
June 2013
06/2013 VOL.72
Editor-in-Chief :
Xu Huanzhi
Executive Editor :
Editor :
Oliameng / Lydia Yang
Art Director :
Li Xinkai
Art Editor :
Jia Mang
Voice of China
03 Luo Huan: Mobile Internet Plays a
Major Role for Integrated Marketing
in the Automobile Industry
Company News
05 Science & Technology .Great Wall
-The 3rd Science Technology Festival
13 GWM Haval H6 leads Chinese SUV
market in May
14 GWM concludes strategic
cooperation agreement with Kostal
Distributor Dynamic
19 Great Wall H5 shines on the shores
of Lake Ladoga
21 GWM shows up at Top Gear
carnival in South Africa
22 Ecuadorian distributor Ambacar
sponsors mall activity
23 Quality builds reputation, Chilean
ambassador favors Great Wall H6
24 Great Wall H5 & Wingle pickup end
consumer experience in Malaysia
25 Great Wall M4 launched in Uruguay
Chinese Culture
27 Dalian: A Picturesque Coastal
33 Mr. Andy Liu: Youth Plays Wonder
Attitude Realizes Dream
June 2013
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
Mobile Internet Plays a Major Role for Integrated
Marketing in the Automobile Industry
On June 6, 2013, the First China Automobile
market with micro growth began to step into
socialized media and Micro Blog, including
entire data flow could not be streamlined
Market Development Summit (CAMDS) was
a new marketing age.
video website, precise advertisement, and
before. Since 2007, some automakers began
mobile Internet, emerged one after another
to prospectively set up and streamline the
ceremoniously held in Chongqing
Municipality of China. As a critical
Digital marketing in China automobile
in the market. Of which, the mobile Internet
entire flow. As a consequence, the whole
component of the Global Automobile Forum
industry dates back to 1999 when China’s
not only became popular amongst ordinary
process from advertisement placement to
(GAF) Convention Series, the CAMDS,
first Internet-based auto advertisement was
users, but also turned into one of the major
vehicle sales can be monitored in data and
themed on “Transformation and Innovation,
released, ushering in the advent of the
roles for integrated marketing in the
analyzed. That is considered a favorable
For New Age of the Auto Marketing”, aims to
Internet-based marketing in China
automobile industry.
endorsement about the integral input
cultivate an effective and pragmatic summit
automobile industry.
convention focusing on the automobile
Mr. Luo Huan,
— President
President of
of Catch
Catch Stone
Advertising (Beijing)
(Beijing) Co.,
Co., Ltd.
efficiency and the input-output ratio.
In 2011, digital marketing in the entire
market. Meanwhile, Mr. Luo Huan,
From 1999 to 2004, most automakers
automobile industry stepped into a different
Thanks to foresaid three measures, the
President of Catch Stone Advertising
regarded the Internet as an advertising
phase, namely, the phase in which internal
entire automobile industry has stepped into
(Beijing) Co., Ltd., discussed with present
platform, and the Internet served as a
resources and external resources were
the digital age at both marketing phase and
experts on the automobile industry’s digital
supporting role of the entire advertising
sufficiently integrated. Why we say this?
sales phase. By integrating internal
budget. From 2004 to 2007, the Internet’s
Such a phase comprises three core
resources, automakers have realized the
advertising role and P. R. function were
characteristics: first, more precise interactive
digital marketing in the sales system. In the
Due to unprecedented sales pressure in 2013,
integrated, which brought into full play of the
marketing system should be established, in
future, such a marketing model will become a
digital marketing departments were founded
Internet’s media properties. From the year
other words the precise information should
crucial node for the digital marketing in the
in succession, and in turn digital marketing
2008 on, digital marketing in China
be precisely transferred to the precise user.
entire automobile industry.
has become an important marketing
automobile industry stepped into a fast
Second, CRM system’s Big Data Service
measure for all automakers to raise their
development phase, which was of course
(BDS) platform should be integrated. That
sales volume. Increasingly, innovation for
associated with booming development of
includes user experience, analysis and
marketing model was further upgraded. It is
China automobile market. In 2008, Vertical
consolidation of user information, and
revealed from statistical data that
Media was the first to incur the brunt, and
exploration of user purchase opportunities.
enterprises’ investment in Internet-based
the automobile vertical media began to turn
Third, more systematic monitoring measures
advertisement has surpassed that in print
into an important role that affected the
and systems: the process from advertisement
media. Accordingly, China automobile
Internet citizens’ car purchase decision. Also,
placement to vehicle sales is long, and so the
Sponsored and organized by the
Automobile Industry Branch of China
Council for the Promotion of
International Trade, China Automobile
Market Development Summit (CAMDS)
is a critical component of annual
convention series for the world
automobile industry and aims to
consolidate and sum up China
automobile industry’s progress
information in terms of governmental
policies, market planning, sales network
construction, after-sales market, and
marketing & communication etc.
CAMDS invites those influential
authoritative sources from domestic and
overseas governmental organs,
enterprises, research institutions, media
agencies, who are entitled to participate
in making decisions, in order to share
their farsighted views, best practices, and
successful marketing strategies and
cases. Also, it refers to experiences of rich
economies like USA and Europe in the
automobile market to jointly discuss
changes and challenges in China
automobile market, hold prospective
debate on future development of China
China Automotive Market
Development Summit
automobile industry, and find
constructive consensuses.
