Focus (Summer 2013) - Muskingum County Starlight Programs
Summer Issue 2013 Looking Ahead 2013 May 27th Memorial Day Program Closed June 6th Board Meeting 655 Zane St, 5 p.m. July 4th Independence Day Program Closed August 8th Board Meeting 655 Zane St, 5 p.m. August 19th Professional Day Program Closed September 2nd Labor Day Program Closed September 5th Board Meeting 655 Zane St, 5 p.m. September 13th Social/Dance School, 7 p.m. October 3rd Board Meeting Program Closed October 11th Social/Dance School, 7 p.m. October 14th Columbus Day Program Closed What’s New & Different First let me congratulate our own Starlight Tigers for a great season and earning the Special Olympics State Basketball Championship crown. Coaches Hayes and Cabeen led a great team of players to the ultimate victory! I want to say thanks and goodbye to longtime Starlight staff member, Dwayne Liles, Adaptive Physical Education Instructor. Dwayne began his career at Starlight School in 1984! I am sure that he will enjoy retirement and have a lot of fun with the grandchildren. Congratulations are in order for Jessica Owen, Rachel Shetler and Gary Howdyshell who are graduating this year from Starlight School. Best wishes for our three graduates. We are proud of you! The 2013 season for Muskingum Valley Miracle League baseball started this month. Thanks for all of the support from players, families, volunteers, Miracle League board members and the community; it looks like we will have another great season! If you have not already come out and watched some of the most excited and enthusiastic local baseball players you are missing a real treat! This year there are 56 youth who take to the field on Saturdays at 9:30 for the first game and 10:30 for the second game. There are 64 adult players on Sundays who start play beginning at 5:30 for the first game and 6:30 for the second game. So come on out and watch some baseball and have a great coney dog! The Miracle League field is just behind Starlight School on Newark Road. Finally, I want to thank Starlight’s Operation Feed Committee for all of their hard work in planning fundraisers to benefit the community’s kitchens and food pantries. The committee has raised more than double their $1500 goal. This was a great opportunity for our staff to give back to the community! John E. Hill Superintendent Page 2 Starlight School—Early Intervention, Pre-School & School-Age Early Intervention Update EI is presently involved in state projects focused on assisting with the early identification and treatment of children with autism. For the past two years, Starlight has been involved in the Autism Diagnosis Education Project (ADEP) in Ohio. This project aims to improve access to timely, local standardized screening and evaluations which will lead to earlier and more reliable diagnosis of autism. Starlight service providers have been trained to help assess for autism and developmental disorders with evidence based screening tools, including the Battelle Developmental Inventory and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). Help Me Grow staff participates in the assessment by completing a Routines Based Interview. Results are sent to the child's physician for a comprehensive work up. Forty-three Ohio counties are presently participating in the project which was a recommendation of Ohio’s Interagency Workgroup on Autism and the Ohio Autism Taskforce. ADEP is funded through federal grants from the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization obtained by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities and the Governor’s Office of Health Transformation. In addition to ADEP, beginning March, 2013, the Starlight team became involved in The Tele-Early Intervention Project. They provided the Starlight team with technology ( webcam and internet to work with our laptop) and training to provide intervention services for the child diagnosed with Autism and family in their own home. Through the computer (called a virtual home visit), the Starlight provider and child/family can teleconference with an Early Intervention Specialist who specializes in working with children with Autism. Teleconference meetings with the family on a regular basis will give ideas and strategies to help the child make progress in the areas of development where he is struggling. The team has the technology equipment to participate in live ongoing interactions with the early intervention specialist around the family’s most pressing challenges and routines. Preschool Art Show Wow! What an art project. This is how we did it … First we made recycled paper. We tore paper into small pieces. We put it through the shredder; we had to line the paper up in the slot and then push the big button for the paper to go through. Then we soaked the paper in water, mixed it in the blender with plenty more water. We put the paper and water mixture on a screen over a small tub and pushed and pushed until all of the water was out. Then we put the paper on a towel to dry. We cut name tags out of the paper and printed our names on them. See them on the front of our art journals? The next step was to do all the artwork. We painted with shaving cream and bubbles. It was cool! We did spin art and marble painting. We also painted with fruits and vegetables (really!) and with spaghetti! Cont. on next page Starlight School—Early