Saint Mary Parish - Waltham, MA Catholic Church
Saint Mary Parish - Waltham, MA Catholic Church
Saint Mary Parish 1835 - 2011 Easter Sunday April 24, 2011 Welcome to Saint Mary Parish 133 School Street Waltham MA 02451 Rectory: 781-891-1730 Catechesis Office: 781-308-4961 Immigration Center: 617-817-7544 STAFF Rev. Michael Nolan, Pastor Rev. Gabino Oliva Macias Rev. David Martin Ssentamu (in residence) Rev. Dennis Kasule (in residence) Deacon Eduardo Mora, Director Immigration Ctr. Mary McCarthy, Parish Secretary Adam Redjinski, Catechist Michael Welch, Sexton Lila Cleary, Organist MASS SCHEDULE Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM (Spanish) Saturday Vigil 4:00 PM Monday - Friday 12:10 PM Wednesday & Friday 7:00 PM (Chapel - Spanish) Friday 8:00 PM (Lugandan) Holy Day 7:30 AM, 12:10 PM, 7:00 PM (Spanish) ADORATION Friday: 12:30-7:00 PM CONFESSIONS Monday-Thursday: 11:30 AM - Noon Friday: 11:00 AM - Noon Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45 PM CHURCH VISITS The Church is open daily for visits from 8:30 AM - 7:30 PM. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Healing Mass with Anointing: 1st Monday of month at 12:10 PM and by appointment. Due to privacy laws, hospital patients are encouraged to register as Catholics so they will be visited. Fax: 781-642-0604 Email: Website: VISITS TO SICK & HOMEBOUND Communion is brought to the sick and homebound. Contact Ann Faulstich at 781-893-8953. SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION Parents of infants can call the office to arrange baptism. Adults or parents of children wishing to receive Baptism, Confirmation, or First Communion can contact the Pastor or Deacon. WEDDINGS Registered parishioners or their children can contact the rectory to arrange a meeting. JOHN PAUL II IMMIGRATION CTR. Those seeking assistance and support can visit the Center in the Religious Education Office. 133 CLUB Numbers are available for the monthly drawing. Prizes range from $25 to $1,000. Sign-up sheets are at the church entrances. PARISH REGISTRATION We welcome you to register in the parish. Please introduce yourself to the Pastor. Registration forms are available at the doors of the church. Contact the rectory to arrange a house blessing. I would like someone to call me to talk about becoming a member of Saint Mary Parish. My Name is____________________________________ Phone number__________________________________ Email _________________________________ Drop this form in the collection basket and someone will call you. Or, register through our website at Welcome to Saint Mary Parish and please come again! My brothers and sisters in Christ, On behalf of the priests and staff of the parish, I wish to say Happy Easter to all the parishioners and all who are visiting us this weekend. Thank you to all who have served and prayed together throughout Holy Week. Thanks also to everyone who made donations for Easter decorations in memory of loved ones. Please know that I will be praying for your intentions throughout Easter week. After the fast of forty days may you share in the Master’s love who gives us everything we need. After accompanying our Lord to his death on Friday, may you live and walk the new way following in the footsteps of the Risen Jesus. The tomb is empty. The evidence is there. Don’t let anyone tell you any different. They are wrong; or mistaken or confused. Jesus told us he would rise. He doesn’t lie. When the women went to the tomb early in the morning they found the tomb empty. We have the evidence and testimony. Two of the disciples met him on the road later on in the day even though they did not recognize him right away. He is risen as he said he would rise. So believe that He will come again just as he promised. We have a reason to hope; a reason to seek justice; a reason to love our lives... and defend all human lives. For when he comes again, we will be judged by the one who was judged by men. We will be shown mercy by the one who showed mercy on his betrayers. Hopefully on that great day we will live in that land of justice and mercy and see the living God face to face. Happy Easter! - Father Michael Nolan, Pastor JOHN PAUL II BEATIFICATION-YOU