Change‐Driven Model Transforma5ons Deriva'on and Processing of Change Histories István Ráth, Gergely Varró, Dániel Varró Budapest University of Technology and Economics Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems 2009, Denver, Colorado, USA Outline of the talk Introduc5on Mo5va5on Overview of the concept Change‐driven transforma5ons in detail Summary Future work Mo5va5ng scenario: forward model synchroniza5on Source Target MA MB MA’ MB’ change Incremental model synchroniza5on and 'me On‐demand: batch transforma5ons o The “tradi5onal” way Incremental model synchroniza5on Source Target MA MB MA’ MB’ change • Re‐transform • Target incrementality Model synchroniza5on and 'me On‐demand: batch transforma5ons o The “tradi5onal” way Instantly: live transforma5ons o React instantly to context (model) changes • “event‐driven” transforma5ons o Hearnden‐Lawley‐Raymond. Incremental Model Transforma'on for the Evolu'on of Model‐driven Systems. MODELS 2006. o Ráth‐Ökrös‐Bergmann‐Varró. Live model transforma'ons driven by incremental paCern matching. ICMT 2008. • Transac5on‐oriented approach • Reac5ons possible to arbitrarily complex changes Live model synchroniza5on Source Target MA MB MA’ MB’ change 1. Watch for changes 2. React to changes 3. Merge Model synchroniza5on and 'me On‐demand: batch transforma5ons o The “tradi5onal” way Instantly: live transforma5ons o React instantly to context (model) changes • “event‐driven” transforma5ons o Hearnden‐Lawley‐Raymond. Incremental Model Common assump5ons: Transforma'on for the Evolu'on of Model‐driven 1. All models are available in Systems. MODELS 2006. memory 2. Changes are propagated o Ráth‐Ökrös‐Bergmann‐Varró. Live model “synchronously” transforma'ons driven by incremental paCern matching. ICMT 2008. • Transac5on‐oriented approach Asynchronous synchroniza5on What if… o Some models cannot (should not) be materialized in memory? • Models are too large • Models have to be manipulated “inside” their na5ve environment (tool) o Changes are to be applied/reproduced “later”? • Changes have to recorded for e.g. traceability Asynchronous (off‐line) synchroniza5on Mo5va5ng scenario Source Target MA MB ? change MA’ High level (domain‐ specific) process model Trace record IF MB’ Deployed process template (jPDL) Case study and challenges Tool integra5on in a heterogeneous environment o Developed for the SENSORIA and MOGENTES EU research projects High level process models describe (complex) development process segments o E.g. automated test genera5on, deployment configura5on genera5on Processes are executed in o A distributed environment (worksta5ons, tool servers) o Orchestrated by the jBPM process execu5on engine. Challenges Challenge #1: high level models are edited changes have to be propagated to the deployed process template Challenge #2: changes are mapped asynchronously in 5me o Not (necessarily) by the process engineer Conceptual overview 3. Apply changes to Target external models through an interface MB (IF) Source MA CHMA change CHMB IF MA’ 1. Record changes into traceability models (=CHMs) MB’ 2. Map source changes to target changes (=CHMs to CHMs) instead of source models to target models Change history models Traceability models CHMA CHMB o Opera5onal difference models o Record historical opera5on sequences • WHEN (5mestamps in a linked list structure) • WHAT (CUDM) • Context (referenced model elements) o “weak” references • IDs or FQNs • Allows to reference external (non‐ or par5ally materialized) models Change history metamodel Historical record Weak references Opera5on categories Genera5on of CHMs Live transforma5ons Source o Editor‐independent! MA CHMA change MA’ Generate trace model snippets as the user is edi5ng the model o Timestamps o Contextual references Genera5on of CHMs: Generic example Parent {pre} E:Type CE: CreateEn5ty Timestamp: <sysTime()> Name: <name(E)> : targetFQN R:Type Trg {new} : typeFQN Type {pre} Src Sample execu5on sequence: : parentFQN En5ty and Rela5on are basic VIATRA concepts for graph node and edge : newSrcFQN CR: CreateRela5on Timestamp: <sysTime()> Name: <name(R)> : newTrgFQN Type {new} : typeFQN Genera5ng domain‐specific CHMs {pre} W: Workflow I: Invoca5on : parameters DI: DataInput 1. Use a compound patern as precondi5on, corresponding to a (complex) model structure : parentID 2a. Create a compound CJN: CreateJPDLNode CHM sequence as Timestamp: <sysTime()> postcondi5on : targetID : returns DO: DataOutput : next {new} CJA: CreateJPDLAtribute targetID: CJN.targetID +”.parameters” parentID: CJN.targetID targetTextValue: value(DI) 2b. Use a : next “compressed” CHM CJA: CreateJPDLAtribute element corresponding targetID: CJN.targetID+”.returns” to a complex domain‐ parentID: CJN.targetID targetTextValue: value(DO) specific opera5on Change‐driven transforma5ons Input: o Changes of the source model Source CHMA Target CHMB Output o Corresponding changes of the target model May be formulated as: MA’ o Live transforma5on o Batch transforma5on Granularity? o “one‐to‐one” o “n‐to‐m” Mapping CHMs {pre} CE: CreateEn5ty : parentFQN Parent E:Invoca5on Sample execu5on con5nued: typeFQN = meta.Invoca5on : targetFQN func5onName:<> : typeFQN Invoca5on {new} CJN: CreateJPDLNode targetID: name(Parent)+”.”+name(E) parentID: name(Parent) : next CJA: CreateJPDLAtribute targetID: CJN.targetID+”.fun5on” parentID: CJN.targetID targetTextValue: E.func5onName For each newly created Invoca5on, create a corresponding JPDL node together with is “func5on” atribute (=domain‐specific mapping logic) Applying CHMs to external models Applying CHMs = model “interpreta5on” External models are manipulated through a (service) interface Target MB CHMB o VIATRA: “na5ve func5ons” IF MB’ Manipula5ng non‐materialized models with VIATRA VIATRA na5ve func5ons allow for DOM‐style manipula5on of the deployed jPDL process template. Summary Change‐driven transforma5ons = o An innova5ve synthesis of known techniques: • Trace models • Live transforma5ons • Non‐materialized model manipula5on o A solu5on for an engineering problem o Lots of open ques5ons and new ideas… Future work A beginning, rather than an end… Lots of open ques5ons o How to write CDTs? o How to generate CDTs from “tradi5onal” transforma5ons? Are they useful? o Efficient, intui5ve model synchroniza5on o Change representa5on, processing ( (re)verifica5on, change impact analysis) o Model merging (~opera5onal merging) Thank you for your aten5on.