Intervention, Pre-School & School-Age Page 3 Here is how each one was done: We squirted shaving cream in a pan. Then we added color with little droppers. Then we stirred with a stick to make swirls. We placed our paper on top of the colorful swirled shaving cream, then pulled it off and scraped off the excess with a stick. We use a straw to blow bubbles in a container filled with water, soap and food coloring. When the bubbles got big, we caught them on our paper. We put our paper and a stencil in the spin art maker. We put paint in the holes. Then we turned the knob and the paint sprayed over our design. We made balls, cars, suns, and butterflies. We put our papers in a small box. We put paint in the center. Then we rolled the marbles back and forth to make a design. We used broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, celery, potatoes, strawberries, lemons and limes; we dipped these in paint and then stamped them on our paper. We held little pieces of cooked spaghetti and also some pieces of dry lasagna. We dipped them in paint and then pulled them across our paper. When our art work was dry, we punched holes and laced all the pages together to make our journals. We glued our name tags and made fingerprints on the cover. Each one is unique and different. Hope you enjoy looking at them! We will bring them home when the show is over. 2013 Graduates Starlight School is proud to announce the three graduates for this year; Rachel Shetler, Gary Howdyshell, and Jessi Owen. They have been at Starlight a long time and we will miss them very much. Jessi and Rachel will be joining the crew at the Workshop and Gary will be enjoying his new friends in the Adult Day Program. We wish them the best of luck on this new journey as they start the next chapter of their lives. Graduation will be held on Wednesday May 22 at 1:30 p.m. in the school gymnasium. Farewell Mr. Liles! Our beloved gym teacher, Dwayne Liles, whom all the students lovingly refer to as “Jim” is retiring this year. In an interview done by Starlight student, Jordan Balsley, Dwayne answered these questions: How long have you been a teacher? 32 years How long have you taught at Starlight? 29 years Where did you work before you came to Starlight? “I taught at Saint Thomas for a couple years and subbed for a few years, and was one of the first subs at Starlight.” What is your favorite memory from Starlight? “The year I took several students on a canoe trip at Dillon. We all still laugh and talk about that trip.” What are your plans after you retire? “I plan to spend more time with my grandchildren, maybe get a part time job to keep me busy and play lots of golf.” Everyone at Starlight would like to wish Dwayne good luck. We will miss you. Come back and visit! Starlight School—Early Intervention, Pre-School & School-Age Page 4 School-Age Fieldtrips Fieldtrips and assemblies are special events that challenge students to problem-solve, interact with others and think in new ways. Before a trip is planned teachers and specialists look at the individual needs of the students and the curriculum. Swimming outings to the Fieldhouse are coordinated by physical therapy and take place on a regular schedule throughout the year. The adaptive physical education teacher, Mr. Our hostess, Bonnie, told us all about Liles, is the lifeguard and instructs in techniques. Classes also go to Sunrise Bowling lobsters. Alley to learn bowling skills while socializing with friends. Older students, who work on the Food Cart, get the groceries and supplies during monthly trips to Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart. In March, classes 1, 2, and 3 toured Red Lobster. The staff taught students to sort, inspect and prepare silverware in case they want to work there someday. Students enjoyed a delicious restaurant meal together. We did not go to The Wilds, but on April 11, The Wilds came to Starlight preschool and school age students. The Wilds is a private, non-profit safari park and conservation center that combines cutting-edge conservation science and education programs with hands-on experiences and one-of-a-kind adventures that include zip lining, horseback riding, fishing and more. Located in southeast Ohio, the Wilds is home to rare and endangered species from around the globe living in natural, open-range habitats. Our "guides" were named Andrea and Courtney. They showed us birds, tortoise, 3 toed sloth, corn snake, anteater, possum and an alligator. They talked about the animals and we even got to touch the possum (very soft) named Bambi and the alligator (not soft). We love animals and taking care of our environment. On April 12th, Starlight school age students in classes 1, 2, and 3 learned about the Zanesville Municipal Airport. The airport is owned by the city of Zanesville for the use of the public. There are charter flights available and private planes. Before the trip, we learned new words like runway, take off, hangar, and pilot and about plane parts including nose, tail and propeller. The OT showed students how to exercise using model planes going up and down. When we got to the airport, we saw a real plane take off into the sky. Our guide was named Jeff and he helps to maintain the planes and fill up the fuel tanks. The lobby was beautiful with comfortable furniture for waiting for flights. We saw the radio they use to communicate with planes in the