Transformation and Innovation - Embracing a New Era of
Automotive Marketing
Haval, the No.1 SUV brand in China 03 / 04
June 2013
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
Science & Technology .Great Wall
The 3rd Science Technology Festival
Create Scientific Atmosphere,
Showcase Technological Achievements
Exhibition Zone Introduce
New Materials Exhibition Zone
New Energy Exhibition Zone
Complete Vehicle Performance Exhibition Zone
Chassis Exhibition Zone
Power Exhibition Zone
Sales Exhibition Zone
Rubber Exhibition Zone
Production Technology Exhibition Zone
Electrical Exhibition Zone
Interior & Exterior Trims Exhibition Zone
The plan of The 3rd GWM Science & Technology Festival
Haval, the No.1 SUV brand in China 05 / 06
June 2013
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
Sales Section
Production Technology Exhibition Zone:
Technical Highlight
Pressing hardening technology
Winning at the Terminals
In the first phase of ”Winning at the
dealers is particularly emphasized and
helps dealers recreate values and creates
Terminals” activity, the improvement of
carried out with the focus on the
the network integrity system; on the other
hardware is taken as the priority.
satisfaction of customers, starting in three
hand, the customer perception is deemed
Non-conformity to visual requirements of
aspects, i.e. “organization structure,
as the core, so as to create values and
customers and their personal experiences
service facilities and sales service process”,
surprises for customers and improve
is completely improved. In the second
and 14 projects are carried forward. The
brand loyalty of the customers.
phase of the “Winning at the Terminals”
third phase is the sublimation of projects
activity, the promotion of soft strength of
led in the first two phases. On one hand, it
Technical Highlight
Commonly, metal materials are stamped
reinforcement panel of the automobile and
and formed at normal temperature.
reduces the weight. The drop stamping
However, according to the drop stamping
technology can also enable high forming
technology, metal materials are stamped,
precision of steel plates and will be
formed and cooled down at the same time
applied to A columns of Haval H2 which is
after the temperature reaches 900℃. The
under research and development. At
strength of stamping parts produced in
present, such advanced technology has
this way is very high and can reach
only been applied to German cars, e.g.
1400Mpa and 3 times of the strength of
Volkswagen and BMW.
cold stamping parts, which also saves the
Pressing hardening technology
Laser Radiation Welding of Doors
Technical Highlight
Sales section
Rubber Module
GWM’s intellignt sales assistant
At present, the latest technology is used
is used for welding round dots with the
for welding side wall and door covers of
diameter from 6.5mm to 9.5mm. Welding
vehicle body and only applied to
is completely done by the robot, the
Volkswagen autos, and can realize the
precise location can be realized, and the
split joint of different materials, e.g.
production time can be saved by around
high-strength plate, galvanized plate and
30%. It will be applied in the Phase 2 of
aluminum plate. Joints can be 1-2mm,
Xushui production base in the future.
while common electric welding technology
Rubber module
Haval H8’s Unpainted Vehicle Body
Automobile rubber damping system
Sealing Strip Fabric Technology of Door Frames
Technical Highlight
At present, the appearance of common
sealing strips are covered with fabrics,
sealing strips cannot be completely unified
which can realize the uniform color and
with auto accessory colors, thus causing
veins of auto accessories and sealing
the common sealing strips to have a poor
strips, and such fabric sealing strips will
decorative appearance. However,
be applied on high-end automobiles, such
according to the sealing strip fabric
as Haval H8.
technology of automobile door frames,
Technical Highlight
Automobile body sealing system
Door Strip Corner Beautification System
Technical Highlight
Laser radiation welding of doors
The traditional straight punching technology
material and does not look very beautiful.
the corner efficiently, ensure unity in product
is applied to common door strip corners, the
Now, the parent material of the exposed
appearance, smoothen the corner due to
straight punching corner has a large area
corner is extended to the sharp part of the
shrinkage and promote the delicate
and has a big color difference with the parent
corner, so as to reduce the exposed area of
perception of complete vehicle.
Haval H8’s unpainted vehicle body
The utility rate of high-strength plates is
pass downward the force to four wheels
74.8% and the complete vehicle has 461
through the heavy beam, and protect the
metal plates and 345 high-strength plates,
driver and passengers. The vehicle body is
which greatly enhances safety of the
welded by 74 robots, so that the
complete vehicle. Anti-collision beams of
fixed-position welding is more accurate
auto doors are made of knife-edge steel, its
and the welding strength is better
strength is above 1200MPa, higher than
ensured. Inner plates of vehicle door and
the strength of common anti-corrosion
the lower part of the vehicle body are
beams, and its safety coefficient is higher.
galvanized plates, which can improve the
The energy absorption box in front of the
corrosion prevention of the vehicle body.
vehicle body can absorb collision energy,
Haval, the No.1 SUV brand in China 07 / 08
June 2013
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
Haval H8 Multifunctional
Electrical Exhibition Zone
Header Display
Technical Highlight
Technical Highlight
The projector technology is applied to converting information on the instrument panel
into figures and projecting it below the front windshield. The driver does not need to lower
his/her head to watch the instrument panel frequently so as to improve driving safety.
Meanwhile, when there is no image below the windshield, it is transparent. At present,
the header display has been applied to high-end automobiles of BMW.
with the cell phone, so as to avoid
camera and the driver can observe the
unnecessary traffic accidents because of
condition in the rearview mirror when he
answering the phone in the driving
backs up the car. It has the automatic
process; with the safety belt
anti-dazzling function. In other words, if
pre-visualization function, it is easy to see if
strong light is on at night, the display will
the driver and passengers are tied with
absorb rays automatically; it has the tyre
safety belts. The multi-functional rear view
pressure display function and can display
mirror is a research and development
pressure values of the four tyres; with the
orientation of GWM now, and will be
help of the Bluetooth system, the driver
applied to high-end automobiles of GWM. At
can directly talk with others through the
present, such mirrors have been applied to
blue tooth system on the rear view mirror
Benz and BMW automobiles only.
after the Bluetooth system is connected
eight electric adjustment functions,
prevent the head and neck of the driver
electrical heating function, massage
from being injured; regarding the chair
function, headrest return function and
memory function, it is easy to adjust the
chair adjustment memory function, and
chair and avoid repeated operations. At
both sides of the chair are equipped with
present, such chairs are applied to BMW
safety airbags. Regarding the headrest
automobiles only.
Haval H8 multifunctional chairs
Header display
Multi-functional Rear View Mirror Frames
The rear view mirror has the reverse
automatically in case of an impact and can
return function, the headrest returns
Interior & Exterior Trims Exhibition Zone
Technical Highlight
Haval H8 multifunctional chairs have
Luminous Signboard
Technical Highlight
Common signboards are electroplated,
luminous signboards are applied with
IMD environmental protection technology
and the color and brightness in the light
area can be controlled and selected
according to individual demands. At
present, this technology has been applied
to BYD and other joint ventures, e.g.
