(Maxam v BoA) (Summons 30-2011-00450819-CU-MT-CXC)
(Maxam v BoA) (Summons 30-2011-00450819-CU-MT-CXC)
$JHOI{S (crrAcroit.frp,c' L, raorrcEroDFgsArar fiutorrr/lmllDQ[sm AddirfunalBrtir:rAilrfuafprge BANK OF AMERICA,N.A. TU' ATE IEIIG {E EY FT.I]TF s Additioal hics Aradhcdt DANIEL MAXAM Ftta b&, ,rt rrf I I _.. P4Ses ,- 2 -6 s. GorrtE JI oo!.tf d * t ^:g CLaAnn DAYIS rh"|l r'rn -d t{a-ffi |1r rrd c p bt r * F rp Frrlb ai Frrr-m rSarhf.AFalEcII r;;--I-lqtglP ErF tb;Ehqni*rnffi-baH6rlr il.fhrqfbrarth *P.rPardpyrrftF-( ;ha -rii ryr rc rd pqrtr U cdt rii trrtrgr' 4' rq' - Er Grt[tqrr l!€urr rab r r &tl qr lp rb d E - fir!' j*-tdt ryporn' q :*b ci |r fi rt -Eci lrYsr crr E 'tf ui.'jirr h r UElE-rGIlFrailvil.Grr E n rfr Eilrd itSr-fr3-rGOfl' bAIfr6rr lflartl-r-tfhFdrdtrd t3 cc a*.EEr. rr ccr,E-n a q * ubry 66rt-Ltffi I ffit" tr dr --d Jra6 - r q,l-ar pi it Srm rrd t1a rq11111f. Yq|r ff iih rtr€.ItEGrlr =-fr - r''d-Gr;i ft I'khra?rilgEFlth r@ 1rE ta h ffi, Tl:rl:mg*clranr- Elrdr rCreilr ef ;rr d' Oruc Cmiv fucric Cmt ?SrWSdfDrBMSo An, Califuiq gq?(ll, ffi Co@cx Crc T!| rI|, dlE, eU Etd|ol ffiH'dcirlrr elE|E, q' pffi rlurtrt rtrlrtr' bqn m up fr&' o a iffi aoatq, r ffir y e'rffi i itgerh u.;ogr{,iiffi, tE 'mU 9ililn CA Crlabcsts' 2010, f Xt-.t, ZS90t Crlsrnr Rd.' fu. . cr!fi DATT (Fcnd aY by l-l 1lu:d {ecol}ir -{r-psr rd u*trffir t - -affi*ld&HrH. 3 t-'l crbcn{d(gedfccP/He60@hn) uic E ocPalero(crya&r) l-l ccP416:o(t-ruccPs30 l-J =l OCPafa?O(sst*c) @P4rG-9(rffiPcrlat) + bgFltr*tlb ryd-CrE n F I-l ccPrrsroa *nag-rtdp1 or(ryrcila bypdC{tdrdyar(Glrt}- srffi =l ::s=\-|f= SHORTTITLE: Maxam, et al. v. Bank of America, N.A., et al. I i INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE This form may be used as an attachment to any summons if space does nol permit the listing of ail par-res ci lf tris attactrment is used, insert the following statement in the plaintifi or defundant box on the summcns: "Acc.:::a j :: s---::s. Athchment form is attadred.' =ates List additi,ooal parties (check only one box. use a separate page for each type of party.): tf Ptaintifi l-71 Defendant f Cross-Comptainant l--l Cros*Defendanr BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., a Dclas'are corporation; COTINTRYWTDE FTIIANCIAL CORPOR-+TION, a corporation, dba BAC HOME LOA\S SERVTCIIIG; COUNTRyWIDE HOME LOANS. INC., a -QelayTe Vo* Corporation; RECONTRUST COIIP"{}IY, N,A., A California entity form unknorvn; CTC REAL f:Y ESTATE SERVICES, a Califomia corporarion: and DOES I through 1000, inclusive- Page rtC Prgp :;- i€;ai&; f3.'la-:t:}--r j4 --;,3d Cc-ra :a 3ri-r ADDIROI{AL PARNES ATTACHIIEI{T 1 _oa: SHORTTITLE: Maxam, et al., v. Benk ) ) 6fd6sica" NA-, ct al. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE This form may be used as an attachment to any summons if space does not permit the listing of all parties on the summons. lf this attachment is used, insert the following statement in the plaintiff or defendant box on the summons: "Additional parties Attachment form is attached." Listafiional d parties (Checkonlyonebox. lJseaseparatepageforeachtypeof f-l Defendant I--l Cross-Complainant l-_l party.): cross-Defendant DANIEL MAXAM, an individual; CARA MCVEY, an individual; DANIEL MELENDEZ, an individual; GERALDINE MOECKEL, an individual; EDGAR MORALES, an individual; DINAH MOREAU, an individual; KEN