Guidelines und Musterfolien
Guidelines und Musterfolien
HALLO-ELTERN.DE KINDERGEBURTSTAG-PLANEN.DE KEY FACTS Description Family web portal for couples who are planning families, pregnant women and parents with babies and children up to elementary school age Over 700 well-researched articles, instructions and tips for pregnant women and families Division of topics according to age groups and additional categories with information on current trends and ideas for celebrations all year round Interactive tools such as an ovulation calendar, pregnancy calendar and baby development calendar Chats and forums, member section with social networking features and interactive contact finder Unique: a podcast that specifically addresses children (fairy tales, stories, relaxation etc.) Target group * Gender: 84% femal Performance indicators/month Age: 72% of users are between the age of 20-39 200 Tsd. Unique User* Qualifications: 47% with at least Abitur (German high school graduation) Net income: 29% have a monthly net income of 3.000 € / month 273 Tsd. Visits** 738 Tsd. PI‘s** *AGOF if 2013-11 I ** IVW 12/2013 Structure of user Gender Anteil Index male 16% 30 female 84% 178 14 - 19 years 7% 72 20 - 29 years 45% 244 30 - 39 years 27% 154 40 - 49 years 8% 35 14% 43 Ordinary level 15% 52 Secondary level 33% 103 A level or university degree 47% 134 < 1.000 Euro 17% 123 1.000 - 2.000 Euro 27% 100 2.000 - 3.000 Euro 27% 105 > 3.000 Euro 29% 87 Age 50+ years Education Net income *AGOF if 2013-11 I ** IVW 12/2013 KEY FACTS Description Kids Birthday holds for parents and children a great offer of information: ideas, games, recipes, craft tutorials, printing templates and much more on the subject of children's birthday Children offers advertisers an ideal environment because parents who currently planning a child's birthday, are also looking for a suitable gift idea Performance indicators/month a.A. Unique User* a.A. Visits** 500 Tsd. PI‘s** Target group* Parents with children from 1 year to 15 years. Children and young people in search of game and craft ideas. Educators and group leaders who perform the birthdays or search for craft ideas and activities *AGOF if 2013-10 I ** IVW 11/2013 Rates Werbeform Format TKP Leaderboard 728*90 30,00 € Double Leaderboard 728*180 65,00 € Skyscraper max. 200*600 40,00 € Medium Rectangle 300*250 50,00 € Layer Ad max. 500*500 90,00 € Tandem Ad UAP-Format + Layer Ad 100,00 € Banderole Ad 770*250 80,00 € Hockeystick Leaderboard + Skyscraper 70,00 € Wallpaper Leaderboard + Skyscraper + Farbcode 75,00 € Halfpage Ad 300*600 65,00 € Splitscreen Ad a. A. 80,00 € Manhattan Skyscraper 320*740 65,00 € Billboard 770*250 120,00 € Sonderwerbeformen a. A. a. A. Die maximale Dateigröße für die aufgelisteten Werbemittel beträgt 30 KB (bei GIF/JPEG-Dateien) und 40 KB (bei Flash-/HTML-Dateien). Contact Ströer Digital Media GmbH Stresemannstraße 29 22769 Hamburg Tel.: 040-46 85 67-100 Fax: 040-46 85 67-939 Mail: Web: