Author`s personal copy - Cairo University Scholars
Author`s personal copy - Cairo University Scholars
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Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Author's personal copy burns 40 (2014) 97–105 Available online at ScienceDirect journal homepage: Effect of isokinetic training on muscle strength, size and gait after healed pediatric burn: A randomized controlled study Anwar Abdelgayed Ebid a,1,*, Shamekh Mohamed El-Shamy b, Amira Hussin Draz c a Department of Surgery, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt Department of Growth and Developmental Disorders in Children and its Surgery, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt c Department of Basic Science, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt b article info abstract Article history: Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of isokinetic training program Accepted 21 May 2013 on muscle strength, muscle size and gait parameters after healed pediatric burn. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Keywords: Subjects: Thirty three pediatric burned patients with circumferential lower extremity burn Pediatric burn with total body surface area (TBSA) ranging from 36 to 45%, and ages from 10 to 15 years Isokinetic strength participated in the study and were randomized into isokinetic group and a control group. Gait Non-burned healthy pediatric subjects were assessed similarly to burned subjects and Rehabilitation served as matched healthy controls. Methods: Patients in the isokinetic group (n = 16) participated in the isokinetic training program for 12 weeks for quadriceps dominant limb, 3 times per week, at angular velocity 1508/s, concentric mode of contraction, time rest between each set for 3 min, 3 sets/day and control group (n = 17) participated in home based physical therapy exercise program without isokinetic. Main measures: Assessment of quadriceps strength by isokinetic dynamometer, quadriceps size and gait parameters were performed at baseline and at the end of the training period for both groups. Results: Patients in isokinetic group showed a significant improvement in quadriceps strength, quadriceps size and gait parameters as compared with those in the control group. Quadriceps strength and percentage of improvement was 79.25 0.93 Nm (68.40%) for isokinetic group and 51.88 1.31 Nm (9.84%) for the control group. Quadriceps size and percentage of improvement was 31.50 0.89 cm (7.47%) for isokinetic group and 29.26 1.02 cm (1.02%) for the control group. Stride length, step length, velocity and cadence and percentage of improvement for isokinetic group was 135.50 2.82 (53.97%), 63.25 2.97 (63.77%), 135.94 1.65 (81.42%), 137.63 1.36 (66.96%) and for the control group was 94.00 2.69 (6.68%), 43.76 1.34 (15.15%), 81.11 1.91 (8.6%), 90.35 1.32 (9.01%) respectively. Conclusions: Participation in the isokinetic training program resulted in a greater improvement in quadriceps muscle strength, size and gait parameters in pediatric burn. # 2013 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +966 534024566/+20 1005253313. E-mail addresses:, (A.A. Ebid). 1 Member of Rehabilitation Research Chair (RRC), College of Applied Medical Sciences (CAMS), Umm Al-Qura University. 0305-4179/$36.00 # 2013 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved. Author's personal copy 98 1. burns 40 (2014) 97–105 Introduction Severe burns lead to a change in patient metabolism that may persist for over 24 months after the initial event [1]. The ensuing period of hypermetabolism and catabolism following a burn leads to impaired immune function, decreased wound healing, erosion of lean body mass (LBM), hinders rehabilitative efforts and reintegration into society is delayed and quality of life impaired [1,2]. There are at least two major factors that contribute to muscle deconditioning after major burn: bed rest and catabolic processes that lead to muscle atrophy. A serious burn results in the greatest hypermetabolic response in comparison with other physical traumas [3]. Increased metabolic rate can persist until wound closure is achieved [4] and perhaps for 6–9 months after wound closure [5]. Prolonged states of hypermetabolism result in catabolic consequences that may not be recognized in the acute phase of the injury but can later cause significant muscle wasting and deconditioning. Strategies for attenuating the maladaptive response after burn [6,7] can be divided into non-pharmacological and pharmacological approaches. The non-pharmacological approach includes early excision of burned skin and closure of wounds, pertinacious surveillance for and treatment of sepsis, early commencement of high-protein high-carbohydrate enteral feeding, elevation of the immediate environmental temperature to over 30 8C; and enrollment in an aerobic/ resistance exercise program. This