AnnuAl RepoRt My world is
AnnuAl RepoRt My world is
Annual Report April 1, 20 07 th rough Mar ch 31,20 08 DREAMING My world is ... When a child or teenager has a serious medical condition, everyone in the family is affected. The kids, their parents and siblings struggle, in different ways, to cope with the intrusion of illness or serious injury into their lives. We understand what families go through when a child is sick, and how important it is for families to find relief from constant worry and isolation. Our entertainment, education and family activity programs have been proven to distract children from their pain, help them better understand and manage their illnesses, and connect families facing similar challenges so that no one feels alone. Serving more than 2 million sick children, parents and siblings each year, Starlight uniquely offers a comprehensive menu of both “high-tech” and “hightouch” programs. Our array of outpatient, hospital-based and Web offerings enables us to provide ongoing support for children and families — before, during and after medical treatment. The way we see it, while doctors work to restore a child’s health and researchers look for cures, Starlight focuses on restoring the entire family’s spirits. Thank You Peter ... In 1983, inspired by a little boy battling a brain tumor, Peter Samuelson founded Starlight Children’s Foundation as a charity dedicated to brightening the lives of children with chronic and life-threatening diseases. In 1990, he went on to bring together leaders including Steven Spielberg and General Norman Schwarzkopf to create The Starbright Foundation — a charity dedicated to developing media and technology-based programs to educate and empower children to cope with the medical and emotional challenges of illness. In 2004, the two organizations merged, and Peter assumed the position of Chairman. For the last 25 years, Peter has worked tirelessly on behalf of Starlight’s sick children and their families. Described by many as a “serial pro-social entrepreneur,” he is always asking what can be done differently, and how we can improve our services. Under his leadership, Starlight refined its mission and optimized its programs to best help seriously ill children and their families cope with pain, fear and isolation. “While researchers look for cures and doctors work to heal,” he said, “it is Starlight’s purpose to lift the entire family’s spirits, for as long as they need support.” He also helped the organization grow from two small, Los Angeles-based charities to an international organization with 34 offices in the United States and Canada and international affiliates in Australia, Japan and the United Kingdom. Peter stepped down from his position as chair of the board on March 31, 2008, and his long-time friend and colleague Ron Leibow stepped up to assume that role. We want to thank Peter for two and a half decades of steadfast service and are thankful that he will continue to serve on Starlight’s board. Starlight is forever grateful for his vision, passion, leadership and drive that have propelled us forward and helped us become the leading international charity that we are today — working tirelessly to serve every family with a seriously ill child, every day, no matter where they live. Most importantly, we are grateful to Peter for instilling in all of us the belief that more can and should be done to improve the quality of life for seriously ill children and their families. It is this ideal that will continue to inspire Starlight’s staff and board members long into the future. A Letter from Peter and Paula Dear Friends, We are so proud to share that Starlight has continued to make great progress toward realizing our vision: every day, everywhere, every family. We have been able to do so because of supporters like you who volunteer, make generous contributions and remain steadfastly committed to helping us brighten the lives of families with seriously ill children a little each day. With your help, we continued to expand our community presence, and together with our chapters are now offering Great Escapes™ family activities in 34 cities in North America. These events give children and families a chance to make special memories together outside the medical setting and find the support of other families in similar circumstances. In the coming years, we will continue to bring Great Escapes to an increasing number of communities throughout the United States and Canada. We also celebrated the unveiling of our newest model Fun Center™ mobile entertainment unit, now featuring a DVD player, Sharp AQUOS™ LCD television and Nintendo Wii™ game system. Not only will this new model continue to provide muchneeded distraction and therapeutic fun to hospitalized children, but the Wii technology will also help children with rehabilitation and physical therapy. Starlight supporters have already made it possible to roll out the new Fun Centers to hospitals coast-to-coast in both Canada and the United States. Our online disease education and community-building programs also continued to grow, with improvements to existing programs and the introduction of new ones. During the course of our last fiscal year, we made a major investment in updating our Coping With Chemo™ animated webisodes that help children cope with having cancer and undergoing chemotherapy and other treatments. We also introduced Get Fit, Get Right™, a coaching website and online community designed to prevent Type 2 diabetes and other weightrelated conditions such as hypertension and heart disease by reducing obesity in teens. In total, more than 120,000 young people found information and empowerment through these and Starlight’s other online educational programs and private social networks this year. families, who will tell you what life is really like in their worlds, and how Starlight makes a difference. As we continue to expand our reach and help more families, we are grateful to have your continued support. No family should have to deal with the pain, fear and isolation of childhood illness alone — no matter where they live, when, or for how long they need help. Thank you for sharing our vision! Peter Samuelson Chairman Paula Van Ness Chief Executive Officer With more than 15 million children in the United States battling chronic conditions, life-threatening diseases and life-altering injuries, the need for Starlight’s services has never been greater. In the pages that follow, we invite you to read stories shared by Starlight Starlight Locations Starlight includes a network of offices throughout the United States and Canada, some of which operate as field offices of the national headquarters and others as independent chapters. As of March 31, 2008, our office locations included: UNITED STATES Starlight Florida Regional Office – South Florida – 954.318.2178 Jacksonville Office – 904.210.3744 Orlando Office – 407.222.5026 Starlight Arizona Regional Office – Phoenix – 480.280.5289 Starlight Georgia Regional Office – Atlanta – 404.982.0508 Starlight California Regional Office – Los Angeles – 310.479.1212 Orange County Office – 714.519.9202 San Diego Office – 858.336.9381 San Francisco Office – 415.994.1205 Starlight MidAtlantic (Serving Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia) Central Chapter Office – D.C. – 202.293.7827 Philadelphia Office – 267.455.3039 Richmond Office – 804.536.7490 Headquarters Los Angeles, CA – 310.479.1212 Starlight Colorado Central Chapter Office – Denver – 303.691.0700 Colorado Springs Office – 719.599.5887 Starlight Midwest (Serving Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin) Central Chapter Office – Chicago – 312.251.7827 Starlight Minnesota Minneapolis Office – 612.991.4258 Starlight Nevada Las Vegas Office – 702.882.8917 Starlight New England (Serving Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont) Regional Office – Boston – 617.241.9911 Starlight NY*NJ*CT Central Chapter Office – Manhattan – 212.354.2878 Starlight Oregon Portland Office – 503.298.3862 Starlight South Carolina Greenville Office – 864.906.3623 Starlight Texas Regional Office – Dallas – 817.706.5316 Austin Office – 512.912.6782 Houston Office – 281.761.5928 San Antonio Office – 210.464.4303 Starlight Washington Central Chapter Office – Redmond – 425.861.7827 Spokane Office – 509.474.2820 Starlight programs are also offered in states in which we do not have a local office. For more information about services in your community, visit INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATES Australia +61 1300 727 827 Japan +813 6821 6540 United Kingdom + 44 20 7262 2881 CANADA Starlight Canada and Central Chapter Office – Toronto – 905.752.7827 British Columbia Office – 604.742.0272 Ottawa Office – 613.792.1268 Central Chapter Office – Montreal – 514.288.9474 PROGRAM INTRODUCTION We offer a comprehensive menu of outpatient, hospital-based and Web offerings that enable us to provide ongoing support for children and families — from diagnosis through the entire course of medical treatment. These programs are offered at no cost to families or hospitals, and serve children and teens suffering from a wide range of chronic and lifethreatening illnesses and life-altering injuries such as cancer, cystic fibrosis, Types 1 and 2 diabetes, heart disease, asthma, kidney disease, sickle cell disease and burn injuries. Programs include the following: Playrooms and special events help ease the loneliness, fear and boredom that accompany long hospital stays. Starlight has built more than 100 Starlight Site® children’s playrooms, teen lounges, waiting rooms and playgrounds in hospitals throughout the United States and Canada that provide children with an inviting place to play, relax and connect. Additionally, we bring fun-filled Hospital Happenings™ involving musicians, clowns and other entertainers to pediatric hospital patients — even those who are bedridden — to provide a morale boost