full paper janfeb 08


full paper janfeb 08
Page 1 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
P roud of Our Co mmunity, P ro ud of Our He ritage
Paisley & District Chamber Of Commerce
January/February 2008 - Volume 66
Picture Perfect
A lot of communities clai m to be The Prettiest Town Around, but just take a l ook around our own village at Christmas ti me - the town square, the snowy lane to the
ol d Paisley Creamery, the quiet beauty of Brant Tract trails and the lights along Queen Street - what do you think?
Health Clinic Plans Complete—Tenders are In
f things have appeared quiet
regarding the Paisley Health
Clinic lately, be assured there has
been plenty of action going of
behind the scenes.
Tenders In
On Dec. 18 members of the
Clinic Committee, the Building
Committee and building designer
Craig Johnston met to open the
tender submissions.
On Jan. 4, the Building
Committee interviewed the two
contractors who had submitted the
best bids. Their recommendation
was passed along to the Clinic
Committee at their Jan. 9 meeting.
The preferred tender was then
passed along to the municipality for
final approval at the Jan. 14 Council
Meeting. (Unfortunately this paper
went to press before that date so the
name of the contractor cannot be
released here.)
Fundraising Continues
With a firm price for the
building, the Hea lth C linic
Committee has now been able to set
a fundraising goal.
With allowance for furnishings,
landscaping, paving, etc. the
fundraising goal has been set at
With current donations and
pledges standing at $268K, the
fundraising committee will still be
pursuing both community and
corporate donations.
On April 12, the committee will
presenting a Giggles Comedy night
fundraiser. Here’s an opportunity
support the clinic and have fun too.
See you there!
Craig Budreau
Page 2 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
New Experience for Area Commercial Horses &Their Drivers
An Adventure With
Andre Rieu in Toronto
t all began with a phone call to
Jim MacKay last September. A
famous Dutch violinist, Andre Rieu
was planning a concert at the Rogers
Centre in Toronto on December 14
and 15. He needed fifteen teams of
horses to pull carriages into the
former Skydome carrying the Johan
Strauss Orchestra as they played to
begin the show. Would Jim be
interested in supplying some of the
Jim’s always up to such a
challenge . He thought Commercial
horses would be perfect for that, so
together with other members of the
O nta r io C ommer c ia l H or se
Association from Campbellford,
Bailleboro, and six teams from the
Shady Maple Farm, Jim decided he
could provide ten teams and twenty
people for the performance. Dr.
Cormack of the Tralee Veterinary
Clinic under the direction of Jack
Braithwaite supplied the other five
teams, ten people and eight
carriages. Seven new carriages were
made in Poland and shipped in, just
in time for the performance.
But that’s not all that had to be
shipped from Europe. Seven days
before the production was to begin
two hundred and fifty people arrived
and pr oceeded t o create a
spectacular background for the
Andre Rieu’s Romantic Evening in
A group of the Commerci al Horse people i n full costume
including two fountains measuring
thirteen meters in diameter for the
courtyard, 96 enormous chandeliers,
and ice surfaces for professional
Canadian ice skaters to perform to
music from the orchestra acclaimed
as the Waltz King of Europe. They
constructed ballrooms for eighty
dancers from the Viennese opera
ballet, and for a grand finale over
three hundred pipers paraded on to
the stage and played with Andre.
And in front of all this grandeur
there was to appear twenty-eight
Commercial horses, and fourteen
carriages plus a golden carriage
made for the Emperor of Vienna,
pulled by six beautiful white
Lipizzaner horses.
Horses and people moved into
Jim MacKay's team leavi ng the stage area after letting off his passengers. The
buil ding in the background, complete with street lights was all part of the set
constructed inside the Rogers Centre.
From the contents of one
hundred containers they built a 4000
square meter replica of the
Schonbrunn castle in Vienna
the stable at the CNE grounds in
Toronto on Wednesday December
12. By evening, the teams were
matched to their carriage, harness
adjusted and the costume fittings
began. Three cornered fur trimmed
hats, long coats, white shirts, vests,
knickers, tights, gloves, buckled
shoes completed the outfits worn by
drivers and grooms. The excitement
had begun.
Thursday was the practise run.
Fifteen teams were harnessed and
hitched to their carriages as well as
the six white Lipizzaners to the
golden carriage. The signal was
given and off they went with a
police escort for about three miles
down Lakeshore Boulevard to the
Rogers Centre.
Inside the huge building the first
seven teams split off to the left, the
other eight to the right around the
inside of the building to line up at
each side of the stage. The stage
was the front façade of the castle.
Final instructions were given and the
grand entry began. Two lines of
teams crossed in front of the castle,
stopped momentarily and exited.
One line of teams was next to the
castle and the second next to where
the audience would be seated, with
approximately three feet of elbow
room and no railing in between.
Quite a challenge for high-spirited
horses but rehearsal went well and
the group returned to the CNE
grounds, again under police escort.
Friday things got serious. This
time fourteen teams with their
drivers and grooms properly attired
as well as the golden coach with the
six Lipizzaners, set off again on a
rather chilly ride along the
lakeshore. They arrived at the
Rogers Centre without any problems
and waited for ladies in fancy ball
gowns and gentlemen in tuxedos to
fill the carriages and the music
In they went, stopped as
practiced to let the passengers off
and proceeded out. Saturday’s
performance went off without a
hitch as well.
During the two evenings over
52,000 people attended Andre
Rieu’s Romantic Evening in Vienna.
His dream is to take this concert
around the world; his next full-scale
production will be in Dusseldorf,
Germany, March 2008.
Local people taking part in the
Toronto adventure included Jim
MacKay, Vivian and George Teeple,
Bob and Rob Hammell, Peter,
Clifford, Clayton and Calvin
Kuepfer, Sue Nixon and Gerald,
Ryan and Deb Thomas. Everyone
agreed it was great fun and an
adventure no one ever dreamt they
would have the opportunity to
participate in.
Take a look at the website
www.andrerieu.com for an idea of
what the whole set looked like.
Mary MacKay
photos Deb Thomas
Page 3 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
Young Artists in Magazine
Includes Tartar Sauce & Co leslaw
ix Paisley area children, ages 4
to 11, had their Christmas
drawings chosen for the December
issue of the Presbyterian Record
magazine. The pictures were
submitted in September for the
magazine’s annual December cover
contest. Subscriptions are sold to
Presbyterian Church members all
across Canada.
The drawings, by (a) Emily
Maus 4, (b) Maggie Smith 5, (c)
Lauren Maus 7, (d) Jakob Kocis 7,
(e) Faith Fullerton 8, and (f)
Franceska Kocis 11, were featured
throughout the magazine.
Rev. Shelly Butterfield-Kocis
and Sunday school teacher Cathy
Messer congratulated the children
during the Nov. 25 church service.
Barb Fullerton
Chamber News
appy New Year! A time of
promise and intrigue as we set
forth to new beginnings, and
consider 2007 as chalked up to
experience! I for one, have made
several resolutions to which I
expect I will hold until the last
possible moment and then add them
to next years list...well, maybe not
all of them.
The Paisley and District
Chamber of Commerce wishes all
of our businesses all the best for
success in the 2008 season. We, the
Executive, hope to see many of you
out to our quarterly meetings so that
we may do our best to help you and
your business stay connected to
fellow business owners and to the
world beyond our Chamber borders.
Tamara Pasley
President of the PDCC
January 31, 2008
7:30 pm
Paisley Legion
Bring your ideas,
your positive input,
and your
Page 4 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
Pen Pals for 71 Years and Still Writing
Fern’s grade fi ve cl ass, where her pen pal relati onshi p began. You can s pot
Fern because there is a bl ack dot over her head.
an you imagine having a pen
pal for 71 years?
McFadden, 83, of Paisley sure can!
S inc e 1933 s he ha s bee n
corresponding with her pen pal,
Lorna, in Australia,
and they
haven’t stopped yet! In fact, Fern
just recently received a Christmas
card and letter from Lorna. Neither
of them have ever seen each other in
person. Nor have they phoned, never
mind emailing.
It all started back in Fern’s
Grade five classroom in London.
The pupils were instructed to write
letters which would be sent to a
Grade 5 class in Australia. Fern’s
letter found its way to Lorna. Since
then, they’ve been writing each
other about once or twice a year.
Their pen pal relationship has
taken them through their school
days, their marriages, their child
rearing days, and right to the
They’ve been sharing
stories from their every day lives,
including trips and special events.