integrative approach has been shown to improve outcome [8–10]. Survival rates after severe burn have significantly improved in the past two decades [11,12]. This progressive decline in mortality has highlighted the importance of physical rehabilitation after burn to maximize the recovery of physical function. Typically, standard physical and occupational rehabilitation therapy targets the improvement of overt physical changes associated with burn, such as uncomfortable scarring, range of motion (ROM) limitations, and contractures [13]. Independence in locomotion is the single variable that discriminated between patients who went home after discharge from those who were discharged to another institution. Thus, factors affecting locomotion, such as fatigue and muscle deconditioning, are also important during the rehabilitation phase of burn recovery [14]. Prevention and treatment of deconditioning and muscle wasting are emerging as important areas for research in burn rehabilitation. Exercise has been shown to counteract the muscle-wasting effects of age and inactivity [15,16]. Resistance training for several weeks increases muscle cross-sectional area, strength, and power [17]. Muscular hypertrophy and strength gains following resistance training are thought to be dependent on the intensity of exercise [18]. Isokinetic training caused significant increases in type II AB cross sectional area, with a tendency toward reduction in type II B muscle fibers. Isokinetic training probably imposed different loads on the muscle examined. Also, the isokinetic training had a combination of resistance and endurance characteristics, imposed under constant speed throughout the whole range of motion [19]. Despite the extensive amount of literature on the effects of resistance exercise in healthy non-burned children, there is a lack of data on the effects of isokinetic exercise training on muscle strength, muscle size and gait parameters in children with burn. Therefore, we designed this study to assess whether children with burn would benefit from an isokinetic exercise training program by increasing muscle strength, muscle size and improve gait parameters. 2. Materials and methods This was a 12-week blinded randomized controlled trial with two measurement points’ baseline (pre) and 12 weeks (post) Fig. 1. The assessors were blinded to the participants’ treatment assignments. Healed pediatric burned children (male and female) aged 10–15 years were recruited from Umm Almasrieen General Hospital, Giza, Egypt by instructing two physical therapists who were working in the burn unit to report all patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria of the study and had no exclusion criteria. All participants’ relatives provided informed consent form giving agreement to participation and publication of the results of the study. The burned children were categorized as having a circumferential lower limb deep second to third degree thermal injury extends from the lower trunk to the foot. They received the same medical care and physical Fig. 1 – Flow diagram of the study. Author's personal copy burns 40 (2014) 97–105 therapy program during the acute stage which includes: (positioning, range of motion, stretching exercise for lower limb muscles, daily walking, and exercise). All participants were asked to maintain their regular diet, normal daily activities and lifestyle throughout the study. Inclusion criteria: burned children, with percentages of burn ranged from 36 to 45% total body surface area, non-athletes and were being ambulatory without the use of an assistive device. The exclusion criteria include diabetes, neuropathy, neurological disorders, severe behavior or cognitive disorders, leg amputation, participation in any rehabilitation program prior to the study [20,21], any medication that could affect strength adaptations and adversely affect the results of the study, previous brain injury or any disease affecting balance, vestibular or visual disorders, lower limb deformity and history of epilepsy. Patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups; isokinetic group who received 12 weeks isokinetic training program on biodex system (Biodex Medical System, Shirley, NY, USA) plus home based physical therapy program (Range of motion exercise, splinting, stretching exercise for lower limb muscles, daily walking, functional training for ambulation and activities of daily living) and control group who received the same home based physical therapy program without isokinetic training. The numbers of participants in the study at each stage are shown in the CONSORT diagram in Fig. 1. All participants in this study follow exercise guidelines prescribed the exercise performed at home (three days/week) regarding the intensity, type and duration to control any variation between groups and no exercise done in the rest of the week. Random assignment of patients was conducted in two stages. Stage one involved instructing two physical therapists who were working in the faculty of physical therapy outpatient clinic to report all patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria of the study (Registration diagnosis, age, total body surface area burned) and had no exclusion criteria. The second stage involved randomly assigning the patients to either the isokinetic group or the control group, random process that involved opening an opaque envelope prepared by an independent person with random number generation. The randomization process was carried out by a registration clerk who was not involved in any part of the study. Outcome measures: includes quadriceps strength by using isokinetic dynamometer, quadriceps size by using tape measurement and selected gait parameters (stride length, step length, velocity and cadence,) by using GAITRite system. Non-burned healthy controls: the burned patients were pairmatched with 20 unburned healthy subjects who were recruited from the community. All variables were assessed similarly to burned subjects and served as matched healthy controls. They were paired as closely as possible to the burn subjects for sex distribution and age. 2.1. Evaluation of muscle strength Evaluation of muscle strength for all patients began after discharge. The subjects were asked to complete the personal data that included the subject’s name, age, address and telephone number. The height and weight of each subject were recorded from the height and weight scale. 99 Each child was allowed to ask any question about any part of the study; thus, the idea and the testing procedures of the study became clear for all subjects. The therapist performed the initial evaluation of knee extensor muscles of the dominant burned limb with Biodex isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex Medical System, Shiley, NY, USA, linked to IBM PC-computer software) .Calibration of the Biodex for torque and angular velocity was performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions prior to each recording session. After a 5-min warm-up on the treadmill without resistance, hot packs were applied for 15 min to the quadriceps; the participants stretched the quadriceps muscles of both limbs. Each muscle group was stretched 5 times for 30 s alternately for 5 min [22,23]. Following the warm-up, the participants were positioned in an isokinetic dynamometer with hip angle of 1008. The trunk, pelvis and thigh were stabilized using straps, in accordance with the Test and Rehabilitation System User’s Guide of Biodex. The participants familiarized themselves with the testing and training procedures: (1) the test procedure was demonstrated and explained to the patients and (2) patients were allowed to practice the actual movement during the three submaximal repetitions without load as warm-up. More repetitions were not allowed to prevent the onset of fatigue. The anatomical axis of rotation of the dynamometer were visually aligned to the axis of rotation of the knee joint before the test, while the isokinetic test was performed at an angular velocity of 1508/s. We used this speed versus lower or higher angular speeds, because it was well tolerated by the burned patient [24]. After the three sub-maximal warm up repetitions, more repetitions were not permitted so as to prevent fatigue. After warm-up repetitions, subject’s performed 10 maximal voluntary muscle contractions consecutively without rest in between. Three minutes of rest were given to minimize the effects of fatigue, and the test was repeated. Verbal encouragement, as well as visual feedback from the equipment, was given in an attempt to achieve a maximal voluntary effort level during all the contractions that each participant was asked to perform [23]. Values of peak torque were calculated by the Biodex software system. 2.2. Evaluation of quadriceps size Tape measurement used for assessment of quadriceps size (round measurement) for both groups at baseline and at the end of 12 weeks. The measurements were performed in a quiet room for quadriceps dominate leg at mid-thigh (MT) level which was taken as the midpoint between the upper pole of the patella and the anterior superior iliac spine. Measurements were performed at these locations to detect change in quadriceps size after isokinetic training. The measurement was taken with the quadriceps relaxed and without compression of the skin. The sequence of measurements was repeated three times at mid-thigh level by the same examiner in the same order. Circumferential measurements were recorded to the nearest 0.1 cm with an ordinary tape measure. 