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Stress management for better Health Dr Kala Sivayoganathan Consultant Eye Surgeon GH N’Eliya 1 The eight illusions about stress Dellf/ hfNfyB b¥ ålÁebVd D‡kd Dellf/ uEVe izVrc‡ld Z/‡ h¡lfkj¤c kfjrc‡ld lcVd wwboÁbjw/kd ë/ /¦lg/ You have to be a doctor to recognize stress and to resolve it. Dellf/ /V¦ wwoVfk prëlw/d meceVÁ wo/kf Stress is normal in day to day life FuN Djc¦C¦ kje /ec‡ Dzlzä ë‡ whe¿ Dellf/kd lfâ/ /¦lg/ A little stress is good for achievements. Dellf/ /V¦ u¦wokd wYTlfk wo/kd hcCf, wueo ëwêk/kd ild ë/ Z/ cv uzjr /eë Stress is only physical, it can be alleviated by resting. 2 The eight illusions about stress Deuej h¦jzE bn wbVmkd, Îkkd bÁe/ec kfjrc lgNfVd, wueo Vfbe[¦bk‡ wkewud wued /ec lgNfVd Dellf/ Fbld kj il uzkf/f By changing your dietary habits, by exercising a little, or by going on a holiday stress can be avoided. DVfld h¦odin/fVd, mfEìä ue DbmdLebVd lcewid Dellf/‡ bikfb /¦lg/f Other people, situations and incidents are responsible for my stress Dellf/kd ZVdwVd Vf/ål ofV Vf/c/Vd‡ DV¦b hz/ 14kd h¦je bz[kn /¦lg/f Dellf/ hfNfyB b¥ ålÁebVd D‡kd You become stressful if you work for 14 hours continuously in your daily routine. cc Vä kboebld Dellf/kd ëofVdwVd Vzuz. I never get stressed 3 WHAT IS STRESS ? Stress is a physical or emotional reaction to any kind of external or internal change. 4 WHAT IS STRESS ? • Stress is a form of pain that comes to tell you there is something you need to change • Dellf/ /V¦ ~y‡ ~y lgN Dzlf kfmf/ä wo/kd wbVmd kj il /¦lg/f kf/e krc‡ Dzlf bV wêoVebk mdbjsh/kf • Pain is a messenger that comes to tell you there is something you need to learn • wêoVeb /V¦ ~y ëmfVd FwiV izVrc‡ wo/kd Dzlf yb ~y‡ hzbmrc mBue hzåwCV Elw/kf. 5 The Physical Signs of Stress uoizmdc FuN /ec Palpitations Gojw/d ue Deuej prj¤C hodJlfw/d DzlfbV Dhum¦lebVd Abdominal discomfort Dprj¤C/ Indigestion ou¿/ ozæc Increased Sweating uªo/eyeJ Heart Diseases DÚjzÚj hr[V/ Hypertension ufwmd kzkdkgä Headache hh¦wê wêoVe Chest pain VfVdo wVe/ec Insomnia uofmf DVlgjz bn‡ whnãc Accident Prone cldhzV‡ u¦jzìc Addictions to alcohol mwä DzlfbV bC Skin diseases yw¾ DzlfbV bC Peptic Ulcers 6 The Mental Signs of Stress hr[V/ Tension ufj ilf/ Tightness ëjzodJìc Resistance I͈V/ Friction wkedh/ Anger bjokejr yb Guilt ëwê|V/ Criticism wbwumkejrldb/ Tiredness keVdmeb Anxiety cvuzj /ec Evasion h¡lfkf¡/eb Reaction Dlªhdlf/ Discontentment kCmdmndn Worry wVeFbmfmdn Impatience DV¦ceV/ Apprehension 7 Effect of Stress Mental Increased Irritability, forgetfulness, Decreased concentration, Reduced judgemental power. Behavioural Smoking, alcohol addiction, nail biting, Withdrawn, reckless driving, Increased or decreased Appetite, Increased or decreased sleep, workaholic or absenteeism. 8 External causes of stress Dellf/‡ ynheV yeufj wudlg FkdcVfVd wbVmd bV wnedk/ mej¤Lkb /ckd kj il wVeuzkf ìc hfNfyB â/ uofmdmf/ prbV j‡eb wbVmd ìc pVceJÁ/ jepÁ h¡lfhldlf bz¿ bV pViuV/ These are factors over which you have little or no control. 9 Dekndh bn wbVmkd; Internal causes of stress Change of attitude Rj¤<Áeb Jealousy wwbj/ Hatred ëMen h¡ej¤LVebVd; Aspirations DVbMÁ mæhleb/Vd; Du…kej/, Rj¤<Áeb,ksojkc, wkedh/ bzVf wod bn‡ o wc/ m…kd<fhdl kn uzk. wäbe ~y ëmfVd henV/ kj il uzkf kjzC¦ kfufh/kf Approach 10 Causes or triggers mcieæVd ue ljvbzorc Competing with colleagues huN wMd¡Cf/k‡ Dzo ozæc Being demoted Vb íkf/ebkd New Job mswuV m¦Em¦kä nye wVelfãc Events, situations and circumstances at work Inadequate Qualifications mcieæVd Dlj DzlfbV iz‡¦ä Conflicts with Colleagues DÚk bz[ Being Overworked msc ë‡c ëwjedJ/c h¡keM kjVe D/ mcv mfÏc‡ mfE ìc Being with Constant pessimists DÚk Máow/Vd hfjf hjfmj/ Being in a Noise Polluted Environment cVe mVdVfwêoV/kd wVeczlf hfjfmk dBeing in a non communicating gathering ken/ co ìc Working according to dead lines 11 Causes or triggers ²elf cjC/kd Death of a close relative ofkdkmeo/ wued wbVd ìc Divorce or separation ëbeu/ Events, situations and circumsta nces at home ojzbVd Children Vfbm ëkfVrc Selling your house Marriage Vfbmkd izVrc Buying a house D`ld ²elrVdwiVd hzåwCV Dhum¦lebVd Vfbe[¦b Inconveniences due to new relationships wibnd cejz kfjrc Moving houses Going on vacation Gldmb Festivals c¦ond Financial Problems 12 Situation are never stressful. Stress is due to wrong attitude. Change your attitude by self awareness and self empowerment 13 Self I am not able to do it well enough. Negative Thoughts I am not lovable. No one really likes me. I feel inferior and unworthy. I will never be able to change. 