Multi-functional rear view mirror frames
Luminous signboard
Trunk Management System
Technical Highlight
This technology has been applied to high-end models of Haval H8. Different from common trunks, such a trunk is amounted with a trunk
guide runner which can separate the trunk space flexibly and facilitate classifying and placing goods; a goods fixation belt is amounted
Soft Instrument Panel
above the separation shelf for placing ticklish goods easily, e.g. thermos bottle; the security isolation net can isolate trunk goods from
Technical Highlight
Trunk management system
passengers in the rear row to ensure safety of the passengers in the rear row.
(Executive Editor:Roger)
Compared with common instrument
panels, soft instrument panels are more
comfortable and can avoid being
damaged or broken. The slush molding
technology is applied. At present, soft
instrument panels are only applied to
BMW X5 and high-end Japanese
automobiles. GWM will apply soft
instrument panels on Haval H8 in the
mass production.
Soft instrument panel
Haval, the No.1 SUV brand in China 09 / 10
June 2013
The 3rd Science Technology Festival
Science & Technology .Great Wall
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
3rd Great Wall Science & Technology
Festival --Technology Forums
Refinement Perception Technology Forum
research project, conducted key
technical researches and successfully
( Journalist:Lydia Yang ) On June 6, 2013, GWM held a special technical forum
with the theme of "refinement perception enhancement" at the lecture hall of
Baoding Hengtong Fortune Center Hotel.
applied over a dozen of major leading
technologies to models.
This forum will enable GWM to make
further cooperation with research
institutes, institutions of higher
education and suppliers in technology
innovation of automobile information and
The forum invited interior material
experts from home and abroad to make
speeches and exchanges on interior
material refinement analysis, C factor
analysis, fabric and color trends, and
fabric and color analysis.
With the development of GWM's
modeling operation, the company's
business concept "exquisiteness" needs
to be publicized more. Besides, with the
increase in the processing accuracy of
products, it has been imperative to
increase the degree of product
refinement in the psychological field of
refinement perception. Thus, the forum
gave a better illustration to the concept
of "exquisiteness". Since the time when
GWM's specialized institutes to form
the concept was proposed, under the
specific action plans. To date, phase
principle of IDEP (exquisite design,
progress has been made in items of coat
excellent process), GWM has been
paint quality improvement,
geared to German benchmark, worked
electroplated parts improvement, seat
out specific objectives and plans of
refinement enhancement, key/alarm
smelling, listening and touching in the
consistency improvement, body corner
sensory quality of interior and exterior
standard, synchronous development of
parts, electrical parts, body parts and
lamps and interior smell improvement.
Intelligence directs auto life,
auto electronics displays charm of future technology
On Jun 14, 2013, the Intelligent Vehicle
showcase the concept of intelligent
technologies and testing & validation
Technology Forum, organized by the
vehicle via the platform.
technologies in the field of auto
Electronic Control Engineering Research
electronics with GWM's technical
Institute of Great Wall Motor Technology
Based on demonstration of the current
engineers in fields such as new energy,
Center, took place at Baoding Xiulan
situation and future development plan of
electronics & electric, active and passive
Hotel. Themed as "Intelligence directs
GWM's electronic technologies, the
safety, and power, unveiling the
future auto life, enjoys the charm of
technical center invited three technical
mysterious kernel of auto electronics and
electronic technology at the core", the
experts from the industry and research
making technical exchanges in depth.
forum aims to build an exchange
institutes to deliver keynote speeches as
Executive Editor:Roger
platform for auto electronics in technical
guest speakers, sharing cutting-edge
segment of automobile, interpret and
applications technologies, R & D
materials, and divided them among all
Auto Electronics Technology Forum
On Jun 3, 2013, Great Wall Electronic
specialized forums at Baoding Zhongyin
technologies and development trends of
and Electric Engineering Research
Hotel. At the forum, the institute's
auto air conditioning.
Institute invited experts including Prof.
backbone had face-to-face dialogues on
Chen Jiangping of the China Association
technical development with the
Looking back to the 2nd GWM Science
of Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning
industrial leaders. The key subjects of
& Technology Festival, we have forged
Industry, Dr. Mu Jingyang of Air
the forum included the role of EEA in
partnerships with institutions of higher
International, Director Sun Shouping of
vehicle development, the importance and
education, R & D institutions and
HiRain Technologies and Director Meng
methods of testing on complete vehicle’s
industrial experts via the technology
Yuwang of Inteids to deliver four
electronic and electric functions, new
forums, declared a major national
Haval, the No.1 SUV brand in China
11 / 12
June 2013
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
( Journalist:Jane )According to recent
ambitious product plans for Haval brand.
statistics released by the China
Haval will make concentrated efforts
Passenger Car Association, 15,673 units
from the second half of this year, give full
of Haval H6 were sold in May,
play to its resource advantage and a more
outperforming brands like Shanghai
flexible market strategy after its
Volkswagen Tiguan and Hyundai ix35 to
independence in the hope of launching
lead the SUV market. It registered a
more fine models on the SUV market and
year-on-year increase of 43.1 percent and
boosting its brand competitiveness.
a month-on-month increase of 1.7
percent, far above the year-on-year
In May, Haval H6, Tiguan, CR-V, ix35
increase of 9.81 percent in the Chinese
and Qashqai ranked top five in the
auto market in May. Despite a
Chinese SUV market with a respective
month-on-month decrease of 2.9 percent
sales volume of 15,673 units, 15,256
in the Chinese auto market in May,
units, 14,530 units, 12,006 units and
Haval H6 grew month on month and led
10,770 units.
the SUV market.
Executive Editor:Roger
Since its launch, Haval H6 has raised
increasing concerns and has been sold
well. According to sources, with
Rankings of CHINESE
SUV Model Sales in May
"professional SUV" as the brand
orientation and development vision,
Haval brand has unveiled a series of
GWM Haval H6
leads Chinese SUV market
in May
Haval H6
( Journalist:Jane ) GWM has recently
products like rain and light sensors,
in cooperation to satisfy the future need
concluded a strategic cooperation
PEPS, combined switches and door &
of the auto industry.
agreement with Kostal, Germany. Under
window switches. According to GWM's
the agreement, the two parties will carry
person in charge, GWM will use more
According to sources, International
out strategic cooperation in fields such as
advanced technologies from Kostal on
technical cooperation is a characteristic of
traditional electromechanical products,
existing and future models.
