blends and mixes - IMERYS Roof Tiles
blends and mixes - IMERYS Roof Tiles
The IMERYS Phalempin BLENDS AND MIXES Distinctive blends and stunning mixes Uniclass L5211 Cl/SfB (47) Ng2 IMERYS Phalempin BLENDS AND MIXES Distinctive pre-mixed blends and stunning mixes The 17x27 traditional clay plain tile is produced at Phalempin in the Normandy region in France, with appealing textured sand finish and thickness that you would normally associate with expensive hand made clay tiles. Stunning results can be achieved by mixing different colours of Phalempin. Choose one of our distinctive pre-mixed blends, or create your own - good practice requires that tiles from at least three different pallets be mixed when roofing so why not formulate your own mix using different colours? Colours Technical Data Phalempin is available in a number of attractive colours, which may be used individually or mixed on site to create your own distinctive blend. Millennium and Vintage are supplied pre-mixed. Amber (007) Rustic Red (006) Weathered (110) Volcano (122) Val de Seine (104) Natural Red (Special Order Only) Vintage (145) (pre-mixed blend) Millennium (132) (pre-mixed blend) To overcome any minor shade variation inherent in the firing of natural materials we recommend that you mix the products on site by selecting tiles from a minimum of three pallets. The colours shown here are colour reproductions and are shown as a guide. Product samples are available on request. The Phalempin 17x27 Quantity per pallet 1,088 tiles Tile size 170mm x 270mm Coverage 60 per m2 Nominal gauge 100mm (Vertical 115mm) Minimum headlap 70mm at 100mm gauge Unit weight 1.1Kg Weight per m 65Kg 2 Minimum roof pitch 30° † Batten coverage 10m per m2 Batten size 25x38mm Nail size 38/40x2.65mm † as tested at the BRE. Millennium Mix 35° Minimum Pitch. Phalempin Accessories The Phalempin range includes an extensive range of accessories, dry fix and ventilation options to cover all your roofing needs. To find out more about the options this tile offers, please ask your IMERYS stockist for a copy of our Phalempin roof tile brochure. Phalempin dry vent ridge section THE IMERYS MILLENNIUM PRE-MIXED BLEND Creating a heritage appearance for new build or refurbishment The Millennium blend has been developed with a passion and concern for the environment that surrounds us, with over 200 years of experience and expertise making the Millennium a natural choice. A UNIQUE, VARIABLE SURFACE FINISH Thanks to a special manufacturing process, the Phalempin site produces each Millennium tile in a unique fashion with its own texture and relief. The Millennium blend offers a vibrant blend of colours that will mellow and mature with time. MIX OF DIFFERENT SIZES Irregularity of sizes which is indispensable for the renovation of historic buildings with three different lengths varying by +/-5mm in order to recreate roofs as they used to be. NATURAL AND DURABLE Clay roof tiles are natural and durable which will enhance the aesthetic appearance of a roof for generations, leaving an inherent legacy for us to appreciate and enjoy. EASY INSTALLATION A variety of colours and sizes on the same pallet ensures ease of installation. THE IMERYS VINTAGE PRE-MIXED BLEND Offering the character and charm of reclaimed tiles With a mellow, textured surface combining the beautiful appearance of mature handmade tiles at no extra premium, the old reclaim appeal of the Vintage Blend creates and maintains a lasting beauty. NATURAL COLOUR TONES With computer controlled high temperature technology IMERYS roof tiles comply and exceed the requirements of BS EN 1304 and ISO 9001 quality assurance standards. PRE-MIXED BLEND Our Vintage Blend is supplied pre-mixed to ensure quick and easy installation (NBS fixing specifications are available on request). 30 YEAR GUARANTEE Like all IMERYS Phalempin tiles, the Vintage Blend is supported by our comprehensive market leading insurance backed 30 year durability guarantee*. Phalempin Horsham Mix Phalempin Hartwell two tile mix - Val de Seine/Vintage 60%/40% mix EXCLUSIVE Phalempin MIXES Warm, mellow and distinctive blends THE RENOWNED HORSHAM MIX The eye catching Horsham Mix is created by mixing on site equal quantities of three Phalempin tiles: Val de Seine • Rustic Red • Amber Rustic Red is frequently chosen as the colour for the accessories. THE BERKSHIRE MIX The Berkshire Mix is a combination of five Phalempin tiles. This blend produces a superb variation of subtle, natural tones. Val de Seine • Amber • Rustic Red • Volcano • Weathered EXCLUSIVE Phalempin MIXES Eye catching mixes to enhance your roof THE BERKSHIRE MIX This five tile mix was used to roof a period barn in Cambridgeshire, creating a traditional classic finish indigenous with the local area. Val de Seine • Amber • Rustic Red • Volcano • Weathered THE FELSHAM MIX This new mix was created by using the varied colour tones of three popular Phalempin tiles, creating a lovely contrasting effect with a quality finish enhancing the beautiful Suffolk village of Felsham. Rustic Red • Volcano • Val de Seine Phalempin Millennium Pre-mixed Blend Phalempin Rustic Red/Val de Seine Mix A + TECHNICAL SEMINARS AVAILABLE Selected Products ASSOCIATE MEMBER BS EN 1304 * APPROVED PRODUCT * IMERYS roof tiles have excellent environmental credentials and can achieve an A+ Rating in the Building Research Establishment’s (BRE) Green Guide to Specification National Building Specification Clauses (NBS) Local Stockist Imerys Roof Tiles Imerys Toiture - Site Industriel De Quincieux - ZI - BP47 - 69650 Quincieux - France Tel: 0161 928 4572 Fax: 0161 929 8513 Email: Revised 04/2016 All essential clauses for IMERYS roof specifications are available, detailing all work items in section H65 ‘Single lap roof tiling’ and H60 ‘Plain roof tiling’. IMERYS provide detailed fixing advice for the nailing and clipping of all our roof tiles on submission of your project drawings, including site plan and roof elevations in PDF format.
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