VLB 212 - valbony
VLB 212 - valbony
L IV E O N STA G E VLB212 SISTEMA LINEAL UNISSON VLB212 El VLB-212 es un sistema lineal compacto pero poderoso, para los amantes del sistema pasivo, diseñado para aquellos que gustan de una excelente presión sonora y un control total. Optimo en todas sus partes, equilibrado y versátil en su uso. Al fabricarlo pensamos primero en calidad que en economía, pero logramos ambas. www.valbony.com ventas@valbony.com 52 (33) 3637 8976 L IV E O N STA G E SISTEMA LINEAL VLB212 CARACTERÍSTICAS: La caja acústica del VLB212 está fabricada con un exclusivo sistema de ensamble encajonado cortado con precisión en ROUTER CNC las cuales pasan al área de armado, pegado, engrapado, clavado y atornillado a mano bajo rigurosos lineamientos de calidad, formando una pieza sólida y fuerte. DIFUSOR: Difusor de 6" instalado de aluminio de guías-hondas para driver salida de 1 1/4"" TERMINADO: POLIUREA color negro a 3 capas. Este material es el numero 1 en terminados de alta calidad, mejorando la gran acústica de nuestros bafles y dandole una extraordinaria durabilidad y resistencia al uso e intemperie. Un terminado de clase mundial. Es el material más resistente conocido en el mercado Los frentes están protegidos con lámina de metal perforado y pintura electrostática, recubiertos de poroflex impermeable. RIGGING: Los herrajes están diseñados para dar al sistema lineal todas las posibilidades de cobertura solicitadas para cada necesidad. Barrenos calculados y exactos para un montaje fácil y seguro, CON 0°, 1.5° , 3°, 4.5°, 6° 7.5°. Pernos activos con sistema de seguridad fabricados por nosotros. Los herrajes están recubiertos de pintura electrostática del mismo color de la caja acústica. Los proyectos pueden surgir desde 4 cajas acústicas hasta 16 por lado. (Ver ficha técnica del boomper VLB212) Cobertura horizontal: 120°. Cobertura vertical: depende del ángulo elegido COMPONENTES: 2 bocinas 12" y un driver 3" (no incluidos) con conectores NL4 perfectamente utilizable en montajes de mediana necesidad a grandes eventos DIMENSIONES: 87cm de ancho. 32cm de alto 45cm de fondo. PESO: 22.2kg (sin componentes) UNISSON www.valbony.com ventas@valbony.com 52- (33) 3637 8976 Belisario Dominguez 3993-1 Huentitán el alto Guadalajara, Jalisc,o México CP:44390 L IV E O N STA G E SISTEMA LINEAL VLB212 NOTA: Algunos elementos han sido omitidos a propósito para proteger propiedad intelectual. VISTA LATERAL VISTA FRONTAL 24.5cm 87cm VISTA SUPERIOR 45cm ISOMETRICO UNISSON www.valbony.com ventas@valbony.com 52- (33) 3637 8976 Belisario Dominguez 3993-1 Huentitán el alto Guadalajara, Jalisc,o México CP:44390 32cm GRADOS DE POSICIONAMIENTO EN LINEARRAY 1+ 1+ 2- 2- 1- AGUDO (+) 1- 2+ 2+ AGUDO (-) BOCINA IZQUIERDA (+) BOCINA DERECHA (+) BOCINA DERECHA (+) VLB-212 BOCINA IZQUIERDA (+) DIAGRAMA DE CONEXIÓN CABLE ROJO ( + ) CABLE NEGRO ( - ) UNISSON www.valbony.com ventas@valbony.com 52- (33) 3637 8976 Belisario Dominguez 3993-1 Huentitán el alto Guadalajara, Jalisc,o México CP:44390 8 OHMS 12LW30/N 12LW30/N Nd LW30 S e r i e s KEY FEATURES • • • • • • • • Ultra light loudspeaker (3.83 kg. 8.43 lb.) 3” (77 mm.) voice coil High sensitivity: 96 dB High performance neodymium magnet system Half the weight than a conventional ferrite model Large Xmax: 5 mm. Extra vented magnetic structure Designed for extremely compact woofer applications GENERAL DESCRIPTION This 12” bass loudspeaker has been designed to achieve a very light loudspeaker with superior technical specifications. Thus, the magnetic system incorporates a high energy neodymium magnet, reducing the total mass of the unit to less than 50% of a conventional ferrite model. Moreover, the heat dissipation has been improved with the use of extra-cooling. The 12LW30/N incorporates a 3” voice coil made with high quality materials: round copper wire with high temperature bonding strength and polyimide former. The 12LW30/N is highly recommended for those woofer applications that require a light and small loudspeaker with excellent technical specifications. FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND DISTORTION CURVES FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Note: on axis frequency response measured with loudspeaker standing on infinite baffle in anechoic chamber, 1w @ 1m. PREDICTED LOW FREQUENCY RESPONSE POWER COMPRESSION LOSSES 6 5 dB 4 3 2 1 0 50 Note: Bass-reflex cabinet, Vb=50 l, fb=40 Hz 150 250 350 450 Power (W) Note: These losses are calculated from a five minutes AES power test applying band limited pink noise (25-1200 Hz). The loudspeaker is free-air standing. 12LW30/N 12LW30/N Nd LW30 S e r i e s TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Nominal diameter Rated impedance Minimum impedance Power capacity * Program power Sensitivity Frequency range Recom. enclosure vol. Voice coil diameter Magnetic assembly weight BL factor Moving mass Voice coil length Air gap height X damage (peak to peak) DIMENSION DRAWINGS 300 mm. 12 in. 8 ohms. 7.1 ohms. 450 w AES 900 w 96 dB 2.83v @ 1m @ 2π 35 - 5000 Hz 20 / 70 l 0.7 / 2.5 ft.3 77 mm. 3 in. 3.13 kg. 6.88 lb. 17.9 N / A 0.066 kg. 17 mm. 8 mm. 30 mm. MATERIALS MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter Bolt circle diameter Baffle cutout diameter: - Front mount - Rear mount Depth Volume displaced by driver Net weight Shipping weight 312 mm. 12.28 in. 294.5 mm. 11.59 in. 277.5 mm. 10.93 in. 280 mm. 11.02 in. 147 mm. 5.79 in. 4 l 0.11 ft.3 3.83 kg. 8.43 lb. 4.53 kg. 9.97 lb. THIELE-SMALL PARAMETERS ** Resonant frequency, fs D.C. Voice coil resistance, Re Mechanical Quality Factor, Qms Electrical Quality Factor, Qes Total Quality Factor, Qts Equivalent Air Volume to Cms, Vas Mechanical Compliance, Cms Mechanical Resistance, Rms Efficiency, ηo (%) Effective Surface Area, Sd (m2) Maximum Displacement, Xmax Displacement Volume, Vd Voice Coil Inductance, Le @ 1 kHz • • • • • • • 38 Hz 6.1 ohms. 6.6 0.3 0.29 109 l 267 µm / N 2.4 kg / s 2 0.0540 m2 5 mm. 268 cm3 1.4 mH Voice coil: round copper wire with high temperature bonding strength. Polyimide former able to withstand high temperatures. Cone: high stiffness paper cone. Surround: treated cloth to assure good retaining of elasticity in despite of continuing use. Spider: cotton spider. Metal parts: anti-corrosion coated to resist aggressive environmental conditions. Basket: specially designed die cast aluminium basket to avoid disturbing resonances. Magnet: high energy neodymium magnet. Notes: *The power capacity is determined according to AES2-1984 (r2003) standard. Program power is defined as the transducer’s ability to handle normal music program material. **T-S parameters are measured after an exercise period using a preconditioning power test. The measurements are carried out with a velocity-current laser transducer and will reflect the long term parameters (once the loudspeaker has been working for a short period of time). acústica beyma,s.a. Polígono Industrial Moncada II · C/. Pont Sec, 1c · 46113 MONCADA - Valencia (Spain) · Tel. ( 34 ) 96 130 13 75 · Fax ( 34 ) 96 130 15 07 · http://www.beyma.com · E-mail: beyma@beyma.com · CP-755Nd/Al CP-755Nd/Al HIGH FREQUENCY COMPRESSION DRIVER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Throat diameter Rated impedance Minimum impedance D.C. Resistance Power capacity * Program power Sensitivity ** Frequency range Recommended crossover Voice coil diameter Magnetic assembly weight Flux density BL factor 36 mm. 1.4 in. 8 ohms 7.3 ohms @ 3.5 kHz 5.5 ohms 60 w AES above 0.8 kHz 80 w AES above 1.5 kHz 120 w above 0.8 kHz 160 w above 1.5 kHz 112 dB 1 w @ 1m coupled to TD-565 horn 0.6 - 20 kHz 800 Hz or higher (12 dB/oct. min.) 72.2 mm. 2.87 in. 2.7 kg. 5.94 lb. 2.2 T 11.5 N/A DIMENSION DRAWINGS MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter Depth Mounting Net weight Shipping weight 145 mm. 5.70 in. 65 mm. 2.56 in. Four M6 threaded holes, 90º apart on 101.6 mm (4 in.) diameter circle. Mounting hardware is supplied. 