MORRIS, an individual; ALAN MOSLEY, an individual; SOSTENES MURGA, an individual; IEE E. NOBLE, an individual; JOSE NUNEZ, an individual; DONALD OKADA, an individual; JESSE OSBORNE, an individual; LUIS PAGES, an individual; MARCELINO PALISOC, an individual; CLAYTON PELLETIER, an individual; MITCH PERERIA, an individual; RICHARD PILLSBURY, an individual; HAYDEN POGNI, an individual; ROGER PREBLE, an individual; CARLOS QUINO, an individual; LORETTA RAYA, an individual; THONDA cHISHOLM, an individual; DANIEL RICHARD, an individual; ROBERT GILBERT, an individual; AUDRA RODRIGUEZ, an individual; CESAR RODRIGUEZ, an individual; FRANK ROPER, an individual; HOWARD ROSENTHAL, an individual; ROGER ROTTLER, an individual; ANGELA SANCHEZ, an individual; SELINA WILDER, an individual; SHARON KING, an individual; JEREMY SHEAFFER, an individual; DEBRA SIMPSON, an individual; NATHAN SKIVER, an individual; GUILLERMO TABARES, an individual; STEPHAN TEICHMAN, an individual; FATIMA TENDERRO, an individual; TISHARRA SHREIBER, an individual; TODD GAGNON, an individual; JORGE TORRES, an individual; HWANG TRAN, an individual; RONALD TURNER, an individual; ROSEMARY TURNER, an individual; JOHN URTIAGA, an individual; THOMAS VAN DUSEN, an individual; NELDA VARGAS, an individual; LINDA VULAJ, an individual; RIK WAHLRAB, an individual; PHILIP WARMANEN, an individual; CHRISTIAN WELLMAN, an individual; MARK WHITEHEAD, an individual; DARNEL WYRICK, an individual; ALEJANDRO ALARCON, an individual; JULIE ANDERSON, an Page 2 (o Page I of Form Adopted fs Mandatory Use Judicial Couocil ol Califomia SUM-200(A) [Rev. January 1, 2004 ADDITIONAL PARTIES ATTACHMENT Aftachment to Summons 1 SHORTTITLE: Maxam, ct al-, v. B*nk of A-uerica' N'A', et al- ) + INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE This form may be used as an attachment to any summons if space does not permit the listing of all parties on the summons. lf this attachment is used, insert the following statement in the plaintiff or defendant box on the summons: "Additional Parties Attachment form is attached." List afional parties (Check only one box. Use a separate page for each type of pariy.)" Plaintiff [--l Defendant l--l individual; LYNETTE ASTORS, an Cross-Complainant f_l Cross-Defendant individual; BRUCE BARRETT, an individual; BRANSTON BAUDER, an individual; BRETT BORBA, an individual; BUNNY BOWERS, an individual; EDDIE BRANDES, an individual; ROY BREWER, an individual; BRAD J. BRITTON, an individual; HENRY BURGESS, an individual; JOSE CABANAS, an individual; ELVIRA CADENAS, an individual; MARIA CAMARILLO, an individual; CHRISTINE CARPENTER, an individual; ROBERT CASTORE, an individual; JAMES CHAFFIN, an individual; LISA DAGGS-CHARETTE, an individual; CHRIS CLARK, an individual; CHRISTINE Jl, an individual; MICHAEL COLLtGAN, an individual; SEANNA COLLIGAN, an individual; K.C. CRANDALL, an individual; ANTONIO CRUZ, an individual; COSME CRUZ, an individual; TUAN HAI DANG, an individual; STEPHANIE DIAMOND, an individual; DANG DIEP, an individual; DOLORES SABLAN, an individual; ROBERT DUBOIS, an individual; TERRI EADENS, an individual; EDITHA RESTAURO, an individual; KIRA EDWARDS, an individual; EVELYN SISTRUNK, an individual; ROSIBEL FADUL, an individual; ENIO FONTANELLI, an individual; DOUGLAS FORE, an individual; WILLIAM FOSTER, an individual; TRINA