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March 2008 March 2008 RING 55 PROUDLY PRESENTS KENTON KNEPPER KLOSE-UP! Kenton Knepper is appearing in a rare close-up and personal lecture for us. Many think of Kenton as a “mentalist” but ask Bill Malone, J.C. Wagner, Mike Close, Alan Ackerman, Doc Eason, John Mendoza, and other close-up experts about Kenton’s impact on close-up and unusual card effects. They rave about him. (His sponge ball routine is legendary.) Kenton will be perfo rming and teaching his rarely seen card work and other close-up material in this very special lecture! THE LOTA IBM RING 55 * D ANN Y D EW/BERT EAS L EY R ING Kenton has worked with the best in the business. Jay Sankey has praised his latest card book, and pros constantly demand his advice. Jeff McBride and the biggest names in magic and mentalis m are among Kenton’s many fans. Google search “Kenton Knepper” - the results are astounding. Here is what Jay Sankey had to say about Kenton’s latest card book: "Thi s book i s a shining gem of a collection featuring supremely practical effects and marvelous examples of rock solid, real-work scripting. I was especially impressed with the generous spirit… Kenton shares one smart alternative handling after another… there is a sense that Kenton i s completely focused on you … and cares deeply about imparting his creative knowledge in as clear, humble and patient a manner as possible. Such a gift!" - Jay Sankey Some of the things you will learn fro m the Master himself in this lecture… * New card effects with blank cards, alphabet letters, subliminal influence. * Kenton will demonstrate and teach material fro m his new DVDs. * Learn card suggestion using your cell phone. * Witness Kenton’s Magnetic Cane Work. * And discover secret material not published anywhere… yet. * PLUS: Come 45 minute s early and experience Kenton’s NEW “Subliminal Effects” CD too! Of course if you have been to these special Kenton lectures before, you know everything is fair game and he may surprise us with any number of special deals, prices, secret material he’s taught no one else, and more. Th is is always a very rare and intimate event when Kenton lectures at home in Phoenix. Let ’s be sure we let Kenton know we value his special lectures here. Show up and take him up on some of his great special offers for us. We’d like to have this continue… it’s up to YOU and your participation to make it worthwhile! (Kenton cannot take credit cards – we thought we’d warn you in advance.) Tuesday, March 18th at the Best Western Airport Inn at 2425 S. 24th Street (just south of the Airport). Social “hour” starts at 6:00 p.m., and the main lecture starting at 7:30:00 p.m. If you get there by 6:45, you can experience Kenton’s new “Subliminal Effects” also! FREE to paid-up members of Ring 55, and guests will be charged $20.00. Visit our GREAT interactive Website at KJ’S CORNER The Lota My thanks to those of you that have already paid your 2008 dues! Remember, they were due March 1st. When you attend our events, please check in at the desk in order that we can update our data base and provide you with a nametag. We want to make sure we introduce all of our guests and potential new members, too. If you have not yet done so, remember you have until June to apply for membership in the National I.B.M., which is a requirement for Ring 55 membership. The monthly publicat ion of the International Brotherhood of Magicians Ring 55 Ring 55 Officers Kim Phelps Craig Filicetti President Vice President Clark Wirthlin Secretary Leigh Hotz Lota Editor Jay Gorham Treasurer Gary Kanowsky Sergeant at Arms National dues are as little as $45 for the first year if you do Website design Brad Rush of not want to receive The Linking Ring, and only $35/year LC Webdesign thereafter. Benefits to belonging also include affordable performers' liability insurance, awards and recognition for outstanding performers, fellowship and support of 250 local clubs (like Ring 55) in over 73 countries, world class annual conventions, electronic links, and group health and life insurance. We have application forms available at all meetings. Great events are coming! Read all about Kenton's special lecture on March 18th; our All-Ring 55 Close-up Competition in April; and our 61st Anniversary Celebration in May, which will feature a special tribute to long-time Ring 55 member Herb Easley. Tickets for the Anniversary Celebration ($25) may be purchased at the March lecture. Each event is written-up elsewhere in this issue of The LOTA, as well as on our web site. Also, a magical little bird just told us that member Michael Finney will be performing at Casino Arizona's "Show-stoppers" on March 11th and 12th! Congratulations to Ring 55 member Dr. John Scialli for his 25 continuous years of membership in the I.B.M. He will be presented with his Order of Merlin award at the combined I.B.M./SAM convention to be held in Louisville in July. We will be introducing the Ring 55 Steering Team's recommend slate of Ring 55 officers for 2008 at the beginning of the March lecture, and will ask for those present at the April meeting to affirm their election. They will be installed at our Anniversary Celebration in May. Thanks to all of those that volunteered to help continue our Ring 55 successes! Page 2 T H E LO T A OUR LAST MEETING ... Sixty-one members and guests gathered in February to watch and learn from a lecture by the very talented Joshua Jay. President Kim “KJ” Phelps welcomed