They’ve been telling each other
about their children, their grand
children, and great grand children.
They’ve been exchanging cards,
pictures, souvenirs, books, and even
Fern has not kept all the letters;
there were so many. However, she
still has quite a collection of
treasures form Australia, including
the original 1½ ¢ stamp on the first
letter that she received. Lately she
has been passing some of those
Comedy Night for Health Clinic
he Paisley Health Clinic
Committee will be
hosting a Giggles comedy
night in Paisley on
Saturday April 12th at
the Community Centre.
We are fortunate
this year to have three
great comedians recently
seen on the Halifax Comedy
Fest: Doug Funk, Miller Crosby and
Casey Corbin.
Happy hour will be at 5:30 pm
followed by a roast beef dinner at
6:30 pm and the show starting at
8:30 pm.
Proceeds will go towards
the Paisley Health Clinic.
Please come out and
support this worthy cause.
Tickets will be $30 per
person and will be
available very soon.
Stay tuned for more info.
mementos on to her grand
“I learned a lot about
Australia,” Fern said, “things
you’d never find out on the
news.” She learned about the
Australian way of life – like
how they celebrate their
school graduat ions and
Christmas all at the same time
- just before breaking for
holidays in January and
February. Fern remembers the
letter Lorna wrote her while
eating her Christmas dinner in
the garden, sitting under a tree.
Fern learned about special
days , like Anzac , t he
Australian counterpart of our
Remembrance Day. She
learned about environmental
Fern shows samples of Australi an vegetation
tragedies in Australia – like preserved in her scrap book. On the top is a
floods and forest fires.
furry Wattle Tree leaf, and bel ow a Silverbeet
Fern wrote Lorna about
leaf (It’s something like Swiss Chard.)
Canada, especially life in
Greenock Township, where she her mother died in 1980.
lived after getting married.
In 1933 an international stamp
remembers writing about the cost six cents. How times have
burning of the Bradley school house changed! Fern started out with a
in 1957 – the day the fireman fountain pen, but later switched to
couldn’t get out because a snow the typewriter. Now she uses ball
storm had blocked the roads. She point, and can produce writing that
wrote about the tornado the year is very neat and legible. She writes
before - that flattened seven barns in letters to others too, including her
the area, including theirs.
brother who gets a letter from her
The only one thing the two every two weeks.
never talked about was politics
It’s a delight to see folk still
because that was of no interest to enjoying the old tried-and-tested
either of them.
met hods of communicat ion.
Fern’s writing habits were no Obviously they still work fine!
doubt inspired by her mother, who
wrote her weekly from the time Fern
Diane Eaton
left to join the service in 1942 until
Hospital Auxiliary Luncheon
t seems like the ladies of the
Hospital Auxiliary just
f inis hed the ir C hr ist ma s
luncheon, shown here, a sure
indicator that the Yule season is
N ow t he V a le nt ine s
Luncheon is just around the
corner on February 15th. Can
Spring be that far off?
Page 5 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
Mary Ellen’s Healthful Hints
January Blahs?
his time of year, probably the
most frequent question I get
(after “Did you have a good
Christmas), is “Is there a vitamin or
something that’ll boost my energy?”
O nce t he bus y- ness of
Christmas is over, the family has
gone home, the decorations are
down, and the baking is gone (thank
heavens), we all look outside at the
overcast weather and it suddenly
hits us. We still have two or three
months of cold, snowy, sunless days
ahead before that first spring flower
pops up it’s head. A certain draggy
feeling overcomes us.
In mos t cases , vita min
deficiency is not the answer. That’s
not to say there’s any problem with
taking a multi-vitamin daily, but
realistically, most of us eat a pretty
balanced diet, and unless there’s
some specific reason for lack of
absorption or loss of our dietary
vitamins and iron, taking more than
that provided in a basic multivitamin
is probably not necessary.
So, what’s the answer? Go
south? (my personal preference)
Buy one of those expensive SAD
lights? (can’t hurt). Really, the
answer is (dare I say it) good oldfashioned exercise. Many studies
have shown that regular exercise
gives you more energy.
So, with this in mind, Craig and
I took our faithful dog out to the
Brant Tract one beautiful day just
after Christmas to energize
ourselves. It was a lovely winter’s
day, sunny, no wind, the snow still
laying on the fir branches. I should
have been just full of vim and
vigour, but instead my joints were
throbbing, singing that children’s
song…you remember….”head and
shoulders, knees and toes”….only
for me it was “hips and ankles,
knees and toes” and this little child’s
voice inside me kept saying “aren’t
we done yet?”. But, we made it
around the trail, a little out of puff
and joints sore, but pleased with
ourselves that we’d made the effort.
Did we feel energized from our
outing? Well, let’s see….the dog
immediately fell asleep on the
loveseat with her legs up in the air,
Craig was asleep in his recliner,
(legs up in the air too) and I had just
enough energy to get myself a glass
of Bailey’s before I settled onto the
However, I do believe the point
is to get regular exercise….1/2 hour
per day. It doesn’t have to be a
ma r a t hon…. a s imple w a lk
downtown and back would suffice.
So, instead of looking for a magic
energy pill, slip on your hiking
boots and hit the trails, and if the
mood hits you, have a sing-a-long
with your joints “head and
shoulders, knees and toes!” Happy
Mary Ellen Budreau
he P aisley and District
R a te pa ye rs A ss oc ia t ion
(PDRA) was formed in July 2007.
Our goal is to be able to deal with
issues that affect the people of
Paisley. We currently have three
active committees.
1. Beautification/pesticide use
2. Events
3. Municipal Affairs
Read about them and write
about them on the blog. Each
committee has met and has goals for
2008. We encoura ge more
p a r t i c i p a t i o n
a t
We want to know what issues
concern you and we invite you to
comment about the things you love
about our village on the blog as
well; we are particularly interested
in hearing from anyone new to
The events committee invites
more members (call Bill at 353WILL or contact
Sandra at
loxy@bmts.com). We hope to be
able to get a winter potluck together
to welcome newcomers. Of course,
we will want everyone to come!
For more information about meeting
schedules, membership and joining
one of the above committees,
contact Karen Kimpel at 353-5191.
Santa Claus Parade
he top entries in the 2007
Santa Claus Parade were:
1. Ed Karcher Construction
(shown here)
2. P aisley Health Clinic
3. Paisley Brick & Tile
A few thank you’s that were
missed in the December issue:
-Nature’s Millworks who
donated the cost of the ice time
at the arena
- Mary Cumming of the Sports Bin who donated the plaques for the winners.
Early Spring
Or is that late Indian Summer?
arm temperatures and heavy
rain the second week of
January brought our two downtown
rivers up to spring flood levels and
left the bowling green looking like
the seafront of some quaint
Mediterranean village. We hope
things dry up a little before lawn
bowling season gets under way.
n old, tired-looking dog wandered
into the yard. I could tell from his
collar and well-fed belly that he had a
home. He followed me into t he house,
down the hall, and fell asleep on the
couch. An hour later, he went to the
door, and I let him out. The next day
he was back, resumed his position on
the couch, and slept for an hour. This
continued for several weeks.
Curious, I pinned a note to his
collar: "Every afternoon your dog
comes to my house for a nap."
The next day he arrived with a
different note pinned to his collar:
"He lives in a home with ten children he's trying to catch up on his sleep.
Can I come with him tomorrow?"
Page 6 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
Mary MacKay’s Window on the Past
nother very early school began
in 1856 on Lot 11 Con. 5. It
was taught by Miss Falconer but it
did not continue after the school
sections were organized.
The schoolhouses built in 1857
were of log construction and
situated as nearly as possible in the
centre of the section so that every
child would be within easy walking
distance. The first teachers were as
S. S. #1 Paisley School – Miss
Eliza Stewart
• S. S. #2 Lot 10 Con. 3 – Miss
Jane Porter
• S.S.# 3 Lot 26 Con. 2 for years
served as Chesley’s School with
Mr. Murray the first teacher.
• S.S.# 4 Lockerby where a log
school was built to replace the
earlier one and Miss McIntyre’s
brother J.C. McIntyre became
the te a c he r be c a use
Miss McIntyre married Thomas
• S.S.#5 Gillies Hill Lot 16, Con.
7-Donald Gillies, who was the
younger brother of the Reeve,
was the teacher for the first ten
years. Always of a studious
nature Donald Gillies was 22
years old when he began his
teaching duties.
