CSTR Fall Newsletter13 - Cross State Trail Ride, Inc
CSTR Fall Newsletter13 - Cross State Trail Ride, Inc
CSTR NEWSLETTER Fall & Winter 2013-2014 2014 DATES Annual Meeting February 15 SPRING RIDE JUNE 7 & 8 Entries due by June 1st AUGUST RIDE AUG 9 - 17 Entries due by June 30TH OR FIRST 100 HORSES MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS DUE BY APR 1 INDIVIDUAL IS $ 35.00 FAMILY IS $45.00 THE SPRING RIDE June 7 & 8, 2014 Escoheag, RI Escoheag RI is on the definite possibility list for the 2014 Spring Ride List. Campsite will be the LeGrand Reynolds Horsemen’s Camping Area at Arcadia State Park. Loretta Vincz will be ride manager and Ron Walker will co-chair. Anyone interested in helping with trails and other work details should contact Loretta at 401-578-7388 or e-mail la.vincz@gmail.com or to Ron at 401-721-9893 or e-mail to rmwrocks@aol.com WE ARE ON THE WEB WWW.CSTRONLINE.COM THE 45th AUGUST RIDE Aug 9 - 17, 2014 Swanzey, NH Can it be 45 years already? On the pretty sure, maybe list is Kitty Picotte’s property of Old Homestead Highway in Swanzey, NH. Kathy Livingston is hard at work putting the pieces together. We will update you on progress at the February meeting. We were last there in 2008. Page 2 CSTR NEWSLETTER Fall & Winter 2013-2014 2013 OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President ----------------Permanent Larry Marshall 978-355-4935 Judy Atkins P. O. Box 1243, Barre, MA 01005 Patricia A. Darmofal Vice-President Diana Leavitt Ron Walker 401-829-6851 Mary McKenney 195 Scott Rd., Cumberland RI Margo Petracone 03864 Butch Sinclair Recording Secretary Carolyn Spencer Karen Reardon, 978-363-2702 Kathy Tobey 26 Church St., W. Newbury, MA Rebecca Varney 01985 SUNSHINE COMMITTEE Corresponding Secretary Carolyn Spencer, Loretta Vincz 401-578-7388 1806 Old Louisquesset Pike, 700 Plainfield Pike, N Scituate RI Lincoln, RI 02865 02857 401-722-5870. Treasurer Patricia Darmofal 978-372-1986 12 Kelly St Haverhill, MA 01832 CSTR OFFICERS NEWSLETTER & WEBSITE Pat Darmofal 978-372-1986 patdarmofal@msn.com Deadlines and Dates to Remember Deadlines · Education Assistance Fund – Sept 1 · Spring ride entries by June 1st · August ride entries by June 30th · August ride cancellation deadline for full rebate by July 15th · Membership renewals due by April 1st WHERE TO GO FOR INFO For Ride Information Larry Marshall larrymarshall123@gmail.com 978-355-4935 P. O. Box 1243, Barre, MA 01005 For CSTR Memberships Loretta Vincz 401-578-7388 700 Plainfield Pike N. Scituate, RI 02857 For Membership Application Diana Leavitt 155 South Rd Deerfield, NH 03038 pintopony4321@aol.com ADVISORY COMMITTEE Laura Delaney Bunny Joseph Karen Wood Jenny Omasta Gary Omasta Kim Hackett Ort Karen DesRoche 978-352-5055 860-537-5234 603-362-4210 978-766-6127 978-771-3928 978-502-3487 603-525-3632 NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS The new membership process is working well. A limited number of new members will be admitted each year and will become full members with all privileges and responsibilities. The Application Process is as follows and must be adhered to exactly: 1. A membership application must be received by mail, For 2015 applicants, new dates will be announced at the Feb Meeting. Applications to be submitted between Oct 1 & 31 with a decision being made in November. 2. Application must be accompanied by a recommendation from a current CSTR member. 3. Applicant must have already participated in a June CSTR weekend before application. 4. A limited number of new members will be accepted each year. Acceptance is at the sole discretion of the Membership Committee and the CSTR BOD. 5. Applicants will be notified in February of the results. Membership applications are available on the website at www.cstronline.com or from Diana Leavitt Page 3 CSTR NEWSLETTER Fall & Winter 2013-2014 THE 2014 CSTR ANNUAL MEETING AND BANQUET WILL BE A POT LUCK SUPPER FOLLOWED BY A GENERAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS ANNUAL MEETING FEB 15, 2014 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2014 Set Up for Pot Luck begins at 3:30 We must be out of the hall by 8 General arrival begins at 4 PM with Dinner starting at 4:15 pm PLEASE BRING A MAIN COURSE DISH OR CASSEROLE WITH YOU EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WILL MEET AT 2:00 PM EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND THE ADVISORS WILL MEET AT 3:00 PM General Membership Meeting at approximately 5:00 pm Clean up begins at 7:30 NEW LOCATION LEOMINSTER LODGE OF ELKS 134 NORTH MAIN ST LEOMINSTER, MA 01453 THE CLUB WILL PROVIDE TABLEWARE, DRINKS, ROLLS/ BUTTER, & DESSERT LEOMINSTER LODGE OF ELKS 134 NORTH MAIN STREET, LEOMINSTER, MA 01453 North Main Street is Rte 12 From Rte 2, take Exit 31 south into Leominster for just under a mile Hall will be on the right between Hammond St and Richardson St MAP LINK - http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?rtp=adr.