July - Robert Morris University


July - Robert Morris University
ISSUE 15.06
By Nicole Koskovich
Robert Morris has recognized
some difficulties in scheduling
night students in a way that is conducive to their success. The new
set up for the incoming night students, starting in Summer II, will be
two classes once a week from 6
pm to 9 pm, one online class, and
one Saturday class or internship.
The Chicago campus will pilot
this new schedule. If successful in
Chicago, the rest of the campuses
will follow.
The administration heard from
the advisors that sometimes the
three to four night commitments
can be difficult along with all the
homework that is assigned for students with a career, full time job,
family, or even a combination
(See PILOT, page 3)
Photo Credit: Nancy Donohoe
On May 26th, 2011, in the auditorium of the Chicago Campus, nine
were honored during a proclamation
ceremony. The honors were awarded
to students, faculty, staff, and organizations that went above and beyond towards Robert Morris’ long term goals.
Cooks for a Cause were honored
for their work on producing a cookbook, “Blend”, and community service. The team that helped to create
“Blend” received the award including
Megan Greer, Mayra Lara, Murphy
O’Donnell, Cat Alaimo, Todd Pierce,
and Xhengis Aliu with help from Shelley LaMantia and Bad Hindsley. The
book raised $3,200 for Feeding Illinois.
Cooks for a Cause are currently accepting recipes for the second installment of the cookbooks, Cocktails and
Hors d’oeuvres.
Justin Merriss was awarded the
proclamation for his work on Hugh
O’Brien Youth Leadership events.
Hugh O’Brien Youth is a program
for high school students that helps
build confidence and leadership skills
through conferences. Justin Merriss
is an alumni working in the admissions office at the Chicago Campus.
Last June, 130 students were invited to the Robert Morris Chicago
campus, to attend a seminar. They
stayed at the youth hostel next to the
school. He has been on the board of
Hugh O’Brien for three years and president for two.
The Lake County Campus was
given the award for its work with reimplementing the “Running Start”
Program in spring 2010. This program
allows high school juniors and seniors
to take college courses in the after
school program. This has increased
applicants from the Waukegan high
school by 69%. The Lake County
Directors, including Michelle Hayes,
Colleen Freedley and Alves, were in
Chicago to accept the award.
Roslyn Iasillo, also knownn as
Dr. Roz, was awarded for her work
in Haiti and being appointed as a
member of the Clean Air Act Compliance Advisory Panel. Dr. Roz
took a group of ten students to Haiti
to help create a new source of energy for small villages. They created a
bio-diesel fuel that can be used to
run engines and light the lanterns
in the village. While Dr. Roz and her
students were in Haiti the life changing earthquake struck. This increased
their passion to make the village a
Red Cross Center.
Rasheeda Wadley was honored for
her work with the Mock Trial Club
and the Eagle newspaper as the Editor-
By SIFE Media
In-Chief. Wadley conceptualized a
project that would assist Chicago Public School teachers to train high school
students to compete in mock trial
competitions. The project became an
ongoing ICenter project that partners
RMU Mock Trial members with four
CPS high schools. In 2010, she placed
3rd in the John Marshall Mock Trial
competition. Rasheeda plans on going
on to law school after graduation and
studying criminal law. Her career goal
is to be a sports agent.
Allyson Strauch was awarded her
proclamation for creating a video as a
part of a project for Leadership Springfield. The video used by the Feeding
America organization at the American
Farm Bureau’s Annual Young Farmer
& Rancher Conference has received
great reviews. The video depicts how a
Not to be confused with principal—the Principle People has become one of the SIFE team’s most
ambitious projects. The project was
conceptualized in 2009 and intended
to be a co-team of Robert Morris
Students to the SIFE team and would
focus on ethics in Chicago. This project quickly changed in 2010 with the
astronomical jump in teen suicides;
due to bullying and discrimination
against people who are Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgendered, or Questions (LGBTQ). In light of these
tragedies taking place around the
world, the SIFE team revamped The
Principle People and created a panel
of young professionals who also happen to be LGBTQ.
This panel includes Program Director for Robert Morris SIFE, Ricardo Sebastian Medina, Terrence
Chappell, Editor at-Large for GayChicago.Com, Christina Santiago,
Board Member of Amigas Latinas,
and Dawn Brown, Women’s Outreach Chair for The Human Rights
Campaign. Together, this relatively
(See CEREMONY, page 3)
(See TRUTH, page 4)
By Nicole Koskovich
Students, Faculty, and Staff Honored On May 26th, 2011
Page 1
Dear RMU Students, Faculty, and Staff:
We always hear the phrase “change is good” but it is rare
to actually prove it. Many people reject change and even run
from it. Many times, change is for the better because the old
way just wasn’t working out.
You will notice that the Eagle is constantly going through
design and content changes. We strive to make each new edition better than the last. With such lofty goals, we must always
be ready for sudden changes in plans. This calls for a very
flexible staff that can change hats or even wear several hats
at once.
I would like to thank the Eagle staff for working so hard to
make the newspaper a success. This particular staff has gone
above and beyond the call of duty to make sure the newspaper
is published on time and the process of doing so is smooth.
Many staff members have stepped up and out of their comfort zones and have shown that they have some hidden talents.
There is no doubt in my mind that the newspaper will continue to progress and the staff will continue to evolve.
Rasheeda Wadley
Rasheeda Wadley
Editor in Chief
Rasheeda Wadley
Cassi Petruveski
John Edwards
Nicole Koskovich
Hassani Aich
Michael Barry
Andrea Kocher
Edith Martinez
Patrick McSherry
Aaron Nielsen
Lissy Pfister
Susan Renner
Nydia Rivera
Howard Sutherlin Sr.
Erica Woo
Monica Rodriguez
Nate Daubert
Jane Ungari
David Pyle
Mick McMahon
Mock Trial Team Finishes Strong
RMU Mock Trial teams celebrates productive year
Page 3
Zumba is a fun, motivating workout designed to ease your
body and mind.
By Hassani Aich
With so many different talents at Robert
Morris, this year Robert Morris held a talent show for all the students to come out and
give a brief show of their diverse talents. This
year, the first three winners would receive
cash prizes. The first place winner was Jordan
Nash, who demonstrated tremendous vocal talent. The second place winner was Britney Cherry, who sang a duet with a friend.
Finally, the third place winner was Charisse
Hagerman, who recited poetry. Congratulations
to this year’s winners.
Page 5
The true story behind the rapture and Harold Camping, the man
that started it all.
Twist your brain with these difficult puzzles or get a good laugh
out of our comic section!
Page 11
Amazon’s “$1 for the album” gamble gives Lady Gaga 1M in album sales
Paul Gazsak
NASA is on a new mission
Page 6
Elate is the place to be in River North for excellent food and drink
to match.
Awesome things to do around the windy city.
A theme of four summer recipes that have a seasonally fresh ingredient base that is different in each recipe.
Utilizing seasonal ingredients ensures fresh meals at a reasonable price.
Page 13
Robert Morris athletes from all over the globe.
Page 14
Page 8
Five tips for students as they prepare for their careers after
Jacqueline Carter
Page 15
Page 9
Page 16
David Belotti
Lake County
Beth Gainer
John Flaherty
Orland Park
jfl aherty@robertmorris.edu
Nicole Hager
This summer’s hottest fashion trends. Are you in? or out?
Intense and forbidden love entangled in the circus.
The great Osama debate.
Our little mistakes IN last month’s issue
Glenda Cardena’s name was misspelled on page 4 in the “Elgin Campus Hosts its First Career Expo” article
Gerard Wozek
The full page Astoria advertisement was incorrect with past dates
Jane Wendorff-Craps
The “Baseball at Springfield” article by Chris Sekardi was edited incorrectly and included statements referencing a staffing change that
was not verified
The Humorscopes were by Howard Sutherlin
Robert Morris University (401 State St., Chicago, IL 60605) is an independent, not-for-proi t, multi-campus institution of ering associate, baccalaureate, and graduate degree programs that focus on
integrating theory and applications. Robert Morris University prepares students to be practioners in heir chosen i eld, socially responsible to their community, and a foundation for their family.
Robert Morris University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association, of which it is a member.
The Eagle reports and interprets current issues, provides a sounding board for ideas of RMU students, faculty and staf and serves as a cultural exchange. Views expressed in the Eagle do not necessarily
relfect the policies or viewpoints of the administration of Robert Morris University.
Content is primarily produced by RMU students, faculty, and staf across all campuses. The Eagle welcomes contributions from all RMU students. All such submissions are subject to editorial revision
and publication is not guaranteed.
Britney Cherry
Photo Credit: Aaron Nielsen
Mock Trial Team
Finishes Strong
By Rasheeda Wadley
Hollywood Knights: 1980
Andrea Toms
Photo Credit: Aaron Nielsen
This year’s Robert Morris University mock
trial team had one of the most successful years
yet. Not only did the team compete successfully
in mock trial competitions, they also piloted an
ICenter project. This year’s team started off with
returning members from last year’s team and
some new faces. Members on the 2010-2011
team were Jennifer Gehrke, Lashondra Graves,
Joshua Maddox, Eliana Mendoza, Tania Sanchez, Ciprian Tucaliuc, Rasheeda Wadley and
Rogelio Villagomez.
The team competed successfully in The John
Marshall Law School Undergraduate Diversity
Mock Trial competition with members ranking
in the top four teams at regionals. They welcomed a new team member, Tania Sanchez, who
competed for the first time at the JMLS national
competition in April. Newcomer, Lashondra
Graves, won fourth place as overall advocate
at nationals. Graves said, “I knew I wanted to
go to law school, but was not totally convinced
until after competing in these competitions…
It’s a shame that more students don’t know all
the benefits of being in the Mock Trial Club yet.”
Graves is a business major at RMU that plans to
attend law school.
Beyond competing, the Mock trial club along
with competing team members, piloted an
ICenter project. The goal of the project was for
RMU mock trial members to go into Chicago
Public Schools high schools and assist the law
teachers with preparing students for mock trial
competitions. CPS had an existing Law and
Public Safety program in which freshmen and
sophomores were already competing in mock
trial competitions. The concept was initiated
by Ciprain Tucaliuc and Rasheeda Wadley, the
mock trial club’s president and vice president
respectively. The two students submitted a
proposal to CPS, met with administrators and
teachers and after months of planning the project was implemented in March.
Every Friday morning, mock trial members
would visit all four CPS high schools (Mather,
Richards, Wells and Hirsch)in teams of two or
three and assist the freshmen with their trial
and competition techniques. The team members were able to build relationships with the
teachers and students as well as a strong com-
mitment to seeing their students succeed.
The freshmen competed on May 21st at the
Cook County criminal courthouse with members of the RMU mock trial team present to
cheer them on.
Beyond giving back to the community, the
team was also able to complete a manual that
instructs students on trial techniques. This
manual can now be used by future mock trial
members who wish to participate in the project.
CPS expressed great interest in having the RMU
students return next school year to work with
the freshmen and sophomores.
On May 31st, the CPS senior high school students graduated from the Law and Public Safety
program. The RMU mock trial team was honored for their work with the students at the ceremony and presented with a plaque. The team is
eager to start planning for the next school year
during the summer months.
