The Egyptian Gazette - March 18, 1912 (Incomplet)
The Egyptian Gazette - March 18, 1912 (Incomplet)
THE EGYPTIAN GAZETTE, PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. The Khédive gave several audiences at Abdin on Saturday morning. Sheikh Mi Youssef, the new Sheikh of the Sadat el-Wa feiah, was officially received on appointmeut to hie new position. Other audiences were given to Ahmad Heshmet Pasha, Yacoub Artin Paella, and Mr. Vercamer. Baron Falkenhausen, the German Consul in Cairo, bas arrived at the Luxor Winter Palace. The appointment of Mr. W. E. Brunyate to be Chief of the Contentieux in the Ministries of Public Works and War is offieially gazetted in the lest flamber of the "Journal Officiel." Mr. Ch. de Rocca Serra is charged in the meantime with the direction of the Canton. tieux of the Preeidenee of the Conncil of Ministers, and of the Ministries of the Interior, Justice and Foreign Affaira. Dr. and Mrs. Cari Peters will leave Cairo on Monday afternoon for Alexandrie, where they will atay at the Savoy Palace Hotel. They will go on Wednesday by the Prinze Heinrich to Southern Italy. Gabriel Effendi Noradounghian, ex-Minireer of Tarkey, Miss Noradoanghian, Mr. Kelekian, Mr. Masson, Major Rhodes, Herr Reichenheim, Judge Haltes, Mrs. Kenrick, Mrs. and Mrs. Murray, Mr. Royle, Mr. Jenkins, Oberleutnant Karr, Capt. and Mre. Syer, Mr. and Mrs. Sprat, Mies Beaumont, Mr. and Mme Raphael, Mr. Dubosca, Baron Soho teuheim, are amongst the arrivais at the Heliopolis Palace Hotel. DISASTER AT SEA, THE WAR. 18, 1912 THE MUNICIPAL SC ANDALS. THE NEW DRAINAGE. - THE SEASON, Inauguration at Ebsham. ANOTHER P. AND O. SINKS . TURKEY 8 PREPARATIONS. COMMISSION OF ENQUIRY. GRAND HOTEL, HELOUAN. (FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT) FESHAM, Terrible Scene of Beachy Head. Osman Bey goes on Leave. The Dardanelles Defences. Osman Bey bas been givén leave for a month Laxisme Match 16. CONSTANTINOPLE March 16. The German 4-masted barque Pisagaa struck The forts of the Dardanelles bave be l from Isis duties as Secretary General of the Municipality, white the Commision of Enquiry the P. and O. Oceana, which sailed yesterday inspecter' by Shevket Pasha and Isis staff. is proceeding . for Bombay, btoadside on, four miles, to the [Havas] The Commission est yesterday and ail the west of Beachy Head. The passengers and CONSTANTINOPLE, March 16. officiais of the Municipality had to be at their the crew avers landed at Newhaven and It is estimated that close on 6,000 Italie poste yesterday morning panctually by 8.30 Eastbourne. The Oceana sank two miles from have been expelled from the provinces 8.M the shore while she sens being towed towards Tarkey. [Ha" esterday the Commission ordered ail the the beach. [Reuter] CONSTANTINoPLE Ma Chefs des Bureaux" ia„„the Municipality to • LONDON, March 16. The Porte bas assented to the appuis men submit te it special notes expianatory of the A passenger says that there were about 16 of M. Giers, in succession to M. Charikoff. working of their varions de; artments and of first-class and 30 second cluse passengers on [Reuter] , the roles and regulations in vogue for the board. They were in bed. The night Ives clear A Turkish Air-Fleet. admission of new officiais. They were also The crash was terrible and the passengers The Constantinople correspondent of the ordered to bave ail their books in readinese for immediately rushed on :deck where life boite were speedily served out. The conduct of the "Ahram" states that the latest ides in the examination. On Saturday afternoon the Commission women ami the whites was splendid,but that of Turkish capital is to built an aerial fleet, sine° the Lascars abominable. The first boat launched it seems impossible to send reinforeements to made an inspection of the municipal works at had net clesred the blocks properly when it was Tripoli by any other menas. The "Sabah" Chatby. A representative of the "Egyptian Gazette" swamped. A lady was saved bot it is feared newspaper hae already opened a eubscripti yesterday asked a well-known official of the that the remainder of the occupants have been list. Manicipality whether the Commission would drowned. ITALY AND, THE POWERS. aucceed in unveiling many scandale. He 27 passengers and a child have been replied that "the mers examination of the doslanded at Newhaven and 9 at Eastbourne. It ROME, Match 16. siers of appointments and promotions will is feared that the 4 others have been drowned Sigma. di San Giuliano bas handed to the disclose a flamber of serions scandale." and also some of the crewAmbaesadors Italy% reply to the Powers. The "Garida" ritales that many officiais, who heeled right over and went down Thevs) It declares, among other things that ail the were dismissed from their posta by Dr.Grahem, The Captain and the crew on board were ramure recently circulated on the subject of after the scasdslous revelations a few years rescned by a tag. Several passengera were reverses sa ffered by the Italiens in Tripoli are ago, have been aime reinstated in their former severely eut and braised by the collision. devoid of foundation [Havas] poste. The correspondent, who gives thie The P. and O. announces that they have ROME March 16. information to the "Garida," aske the Comaccounted for ail except 7 passengers. A French General Ameglio bas been promoted Lien mission to find ont how and why these officiais trawler bas arrived at Newhaven with 2 bodies. The flamber of the crew missing is anknown. tenant-General in recognition of Isis conclue at were brought back, and he suggests that Dr. Benghazi. [Reuter] Graham should be appointed to sit on the [Reuter] Mr. Flower, who bas been et Mehalla el (Ortzette'e Special Service,. Kebir arranging for the service of motor-cars , LONDON, March 16. which conveyed Lord Kitchener and the other CRETKS UNION WITH GREECE. The Oceana went clown slowly about twenty members of the party to Ebsham on Satorday, feet on ber smashed side and then disappeared. bas now returned to Cairo. ATHENS March 18. LONDON, March 16 The commission which bas been formed in There was £747,610 of specie on board the Crete to manage the Affaire of that islands Professor' von Noorden frocs Vienne bas annonnced bis arrivai for the 20th hast. at the Oceana for Bombay and £1,610 for Port-Said, intends to inform the Consulsof the Powere to 280 and the passengers 40. day that the elections seuil teks place on the Hotel Al Hayat, Helouan, for a lengthened The crew numbered [Reuter] same day as they will in Greece and the de stay with bis family. It will be bis second stay LONDON, Match 16. paties elected wfll leave for Athens. et Helouan. The Pisagua has arrived at Dover in a - The Commission also intends infœming the einking condition. [Reuter] Consuls that theae dectsione have been unani LONDON March 17. monsly arrived at by ail the Cretans, and that Latest arrivais at the Hotel des Bains, It fs hoped to salve the haillon of the even the partisans of Mr. Venizelos bas Helouan, are : Mes. and Miss Gollingwood, accepted the proposais of Mr. Manos. Miss Newsum, Mise Schofield, Miss Keil, Miss Oceana, the masts of which are above water. There is no news of the missing occupante [Ephemiris] Taite. of the first boat of the Oceana. It is now -e regarded as certain that the 17 occupante have Further telegrams on this subject appear on Sir Rider Haggard, accompanied by hie been drowned. A violent gale is biowing in Page 5 . daaghter, Mrs. Thomas Haggard, le expected tha Channel. [Reuter] in Egypt ehortly. He will be absent from Bngland about six weeks. FATE OF THE PASSENGERS. w THE MASTERY OF THE PACIFIC. OPERA AT ALE %ANDRIA. MONDAte,UFCCH Miss Macfarlane's Story. WASHINGTON, March 17. ission. We have received the following official communication from the Manicipality — "Certain individuels have addressed themselves directly to members of the Commission of Enqairy individually. The President of the Commission begs to inform the public that any communications should be addressed as follows : ' The President of the Commission of Enquiry, at the Alexandrie Manicipality.' Ali such communications should contain the nome and the addreas of the pereon in tereeted so as to permit of the Commission summoning him, if it considers it neceseary." Sidky Pasha and Dr. Granville, after work. ing on the Commission ail the day, left for Cairo lest night. The Commission did not sit to-day, bat will caserne work to-morrow March 16. Lord Kitthener's party loft Mehalla-el-Kebi for thie place on Saturday afternoon by fou motor-cars, in the first of which was the British Agent, Sirri Pasha and Moheb Pasha, in the second Mr. Macdonald, Birch Paella and Mokheen Pasha, in the third Mr. Macanley, Mr. Williams and Captai') Fitzgerald and in the fourth Mr. Prowde, Mr. Williams, Mr. Wild and Mr. Graves. They accomplished the distance of 42 kilometres in a little over two hours. On arriving bers the party walked first to the big tent which had been erected, and jast in front of it Lord-Kitchener planted a sycomore fig Cree. The party then entered the tent, where 500 notables awaited filera. An address of welcome was read, to whieh Lord Kitchener replied in suitable terme. Proceeding outside again, the chief ceremony of the day was then performed. Lord Kitchener was handed a silver fas, and with thie impie. ment he eut the first eod of the new worka afterwards handing it to Sirri Pasha and Moheb Pasha, eaeh of whom aise eut a eod. As Lord Kitchener drove the hoe into the ground 1,300 men, by preeoncerted signal, commenced work on the alignent of the new main drain. Afterwards the fine tests of the notables were visited, and Lord Kitchener% party lanehed in the special train that was waiting at the station. Subsequently Isis lordship drove to Sakha, while Isis party retarned to Cairo. OnLord Kitchener 's departure theKbedivial Anthem was played. His lordship, who was dressed in a blue suit and a felt bat, appeared in excellent health and spirits and frequently acknowledged the salaces of those present as Ise drove off. morning. The Commission yesterday examined a number 'of suspected simien, of the Tanzim Department. The dossiers examined were those offieially designated as "Excedent" and "Emprise." The former ha8 to do with the superfluous plots that remain over alter new etreets and ronds have been constracted, snob as the plot taken by Nadoury Bay, which was meutioned in the "Wady el Nd" case. The latter deale with pareele of land taken from CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION. Officiais and Hashish Smuggling. On Friday lest a Gonflait of Discipline of the Custom Administration decided to dismise three petty officiais of that Administration for having assuoted in smaggling hashish, by passing the drag through the Customs at Alexandrie concealed in marchandise. The "Bourse Egyptienne" recently had an article on the subject of customs offi ciels and hashiah smuggling and in its fast issue a paragraph appeared regretting the publication and pointing out that the charges did net contain a general accusation againet the officiais of that Administration, but referred to certain sahel tern officiais, and that the newspaper had tranemitted there charges to the Director General of the Administration at hie request. The Administration han withdrswn the Fancy Dress Bail. Thanks to the presence of the Officers taking part in the Army mar ceavres in -and about Helouan, and their friands and relatives e the hotels, the annuel faim, drese bail on Friday night was more fally attended titan any reeent years, and so erowded was the dinner train from Cairo that it was difficult to find a seat. Helouan (lances ale always characterieed by a spirit of enjoyment far in excese of those in town, and this one was specially gay by reason of its moly, excellent arrangements, while though the tvind was somewhat boisterons, the evening was snfficiently warm to allow of full use being made of the illuminated gardens and terracee in the intentais of the dance. Quantifies of large Chinese lanterne glowed and swayed in the breeze outlining the paths of the garden wherein had been erected decorated tente of varying dimensions, while the new south terrace well sheitered and protected was almost as popular as the ball-room Reale Quite a flamber of dinner parties graced the earlier hours of the evéning, the Countess of Albemarle having a table for ten among whom might bave been notices' Lord and Lady Bary, Lady Elizabeth Keppel and others ; Mr. and Mme. Leon Robin had friands with them, so also Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs, Thompson, Mrs. Hardie, Mr. and Mre. Ritson and Mr. and Mre. Jardine, which latter lady was looking lovely in ber white bejewelied costume as the Pearl Slave. Very many pretty fancy drese costumes were affin, but none with greater success than that of little Miss Cheston who had calebrated her thirteeuth birthday by appearing in the attractive guise of a young Egyptian Princess with gracefal draperies of black and gold Assiout work beavily laden with chine of beade. White and silver formed the theme of Mrs. Knowles' Eastern drese completed with e transparent yashmak,and Miss Armitage aise exploited the artistic qualifies of Turkish costume, the draperies of which fell over full satin trousers of blue. Reminiscences of the tate theatricals were there in the presence of Mrs. Toy Page in ber dinky suit of russet brown, and Mise Dudley-Sawyer who wore ber pretty dress of rose with ber betwitching cap and apron. Mr. Bolland tao appeared as the Lord High Chancellor of the Emperor of China, while Captain Shaw Page and Captain Wilcox were masque. rading as Chinese coolies. Most elaborately carried out was the Wasp of Miss Armitage whose gold satin pointed tapie was barred with black velvet, and about whose person crawied many a harmleas torpid specimen of the race, and many e horrid reminder of oar youthful stadies was included in Mre. Bearcroft'e °lever illustration of "Mathematics." Mie. Reeve wore the pretty national costume of an Austrian Tyrol Peasant, Mrs. Toogood's drese of orange was cleverly feetooned with fruit, and Mis. Halden made a very attractive Paritan lady. Mr. Patterson wore the gorgeons and becomiog robes of Prince Bshadoura, Mr. Sawyer in a short striped coat pleatifully be strewed with buttons was very basy with hie duster and brush, and Mr. Poogood made an excellent Chef. There were varions qua and suffragis.Mr.Bearcroft made a dignified Sheikh ; and Mr. Core was an excellent and modal Jack Tar off duty. Miss King was searoely recognizable ander ber war peint as a North American Iadian—a splendidly carried ont costume by the way—Miss Vint looked very well in rnsset with wreathe of bernes as Autanan, and Mrs. Logan wore the becoming robes and headress of e Chinese lady, white Mre. Capes in ber shimmering head drese and costume of green and silver with Egyptian symbole inscribed thereon might well have represen ted the spirit of the Nile. This list by no meule °khanats the flamber of faney dresses present, and among those who wore the more ordinary garments of every day life wére the Marchese Quadalmina, Lady Kingston and Mre. Dagdale, Sir Lewis and Lady Molesworth, Colonel Hayworth, Major and Mre. Scriven, Mrs. Brinton, Major Garcia, Tucker, Captain and the Hou. Mrs. Major, In Q leb y Mr. and Mrs. Bovil, Dr. and Mrs. The Navy Department bas ordered three prosecation for defamatory libel instituted at armoured cruisers of the Pacifie fleet to proceed Speolal Service.) the British Consulats . Alexandrin, againet Mr. to the Philippines, taus making the American LONDON, March 16. Henry Boutigny, the proprietor of the A Strike of Artistes. Miss Macfarlane, who was rescued from the fleet in the Orient the moet powerfal next to paper. boat that capsized, bas been taken to an East- the Japanese. [Reuter] private owners for making new roade. The It is remarkabie that the Administration boume Hotel. Site says the boat contained ber dossiers of certain expropriations were aise ' attempted to coneider the matter as a The Bracale opera company had another father, also a clergyman, Isis wife and ehildren looked into. accident fast night, with résulta even more criminel libel. The test of the criminel THE ITALIAN SENATE. nafortanate than the lm of their muai° in and other ladies. Their tate is stil) ancertain. law, as regarde libel, is : han the defen The ship's carpenter bas had hie leg ampu the train on Friday, for this time they were dant in publishing the libel dune an aet ROME, March 18. Lias a not able to give any performance at ail. We tated. A passenger named Cboriton ENGLISH COMPANIES IN EGYPT. likely to lead to a breach of the place, or to 23 new senatore have been appointed, inware told that Signor Dadone was ill; then fractured arm. outrage the public conscience, or good more, clnding Generale Brnsati, Canera and Pollio, that " Bohème " would be given; finally—at (Oamettden Special Service.) The Egyptian and Syrien Land or to endandger the eafety of the statel The Admirai Faravelli and the musicien Boito. 10 p.m.—tbat it was impossible to give anyAdministration is well advised in desisting Company Limited. [Reuter] LONDON March 16. thing, and that we might have mir money —– from further proceedings. ROME March 17. the numbers of rescued Particulars as to back. It appeare that the chorus and orchestra The Mixed Commercial Court at Cairo on The King bas nominated 23 new Senators conflicting extraordinarily and missing are still chose this moment to go on strike, demanding included in which are Generale Caneva and Saturday declared the above company nuit and their passages home on the conclusion of the owing to the passengers names and those of ordered` it to be liquidated by Mr. Demanget. Brusati and Admirai Faravelli. [Havas] confused. A COMPTOIR FINANCIER CASE. the crew being season, for which no provision was made in Maitre Chakour Bey, msse' for the compatit , The greater flamber have been landed at their contracte. Signer Brasai° informe us p l e a d t h e Court was incompetent as the This morning the case of Caramanos y. the that terme satisfactory to botte parties have Newhaven. They were very dejected and Company had an "object civil, bat the Court THE FIGHT IN A COURT HOUSE. now been agreed npon and that there is no dishevelled. A number of them were injured rejected titis plat. An appeal sagainst this Comptoir Financier et Commerciale d'Egypte and had broken arme. Eighteen passengers came before the Mixed Commercial Court, danger of the incident being repeated. in ent bas been lodged. (Onnettas Special Service.) attire, wrapped There was mach indignation lest night arrived in London in their night Ise capital of the Company, which was Alexandrie. The plaintiff was formerly manager ne ,1 4l,n led;ec teieh LONDON Mare 16, of the Bank of Mytileue and he wanted ex. among disappointed visitera from Mamies, their heir down. U'vrètè's4,500 tomîdgtea"èfériss. î ha -bue sent by Mr. G. aiervaaachi for the Comptoir. setilt Bar ana mre. 1b1C$011, tue-a, bas etormed Sydney Allen's bouse in the many of whom seemed inclined to demand con 'sied of Messrs. Habib Bey Pharaon, J. M. (Gazette Special Service.) been serionely wounded Maitre Pezmazoglon appeared for the Plaintif the Misses Grainger Stewart, Mn and Mra. monntains. Allen Lias their tram (ares back as well as the price of Sa agh, Becher& Pharaon, Ib. M. Sabbagh, LONDON, Match 16. and Maitre Dalian for thisComptoir.The Court Beasley, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs Cheston, Mr. and and several °there of hie gang captuied. their theatre tickets. Some ladies and gentleMre. Player, etc Bey Saud. Ne uib postponed the bearing nntil the 15th April. Only two bodies have arrived by the trawier, men of the chorus explained their grievances 'Phauks to the energies of the Ladies' ' he formation of this company was received to a large circle of friands at an adjoining one of them a stewardese and the other a The deeperate fight in a court house of which Orchestra and the quality of the floor dancing wi great favour by the public, the subecripcontinued very, merrily throughout the was an unamusing the acquis' was described in tele not whole, i is the above oafe. On th Lasoar. tio being covered thirty.six times. The board evening and though ne personally were flot SUEZ NOTES. Altogether thirty-two passengers have arriv- grains appearing in car fast issue. evening. of directors was composed of rich Syrien able to semple the supper which brought the In the afternoon the oompanygave"Boheme," ed in London. programme to a conclusion, we have every ba kers established in Damascus, Beyrout, and (Ganestaen Speoial Sm-Mea) and it is really a great thing to have heard OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT). (FROM confidence in stating that it was well np to the Ca o. Basides its land operations the camSigne Lazaro as Rudolfo. We have mat heard LONDON, March 16. 13. Suez, March high standard of Ma Petries' most excellent A GREAT SANDSTORM. pa created e special branch dealing with The passengers and crew were saved by the management. sach a gond tenore leggiero in Egypt for years. Ellerman Liner, Adalia, outward bound The erty on commission.Among the operations p Suez, strack in the And Mirai, whom Ive fast heard waking the mail steamer, Sussex and life boate frein New Khargeh Visitors Held Up. mention to the Persian Gulf via oaitied out by the company we might canal this morning and on examination on sciures amid the Pyramide of Ghizeh, was aise haven and Eaetbonrne. METROPOLE HOTEL HALL. The severest sand atorm experienoed tor th qperchas° of a plot of 22,500 square metrea entering the dock bers the fore peak was found exce'lent. Signera Solari was billed, but did l and at Shoubra (Cairo), which aras a'mast of the Western Dosent lest Mirai, whom we taire visited some years not appear. Yesterday's leaking; a survey of the damage is now to be A most enjoyable evening was spent on so profit, substantiel week end and on Sunday and Monday blew ecirely liquidated, at a being held to see if it aria necessitate ber being Saturday night et the Metropole Hotel, to be Signera Desana, hes a habit of anonyANOTHER W RECK. itwas laid The company aiso participated in the Khargeh oasis. A violence on the occasion the fancy drese Alexandrie, programmes at the with great no mity—there ware building land neer dry-docked. party of touriste attempted to return by rail içrthe purchase of a plot of The French steamer, Admirai de Kersaint, bail. Although the gentleman in lancy-drese Pyramide - quite inexplicable in so capable a Italian Steamer Sinks. tfe Savoy Hotel. not the majority, the same canot be motor car to the Nile Valley on the Western previously reported as having lost her pro were of the ladies, prima donna. Signer Belleti took Signer moet of whom were "got up" said owing te sana Oasis Railway but were held up to have peller, on being dry-docked was friand Dadone's place as Marcello with complete CEUTA Match 16. in pretty and artistic costumes. One lady drifts. A relief engins sent out with a gang of the stem frame broken and will be in dry imeness, and Signe Fiore and Signera Benigni Bedonin and another was excellent made an An Italian transatlantic steamer bas been men from the Pille Valley to clear the line 1 THE DESSOUS TRAGEDY. dock for another 10 days or se, as it is ander- very good as Qaeen Elizabeth. Other costumes also gave good accounts of themseives. wrecked near south Almanza on the Moroccan Khargeh, a journey took twelve hours to reaeh The orchestra played admirably, showing, coaat. Several emall honte have foandered. The natives, arrested on suspicion of the stood she bas to avait for e new propeller to deserving of praise were those worn by the ladies representing : The Belle of New York, which usually takes half this time. As mach riarder of Miss Bourgadel of the shooting of tome out. happily, no signa of the approaching storm [Havas] the Spanish dancer,the Reaper, Baleine etc.The as fifty centimeter8 of sand had oollected op Lier sister, nieces of Mr. Bonny, of the Mixed which was to haret Forth in the evening, and sexes of many dressed as Turkish women with parts of the line in seven hours. the (Mores also were quito thernaelyes, to ail Courte, Alexandrie, are still ander arrest, and Yasbmaks were doubtful, and we are rather inappearances. ROADS IN EGYPT. THE ATTACK ON AN ACTRKS8. olined to tbink that the pereon wearing one uall■atzt heajasned atatement to perfor. of the above disgaisas, had very sinallaboue charity morning, as some newepapers The company is giving a hie effect thie on, and who did not unmask thioughout the THE ALEXANDRIA PHARO released. announced that there men had been is now stated that Lord Kitchener ha mance to-night of "Mme. Butteifly." It Monsieur Imbert and Mademoiselle Ferra, was a member of the male aex. -signified hie wish that Cairo and Alexandrie evening the two lames of the Opera Square tragedy At midnigbt an excellent supper was proviSome very interesting discoveries have b should be joined by a regnlar cardage rond ded, which gave a new feue of energy for the which was reported in Wednesday's issue, are made by Mr. Gaston Jondet, chiai' engineeEr; Work on this project will probably be bagua second part. Duriug supper the Devons band, better and will soon be well. the Porte and Lights Administration, whyll The well known chop opposite Shepheard" very mach in the course of the next few mondait Ou who coutributed the music for the douces, description of the, Isleof the proves that (and in the Grand Hotel Buildings, Assonan,) readers may remember that Baron Waclawiezek played pretty setections. The management FADING THM SICA. laccenrusur... Pharos at Alexandrie in the eOdysseyi ie presided over by the Bros. Poboomull, ta filled recently performed the diable journey by are Muai to be congratulated in securmg the iti.EXANORIA. Mr. Jondet hes discovèed absolutely correct. services of this military band, which certainly GOLAY SONS & STAHL. most délectable selection of Eastern with a motor car. The Baron afae the journey gave added to the evening's enjoyment. This was Pension from P.T, 60. Room from P.T. 20. MANUFACTURERS OF breakwaters and a traces of ancient qnays, gonds botte ancient and modem and comprisit as hie opinion that vo great expenditure ample proved by the tact that the dancing Electric Lift. Recently Retted. of Sengineering works, who M'est Watches and Jewellery. complete series ing articles of every shape and form of apparel Geyer amont Officiais and Commercial )tavelle a would be required to improve the existing road room was filled with dancera right np to the User vatery & let at Genou 1910 with Reaord prove that the ancient Egyptian used and ornement collected from every country st et tew ao that it would he pita imitable for motor lest dance, the conclusion of which was in the speolal rates. 84 QUAI DES Bamoum Paix before the tune ROI DI LS dria as e port many centuries inoluded ander the appellation of the Orient GENET& eatly hours. PARIS. titan Prolnieer 01, V. MILLIENOSIn, 15.54111 founder, of its eponymous 392976-4 912 "ifiNT3C1V3C1 I CD 3E1. •• • • THE EGYPTIAN OMET/ 4 UNE REVUE DANS LE MONDE, "Un beau jour trois pauvres diables." "Sans nulle idée préconçae." "Eurent l'aplomb incroyable." i "De vouloir faire une revue." Ces quelques vers, premier couplet de l'amusante complainte des trois auteurs de la Revue jouée samedi mir chez Mme Michelle Pacha, renferment tonte l'edysée des graves soucie qne peine donner l'organisation d'une soirée thés tralb sur une mène mondaine. D'abord les auteurs doivent avoir beaucoup d'esprit et énormément de tact. Leur dialogue doit être vif et brillant, leurs chansons, bien d'actualité, glisseront avec légèreté sur les événements qui ont défrayé toutes les conversations, les airs seront choisis parmi ceux que tous connaissent avec des refrains entrainants. Et le choix des amateurs artistes parmi tant devenir" rnomentanement treuna nuement acteurs et chanteurs ! L'embarras de- savoir e quelle porte frapper pour demander l'hospita lité d'un soir ! Pauvres auteurs ! ils ont bien mérité leur succès, et les bravos d'en publie ravi les encourageront e recommencer. L'ambiance d'un salon est tellement diffèrent de celui d'un théâtre. Entouré d'amis, de parente comment se fâcher si une épigramme légère, une gentille rosserie vous met en scène 1 "Potins, petits potine venez vite." "Là bas vos amis vous invitent" "Potins venez vite." "Car c'est votre destin." "De maser d'abord des histoires en masse." "Puis enfin tout finit quand on s'embrasse." "Par dee chansons." "Venez donc." Chante Mlle Mereenier dans le prologue sur l'air. "Poissons petite poissons." En une charmante toilette bleu ciel, ses cheveux flottants sur ses épaules, cette toute jeune fille présente la Revue avec grace et esprit. Le rideau se lève sur la Place des Consuls. Alexandre le Grand est endormi Dans la coulisse la commère chante une chanson napo litaine avis accompagnement dee choeurs en sourdine. Un amusant dialogue s'engage entre le roi légendaire, superbement mis en scène pas M. Henri Debourg et la Commère, Mme J. Bally, dont le talent, la voix délicieuse et l'étourdissante gaieté assurent le succès de la soirée. Très belle dans sa toilette de satin gris perle scintillante de perles de cristal et de paillettes, avec l'indispensable canne richement ornée de strass, et coiffée de grandes aigrettes noires. M. Debourg porte une cuirasse en or, une courte jupe lamée de rouge et d'or, un manteau de pourpre et or ; le bandeau royal retient autour du front une draperie pourpre, et ses bijoux sont dignes da Roi qu'il repré sente. La Commère téléphone au compère, John l'homme le plus élégant d'Alexandrie, pour venir servir de Cicerone à la Majesté ahurie de son reveil au 20me siècle. Très élégant le compère M. Jacques J. de Zogheb et très 1830 avec le pantalon long gris perle, l'habit bleu de roi, le gilet blanc et le jabot de dentelles. Et n'oublions pas le chapeau haut de forme tout en or, veritable trouvaille de jeune millionnaire I Le jeune compère nous promet des merveilles sur l'air ''Lison mon petit rat." "Mais il y a bien des choses que nous ne verrons pas." "Le quai, le brise lame la rue Cherif Pacha." Car ces vieilles histoires et ces balançoires." Dans toutes les revues ont servi déjà... ' "De cette façon nous pourrons éviter." "Les séances de la Municipalité Et surtout la Bourse." "Cette suprême ressource." "De tontes les revues et d'hiver et d'été." Enperruque poudrée, et toilette bleu nattier Madame Jacques Behan jolie au possible vient noue dire combien le bridge et le poker sont la haine du jour ; son dialogue ses coupiste sont enlevés avec brio, son jeu est plein de gaieté et de malice. M. Tommy Davies est parfait en groom de chez Maxim o. M. Georges J. de Zegheb en haillons sordides, avec une jambe et un bras en moins, représente le cercle Mehamed Aly "Certes mon aspect minable. "Etonne je le conçois." "Mais, oh ! sort effroyable." "J'ai perdu jambes et bras...:'' "Et d'antres membres aussi, que je pourrais voue dire." "Et d'autres membres aussi, qui se trouvent ici..." Inutile de dire le succès de cette chanson, et celui du jeune auteur et interprête D'antres artistes, M. Max Fenderl, M. Se vsetopolo, M. Paparygopoulo, M. Bobbie Bsnachi ont leur légitime part des bis et des MONDAY, MARCS 18, 1912, EXTERIEUR CONTRATS, (12h.30 a.m.) de Zogheb excellent metteur en scène, M. et Mme Ivlichalla Pliche en organisant supérieureCoure de la Bourse de Minet-el-Bassal ment une soirée aussi messie. Depeches particulières du 16 mars 1912 Coton F.G.F.Br, La salle de spectacle très grande tendue de PRODUITS EGYPTIENS Nov. N.R. Tel. 16.21 damas rouge aven de splendides tableaux LIVERPOOL Janvier S.R. „ 16 21 anciens aux mure, les autres salons où se voient Coton.