~pos.42.5371453911066_-71.7576339840889_134+N+Main+St+Leominster% 2c+MA+01453_Elks+Lodge_(978)+534-8737&where1=134+N+Main+St+Leominster%2c+MA+01453 Local hotels: Motel 6 http://www.motel6.com/reservations/motel_detail.aspx?num=1061 48 Commercial Rd, Leominster, MA 01453 · (978) 537-8161 Super 8/Day’s Inn http://www.daysinn.com/hotels/massachusetts/leominster/days-inn-leominsterfitchburg-area/hotel-overview? 482 North Main Street, Leominster, MA 01453 (978)-537-2800 Hilton Doubletree http://doubletree3.hilton.com/en/hotels/massachusetts/ 99 Erdman Way, Leominster, MA 01453 (978) 534-9000 SNOW CALLS WILL BE POSTED ON THE WEBSITE WWW.CSTRONLINE.COM QUESTIONS ?? -- CALL MARGO PETRACONE 978-621-9815 Westwindfm@aol.com NON MEMBER FRIENDS ARE WELCOME TO THIS FUNCTION Page 4 CSTR NEWSLETTER Fall & Winter 2013-2014 Notes from the Executive Board: A voting ballot is included with the newsletter. Bill Bourgeault passed away this fall and we have a slot open on the Board of Directors. The Board is offering two names to the membership, one of which should be chosen for the Board position. Both Bunny Joseph and Larry Marshall have been long time members of Cross State. Larry has served as President for a good number of years and is stepping down from that position and will remain as a temporary member of the Board as the immediate past president. Larry has worked on several spring rides as ride manager and has also been involved in a number of August rides. Bunny Joseph has been an August ride manager, has been an advisory Board Member and has helped on several spring and August rides. Both have taken an active interest in Cross State and either one would be an asset to the Board as full time members. The Nominating Committee is presenting a slate of officers on the official ballot included with this newsletter. The office of VP is being contested and a short bio on the nominees is included. We are moving the annual meeting once again to a new venue, this time, the Leominster Lodge of Elks - information and directions are included. Leominster is central to the NE area and readily available off Rte 2. It was nice to see a new crop of younger members at the August ride this year. We enjoyed the company of three young men and three young ladies who livened up both the trail and the camp. The 2013 Rides would not have been possible without the work of some of our members. June ride thanks go to Beth & Richard Sturn as ride chairs. We returned to Koszela Farm in Greene RI. It was a very wet start with a deluge on Friday night, but the old gravel pit where we were parked dried out completely and quickly and the weekend weather was great. The club enjoyed a Friday night welcome pizza party, new this year. The pizza party event that will probably become a yearly opening to our June ride. Thanks to Ron Walker for arranging it. Thank you also to everyone who contributed in making this ride a success. The August Ride returned to Brookfield NY and we were again hosted by the Abrams Family. Alan Sawyer and Nancy Avery chaired the ride and had help from numerous CSTR members in getting the trails marked and the field prepared. We had another great ride in NY and enjoyed a really nice trail system. Entertainment Kudos also go to Jen Omasta for the great entertainment program that she set up. A country blue grass band put on a show one night that was a great hit and enjoyed by all as we danced and sang the night away. CSTR NEWSLETTER Fall & Winter 2013-2014 SCENES FROM THE LUNCH STOP AT YARROW HILL Page 5 Page 6 CSTR NEWSLETTER Fall & Winter 2013 - 2014 CSTR EDUCATION ASSISTANCE FUND FORMS POSTED ON THE WEBSITE Education Assistance is available to CSTR members. The assistance program is funded with proceeds from our open pleasure ride held in June each year. We are now offering education assistance to all junior family members, whether or not they have participated in a CSTR ride, as long as they carry a full course load. Assistance will also be offered to adult CSTR members who are furthering their education and following an accredited course. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. RULES AND REGULATIONS Recipient must be a current member of CSTR. Recipient shall receive $300.00 per year for college or other further education beyond high school. Recipient shall be required to complete a scholarship application each year to receive any additional scholarship awards. Additional scholarship awards beyond the first year shall depend upon recipient maintaining passing grades. All scholarship awards shall depend upon funds available. Completed applications must be mailed by September 1 Contact for Education Assistance Fund MARY McKENNEY 33 Turkey Hill Rd. West Newbury, MA 01985 Applications for Education Assistance can be obtained by contacting Mary McKenney: Call her at 978-774-1495 - or -E-mail her at giddyupgrandma33@yahoo.com- or Write her at 33Turkey Hill Rd., West Newbury, MA 01985 Sunshine Committee The Sunshine Committee is responsible for responding to reports of serious illness or deaths among CSTR members. Report any such happenings to Carolyn Spencer, Old Louisquesset Pike, Lincoln, RI 02865 401-722-5870. cboomerang@yahoo.com A better response can be made if you notify