2.96 kg. 6.51 lb. 3.21 kg. 7.06 lb. MATERIALS • • • • Diaphragm: aluminium. Voice coil: edgewound aluminium ribbon wire. Voice coil former: kapton. Magnet: neodymium. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Notes: *The power capacity is determined according to AES2-1984 (r2003) standard. Program power is defined as the transducer’s ability to handle normal music program material. **Sensitivity was measured at 1 m distance, on axis, with 1 w input, averaged in the range 1-7 kHz. This high frequency compression driver features a composite structure diaphragm. It has a Mylar surround to provide damping and avoid resonant peaks typical of metal surrounds. The dome is made of pure aluminium, with its unique mechanical properties. This diaphragm combined with a new optimized phasing-plug and a copper ring, results in an extremely smoothed and extended high frequency response. FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND DISTORTION CURVES Note: on axis frequency response measured coupled to TD-565 horn in anechoic chamber, 1w @ 1m. Note: on axis frequency response measured coupled to TD-595 horn in anechoic chamber, 1w @ 1m. 049 FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND DISTORTION CURVES Polígono Industrial Moncada II · C/. Pont Sec, 1c · 46113 MONCADA - Valencia (Spain) · Tel. ( 34 ) 96 130 13 75 · Fax ( 34 ) 96 130 15 07 · http://www.beyma.com · E-mail: beyma@beyma.com · CP-755Ti CP-755Ti HIGH FREQUENCY COMPRESSION DRIVER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Throat diameter Rated impedance Minimum impedance D.C. Resistance Power capacity Program power Sensitivity Frequency range Recommended crossover Voice coil diameter Magnetic assembly weight Flux density BL factor 36 mm. 1.4 in. 8 ohms 7.3 ohms @ 3.5 kHz 5.5 ohms 70 w AES above 0.8 kHz 90 w AES above 1.5 kHz 140 w above 0.8 kHz 180 w above 1.5 kHz 110 dB 1 w @ 1m coupled to TD-565 horn 0.6 - 20 kHz 800 Hz or higher (12 dB/oct. min.) 72.2 mm. 2.87 in. 6.5 kg. 14.33 lb. 1.875 T 10 N/A DIMENSION DRAWINGS MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter Depth Mounting Net weight Shipping weight 192 mm. 7.56 in. 78 mm. 3.07 in. Four M6 threaded holes, 90º apart on 101.6 mm (4 in.) diameter circle. Mounting hardware is supplied. 6.75 kg. 14.85 lb. 7 kg. 15.4 lb. MATERIALS • • • • Diaphragm: titanium. Voice coil: edgewound aluminium ribbon wire. Voice coil former: kapton. Magnet: ferrite. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Notes: *The power capacity is determined according to AES2-1984 (r2003) standard. Program power is defined as the transducer’s ability to handle normal music program material. **Sensitivity was measured at 1 m distance, on axis, with 1 w input, averaged in the range 1-7 kHz. FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND DISTORTION CURVES FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND DISTORTION CURVES Note: on axis frequency response measured coupled to TD-565 horn in anechoic chamber, 1w @ 1m. Note: on axis frequency response measured coupled to TD-595 horn in anechoic chamber, 1w @ 1m. Polígono Industrial Moncada II · C/. Pont Sec, 1c · 46113 MONCADA - Valencia (Spain) · Tel. ( 34 ) 96 130 13 75 · Fax ( 34 ) 96 130 15 07 · http://www.beyma.com · E-mail: beyma@beyma.com · 049 This high frequency compression driver features a composite structure diaphragm. It has a Mylar surround to provide damping and avoid resonant peaks typical of metal surrounds. The dome is made of pure titanium, with its unique mechanical properties. This diaphragm combined with a new optimized phasing-plug and a copper ring, results in an extremely smoothed and extended high frequency response. SM112/N SM112/N S M S e r i e s KEY FEATURES • • • • • High power handling (400 w AES) 3” (77 mm) copper voice coil with