FRAZIER, an individual; GENARO MENJIVAR, an individual; GEORGE OLSEN, an individual; PAULETTE OLSEN, an individual; GLEN LEMMON, an individual; RICARDO GONZALEZ TAFOLLA, an individual; LEOPOLDO GONZALEZ, an individual; STEPHANIE GOTTERO, an individual; KARLA GOULART, an individual; SALVADOR GUTTERREZ, an individual; JACINTO GUZMAN, an individual; OFELIA THOMAS HERNANDEZ, an individual; TTMOTHY INFANGER, an individual; BENJAMIN INGRAM, an individual; TAMMY JACKSON, an individual; JAMES AIKEN, an individual; LYNETTE JAMORA, an individual; MARIA JIMINEZ, an "-| 2 6 Paqe 1 of Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of califomia SUM-200(A) [Rev. January 1,2004 ADDITIONAL PARTIES ATTACHMENT Attachment to Summons I SHORTTITLE: Maxaq I ) et ai-, v- Bank of Alasica. NA-, et aI- INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE if space does not permit the listing of all parties on the summons. summons This form may be used as an attachment to any lf this attachment is used, insert the following statement in the plaintiff or defendant box on the summons: "Additional Parties Attachment form is attached." List adltional parties (Check only one box. Use a separate page for each type of pafty.): { ,,.,n,0 |-_l Defendant l--l Cross-Complainant f_l Cross-Defendant individual; JOE BARELA, an individual; JOHN ALLEN, an individual; JOHN MORENO, an individual; LAVANCE JOHNSON, an individual; JOSEPH ELONGE-FOBlA, an individual; NARINDER KAUR, an individual; KEITH COTANT, an individual; KEVIN MCVEY, an individual; CHRISTINA KlM, an individual; JANE KOPECKY, an individual; JOSHUA KREITZER, an individual; JONATHAN LANDES, an individual; ASHLEY LARSON, an individual; LEVON LATCHINIAN; an individual; OLIVER LAZARO, an individual; DANIEL LARTIQUE, an individual; KERRIE LLOYD, an individual; CYNTHIA LUNA, an individual; LYN HENLEY, an individual; MADONA OANDASAN, an individual; JANA MALONE, an individual; PIERRE MARCOTTE, an individual; MARLENE GONZALEZ, an individual; NAOMI MARTINSEN, an individual; MARVTN MENDONCA, an individual; MAZIAR ABRISHAMIAN, an individual; JULIE BLACKLEY, an individual; DUANE BLEDSOE, an individual; MARK CAIRA, an individual; DAVID DELGADO, an individual; CLyDE DODSON, an individual; EVELYN HERRERA, an individual; BACHHONG KHONG, an individual; LOUTE LEW1S, an individual; JOEL LIEBKE, an individual; LARRY LUNSFORD, an individual; DARYL MCCANCE, an individual; EDWARD SANCHEZ, an individual; CONNIE SCHULENBERG, an individual; RTCHARD VAN DER WORP, an BELL, an individual; FRED WHITE, an individual; PETRE MILE, an individual; FRANZ individual; TIMOTHY SMITH, an individual; GILBERT SIGALA, an individual; ELENO DE LA CRUZ, an individual; NAOMI TROWER, an individual; SALVACION AQUINO, an individual; MANUEL ARECHIGA, an individual; AMRIK BAJWA, an individual; ROSARIO BARA, an individual; OLGA BARDALES, an individual; GtL BECKENSTEIN, an individual; RHONDA BOGGAN, an individual; RANDY BROOKS, an + Form Adopted for Mandalory Use Judicial Council of Califomia SUM-200(A) [Rev. January 1,2004 ADDITIONAL PARTIES ATTACHMENT Attachment to Summons + + INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE does not permit the listing of all parties on the sumrhons' This form may be used as an attachment to any summons if space plaintiff or defendant box on the summons: "Additional