oil Company Benefactors Gifts of $9,999 to $5,000 All Things IT Robert & Kathy Andersen Sincerely, BKD, LLP Elba L. and Gene Portteus Branigin Foundation, Inc. Hoover Family Foundation David DeWitt Director of Advancement Stephen & Susan Kraabel Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation Simon Property Group, Inc. 30 This list encompasses donors of Damar Services, Inc. from July 1, 2011, to June 30, 2012. We value your support of our mission and we maintain records of all donors. If you feel your name or organization name has been inadvertently omitted from this list, please call us at 317.856.5201. John & Martha Tynan 31 Advocates Gifts of $4,999 to $2,500 Indianapolis Star Season for Sharing Mid-West Motorcycle Club Tynan Equipment Company The Whitsett Group, LLC. Indiana Sports Corporation David & Judy Reed Holladay Properties Holladay Construction Group The TJX Foundation, Inc. The Mary J. Proctor Foundation Arthur Jordan Foundation The Eugene and Marilyn Glick Family Foundation Stewards Gifts of $2,499 to $1,000 Individuals Anonymous Jacqueline Berns Leora Berns Timothy Brei, M.D. David & Deanna Coates Kevin & Julia Crowe Dr. Jim & Jodi Dalton Patricia Edwards Jason & Dawn Holliday Greg Johnson Greg Leffler Brad & Stephanie Linville Perry & Denise Lyons Susan Massela Scot & Cindy Morris Phil & Peggy Nolting Gail Shiel Liz Snyder Joe & Nancy Tynan Shane & Rebecca Williams Corporate AMG Engineering & Machining Gregory & Appel Insurance Hylant Group Indiana Grand Casino 32 Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP Marathon Petroleum Company Ray Skillman Auto Center St. Vincent Health Travelers Insurance USA Funds Charitable Foundations & Community Organizations Ackerman Foundation Ayres Foundation, Inc. Center United Methodist Church Indianapolis Association of Health Underwriters Jenn Foundation Kiwanis Club of Mooresville Old National Bank Foundation Pacers Foundation The Mary E. Van Drew Charitable Foundation, Inc. Walmart Foundation Whole Kids Foundation Partners Gifts of $999 to $500 Individuals Anonymous Dwight Ashley Dr. Gerald & Elaine Braverman Tanya Brooks Brent & Sarah Ducker Dr. John Ehrmann Greg Everling David & Ann Frick James & Donna Gwin Jackson Jackson Grant Jenkins Lisa King Jay & Carole Kirkpatrick Dr. Robert & Beverly Kissel Pete & Therese Koers Irene Krahulik Cindy Lines Mike & Glenna Lykens The McManus Family Tom & Kathy Mosbaugh Kay Pashos & Neil Steinbart Glenn Plaster Jeff Rhoades Michael Smythe Dr. A.Z. Soforenko Dan & Donna Stutler Patrick & Karen Terrell Rick & Mary Pat Torbeck Dr. James & Laurel Van Tassel Joe Vandivier Mike Watts Corporate Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Electronic Representatives Inc. Hadley-Transit HP Products Image Builders/Rowland Printing Indianapolis Power & Light Company Krieg DeVault LLP Peine Engineering Steve & Jan Price Sherck, Hussey, Johnson & McNaughton, LLC Target Field Trips Tilson HR W.I. Motor Supply Charitable Foundations & Community Organizations Brown Mackie College Hook Drug Foundation, Inc. Indiana Youth Institute The Original Circle City Corvette Club Inc. Sertoma Club of West Indianapolis United Stationers Charitable Foundation Walker Family Foundation, Inc. Mentors Gifts of $499 to $250 Individuals Sheri Alexander Paul & Nancy Behymer Brad & Carla Berg Alicia Boyd, CPA Jason & Simone Brewer Alissa Carroll Steve & Linda