apical former Optimum winding length for increased linear excursion Extended response in the medium frequency range Designed for high power woofer applications GENERAL DESCRIPTION The design concept of this low frequency transducer arises from the need of achieve a more resistant loudspeaker that matches the more and more power given by ultimate amplification systems. In order to accomplish that, almost every component of the speaker has been reconsidered. The SM-112/N incorporates a 3” voice coil made with high quality materials: copper round wire with high temperature bonding strength and apical former. Moreover, it features a powerful magnet system with rear air ventilation. All these facts result in a 12” driver with extended and smooth low-mid frequency response, reduced harmonic distortion, good efficiency and excellent power handling (400 w AES). The SM-112/N is specially recommended for woofer applications. FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND DISTORTION CURVES FREE AIR IMPEDANCE CURVE Note: on axis frequency response measured with loudspeaker standing on infinite baffle in anechoic chamber, 1w @ 1m. PREDICTED LOW FREQUENCY RESPONSE POWER COMPRESSION LOSSES 5,0 dB 4,0 3,0 2,0 1,0 50 120 190 260 330 400 Power (W) Note: Bass-reflex cabinet, Vb=70 l, fb=40 Hz Note: These losses are calculated from a five minutes AES power test applying band limited pink noise (25-1200 Hz). The loudspeaker is free-air standing. SM112/N SM112/N S M TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Nominal diameter Rated impedance Minimum impedance Power capacity * Program power Sensitivity Frequency range Recom. enclosure vol. Voice coil diameter Magnetic assembly weight BL factor Moving mass Voice coil length Air gap height X damage (peak to peak) DIMENSION DRAWINGS 300 mm. 12 in. 8 ohms. 7.4 ohms. 400 w AES 800 w 97 dB 2.83v @ 1m @ 2π 35 - 4000 Hz 30 / 100 l 1.06 / 3.53 ft.3 77 mm. 3 in. 4.9 kg. 10.8 lb. 17.2 N / A 0.052 kg. 18 mm. 7 mm. 30 mm. MATERIALS MOUNTING INFORMATION Overall diameter Bolt circle diameter Baffle cutout diameter: - Front mount - Rear mount Depth Volume displaced by driver Net weight Shipping weight S e r i e s 312 mm. 12.3 in. 294.5 mm. 11.6 in. 277.5 mm. 10.9 in. 280 mm. 11 in. 138 mm. 5.43 in. 4.5 l 0.16 ft.3 5.65 kg. 12.45 lb. 6 kg. 13.23 lb. • • • • • • • Voice coil: copper round wire with high temperature bonding strength. Apical former able to withstand high temperatures. Cone: high stiffness paper cone. Surround: specially treated cloth surround. Spider: cotton spider. Metal parts: effective protection against corrosion. Basket: specially designed die cast aluminium basket to avoid disturbing resonances. Magnet: high Curie temperature ferrite. THIELE-SMALL PARAMETERS ** Resonant frequency, fs D.C. Voice coil resistance, Re Mechanical Quality Factor, Qms Electrical Quality Factor, Qes Total Quality Factor, Qts Equivalent Air Volume to Cms, Vas Mechanical Compliance, Cms Mechanical Resistance, Rms Efficiency, ηo (%) Effective Surface Area, Sd (m2) Maximum Displacement, Xmax Displacement Volume, Vd Voice Coil Inductance, Le @ 1 kHz 38 Hz 6.5 ohms. 7.2 0.28 0.27 138 l 327 µm / N 1.8 kg / s 2.6 0.0550 m2 5.5 mm. 300 cm3 1.1 mH Notes: *The power capacity is determined according to AES2-1984 (r2003) standard. Program power is defined as the transducer’s ability to handle normal music program material. **T-S parameters are measured after an exercise period using a preconditioning power test. The measurements are carried out with a velocity-current laser transducer and will reflect the long term parameters (once the loudspeaker has been working for a short period of time). acústica beyma,s.a. Polígono Industrial Moncada II · C/. Pont Sec, 1c · 46113 MONCADA - Valencia (Spain) · Tel. ( 34 ) 96 130 13 75 · Fax ( 34 ) 96 130 15 07 · http://www.beyma.com · E-mail: beyma@beyma.com ·
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