2015 Catalogue - Seagull Books
2015 Catalogue - Seagull Books
2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 1 Roland Barthes 6 Jorge Luis Borges, Osvaldo Ferrari 7 Alexander Kluge 8 René Char 9 Anselm Kiefer 11 Yves Bonnefoy 12 Philippe Jaccottet 13 Alice Attie 14 Urs Widmer 16 Dominika Laster 17 Hans Magnus Enzensberger 18 Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o 20 R. Siva Kumar 20 Ramdas Ganesh Bhatkal 22 Heisnam Kanhailal 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 François Jullien 23 Christoph Ransmayr 24 Forthcoming Books in 2016 25 Select Backlist: Enactments 28 Select Backlist: In Performance 30 Select Backlist: New Indian Playwrights 32 The Selected Works of Mahasweta Devi 33 Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 36 Terry Eagleton 37 Tariq Ali 38 Select Backlist: The French List 39 Select Backlist: The German List 41 Select Backlist: The Norwegian List 43 C E L E B R A T I N G 100 YEARS of ROLAND BARTHES 3 Roland Barthes ‘A VERY FINE GIFT’ AND OTHER WRITINGS ON THEORY Essays and Interviews, Volume 1 TRANSLATED BY CHRIS TURNER Roland Barthes’s best-known works include Mythologies (1957), S/Z (1970), A Lover’s Discourse: Fragments (1977), Camera Lucida (1980) and the posthumously printed Incidents, published in English translation by Seagull Books in 2010. Roland Barthes, whose centenary falls in 2015, was a constant innovator, often as a daring smuggler of ideas from one discipline to another. He first gained an audience with his essays on mass culture and then went on to produce some of the most suggestive and stimulating cultural criticism of the late twentieth century. In 1976, the one-time structuralist ‘outsider’ was elected to a chair at the Collège de France, a position he held until his untimely death in 1980. From his early musings on grammar and his pioneering thoughts on the sociology of literature, through the high period of structuralism to the beginnings of a post-structuralist turn in his reflections on Derrida and the creative contribution of the reader, this first volume of the Essays and Interviews series suggest a progression that is both straight line and spiral. The French List | `495 Cloth | 978 08574 2 226 2 | 196 pp | 5 x 8˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 Roland Barthes ‘THE “SCANDAL” OF MARXISM’ AND OTHER WRITINGS ON POLITICS Essays and Interviews, Volume 2 4 TRANSLATED BY CHRIS TURNER “Borges is arguably the great bridge between modernism and post-modernism in world literature.” David Foster Wallace A large part of Barthes’s published writings have been available to a French audience since Édition du Seuil’s publication in 2002 of the expanded version of his Oeuvres complètes, edited by Éric Marty. The present Essays and Interviews series is drawn from that comprehensive source, and attempts to give English-speaking readers access to the most significant previously untranslated material from the various stages of his career. The pieces in this volume were mostly written in the 1950s, a period of serious turbulence in French national life, and range from the theoretical to the cultural to more pressing political matters of the time, such as de Gaulle’s accession to power and France’s Algerian War. They also include Barthes’s views on China, written after his travels there in 1970. The French List | `495 Cloth | 978 08574 2 239 2 | 138 pp | 5 x 8˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 Roland Barthes ‘SIMPLY A PARTICULAR CONTEMPORARY’: INTERVIEWS, 1970–79 Essays and Interviews, Volume 5 5 TRANSLATED BY CHRIS TURNER “The English edition is good in that the translator has captured many twists in the old man’s Spanish and in his Argentine quirks.” This fifth volume in the Essays and Interviews series is entirely given over to four interviews with Barthes conducted between 1970 and 1979. Varying considerably in style and content, they include a filmed interview made for a French archive, an appearance on a popular French radio programme, an interview with one of East Asia’s leading cultural theorists for a Japanese literary magazine and another for an academic journal in the USA. Literary Review The French List | `495 Cloth | 978 08574 2 240 8 | 138 pp | 5 x 8˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 Jorge Luis Borges, Osvaldo Ferrari CONVERSATIONS, VOLUME 2 6 TRANSLATED BY TOM BOLL Jorge Luis Borges’ best-known works include Fictions (1944), The Aleph (1949), The Book of Imaginary Beings (1957) and The Labyrinth (1962). Osvaldo Ferrari is a poet, essayist and university teacher and has organized radio talks with Alberto Girri and Ernesto Sabato, among other important literary figures in Argentina. ALSO AVAILABLE CONVERSATIONS, VOLUME 1 TRANSLATED BY JASON WILSON `750 | Cloth 978 08574 2 188 3 346 pp | 5.5˝ x 7.75˝ Engaging in a dialogue that is both improvisational and frequently humorous, Borges touches on subjects as diverse as epic poetry, detective fiction, Buddhism and the moon landing. With his signature wit, he offers insights into the philosophical basis of his stories and poems, his fascination with religious mysticism and the idea of life as dream. These recollections are alive to the passage of history, whether in the changing landscape of Buenos Aires or a succession of political conflicts, leading Borges to contemplate what he describes as his ‘South American destiny’. And they are a testimony to the supple ways in which Borges explored his relation to numerous traditions. `750 Cloth | 978 08574 2 298 9 | 366 pp | 5.5 x 7.75˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 Alexander Kluge 30 APRIL 1945 The Day Hitler Shot Himself and Germany’s Integration with the West Began 7 TRANSLATED BY WIELAND HOBAN GUEST