Claffey Miles Collett Greg & Janet Davis Brenda Edwards Marvin Ferguson Lillian Fuller Lisa Grimes Matt Hamm Eileen Holland C. Stephen & Nancy Hollinden Anita Horne Gary Kaiser Angel Knapp Darin Kodatt Michael Kraft Audrey Kuhlenschmidt Eric McNamera Jay Miller Juan Noriega Clay & Amy Robbins James Ross Matt & Karen Snyder James Sparks Corporate Ward’s Apparel Architura Corporation Otto’s Parking Marking Give with Liberty Employee donations Diagnostic ID, LLC Globe Asphalt Paving Company Sapper & Bates, LLC. Ermco Electric Beck Service Center, Inc. Cook’s Glass & Mirror Company Jackson Oil & Solvent Duke Energy Indiana Somerset CPAs White Oak Advisors Goshert Associates, LLC. Charitable Foundations & Community Organizations Maurer Family Foundation Inc. First United Methodist Church Southport Middle School Staff General Giving Gifts up to $249 Individuals Louisa Adair Cynthia L. Adams Drew Adams Johnnie AdamsThornton Mark & Victoria Adang Kristie Ann Addler Ahmed Adedokun Adebisi Ademakinwa Michael Adewmi Oluranti Adigun Bruce & Cindy Agan Juliet Agho Olusoga Ajiromoke Kehinde Akanni Chris Akers Elomon Akinniranye Grace Akinola Henry Akinrosotu Sola Akinsinmide Oluwatoyin Akintelure Oluwole Akintelure Patrice Allen-Coleman Adepeju Aminu Nick & Christine Andersen Dorothy Anderson Erica Anderson Kassandra Andrews Michelle Angelovic Monica Annee Alan Archibald Joseph Argbah Jeff & Christine Arnold John Austin Steven Austin Walter Baca Chevron Bailey Fatouma Bailey Garry and Suzanne Bailey Jessica Baldwin Von & Linda Ballew Idowu Bamigbola Larry Banks Stephanie Banks April Barnett Jeff Barraclough Scott Basore Rachel Bates Bruce Baxter Kylie Beach Damicka Beasley Robert & Ruth Beasley, Sr. David Bechtold David & Sarah Becker Amber Bell Barbara Bennett Raymond & Mary Benson Rebecca Berry James & Valerie Bertoglio Howard & Shannon Bess Krysteena Bess Sean Bishop Estha Blachman Tara Boddie Gregory & Natalie Bokota Melvin Bolden, Jr. Robert & Karen Bolt Jerrica Bonds Traci Bonesteel Karen Bonner Richard & Rosalind Bonsett Trevor Borom Guy & Linda Boruff Javon Bowens Ruth Bramlage John & Patricia Brand David Bratton Ronald Breland Joshua Brinson Kristen Broadnax Victor Brooks Nakia Brown Bridget Brunette Jessica Bryant Robert Buckner Amanda Buckwalter Anita Bullock William Burgess David & Pamela Burkhart Lindsey Burns Lindsey Burris Gary & Elaine Butler Glenda Butler Mikell Calhoun Michelle Calloway Anne Calvert Erin Calvert Brett & Susie Cantlon Clint Capps Lisa Carmack Leviticus Carter Melita Carter Roshetta Cason Karen Causey Peter Chie Williiam Childers Ramatou Chipaou Teleia Clark Ashley Clarkston Steve & Kathy Coan Henri Colby Abass Collier Ashley Collins Shane Collins Jaime Combs Amanda Copp Leo & Anne Corrigan James & Mary J. Couch Bryan and Sarah Courtney Christopher Cown Carla Cox Jeraldine Craig Daniel Crawford Rob Crick Zachariah Crooks Tondra Crum Gerald Cummings Jamie Cummings Derek Dallas Sheri Dallas Sarah Dang Shante Daniels Steven Davidovich Brendon Davis Demetria Day Shondell Day Michael Deal Ashley Dean Steven Delaney Robert & Karen Dempsey David DeWitt Madiou Diallo Charlotte Dilk Walter Dingle Robert & Sandra Dinsmore Thomas & Nancy Dinwiddie Elisha Dodd Jamell Dodd Artie Dodson Karen Dodson Austen Dooley Dr. Steve Douglass Kristin Dovenmuehle S.M. & A.M. Downs Gerald Drew Lisa Dumas Siara Duncan Adrian Dunn Esther Dunn