her immediately. Our membership is spread all over New England and beyond, which makes it hard for one person to keep track. CSTR NEWSLETTER Fall & Winter 2013 - 2014 Page 7 2014 CSTR MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FORM THERE WILL BE A DROP BOX AT THE ANNUAL MEETING FOR RENEWALS. THEY CAN ALSO BE MAILED TO THE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. Dues must be paid by April 1, 2014 or you will forfeit your membership. Checks for 2014 dues will not be deposited until after March 1st, 2014. MAIL DUES AND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: LORETTA VINCZ, 700 PLAINFIELD PIKE, N. SCITUATE, RI 02857 NAME_______________________________________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL______________________________________________________________________________ (Please print clearly) ADDRESS____________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________Zip code ______________ Home Phone _____________________________ Do you accept messages by text? ______ Cell Phone ______________________ Membership type _______ family ($45) or _______ individual ($35) List the names of all Family Members & ages of juniors includes children under 18 ( or under 21 if in school ) Juniors who are past this age must convert to an individual membership. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ The Cross State Website at www.cstronline.com will be your source for newsletter and general information. The August Ride application will continue to come in the mail. Newsletters may also be sent in .pdf format to your e-mail address. If you do not have access to the internet, please check below to receive your newsletters by postal mail. _____ I do not have access to the Internet - Please continue to forward my information by postal mail. 2014 CSTR OFFICER BALLOT NAME OF CSTR MEMBER SUBMITTING BALLOT _____________________________________________________________ President Vice-president (see write-ups on the next page) ______ Ron Walker ______ Gary Omasta ______ ________________________ ______ Rich Sams ______ Laura Delaney Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary ______ Loretta Vincz ______ Karen Reardon ______ ________________________ ______ ____________________________ Treasurer Board of Directors (Executive Committee) vote for 1 ______ Patricia Darmofal ______ Bunny Joseph ______ ________________________ ______ Larry Marshall The Cross State Trail Ride, Inc., Nominating Committee is pleased to present a Slate of Officers for 2014. 'Write-in' candidates and votes will be accepted for the Officers. Make certain that your write in candidate has agreed to serve if elected. You may either mail in your ballot, or bring it with you to the February Meeting. Fifteen minutes after the meeting opens, the voting will be closed and ballots will be counted. NO ballots will be provided at the meeting. Family memberships are entitled to two votes. Individual memberships (18 years and older) receive one vote MAIL IN BALLOTS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN FEB. 5, 2014 Ballot envelopes must be marked "ELECTIONS" and be MAILED TO: BILL KNOTT, P. O. BOX 783, UPTON, MA 01568 GARY OMASTA I am pleased to have had the CSTR BOD nominate me for the office of Vice President. I have been a volunteer for most of my life for many organizations. Most notably, I have been a past member of the BOD for the Hampshire County Riding Club, a Ride Manager for Eastern Competitive Trail Ride Association (Claude Hill Rides), a Rangemaster for Northeast Six Shooters (Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association), and a 10-year volunteer for the Boy Scouts of America. I have also been a member of the Mounted Patrol for the Hampshire County Sherriff’s Department, serving in their Search and Rescue Unit. Professionally, I have worked as an EMT, a Carpenter, and a Construction supervisor. Both in my private and professional life, I have developed a reputation for fairness, dedication, and for ethical treatment of others. I have been a Cross State member for over 35 years, beginning in 1977 as a “Cross State Kid”. I have served on many committees over the years, including the Summer Ride Committee 11 years, the Banquet Committee and entertainment committee for many years, and the Advisory Board for two separate terms. I have also been the Summer Ride Chairman three times, and served as CSTR President prior to my children being born. I now attend Cross State with my wife (whom I met on CSTR) and my two children, who are both 4th generation Cross State members. I have a unique perspective that I can offer as an officer for Cross State. My longstanding history and diverse experience of service and leadership to this and other clubs can speak for itself. More personally, as I have gone from “Cross State Kid” to “Cross State Dad”, I have a very strong investment in wanting to see the club stay strong for the next generation. I would appreciate the chance to serve for CSTR once again in a more active role. Gary Omasta RICH SAMS Dear CSTR Members, First let me say