CONTRIBUTIONS BY REINHARD JIRGL, TRANSLATED BY IAIN GALBRAITH Alexander Kluge is one of the major German fiction writers of the late twentieth century and an important social critic. As a filmmaker, he is credited with the launch of the New German Cinema movement. ALSO AVAILABLE AIR RAID TRANSLATED BY MARTIN CHALMERS WITH AN AFTERWORD BY W. G. SEBALD The German List | `495 Cloth | 978 08574 2 0794 138 pp | 5.5˝ x 7.75˝ It was on 30 April 1945 that the Red Army occupied Berlin, Hitler committed suicide in his underground bunker while the United Nations was being founded in San Francisco. Alexander Kluge covers this single historic day and unravels its passing hours across the different theatres of the Second World War, including the life of a small German town occupied by American forces and the story of two SS officers stranded on the forsaken Kerguelen Islands. The collective experiences Kluge paints here are jarring, poignant and imbued with meaning. Seventy years later, we can still see our own reflections in the upheaval of a single day in 1945. With additional texts by Reinhard Jirgl, this is a riveting collection of lives turned upside down by the deadliest war in history. The German List | `750 Cloth | 978 08574 2 298 9 | 322 pp | 5.5 x 7.75˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 René Char THE INVENTORS AND OTHER POEMS 8 TRANSLATED BY MARK HUTCHINSON René Char was a member of the surrealists in the 1920s. He left the group in 1935 and in 1940 served with the French artillery in Alsace. He is widely considered the foremost French poet of his generation. ALSO AVAILABLE HYPNOS TRANSLATED BY MARK HUTCHINSON `495 | Cloth 978 08574 2 217 0 72 pp | 5 x 8.5˝ Gathered by the translator as a companion volume to Char’s war-time journal Hypnos, these 40 poems are a representative cross-section of the poet’s mature work. Neither free translations in the manner of Robert Lowell’s Imitations nor cribs that hunker down in the shadow of a facing page, these new translations manage to stay remarkably close to the letter of the original while conveying much of the French poems’ music and beauty, those rhythms and ‘breath-turns’ as intimate to a poet’s style as a human footprint. The poems come with a brief introduction to Char’s work, and a series of notes setting out the stories behind some of the poems and pointing to allusions which may not be immediately familiar to the English-speaking reader. The French List | `495 Cloth | 978 08574 2 324 5 | 90 pp | 5 x 8.5˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 9 Anselm Kiefer NOTEBOOKS, VOLUME 1: 1998–1999 TRANSLATED BY TESS LEWIS Anselm Kiefer’s is a German painter and sculptor and one of the most influential artists of our time. He has produced a diverse body of work comprising of painting, sculpture and installation that has made him one of the most important European artists of the past four decades. The power in Anselm Kiefer’s images is rivalled by his writings on nature and history, literature and antiquity, mysticism and mythology. In this first volume of his notebooks, Kiefer returns constantly to his touchstones: sixteenthcentury alchemist Robert Fludd, German romantic poet Novalis, Martin Heidegger, Ingeborg Bachmann and Robert Musil, among others. The entries reveal the process by which his artworks are informed by his reading—and vice versa—and track the development of the works he created in the late 1990s. They reveal Kiefer’s strong affinity for language and let readers witness the process of thoughts, experiences and adventures slowly transcending the limits of art, achieving meaning in and beyond their medium. The German List | `950 Cloth | 978 08574 2 309 2 | 444 pp | 6 x 9˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 10 Yves Bonnefoy is a poet, critic and professor emeritus of comparative poetics at Collège de France, Paris. Seagull Books has also published his Arrière-pays (2012), The Present Hour (2013), The Digamma (2014) and Rue Traversière (2015). ALSO AVAILABLE RUE TRAVERSIÈRE THE PRESENT HOUR TRANSLATED BY BEVERLY BIE BRAHIC TRANSLATED AND WITH AN The French List | `495 Cloth | 978 08574 2 227 9 88 pp | 5.5 x 7.75˝ INTRODUCTION BY BEVERLEY BIE BRAHIC The French List | `450 Cloth | 978 08574 2 163 0 84 pp | 5.5 x 7.75˝ 11 Yves Bonnefoy THE ANCHOR’S LONG CHAIN TRANSLATED BY BEVERLEY BIE BRAHIC First published in France in 2008, The Anchor’s Long Chain is an indispensable addition to Yves Bonnefoy’s oeuvre. Enriching his earlier work, the volume includes an unprecedented sequence of 19 sonnets which combine the strictness of the form with the freedom to vary line length and create evocative fragments. Longer, discursive pieces, including the title poem’s meditation on a prehistoric stone circle and a legend about a ship, are also part of this volume as are a number of poetic prose pieces. Long-time admirers will find much to praise here, while newer readers will quickly find themselves under the spell of Bonnefoy’s emotionally powerful and allusive poetry. The French List | `450 Cloth | 978 08574 2 302 3 | 120 pp | 5.5 x 7.75˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 THE DIGAMMA TRANSLATED BY HOYT ROGERS The French List | `325 Cloth | 978 08574 2 183 8 64 pp | 5.5 x 7.75˝ THE ARRIÈRE-PAYS WITH A NEW PREFACE BY YVES BONNEFOY. TRANSLATED WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND NOTES BY STEPHEN ROMER The French List | `750 | Cloth 978 08574 2 026 8 | 219 pp 20 colour plates | 5.5 x 7.75˝ Philippe Jaccottet OBSCURITY 12 TRANSLATED BY TESS LEWIS One of Europe’s most prominent and prolific contemporary poets, Philippe Jaccottet has been celebrated for his translations of works by Homer, Mandelstam, Goethe, Hölderlin, Rilke, Musil and