14 Others Why can’t they do it properly? Negative Thoughts – They should not have said that. – They never cooperate with me so why should I cooperate with them? – It’s their fault … they have made my life difficult. 15 World The world is a mess. Negative Thoughts The country is going from bad to worse. What’s the point in me trying to do anything? 16 cycles of stressful thinking mflrc Thinking •wudlgbkd Vzlfb •VfwMdJVr/ •Dë²eVk uzvrä Feelings •VfmdkejCw/d Dzlf bV â/ •â/ •kCmdmndn kjV kej¤//Vd Performance uzmfjrc Behaviour •Ej¤bn •Vfmjz •nve kj il wVeuzkf •V¦m¦Em¦ •DV¦Ål h¡lf|ej 17 STRESS & RELAXATION RESPONSE Stress Response Relaxation Response Heart Rate Blood Pressure Respiration Metabolism Bad Cholesterol Good Cholesterol Blood vessel size Skin-resistance Gastro Intestinal Tract Brain Alpha waves 18 INNER STATE OF BEING AND IT COMES FROM INNER SATISFACTION AND CONTENTMENT. 19 STRESS = PRESSURES INNER STRENGTH PRESSURES INTERNAL EXTERNAL MAY NOT BE MODIFIABLE INNER STRENGTH CAN BE INCREASED BY : RIGHT KIND OF KNOWLEDGE. SELF AWARENESS. SELF EMPOWERMENT. 20 MIND IS LIKE A CLEAR WATER LAKE SOMEBODY THROWS A STONE (EXTERNAL) OR WAVES ARISE FROM WITHIN (INTERNAL) MIND Thoughts Emotions Attitude Memories BY CHANGING OUR THINKING PATTERNS WE CAN CHANGE OUR EXPERIENCES 21 Re program your consciousness… Understand the inner self – Right Consciousness 22 DYÁVdljfk nkd<C mec/ wmwVum mVdwled</ Mkdlf/ ue h¡²eb 23 Self positive thoughts I can do it to the best of my ability and my ability will increase with experience. I can’t please everyone all the time, and I will not be influenced by other’s negative vision. I am always flexible and ready to change. I have my own unique qualities and abilities. 24 Others positive thoughts Each person has their own unique way of doing a task. If they cannot cooperate with me I can show them how by cooperating with them. Each person has strengths and weaknesses. Let me concentrate on their strengths to create a positive relationship. I can learn from everyone while maintaining my self respect. 25 World positive thoughts It is a complex picture of national and ecological relationships with a long history which requires understanding before judgement. In every situation I have the opportunity to influence the future of the world. This world is a huge drama in which we all are actors playing the specific role allotted to each one of us. Have a positive attitude towards day to day events. . 26 Relationships The giving and receiving of energy in the form of ... Love wmwVum Light Dewnedk/ wnm Mkdlf/ orc ue nzãc Power yn/ 27 SPIRITUAL POWERS JUDGEMENT PACK UP WITHDRAW CO-OPERATION DISCERN ACCOMMODATION FACE TOLERATION 28 Stress free living means having good wishes & pure feeling for the self, others & the world. 29 Stress management skills wVeyzBf yb Detachment Zkd Djc¦Ckd ujue Flecld wmåVd icVd kfjrc Filtering henV/ kjizVrc Controlling wVeDzor / wVeDznr mfÏc Not to absorb mdLebjìc Stabilizing uemÁ/ Humour 30 Methods to change thinking • Positive thinking • Visualization • Meditation 31 Points to lead a stress free life: Begin your day by ordering your priorities. Make a plan of what you want to accomplish and the priority in which these goals need to be reached. Take care to set achievable goals realistic timetables. Structure time: Make time for yourself& observe your thought pattern for a couple of minutes 4-5 times a day. Such a practice will prevent unwanted unnecessary thoughts. Avoid extra work: One should avoid to take extra projects explaining that they have over committed their time & resources. Plan the most effective way of completing a project. Remember that the amount of work does not cause as much tension as the manner in which work is approached. Do not expect work to be completed at the end of every working day. 32 Points to lead a stress free life: REALISE THAT HUMAN PERFORMANCE DETERIORATES AFTER 5 HOURS . SO TAKE SHORT BREAKS. Stretch yourself, do some deep breathing and have positive thoughts. FOCUS YOUR TOTAL ATTENTION ON THE TASK AT HAND. Do one thing at a time, so that you will have space between your thoughts. Do not allow other people to waste your time. Do not try to solve many problems at a time. Arrange all your problems in the form of compartments. Open one compartment at a time only when you are free from more productive work. Inspite of putting all efforts, and can not change a situation do not feel unhappy depressed about it. Remember that time is the best healer. Strengthen your ability to cope, adapt and respond more positively. HAVE A POLICY TO MAINTAIN YOUR INNER PEACE &HAPPINESS ALL THE TIME. 33 34