The team is currently working to revamp
the mock trial club after so many challenges
and triumphs this year. They hope to build a
strong membership and groom new leaders to
replace those that will be graduating. Students
who wish to learn more about the mock trial
club can email mocktrial@robertmorris.edu
for more information.
(Continued from Page 1)
food bank affects the community that it serves on
a daily basis.
Jennifer Kaminski was given the award for
the work she did in instituting the Myers Briggs
Type Indicator test in the class rooms at Robert
Morris University as well as in the University
offices. Her excitement for the Myers Briggs
test started in high school after she took it for
the first time. Kaminski went on to learn more
about how personalities affect work environments in college. She received her MBTI certification in 2010.
The School of Business Assessment Team received their proclamation for presenting at the
Indiana University-Perdue University Indianapolis Assessment Institute for the past nine
years. Dr. Monique Herard has been present-
By Edith Martinez
RMU’s Bensenville Campus hosted a Credentialing “Circus” that was designed to help students understand what a credential transcript is,
what it is useful for, and what they could do to
improve it.
“With these events it shows that the
school truly cares for each and every
one of us.”
This event was held in the LoPata Resource Center. In order for students to have
an afternoon filled with excitement, they
needed their credential transcripts as their tickets to get in. Hot dogs, chips, candy, and soda
were provided as well as games where students
(Continued from Page 1)
Photo Credit: Paul Gibson
ing at the conference since 2008, Dr. George
Meier since 2003, and Professor Nancy Thannert since 2002. All three were in Chicago to
accept the award. For the past two years they
have presented on Assessment Results Lead to
Curriculum Change.
Wayne Bulmahn was the last to receive his
proclamation award. Bulmahn’s passion for his
students is what led to his award. He introduced
thirty information executives to his CIS 311
class; he spent over 100 hours outside of class to
support the class and introduce new ideas and
leadership styles. Wayne is also a green belt in
Six Sigma, which is impressive in the Information Technology field.
Being awarded a proclamation speaks volumes for those who were honored. Their dedication to their work and continued strides towards success are evidence that hard Zwork
is rewarded.
to keep grades high and graduate on time.
They are always looking for ways to make
the school better for its students. Making this change will help accommodate more students from more diverse
backgrounds and help them gain their bachelors faster than being a part time student with
a two night commitment.
won great prizes. During the event, Virgilio Jaimes, a Bensenville student, said, “With these
events it shows that the school truly cares for
each and every one of us.”
Towards the end of the Credentialing Circus, a raffle took place, giving students the opportunity to win a $50 iTunes gift card. “I feel
like this campus is uniting the student body by
conducting events that motivate us to make the
best out of our education and have a positive attitude,” said Virgilio. Student Advisor Mauricio
Palli emphasized the importance of this event.
Palli said, “It is important for students to know
where they are, as far as what their competencies are — because this allows students
to know what areas they need to improve to
solidify their skills and become more wellrounded.” The Credentialing “Circus” proved to
be a successful event.
Current night students will not be affected
by the change unless they request to change
to the new schedule. “I wish I would have had
this option when I started,” said Rasheeda
Wadley a night student since she began in
2009. Being able to create a more flexible
schedule will help the current night students
who might feel overwhelmed with their current situation to feel less stressed by reducing their time spent in a classroom to two
nights a week.
(Continued from Page 1)
Although Chappell and Brown
conveyed that they came from more
liberal families, they reflected on the
path they each took in understanding
who they are as a person and that being gay is only one facet of who they
are and what they can contribute to
society. Santiago opened up about the
death of her mother, which took place
when she was barely 19 years old. She
expressed how the loss of her
mother made her realize that life is
too short to hide who you are and
that the loss of her mother gave
her the courage to come out to her
friends and small family, despite
the fear of being rejected by the few
members of her inner circle. Meanwhile, Medina led the conversation by bringing up more thought
provoking topics. He shared his
struggles in finding a balance between’s flamboyancy and his career,
coming out to his parents twice,
and his first love; but it wasn’t until
the Q&A session that the topics took
on a life of their own.
accomplished and recognized group of
individuals launched the new Principle
People project. Individually, each panelist has a different story but together
their goal was to address diversity
within the LGBTQ community and
to open the minds of the 9th and 10th
grade students at the Joslin Campus of
Perspectives Charter Schools. The
Principle People is not RMU SIFE’s
first outreach effort with Joslin. In fact,
this flourishing partnership has been
growing for over three years and the
projects created by the SIFE team have
impacted the lives of nearly three hundred Joslin students—with no signs of
slowing down on outreach with Perspectives. In fact, the Principle People
project is currently being evaluated to
transition into a traveling presentation to all of Perspectives’ campuses
throughout Chicago.
On Friday, April 29th, 2001 these
four young LGBTQ professionals
gathered in the family room at Joslin
and joked about what was to come. “The students shared their own
High school might be a distant mem- struggles with their friends,
ory for most, but those who faced bul- families, and coming to terms
lying or discrimination still live with with who they are.”
those memories. Together, the panel
The Joslin students were absodecided that they would be open to
answering every question presented lutely enamored by the panel; almost
by the 9th and 10th grade students. star struck. The students shared their
Surprisingly, there were a number own struggles with their friends,
of students who identified as LG- families, and coming to terms with
BTQ and most of the students were who they are. Other students bravely
open and respectful towards the expressed their opposing perception of the LGBTQ community yet
controversial topic.
It was easy to understand how were each wanting to move forward
the Joslin students were so ma- from their intolerance. The launch
ture about the discussion. Program of Principle People was a huge sucManager at Joslin, Kate Cichon, cess and hand written thank you
opened both sessions with praise for the letters poured in to the panelists a few
panel, encouraged the students to keep days after their visit.
The Robert Morris SIFE team is
an open mind, and to not hold back
when it came to asking questions—the pioneering in their outreach and
students certainly did not hold back. projects. Together, they have imBetween the two sessions for Principle pacted so many different communiPeople, the panel addressed childhood ties since their launch in 2002 and
bullying, coming to terms with their are happy to add the LGBTQ comsexuality, their perception on the het- munity to this roster. For more inerosexual community, and achieving formation on how you can become a
their professional goals. More impor- part of this progressive group of
tantly, the panelists dove into their most student leaders, please contact
personal memories and experiences in Program Director for RMU SIFE
regards to relationships, love, hate, and at rmedina@robertmorris.edu or
pmccarthy@robertmorris.edu .
everything in between.
By Cassi Petrusevski
Running in Grant Park
Photo Credit: Jane Wendorff-Craps
First Annual
Making Room 5K
By Jane Wendorff-Craps
On Saturday, April 30th, students,
faculty, and staff decided to crawl out
of their warm beds bright and early to
participate in the first annual Making
RooM 5K Run/Walk, which began at
8am in Grant Park. The rain held off,
but the clouds and lake breeze offered
a 50 degree climate for the event.
Christina Cervantes, ICenter student, organized the event with Annie
Taylor, both Chicago campus students.
They planned throughout the Spring
quarter to obtain food and water donations, create a course map, get appropriate approval, market, and implement the event. As with all ICenter
projects, the hard work paid off in the
end resulting in a project that provides
students with practical application of
skills and knowledge. Moreover, they
have evidence of applied learning experiences from their college careers.
Walkers and runners included: Dr.
Joni Jackson, Molly Zahorik, Miriam
Merrill, Jane Wendorff-Craps, Elizabeth Monroy, Yodira Flores, Maria
Padilla, Jennifer Beltran, Angelica
Castaneda, Benita Moreno, Priscilla
Moreno, Ariel Gutierrez, Robert Farias, Jr., Stephen Montejano, Maria Rosado, Kayla Bozeman.
This was one of many ICenter Making RooM projects to raise
awareness of Illinois hunger issues
as well as attempt to raise money
for food pantries around the RMU
campus locations
Zumba Fitness, a high energy dance workout, is making its debut at The Dance Workshop, 9015 W. 151st Street in Orland Park, IL.
All teens and adults are welcome to this exciting
and effective program and no prior dance experience is needed.
Zumba has gained popularity throughout the
nation due to its unique moves and combinations set to a fusion of Latin and international
music. Zumba is a “feel-happy” workout that
stimulates the body and mind. Following the
principle that a workout should be fun and
easy to do, participants are able to stick with
the program and achieve long term health
benefits. Fitness interval and resistance training is incorporated throughout the session
to maximize caloric output, fat burning, and
total body toning.
The Dance Workshop’s Zumba program will
meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:30 PM
to 3:30 PM for five weeks beginning June 27th.
Zumba certified instructor, Christa Rivera, will
lead the class through an invigorating workout
with a mixture of body sculpting movements
and easy to follow dance steps.
To register or to learn more please visit www.
thedanceworkshop.com or call the studio at
708-226-5658. For any other inquiries please email danceworkshop1@gmail.com. Don’t wait;
space for this brand new class is limited.
Notable quotes from
Blagojevich testimony
Thousands miss out on Ill.
college savings offer
Harpo Studios notifies
Illinois of layoff plans
Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich said the following during testimony Tuesday at his federal
corruption retrial:
“You had to pick one with me swearing. I’m
sorry again for that language,’’ he said after his
defense attorney played an expletive-laden FBI
recording of him.
“I wanted an African-American Tammy
Duckworth,’’ he said, referring to his desire
to find an African-American war hero to appoint to President Barack Obama’s vacated
U.S. Senate seat. Duckworth, former director
of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs,
was an Army helicopter pilot who lost both
legs in Iraq.
“I bet you I was late. That came naturally to
me, unfortunately, one of my many flaws,’’ he
said, speaking of a meeting with a supporter
“It’s fair to say I talk a lot.’’
“I found that sometimes it was good for me
to be away from (the governor’s) office to try to
get the big picture in my head.’’
Lisa Madigan, Illinois’ attorney general and
daughter of House Speaker Michael Madigan,
“was the offspring of a foe. She was a qualified
attorney general who loves her father, and he
loves her, and they didn’t love me, which was
OK, that’s politics. Her father was my nemesis.’’
“This is not my fault,’’ Blagojevich said as his
microphone kept cutting in and out. After it
turned out he’d been balancing a binder on the
on/off switch, he turned to the jury and said
with a small smile, “I misspoke, evidently it
was my fault.’’
The Illinois treasurer has bad news for thousands of people who put money into college savings accounts last week: They’re not getting a
matching donation they had expected.
Participants in the Bright Start savings program
were told that deposits of up to $250 would be
matched dollar for dollar. The offer was limited to
the first 2,500 people.
But the Bright Start website didn’t display up-todate information. It showed the matching money
was still available even after all 2,500 slots had
been filled.
Thousands of people contributed after the limit
was reached and won’t be getting the extra money.
A spokeswoman for Treasurer Dan Rutherford
says they’re not sure how many people were affected. The office is working with Oppenheimer
Funds to figure out what went wrong.
Harpo Studios has notified the Illinois Department of Employment Security it plans to lay
off workers.
Employment security’s monthly Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act report
was released Wednesday.
Crain’s Chicago Business reports Oprah Winfrey’s production company on May 3 filed notice
of its intent to lay off an unspecified number of
workers beginning May 25. Winfrey ended her
show, produced in Chicago, last month.