GWM's technical R & D. To improve
and innovative technologies. Present at
At the signing ceremony, Lyu noted, after
integrated global top technical
the signing ceremony were Huang Yong,
over a decade of development, Kostal has
cooperation resources for independent
director of Great Wall Technical Center;
owned an R & D team of over 600
innovation: to date, GWM has carried out
Zhao Guoqing, vice president of GWM; as
members and has begun to design and
strategic cooperation with a dozen major
well as President Lyu Keqin and Vice
develop products for European and
matching groups like Bosch, BorgWarner,
President Martinez of Kostal Asia.
American customers. GWM is distinctive
Delphi and Valeo with the content of
in the industry in terms of capital control
cooperation upgrading from product
Since 2006, Kostal has supplied seat
capacity and team building, and
matching to product R & D, thus
adjustment switches to GWM, opening
preserves in brand building. Kostal will
accomplishing technical cooperation and
up the way of cooperation. In recent
offer all-round support to GWM by its
R & D innovation in more fields.
years, the relations have been deepened
technical advantage in the field of its
Executive Editor:Roger
constantly and GWM's star models like
products; hopefully, the two parties will
Great Wall H6, Great Wall H5 and Great
cement cooperation in the future and
Wall C50 have carried Kostal's advanced
temper the R & D teams of both parties
Audi Q5
08 7892
Ford Kuga
09 7601
Sportage R
GWM concludes strategic cooperation
agreement with Kostal
product quality, GWM has persistently
comfortable and safe electronic products,
GWM concludes strategic
cooperation agreement with Kostal
Haval, the No.1 SUV brand in China
13 / 14
June 2013
Updates of
Benchmark Brands
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
Updates of Benchmark
( Journalist:Oliameng ) With the advent of June, it’s the time for Chinese automakers to release their semi-annual
business performance in succession. For this reason, major automakers take advantage of diverse actions like
emotive event and tourism event to capture consumers’ loyalty. To follow is the collection of P. R. events held by
some benchmark brands in June in this E-magazine.
In June, Hyundai Motors held Korean
instructed customers and media friends in
materials on Korean cuisine and her new
culture experience events in several cities
Korean cuisine cooking methods in Chinese.
book Ms. Kim’s Happy Cuisine. In wake of
and provinces like Beijing, Tianjin, and
To facilitate the instruction process, the
the event, all guests expressed their
Shaanxi etc., inviting Ms. Kim Chin Shu
sponsor divided customers and media
gratitude to the sponsor’s considerate
(transliteration), a famous Korean cuisine
friends into two groups at random. Thanks
preparations, saying that they have more
chef to visit the Hyundai franchised stores
to meticulous direction by Ms. Kim, all
confidence in Hyundai Motor after having
where she cooked traditional Korean dishes
present customers and media friends busied
further knowledge on Korean culture.
like “Spicy Pan-fried Rice Cake” and “Rice
and indulged themselves in cooking the
Wrapped in Seaweed” etc, together with
yummy. In the achievement display section,
Chinese customers and media friends.
all present media friends singled out
FAW Toyota:
On June 16, FAW Toyota Motor Sales Co.,
consultants and professional technicians’
“Committed to Cultivating Credible
Ltd. held a “Car Care Classroom &
instructions and illustrations to have an
Service Brand, Build Car Professionally
Customer Experience Day” event themed
experience of FAW Toyota’s service
and Treat Customers Honestly”.
as “Colorful Auto Life, New Service
reception flow, second-handed car
Experience”. It is learned that such an
replacement, certification service, and
event took “Customers’ Personal
professional & transparent workshop
Experience at Store” as the major form,
operation flow. Also, they had in-depth
and it will be launched in several cities in
communications with professional
China in wake of the Beijing Stop.
technicians in respect of car maintenance
and repair issues. Meanwhile, FAW
On that day, hundreds of car owners and
Toyota left a deep mark on present guests’
30 journalists followed the service
memories by its service concept
“Excellent Chef”, and bestowed fancy
Meanwhile, Ms. Kim persisted in picking
trophies on them as well. Besides, Ms. Kim
food materials personally as well as
presented all friends with some raw
Event Comments:
With increasing popularity of Korean TV
advantage of Chinese consumers’
Motors and its consumers. As for
plays in China and extensive spread of
interest and affection in Korean cuisine
consumers, they had an experience of
Korean songs and dances amongst
to invite local master of culinary arts
Hyundai Motor’s brand affinity, which
Chinese youngsters over the recent
from Korea, so as to enable consumers to
laid a foundation for the company to
years, Korean culture has laid a
participate in cooking and tasting the
cultivate the brand loyalty.
cognitive foundation in China. In
traditional Korean dishes from a very
particular, Korean yummy is favored by
close distance. That accordingly aroused
more and more consumers. In view of
much interest from consumers and
this fact, Hyundai Motors took
shortened the distance between Hyundai
Event Comments:
Today, with the increase of auto market inventory, major automakers begin to turn their focus to the
aftermarket. Rooted in car owners’ actual use demands, FAW Toyota’s Customer Experience Day event adopted
diverse forms to instruct car owners through lively activities, enabling car owners to have more direct knowledge
about the company’s service value and providing them with a brilliant and pleasant car life.