• S.S.#6 Lot 30 Con.6 – Archibald
Ewart was teacher there for the
first two years.
• S.S.#7 (and# 8 Saugeen) on the
Elora Road – James Saunders
who later taught in Paisley
and also was Post Master there.
• S.S.#8 Williscroft – Oliver
Poole for 1858 followed by Miss
Stinson in 1859
• S.S.# 10 Dobbinton –Malcolm
Munn a bachelor was born on
the Isle of Colonsay As a
young man he injured his hand
and being unable to carry on
w it h h is f a r m w o r k
be c a me a t ea c he r . He
immigrated to Canada in 1853
and to Elderslie in 1855
and made his home with his
brother Alexander and his
f a mily. He was 73
years of age when he became the
first teacher in the Dobbinton
The other three schools in Elderslie
Local Youth Shares
War Memorial Experiences
n Oct 30 all who attended the
monthly Seniors’ Luncheon
at the Missionary Church were
treated to a power point presentation
by Chris Walker during which he
shared war-related experiences
encountered on a tour in France. On
Chris Walker, Grade 12 student at
Chesley District High School tells
about his tour i n France
April 2, 2007, fifty-two CDHS
students joined 3000 other Canadian
high school students at the Canadian
National Vimy Memorial to attend
the Vimy Memorial Rededication
Service. The tour was arranged by
Explorica, a company that arranges
trips for school groups.
Chris’ presentation included
pictures and descriptions from both
wars - the D-Day beaches, the Juno
Beach Museum, a Mulberry harbour
(a portable harbour invented by Sir
W. Churchill), the Canada House
(the first building conquered by the
Canadians, now restored), allied
cemeteries including the Dieppe
Cemetery (3000 Canadians died or
were captured at Dieppe), masks (to
protect from mustard gas) and other
related photos. One picture showed
a thirty foot deep crater near Vimy
Ridge, left after the bombing.
Apparently one million shells were
fired for one week.
T he sa me power point
presentation is also being shown by
other students who took the trip.
Some of them reunited on Nov. 11
at various Remembrance Day
ceremonies in the area.
Explor ica provide d each
participant with a green shirt, on
which was mounted replica medals
and the name of a solider. Chris’
shirt had the name, Mundle on it,
representing the brothers Robert and
William Mundle of the Tara area.
Both were killed by the same
sniper’s bullet.
Chris included some of his own
thoughts and impressions. He said,
“You can read it in the textbooks,
but it is not the same as being there.
Words just can’t
express how
stirring the experience was. It is still
hard to think that we stood where
many people lost their lives fighting
for freedom.” Chris added some
insightful words: ‘You need to look
at your past to put the present in
Chris is presently in the coop
program with Bruce Power, and
hopes to attend Laurier University
for business administration in the
fall 2009 after returning to CDHS
for additional courses next year.
Diane Eaton
were organized later.
• S,S.# 9 Snell’s was built on Lot
18, Concession 13 in 1863 with
Mr. Malcolm Munn the teacher
(according to records)
could not be the same Malcolm
Munn as began teaching in the
Dobbinton school five years
earlier because he died in 1862
and is buried in Rusk’s
• S.S.#1 The ratepayers on
Concession 4 and 10 thought
they deserved a school in their
section so the children would
not have to walk to Gillies Hill
or #2 . A petition was circulated
and presented to council. When
Council took no action they
hired a lawyer in 1873 and
petitioned the County Council
and a lawsuit resulted. The three
arbitrators appointed decided in
favour of the ratepayers
resulting in two new schools
being built. A frame structure
was built on lot 10 Concession
4. Since Paisley was by this
time a separate municipality,
this new section was called S.S.
#1 and known as Cantire School.
The first teacher was Miss Janet
• S.S.#11 was the name given to
the school built on Lot 18,
Concession 11 and known
as Snell’s School. The first
teacher was Mr. McBride.
• S.S #12 Prior to 1876 children
from this area of Elderslie
shared a school with Chesley
(see #3 above.) In 1876 the
people of Chesley decided to
build t he ir ow n sc hool
and Elderslie built a school on
Lot 22 , Concession 2 known as
Lillico’s School. The first
teacher was Miss Lawson.
In 1964 all these schools were
closed and the children bussed to a
new central school on the outskirts
of Chesley. Three years later when a
central school was built in Paisley
the pupils from the western half of
Elderslie went to the Paisley Central
and those east of the Fifteen
Sideroad went to Elderslie Central
Mary MacKay
for the Paisley Advocate
Check your car seats for expiry
dates: Transport Canada
Consumer Information Notice issued last week by Transport Canada
warns owners of child car seats and booster seats to cease using these
products if they are past the expiry date or “useful life” date.
Depending upon the brand or model, manufacturers must provide expiry
dates or “useful life period” dates, usually five to eight years. Reasons for
expiry include: frequent use and exposure to sunlight can damage plastic;
food and drink spills may prevent buckles and other parts from working
safely; safety standards may have changed while the seat has been on the
market; and the history and condition of the seat may be unknown due to
multiple owners.
In Ontario, infants less than 9 kg must ride in rear-facing seats until at
least one year of age. Children 9-18 kg and one year or older are required to
ride in forward-facing car seats. Children under eight years, who are less
than 145 cm and between 18-36 kg, are required to ride in booster seats.
Transport Canada also advises to follow all manufacturers’ instructions
while using car seats and booster seats. The Transport Canada notice is
available online at http://www.tc.gc.ca/roadsafety/childsafety/menu.htm. For
further information, call the Family Health program at Public Health at 519376-9420 or 1-800-263-3456.
Page 7 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
Proper Disposal of Medical “Sharps”
ecently, one of our area
recycling workers received a
needle puncture from a used diabetic
needle that had been accidentally
placed in a blue box.
In this day and age, an
accidental needle stick injury has the
pot e nt ia l t o ha ve se r ious
consequences to the unlucky victim.
The misplacement of the needle
meant quite an ordeal for the
homeowner as well. The O.P.P. were
called in, blood tests were required,
and reports filed.
All this brings out the question:
what is the correct method of
disposal of sharps?
In today’s world, where diabetes
is reaching epidemic proportions,
proper disposal of needles and
lancets should be well defined, and
yet, it took quite a bit of digging to
find any definitive procedures.
Neither the Municipality nor the
County were able to shed any light
on the situation. Finally an answer
came from the Policy Advisor at the
Waste Management Policy Branch
of the Ministry of the Environment:
“Used sharps generated from
health care and residential care
facilities are considered biomedical
waste in Ontario, and are required
to be disposed of and managed
Waste sharps/needles generated
Women’s Institute
arie Charbonneau welcomed
members and guests of
Williscroft Women’s Institute for
their Christmas pot luck luncheon .
After the meal Loreen Cumming
and Carole Hopper of Owen Sound
shared a power point presentation
about their participation in PAN,
Presbyterians Aiding Nicaragua..
They were among the 23 people
from St. Andrews Presbyterian
congregation from Owen Sound and
area who collected, sorted and
packed 46 hockey bags with items
for the Nicaraguan people. In
addit ion 10 Medipacs were
purchased and transported. The
group was housed in the Angels’ Inn
where breakfasts and dinners were
provided and lunches were prepared
by members of the group.
The choir of St. Andrews
donated money for a keyboard for
the Nicaraguan church. Forty family
packs of clothing, toys and school
supplies were distributed from items
in the hockey bags. Spanish Bibles
were given to staff people at the
orphanage visited where 16 to 18
children of mothers enrolled in drug
and alcohol rehab programs were
being cared for.
Medipacs included antibiotics,
and medications which replenished
pharmacy supplies. Gift bags of
sewing supplies, soap and toothpaste
were distributed to patients at the
women’s hospital. Kits of rice,
beans, parmesan cheese and juice
boxes were distributed at a Feeding
Centre. Slides were shown to
illustrate a visit to the dump which
was home to a community of 2000
A building project was the focus
of their time in Nicaragua. The
footings were in place for a building
which is to provide a Sunday School
room and accommodation for a pre
school program, and the group
constructed the walls. All work was
done by hand with wheelbarrow and
shovel. Photos which were received
from Nicaragua after the group
returned to Owen Sound show that
the roof had been completed and
also a security wall was in place.