and important social interaction. In-hospital entertainment technology like our Fun Center™ mobile entertainment units and specially designed PC Pal® laptops help kids fill hours in hospitals or treatment centers with therapeutic fun; find distraction during long or painful medical procedures; access Starlight’s online educational programs and communities; and stay connected with the outside world or keep up with school work during extended hospitalizations. Family activities and outings are offered at least once a month to give families a chance to have fun together away from the hospital so they can relax, regroup and return home with a renewed sense of strength and hope. These Great Escape™ events also forge important connections between families struggling with similar issues to combat feelings of isolation and provide support to each other. Online communities and multimedia websites help seriously ill teens connect with each other and find tips and strategies for coping with their medical conditions. Starbright World® (www.starbrightworld. org) is an online social network for all seriously ill teens and their teen-aged siblings that includes a special My Life section that enables teens facing death to document their life stories via photos and express their feelings by journaling their thoughts, dreams and fears. UC and Crohn’s ( is dedicated to helping teens with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease cope. Get Fit, Get Right™ ( focuses on helping overweight teens who are at risk for Type 2 diabetes and heart disease learn how to lead healthier lifestyles. Educational programming delivered via online interactive games, ezines, webisodes, a comic book and websites helps sick children prepare for common hospital procedures and manage illnesses and injuries such as cancer, sickle cell, cystic fibrosis, asthma, Crohn’s and colitis, burns and kidney disease. These programs combat feelings of fear and uncertainty that often accompany illness with fact-based practical information presented in engaging and age-appropriate formats. In the pages that follow, Starlight children and family members share how Starlight programs have made a difference in their world. My world is ... I am Allen Alvarado, age 12, from Illinois, and this is my Fun Center story. When I was four years old, I decided that I wanted to be an actor. Actually, my goal was to be Conan O’Brien’s sidekick! So I auditioned for commercials in my hometown of Chicago, and landed a national spot for Ballpark Franks. Since then, I’ve been fortunate enough to appear in a number of national commercials, television shows and movies. You may know me as Lex, from Discovery Kids’ Flight 29 Down. I realized how lucky I was to be able to pursue my career and school. So I wanted to do something to help kids who haven’t been so lucky, because they are sick and stuck in the hospital and can’t do all the things that healthy kids take for granted. So in March 2007, I became one of Starlight’s StarPower Ambassadors and started doing all I could to support Starlight families by participating in Great Escapes activities like bowling and Dodgers clinics. Of course, when I was talking with Starlight kids about what it was like to live with a serious illness or injury, I never in a million years imagined I’d soon be in a hospital bed and that Starlight would be there for me. But then last November, my dad and I got hit by a car when we were crossing the street. I was thrown 20 feet in the air and had to be rushed to the hospital with a brain injury. 10 I couldn’t talk or move much at all for the first few days. I just didn’t feel up to doing anything. Everything hurt. And I was probably the most scared I’ve been in my entire life. But, my dad says everything changed when the nurses brought in a Fun Center. He says that’s when I smiled for the first time. Playing games really did help me forget for a little while about the pain. it’s like to have a serious injury, being a StarPower Ambassador means even more to me than ever. I am excited to keep helping other kids the way Starlight helped me. I couldn’t control the joystick by myself at first, but the nurses helped me and it got easier. I even got to use the Fun Center during my physical therapy, which made it seem less like hard work. I was in the hospital for almost a month. It was a really frightening experience for me and my parents. The days seemed to go on forever! Except when I got to play on the Fun Center — then the hours seemed to go by faster. Thankfully, I slowly recovered and was able to go home and get back to school and to work. A few months ago, I also got back to my StarPower Ambassador duties, and helped Starlight unveil the newest Fun Center model with the Nintendo Wii™. I played games with the kids in the hospital, and was so glad to be able to give them the same gift that I’d been lucky enough to have when I was hurt. Playing video games and watching movies may sound like an unimportant thing, but I can tell you first hand that having that Fun Center to distract me made all the difference in the world. Now that I know what B et we en A pr il 1, 2007 a n d Marc h 31, 2008, St ar light a n d our generous su ppor ter s d onate d 395 Fun Center™ mo bile enter t ainment unit s to hospit al s t hroughou t t he Unite d St ates a n d C a na da , w hic h w ill ser ve a n a d ditional 14,220 c hildren ever y mont h. St ar light ha s now pl a c e d 5,5 4 6 Fun Centers since t he progr am b ega n 17 year s a go. We c elebr ate d t he newes t Fun Center mod el featur ing t he Ninten d o Wii™ w it h Ninten d o® a n d C hildren s Hospit al Los A ngeles. We al so dis tr ib u te d 6,310 new mov ies a n d games to hospit al s to s tock Fun Center libr ar ies. StarPower Ambassador Allen Alvarado, shows off the newest Fun Center model with the Nintendo Wii™. 11 Our world is ... My name is Evelyn Rivera. My husband Angel and I live in Jacksonville, Florida with our four children — daughters Annalyse who is 1, Ashlynn who is 5 and Angelyn who is 7, and our son Ashton who is 3. This is our family’s Great Escapes story. Ashton was born with spina bifida. He had his first surgery when he was only a month old, and has had four more in the last three years. To monitor his condition, he also has an MRI about every three to six months, and routine ultrasounds and other tests. As a result, our family spends a lot of time in the hospital — my girls too. If I can’t get an appointment in the morning, or if we have to travel to Tampa to see the orthopedist, I have to take my daughters out of school. When Ashton has a surgery, I don’t leave the hospital until he leaves. I don’t leave his bedside. Last time, when he was in the hospital for a month, I was right there with him the entire time. Thankfully, my husband, who is in the Navy, has been able to stay home with the girls. We’re a bit nervous about the future though, because the Navy may force my husband out because our medical bills are so high, and because he often has to be excused from duty or deployments to be on hand for Ashton’s surgeries in case he needs a blood transfusion. People may feel sorry for us, but they don’t need to. We have our son, and that is a priceless gift. He has 12 taught us all so much! We appreciate life in a different way, and treasure every moment we have together as a family. That’s one of the reasons we all are so grateful for Great Escapes — because they give us so many of those special times together — opportunities that we wouldn’t have otherwise. With a family of six, and medical bills looming, plus focusing all of our time on Ashton’s care, we simply wouldn’t otherwise have the chance to enjoy the family time that Great Escapes provide us every month. At Great Escapes, Ashton just lights up. He has such a good time with the other kids. He forgets the tests and the pain and is able to actually just enjoy being a kid. My daughters have fun as well, because Starlight always has something for everyone – moms, dads, brothers and sisters too. Plus, with every other Starlight child they meet, they have come to know even more that all people should be treated the same, whether they don’t have hair, can’t walk or are different in any other way. For my husband and me, it has been amazing to get to talk with other parents about what we’re going through. Starlight families are dealing with a lot of different conditions, but we’re all suffering for our kids in the same way, so there is a real sense of understanding and support. Honestly, you have no idea how much Starlight Great Escapes help each of us. How we all feel is truly beyond words. One Great Escape that sticks out in my mind is the Spring Bash at a park in Jacksonville. We were waiting on results from one of Ashton’s MRIs. Those are the hardest tests, because every time we have one, the results could mean another surgery. The waiting is excruciating. The event helped Angel and me think of something else besides what it might say. Probably the most special Great Escape so far, though, was the Back to School Party. We are currently fighting to get Ashton accepted into school. He really wants to go, but because of his condition they won’t allow it. At the Great Escape, every child received a book bag to start the year. He was so excited about that bag and the supplies inside. He said he was ready for school. Let’s just say I waited to get to the car to cry. He carries that bag with him everywhere — he got it months ago, and it continues to brighten his days. But no matter the event, whenever we look at the dozens of photos we have from every Great Escape, we smile all over again remembering the special times we’ve had together thanks to Starlight. Ashlynn and Angelyn Rivera. T his year, St ar light ex pa n d e d t he Great Escapes™ progr am into 10 new communities a n d orga nize d 819 Great Escapes f amily a c ti v ities t hrough our c ha pter s a n d of f ices t hat ena ble d 47,907 par ticipa nt s to make c her ishe d memor ies a n d me et ot her f amilies in simil ar circ ums t a nces. Ad ditionally, we prov id e d f amilies w it h 3,176 ticket s to spor t s event s a n d spe cial per for ma n c es a s par t of our Day Brighteners en d eavor. Ashton Rivera at the Spring Bash Great Escape in Jacksonville, Florida. 