Haval, the No.1 SUV brand in China
15 / 16
June 2013
Updates of
Benchmark Brands
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
FAW Volkswagen:
Dongfeng Nissan:
In June, 2013 FAW Volkswagen User
and process flow, unveiling FAW
high-strength body vibration experiment,
Experience Day titled “Perceive the Core,
Volkswagen’s mystic yashmak in
and DIY tire replacement etc., enabling
Content the Public” was held successively in
high-quality automobile production. By
guests to have more knowledge about FAW
such cities as Guangzhou, Chengdu, and
watching video, present guests not only
Volkswagen products’ technology, safety,
Jinan, aiming to enable extensive
learned about FAW Volkswagen’s
stability performance, and quality etc.
consumers to have more knowledge about
technology-oriented production line, but also
FAW Volkswagen’s high quality philosophy
had further knowledge about those “hidden”
and pursuit through all-round and in-depth
processes (like stamping, welding, painting,
communications with them.
and assembling) that greatly affect the
automobile quality. During the visit and
Meanwhile, the sponsor took advantage of
experience process, the sponsor specially
an oversize screen to show consumers FAW
arranged some interactive experience links
Volkswagen Magotan’s entire production
like comparison of high-quality process,
June 16, 2013 is the 10th anniversary for
speed amongst its domestic counterparts.
the founding of Dongfeng Nissan. To
Meanwhile, Ren Yong, Vice General
celebrate the 10th anniversary, Dongfeng
Manager of Dongfeng Nissan, delivered a
Nissan held a 10th Anniversary Convention
themed speech about China automobile
titled “10-year Miracles, Because of You” in
industry’s “Ten Golden Years”. According to
Mr. Ren, Dongfeng Nissan would serve as
an outstanding firm to lead the industry
At the event site, a NEO TEANA car, which
and become a trustworthy and charming
just rolled off the production line, drove
brand within the coming 10 years. Besides,
slowly onto the stage under the common
the manufacturer promulgated some
witness of media journalists and
preferential policies like replacement
representatives of car owners, signifying
subsidies and additional purchase subsidies
Dongfeng Nissan reached the output/sales
to reward new and frequent customers.
volume of 4.5 million units at the fastest
Event Comments:
So-called event marketing is the process in which news rules are used to create a newsworthy
event and specific operations are implemented to spread the news event, in an effort to realize
the advertising effect. In this event, the sponsor successfully utilized the 10th Anniversary for
the founding of Dongfeng Nissan and took advantage of media communications to tell
consumers that Dongfeng Nissan would make endeavors to become an internationalized
corporation rooted in China and a corporate citizen worth trusting. Such a communication
Event Comments:
with positive energy that focuses on news event is bound to boost consumers’ confidence and
raise their sense of trust.
Executive Editor:Roger
In today’s society, only after customers personally experience the product manufacturing process can they have more trust on the product
quality and use the product with confidence. In this event, users enhanced their knowledge on FAW Volkswagen through their personal
experience, as well as had further communications with the manufacturer in an open and frank manner. Such an eye-catching and innovative
measure not only narrowed the distance between the users and the manufacturer, but also successfully showed users FAW Volkswagen’s
profound charm.
Haval, the No.1 SUV brand in China
17 / 18
June 2013
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
Great Wall H5 shines
on the shores of Lake Ladoga
Correspondent: Niu xiaona
In the just-concluded "Grand Tourism" competition of Ladoga Trophy
2013, Great Wall H5 finished 9th and 13th in the dune and beach stages.
In the same category were 57 racing cars coming from over 50 motorcades
like Mitsubishi, Toyota, Jeep, Hummer and Russian auto brands.
Starting in 1997, Ladoga Trophy is one of
adventurers from around the world every
Rally for four years in a raw and come
Russia's most famous off-road races and
year. 178 teams entered for this year's
out on top with the sixth place. The
saw its 17th edition this year. Stretching
race. Great Wall H5 fielded by "Eurocom
brilliant competition results and superior
on 1,200 kilometers, the route which is
Auto-Trade", GWM's tier-2 distributor in
auto performance have earned Great
generally in Leningrad Region and the
Russia is the only Chinese auto brand.
Wall SUV growing interest and trust
Republic of Karelia, starts and ends in
from consumers. Great Wall SUV has
St. Petersburg. The race involves 9
Great Wall H5 making its debut in the
retained the domestic sales title in SUV
classes, including 3 tourism categories
race was changed according to the
segment for nine consecutive years and
and 6 competition categories. A special
competition rules, with its engine and
taken the lead to achieve cumulative sales
stage of 120 kilometers is included. Due
transmission unchanged. The model
of 600,000 units. It has become a model
to tough roads and harsh weather,
finished the 8-day race by its outstanding
with the largest cumulative sales among
performance without any fault.
all Chinese brands and all Chinese models
"Ladoga" has become a byword for
courage, stamina, passion
and extreme sports,
priced above 100,000 RMB.
Great Wall SUV has performed strongly
in various competitions at home and
abroad in recent
years. It
has competed in
the Dakar
Haval, the No.1 SUV brand in China 19 / 20
June 2013
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
GWM shows up at Top Gear carnival
in South Africa Correspondent:Allen
The Top Gear carnival took place from June 15 to 16 at Mabi-liba Stadium
in Durban, a host city of 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa. As a
professional auto TV program of BBC, Top Gear is the most-watched of its
kind in South Africa.
The Top Gear carnival started in 2012
total terminal sales is 618,677 units in
and this year will see its second edition.
South Africa, up around 7.9 percent year
The key activities of this year's carnival
on year, and GWM contributed 7,793
included a stunt show, a special &
units, up 14.99 percent year on year,
refitted vehicle show and a show for key
ranking 13th among all brands including
local brands. GWM's South African
Toyota and Volkswagen. In the adverse
distributor--GWM South Africa showed
environment of Rand depreciation and
up with new models like Great Wall H6,
RMB appreciation, however in the
Great Wall C50 and Great Wall C20R
second half of 2013, GWM will launch
against world-famous brands like
five new models including Great Wall
Volkswagen, Ford, Benz, Peugeot,
H6, Great Wall C50, Great Wall C20R,
Citroen, Audi, Ferrari and Bentley.
Great Wall C30 and Great Wall M4, the
GWM's booth was crowded with visitors
launch of the new models will boost
who were visibly interested in GWM's
GWM's sales and its future development
new models and scrambled to consult the
in South Africa. The total sales of these
launching time.
models are expected to top 5,000 units in
the second half of 2013.
Since entering the South African market
in 2007, GWM has kept ahead of other
Chinese auto brands in terms of terminal
sales and market holdings. In 2012, the
Ecuadorian distributor Ambacar
Correspondent: EVA sponsors mall activity
From May to June 2013, GWM's Ecuadorian distributor Ambacar sponsored a
"lucky draw" at the shopping mall "Quicentro Sur" and the prize was Great Wall H3.