sky. We went in the pilots lounge and saw many great plane pictures. We climbed aboard a plane and looked at the controls in the cockpit. We ate a delicious picnic in the hanger next to the amazing airplanes On May 4th, school age classes 1, 2 and 3 went to Pizza Hut. Before going to Pizza Hut, classroom lessons were taught about safety around ovens, the sequence of making a pizza, and choice making for topping ingredients. At Pizza Hut, children used listening skills while the manager, Jason, gave us a complete back scenes tour. Then Jason taught each student how to make their own personal pizza. Students could add pepperoni, sausage, peppers or mushrooms. Nothing makes you want to use speech skills like saying “pepperoni”! and getting to eat it in the restaurant. The speech therapist was there to help students use a voice output device to order their drink. The occupational therapist was there to make sure mealtime manners were in place. After the trip, it was fun to repeat the learning by making pizza in our student kitchen. Remembering how the cook washed his hands and used his fingertips to gently arrange the ingredients to the masterpiece is demonstrated during practice. Learning is all about remembering and having over-the-top fun experiences in the community helps us all to remember. Muskingum Starlight Industries Adult Day Program & Workshop Page 5 Pinewood Derby Three years ago, Kevin Pinson, the president of our local Kiwanis asked MSI if we would be interested in building cars for their Pinewood Derby fundraiser. We were happy to help because we have many people who really enjoy designing and building derby cars, and we love to help support our community. Kevin then asked area businesses if they wished to participate in the fundraiser, and if they wanted Starlight to build the cars for them. At this year’s event on April 18th, MSI had built ten of the fifteen cars entered in the event! Each vehicle was designed with the sponsoring business in mind-from freight hauling trucks to sports cars. In addition, some of our MSI builders attended the event at the KOC and raced cars for the businesses. It was an enjoyable evening, and even though we didn’t build the winning car-we did give it a good run. At the end of the night, the Kiwanis surprised us by awarding MSI a “Best Pit Crew” trophy; which now sits proudly in the workshop entrance. Everyone who attended was also awarded a medal. We would like to thank the Kiwanis, and the following businesses for including us in this worthwhile event: Adams Brothers, Barnes Advertising, Colony Square Mall, Drennen Car Sales, LBT Construction, Quandel Construction, RMX Freight Trucking, State Farm-Sarah Baker, Xpressive Graphics, and Zemba Brothers. Self Advocacy This year MSI (Muskingum Starlight Industries) made it a goal to teach people we support to become self advocates. A self advocate is “a person who speaks up for himself or herself and lets others know what he or she thinks”.—Stephanie B. Maynard, OSDA (Ohio Self Determination Association) Board Member and self advocacy speaker. On 4/11, a group of 12 advocates-in-training and 3 support staff traveled to the Stockport Mill to participate in the 3rd annual Morgan County Self Advocacy rally. While there, we had the opportunity to hear Stephanie talk about how people with disabilities can speak out and be powerful advocates for change. She taught us ways to solve problems and make decisions, and the levels of problems-individual (i.e. I don’t like my job) and system level (i.e. how money is used for developmental disability services). We practiced several fun activities to get us thinking about what people are good at and to help people think of goals for themselves that they might not have thought were possible a few years ago. Everyone had a chance to speak to the group about their activity, and we had several people from Muskingum County who are not afraid of a microphone or sharing their thoughts! We also heard speakers teach us how to plan our futures. It was interesting that this future planning practice looked a lot like the Person Centered Thinking we are learning to do in Muskingum County. Overall, we had a great day learning about ourselves, meeting new friends from five other counties and having a wonderful lunch at the Stockport Mill. We also learned that although we have not called it “self advocacy”, we have been actively teaching people at MSI how to make choices and speak up for themselves. Coming up, Jessie Coles and a support staff will be attending a 4 day Project STIR (Steps Toward Independence & Responsibility) training at the Salt Fork lodge. We look forward to the information & ideas Jessie will bring back to us! Page 6 Muskingum Starlight Industries Adult Day Program & Workshop Featured Business—CerCo Specialty Ceramics CerCo Specialty Ceramics Division manufactures and markets ceramic armor, grinding media and mill linings, kiln furniture systems, wear-resistant ceramic solutions and advanced structural components. Major industries served include: ceramics, military, electronics, aerospace, automotive, chemicals, minerals, brick and clay, coal power, steel, various instrumentation and equipment manufacturers. They have two plant locations, one in Shreve and one in Crooksville. CerCo has been doing business with Starlight for years. It's a great job for the sheltered workshop. Everyone