SOUTH CAROLINA STATE SOCIETY - South Carolina Daughters of
SOUTH CAROLINA STATE SOCIETY - South Carolina Daughters of
SOUTH CAROLINA STATE SOCIETY NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Volume 41 Issue 1 State Regent’s Message Winter, 2016 Winter 2016 Dear South Carolina Daughters, 2015-2018 SC DAR Scripture “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5,6 Theme Preserve The Past Prepare for the Future Seize the Present EXECUTIVE BOARD Dianne Tucker Culbertson State Regent Elizabeth “Libby” Billham State Vice Regent Catherine Byrd McBroom State Chaplain Mari Noorai State Recording Secretary Harriet Willis Nash State Corresponding Secretary Patricia Westgate Sayko State Organizing Secretary Bonnibel Glasgow Moffat What wonderful work you all are doing for God, Home, and Country through DAR! It is such a joy to read your newsletters and learn of your valuable community service. Thank you for including me in your chapter and district events – anniversary celebrations, grave markings, award presentations, and meetings. It has been my great pleasure to share these occasions with you. Thank you for your gifts to the Guardian Trust! Maintaining our headquarters is so important to the work we all do through DAR. Thank you for all you do for the children at Tamassee – your time and talent, thrift store items, gift cards, and donations are truly making a difference in their lives. We have received many wonderful thank you cards from the students – they love you! Thank you for your gifts to the State Regent’s Project – The Prayer Garden at Tamassee. We hope you will plan to be at our Spring Conference at the DoubleTree in Columbia March 17-19, 2016. We will Celebrate America – Celebrate 125! We will Celebrate Historic Preservation and Conservation, Award Winners and Juniors, and Tamassee. Our guests for State Conference are Bea Fischer, Georgia State Regent, Lois Huntington, Indiana State Regent, Diane Schrift, Michigan State Regent, Elizabeth Graham, North Carolina State Regent, and Judy Ostler, Texas State Regent. District I, Martha Dyar Director, will be hostesses, and we know you will all give our guests a warm South Carolina welcome. Registration information is in this newsletter and on the SCDAR Members web site. We look forward to hearing the reports of the committees and sharing in celebrating outstanding members of the community. Thank you for your work, your prayers, and your support. God bless you all. With love and deep appreciation, Dianne Culbertson State Treasurer Judy Brown Justice State Assistant Treasurer JUNIORS – SAVE THE DATE Yvonne Trammel Howell SCDAR JUNIOR RETREAT (SCDAR Members 35 and under) APRIL 1-3, 2016 @ TAMASSEE DAR SCHOOL State Registrar Bettise Baker Davidson State Historian Brenda Elmore Azzara State Librarian Please email Libby Billham, SCDAR State Vice Regent if you will be there Carolyn Heape Coulter Curator Ann Taylor Alderman State Parliamentarian SCDAR State Scrapbook: Please send chapter news clippings to Public Relations Chair, Deanna Cochran PO Box 748 Longs, SC 29568 Page 2 Volume 41 Issue 1 One Hundred Twentieth State Conference 2016 South Carolina State Society National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Theme: Celebrating America - Celebrating 125 years (Registration and Display Rooms may close during meals and at other times at discretion of the Committees.) THURSDAY, March 17 9:00 ___________________________________________________Display Room opens for set-up 12:30 _____________________________Palmetto State Officers' Club Luncheon - Members only 2:00 __________________________________________________Board of Management Meeting 2:00 - 5:00 ______________________________________________Display Room Officially Opens 2:00 - 6:00 ____________________________________________________________Registration 4:30 - 5:30 ___________________________________________________________Palmetto Tea 6:30 _________________________________________Dinner - Celebrating Historic Preservation Immediately Following Adjournment _________________________________State Chair Meeting FRIDAY, March 18 8:00 - 5:00____________________Registration, Displays, Hamilton Jewelers and Silent Auction 9:00_____________________________________________________________Opening Session 12:30______________________________________________Luncheon - Celebrating Tamassee 2:30_____________________________________________________________Memorial Service 3:30 - 5:00_________________________________________________________Chorus Practice 3:30 - 4:15_____________________________________________Chapter Regents' Club Meeting 4:15 - 5:00_____________________________________________________Cameo Club Meeting 6:00__________________________________________________________Photography Session 7:15________________________________________________________Processional Formation (State/National Officers, Honorary State Regents, Guests, and Pages with Flags) 7:30_______________________State Regent's Banquet - Celebrating Historic Land Conservation (Process out - Receiving Line - Gloves Required) 9:30________________________________________________Reception in State Regent's Suite SATURDAY, March 19 8:30 - 12:00_____________________Registration, Displays, Hamilton Jewelers, andSilent Auction 8:50_______________________________Processional Formation (State Regent, Pages with Flags) 9:00 - 12:00________________________________________________________Business Session 12:00___________________________________________________________Silent Auction Ends 12:30________________________________Luncheon - (Celebrating Juniors and Award Winners) Immediately Following Lunch ________________________________Business Session Conclusion 3:00_____________________________Conference Adjourns (followed by Silent Auction Pick-up) Immediately Following Adjournment __________________________________District IV Meeting Welcome our Special State Conference Guests! Bea Fischer GA State Regent Lois Huntington IN State Regent Diane Schrift MI State Regent Elizabeth Graham NC State Regent Judy Ostler TX State Regent Page 3 Volume 41 Issue 1 120th SOUTH CAROLINA DAR STATE CONFERENCE March 17-19, 2016 INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION FORM Please fill out a separate copy of this form to use for EACH ATTENDEE (including guests) registering for State Conference. MUST BE POSTMARKED by March 1. Additional forms can be downloaded from our website at HOTEL INFORMATION Reserve your room at the DoubleTree Columbia, 2100 Bush River Road, Columbia, SC 29210. Ask for the DAR rate of $109 plus tax per night for a room with up to four occupants. MUST REGISTER WITH THE HOTEL by MARCH 3, 2016, to receive the