Helen Cumming conducted a
carol sing. Pat Calhoun shared a
contest and reading. The next
meeting of Williscroft WI will be
held Thursday, February 14, 2008 at
the home of Judy MacKinnon at
1:30 p.m.
in a household are considered
household waste. When these sharps
are disposed of in the regular
household waste stream, it is
recommended that the homeowner
place them in puncture-proof
sealed containers. Additional
disposal options for households
include return programs for sharps
offered by many pharmacies and
Municipal Hazardous or Special
Waste (MSHW) depots run by some
This “return program” is one
whereby the pharmacy provides the
homeowner with a sharps container
for a nominal charge. These
containers should last a typical
diabetic one year. When the
container is full, it is returned to the
pharmacy for proper disposal by a
medical waste disposal company.
Anyone that has worked in a
health care facility will tell you how
easy an accidental needle stick can
happen and how procedures have
been implemented to prevent them,
but with sharps being so widely used
in the community, now, we must
learn to be just as diligent and
responsible in our own homes. So,
be safe, be careful and be mindful of
the correct disposal of all medical
Mary Ellen Budreau
New Schedule for
Applegate Workshops
January 19/08: The importance
of movement and the role of
sports. Registration deadline:
Jan. 10/08
• February 2/08 The importance
of form drawing as part of the
c urr ic ulum. Re gis tr at ion
deadline: Jan 24/08
• February 23/08: The importance
of music. Registration deadline:
Feb 14/08
• *April 5/08: The importance of
h a n dw or k a n d c r a f t s .
Registration deadline: March
• *April 19/08: The importance of
water-colour painting and the
arts. Registration deadline: April
• *May 3/08: the importance of
clay and beeswax modeling and
st or yte ll ing. Regis tra t ion
deadline: April 25/08
* indicates new dates
All workshops will start at 2
pm and go until approximately 4pm.
All workshops will take place at
Applegate School.
All workshops will include lots
of hands-on activities.
It is hoped that we will have
a children’s program (for school
families only) running concurrently
to the parent’s workshops so as to
facilitate ease in childcare and thus
allowing both parents to participate
in the workshops. This program is
restricted to school families only
because of limited space and
resource people. This possibility
will be confirmed in the new year.
All adult workshops are open to
the public at a cost of $10. There is
no charge for school family
Registration however will be
required by all participants (school
family members and public: adults
and children) for each workshop to
ensure that we have enough supplies
on hand as well as resource people.
Registration deadline is one week
before each workshop. Please
register with Kerri at the school
(between the hours or 8:30 and
11:30) no later that the dates
listed. Late registrations will not be
Please also let Kerri know if you
need to cancel your or your child’s
attendance at the last minute.
We hope to see as many of you
as possible at these workshops.
They are designed to afford you the
opportunity to experience aspects of
the curriculum so as to gain a better
understanding of Applegate’s
educational approach.
Page 8 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
Swing Time in Paisley
omething you can’t help but
notice living in Paisley is the
number of talented musicians in the
According to Gord Tanner of
Ellengowan, about 60 years ago a
group of Junior Farmers
together a dance band in the area and
called themselves the Onkors
To raise funds, the new band put
on dances in Paisley, Inverhuron, at
area proms, Legions and Knights of
Columbus halls.
Pictured here, looking incredibly
dapper, are (L to R): Doug Grant,
Gerry Wolf, Bob Spong, Dick Wolf,
Lloyd McFadden, Glen Tanner,
Gord Tanner, George Needham, Bill
Wolf, Carol Binder and Shirley Bain.
Photo & info provided by
Gord Tanner
Christmas Shopping for Kids
Adam Kunkel Wins Top
Canadian Male Athlete Award
his past November, Adam
Kunkel received the Phil A.
Edwards Memorial Trophy in
Toronto as the top Canadian male
athlete in track events. “That’s
cool,” he said, “But, I wasn’t
expecting it!” Congratulations from
Paisley and area, Adam! We think
it’s cool too!
In August Adam will be heading
to the Summer Olympics in Beijing,
China. He’s good to go, except for
some minor qualifications. He’s
been in Florida since December 26,
but that’s definitely not been
a holiday! He is on a three week
his past December, the
Anglican Church Women from
Paisley’s Church of the Ascension
held a new event aimed at giving
local children a chance to do their
own Christmas shopping with their
own money.
At the Christmas Shopping
Spree for Kids, hundreds of donated
items were arranged on tables with
prices ranging from 50¢ to $5.00.
Parents were treated to coffee
and tea elsewhere in the church, so
the youngsters could go about their
shopping undisturbed.
The event raised $800, which
will be used support the ACW’s
foster child in India.
Pictured here, L to R, are
Jasmine Mink, Mercede Hazell and
Katie Cottrill.
Pancake Day
Shrove Tuesday, February 5
Church of the Ascension
(Anglican) Paisley
Sittings: 11 am - 1 pm, 5 pm - 7 pm
Pancakes, Sausage, Dessert
Tea & Coffee
$7.00 per plate
training camp, joined by his coach
Kevin Taylor and six other
Canadian athletes. They are taking
advantage of the warmer climate,
practicing six days a week. After
that, they return to Edmonton to
continue training in an indoor
facility. On the July 5 weekend he
will be participating in the Olympic
trials in Windsor, and then heading
out to Beijing, to run three races
beginning August 15.
Keep an eye out in the
upcoming Advocates for updates
about Adam’s races.
Diane Eaton
Do You Like To Sing?
he Paisley Concert Choir is
starting their spring session and
welcomes new members.
This choir is a mixed adult four
part choir. The choir is directed by
Linda Finlay and Jane Seigel is the
There are currently over 50
choir members who come from all
parts of Grey &
Bruce County; Tara,
Chesley, Durham,
Hanover, Mildmay,
W a lk e r t o n ,
Teeswater, Paisley
and all parts in
c hoir
prac t ices
e ver y
Wednesday evening
at Knox United Church in Paisley
from 6:30 – 8:30 P: M. The first
practice is scheduled for Wednesday
February 06/08.
If you are interested and require
any further information, please
contact either Linda Finlay at 519881-1399 or Laurie Sinclair at 519353-5878.
Page 9 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
Cargill Corner
appy New Year to all of you,
good and gentle readers. May
all of your hopes and dreams be
achieved as you journey through
2008. To paraphrase the old prayer,
may you be given everything you
need, not everything you want.
2008 will be an extremely busy
year in Cargill. Let us relate part of
the planned events.
It began with the annual New
Year’s Dance at the Cargill
Community Centre, hereinafter
referred to as the CCC. About 227
guests, among them, some of the
finest denizens of Paisley attended
this celebration.
February will feature the
Valentine’s Brunch prepared by the
famous Cargill Food Group. This
delicious repast will play out on
Sunday, February 10 from Ten of
the morning clock until One in the
afternoon. This is usually a well
attended event. However, do not
worry about there being no room in
that "inn" for you. The special and
spacious CCC is able to host over
400 diners. Therefore, anyone who
makes plans to attend will surely be
as welcomed as the shamrocks in
March highlights the annual St.
P a t r ic k’ s C e le br a t i o ns &
Shenanigans. As of this writing the
plans for this day have not been
finalized. However, we can relate
that the reigning monarchs of our
fair village will be at the front front
and centre of the goings-on. As well,
the Lord Mayor of Cargill, the very
honourable Gary Napper, will take a
central part in the festivities The
Archbishop of the Diocese of Cargill
will also be there to bestow his
blessings on all who come.
Hopefully, a Piper Laureate will be
conscripted to lead our "Parade
Around The Village Commons.
The annual "Tossing of the Green"
will take place on the St. Patrick’s
Bridge Works in downtown Cargill.
There will be a meal planned for this
special day. Mark March 16 on your
list of can’t miss events.
May brings the Cargill Food
Group back to prepare the annual
Mother’s Day Brunch. This popular
meal is enjoyed by folks from Owen
Sound to Windsor.
Cargill in June is the place to be
in The Bruce. On Father’s Day
Weekend, Jake’s Weekend In The
Park is held to honour the memory
of our forever friend, Jason "Jake"
Zettler. This weekend is highlighted
by the annual Slow Pitch Tourney,
muc h a nt ic ipa t e d mus ic a l
entertainment and the popular
brunch. Last year over 800 diners
were served at this brunch. A push
will be made as the event
approaches to get over 1000 people
to attend the meal. Only in Cargill,
you say?"