Ungaretti, among others. His collected works have been published in the prestigious Pléiade series. After several years abroad, a young man returns to his hometown to find that the man he calls master has abandoned his wife and child and moved into a squalid one-room flat, cutting himself off completely from his former life. Reeling from the discovery, the young man spends an entire night listening to his master’s bitter denunciation of the ideals they once shared. Written in 1960 during the author’s period of poetic paralysis, the novel seeks to harmonize the best and worst of human nature, reconciling despair, falsehood and lethargy of spirit with the need to remain open to beauty, truth and the essential goodness of humankind. The Swiss List | `595 Cloth | 978 08574 2 307 8 | 134 pp | 5 x 8.5˝ Forthcoming March 2016 ALSO AVAILABLE THE PILGRIM'S BOWL SEEDTIME (GIORGIO MORANDI) NOTEBOOKS, 1954–79 TRANSLATED BY JOHN TAYLOR TRANSLATED BY TESS LEWIS The Swiss List | `495 | Cloth 978 08574 2 228 6 | 64 pp 10 color plates | 5.5 x 7.75˝ The Swiss List | `495 Cloth | 978 08574 2 167 8 352 pp | 5 x 8.5˝ 13 Alice Attie THESE FIGURES LINING THE HILLS Alice Attie is an artist and a writer. Her works on paper are ink drawings, often composed of words. She has been photographing for many years and her book Harlem on the Verge, documenting the transformations of Harlem, New York, was published in 2001. Seagull Books has published her photographs alongside Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s text in Harlem (2013). Attie’s inaugural poetry volume is a brilliant and delicate invitation to collectively ‘bend into silence as we bend into words’. Here, language and the ineffable inhabit the same liminal space, where words may both ‘be and not be’ in an oscillation of possibility and wonder. As she observes the motions of her mind, Attie shapes and reshapes figures to form and reform the collage of her writing. As we read These Figures Lining the Hills, we enter an eloquent, philosophically poignant, space of reciprocity where together ‘we slip into the folds’ of language. Dazzling tributes to the poetics of our time, Attie’s words are poised to ‘take note’ as we, refugees on this earth, wander and ‘tremble the horizon’, arriving and departing, in rhythms of triumph and defeat, again and again and again. `750 Cloth | 978 08574 2 304 7 | 110 pp | 5 x 8.5˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 14 Urs Widmer was a Swiss novelist, playwright, essayist and short-story writer as well as the co-founder of Verlag der Autoren. His other books include On Life, Death, and This and That of the Rest (2013), The Blue Soda Siphon (2014) and Mr Adamson (2015), also published by Seagull Books. ALSO AVAILABLE MR ADAMSON THE BLUE SODA SIPHON TRANSLATED BY DONAL MCLAUGHLIN TRANSLATED BY DONAL MCLAUGHLIN The Swiss List | `525 Cloth | 9780857422323 176 pp | 5 x 8˝ The Swiss List | `495 Cloth | 9780857422118 112 pp | 5 x 8˝ Urs Widmer IN THE CONGO 15 TRANSLATED BY DONAL MCLAUGHLIN Kuno, a male nurse in a Swiss retirement home, has a new inmate—his father. In the confines of their new home, they do something surprising—they begin to talk. And Kuno, who had always regarded his father as a boring man, learns that his father risked his life in the war. Stunned, Kuno embarks on a journey into his own psyche, into the depths of the Congo where longings awaken and dreams come true—rays of light in the darkness, meetings with kings and seductive women and the songs of the jungle. The heart of darkness suddenly becomes an exciting locale of lunacy, wildness and tests of inner strength. Weaving through the relationship between not only a father and son but also Africa and Europe, this novel will turn our notions of colonialism on their heads. The Swiss List | `495 Cloth | 978 08574 2 315 3 | 256 pp | 5 x 8˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 ON LIFE, DEATH, AND THIS AND THAT OF THE REST The Frankfurt Lectures on Poetics TRANSLATED BY DONAL MCLAUGHLIN The Swiss List | `425 Cloth | 9780857421005 160 pp | 5 x 8˝ MY FATHER’S BOOK MY MOTHER’S LOVER TRANSLATED BY DONAL MCLAUGHLIN TRANSLATED BY DONAL MCLAUGHLIN The Swiss List | `425 Cloth | 9780857420176 180 pp | 5 x 8˝ The Swiss List | `425 Cloth | 9781906497965 136 pp | 5 x 8˝ Dominika Laster GROTOWSKI’S BRIDGE MADE OF MEMORY 16 Embodied Memory, Witnessing and Transmission in the Grotowski Work Dominika Laster is an assistant professor of theatre at the University of New Mexico. She is the book review coeditor of The Drama Review (TDR) and co-editor of European Stages. ALSO AVAILABLE LOOSE SCREWS Nine New Plays from Poland DOMINIKA LASTER (ED.) In Performance | `750 Cloth | 9780857421777 | 400 pp 7 halftones | 6 x 7.5˝ Considered one of the most influential theatre practitioners of the twentieth century, Polish director Jerzy Grotowski revolutionized contemporary theatre in multiple ways. In this volume, Laster analyses core aspects of his work such as body-memory, vigilance, witnessing, verticality and transmission, arguing that these performance praxes involve a deliberate blurring of the boundaries of the self and other. A comprehensive study traces key thematic threads across Grotowski’s research, examining lesser-known aspects of his work, such as performance compositions structured around African and AfroCaribbean traditional songs and ritual movement as well as textual material from the Christian Gnostic tradition. As an active process of research and questioning conducted through the ‘body-being’ of the performer, Grotowski’s work represents a practical realization of the often highly theoretical and abstract discussions of one of the field’s main preoccupations—embodied practice as a way of