guaranteed rate. Call the DoubleTree direct 803-731-0300 or 1-800-HILTONS. You may also register online at id=POG Per SCDAR Guidelines: "No refunds shall be made after the deadline except in cases of illness and/or death of the member or in the member's immediate family. Refunds must be made within 30 days after the event." If this reservation form is postmarked after MARCH 1, YOU MUST ADD A $5.00 LATE FEE. (Circle costs that apply) COST REGISTRATION FEE (Required of all members. Guests are exempt. Pages use Page Registration Form.) ADDITIONAL LATE FEE (if postmarked after March 1) $ 10.00 ($5.00) Thursday -Palmetto State Officers' Club Luncheon ( Members Only) Menu: Tuna and Chicken Salad, Honey-glazed Croissant, Tomato, Boiled Egg, Fresh Fruit, Alternating Desserts of Apple Pie and Strawberry Mouse Thursday - Palmetto Tea Honoring SC Chapter Regents (Open to all attendees) Thursday - Dinner: (Open to all attendees) Choose one: Option #1: Herb Roasted Pork Option #2: Chicken Florentine Option #3: Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms (Vegetarian) All served with Salad, Wild Rice, Carrots, Alternating Blueberry Crumb Cake and Cheesecake. Friday - Tamassee Luncheon (Open to all attendees) Choose one: Option #1: Grilled Salmon Option #2: Chicken Marsala Option #3: Stuffed Cheese Shells (Vegetarian) All served with Salad, Zucchini and Squash, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Alt. Pineapple Upside Cake and Pecan Pie. $25.00 Friday - State Regent's Banquet (Open to all attendees) Choose one: Option #1: London Broil Option #2: Grouper and Shrimp Scampi Option #3: Vegetarian Lasagna All served with Salad, Green Beans, Roasted Red Potatoes, Alternating Key Lime Pie & Flourless Chocolate Torte. $43.00 Saturday - Awards Luncheon (Open to all attendees) Choose one: Option #1: Southern Chicken Salad Croissant (Includes Grapes, Pecans, and Apples) Option #2: Farmer's Market Wrap (Vegetarian) Both served with Fresh Fruit and Special Dessert. $27.00 $15.00 $37.00 $31.00 Meal prices include beverage, tax, and Gratuity. *INDICATE ANY DIETARY RESTRICTIONS so that appropriate substitutions can be made. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL ENCLOSED MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO SCSDAR State Treasurer. PRINT AND MAIL COMPLETED REGISTRATION FORM AND CHECK TO: Barbara Mc Grey, Conference Treasurer, 213 Talons Ridge Road, Seneca, SC 29672 (864) 882-1595 ________ Name:___________________________________Chapter________________________________________________District__________________ Address: ______________________________________________City: ____________________________ State: ________Zip:________________ Daytime or Cell Phone: _______________________________E-mail: ___________________________________________________________ Highest CURRENT Office or Chairmanship held: ______________________________________________________________________ *Please indicate if you are handicapped and would like special assistance: _________________________________________________________ Page 4 Volume 41 Issue 1 SOUTH CAROLINA STATE SOCIETY NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Jane Michel, Editor 9 Canterbury Lane Bluffton, South Carolina 29910 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit 469 Columbia, SC Guardian Trust Campaign Special Message From Chaplain General Ann Crider The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution owns a beautiful complex of buildings in Washington, DC. These buildings were the vision of our Founding Daughters and were proposed at the 1st Continental Congress in 1892 in what has become the building of our House Beautiful. These Founders’ vision has been realized with this group of buildings which is the largest and most beautiful of its kind in the world owned and maintained exclusively by women. WHAT OUR FOUNDERS BUILT, WE MUST PRESERVE, our promise to secure our home for future generations. The Guardian Trust Campaign is a $25 million Endowment for the care of our complex of buildings. Each state has been asked to make a three year pledge for the campaign. The South Carolina Board has set a goal of $125,000. Our State Regent will present our pledges at the 125th Continental Congress. But, let’s make our State Regent Culbertson proud when she presents South Carolina’s 3-year goal and we have doubled the goal! Each SCDAR Daughter is asked to make a personally significant gift to the campaign. Are you able to contribute a million dollars? If not, YOUR GIFT with thousands of contributions of all amounts will combine to ensure the success of the campaign and the future security of 1776 D Street. If each South Carolina daughter pledged $32, we could easily meet South Carolina’s goal. South Carolina Daughters: This is our building. It is our joy to visit, to use and to show off. YOU will be a big part in making sure it is maintained for the future. To pledge: Contact the Development Office at (800) 449-1776, Daughters Website – Guardian Trust, or for more info. Remember: this is a 3-year pledge! It may be given in a one-time payment, monthly, Sustaining Supporter or Daughters Tribute. Please pledge generously. Page 5 Volume 41 Issue 1 Dear South Carolina Daughters, I am constantly amazed at all the good work that is done by DAR members around the country. And the hub, the central point of this great organization is in Washington, DC. Our NSDAR Founders built these beautiful buildings and it is our great privilege to gather there each year and celebrate the good work you are doing. As we know in our own homes, there is always maintenance to be done or the buildings will not last. DAR has done much to keep up our wonderful buildings and we all want to make sure that this continues. This is the reason for the Guardian Trust Campaign. As our President General Lynn Forney Young has said, what our Founders built, we must preserve. The campaign has begun to raise $25,000,000.00 to endow the future of our buildings. It is our desire that each state will set a goal and that our members will give to meet this goal so that when work needs to be done, the funds will be there to pay for it. Our South Carolina Board of Management has set a goal of $125,000 for South Carolina DAR. This can be pledged now and paid over three years. There are many ways to meet this goal. We can give monthly through the Sustaining Supporter Program. A set amount can be deducted from your bank account each month or charged on you credit card each month. We all buy Christmas gifts. Consider giving to the Daughters Tribute in honor of your friend or loved one – it will go toward the Guardian Trust. You will be giving speaker gifts – give to the Guardian Trust in their honor. Honor the person who first invited you to join DAR or your mentors and DAR sisters by giving in their honor. Each state will have a column, like the beautiful columns at Constitution Hall. This column will be decorated to represent their state; we have chosen palmetto fronds for ours. On this column we will track our progress toward our goal. We all love our President General Lynn Young and our own Chaplain General Ann Crider. Let’s give to the Daughters Tribute and Guardian Trust in their honor. Let’s give in honor of our Honorary State Regents. I have asked Ann Crider to be our State Cheerleader for our team. Please invite her to your chapter meeting to tell about the campaign and how important this is for our society. We would also like to have a District Cheerleader and a Chapter Cheerleader, perhaps a Guardian Trust Minute at each meeting. We can have fund raisers, we can give money we have in our treasury, we can give individually and as a group. We can do this. Thank you in advance for your support! For more information go to Dianne Culbertson SCSDAR State Regent Two Chapter Regent Events at Spring Conference A tea, honoring Chapter Regents, will take place on Thursday afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30 pm during the South Carolina State Conference. All conference attendees are invited to this fun social event, but you will need to register to attend. Look for Palmetto Tea on the Conference registration form. The Chapter Regents Club will meet on Friday afternoon from 3:30 to 4:15 pm. If you are currently or have ever been a South Carolina chapter regent, you are automatically a member of this club. No registration forms or fees required. Come share your chapter’s problems, solutions and ideas with other chapter regents as we learn from each other. Look for the meeting room location when you receive your registration materials at check in. Page 6 Volume 41 Issue 1 COME ONE, COME ALL to the 2016 SC STATE CONFERENCE March 17-19 Plans are underway for the 120th SC State Conference to be held again this year at the Doubletree Columbia. Make plans to attend this exciting event, where you can get together with your old friends and make many new ones. Come hear our committee chairmen report on what each committee has accomplished as many Daughters are recognized for outstanding volunteer work and contributions in various areas of service. In addition to the luncheons, Dinners, Memorial Service, and Business Sessions, we've added a new event. The Palmetto Tea will be held to celebrate the many hard-working Chapter Regents, who are the backbone of our society, by honoring them at this event open to all attendees. Back with us for this conference will be a representative from Hamilton Jewelers, who is putting together for each Daughter registering, a packet containing valuable information concerning pins and how to place them on ribbons. Pins may also be ordered during the conference. A change has been made to the Junior Membership Silent Auction, which traditionally has been held in the display room. To give our bidders more "elbow room" and our donors more space for the many wonderful items that will be on display and up for bid, this year's auction will be held in the back of the Capital Room where more tables can be made available. The auction room will be open during the same hours as the display room. For more information on how to donate items and/or volunteer to help with the auction, contact State Junior Membership Chair Kathy Gerwig Plan to come to the conference early and stay late, but remember to reserve your hotel room NOW since once our block of rooms is sold out, we have no guarantee of additional rooms at the special rate. SEE THE REGISTRATION FORM FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO RESERVE YOUR ROOM. The Registration Form is included in this newsletter as well as posted on the State Website. Also if your group or committee needs table space in the display room, contact Events Coordinator LINDA HAWKINS ( as soon as possible since available tables are very limited and are reserved on a first come basis. Patriot Records Project Call to Action NSDAR has a special project, the PATRIOT RECORDS PROJECT, and our South Carolina NSDAR Chapter members are now volunteering and digitizing many historic records. This fall, the NSDAR committee digitized 113,000 North Carolina Pay Vouchers twice! We are currently entering the information on the Connecticut Archive Revolutionary Accounts. If this interests you, please proceed to the NSDAR website and under the Patriot Records Project, sign up as a volunteer. Upon signing up, an email will be sent to you with the exact instructions on what is expected, how to sign on, the records that will be sent to the member, how the NSDAR program works, and the importance of the work. If you want more information before signing up, please check out the New Patriot Project webinar on the NSDAR website. In addition, this volunteer work may be reported as Celebrate America hours. Depending on the number of entries by the member, there is a Patriot Records Project pin that may be earned. Please do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions or if I can help you register, Respectfully submitted, Claudia Patterson Farmer, SCDAR Patriot Records Project Chair Page 7 Volume 41 Issue 1 Spring Conference Awards Committee Chairmen: If your committee is submitting a name for an award, please email the name of the award, the awardee's name, and the sponsoring chapter as soon as you have that information to me at Also, as soon as you know if that person or family members will attend the awards luncheon at the State Conference, please send me those names. I will arrange seating at the luncheon. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you, Joan Naugle, Awards Chairman Sumter’s Home Chapter, NSDAR, gives new Teachers Encouragement On August 6, 2015, at the new teachers’ orientation for the Sumter School District located in Sumter, SC, the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) presented ten new teachers two $25 gift certificates and an historical novel written and autographed by Shelia Ingle. Ingle is a South Carolina author whose historical novels help to educate young people about the many contributions made by women during the American Revolution. DAR is a women’s service organization established 125 years ago dedicated to promoting historic preservation, education, and patriotism and to honoring the patriots of the Revolutionary War. By supporting local teachers, we demonstrate our love and support for classroom teachers, who are often the first to instill knowledge and love of country in students. Members of Sumter’s Home Chapter’s Literacy Committee are Maggie Gurtcheff, Bonnie Disney, and Marie Hill. Teacher incentives have become an annual project of the local DAR Chapter and are intended to emphasize the importance of literacy in the teaching of history. Bonnie Disney, on left, with new teachers at presentation ceremony Page 8 Volume 41 Issue 1 The State Regent's Pin is in! Send $28 (includes shipping) to Nell Kivett 9 Coachman Drive Taylors, SC 29687-4108 National Special Committee: Tours SC DAR Bus Travels to Washington, DC At least once in her lifetime, every DAR member should travel on the statesponsored bus to visit our magnificent National Headquarters and attend Continental Congress, a week-long annual National Conference highlighting worldwide achievements of the DAR. Our majestic headquarters building covers two full blocks in downtown Washington, DC, and is within walking distance of the White House. The historic, century-old building also houses the National DAR Museum and the National DAR Library, which contains one of the best genealogical collections in the nation. This week-long trip is packed with an exciting side trip, a tour of the DAR headquarters, the SC Dessert Extravaganza which supports Tamassee DAR School, business meetings, award presentations, inspiring speakers, luncheons, patriotic programs, and educational forums. Come experience the emotions of being together with daughters from around the world. CONTACT: Katherine Barrett, or home phone: 803.469.8143 DATES: The 125th Continental Congress will be JUNE 13-19 (M-SUN.), 2016. We will be staying at the historic WILLARD HOTEL. District IV Meeting There will be a meeting of District IV chapter regents/leadership on Saturday March 19 in the Capital Room at Spring Conference immediately following the adjournment of the conference. The primary purpose of the meeting will be to finalize chapter responsibilities for hosting the August 2016 Fall Forum. Page 9 Volume 41 Issue 1 Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter On 12 October 2015, the Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter, Beaufort, SC, donated 10 cases of purified drinking water, 12 gallon jugs of purified drinking water, 8 cartons of assorted baby cereal, 8 cartons of assorted baby formula, 6 packages of diapers, and 6 packages of diaper wipes for the victims of the Columbia, S.C. flood. Treasurer Nancy Hailston, with Past Regent Charlene Shufelt, and HODAR Jim Shufelt delivered the chapter's donation to United Way of the Lowcountry. Celebrate 125! DAR Adapts to Serve The Elizabeth Peyre Richardson Manning Chapter, NSDAR of Manning SC adapted to the Flood of 2015 and changed their plans for the Celebrate 125! Day of Service. The Hawaiian Luau and Dance for the Disabled and Special Needs of Clarendon County had to be cancelled when FEMA took that venue for their operations. Instead, on October 12th, eleven chapter members and one dear husband provided a hearty meal for seventeen National Guardsmen who helped Clarendon County in rescue, recovery, and critical transportation. Pictured from left to right, representative chapter members Kay Finlay, Karen Roberson, Julie Wood, and Honorary Regent Katherine McClam. Emily Geiger Chapter Celebrates 10th Anniversary The Emily Geiger Chapter, Bluffton, S.C., celebrated its tenth anniversary with an evening social event held on September 25. Vice President General Dot Lind, who was the State Organizing Regent when the Chapter was formed, and State Vice Regent Elizabeth Billham, whose chapter presented Emily Geiger with its first gavel, helped the chapter celebrate the event. Organizing Chapter Regent Barbara Anderson, along with three other organizing officers and members, were in attendance, as were all other past chapter regents. Musical entertainment, hors d'oeuvres and beverages were enjoyed by the 60 members and HODARs in attendance. Founding Regent with Charter Members and Vice President General Lind Our handsome HODARs Chapter Regents, State and National officers celebrate 10 years. Page 10 Volume 41 Issue 1 NSDAR Presents $8,000 Grant to Museum of the Cherokee in South Carolina Officials with the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) presented an $8,000 grant to Museum of the Cherokee in South Carolina. Museum Director Luther Lyle said the money will be used for expansion of exhibit space and new display cases for recently acquired Cherokee artifacts. Any DAR chapter, domestic or international may apply for an NSDAR grant. Independent non-DAR judges meet once a year to score all grant applications and decide which grants are approved. Grants are awarded in the areas of historic preservation, education and patriotism. According to Dianne Janis, the committee chair for special grants at NSDAR, more than $1.12 million have been awarded in grants nationally over the past five years. This grant for the museum is the only one awarded in South Carolina during 2015. Other DAR officials participating in the check presentation to the museum were Ann Crider, NSDAR Chaplain General, Dot Lind, NSDAR Vice President General, Dianne Culbertson, South Carolina State Regent, Mari Noorai, a board member with NSDAR Left to Right: Mari Noorai, Dot Lind, Luther Lyle, Nan Jones, Dianne Janis, and the Cherokee Museum, and Nan Jones, a Dianne Culbertson, Ann Crider member of the DAR Walhalla chapter and co - applicant of the grant awarded to the museum. Fort Sullivan—Historic Marker Dedication On November 5, 2015, the Fort Sullivan Chapter NSDAR dedicated the South Carolina Historical Marker at the Charleston Tea Plantation. This is the 88th SC Historical Marker to be placed in Charleston County. As the sponsor of this marker, Fort Sullivan Chapter worked more than 15 months to bring this new marker to our area. Our Chapter is appreciative of Bill Hall's and the Bigelow Tea Corporation's financial support to purchase and erect this marker. This new South Carolina Historical Marker will preserve, educate and inform the public of the history of tea cultivation in South Carolina. Left front: Dene Wall; left back to right: Debbie Owens, Laura Stock, Pat Richards, Joye Ridgeway and Brunetta Schrecker Page 11 Volume 41 Issue 1 Prisoner of War in St. Augustine During the American Revolution On a recent visit to the historic city of St. Augustine, Bliss Baxley, a member of the Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter snapped this picture for the chapter archives. The marker notes that Thomas Heyward, Jr. the chapter’s namesake was a prisoner of war near this site during the American War of Independence. Walterboro Veterans Receive