July 2008 is set aside as
"Festivity Month." On July 3-6 the
beautiful Cargill Park will be the
stage for the first of what is hoped to
be many successive "Cargill Pickin
By The Pond" Country & Bluegrass
Festivals. Two top-rated Cargillians,
Dennis Madge and Willie Dales, had
a dream. They discovered that the
Mountain Lake Festival closed its
doors in 2007. A new venue was
needed. These two stalwart lads
brought their dream to fellow
Cargillians who enthusiastically
pulled together to realize the dream.
Already, musical groups are lining
up to get on the proverbial
"bandwagon" There’s more to come,
but it must wait for another time. In
parting, I leave you with this gem
from Ben Franklin, "To succeed,
jump as quickly at opportunities as
you do at conclusions." Adieu, dear
Brian Raper
Paisley Tyke Team
& the Owen Sound Attack
ooking for a night out? On
Saturday March 08, the OHL
Owen Sound Attack
will be hosting the
Saginaw Spirit. The
Paisley Tyke Team
is taking part in
the game
playing a game of
scrimmage during
s ec ond
int e r m is s ion.
T he
children range in age from 5 to 7
years of age and will provide great
entertainment for the fans. The
Paisley Concert Choir will also be
taking part in the game by singing
the national anthems.
If you would like to attend the
game you can purchase your
tickets in advance by
c ont ac t ing
D a le
Steinhoff at 519-3537202
pr ior
February 18. Tickets
are $12 if you order
them through Dale. You
can also purchase your tickets
from the Owen Sound Attack at
$15. The game will certainly have
good representation from Paisley so
plan to be a part of the evening.
Page 10 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
Sixty Years in Song
DO it for a S.Co.B.E.
Nomination Deadline is February 7th!
Late in 2007, well known Paisley resident Al va Irvi ng was recognized for an
amazing accomplishment, 60 years of singing in the Westminster Presbyterian
Church Choir. Pictured above, Al va (left) recei ves a commemorati ve necklace
from Helen Cummi ng, and Rev. Shelly Butterfiel d-Kocis.
“No Room at the Inn”
We didn’t have room in our December issue for this charming Christmas
Card design by Paisley artist Cindy McKenna, but here it is now for your
f you know of a business who
deserves to be recognized for a
job well done, now is the time to
recognize them with a nomination
for the Saugeen Communit y
Business Excellence (S.C.o.B.E)
Award. The deadline for the 9th
awards program will be on us before
we know it, so it’s time to get
Nominations for the 2008 elite
awards, known as the S.Co.B.E.’s
are available for six different
categories and must be received by
4 p.m. on Thursday, February 7th,
2008 at the Saugeen Business
Development Centre at 554 7th
Avenue in Hanover.
The awards are handed out for
Young Entrepreneur of the Year;
Entrepreneur of the Year; Company
of the Year (under and over 15
employees); Customer Service
Excellence and Corporate Citizen of
the Year. Past recipients have plenty
of praise for this great business
recognition award.
“It’s pretty exciting to have won
this award,” said Jill Plantz of Peak
Performance Chiropractic Clinic in
Walkerton. She won the award in
her first year of practice. “We’ve
been well received by the
Indeed, the award, which covers
the municipalit ies of ArranElderslie, Brockton, Hanover, South
Bruce and West Grey including but
not limited to the communities of
Ayton, Chesley, Durham, Formosa,
Hanover, Mildmay, Neustadt,
Paisley and Walkerton is an
excellent way to show appreciation
for area businesses.
“It’s quite an honour,” said
Peter Harris of Hanover Foodland,
the 2007 Corporate Citizen of the
Year, after a nomination by the
Hanover Big Brothers and Sisters
organization. ”We’re pretty happy to
get it.”
The award program accepts
nominations up to the deadline, with
nomination forms available online at
www.sbdc.ca or by calling 519-3643694. Over 400 nominations have
been received over the 8 years of the
awards, showing the impressive
business excellence of the Saugeen
Businesses and citizens alike are
encouraged to nominate themselves
or other worthy contributors within
the Saugeen Community who
exhibit excellence, achievement, and
success. The only exception is the
Customer Service Excellence
Award, which must be a third-party
This year’s award presentation
is proudly sponsored by CIBC,
Meridian Credit Union, CKNX
Radio, Municipality of Brockton
and the Town of Hanover. A gala
event to present the awards will be
held on Wednesday, May 7th, at the
Mildma y Carrick Recreation
Complex. Tickets for the event are
available for $35 in advance only.
Presented in cooperation with
area Chambers of Commerce in
Chesley, Hanover, M ildmay,
Paisley, Walkerton and West Grey,
information and assistance with
nomination forms is available by
contacting the Chamber office in
your area.
Sponsorships at a variety of
levels are available to those
businesses or individuals who would
like to get involved in this excellent
networking and promot iona l
opportunity. Nomination forms,
tickets, and sponsorship packages
are available at the Saugeen
Business Development Centre in
Hanover (519) 364-3694 by email to
kate@s bdc.ca or online at
www.sbdc.ca .
Do it by February 7th
Do it for a S.Co.B.E.!
I was nauseous and tingly all over. I was either
in love or I had smallpox. ~ Woody Allen
Page 11 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
Report from School Board Trustee Ross King
t has now been one year since I
was elected as the Bluewater
District School Board trustee for
Arran-Elderslie and Saugeen Shores
and what a year it has been. In my
entire career, I cannot think of a time
when I have been on such a steep
learning curve and as far as I can
see, I shall continue to be on it for
some time to come. I have learned
many things over the past year, but
one of the most important things I
have learned is the limited power of
any individual trustee; as a member
of the corporate board of Bluewater,
all decisions must be the decision of
the majority of all the trustees. Now
that is certainly not to say that an
individua l trustee can’t have
influence and indeed, to be true to
the electorate, a trustee must make
the appropriate staff aware of all
concerns raised by the public.
Although a trustee can’t “fix” any
problems on his/her own, what a
trustee can do individually is be
aware of the concerns, put people in
contact with appropriate people,
monitor the situation, and offer
advice and support. To that end, I try
to at tend as ma ny Sc hool
Community Council meetings as I
can. Last year I attended over 20
SCC meetings and encouraged all
the parents to contact me should
issues arise. At the board level, I am
pleased to belong to several
committees. All trustees are
me mbe r s of t he B us ine s s
Committee, the Educational Issues
Commit tee , and the P olicy
Committee. As well, I am a member
of the Aborigina l Education
Advisory Committee, the Audit
Committee (or as some of my
colleagues call it, the “Fun with
Numbers” committee), the Labour
Relations Committee, and the Parent
ack on Nov.
Eddie’s Presents
brought 2007 Juno
w inner
Stephen Fearing to
the Town Hall
T hea tre.
photo is by eight
year old Noah
J a la v a
recently moved to
Paisley with his
family and attends
Applegate school.
Involvement Committee (a new
committee mandated by the
province). I enjoy my work on all
these committees.
The past year has been an
extremely busy year.
newspapers in the area have done a
good job making the public aware of
all issues and achievements and
hopefully everyone has been
keeping up to date. Just in case you
haven’t, I would strongly encourage
all of you to have a look at the
Board’s new website which is very
user friendly and quite easy to
navigate. On the opening page you
will find many current articles with
an easy to follow navigation bar
both across the top and down the
side. You can visit the web page of
your home school (although not all
of these are up and running yet), or
you can review all the policies of the
Bluewater District School Board, or
you can see what your local SCC is
up to. These are just some examples
of the types of information you can
access on the website. You can reach
the Board website by going to
www.bwdsb.on.ca. Please visit.
One piece of current news that I
am sure will elicit a lot of discussion
is that the Board has given final
approval for the new Student
Support and Services Centre. This
always seems to be a contentious
issue. As you may recall, three years
ago, there was a debate over the
actual location and there is always
the debate over whether it was
needed at all. On the Board’s
website, you will find a document
entitled “School Support and
Services Project Frequently Asked
Questions and Answers” and I
would encourage you to read this
document. There is one point,
however, that I would like to
emphasize because I do get
questions about this all the time. The
money used to build the new Centre
has absolutely no impact on schools
or students. The money comes
completely out of the Administrative
There are many positive things
happening in Bluewater and as I
mentioned before, the local media
have kept the public well informed,
but just in case you missed
something here is a list of a few of
o u r h ig h lig h t s : c o n s ta n t
improvement in EQAO results;
impr ove d gra dua t ion ra tes ;
implementation of the Aboriginal
S e lf I de nt if ic a t ion P ol ic y;
implementation of the Character
Development Program; the success
of the new Parent Involvement
Committee; completion of the new
Hanover Heights school; and the
ever expanding High Skills Majors
Programs. Look for the Annual
Report from our Director for more
I look forward to my second
year with as much enthusiasm as I
began my first. You may contact me
if you wish by phone 519-363-3143
or by email (see Board website).
