September 2015 - Grand Haven American Legion


September 2015 - Grand Haven American Legion
 Charles A. Conklin Post #28
Hours: Mon. – Fri. 2pm – 10pm Saturday 12pm – 10pm Sunday 1pm – 7pm Newsletter published monthly by Charles A. Conklin Post #28 of the American Legion
P. O. Box 439 ~ 700 S. Harbor Avenue ~ Grand Haven, MI 49417-1743 ~
Legion Bob Wydeck, Post 28 Commander Chris Jarvis, 1st Vice Commander Jim Porenta, 2nd Vice Commander Rick Chittenden, Adjutant Jim Thayer, Finance Officer Duane Smith, Chaplain Harry Dyck, Judge Advocate Freddy Smith, Sergeant-­‐at-­‐Arms Dave MacKellar, Historian Garrett Veihl, Service Officer Larry Lambert, Service Officer Ray Ribbink, Executive-­‐at-­‐Large Freddy Smith, Executive-­‐at-­‐Large Jim Vette, Executive-­‐at-­‐Large Dave Carlson, Past Commander AUXILIARY
Michele Stetts, President Kathleen Edwards, 1st VP/Membership Linda Gieske, 2nd Vice President Ginny Hebert, Secretary Romayne Althaus, Treasurer Brenda Woodman, Historian Judy Fischer, Chaplain Barb Kelly, Sergeant-­‐at-­‐Arms Ann Kammeraad, Past President We are closing on summer’s end already. W here did summer go? With the Festivities, the Clown Band and Coast Guard Festival I hope all had fun. It was a pleasure to have the Enlisted Men’s dinner, as I know they w ere looking forward to it. Thank you to the Auxiliary, SAL, Legionnaires, ALR and Tina and her bar crew for their roles in making things run so smoothly. Don't forget the Post #28 picnic o n September 13th here at the post. Please bring a dish to pass and enjoy yourselves. We will be having a short program at the Legion for the men and w omen lost during the September 11, 2001 attack. The Program will start at 10 AM on Friday September 11 in front of the Legion, weather permitting. Come down and join us. Remember to fly your flag on this Patriot Day. Bob Wydeck, Post #28 98th Commander Pictured from left to right: Commander Bob Wydeck, Boys State delegates Marsal Gabala and Robert Aterburn, and 1st Vice Commander Chris Jarvis. Marsal and Robert came to a meeting and talked to the membership about their week at Boys State. Sal
Mike Zolik, Commander Tom Shultz, 1st Vice Commander Jack DeMarr, 2nd Vice Commander T.L. Lowe, Finance Officer Al VanDam, Chaplain Brock Rogers, Historian Carl Lori, Legion Advisor Scott Kelly, Membership Paul Kubicek, Adjutant Tom Greenberg, Past Commander Legion riders
Freddy Smith, Director Bob Wydeck, Assistant Director Chase Kamhout, Sergeant-­‐at-­‐Arms Diana Arens, Secretary Larry Foose, Treasurer Ryan Atkins, Chaplain Sally Kemme, Membership Chair CLUB Manager Tina Davis tina-­‐ American Legion Post #28 MEMBERSHIP NEWS
NEW M EMBERS Gerald L. Erdmann, Vietnam Army Lloyd Grover III, Vietnam Army Richard T. Heckman, Vietnam Air Force William G. Huch, Panama Marines Daniel L. Kitchen, Gulf Army Mark A. McMillin, Vietnam Army William W. Moore, Korea Army Tyler R. Piper, Gulf/Active Army Curtis W . Seiler, Vietnam Army Samuel L. Starook, Korea Army Edward J. Volovlek, Vietnam Army NEW MEMBERS Michael W. Joynt, Jr., Panama Army Richard Pellegrom, Vietnam Army Ray P. Akers, Gulf Marines Walter A. Borns, Vietnam Army David W. McKeague, Vietnam Army Lance H. Norris, Vietnam Army Robert J. Rogers, Vietnam Army Gregory T. Sobczak, Vietnam Navy Larry J. Steele, Vietnam Army George Van Strien, WWII Army TRANSFERS David W. Conklin, Vietnam Marines James M. Hofstra, Vietnam Air Force Bernard McKenzie, Vietnam Army Joseph L. O'Neill, Vietnam Marines Joseph R. Sherman, Gulf Navy Henry C. Vanderveen, Vietnam Army James A. Van Geest, Vietnam Navy TAPS WERE PLAYED FOR: William Grant, Korea Navy Russell Laman, Korea Army Charles Gerrish, W WII Army Larry Kuipers, WWII Navy Harlan Hockenbraugh, W WII Army Issue #1133 September 2015 AUXILIARY
The way you get meaning into your life is to
devote yourself to loving others. Devote yourself to
your community around you, and devote yourself
to creating something that gives you purpose and
meaning. - Mitch Albom
National will be sending out 2016 membership renewal notices this month. Your 2015 card is valid until December 31, 2015. Our 2015-­‐2016 Hostess Booklets are now available and will be mailed with your 2016 card upon renewal. Welcome to our many new members – over 200 in the past year.