Gifts Stephanie Dempsey, Activity Director at Veterans Victory House in Walterboro, SC, is seen opening the six cases of double-sided non-slip socks Beaufort's Thomas Heyward, Jr, Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, donated to keep the residents safe and warm. Beaufort County Chapters Commemorative Event Members and spouses/guests of Thomas Heyward, Jr., Captain William Hilton, and Emily Geiger DAR chapters of Beaufort County, SC, held a joint luncheon September 10, 2015, at the Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Officers' Club, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War with the focus on those who remain unaccounted for or missing. Guest speaker Ann Mills-Griffiths, Chairman of the Board National League of POW/MIA Families, noted twenty seven of that group list South Carolina as their home of record. Also in attendance were Dianne Culbertson, SC DAR State Regent; Libby Billham, SC DAR State Vice Regent, and Jo Anne Boone, SC DAR Chair, National Defense Committee. Ms. Mills-Griffiths and Brigadier General Jim Shufelt, U.S. Army (Retired) and husband of Past Regent Charlene Shufelt (Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter) were presented the Distinguished Citizen Medal. Ann Mills-Griffiths Lt Col George McKnight, former Vietnam POW and resident of Hilton Head Island, was also presented the medal in absentia. Lt Col McKnight was a roommate of former POW, Senator John McCain, while both were captive in North Vietnam. State Regent Dianne Culbertson and Ann Mills-Griffiths Page 12 Volume 41 Issue 1 Pilgrimage to Molly Pitcher Grave Site Charlene Shufelt, Past Regent, Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter, and her husband Jim, visited the Old Graveyard in Carlisle, PA, in July 2015, site of the grave of Mary Ludwig Hays McCauly who died in Carlisle January 22, 1832. Mary is the American folk hero known as Molly Pitcher. As legend has it, the soldiers nicknamed her Molly Pitcher for her tireless efforts carrying pitchers of water to the Patriot soldiers during the Battle of Monmouth in New Jersey. According to accounts, Pitcher witnessed her husband collapse at his cannon, unable to continue with the fight. She immediately dropped her water pitcher and took his place at the cannon, manning the weapon throughout the remainder of the battle until the Colonists achieved victory. The National Archives contains a documented witness account to her heroic acts. The witness reports a cannon shot passed through her legs in the battlefield, leaving her unscathed, but the lower part of her petticoat was carried away. She is one of the most popular and enduring symbols of the women who contributed to the American Revolution. Attention Juniors Juniors please come to SCDAR State Conference All Juniors will be recognized on Saturday Registration Form on member website Constitution Week Observance On September 18th, City Councilman Phil Cromer met members of Beaufort's Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution at the bust of Thomas Heyward, Jr. in the waterfront park. There, Cromer read the City of Beaufort's Proclamation celebrating US Constitution Week, September 17-23, 2015. Seen with Cromer are (L-R) Anne Heyward, descendant of Thomas Heyward Jr., Nancy Crowther, Gladys Cousar, Charlene Shufelt, Anita Henson, Jeanne Aimar, Chapter Regent Harriett Bosiack, Margaret Ann Gatch and Karen Trybalski, Heyward descendant. Also participating in the reading were members of the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. Page 13 Volume 41 Issue 1 Fall Highlights — Sullivan-Dunklin Chapter At our Family Picnic in September we had displays of both The Vietnam War and the Proclamation from Governor Nikki Haley for Constitution Week. We had other displays for Constitution Week at The Laurens County Library, Laurens District 55 High School, Laurens Middle School, E.B. Morse Elementary School, Gray Court-Owings PrimaryMiddle School Library, Octagon Apartments in Laurens, Jacob Press Apartments in Clinton, and a marquee at Fountain Inn by Polly Hellams. Several from our chapter participated in Pioneer Day at The Culbertson Backcountry where constitution proclamations were signed by Mark Willis and Mayor Carter. Special attention was given to Vietnam veterans. It was a wonderful day of living in the past and educating our children and adults to appreciate their heritage. Malinda Chalmers presented the portrait of George Washington in dress uniform to the library at Gray Court – Owings School. Joan Cook presented the Community Service Award to David Hammond. He represented Laurens Electric Co-op who awarded 75 Acts of Kindness to needy families in Celebration of their 75th anniversary. David Hammond and Joan Cook Other noteworthy activities included attending Founders Day at Tamassee, helping Laurens High School provide relief for flood victims in Columbia, and observing NSDAR 125 Service Day by contributing food to veterans and needy families. Wreaths Across America—Beaufort National Cemetery Saturday, December 12th found many Daughters from Beaufort County chapters attending the Wreaths Across America wreath-laying ceremony, honoring our American Military members buried in Beaufort National Cemetery. The program began at Arlington National Cemetery, and has grown every year to include over 1,000 locations. Locally sponsored by biker groups, approximately 3,000 wreathes were placed throughout the cemetery which contains over 20,000 graves. The donated wreaths were placed by loved ones, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, interested citizens, members of the NSDAR Chapters Emily Geiger, Thomas Heyward, Jr. and Captain William Hilton, as well as Chapters of the Sons of the American Revolution. The Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson Chapter NSDAR joined the efforts of the Emily Geiger Chapter through their donations. Page 14 Volume 41 Issue 1 Dorchester Chapter NSDAR Honors Veterans The Dorchester Chapter of the NSDAR honored veterans on Sunday afternoon in November by placing a wreath in their honor at the Veterans Monument at the old courthouse in St. George. Lee Taylor a veteran of the US Navy along with his mother Brenda H. Taylor placed the wreath beside the monument. Despite the pouring rain, three veterans of the US Navy were present for the event. Dickie Minus and Allen Hoff honored the group with their presence along with Lee Taylor. A brief welcome was given by Peggy Phalen, Chapter Vice Regent along with Betty Pendarvis, Chapter Regent. Each veteran was asked to give his military service record and each was thanked for their service to the citizens of the United Mrs. Brenda Taylor, Mr. Lee