13 My world is ... I am Spencer Riddle, age 19, from Utah, and this is my Starbright World story. When I was 13, I was diagnosed with a terminal disease called Cystic Fibrosis. CF is a disease where the lungs and digestive systems fill up with mucus, which causes respiratory issues and digestive problems. Normally, CF is diagnosed in infants and toddlers, but when I was younger, we’d always made excuses for my symptoms. Like, I always believed that my coughing was caused by the sinus problems that run in my family. It wasn’t until I was working on my “personal fitness” scouting badge that I thought any differently. First, we talked about signs of serious illnesses like cancer — like bruising and having a constant cough. For the first time I realized that my coughing probably wasn’t normal. So I asked my mom to take me to the doctor. At first, the doctor diagnosed me with bronchitis, but then he noticed that my lymph nodes and spleen were swollen, and he thought I might have cancer after all. So we went to the hospital for tests, but they didn’t find any cancer. While the doctors continued to try to figure out what was wrong, I went back to working on my badge. I had to complete a 50-mile bike ride, and by the end my arms were almost pure white with salt crystals 14 that had formed on my skin. I thought they’d come from riding so close to the Great Salt Lake, but really, they were from my sweat. I happened to mention what happened to the hematology doctors, and they thought the excessively salty sweat might be a sign of CF. Tests confirmed it a few days later. At first, I wasn’t very compliant with my treatment. After all, I’d lived with CF for 13 years and hadn’t done anything special to deal with it. But then things got so bad that my doctor had to admit me to the hospital for a “lung clean out.” Usually kids with CF have to do that about once a year. And it means staying in the hospital for about two weeks going through all sorts of treatments every day. Honestly, I was feeling all alone and in the struggle for my life. Then, a social worker told me about Starlight’s Starbright World online community. I logged on, and immediately loved the place. In the hospital, most patients don’t interact because everyone is afraid of getting sicker. And because I had to wear a mask, they assumed I was very contagious — even though the mask was really to protect me, not protect others from me. But on Starbright World, no one could see that I was wearing a mask. And they couldn’t hear me coughing. I met so many people just like me or with other health struggles, and it opened my eyes to how many of us there are out there — where just staying alive and healthy is a day-to-day battle. Starbright World changed my life. Patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CFers for short) are discouraged from contact with one another because we can pass infections between us and be health risks to each other, so making friends with fellow CFers is usually next to impossible. On Starbright World, for the first time I had the chance to meet other CFers and we could talk about what we were going through and not have to worry about getting each other sick. So I was able to connect with kids who had the exact same struggles as me (and sometimes even more, which made me count my blessings). When you’re stuck in your hospital room for weeks, it gets incredibly lonely. You really need something to take you away from all the medical stuff and the loneliness. All of my hospitalizations would have been total heck without Starbright World. I would have gotten very depressed, and probably sicker. Even when I’m not in the hospital, I have to do at least two 30-minute respiratory treatments everyday, or up to four if I start to feel sick. I put on a vest with tubes attached to it, and the vest fills up with air until it fits snuggly against my chest. Then with a press of a button it begins to pulsate to “shake the crap out of me” in a literal sort of way. While I am vibrating and coughing to bring up the mucus in my lungs, I inhale my misted medications. I also have to take various pills and artificial digestive enzymes with anything that I eat. My constant coughing can also unsettle my stomach sometimes which can make it hard to keep food down. But whenever I feel miserable, I log on to Starbright World and once I get online, I somehow forget that I’m sick. We all talk so freely, and have this amazing chance to be entirely normal. It’s really about the power of imagination — in our brains, we are actually in a room with all of these other kids. We can be anything we want to be when we’re on Starbright World. We can be healthy. B et we en A pr il 1, 2007 a n d Marc h 31, 2008, t he Starbright World® communit y grew to in clud e more t ha n 4,000 memb er s. T hese te ens logge d more t ha n 3 million a c ti v it y hit s a cros s t he site ea c h time t hey pos te d or rea d blogs a n d b ulletins, sent mes s a ges, a d d e d f r ien d s to t heir b ud d y lis t s, par ticipate d in poll s or c on ne c te d in t he c hat room. Spencer Riddle receiving in-hospital treatment for his Cystic Fibrosis. 15 My world is ... My name is Alyssa Costino, age 22, from New York, and this is my Coping With Chemo story. that their oncologist uses or answer questions about what’s going to happen next. I was diagnosed with leukemia on May 14, 2002 — I was 16 years old. That’s why I immediately said yes when Starlight invited me to help them build a new program called Coping with Chemo — which would be a series of online animated stories called webisodes that Starlight was developing to help teens with cancer. My job was to create content for the Q&A section. I hadn’t finished chemo myself yet, so I had all of these questions and was feeling all of these different emotions — I put them all into the Q&A. What if some of my friends stop calling and feel weird about how I look? Does hair grow back after chemo? Will my appetite and tastes change? What can I do to feel like I’m still in control and not so dependent on my parents? Where can I go to learn more about my cancer to be prepared for the future? I figured other teens would probably be looking for the same sorts of answers and explanations that I was. So many things ran through my mind when I heard the diagnosis. Would I be able to even finish high school? What about the end of the school year? What was my future going to be like? Would there be any lasting effects from the cancer? What about my treatments? Could I die? I didn’t know what to expect from treatment, but it was long and rough. You hear about what chemotherapy does from stories people tell you about people they know, but you can never imagine what it’s like until you go through it yourself. Chemotherapy wreaks havoc on your entire body causing a lot of pain and some pretty nasty side effects. But more than just the physical impact, I was also very isolated and lonely. My friends seemed to disappear, and the only people it seemed I communicated with were my parents and my medical team. I was luckier than most kids, because my parents both work in healthcare. They helped me understand a lot of what was going on during my treatment. Most children and teens with cancer don’t have someone in their family who can help explain the terminology 16 I finished chemo on July 28, 2004 and that day was the beginning of the rest of my life. I still feel some late effects from the chemo like fatigue, and it caused changes to my brain that will continue to affect how I learn, but I am healthy and in remission and that is the most important thing. I’m so proud of what we created. Coping with Chemo really gives teens answers and helps empower them like no other resource out there. The webisodes are interactive and available on the Internet — which makes them much more teen-friendly than a pile of literature written by medical professionals that their oncologist might give them. I wish I’d had a program like Coping With Chemo when I was first diagnosed! It would have made things much less frightening. I am honored I was asked to participate in this project so I could share my knowledge as a cancer survivor and maybe ease a newly diagnosed teen’s anxieties. I’m excited for the future as I know I have a lot to offer and want to continue helping others! More t ha n 15,000 young peo ple v iewe d t he Coping With Chemo™ a nimate d webisod es b et we en A pr il 1, 2007 a n d Marc h 31, 2008, a n d in t he pa s t t hre e year s, more t ha n 4 6,000 k id s a n d f amily memb er s have u tilize d t he progr am. Alyssa, During Chemo, 2004 Alyssa, Cancer Survivor, 2008 17 Our world is ... LESS PAINFUL My name is Tracey Fuataga from Kapolei, Hawaii, and this is my family’s PC Pal story. Out of nowhere, my 5-year-old son Devon started experiencing excruciating head and back pain and running a fever close to 105 degrees. He told me, “Mommy, it feels like my head is going to explode.” We rushed him to the emergency room at Kaiser Permanente Moanalua Medical Center, and doctors did a CT scan and a spinal tap, suspecting bacterial meningitis. The tests came back negative, so they sent us home. But the pain and the fever didn’t go away, so we ended up back at Kaiser a few days later. The hospital admitted him, and doctor’s have been working around the clock since to pinpoint the cause. He’s on pain medication and a lot of antibiotics, and has been kept in isolation. When he was admitted, Devon was in so much pain he was absolutely inconsolable. Nothing we could do would calm him down. That was until Child Life Services gave us a Starlight PC Pal laptop. The PC Pal made such a difference from the moment we got it! Devon is a major movie buff — he absolutely loves to watch movies, especially action films. The hospital had more than 300 movie titles available for him to watch on the PC Pal — including all of his favorites! 