2.3. Evaluation of gait parameters The GAITRite system (GAITRite Gold software, PA, USA) is an electronic walkway that is connected to a personal computer Author's personal copy 100 burns 40 (2014) 97–105 Table 1 – Demographic characteristics of burned patients and non-burned healthy control. Burned Control group (N = 17) Gender Age (years) Height (cm) Weight (kg) TBSA Average % TBSA of LE Average length of hospitalization Non-burned Isokinetic group (N = 16) 11 male/6 female 13.60 1.12 140.06 2.93 48.0 2.85 42.40 3.13 25 2.6 32.29 2.71 10 male/6 female 13.46 1.18 140.2 3.30 48.86 2.92 42.06 3.08 26 2.8 31.87 2.75 Healthy (N = 20) 9 male/11 female 14.20 1.15 142.10 2.19 47.10 1.74 There were no significant differences between burn groups, no significant differences between all patients and non-burned. via an interface cable. Children were given standardized instructions to walk at their preferred walking speed bare footed. Parent or investigator verbally encouraged child to complete the gait task from the opposite end of the GAITRite mat to walk the entire length of the mat. Children completed at least 4 barefooted walks, each totaling a 7.66 m, which included 2 m off either end of the GAITRite mat for purposes of acceleration and deceleration. Notes were recorded regarding any unusual gait patterns. Subjects were asked to repeat any trial that had less than 4 steps on the GAITRite mat. Less than 1% of the trials were labeled mistrials. The mistrials occurred secondary to a child running down the mat and getting fewer than 4 footfalls on the mat surface or walking off the mat before 4 footfalls were recorded. Data on velocity (cm/s), cadence (steps/min), step length (centimeters), stride length (centimeters) was collected via computers. Several studies have reported the reliability and validity of measuring gait parameters using the GAITRite in healthy adult subjects [25]. Several authors [26–28] concluded that the GAITRite electronic walkway is an emerging clinical tool for the assessment of gait in children with and without disabilities. 2.4. Isokinetic training protocol The isokinetic training protocol was started after the initial evaluation and was performed 3 times a week for 12 weeks (36 sessions). Each session included a 5-min warm-up period on a treadmill at a velocity of 4 km/h, followed by five sets of quadriceps stretching as previously described [23,24]. Fifty percentages of average peak torque were selected as the initial dose of isokinetic exercise, and an increasing dose program was used in the first to fifth sessions (one set to five sets), and a dose of six sets was applied from the sixth to the 24th session and, finally, a dose of 10 sets was applied from the 25th to the 36th sessions. Each set consists of 10 repetitions concentric contraction at an angular velocity of 1508/s and patients were allowed 3 min of rest between sets [23]. Verbal encouragement, as well as visual feedback from the equipment, was given in an attempt to achieve a maximal voluntary effort level during all the contractions that each participant was asked to perform [22]. Values of peak torque were calculated by the Biodex software system. 3. Data analysis All data were examined using SPSS version 16.0. Descriptive statistics used to compare demographic characteristics of all groups. Our data were normally distributed which tested by Shapiro–Wilk test and the data were collected and statistically analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA to test hypothesis and to control both within and between variabilities. Results are reported as means and standard deviations. For all procedures, significance was accepted at the alpha level of 0.05. 4. Results For this study, fifty burned patients were identified as potential participants Fig. 1. Of these, eight were excluded because they failed to fulfill the inclusion criteria and five refused to participate in the study; Finally 33 pediatric patients with healed burn included in the study .The demographic characteristics of participants in both groups are listed in Table 1. Prior to the training period, there was no difference in the age, weight, height, gender distribution and body mass index among all groups ( p > 0.05) as in Table 1. The average length of hospitalization for control and isokinetic group was (32.29 2.71 days vs 31.87 2.75 days), the average lowerextremity (LE) TBSA burned was (25 2.6 and 26 2.8) and the length of time between injury and initial evaluation before the study was (42.25 3.49 vs. 44.35 3.95 days) respectively were similar in both groups of patients ( p > 0.05). 