Ross King
Paisley’s Men in Plaid
One of our readers dropped off this clipping
from the Port Elgin Ti mes dated March 13, 1968
Page 12 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
Secrets of the Treasure Chest
wenty years have
pas se d
s ince
Norman and Ina
Hagedorn donated the
T r e a s ur e
Ches t
Museum to the Village
of Paisley.
Norman Hagedorn
had the “Urge to
Collect” and collect he
did. Over 3200
a r t e fa c t s
we r e
collected locally as
well as far and wide.
Norman’s vision was
to provide future
generations a look at
history and a past way
of life.
Norman Hagedorn ami d his many treasures.
A cc or ding
Norman and we quote “Collecting is etc.”
a hobby, it may be bits of string,
Norman's collection was varied.
buttons, plates, postcards, driver’s In t he M use um, t here are
licenses, calling cards, sea shells, a gr ic ult ur a l t oo ls , p io ne e r
beach pebbles, marbles and fans will kitchenware, glassware, crocks, coal
collect autographs. Others will turn oil lamps of various shapes and
to better items such as stamps, coins, sizes, toilet bowl sets, furniture and
souvenirs, art, spoons, photographs, much, much more. Over the past
Paisley and District Fire
Department Update
hope everyone had a safe and
relaxing holiday season.
You may have heard on the
news that Saugeen Shores is pulling
out of the Paisley Fire Board
agreement. Unbeknownst to some,
the Paisley and District Fire
Department and the majority of
equipment and apparatus is actually
owned and operated not only by
Arran-Elderslie but also Brockton,
Kincardine and Saugeen Shores as
well (hence “and District”!)
Saugeen Shores owns a very small
share according to their assessment
of the area served by the Paisley
Fire Department. We intend to
provide the same service as always
but the Saugeen Shores member on
the board felt it was unfair to the
other voting members that his vote
had the same power as all others.
The change will take effect at the
end of 2008 once a fair agreement
has been reached. We look forward
to providing many more years of
service to Saugeen Shores.
In the previous update I gave, I
spoke about smoke alarms and the
value I place on their use. ArranElderslie has passed a bylaw
perta ining to smoke a lar m
expectations for residents and
firefighters responding. If the Fire
Department responds for any reason
to a residence we will be ensuring
there are adequate smoke alarms
installed and operable on each
storey. If not, we will install them
correctly before we leave your
residence and a fee will be levied
against the property owner. It is
mandatory that we do not knowingly
leave a residence in an unsafe
manner. Please feel free to contact
me or any other member of the fire
department for information about
smoke alarms.
We met with representatives
from the Ontario Fire Marshal about
the report issued by them in
September of 2007. The first item of
note will be compiling information
on demographics of Arran-Elderslie
with regards to age, buildings, fire
loss etc. and then target fire
prevention programs accordingly.
This will be a long process but I feel
a very valuable one in order to
provide the best service possible to
our residents.
You may have noticed the new
signboard at the south end of Paisley
purchased by the firefighters. Please
have a look for the latest fire safety
As always, feel free to call or
email me with any concerns or
Rob Bonderud
Fire Chief
Paisley and District Fire Dept.
few years, the collection has grown
with new articles being donated like
photographs, books, quilts, vintage
clothing including a wedding outfit
from early 1900`s, and military
articles to name a few.
The Volunteers are continually
changing the exhibits in the Main
gallery. A diverse display of the
heritage of Paisley and Area will be
on display, February 18 to 22 from 1
to 4 p.m.
As a 20th year celebration, we
will be featuring “What Do You
Collect?” exhibit, running July 1 to
July 15, 2008. This exhibit will
show what people collect today. If
you are interested in sharing your
collectibles for this exhibit or the
Heritage display, please call 519-353
-7176, leave a message and someone
will get back to you.
Although the Treasure Chest
Museum is not open in the winter
months, if you have a group that
would like to come through, just
phone 519-353-7176 and leave a
The museum is al ways a popular
outing for Paisley’s school chil dren.
message. There is always someone
willing to take you through our
wonderful old Victorian Museum.
For your New Year's Resolution,
make a visit to the Treasure Chest
Museum or be a Volunteer in 2008.
Friends of the
Treasure Chest Museum.
Make Vehicles Smoke-Free
to Protect Young Passengers
ealth Units across Ontario are
urging drivers and adult
passengers to keep their vehicles
smoke-free when heading out on the
road this winter. A province-wide
campaign running through January
encourages those who smoke to take
it outside and away from children.
"Children are among the most
vulnerable to the damaging health
effects of second-hand smoke,” says
Linda Davies, Tobacco Control
Manager, Grey Bruce Health Unit.
“There is international scientific
consensus that exposure to tobacco
smoke puts youth at a greater risk of
developing bronchitis, pneumonia,
colds, ear infections and asthma.
Infants exposed to second-hand
smoke have an increased chance of
dying from Sudden Infant Death
According to Health Canada,
second-hand smoke kills more than
1,000 Canadians every year. The
latest Canadian Tobacco Use
Monitoring Survey results show that
one quarter of Canadians are being
exposed to second-hand smoke in
In 2004, the Ontario Medical
Association cited evidence that, due
to the restricted space, second-hand
smoke in a vehicle is up to 23 times
more toxic than in the home. Second
-hand smoke affects infants and
children more severely than adults
due to their small airways and their
higher respiration rates.
“Children can’t choose who
they travel with or how safe the trip
will be,” says Davies. “So we are
asking parents, caregivers or any
adults traveling with children to
protect them by keeping vehicles
smoke free. All passengers,
especially young children, have the
right to be protected.”
Opening vehicle windows does
not diminish the risk. The only way
to protect children from the negative
health effects of second-hand smoke
is to make vehicles smoke-free.
“We know that parents want to
keep their children safe,” says
Davies. “Those that continue to
smoke around their children may be
unaware of the risks or may be
unable to quit because of a heavy
nicot ine addic t ion. We are
campaigning to raise awareness of
these risks, so that smokers can
make an informed decision to
protect children.”
For more information about
protecting children and others from
second-hand smoke and tips to help
you break the nicotine addiction,
please call the Grey Bruce Health
Unit’s Tobacco Control Team at 519
-376-9420 or visit our website at
Page 13 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
These items were compiled from
the Jan. 18, 1933 issue of the
Paisley Advocate. CB
Page 14 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
Community Calendar
he Paisley Advocate’s
Community Calendar is
available free of charge to nonp rof i t co mmu n i t y gr oup s .
Submissions should be made no
later than the 20th of the preceding
month. Contact Craig Budreau at
Paisley Pharmacy, 353-5707, fax
353 -543 8,
ema il
Jan. 24 - The P aisley
Agricultura l Soc iety Annua l
meeting is on Thursday, January
24t h a t t he P re s byt e r ia n
church. There is a potluck supper
beginning at 6:30pm followed at
8pm with the meeting. All members
are welcome and encouraged to
Feb. 6 - Paisley Concert Choir
begins another session on Wed.
Feb. 6th at 6:30 at Knox United
Church. For more information call
Feb 9. - Breakfast at the Legion
8 am to 11 am
Feb. 14 - Williscroft Women's
Institute meets Thursday, February
14th at the home of Judy
MacKinnon at 1:30 p.m. Topic is
Tweedsmuir Books.
Feb. 14 - ♥ Valentine’s Day ♥
Feb. 15 - Annual Hospital
Auxiliary Valentines Luncheon
Feb. 18 - the new Family Day
statutory holiday
Feb. 18 to 22 - display of the
Heritage of Paisley at Treasure
Chest Museum 1 to 4 pm
Mar. 1 - Annual Legion Beach
Party Dance with John Leader &
Harvest Moon 9 pm to 1 am. Lunch
Mar. 8 - Join the Paisley
Concert Choir and Paisley Tykes
hockey team at Owen Sound Attack
game. Tickets $12 if purchased
from Dale Steinhoff, 353-7202,
before Feb. 18th.