18 As soon as we put the first movie in, he felt better. Believe it or not, it even seemed to reduce his pain. Now when he wakes up feeling grouchy and achy, and his first thought is “I want my movies,” we’re able to start the day with a movie marathon that makes everything seem a little bit better. The PC Pal also has tons of his favorite games — including many that he plays all the time at home and at school. I guess you could say that it’s brought a little bit of home to him in his room at the hospital, which has meant so much to our family. More than just an escape for Devon, the PC Pal has helped my entire family. I have two daughters ages 15 and 17, and we’ve all sat with Devon and watched movies and played games together. Last night we played the anagram game for hours! It really has given us a chance to spend time together as a family and take our minds off our fears during what has been a very tough week for all of us. I’m not sure how many more days we’ll be here at the hospital, but I am glad that our family can count on Starlight’s PC Pal to help Devon feel better and distract us all from our anxiety. The PC Pal was a priceless gift to this hospital and to my family. B et we en A pr il 1, 2007 a n d Marc h 31, 2008, St ar light a n d our generous d onor s, move d by t he lea d er ship of presenting spon sor T he Walt Disney C ompa ny, pl a ce d 225 PC Pal® l a pto ps — ea c h equippe d w it h d ozens of games, Inter net a c c es s a n d t he c a pa bilit y to pl ay mov ies a n d music — in hospit al s t hroughou t Nor t h A mer ic a , br inging our tot al to 6 4 6 unit s in 205 hospit al s. Tracey Fuataga and her son Devon using Starlight’s PC Pal while in the hospital. 19 Our world is ... Healthier My name is Felicia from Los Angeles, my daughter Simone is 15, and this is our Get Fit, Get Right story. it is like for someone my daughter’s age to struggle with weight loss and adopt a healthier lifestyle. My daughter Simone has struggled with her weight for a long time, and we have tried everything to control it. I thought that if she used Get Fit, Get Right, it would really give her a kick start, especially now that she’s older. I wanted her to have more information and resources to help her get healthier. Get Fit, Get Right really helped us both commit to exercise on a whole other level. And to be more conscious about our food choices. Even if we don’t always make the right ones, we are making educated decisions now. When we go to a restaurant, we make sure there are green leafy vegetables and that we drink water instead of soda. Because of what we learned through Get Fit, Get Right, we make those decisions almost subconsciously. We don’t even think about it any more! I don’t want Simone to be at risk for health problems because of her weight, and I don’t want her to face the social stigma of being overweight either. I was really concerned overall with the effect of her weight on her health in the long-term. I thought Get Fit, Get Right would do more for her than other programs that we’ve tried because it offers education, fitness coaching, and the support of peers who discuss how they feel honestly and openly. She needs that kind of understanding and camaraderie because often she doesn’t feel understood. She’ll talk about her weight some, but if she’s around other people who are struggling with the same things, it’s a lot easier for her to open up. Get Fit, Get Right helped me too because I got so many tips from the program and insight into the process for adolescents. I mean, there were times I just forgot about what it’s like to be a teenager! This program really helped me get a better understanding of what 20 The program really made an impact and changed our lifestyle now. I really believe Simone’s life will be healthier as a result. Get Fit, Get Right™ (w w w.get f itgetr ight .org) ha s ha d 9,36 3 v isitor s sin c e it s l a unc h in t he f all of 2007. Simone plays basketball, using what she learned about staying active from the Get Fit, Get Right program. 21 About Our Supporters Starlight is grateful to all of our dedicated and generous friends who over the last year have donated financial support and much-needed products and services, or volunteered their time to brighten the lives of seriously ill children and their families. You are truly the means by which we come closer to achieving our vision of every day, everywhere, every family — because no one should have to face serious illness alone. On behalf of the children and families we serve, we offer our heartfelt thanks to all of our donors. Bandai The Bandai Foundation made a two-year, $200,000 gift to support Starlight’s PC Pals program. Bandai’s gift funded the placement of 40 PC Pal laptops in wireless hospitals throughout the United States. California Pizza Kitchen California Pizza Kitchen selected Starlight as its national charity partner. The company will donate $1 million to Starlight over the next four years — $250,000 each year. Through this partnership, Starlight and California Pizza Kitchen will introduce the first 26 in a series of Great Escapes called CPKids Camps in the United States in 2008 and 2009: Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Irvine, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New York, Orange County, Orlando, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, South Florida and Washington DC. 24 CB Richard Ellis CB Richard Ellis selected Starlight as one of the company’s three national charity partners in its 2008 corporate philanthropy program, CBRE Cares, making a total gift of $341,000. CB Richard Ellis employees were encouraged to donate to Starlight with donations matched by CBRE corporate. In addition to donations made through CBRE Cares, CB Richard Ellis helped to sponsor the 2008 A Stellar Night gala, offices were encouraged to fundraise to place Fun Centers at local hospitals, and employees were invited to volunteer with Starlight by creating CBRE Celebrations in a Box that include games, arts and crafts, supplies and decorations for impromptu parties for hospitalized children. The Colgate-Palmolive Company Now, in its 19th year of partnership with Starlight, this year, Colgate-Palmolive made a $670,500 gift which funded the placement of 102 Fun Centers in hospitals around the country. In addition, a 2008 ColgatePalmolive coupon insert in newspapers nationwide helped Starlight educate 40 million households about the importance of our mission. For a second year in a row as part of the company’s commitment to bring Fun Centers to more hospitals, Colgate hosted an online contest encouraging individuals to vote for 39 hospitals on Starlight’s Fun Center wait list. The online contest generated more than 2 million votes, and Colgate-Palmolive awarded one Fun Center to all participating hospitals. The top 11 hospitals that received the most votes were awarded a second Fun Center. Hasbro Hasbro’s generous $150,000 gift was received as part of the Hasbro Children’s Fund three-year, $450,000 commitment to provide 30 PC Pals each year to hospitals across the United States. Hasbro’s donation allows thousands of pediatric patients to access entertainment, games, the Internet, instant messaging and Starlight programming during their hospital stays. The company also donated more than 20,000 toys and games through their Gift of Play program brightening the lives of thousands of seriously ill children and families nationwide. Hollywood Entertainment Corporation Since 2002, Starlight and Hollywood Entertainment (comprising Hollywood Video and Game Crazy) have partnered to bring entertainment to kids who need it most. In 2007-2008, the company raised $937,731 through two in-store “star” promotions, cash canister donations and employee payroll deductions. Hollywood Video and Game Crazy employees also organized countless in-hospital Movie and Game Nights hosted by company volunteers. In addition, Game Crazy hosted the V.I.K (Very Important Kid) Lounge at the 2008 A Stellar Night gala and donated coupons and gift cards for Starlight families to enjoy. Jewelers for Children In 2007, Jewelers for Children’s $200,000 grant enabled Starlight to expand the Jewelers for Childrenbranded Great Escapes program into 25 communities nationwide. Eighteen “Sparkling Sundae” Great Escapes took place in 18 cities coast-to-coast benefiting more than 1,000 seriously ill children and family members. Eleven “Sparkling Sundaes” occurred simultaneously on March 9, 2007. Seven Jewelers for Children-branded PC Pal laptop computers were placed in seven hospitals around the country providing entertainment, education and connectivity to more than 9,000 pediatric patients annually. Multiple local jewelers participated in the program including more than 20 Jewelers for Children members reinforcing the organization’s stature as “the industry with a heart”. television. With the help of Nintendo’s $500,000 gift and other generous donors, 395 Fun Centers were sponsored this year in hospitals throughout North America, bringing the total to 5,546. Nintendo was also a generous sponsor of the 2008 A Stellar Night gala. NEW HORIZON FOUNDATION New Horizon Foundation New Horizon Foundation, a charitable organization created by the founders of the children’s virtual world Club Penguin (, became a Super Nova sponsor of the 2008 A Stellar Night gala with a $100,000 donation to Starlight. New Horizon Foundation’s generous contribution funded two Fun Centers, two PC Pals and several Great Escapes family activities Nintendo of America For 16 years, Nintendo of America has manufactured and sponsored Starlight Fun Center mobile