knowing. Enactments | `595 Paper | 978 08574 2 317 7 | 212 pp | 17 halftones | 6 x 9˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 Hans Magnus Enzensberger MR ZED'S REFLECTIONS 17 TRANSLATED BY WIELAND HOBAN Hans Magnus Enzensberger, often considered Germany’s most important living poet, is also the editor of the book series Die Andere Bibliothek and the founder of the monthly TransAtlantik. His books include Lighter Than Air: Moral Poems and Civil Wars: From L.A. to Bosnia. Any new book by poet, essayist, writer and translator Hans Magnus Enzensberger, one of the most influential and internationally renowned German intellectuals, is cause for notice, and Mr Zed’s Reflections is no exception. Every afternoon for almost a year, a plump man named Mr Zed comes to the same spot in the city park and engages passers-by with quick-witted repartee. Those who pass ask, who is this man? A wisecracker, a clown, a belligerent philosopher? Many shake their heads and move on; others listen to him, engage with him, and, again and again, end up at the same place. He doesn’t write anything down, but his listeners often take notes. With subversive energy and masterful brevity, Mr Zed undermines arrogance, megalomania and false authority. A determined speaker who doesn’t care for ambitions, he forces topics that others would rather keep to themselves. Reluctant to trust institutions and seeing absolutely nothing as ‘non-negotiable’, he admits mistakes and does away with judgement. He is no mere ventriloquist dummy for his creator—he is too stubborn for that. And at the end of the season, when it becomes too cold and uncomfortable in the park, he disappears, never to be seen again. Collected in this thought-provoking and unique work are the considerations and provocations of this squat, park-bench philosopher, giving us a volume of truths and conversations that are clear-cut, sceptical and fiercely illuminating. The German List | `495 Cloth | 978 08574 2 224 8 | 144 pp | 5 x 8˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 ALSO AVAILABLE BRUSSELS, THE GENTLE MONSTER Or The Disenfranchisement of Europe TRANSLATED BY MARTIN CHALMERS The German List | `350 Cloth | 978 08574 2 023 7 81 pp | 4.25 x 7˝ A HISTORY OF CLOUDS 99 Meditations TRANSLATED BY MARTIN CHALMERS AND ESTHER KINSKY The German List | `325 Cloth | 978 19064 9 745 3 137 pp | 5 x 8.5˝ THE SILENCES OF HAMMERSTEIN TRANSLATED BY MARTIN CHALMERS The German List | `695 Cloth | 978 19064 9 722 4 402 pp | 5 x 8.5˝ | 64 halftones 18 Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o SECURE THE BASE Making Africa Visible in the Globe Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o is distinguished professor in the School of Humanities and director of the International Center for Writing and Translation at the University of California, Irvine. He is the author of many fiction and non-fiction books, including The River Between (1965) and Petals of Blood (1977). Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o has been writing fearlessly about the questions, challenges, histories and futures of Africans, particularly those of his homeland, Kenya. In his plays, novels and essays, Ngũgĩ narrates the injustice of colonial violence and the dictatorial betrayal of decolonization, the fight for freedom and subsequent incarceration, and the aspiration towards social and economic equality. He questions the role of language in both the organization of power structures and the pursuit of autonomy and self-expression. Secure the Base brings together essays spanning over nearly three decades. Written in a personal and accessible style, they cover a range of issues, including the role of the intellectual, labour and political struggles in an era of rampant capitalism, the legacies of slavery and the prospects for peace. At a time when Africa looms large in our discussions of globalization, Secure the Base is a mandatory reading. The Africa List | `595 Cloth | 978 08574 2 313 9 | 168 pp | 5 x 8˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 19 R. Siva Kumar ENCHANTMENT AND ENGAGEMENT The Murals of K. G. Subramanyan R. Siva Kumar is an art historian and curator. He has authored over 15 books on modern Indian art and curated several exhibitions including Santiniketan: The Making of a Contextual Modernism, the retrospectives K. G. Subramanyan and Benodebehari, and The Last Harvest: Paintings of Rabindranath. He is professor of Art History at Visva Bharati, Santiniketan. A keen observer of the relationships between art, environment and society in different traditions, K. G. Subramanyan believes that, besides embellishing them, murals have to transform the look of buildings and add to their personality. Like architecture, murals ought to relate to their environment and address needs that go beyond self-expression. Subramanyan thus harvests the expressive powers of visual conventions and the different kinds of sensuousness that visual images can invoke through his controlled use of language. By employing a visual language or style that is not too loaded towards one meaning or emotion, he draws us into the image and nudges us to think. While over the years this has become a pervasive aspect of his work, it began perhaps in his murals and the desire to make them readable at many levels, co-created by the artist and the reflective viewers who reinvent it with every engagement. Chronologically and photographically documented here for the first time, along with a detailed introduction and a dialogue with the artist, are Subramanyan’s murals, from 1955 to the present, inviting us to engage at the same time as they enchant us with their timeless appeal and beauty. `2500 Cloth | 978 08574 2 352 8 | 228 pp | 9 x 12˝ | Published July 2015 20 K. G. Subramanyan POEMS Rhymes of Recall K. G. Subramanyan is a veteran artist who has worked with a wide range of media and materials, exhibiting extensively both within and outside the country. A major retrospective of his work was held at the National Gallery of Modern Art, Delhi, in 2003. He has been part of the arts faculty at Baroda and is professor emeritus at Kala Bhavana, Santiniketan. His writings on art have been published widely. I lie and lay my head upon the grass And unwind the body hardened stiff like glass. But the tiny blades tickle the lower ear Making me ask myself, why do I bear This crass impertinence and sink my head Still further down its bed of prickly green? So asks the poet, his ears pressed against the earth as he maps the world around him in a new geography of sound. Places, photographs, books, neighbours, afternoons, love, loss and longing are sketched into word-pictures by artist K. G. Subramanyan as he reflects, reacts and reminisces in this collection of poems. `250 Cloth | 978 81704 6 354 2 | 96 pp | 5 x 8.5˝ | Published September 2014 Ramdas Ganesh Bhatkal JAGADAMBA The Kasturba Story 21 TRANSLATED BY YASHODHARA DESHPANDE MAITRA INTRODUCED BY SHANTA GOKHALE Ramdas Ganesh Bhatkal has been a publisher since 1952. He has published books in English, Hindi and Marathi. His other works on Gandhi include Mohanmaya (2007) and the unpublished PhD thesis ‘Gandhi and his Adversaries: Savarkar and Ambedkar’ (2007). He is also a classical vocalist specialized in the Hindustani Bhatkhande tradition. 'Wives of great men have hard lives, often lived in negation of values they hold most dear. [Bhatkal's Jagadamba is] the personal feelings of a devoted wife who had held her own in a life made mentally, physically and morally turbulent by her husband's ideas and political work.'—Shanta Gokhale in her Introduction to Jagadamba. Originally conceived in Marathi for actress Rohini Hattangadi, Jagadamba was first published in 2010 and attempts to peek into the little-known area of Kasturba's life with Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. It is a unique attempt to chart the life, in her own voice, of a simple girl from Porbandar who goes on to become the Universal Mother in her role as the wife of the Mahatma. Jagadamba has been performed in Marathi, Hindi and English in India and abroad. `325 Paper | 978 0 85742 297 2 | 140 pp | 5 x 8.5˝ | Forthcoming 2016 22 Heisnam Kanhailal THEATRE OF THE EARTH The Works of Heisnam Kanhailal Essays and Interviews Heisnam Kanhailal is a theatre director from Manipur, whose work is at the forefront of contemporary Indian theatre. With his group Kalakshetra Manipur and Sabitri Devi, his leading actress and collaborator, he has covered new grounds in the use of vigorously physical, non-verbal and gestural theatre. Heisnam Kanhailal’s theatre is an expression of the self as well as a reflection of society. His theatre is deeply embedded not only in his philosophy but the experiences of a region and its people. Yet, the uniquely Manipuri experience is something more universal, more human. In this one of its kind anthology, readers get a sense of all aspects of Kanhailal’s methods of ‘theatre-making’ as well as his team’s various notable productions—through his words, through his partner/collaborator Sabitri Devi’s words and through the observations of scholars and researchers who have studied the works and the legendary maker. ‘[T]his is not a conventional book written by a single author. It is more an anthology of writings by and on Kanhailal including interviews with him and Sabitri Devi and writing on his work, . . . The book reflects the nature of Kanhailal’s theatre, which is a collective expression and experience stemming from the collaboration of director, actors, technicians and spectators.’—H. S. Shiva Prakash, renowned playwright and poet. `450 Paper | 978 81704 6 353 5 | 2166 pp | 6 x 9˝ | Forthcoming 2016 François Jullien THE PHILOSOPHY OF LIVING 23 TRANSLATED BY KRZYSTOF FIJALKOWSKI, MICHAEL RICHARDSON François Jullien meditates on Far Eastern François Jullien, philosopher and sinologist, is a professor at Université Paris Diderot, a member of the Institut universitaire de France as well as director of the Institut de la pensée contemporaine. His works have been translated into 20 languages, and his Silent Transformations was published by Seagull Books in 2011. thought and philosophy to analyse concepts that can be folded into a complete philosophy of living, including the idea of the moment, the ambiguity of the in-between, and what he calls the ‘transparency of morning’. This volume asks about what it means to be alive and inhabit the present. Jullien develops a strategy of living that goes beyond morality and dwells in the space between health and spirituality. The French List | `595 Cloth | 978 08574 2 216 3 | 256 pp | 5 x 8˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 ALSO AVAILABLE THE SILENT TRANSFORMATIONS TRANSLATED BY KRZYSZTOF FIJALKOWSKI, MICHAEL RICHARDSON THIS STRANGE IDEA OF THE BEAUTIFUL TRANSLATED BY KRZYSZTOF FIJALKOWSKI, MICHAEL RICHARDSON The Western concept of beauty established by Greek philosophy has become embedded within the very structure of European languages. Consequently, it has determined ways of thinking about beauty that often go unnoticed or unchecked in discussions of Western aesthetics. And, through globalization, cultures whose ancient traditions are based upon radically different aesthetic foundations have adopted such views without recognizing the cultural assumptions they contain. Looking at how Chinese texts have been translated into Western languages, Jullien reveals The French List `425 | Cloth 978 19064 9 787 3 346 pp 4.25 x 7˝ how the traditional Chinese refusal to isolate or abstract beauty is obscured in translation in order to make the works more The French List | `595 Cloth | 978 08574 2 010 7 256 pp | 5 x 8˝ Forthcoming March 2016 understandable to Western readers. Creating an engaging dialogue between Chinese and Western ideas, Jullien reassesses the essence of beauty. 