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L IV E O N STA G E VLB218 LINEA SUB UNISSON VLB218 El VLB-218 es un sistema poderoso de subwoffer de excelentes cualidades, concebido como un sistema pasivo para dos bocina de 18" maneja un litraje exacto otorgando una potente y profunda respuesta, ideal para eventos masivos donde la presión sonora importa mucho Fabricado con toda la tecnología e ingeniería VALBONY es una gran opción para audios profesionales de gran exigencia, con la posibilidad de sumar al colocar arreglos al piso desde 4 hasta 16 o mas. Compatible en tamaño con el vlb212 EL VLB-118 “TIENES QUE SENTIRLO” 52 (33) 3637 8976 L IV E O N STA G E LINEA SUB VLB218 CARACTERÍSTICAS: La caja acústica del VLB218 está fabricada con un característico sistema de ensamble encajonado cortando con precisión las tablas en ROUTER CNC las cuales pasan al área de armado, pegado, engrapado, clavado y atornillado a mano bajo rigurosos lineamientos de calidad, formando una pieza sólida y fuerte. esta fabricado en multiplay contrachapado importado de primera calidad de 18mm y reforzado en las partes críticas. TERMINADO: POLIUREA color negro a 3 capas. Este material es el numero 1 en terminados de alta calidad, mejorando la gran acústica de nuestros bafles y dandole una extraordinaria durabilidad y resistencia al uso e intemperie. Un terminado de clase mundial. Es el material más resistente conocido en el mercado Los frentes están protegidos con lámina de metal perforado y pintura electrostática, recubiertos de poroflex impermeable. MONTAJE: Los proyectos pueden surgir desde 4 cajas acústicas hasta 16 por lado. La recomendación empírica es un vlb218 por cada 2 vlb212, pero la mejor recomendación la tienes tu. COMPONENTES: 2 bocinas 18" (no incluido) con conectores NL4 perfectamente utilizable en montajes de mediana necesidad a grandes eventos DIMENSIONES: 109.5cm de ancho. 78cm de alto 56.5cm de fondo. PESO: 58kg (sin componentes) UNISSON 52- (33) 3637 8976 Belisario Dominguez 3993-1 Huentitán el alto Guadalajara, Jalisc,o México CP:44390 L IV E O N STA G E SISTEMA LINEAL VLB218 NOTA: Algunos elementos han sido omitidos a propósito para proteger propiedad intelectual. VISTA LATERAL VISTA FRONTAL 57cm 78cm VISTA SUPERIOR ISOMETRICO 109.5cm UNISSON 52- (33) 3637 8976 Belisario Dominguez 3993-1 Huentitán el alto Guadalajara, Jalisc,o México CP:44390 1+ 1+ 2- BOCINA IZQUIERDA (+) BOCINA DERECHA (+) BOCINA DERECHA (+) VLB-218 BOCINA IZQUIERDA (+) DIAGRAMA DE CONEXIÓN 2- 1- 1- 2+ 2+ PUENTE (-) PUENTE (+) CABLE ROJO ( + ) CABLE NEGRO ( - ) 8 OHMS UNISSON 52- (33) 3637 8976 Belisario Dominguez 3993-1 Huentitán el alto Guadalajara, Jalisc,o México CP:44390 18P1000Fe LOW FREQUENCY TRANSDUCER KEY FEATURES • • • • Real 1000 w AES power handling Sensitivity: 98dB @ 2.83v Large Xmax allowing longer voice coil displacements Designed for subwoofer applications that require extra power handling. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Nominal diameter Rated impedance Minimum impedance Power capacity* Program power Sensitivity Frequency range Recom. enclosure vol. Voice coil diameter Magnetic assembly weight BL factor Moving mass Voice coil length Air gap height X damage (peak to peak) 460 mm. 18 in. 8 ohms 6.2 ohms 1000 w AES 2000 w 98 dB 2.83v @ 1m @ 2p 25 - 2000 Hz 80 / 200 l 2.8 / 7 ft.3 100 mm. 4 in. 10.8 kg. 23.76 lb. 26 N / A 0.215 kg. 21 mm 12 mm 52 mm DIMENSION DRAWINGS MOUNTING INFORMATION THIELE-SMALL PARAMETERS** Resonant frequency, fs D.C. Voice coil resistance, Re Mechanical Quality Factor, Qms Electrical Quality Factor, Qes Total Quality Factor, Qts Equivalent Air Volume to Cms, Vas Mechanical Compliance, Cms Mechanical Resistance, Rms Efficiency, ho (%) Effective Surface Area, Sd (m2) Maximum Displacement, Xmax*** Displacement Volume, Vd Voice Coil Inductance, Le @ 1 kHz 40 Hz 5.1 ohms 15.11 0.40 0.39 163.2 l 75 mm / N 3.61 kg / s 2.5 0.1250 m2 8 mm 1000 cm3 2.8 mH Overall diameter Bolt circle diameter Baffle cutout diameter: - Front mount - Rear mount Depth Volume displaced by driver Net weight Shipping weight 462 mm. 18.19 in. 438 mm. 17.24 in. 413 mm. 400 mm. 203 mm. 13 l 12.9 kg. 14.4 kg. 16.26 in. 15.75 in. 7.99 in. 0.46 ft.3 28.38 lb. 31.68 lb. Notes: *The power capacity is determined according to AES2-1984 (r2003) standard. Program power is defined as the transducer’s ability to handle normal music program material. **T-S parameters are measured after an exercise period using a preconditioning power test. ***The Xmax is calculated as (Lvc - Hag)/2 + Hag/3.5, where Lvc is the voice coil length and Hag is the air gap height. Note: on axis frequency response measured with loudspeaker standing on infinite baffle in anechoic chamber, 1w @ 1m. FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE 108 FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND DISTORTION 18P1000Nd 18P1000Nd P1000/Nd Series KEY FEATURES • • • • • • Real 1000 W AES power handling Sensitivity: 98 dB @ 2.83V 4” duo technology voice coil Forced air convection circuit for low power compression Extended controlled displacement: Xmax ± 8 mm. Massive mechanical displacement capability: 52 mm p-p GENERAL DESCRIPTION This model is the result of an extensive and intense research of every single constituent part of an electro-dynamic loudspeaker, rethinking the basics and taking care of every detail, to withstand the extreme power conditions it has been designed to work in. All this investigation is reflected in the new and innovative technologies developed by Beyma and applied in this new transducer. DUO TECHNOLOGY 4” VOICE COIL • Laminated former combining two different advanced technology materials to enhance the voice coil life. • Voice coil winding coiled over the two faces of the former. • Double insulation paper (inner and outer) for optimum force transmission. • Superficial treatment of the voice coil winding to provide further protection to the voice coil wire. MOVING ASSEMBLY • High stiffness weather resistant paper cone. • Beyma Double Conex Spider technology (D.C.S.): the conex is a fireproof material that insures the preservation of the spider mechanical properties under extreme power conditions. • Beyma Mechanical Mirror Suspension System (M.M.S.S.): the diaphragm surround and the double spider have been carefully designed with the assistance of Finite Element calculations in order to match coherently, enabling long and controlled cone displacements. HEAT DISSIPATION • Low power compression due to the use of a forced convection mechanism. • This design has been optimized with the extensive use of miniature high temperature probes and real-time temperature acquisition systems, together with a thermographic camera to obtain real images of the heat distribution in the voice coil and forced convection effects. FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND DISTORTION CURVES UNDER-POLE NEODYMIUM MAGNET TOPOLOGY • F.E.A. optimized under-pole magnet topology. This geometry maximizes the flux density in the air-gap and completely eliminate the leakage magnetic field, avoiding any possible magnetic interference with other equipment. • High temperature neodymium magnets. FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE 0116 Note: on axis frequency response measured with loudspeaker standing on infinite baffle in anechoic chamber, 1w @ 1m. 18P1000Nd 18P1000Nd P1000/Nd Series TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Nominal diameter Rated impedance Minimum impedance Power capacity* Program power Sensitivity Frequency range Recom. enclosure vol. Voice coil diameter Magnetic assembly weight BL factor Moving mass Voice coil length Air gap height X damage (peak to peak) DIMENSION DRAWINGS 460 mm. 18 in. 8 ohms 6.2 ohms 1000 w AES 2000 w 98 dB 2.83v @ 1m @ 2p 25 - 2000 Hz 80 / 200 l 2.8 / 7 ft.3 100 mm. 4 in. 4.62 kg. 10.16 lb. 24.3 N / A 0.195 kg. 21 mm 12 mm 52 mm MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter Bolt circle diameter Baffle cutout diameter: - Front mount - Rear mount Depth Volume displaced by driver Net weight Shipping weight MATERIALS 460 mm. 18.11 in. 438 mm. 17.24 in. 413 mm. 16.26 in. 400 mm. 15.75 in. 201 mm. 7.91 in. 13 l 0.46 ft.3 7 kg. 15.4 lb. 8.5 kg. 18.7 lb. • • • • • Basket: Cast aluminium Cone: Paper Surround: Treated cloth Voice coil: Copper wire Magnet: Neodymium THIELE-SMALL PARAMETERS** Resonant frequency, fs D.C. Voice coil resistance, Re Mechanical Quality Factor, Qms Electrical Quality Factor, Qes Total Quality Factor, Qts Equivalent Air Volume to Cms, Vas Mechanical Compliance, Cms Mechanical Resistance, Rms Efficiency, ho (%) Effective Surface Area, Sd (m2) Maximum Displacement, Xmax*** Displacement Volume, Vd Voice Coil Inductance, Le @ 1 kHz 40 Hz 5.1 ohms. 9.87 0.43 0.41 178 l 80 mm / N 5 kg / s 2.6 0.1250 m2 8 mm 1000 cm3 2.8 mH Notes: *The power capacity is determined according to AES2-1984 (r2003) standard. Program power is defined as the transducer’s ability to handle normal music program material. **T-S parameters are measured after an exercise period using a preconditioning power test. The measurements are carried out with a velocity-current laser transducer and will reflect the long term parameters (once the loudspeaker has been working for a short period of time). ***The Xmax is calculated as (Lvc - Hag)/2 + Hag/3.5, where Lvc is the voice coil length and Hag is the air gap height. 0116 Polígono Industrial Moncada II · C/. Pont Sec, 1c · 46113 MONCADA - Valencia (Spain) · Tel. ( 34 ) 96 130 13 75 · Fax ( 34 ) 96 130 15 07 · · E-mail: ·
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