Gary Dunn Ashley Dunnigan Beverly Dupree Thomas Dupree Joneesa Dye Alisha Eastridge Caroline Ebea Tony Eckert Yolanda Edmonds Floyd & Patricia Edwards Marilyn Edwards Timothy Edwards Franklin Eheart Lisa El Traci Elliott Chauntel Ellison Teresa Elmore Christopher Emuze Ashley Engels William Esarey Marcia Esping Matthew Etter Cameron Evans Dennis Evans Tenisha Evans Tom & Alice Ewbank Shanta’ Ewing Hope Faber Olabisi Fajana Christopher Fallah Michael Faris Sara Farmen-Pettijohn JoAnn Ferguson Alex Ficzner Laura Fischer Nicole Fishback Anthony Flahn Dr. Samuel & Suzanne Flanders Lauren Fleming Ashley Ford Tandra Frame John Frank Darryl Franklin Amy Frazier Keon Frazier Rochelle Frazier Willie Frazier Matthew Freville Woody & Linda Garland Joyce Garvin Robert Gatto Oretha Gbollie Norwah Gborkorquellie Virginia Geiger Raniesia Gentillon Ashlee Gentry Mark Gentry Bruce & Vickye Gerlitz Lindsey Gibboney Willie Gibbs Kelly Jo Gilday Kourtney Glasscock Amber Gleason Kayce Goley Frances Good Alicia Gooden Tammy Goodyear Darrell & Thecla Gossett Tracie Gott Jim & AJ Grass Sara Grass Diana Gray Sean Gray George Greene David and Mary Griggs Alyssa Groll Mark Grondin Leo & Joan Haag James & Cynthia Hacker Jaclyn Hall David Halsema Tabatha Hamilton Beniah Hannah Brandon Harding Andrew Harris April Harris Rhonda Harris Gayle Hatch Kylie Haulk Janet Hawkins Alexee Hayes Lashika Haynes Kara Henley Ivan Henry Mike & Julie Herbertz Chasiti Herring Tami Hill Amanda Hillman Nina Himes Hannah Hines Michael & Jeanne Hoagland Cindy Hodge Anthony Hodges Timothy & Kathryn Hoke Gail & Robert Holcomb Deborah Hole Jessica Hollin Lady V. Holman Derrick Holmes Dawn Holy Jinnene Hoover Kim Hoppa Tammy Hornes Alexia Hoskins Evonne Houser Rachel Howard Sonya Howard Mindy Howell John Huettner Justin Huff Jacquie Huxford John & Janet Hylton Victor Ilori Phyllis Imel Amy Inman Kimberly Irwin Stella Isaacs Ifeanyi Itegbe Daniel Jackey Tanika Jacks Ashley Jackson Bob & Susan Jackson Fatima Jackson Jai-Lynn Jackson Keana Jackson Randy Jackson Adriane Johnson Antonette Johnson Brandon Johnson Diane Johnson Jeremy Johnson Keith Johnson Terrie Johnson Karen Johnson-Quick Shawna Johnston Amy Jones Dan Jones Derrick Jones Desmond Jones Tammy Jones Desmond Joseph Michael Joseph Ken & Paula Justice Solani Kaela Guenevere Kalal Isata Kamara Antony Kariuki Carol Kehl Bill Keigher Juanita Keith Janae Kelly Michael & Carol Kelly Dan Kelso Byron & Shirley Kendall Hawah Kendema Anitra Kendrick Devnee Kendrick Lyle Kenworthy Terry L. Kenworthy Megan Kiggins Winnie Kihara Tera Kilgore Paul & Kay Kinder Gene King Tony King Gary & Christine Kitts Denise Kivett Frank Knez Jamika Knighten Megan Knott Duokolo KoiKoi Johnson Korvah Peter Kposowa Randolph Kristel Betsy Kurtz Branden Lamar Diane Lamond Shawnika Lane Julia Lantz Sussette Lawson Nicole Lee Ethan Lees Gregory Leggett Samuel & Libby Levin Marco Levine Jeffrey Limbach Philip Linder Tamara Linza Chuck & Nancy Lippens Lawrence & Mary Lisak Melissa Long Thomas Long Billi Lord Steve & Kathy Luhn Sylvia Luker Ashley Lynch Nina Macchia Terri Machora Nathaniel Mack Wayne Maddox Mikhail & Yevgeniya Malyovanny 33 34 Sindiso Mangozhe Greg & Catherine Manship Mary Ann Manuel Richard & Beverly Markoff Fern Marlatt Tricia Marlowe John & Mary Marsh Amanda Martin Bradley & Yvonne Martin Mitzi Martin Rachel Martin Nina Mashibe Courtney Mathews Misty