entertainment units featuring a Nintendo gaming system, DVD player and Sharp AQUOS™ LCD Russ Berrie and Company, Inc. In 2007, Russ Berrie and Company, Inc. contributed more than $125,000 to Starlight from its line of plush Shining Stars® friends. Each Shining Stars friend comes with a secret code that enables users to log on to, a virtual universe where kids can send e-cards, play customized games and find a galaxy of fun activities. By participating in these various activities, children earn ‘Glow Points’, the official currency of the site. As children earn points, they can chose to donate them to Starlight knowing that for every million glow points donated, Russ will contribute a Shining Stars plush for a seriously ill child. Russ also sponsored Starlight NY*NJ*CT’s 18th Annual Celebrity Sports Auction, contributing $15,000 and a Shining Stars friend for each goodie bag. 25 Swarovski For the third year in a row, Swarovski selected Starlight as its charity partner for its Rockefeller Center Holiday celebration, donating $250,000 from sales of its 2007 Annual Edition Ornament to Starlight. Christie Brinkley served as the spokesperson for the unveiling of the Swarovski star that sits atop the Rockerfeller Center holiday tree. She and numerous celebrities including: Laila Ali, Patricia Arquette, Patti Austin, Amanda Bynes, Cindy Crawford, Jamie Lee Curtis, Dakota Fanning, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Teri Hatcher, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Dave Koz, Nicole Lapin, Téa Leoni, Debbie Matenopoulos, Robin McGraw, MaryKate and Ashley Olsen, Brittany Snow, John Stamos, Kiefer Sutherland, Mena Suvari and Meredith Vieira decorated miniature replicas of the holiday ornament, which were featured in an eBay charity auction which raised more than $15,000 for Starlight. Swarovski also placed two Fun Centers at Hasbro Children’s Hospital and donated more than 50,000 ornaments to Starlight families and supporters. 26 Toys“R”Us Children’s Fund In 2007-2008, the Toys”R”Us Children’s Fund sponsored the construction of 16 Toys“R”Us Children’s Fund Starlight Sites in Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey and New York. These playrooms were built as part of a $7 million, multiyear donation made by the Toys”R”Us Children’s Fund to Starlight for the construction and renovation of kids’ playrooms in hospitals across the country. At fiscal year end, there were 72 Toys“R”Us Children’s Fund Starlight Sites in the United States. UniHealth UniHealth Foundation generously provided $218,724 this year as part of a three-year, $283,000 grant to support production of the Get Fit, Get Right program. UniHealth’s funding made it possible for Starlight to complete and launch this innovative intervention, designed to help combat obesity and type 2 diabetes among the underserved teen population. The Walt Disney Company For the past six years, The Walt Disney Company has supported Starlight with cash and in-kind support to help brighten the lives of children. In December 2006, the company donated $1.5 million to Starlight, becoming the presenting sponsor of the PC Pal program through 2009, and donated an additional $1 million to underwrite the placement of 200 PC Pals in children’s hospitals nationwide. Additionally, the company is providing $138,600 in free software and access to premium Disney products online, available for the duration of use of all Disney-sponsored PC Pals. Disney also made a $25,000 donation to Starlight as one of four charity beneficiaries of the Disney Channel Games and was a generous sponsor of A Stellar Night gala. $20,000 - $99,999 Atlanta Steeplechase Children’s Fund Inc. Children’s Hospital of Orange County Children’s Medical Center in Dallas DIRECTV Electronic Arts Tiburon at the Community Foundation of Silicon Valley Entertainment Software Association Hermann Foundation James Annenberg La Vea Charitable Foundation Jeffrey, Carol and Rebecca Burch Jewels by Park Lane Legacy Health System McKinsey & Company, Inc. MGM MIRAGE Voice Foundation Morgan Stanley Stephanie Sokolove, Stephanie’s on Newbury The Dr. Phil Foundation The Forrest & Frances Lattner Foundation The Jo Mitchell Foundation The Ralph and Eileen Swett Foundation The Wattles Family Foundation Viz Media $10,000 - $19,999 Best Buy Bickerstaff Family Foundation Broadcast Film Critics Association Build-A-Bear Workshop Foundation Casa Blanca Salon and Day Spa Claire Giannini Fund David M. Crawley Foundation Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP Epstein Becker & Green Firefighters Quest for Burn Survivors Fosters Wine Estates Iowa Health System Irving S. Cooper Family Foundation Kevin and Lisa Mayer Montgomery & Co, LLC M-Power Foundation Multiplan, Inc. myShape, Inc. Nancy Lurie Marks Family Foundation Nike Inc. Norton Healthcare Novo Nordisk Inc. Ortho Biotech Products, L.P. Rotary Club of Houston Heights Charitable Foundation The Demers Group Inc. The Irving A. Hansen Memorial Foundation UBS Vanderbilt University Medical Center Wachovia Bank $5,000 - $9,999 Alterna Haircare Bain & Company Baxter Healthcare C. Davis Electric, Inc. California Community Foundation Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Nevada Kirk Carter Chaparral Riders Club Charity Benefits Unlimited Shawn Collins Comerica Bank Credit Restoration Consultants Credit Suisse Jamie Lee Curtis Dartmouth-Hitchcock Memorial Hospital Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation East Tennessee Children’s Hospital Fairfield County Community Foundation, Inc. Henry and Barbara Fields General Health System Goldman, Sachs & Co. Grand Charities David K. Haspel Laurie Hirsch David Hoberman Hospira Foundation Ibis Foundation of Arizona Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation Irell & Manella LLP JP Morgan Chase Karen and Jeff Jordan Russell Karlins Leonard M. Klehr Latham & Watkins LLP Legacy Interactive, Inc. Marvin Levy Loma Linda University Medical Center Lon V. Smith Foundation Frank Luntz Major League Baseball Charities, Inc. Media Solutions Lane Merrifield Moelis & Company Holdings, LLC Morrison & Foerster LLP Nestlé USA Publix Super Markets Charities 27 Rags for Riches Foundation Resnick Family Foundation, Inc. Roger Shiffman Mace Siegel Robert Steinberg Straight A Productions Syzygy Foundation The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. The Capital Group Charitable Foundation The David Vickter Foundation The Murray A. Jacobson Family Foundation The Ruth/Allen Ziegler Foundation Paula Van Ness R. Todd Wickliffe Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Winston Fehmi Zeko $1,000 - $4,999 Aaron Berg ACAI Associates Advanced Fire & Security, Inc. AFLAC Kim Allison Vernon Altman Analytic Investors, Inc. Roland Arnold Association of Professional Businesswomen, Inc. Austin Community Foundation Michael & Susan Baer of Baer’s Furniture Craig Baker Banner Gateway Medical Center Beazer Homes Blue Martini at the Galleria Mall Russell Borrelli Ron Bosi Eric Braun 28 Bright Spirit Children’s Foundation Nelson Cabrera Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Central Peninsula General Hospital Mark Chapman Joseph Chiang Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Children’s Hospital - Omaha, NE Childrens Hospital Los Angeles Children’s Services Council of Broward County Jeremy B. Chism Laura Jean Christman Citadel Radio Station Group Citrus Valley Health Partners City National Bank Consolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc Trent S. Cutler Steve Dark Charles & Janet Davis Elizabeth Davis Steven & Deborah Day Roy and Sheri Disney eBay Foundation Colleen Edwards Eula Eikerenkoetter Ariel Z. Emmanuel and Sarah H. Addington Trustees Entertainment & Resources Marketing Association Elze Epps Alan Epstein Events In Motion Charlie Ferer Fidelity Investments FIG Partners, LLC Tony Fineman Foots, LLC Foundation for Burns and Trauma, Inc. T. Richard Garr General Re Corporation Gexpro Brad Globe Ray Goff Gold Coast Hi-Lift Good Cause Greetings, Inc. Raymond Grabowski Cindy Gray Glen Gray Graybar Electric Company Clyde Grossman David and Linda Hargreaves HBA Insurance Group Heartfelt Charity Cards Lisa Hernand Richard Hicks Henry Hirschowitz Richard Hoffman Hotchkis Foundation David Hubinger Paul Huddleston Sandra Hveem Intercontinental Hotels Group Inter Plan Design Group Lawrence Israel Family Foundation Jenny Jones Foundation/Jackie Blitstein JM Family Enterprises, Inc Kalyn’s Kustom Designs Penny Kanner Ronnie & Michael Kassan Jeffrey Katz Joey Katz Betsy Keller King & Spalding LLP Kohl’s Cares for Kids Warren Kornblum David S. Koz Koz Family Trust Roberta Koz-Wilson and Patrick Wilson Donald & Carol Kress Ehren and Karen Kruger Ellen LaPointe Gerald Larr Ronald Leibow Joe Leigner Paula Lenier Les Diplomates of Fort Lauderdale Helene Levitz Brian Littleton Longo Toyota Lotspeich Company Inc. Bari Love Macy’s Frank N. Magid Associates Inc. Deborah and Kevin Malone Marc & Eva Stern Foundation Marc Summers Productions, Inc Markmakers Foundation Inc. Mel Marks, MD Thomas McGrath McMaster-Carr Supply Company Julia Medeiros Terry Medill Megan’s Angel Wings Inc. Merrill Lynch Methodist San Jacinto Methodist Hospital Milken Family Foundation Miller Children’s Hospital Milton B. and Corrine B. Miller Fund Mom’s Club of Pembroke Pines/Miramar John Momtazee Elizabeth Morris Morrison & Foerster Foundation Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLP MYDATA Automation, Inc. National Basketball Association Spencer and Mieke Neumann Honora Norton Laura O’Brien Pantropic Power Elaine Paul Monica Pearson Scott Pearson Perfect Wedding Guide Margaret Pisinski P.K. Foundation Stacey Polk Pound Puppies, Inc. Proskauer Rose LLP Pulte Homes Michelle Quay Gary Rachelefsky, M.D. RBS Greenwich Capital Ronald A. Reeder Renie Design Rexel, Inc. Calvin Rhodes Jane Ritson-Parsons Rodman Ride for Kids Lois Rosen Sam’s Club Foundation Peter Samuelson David