As the largest shopping and recreational center in Quito, capital of Ecuador,
"Quicentro Sur" hosts a maximum of 120,000 guests daily.
The distributor Ambacar has presented
Great Wall H3 in red silk in the mall,
many similar activities along with
drawing wide attention from consumers.
"Quicentro Sur" as its preferred sponsor.
According to statistics, 71,040 guests
This time, it offered a big prize Great
registered for tickets, and more desired
Wall H3.
for a lucky draw inquired about Great
Wall H3 at the central showroom of the
Rules: Anyone who has spent over 25
U.S. dollars in the mall may register for
a ticket and any ticket holder who has
By boosting consumption and awarding a
bought over 5,000 U.S. dollars worth of
Great Wall vehicle through a lucky draw,
commodities on "Father's Day",
the activity has deepened consumers'
"Mother's Day" and "Children's Day"
knowledge of Great Wall brand and
respectively will have a chance to make a
played a significant role in enhancing
lucky draw to win a Great Wall H3 for
GWM's brand in Ecuador. The
his or her family.
distributor Ambacar pledged to organize
more branding activities in other forms
During the activities, the distributor
to enhance GWM's brand image and
Ambacar put up posters featuring Great
boost its sales in the future.
Wall H3 in zones such as elevator
entrance, activity counter, specialty store
Editor:Lydia Yang
and catering zone, and displayed a real
Haval, the No.1 SUV brand in China 21 / 22
June 2013
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
Great Wall H5 & Wingle pickup end consumer
experience in Malaysia Correspondent:Allen
Quality builds reputation, Chilean ambassador
favors Great Wall H6 Correspondent:KOMA
On June 10, GWM held a grand delivery
GWM a better result in the Dakar Rally.
ceremony for Mr. Luis Schmidt Montes,
has outperformed big brands like
Volkswagen and Mazda to rank among the
Chilean ambassador to China at Beijing
The reason for Luis's choice of Great Wall H6
top 10 in the market, and has kept ahead of
Bosilian Automobile Sales Center. Wang
is the outstanding quality and good
other Chinese brands for six consecutive
Shihui, director of the International
reputation of GWM vehicles. The Dakar
years. In the second half year of 2013, GWM
Department of GWM and Li Yachao,
Rally has made GWM vehicles known to
is going to launch Great wall C50 and H6
manager of GWM Chile Marketing
consumers worldwide, and their elegant and
successively, With the entry of models like
Department, were present and presented an
internationalized appearances have
Great Wall H6 and Great Wall C50, GWM
exquisite gift to the ambassador.
conquered a growing number of consumers.
will spark a new sales boom in Chile, thus
According to Luis, through the visit to GWM
further enhancing its brand popularity.
Before the ceremony, Wang briefed the
in May, he has seen GWM's tremendous
ambassador about GWM's development in
strength and gained an insight into the
China, especially the performance that Great
production process of Great Wall H6, thus
Wall SUV has retained the domestic SUV
further stimulating his desire to purchase
sales title for 10 consecutive years and Great
Great Wall H6.
GWM's Malaysian distributor Green
and demonstrating how to overcome
The activity is aimed to enhance relations
Oranges has recently organized a training
vehicle skid; second, making participants
between Green Oranges and end
to deepen consumers' understanding of the
understand the difference between
consumers by training participants in
four-wheel-drive technology of Wingle
four-wheel-drive systems of high-grade
quality characteristics and driving skills
pickup and Great Wall H5, attracting a lot
Wingle pickups and those of low-grade ones,
of GWM's vehicles, thus laying a
of consumers.
and teaching driving skills in road conditions
foundation for enhancing GWM's brand
such as ditch, muddy road and slope; third,
image in Malaysia.
The activity involved three parts: first,
introducing the driving accuracy of Great
making participants experience and
Wall H5 to participants and presenting
understand the working principle of ABS
stunts of Great Wall H5, etc.
Wall H6 has been out of supply. Luis spoke
highly of GWM's development, accentuating
According to sources, in recent years, GWM's
the Dakar Rally. As a Dakar fan, he expected
sales in Chile have been sustainably
much of GWM's Dakar racecar and wished
increasing. In terms of annual sales, GWM
Customer experiences driving pleasure
THE GWM SUV delivery ceremony to the
CHILEAN ambassador
Wingle 5 is going through ditch
and muddy road.
Haval, the No.1 SUV brand in China 23 / 24
June 2013
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
Great Wall M4 coming into play
China’s Best-selling Brand of Passenger Cars
Media interview
Lion-man show
Great Wall M4 launched in Uruguay
On June 6, 2013, GWM's Uruguayan distributor BOR S.A. launched Great
Wall M4 in the main hall of the World Trade Center Montevideo.
Speech by Mr. RICHARD
Attracted many visitors
The activity attracted local media as well as
lion man show created an adventurous
The launch of Great Wall M4 in Uruguay
BOR’s Sub-Dealer and customers, BOR S.A.
atmosphere, and then two units Great Wall
drew wide attention from customers and the
Director Eng. Richard Lempert and Business
M4 in Sky Silver and Jazz Red respectively
media. Now it sells well and well received in
Manager Mr. Federico Guarino granted
were unveiled. Under the theme of
Uruguay. The activity has played a
interviews and delivered speeches,
adventure, the activity showed the
significant role in boosting GWM's brand
expressing gratitude to friends from all walks
compactness and versatility of Great Wall
influence in Uruguay. The distributor will
of life who have come all the way for
M4 as the best companion in adventures.
continue adopt to other forms promotional
congratulating and highlighting Great Wall
Journalists and friends from all walks of life
activities in the future to enhance GWM's
M4 which is to be launched. To the rhythm of
photographed and personally experienced
brand popularity.
adventure and jungle music, a spectacular
the new model, showing strong interest in it.
Editor:Lydia Yang
Under strong bones there is a heart in pursuit of unconstrained pleasures and untamed
nature derives from transcendental performance. M4 is a hardedged mini SUV that
complies with European standard. Its all-metal closed type hardtop body, high-rigidity
four-door anti-collision steel beam, and unique D-column design can ensure the
collision safety to the maximum extent.