According to Crain’s, a Harpo spokeswoman
wrote in an e-mail employees are being notified
on a “departmental basis’’ whether their jobs
will be eliminated.
Harpo employed about 400 workers last year,
after about 50 workers left to join the Los Angeles-based Oprah Winfrey Network.
Harpo Studios will be home to Rosie
O’Donnell’s latest daytime television effort,
which is set to debut this fall on OWN.
City Council approves
McCarthy as Chicago top cop
RMU Students
Get Passports
By Rasheeda Wadley
Robert Morris University students
who live in student housing are receiving an ultimate “perk” for not only
being RMU students but also living
on campus. RMU resident students
will now be able to experience many
of the cultural and extraordinary experiences that the city of Chicago has
to offer. The new program is called
Passport Chicago specifically for
resident students.
The “brainchild” of President Viollt,
the program is a way to get students to
experience Chicago. Liz Wheeler, the
program’s director, said, “We want to
be the experience university and the
best way to do that is to take advantage of the campus and the campus is
the city of Chicago.” Passport Chicago
is currently a pilot program being tested before enrollment increases in the
fall. Wheeler expects the program to
fully launch in the fall with a long list
of a variety of events in which students
will be able to participate.
Photo Credit: Passport Chicago
The program boasts access to such
events as tours, museum visits, sporting events, beach days and many more
exciting events which students may
not have access to due to costs. Students recently took part in an architectural tour and a Cubs game among
other events.
The program is rather simple to
use. Students will be able to visit the
Passport Chicago website through the
RMU website and print out coupons
for their chosen event to be redeemed
at the school’s bookstore. The tickets
can only be picked up on the day of
the event to avoid numerous unused
tickets in students’ hands. Students
should note that there are no additional housing costs to cover the Passport Chicago program.
For more information, students
should visit the Passport Chicago
website at RobertMorris.edu/passportchicago where they will also find
a link to the Facebook page and “Like”
the page. Students can also email
Chicago-area man returns
bag with $17K in cash
A 54-year-old Chicago-area man who found
and returned more than $17,000 in cash credits his deceased parents for teaching him right
from wrong.
Robert Adams of Arlington Heights says he
was waiting to use an ATM in Rolling Meadows,
when he noticed a clear plastic bag containing
mostly $20 and $100 bills.
Adams tried to return the bag with “Chase’’
written on it to a nearby bank branch but employees said it didn’t belong to them. Police determined it was under the care of Loomis, an
armored truck company.
Loomis says they are investigating, but have
not said whether Adams will get a reward.
Adams told the Daily Herald (Arlington Heights): “I don’t care if you put another
zero on there, I wasn’t raised to take money
that isn’t mine.’’
Photo Credit: Gravityx9
Photo Credit: Eurweb.com
Champaign man gets 25
years for DUI
A Champaign County judge has sentenced a Champaign man to 25 years in prison for his third conviction
for driving under the influence.
The News-Gazette reports 43-year-old Kenneth
Dalton was sentenced Tuesday after jurors convicted
him in April of driving while drunk in Savoy in December. Prosecutors say police stopped Dalton for
speeding and found him with an open can of beer in
his vehicle.
Dalton’s record of previous DUIs, burglary convictions and other convictions meant he had to be
sentenced as a Class X felon to between six and 30
years in prison. Dalton was on parole when he was
The judge also gave him a concurrent six-year sentence for driving under revocation.
By Edith Martinez and Nydia Rivera
During wars, the U.S. government
hires painters to depict the scenes of
action. Many paint generals, some
paint massacres, and others paint aircrafts. Konrad Hack, who is a teacher
at Robert Morris University’s Bensenville campus, did them all. He was a
combat artist during Vietnam. He
continues to produce great artwork
and teach students about the world of
oil painting and photography.
Mr. Hack has been teaching painting and photography at RMU for over
12 years. Although he has worked
for many years, “He [still] talks about
his work with great passion,” mentioned Diane Posen, Career Services
Advisor. He is very well respected
by his co-workers and students and
is said to be family-oriented. One
of his colleagues, Beth Gainer, said,
“I’m privileged to have Konrad as one
of my esteemed colleagues. Students
really connect with him, as he shows
them how art can enrich one’s life.
What impresses students is Konrad’s
extensive experience as an artist and
professor. He is a highly accomplished
individual who shares his expertise
with students, staff, and faculty —
and that helps make him an asset to
Robert Morris University.”
Diane Posen agreed, adding that Mr.
Hack “inspires students to find
their own creativity.”
Mr. Hack also set up a Flicker account for his students so other people
could admire their work. “Everyone
enjoys his class…they can’t wait to
take his class,” mentioned Mauricio
Palli, Student Advisor. Hack speaks
highly of his craft of drawing and
painting by saying, “Cameras lie.” According to him, it is easy to edit the
Garry McCarthy
Photo Credit: ChicagoMag.com
Konrad Hack
Photo Credit: Martinez & Rivera
real picture, thus destroying the real
meaning behind it.
Hack has had many accomplishments in his life and has been greatly
awarded for them. He is a member
of the Portrait Society of America and
a member and chairman of the Midwest Air Force Artist Association.
The 2010 Air Force Art Presentation
celebrated 60 years of donated art to
the Air Force. Having artists record
the experiences of the men and women of the military during peace and
war has become a tradition. Serving as Chairman of the Midwest Air
Force Artists, it is his job to coordinate assignments of twenty-five artists from 14 states on officially sponsored trips to Air Force installations
on activities around the world. Every
two years they gather the completed
artwork for an exhibition. This year
it was held at the Pritzker Military
Library in Chicago, then on to the
National Museum of the Air Force at
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in
Dayton, OH, for three months in a
national show. At this time the paintings become part of the permanent
collection of the Pentagon. This year
Hack was presented with a special
service award recognizing his contributions for the past two years.
Hack is a professor with extraordinary gifts: the gift of art and the
gift of giving students the guidance
they need to appreciate their inner
creativity. He is certainly a faculty
member that the RMU community
should know.
The City Council on Wednesday confirmed
Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s pick to lead the Chicago Police Department, but Garry McCarthy
faces some daunting tasks such as dealing with
attacks by groups of teens in the downtown
shopping district as the summer tourist season
heats up.
“We have to immediately put a stop to this
because it’s giving our city a real bad name but
I know he’s capable, he’ll do it,’’ said Alderman
Ray Suarez.
Emanuel picked McCarthy to replace former
Superintendent Jody Weis, an FBI agent who
was appointed by former Mayor Richard Daley
and left when his three-year contract expired
earlier this year.
After the meeting, McCarthy told reporters that police had beefed up their plan for
dealing with the marauding groups of young
people over the weekend that resulted in 29
arrests for criminal mischief, trespassing, theft
and robbery. He said patrol officers, the gang
unit, detectives and undercover officers were
working to keep the situation under control.
That includes paying close attention to groups
of young people at “choke points’’ where
people enter the downtown area, such as at
transportation hubs.
“There is a plan in place,’’ said McCarthy,
who will be paid $260,000 in his new job.
The incidents have gotten attention in the local media because they are happening in some
of the city’s well-to-do, high-profile areas that
are often frequented by tourists. But McCarthy
acknowledged these “multiple offender incidents’’ are nothing new and “have been happening probably since the cavemen days when
somebody, you know, got a group together and
took somebody else’s property.’’
The recent downtown episodes are a baptism by fire for McCarthy, who rose through
the ranks in New York’s police department
and then became the top cop in Newark,
N.J. He’ll have a whole host of other issues
to deal with from reducing violence in the
city and increasing manpower in his department to boosting morale because rank-andfile officers often complained Weis didn’t
stand behind him.
Alderman Emma Mitts was quick to invite
McCarthy to an anti-violence march in her
northwest side ward in an area where there is
gang activity.
“I want you to hit the ground running,”
Mitts said.
McCarthy has been on the job as the city’s
acting superintendent since Emanuel was
sworn in last month because the new mayor said
he wanted someone in place before the summer, a time when Chicago has seen outbreaks
of violence.
Emanuel said McCarthy’s focus extends
beyond downtown to every neighborhood
in the city.
“Our job is to keep all communities, regardless of where they are, safe,’’ Emanuel said.
As far as downtown, McCarthy said police will focus on groups of young people,
probably five or more, that act like they’re
out to get into trouble.
“They’re going to be loud, they’re going to be
perhaps taunting people and stuff like that. So
it’s the behaviors, it’s not the individuals and it’s
large groups of kids,’’ he said.
McCarthy strongly rejected any suggestion that their surveillance would involve
racial profiling.
“We will not, in any way shape or form, allow
a member of the Chicago Police Department to
engage in racial profiling,’’ he said.
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Amazon’s gamble gives
Lady Gaga 1M in album
Lady Gaga sold more than 1.1 million copies of her new album “Born This Way’’ last week
with an assist from Amazon.com.
Billboard announced Tuesday that “Born This
Way’’ has become just the 17th album to sell a
million copies in its first week since SoundScan
started tracking sales in 1991. It is also the topselling digital debut with 662,000 downloads.
The album is Lady Gaga’s first No. 1 on the
Billboard 200 and captured the highest sales
week since 2005. The dance pop provocateur is
just the fifth female with a million-selling album
in the SoundScan era.
Sixty percent of sales were digital thanks to
a push by online retailer Amazon.com. Amazon sold album downloads for 99 cents Tuesday and Thursday and sold more than 440,000
digital copies.
By Aaron Nielsen
Depiction of Rapture
Photo Credit: Wikimedia
By Aaron Nielsen
Photo Credit: Amazon
Politicians, theologians and cynics filled
the airwaves in the weeks leading up to May
21st, 2011. What is so special about this date?
Harold Camping, president of Family Radio,
a California based radio group, announced
that May 21st would be the second coming of
Christ, spawning the start of “The Rapture.”
The Rapture, as described by a number
of non-canonical texts, will be the time in
which all the faithful will be taken from Earth
(Camping estimates 200 Million) while Jesus rules on earth over everyone else. The
concept is usually criticized in major religious circles but was popularized by various popular fiction television series’. Most
notably, Left Behind tells the tale of a group
of wayward survivors trying to figure out
the meaning of recent events as they search
for redemption.
Many theologians argue that the reason
Camping’s predictions, both in 1994 and
2011, were incorrect stems to a verse found in
Mark, “No one knows the day or hour.” Many
believe that the prediction is simply a ploy to
increase ratings.
Harold Camping, on a special broadcast
with the Huffington Post, explained that his
calculations and research were not incorrect,
simply skewed. After further reading of the
scriptures, Camping edited his prediction to
October 21st, the original date for the official
end of the universe.
As the NASA Space Shuttle program comes
to a historic close, a new era in human extraterrestrial exploration begins. In 2009, President Barack Obama announced that Americans would be returning to the moon by the
close of the 2010s; however, due to a strong
economic downturn, the project was scrapped
by 2011. Before the dream was shattered, $5
Billion in research in development on the
Orion Space craft. The program is being reborn as a way to reach space rocks, the first
manned Martian landing, and the moons
of Mars. Obama says, he would like to see
humans escape low earth orbit by the mid
20s and strives for a Martian landing by the
end of the 30’s.