TUBE The beatification ceremony of John Paul II will be celebrated by his friend Pope Benedict XVI on May 1st. The Vatican has set up a YouTube channel showing short video clips of each year of his pontificate as well as travels he made to his flock around the world. New clips are added each day. These simple videos are worth looking at when you find yourself surfing the web: MASS INTENTIONS The following Mass Intentions are scheduled this week: Saturday, April 23 Easter Vigil 8:00 PM - Rodolphe & Viana Landry - Anniversary Sunday, April 24 Easter Sunday 8:00 AM - Parish and parishioners 10:00 AM - Edith Parinis Sylvestre - 4th Anniversary Monday, April 25 12:10 PM - The sick & elderly Tuesday, April 26 12:10 PM Wednesday, April 27 12:10 PM - Shirley Place Thursday, April 28 12:10 PM - Teresa & John Quaranto - Anniversary Saturday, April 30 4:00 PM - Patricia Kalenderian (living) & Kay Kalenderian (deceased) Sunday, May 1 8:00 AM - Parish and parishioners 10:00 AM - Paula Bolles - Anniversary Due to an early deadline to submit the bulletin for Easter, the attendance and collection numbers for last week are not yet available PLEASE PRAY FOR. . . Dave Walsh Paul O’Toole The following people who have died recently, and for their families. May the beloved dead rest in peace: Regino Alicea Irene Sturtevant Felicia Rodriguez Emma Merola Juan Diaz If you or someone you know someone needs prayers, please stop by the rectory or call and leave your prayer intentions with Mary. ST. VINCENT DePAUL Today as we celebrate the feast of Easter, we find the challenge of also seeing and believing the resurrection that comes through our own lives of self-sacrifice which brings new life to others. As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box, know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering and you give them Easter hope and joy. THANK YOU Many thanks to all who made donations for Easter flowers. Names and requested intentions for those who made donations are printed on programs at the doors of the Church. We will include your intentions in our prayers throughout the Easter Season. Risen Lord, through your triumph of the cross, May our sufferings lead us to deeper union with you. Risen Lord, you brought faith and hope to your disciples, May we abandon ourselves to you, in trust and gratitude. Risen Lord, your resurrection formed a community of believers, Give us true love for one another. Risen Lord, you give God’s love poured out in our hearts, Make us beloved disciples who “see and believe.” Amen URBI ET ORBI 2007 Every Easter the Holy Father sends Easter greetings to the city of Rome and to the world. Here is a portion of his 2007 message. It is still relevant this year. Dear Brothers and Sisters throughout the world, Men and women of good will! Christ is risen! Peace to you! Today we celebrate the great mystery, the foundation of Christian faith and hope: Jesus of Nazareth, the Crucified One, has risen from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures. We listen today with renewed emotion to the announcement proclaimed by the angels on the dawn of the first day after the Sabbath, to Mary of Magdala and to the women at the sepulchre: “Why do you search among the dead for one who is alive? He is not here, he is risen!” (Lk 24:5-6). It is not difficult to imagine the feelings of these women at that moment: feelings of sadness and dismay at the death of their Lord, feelings of disbelief and amazement before a fact too astonishing to be true. But the tomb was open and empty: the body was no longer there. Peter and John, having been informed of this by the women, ran to the sepulchre and found that they were right. The faith of the Apostles in Jesus, the expected Messiah, had been submitted to a severe trial by the scandal of the cross. At his arrest, his condemnation and death, they were dispersed. Now they are together again, perplexed and bewildered. But the Risen One himself comes in response to their thirst for greater certainty. This encounter was not a dream or an illusion or a subjective imagination; it was a real experience, even if unexpected, and all the more striking for that reason. “Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, ‘peace be with you!’” (Jn 20:19). At these words their faith, which was almost spent within them, was re-kindled. The Apostles told Thomas who had been absent from that first extraordinary encounter: Yes, the Lord has fulfilled all that he foretold; he is truly risen and we have seen and touched him! Thomas however remained doubtful and perplexed. When Jesus came for a second time, eight days later in the Upper Room, he said to him: “put your finger here and see my hands; and put out your hand and place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing!” The Apostle’s response is a moving profession of faith: “My Lord and my God!” (Jn 20:27-28). “My Lord and my God!” We too renew that profession of faith of Thomas. I have chosen these words for my Easter greetings this year, because humanity today expects from Christians a renewed witness to the resurrection of Christ; it needs to encounter him and to know him as true God and true man. If we can recognize in this Apostle the doubts and uncertainties of so many Christians today, the fears and disappointments of many of our contemporaries, with him we can also rediscover with renewed conviction, faith in Christ dead and risen for us. This faith, handed down through the centuries by the successors of the Apostles, continues on because the Risen Lord dies no more. He lives in the Church and guides it firmly towards the fulfillment of his eternal design of salvation. We may all be tempted by the disbelief of Thomas. Suffering, evil, injustice, death, especially when it strikes the innocent such as children who are victims of war and terrorism, of sickness and hunger, does not all of this put our faith to the test? Paradoxically the disbelief of Thomas is most valuable to us in these cases because it helps to purify all false concepts of God and leads us to discover his true face: the face of a God who, in Christ, has taken upon himself the wounds of injured humanity. Thomas has received from the Lord, and has in turn transmitted to the Church, the gift of a faith put to the test by the passion and death of Jesus and confirmed by meeting him risen. His faith was almost dead but was born again thanks to his touching the wounds of Christ, those wounds that the Risen One did not hide but showed, and continues to point out to us in the trials and sufferings of every human being. “By his wounds you have been healed” (1 Pt 2:24). This is the message Peter addressed to the early converts. Those wounds that, in the beginning were an obstacle for Thomas’s faith, being a sign of Jesus’ apparent failure, those same wounds have become in his encounter with the Risen One, signs of a victorious love. These wounds that Christ has received for love of us help us to understand who God is and to repeat: “My Lord and my God!” Only a God who loves us to the extent of taking upon himself our wounds and our pain, especially innocent suffering, is worthy of faith. Dear Brothers and sisters, through the wounds of the Risen Christ we can see the evils which afflict humanity with the eyes of hope. In fact, by his rising the Lord has not taken away suffering and evil from the world but has vanquished them at their roots by the superabundance of his grace. He has countered the arrogance of evil with the supremacy of his love. He has left us the love that does not fear death, as the way to peace and joy. “Even as I have loved you – he said to his disciples before his death – so you must also love one another” (cf. Jn 13:34). THANK YOU-CATHECHISTS The catechetical session ended last Sunday. A few classes will continue to meet until they receive First Holy Communion and Confirmation in the next months. We have great gratitude for the catechists and all who worked hard this past year to pass on their faith, our faith, to the little ones. Some of the children’s work was put on display two weeks ago. Anyone who saw what they produced knows that the students took care with their projects and learned much about the God who creates all things wonderfully. The children preparing to receive sacraments have progressed greatly this year. This is testament to the work and prayers of their