Sanderson Cindy Schneider Lynn Sedway Timothy L. Selinske SHAPE, Inc. Jeff Sherman John Simone Smith & Howard, P.C. South Dade Lighting, Inc. Southeastern Florida Lighting Southern Company Charitable Foundation Spot Runner, Inc. S.T.A.R.R. International Enterprises Carol Stein St. Mary’s Children’s Hospital John Swisher Janice G. Taylor Techinfo, Inc. Tee Up For Tots Inc. Telerent Leasing Corporation The Associates of Hinckley Allen & Snyder, LLP The Brown Charitable Foundation The Charles & Lucille King Family Foundation, Inc. The Davidow Charitable Fund The Forum Corporation The Halperin Foundation The Kleiner Cohen Foundation The McKellar Group Inc. The Simon-Strauss Foundation The Toledo Hospital The TR Family Trust Albert Thumann Tiny Prints Charles Tisdale Trident Surfacing, Inc. Vaillancourt Folk Art, Inc. Jane L. Van Stedum Mike Vorhaus Walmart Gerry Wegl Wesco 29 Western Exhibitors WSB-TV Troy Young Steven Zabriskie Ruth Zellez And, special thanks to our inaugural members of Starlight’s Anniversary Circle Robert Donner Lana Holden Nick Lovato Joseph Melia Charles Nelson Martie Opial Nancy Schwab Arnold Spielberg Kathy Tran IN-KIND DONORS $100,000+ America Online Build-A-Bear Workshop CB Richard Ellis, One Hundred Towers, LLC Couleur Nature Feld Entertainment HMWorks, Inc Legacy Interactive Morrison & Foerster, LLP Pokemon USA, Inc. Radio Flyer Inc. Swarovski The Walt Disney Company 30 Warner Brothers $10,000 - $99,999 20th Century Fox Animax Entertainment Boston Ballet CBS Television City Daily Variety Entertainment Design Group, Inc. Flight Options, LLC Francesca Restrepo Studio Design G2 Direct & Digital Hasbro, Inc Hollywood Entertainment Lionsgate Los Angeles Magazine Luxe Magazine Microsoft Miller Toyota Minnesota Timberwolves & Lynx NBC Universal Orlando Magic Paramount Pictures Ronin Advertising Group Russ Berrie and Company, Inc. Dan Sherman Sparrow, LLC / Freecity Sprint Nextel UserPlane $1,000 - $9,999 AEG Aimco AirTran Airways Alterna Haircare American Express Amy Shomer & Associates Anonymous Anonymous ARAMARK Events & Catering at INFOMART Atlanta Spirit, LLC Atlanta Steeplechase Aurum Jewelers & Goldsmiths Larry Baher, P.A. Bandai America Inc. Barefoot Wines /Gallo Winery Beam Foundation Best Buy Boston Phoenix California Pizza Kitchen Casa Blanca Spa Children’s Oregon Theater Chipotle Mexican Grill Cirque Du Soleil City of Atlanta Fulton Co. Recreation Authority Clowning Around Entertainment, Inc. Cookies for a Koz Corum USA Creativity, Inc Cwenar Photography Dallas Stars Hockey Club Deborah Messinger Dance Acadamy Dominick Gentile, Sons of Italy #2332 Frederic Duclos Owen Duggan Elegant Occasions, Event Professionals Elio’s Fitness for Success Embassy Suites Embassy Suites Hotel - La Jolla Embassy Suites Phoenix-Scottsdale Golf Resort Esgee Enterprises, LLC Exodus Private Trainers & Pilates Studio Finale Florida Citrus Sports Fodeo Foster’s Wine Estates Fox Theatre Funny Bone Entertainment Mike Gallagher Justin Galloway Got Kids, LLC Hallmarks Gold Crown- Florida Mall Heart O’ Texas Fair & Rodeo Hilton HHonors Leone Hinzman Honda Center HQ Gift Cards Hunky’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers Hurricanes Grill & Wings Imagination Games Inter Plan Design Group Intercontinental Hotels Group International Star Registry Mark Jennings JohnMichael JP Malone Construction Inc. K Swiss KatRose Photography Kenneth Cole Productions Kids Who Care Douglas and Françoise Kirkland Kmart Stanley Korshak Dave Koz LA Dodgers Laclede, Inc LEGOLAND California Lauren Leichtman Levine Levy Restaurants Macy’s Magic Fredy Events, Inc Mason Fine Engraving Mesquite Championship Rodeo Victor Miller Minnesota Twins Morocco Shriners myShape Nestlé USA New England Revolution New Line Cinema Nintendo of America, Inc. Offerdahl’s Café & Grill Omron Healthcare, Inc. P3 Fulfillment People to People Student Ambassadors Program Perfect Wedding Guide Charlotte Perrin Gary Perrin Photography By Misty Portland Lesbian & Gay Film Festival Premier Bride Radisson University Hotel Ralph Lauren Fragrances Residence Inn - Beverly Hills Reynolds Plantation Rodman Ride for Kids Rosewood Crescent Hotel Dallas Joshua Sable S.A. Chroback, LTD. Salute- Restaurant Concepts, Inc. Shecky’s Media, Inc. Shonna James Communications, LLC Sid Stevens Jewelers Somatone Interactive Audio StarscapesFX of Fontana Stephanie’s On Newbury Sternwheeler Rose Stiletto Entertainment Story Land Studio Deeba Sullivan Photography Technicolor The Circle Group LLC The Hideout The Robbins Group The Sports Club/LA Tiny Prints TWL Productions Tylers Custom Design Valerie Beverly Hills Water Country Web Ad.vantage Western Exhibitors Inc. dba Harvest Festival Wilkins Management Wire Image Xpedx Julie Yankovich David Yarovesky Zizzle, LLC Up to $999 Katie Simpson & Hilary Shivers Advanced Fire and Security Adventures in Energy 31 AEG Real Estate Anonymous Albertsons #4440 Aleppo Shriners Circus Amazing Dana Magic Shows Amazing Jakes American Girl Place AMF Semoran Lanes Andree’s Essential Soaps Kim Anthony Association of Professional Businesswomen of Weston Aquaboggan Arcadia Fine Wine Arizona Challenger Space Center Arnold Air Society Aroma’s Pizza Arthur Murray Dance Studio Atlanta Braves Atlanta Journal-Constitution Atlanta Silverbacks Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Anonymous Auntie Anne’s Pretzels Aurora Theatre @ Lawrenceville City Hall Austin Adventist Junior Academy AYC Michael and Susan Baer B.S. Public Relations Christy Banhof Beads Galore Beau Rivage Resort & Casino Bella Salon Rebecca Berry Best Buy #204 Beyond Words 32 Biltmore Estates Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institute of Oceanography, UCSD Blue Man Group Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum Bob Industries The Body Shop Boston Marriot Quincy Ethan Bortnick Robert Boudreau Carol Brady Bragozzo Osteria Wine Bar Melissa Branch Bridgemill Athletic Club Brooks Foundation Buckhead Life Restaurant Group Buffalo’s Southwest Cafe Judy Burakowski Burger Meister C.H. Greys Distributing Cabot Creamery California Academy of Sciences California Academy of Sciences Gift Store Cambridge Soundworks Camera Solutions Bill Campbell Candice Grahm Capcom Entertainment Caribou Coffee Carmike Cinemas Carter Barnes Salon Casalino Entertainment Center for Puppetry Arts Central Florida Zoo Central Market Cooking School Central Parking System Chateau Elan Choco Cro Coffee Chuao Chocolatier Cinema Paradiso CINEMARK SF Theater Circle K International UT City of Portland - Bureau of Development Services Jennifer Clarins Classique Jewelers Club Penguin Coldstone Creamery Color Me Mine - Daly City The Conch Train Tour Cooks of Crocus Hill Coral Springs Medical Center Ean Corbet Coronado Island Marriott Corporate Massage Onsite Daniel Cox Dana Cozby Create2Print Credit Restoration Consultants Cub Foods Dallas Children’s Theater Dallas Mavericks Daniel’s Jewelers Database Marketing, Inc. Deerfield Buccaneer Delancy Street Foundation Dell - Global BPI Dell Computers Lorie DeWorken Diageo Disney’s Wide World of Sports DMC Photography Don & Charlie’s Restaurant Don Shula’s Golf Club Dr. Pepper Stars Center Dreamworks SKG Arlene Driver Economos Properties Embassy Suites Downtown Portland Embassy Suites LAX North Enterprise Rent-A-Car Epson America Epstein Becker & Green Amanda Ferrell FIJI Water Film Action Oregon The Fischer Mark, Inc. Fishbrain Graphics Fitness 180 Aimee Fitzgibbon Florida Marlins Mark Ford Freckles the Clown Fresh Beer Friday’s Front Row Sports Grill Frisco Rough Riders Baseball Team Fun-Fare G Man Studios Gainey Ranch Golf Club Gainey Village Health Club & Spa Georgia Aquarium Georgia Tech Athletic Association Andra Gheorghe Anne Gherini Girl Scout Troop 1155 Girl Scouts of Central Texas Glitteron Face & Body Art g-NET Media Go Mambo Goldberg’s Bagel Co. & Deli Daniel Gollman Susan Gongoll Grand Hyatt Buckhead Guarantee Mortgage Corp. Colleen Guenther Half Pint Parties Eve Hardy Peter Hariss Ronnie Harrison The Hassayampa Inn Jayne Hatcher HEB Grocery Store Hill Country Water Gardens Hilton Checkers, Downtown Los Angeles Hinson Office Supply Hint Incorporated Hollywood Improv, Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hope Lutheran School Hot Printing Houston Museum of Natural Science Hyannis Courtyard Marriott Ice Sculpture Inc. iCorps Technologies ID Tech Camps IMAX Theater Innovative Dining It’s A Wrap IZZE Beverage Company Jams Retail LLC Jan Michaels, Inc. Courtney Jane Janel Russell Design Jason Taylor Foundation JC Penny, Just Caring People Jennifer Linder, MD Jewels By Park Lane Jimmy’s Mad Mad Whirled Joe Di Maggio’s Italian Chophouse Johanson PR Johnnies New York Pizza S Jonas Suzanne Jonas Craig Jordan Journals Unlimited, Inc. Jungle Jim’s Jungle Queens, Inc JW Marriott San Francisco JW Marriott Star Pass Resort & Spa Jack Kalser Lisa Keisman Keyboardist Mark Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Lesley King Juliya Kovalenko La Cazuela Ladies Outreach Lady Bird Johnson Center Lady M Designs Law Offices of Jason S. Feder Lion Country Safari, Inc. Jason Llewellyn Peggy Lovett Chandra Luce Lucille’s American Café Lucky Strike /Jillian’s LLC Luxe Jewelers Maggie Moo’s Ice Cream & Treatery Malibu Toys, Inc. Maple Lanes Marc Daniel Salon 33 Marriott Evergreen Conference Resort Penni Martinez Mayes Food McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park Tony McManus Medieval Times Miami Seaquarium Michelle Quay Mickey Fine Pharmacy & Grill Dennis Milecki Minnesota Thunder Morgan Stanley Mrs. Fields Cookies Shelly Murphy Museum of Science My Magical Party Rika Alexis Nagashima Name Game The Nathan Burton Magic Show NBC Universal Zoe Nelson New England Aquarium Next Generation Printing Miller Nguyen Gabi Norton Honora Norton Not Your Average Joe’s NYTEX Sports O Premium Waters John O’Brien Ocean Sky Hotel & Resort Mary O’Connor Office of the Mayor, Atlanta Ogunquit Playhouse Olive Garden