July 2015 - Grand Haven American Legion
July 2015 - Grand Haven American Legion
Charles A. Conklin Post #28 SUMMER Hours: Mon. – Fri. 1pm – 10pm Saturday Noon – 10pm Sunday 1pm – 9pm Newsletter published monthly by Charles A. Conklin Post #28 of the American Legion P. O. Box 439 ~ 700 S. Harbor Avenue ~ Grand Haven, MI 49417-1743 ~ www.grandhavenlegion.org Legion Dave Carlson, Post 28 Commander dave39carlson@gmail.com Bob Wydeck, 1st Vice Commander Chris Jarvis, 2nd Vice Commander Rick Chittenden, Adjutant Jim Thayer, Finance Officer George Bennett, Chaplain Ron Bauer, Judge Advocate Freddy Smith, Sergeant-‐at-‐Arms Jim Porenta, Historian Garrett Veihl, Service Officer Butch Balk, Executive-‐at-‐Large Ray Ribbink, Executive-‐at-‐Large Ed DeKoekkoek, Past Commander AUXILIARY Michele Stetts, President mlstetts44@gmail.com Kathleen Edwards, 1st VP/Membership Linda Gieske, 2nd Vice President Ginny Hebert, Secretary Romayne Althaus, Treasurer Brenda Woodman, Historian Judy Fischer, Chaplain Barb Kelly, Sergeant-‐at-‐Arms Ann Kammeraad, Past President Sal Mike Zolik, Commander mzolik@hotmail.com Tom Shultz, 1st Vice Commander Jack DeMarr, 2nd Vice Commander T.L. Lowe, Finance Officer Al VanDam, Chaplain Brock Rogers, Historian Carl Lori, Legion Advisor Scott Kelly, Membership Paul Kubicek, Adjutant Tom Greenberg, Past Commander Legion riders Freddy Smith, Director ffsmith2000@sbcglobal.net Bob Wydeck, Assistant Director Chase Kamhout, Sergeant-‐at-‐Arms Diana Arens, Secretary Larry Foose, Treasurer Ryan Atkins, Chaplain Sally Kemme, Membership Chair CLUB Manager Tina Davis tina-‐d@att.net American Legion Post #28 COMMANDER’S COMMENTS Memorial Day was a highlight of the year because it embodied our purposes in one day. Including: a strong national security, taking care of Veterans, mentoring youth and promoting patriotism and honor. Military might is necessary to guarantee freedom, and we must never forget to recognize the service and sacrifice required for liberty. Every generation of citizens has a duty to be informed about our U.S. Constitution; to vote and to celebrate & promote the founding principals of our country. Citizenship means being involved. Months before Memorial Day the community w ide Memorial Day Association was meeting to plan all the events. Members of our Legion Family -‐ the Kellys, Strengs, Bennetts, and Fishers -‐ led the way w ith Dave MacKellar, Darrel Meyers, Bob Wydeck, Larry Lambert, Ed DeKoekkoek, Garrett Veihl, Michele Stetts, Tina Davis our Post Manager and many others. The VFW, City of Grand Haven, the high school band, scouts, local churches, the Coast Guard and the Hooligans flyover team all played a part. Days before the parade the w eather forecast w as for a 60% chance of rain. Rain was falling as w e gathered at the Post in the morning. It was overcast w ith a few drops of rain as we seated the Grand Marshall, George Bennett, and Honorary Grand Marshals into convertibles. In spite of the w eather, Washington Street had a great many people lined up with lots of kids dressed in red, white and blue. The flyover was especially exciting for our two WWII Army Air Corps B17 pilots. They looked up, held hands, counted the planes and w aved joyfully at the sky. The Waterfront ceremony was terrific. George Bennett recited the Gettysburg Address, and all the while high school band members were listening intently to every word. “God Bless America” w as sung so beautifully it made Kate Smith forgettable. What capped this great day w as the band playing our National Anthem as the sun came out, and bright blue skies framed the scene. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as Post Commander on such a day as Memorial Day. I’m very grateful for the privilege, and for all the help so many of you provided. Bob Wydeck will do a tremendous job next year as Commander. He will be counting o n your involvement. Dave Carlson, Commander Post #28 MEMBERSHIP NEWS NEW MEMBERS Christopher J. Bird, Vietnam Army Stephen J. Britt, Vietnam Air Force Belinda Coronado, Gulf War Army Wesley S. Decker, Lebanon/Grenada John F. Frisinger, Korea Marines Richard J. Hess, Vietnam Army Donald J. Kuhlman, Vietnam Marines George V. Kashian, W WII Navy Gary L. Lacy, Vietnam Navy Michael R. Medendorp, Gulf/Active Air Force Randy E. O ttenwess, Vietnam Army Jerome M. Pastuszak, Korea Marines Jimmy D. Scott, Vietnam Air Force Dalon I. Severance, WWII Army Air Corps NEW MEMBERS cont’d. Steven J. Sparling, Vietnam Army James N. Stellema, Vietnam Army Daniel L. Van Dyke, Vietnam Navy Michael S. Seward, Vietnam Army TRANSFERS Ronald F. Bartell, Vietnam Air Force Brian P. Ellis, Vietnam Army Larry G. Idema, Vietnam Navy Daryl L. Meloche, Vietnam Air Force Patrick D. Quinlan, Vietnam Navy Michael J. Staff, Vietnam Army Ronald J. Friday, Vietnam Army Issue #1131 July 2015 AUXILIARY Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life- giving roots, it will wither and die. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower Happy Fourth of July Celebrate our Independence! Thank you to everyone who volunteered for events/activities at the Post or in our community during June. Continue to volunteer…and pass it on! At our June 23rd meeting, we installed new officers for 2015-‐2016. Two Auxiliary members attended Department Convention in Sterling Heights on June 26th – 29th and will be giving their reports at the July 21st meeting. National will be sending membership renewal notices for 2016 in September. Check the calendar for more activities/events coming up. Heartfelt thanks goes to Commander Dave Carlson for an inspiring and eventful year. The Auxiliary members appreciate your support and d iligence in the many endeavors of this past year. Your w ork ethic embodies the true spirit of “Legion Family.” Michele Stetts, President 8 & 40 salon 499 Officers Linda Quaine, Chapeau Myrna Puse, Demi Chapeau Premier Barb Herron, Demi Chapeau Deuxieme Ann Kammeraad, La Secretaire Michele Stetts, La Cassiere Kathleen E dwards, L’Archiviste Veloyce Hansen, L’Aumonier Cleo Phipps, L’Avocate Louise Svoboda, La Concierge Ann Kammeraad, Le Pouvoir Char MacKellar, Past Chapeau We shall be installing the 2015-‐2016 new officers at our July 14th meeting. Reminder: each partner is to bring a dessert for the occasion. See you there! Linda Quaine, Chapeau The following members and friends of the Legion have had to face medical issues or deaths since we last met. Please reach out to them and their families if you feel so led, and keep all of them in your prayers. Respectfully, George Bennett, Chaplain Vince Antonich Charles Davis Doug ‘Tony’ Telgenhof Larry Kuipers Dick VanderStel Ken Lawrence Leslie Ennenga Jake W estra Todd VanZantwick Honor guard Honor Guard had two funerals from last post meeting. Army National Guard helped with one funeral. Thank you to all Legion members w ho attended the memorial service for Auxiliary Past President Pat VanderStel. Honor Guard Leader: George Bennett American Legion Post #28 SAL We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness... The Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776 This month we bid farewell and best wishes to Commander Dave Carlson for an excellent year of leadership, and, with continuing SAL support, we welcome Bob Wydeck, Post 2 8 Commander for 2 015-‐2016. FYI. We welcome these new members to the SAL: Bob Vanderwiel, Chadwick