at the workshop can fill the boards with hex tiles. The hex tiles range from 1/8 " to 1" and come in a variety of colors. The majority are white but they have pink, yellow, black and the newest color is brown. This job puts 14-20 people to work daily. Employees put the hex tiles into the boards, an hourly paid employee picks up the boards and takes them to the gluing tables. Gluing the mesh onto the tile is a more complicated process. The gluers watch a video each morning to ensure they do the job the correct way. There are also diagrams posted at each table as visual reminders of the correct process. After the glue is dried they are packed into master cartons and are ready to be shipped back to Shreve Ohio. Thank you CerCo for your continued support of Muskingum Starlight Industries. Featured Employer— Wendy’s Wendy’s of Zanesville has been selected as the Muskingum Starlight Industries Community Employment Program Employer of the quarter. Wendy’s has been a great supporter of MSI’s community employment program over the years. Currently Wendy’s employs two individuals at local restaurants. Jacob R. works at the Maple Ave. Wendy’s Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Jacob is busy keeping the dining room clean. He makes sure the tables and chairs are clean after a customer leaves and is ready for the next patron. Jacob also cleans off the trays and puts a new liner on. He keeps the condiments filled up and will greet the customers to ask if they would like their drink refilled. Jacob loves his job and talking to the customers. Christine L. works at the Wendy’s at the Airport Exit. Christine has performed many jobs for the local Wendy’s. She has made salads, washed dishes and currently cleans the dining room tables and chairs before the restaurant opens. Recently Christine received her 20 year pin for her service to Wendy’s. She and her family are very proud of her accomplishments. We would like to thank Wendy’s for their dedication to Starlight and our community. Featured Enclave—Creative Packaging Creative Packaging is one of MSI's enclave sites. Starlight has worked with Creative for years. They are located at 1781 Kemper Court in Zanesville. They have around 50 full time employees. They are locally owned and have been in business since the 1970's. Creative makes boxes. They have been big supporters of Starlight in a variety of ways. MSI sends an enclave crew there Monday through Friday that consists of 1 supervisor and 2 employees. While there the crew breaks apart cardboard. The employees gain a skill set in work ethics, accepting alternate work hours, accepting alternate work areas as well as developing appropriate interpersonal skills. Creative not only provides an enclave site but also gives work to MSI in the workshop. They bring us cardboard for us to recycle and at Christmas time MSI shrink wraps candy boxes for them. While Creative gives MSI work in house and off site, they also support Starlight by attending the employees after working hour activities. They attended the Starlight Tigers home basketball games at the Singer Center. They also traveled to Columbus to root the team on at the State games. Thank you Creative Packaging for all your support throughout the years! Muskingum Starlight Industries Adult Day Program &Workshop Page 7 Lawn Maintenance Services With summer approaching lawns are getting greener and growing. MSI has a lawn crew that currently has 14 lawns, up 4 from last year. The crew consists of 1 supervisor and 2 employees. They push mow the property, clean up the grass clippings, pick up debris and place in bags, weed eat all area and sides of buildings, sweep sidewalks, inspect lawn to ensure all is done, supply all equipment (mowers and weed eaters) and supply all gasoline and oil for equipment. This crew takes great pride in the work that they do. If you're looking for a lawn service, call Missy Hartley at 740 453-4622 and get the details about this great service. Moments in Time Jewelry Muskingum Starlight Industries is extremely excited to start a new business venture. MSI is making custom jewelry; charms, key chains and necklaces. The new custom pieces are meant to be a keepsake from a special occasion. The charms are made out of MSI's "secret ingredient". Then other items are mixed with the "secret ingredient" to make it a custom piece. The charms can be made out of dried flowers from a wedding, a picture, locks of hair from a child's first hair cut, a baby's first lost tooth, dried flowers from a loved ones funeral, remains from a loved one and remains from a pet. The charms can be sold alone and the customer can put the charm on their own necklace or bracelet. The key chain includes the charm and a split ring. The necklace consists of the charm and a cord. When ordering a custom piece, there are multiple shapes to choose from as well as different cord choices. MSI employees make the charms and the necklaces. They get paid for the different steps that it takes to produce the finished product. MSI is marketing the custom pieces to local funeral homes, hair salons, florist, and wedding planners/DJ's. Currently BryanSnyder Funeral Home, Farus Funeral Home, Snouffer Funeral Homes, Bolin-Dierkes Funeral Home, Burrell Funeral Home, Delong & Baker Funeral Home and Hill-Nester-Combs Funeral Home, Dena's Design, Florofino's, South Village