Mathews Cheza Matthews Jay Matthews Ben Maurer Wayne McCarthy Micael & Janet McCaslin J.L. McClyde Tifini McClyde John & Cherie McCord Stacey McCoy Angela McDowell Woody & Theresa McFadin Jeffrey McFarland Jim McGroarty Mercedes McGuire Alexandra McKenna Mary Cay McKenzie Don & Linda McKinley James & Patricia McMichael Donald McNabb D. Michael & Lynn Mealy Ashley Meaney Leslie Mehrlich Tilden & Cathy Mendelson City Securities Corporation Carla Meyer Sue Meyer Alexandra Meyers Bekezela Mguquka Nokuthula Mguquka George Miller Tausha Mockabee Victor Mogaka Dwayne Moment Holly Moneymaker Kody Mooneyham Pongueita Moore Chris Morford April Morgan Lisa Morgan Mike Morgan India Morris Francis Moya Samuel Moya Sylvester Mtandwa Jillian Mullin Sylvia Mundala Christy Murchison Joanne Murphy Daniel Murrell Amy Myrick Ryan Napier Esther Ndhlovu Kathy Neal Julie Nedde Angelia Nelson Victoria Nelson Donald & Mary Jane Newby Marilyne Newton Gail Nicolini David Niederhaus Sam Nimely Tiffney Nugent Victor Oboho Jamar Odom Eugene & Krya O’Donnell Leo Offor Moses Ogundayo Tolulope Ogundayo Folajomi Ogundele Ifeola Ogunmola Oluwaseun Ogunsanwo Funmilyao Ogunsusi Kokumo Ogunsusi Bolaji Ogunsuyi Cecilia Ojo-lge Kayode Olaleye Jasmin Oliver Fayobi Olorungbounmi Kevin Olson Atinuke Oluwole Melodie Ondecker Stephen Onochie Whitney Ovalle Shirley Overton Ebony Owens Kehinde T. Oyebode Sunday Oyewole Tomeika Pacheco Lois Pardue Sean Parsons Wanniemae Parsons Dionna Patton Lawrence & Rebecca Paynter John & Sylvia Peacock Kimberly Peasley Benjamin Pendry Bryan & Yvonne Perkins Mark Perlow Warren & Jean Perney Kathy Perry Ashley Peters Aaron Petty Rebecca Phillippi Ken Phillips Malinda Phillips Amanda Pierson Carol Plummer Ryan & Angela Polk Brandi Poole Earl & Betsy Pope David & Grace Popkin Daniel Popoola Jim Porter Marcia Poston Brittany Powell Daniel Powroznik Robert Prater Becky Price Betty Priddy Terry Proctor Rachel Purchase Jessica Qualls Bethany Query Alex Quinlan Shakirat Raji Tracy Ramsey David & Carol Rea Carla Reed Terry Reese Joan L. Reilly Mary E. Rembusch Marcus Reynolds Michael Reynolds Kristy Rhodes Stacey Richardson Theodore Rickey Breanna Riley James Roberson Qunisha Roberson Pamela Roberson Sara Robinson Tiffany Robinson Brandi Rodarmel Charles Roemer Alvergie Rogers Angela Rogers Michael Rogers Thomas Rose Vinnie Rose Dorian Rudolph Bill Russell Daniel Samaritoni Queen Sanberth Brenda Sanders Jennifer Sanders Michael Sanders Monica Sanders Harpreet Sandhu Joseph Saylae Derek Schaffer Nicole Schulke Martha Schultz Julie Ann Schulz Thomas & Joan Scimeca Guy Scott Monica Scott Tiffany Searcy Mariah Sexton Bob Shackelford, Jr. David & Anne Shane Julie Shepherd Jerry Shomali Bayon Sia Jordan Sibert Sherry Sichting Aslam & Sandra Siddiqui Amy Silcox Jacqueline Sims Tristan Slen Heather Slieker Allyson Smith Antwan Smith Barbara Smith Kaye Smith Malissa Smith Mark & Mary Smith Paulette Smith Ron Smith Sade Smith Sandra Smith Sandra G. Smith Sharon Smith Tira Smith Chad Snipes Shana Snipes Marla Snyder Sabah Sorsor Naimatou Sounkere Brittani Spaulding Ladedric Spearman Tony Spoon Bridget Staggs Tracy Steinke Victorine Stennett Sherry Stepp Norma Sterling Dennis Stewart Shalece Stewart Jane Stradling Angela Strahan Sabrina Straub Adrian Stuart Janiece Stubblefield Anne J. Stump Adria Sullivan Eric Sullivan Sara Svanes Darrell & Melanie Swartzentruber Emily