Taylor, Mrs. Veronica Taylor and Peyton Taylor. States. Dickie Minus served during the Korean War, Allen Hoff during the Vietnam War and Lee Taylor during the Gulf War stationed aboard the USS Saipan. Charleston Veteran’s Day Parade—Fort Sullivan Chapter On Saturday, November 7, 2015, nine Fort Sullivan Chapter members walked/rode in the Charleston Veterans Day Parade. Displaying signs which stated "DAR Thanks You for your Service, Veterans!" was a small way for our Chapter to expression our appreciation, but was warmly received throughout the parade route. Fort Sullivan Chapter, NSDAR appreciates the service and sacrifice our Veterans! Fort Sullivan Chapter members left to right, Robin McRae, Jeanne Stacy, Kate Stanton, Debbie Owens, Joye Ridgeway, Cathy Daniel, Burnetta Schrecker, Barbara Hunter, and Jill Powell. Fort Sullivan Chapter Members ready for the parade. Seated in car Jeanne Stacy, along with veterans Wallace Stacy and Carlton Hunter; standing behind the car (left to right) Robin McRae, Burnetta Schrecker, Joye Ridgeway, Jill Powell, Barbara Hunter, Cathy Daniel, Debbie Owens, and Kate Stanton. Fort Sullivan Chapter Members marching down Broad Street in the Veterans Day Parade. Page 15 Volume 41 Issue 1 Sumter County Veteran’s Day Parade Sumter’s Home Chapter participated in the Veteran’s Day Parade in Sumter, SC on November 11. This was a joint entry with the Gamecock Society, the C.A.R. chapter sponsored by Sumter's Home. A red convertible driven by Chapter Regent Katherine Barrett was decorated in red, white, and blue with signs proclaiming, "DAR and C.A.R.: Honoring Veterans of all wars." C.A.R. Senior President and current Sumter's Home member Helen Mahon occupied the car's seat of honor. Escorting the vehicle and dressed in period costumes were CAR member Levia Workman and DAR member April Spradley, who together carried Sumter’s Home Chapter’s banner. Immediately behind the car were DAR members Linda Hawkins and Susan Saunders dressed in period costumes. Reed Wingate, the youngest C.A.R. representative, was dressed as Revolutionary War General Thomas Sumter and was accompanied by C.A.R. members Cadence Coker in period costume and Gamecock Society President Jasper Draper, who carried the Revolutionary flag of 1776. DAR members handed out over 400 small American Flags to spectators. Jasper Draper, Reed Wingate and Cadence Coker Helen Mahon and Kathy Barrett April Spradley and Levia Workman carry Chapter Banner Sumter Home Chapter & Gamecock Society C.A.R. Members Cadence Coker and Reed Wingate display banner Behethland Butler Chapter Honors Vietnam Veterans As part of our partnership with the Vietnam War Commemoration’s 50th Anniversary, on September 21, 2015, the Behethland Butler Chapter, honored Vietnam Veteran, Bruce Campbell (husband of our Recording Secretary Allegra Campbell) for his valor, service and sacrifice to his country in Vietnam in 1965 in the US Navy. A certificate was presented to Mr. Campbell from NSDAR and the Behethland Butler Chapter and he was our guest for lunch at the Poinsett Club. We will be honoring one Vietnam Veteran each month at our meetings and luncheon. Page 16 Volume 41 Issue 1 University of South Carolina Chapter Highlights The University of South Carolina Chapter has been very busy over the last four months with presentations of the NSDAR Historic Preservation Medal to “The Charleston Silver Lady”, Mrs. Dawn Corley, and the NSDAR Americanism Medal of Honor to Mr. William Bowers Dukes in appreciation of his extraordinary qualities of leadership, trustworthiness, service, and patriotism. Mr. Dukes, Capt. Ret., U. S. Air DAR Historic Preservation Force, is the Founder and Chairman of Honor Flight of South Medal - Dawn Corley Carolina. Bill Dukes, DAR Medal of Honor In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War, Certificates of Appreciation were presented to Army, Navy, and Air Force men and women military veterans. On October 11, 2015, the designated community service day celebrating the 125 th Anniversary of NSDAR, the USC Chapter visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey and presented a NSDAR Flag Certificate to them in appreciation of their outstanding display, care, and disposal of the U. S. Flag. The Bailey's Home Baileys’ with Flag Certificate At this same event, we also presented a NSDAR Certificate of Appreciation to Richard P. Daeger, Major Retired, U. S. Army, to thank him for his service during the Vietnam War. Richard P. Daeger, Major Retired, US Army, with his wife and Sylvia Waldron We conducted a brief program which included reciting The Pledge of Allegiance, The Americans Creed, and the singing of The National Anthem. Refreshments were served after the presentation. On November 10th, in celebration of Veterans Day, the chapter attended and participated in the Veterans Day Program at Dorn Veterans Medical Center. We had the opportunity to thank many of the veterans and active-duty military for their service to our country. Dorn Veterans Medical Center with Miley Rhodes, Recording Secretary and Sylvia Waldron, thanking some active-duty military persons. At our December meeting, we had the privilege of having Mrs. MacKenzie Sholtz, Owner of Dancing Leaf Design, Inc., present a program entitled Regency Era Clothing from the DAR Collection. She brought several garments and explained the history of fashion during the 1700s through the early 1800s. She also sells patterns for historic clothing. We are looking forward to exciting days of service in the coming year. Page 17 Volume 41 Issue 1 Samuel Bacot Chapter NSDAR Honors United states Merchant Marines with Monument at Florence Veterans Park On Patriot’s Day September 15, 2015 -- Patriot's Day was celebrated recently at Florence Veteran's Park when members of the Samuel Bacot Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) were joined by the Pee Dee community to honor the United States Merchant Marines. Participating in the ceremony were (from left) Major Karen Acosta, Florence Police Department; Clarence Newcomer, WWII Veteran of the Merchant Marine; Gospel recording artist Kendra Smith; Barry Wingard; retired Colonel, U.S. Army and Chair of the Florence Veterans Park Committee; Captain Richard Sale, Chaplain, Florence Police Department; Fire Chief Randy Osterman, Florence Fire Department; and Anne Jenkins, Regent, Samuel Bacot Chapter, NSDAR. Keynote speaker Clarence Newcomer of Myrtle Beach enlisted in the Merchant Marines in 1944, trained at Sheepshead Bay, NY and served on Troop, Cargo and Liberty ships making nine round trips of the Atlantic Ocean in support of the WWII effort. (Picture to right: Barry Wingard, retired Colonel U.S. Army