letter to shareholders - Imerys, Transform to perform
letter to shareholders - Imerys, Transform to perform
May 2013 LETTER TO SHAREHOLDERS 58 MESSAGE Gilles MICHEL Chairman and Chief Executive Officer RESULTS • 1 quarter 2013 key figures st PAGE 2 Dear Shareholders, In 2012, Imerys achieved its growth target for net income from current operations and strengthened its financial structure. The Group was quick to adapt to market conditions and integrated the Luzenac Group one year ahead of the initial schedule. In parallel, Imerys launched the first stages of its 2012-2016 plan by accelerating Research & Development programs, increasing growth investments and developing its diversity in terms of both regions and sectors. NEWS • Imerys invests in the USA to accelerate its development in Oilfield Minerals • Safety, a major issue at Imerys • Intellectual property: a pillar of innovation PAGE 3 In the 1st quarter of 2013, Imerys posted sound results despite a more difficult environment, particularly in the construction and industry sectors in Europe. Revenue was down - 4% at comparable structure and exchange rates compared with a high basis of comparison in the first quarter of 2012. The activity was also affected by harsh weather. The operating margin’s resilience at 12.6% reflects the Group’s reactivity, as it adapted its industrial assets to market conditions, as well as the continuation of cost reduction measures, which have been reinforced since the second half of 2012. The acquisition of PyraMax Ceramics, LLC, of which the ceramic proppant plant should start up by the end of 2013, will speed up our growth in the US oilfield sector. It illustrates our Group’s will to keep up its strategy of development, innovation and acquisitions that create long-term value. SHAREHOLDER’S NOTEBOOK We thank you, dear Shareholders, for your loyalty. • Share price evolution • Shareholder structure • Governance • Contacts Gilles Michel PAGE 4 RESULTS TO MARCH 31, 2013 1st quarter 2013: Sound results in a tough environment Imerys continued its development in the 1st quarter of 2013 in a more difficult market environment. While the economic slowdown was confirmed in Europe, growth continued in emerging countries but at a slower pace, with trends in the North American economy remaining positive. GROUP’S CONSOLIDATED REVENUE REVENUE BY BUSINESS GROUP -4% 23% REVENUE BY GEOGRAPHIC ZONE 22% 5% 25% (at comparable Group structure and exchange rates) 883 694 974 929 M€ 25% 752 29% 23% 48% Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Minerals for Ceramics, Refractories, Abrasives & Foundry Western Europe (of which France 16%) Performance & Filtration Minerals United States/Canada Pigments for Paper & Packaging Others (Japan/Australia) Materials & Monolithics Emerging countries REVENUE AFFECTED BY LOWER VOLUMES RESILIENT OPERATING MARGIN Revenue totaled 929 M€, a - 4.6% decrease compared with the 1st quarter of 2012. It takes into account a + 8 M€ (+ 0.8%) Group structure effect, mainly resulting from the acquisition of Itatex and of Goonvean’s kaolin activities in the United Kingdom. Currency trends explain an unfavorable foreign exchange effect of - 14.3 M€ (- 1.4%). The price/mix effect improved by + 1.6% while sales volumes decreased by - 5.6%, in relation to market trends and adverse weather conditions that weighed on the Building Materials activity in France. At comparable Group structure and exchange rates, turnover decreased - 4.0% compared with the 1st quarter of 2012, a high basis of comparison. At 117 M€, current operating income decreased - 7.3% compared with the 1st quarter of 2012. It takes into account a + 2 M€ exchange rate effect, with the Brazilian cost base benefiting from the real’s depreciation over the period. The operating margin held out at 12.6% in the 1st quarter of 2013, reflecting the effectiveness of fixed and variable cost control measures in a context of lower sales volumes. The improved price/mix component offset the rise in variable costs. 2 L E T T E R T O S H A R E H O L D E R S I M AY 2 0 1 3 @ NET INCOME FROM CURRENT OPERATIONS AND NET INCOME, GROUP’S SHARE The Group’s share of net income from current operations, down - 5.1% to 73 M€, mainly reflects the decrease in current operating income, and financial expense for - 16 M€ (- 19 M€ for 1st quarter 2012). The Group’s share of net income amounts to 70 M€ (74 M€ for 1st quarter 2012). The full press release and slideshow are available from the website www.imerys.com in the News & Media Center NEWS Imerys invests in the USA to accelerate its development in Oilfield Minerals On April 11, 2013, Imerys announced the acquisition, through the purchase of PyraMax Ceramics LLC, of a ceramic proppant production unit that is currently under construction. Proppants are small ceramic balls the size of a grain of sand (< 1 mm) that are used in non-conventional oil