our guests, which included: Rick Williamson, Steve Peebles, Bobby Hasbun, Tom Schiefer, Scott Is rael and Mike Fisher (all from the Phoenix area) as well as Peter Petrashek from Omaha, Gary Mac from London, and Lucas Fuchs, a high school exchange student from Switzerland. She also welcomed new members Zach & Pam Gibson and Bruce & Aaron Rivkin. We hope our guests were impressed enough to come back and also join our very magical group of wizards. Joshua did not waste any time, and started doing some fantastic close- up demonstrations as a “teaser” before we even made the opening announcements. This brought everyone out of their seats to gather around for a closer peek! It was clear to everyone in attendance that Joshua was a skilled magician, but was also very excited about sharing the magic. Joshua included in his lecture a variety to please almost every magic interest: mentalism, cards, coins, and certainly, comedy! His opening gambit was a bit of mentalism using an ordinary tape measure which accurately predicted – to the inch – the exact height of someone selected at random from the audience. Next, a card chosen by Se rgio Vie was found inside of a bandage on Joshua’s thumb. For the coin workers, Joshua presented a terrific version of three charming Chinese coins onto and off of a ribbon, sometimes while being held by a spectator! During the break there was brisk buying of some wonderful items that Joshua was offering for sale. For a second month in a row, the split-the-pot was won by a new member – Pam Gibson. She was delighted, since son Zach had persuaded her to pick up many of Joshua’s magical offerings at the sale table! After the break, Joshua resumed his wonderful lecture with a “Vegas Visit” version of the Five Card Repeat, but using credit cards, Tarot cards, airline tickets, “get-out-of-jail” cards, etc. This was followed by an Any Card At Any Number routine that seemed to fail miserably. Just as we thought “gotcha!”, Joshua revealed the selected card at the selected page of a book that had been resting nearby. Joshua ended a very enjoyable evening by going into the center of the room and having everyone gather around to watch how he got away with using cards in school without being punished or having them confiscated. It was called “Cutting the Aces – in School”, and had all of us leaning in closer to make sure we got it all. Following the lecture the sale table was once again very busy, but then Joshua told everyone to stick around and he would show us some bonus material. We were most impressed with this young man – he certainly gave us MORE than our money’s worth! Clark Wirthlin KOLLECTORS KORNER by Larry Wilfong Welcome Welcometotothe a Special first 2008 Edition edition of of your yourKOLLECTOR’S KORNER We’re priviledged this month to view some of the favorites in the Accumulation of Lifetime Member and Past President of Ring #55 Edward M. Rosenthal. KOLLECTOR’S KORNER Ed had spent time with Eddy Taytelbaum and during one particular visit Ed expressed his appreciation for a colored spot paddle trick handcrafted by this innovative craftsman. Eddy told him he had made only three (one was for Fred Kaps!). In the next instant he insisted Ed accept his personal paddle as a gift. I have personally handled this remarkable piece and can attest to the quality of its construction. There’s nothing (including the Porper paddles) that comes close to Eddy’s attention to detail. Here’s another Taytelbaum piece that is georgeous. It’s Eddy’s interpretation of the Phantom Block mentioned in a previous Kollector’s Korner. The small block is secured inside the long tube by the wooden rod. With this Taytelbaum apparatus the block can simply be released from the rod or it can be caused to vanish completely... This is a vintage example of the effect we know as THREAD IT. Owens, Supreme and probably others have manufactured this baffling apparatus. Ed’s not sure of the origin of this particular piece, but he’s had it for years. He acquired it when he purchased a collection of Magic while he lived in Boston many years ago. In short, a ribbon is run through body of a large wooden spool; a large needle is placed into the hole in the spool> when the needle is removed, the ribbon is threaded through the eye of the needle! THE HAND OF HARRY HOUDINI is the name Edwardo has given to his presentation of the ANVERDI CARD BOX. This is one of the last pieces made by Anverdi. It is considered very ‘collectible’ as are ALL of the electronic items manufactured by Anverdi. EFFECT: A deck of cards is removed from the card box, shuffled and the spectator given a free choice (no force) of any card. The Card is replaced into the deck by the spectator. Ed has added a separate ornate case and, in keeping with his storyline, he relates how inside this case is the Hand of Harry Houdini. The hand is introduced and placed on top of the open card case. The spectator takes the shuffled deck and begins placing the cards one at a time into the open card box. After awhile, suddenly the Hand moves and slams the lid on the card case closed preventing the spectator from placing any more cards inside. When the spectator looks at the very next card waiting to be placed into the case, he sees IT IS HIS CARD! This is a super trick and Ed’s story makes it even stronger! We can all learn great deal about how to present Magic from our experienced members like Edward M. Rosenthal. Thank-You for sharing, Ed.Note: If you’d like to see more of Ed’s Magic go