In the time between the birth of this new
space craft and the retirement of the Shuttle
Program, United States Astronauts will travel
to the International Space Station (ISS) via the
Russian vessel Soyuz and a new wave of private space flights pioneered by companies like
Virgin Galactic. Virgin Galactic plans to have
public space flights, with an estimated fare of
$200,000 by 2015.
The current model, designated MPCV is
designed and developed by Lockheed Martin, and was first commissioned by former
President George W. Bush. The project was
scrapped by President Obama but research
is still continuing on developing a vessel for
flights beyond low earth Orbit.SpaceX company claims their Dragon Capsule will be able
to accomplish all the tasks the MPCV will be
capable of but at a greatly reduced price.
RMU Paris Group has landed
By Nicole Koskovich
On June 3rd, fifteen students and two faculty
advisors left the O’Hare Airport and arrived
safely in Paris on June 4th early in the morning.
The flight was filled with on board movies and
dinner. The students arrived at the apartments
they will be staying at with a breakfast waiting
to greet them.
The staff at the apartment building was
warm and welcoming to the students after the
eight hour flight. Getting settled was a slow
process and eye opening experience for many.
As European custom, no air conditioning and
energy conservation is new. The lights in the
halls require a button and the rooms have just
a window.
Classes started on June 6th at the American
Business School Paris with a quick orientation
before the first batch begins. Some classes they
will be taking include Paris and French Society,
European Marketing, and Intercultural Studies.
The students and their advisors will be back
in the United States on July 15th, after trips to
Brussels and Versailles. Many of the students
are planning extra trips around France and surrounding countries. Look forward to hearing
stories about what happened when they all return for Summer II.
New York, NY
London, England
Washington D.C., D.C
Paris, France
Cellphones a ‘possible’ carcinogen like coffee
A respected international panel of scientists
says cellphones are possible cancer-causing
agents, putting them in the same category as
the pesticide DDT, gasoline engine exhaust
and coffee.
The classification was issued Tuesday in Lyon,
France, by the International Agency for Research
on Cancer after a review of dozens of published
studies. The agency is an arm of the World Health
Organization and its assessment now goes to
WHO and national health agencies for possible
guidance on cellphone use.
Classifying agents as “possibly carcinogenic’’
doesn’t mean they automatically cause cancer and some experts said the ruling shouldn’t
change people’s cellphone habits.
“Anything is a possible carcinogen,’’ said Donald
Berry, a professor of biostatistics at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas.
He was not involved in the WHO cancer group’s
assessment. “This is not something I worry about
and it will not in any way change how I use my
cellphone,’’ he said _ speaking from his cellphone.
The same cancer research agency lists alcoholic
drinks as a known carcinogen and night shift work
as a probable carcinogen. Anyone’s risk for cancer
depends on many factors, from genetic makeup to
the amount and length of time of an exposure.
After a weeklong meeting on the type of
electromagnetic radiation found in cellphones,
microwaves and radar, the expert panel said
there was limited evidence cellphone use
was linked to two types of brain tumors and
inadequate evidence to draw conclusions for
other cancers.
“We found some threads of evidence telling
us how cancers might occur, but there were acknowledged gaps and uncertainties,’’ said Jonathan Samet of the University of Southern California, the panel’s chairman.
“The WHO’s verdict means there is some evidence linking mobile phones to cancer but it is
too weak to draw strong conclusions from,’’ said
Ed Yong, head of health information at Cancer
Research U.K. “If such a link exists, it is unlikely
to be a large one.’’
Last year, results of a large study found no clear
link between cellphones and cancer. But some
advocacy groups contend the study raised serious concerns because it showed a hint of a possible connection between very heavy phone use
and glioma, a rare but often deadly form of brain
tumor. However, the numbers in that subgroup
weren’t sufficient to make the case.
The study was controversial because it began
with people who already had cancer and asked
them to recall how often they used their cellphones more than a decade ago.
In about 30 other studies done in Europe, New
Zealand and the U.S., patients with brain tumors
have not reported using their cellphones more often than unaffected people.
Because cellphones are so popular, it may be
impossible for experts to compare cellphone users
who develop brain tumors with people who don’t
use the devices. According to a survey last year,
the number of cellphone subscribers worldwide
has hit 5 billion, or nearly three-quarters of the
global population.
People’s cellphone habits have also changed
dramatically since the first studies began years
ago and it’s unclear if the results of previous research would still apply today.
Since many cancerous tumors take decades to
develop, experts say it’s impossible to conclude
cellphones have no long-term health risks. The
studies conducted so far haven’t tracked people
for longer than about a decade.
Cellphones send signals to nearby towers via
radio frequency waves, a form of energy similar
to FM radio waves and microwaves. But the radiation produced by cellphones cannot directly
damage DNA and is different from stronger
types of radiation like X-rays or ultraviolet light.
At very high levels, radio frequency waves from
cellphones can heat up body tissue, but that is not
believed to damage human cells.
Some experts recommended people use a head-
set or earpiece if they are worried about the possible health dangers of cellphones. “If there is a risk,
most of it goes away with a wireless earpiece,’’ said
Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society.
Brawley said people should focus on the real
health hazards of cellphones. “Cellphones may
cause brain tumors but they kill far more people
through automobile accidents,’’ he said. Brawley added it was also reasonable to limit children’s use of cellphones since their brains are
still developing.
Earlier this year, a U.S. National Institutes of
Health study found that cellphone use can speed
up brain activity, but it is unknown whether that
has any dangerous health effects.
The cellphone industry trade group, CTIA-The
Wireless Association, pointed to two U.S. agencies
that have found no evidence cellphones are linked
to cancer _ the Food and Drug Administration
and the Federal Communications Commission.
The WHO’s cancer research agency has reviewed more than 900 occupational exposures,
chemicals and other agents since 1971, classifying their link to cancer by labeling them from
carcinogenic to probably not carcinogenic. The
American Cancer Society has estimated that only
about 6 percent of cancers are related to environmental causes and most of that is on-the-job
occupational exposure.
4th of July
mixed berry Trifle
By: Cassi Petrusevski
It’s that time of year again to celebrate
America with family, friends, fireworks,
and food! This simple summer berry trifle
will satisfy your sweet tooth while presenting a festive decoration for the occasion. This
trifle is not just for the holiday either,
make it at any time when you want a quick,
fresh treat!
Serves 8-10
4th of July Mixed Berry Trifle
Photo Credit: Petit Chef
By: Cassi Petrusevski
Summer is the time for seasonal healthy
dishes; what could be better than a freshly made
omelet to jump start your day? This particular
summer omelet incorporates the season’s best
offerings which will leave you content and your
bank account full.
COSTS $5.50
1 summer squash, chopped
½ ounce basil, chopped
1 ounce parmesan cheese
2 eggs
1 ounce milk
1.5 ounce butter
Salt and pepper as needed
Sauté the summer squash in ½ ounce
butter until tender. Add basil, set aside.
Crack eggs in a bowl. Add the milk and
whip together.
Heat a small sauté pan with the remaining butter. Add the egg mixture to the
heated pan. Let cook while circling
the sides of the pan with a spatula
When the eggs are almost done cooking add the squash and basil mixture
to one side of the eggs. Sprinkle with the
parmesan cheese. Flip the other side of
the egg mixture over half way to cover
the squash, basil, and cheese. Slide onto
plate and enjoy!
Mixed Melon and Proscuitto Salad
Photo Credit: Becky Luigart
1 package (3.4 oz) instant vanilla pudding
4 cups fresh berries (strawberries,
blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries),
washed, plus extra for garnish
¼ cup sugar
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
Whipped cream for topping
24 to 36 lady fingers
Make the filling by preparing pudding according to package directions, then chill.
Slice the strawberries. Toss all the berries
with the lemon juice and ¼ cup of sugar.
Set aside for 30 minutes to allow the berries to release their juices.
To make the layers, set a layer of ladyfingers (around 7 or 8) on the bottom of a large, clear serving bowl. Top
with a third of the berries and half of
the pudding.
Add another layer of lady fingers, a third
of berries, and the remaining pudding.
Add a final layer of lady fingers and berries. Top with whipped cream and berries
for garnish.
Refrigerate until you are ready to serve!
Melon and
By Lissy Pfister
Hello again fashionistas and welcome to summer. This year it’s all
about the sandals, dresses and shorts.
Big shocker I know but there are a
few things you can do to keep these
always stylish summer trends up to
date. Sandals are always a summer
must but this season the trend is
more feminine.
Last year it was all about the hardware on you sandals, zippers and
studs. This year everything seems
have a feminine twist to it. A lot
of the sandals you’ll see are more
brightly colored and ruffles and flowers cover them. An important note,
bright colors are great but go with
something more neutral that will go
with your closet as a whole. Brown
is always a good color choice but you
could always go with a rose or red color. Payless has a lot of great styles for
the lower price range shopper.
Dresses, another summer must
have, are all about the girly details.
This season’s dresses and skirts are
floor skimming and detail oriented.
Go with floral and bohemian body
skimming cuts. Right now H&M
has several great styles for the poor
college student. If you’re short, like
yours truly, try going with a tea length
or slightly below the knee so the dress
doesn’t drown you.
Every store I go into, all I see
are cuffed shorts, and let me tell
ya I love the view! A nice cuffed
short can bring a relaxed feel to
any look. Pair them with a button
up and a pair of converse creates a
great relaxed look for almost any
occasion. Target has some great options at great prices. So clean out
that closet and get ready for some
fun in the sun but, as always, do it
with style.
Cult Classic Addict
Hollywood Knights: 1980
Lissy Pfister
Any movie that begins with “a
friend with weed is a friend indeed”
and has a scene with flaming dog poop
is bound to catch my interest but this
diamond in the rough is really a classic. Hollywood Knights is like a combination of Dazed and Confused and
Animal House. I was first introduced
to this movie by my dad who, when
it was released in the 80’s was one of
its biggest fans. For years he had been
making my mom laugh by singing
“Laurence, Laurence of Arabia, He’s
an English guy who came to fight
the Turkish”.
The movie follows a car gang called
the Hollywood Knights. Their goofy
leader, Newbomb Turk, leads them
into various shenanigans and major
hi-jinx ensues. The gang’s favorite
hangout, Tubby’s drive-in, is being
shut down because the town’s uncool
population doesn’t like the gang hanging around. The rest of the movie is
spent with the knights making a fool
out of two police officers and the PTA
mom who seems to run everything.
My personal favorite moment is when
Newbomb and his friends spike the
punch, but not in the traditional sense.
So seriously watch the movie or “your
ass is grass and I’m the lawnmower.”
Water FOR
By Nicole Koskovich
When you lose everything in a
day, what is there to live for? Jacob
Jankowski is facing this question the
moment he finds out about his parents’ deaths and the reading of the
will. Jacob is left with nothing and
finds himself running out of town the
day he is supposed to take his final exams to become a certified veterinarian
in the 1930’s. Jacob decides to jump
on a random train car and lands in the
Benzini Brothers circus. He quickly
finds himself in the company of the
animal trainer, August, and his wife,
Marlena, and living with a dwarf, Walter, and his dog, Queenie, in the horse
car. While learning the ins and outs
of the circus life the owner, Uncle Al,
acquires what is known as a bull, an
elephant in circus terms. Training the
elephant is a challenge when Jacob is
dealing with feelings for Marlena, who
is to be performing with the bull and
her husband. As relationships grow
and the economic state of the circus is
in question every day, he is filled with
the pressure for success and deciding if standing up for what is right is
worth losing everything.
