Foqndation CANADA THE STARLIGHT FOUNDATION CANADA/ LA FONDATION STARLIGHT April 12, 1991 Shirley Lang Brooke International S tudios Chum/City Building 151 John Street Suite # 505 Toronto, Ontario MlsY 2T2 Dear Shirley, to extend thanks and orpresq my appreciation for your help in the planning of our pariy at the Copa on March 7 ,1991' I am writing the total The event was a huge success. Over 700 people attended the party and amount raised was $7,000. The I cannot thank you enough for your help- in-making such a success' greqty party is ract trral-yoo toor. [riri oot oi yo*"bury sihedole to-worli on our ;pp,,!d"'d-Uy oo. commitee. Most i*fonantly, you were always there to provide a-dvice whenever we needed it. Our comnritte is now in the proocss oi piaiining evenis for.the upcomiiig summgr encourage you and winiei months. If you have tirne to pop in on one of our meetings-we confirmed. are ai y6u informeO o,n any events .they to do so. In the rn"untiirii i *itt t 'lhanl( you ""p agam' I hope that we can work together on another event in the near tuture' tu Sincerely, Aaron Silverberg ontario M2J 4V6 oNTARIO CHAPTER: 250 consumers Road, suite 206, Willowdale, No' 0816744-09 Phone: (416) 502-WlsH (g474) Fax: (41 6) 502-9477 charity gtduht fo.fndatiorr IHE STARLIGt']T FOUNDAI ION ( 'rn'l"lr --uie Slr.:,r 13 iey , 19 III ri\I ION STABLIGI-1T CANADA 90 LanE Brooke International L51 John Street Studios Suite 505 Toronto, Ontario Ll5V 2T2 Dear ShirleY: on behalf of the what a f antastic party you put oir j-ast rveek I express most Starlight Foundation banada, I woulcl Irke towhich paidmy so off sincere appreciation for alI your efforts, and effort handsomely. I can weII upptetiate Lhe amount of time the The cocktait party, t;; put into "Stars for Starlight". party at the Jaguar club, Lhe sf,o*, sparkler paraae, the fashion ' were t; say .,oinir1g of the celebrities and pri zes you generatedfor aII greatt y6u generated a Iarge frnancial contribution a great deal of public Starlight, but as important, yo; also created awareness for us - aNO, we aI] hacl FUN doing it' schedule Sornetime in the next f ew weeks, ()irc ul ihe rtems on my work our for awards of /recognttion system will be to put in place a and/or plaques' sponsors. These ,iff be in the form of certificates and Starlignt. wiii present one to You, ano one t'o t'licheiie and Bruce t"turphy as a token of our appreciation' us ' The Shirley, I hope you wiIl conLinue your association with to You' belong frora our spec:aI chj-Idren really thanks we receive -iV",eed people like You, with your enthusiasm and our sponsor. .ledication, to help us- conti nue to rlut more smi les on the f aces of our wi-sh childrenYours very trulY, Starlight Foundation Canada Lirrda Corcoran, Executive Administrator ONTARIO CHAPTER: ) . lr Phone (416)ll;l i.','ll : . , 'i\, lt(llliO. \./rltv, Clilada tV4S 1A1 v( .','r', ,1Bg 4676 * frqndatiori THEsTAFiLIG}{.rF0Ul!Dlil-:iilNlt]FIANAD/.\p.11E5p.lrl..l.(::) l til- " WHE STARS FOF( flNl\lt-,*\L-. S-f ARL I Gl{T tif:N[:F tdEDf\lEIillAY r'\L.J[itJ$l- I: TIMH: EiHOW WHERE: Tl{E GUEST STAF|S; ;::ri', STAIt]-t:i 9; Llfi []. COF,A Ul-UiJ :1i I 1 -f CONI(]h:lxil' c;r']t) 14. {:ii:oL-LARIJ $l'. :i:hi Yi-ilil'::v i. i....1....[: l"lLlLL.Y J{-li-lNi5uhl" (l-'Fi[:.]l"l & 1-l-l[:: Il\lhl[:::lit.]:tl-Y ALTA ploDA), lirrr.n-rv sIl-_vER,, td/\yt\tH t.j1- ,lflH[.] -[l"lI si"rtlFil.-.1.fi1-'ilcHoIR! AUTLR r:cn, $HAr{ONt LEE tdlt-LIr:'rl"lEi:, l"lt.][;lk" I'lAllY f:rlrllJ f,tJx , tjt-11vLi: t"t/it{ FL1hl.iy ALL-S,rAftS l{:ENNy MACt-EAN. T}-tE n.oo1'1-6\trtIr tJiiill-t{Hlt$, I " T I Ct{:HTSi r t)tl S l.:: 0(l t$ 1t-t I II\ /.\T rlDVAl{tj[i: 'rF{H D0Llft 'l'lrll'i:-ttl'.F,\-l- 116;t,:.ET$ AVA I LAHt-E A'l- fi[:{iii-]1.::.[i .l-i.18 ['ll"l Jol..lN 5.r. sU I TH tj():j . I N {:I.-ULI t:N[}d-\ OR AVA]LABLE AI' ]-HE i ul\.lAL.. -rY C:t IJt..,I1...D i:i-i't..JIi I l\l[.j ]:u$ EC/ .1. 