teachers and families. Please continue to pray for these young ones that they grow in wisdom and grace even when class is no longer in session. WORLD YOUTH DAY 2011– MADRID A few weeks ago a couple of teenagers in the parish inquired about the World Youth Day in Madrid. They said they want to be there. I told them to spread the word and see if others also want to go. Nine young people have signed up for the trip. This is a great sign of hope. We are always being told that young people aren’t interested in the faith and the Church. Yet these young people want to spend the next few months raising money to be with the Pope, the bishops, clergy, religious men and women and hundreds of thousands of other young people on pilgrimage. This is very different from going on vacation. We will stay in simple conditions and spend hours in prayer, praise and teachings. We won’t be eating in fancy Spanish restaurants but instead will be eating the pilgrim food. I am very happy that they want to go on this trip. I have been to five of these events in the past and usually I think that teenagers are too young and immature to get a lot out of these events. Yet I quickly said yes to these particular young people as they have shown, each in their own ways, a maturing and an ability to discern what is important and essential in life. These 9 youth will be joined by me and two other adults. So we will travel in a perfect number following the Lord who chose 12 to be his apostles. Please pray for these young people that they may raise the funds to go and benefit from the experience of joining other young people from around the world to witness to the life and universality of Catholicism. We will be having certain fundraising events throughout the Spring. We hope you can help support them in their efforts. CAR WASH Thanks to all who made early donations to the car wash fundraiser for the youth pilgrimage to Spain. If you made a donation and were not able to get your car washed last Saturday please know there will be other Saturdays in May when the youth will be washing cars. HAITI RECONSTRUCTION FUND For many months, the people of Saint Mary’s have been donating coins to rebuild Saint Peter’s Church in Bainet Haiti. Our current total in donations is $10,798. Thank you for your generosity. Please keep saving your coins and loose change and bring them to the church or the rectory anytime. We will keep raising money until the church gets built. This church was completely destroyed in the earthquake. The reason we chose this town is because a priest ordained for the Archdiocese of Boston was baptized and grew up in this parish. His name is Father Jean Pierre Aubin and he is assigned to the parish of Saint Bridget’s in Maynard. He also ministers to the Haitian population throughout the Archdiocese and celebrates a Sunday Mass in Creole at St. Charles Borromeo Parish here in Waltham. Since this parish gave us a priest here in Boston, it seems only right to help rebuild their church. Everyone needs a place to encounter God. Before they need a stable economy or development or any of the other basic human needs, the Haitian people need God And they need the help of their brothers and sisters in faith to encounter God and experience his gift of hope. Please visit the photo exposition of Saint Peter’s Church in Bainet Haiti. This gives a sense of the earthquake’s destruction and the beautiful site of this town on the Caribbean coast. Please pray for this holy work P.S. You can now view the Haiti photos online using the following link: COUNCIL ON AGING: AGING IN WALTHAM The Waltham Council on Aging is offering an informative series of classes for caregivers and senior citizens. They will be from 6:30-8:30PM on the following Wednesdays: April 27 - Legal Advice: Estate planning, Mass. Health, Reverse Mortgages and Scams May 4 - Housing Options: From Subsidized Apartments to Assisted Living Facilities to Nursing Homes May 11 - Community Resources: Home Care, Adult Day Health, and Home Modifications To register, call The Waltham COA at 781-314-3499 CATHOLIC APPEAL Cardinal Séan wishes everyone at St. Mary’s a Happy Easter and thanks everyone who has participated in the 2011 Catholic