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June 2013
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
A Picturesque Costal City
( Journalist:Lydia Yang ) Located at the southernmost end of Liaodong Peninsula of China, adjacent to the Bohai Sea in the
northwest, and facing the Huanghai Sea in the southeast, Dalian City has been honored a series of titles like “National Civilized
City”, “China Excellent Tourism City”, “National Health City”, “National Model City in Environmental Protection”, and “National
Garden City” etc. Blessed with white railings, golden sand beach, plots of green lands, and countless squares, Dalian City,
together with the Huanghai Sea, cultivates a garden-like place of romance.
June 2013
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
Laohutan(Tiger Beach) Ocean Park
Situated in the middle part of southern
In the park there is polar ocean animal house
seaside in Dalian City, Liaoning Province,
and marine mammal house, which miniaturize
Laohutan Ocean Park is considered the
the polar world and showcase ocean miracles.
largest modernized seaside pleasure ground
Here, visitors can enjoy the sight of China’s
in China. In the park there is natural blue sea
largest coral house and the landmark building
and azure sky, as well as green mountains
“Tiger Statue”, or they can take the cross-sea
and grotesque stones. That cultivates a
aerial chairlift and pleasure boat to feast their
gorgeous and fascinating seaside scene in
eyes on the ocean scene and “Tiger Beach”
which mountains and the sea mirror each
playground. In addition to that, Songbird Aviary
other and delineate a charming landscape.
and 4D cinema provide tourists with novel
entertainment pleasures.
Golden Pebble Beach
Located in the east of Jinzhou District of Dalian City, the Golden
Pebble Beach State Holiday Resort, 58km away from the Dalian
downtown area, is reputed as “Garden abounding with Grotesque
As the first state-level holiday resort approved by Chinese
Xinghai Square
government, the Golden Pebble Beach State Holiday Resort
Nestling in the southwest of Dalian City
nine states (a poetic name for China).
oversize tripods carved with Chinese
and contiguous to the Bohai Bay,
Particularly, the square center,
characters “Zhong Hua Min Zu Da
Xinghai Square is reputed as the largest
imitative of the Circular Altar of Beijing
Tuan Jie Wan Sui” (literally, Long Live
urban square in Asia and built for
Temple of Heaven, is paved with 999
the Great Unity of Chinese Nation),
commemorating Hong Kong’s return to
pieces of Sichuan Red Marbles, on
signifying “One word is as heavy as nine
its motherland. On the square, the
which there are traditional Chinese
tripods”. Moreover, Xinghai Square is
ornamental column made of white
symbols like heavenly stems and
embraced by large-scale musical
marble, which is regarded as the largest
earthly branches (Chinese era), the 24
one amongst its domestic counterparts,
solar terms, and the Chinese Zodiac.
is carved with nine dragons, signifying
Around the square there are nine
is surrounded by sea on three sides and composed of Eastern
Peninsula, Western Peninsula, and open land and seawater
bathing place between the two peninsulas.
Here, you can get a view of pink reefs, golden stones, and
characteristic turtle stones. Since these grotesque stones are
not manmade but created by the great nature in uncanny
workmanship, the Golden Pebble Resort is also called as
“Divine Sculpture Park”, making it become the most ideal
seaside holiday resort in North China.
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June 2013
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
Discovery Land Theme Park
Dalian Forest Zoo
Situated in Dailian Golden Pebble Beach
space shuttle etc. Each day, brilliant cruise
Situated in the southeast of Dalian downtown,
State Holiday Resort, the Discovery Land
performance and theater performance will be
Dalian Forest Zoo nestles in the Dalian Seaside
Theme Park, 50km away from Dalian
held at fixed time.
Scenic Spot Baiyun Mountain (a state-level
downtown area, falls into six themes,
scenic spot).
including Crazy Township, Mysterious
In the Discovery Land Theme Park,
Desert, Metal Workshop, Magical Forest,
entertainment projects are distributed in an
In Phase I (captive breeding zone) and Phase
and Legendary Castle.
annular form, and both its starting point and
II (wild zone) of the Dalian Forest Zoo there
ending point come together at the Discovery
are more than 3000 animals of over 200
In the Discovery Land Theme Park there is
Square that is right located at the park
species, including several state-level protected
large square, cartoon players dressed in
entrance. On the discovery square there is a
species and lots of rare species introduced
brilliant costumes, and recreation facilities
well-designed street fountain, and around
from abroad.
like roller coaster, “Energy Storm”, big
the park there are townships and streets of
pendulum, “Big Rocking Axe”, “Terrific”, and
European style.
In the capital breeding zone there are several
animal exhibition halls like birds garden,
dinosaur hall, tiger hill, bear & lion hill,
comprehensive animal hall, primates hall,
and herbivore hall etc.
Dalian Cate
Sanya Ocean World
Located at No. 608-6, Zhongshan Road,
Shahekou District, Dalian City and nestling in
the Xinghai Park, the Sanya Ocean World is an
aquarium of undersea passage style that was
founded jointly by China, New Zealand, and
Hong Kong, with total investment touching
nearly RMB 100 million. As one of the five AAAA
Since most Dalian people are descendants of
Lantern Abalone”, “Colorful Snowflake Scallop”,
Shandong people, Dalian cuisine also belong to
“Salted Fish with Corn Pancake”, “Dalian Shrimp
Shandong Cuisine. Taking the seafood as major
Sauce”, “Fried Sea Worm”,“Sea Treasure: Sea
raw material, Dalian cuisine has its unique style.
Cucumber”, “Stirred Sea Jelly”, and “Seafood with
Dalian City abounds in fishes, shrimps, crabs,
Potato Jelly” etc.
shellfishes, and sea weeds, and so it is selected into
one of the National Key Aquatic Production
Snacks: Colorful Snowflake Scallop, Dalian
Bases. It is suggested that you had better take
Abalone, Seafood with Potato Jelly, Dalian
Dalian seafood in autumn because autumn is the
Sea Cucumber, Salted Fish with Corn
best season for taking the seafood.