Tonneberger, Chris Janson, David Roedding, Donald Knape, Jr., James Danigelis, Mark Obrien, Matthew Fagan, Milton Kruger, Richard Greenleaf, Stephen Dalman, Tim Carey, and Timothy Wierenga. FYI. Here's a recap on the 13th Annual Memorial Golf Scramble. The Division Winners were: Couples: Jim & JoAnn Labron; Robert Marod & Doree Hall. Open: Scott & Mark Goldberg, Touk Liw, Tonya Sao. Seniors: Pat Hood, Mike Hgan, Brad Bartels, and Dwayne Bloemers. Congrats to all 109 players who helped make our Scramble a big success. Special thanks go to our Tee sponsors: Bekins Auto Services, Jerry Citco, Mike Heck-‐State Farm Insurance, Stan's Bar, Boulevard Used Cars, Montina Manufacturing, Sideline Sports, Pronto Pup (3 Tees), Lee Auto Repair, VBK Funeral Homes, Rycenga Building Center, Jim McClain-‐5 Star Real Estate, Harbor Psychological, 1948 Educational Consulting, and Grand Haven Chiropractic. Kudos to Jack DeMarr and Sazerac Distillery for providing prizes for the Scramble. Thanks and gratitude to Betten Chevrolet of Coopersville for sponsoring a vehicle for the hole-‐in-‐one contest at this year's and for many past years of the Memorial Golf Scramble. FYI. Post 28 SAL has met 9 9.87% of its membership goals. Mark this date: September 18, 2015 for the SAL Fish Boil as part of the Grand Haven Salmon Festival, Sept.18-‐20. Mike Zolik, SAL Commander LEGION RIDERS Another month has come and gone and we are finally starting to see some w armer weather. W e sure don't need any more rain because it cuts into our riding time. Twelve of our ALR members w ent on the 1st Annual Veterans Run in memory of Doug DeRidder. Post 179 raised over $8,000 dollars and w ill purchase needed items for the Veterans home in Grand Rapids. Nice job!!!!!! We have hot dog dinner on the 14 th and pulled pork on the 15th. We will be serving hot dogs on the 28th when the Clown Band plays. We look forward to serving you and using the monies we make to help our fellow veterans. Our next meeting is July 2nd. I can't say it enough: WATCH OUT FOR MOTORCYCLES. Freddy Smith, ALR Director TAPS WERE PLAYED FOR: Marcel Mazago. WWII Army Ronald Bacon, V ietnam Army Issue #1131 July 2015 Tina’s Tidbits Flag Retirement Program Hard to believe we are already talking about Coast Guard events. On Tuesday July 28th we will have the Scottville Clown Band back again for another show from 7-‐9 pm. This is a show for all ages and w ill be open to the public. They will be playing in the west parking lot. We are asking everyone to bring your own chairs. There w ill not be any parking here at the Post. Please make plans to walk, ride your bike or we are working with Harbor Transit about shuttle services. There will not be any cover charge but we will be asking for donations for one of the Veterans' Charities. 100% of the money raised goes to help our Veterans. July drink specials: $2.00 Cream Soda (vanilla vodka & root beer). Wine special is Sol Rio Red Sangria $3.00 a glass or $10.00 a bottle. Please check the calendar for all our special events. Thanks, Tina Family m embers of Richard Westhoff took part in the "Flag Retirement Program" at the American Legion. The Westhoff family presented to the Legion Honor Guard the flag from Richard Westhoff’s "Celebration of Life Service". The flag had been flown at the Legion for several months before it was unserviceable. Flag Day Program Some of the many donations collected for the Adopt a Platoon Program. To learn more about this great program go to www.adoptaplatoon.org. Coast guard week meeting Believe it or not, Coast Guard w eek is in our crosshairs! This is Grand Haven and Post 28’s biggest week, and Charles Conklin is right in the middle of it. There will be a meeting for volunteers July 14th. The meeting will cover the whole week of Coast Guard, from Monday July 27th when the “ships come in” to fireworks on Saturday August 1st. The meeting starts at 7 pm so come hungry as the legion Riders will be serving up dogs and brats. 