Appeal. Our parish has raised $13,523 from 102 participants, reaching 43.6% of our parish goal of $31,000. We ask every Catholic family to participate. Please know that every gift matters. You can pick up information packets with pledge forms in the back of the Church, or for more information, please visit Thank you! Santa María de Waltham Información de la Oficina Dirección: 133 School Street Waltham MA 02451 Rectoría: 781-891-1730 Fax: 781-642-0602 Email: Website: Directivo Parroquial Párroco: Rev. Michael Nolan Rev. Gabino Oliva Macias Diacono: Eduardo R. Mora, Director del Centro de Inmigración Asistente de Coordinación de Catecismo: Milie Colon. Coordinadores de Coro: Iván Colon, María Aviles, Vidal Hernández. Coordinadora de lectores: Mariela Contreras Centro de Inmigración Juan Pablo II El horario de servicio en el Centro de Inmigración es el siguiente: Lunes a Jueves de 10:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. Los sábados de 11:00p. m. a 3:00 p.m. Estamos para servirles. Horario de las Misas Miércoles y Viernes a las 7:00 P.M. y los domingos a las 11:30 A.M. Confesiones De Lunes a jueves a las 11:30 a.m. Viernes a las 11:00 a.m. y sábado de 3:00-3:45 p.m. Domingo 11:00 a.m. antes de la Misa. Legión de María Todos los domingos desde las 9:30 a.m. en el edificio de Educación Religiosa. 133 CLUB Hay números listos para tomarlos para la rifa mensual. los premios son varios desde $25.00 a $1,000.00. Las registraciones están en las puertas de la Iglesia, inscríbase ahora. Juan XXIII Todos los lunes de 7:00 a 8:30 p. m. en el edificio de Educación Religiosa Grupo de oración Todos los domingos de 6:00 a 7:30 p.m. en el Hall de la Iglesia, Grupo de Jóvenes Todos los martes desde las 7:00 a 9:00 P.M. en el Hall de la Iglesia y todos los primeros martes del mes hay Adoración al Santísimo. REGISTRO DE LA PARROQUIA Damos la bienvenida a los recién llegados a la parroquia. Por favor registrarse en la parroquia, preséntese al Pastor. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en las puertas de la iglesia. Matrimonios Parqueo en la Iglesia. Por favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia Es muy importante de respetar los lugares donde dePara la fecha del curso de pre-cana y para los arreglos jar el carro, se pude parquear solamente en lugares necesarios o hablar con el Diacono Eduardo. marcados para hacerlo, ha habido accidentes por el mal uso y la falta de respeto en el momento de parqueBautismos ar nuestro carro, si no se pone atención los carros mal Todos los primeros domingos del mes después de la parqueados serán llevados por la grúa, y también es Misa, es el día de orientación del Bautizo, en el Edifiprohibido parquear en la zona donde debe de estar licio de Educación Religiosa, y el segundo domingo del bre para el paso de ambulancia o bomberos, no se pucada mes son los Bautizos, después de de bloquear estos lugares. Gracias por su ayuda a la Misa en la Iglesia. mantener el orden. Comunión Si conoce a alguien que necesita la Sagrada Comunión en su casa, hospital o Asilo de Ancianos “Nursing Home”, hablar con el uno de los Sacerdotes o al Diacono Eduardo Mora. CLUB 133 NO SE OLVIDE DE OBTENER SU NUMERO MENSAJE URBI ET ORBI DE SU SANTIDAD BENEDICTO XVI Hermanos y hermanas del mundo entero, ¡hombres y mujeres de buena voluntad! ¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡Paz a vosotros! Se celebra hoy el gran misterio, fundamento de la fe y de la esperanza cristiana: Jesús de Nazaret, el Crucificado, ha resucitado de entre los muertos al tercer día, según las Escrituras. El anuncio dado por los ángeles, al alba del primer día después del sábado, a Maria la Magdalena y a las mujeres que fueron al sepulcro, lo escuchamos hoy con renovada emoción: “¿Por qué buscáis entre los muertos al que vive? No está aquí, ha resucitado!” (Lc 24,5-6). No es difícil imaginar cuales serían, en aquel momento, los sentimientos de estas mujeres: sentimientos de tristeza y desaliento por la muerte de su Señor, sentimientos de incredulidad y estupor ante un hecho demasiado sorprendente para ser verdadero. Sin embargo, la tumba estaba abierta y vacía: ya no estaba el cuerpo. Pedro y Juan, avisados por las