-Ventes de jour, 400 Janvier A.R. , nombreuses collections de gravures et des Disponible-9 Mare A.R. „ 16.23 peintures de maitres célèbres, étaient remplis points de baisse) 4 Future.-Mai : 8s,a 5 dès onze heures d'une assistance élégante. Mme Mai 1162244 6. ., nov. :8e-e (3 points de baisse) „ Michelle Pacha recevait ses invités dans une Juillet et superbe toilette de damas bleu et broderies LIVERPOOL Graines de coton d'or, garnie de dentelles de Venise Mme PetroGraines de coton.-Actif R.Nov. Jan. P.T. 81A a vioh portait one robe en satin noir et dentelles Fèves.-Marche nul Mers „ 83 avec garnitres de diamante, Mme M. Salvago HULL Avril en Damas cerise brodé d'or, Mme Marguerite 83S de Graines do coton liv. mars-£73 de Zogheb était habillée de satin et voile de Mai „ 84 soie mauve et dentelles de malices, Baronne baisse REWARGLITS3 : Jacques de Menasse en satin noir et magnifiFèves.-Pen d'affaires Coton. - Es hausse q_ues dentelles, Mme Oh. limes en noir, Mme LONDRES •reuee de entre: Faible Vermont et Mme Lemoine portaient la même Graines de coton.-Calme toilette en satin noir et jais noir Comtesse A. COTON AMERICAIN de Zogheb en satin liberty maïs, Baronne T TIËGRAMMES HAVAS Ereilo de 1.100(.00 - .ra noir, et blanc MI/18 Maurice Pilla en brocard vert empire. drapée Future mai-juin : 5 87 (6 points de baisse) Bourse du 16 ranis 1912 d'un voile en tulle noir, Mme John Chini en „ ont.-nov. t 5.73 (6 po'nts de baisse) COCAS DES VALEURS : CLOTURE DU MATIN satin et mousseline de soie verte, Baronne Disponible : 6 13 (5 points de baiera) Felix de Menaces en satin jaune, Mme Jacques PARIS NEW YORK Aghion en damas vert broché d'or était très Rente Française ... Fr. 94 80 Middling Upland 10 65 (10 pointe de baisse) entourée et très félicité au sujet des fiançailles Dette Egypt. Unifiée ... „ - Futurs mai : 10 47 (4 points de baisse) de sa charmante fille Adrienne Aghion avec Banque d'Athènes „ 121 M. Raymond Gandour, Mme Critchley en satin oct. : 10 62 (3 points de baisse) „ Crédit Ferrier Égyptien „ 762 maure et tunique en résille de perles blanches Arrivages de ce jour. balles 21 000 ot or, Comtesse G. de Zogheb en pailleté bleu Land Bank .. „ 179 Contra é se jour Paredernelim. bal 8 clee et mauve, Mme Maori en brocard blanc et Change sur Londres „ 25 234 argent, Mme Jacques Suarès en broché bleu et Cours dee valeurs e terme Cloture dentelles blanches portait de splendides bijoux Peurs Mme Alex. Sorsock en vert foncé, Mme Verchère de Reffye en satin paille et broderies de Rente Française 3 op- Pr. 93 92 ex MARCHE perles de cristal, Mme A. Sevastopule en pail Dette Egyptienne unifiée „ 103 DE MIN ET- EL- B ASS AL leté bleu, Mme Cristias Sinano en mousseline Actions de Suez , „ 6352 de soie crème, Mme Calogeropulo en mauve, Crédit Foncier Egyptien „ 762 Mme Andrizaki en mousseline de soie chamCrédit Lyonnaise, „ 1544 pagne, Mlle Michailidie en soie rose, etc. etc. 18 mars 1912.-(12h.30 a.m.) Compt. Nat. d'Escompte „ 940 Après la revue, un somptueux souper froid est servi, pendant quel les salons sont débarBanque Ottomane _ „ 681 COTONS. - C16ture du marche du 16 mars : rassés des chaises, M. Ugo Fenderl et M. Assez actif, ventes 1,456 balles Land Bank of Egypt „ 122 Agostini Sinadino alternent au piano avec Lots tures „ 204 50 BEURRES autant de talent que de bonne grâce et les Crédit Franco-Egyptien.. „ 212 valses se succèdent entraipantes. A 1 heures Soutenu Thornson-Honston „ 810 un orchestre de musiciens, les remplacent mais BAlITE - DITPTE ET PATO« Change sur Londres „ 25.24 les invités de Mine Michelle Pacha font des Soutenu Lomme ovations aux interprètes de la Revue, leur Etat dn marche de ce jour, rot. :Assez wt redemandent chansons et couplets et les -Uonsolidéa Anglaie £ 774 Les arrivages de 2 jours se ohiffrent par refrains sont repris en choeurs par tonte l'assis National Bank... „ 18 *inters 19424 contre même jour Fennec proutance. Agrioultural Bank „ 6e r -lente canters 26993 GISELE DE RAVENEL. Delta Light Railwaye „ 744 GRAINES DE COTON. - En hausse Delta Dand „ 15,'9 Disponible Ticket .New Egyptian Cy. „ 12,6 Bulletin de la Bourse Rien Mit-Afifi-81 Egyptian Investment „ 6/3 Fayoum.-794 If Lundi, 18 Mars. Khedivial Mail, ord.- „ 9/ BLÉS. - En hausse Union Pacifie „ 1714 Querzrz Seine : Coud. Saha P.T. 114 e 116 Mardi insignifiant la National Bank reste Steel Commun _. „ 684 „ 110 „ 115 inchangée comme l'Agricole. La Cassa di Sconto „ Beaune: „ „ Escompte hors banques 34 reprend 34 à 45 fr. la Banque d'Athènes perd FEUE. - Invarie Egyptian Salt and Soda „ 14/3 1 fr. à 119, le Comptoir recule de iee à le, e'r , Quelere Same : Cond. Saha P.T. 95 a 99 Egyptian Markets „ 25/6 l'Unifiée reprend f à 1011. La Port Said Sali est demandée à 13/6, la New Egyptian recule Union Foncière d'Egypte „ LENTILLES. - Sans changement à 12/44, l'United est offerte à Cond. Saha P.T. 99 a 103 COTONS ORGES.-Forme On a vendu aux enchères publiques d'ordre „ Cond. Saha P.T. 78 a 80 de la Bank of Egypt les titres suivants : 6.760 Copie de la depeohe Egyptian Land Investment sur lesquelles 165 Maur.DE LA COMSSION Dl/ LA B0131113E DES Piastres ont été déjà renboursées. La Bank „ Cond. Saha P.T. 79 e 86 MAISCRANDISE2 n'Umm-nem racheté le tout à 2 livres. à la 13 -Croce Rossa Italienne à fr. 44 et 45f. OIGNONS 1 Banque Nationale de Grèce 432fr.4 oblige LIVERPOOL COTTON ASSOCIATION Arrivages de ce jour sacs 26041-contre - • tien ville de Paris 1871 à fr. 108e. 100 Cotton Mille pour 311 piastres, 2 obli- meure jour de l'aunes passes sacs 15603 ; Prix *ie• (Cours pratiques ce jour, e 10h. a.m. e 11, gations Canal de Suez à fr. 606, 13 Bons Pa P.T. 38 a 43, tond. franco-wagon. Bourse Khediviale). nama à 1384, 125 Estates pour piastres 120, Marché calme Tel. 1644 Livraison Mars 192 Palace Hotels à piastres 75, 76, 90 et 100. „ 1614 „ Mai 200 Petite Bateaux à 11/9 et 12/6, Il est à EXPORTATION DU 16 MARS ,, Juillet noter que les Palace Hotels ont payé il y a un Coton.