24 Christoph Ransmayr ATLAS OF AN ANXIOUS MAN TRANSLATED BY SIMON PARE Christoph Ransmayr is author of The Terrors of Ice and Darkness (1991), The Last World (1991) and The Dog King (1997), among others. He has won several literary awards including the Franz Kafka Prize (1995), the Bertolt Brecht Literature Prize (2004) and, most recently, the Prix du meilleur livre étranger 2015 (Category Essay). A mesmerizing travel diary—a sprawling tale of earthly wonders seen by a wandering eye. An exquisite, lyrically told travel story, this unique account follows Ransmayr across the globe: from the shadow of Java’s volcanoes to the rapids of the Mekong and Danube, from the drift ice of the Arctic Circle to Himalayan passes, and on to the disenchanted islands of the South Pacific. Ransmayr begins again and again with, ‘I saw . . .’ recounting to the reader the stories of continents, eras and landscapes of the soul. Like maps, the episodes come together to become a book of the world—one that charts the life and death, happiness and fate of people bound up in images of breathtaking beauty. The German List | `750 Cloth | 978 08574 2 314 6 | 336 pp | 6 x 9˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 25 László Krasznahorkai Destruction and Sorrow beneath the Heavens Werner Bräunig Rummelplatz TRANSLATED BY SAMUEL P. WILLCOCKS TRANSLATED BY OTTILIE MULZET FORTHCOMING BOOKS IN 2016 Klaus Hoffer Among the Bieresch The Hungarian List | `750 Cloth | 978 08574 2 311 5 320 pp | 6 x 9˝ The German List | `950 Cloth | 978 08574 2 305 4 544 pp | 6 x 9˝ Zakes Mda Rachel ’s Blue Toby Litt Mutants Selected Essays TRANSLATED BY ISABEL FARGO COLE The German List | `750 Cloth | 978 08574 2 306 1 288 pp | 6 x 9˝ The Africa List | `750 Cloth | 978 08574 2 332 0 296 pp | 5 x 8˝ 978 08574 2 333 7 296 pp | 6 x 9˝ `750 | Cloth Annada Shankar Ray Ha Ha Ho Ho Thomas Bernhard Goethe Dies Antonin Artaud 50 Drawings to Murder Magic TRANSLATED BY SUKANTA CHAUDHURI TRANSLATED BY JAMES REIDEL TRANSLATED BY DONALD NICHOLSON-SMITH `350 | Paper 978 08574 2 360 3 | 120 pp 5 x 6.75˝ The German List | `495 | Cloth 978 08574 2 327 6 | 112 pp 5 x 8˝ The French List `495 Paper | ` 795 Cloth 978 08574 2 350 4 | 96 pp 54 colour plates | 8.5 x 11˝ Georg Trakl Sebastian Dreaming Pierre Chappuis Like Bits of Wind Lutz Seiler in field latin TRANSLATED BY JAMES REIDEL Selected Poetry and Poetic Prose TRANSLATED BY ALEXANDER BOOTH TRANSLATED BY JOHN TAYLOR The German List | `495 Cloth | 978 08574 2 331 3 72 pp | 5 x 8.5˝ The Swiss List | `750 | Cloth 978 08574 2 338 2 | 336 pp 5 x 8.5˝ The German List | `495 Cloth | 978 08574 2 336 8 96 pp | 5 x 8.5˝ Robert Menasse Alexander Kluge, Gerhard Richter Dispatches from Moments of Calm Roland Barthes TRANSLATED BY NATHANIEL MCBRIDE Writings on Art, Cinema and Photography Enraged Citizens, European Peace and Democratic Deficits TRANSLATED BY CRAIG DECKER Signs and Images TRANSLATED BY CHRIS TURNER The German List | `425 Cloth | 978 08574 2 362 7 112 pp | 5 x 8˝ The German List | `595 | Cloth 978 08574 2 328 3 | 192 pp 64 colour plates | 5.5 x 7.75˝ The French List | `495 | Cloth 978 08574 2 241 5 | 168 pp 5 x 8˝ Roland Barthes Dominique Eddé The Crime of Jean Genet Marguerite Duras ‘Masculine, Feminine, Neuter’ and Other Writings on Literature TRANSLATED BY CHRIS TURNER TRANSLATED BY ANDREW RUBENS AND ROS SCHWARTZ The Suspended Passion Interviews TRANSLATED BY CHRIS TURNER The French List | `495 Cloth | 978 08574 2 242 2 168 pp | 5 x 8˝ The French List | `495 Cloth | 978 08574 2 339 9 136 pp | 5.5 x 7.75˝ The French List | `595 Cloth | 978 08574 2 329 0 136 pp | 5.5 x 7.75˝ 27 Sharon Mazer (ed.) The Intricate Art of Actually Caring and Other New Zealand Plays Elfriede Jelinek Charges (The Supplicants) In Performance | `950 Paper | 978 08574 2 340 5 | 424 pp 6 x 7.5˝ The German List | `750 Cloth | 978 08574 2 311 5 320 pp | 6 x 9˝ Mohammed Albakry and Rebekah Maggor (eds) Tahrir Tales Alawiya Sobh Maryam Keeper of Stories Ghassan Zaqtan Describing the Past Plays from the Egyptian Revolution TRANSLATED BY NIRVANA TANOUKHI In Performance | `995 | Cloth 978 08574 2 305 4 | 720 pp 12 halftones | 6 x 7.5˝ The Arab List | `750 | Cloth 978 08574 2 325 2 | 400 pp 5 x 8˝ The Africa List | `450 Cloth | 978 08574 2 349 8 80 pp | 5 x 8˝ Alberto Asor Rosa The Writer and the People Franco Fortini A Test of Powers Jan Brandt Against the World TRANSLATED BY MATTEO MANDARINI Writings on Criticism and Literary Institutions TRANSLATED BY GITTA HONEGGER TRANSLATED BY SAMUEL WILDER TRANSLATED BY KATY DERBYSHIRE TRANSLATED BY ALBERTO TOSCANO The Italian List | `950 Cloth | 978 08574 2 342 9 384 pp | 6 x 9˝ The Italian List | `750 Paper | 978 08574 2 335 1 304 pp | 6 x 9˝ The German List | `950 Cloth | 978 08574 2 337 5 968 pp | 6 x 9˝ 28 Milla Cozart Riggio, Angela Marino and Paolo Vignolo (eds) Festive Devils of the Americas Brigitte Sion (ed.) Death Tourism Disaster Sites as Recreational Landscape `950 | Paper 978 08574 2 179 1 | 384 pp | 36 halftones 6 x 9˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 `750 | Paper 978 08574 2 107 4 | 356 pp 35 halftones | 6 x 9˝ Ananda Breed Suraiya Faroqhi, Arzu Öztürkmen (eds) Performing the Nation Genocide, Justice, Reconciliation Celebration, Entertainment and Theatre in the Ottoman World James Thompson Humanitarian Performance `750 | Paper 978 08574 2 108 1 | 230 pp 