Michael O’Neal Singers 34 Orchestra Atlanta Robyn O’Rear Orlando Repertory Theatre Outback Steakhouse Ovations Food Services Palace Playland Papa John’s Pizza Pawtucket Red Sox PDX 49 Pegasus Logistics Wendy Peoples The Perceptive Lens PGA Tour Superstore Phoenix Suns Photography by Pam Platinum Parking Portland Beavers Portland Timbers Premier Beverage Pucker Powder Putting Edge Quizno’s Subs Real Mex Restaurants - El Torito Grill Red Lion Hotel - Medford Grace Reff Regal at the Avenues Helen Regenstreif Renaissance Hotel Rendezvous Entertainment, LLC Republic National Riley Marketing, Inc. Ritz-Carlton, Atlanta (Downtown) Beth Robertson Robin Booth Roccin Bones Pub Rollin Bones Pub Amy Rossing Roy’s Cheryl Rozek Sabre Holdings Laura Rude Sacca Productions Saggy Creature Productions, Inc. Sam’s Club Samuels Jewelers San Antonio Zoo and Aquarium San Diego Chargers San Francisco Marriott Sandy Springs Body Works Sanrio Santa’s Village Savvy Vodka & Fall Creek Vineyards SeaWorld Sedona Vortex Tours Seminole Hardrock Sever’s Corn Maze Sharp Electric Corporation Sheila Kelley’s S Factor Sherrie Darling Hilary Shivers Signature Graphics Soapranos Sony (SCEA) Southern Living at Home Southwick Zoo Spa Sydell Spago Beverly Hills Specchio/Ombra Sport Court St. Thomas More Catholic Church Star 94 Starbucks Coffee Steamboat Annie’s Stone Mountain Park Storyopolis Sara Stubbs Studio 6 Stutman Treister & Olatt Law Offices Subway Summit Transportation Kiki Sweeney Sylvie’s Skin & Body Care Tangle Toys Tanglewood Resort Tara Minnax Team Bonding Texas Medical Association Texas Rangers The Palm Restaurant THQ Tiffany and Co. Tursi’s Soccer Store Turtle Creek Chorale Twiggs Salon Two Friends Patio Restaurant Sherri Underbrink United States Golf Association Universal Studios Hollywood UPS Store US Airways Center Maria Varga Drane VEE Corporation Verde Canyon Railroad, LLC Voss/Glazer’s Wal Mart Warren Henry Infinity Webnook Stationary Sarah Weekley Carl Weissburg Westlake NAHS Margie Wooden Alecia Wortham Worthmore Jewelers Inc. Wright Angle Photography Wrigley c/o Hunter Public Relations Wyndham Vacation Ownership XV Beacon Yard House YBWize, Inc. Daniel Yoest Lotay Young Zoo Atlanta 35 Fundraising Event Round Up A Stellar Night Gala – California On March 28, 2008 at The Beverly Hilton Hotel, Starlight’s headquarters office celebrated its annual A Stellar Night gala. The event was hosted by Corbin Bleu, star of Disney’s High School Musical and long time supporter, and co-chaired by Starlight Board Member and Executive Vice President at Walt Disney Company, Kevin Mayer and his wife Lisa. A Stellar Night spotlighted inspirational stories from Starlight families and paid tribute to humanitarians who are making a world of difference for children and families. William and Elizabeth Shatner were presented with the Heart of Gold Award, by close friend Brad Paisley, in honor of their charitable work and deep commitment to children. Starlight and Global Ambassador Dave Koz bestowed the Jacki Carlish Humanitarian Award upon Francine R. Kaufman, M.D., director of the Comprehensive Childhood Diabetes Center and head of the Center for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. The award, named for founding member of Starlight who dedicated her life to ensuring that sick children still had a chance to be kids, recognizes individuals with the highest level of personal commitment to Starlight. The event was presented by California Pizza Kitchen and received additional sponsorship support from New Horizon Foundation, Nintendo of America, The Walt Disney Company, McKinsey & Company, Best Buy Company, Inc., DIRECTV, Inc., Carol, Jeff & Becky Burch, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, CB Richard Ellis, Hollywood Video, Game Crazy, Bain & Company, Colgate-Palmolive, Dewey & LeBeouf, Kevin & Lisa Mayer, Latham & Watkins LLP, Montgomery & Company, Russ Berrie and Company, Inc., UBS Investment Bank and Morrison & Foerster LLP. Fundraising Event Round Up Hats and Handbags English Tea – South Florida Starlight Greater Golf Open – South Florida Starlight Florida hosted its 3rd Annual Hats & Handbags, A Classic English Afternoon Tea fundraiser on Sunday, March 9, 2008 at the Hyatt Pier 66 Hotel in Fort Lauderdale. With more than 250 women in attendance, the Tea festivities began with a boutique sale, where guests shopped for unique custom-made accessories including handbags, shoes, jewelry and home goods. A sold out crowd of golfers filled the East and West Courses at Jacaranda Country Club in Plantation, Florida on Friday, October 26, 2007 for the 5th Annual Starlight Greater Open Golf Tournament, presented by C. Davis Electric and Credit Restoration Consultants. The highlight of the event was the incredible piano performance given by 7-year-old musical maestro, Ethan Bortnick. Joining Ethan on-stage was featured speaker Nina Packer of Nina Packer & Associates. The event was made possible by generous sponsors including Blue Martini of Fort Lauderdale, Baer Furniture, Hyatt Pier 66, Best Rental and E-Productions. 38 Additional sponsorship support was provided by ACAI, JM Family Enterprises, Inc., Rexel, South Dade Lighting, Advanced Fire & Security, Gexpro, Gold Coast Hi-Lift, and Graybar. Lotspeich, Morrison Brown Argez & Farra, LLP, Patropic Power, Sam’s Club, SELF, Inc., Trident Surfacing, HBA Insurance Group, Wesco, Gunther Volkswagen and Warren Henry Infinity of Davie. A Stellar Night Gala - Georgia STARmazing Race – Massachusetts On, Saturday, February 23, 2008, Starlight Georgia celebrated its 11th Annual A Stellar Night gala at the world-famous Georgia Aquarium. The event was hosted by WSB-TV’s Lori Geary and Mark Winne and honored long-time Starlight Georgia board member and WSB-TV sports anchor/director Chuck Dowdle with the highly coveted Star Award. Monica Pearson, also from WSB-TV Action News, served as Honorary Event Chairperson. On Saturday, September 20, 2008, Starlight New England with the help of its Young Professional Group volunteers hosted its second annual STARmazing Race — a wacky and fun scavenger hunt throughout Boston. Teams raced against the clock and each other to solve clues and raise funds for Starlight. More than 200 Bostonians — adults and children alike — tore through the city spreading contagious laughter and smiles and helping Starlight to bring that same joy to seriously ill children throughout New England. The event was presented by Morrison Management Specialists and additional sponsorship was provided by Epstein, Becker and Green, P.C., Aflac, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Atlanta Magazine, Fidelity Investments and Macy’s. The STARmazing Race was a success thanks in large part to presenting sponsor Qdoba Mexican Grill and clue sponsors Union Oyster House and J.P. Licks Ice Cream. 39 Fundraising Event Round Up A Sparkling Starry Soiree – Arizona A Christmas Carol – Texas On March 29, 2008, Starlight Arizona hosted A Sparkling Starry Soiree at a luxurious, custom, 11,000 square foot residence by Calvis Wyant Luxury Homes in Scottsdale. The event showcased Scott Bohall with “Treasures,” a prominent Valley jeweler through an unbelievable “Adorn a Woman” display valued at $1 million. For a $100 donation, guests had their photos taken wearing the million dollar jewelry and at the end of the night received a velvet pouch containing either a cubic zirconia stone or for one lucky winner, a 1.5 carat diamond. Starlight Texas hosted its first annual holiday event at the historic Kalita Humphreys Theater on November 30, 2007. The Dallas Theater Center’s production of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol has been a holiday tradition for more than 20 years. This event and performance introduced community members to Starlight with a live theater performance in one of Dallas’ architectural landmarks. More than 350 guests, including 200 Starlight family members, attended. The family-focused holiday celebration included pre-show performances by the Turtle Creek Chorale and Kids Who Care, a catered dinner (no green vegetables and plenty of dessert!), and gifts for the kids personally delivered by Santa’s elves as families departed. Guests were also invited to fill their event autograph books with signatures from the cast. “Scrooge,” “Marley,” and the “Ghost of Christmas Future” met the kids following the performance. The evening was made possible by presenting sponsors California Pizza Kitchen and Calvis Wyant Luxury Custom Homes. 40 The event generated cash and in-kind support benefiting Starlight programs in Texas thanks to the generosity of American Airlines, Aramark, Athena Healthcare, Barefoot Wines, Buli Cafe, Dallas Theater Center, EDS, Hunky’s Hamburgers, Texas Medical and Surgical Associates and the wonderful guests and supporters who helped underwrite attendance for Starlight family members. April 1, 2007March 31, 2008 Financials RE VENUE 42.2% Contributions $11,028,171 37.4% Contributed Goods, Services and Use of Facilities $9,771,575 16.0% Special Events $4,189,095 4.4% Other Income $1,131,669 Total: $26,120,570 Program Services $ 18,080,268 F UNCTION AL E XPENSE S 78.7% 14.9% Management & General $ 1,478,192 Fundraising $ 3,424,091 6.4% Quest for the Code® Asthma Game $10,800 Fun Centers™ $1,393,377 Get Fit, Get Right™ $221,718 Total: $22,9 82,551 Great Escapes™ $3,975,024 Hospital Happenings $6,381,244 PCPals® $1,041,112 E XPENSE S BY PROGRAM Starbright World® $429,588 Starlight Sites™ $1,354,514 Other Programs $3,272,891 43 ASSETS Headquarters Atlanta Colorado Cash and Cash Equivalents $5,397,999 $92,864 $69,297 Investments 593,393 2,808 - Accounts Receivable 70,226 - 395 Receivables from International Affiliates 422,110 - - Receivables from U.S. Chapters 543,172 - - Receivables from Headquarters - 23,166 19,956 Pledges Receivable 2,565,262 5,515 5,336 Inventory 2,283,834 29,421 145,619 Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets 119,616 3,482 13,289 Property and Equipment (Net) 63,193 1,611 1,200 Mid-Atlantic Midwest $511,394 - 800 - - 61,996 17,608 44,618 15,830 736 $274,672 302,534 420 54,924 1,489 108,457 25,418 1,455 TOTAL ASSETS $12,058,805 $158,867 $255,092 $652,982 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $1,591,576 $438 $7,266 $56,211 Payable to International Affiliates 13,443 - - - Payable to Headquarters or Other U.S. Chapters 249,710 3,600 1,800 233,800 TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,854,729 4,038 9,066 290,011 NET ASSETS: Unrestricted: Unrestricted Undesignated 1,998,812 134,754 237,463 339,971 Unrestricted Board Designated 1,366,846 - - - TOTAL UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS 3,365,658 134,754 237,463 339,971 Temporarily Restricted 6,838,418 20,075 8,563 23,000 TOTAL NET ASSETS 10,204,076 154,829 246,026 362,971 $769,369 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $12,058,805 $158,867 $255,092 $652,982 $13,706 63,900 77,606 549,578 549,578 142,185 691,763 $769,369 *This information is from Starlight Children’s Foundation and U.S. chapters consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2008, audited by Green Hasson & Janks LLP. Please visit our website,, for the full audit report. 