Swingle Sherry Sykes Rufus Tartee Michelle Tate Jeffrey Taylor John Taylor Joewan Teah Eric Templeton L’iasha Bethany Terry Angelica Thatch Sarah Thatch Christen Thatcher Barbara Thoman Jackie Thomas Jamar Thomas Bertha Thondhlana Mark & Debra Thornberry Joseph & Mary Tierney Don & Donna Todd Taylor Treesh Carla Tucker Ron Turley Terry & Kim Turner Tianti Turnipseed Damon Turnmire Kathleen Tynan Scott & Lynette Tynan H. D. & Abby Van Demark Christina Vance Frederick Vandi Robert Vasel Karen Veal Justin Verbeten Samantha Vernon Lina Vesterqvist Desiree Vinson Robert Vote April Wade Angela Wainwright Jamie Walker Shantisha Walker Edna Wallace Monica Wallace Garry Walton Lakiesha Walton Brett Wampler James Ward Teresa Ward Ashley Warr HueJuanna Washington Dominque Watford Angela Watts Lacy Weber Reamone Webster Harold & Thelma Weddle Stephanie Weedling John & Karmin Wellspring Ashlie West Edward & Sue West C. Mark Wetzel Cassie White Geneva White Keyandria White Leadrianne White Lene White Selina White Shaquetta White Sharocka Whitehead Melanie Whitehead-Cochran John Wilkerson Chris Wilkes Benita Wiliams Danita Williams Dawn Williams Deaundre Williams John Williams Melissa Williams Brian Wilson Cheryl Wilson Jody Wilson Kim Wilson Becky Wilson Robert & Linda Wilson Markese Winfield Linda Winters Tia Winters Michael Wise Marlene Withrow Neil Witmer Christine Witnik Lindsey Witt Pamela Wolsiefer-Leak Larissa Woods Nicole Y. Woods Tom Wulah Dumile Xaba Daniel & Sherry Yagodnik Justin Young Ronhea Young Kenneth Zartman Francheska Zeno Carla Zimmerman Daniel & Barbara Zimmerman Corporate All American Auto & Fleet Inc. Allstate Giving Campaign BMW Constructors, Inc. Brown Tape Products Company C & A Express, Inc. Daley Concepts, Ltd. Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation Fisher Law Office Goodsearch Hall Insurance Agency, LLC. Indiana Brick Corporation Interstate Motorcycle Agency of IN., Inc. ITCLEANPRO McDonald’s Restaurant SR 135 McDonald’s Restaurant Camby Meijer Gift Card Team Plainfield Eye Care The Allen Team of Remax Preferred Realtors Shackelford Graphics, Ink The Clinger Group, Inc. The Skillman Corporation Town of Monrovia Walker Irrigation Systems, Inc. Charitable Foundations & Community Organizations Charles Schwab Foundation Eli Lilly & Company Foundation First Baptist Church Kappa Kappa Kappa Inc. Lido Shores Condominium Association The Smith Family Trust Event Partners Walmart – Camby Genesis Bagels & Deli, Inc. El Rodeo – Ameriplex Parkway Papa John’s – Camby Chick-fil-A- Plainfield Starbucks-Camby Denny’s Restaruant Quacker Oats – a Division of Pepsico Oasis Catering Arni’s Restaurant In-kind Gifts Gifts valued at $100+ A Class Act Limousine Inc. Adhoc Promotions Debbie Wiseman Artwilla Allen Arlington Elementary School Arni’s Restaurant David & Linda Barrabee Best Buddies of Indiana Butler University PULSE-Butler University Carriage Cleaners Rev. Stephen Jarrell CNO Financial Group Country Inn & Suites Crackers of Broad Ripple Good Shepherd Church CYO Damar Guild, Inc. Decatur Central Middle School Delta Zeta Purdue University Duke Energy Indiana First United Methodist Church Michelle Frye Gary Greenhouse Genesis Bagels & Deli Inc Cindy Godsey & Dwane Walters Goshert Associates, LLC. Hendricks Regional Health Indiana Fever Indiana Grand Casino Indianapolis Church of Christ Indianapolis Hebrew Congressional