30 halftones | 6 x 9˝ `750 | Paper 978 08574 2 044 2 | 344 pp 6 x 9˝ `750 | Paper 978 08574 2 109 8 | 236 pp 6 x 9˝ Meiling Cheng Beijing Xingwei Rossella Ferrari Pop Goes the Avant-Garde Mike Sell The Avant-Garde Contemporary Chinese Time-Based Art Experimental Theatre in Contemporary China Race, Religion, War `1500 | Paper 978 08574 2 087 9 | 510 pp | 100 color plates, 36 halftones | 6 x 9˝ `595 | Paper 978 08574 2 045 9 | 365 pp 40 halftones | 6 x 9˝ `595 | Paper 978 19064 9 799 6 | 355 pp 25 halftones | 6 x 9˝ SELECT BACKLIST ENAC T MENT S SERIES EDITOR RICHARD SCHECHNER From Disaster Tragedies to Spectacles of War Guillermo Gómez-Peña Conversations across Borders EDITED BY LAURA LEVIN Peggy Cooper Davis and Lizzy Cooper Davis (eds) Enacting Pleasure Peter J. Chelkowski (ed.) Eternal Performance Taziyah and Other Shiite Rituals Artists and Scholars Respond to Carol Gilligan's New Map of Love `1495 | Cloth 978 19064 9 750 7 | 360 pp 35 halftones | 7.5 x 8.5˝ `595 | Cloth 978 19064 9 769 9 | 278 pp 2 halftones | 6 x 9˝ `695 | Cloth 978 19064 9 751 4 | 425 pp 90 halftones | 6 x 9˝ Rachel Bowditch On the Edge of Utopia Paul Allain (ed.) Grotowski's Empty Room James Thompson, Jenny Hughes and Michael Balfour `695 | Cloth 978 19064 9 725 5 | 364 pp | 70 halftones 6 x 9˝ `695 | Cloth 978 19064 9 723 1 | 224 pp | 16 halftones 6 x 9˝ `595 | Cloth | 26 halftones 978 19064 9 714 9 | 392 pp 6 x 9˝ Tadashi Uchino Crucible Bodies Yann-Pierre Montelle Palaeoperformance Postwar Japanese Performance from Brecht to the New Millennium The Emergence of Theatricality as Social Practice `495 | Paper/Cloth 978 19054 2 274 6 | 224 pp 25 Colour plates | 6 x 9˝ `495 | Paper 978 19054 2 282 1 | 212 pp Performance and Ritual at Burning Man Performance in Place of War 30 Matéi Visniec How to Explain the History of Communism to Mental Patients and Other Plays Elfriede Jelinek ‘Rechnitz’ and ‘The Merchant's Contracts’ EDITED BY JOZEFINA KOMPORALY TRANSLATED AND INTRODUCED BY GITTA HONEGGER `950 | Paper 978 08574 2 220 0 | 504 pp 24 halftones | 6 x 7.5˝ `950 | Paper w/ DVD 978 08574 2 225 5 | 240 pp 10 halftones | 6 x 7.5˝ Caridad Svich Instructions for Breathing and Other Plays Lisa Peschel (ed. and introd.) Performing Captivity, Performing Escape Chiori Miyagawa Thousand Years Waiting and Other Plays `750 | Paper 978 08574 2 111 1 | 254 pp 12 halftones | 6 x 7.5˝ `750 | Paper 978 08574 2 000 8 | 446 pp 30 halftones | 6 x 7.5˝ `525 | Paper 978 08574 2 020 6 | 329 pp 50 halftones | 6 x 7.5˝ Serap Erincin (ed.) Solum and Other Plays from Turkey Yasmine Beverly Rana The War Zone Is My Bed and Other Plays Takeshi Kawamura Nippon Wars and Other Plays SELECT BACKLIST IN PERFORMANCE SERIES EDITOR CAROL MARTIN Cabarets and Plays from the Terezin/Theresienstadt Ghetto EDITED AND INTRODUCED BY PETER ECKERSALL `525 | Paper 978 08574 2 001 5 | 270 pp 35 halftones | 6 x 7.5˝ `525 | Paper 978 19064 9 770 5 | 181 pp 15 halftones | 6 x 7.5˝ `525 | Paper 978 08574 2 002 2 | 390 pp 20 halftones | 6 x 7.5˝ Sharon Aronson-Lehavi Wanderers and Other Israeli Plays David Peimer (ed.) 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Her powerful fiction has won her recognition in the form of the Sahitya Akademi (1979), Jnanpith (1996) and Ramon Magsaysay (1996) awards, among several other literary honours. She was also awarded the Padmasree in 1986 for her activist work among dispossessed tribal communities. Mother of 1084 Old Women Breast Stories TRANSLATED AND WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY SAMIK BANDYOPADHYAY TRANSLATED BY GAYATRI CHAKRAVORTY SPIVAK TRANSLATED BY GAYATRI CHAKRAVORTY SPIVAK `275 | Paper 978 81704 6 139 5 | 144 pp 5. x 8.5˝ `250 | Paper 978 81704 6 144 9 | 110 pp 5 x 8.5˝ `295 | Paper 978 81704 6 140 1 | 176 pp 5 x 8.5˝ The Book of the Hunter EDITED BY MAITREYA GHATAK Outcast Four Stories `425 | Paper 978 81704 6 143 2 | 258 pp 5.5 x 8.5˝ `350 | Paper 978 81704 6 189 0 | 122 pp 5.5 x 8.5˝ Dust on the Road Activist and Political Writings TRANSLATED BY SARMISTHA DUTTA GUPTA TRANSLATED BY MANDIRA SENGUPTA, SAGAREE SENGUPTA `325 | Paper 978 81704 6 204 0 | 149 pp 5.5 x 9˝ 34 Titu Mir TRANSLATED BY RIMI B. CHATTERJEE Rudali From Fiction to Performance TRANSLATED BY ANJUM KATYAL `325 | Paper 978 81704 6 174 6 | 126 pp 5.5 x 8.5˝ `395 | Paper 978 81704 6 138 8 | 161 pp 5.5 x 8.5˝ Bitter Soil Five Plays The Queen of Jhansi TRANSLATED BY IPSITA CHANDA TRANSLATED BY SAMIK BANDYOPADHYAY TRANSLATED BY MANDIRA SENGUPTA, SAGAREE SENGUPTA `275 | Paper 978 81704 6 147 0 | 160 pp 5.5 x 8.5˝ `325 | Paper 978 81704 6 026 8 | 209 pp 5 x 8.5˝ `425 | Paper 978 19064 9 753 8 | 333 pp 5.5 x 8.5˝ Our Non-Veg Cow and Other Stories The Armenian Champa Tree The Glory of Sri Sri Ganesh TRANSLATED BY NIRMAL KANTI BHATTACHARJEE TRANSLATED IPSITA CHANDA `125 | Paper 978 81704 6 146 3 | 45 pp 5 x 8.5˝ `325 | Paper 978 81704 6 206 4 | 174 pp 5.5 x 9˝ TRANSLATED PARAMITA BANERJEE `175 | Paper 978 81704 6 145 6 | 116 pp 5 x 8.5˝ 35 Till Death Do Us Part TRANSLATED BY VIKRAM IYENGAR Dewana Khoimala and the Holy Banyan Tree TRANSLATED BY PINAKI BHATTACHARYA `150 | Paper 978 81704 6 186 9 | 80 pp 5.5 x 8.5˝ `250 | Paper 978 81704 6 258 3 | 81 pp 5.75 x 8˝ In the Name of Mother Four Stories After Kurukshetra Three Stories Wrong Number and Other Stories TRANSLATED BY RADHA CHAKRAVARTY TRANSLATED ANJUM KATYAL TRANSLATED BY SUBHRANSU MAITRA `275 | Paper 978 81704 6 211 8 | 95 pp 5.5 x 8.5˝ `150 | Paper 978 81704 6 290 3 | 54 pp 5.5 x 8.5˝ `150 | Paper 978 81704 6 292 7 | 80 pp 5.5 x 8.5˝ Bedanabala Her Life. Her Times Bait Four Stories Romtha TRANSLATED BY SUNANDINI BANERJEE TRANSLATED AND INTRODUCED BY SUMANTA BANERJEE `175 | Paper 978 81704 6 291 0 | 80 pp 5 x 8.5˝ `250 | Paper 978 81704 6 239 