Floral, Imlays, Whispering Oaks Pet Funeral Services, and K-Sound Entertainment are working with MSI on this venture. After MSI makes local contacts, we plan to expand the marketing outside of Muskingum County. If you have any questions about the custom pieces contact Muskingum Starlight Industries at 740 453-4622 and ask for Missy Hartley. Moments in Time Jewelry It’s comforting and healing And none can compare When memories and moments With loved ones we share The smiles in our hearts Like diamonds doth shine The thoughts that we capture Sweet moments in time Page 8 Muskingum Starlight Industries Adult Day Program & Workshop Tigers Went All the Way! Congratulations Starlight Tigers! After being sent off by staff, family and friends at a pep rally in the school gymnasium, the Tigers defeated the Hamilton County West Side Jets 5138 on Friday, March 22nd at the Ohio State Recreational Physical Activity Center. They advanced to the Saturday morning game against the Hancock Buckeye Blues and won the state title with a final score of 48-38! Go Tigers! Gooooo Tigers! Job Club meets once a month to do an activity. Last month was a Wii party! We ordered pizza and had a great time. This summer Job Club is planning to go for a ride on a pontoon boat, have a swimming party and go to a Clippers game! Service Coordination & Administration Page 9 MCBDD Welcomes New Service Coordinators James Sowers and Suzy Goddard are both new Service Coordinators for Starlight Programs, Muskingum County Board of Developmental Disabilities. James received his Bachelor of Social Work Degree from Capital University, and eventually earned a position at Six County Inc. as a Partial Hospitalization Therapist. While facilitating groups he was able to increase his knowledge, and training while serving individuals who have a developmental disability and mental health diagnosis. His favorite group was the Creative Learning Group because it was made up of individuals from the DD workshops. He appreciated that these individuals almost always came to group cheerful, never complained about the challenges they were faced with daily. “I can remember these individuals coming to group excited about earning a pay check, receiving a medal for participating in the Special Olympics, or just being invited to the dance. After a few sessions I James Sowers, Service Coordinator began to wonder who was gaining the most from therapy, them or me” After a Sixteen-Year career as a Therapist, and receiving his Social Work License-LSW, he decided it was time for growth, and new opportunities. James was hired on at MCBDD on May 21, 2013. He now has the opportunity to work full time with his favorite Peep’s “I can honestly say that my time at Starlight has been rewarding, not only do I get to provide support to wonderful people, I get to receive training from experienced, educated, knowledgeable, caring, compassionate, appreciative, helpful, kind, co-worker’s. In addition, James loves spending time with family and friends, loves sports, especially Basketball “Go Miami Heat” James volunteers his time working with others in the community to develop activities / programs that will help youth stay on the right path to accomplish life goals. Suzy has 20 years of previous social service experience. She was a foster care Case Manager, Licking County DD Service Coordinator and Newark High School Social Worker. Suzy Goddard, Service Coordinator She has two children, Tyler and Kenzie and one granddaughter, Lexi. In her free time, she likes to spend time with her daughter at their horse barn and show horses on the weekends. Suzy said “I am so happy to be here at Starlight and look forward to getting to know all the wonderful people associated with this agency.” So far, the Operation Feed Committee has raised over $3,500.00 and obtained over 880 lbs of food to be donated to the local food pantries for Operation Feed. The original goal that was set in the beginning of March was to raise $1500.00. That goal has been doubled, and then some! Fundraisers were held throughout the program, including jean weeks, raffle ticket sales, silent auction, baked spaghetti sale and a pie sale. Thanks to all Starlight staff who participated in these fundraisers and to everyone who supported our Operation Feed campaign in any way. Every donation, dollar raised, and food item donated will be distributed to the needy in Muskingum County. Thank you for your support! MUSKINGUM COUNTY BOARD OF DD 655 Zane Street Zanesville, Ohio 43701 Mission Statement: Working in partnership with individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, providing opportunities utilizing public and private supports, to live, learn, work, and play in the community. Board Members: Caribeth Legats, President Jim Robinson, Vice President Shayne Barnes, Secretary Cathy Martin Michael Norman LaTisha Shuster Ben Whitacre Superintendent: John E. Hill Any questions in regard to this newsletter, please contact Cathy Smith, Administrative Services at 740-453-4829 or Focus Newsletter Contributing Writers: Help us update our Email Listing! If you would like a copy of the Focus emailed next time it is published, please email Brenda Allen Mary Cronin Tim Duff Missy Hartley Kelly Jackson Karen Linser Juanita Mock Tanya Monson Melinda St.Clair Printed by Franklin Printing Co. 740-452-6375
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