ITCLEANPRO Greg Johnson Pete & Therese Koers Lagasse Sweet Leavenworth Inn Marco’s Pizza Ginger Marshall McCoy’s Driveway Stone Meridian Street Greenhouse Mid-American Hockey Association Michael & Cathy Miller Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church National Institute for Fitness and Sport Lisa & Jason Naville Kathy Neal Northeast Orthodontics Oasis Events Pacers Foundation Pacers Sports and Entertainment PeyBack Foundation Pike Township Fire Department Planes Companies Quaker Oats – a division of Pepsico Judy Ransome Rising Star Casino Serigraphics Sertoma Club of West Indianapolis Sharp Business Systems Gail Shiel Marla Snyder Southport Middle School Staff St. Roch Catholic Church Starbucks, Brownshburg Starbucks, Camby TOMS shoes Treat America Indianapolis Tri-Corner Homemakers Club Patrick Tynan Value City Furniture Walmart Supercenter – Camby Deborah White Jody Wilson Marlene Withrow WWE Venue Gifts In Honor Of Ms. Pam Ball Duke Energy Indiana Mr. Steven M. Gore Mr. & Mrs. D. Michael Mealy Mr. Robert Greenwell Mr. & Mrs. David Griggs Mr. Gregory A. Johnson Ms. Carla Cox Robert Kissel, Ph.D. Mr. Brad Linville Mr. Benjamin Pendry Mr. Aaron Mosbaugh Mr. & Mrs. Brett Cantlon Ms. Kira Olson Mr. Kevin Olson Ms. Bobbie Richey Ms. Carol Kehl Ms. Elizabeth Snyder Goshert Associates LLC. Mr. Chase Walker Ms. Terry Proctor Mr. Matt Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Wilson Mr. J.Z. Zitscher Ms. Margaret Duffner Gifts In Memory Of Mr. Randall D. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Arnold Mr. John Ashby Mrs. Audrey Kuhlenschmidt Mr. Darrel Lane Beckett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bolt Mr. Gerald Drew Ms. Rhonda Harris Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Holcomb Ms. Sherry Sichting Ms. Marsanne Beckett Ms. Pongueita Moore Mrs. Jacqueline Berns Dr. Leora Berns Ms. Estha Blachman Ms. Joanne Banks Daley Concepts, Ltd. Mrs. Lillian Fuller Ms. Lisa K. Grimes Ms. Juanita B. Keith Mrs. Irene Krahulik Lido Shores Condominium Association Mr. & Mrs. Tilden Mendelson Ms. Beth Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Phil Nolting Mr. & Mrs. Warren Perney Mr. & Mrs. David Popkin Ms. Joan L. Reilly Dr. James Van Tassel Mr. Donald E. Blue Ms. Debra A. Thornberry Mr. Michael Chitwood Ms. Debra A. Thornberry Mr. Henri Deutsch Dr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Braverman Ms. Lena Jeanette Dugger Ms. Debra A. Thornberry Mr. Jack Dyson Ms. Allyson Smith Mr. Marjorie Dyson Ms. Allyson Smith Mr. Homer R. Parsley Ms. Debra A. Thornberry Ms. Diane E. Pless Ms. Debra A. Thornberry Mr. John Purvis Mr. & Mrs. Phil Nolting Ms. Sherry Sichting Anonymous Mr. Terry L. Kenworthy Ms. Pongueita Moore Ms. Carol Plummer Ms. Kaye Smith Town of Monrovia Ms. Rene Slake Mr. & Mrs. Mike Herbertz The Smith Family Trust Mr. Paul Wells Ms. Sherry Stepp MARK YOUR CALENDAR PRESENTED BY THE DAMAR GUILD Friday, August 23, 2013 Northside Knights of Columbus • 2100 E. 71st Street • Indianapolis, IN 46220 Please join the Damar Guild as we raise funds to benefit the holiday fund for the children and adults of Damar Services. You will enjoy an evening of food, snacks, beverages, prizes, raffles, tip boards and pull tab chance and many exciting specialty games. Admission cost of $35 per person includes bingo, dauber, beer/wine/soft drinks Price increases to $40 on August 16th • (Must be 21 to attend) Financial Report Damar Financials A Letter from Rich Harcourt, Sr. Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Expenses Revenue Sources Indiana Department of Child Services Medicaid Departments of Education Management & Other Philanthropy/Charitable Contributions Campus BASE Community Support Supported Living Clinical & Community-based Services Campus Open Treatment Group Homes Administration, Human Resources & Training Advancement Financial responsibility and stewardship is an important role of the Damar Board of Directors and management team in ensuring the financial stability and health of Damar for future generations of families in need. The following summary represents Damar’s financial revenue and expenditures from July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012. The financial statements of Damar Services, Inc. are audited annually by an independent firm and receive unqualified opinions on a regular basis. Audited financial statements are available upon request. Expenses are shown as a percent of the agency’s functional expense allocation. 36 Last fiscal year, Damar Services was greatly challenged as the State’s economic issues had found their way into the per diem rates that Damar receives on its fee-for-services programs. Since that time, financial conditions have improved as the State provided rates more closely aligned with historical levels and we continued to develop methods to provide innovative treatments with new efficiencies. Restoring financial integrity to Damar is most important as it protects client services and successes while allowing Damar to continue its long-term strategy of innovation and development of best practices to our programs. In the last fiscal year, Damar made significant progress in actualizing its strategic plan. The Damar Services sponsored charter school (a separate corporation known as the Damar Charter Academy) successfully completed its first full year of operations. Damar Services has made a significant financial contribution to enable and support this school. Equally important is the continued work around the nationally recognized Integrated Services Program (ISP). Client success remains the hallmark of this program, but the underlying philosophies are driving change in all of Damar’s treatments and those positive impacts are being seen, noticed, measured, and emulated across many cities and states. On a less positive note, staffing in our industry remains a challenge as per diem rates just don’t allow for a living wage for direct care staff that offer real provision and sacrifice to those we serve. Damar continuously looks for ways to improve staffing reimbursement with the realization that high quality staff lead to client success which in turn reduces recidivism. However, as long as short term budget issues from our payors dominate discussions in lieu of payment for performance outcomes, the frustrations will continue. Much progress was made this year in terms of achieving Damar’s strategic plan. And we are excited about many new cost efficient ideas which will benefit those we serve. Your continued and loyal support help transform these ideas into client successes. Thank you! 37 091204 Damar Services, Inc. 6067 Decatur Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46241 P: 317 856 5201 E:
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