't l\li:: ,' ...-i:ll|.ij'.::; -r uftti/]l\ I ;{{i-t'I t.iNl THE s-rAFL I G[..Ir Fi-iul!DA-r I ilN I S A l!t]l'.1*FrliLJF'l t.]dll..-1....Y . tll-1[it]iil I t.,;i:ii....1.- Y nU:n f in,f f n T0 6ttAht'1" .[ htG t/,,.[ Tn IR.l.l- I AND TERr'IINALLY Il'-t- tlHIl..DIIL:l"l COt'lE l-.lAVE A FOUNDA"TIONII Ef{EA-i' l- I l"lb- f-\NlD riliF f':'fiFil- 1"1-1H $1"drif:iL-.i:ffii-ll- 1' lj l ''STARS FOR STARLIGHT" PRESS RELEASE Any assistance in publicizing this event is sincerely appreciated. Michele Hart-Murphy, Dr. R. Bruce Murphy, "The Rock .and Roll Dentist", and Shirley Lang ol Brooke lnt'l Studios, A Collective of lmage Consulting Artists, are pleased to Present. "STARS FOR STARLIGHT" An evening of good times to benefit the Starlight Foundation which is responsible for granting wishes to terminally and critically ill children. Celebfity Appeafanaes incruding MUoHMUSIC'S Monica Deol & Kim Clarke- Champniss and Mike & Mike, The Partland Brothers, Billie Newton-Davis and Molly Johnson, John Wildman and Heidi Von Polleske, Kenny Maclean and Sasha of The Blondes, Jaymz Bee of the Look People, Hal Harbour from CFNY FM 102, and from the Journal, Laurie Brown, and many many more, Spafklef Pafade the Royal Alex TO JagUaf (Toronto's coolest new night club located ne)d to ) FaShiOn ShOW at JagUaf featuring Brenda Beddome for B. Scene, Melleny Melody's Mental Dental Wear, and Debra Benoit's Silk Cocktail Collection choreographed and directed by Jacqueline Thillaye. RaffleS and PfiZeS inctuding dinner certificates, passes to Wonderland and Tour of the Universe, hair style certifhates, jackets, T-shirts, records & compaci discs, week-ends for two at The Chestnut Park Hotel, and the fabulous grand prize. A NIGHT ON THE TOWN WITH DAN GALLAGHER!!!!!!!!!!! WHEN: Thursday June 7, 1990 4:30 - B:30 pm The Chum-City Building 151 John St. # 504 & sos 8:3o - 8:4s pm Sparkler Parade 9:30 - 1o:oOpm 11:00 pm to Jaguar Fashion Show Drawings and Raffles for prizes RSVP: By June sth, 591-8403 or 599-7715 PHOTO: Sparkler Parade will consist of 2OO - 300 people carrying sparklers as they walk to Jaguar. Very exciting event, come ioin us!!!!!! MEMORANDUM To: David Strickland From: Bruce Barrow Date: May 17, 1990 Re: Beer Requirement On June 7, 1990, from 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM at the CHUM/CITY Building, there is a grand opening function for Brooke lnternational Studios and Dr. R. Bruce Murphy. Dr. Bruce Murphy, "The Rock 'N' Roll Dentist" was leatured on CITY-TV in his new high tech location on the top of the CHUM/CITY building. Dr. Murphy's cliental is drawn largely from the entertainment industry. The doctor's office decor and his choice of music and attire are contemporary and unique (Bruce played keyboards with Men Without Hats). Brooke lnternational Studios is Shirley Lang's new company. Shirley is known for her work in television, film and video, including styling for Corey Hart, The Partland Brothers and MuchMusic personalities. Shirley has established entertainment industry connections which make up the basis of her client list. The opening function is in support of The Starwish Foundation of Canada, which grants wishes to critically, chronically and terminally ill children. Various items will be contributed for auction to raise funds and awareness. Labatt's has committed to donate 20 cases of 24 cans of product (75% Blue, 25"/" Blue Light). The Labatt's Blue logo will appear on the invitations which are being sent to the CHUM/CITY/MUCH staff, celebrities, music & film industry people and varflous cliental of the two studios. Could you please arrange for delivery of beer on the morning of June 7, 1990 and advise on procedure. Kind Regards, BB/cg ( .c. /,4 1!,v,r.t MARKETING THROU6H ENTIRTAINMENT l5l l0il il![lrrir.:llllt!0UIlrt'i)llllr 0|rlllllr),1r1 lr,1 l)/r llliVil24l/,'5?1'1ll)() Il)i ll ,"r YIul, ' Irtt,l,,t,. Jntntllrr ]16591 i611