Sara Gruen creates a refreshing
look into the world of the circus during the Depression Era. Gruen uses
the proper vocabulary of the circus
during conversations that Jacob has
with the other workers, whether they
are performers or workmen, giving
the novel a level of authenticity. She
also brings in the aspect of prohibition
and raids that were conducted in night
clubs. Characters in the novel are
more than 2D; they have depth that
is weaved into the story and makes
each one important in their own way.
The story is set up in away where you
learn about Jacob’s circus life in flashbacks while he is sleeping in a nursing
home he despises, which is vital to
seeing what is important to Jacob by
seeing what stories he will tell with the
nurses, which are few and far between.
The romantic setting that Gruen
creates is instant when Jacob sees
Marlena for the first time. It is intense
and forbidden, which drives the best
love stories like Romeo and Juliet and
Antony and Cleopatra. The romantic
setting and historical accuracy is what
drives the novel into greatness. Water
for Elephants is a novel that is sure to
be a classic that will be read in future
generations to come.
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Photo Credit: Amazon
By Patrick McSherry
Proscuiutto Melone
Photo Credit: Academia Barilla
By Patrick McSherry
Now this recipe is simple. Simply delicious
if you ask anyone that has had it. It has been an
authentic part of Italian cuisine for ages.
1 cantaloupe 1 inch slices
½ lb prosciutto
Slice the cantaloupe into 1 inch slices or
you can cube if so desired
Then wrap each piece of cantaloupe with a
piece of thinly sliced prosciutto
Although there is almost nothing to this
recipe, it will wow your guests with its distinct and refreshing flavor profile.
Summer Squash Omlet
Photo Credit: NJ.com
This wonderful summertime salad uses a variety of different melon causing every bite to burst with flavor. Any smart
Chef will tell you that there is no better flavor combination than sweet and salty,
and that is where the prosciutto comes in.
This salad will be a hit at any summertime
1 cantaloupe cubed
1 honeydew cubed
½ watermelon cubed (optional)
Any desired amount of arugula with the
stems removed
Any vinaigrette salad dressing
½ lb sliced prosciutto
3 parts canola oil
1 part rice wine vinegar
Sugar, salt, and pepper to taste
Arugula (stems off)
Cut the fruit into bite size cubes making
sure to remove all of the thick skin
If store bought vinaigrette is not being
used, an emulsification of 3 parts oil
to 1 part vinegar should be used. For
more of a tangy dressing, 2 to 1 will
also work.
Lastly, toss the arugula, fruit, and dressing in a salad bowl then top with prosciutto. For the best results add a little of
your favorite citric acid or fruit juice to
the dressing.
1 Rolling in the Deep
2 Give Me Everythin
3 Party Rock Anthem
1 Angry Birds
Rovio Mobile
2 Hanging with Friends
Zynga, Inc.
3 Angry Birds Rio
Rovio Mobile
1 Super 8
June 19, 2011
2 X-Men: First Class
June 3, 2011
3 The Hangover: Part II
May 26, 2011
1 A Game of Thrones
George R. R. Martin
2 Go the Fuck to Sleep
Adam Mansbach
3 A Dance with Dragons
George R. R. Martin
1 Changed the Way You...
2 Bounce
Calvin Harris ft. Kelis
3 The A Tean
Ed Sheeran
1 WhatsApp Messenger
WhatsApp, Inc.
2 Angry Birds Rio
Rovio Mobile
3 Camera+
Inventive, Inc.
1 Kung Fu Panda 2
May 26, 2011
2 The Hangover: Part II
May 26, 2011
3 X-Men: First Class
June 3, 2011
1 A Clash of Kings: Book 2
George R. R. Martin
2 A Game of Thrones
George R. R. Martin
3 How to be a Woman
Caitlin Moran
1 Only You
Morning Musume
2 Aoi Shiori
Galileo Galilei
3 Hana Uta
1 Studio Asio
Sho Harada
2 Hot Springs
Kairosoft Co.
3 Oh! Book
Longsellers, Inc.
1 Pirates of the Caribbean 1 Kashiki Slimming Formula
Kashiki Hiromi
May 20, 2011
2 Dance with Formula
2 Gôkasijâ Goseijâ
Kashiki Yuki
June 11, 2011
3 Diet MomuChan Premium
3 Paradaisu Kisu
June 4, 2011
By Rasheeda Wadley
May 21, 2011
Photo Credit: Huffington Post
By Aaron Nielsen
The skies went black at 6:00 PM this
past May 21st in what has been described as the rapture. Since the event,
nearly 200 Million have been reported
missing. Phillip Valdez was hanging out
with Jonathan Bearnstein when he was
taken and said, “Johnny was just goin’
out back to get us a coupla cold ones
and he never came back.” No explanation has yet been found for his disappearance but officials from the Cider
Springs Police Department are looking
into this and nearly 45 similar cases.
Military and law enforcement analysts are looking into patterns to find
answers to the mysterious disappearances, unseasonal eclipses, constant
tremors, and abnormally hot weather.
CDC (Center for Disease Control)
Spokesman have urged survivors to
wear lucrative amounts of sunscreen
and polarized lenses as high levels of
UV radiation from the eclipsed sun
can lead to various types of cancer and
other life threatening diseases.
People living in Northern Europe are
urged to stay in doors to avoid inhaling
potentially harmful gasses and other
materials from the Icelandic Volcano,
Eyjafjallajokull. Volcanologists and seismologists suggest the increased activity
in the region is likely due to high levels
of stress on transcontinental plates. It is
likely the tremors will begin to subside
by October.
Pres. Barack Obama, on his tour of
Ireland says, “It is unlikely recent events
can be explained through religious
means” and named 10 people to a commission cynically named “The Rapture
Institute” to look into possible scientific links. Preliminary reports suggest
global warming, over population, or
severe land and waterscape alterations
may be the cause.
Religious figureheads including the
Dalai Lama, Pope Benedict the XIV,
and the Arch Bishop of the Anglican
Church have all commented on the
events and claim there are no religious
explanations for the rapture despite
mimicking descriptions in the respective religious texts.
Expert ufologists have been commissioned in Roswell to look into a
spike in unexplainable UFO and near
earth object sightings. So far no official reports have been released but
nearly 2,000 documents have been
leaked through Wiki leaks suggesting
the sightings are likely Martian invaders harnessing the destructive power
of the near earth objects. Contact has
been made with a race who describes
themselves as the Tralfamadorians.
Tralfamadore was previously thought
to have been a fictional planet and subject of Kurt Vonneguts book “Slaughterhouse V.” Military Officials haven’t
released information as to the content
of discussions but Vonnegut enthusiasts suggest Tralfamadorians are likely
attracted to energy rifts in the time
space continuum.
The British Prime Minister has sent
the Torchwood Institute to heavily affected sites within the former British
Empire to search for answers to the
events. The operation has been Codenamed “Doctor.” Torchwood hopes the
rift energy will increase the likelihood
of contacting a group of scientists with
expert knowledge in dealing with extraterrestrial life and disturbances in the
time space continuum.
With all this news about possible
new casinos opening in the Chicago
area, RMU has decided to roll the
dice and add a Casino/Gaming Operations concentration to its business
program. The school is determined to
maintain a competitive edge and stay
one step ahead of other area schools.
This type of instruction is normally
reserved for “dealer” schools and
schools near the Las Vegas area that
specialize in classes of this sort. One
school administrator said, “It is a
great opportunity for students to
learn about the gaming industry and
become active in the casinos. I know
I will be quite active in the casinos!”
The classes will include, card game
dealing, advanced surveillance, food
and beverage, entertainment and
showgirl management, and magic.
There will also be a required seminar
on casino ethics taught by former casino managers and card counters; all
of which have served federal sentences for casino-related crimes.
At the completion of the associate
program, students will have the option of continuing on in the bachelor
program. The bachelor program will
include classes such as card counting,
slot machine management and rigging, and gambling psychology. Students will complete the bachelor program with a bachelor of recreational
The new concentration will have
the honor of occupying the entire
fifth floor where there is currently a
mock casino being built. Another
school administrator said, “We are
the experience university and the students, staff and faculty must be able
to experience the casino for themselves.” The mock casino will be an
actual working casino that can only
be accessed by RMU students, staff,
and faculty. Students will be able to
charge their gambling debts to their
student accounts. The faculty and
staff can elect to have their debts deducted from their paycheck.
Some faculty members oppose the
decision to add gaming to the curriculum and have been very vocal
about their opposition. One faculty
member said, “This is not going to
help my gambling addiction at all.”
Other faculty members are elated and
are already planning their gambling
adventures for their upcoming quarters off. Only time will tell if RMU
has made yet another cutting edge
breakthrough or a huge mistake.
Can you figure out what words these are? Unscramble the words and fill in the
corresponding blanks! Good Luck!
11. heaprips
12. xyegno
13. oaottp
14. gnettsun
15. akerta
16. etrray
17. ypragegoh
18. nmledaoe
19. agsur
10. norusida
4 (Medium,
Fill the
9x9 grid
so that each row, column, and each one of the
nine 3x3 blocks contain numbers ranging from 1 to 9. Good luck!
1: Hang around
5: Nutmeg covering
9: Center
14: Weight allowance
15: Portend
16: Maui greeting
17: Analogous
18: Some nonfiction works, briefly
19: Single-masted sailing vessel
20: They’re hot
23: ‘Sweet Pea’ singer Tommy
24: Goes furtively
25: Many millennia
27: Metallic tests
31: Vies for the break, in billiards
34: Bouquet
38: Hoof-on-pavement sound
39: Old-time telephone feature
40: Arm bones
41: Abacus part
42: Viola’s bigger cousin
43: Brownie pieces
44: French film
45: First symptoms
46: Antitoxins
47: Brunch dish
49: Besides
51: Petal oils
56: Have stuff
58: Solar system model
62: Russian villa
64: Came alive, with ‘up’
65: Potpourri
66: Hate the thought of
67: At all
68: Dryer outlet
69: Tufted plant
70: Sources of college funding?
71: Upper hand
Photo Credit: Caltiva Creativa
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
Go out and dance in the streets for your
AMAZING birthday. Don’t trust cats this
month. They will be stalking you so watch
out, Kitty Flu is worse then the Swine Flu.
The alarm clock hates you! Make sure it is
set to the right time so you don’t over sleep
on the important day.
Eat more Apples! This will keep the doctor way, unless you are waiting for The
Doctor. Then by all means chuck them at
Leo (July 23 – Aug 22)
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
Stay indoors; bad karma is heading your way.
Karma is something you shouldn’t mess with!
GOOGLE LIES! Don’t be too trustful on
how they will be spelling things for writing your final papers.
Make a second set of keys; you never know when
they will be lost. The key gremlin is on the loose.
Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)
1. urbane
2. irrupt
3. pernicious
4. laudable
5. kerfuffle
6. gravid
7. variegated
8. inscrutable
9. woebegone
10. elarge
Go on that Blind Date with the person
your best friend sets up with you. It will be
a great story to tell your kids one day, on
how not to behave on a date.
Fireworks will not be good idea for your Fourth
of July party. Look into glow sticks and glowing
play dough.
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Start brushing up on the Zombie Survival
Guide. The CDC has predicted that the
Aquarius’s will be the last ones standing,
better safe than sorry.
Start racking up some good karma, you are
going to need it over finals week. Go help at
a soup kitchen or even donate some clothes.
Picnic time! Take the loved one to a picnic
this month. The ants will thank you for the
lovely lunch.
Scorpio (Oct 24 – Nov 21)
Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 23)
Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/~jdhildeb/software/sudokugen/ on Wed Jun 8 19:30:08 2011 GMT. Enjoy!
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Fire is your friend this month. Make up
some delicious Crème Brule for that special
Madam Natasha studied with gypsies in France, witch doctors in Africa, and with a well-known master of shrunken heads. Currently Madam Natasha has been working closely with
a Queen of Voodoo, who will remain nameless, in the Chicagoland area.
Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
By Madam Natasha
1: Wild guesses
2: Captivated by
3: Come to mind
4: Rumormonger
5: Mother superior
6: Irritate
7: Object of pagan worship
8: Add-on for Congo
9: En ___ (all together)
10: Hardly hale
11: Entranceway fasteners
12: ‘Flee, fly!’
13: A runner may break it
21: Play ice hockey
22: Imitate Popeye
26: In the past
28: Cotton fabric
29: Flying solo
30: Alpine aria
32: Dorothy from Kansas
33: Frequent Las Vegas money taker
34: Phoenix roundballers
35: Puzzle piece
36: Captivated
37: Like Fran Drescher’s voice
42: Terra follower
44: ‘Far out!’
48: Dreamers, to lotus flowers
50: Sturdy hand shovel
52: Valuable find
53: Had a virus, say
54: Feeling regret
55: Belted, Biblically
56: Track figures
57: Hard or soft addition
59: Overwhelmed
60: Stellar phenomenon
61: Scratched (out)
63: Crone
n e w e s t In tHe
Taste of Randolph Street
JUNE 17 & 18
The West Loop profiles local culinary
business’s and offers them to expecting consumers, but unlike the Taste of
Chicago, this one has a cover charge
of ten dollars, but that includes live
music, crafts, and cooking demonstrations.
Randolph and Peoria Streets – 900 W.
Randolph St (West Loop) - Chicago
new never lived-in apartment homes in Chicago’s most convenient, vibrant
JUNE 24 & 25
The 9th annual GLBT community
celebration that includes live music
on two stages, food, drag shows, and
arts and crafts. A $7 donation before
5pm, and $10 after that time. So come
out and enjoy what the community
has to offer.
neighborhood. With designer touches, today’s most in-demand features and a list of
amenities that reads like that of a luxury resort, there’s nothing common about this place.
Actual view from Astoria Tower
Halsted Street and Waveland Ave.
(Boystown) – Chicago
uncommon amenities...
…including an indoor swimming pool, spa, sauna,
steam room, a state-of-the-art fitness center,
high-tech business center and patio sundecks with
barbeque grills. Astoria Tower is pet-friendly, too!
8 East 9th Street | 312.922.3600
*Limited-time leasing special on 2 bedroom units. New applicants only before 7/31/11. Subject to minimum lease
term requirements. One promotional offer per apartment. Not applicable in combination with other discount
packages. Subject to change at any time. See Leasing Office for full details. Astoria Tower is owned by
8 East Ninth, LLC which is a single purpose entity who is solely responsible for its obligations and liabilities.
June 24 - july 3
Taste of Chicago is the nation’s premier outdoor food festival showcasing the diversity of Chicago’s dining
community. The delicious array of
food served at Taste of Chicago is
complemented by music and exciting
activities for the entire family.
Grant Park – Chicago
JULY 1 & 2
The 19th annual cultural celebration
features live music on two stages, plus
food and arts and crafts vendors.
Washington Park – Chicago (Washington Park/ Woodlawn)
Liberty fest – Taste of the
towns 2011
JULY 9 & 10
See local bands on two stages at the
Lakeview street fest. Includes craft
and food vendors, street performers and kids’ activities. It’s a $5 dollar
price to enter.
Lincoln and Belmont Ave. – Chicago
St. Sophia greek festival
JULY 8-10
St. Sophia Church is having its 33rd
annual “Greek Fest.” The fest will be
open for lunch at 11am till 1pm, and
then open again at 5pm till 11m for
dinner. Every year, this festival has an
attendance of over 12,000 people every year. Open to the general public,
and it’s only $2.
St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church,
525 Church Rd. – Elgin, IL
Old st. pat’s world’s
largest block party
JUNE 25 & 26
West Town celebrates its third annual eco-friendly celebration. Celebrations include green technology
to eco-conscious bands, art, vendors
and demos. Five dollar donation is
recommended. See what this green
event has to offer.
JULY 1-4
Come out for a wonderful family friendly event that is great for the
kids, as well as the adults. Food vendors to carnival rides. Even free ice
skating. On the final day, a Fireworks
Spectacular is expected. So grab the
keys to the car, and head out to this
fun and exciting event.
Damen and North Avenue - Chicago
Redmond Park – Bensenville
Liberty fest – Taste of the
towns 2011
jammin’ at the zoo - sugar
The Morton Arboretum – Lisle, IL
Lincoln Park – Chicago
Halsted Street and Belmont Avenue.
– Chicago
uncommon space...
Taste of chicago
The 42nd annual Chicago Pride Parade comes back and with over 250
entries this year, which range from
floats and marching bands. More
than 450,000 excited to go and experience this parade this year. So grab
friends and make you way over there.
Generous room sizes with floor-to-ceiling windows,
designer fixtures including granite and stainless
kitchens with gas cooking, in-home laundry and
truly abundant closet space.
JULY 8-10
Each Wednesday from June 8 to August 10 the Ginkgo Terrace will host
“Wednesdays, Woods and Wine!”
Spend the evening with live entertainments and special selections from
the featured wine sponsor of the Arboretum, Wente Family Estates.
JULY 15 & 16
The Old St. Pat’s World’s Largest
Block Party is attended by over 25,000
people and features great music and
food. It’s also known as a huge singles
party, and Old St. Pat’s claims that
over 70 couples have met at the block
party and later married.
Madison and Des Plaines – Chicago
Each summer the Lincoln Park Zoo
presents its popular Jammin’ at the
Zoo concert series, featuring national
music acts amongst the zoo animals
and lush landscape. On July 22, Sugar
Ray will be performing. Tickets are
Photo Credit: Nate Brelsford
By Patrick McSherry
Elate Restaurant at Hotel Felix in
Chicago’s River North neighborhood
is serving up food perfection with an
innovative bar menu to match. Pour
Magazine Chicago describes the food
as “so good that it makes the hair stand
straight up on your skin.” Local Chicagoan’s and critics agree that Elate
Restaurant is great food and drink bar
Located at 111 W. Huron St. on the
ground level of the prestigious Hotel
Felix, Elate is housed by floor to ceiling
windows that create a bright and lively
atmosphere for breakfast and lunch
goers. In the evenings it’s the perfect
place for a top notch dinner and a
signature cocktail. The restaurant was
intelligently designed to create a rustic
feel, while at the same time there is a
sense of sophistication that reflects the
menu perfectly without overdoing it.
It was important to the owners Anthony Fiore and Luke Johnson that a certain level of comfort accompanies the
sophisticated vibe of the restaurant.
The eighty- seat space was constructed
entirely of organic materials that add
to Elate’s perfectly balanced ambiance.
Elate is famous for running great
daily specials. Deciding what day of
the week to stop in might depend on
what a guest is looking for. Monday’s
unbelievable special is Industry Night,
and 50% is taken off the entire bill with
proof of restaurant employment. As if
that wasn’t enough, any guest can take
advantage of half price select bottles
of wine. Wednesday is $1 oyster day,
with a selection of east and west coast
oysters. Fridays and Saturdays offer
late night jazz after 10pm, with featured guest Mike Jeffers, jazz legend
and founder of Chicago Jazz Magazine. This is a great opportunity to enjoy truly great music and there is never
a cover charge. Saturdays and Sundays
feature a celebrated brunch from 10am
to 2:30pm that includes a $20 bottomless mimosa special with purchase of
an entrée. In addition to the previously mentioned specials, Executive Chef
Chris Curren has created two new
menu items utilizing “3 Floyds Gumball Head” beer that are sure to please.
Menu items range in price from $10
to $34, so there are many delicious
choices to fit one’s budget. If deciding
on one particular item proves to be too
difficult, Chef Chris Curren also developed a five and seven course tasting
menu that includes wine pairings. So
if you are in River North, stop by Elate
Restaurant at Hotel Felix, for an experience that will excite the senses and
satisfy an appetite for great food.
Photo Credit: Anthony Fiore
14 THE
Photo Credit: Chicagonow.com
By John Edwards
As we all know, my favorite sport is
well under way and I hate the fact that
the season seems to slip by so quickly.
But that also means you get to see
the real stars rack up their numbers
and push for Hall of Fame candidacy.
While there are many players who
make a national impact, very few have
quiet careers that are deserving for the
prestigious honor of Cooperstown.
I know I’ll get some flak for not
considering a Cub, but let’s face it they
don’t have anyone on their current
roster that is deserving of being a candidate. Their only hope right now is
Aramis Ramirez who has the chance
to put up some great career numbers
given his fairly young age. But the
man who should be in constant debate
among this topic is the quietest man
in the Major Leagues, Mr. White Sox,
Paul Konerko.
Though Konerko has been a fourtime All Star for the American League,
he has never gotten the recognition
he deserves. Shadowed by the play of
other first basemen in the American
League such as Mark Teixeira of the
New York Yankees and Justin Morneau of the Minnesota Twins, Paulie
(as he is called by his Sox faithful) has
put together a career that many envy.
Though he has had a couple of
down years between his All-Star appearances, he has still put in his name
as one of the top threats that will be
knocking on the door of Cooperstown
when he hangs up the cleats. Last year
he signed a three year $37.5 million
deal to remain in a Sox uniform. As
it stands this year, he should approach
if not accomplish the 400 homerun
milestone along with achieving his
2,000th hit. This is of course barring
any injury which Paulie has been able
to do during his fifteen years in the
Major Leagues. With this, he should
be able to clinch the numbers he
needs to enter the Hall of Fame, but
even so there is some worry.
There are some players who deserve to be there who aren’t. Bill
Buckner, best known for the debacle in the 1986 World Series (yes
he was also a Cub), amassed more
than 2700 hits, has been removed
from the ballot; thus has to be put in
there via Veteran’s Committee. Of
course Paulie has more power numbers, but nonetheless it still stands to
increase the debate, what does it take
to make the Hall?
Buckner is just one of many examples of those who should be in the Hall
but remain left out for reasons unknown to their fans. It just shows the
increased difficultly that it takes to get
elected into the Hall of Fame. Let’s look
at the facts.Paulie is a young 35 yearold who is producing better than some
of the younger players in the game
and only seems to be getting better
with age. He had an absolute career
year last year smacking 39 homers,
knocking in 111 runs and ended up
finishing fifth in the MVP race for a
second place team that finished with
an 86-76 record.
