Ohio Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Ohio Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Ohio Society Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 2 Issue 12 July/August 2015 From the Desk of the State Regent Thought you might be interested in my report on June 27 at the 124th Continental Congress: Ohio organized one new chapter and celebrated our third consecutive year of membership growth. Over 6,000 daughters Honor Our Heritage by focusing on the objectives of historic preservation, education and patriotism. Historic preservation is exemplified by projects completed at our museum complex, the Christian Waldschmidt Homestead. An electrical upgrade, new heat pump and vinyl siding were added to the caretaker’s cottage; the Civil War Museum had the roof replaced; storage cupboards were purchased for OSDAR records; an Eagle Scout project refurbished our herb garden; and the governance of the property was restructured by changes to our bylaws. Work continues on the OSDAR history book to be published in 2016. Focusing on education, Ohio Daughters toured Hindman SetState Theme tlement School, KDS, Berry College, and Tamassee in September 2014, delivering labels, boxtops, donations of goods and cash, and, of Love, Loyalty, Friendship course, a large box of buckeyes, everyone’s favorite peanut butter and chocolate confection. Ohio Daughters donated over 22,000 books in “Love of Country, Loyalty to the their communities for our literacy campaign. Our state conference objectives of DAR, and Friendship book club event, inspired by the Pennsylvania DAR, netted over $700 with Daughters everywhere.” for the NSDAR Library. State Scripture Borrowing the panty raid idea from the Wisconsin DAR, Ohio donated over 2000 pairs of patriotic panties to our local VA facilities. “All things work together for good to The Ohio Society and 44 of our chapters are Vietnam 50th Commemthem that love God.” orative Partners. One daughter honored her Vietnam veteran uncle by securing the medals he had never received and holding a special Romans 8:28 ceremony to present them. We are proud that our Celebrate America! hours totaled over 149,000. In this Issue Holding the Ohio flag is Lucy Knox Chapter Junior member Regent’s Message Page 1 Jessica McCann, a recent Franklin University graduate. Chapter Devotions Page 2 Madame President General, it is an honor to serve in your ad- Deceased Members Page 3 ministration and we look forward to your visit in August. Calendar Page 3 Sandy OHIO Newsletter Schedule New Members Welcomed National/State Committee News Chapter News Reservation Forms Page 3 Page 4-5 Page 6-13 Page 14-28 Page 29-32 Chapter Devotions Submitted by Robin Lee Rose, State Chaplain 2015 July/August Scripture to ponder: “You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of complete rest, an official day for holy assembly. It is the Lord’s Sabbath day, and it must be observed wherever you list.” (Leviticus 23:3 NLT) "For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." (2 Corinthians 3:17 NLT) Inspirational message: Celebrating the 4th of July and Summer at Indian Lake State Park For many years people all around central Ohio have enjoyed the second largest man made body of water known as Indian Lake. Yes, I know it does not have the glamour of Lake Erie, but it does have history, character and natural beauty that is God inspired. Its intended use in the 1840's was for the canal boats. Irish immigrants actually dug the lake by hand and removed stumps from swamp territory. Then along came the trains and the idea of using the lake for the canal system was abandoned. So, it was decided the lake would become a place for recreational use. It has seen bad times, especially during the 1960's which you may remember, and good times. I am delighted to share with you that at this point in time the lake is doing well. Check out the details from this link: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Lake_(Ohio). The annual Independence Day celebration is not rowdy as in days gone by and the fireworks display on the first Saturday night at 10PM is fabulous, whether observed from the shoreline or on a boat. If you ever want to visit me at the lake, you, my DAR sisters, are always welcome. Email or call to let me know you're on your way. I will have the boat ready to take you on a pleasurable tour of Ohio's historical playground and just one of our many great Ohio State Parks. It is a fun place to swim, boat and fish. It's also a place some folks, like me and my family, go to sit and relax while observing nature and the peacefulness of God's beauty. Rest and relax is what I intend to do during the summer months and not just on the Sabbath days! However, I do plan to enjoy Fall Fun Fair too! I hope many of you can make plans to attend this year and I will look forward to seeing you there (or at Indian Lake). My Prayer Focus: Heavenly Father, Thank You for giving us this land of America. All DAR members have great appreciation for our ancestors who fought for our freedoms. Let us look forward to spending time with freedom to rest and enjoy the beauty that You have so graciously provided. Thank You Lord for Your many provisions. In YOUR glorious name I pray, Amen. Page 2 July/August 2015 Let us Remember our beloved OSDAR departed sisters~ Cincinnati Mary Gorham Creveling Krombholz 6/06/15 Fort Green Ville Mary Ellen Geeting Pearce 6/18/15 Fort Findlay Ruth Isabelle Vance Pratt 4/18/15 Hetuck Nancy Pendleton Ray 7/04/15 Issac Van Wart Cheryl Army Miller 5/17/15 Lagonda Gloria Harrell Mollenkopf 6/13/15 Mathias Ridenour Jonette Rachel Hanson 6/05/15 Member At Large Jean Jewett Sharer Brown 10/18/08 Moses Cleaveland Frances Marian Wilcox Metzger 6/25/15 Muskingum Lura Emily Thomas Smith 5/14/15 Rebecca Galloway Sandra Ann Hube Coppess 4/23/15 Western Reserve-Lakewood Elaine Pierce Kazda 4/29/15 Important Dates 2015 July 17—Last Day for OSDAR Fall Fun Fair Hotel Group Reservation rate August 6—Reservation and payment due for OSDAR Fall Fun Fair August 7—Hobby Club Reservation due for OSDAR Fall Fun Fair August 15—OSDAR Fall Fun Fair, Columbus Airport Marriott, Columbus, OH Back to our normal schedule for the OHIO Newsletter August 25th deadline for September 1st OHIO Newsletter Page 3 We would like to welcome the following new members by application whose membership was approved June 5, 2015. Congratulations! Hillary Ballantine Abigail Pardon Alissa Gannaway Jane Smith Barbara Young Charla Christopher Karen Augustynovich Doris Keith Mary Ritzert Teresa Seiler Linda Sellers Katherine Newman Kristine Thomas Angela Mahoney Lisa Salyer Cheryl Heath Sarah Mendlovic Shyri Olinger Suzanne Wolding Lea Marhoover Karen Bibby Barbara Kolanda Frances Thomson Sarah Ross Anna Asbury Stone Anna Asbury Stone Clough Valley Commodore Preble Commodore Preble Cuyahoga Falls Cuyahoga Portage Daniel Cooper Daniel Cooper Daniel Cooper Daniel Cooper David Hudson Delaware City Franklinton Jonathan Dayton Mahoning Molly Chittenden Nabby Lee Ames Nabby Lee Ames Nathaniel Massie Rebecca Galloway Sally De Forest Sally De Forest Turtle Creek Page 4 We would like to welcome the following new members by application whose membership was approved July 5, 2015. Congratulations! Heather Babb Kimberly Falasco Beverly Haws JoAnne Ryan Terry McCall Janna Banks Jessica Hartman Eileen Muccino Diana Warmoth Kathleen Darr Karol Tischler Nancy Whipple Jo Hoffman Karen Young Deborah Dean Emily Blegvad Ashley Diebold Meghan MacKinnon Laura Tysinger Debra Grim Carol Green Chauntel Horaney Frances Morrow Kristen Morrow Lauren Morrow Mary Stewart Kristen Long Janet Wacker Lydia Grote Diane Thomas Carol Hamilton Garren Snyder Liberte Almaghfi Jessie Laughman Sue Wackler Robin Holcomb Akron Akron Akron Akron Canton Cincinnati Cincinnati Cincinnati Cincinnati Colonel George Croghan Colonel George Croghan Colonel George Croghan Commodore Preble Daniel Cooper Firelands Granville Granville Granville Great Trail Hannah Luther Bosworth John Hoover John Hoover John Hoover John Hoover John Hoover Joseph Spencer Lima Lucy Knox Mariemont Mary Chesney Muskingum Muskingum Nabby Lee Ames Piqua-Lewis Boyer Piqua-Lewis Boyer Turtle Creek Page 5 from NSDAR Board of Management 1) Chapters may no longer resign members who have not paid dues by December 1. The Chapter Achievement points awarded for all members’ dues being paid by December 1 has been removed. The practice of resigning a member prior to December 1 to earn CA points was in conflict with NSDAR Bylaws. CA points will now be awarded for a net gain in membership. Chapters should continue to collect the dues of members in arrears until the end of February. If the dues are not paid by the February deadline, the delinquent member will be dropped by NSDAR. Resignations can occur, but must be initiated by the member in an email or letter to the chapter. 2) Dues Invoicer will be launched August 2, 2015. This will take the place of the printed dues form. The chapter members listed on the Dues Invoicer worksheet will be updated as members are added, deceased or transferred. It will always reflect the current membership of your chapter. When your dues are collected and ready to send in, you will complete the process, print the form and send in your dues. Watch for an explanatory email and webinars for training. State Treasurer Kathy Dixon will be on hand to answer questions at Fall Fun Fair. 3) A new committee, Patriot Records Project, was announced. This project will be indexing documents pertaining to patriotic service to identify potential patriots not yet established. If you are interested in volunteering go to the committee website and fill out the form. 4) If you wish to have your new members receive the special 125 th Anniversary Membership Certificate you must have applications in before October 1. 5) Work is being done to accept online applications later this year. Watch for a webinar on the subject. 6) The Susanna Russell Chapter, Cridersville, OH, was automatically disbanded. 7) E-membership was launched in 2001. Due to its advanced age, the software is being rewritten. No date was given as to when the new software will be in place. CONGRATULATIONS TO MARION RUSSELL OF THE NATHAN PERRY CHAPTER An amazing Ohio DAR member, Marion Russell of the Nathan Perry Chapter, was recognized at the 124th Continental Congress by All American Chorus Director Christy M. Stutzman on Thursday evening for her service to DAR. Mrs. Russell was very happy to be recognized as she served as director of the chorus for twenty years, beginning her stint as director in the early 1970s. Stutzman presented her with a flag that had been flown over the U.S. Capitol. A soon to be 55 year member, Mrs. Russell was greeted by President General Lynn Forney Young after the evening session was recessed. Mrs. Russell was accompanied to Continental Congress by her husband Anson and a son. L-R: State Regent Sandy McCann, Marion and Anson Russell, and Christy Stutzman Page 6 GUARDIAN TRUST CAMPAIGN A special presentation was made on opening night of the 124th Continental Congress regarding the establishment of an endowment fund for the preservation of our magnificent buildings at 1776 D Street NW, Washington, DC. It was delightful to see videos of Honorary Presidents General Mrs. Fleck, Mrs. Kemper, Mrs. Love Easley, Mrs. Watkins, Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Calvin and Mrs. Wright in support of this campaign. From President General Lynn Forney Young’s current message: “As we Focus on the Future, it was a thrill to announce the new Guardian Trust Campaign to create a permanently restricted fund to support the preservation, conservation and restoration of our historic National Headquarters home’s architecture, including the immediate restoration needs of Constitution Hall. As stewards of the vision of our Founders, we must “Guard that which is committed to thy trust” as we are admonished in 1 Timothy 6:20. My dream is that someday a future administration may be able to fund a significant project outside of our Headquarters, and by doing so bring further positive recognition to NSDAR.” As part of my State Regent’s Project, one of the goals was to do a project at our headquarters. With the approval of our State Board of Management, $15,000 was given to this initiative from the State Regent’s Project Fund and I was proud to stand, representing Ohio Daughters, showing our support for this effort to insure long term care of our National Headquarters. I would encourage each Daughter to support this campaign as this is paying forward to the future. A little, or a lot, every contribution to the Guardian Trust Campaign will build toward the ultimate goal. For more information on how you can help, contact the Office of Development at (800) 449–1776, or visit www.dar.org/giving/choice.” AMERICANISM COMMITTEE Dear Daughters, Do you remember playing Hide and Seek and/or Search and Seizure? Well the name of the game that this Chair challenges all of us to play is called Seek and Search--seek and search for a candidate to nominate for the Americanism Medal. This person will have been a naturalized United States citizen for at least 5 years, and will have shown outstanding qualities of leadership, trustworthiness, service and patriotism. He or she will also have actively assisted other aliens to become American citizens and/or displayed outstanding ability in community affairs, preferably with emphasis on the foreign-born community. We know these important individuals are living and active in all of our communities. They just need a Daughter and Chapter to identify them and complete the application process. The forms, instructions and rating sheets are all listed under Committees-Americanism on the DAR web site. This Chair stands ready to provide assistance and encouragement. There is no deadline for this nomination. The process requires signatures from the Chapter Regent, State Chair (that's me) and the State Regent. There were no nominations received for this award last year. So let's all put on our best Seek and Search caps and give some great recognition to one of our outstanding naturalized citizens. And oh yes, please do come by the Americanism table at the Fall Fun Fair in Columbus. There will be a basket of patriotic goodies and a patriotic wreath to be given away. You'll want to be sure and complete a form for the drawings. See you at the Fall Fun Fair. Mary Ellen Atwood, OSDAR Chair Americanism Page 7 Fabulous Families of Ohio DAR As we continue our Fabulous Families series, we feature the ‘Founding Families’ of the Colonel George Croghan Chapter. Family Charter Members Family Chapter Past Regents Elsie Moe Shaw (1848-1926) Anna Rose Greene Baumann (1904-1905) Minnie Louise Failing (1863-1937) Minnie Louise Failing (1928-1929) Anna Rose Greene Baumann (1869-1918) Cary Shreffler Baumann (1947-1949) Hettie Kramb Moore (1925-1927) Our ‘fabulous family’ (Moore and Baumann) have been in the Sandusky County and Fremont community for four generations and are fortunate to have a family history of prominent leaders in local clubs, civic, and philanthropic circles. I am currently so blessed to be writing this history with my ninety-six year old mother, Ruth Baumann Moore, wife of Dr. Leon Moore, MD. My mother held the Chapter chaplain position at the age of ninety-three. The Colonel George Croghan Chapter was organized November 17, 1900 by Mrs. Julia M. Haynes. We are privileged descendants to three of the fifteen charter members. Two of the charter members are from my mother’s (Baumann) family—Elsie Moe Shaw, wife of Dr. Hiram Moe Shaw, MD, and Anna Rose Greene Baumann, wife of Albert Vogt Baumann, Auditor of Sandusky County in 1887 and daughter of Judge John L. Greene. The third charter member is from my father’s (Moore) side—Minnie Louise Failing, the only child of Dr. John Failing, MD. Minnie Louise Failing bequeathed a portion of her estate to the Colonel George Croghan Chapter which enabled our Chapter to purchase the William Hayes home for our Chapter headquarters. Our Chapter’s home was also our Chapter founder, Julia M. Haynes childhood home which is located at 209 Justice Street, Fremont, Ohio. Justice Street was named for Minnie’s grandfather, Judge James Justice. Minnie’s mother’s portrait hangs in the front room of our Chapter’s home. Our family also has four past Chapter Regents. Anna Rose was also State President of the Ohio Daughters of the War of 1812. Minnie Louise Failing was Regent and also the first Chapter treasurer. Cary Shreffler Baumann, a one room school house teacher, was regent after the acquisition of the Chapter house. My grand uncle’s wife, Hettie Kramb Moore served in the mid 1920’s. 2015 marks two landmark anniversaries, the 125th anniversary of the NSDAR and the 115th anniversary of the Colonel George Croghan Chapter. Thanks to Ruth Baumann Moore and Carol Jane Moore for sharing their Fabulous Family with all of us. Page 8 OHIO SOCIETY C.A.R. Brenda Cooper, Senior State President The Captain Joseph Hunter Society, located in Lancaster, is currently in the process of disbanding. The reasons why are twofold; 1) lack of senior leadership volunteers and 2) term limit of the current Senior Society President. I’ve been contacted by several individuals who have grandchildren in that area that wanted them to join that society because of its location. Just because a chapter is not in Lancaster doesn’t mean they can’t join in the sponsorship of the society and provide additional potential senior leadership. If your chapter is in relatively close proximity, please consider joining with the current sponsoring chapter to help maintain this society. I’ve also put out a note to the SAR for help as well, as they are also eligible to sponsor a society. Historically, the SAR has not sponsored C.A.R. societies in Ohio, but I think they are looking to become more involved. So, if your chapter is interested in making an impact on our youth and developing qualities fundamental for DAR, C.A.R. is the place to start. If you or your chapter is interested in becoming involved with this endeavor , please contact me directly at: 14to16ohsrstatepres@gmail.com. MAKE YOUR STUDENTS STARS CELEBRATE WITH JAC This years’ theme is CELEBRATE AMERICA School will begin again soon. Now is the time to think about plans for Junior American Citizens. The NIP has the information you will need. You will find: “Confidential Information for Judges and Teachers/Leaders Only”, “General Information for DAR Members”, “Junior American Citizens Committee Contest Guidelines for Teachers/Leaders”, “Registration Form”, “Contest Categories”, “Publicity, Scrapbook and Thatcher Award” (please send publicity to me), and a “Teachers/Leaders Letter.” Chapter Chairs please send first place entries by January 1, 2016 to State Chair, Janice McMillan at Janice@rrohio.com. Ohio had many winners last year. Let’s do it again! Thank you, sponsoring chapters, for your hard work with the Junior American Citizens Committee. Janice McMillan, OSDAR Junior American Citizens Chairman Calling all chapter crafters: We will be holding the $10 Bazaar again this Fall Fun Fair. Each chapter is asked to bring one hand crafted item to be sold for $10. Everyone loves a bargain, so if the actual value is a little more and you are comfortable donating the item, your item will no doubt be snapped up early. Items should go to State Project Co-Chairs Linda Lee, Linda Bledsoe and Kay McIntire. Shop early and fast as the goods go quickly! Page99 Page Attention! Attention! Attention! Our 2015 Fall Fun Fair will be an expanded event due to the visit of President General Lynn Forney Young. She will be speaking at a banquet on Saturday, August 15, and presenting the 100% President General Project Contribution certificates. There will be an opportunity for a photo with Mrs. Young when she presents the certificate. The banquet will not be formal; suits or dresses will be appropriate attire. A block of rooms that evening have been reserved. The Saturday Luncheon will be a special event to honor Vietnam Veterans. Chapters are asked to invite a Vietnam Veteran from your area to attend the luncheon as your guest to be honored. Chapters should include in this any of your members who served during that time. We may have many members who served during that time period. Let’s not forget to recognize them, too. We will have a Mail Call for our honored guests after the luncheon. Chapter members are asked to write thank you notes to the men and women we will be recognizing. (You can count the time you spend writing these thank you notes as volunteer hours for Celebrate America!) Write as many as you wish, but make them to any veteran, not specifically the ones you invite. We want to make sure all of the veterans get a stack of mail. Send the thank you notes to State Regent Sandy McCann so we can bundle them into packets to be given to the veterans. We will need these by August 7, 2015, to have time to accomplish this. Don’t tell your veterans so we can surprise them with their “mail.” When the President General visits a state, she usually hosts a Heritage Club event to thank members of the Heritage Club for their continued support of NSDAR. At this time, we do not know when this event will take place as the Development office generally makes the arrangements for the event. Members who are Heritage Club members will receive an invitation from NSDAR. We are looking forward to Mrs. Young’s visit with great anticipation and hope you can join us for this Celebration! WHAT? A WOMAN ON THE $10 BILL? Yes, Jack Lew, Secretary of the Treasury announced on June 17, 2015 that the new $10 bill with a woman’s portrait will be released in 2020, one hundred years since women received the right to vote. Interesting to note that a 9 year old girl named Sofia started the ball rolling when she wrote to President Obama last year asking him why there has never been a woman on any U.S. paper currency. The final decision will be made as to what woman will receive this honor by Secretary of the Treasury Lew, but he is asking for the public’s help to vote for a likely candidate. The criteria, according to Secretary Lew are that she should be iconic and have made a significant contribution to or impact on protecting the freedoms on which our nation was founded. “We are looking for a woman who was a champion for our inclusive democracy.” And, by law, she must be deceased. So I am asking you to stop by my Womens Issues table at Fall Fun Fair and cast your vote as to what woman in American history you think most embodies the theme of democracy. Of course, this is your own viewpoint and not the viewpoint of NSDAR or OSDAR. But what better way to Celebrate America than to participate in this opportunity to shape history? Results will be in an upcoming issue of the DAR News Online. Jan Augenstein Womens Issues Chairman Page 10 Constitution Week Sept 17-23 Constitution Week is just around the corner! If your chapter chairman hasn’t begun to set up events, there is still time. Contact your local libraries to set up displays, read Constitution books to children, pass out bookmarks, or give programs on the Constitution. Contact your local TV and radio stations to get coverage of Constitution Week for your chapter. Make plans with your church or government office to ring bells. Plan your events and remember to photograph all of them to add to a scrapbook to be entered at the State Level. Also, any of our talented Daughters can enter the National Poster Contest. And remember, just by reciting the Preamble at your September meeting, you can get credit on the Chapter Master Report for Constitution Week. Let’s get 100% of chapters reporting this year! Visit the Constitution Week table at Fall Fun Fair for more ideas, including 2015 posters, bookmarks, and copies of the Constitution. OSDAR State Chairman, Sharon Snowden CDRC (Chapter Development and Revitalization) Submitted by Betsie Gricar Goad betsieg77@gmail.com Attending Continental Congress always makes my head spin! I attended several forums and sessions that shared a plethora of new information and some probably just new to me. The big announcement of submitting digital applications later this year was received with cheers! I also met with a couple Genies regarding Have Writtens and learned more information. Did you know that voting implies the Oath of Allegiance if done after March 1776 and before Nov 1783? Find your ancestor on a voting list, especially your Quaker ancestors. When trying to prove a maiden name look at Bonds, Intentions, Bands as well as Marriage certificates. Look at children's birth and death records, obits, wills, and probate records that list the heirs, and tombstones. Make sure these documents and stones are written at the time of the event. You can usually estimate ages by when they married or when they bought land. When you are proving residence of your patriot before and after service, check land records, taxes, birth of a child, court records. I found one where the patriot was a witness in someone else's court case but it put him in the right location at the right time. The Genies in D.C. are very happy with Ohio where our ladies work so hard to clean up the Pre Letters and Have Writtens in a timely manner. It was great to hear them tell me what a super job you are doing. You get the blue ribbon for getting applications and supplementals through. Keep up the GREAT work! Page 11 Hobby Club Laverne Ingram Piatt Hobby Club is the social club for current and former State Chairmen. Why the group was named Hobby Club is lost to history. Hobby Club meets once a year the evening before the Fall Fun Fair Meeting of Ohio Society DAR. The meeting is not at all formal. In fact, there is usually a theme aimed at discouraging formality and encouraging a bit of zaniness--but in a good way. The theme this year is The Old West, Party Like It's 1885. Come dressed in costume if you wish. It is not a requirement. The date is Friday evening, 14 Aug 2015. The cost is $35.00. Make checks payable to OSDAR Treasurer and put Hobby Club in the memo line. For brand new members, please add $10 for Lifetime Dues. Send to Jan Augenstein, 1060 Richland Rd, Marion, OH 43302. Rumor is Mrs. Young will be in attendance. High Flying Regent! Fort Steuben Regent, Nancy Valles recently checked a big item off of her bucket list. Nancy and her good friend Carol went skydiving near Carol’s home in Nashville, Tennessee. Nancy said the experience was the thrill of a lifetime. She said she wasn’t at all afraid. Nancy has always been adventurous and loves high places. She enjoys Ferris wheels, zip lining, looking over cliffs and bridges and many other feats that would make an acrophobic cringe. Nancy said she would definitely like to go skydiving again! AMERICAN HISTORY COMMITTEE Submitted by Darlene West LADIES, GET YOUR TRAVELING SHOES READY! The planning of Tour Ohio…The DAR Way! is in full swing thanks to the Chapter regents from across the state. The American History Committee request for historic sites related to DAR chapters brought an abundance of information to this chairman’s mailbox and a backache for her mail carrier. Daughters, you have outdone yourselves by reporting libraries, museums, statues, monuments, houses, and even a rock. This committee cannot wait to start sharing these sites with you. Please look for the ‘Bright Lights of Ohio Historic Sites’ at our Fall Fun Fair display. See you in August and save some vacation time for exploring ‘The DAR Way’. Page 12 DAR SERVICE FOR VETERANS COMMITTEE LORA STAATS I am writing to you on the Fourth of July and flags are flying everywhere I look. This reminder of patriotism is heartwarming and brings into focus the wonderful country in which we live. Today I visited the 360 foot long traveling replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Twinsburg. I felt the reverence that falls over you as you read the names of those men and women who gave their lives to secure our freedoms. Our DAR sister and Korean War veteran, Laura Dunlop, who served Summit County for years as a member of the Veterans Service Commission, died on May 14th of this year. It was Laura who encouraged folks to visit this memorial as it traveled around the country. She was an inspiration to the area DAR chapters. She is the reason many of us volunteer at the VA clinics, shepherd veterans at the annual Stand Down for veterans and knit blankets for winter. Laura was selected twice as our Ohio Society DAR Service for Veterans Committee’s Outstanding DAR Volunteer of the year. She received National recognition and a certificate at last year’s National Convention. She was an inspiration and a mentor to many. On June 20, the Wounded Warrior Amputee softball team came through Akron and played the Akron Fire Department. The men and women of the team, who were all amputees, played a tough game of softball. The team is a charitable organization whose mission is to raise awareness of the resiliency of our post 9/11 wounded warriors. Veterans in the crowd cheered the warriors for each hit or catch they made. It was a true reminder of how brave the men and women are who serve and sacrifice for our country. I often think that Laura Dunlop is present in spirit whenever people gather for veterans. The Women Veterans Resource Fair on May 19th served women veterans from area counties. Ten DAR members from two DAR chapters, Akron and Cuyahoga Portage chapters, volunteered for the fair and our table gave out Panty Raid panties. The women veterans loved the time we gave to chat and listen to their stories. Our Jared Mansfield Chapter members have begun to volunteer at the Mansfield CBOC. Joan Wyatt visited me at the Akron CBOC last month so we could exchange stories and brainstorm about the Free Veterans Picnics that are held at the clinics each summer. Good luck, Joanie. Thank you for all you do for our veterans. The benefits go both ways. Page 13 Lima Chapter Submitted by Joyce Dunham OSDAR State Regent, Sandra McCann, gave an inspirational talk about the bittersweet occasion of dissolving the Susanna Russell Chapter and the wonderful acceptance of the Lima Chapter to those members who wished to transfer to it at the Lima Chapter Luncheon on June 20, 2015 at the Lima Masonic Center. State Regent McCann then announced that all of the members of Susanna Russell Chapter have been successfully transferred to other chapters except three who wished to go on the At-Large list. She congratulated all of the members of both Chapters on such a wonderful transition and thanked them for all their hard work during the process. Lima Chapter Regent, Betsy Potts, presented a 50 year membership certificate, pin, and flower to Daughter Saundra Speirs at the Lima Chapter Luncheon. The Lima Chapter also has another 50 year member, Elizabeth Evans, who was not able to attend the luncheon. Elizabeth's certificate and pin will be mailed to her. Congratulations were given to both these Daughters. Chapter Helping Chapter Since the Susanna Russell Chapter was disbanding in June 2015, they donated their American and DAR flags and stands and their DAR Emblem display plaque to the newly formed John Hoover Chapter. Jackie Lynch, Susanna Russell's last Regent, presented the American and DAR flags and DAR plaque to Imogene Nelson, Regent of the John Hoover Chapter. L-R: Dana Renner, Karen Bott, John Hoover Chapter Regent Imogene Nelson, Susanna Russell Chapter Regent Jackie Lynch and John Hoover Vice Regent Lora Yank. After Lima Chapter Regent, Betsy Potts, called new member, Jessica Dunham, forward, the OSDAR State Regent, Sandra McCann, issued the Oath of Membership. Jessica received a gift packet from Regent Potts and a welcome from all the Daughters. L-R: State Regent Sandy McCann, Lima Chapter Regent Betsy Potts, and new member, Jessica Dunham. Joel Frost Chapter Submitted by Ronda Garbin Members gathered for a regular meeting on May 7, 2015 at the Hicksville Memorial Hospital Community Room. Janie Copeland gave a wonderful presentation about the historical significance of quilts. She brought multi-generation examples of hand-made quilts from her family, and also quilts that she had purchased. Two of the quilts that she brought with her for the program were started by her mother and were featured in a book about quilts produced by the Tennessee State Society DAR. Another quilt (shown behind her in the picture) is an Ohio bicentennial quilt made by her daughter, Sandra Brown, and her students. Janie and her children and grandchildren also made a fun quilt that shows various items of their individual favorite things in a jar-like pattern. She taught us that during colonial times women would not have had the extra time to sit and stitch hand-made quilts for bedding. Page 14 Colonel Jonathan Bayard Smith Chapter Submitted by Mary Ann Raymond The Tuesday, May 5, 2015 luncheon meeting of the Middletown, Ohio Colonel Jonathan Bayard Smith Chapter was a “tip-of-the-hat” to mothers, spring and the month of May. Those attending donned a snappy hat and brought an antique/vintage doll; keepsakes lovingly handed down from our Mothers. Our informative speaker, Waldschmidt House Trustee Karen Wiggins, of the John Reily Chapter, brought her extensive collection of Presidential First Ladies and Dolls. Each Madam Alexander Doll, from Martha Washington through Jackie Kennedy, was dressed in period garb or a reproduction of the Inaugural gown. Back Row L-R: Vicki Wannemacher, Sara Mathis, Mary Ann Raymond, Carol Burns, Tina Newlin. Front Row L-R: Pat Bowman, Norma Adams, Harriet Foley, Kendrea Justice, Judy Krebs, Libby Abele, Mary Jane Hansel, and Phyllis McDaniel. L-R: Bobby Wiggins, Karen Wiggins, Regent Tina Newlin and only a few of the Presidential First Lady Dolls. Elizabeth Sherman Reese Chapter Submitted by Judy Fleming On the Fourth of July, the Elizabeth Sherman Reese Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, held a dedication service for the bench recently installed on the Fairfield County Fairgrounds. The bench was purchased by the chapter and installed in honor of our Vietnam Veterans. It has been placed in front of the grandstand for all to see and enjoy. The dedication ceremony was enhanced by the Color Guard of the Hocking Valley Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, attired in period costume. The members of the local Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 1045, also displayed their flag, and many of their members were in attendance. The dedication service was lead by Chapter Regent Ada Gutridge and Acting Chaplain Jill Hawse. The bench purchase and installation is part of the Elizabeth Sherman Reese Chapter’s commitment to honor our Vietnam Veterans as part of the Commemorative Partners Program. This program is designed for non-government agencies “to assist a grateful nation in thanking and honoring our Vietnam Veterans and their families.” This bench is just one of the projects that the Elizabeth Sherman Reese Chapter will undertake during its 2015-2017 commitment to the Commemorative Partner Program. The Chapter considers it a great privilege to recognize and honor our Vietnam Veterans and all of our nation’s veterans, as well as those currently serving in the armed forces of the United States. The number of veterans that attended the dedication service was most gratifying to the Chapter. We thank them for attending and for their service to our country. The bench is a small token of our eternal gratitude to our veterans and their families for keeping America “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” Page 15 Fort Findlay Chapter Submitted by Martha Avery The Fort Findlay Chapter of OSDAR was very busy during the months of April and May. On April 8th, Regent Martha Avery presented each new American citizen a copy of the Story of the Pledge of Allegiance and a flag keychain. May 23rd we placed markers at the graves of three deceased members; Madeline DeLancy Miller, Ruth Isabelle Pratt and Esther Bell “Jenny” Snetz. The John Hancock SAR colonial color guard was present at each grave marking. May 25th we placed a wreath on the Blanchard River in memory of those patriots who gave their lives through war in waters. A parade followed and concluded with a wreath placing at the War Memorial in Maple Grove Cemetery in Findlay. Regent Martha Avery and SAR Color Guard Hannah Brown, granddaughter of Regent Martha Avery playing taps at grave markings. Graves of Madeline Miller, Ruth Isabelle Pratt and Jenny Snetz. The Fort Findlay Chapter celebrated “Flag Day” with their annual DAR/SAR Luncheon on Saturday, June 6th. There were 33 persons present to hear the program presented by Kenneth Hammontree who portrayed “Tecumseh”. What a wonderful lesson we all experienced about history of the Native Americans in Ohio especially during the War of 1812. Tecumseh met his death in battle fighting for the British against the Americans in 1813. Regent Martha Avery and Vice Regent Lee Rose presented the chapters annual $1,000 Scholarship to Aubrey Brown. Aubrey is the daughter of Garth and Carmen Brown. Carmen is a member of the Fort Findlay Chapter. Miss Brown will attend Hillsdale College in Michigan this fall. Several Chapter members are looking forward to participating in Flag Day Celebrations in Findlay on June 14th as well as the 4th of July Parade. Members will also participate in a Vietnam War Memorial service following the parade where memorial buttons will be presented to the Vietnam Veterans. While this ceremony is taking place at the War Memorial, other chapter members will distribute copies of the Declaration of Independence at the County Court House where a program will be held celebrating our Independence. Piqua-Lewis Boyer Chapter Submitted by Annette Stewart Piqua-Lewis Boyer Chapter members taking part in the Miami County Veteran’s Museum July 