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Dent promised to publish new and beautiful editions of the world’s classics at one shilling a volume, “to appeal to every kind of reader: the worker, the student, the cultured man, the child, the man and the woman,” so that “for a few shillings the reader may have a whole bookshelf of the immortals; for five pounds (which will procure him with a hundred volumes) a man may be intellectually rich for life.” Milton’s words “A good book is the precious life-blood of a master-spirit, embalmed and treasured upon purpose to a life beyond life” were printed on the title pages of the first two Everyman’s volumes. However, beginning with Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson each title has carried the motto “Everyman, I will go with thee, and be thy guide, in thy most need to go by thy side” from the medieval morality play in which the character Everyman is comforted by Knowledge on the hour of his death. These lines had come into the head of Dent’s general editor Ernest Rhys as he walked down Garrick Street one day in 1905, giving him, at last, a name for the new series. As he recalled: “Here, unexpectedly, was the waiting word, Everyman’s Library. It took me ere long into the office of the old Chief saying: ‘Eureka! I have found a title.’ For a moment he stared incredulously, and then repeated: ‘Everyman’s Library, you have it!’” Jane Austen was the first British author to have her complete works included in Everyman’s Library, followed shortly afterward by Dickens, with introductions by G. K. Chesterton. Then came the great Europeans Dostoevsky, Rabelais, Rousseau, Flaubert, and Stendhal. Near contemporaries followed: Robert Louis Stevenson, Henry James, Joseph Conrad, D. H. Lawrence, W. Somerset Maugham, Virginia Woolf. By 1956 Everyman’s Library had published more than a thousand titles and sold more than fifty million books. In 1991 Everyman’s Library was relaunched by a small independent company with the support of Alfred A. Knopf in the United States. The revived library featured a fine, easy-to-read typographic design, sewn cloth bindings, acid-free paper, silk ribbon-markers, and substantial new introductions and chronologies by leading scholars and writers. Pride and Prejudice was the first of 50 titles to be published in September 1991, and within twelve months 130 titles had appeared, including such major twentieth-century classics as Joyce’s Ulysses, Kafka’s The Trial, Lampedusa’s The Leopard, and Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago, none of which had previously been published in Everyman’s Library. Since then, Everyman’s Library has published Robert Fitzgerald’s incomparable translations of Homer and Virgil, an edition of Shakespeare with more than seven hundred pages of magisterial introductions by Tony Tanner, the only complete edition available of Vasari’s Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects, and Allen Mandelbaum’s fine translation of Dante’s Divine Comedy, the only edition to include Botticelli’s extraordinary pen and silverpoint drawings. In 1992 Everyman’s Library launched a series of Children’s Classics, bringing back into print illustrators such as Aubrey Beardsley, Ivan Bilibin, Walter Crane, Kate Greenaway, Mervyn Peake, and Heath Robinson and his brother Charles. This was followed by a hugely popular Pocket Poets series with more than sixty titles in print ranging from popular poets to anthologies. By the 100th Anniversary in 2006 the list of authors Everyman’s Library publishes has been joined by Achebe, Allende, Bassani, Borges, Bulgakov, Calvino, Camus, Chandler, Penelope Fitzgerald, Forster, García Márquez, Grass, Greene, Hasek, Highsmith, Levi, Mahfouz, Mann, Cormac McCarthy, Morrison, Nabokov, Naipaul, Orwell, Plath, Rushdie, Solzhenitsyn, Steinbeck, Svevo, Updike, and Waugh—a catalog that few publishers can rival in paperback and of course none in hardcover.
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