and gas field operation. Built in Wrens (Georgia, USA), the acquired industrial complex has total capacity of approximately 225,000 tons per year and will ramp up gradually in 2014. This capacity will be added to that of Imerys’ first proppant plant, which opened in Andersonville (Georgia, USA) in September 2011. Gilles Michel commented: “The interest in non-conventional deposits is opening up global prospects for the oilfield minerals market. By investing in this new industrial complex, Imerys has reached a significant step in the implementation of its internal growth strategy by 2016.” INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: A PILLAR OF INNOVATION Imerys has to protect its innovations to take full advantage of them. With almost 1,000 granted or pending patents, corresponding to over 300 innovations filed in various countries, the Group also has more than 200 models and designs, and over 3,700 trademarks. Safety, a major issue at Imerys The Group has recently focused on driving the supervisors’ safety ownership and improving the internal mine safety competence. A Supervisor Focus Program has been launched since the beginning of 2013 to maintain diligence and root safety culture in the operations. It requires each of the supervisors at Imerys to take a computer-based training module and implement the training through at least one Safety Visit each month since April. The Mine Safety Review program was initiated to better manage the risk in our quarries, especially on ground control and mobile equipment. The program has been put into place by a special team of internal geotechnical experts with the partnership of an international consulting firm. By the end of 2012, about 20 mining sites have been reviewed and these sites are now following up on the professional recommendations with concrete action plans to mitigate pertinent risks. M AY 2 0 1 3 I L E T T E R T O S H A R E H O L D E R S 3 SHAREHOLDER’S NOTEBOOK Share price evolution since January 1, 2013 SBF 120 (based on Imerys share price as on 01/01/2013) €55 SBF 120 + 3,7% €50 Imerys + 0,2% €45 January February IMERYS ON THE STOCK MARKET March • Number of shares: 75,551,327 (data as of April 30, 2013) • Nominal value: €2 Euronext Paris - Eurolist - Valeurs locales Compartiment A (Blue Chips) • Closing price: €49.75 (eligible for deferred settlement service) • Market capitalization: €3.7 bn As of April 17, 2013, Imerys’ share capital was made up as follows: 38,4% 2,5% 2,2% 0,2% Belgian Securities BV Institutional investors (*) Individual shareholders and employees April ISIN: FR0000120859 - NK Shareholder structure 56,7% Financial markets were affected by global macroeconomic uncertainties and the recessionary environment in Europe. Imerys share price has been volatile since the start of 2013 but was finally stable as on April 30, 2013 (+ 0.2%) after recording a + 34% rise in 2012, while the SBF 120 increased slightly to + 3.7% over the first four months of 2013, following a + 14% rise in 2012. News in brief GOVERNANCE The following resolutions were passed at the Ordinary & Extraordinary General Meeting of April 25, 2013: • approval of the 2012 financial statements; • renewal, for a period of three years, of the terms of office as Director of Mrs. Fatine Layt, as well as Mr. Ian Gallienne, Mr. Robert Peugeot, Mr. Olivier Pirotte and Mr. Amaury de Seze; • ratification of the cooptation of Mrs. Marion Guillou as Director for a period of three years; • appointment of Mrs. Marie-Françoise Walbaum, as a new Director, for a period of two years; • renewal, in favor of the Board of Directors, of the authorization for the Company to buy back its own shares and of financial authorizations. On this occasion, Mr. Jacques Drijard was warmly thanked for his dedication to the Group for the past 43 years, as well as Mr. Jean Monville and Mr. Pierre-Jean Sivignon for their contribution to the work of the Board and its Committees. Others (brokers etc.) Treasury shares * of which 9.8 % held by M&G Investment Management Limited (including shares held for The Vanguard Precious Metals & Mining Funds) We were very sad to learn of the death of Mr René Mitieus, who held the position of Chairman & CEO of Imetal from April 1993 to May 1998. The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee voiced their recognition for the work achieved at the head of the Group and joined with employees in expressing their deepest sympathy to his family and friends. CONTACTS NEXT DATE Tuesday, July 30, before trading: 1st half 2013 results - Financial Communications 154 rue de l’Université - 75007 Paris Tel: +33 (0) 1 49 55 66 55 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 49 55 63 98 - finance@imerys.com Website: http://www.imerys.com 4 L E T T E R T O S H A R E H O L D E R S I M AY 2 0 1 3 Conception: Bleu Cerise - Pictures credit: © Imerys - © hxdbzxy - © EDHAR Imerys