4th parade in Troy were Judy Deeter, Debbie Miller, Becky Miller, Brenda Cooper and Lora Larck. L-R: Judy Deeter and Debbie Miller Page 16 Jared Mansfield Chapter Submitted by Laverne Ingram Piatt and Pat Jennings Jared Mansfield Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, is pleased to welcome its newest member, Helen Elizabeth Gilmore Wappner, of Mansfield. Helen descends from John Morris Foght who rendered military service in New York City during the American Revolution. Foght served as a Lieutenant in the Continental Line under Capt. Peter Mills. He also served as a Captain under Colonels DuBois, Malcolm and Baldwin and received a pension for his service. John Morris Foght died in NYC in 1836 and was buried there in the churchyard of Trinity Church. His only child, Sarah “Sallie” Foght married Daniel Burt and moved with her husband to Ohio. In time, Sarah and her husband arranged to have the remains of her father moved to Ohio to be re-interred in the Baptist Cemetery at West Lafayette in Coshocton Co, Ohio. Daniel and Sarah Foght Burt are also buried in the same cemetery in West Lafayette. Helen has received a special membership certificate from DAR that includes the emblem celebrating the 125th anniversary of National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. In addition, Helen has received her membership at age 99 1/2. Her daughter Diane Wappner Kracker is also a member of Jared Mansfield Chapter. Regent Gail Adams and Helen Wappner Constitution Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) along with Jared Mansfield Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) held a short Memorial service to honor four Richland County Revolutionary War Soldiers on Saturday in Mansfield Cemetery. Honored were Revolution War Soldiers: Henry Nail Sr., Ebenezer Smith, Jacob Cook and John Jacobs. Joan Wyatt read a short bio of each soldier. A flower and flag were placed on each grave in honor of their service and sacrifice to our country. Jared Mansfield Chapter members also placed a wreath honoring our Revolutionary War soldiers at the entrance to Mansfield Cemetery. L-R: Camilla Perrill, Diane Kracker, Pat Jennings, SAR - Bruce Phipps, Joan Wyatt and Teresa Boice Members of the Jared Mansfield Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution participated in the Mansfield Memorial Day Parade and program. Regent Gail McMeeken Adams read the Poem ‘Memorial Day’ by C. W. Johnson, during the Memorial Day Program held in the Gazebo in Central Park, Mansfield. Diane Kracker drove her red Volkswagen Bug in the parade. Riding with Diane was Jean Steiner while others marched in the parade with the chapter banner. L-R: In front of our DAR WWI Doughboy - Joyce Vanatter, Carol Jutte, Laverne Piatt, Teresa Boice, Joan Wyatt, Dee Lorentz, Regent Gail Adams, Camilla Perrill, Diane Kracker, Janet Grogoza, Marijan Grogoza, Pat Jennings and Jean Steiner. Missing from the picture was Pat James-Hasser. Page 17 Muskingum Chapter Submitted by Mary Ann DeVolld State officers spoke to the Muskingum Chapter during the May and June meetings. In May, Jan Augenstein, who has worn many “hats” in both her local DAR chapter and OSDAR, “became” Ellen Hardin Walworth, one of our DAR founders. Before Jan began, she urged our members to listen for the many “women’s issues” that Ellen faced during her life. Jan kept our members spellbound as she told us about the many happy times in Ellen’s life as well as the difficult and tragic times she faced. Many might have given up, but not Ellen. She truly possessed an “Indomitable Spirit.” In June, we welcomed State Regent Sandy McCann and State Vice Regent Nancy Schirm Wright. They informed us of “Pins and Protocol.” Their light-hearted presentation takes a serious topic and reminds us of the significance of our pins and how we should act during OSDAR and NSDAR events. Our June meeting also gave us a chance to honor our Junior American Citizens “National” contest writing winners. We’re quite proud to have five National winners this year. The Muskingum Chapter also was honored to assist in the Ohio Flags of Honor Memorial ceremony at Zane's Landing Park in Zanesville on June 12th. Hundreds of flags that have the names of soldiers who were killed in Iraq or Afghanistan wars were put on display. The first 13 flags that were placed honored soldiers from Muskingum county; the others were from around the State of Ohio. What a great way to honor these heroes! Finally, on July 2nd, the chapter provided side dishes and desserts for a 4th of July picnic to honor veterans at the Zanesville Veterans’ Clinic. Veterans from WW II, Korea, Vietnam and more recent wars attended. Several other groups assisted with the event. It was an honor for our chapter to participate. Six Muskingum county students won the Junior American Citizens writing contest at the National level of competition for the Daughters of the American Revolution. Pictured are Kristen Talbert, Maddie Douglas, Madeleine Ellsworth, Lana Howell and Sadie Bauserman. In the back row are State JAC Chair Janice McMillan, OSDAR Vice Regent Nancy Schirm Wright, OSDAR Regent Sandy McCann, Muskingum DAR Regent Sis Bowman, and Muskingum JAC Chair Renee Show. Not pictured was Nicholas Sprague. The students wrote stories, poems and essays about the topic “Focusing on the Future.” Each received a certificate and a special medal honoring their accomplishment. Fort GreeneVille Chapter Submitted by Debbie Nisonger Fort GreeneVille Chapter received a $250.00 grant from the Greenville Rotary Club in June. The grant is for the historical preservation of the shelter house on the chapter’s historical Studabaker Schoolhouse property. Schoolhouse Committee Members Doris Aultman and Helen Wright attended the Rotary Club Luncheon to receive the grant. Member Linda Bundy recently tended to the flower bed at the chapter’s historical Studabaker Schoolhouse. Page 18 Fort GreeneVille Chapter Submitted by Debbie Nisonger Thank a Vet 5K a Success! The Fort GreeneVille Daughters of the American Revolution would like to thank everyone for supporting the Thank A Vet 5K on May 30th. It was a bigger success than we hoped it would be. We are happy to announce the final total of $2250 will be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project. There were 85 people signed up and 77 participated. Approximately 50 Veterans showed up for the pre-ceremony. Of those veterans there were 25+ Vietnam Veterans to receive special recognition. Well over 140 people were there to attend the event whether they were runners/walkers, veterans or spectators. There was a recognition ceremony before the race/walk. State Rep Jim Buchy was the guest speaker and Richard Grow, VFW Post 7262 Chaplain gave the prayer. The American Legion Post 140 Honor Guard presented Arms/American Flag, Rifle Volley & Taps. Jean Kelly sang the National Anthem. During the ceremony, the Vietnam Veterans were asked to step to the front to receive a Commemorative Partner of the Vietnam War Veteran pin, certificate and sticker. The Greenville Sr High School ROTC were on the course to direct everyone through. WHIO-TV Steve Baker and other local media covered the event. Pictures were taken by Mora Photography, Greenville. Rep. Jim Buchy, 84th District, spoke before the runners took to the starting line. “They came home and should be heroes,” Buchy said. “They weren’t when they came home. They are today.” We would like to thank the Greenville Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7262, the Men's Auxiliary, Ladies' Auxiliary and the Boosters for sponsoring this event. We would also like to thank all the volunteers that helped make this event a success: Ohio Representative Jim Buchy for the opening ceremony, Jean Kelly for singing the National Anthem, Captain Denman and members of the Greenville High School JROTC, Caleb Baker, Isaac Baker, Meagan Foster, Austin Engelkin, Ida-Marie Zeller, Logan Baker, Heavenly Scarberry, Joice Gower and Megan Mitchell from Great Clips, Jill Wright, Auris Alderman and Victor Alderman. We would like to give a special thank you to the American Legion for allowing us to not only use the Veteran's Building at the Fairgrounds, but for helping during the ceremony. We would also like to thank the American Legion Honor Guard for performing the rifle volley and presentation of the American flag. Photos of the event can be seen at: https://www.facebook.com/fortgreenevilledar/photos_stream?ref=page_internal 5K Results can be seen at https://www.alliancerunning.com/textfiles/thankavet15.txt Fort GreeneVille DAR is a United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration Commemorative Partner. Page 19 Colonel George Croghan Chapter of the DAR saved the “Rock”. Past & Present Submitted by Nancy Willis Back in the 1940’s, an 80 ton glacial deposit rock, estimated from 7-12 thousand years old, not native to Sandusky County, was to be blasted to remove the rock from the progress of putting in a road. According to an early Sandusky county historian, the boulder was used as a mess table by General William Henry Harrison and his staff during the War of 1812, as well as by the Indians of the time. Historic preservation isn’t only for paper documents according to the Daughters of the Colonel George Croghan Chapter who urged, with every means they could, the appropriate people to save the Harrison Rock. Instead of dynamiting, the road crew jacked up the boulder, placed it on railroad ties and slid