mujeres, corrieron al sepulcro y verificaron que ellas tenían razón. La fe de los Apóstoles en Jesús, el Mesías esperado, había sufrido una dura prueba por el escándalo de la cruz. Durante su detención, condena y muerte se habían dispersado, y ahora se encontraban juntos, perplejos y desorientados. Pero el mismo Resucitado se hizo presente ante su sed incrédula de certezas. No fue un sueño, ni ilusión o imaginación subjetiva aquel encuentro; fue una experiencia verdadera, aunque inesperada y justo por esto particularmente conmovedora. “Entró Jesús, se puso en medio y les dijo: «Paz a vosotros»” (Jn 20,19). Ante aquellas palabras, se reavivó la fe casi apagada en sus ánimos. Los Apóstoles lo contaron a Tomás, ausente en aquel primer encuentro extraordinario: ¡Sí, el Señor ha cumplido cuanto había anunciado; ha resucitado realmente y nosotros lo hemos visto y tocado! Tomás, sin embargo, permaneció dudoso y perplejo. Cuando, ocho días después, Jesús vino por segunda vez al Cenáculo le dijo: “Trae tu dedo, aquí tienes mis manos; trae tu mano y métela en mi costado; y no seas incrédulo, sino creyente!”. La respuesta del apóstol es una conmovedora profesión de fe: “¡Señor mío y Dios mío!” (Jn 20,27-28). “¡Señor mío y Dios mío!”. Renovemos también nosotros la profesión de fe de Tomás. Como felicitación pascual, este año, he elegido justamente sus palabras, porque la humanidad actual espera de los cristianos un testimonio renovado de la resurrección de Cristo; necesita encontrarlo y poder conocerlo como verdadero Dios y verdadero Hombre. Si en este Apóstol podemos encontrar las dudas y las incertidumbres de muchos cristianos de hoy, los miedos y las desilusiones de innumerables contemporáneos nuestros, con él podemos redescubrir también con renovada convicción la fe en Cristo muerto y resucitado por nosotros. Esta fe, transmitida a lo largo de los siglos por los sucesores de los Apóstoles, continúa, porque el Señor resucitado ya no muere más. Él vive en la Iglesia y la guía firmemente hacia el cumplimiento de su designio eterno de salvación. Cada uno de nosotros puede ser tentado por la incredulidad de Tomás. El dolor, el mal, las injusticias, la muerte, especialmente cuando afectan a los inocentes —por ejemplo, los niños víctimas de la guerra y del terrorismo, de las enfermedades y del hambre—, ¿no someten quizás nuestra fe a dura prueba? No obstante, justo en estos casos, la incredulidad de Tomás nos resulta paradójicamente útil y preciosa, porque nos ayuda a purificar toda concepción falsa de Dios y nos lleva a descubrir su rostro auténtico: el rostro de un Dios que, en Cristo, ha cargado con las llagas de la humanidad herida. Tomás ha recibido del Señor y, a su vez, ha transmitido a la Iglesia el don de una fe probada por la pasión y muerte de Jesús, y confirmada por el encuentro con Él resucitado. Una fe que estaba casi muerta y ha renacido gracias al contacto con las llagas de Cristo, con las heridas que el Resucitado no ha escondido, sino que ha mostrado y sigue indicándonos en las penas y los sufrimientos de cada ser humano. “Sus heridas os han curado” (1 P 2,24), éste es el anuncio que Pedro dirigió a los primeros convertidos. Aquellas llagas, que en un primer momento fueron un obstáculo a la fe para Tomás, porque eran signos del aparente fracaso de Jesús; aquellas mismas llagas se han vuelto, en el encuentro con el Resucitado, pruebas de un amor victorioso. Estas llagas que Cristo ha contraído por nuestro amor nos ayudan a entender quién es Dios y a repetir también: “Señor mío y Dios mío”. Sólo un Dios que nos ama hasta cargar con nuestras heridas y nuestro dolor, sobre todo el dolor inocente, es digno de fe. Queridos hermanos y hermanas: a través de las llagas de Cristo resucitado podemos ver con ojos de esperanza estos males que afligen a la humanidad. En efecto, resucitando, el Señor no ha quitado el sufrimiento y el mal del mundo, pero los ha vencido en la raíz con la superabundancia de su gracia. A la prepotencia del Mal ha opuesto la omnipotencia de su Amor. Como vía para la paz y la alegría nos ha dejado el Amor que no teme a la Muerte. “Que os améis unos a otros — dijo a los Apóstoles antes de morir— como yo os he amado” (Jn 13,34).