Now the hesitation felt on the contract deal (Previously mentioned) was
due to the combination of his age and
the fact it could have been a booster
season because he wanted a huge deal
like Adrian Beltre who always seems to
play better when it is a contract year.
(Beltre signed a 6 year $96 million dollar deal this offseason with the Texas
Rangers after winning a Silver Slugger.) But, that is just not who Konerko
is and thus far during this young season, he is producing better than anyone else in the American League.
So as I continue to look at this Hall
of Fame caliber hitter try to solidify his
name as a legitimate candidate, I can
only hope he does not fade or fizzle
and makes his South-side faithful
proud to have yet another Sox logo enshrined in bronze and hanging among
the elite in Ohio.
This can cause some pain because of the constant pounding
of feet on pavement, causing vibrations that radiate up through
the legs. Going south there are
kinder surfaces that will cause
less pounding. Going west is
the perfect place for a traffic run
where you change direction with
the traffic lights.
Time: The best times to run are
when it is cool. The late evening
is preferable although in the
morning is not too bad either
because in both cases the foot
traffic is quite minimal.
Be Smart: It is not hard to let
some simple things slip your
mind but one big one is to drink
water. Being dehydrated is the
worst preventable detriment to
any runner. A light snack about
a half hour before you run is
also a good idea but the main
one will always remain staying
Be Safe: It is always good to run
with a friend or group. Bottom
line goes similar for almost everything; there is safety in numbers. If this is not possible, then
stick an old ID in your shoe
(you won’t be able to feel it after
a little while) just in case of an
Downtown Running
By John Edwards
As summer rolls near, the exercise
gurus and hobbyists move outside to
explore the great city of Chicago. Unfortunately for them they find themselves amidst crowds being yelled at
and frustrated by failing to get the
best run in possible. The fortunate
part of this dilemma is that it is fixable and running downtown can be a
very enjoyable experience.
Shoes: Necessary for any run is
the proper footwear. For lighter
runners, a simple pair of shoes
with inserts will do. For the everyday runner, a very comfortable pair shoes fitted to your foot
is necessary. Shops like The Runner’s Soul will help to assure that
your pick will create the most
comfort for your feet.
Clothing: Wear what feels comfortable and allows for the wind
and breeze to flow through.
Keeping cool is helpful while
running and allows for longer
Accessories: Watches and headbands are the only thing that any
runner really needs during a run.
A hat might also be useful but
there is heavy-duty sunscreen
for helping protect against the
rays. Sunglasses are also a very
nice addition.
Direction: There are three ways
to run when downtown. North
takes you to North beach, which
has a lot of pavement and on occasion some heavy foot traffic.
Photo Credit: Istolethetv
Running in downtown Chicago
can be a hassle given the amount of
people that are in one area, but it is
also one of the best experiences a
runner can have. This is one of the
most beautiful cities in the world
and at night (my favorite time to
run) the lights make it even more
so. Being lucky enough to lace up
for Chicago is truly a blessing and I
hope these tips help all runners enjoy
it as well.
Peter Gallagher
County Donegal, Ireland
RMU Sports:
Graphic Design
Favorite Soccer Club:
Manchester United F.C.
By John Edwards
Directly from Ireland to Robert
Morris University, Peter has had an
immediate impact on the soccer squad
for the Eagles and shows no signs of
slowing down. His love of soccer runs
in his blood and has been playing since
his younger days, starting around the
age of seven back in his native Ireland.
An accomplished player, Peter has
said that his favorite memory is winning the All-Ireland Tournament with
Derry City on the Under 21 Club at
the age of 20. Though this has been his
career highlight, the best memory he
has in an Eagle uniform is the scoring
the winning goal in an overtime match
between the Robert Morris Eagles and
the St. Francis Fighting Saints. Moving
past the soccer field, Peter has taken
the chance of moving out here for a
change of scenery and a scholarship
opportunity. Even though he has left
his homeland for the United States,
he still takes with him his love for the
sport of soccer by rooting for the Manchester United F.C. who also has features his favorite player, Ryan Giggs,
a midfielder from Wales. In order to
play up to his elite level, Peter listens to
Irish Rebel music, which consequently
takes him back to his youth and allows
him to get the blood flowing, amping
him up for the competition he is about
to face on the field. The greatest memory he has in Chicago also involves
music, as he saw Mumford & Sons,
an English folk group, at Lollapalooza.
Though last year was slightly disappointing for the men’s soccer team,
Peter describes them as a young team
that was slower to develop than anticipated. We look forward to seeing
how the team has developed this offseason and wish Peter and his teammates good luck as they compete for
a Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic
Conference Championship.
Photo Credit: RMU Website
Will Baker
San Antonio, Texas
RMU Sports:
Basket Ball
Culinary Arts
Crosstown Classic Choice:
White Sox (Obviously has brains!!!)
By Pat McSherry
Beginning in the fall of 2010, Will
Baker started attending Robert Morris University after taking a tour and
deciding then and there that this
was exactly where he wanted to be.
Transferring in from Paul Quinn College in Dallas, Texas he has made the
transition quite nicely despite having
to balance the work load of going to
Photo Credit: RMU Website
school full time and playing a sport.
In addition, becoming a part of such
an established team is quite an accomplishment for anyone, but being a part of the team is what it’s all
about. Though it remains a daunting
task for anyone, especially at a new
school, Will has still found time to
explore Chicago and is up for pretty
much anything as long has he doesn’t
get hurt. He is also an avid fan of music, listening to rap and hip hop in
his spare time and before games to
get the juices flowing. His journey is
an especially unique one as he sadly
lost his mother when he was the age
of thirteen. Despite this he has continued to keep himself focused and
remains a good student-athlete. As
he continues to persevere at Robert
Morris, we all wish him luck and
hope he continues his success in the
kitchen and on the court.
How Far Would You Go?
Source: Michal Zacharzewski
By Andrea Kocher
On June 3rd, 2011 assisted suicide advocate
Jack Kevorkian, more commonly known as “Dr.
Death,” passed away from a blood clot that was
lodged in his heart at the age of 83. He aided over
130 sick and suffering people with ending their
lives, bringing a nationwide debate over assisted
suicide. “If we can aid people into coming into
the world, why can’t we aid them in exiting the
world?” stated Kevorkian. “Dr. Death” was able
to beat prosecutors four times before his conviction for second-degree murder in 1999 after a
CBS News program aired a video of Kevorkian
administering lethal drugs to a 52-year-old man
suffering from debilitating amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, according to
Reuters. Kevorkian stated that he released the
video in order to be arrested and bring closure
to the issue: “Either I go or ‘they’ go; the issue
has to be raised to the level where it is finally
decided.” Meaning if he got acquitted, the prosecutors would never be able to call his actions
criminal; if he was convicted, he would starve to
death in prison.
Kevorkian started his assisted suicide campaign in 1990, and was arrested various times
for helping more than 130 patients commit
suicide from 1990 to 2000, using injections,
carbon monoxide, and his infamous suicide
machine built from scraps for $30. He was eventually imprisoned for eight years; his parole in
2007 stipulated that he was unable to assist in
any further suicides. His right-to-die activism
launched a heated debate; one from a doctorassisted suicide to euthanasia which may or
may not have indirectly contributed to increased concern and growth of palliative and
hospice care.
Although Kevorkian’s beliefs and actions
brought about controversial debates and concerns, the fact that he fought for what he believed in to no avail, is pretty admirable, regardless of the nature of his passion. “He didn’t lead
marches, he didn’t get other people to follow
him, instead he put his own body in the line of
fire, and there are not many people who would
do that,” stated Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard professor and lawyer who was an adviser in several
of Dr. Kevorkian’s legal battles, and corresponded with him while he was in prison.
How far would you go? How far would you
go for something you truly and passionately believed in? Would you stop campaigning because
family, friends, or colleagues doubted your efforts? We see this all the time as we continue to
grow older; who has the right to tell you that
professional athletes are few and far between,
regardless of actual statistics. All we need to stop
our dreams is for someone to tell us we can’t.
Why is that? I believe that part of it goes back to
the need for validation. We need it to feel that
our efforts are just and have purpose. Knowing
we have support and a group of people rallying
for our success makes us feel worthy. Also, I
think it is understood that there is fear in being
successful. Added pressures and responsibilities
are tied with success; this can be overwhelming
and discourage us from such potential.
We, as individuals, need to find a way to
eliminate the feeling that we are unable to bring
about a significant wave of change; whether it is
because we are not wealthy enough, or are not
educated enough, or important enough to draw
attention to the issue. Unfortunately this feeling of inadequacy spills over into our academic
pursuits. I know, personally, that there are other
career paths I would have looked into further
had the aforementioned thoughts not entered
into my contemplation.
It is important, especially for future generations, we continue to fight passionately for our
beliefs, regardless of the nature of its popularity.
“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot
paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice
will be silenced,” Vincent Van Gogh.
Arthur Caplan, a professor of bioethics at the
University of Pennsylvania said, “He didn’t do it
for the money, he didn’t do it for the publicity, he
wasn’t living a luxurious life – he wanted change.”
Photo Credit: Alex E. Proimos
By John Edwards
It happens every day, a homeless person approaches you from almost every corner of a city
block in downtown Chicago and it is beginning
to become a problem. It is not that I hate these
people because this is not the case; I am merely
just exhausted of any patience I have left because
of how they continue to beg for change in an almost harassing manner.
I walk out of my local Dunkin Donuts and
there is one asking for my spare change. I almost
never carry cash anyway and yet the same homeless people on the same corners continue to ask
me for the change I do not have. I specifically
never carry change or cash for a reason. The first
year I was here, a family friend sent me some
birthday money and I decided to go out with a
friend. There was a homeless man outside so he
told me while still in the restaurant he was going
to give him a dollar so I handed my friend one for
the guy as well. As we went outside he handed the
man the two dollars. The man grabbed my friend
by the wrist and held onto him as tightly as he
could and held out his other hand towards me.
As my friend twisted away we immediately left
the restaurant and continued home. He vowed
he would never give a homeless person change
again while I vowed never to carry cash unless
implicitly necessary.
But even as homeless people such as this carry
on in the older fashions, others are trying to become slicker about the ways that they go about
getting money. Specifically one who thinks he is
a very smart scammer is one who calls me Jesus
and asks me to give him two quarters for three
jokes. Of course many including myself have
seen him on a train heading south going home
after a “hard day’s work” talking on his new 4G
touch screen phone. I wonder how he bought
that . . . Hmm?
The bottom line is that he is a scam artist and if
you gave him money, chances are you helped pay
for that phone. Another fun one to see is the lady
by the Millennium Park Metra Station who had
her wallet stolen. The best part is that her sign
is laminated and printed usually placed on her
suitcase. She also has a fresh coat of makeup on
with her freshly manicured nails bright red with
her hair looking like she just came from a beauty
parlor. Now there are some that I do feel kind of
bad for and wish I had a dollar or two because
they just seem to need it and appreciate it. Unfortunately for them, the aforementioned others
ruin it because they are fake human beings who
don’t deserve a penny.