At the June Convention we received several Department awards for membership. On August 18th, six Auxiliary & Legion members worked Bingo night at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans; our Unit donated $150 for prizes. At our August 25th meeting, our Girls State d elegates reported on their experiences in government. FYI: Fall Conference is in Lansing, MI, on September 18-­‐20. Volunteers Needed: November 11 th -­‐ Veterans’ Day dinner. Enjoy the last days of summer! Michele Stetts, President Auxiliary Initiation Tuesday September 22 , 2015. Social: 6:30 p.m. Hors d’oeuvres/desserts Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. 8 & 40
salon 499
Officers Linda Quaine, Chapeau Myrna Puse, Demi Chapeau Premier Barb Herron, Demi Chapeau Deuxieme Ann Kammeraad, La Secretaire Michele Stetts, La Cassiere Kathleen E dwards, L’Archiviste Veloyce Hansen, L’Aumonier Cleo Phipps, L’Avocate Louise Svoboda, La Concierge Ann Kammeraad, Le Pouvoir Char MacKellar, Past Chapeau It was w onderful to see so many partners at JW's for our August meeting! It was also wonderful to learn that our 2015 historical record book, created by Kathy Edwards, was awarded first prize and presented to Myrna Puse and Ann Kammeraad at La Marche in Manistee. The book and the plaque will be displayed at our September 8th meeting. Please check your calendar to see if you might be available to help at the chicken dinner we are hosting on September 30th at the Legion. Linda Quaine, Chapeau SAL
At our August meeting, Past-­‐Commander Dave Carlson introduced newly elected Commander Bob Wydeck. Bob addressed the membership and thanked the SAL for its financial and volunteer support to the Legion. Commander W ydeck considers all Post 28 organizations to be part of the American Legion family. Continual funding of the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans is Bob's major charitable concern during his leadership. The SAL w elcomes Commander W ydeck and looks forward to working with him. FYI: W e welcome these new member to the SAL: Bill Callicot, Richard Garray, Thomas Deater, Adam Poel, William Homik, Mark Bydalek, Brain Bydalek, Robert Kochleft, Bruce Beals, Paul Steigenga, Jeffrey Locher, Richard Klein, Mark Huyser, and Mark Hessler. FYI: No Vegas Night! New state requirements make it too difficult to run this event. FYI: The Legion picnic is Sunday September 13. The SAL sets up, works, and cleans up. Volunteers are needed at 9 a.m. Grand Haven Salmon Festival Sept.18-­20. The SAL Fish Boil is Friday, September 18th. Positions are available for onion & potato peelers, corn shuckers, fish slicers, bartenders, etc. Sign up sheets can be found at the lounge bar. Mike Zolik, SAL Commander A tableful of onion peelers! Honor guard
Honor Guard had four funerals from last post meeting. Army National Guard helped w ith three funerals. Honor Guard Leader: George LEGION RIDERS
On August 15, 2015 the ALR paid tribute to one of its own, Mike Petzink. W e escorted his ashes to the cemetery, took place in a graveside service, went to his memorial service and had a ceremony at the Legion. We did this for our fellow Legionnaire, Rider and friend. For those of you who did not know Mike, he had numerous health issues, but you w ould never know it if you met him. He was very outgoing, talkative and a very nice man. For those who did know him, we have lost a friend and rider. MIKE, you will be missed but not forgotten. Ride on my friend. Freddy Smith, ALR Director American Legion Post #28 Pictured from left to right are Past C ommander MacKellar, New Honor Guard Members: Larry Lambert, Chaplain Duane Smith, and John Bilski, Commander Bob Wydeck, and Honor Guard Leader George Bennett. Issue #1133 September 2015 Tina’s Tidbits
The return of fall brings the return of our "winter" hours. Monday -­‐ Friday 2 pm to 1 0 pm, Saturdays noon to 10 pm, and Sundays 1-­‐7 pm. beginning September 8th. The Legion picnic will be here at the Post Sunday September 13th from noon -­‐ 4 pm. We ask that everyone bring a dish to pass. There will be hot dogs (donated by the Legion Riders), beer and pop. We will be fencing off the front yard and be playing bingo. Please remember only card carrying members can purchase alcohol. This does not include "sharing" your card with your spouse, friends, etc. Thanks to all the volunteers that make this Post a huge