4.1. Quadriceps strength The mean values of peak torque for quadriceps muscle are reported in Table 2. Peak torque values of quadriceps muscle for non-burned healthy control subjects were 92.10 1.37 Nm. In all burned patient’s peak torque values for quadriceps were 47.15 0.97 Nm. There was a significant difference in the amount of peak torque between the burned and non-burned healthy control subjects. The burned group had 95.33% decreased peak torque for quadriceps compared with age non-burned healthy subjects at the beginning of the study. The data concerning the non-burned healthy control (peak torque as mean SD) was presented in Table 2. Author's personal copy 101 burns 40 (2014) 97–105 Table 2 – Mean values of quadriceps torque for burned patients and non-burned healthy control. Mean values of quadriceps peak torque (Nm) Burned Non-burned Control group Pre Mean SD F value, p % of improvement Isokinetic group Post 47.23 0.97 163.64, <0.001*c 9.84% Pre Healthy Post 51.88 1.31 47.06 0.99 3212.90, <0.001*c 10,174.87, <0.001*c 68.40% 79.25 0.93 92.10 1.37 Values are mean SD. cDF (degree of freedom) = 1.31 **Non significant. *Significant. Table 3 – Mean values of quadriceps size for burned patients and non-burned healthy control. Mean values of quadriceps size Burned Non-burned Control group Pre Mean SD 29.26 1.01 F value, p % of improvement 4.53, >0.001**c 1.02% Isokinetic group Post Pre 29.56 1.01 29.31 0.94 20.20, <0.001*c 35.90, <0.001*c 7.47% Healthy Post 31.50 0.89 34.75 0.96 Values are mean SD. cDF = 1.31. **Non significant. *Significant. Fig. 2 – Mean values of quadriceps torque for burned patients and non-burned healthy control. There was a significant increase in peak torque after 12 weeks in the isokinetic group and control group with favor to isokinetic group. Peak torque of quadriceps was 79.25 0.93 Nm vs. 51.88 1.31 Nm. The isokinetic group had 68.40% vs. 9.84% increased peak torque compared with the control group. Comparison of the mean percent change obtained revealed a significant increase in peak torque in the isokinetic group compared to the control group (Fig. 2). 4.2. decreased quadriceps size compared with age non-burned healthy subjects at the beginning of the study. The data concerning the non-burned healthy control (peak torque as mean SD) was presented in Table 3. There was a significant increase in quadriceps size after 12 weeks in the isokinetic group (p < 0.01) and non-significant increase for control group (p > 0.001). Values of quadriceps size were 31.50 0.89 cm vs. 29.56 1.01 cm. The isokinetic group had 7.47% vs. 1.02% increased peak torque compared with the control group. Comparison of the mean percent change obtained revealed a significant increase in quadriceps size in the isokinetic group compared to the control group (Fig. 3). 4.3. Gait parameters The mean values of gait parameters are reported in Table 4. Values of stride length, step length, velocity and cadence for Quadriceps size The mean values of quadriceps size are reported in Table 3. Values of quadriceps size for non-burned healthy control subjects were 34.75 0.96 cm. Quadriceps size in all burned patients was 29.24 0.96 cm. There was a significant difference in the quadriceps size between the burned and nonburned healthy control subjects. The burned group had 18.84% Fig. 3 – Mean values of quadriceps size for burned patients and non-burned healthy control. Author's personal copy 102 burns 40 (2014) 97–105 Table 4 – Mean values of gait parameters for burned patients and non-burned healthy control. Mean values of gait parameters Burned Non-burned Control group Pre Stride length (cm) F value, p % of improvement Step length (cm) F value, p % of improvement Velocity (cm/s) F value, p % of improvement Cadence (step/min) F value, p % of improvement 88.11 2.28 70.36, <0.001*c 6.68% 38.00 1.83 103.82, <0.001*c 15.15% 74.70 1.53 97.97, <0.001*c 8.6% 82.88 1.53 578.61, < 0.001*c 9.01% Isokinetic group Post Pre 94.00 2.69 88.00 2.09 1437.98, <0.001*c 3112.06, <0.001*c 53.97% 43.76 1.34 38.62 1.14 435.27, <0.001*c 1195.34, <0.001*c 63.77% 81.11 1.91 74.93 1.38 4169.13, <0.001*c 13,530.90, <0.001*c 81.42% 90.35 1.32 82.43 1.54 8005.51, <0.001*c 15,740.69, <0.001*c 66.96% Healthy Post 135.50 2.82 150.40 1.98 63.25 2.97 74.60 1.35 135.94 1.65 135.40 1.18 137.63 1.36 148.35 1.38 Values are mean SD. cDF = 1.31. **Non significant. *Significant. non-burned healthy control subjects were150.40 1.98 cm, 74.60 1.35 cm, 135.40 1.18 cm/s and 148.35 1.38 step/ min. Stride length, step length, velocity and cadence in all burned patients was 88.06 2.16 cm, 38.30 1.55 cm, 74.81 1.44 cm/s and 82.66 1.53 step/min. There was a significant difference in the stride length, step length, velocity and cadence between the burned and non-burned healthy control subjects. The burned group had 70.79%, 94.77%, 80.99%, and 79.47% decreased stride length, step length, velocity and cadence respectively compared with age nonburned healthy subjects at the beginning of the study. The data concerning the non-burned healthy control (peak torque as mean SD) was presented in Table 4. There was a significant increase in stride length, step length, velocity and cadence after 12 weeks in the isokinetic group and control group. Values of stride length, step length, velocity and cadence were 135.50 2.82 cm vs. 94.00 2.69 cm, 63.25 2.97 cm vs 43.76 1.34 cm, and 135.94 1.65 cm/s vs Fig. 4 – Mean values of gait parameters for burned patients and non-burned healthy. 