Mar. 14 - Breakfast at the
Legion 8 am to 11 am
Apr. 12 - Giggles Comedy
Night, dinner & show $30, proceeds
to Paisley Health Clinic Building
Regularly Scheduled Events
The Paisley Homework Club
continues every Wednesday from
4:15 to 5:30 pm until Dec. 12/07
[Christmas holidays]. School
children who need help with their
homework are encouraged to come
to the Paisley Library. For more
info call 353-7225.
Paisley Figure Skating Club
every Tuesday and Thursday
evening starting Tuesday October
16th. For more information or to
register contact Dave Teeple @ 353
Legion Euchre Night - every
Monday at 8 pm sharp at the Paisley
Legion. Everyone welcome.
Paisley Rotary Club meets
every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Contact
Wilson Gregg for more info.
Paisley Group of Alcoholics
Anonymous meets every Tuesday
at the Anglican Church of the
Ascension hall at 8:00 p.m.
Seniors’ Luncheon is held at
the Missionary Church the last
Tuesday of every month from 12 till
2 pm. All seniors are welcome
Regular Legion Meeting is
held on the 3rd Wednesday of the
month, 8 pm, (Executive meet at
6:30 pm)
Paisley Concert Choir practice
at Knox United Church, Paisley on
Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8:30 pm
New members welcome to join this
adult SATB choir. For more
information please call Laurie
Sinclair 519-353-5878.
WDSS Bands Pack
Victoria Jubilee Hall
2008 Bruce County IPM Poster
n Thursday, 1 November 2007,
Jack Riley, Chair of the 2008
Bruce County International Plowing
Match (IPM) gave a report of the
IPM activities to Bruce County
Council. Jack reported that all was
going well and people were getting
busier and busier.
Further, he
introduced the 2008 Official Poster
art to those in attendance.
The art was created by Ken
Thornburn who is a native of Bruce
County. He was born in Port Elgin
and now resides
in Tara where he
owns Northern
Flyer. Ken has
c a pt ure d
moment in time
when the walk
behind plow gave
way to the sulky
plow made of
forge d
me ta l
parts. The image
is based on an
actual photograph
taken in the early
20th Century showing a farmer
breaking sod in northern Bruce
County. The three horse team,
according to local farmers, was
necessary because the combined
weight of the farmer and the sulky
was hard on two horses, and the
three horses were used to share the
work load. The background is also
pure Bruce County. The farm house
and outbuildings are based on
existing structures.
While the
clothes on the line may be fanciful,
the sea gulls following the plow are
not, as anyone who has observed
plowing in Bruce County must have
The art also reflects the 1993
Bruce County Official Poster in two
ways. In the 1993 Poster art, a
plowman wearing a Bruce County
tartan kilt is walking behind a
plow. In the 2008 Poster art, the kilt
has given way to overalls and a
Bruce Count y tarta n
bonnet. Further, both the 1993 and
the 2008 poster art is presented
h o r i z o n t a l l y r a t he r t ha n
vertically. At the 1993 IPM, Sulky
Plowing was introduced as a
demonstration event and has since
been added as a permanent plowing
class. The introduction of Sulky
Plowing is recalled in the 2008
Poster art.
Anne-Louise Gibbons
Paisley and District Kinsmen
meet 1st and 3rd Thursday each
month. For info, contact Barry
Legion Ladies Aux. meeting
1st Thursday each month 7 pm.
Alzheimer Society of GreyBruce Caregiver Support Group
meets 1st Wednesday of every
month at 1:30 at Grace United
Church, Hanover, and the 2nd
Wednesday of every month, at 1:30
at Southampton United Church. 1800-265-9013.
AWANA Kids Club at
Immanuel Missionary Church every
Wednesday night Starting Sept. 12,
6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Registration begins
@ 6:00 p.m. Ages 5 and Up. For
Info call: (519)353-5270 or (519)
Carpe t B owling at the
Community Centre on Tuesdays at
1:30 pm. Contact Bryan Webb at
Exercise Walking at Paisley
Central School on Mondays &
Wednesdays 7 to 8 pm starting Oct.
22. Bring indoor walking shoes.
S h u ffl e b o ard a t t he
Community Centre Mondays at
1:30 pm
full house at Victoria Jubilee
H a l l e n j o y e d m us i c
representing a variety of styles and
holiday favourites at this year's
WDSS Christmas Concert. More
than 100 students arranged in 6
ensembles took part in the
performance entitled "A Visit From
Santa". In addition to the traditional
Intermediate, Concert and Jazz
Bands this year's Christmas concert
included a Flute Choir, Brass
Ensemble, and Vocal Choir. The
Instrumental portion of the program
under the direction of Ms. Adrienne
Mackenzie featured holiday songs
including Silent Night, Let It Snow!
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! and Jingle
Bells Forever. The Vocal Choir's
performance under the direction of
Mrs. Crystal Peiman included
Amazing Grace and Pachelbel's
Funds were raised for the music
department through ticket sales for
the concert, a raffle for a quilt made
by WDSS student Meagan Freer and
a silent auction of items donated by
local businesses.
The WDSS Music Department
has had a very busy Fall and early
Winter with additional performances
at the WDSS Commencement
ceremony, Remembrance Day
services in Walkerton and Mildmay,
and Santa Claus Parades in
Walkerton, Mildmay and Paisley.
The bands also performed at six
local elementary schools before
Christmas and begin preparations
for the Georgian Bay Regionals of
M us icfe st Ca na da he ld in
Collingwood. From May 7th to 11th
members of the music department
will be travelling to New York City
for an Arts Appreciation Trip.
Teacher Dan Rourke
“Love isn’t finding a perfect person. It’s seeing
an imperfect person perfectly.” Sam Keen
Page 15 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
Ken Boyington
Ronald McIntyre
Rev. Roy Taylor
All Announcements, Thank You’s:
$7.00 - Obituaries, Births are free
O Y I N GT O N , K e nne t h
Vincent Age 44, passed away
peacefully in Leslieville, Alberta,
November 28, 2007. A former
Paisley resident, Ken was a veteran
of the U.S. Army and the Toronto
Scottish Regiment, and had recently
completed firefighter training and
was a member of the Leslieville
Volunteer Fire Dept.
He leaves behind his daughter
Kate of Paisley, Ontario, his father
Robert O. Boyington, step-mother
Margo, sister Catherine Coviak and
brothers James, Robert and Daniel.
A memorial service for family
and friends was held on January 6,
Cremation entrusted to Rocky
Mountain Crematorium. Rocky
Funeral Home & Crematorium,
Rocky Mountain House, Alberta
Missionary Church
(Immanuel Evangelical)
307 Balaklava St. Paisley
Rev. Tony Geense
Sunday School (all ages): 9:30 am
Service: 10:30 am
Lessons for Living: 6:30 pm
Friendship Coffee Break: every 3rd
Tuesday 9:30
Senior's Sunshine Fellowship for
55+: every last Tuesday 12:00 pm
he Lone Ranger and Tonto
were camping in the desert.
After they got their tent all set up,
both men fell sound asleep.
Some hours later, Tonto wakes
the Lone Ranger and says, "Kemo
Sabe, look towards sky, what you
see? "
The Lone Ranger replies, "I see
millions of stars."
"What that tell you?" asked
The Lone Ranger ponders for a
minute then says, "Astronomically
assed away at Lakeridge
Health Bowmanville on
Thursday December 13th, 2007 at
age 85. Rev. Taylor served at the
Westminster Presbyterian Church in
Paisley from 1985 to 1987.
Beloved husband of Dorothy
Kathleen Taylor (nee Schick). Dear
father of Victoria & Bill Eng,
Gordon Taylor, Allen & Darlene
Taylor, Barry & Paola Taylor and
the late Leslie Ann Wright.
Lovingly remembered by 6
grandchildren and 4 greatgrandchildren.
A Memorial Service was held
Saturday December 15, 2007 in
Bow manvil le . Arra ngeme nts
entrusted to the Northcutt Elliott
Funeral Home. Cremation.
In lieu of flowers, donations
made to Branch 178 Canadian
Legion or The Diabetic Association
would be appreciated.
uddenly at his home in Grassie,
Ontario on Sunday, December
16, 2007, Ronald Archibald
McIntyre in his 65th year. Beloved
husband and best friend of Marjorie
(nee Sillett). Predeceased by his
parents Leslie and Muriel McIntyre
(nee Farrow). Loving father of
Nadine and Brian Murphy, Ian
C onve r y, a nd Bre nda
Cherished by his
grandchildren Ryan and Clarissa
(Murphy), Natasha and Marco
(Pasetto). Dear brother of Shirley
and Tom Ribey.