that we have 3 people running for the Vice President position and that all 3 are very good people and highly qualified to hold the office. Having said that, please allow me to introduce myself to the members that may not know me. My name is Rich Sams and I've been a member of CSTR since 2006. I've had horses almost all my life; my father bought my first horse for me when I was 7, and having grown up most of my life on a small ranch in East Texas, I've been on a horse since before I could walk. The only time horses were not in my life as a steady diet was during the time I served in the USMC. I was in a Recon company from 1976-1984, but I still rode when I'd come home on leave. I hold a BS degree from the University of TN, Knoxville, in Geology and a Masters degree in Environmental Geology from the University of Texas, Austin. I received a second Masters from Stephen F. Austin University in Education. As a horseman I have been involved with several breeds. I have raised, shown and worked both Quarter Horses and Appaloosa horses; I have also raised both Spanish Arabians and black Straight Egyptian Arabians, and today I ride and breed the smooth-gaited Missouri Fox Trotter. Several of our members own and ride horses that I bred and foaled at my place. Besides showing in some of the biggest shows in the country, The All American Quarter Horse Congress and The Opportunity, I was an advisor for a local 4H pony club in my home town of Nacogdoches as well as helping several Boy Scouts get their Merit Badges in horsemanship. As you can see I have been involved in horses for a very long time. I have attended clinics with some of the biggest clinicians from John Lyons to Craig Cameron, and I have learned that the more I know, the more there is to know. Since joining CSTR I have helped often in prepping for the summer ride; I’ve helped in trimming the trees in the field for our last CT summer ride; I’ve been involved in marking trails and getting permission for our trails to cross private lands. I’ve helped in the distribution of hay to our members at the rides and in hosting various campfires, and in many other things that I have been asked to do. In closing, I was very thrilled when Ron Walker and several other members approached me about running for the position of Vice President. I think that I will be a good fit with the Executive Board and will represent our membership to the best of my ability. My desire for the club is for it to continue to grow and prosper, while maintaining the “family atmosphere” that we have all come to expect. Thank you for your time and consideration, Rich Sams LAURA DELANEY Dear Cross State Trail Ride Members, It is with great enthusiasm that I, Laura Delaney, submit my name for the office of Vice President and request your vote. I am currently on the CSTR Advisory Board and am the clubs “T-Shirt Lady.” My participation and dedication to CSTR began ten years ago when I joined. It was obvious to me this club was special in every way, making the newcomers feel welcomed and promoting a strong sense of family. Every year thereafter I have happily volunteered to work in some capacity at every ride. I love my position on the Advisory Board and have developed a deep sense of connection to the general membership while serving in this role. When I took over the awesome job of T-Shirt Lady, I coordinated with your ribbon and patch providers and listened to your ideas to bring you what you wanted in color style and design. I have a great deal of respect for the founding members of CSTR and the present Board of Directors whose involvement and dedication have helped the club to prosper. I would be honored to be given the chance to continue on that road. Cross State Trail Ride faces challenges each year as properties are being sold off and development encroaches on trail systems. We are discovering that landowners are more and more hesitant to host our large group. The membership is strong and ride locations need more acerage for base camp to be both safe and functional. I am prepared to stay commited to working these challenges while keeping the rides as much fun as possible. I support bringing in juniors and introducing them to this wonderful club. My six year old granddaughter is beginning her journey with horses and I look forward to the day she will ride beside me representing the next generation of Cross State Trail Riders. I encourage you to support CSTR by voting in the upcoming election. CSTR has become a major part of my life and with my advisory term ending in November, I humbly ask that you cast your vote for me so we can continue to work together in the future. Thank you for your consideration, LAURA DELANEY Also known as, “Beth” the bountiful bounty hunter, a movie star, and a fashion design show host in the famous CSTR Radio Show. GARY OMASTA RICH SAMS LAURA DELANEY The Nominees for the office of Vice President Loretta Vincz CROSS STATE TRAIL RIDE 700 Plainfield Pike North Scituate RI 02857 CSTR FALL/WINTER NEWSLETTER - ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - ELECTION BALLOT FOR 2014