98th Commander Bob Wydeck will be chairing. See you there. Vets’ benefits corner Post Service Officers Garrett Veihl and Larry Lambert can be reached by email at post28pso@gmail.com. Please when emailing leave a short note on your needs and your phone number. It would also help if we knew the time served, what war, etc. If you do not have means to email you can reach Garrett at 1-‐616-‐843-‐1864. Larry can be reached at 1-‐616-‐502-‐3325. Text messages are welcome as it makes it easier for us to understand what’s needed. W e will be at Post 28 each Monday morning from 9 to 1 0 am and the first Tuesday night of the month from 6 to 7 pm. American Legion Post #28 The C harles A. Conklin American L egion Post 28 and the VFW Post 2326 Grand Haven took part in a Flag Day program at the F ord dealership in Grand Haven on Flag Day June 14th . The program is put on by the Grand Haven Elks and the History of the American flag is on display. 2015 boys state On June 14th our post sent 35 Juniors from Grand Haven, Spring Lake and Coopersville High School to Boys State. This group of kids was very active and successful in their achievements. Robert Atterburn from Grand Haven High School was elected as Governor of Boys State, Brock Boterenbrood also from Grand Haven High School was nominated as 1st alternate for Boys Nation and overall 13 of the Juniors were elected as o fficials in either City or County positions. This Post should be proud of their support of this program. Once again Charles A. Conklin sent by far the largest group of kids for the entire State. Issue #1131 July 2015 SCOTTVILLE CLOWN BAND JULY 28 2015 – 7 PM CHICKEN BAR-B-Q PUBLIC INVITED FRIDAY JULY 31ST 5:30 – 7 PM SATURDAY AUGUST 1ST 12 NOON – 7 PM Show for all ages Open to the public Outdoors -‐ Bring your own chair Hot dogs No parking at the Post Donations w elcome first come first served ADULTS $9.00 A PLATE Editor Newsletter Submissions Dave MacKellar mackeda1@aol.com Drink Special $2.00 Cream Soda (Vanilla Vodka & Rootbeer) Sunday Pizza & Pitcher Special is done for the summer Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday July 1 2 3 No Burgers 4 10 11 $1 CAN BEER Summer Hours 1-‐10pm M-‐F Noon-‐10pm Sat. 1-‐9pm Sun. 5 6 7 $1 Draft 8am Bldg&Grnds 7:30pm SAL m eeting $2 U-‐Call Tall 6pm House Comm. 7pm Post Meeting 12 13 14 $1 Draft 19 $1 Draft 26 $1 Draft Wine – Sol Rio Red Sangria $3 glass/$10 bottle 8am Bldg&Grnds $1 CAN BEER 7pm 8&40 Meet. 7pm Coast Guard Week Meeting 8am Bldg&Grnds $2 U-‐Call Tall 27 21 7 pm Aux. meet. 7pm Executive Committee $1 CAN BEER Open to the public $2 U-‐Call Tall American Legion Post #28 8 5 PM ZESTY SPAGHETTI Salad Garlic Toast 15 9 16 5 PM 7 p m COUNTRY STYLE PULLED PORK Mashed Potatoes Veggies Cornbread No Karaoke 6 pm Burgers 17 18 6 pm Burgers 22 5 PM SUCCULENT SWISS STEAK 23 24 30 31 25 6 pm Burgers 6-‐10 pm Group Therapy Band Mashed Potatoes Veggies Dinner Roll 29 Open to the public 6 pm DECK-E-OKE Open to the public No Dinner $1 CAN BEER 7pm ALR Meeting Cole Slaw, Fries, Roll 28 8am Bldg&Grnds 7 pm SCOTTVILLE CLOWN BAND 12 noon PARADE OF SHIPS PERCH DINNER $1 CAN BEER $2 U-‐Call Tall 20 5 PM Open to the public August 1 Coast Guard Enlisted Personnel Dinner 5pm Chicken Dinner Public welcome @ 5:30 pm -‐7pm 12noon – 7pm Char-grilled CHICKEN 6-Bean Medley Potato Salad Dinner Roll Issue #1131 July 2015
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