-Balles 3,822 mois piastres 30 de coupon. „ November 1 844 Graines de coton. -Ardebs 16,415 Marche firm Arrivages de ce jour, e Minet-el-Baffle PORT SAID WIRELESS. Les prix suivants ont ete pratiques ce jour °antan - e COTON Lloyd's Station The following ships were in communication (Coure pratiques ce jour e la Bourse Khed voile, e 10h.30 a.m.) Tel. 16e4 Livraison Mare „ 1614 „ Mai „ 16l4 Juillet „ „ 1644 „ Novembre Marche firm (BASSE-Eareire) Province Behera De P.T. 290 - e 400 Damanhour Province Garbieh De P.T. 360 - e 420 Kafr.Zayat Tantah „ „ 350 - „ 410 Province Menonfieh Menouf De P.T. 335 - a 410 - direct with Lloyd's Wireless Station at Port Said on Saturday. Messages can be handed in et any State Telegraph Office in Egypt, and the Sedan, and ail information as to charges, etc., can be obtained at Bach Offices. In the Mediterranean. (MOYENNE.EGYPTE) Arabie, (White Star), Alexandrie M Jaffa. Fayoum De P.T. 260 - a 325 Dunotar Caetle, (U. C.), at Jaffa. Vectis, Beni-Souef „ „ 275 - „ 355 (P. & O.), at Alexandrie, Prinz Heinrieh, (N. D. L.). Western end of Candie. Wien, (Austrian Lloyd), Alexandrie to Trieste. SECTION DES GRAINES ET CEREALES In the lied Ses, Prix Ftencereeetili" • e """ti' ,ecelee, tosrléhf), IconNeic w noserine 600 „ Fayoumi „ 794 „ miles. Kawi, (R. Lloyd), Batavia to Rotterdam 430 miles. Arabia, (P. & O.), Bombay to London. ARRIVAGES Where no distance is etated, the veeeels are du 18 mars 1912 close, or within easy range, such as off Documente de !'"Alexandrie tleneral Produm Alexandrie or in the Canal. Association" thgàtire municipal très agréable, en satin jaune avec un diadème portant écrites les lettres F.M., et Mlle Marika Valaseopulo un charmant Skating tout enveloppé de fourrures, avec une délicieuse toque en tulle blanc et fourrures blanches. Elle nous raconte les déboires d'un théâtre ou le talent se glace et dont le Retreim. "Que je gèle que tu gèles." SHIPPING MOVELYIENTS: "A l'instant même je sors." "Il y e de quoi pincer la mort.." etc. ALEXANDRIA HARBOUR A été bissé avec enthousiasme. Voici Mlle Suey Valassopulo délicatement IMPARTI:SES jolie dans son costume orientale, des étoffes de tulle noire brodées et lamées d'or, une ceinture de soie rouge d'an ton vif, s'enroule autour de March 15 la taille, des aigrettes et des perles blanches Abaesieh, Brit. e. Constantinople lui composent une coiffure originale. Illiria, Aust. s. Trieste Elle mime avec dee gestes lents et des envolemente d'écharpe une danse très gracieuse sur Portugal, French o. Marseilles . une valse de Borodine avec l'accompagnement Lazareff, Ras. e. Syrie Bosforo, Ital. e. Brindisi and Venice dee chœurs. C'est pee tique et très harmonieux. Nombreux Transport, Brit. s. Bombay bis et rapjele. Très étudié et bien compris le Sea Bell, Brit. s. London personnage de Baroni chef d'orchestre convaincu, par M. Periclê 3 Aneetasiedis, et ses couplets Castillan, Brit. e. Liverpool March 16 sur l'air de la "valse brune" sont une fine Tewfikieh, Brâ. s. Syria satire se terminant par ces vers. "Mais le public dormait toujours le lâche." Wien, Aust. s. Trieste "Comme s'il n'entendait rien I" Regel Carol, Ronm. e. Constantinople D est imrossibleelens lire ermites au »si ries Arabian, Brie e. .14ffa ironie de donner tierce chope qu'une vague idée de cette revue pétillante d'esprit, de drolerie Castillan Prince, Brit. e. Syria March 17 et de bennelumour. "Le plaisir dure toujours." Eptanisses, Greek e. Brailà "Des moments trop courte" Vretis, Brit. a. Marseilles Chantent en choeur finale toue les artistes, les applaudissements les bis, les rires joyeux NOTICES témoignent aux auteurs M. Jeen et Marie Lumbroso, M. George J. de Zogheb et a leurs The S S. Creole Prince with passengers and très remarquables interprètes que le public est puerai cargo from London, lel% Malta on du même avis. Tous et toutes ont fait preuve de talent, d'esprit, et de courage, M. Ugo Saturday last, and is expected to arrive here Fenderl au piano, infatigable et modeste, M. ou Wednesday next. A'essandro Cinadino le deficat musicien en The Messageries Maritimes S S. Orénoque s'occupant des parties vocales, le Cte. Georges t is expected to morrow. camus DE (Cours pratiques ce jour e la Bourse Khee viale e lh.15 p.m.) TeL 16e4 Livraison Mare „ Mai 1644 „ 1611 „ Juillet „ Novembre 1814 Marelle firm _ 't Y' sOCIA1'lON DES COURTIERS EN MARCHANDISES (Service spécial) FER saseore B/B 1033 4E8 Graines de coton Ard. 10108 3530 Bles Raidi Sacs - 100 e Ballera Paves Saidi „ 885 Behera Lentilles e 13 Orge „ - 690 Mals e 58 Oignons „ 26041 Melba Cotons.-Total des arrivages depuis le 1er sept. 1911 jusqu'à ce jour, can. 6872059 . Gr. de rot.-Total des arrivages depuis le ler sept. 1911 jusqu'à ee jour, ard. 3895975. Contre meme jour en 1910 : BARQUES XT CHEMINS DE PERS ,/u Cotons (Mies de coton Art- 9840 'Bles Saidi • , Sao% 1, „z,-Behera » .. ,„?2- e' , Feues Saisi i „ Behera Lentilles Orge Mais DERNIERE HEURE BOURSE ICHEDIVIALE Avant-Olotnre, 1h. p.m. Conne F.G.F.Ba. Novembre N,R. Tel. 16.21 JenvierN R „ 16.21 JanvierA.R. „ -.Mars A.R. „ 16.23 Mai 16.24 Juillet... 16.24 -• Gemmes DE cons Nov: Jan. M'eu • •• „ ....„,,, - P.T. 8l 83 -8.6 1 -- iI////riir - „. OluitTrelleig.m. .iNiu,aiie neo,errbeNorr :it .e..F.E .G.... ..... F.,.....4. ,": „ .1i _.."..6eki - 'Situ: A.R. -Pb ,_ s 16.24 Me...- - ..,...e „- 16.25 - *:-... ' "..b ..4 • ' .-.4'.. - „ 16.25 „ 16.26 „ 16 26 e -- zs ,, Ar - . lasued by the "Commission des Courtiers en Valeurs d'Alexandrie" --14 0 '''''' - eri St. Ermins Hotel At the Heart of London. Inclusive Terme from 12s. per day. Ses Advertisement aboya Leader, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Cloture, d'aujourd'hui 18 Mars 80382-20.4412 Cote Officielle AIX-LES-BAINS. Crimptant et ternie Nat. Bank of Egypt Lat. 174 Tramway d'Ales. Priv. Fes. 1224 e N. „ N. N. „ Div. „ 145 - Alexandrie Water Let. 12 Behera . ... L.E. 141 N. „ Privilegiés „ 44 „ N. Bourse Khed. d'Alex. Let 264 „eaN Soc, Gen. de Pressage 294 N. Obligations 4/... „ 914 „ N. Primer Libres ... „ 174 „ N. Lots Turcs . Fes. 2074 N. eertese di Soonto nonv. ,. 