it, as best they could, to the west side of the road where it remains today. The roadside park is now privately owned but the Harrison Rock with the DAR tablet are easily accessible along Route 590, west of Fremont. The tablet reads: GENERAL HARRISON’S MESS TABLE On the Indian Trail leading from the Headquarters of Major General Harrison at Fort Seneca on the Sandusky River, War of 1812 Erected by the Colonel George Croghan Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution Visit the Harrison Rock and the Minnie Louise Failing Museum / Col. Geo. Croghan Chapter House, 209 Justice Street, Fremont, Ohio during the Aug 1st & 2 Battle of Fort Stephenson Celebrations. Contact DARCROGHAN@aol.com if your chapter would like to schedule a tour at anytime. . John Reily Chapter Submitted by Valerie Wilke Valerie Wilke, Regent of the John Reily Chapter attended the 125th National Congress of the Sons of the American Revolution in Louisville, KY with husband Compatriot Paul M. Wilke and granddaughter Anna Insprucker who is also a member of the John Reily Chapter. Anna the only female member of the NSSAR Color Guard, posted colors at the banquet attended by DAR President General Lynn Forney Young. Mrs. Young reminded Anna that this was a great way to add service hours for DAR. Page 20 Fort Defiance Chapter Submitted by Berne Heilshorn The Fort Defiance Chapter recently held a brunch at the Riverside Chapel celebrating receiving a certificate and flag from the Department of Defense Vietnam War Commemoration. Fort Defiance also collected and delivered $1350.00 worth of personal items to the Veterans Center in Fort Wayne, IN. Several members of Fort Defiance Chapter also attended the Elijah Gunn Chapter dedication for Elijah Gunn Sr.'s new headstone. L-R: Helen Frey, Marilyn Buchman, Jean Zeigler, Susan Hale, Julie Miller, Kathy Seimet, Jane Duerk, Alicia Rohdy, and Berne Heilshorn. L-R: Jane Duerk, Berne Heilshorn, Helen Fry, Rosanne Fisher, Kathy Siemet and Great Niece Hannah. Akron Chapter Submitted by Jill Sutton Filo Kent, Ohio was this year’s destination for Akron Chapter’s annual June outing. Our first stop was downtown’s historic Pufferbelly Restaurant where our group of eighteen members and six prospective members gathered for lunch. The transformed train depot was accented with relics of local charm including a suspended buggy and an antique weathered wooden sign for a local DAR chapter. Our members and guests enjoyed tasty lunches and lively conversation. Welcoming transfers and prospectives, as well as signing applications (that have now been mailed to National) and discussing summer plans were topics of interest. A short drive and a few blocks away from the restaurant was our second stop, the Kent State University Museums. Galleries on two floors displayed fashion and decorative arts. Docent Jean Giulitto introduced each exhibit and shared her extensive knowledge with our inquisitive group. “The Great War: Women and Fashion in a World at War” featured a timeline of wars and historic events illustrated with fascinating garments from the American Revolution to more recent times. Superb gowns of wool, silk or cotton, some with laces and trims and others relatively plain, were creatively showcased. Another gallery featured colorful collectible glass including pieces by Tiffany Studios as well as modern craftsmen. An elevator took us to the second floor where we were escorted to a dramatically lit gallery that housed an exhibit entitled “Inside Out: Revealing Clothing’s Hidden Secrets.” What a rare treat it was to examine “these secret inner-workings” of how exquisitely detailed garments from the 18th to 20th centuries were constructed. From an embroidered silk satin 1780s waistcoat to a 1960s yellow wool Coco Channel suit, these sneak peeks helped us understand and appreciate a garment’s fine craftsmanship and underlying beauty. Page 21 Martha Devotion Huntington Chapter Submitted by Doris Gorgas Martha Devotion Huntington Creates Jewelry as a Fundraiser for Service to Veterans The chapter created bracelets and/or earrings from stylish beads during the June meeting. The materials were donated by the local Pat Catan Crafts Store. Members then donated funds to personally design their own jewelry. Continuing on with this successful project, one week later the chapter manned a booth at the local Cahoon in June Fun Festival. They sold 10 more bracelets and displayed the Vietnam Commemorative Proclamation and flag. Membership information for DAR was also distributed. One member said, ”This was such fun to tell people about DAR, especially our commitment to service for veterans and enjoy hearing the stories of veterans who dropped by to say hello.” The happy ending of these endeavors is that the chapter raised over $400 for two sets of twin beds to be donated to the local home for homeless veterans. Our Regent, Vicky Heineck, intends to continue supporting this home, the Fulton House, through contributions in the future. L-R: Leanne McGann, Janice Blanton, Chaplain Cheryl Distin, Vice Regent Nancy McGrew, and Dawn Neff at the DAR booth at the local Cahoon in June Festival in Bay Village, OH. (Notice the Vietnam Veteran on the left reading the 50th Anniversary Proclamation.) Elizabeth Sherman Reese Chapter Submitted by Judy Fleming The Elizabeth Sherman Reese Chapter, NSDAR, commemorated Flag Day on June 11, 2015, with a luncheon at the Lancaster Country Club. The annual celebration began with the stirring Presentation of the Colors by the Lancaster Police Honor Guard and a piper. Greetings were brought by Sandra McCann, OSDAR State Regent. Flag Day Proclamations were made by David Smith, Mayor of Lancaster, and Tammy Drobina, Mayor of Carroll (who is also an ESR Chapter member). The speaker for the Flag Day Celebration was the Honorable Troy Balderson, State Senator from the 20th District of Ohio. DAR Membership Certificates were presented to several chapter members: 10 year certificates – Robin Jay Bahnsen, Elizabeth Baker, Dorothy Downard and Elizabeth Helber; 25 year certificate – Marjorie Rowles; and 50 year certificate – Ann Kitzmiller. As is traditional at the Flag Day Celebrations flags were presented as follows: the US Flag was presented to Lancaster’s new Mt. Pleasant Elementary and the Ohio State Flag to Millersport High School. The Chapter Service Award was presented to Judy Fleming by Regent Ada Gutridge. A highlight of the afternoon was a group sing-a-long of patriotic songs led by chapter member Gail Heffner, accompanied by chapter member Marcia Kindig. The afternoon’s celebration was a wonderful tribute to our Nation and its Flag. Page 22 Firelands Chapter Submitted by Janice O’Neil The Firelands Chapter held Tea with Fannie Hayes at the Vermilion Boat Club on Flag Day. Our speaker was state Constitution Week Chairman Sharon Rae Snowden portraying Fannie Hayes, the daughter of our 19th President Rutherford B. Hayes. We planned the event as an outreach to new prospective members. Ladies from DAR and the community donned lovely hats and joined us for a light patriotic buffet with tiered tea plates of tidbits donated by members. Betsy Ross was on hand to give each person a flag fan to remember the day. Our treasurer then gave each a 125 year DAR button to wear and all were asked to sign Christmas cards for our active military. We were pleased to welcome new member Deb Dean and present our first annual chapter Youth Citizenship award to Mason Hildebrandt. Mason, a high school sophomore worked with our chapter and the SAR as we placed wreaths at the cemetery with the local Vets, and marched in the parade handing out flags and candy to the crowd. He has worked diligently both on the state and national level with the Junior Statesmanship program. The students are assigned a role as either a senator or congress person, taught to write, debate, and vote on bills. The most touching part of the presentation was when Mason asked to say a few words. He gave a wonderful account of his heart's desire to do what he can to preserve and further democracy in our country by becoming involved. Mason is 14. This officer thinks our future is in good hands with young people of this caliber. The flag was presented by Firelands Bicentennial SAR President Lance Beebe and we were led in singing the National Anthem and God Bless America by SAR member Rev. Shaun Cotterill, both in the uniform of the Continental Army. Our OSDAR Vice Regent Nancy Wright installed our newly elected officers. Thanks to all for making it a memorable day. Page 23 Hannah Luther Bosworth Chapter Submitted by Cynthia Ross Kettler The Hannah Luther Bosworth Chapter reserved a showcase at the Strongsville Library to display articles of the Vietnam War era and items commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War. In the top left corner of the display case is a US Naval navy-blue wool pullover uniform shirt of a sailor who served in the Vietnam War. Printed material about Vietnam and the war is spread about in the display case talking about the history of the country and the different type of war that was fought in Southeast Asia during the 1960’s and 1970’s. The certificate proclaiming that the Hannah Luther Bosworth Chapter is a Commemorative Partner supporting the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War is in the upper right hand corner of the case with a small American flag and POW/MIA flag lying next to it. One of the most poignant items in the display case is