Those who are comics and make my day deserve to be given something. The one who originated the “Too dumb to steal, too ugly to prostitute” created a great bit of comic relief for anyone
who passed by and earned five dollars from our
Editor-in-Chief, Rasheeda Wadley. It was hilarious and it almost made my day every time I saw
him going to school or going home from cross
country practice. My favorite homeless person is
someone I call Lion Man. We all know who this
guy is. He has massive dreads that form a mane
around his face and he never says a word or begs
for change while he digs through trash cans
for scraps. He is and possibly could be the only
homeless man I have ever bought food for. I had
to force him to take it but he finally did.
It is guys like this that make me want to give
and occasionally do. As for the rest of them, [explicative] them. It is not right that they squander
while others plead. The guys like the man with
the phone completely ruin my faith in humanity because they are just too lazy to actually try
and contribute something to society. It’s at times
laughable that they would resort to such low but
in the end it just makes me shake my head and
scoff that some in society have sunken so low.
By Kandice Kidd
I’m suffering
from a bout of
I prepare to
watch many of
waltz into their
futures, I’m reflecting
on my own
journey after graduation. It was an
exciting and scary time for me. I
can remember walking out of my
graduate defense meeting with my
advisors and feeling on top of the
world. I had a massive smile on
my face as I accepted the hugs and
congratulations from my classmates
who had come to support me during my defense. As I headed out
of the building, I was elated! I was
done. I’d read, written, researched,
and presented everything until I was
out of breath. I had lived on yellow
Hostess cupcakes for a week while
I finalized it all. It was over. I was
officially a “master”. I was about
jump headfirst into the job market!
I was about to go shopping and buy
fantastic clothes fit for an educated
professional. By the way, I had absolutely no clue what I was doing. So,
let me tell you the things I wish I’d
known during that time:
1. Get Organized
I can’t say this enough: you must
have all of the essentials ready before you throw your hat into the
ring. You need a strong resume,
worthy references, compelling letters of recommendation, dynamic
writing or work samples, and a
system for keeping it all in place. If
these things aren’t in order, you have
a lot of work to do. Do it before you
do anything else.
2. Know & Express Value
You haven’t spent all that time getting a degree not to know what you
bring to the table, have you? I hope
not. You need to be crystal clear the
value you can offer an employer or
client before you even start looking
for a job. That value needs to present itself in all of your communications-written and verbal. In every
interaction you need to be able to
succinctly and effectively convince
someone that you are a competitive and
worthy asset.
3. Take Risks
Job opportunity in Londongo ahead and apply. Found a job
that seems great with a boss who
might make a great mentor, but the
pay is lousy-take it anyway. Want
to go to the Peace Corps for two
years-do it. Your friend has an interesting and surprisingly smart
idea for a new business and wants
you in on it-leap! At this stage in
your career you should be willing
to take risks. There are so many
wonderful lessons and opportunities that await you and you have
no idea how they can pay off for
you unless you’re willing to risk it.
Now, another piece of advice to go
with that……
4. Keep (material) Things Simple
Sure, you want to go out and treat
yourself to the very best new money
can buy now that you have some.
Resist the urge. Keep your debts and
obligations minimal at this time if
possible so that you can seize the
best opportunities when they arise.
My college friend, Kurt, had his eyes
set on working for MTV out of college. They came to our campus, he
wowed them, and they gave him a
fantastic offer: an unpaid internship
in NYC. Guess what? He took it.
Yep, he had no car to worry about,
no massive mortgage, and no duplicitous lease he couldn’t break. Within
a few months, he had secured a job
offer and Lil’ Kim was on TV teasing
him. She really did. I watched it.
5. Say Yes
I was in an interview for a training job I really wanted when the
hiring manager asked me if I would
be willing to travel every month.
“Sure,” I replied without hesitation.
A few weeks after I started she called
me and said she needed me to do a
training at the last minute in Baltimore and would I be willing to fly
out in four hours, “Sure”, I replied
without hesitation ( I bought some
clothes from Target, I think). She
made my life very good when I came
to Baltimore and I met some very
important people. When assignments come your way even those
that seem overwhelming, unglamorous, or plain scary, say yes. You
may not realize it at the time but
these will be the very things that allow you to stretch your knowledge
and abilities.
So, that’s what I should have
known as I walked across the stage
of my commencement ceremony. I
could probably go on and give you
at least of 20 more nuggets of wisdom, but these are the major things
to remember as you get ready to
strut your stuff. Your graduation
is just one of many major accomplishments and there are certainly
more to come.
Felicitation [fi•lis•i•tey•shuh•n] noun
e.g. Felicitation to all the recent graduates
accomplished! Bin Laden’s
death is the best
thing that could have
happened to the
United States Military. Better than DDay, better than the
completion of Operation Shock and
Aaron Nielsen
Awe, and perhaps
better than our first victory as a nation some 200
plus years ago.
Let’s just get a little bit of recap. September 11th,
2001, a massive terrorist attack targeting several
strategic targets in Washington DC and New York
City claimed the lives of nearly 4,000 United States
Citizens. A notorious terrorist organization led
by Osama Bin Laden, known as the Taliban announced responsibility for the attacks. America
rallied around Pres. George W. Bush who sent the
full force of the United States Military to kick some
ass in Afghanistan. 10 years, nearly 10,000 soldiers,
and billions of dollars have been spent in pursuit
of vital intelligence and most importantly the ringleader. Finally we’ve got him.
Now the real victory is not in his death, there
is no shortage of terrorists. The real victory comes
from the terabytes of intelligence, which came
with the operation. The pentagon claims to have
information on several planned operations that
can now be thwarted. I think it can definitely be
said, “God Bless America!”
An expression of good wishes; congratulation.
1595–1605; < Late Latin fēlīcitātus made happy (past participle of fēlīcitāre )
Swagic [swaj•ik] noun
Super natural swag powers
e.g.When I hear Lil’ Wayne rap, I know that he’s got swagic
By: Patrick M. Wingert
Hello and welcome to the Robert Morris University Sustainability Council’s new, monthly
updates column, “So Fresh and So Green.” This
column will be a place for you to catch up on all
things eco-friendly, green, organic, local, and/or
sustainable at RMU, in Chicago and around the
world. The column will be written by a different
RMUSC member each month and will give you
some insight into what being sustainable is all
So, by now you are probably wondering, how
can I be sustainable? Well, here are a few ideas to
get you started. It’s actually much easier than you
think! You can start by getting yourself a reusable aluminum water bottle and a travel coffee
mug. You will save an astronomical amount of
plastic water bottles and disposable coffee cups
from landfills and you will actually save money
too. Secondly, you can stop printing out your
documents. In this day and age you can access
pretty much any information via your laptop,
smartphone, iPad or other medium. You must
take into consideration the effects on the environment that printing out your documents actually has. Also, you can stop buying from large,
multinational corporations and start buying locally. Go to a farmers market to buy your produce or join a community supported agriculture
(CSA) program. While doing these things might
seem daunting, you will actually save money and
be supporting your local economy. I, personally,
get all my produce, milk and eggs from either
the Green Grocer on Grand Ave, here in Chicago, or farmers markets. I also get all meat from
the Slagel Family Farm in Fairbury that delivers
to me once a month. I also grown basil, thyme,
mint, dill, rosemary, sage, chives, tarragon, red
and yellow onions, scallions, garlic and shallots.
Starting your own garden is a great way to eat
hyper locally and save yourself a huge amount of
money. This also provides me with a use for all
my compost. If these ideas are a bit to advanced
for you, there are some things that you can do
without having to change the way you live; such
as riding your bike more often instead of driving, line drying your clothes, going to an organic
restaurant, switching to high efficiency light
bulbs, and unplugging things that you are not
using (coffee maker, lamp, computer, cell phone
On Saturday, May 14th, the RMUSC spent the
day at the Green Festival at McCormick Place.
The Green Festival is the nation’s premiere sustainability event and this year was the tenth anniversary. We were able to sit in on a few of the presentations and here are some of the highlights.
The Urban Worm Girl spoke about composting
and vermiculture, (worm composting) and she
was even handing out some free worms to get
you started! We then moved over to the Green
Business Stage to listen to Dennis Salazar and
Frank Locantore presentation on “How to Green
Your Business: Step by Step From Paper Use to
Packaging.” There was a tremendous amount of
fantastic information from these business owners on how to run a more sustainable business
in just about every way imaginable. We also saw
some very cool exhibits, like the farm truck (a
vegetable and herb farm in the back of a pickup
truck) and a volunteer group that takes used
plastic grocery bags and turns then into sleeping
mats for the homeless. We left feeling sort of like
a sponge that had just been dunked into a bucket
of water. As GI Joes said, “Know you know and
knowing is half the battle.” We definitely know
more than we did before the festival and we
would love to share that information with you. If
you want to learn more, follow SustainableRMU
on Twitter, “Like” us on Facebook, or contact the
RMUSC to become a member today!
What is your
favorite phrase of
the month?
ARABIC: ‫فيصلا‬
DUTCH: De zomer
FILIPINO: Tag-init
URDU: ‫امرگ مسوم‬
“No, f*ck off.”
“Why would I want to
trade my life with
“Dick Masterson –
because he’s right
about everything”
“The Go Daddy Girl
cause she’s skanky”
“Paul Konerko. He’s just
too awesome for
“Captain Planet – Easy
because she has a
lasso of truth”
“Black Spiderman
because he’s black”
“Deadpool cause he’s
sexy and hilarious”
“Iron Man because he;s
a rouge badass. Also
because of Robert
Downey Jr.’s attitude.”
“Dick Masterson – Men
are better than women”
“Charisse LeMonde
and Aerosmith ”
“Peanut butter
smack…how do you
like me now biznich”
“Show me your gentitals ”
“Ryan Bingham, Led
Zeppelin, Marilyn
Manson and AC/DC.”
“Das my hamma!”
“Go hard or go home.”
"F*ck bitches. Get
“Don’t care (laugh).”
“Fantastic, Non-White
If you could trade “Charlie sheen – he’s
lives with anyone got three bitches”
for a day, who
would it be? Why?
What are you
currently listening
How to say “SUMMER” in 14 languages
“epic white man.”
“awesome white man.”
“focused, driven,
Describe yourself
in three words.
Who is your
favorite superhero?
I understand that
he is a leader of one
of the most dangerous terrorist groups
in the world. I also
understand that he
played a large part
in the September
11th attacks on our
nation. I can unLissy Pfister
derstand why those
families want closure or even revenge. What I
don’t understand is why everyone is so ecstatic
that he is dead.
Right now there is just another person taking Osama’s place, someone who has been
training for it for a lifetime. On top of that if
you think the Taliban isn’t going to retaliate I
would like a map to this sugar plum lala land
you live in.
What frustrates me is that people were celebrating in front of the white house. What
the hell were they celebrating? One person
was killed; a single person. I would also like
to congratulate the Vice President for a fantastic job. Mr. Joe Biden told the whole world
who the Special Forces were that undertook the
The war is still going on, American’s are
still dying, and the country is still royally
F-ed. So seriously, if someone could explain
to me what there is to celebrate I would really
appreciate it.