and Chair of the Florence Veterans Park Committee and keynote speaker Clarence Newcomer.) “It is a privilege for the Samuel Bacot Chapter NSDAR to honor the US Merchant Marine with this monument allowing Pee Dee residents and visitors to learn and recoginize the sacrifices they made for our country,” said Anne Jenkins, Regent Samuel Bacot Chapter, NSDAR (shown left). “Our members feel strongly that our contribution to the Florence Veterans Park is our Chapter’s way of honoring our heritage, focusing on our future and celebrating America.” The Merchant Marine is the fleet of ships which carries imports and exports during peacetime and becomes naval auxiliary during wartime to deliver troops and war material. It has been part of our history since the Revolutionary War. During WWII, it was reported that the war would have lasted much longer, even indefinitely, without their dedication and expertise. Mariners suffered the highest casualty rate of any service during World War II, with 1 in 26 killed. From left : Nancy Neil Adcock, Betty Hester, Nancy Herritage (Fort Sullivan Chapter), Anne Jenkins (Samuel Bacot Chapter Regent), Gail McMillan, Ruth Barnett, Burnetta Schrecker (Fort Sullivan Chapter), Mary Frances Turner, Joann Sanders, Robin King, Deborah Watson. Page 18 Volume 41 Issue 1 HOBKIRK HILL NSDAR NEWS NOVEMBER 11, 2015 – COMMEMORATION OF VIETNAM WAR 50TH ANNIVERSARY The Hobkirk Hill Chapter, NSDAR, was recently recognized by the United States of America Department of Defense as a partner in the Vietnam War 50th Anniversary Commemoration . The chapter received a certificate issued by the Department of Defense, signed by Ash Cater, Secretary of Defense, and J. L. Danford, Jr.,Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a proclamation signed by President Barack Obama. They were also presented with a Vietnam War Commemoration Flag. From Left Joann Upchurch, All members and guests who had family members who served in the Vietnam War Inis Gibbes, Ponza Vaughn, were asked to stand and be recognized. DAR member, Joy Scully, read the poems “In Don McLeod & Noel Morris Flanders Field,” and “I’m Still a Soldier.” Susan Morris, representative of “Quilts of Valor,” presented four Veterans with quilts honoring their service: Don McLeod; Noel Morris; Joann Upchurch; and Inis Gibbes. Joaann Upchurch and Inis Gibbes are members of the Hobkirk Hill DAR Chapter. Inis was the first female enrolled in the ROTC program at the University of South Carolina. CELEBRATORY TEA, DAR 125TH ANNIVERSARY On December 10, 2015, The Hobkirk Hill Chapter hosted a tea to celebrate the history and founding of the National DAR. The Tea was held at the Robert Mills Courthouse where our meetings are held. This building is of great significance to the chapter as the Charter Members were able to save it from demolition in 1908. The Celebration Tea was attended by special guests: Dianne Tucker Culbertson, State Regent; Catherine Byrd McBroom, State Chaplain; Sylvia Benitoa Waldron, District V Director; Catherine Barrett, Regent, Sumter’s Home Chapter; and Linda Hawkins, Vice Regent Sumter’s Home Chapter. Left to Right: Catherine McBroom, Linda Hawkins, Sylvia Waldron, Diane Culbertson, Catherine Barrett and Harpist, Kipper Ackerman Guests were welcomed by Regent Ponza Vaughn and Mayor Anthony Scully, spoke of Camden’s great historical heritage and it’s role in the American Revolution. The tables were decked with extravagant decorations and foods. Chamber music was rendered by Kipper Ackerman, Harpist making this a very enjoyable occasion. ROBERT MILLS COURT HOUSE, 1825 605 Broad Street, Camden, S C. America’s first architect, Robert Mills, designed this building in 1825 which served as the county court house until 1906. The Hobkirk Hill DAR Chapter purchased the neglected building in 1908. The building was scheduled for demolition, but the founding members of the Chapter, which was organized in 1907, purchased the property and saved the building in 1908. After restoring the building the Chapter held meetings and special events there and named it “Chapter Hall.” Under the front stairs, the original Baron DeKalb tombstone was placed by the Chapter. In 1933 the DAR Chapter gave the building to the city with the stipulation that it be used as a relic museum. A bronze historical DAR plaque was dedicated in 2006. The Kershaw County Chamber of Commerce is currently housed in the building. By holding DAR meetings once again in “Chapter Hall,” we have come full circle and returned “home.” Volume 41 Issue 1 Page 19 2015 Fall Forum at a Glance Doubletree Hotel Columbia was the location for State Regent Dianne Culbertson to welcome South Carolina Daughters for a great two days of informative workshops, and networking sessions for new chapter and state officers and committee members. An outstanding Friday evening program honored Vietnam Veterans and all other service veterans. Plan to attend the upcoming Spring Conference March 17-19, 2016. Registration form included in this newsletter Pictures courtesy of Kathy Barrett Page 20 Volume 41 Issue 1 Fort Prince George Activities Fort Prince George is pleased to have joined the Vietnam War Commemorative Partnership program. We started off with a bang in November. Veterans activities kept Fort Prince George members very busy that first month. Working with the VA Hospital, members had been collecting requested items for months. Finally, the week before Veteran’s Day, we delivered boxes and large bags of food, shampoos, beauty items and T-shirts to the Richard B. Campbell VA Hospital in Anderson. On the Sunday before Veteran’s Day, we gathered at the Pickens Presbyterian Church for a Veteran’s Honor Breakfast. About 25 WWII and Korean Veterans were recognized for their service to their country. We also honored 26 Vietnam Veterans for their service and sacrifice as they were presented with the Commemorative Lapel Pin and a certificate from The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The Vietnam Commemorative Flag was proudly on display. On Veteran’s Day we partnered with the Pickens Rotary Club to honor more Veterans at a luncheon. Fort Prince George honored five Vietnam Veterans for their service as they were presented with the Commemorative Lapel Pin and a Certificate from The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. And The Vietnam Commemorative Flag was again proudly on display at the luncheon. At our regular monthly meeting, The Fort Prince George NSDAR Chapter had the honor and privilege to have Mr. Ed Harris share with us some of his personal experiences while in Vietnam. He was presented with the Commemorative Lapel Pin and a certificate from