81.11 1.91 cm/s and 137.63 1.36 step/min vs 90.35 1.32 step/min. The isokinetic group had 53.97%, 63.77%, 81.42% and 66.96% vs. 6.68%, 15.15%, 8.6% and 9.01% increase in stride length, step length, velocity and cadence compared with the control group. Comparison of the mean percent change obtained revealed a significant increase in stride length, step length, velocity and cadence in the isokinetic group compared to the control group (Fig. 4). Finally, there was statistically significant improvement in quadriceps strength, quadriceps size, and gait parameters were observed between subjects in the isokinetic group and their non-burned healthy control subjects after 12 weeks of training. By contrast quadriceps strength, quadriceps size, and gait parameters were not completely recovered in the isokinetic group compared with their non-burned matched healthy controls after 12 weeks. 5. Discussion The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of isokinetic training program on quadriceps muscle strength (force producing capacity), quadriceps size and selected gait parameters (velocity, cadence, step length and stride length) after healed pediatric burn. Our results indicate that there is an increase in muscle strength, muscle size and improve gait parameters in the isokinetic group after 12 weeks of isokinetic training program and this increase is not observed in the control group. Also, our results are in agreement with reported strength gains in nonburned children who trained using various resistance exercise protocols [29]. Prevention and treatment of deconditioning and muscle wasting are emerging as important areas for research in burn rehabilitation. Exercise has been shown to counteract the muscle-wasting effects of age and inactivity [15,16]. Author's personal copy burns 40 (2014) 97–105 The mechanisms underlying muscular adaptations involve many factors, that is, mechanical, metabolic, endocrine and neural factors, of these factors; training-induced muscular hypertrophy might be at least partially related to the secretions of endogenous anabolic hormones such as growth hormone (GH) and testosterone (TES) [30]. The normal physiological response to resistance training is reported to be increased neural activation and muscle hypertrophy [31,32]. Suman et al. [20] believed that neural adaptation predominates in the early phase of training and hypertrophy in the later phase. Despite increases in strength, muscle size and improve gait parameters found in our study, muscle weakness, decrease muscle size and deviated gait parameters seems to persist, as reflected by the low absolute peak torque values, muscle size and gait parameters compared with non-burned children of similar age, height, and weight. Isokinetic concentric training is an adequate stimulus for neural factors that contribute to strength gains in the training program. Neural factors were an important determinant in torque gains in training protocols. Also training of skeletal muscle by using isokinetic protocol is more effective and safe for rehabilitation of skeletal muscle torque after burn, because isokinetic machine stimulates neural mechanisms and enzymatic activity which lead to perfect action of skeletal muscles and increase the resistance of the muscle for fatigue [33]. Concentric muscle actions performed on isokinetic or accommodating-resistance machines, or concentric muscle actions only performed by weight lifting, have increased directly measured muscle cross sectional area (CSA), limb girth, or muscle fiber cross sectional area [34–37]. Isokinetic training protocol increases the mean peak torque output of skeletal muscle group. The significant improvement in strength obtained following training protocol is the result of neural adaptations by allowing better activation of the motor neuron pool and decrease fatigue of muscle, so the isokinetic training program leads to significant increase in muscle performance [38]. The torque gains in response to training are caused by adaptive changes in muscle or neural control. Muscle can adapt to a strength training program with hypertrophy or adequate stimulant for increase enzyme activity of glycolytic and mitochondrial enzyme [33]. Isokinetic training protocols induce skeletal muscle hypertrophy on three types of muscle fibers I, IIa and IIb also it increase the functional capacity of the all skeletal muscle fibers with significant increase in peak torque of skeletal muscle after training protocols [38] this is supported by Myer et al. [39] who reported that neuromuscular training protocols by using isokinetic that include both plyometrics and dynamic balance exercises can significantly improve biomechanics and neuromuscular performance and reduce ligamentouse injury. Our results were consistent with the results of Dragana et al. [40] who reported that the implemented isokinetic training protocols significantly improved the strength of the thigh muscles measured isokinetically and decreased the degree of muscle strength asymmetry. It is clear that the isokinetic training protocol evoked greater changes in thigh 103 muscle strength compared with isotonic training protocol, which is reflected in greater changes in the ipsilateral concentric ratio [40]. One of the consequences of severe burn is the significant loss of muscle mass [20]. Our results concerning the improvement of quadriceps strength and quadricepse size after 12 weeks was supported by Suman et al. [20] who stated that increase in muscle mass was observed in his population because of the initially extreme low level of muscle mass and conditioning. Ramsay et al. [32] speculated that the plateau they found in leg strength midway through a 20-weeks exercise program in healthy children may have been due to the initial higher level of conditioning of knee extensors. Thus the training stimulus needed to produce a response (i.e., hypertrophy) may be much less in the frail, burned child than in healthy counterparts [20]. Increases in strength after heavy-resistance training are due to muscular and/or neural adaptations. Muscular adaptations include an increase in the CSA of the prime movers (muscle hypertrophy) or adaptations that increase specific tension (force per unit CSA). Neural adaptations include increased prime mover motor unit activation, increased activation of synergistic muscles, or decreased activation of antagonistic muscles [41]. Verbal feedback and visual feedback not affect the peak torque output and gait parameters; this was consistent with the conclusions of Barbara et al. [42] who stated that peak torque executed during isokinetic sets is not significantly altered by the presence of visual and verbal feedback. Our results show a significantly greater increase in functional physical performance such as strength, muscle size and gait parameters due to the isokinetic training program and learning effects and this was consistent with Mark [43], who stated that, there are some specific considerations when undertaking strength testing to pediatric groups such as adaptation of equipment, stabilization and technique, habituation and learning effects, and safety. Increase in muscle strength and ability to walk in a satisfactory manner should result in an improvement in the burned child’s capability to return to normal activities of daily living, in addition to increased emotional and physical independence and self-confidence. However, the association between physical status and emotional and physical independence in burned children is presently unknown. Using an isokinetic training program as a way to prevent or attenuate further deterioration of muscle catabolism seen in burned patients. Our results indicate that, in children with >40% TBSA burned, an isokinetic training program based on progressive load is successful in improving strength, muscle size and gait patterns. The isokinetic training program in our study based on progressive load which decrease the fact of learning effect of the isokinetic training; also the improvement of muscle size and gait parameters is related to the progressive pattern of our program. Finally, our results demonstrate that severely burned children gain muscle strength, muscle size and improve gait patterns by participating in an isokinetic training program and that such a program should be a fundamental component of multidisciplinary outpatient treatment for victims of thermal injury. Author's personal copy 104 6. burns 40 (2014) 97–105 Conclusions Our results show that the isokinetic training program performed 3 times a week for 12 weeks, significantly improves quadriceps strength, size and gait parameters in children after burn. Conflict of interest None declared. Acknowledgements The authors thank the patients and volunteers who participated in this study. Also, I would like to thank all staff members working in the burn unit in Umm Almasrieen hospital and outpatient clinic in the faculty of physical therapy, Egypt for technical help and general support. references [1] Jeschke MG, Przkora R, Suman OE, Finnerty CC, Mlcak RP, Pereira CT, et al. Sex differences in the long-term outcome after a severe thermal injury. Shock 2007;27:461–5. [2] Finnerty CC, Herndon DN, Przkora R, Pereira CT, Oliveira HM, Queiroz DM, et al. Cytokine expression profile over time in severely burned pediatric patients. Shock 2006;26:13–9. [3] Lee JO, Benjamin D, Herndon DN. Nutritional support strategies for severely burned patients. Nutr Clin Pract 2005;20:325–30. [4] Kripner J, Broz L, Konigova R. Nutrition in patients with burn injuries in the intensive care unit. Acta Chir Plast 2004;46(2):39–40. 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