Farties the in statement lf this attachment is used, insert the following Attachment form is attached." party'): List additional parties (check only one box. tJse a separate page for each type of ft ,rutnrn f] Defendant fl Cross-Comptainant f-l Cross-Defendant individual; HAROLD BYRD, an individual; VITO CALABRESE, an individual; EVERADO CASTRO, an JOHNSON, an individual; GRACIELA CONTRERAS, an individual; ANIBAL CORDERO, an individualb OTTO RENE DE LEON, an individual; JOSE DELGADO, an individual; ALICIA DIAZ, an individual; DAVID PILLON, an individual; JOHN DONAHUE, an individual; JULIO DORADO, an individual; TUONG DU, an indfividual; ELLA FERNANDEZ, an individual; DAWN LENTZ FLOWERS, an individual; CHRISTIE FRANZ, an individual; SUSAN GALLAGHER, an individual; RUDY GARCIA, an individual; ADELA GARCIA, an individual; GttttOy GEORGE, an individual; JOERIN GEORGE, an individual; VLADIMIR GURLOR, an individual; RICHfRD HALLEY, an individual; CYNTIHIA HALLEY, an individual; CARMELA HERBERT, an individual; CHOI\TIA HOLMES, an individual; DARRELL HOOVER, an individual; DONALD JENKS, an individual; SHELDON KAMEN, an individual; SHAWN KEEBAUGH, an individual; TAMMY KEMMERER, an indivi{ual; JANE KlM, an individual; LOUIS KLEIN, an individual; GERALD KRAMER, an individual; JERRY LEE, an fndividpal; BRIAN LOGAN, an individual; RONNIE LYLES, an individual; PAUL MAILE, an individual; eQltrun MANYIKA, an individual; HASMIK MEKHITARIA, an individual; DONYANN MORGAN, an in[ividupl; ROBERT MORSE, an individual; JOSEPH NUGENT, an individual; DOUGLAS POWERS, an individupl; BETTE LOU PRENTICE, an individual; DIONICIO QUINONEZ, an individual; THERESA REAL, an individual; YEVETTE REEVES, gn individual; DENISE REGISTER, an individual; JOEY RIEDEL, an individlral; ENRIQUE ROMERO, an indiyidual; CONNIE ROOKER, an individual; RODNEY SADLER, an individual; HUGd 1 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial council of Califomia SUM-200(A) [Rev. January 1, 2007] ADDITIONAL PARTIES ATTACHMENT Attachment to Summons SHORT TITLE: Maxam. et al ) + Bank of Amenca- N This form may be used lf this attachment is Attachment form is List ad$tional parties ( _/ LU Plaintiff LJ SALAZAR, an ind INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE ap attachment to any summons if space does not permit the listing of all parties on insert the following statement in the plaintiff or defendant box on the summons: " summons. Parties only one box. Use a separate page for each type of parU.): f_l Cross-Complainant [-_lCross-Defendant l; RUBEN SANTIAGO, an individual; YADIRA SANTILLAN, an individdal; NAGINDER SINGH, an individ al; JAMES SPELLER, an individual; ANN TERRILL, an individual; WILLIAM THOMAS, an individual; HAIV. GLENN WARNE, an individual; SANDRA VALDEZ, an individual; TANYA VEGA, an individual; individual; situated named individual; SCOTT WETZEL, an individual; MICHAEL l; BERNARDO ZAVALA, an individual; JAMES PATE, an individual; ANGEL WIEDERHOLD, an ARIAS, an individ CHERYL WELCH, an NEIL WHITE, an individual; ACHINI WHITE, an individual; and others similarly rein as ROES 1-1000, inclusive. (t Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of Califomia SUM-200(A) [Rev. January 1, 2007] ADDITIONAL PARTIES ATTACHMENT Attachment to Summons a
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