the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, We thank and honor him in recognition of his valor, service, and sacrifice during the Vietnam War. Chapter members took a break in December and gathered at Mutts BBQ in Easley to enjoy a great meal and a little Christmas silliness. HODARS and friends were invited to join us; and everyone appeared to have a good time of fellowship, food and fun. Anne W. Kilpatrick, Regent Historical Marker For Sergeant Jasper The Emily Geiger Chapter NSDAR hosted a beautiful ceremony to dedicate an historical marker honoring Sergeant William Jasper at the Sgt. Jasper State Park, Hardeeville, SC. The event was held on October 9, 2015, the 236 th anniversary of his death at the Siege of Savannah, where he was protecting his regiment’s flag. Sgt. Jasper served in the grenadier company of the Second South Carolina Continental Regiment. The marker highlights his bravery in the defense of Fort Moultrie near Charleston, rescuing American prisoners from the British, and his final battle in Savannah . Now all that enter the Park bearing his name will know of his great sacrifice. Many local Sun City Color Guard, Barbara Lesniak, dignitaries attended and chapter members were Chapter Historian, Mary Williamson, pleased that our SC State Historian, Bettise Davidson was able to also Regent, Debbie Bacon, 1st Vice Regent attend. Participating, and adding so much to our tribute, was the Sun City and Jane Michel, Insignia Chair. Color Guard and a local American Revolutionary War re-enactor, who fired a musket salute to honor Sgt. Jasper. A luncheon followed the ceremony. Page 21 Volume 41 Issue 1 Save the Date Tamassee Golf Tournament April 19, 2016 The fourth Annual Tamassee DAR School Charity Golf Tournament will be held on April 19, 2016 at Cliffs Valley Golf Course in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. This year’s tournament will be hosted by the Nathanael Greene and Walhalla Chapters along with support from the SCSDAR and its Regent, Dianne Culbertson. Planning for this year’s tournament began this past summer under the leadership of Peg Riley and Judy Griffiths. You can support Tamassee DAR School by entering a golf team, being a hole sponsor for $250, cart sponsor for $100 or finding a corporate sponsor for the various levels. It would be exciting for your chapter to enter a team or two. In addition, donations for the live or silent auction would greatly be appreciated. These can be brought to the state DAR Conference in March. In the first year over 50% of the 71 South Carolina Chapters supported the tournament along with corporate sponsors, hole and cart sponsors with the amount raised of $35,306 for the Children’s Fund at Tamassee DAR School. The next two years of the tournament over $23,000 was raised each year. This enabled the School to provide additional care for the Children. We hope that many of the chapters have put this in their budget after learning how this provides necessary funds for the Tamassee DAR School. Please check the school’s web page for the flier and folder with the opportunities to continue to support Tamassee DAR School. If you have any questions, contact the school or Judy Griffiths ( or Peg Riley (, co-chairs of the golf committee. Beaufort National Cemetery Information Now in NSDAR Database The Genealogical Records Committee (GRC) of the Emily Geiger Chapter has been recording South Carolina grave information over the last 5 years. In the spring of 2013 the GRC began recording gravestone information of Beaufort National Cemetery. It took approximately 18 months to document the nearly 23,000 graves. Approximately 15 chapter members and HODARS were involved. Most work days ended with a lunch. During lunch recorders shared questions and comments about various historical discoveries from their work while enjoying each other’s compnay. In addition to Beaufort National Cemetery, our GRC has completed documenting many of the cemeteries in Beaufort County and several in Jasper and Hampton Counties. We were pleased recently to find and record the grave of a patriot ancestor of one of our members. Page 22 Volume 41 Issue 1 Ann Pamela Cuningham Chapter Highlights The Ann Pamela Cuningham Chapter's first meeting of the 2015-2016 year was to be a presentation on our own Ann Pamela Cuningham: Her Life and Legacy. Due to the catastrophic flood that hit Columbia and many other areas of our state, with the same fortitude possessed by Miss Cuningham, we became preservationists ourselves. Through mud and water, we helped salvage precious memories- family furniture passed down through generations, special photographs, valuable histories, and any other cherished piece of life we could uncover. The true spirit of The Daughters of the American Revolution prevailed and we made a difference. In November, APC members celebrated being together again, though some were still busy rebuilding their lives. Thanks to Linda Hawkins, Correspondent Docent with the NSDAR Museum, we were reminded of the holidays ahead as she shared with us "Christmas in the DAR Rooms" and "Toys from the Past." We spent a special morning as Linda stirred many warm memories and prepared us for the blessed season ahead. December's program was by Norrie Cooper. Through Norrie's reflections, we spent a day in Washington, D.C., where she was an escort to an Honor Flight. Her story was heartwarming. The trip was one of the greatest gifts Norrie ever received. Hearing about it from Norrie was a true gift to all the APC members. Norrie Cooper and Nancy Bunch It was a difficult season for so many in South Carolina, but we are strong and, as Daughters, we met the challenge, held on to the past, and once again, rallied to the cause. We helped families hang on to those Christmas memories and reflecting the perseverance of our Veterans and soldiers, we were indeed Daughters of the American Revolution. Musgrove Mill Commeration August 22, 2015 the 235th anniversary of the battle of Musgrove Mill was commemorated. Sullivan–Dunklin‘s Regent Mrs. Polly Hellams designed and printed programs used at this event. Polly and a participating Boy Scout are shown in the picture to the right. Charles and Malinda Chalmers were also present. Have You Registered Yet? If you haven’t registered for 2016 Spring Conference why not? It’s two plus days in Columbia where you will meet other DAR SC Daughters and learn new ways to move your chapter forward. 2016 Summer Newsletter Deadline To be included in the Summer Newsletter articles and photos must be received by June 25th. For those of you who plan ahead and work ahead please send the articles as soon as they are available to
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