Ron was
bor n
Bruce Township and attended #15
school. He moved to Hamilton in
1960 and worked most of his career
at Stelco.
The funeral service was held
Friday, December 21 at 11 am at
the Merr itt F unera l H ome
in Smithville. Cremation has taken
Interment will take place at a
later date in the Lovat Cemetery;
Bruce Township.
United Church
Presbyterian Church
399 Goldie St. Paisley
Pastor Judy Zarubick
260 Queen St. S,
Rev. Shelly Butterfield-Kocis
Service: Sunday 11:15 am
Service: Sunday 10:00 am
Glammis (St. Paul’s)
Service: Sunday 9:45 am
Service: Sunday 11:30 am
Baptist Church
Church Street, Paisley
Contact persons:
Mairi Karcher 353-5771 or
Vicky Abbs 353-5223
Lay Pastor: Jack Cook
Clerk: Diane Gottshalk
Service: Sunday 9:45 am
with Sunday School during service
speaking, it tells me there are
millions of galaxies and potentially
billions of planets. Astrologically, it
tells me that Saturn is in Leo. Time
wise, it appears to be approximately
a quarter past three in the morning.
Theologically, the Lord is allpowerful and we are small and
i n s i g n i f i c a n t .
Meteorologically, it seems we will
have a beautiful day tomorrow.
What's it tell you, Tonto?"
"You dumber than buffalo.
It means someone stole our tent."
Anglican Church
(The Church of the Ascension)
1864 Inkerman St, Paisley
Rev. Linda Nixon 363-2339
Winter Services: Sunday 1:00 pm
(except the last Sunday of the month
- call 519-363-2339 for location )
Thank You
would like to thank my family
and friends for my surprise
birthday party held at Bradley
Community School.
It was a
wonderful surprise and I will
cherish the memory always.
Thank you.
Ed Hodgins
ort Elgin Lions Club is looking
for New Members, Men and
Women to help build a strong base
for the service club, bring new
ideas and volunteer their time to
keep the club going for years to
come .
All the fundraising we do goes
towards helping groups and people
in the Saugeen Shores area.
The group meets on the first
and third Wednesday of every
month to discuss club activities and
find out who can do what during
the up coming weeks
Please call 519- 832-6100 or
contact President Bill Green at 519
Classified Ads
Rates for Classified Ads: $7.00 for 20
words, + 20¢ for each additional word,
+ $7.00 per picture.
The Royal Canadian Legion Paisley
Legion Branch 295 Rental –
Auditorium Hall (upstairs) Great
for Parties of 100 People or less
Bartender provided For rental
details call 353-5444
SNOW BLOWING - Paisley Area
-Any Hours- Call Lloyd Shantz 519
HELP WANTED Cleaning person
for Royal Canadian Legion Branch
295 Paisley. General cleaning,
minimum of 5 hours per week.
Please send resumes to: PAISLEY
LEGION BR. 295, BOX 389,
The Paisley
Is published monthly by
The Paisley & District
Chamber of Commerce
1600 copies are distributed
Free of Charge
to Paisley and its Rural Routes,
R.R. 1 & 2 Dobbinton,
R.R. 2 & 3 Chesley,
R.R. 1 & 2 Cargill,
& in stores in the Paisley Area
Or by Paid Subscription
($25.00 + GST per year)
Editors: Craig & Mary Ellen
Staff Writers: Diane Eaton,
Sandra Blodgett
Advertising: Jen Harris
Distribution: Tamara Pasley
The Paisley Advocate
P. O. Box 368
Paisley, ON. N0G 2N0
519-353-5707 (Craig)
Deadline for all submittals is
the 18th of each month.
Page 16 The Paisley Advocate January/February 2008
Paisley Central School’s Christmas Concert
he gymnasium was packed and nerves were
unsettled as a buzz of excitement filled the
air at PCS on Dec 19. The SCC were selling raffle
tickets and cookbooks in the foyer. This year
some very interesting art (plaster hands) was on
display in the foyer, created by the students. As
the crowd settled in, Mrs. Dianne Eaton’s piano
students entertained us.
I won’t go over the whole concert agenda but
will comment on a few firsts. For the first time in
years everyone in the school had the opportunity
to participate. The senior band (led by Mrs.
Jacobi) was wonderful. Everyone loved the
primary pieces. Mr. Harris brought along some of
his musical pals with whom his class sang a few
Many young voices raised i n song
upbeat numbers. Mrs. Klein, new to the school in
September has reintroduced a school choir in
which students from grades three to eight
participated. I was also impressed that the older
students were offered the opportunity to sing
solos. Charlene McCulloch, Beth McInnes,
Franceska Kocis and Alyssa Malisani took the
opportunity and provided excellent entertainment.
Michael Belrose was Santa Clause and between
numbers kept us entertained along with a handful
of singers from the junior and senior grades.
Probably one of the most touching moments
in the concert was Alyssa’s piece called “Go Light
Your World”. While she was singing you could
have heard a pin drop. I found this message to be
inspiring and I want to give you the lyrics as it is a
great resolution for us all to take into the New
Go Light Your World
There is a candle in every soul
Some brightly burning, some dark and cold
There is a spirit, who brings a fire
Ignites a candle, and makes his own
Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the helpless, confused and torn,
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, go light your world.
Frustrated brother, see how he’s tried to
Light his own candle, some other way
See now your sister, she’s been robbed and lied to
Still holds a candle, without a flame
Carry your candle, run through the darkness
Seek out the lonely, the tired and worn
Hold out your candle, for all to see it
Take your candle, Go light your world
We are a family, whose hearts are blazing
So let’s raise our candles, light up the sky
Praying to our Father, in the name of Jesus
Make us a beacon in darkest time
Special thanks to Sheila Shepherd for these
pictures and to several other people who sent in
their photos. When you attend events, please take
your camera and send your pictures to the
Advocate. Everyone can submit items to our
Young Aurora Jacobi keeps a cl ose eye on Mom
c ommunity
ne w s pa pe r
a t
Sandra Blodgett
PCS Christmas Turkey Dinner … mmm good
The school g ym has never smelled as good as it di d at noon on the l ast day of cl asses before the Christmas Holi days. The second annual Turkey Dinner hel d at
Paisley Central School was a resounding success, with every child in the school sitting down to a hot dinner of turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, veggies and
more. It was all served up by enthusiastic crew of vol unteers, local clergy, police, and firefighters, a true community effort.
n behalf of the students
and staff at Paisley
Central School, we would
l i ke t o t ha n k t he
many volunteers and
businesses who provided
help and donations for
the Turkey Dinner held on
Friday December 21st. .
We would like to
thank Santa for coming for a
visit all the way from the
north pole.
We would also like to
thank everyone who assisted
with peeling potatoes,
serving & cleaning up.
Without the help of our little
town this wonderful dinner
would not have been
Volunteers Paul Blodget
Barb Fullerton
Tammy Lake
Heather Cottrill
Amanda Caldwell
Sharon Yenta
Ken Becker
Joe & Julie McCully
Asha & Kim Samuels
June Craddock
Lynn Cecchetti
Barb Bryce
Ruth Zeigler
Donelda Finch
Local Businesses P&H Foods
Hope & Leader Insurance
Paisley Pharmacy
Allen's Tim-Br Mart
Barbell's Fitness
McCullough Fuels
G&M Variety
Paisley Brick & Tile
Caldwell Enterprises
Thompson Bros. Furniture
Rankin’s Garage
Pat Kelly Law Office
Paisley Foodmart
Back Eddies/MacNamara's
chicpea Kitchen & Lounge
Dos Rios Pizza
The Top Shop
Hics Pics
RJ Tree Farm
Paisley Flower Shoppe
MidTown Food Mart
Robinson's Home Hardware
Gerald Patterson Insurance
Big Dipper
Elora Soap
Our Place Restaurant
Bud Rier Chevrolet
Greater Saugeen Trading
Houston Carpentry
Ivy Tea Room
Natures Millworks
Joanne's Window Fashions
Joannies Fashion
Lox, Sox & Burrow
Gord & Reita Tanner
Brian MacKinnon Coldwell Banker
Marty's Bar & Grill
Paisley Bargain Centre
Paisley Vet Clinic
Clergy - Shelly ButterfieldKocis & Linda Dixon
OPP - Karsten, Jim, Melissa
& Harry
Paisley Fire Fighters Dave, Wayne, Jeremy &