success. Thanks, Tina The Scottville Clown Band wowed the crowd on Tuesday, July 28th. Let the good times roll! NOTES FROM THE JUDGE ADVOCATE DEBATE ON A MOTION Last month we learned how to present, second and call for discussion on a motion. Motions are important to the membership since they are legally binding until they are formally removed or amended. A motion is just as binding on the Post as are the By-­‐Laws or a resolution, so we need to know our rules. When a motion has been stated by the Commander, it is said to be “pending”, or more commonly, “on the floor.” This is the time for debate or discussion on the merits of the question – whether the proposed action should o r should not be taken. During d ebate, there may be certain other motions made relating to the main motion; these are called “secondary motions.” The most common secondary motion that relates to a pending motion is to “amend” it. Amending a pending motion requires a formal motion (although subsidiary to the pending motion). The secondary motion is then considered and either accepted or rejected by a vote of the members. If the secondary motion is adopted, then the pending motion is re-­‐stated including the amendment and presented to the members for vote. If the secondary motion is rejected, the pending motion is re-­‐stated in original form and presented. It is important to note that the vote on the secondary motion does neither adopt nor reject the pending motion, which must stand alone for vote. How do you know when a simple majority vote, or a 2/3 majority vote, a quorum vote, or other requirements exist. Stay tuned for more “Notes from the Judge Advocate.” Post #28 JUDGE ADVOCATE Harry “Skip” Dyck email: Vets’ benefits corner
The following members and friends of the Legion are facing medical issues or may be approaching their last change of station since we last met. Please reach o ut to them and their families if you feel so led and keep all of them in your prayers. If you wish or you know of a member who would like a Chaplain's visit at home or in the hospital please let me know. I can be contacted at In case of an emergency or a member’s passing I can be reached at 616.502.1555. In His and Your Service, Duane "Smitty" Smith, Chaplain Todd VanZantwick Ken Lawrence Charles Davis Bob Lintjer, Sr. American Legion Post #28 Here are a few programs to assist Veterans: AMERICAN LEGION NATIONAL 'TEMPORARY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Application must be for w artime veterans who have minor children in the home. Application can be o btained from Department Headquarters. See your Post Service Officer (PSO), and he/she will assist you. DEPARTMENT WELFARE FUND: To assist with emergency needs such as FOOD, RENT, or UTILITIES. Wartime veterans who were honorably discharged, or the widow of said veteran, can apply for the maximum amount of $225 per calendar year. Applications can be o btained by contacting Department; see your PSO for assistance. NATIONAL EMERGENCY FUND: A national American Legion program that handles financial assistance for individuals or post if the assistance is due to "declared" national disasters such as floods, tornados, hurricanes, or related adverse weather events. Individual grants are up to $1,500 and Post grants are up to $5,000. Contact Department Adjutant Ron Runyan at 517-­‐371-­‐4720. Issue #1133 September 2015 ANNUAL LEGION PICNIC Sunday, September 13, 2015 Noon – 4 pm at Post #28 Hot dogs, beer, pop and sweet corn provided Please bring a dish to pass BINGO under the deck called by Commander & Mrs. Bob Wydeck Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Paul Zukunft and his wife came to the American Legion. They are pictured above with WWII V eteran M MC2 Philip Vale and Post Commander Bob Wydeck and wife Kathy. Editor
Drink Special Appletini $2.00 Newsletter Submissions Dave MacKellar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Aug. 30 31 Sept. 1 2 3 4 $1 Draft 8am Bldg&Grnds 5 $2 U-­‐Call Tall 6 7 $1 Draft 8am Bldg&Grnds $2 U-­‐Call Tall 13 14 GION PICNIC LE
Noon – 4 PM 8am Bldg&Grnds $2 U-­‐Call Tall 20 21 $1 Draft 8am Bldg&Grnds ALR Hot Dogs $2 U-­‐Call Tall 27 28 $1 Draft 8am Bldg&Grnds 16 $2 U-­‐Call Tall American Legion Post #28 11 6pm House Comm. 7pm Post Meeting NO KARAOKE 12 10am 9/11 Program 6-­‐8 pm Burgers 5 PM 17 18 23 5 PM SUCCULENT SWISS STEAK Mashed Potatoes Veggies Dinner Roll $8.00 30 5 PM CHAR-­GRILLED CHICKEN Mashed Potatoes Veggies Dinner Roll 24 7 pm Trivia Oct. 1 7pm ALR Meeting Goodfellows Meeting 19 6-­‐8 pm Burgers 6pm 7 pm Executive COUNTRY STYLE Salmon Fest PULLED PORK Committee Volunteer Mashed Potatoes Party Veggies Cornbread $1 CAN BEER $8.00 6:30pm Aux. Initiation ALR Hot Dogs $1 CAN BEER 6-­‐8 pm Burgers $8.00 29 10 5 PM ZESTY SPAGHETTI Salad Garlic Toast $1 CAN BEER 22 9 7pm 8&40 Meeting 7pm ALR Meeting $9.00 $1 CAN BEER 15 7:30pm SAL meeting 5 PM PERCH Fries, Slaw Dinner Roll 8 6pm House Comm. 7pm Post Meeting SAL Fish Boil 25 26 6-­‐8 pm Burgers 2 3 6-­‐8 pm Burgers $9.00 Issue #1133 September 2015