44 Total Before ASSETS New England NY*NJ*CT Washington Eliminations Eliminations Cash and Cash Equivalents $109,386 $3,501,696 $311,927 $10,269,235 - Investments - 1,723,274 - 2,622,009 - Accounts Receivable - 3,743 - 75,584 - Receivables from International Affiliates - - - 422,110 - Receivables from U.S. Chapters - - - 543,172 543,172 Receivables from Headquarters - 63,362 12,863 236,267 236,267 Pledges Receivable - 3,141,200 - 5,736,410 - Inventory 26,865 126,943 1,879,051 4,644,808 - Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets 4,268 73,365 1,857 257,125 - Property and Equipment (Net) - 11,615 16,241 96,051 - Total 2007 $10,269,235 2,622,009 75,584 422,110 5,736,410 4,644,808 257,125 96,051 TOTAL ASSETS $140,519 $8,645,198 $2,221,939 $24,902,771 $779,439 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities $ - $82,617 $42,088 $1,793,902 - Payable to International Affiliates - - - 13,443 - Payable to Headquarters or Other U.S. Chapters 729 225,900 - 779,439 779,439 $24,123,332 TOTAL LIABILITIES 729 308,517 42,088 2,586,784 779,439 NET ASSETS: Unrestricted: Unrestricted Undesignated 95,256 5,164,691 2,179,851 10,700,376 - Unrestricted Board Designated - - - 1,366,846 - 1,807,345 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS 95,256 5,164,691 2,179,851 12,067,222 - Temporarily Restricted 44,534 3,171,990 - 10,248,765 - $1,793,902 13,443 - 10,700,376 1,366,846 12,067,222 10,248,765 TOTAL NET ASSETS 139,790 8,336,681 2,179,851 22,315,987 - 22,315,987 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $140,519 $8,645,198 $2,221,939 $24,902,771 $779,439 $24,123,332 **Intercompany revenue and expenses between headquarters and the U.S. chapters are eliminated as required under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. 45 Headquarters Atlanta Colorado Mid-Atlantic REVENUE AND SUPPORT: Special Events Gross Receipts $1,150,434 $137,035 $273,620 $668,390 Less: Direct Benefit to Donors (333,583) (59,922) (36,133) (141,019) NET SPECIAL EVENTS REVENUE 816,851 77,113 237,487 527,371 Contributed Goods, Services and Use of Facilities 5,516,876 42,383 545,463 124,784 Contributions 1,648,932 62,486 121,473 145,473 Revenue from Headquarters or Other U.S. Chapters 1,193,636 44,307 57,488 98,187 Assessments and Sales to International Affiliates 731,750 - - - Interest and Dividend Income 210,718 1,666 2,557 5,937 Realized and Unrealized Gains on Investments 6,584 204 - - Miscellaneous 32,662 - 125 - Net Assets Released from Program Restrictions 4,306,677 43,210 17,398 225,399 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED REVENUE AND SUPPORT 14,464,686 271,369 981,991 1,127,151 EXPENSES: Program Services 11,348,921 180,634 662,085 907,705 Management and General 826,249 23,715 72,623 72,844 Fundraising 1,809,737 60,792 197,885 198,314 TOTAL EXPENSES 13,984,907 265,141 932,593 1,178,863 CHANGE IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS 479,779 6,228 49,398 (51,712) Change in Restricted Net Assets: Pledged Contributions 1,264,919 5,515 2,688 18,000 Contributions 2,910,479 45,110 20,600 161,850 Net Assets Released from Program and Time Restrictions (4,306,677) (43,210) (17,398) (225,399) CHANGE IN RESTRICTED NET ASSETS (131,279) 7,415 5,890 (45,549) CHANGE IN PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS - - - - TOTAL CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 348,500 13,643 55,288 (97,261) Net Assets - Beginning of Year 9,855,576 141,186 190,738 460,232 NET ASSETS - END OF YEAR $10,204,076 $154,829 $246,026 $362,971 46 Midwest $428,292 (103,395) 324,897 625,918 92,976 100,493 16,968 (15,245) 170,472 1,316,479 1,020,460 96,489 190,879 1,307,828 8,651 1,812 239,515 (166,472) 74,855 (4,000) 79,506 612,257 $691,763 *This information is from Starlight Children’s Foundation and U.S. chapters consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2008, audited by Green Hasson & Janks LLP. Please visit our website,, for the full audit report. Total Before New England NY*NJ*CT Washington Eliminations REVENUE AND SUPPORT: Eliminations Special Events Gross Receipts $18,971 $2,484,192 $208,572 $5,369,506 - Less: Direct Benefit to Donors (10,496) (458,877) (36,986) (1,180,411) - NET SPECIAL EVENTS REVENUE 8,475 2,025,315 171,586 4,189,095 - Contributed Goods, Services and Use of Facilities 33,524 533,669 3,133,445 10,556,062 784,487 Contributions 41,278 1,814,851 268,566 4,196,035 - Revenue from Headquarters or Other U.S. Chapters 917 166,509 63,859 1,725,396 1,725,396 Assessments and Sales to International Affiliates - - - 731,750 - Interest and Dividend Income 905 63,881 1,158 303,790 - Realized and Unrealized Gains on Investments - 23,465 610 15,618 - Miscellaneous 28 47,644 52 80,511 - Net Assets Released from Program Restrictions 21,648 571,402 60,025 5,416,231 - TOTAL UNRESTRICTED REVENUE AND SUPPORT 106,775 5,246,736 3,699,301 27,214,488 2,509,883 EXPENSES: Program Services 157,502 4,029,308 2,283,536 20,590,151 2,509,883 Management and General 10,340 340,946 34,986 1,478,192 - Fundraising 25,899 691,498 249,087 3,424,091 - TOTAL EXPENSES 193,741 5,061,752 2,567,609 25,492,434 2,509,883 CHANGE IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS (86,966) 184,984 1,131,692 1,722,054 - Change in Restricted Net Assets: Pledged Contributions - 1,595,200 - 2,888,134 - Contributions 15,000 495,673 55,775 3,944,002 - Net Assets Released from Program and Time Restrictions (21,648) (571,402) (60,025) (5,412,231) - CHANGE IN RESTRICTED NET ASSETS (6,648) 1,519,471 (4,250) 1,419,905 - CHANGE IN PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS - - - (4,000) - TOTAL CHANGE IN NET ASSETS (93,614) 1,704,455 1,127,442 3,137,959 - Net Assets - Beginning of Year 233,404 6,632,226 1,052,409 19,178,028 NET ASSETS - END OF YEAR $139,790 $8,336,681 $2,179,851 $22,315,987 $ **Intercompany revenue and expenses between headquarters and the U.S. chapters are eliminated as required under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Total $5,369,506 (1,180,411) 4,189,095 9,771,575 4,196,035 731,750 303,790 15,618 80,511 5,416,231 24,704,605 18,080,268 1,478,192 3,424,091 22,982,551 1,722,054 2,888,134 3,944,002 (5,412,231) 1,419,905 (4,000) 3,137,959 - 19,178,028 - $22,315,987 47 Board of Directors Board of Directors, Starlight Children’s Foundation Headquarters April 1, 2007 – March 31, 2008 CHAIRMAN EMERITUS Steven Spielberg FOUNDERS Peter Samuelson and Emma Samms OFFICERS Peter Samuelson Chairman Samuelson Productions Ronald Leibow Co-Chair - Executive Committee Kaye Scholer LLP Henry M. Fields Co-Chair - Executive Committee Morrison & Foerster LLP Karen Shishino Jordan Vice-Chair Carol A. Savoie Secretary Deloitte & Touche LLP 48 DIRECTORS Christopher Bracken OnCommand Corporation Laura Jean Christman Attorney at Law Jeff Gural Newmark & Company Real Estate, Inc. Paul Guyardo DIRECTV Kip Crennan Mane USA David K. Haspel Haspel Communications, Inc. Sheldon Davis Regal Confections David E. Hoberman Mandeville Films Scott Dorman Dorman Communications Group LLC Dave Hubinger Nestlé Brands Company Patrick Dorton Rational Public Relations Millie Judge Bear Creek Law Firm, PS James Dougherty Russell Karlins Chemical Disposal Services Alan G. Epstein MSD Capital, L.P. Kenneth Forkos, CPA Lawrence Gilbert Goldman Sachs Warren Kornblum Shadow Entertainment Group, LLC Marvin Levy DreamWorks SKG Howard Gould Mel Marks, MD Miller Children’s Hospital Sarah Grover California Pizza Kitchen Kevin A. Mayer The Walt Disney Company Elaine Paul The Walt Disney Company Brandon Phillips, MD Mayo Clinic Annie Presley The McKellar Group Inc. Gary Rachelefsky, MD UCLA School of Medicine Jane Ritson-Parsons Hasbro Inc. Roger Shiffman Zizzle, LLC John Simone The Colgate-Palmolive Company Christine Spadafor SpadaforClay Group, Inc. Robert Steinberg Latham & Watkins LLP Charles J. Weber Weber Communications, Inc. TRUSTEES Norman Anderson American Psychological Association Gene Blinde Mark Bowser Glenn Ross Universal Studios Home Entertainment Gordon A. Smith JP Morgan Chase Card Services Stephen Burns Avenue Financial Corporation MANAGEMENT TEAM April 1, 2007 – March 31, 2008 Howard M. Davine Touchstone Television Paula Van Ness Chief Executive Officer and President Matt Haymer Attorney at Law Rafe Pery COO/CFO, VP, Operations Dave Koz Rendezvous Entertainment, LLC Patricia Sterne Evans VP, Development John Lee Embassy Suites Hotels Joan Ford VP, Strategic Initiatives Christina Weiss Lurie Jenny Isaacson VP, Brand Marketing and Communications Brian Morris Walter Parkes DreamWorks SKG Jane Van Stedum VP, Program Services and Regional Support John Pridjian Penta Investment Advisors 49
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