a POW/MIA bracelet, the type that could be bought during the war with a POW/MIA’s name on it. This particular bracelet has the name of LCDR Richard Nelson on it. He and his co-pilot went Missing-In-Action on March 6, 1968. Through some research, it was found that LDCR Nelson’s remains were “discovered” and returned by the Vietnamese in 1984. Upon their return to the United States, Richard Nelson’s body was buried with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery. The co-pilot’s remains have yet to be “discovered”. An information sheet with LDCR Nelson’s picture and photo of his headstone at Arlington National Cemetery are included in the showcase. Nelson and his co-pilot were both promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander during the period they were maintained to be missing. All of the items displayed in the showcase are laid upon the Commemorative Vietnam flag so the seal and all the writing could be viewed. Mahoning Chapter Submitted by Jennifer Phillips Proceeds raised from our November 2014 fundraiser Gift-A-Rama were donated on May 27th, 2015 to the Youngstown Veteran Affairs. Dr. Robert Marcus and Laurie Stone accepted over $600 in food, bus passes and gift cards for local veterans from our Chapter. Once again the Mahoning Chapter dressed up as the First Ladies and Betsy Ross (Martha Washington: Priscilla Sutton, Abigail Adams: Dolores Ronzi, Martha Jefferson: Jennifer Phillips, Dolley Madison: Carol Hubbard, Betsy Ross: Mary Lou Shively, Millie Lumley and Marty Campana) and participated in the 50th Annual Canfield 4th of July parade. Even some of our HODARs got in on the fun and represented George Washington (John Sutton & Gary Hubbard) and Paul Revere (John Phillips). Many crowd goers cheered and enthusiastically waved at our historical characters. We used this opportunity to promote our upcoming Information Brunch on August 8th by posting information on one of the three convertibles our members rode. We had a great turn out last year and hope this year turns out to be just as good. Page 24 Ripley-Lieutenant Byrd Chapter Submitted by Vickie Carrington On June 27, 2015, the Ripley-Lieutenant Byrd Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution held its 1 st Annual Miss/Mr Ripley-Lt. Byrd Pageant. Ages of contestants ran from 17 months to 9 years. All of the little ones were dressed in their very best patriotic attire and were beyond cute! The older contestants recited the Pledge of Allegiance, sang a song, saluted or did a flip! We had winners in the “Mini Ms. Ripley-Lt. Byrd” from ages 1-3; “Little Miss Ripley-Lt. Byrd” for ages 46; and “Jr. Miss Ripley-Lt. Byrd” for ages 7-9. After the winners were crowned and given their ribbons and trophies, all the participants enjoyed cookies. It was a great turnout and the Ripley DAR enjoyed hosting the Pageant! We had a poster display on the DAR in general, with pictures of some activities our chapter has done in the past. We also had “interest in DAR forms” and brochures for individuals to take. Another good way to promote the DAR in a fun way in our community! Thank you to all the participants, their parents and a special thank you to the Ripley American Legion for the use of the hall! Clough Valley Chapter Submitted by Mary Lou Harris The meeting of June 20, 2015, was held at the Anderson Center in Anderson Township. Chaplain Jean Morrison conducted a Memorial Service for Wilma Heideman, who passed away on April 19, 2015. Wilma was inducted into the DAR on June 12, 1970 and served actively for nearly 45 years, including acting as a Trustee for the Waldschmidt Homestead. Wilma’s daughters, Bobbie Sheppard, Patti Krone, and Carol Striker (who were in attendance) and cousin, Roberta Hart, are also members of Clough Valley Chapter. The oath of membership was given to newest member, Alissa Gannaway by Chaplain Jean Morrison. Regent Mary Lou Harris presented Alissa with her first pin. Regent Mary Lou Harris summarized the President General’s June message. She also shared State Regent Sandy McCann’s June message. Both encouraged participation in the National Day of Service this October, coinciding with the DAR 125th Anniversary. Members were also urged to attend the upcoming SW District CDRC Workshop, held on July 11, 2015 in Wilmington. The Fall Fun Fair will be August 15, 2015 in Columbus. Both are excellent sources of information about our organization. The President General, Lynn Forney Young will be in attendance at the Fall Fun Fair. It was recommended that we allocate money for some of the organizations we continue to support. The chapter voted to support two Honor Flight Companions, donate to the Indian Youth Summer Camp Scholarships, send a memorial for Wilma Heideman to Tamassee School, and allocate money for staple items needed by the Fisher House. Anne Martz, Membership Committee, announced that we will be signing and sending in another application and one more will be ready in July. Anne Ross introduced our guest speaker, Rabbi Gary Zola, of Hebrew Union College. Dr. Zola’s topic was “Patriots, Soldiers, and Citizens: Jews and the American Revolution.” Dr. Zola outlined the impact of the Jewish communities in the Colonies at the beginning of America and the Revolutionary War. Many interesting (and surprising) facts were included. Page 25 Joseph Spencer Chapter Submitted by Monica Karasek On Memorial Day, our Joseph Spencer Chapter Regent, Bunnie Bowman-Schaefer, and Vice Regent, Monica Karasek, participated in the annual Scioto County Memorial Day Parade as volunteers for the time-honored Ladies of the Circle. The streets were crowded with onlookers of all ages. Children alongside the route held their flags, balloons, and posters in honor of Memorial Day while waving enthusiastically to those in the parade. It was an event reminiscent of a bygone era as they passed through the streets. As the parade concluded at Greenlawn Cemetery, the ladies gathered in a beautiful sea of white. For 145 years, the Ladies of the Circle has been a long standing tradition in the Memorial Day ceremonies at Greenlawn Cemetery. The Ladies of the Circle traditionally wear white for the Memorial Services at Soldiers Circle. Each lady approached the microphone to inform the audience of the veterans they were representing as well as placing flowers to honor those veterans who fought for each war. Several Joseph Spencer Chapter Members participated while representing other lineage societies, such as United States Daughters of the War of 1812 and the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War 1861-1865. It was a day of remembrance of the sacrifice of hundreds of Scioto County men in combat to preserve American freedoms. Members pictured at the Marker erected by Joseph Spencer Chapter in 1931 of all the Revolutionary Soldiers buried in Scioto County: National Society Daughters of the Union 1861-1865, Carolyn Hilliard (Joseph Spencer Chapter Parliamentarian); Scioto Valley Volunteers Chapter Vice President, Beth Normand (Joseph Spencer Chapter National Defense Chairman); Scioto Valley Volunteers Chapter President, Gail Swick (Joseph Spencer Chapter Historian); Joseph Spencer Chapter Regent, Belinda BowmanSchaefer; Joseph Spencer Chapter Vice Regent, Monica Karasek; National Society Daughters of the Union 1861-1865, Marilyn Schomburg (Joseph Spencer Chapter Librarian) On Independence Day, our Joseph Spencer Chapter Treasurer, Sharon Karasek, her husband, John Karasek, and her son, Joseph Karasek of New York City and a member of the National Society Sons of the American Revolution, participated in the National Independence Day Parade held in Washington, D.C. The members of the Daughters of the American Revolution parade participants dressed in white and carried historical flags representing different historic periods in American history including the Battle of Bennington flag and the 1812 flag (Star-Spangled Banner). Photo on left: Sharon Karasek, Joseph Spencer Chapter Treasurer (3rd from Right). George Clinton Chapter Submitted by Kaye Stotts At the June meeting of the George Clinton Chapter the 2015-2018 officers were installed. Past George Clinton Regent and present State Librarian Joyce Peters installed the newly elected officers. Front row: Charlotte Stotts, Chaplain; Frances Sharp, Vice Regent; Mary Jane Johnson, Regent; Leslie Holmes, Registrar; and Susan Henry, Recording Secretary. Back row: Susan Neuhart, Assistant Secretary; Judy Sergeant, Corresponding Secretary; Karen McKenzie, Assistant Treasurer; Suzanne Madison, Treasurer; Bonny Kanyuck, Historian; and Nancy Bernard, Librarian. George Clinton Chapter Regent Judith Sargent presents 50 year member Katherine Hackney Luby with a 50 year pin. Page 26 Commodore Preble Chapter by Linda Lawson Coleman Commodore Preble Chapter’s June meeting was held at the Historic Garber Farm which is located at 9691 St. Rt. 503 two miles north of Lewisburg in Preble County. It is a 100 acre farm from the 1800’s which was donated by Allen and Adaline Garber to the Preble County Park District and the Preble County Historical Society. Sixty-five acres are still farmed while another 33 acres are forests with trails. The furnished, restored home can be toured by reservation and also activities offered can be found at the Park District Office at 937-962-5561. Allen and Adaline, the early residents, were the Great Grandparents of Brenda Mezz, one of our chapter members. Brenda gave a tour of the house and an interesting program