45 „ Priv. „ 101 „ N. Anglo-American Nile Le. - Banque d'Athenes Foe. 119 Nlle Land... ._ lot. 3 „ N Cheikh Fedi - Foe. 93 Entreprises Urbaines Let. 3eet tee „ N. Comptoir Financier... „ tee „ parte de fond. „ 1/ „ N. Building Lande„ l eTe N. UnioFe.d'EgyptLS214 N• „ parte de fond. „ 34 N. Banco dl Roma- Fos. 110 „ N. Central Building _ Let. 74 „ N. Soc. Gen. Électrique et lemaniqueLet. 8 ., N. Ste Elect.Beese-Égypte „ ,, N. 34 don. des Immeubles.- „ 64 Presses Allem. Act. L.S. 134 ,, N. Oblig. „ 98 „ N. Ghizeh et Rodab „ - 44 Bonded Warehouee Co. „ 5 Banque de Metelin „ 160 • N. Gabbari Land N. Unifiee . - L.B. 101f Consolide Anglais Lat. 774 Rente Française . Fce 93.92 ex Rente Italienne... - „ 97 Land Bank . Lat. fondateur „ 48 Banque d'Orient . Fer. 132 „ N. Nungovieh Hotels - Ut. 4 -4,1 Obl. S.A. „ 99 • N. „ B. „ 90 -„ N. „ C. „ 90 „ N „ D. „ 854 „ N. Agric. Bank of Egypt „ 614 Credit Franco Egypt. Fie. 210 „ N „ fond. „ 14 Ededivial Mail Pref. Let. 44 „ N. „ _ REGINA HOTEL BERNASCON AND VILLA REGINA. First Ouse, 260 `nome with hot and mId running water 60 private baths. Extensive shady tenace and gardon. Grand (dere, ore` Mke and Valley. 3, M. BERNASCON, Proprietor. BAVENO. Lake Magglore, Italy. (On Simplon Tunnel). Grand Hotel Bellevue. Open from luth February. Blet renowned English Family Hotel. First clans throughout. Garage. Orchestra. Apartmen. with Bath; Moderato Rates. C. PEDRETTI, Proprietor. CADENABBIA, (Lake of Corne.) The Belle Vue Hotel. HIGHEST COMFORT AND REPUTATION. Finest and Quietest Position on the Lake. - - GOLF. - A. FEDELE, Manager. - GEN0Amm /LÀ 1RAMARE Cenoa's Really lst Class Hotel, The FASEIIONABLE RENDEZVOUS in the Huent position. Grand Tenaces. "The Last Word" in Hotel Comfort. Best "CALL" on the way to and from Egypt. - 7,e,_ SWITZERLAND. LUCERNE. Hotel Schweizerhof. FIRST CLASS THROUCHOUT. HAUSER BROTHERS, Proprietors. 35520--31 - 3 - 912 COMPLETELY RENOVATED IN 19103 Valeurs au comptant ttamleh Railway . ... Let. 5 116Egypt. Delta Railwaye „ 744 Eaux du Caire ... Fie. 1194 „ Jouissance „ N. 198 - „ „ V. MONTREUX, Switzerland. N. „ V. SYRACUSE• Grand Hotel VILLA Polit!. !AM. for lik4p r.XOTIANCE QI:MUTIONS -•-. sellingf 97ee 961%- „ „ GRANDS MOTELS FIRST CLASS. - Banka) timing First Class in every respect. Splendidly sitmted on the Lake Shore. Close to the Sporting Pavillon. Entirely renovated. E. BOREL. - London chèque 974 „ Sm. bank paner 964 3m.horme paper 964 Faria chèques 3844 „ 8m. bank paper 3814 „ 3m. heuse parer 3814 Switrerland chèque 8834 3m. bank paper 3794 Germany chèque 4744 e 8m. bank paper 4684 Italian chèque 8811 I Leas one per mille brokerage Excelsior Hotel. MONNEY & BEAU SEJOUR AU LAC . L.E. Sh. 30/6 Publie. Egyptiennee... L.S. Port Said Salt 8h. 13/6 Cotton Ginners Let. 1 Egyptien and Levant Steamship - „ 12/ N, New Egyptian „ 12/44 „ United Lare - à er Vfondateur „ Rite Hotels N• Land Investment. „ parte de fond. Sh. là Helouan - Lat. Levioo . Sh. Budnaui Zariffe ... Let. II Industrial Building _ 144 ft N. The Gommer. Eetatea, Let, Banque Egypt de Com. „ 34 N. Banque of Abyssinie... „ 44e Sidi Salem.- If N• Part fond. Delta , „ 14 et N. -Te. - MONTREUX. „ N. - fondateur AUTO-OMNIBUS „ N. ▪ N. - - - MODERN N. CONFORTS. „ Splendid Hotels WITH ALI, • N. Daira Sa'nieh ... Let. - Egyptian Markets ... Sh. - Anglo-Egypt. Spinning Let. - eee part fond. „ - Biens d'Alex. Priv. ... Foe. 127 Div. 50 Biere du Caire Priv.... „ - Div. „ Egyptian Cotton Mille Sh. - Egyptian Salt & Soda „ 14/6 -Obi. Aue. Credit Foncier-Egyptien... -. Foe 341 Obi. Nonv. Credit Fonoier-Egyptien._ „ 2784 sème „ 2734 Actions Credit FoncierÉgyptien „ 784 Banque Nat. de Grece Lat. Deferred Delta Delta Land . Suer. et Raffi. d'Egypte Fos. - Khedivial Mail on... Sh. 8,6 Egypt. Investment & Agency Ltd Let. - à e W 10 - . te - aelr , -. e e - iâ IP Oignons cc . .,,5608e,e' 3 herzt... .... _ e 16.25 Sesame ,e e , n't",;;. 4 '...e GRADIES DE COTON Cotons.-Total des arrivages dppe leeeer NorJan.N.R. ... P.T. 81 sept. 1910 jusqu'A ce jour, eang722261;2.. • are.. ... » 83 Gr, de rot.-Total des arrivagee demis Id ri 83e4 1er sept. 1910 jusqu'à oe jouttaae,..,$98‘086 . - -Mai .„ 84 "'" 13 e „ 16.24 „ 16.25 „ 16.25 e 16.e3 „ 1e,23 --, e, leo • 16.22 „ 16.22 84• 84 „ , 10h. a.m. Ameriean Future : mare avril : 5.88 „ octobre-novembre : Second Depeche, 10h.10 Lm Future : mars-avril 5.88 „ octobre novembre : 5.74 Cotons ALEXANDRIA BOURSE Aboukir DEPECRE D'OUVERTOSE LIVERPOOL, Stocks and Shares HOTELS RECOMMENDED. 886 8824 38444754 - 8834 Alexandrie, 18th Mercis 1912 atUto Mathan.) Newly enlargedand thoroughly refurnished. Electric light throughout. Central heating in every ronce. Private bath• rooma and nuites. Beautiful gardons. Concerts daily. New Proprietor GUSTAVE Also Notai Metrepole, Taormina. SYRACUSE, Mur. HOTEL DES ETRANGERS FIRST CLASS. Electric light. Central Heating. Prirate Bulbe. All conforta. Splendid gardon attached. Pension complete from Fca. 10 upwards. Prepnowe ENOELKE ZUNKE. TRIESTE. Hotel de la. Ville. FIRST CLASS HOUSE in splendid position near Seashore. A_EL MODERN COMFORTS. CompIetely Renevaten ami uuuuu New Management. HOTEL ADRI A, Brunch House, 80173-131-3•912 ■••11111 "THE AFRICAN WORLD" The only British Weekly, dealing reghlarly and in an expert clamser with GENERAL, Financial, Cour. meroial and ail oontemporary developmenta to date in Africa from Cape Town to Cairo and from Lagos to Mombasa from special resident correspondante. EIDeolal Transvaal, Rhodeutunend Blarphlan Gables. SubsareptIon 201: par annum anywher., met free. " MU, °vexes No. 1, Gresham Buildings, Baainghall Street, London, E.C. Amurer air ALlexmmuà •The Egyptlan Gazette," where Subscriptions and Advertieementa can be booked and copine can be obtained. 55855 EXPORT OF ONIONS. Send your effare to :- Messrs. PEARSON BROTHERS, Importera of Onions, etc., Temple Court, Liverpool, and yoa will be assured in advance of excellent rescrits. Hlghest Possible Reference*. Telegrame ; "ALBE3IARLE, " LIVERPOOL, Rellable Representative Wanted. 89730.144