Cate Gathering Place: Kaide Peace Plaza
Renowned dishes in Dalian include “Steamed
Executive Editor:Roger
scenic spots in Dalian City, the Sanya Ocean
World boasts the longest undersea transparent
passage in Asia (total length: 118m).
Here, you can feast your eyes on 7000-plus fishes
of more than 200 species and those fish shoals of
different sizes and forms, such as ferocious sharks,
big-headed numbfishes, and colorful tropical
fishes, which will present you a graceful, gorgeous,
and dreamlike undersea world.
The Sanya Ocean World is made up of Sanya
Ocean World, Sanya Polar World, and Coral Hall.
Haval, the No.1 SUV brand in China 31 / 32
June 2013
The Great Wall Motors E-Magazine
Mr. Andy Liu: Youth Plays Wonder
Attitude Realizes Dream
(Journalist:Oliameng)Everyone has a dream, it might be perfect love, or rich income, or success
in youth, or climbing the peak of life, or traveling freely with a handbag...
Mr.Andy Liu, Manager of Algeria Marketing Dept, came to Great Wall Motors since he
graduated from the university. For 6 years, with persistence and ambition, he worked with
diligence and kind heart, and achieved several wonders with self-breakthrough.
In addition, he adhered to the principle of
ago. Then the contact of one month made
Following the new organizational
“honest and cooperative” in the business
them have good opinion on each other. The
adjustment in the beginning of this year,
cooperation with distributor. He made the
romance blossomed after the encounter in
Andy began to take charge of the Algeria
distributor see the great further prospect of
another country. In Lovech, they walked
market. In the face of such a challenging
GWM and grasped the distributor's
on the tree-lined trail at the precious
market, he kept a high morale to get
demand at the same time, exerting himself
weekend time, enjoying the peace and
familiar with the market and
to the utmost in order to achieve the
communicate with partners by email and
win-win purpose. Continuous
accumulation and innovation in the work
Andy and Sara have got married on
complaints and disagreements, Andy
made Andy grow to be a department
Chinese Valentine’s Day (7th July of lunar
always kept a positive attitude to serve
manager gradually and bear greater
calendar) in 2012. They achieved success
customers to the utmost. Recently, Andy
in both life and career with mutual
planned to visit Algeria to learn about the
understanding and support.
distributors’ demands and difficulties at
Romantic encounters
Six years have gone by. Time changed
while dream remains constant. Today,
Andy has gradually realized his original
— Manager
Manager of
of Algeria
Marketing Dept
telephone etc. Although there were
In the second half of 2011, Andy was on a
business trip to Bulgaria for negotiation
and market development. When he arrived
at Lovech, a city of Bulgaria, he met a
familiar girl, Sara, who he has known
during the distributor training six months
Gather the Young Power to
Recreate Glories of Youth
Youth comes but once in a life time. It
depicts a story of striving now and will
contribute to your memory in the future.
Andy is a young man and he composes a
steady-going and unyielding movement
his interest in the automotive industry, he
strategic adjustment is not accommodating
When he was only a 19-year-old boy, with
great future, after high school graduation,
chose to work in GWM, where he
to lots of people, making them fall behind
he chose English major of Hebei
completed his career transition.
from the company’s mainstream
frequent ideological transformation and
development trend gradually. While Andy
his hometown to pursue his dream.
University, where good English
atmosphere and foreign teachers with
Like other new employees, after military
has no misgivings because he
As early as in grade 3 of middle school,
authentic English teaching are well found.
training, enterprise culture, product
comprehends the company’s adjustment
He has made great progress in his
information and other training, Andy
and deeply knows that only by changing
translation and oral ability.
gradually grew up to be a member of
himself constantly can he keep pace with
GWM. However, he also met a problem
the company development. Andy said that
Andy's college life is pure and beautiful.
that he was not superior in the Sale’s
he was ever responsible for operating in
During his college life, he did part-time
Department where English is the main
succession the company’s overseas
tutor to ease parents’ pressure; he took an
language. After pondering on future
markets like Italy, UK, Central and
active part in school extra-curricular
direction, he found that in addition to
Eastern Europe, Bulgaria and now
activities such as the English contest,
reading and speaking, understanding,
Algeria. and he did not get confused
bilingual host etc, which have not only
negotiation and written translation skills
because of the frequent work change but
enhanced his English application abilities,
are more important in Sale’s Department.
adapted himself to the new environment
but also laid a solid foundation for his
With the clear idea, he strengthened the
with a new attitude. By joining hands with
career in the future.
learning on these aspects and actively held
colleagues to analyze the market and
posts of translator, simultaneous
exchange ideas, Andy collected basic
interpreter in top important activities.
market information and then surveyed the
New leap in the turn
expectation and confidence in the Algeria
market. According to his plan, Andy hopes
to take advantage of the upcoming
terminal visit/survey to unify the terminal
brand standards, in addition to working
the company’s brand cultivation in Algeria
much more education. With dreams of the
high school. And it further inspired his
of Brand Era”, Andy had full and
GWM is a private enterprise and its
for further study or find a job. Because of
talent has become increasingly obvious in
norms. 2013 is reputed as “The First Year
with local distributor to discuss and plan
wish to improve himself and to accept
Andy fell in love with English. His English
delivery Great Wall Motor’s standards and
with his youth.
Start with a dream
a small suitcase, he went to the city from
the terminal, as well as to do a good job of
Under high pressure, he achieved good
market on the spot. Meanwhile, he had
In the summer of 2008, Andy graduated
success in English. He is not only well
in-depth communication with distributors
from the university. Standing on the
recognized by the leadership, but also
as a way to cultivate the trustworthy
cross-road of life, he faced two choices: go
improved his career future greatly.
local P. R. events, in an effort to strengthen
Positive attitude and nonstop self
adjustment enable Andy to keep in line
with the company’s development and
make him handle abnormal situations
actively and calmly. Over the past 6 years,
Andy has grown from a young man to an
eligible manager. With his diligence,
persistence and great passion for working,
Andy is striking up his own movement of
youth on the progressing way. We firmly
believe that Andy will embrace both the
passion and the dream in the future.
Executive Editor:Roger
Haval, the No.1 SUV brand in China 33 / 34
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