of old postcards that were her Great Aunt’s. The cards began approximately between 1900 and 1910 and gave glimpses of childhood through courting; and included sharing of events and ways of life in the early 20 th century. While at the home we welcomed two new members: “Cookie” Young. Jane Smith and Barbara The Garber home circa 1900 Debbie Crumbaker, Janie Smith, and Martha Albright Debbie Crumbaker, Cookie Young and Martha Albright July 2nd the chapter had their annual “Lunch to celebrate Independence Day” at the China Wok. Front Row: Jeannie, Barbara, Janie, and Martha Back Row: Shaun, Debbie, Linda, Sharel, and Pam Return Jonathan Meigs Chapter Submitted by Lisa Lewis-Best Henderson Hall Tour Members of the Return Jonathan Meigs Chapter toured the Henderson family home located in Williamstown, WV. The rear block of the home was built in 1836 of locally handmade red brick. The home sat on 2800 acres of prime land along the Ohio River. The home was added to in 1856-1859 in the Italianate-style; there are 29 rooms, basement, belvedere and outstanding three story continuous staircase. The house has been lived in by five generations of the Henderson family with the last family member passing away in the recent past. The home retains all of its original contents as the five generations of family did not throw anything away. The Henderson’s were close friends of George Washington and named several sons after him. The Chapter members agreed that the home and contents were amazing and well worth the visit. Meloney Victory was presented the Good Citizen award by Chapter Regent Opal Grueser. Ms. Victory represented Eastern High School and was nominated by the principal, Shawn Bush. The Chapter provided Ms. Victory with a framed certificate, pin and gift card. Page 27 Fort Industry Chapter Submitted by Bev St. Clair DAR DIGNITARIES RECOGNIZE RICHARD BARANOWSKI, WINNER OF $10,000 SPECIAL PROJECTS GRANT The Fort Industry Chapter formally honored Richard Baranowski, Local History Librarian of the Way Library in Perrysburg for the publication of his book, Perrysburg Village Voices: Hometown Stories of the Past . Over two years ago, the Chapter began working with Baranowski to help him apply for a matching grant as part of DAR's Special Projects Grants program. Not only was the Perrysburg book project awarded the maximum amount of $10,000, it was the only Special Projects Grant awarded in the state of Ohio in 2014. It was also the largest donation received for the book's publication. Special DAR dignitaries at the meeting were State Regent Sandy McCann, State Vice Regent Nancy Wright, and Marilyn Stinehart, Northwest District Director. Regent McCann extended an invitation to Baranowski and his wife to attend the Fall Fun Fair conference in Columbus in August. He will be presented to Lynn Forney Young, President General. A private release of the book will be on August 28 th, and the public release will occur on September 12th, in time for Harrison Rally Day, and to help commemorate Perrysburg's Bicentennial next year. The book had its beginnings back in 2002, when Baranowski encouraged local residents to bring in their scrapbooks, photos, journals and publications. He then began interviewing people individually, or in families and groups. Before long he had a stack of oral histories, which he made available as dvd's. In 2011, he spent about a year reviewing all the interviews and eventually selected 50 of them to be published in book form. L-R: Northwest District Director Marilyn Stinehart, OSDAR Vice Regent Nancy Wright, Richard Baranowski, OSDAR Regent Sandy McCann, Fort Industry Regent Brigitte David, and Fort Industry Past Regent Chris Burkhart. John Hoover Chapter Submitted by Lora Yank Chapter Certificate: Regent Nelson proudly displayed a certificate drafted for our chapter by the 131st Ohio General Assembly, signed by State Senator Jim Hughes, 16 th District, and Senator Keith Faber, 12th District/President of the Ohio Senate. The certificate congratulates us on the “achievement of forming the John Hoover Chapter” and states, “Your fortitude, dedication and hard work are a true testament to your commitment to the community”. Grove City Heritage Celebration – Our chapter participated in this year’s festival, held at Century Village, on June 6 and 7. We hosted a tent and provided information about DAR and the Revolutionary War, sold baked goods and patriotic crafts, while dressed in period appropriate clothing made by Nancy O'Loughlin. Karen Bott, Ruth Brown, Helen Huntington and granddaughter Michaela, Frances and Kristen Morrow, Regent Nelson, Janet Riegel, Ginger Thrush, Lora Yank, Anna Yank-Shoaf and daughter Rhesa, participated in this event. Nancy O’Loughlin later demonstrated the 18th century outfit that she made for the event at our June 10th meeting. In celebration of Flag Day , “The 17th Star in the United States Flag”, written by Dawn Barber and presented at her first meeting as Regent in 1974, about Ohio’s State Flag, was presented by State Regent Sandy McCann at our June 10th meeting held at Pinnacle Golf Club. Lora Yank presented Regent McCann with a signed, framed photograph of our chapter’s stacked “Unity” hands, and read the history of our chapter’s creation and why the unity hands are so meaningful. Another framed unity photograph was given to Regent McCann for her to give to President General Lynn Forney Young at Fall Fun Fair in August. A bookmark created by Lora Yank was given to all attendees. Lora read the poem on the bookmark, “The Flag of Our Country”. Page 28 Page 29 CHRISTIAN WALDSCHMIDT HOMESTEAD Pat Young, Trustee Chapters Regents are encouraged to share this information with their members and have their Constitution Week Chairman participate by contacting the State Constitution Week Chairman, Sharon Snowden. This will be a great time to see the completed Visitors Center with the beautiful mural, the updated Caretaker’s Cottage, the replanted Herb Garden and grounds as well as the refreshed displays. The curators have worked all summer cleaning and documenting our wonderful collections. All Ohio Daughters are invited to OSDAR’s Fall Homecoming Event “Constitution Day” Christian Waldschmidt Homestead Saturday, September 19, 2015 10:00am to 4:00pm Come - Learn - Discover Meet the Preamble, Articles and Amendments, as well as other Patriots who have influenced the Constitution throughout history up to today. Our Educators are our Chapter Constitution Week Chairmen. Constitution Week September 17-23 Food available Master Questionnaire credit Page 30 OSDAR Fall Fun Fair Saturday, August 15, 2015 Columbus Airport Marriott 1375 North Cassady Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43219 Ph: 614-475-7551 Fax: 614-476-1476 Luncheon: $29.00 (Caesar salad, Meat lasagna, Italian green beans, breadsticks, coffee or tea, cookies) Dinner: $45.00 (Cucumber wrapped salad, Pesto and parmesan crusted breast of chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus, coffee or tea, raspberry white chocolate cheesecake) Dress for the day: Business Attire All Day Agenda: This year’s theme, “Celebration” 8:00-10:00 am Registration (Atrium) 9:00-11:30 am Visit Committee tables and talk with State Chairman (corridors and inside ballroom) 12:00 noon 6:00 pm Vietnam 50th Anniversary Commemoration Luncheon Celebrate America! Dinner Adjourn Columbus Airport Marriott 1375 North Cassady Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43219 For reservations, call 614-475-7551 or go to https://resweb.passkey.com/Resweb.do? mode=welcome_ei_new&eventID=13240128 You must request the OSDAR Rate – Last Day for Hotel Group Reservation rate is July 17, 2015 Room Rate is $115 + tax, 1-4 person occupancy www.marriott.com for map and directions Page 31 OSDAR Fall Fun Fair Saturday, August 15, 2015, Columbus Airport Marriott Reservation and payment must be received by August 6, 2015. Please use a separate form for each person attending. First Name ___________________________________ Last Name _______________________________ Chapter _____________________________________________ District _____________________ _ Email _______________________________________________ Phone _ ______________________ Check all that apply: State Officer ______________________ Chapter Regent ______ Page ______ State Chairman ________________________ HODAR ______ Veteran ______ $________ Luncheon - $29.00 $________ Banquet - $45.00 $ Registration 7.00 $________ Total enclosed Check #________ List any dietary restrictions/allergies IF they pertain to any meals you are purchasing. (chef’s choice) _________________________________________________________________________ Make checks payable to OSDAR State Treasurer Mail Registration to: Becky Miller 538 Linwood Dr Troy OH 45373-2125 Check here _____ if confirmation Email is requested or enclose a self-addressed stamped postcard. For questions regarding reservations, contact Becky Miller @937-440-1525 or bmiller102@msn.com For general questions relating to Fall Fun Fair, contact Jane Duerk @ 419-438-2880 or janeduerk@gmail.com or Gwen McGuire @ 740-256-1372 or mgmcg1@wildblue.net Room reservations should be made directly with Airport Marriott: Columbus Airport Marriott 1375 North Cassady Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43219 Phone 614-475-7551 or 800-491-5717 or link below: to https://resweb.passkey.com/Resweb.do?mode=welcome_ei_new&eventID=13240128 Page 32
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