to and enter Ed Rosenthal into the search option. Comments or suggestions for future columns? Please contact Larry Wilfong at (480) 246-1296 or Page 4 APRIL MEETING TO FEATURE CLOSE-UP COMPETITION. Are you the next Idol? Not American Idol but Close Up Idol! If your fingers are itching to show off the latest card/coin/spongeball or other routine you’ve been holed up in your room working on all winter long then come on out to compete in the Ring 55 Close Up competition. There is no Simon, Paula or Randy at this competition heck; you won’t even be going to Hollywood, just to our regular meeting spot at the Best Western Motel near the fabulous Phoenix Skyharbor Airport. Oh did we mention that the winners of this contest will get cold hard CASH not quite a lot of cold hard CASH but enough to fill up your tank and buy a Happy Meal from McDonalds for you and your other to share. OK now for the rules: 1. Your act should be 3 to 6 minutes. If you go over the time limit 10 points per every 30 seconds you go over will be deducted from your final score. 2. You must be a paid up member of both IBM and our local Ring 55. 3. Contestants will be judged by fellow club members. Ties will be decided by club officers. 4. Due to time constraints we are limiting the field to just 12 performers. Scoring: 1. Each performer will be able to earn a maximum of 15 points. The breakdown is as follows: 2. Entertainment Value 1 – 5 points. 3. Originality 1 – 5 points. 4. Routine Construction 1 – 5 points. Prizes: 1st Prize $100.00 and “bragging rights” for a year! 2nd Prize $50.00 3rd Prize $25.00 4th and below get bupkis and an invitation to come back and try again next year. The best part is that there is no annoying theme song for the losers. So Dawg, limber up your fingers and any other part of your body you need to perform and get ready for the Ring 55 Close Up Magic Competition. Who knows maybe you can be the first Ring 55 Close Up Idol! Call “KJ’ at (480) 969-4162 or email her at and be one of the first 12 to sign up! Page 5 ANNUAL DINNER “The time has come, the walrus said, to think of many things…” Yes, it is time to make plans to attend the annual dinner of IBM Ring 55 Saturday May 17, 2008 at the Rodehouse Restaurant (our regular meeting location). This year we will honor HERB EASLEY for his many years of service to magic in the Phoenix area. ROBERT BAXT, from Hollywood, FISM award winner for comedy magic, will lecture at 1:00. You will have time to return home for your spouse or significant other and return to the Rodehouse for dinner at 7:00. Following dinner there will be the installation of officers of the Ring for next year, the tribute to Herb Easley, and then entertainment by our guest performer, Robert Baxt. The full day of activity will cost $25.00 per person. Phil Tuttle will have tickets at our next meeting. Please plan to attend and help make our event a huge success! Jay Gorham, Dinner Chair WHATSIT? This unique piece hasn’t been duplicated by modern day “creators”, yet. It is finely constructed of wood with a metal handle and clear plastic window visible in the picture. It is an honest-to-goodness CREDIT CARD GRINDER. What a perfect way to get the ol’ budget under control! EFFECT: A real credit card is borrowed from an audience member and fed into the GRINDER to “increase the limit and drop the interest rate to zero with a complimentary $1000.00 cash bonus automatically credited to the account”. The handle is turned as the card is inserted and a loud cranking noise comes from within the apparatus. Sensing something has gone horribly wrong, the performer removes the card holder from the grinder and the spectator can see his/her credit card has been reduced to hundreds of small pieces. Not to worry, the performer visibly dumps the cut- up pieces of the borrowed credit card into an ordinary (not gimmicked) envelope. He instructs the card owner to take the pieces to his bank tomorrow and explain what happened and the teller will tell him what he can do with the pieces. Of course, all ends well when the owne r of the credit card tears open the envelope and finds his credit card has been fully restored. There’s no sleight-of- hand involved leaving you to concentrate upon enjoying the interaction with your audience. The first member to contact Larry Wilfong (480) 246-1296 or before the next meeting with the correct NAME OF THE MANUFACTURER of this apparatus will win a FREE $10.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE to the Bes Tricks Online Magic Store run by our Editor Leigh Hotz. Answer to last month’s WHATSIT? = ACE PLAC E MAGIC (England) is the manufacturer of THE THOUGHT TRANSM ITTER. Page 6 THESE COMPANIES SUPPORT OUR CLUB (see preview of our new web site) 509 West McDowell Road Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Phone ....... 602.271.9146 JOHN A GREGET Shawn Greer Private mag ic dealer Lessons in sleight of hand 602 404-7644 Www.idealmag m 8120 E. McDo well Road Su ite #5 Scottsdale, AZ 85157 (480) 464-4518 New and used magic for the discriminating buyer. 6528 East 22nd Street T ucson, AZ 85710 fax (520-745-8361) phone (520-790-4060) www.williams m Magic Lists 5575 E. Seena Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85202 (602) 404-3100 Kenton Knepper WONDERWIZARDS.COM “We put the 'WHOA' in Wonder” Visit our club web site on the internet at THE LOTA Leigh Hotz 2950 E. Blue Ridge Way Gilbe rt, AZ 85298 Lota Mailing address: I BM R I NG 55 * DAN N Y DEW/ BER T EAS LEY R I N G