2 | 102 pp 5.5 x 8.5˝ TRANSLATED BY PINAKI BHATTACHARYA `250 | Paper 978 81704 6 138 8 | 93 pp 5.75 x 8.5˝ 36 GAYATRI CHAKRAVORTY SPIVAK Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities and Director of the Center for Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University, teaches English and the politics of culture. Author of Myself Must I Remake (1974), In Other Worlds (1987), The Post-Colonial Critic (1988), Outside in the Teaching Machine (1993), A Critique of Postcolonial Reason (1999) and Death of a Discipline (2003), she has also translated Jacques Derrida’s Of Grammatology (1976) and Mahasweta Devi’s Imaginary Maps (1994), Breast Stories (1997), Old Women (1999), and Chotti Munda and His Arrow (2002). Spivak’s work has been translated into all the major European and Asian languages. Conversations with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Harlem WITH PHOTOGRAPHS BY ALICE ATTIE WITH SWAPAN CHAKRAVORTY, SUZANA MILEVSKA AND TANI E. BARLOW Readings Conversations | `395 | Paper 978 19054 2 227 2 | 180 pp 5.5 x 7.75˝ `595 | Cloth 978 08574 2 208 8 | 192 pp 5.5 x 7.75˝ Who Sings the Nation-State? Language, Politics, Belonging Nationalism and the Imagination WITH JUDITH BUTLER `425 | Cloth 978 08574 2 084 8 | 80 pp | 24 colour photographs | 5.5 x 7.75˝ `295 | Paper | 978 19064 9 783 5 128 pp | 4.25 x 7˝ `295 | Paper | 978 19054 2 293 7 92 pp | 4.25 x 7˝ 37 TERRY EAGLETON Terry Eagleton is Thomas Warton Professor of English at the University of Oxford. His other books include Marxism and Literary Criticism (1976), Criticism and Ideology (1976), Walter Benjamin (1981), Against the Grain (1986), William Shakespeare (1986), The Ideology of the Aesthetic (1990), Ideology (1991), Heathcliff and the Great Hunger (1995), Literary Theory (2nd ed. 1996), and, co-edited with Drew Milne, Marxist Literary Theory: A Reader (1996). Reason, Faith and Revolution Reflections on the God Debate Why Marx Was Right On Evil `425 | Paper 978 81704 6 347 4 | 185 pp 5.5 x 8˝ | Published `495 | Paper 978 81704 6 349 8 | 258 pp 5.5 x 8˝ | Published 2012 `425 | Paper 978 81704 6 348 1 | 176 pp 5.5 x 8˝ | Published 2012 How to Read Literature The Event of Literature The Function of Criticism From the Spectator to Post-Structuralism `495 | Paper 978 81704 6 355 9 | 232 pp 5.5 x 8.25˝ | Forthcoming 2016 `495 | Paper 978 81704 6 356 6 | 264 pp 5.5 x 8.25˝ | Forthcoming 2016 `250 | Paper 978 81704 6 264 4 | 112 pp 5.5 x 8.5˝ | Published 2005 38 TARIQ ALI The New Adventures of Don Quixote The Idea of Communism WITH PHOTOGRAPHS BY ARKO DATTO Tariq Ali is a writer, filmmaker, and a longtime political activist and campaigner. He has written over a dozen books on world history and politics, including The Clash of Fundamentalisms, Bush in Babylon, Rough Music, and Pirates of the Caribbean: The Axis of Hope as well as scripts for both stage and screen. `695 | Cloth 978 08574 2 209 5 | 200 pp 30 colour photographs | 6 x 7.5˝ What Was Communism? | `350 Cloth | 978 08574 2 187 6 | 400 pp 4.25 x 7” The Assassination Who Killed Indira G? Banker for All Seasons Bank Of Crooks and Cheats Inc. The Trials of Spinoza `595 Cloth | 978 19054 2 285 2 | 152 pp 5.5 x 7.75˝ `595 | Cloth 978 19054 2 265 4 | 264 pp 5.5 x 7.75˝ `395 | Cloth 978 19064 9 784 2 | 64 pp 5.5 x 7.75˝ | 1 DVD Fear of Mirrors The Leopard and the Fox A Pakistani Tragedy Conversations with Edward Said `450 | Cloth 978 19064 9 715 6 | 332 pp | 6 x 7.5˝ `425 | Cloth 978 19054 2 229 6 | 228 pp 5.5 x 7.75˝ Conversations | `425 Cloth | 978 19054 2 204 3 128 pp | 5.5 x 7.75˝ 39 Jean-Marie Schaeffer Beyond Speculation Art and Aesthetics without Myths Pascal Quignard Abysses TRANSLATED BY CHRIS TURNER TRANSLATED BY DAFFYD ROBERTS SELECT BACKLIST THE FRENCH LIST `625 | Cloth 978 08574 2 042 8 | 372 pp 5 x 8.5˝ | Forthcoming March 2016 `595 | Cloth 978 08574 2 244 6 | 256 pp 5 x 8˝ Marc Augé Someone's Trying to Find You Florence Noiville Attachment Pascale Casanova Kafka, Angry Poet TRANSLATED BY CHRIS TURNER TRANSLATED BY TERESA LAVENDER FAGAN TRANSLATED BY CHRIS TURNER `495 | Cloth 978 08574 2 243 9 | 152 pp 5 x 8.5˝ `495 | Cloth 978 08574 2 233 0 | 128 pp 5 x 8˝ `595 | Cloth 978 08574 2 162 3 | 304 pp 5 x 8˝ Georges Perros Paper Collage Diane Meur House of Shadows Pascal Quignard The Sexual Night TRANSLATED BY JOHN TAYLOR TRANSLATED BY TERESA LAVENDER FAGAN TRANSLATED BY CHRIS TURNER `595 | Cloth 978 08574 2 229 3 | 200 pp 5 x 8.5˝ `595 | Cloth 978 08574 2 028 2 | 456 pp 6 x 9˝ `1500 | Cloth 978 08574 2 206 4 | 124 pp 48 color plates | 6 x 7.5˝ Hélène Cixous Tomb(e) Catherine Clément The Call of the Trance TRANSLATED BY LAURENT MILESI TRANSLATED BY CHRIS TURNER Lola Lafon We Are the Birds of the Coming Storm TRANSLATED BY DAVID BALL, NICOLE BALL `595 | Cloth 978 08574 2 025 1 | 260 pp 5 x 8˝ `595 | Cloth 978 08574 2 190 6 | 184 pp 5 x 8.5˝ `625 | Cloth 978 08574 2 189 0 | 320 pp 6 x 9˝ Dominique Eddé Kamal Jann Hédi Kaddour Little Grey Lies Pascal Quignard The Silent Crossing TRANSLATED BY ROS SCHWARTZ TRANSLATED BY TERESA LAVENDER FAGAN TRANSLATED BY CHRIS TURNER `525 | Cloth 9780857421647 | 400 pp 5 x 8˝ `495 | Cloth 978 08574 2 098 5 | 224 pp 5 x 8˝ `450 | Cloth 978 08574 2 077 0 | 296 pp 5 x 8˝ Marie Bronsard The Legend Florence Noiville Literary Miniatures TRANSLATED BY SONIA ALLAND TRANSLATED BY TERESA LAVENDER FAGAN Marc Augé No Fixed Abode Ethnofiction TRANSLATED BY CHRIS TURNER `395 | Cloth 978 08574 2 102 9 | 111 pp 5 x 8˝ `425 | Cloth 978 08574 2 106 7 | 183 pp 5 x 8˝ `325 | Cloth 978 08574 2 096 1 | 80 pp 5 x 8˝ 41 Wolfgang Hilbig 'I' TRANSLATED BY ISABEL FARGO COLE Georg Trakl Poems Book One of Our Trakl TRANSLATED BY JAMES REIDEL SELECT BACKLIST THE GERMAN LIST `595 | Cloth 978 08574 2 234 7 | 312 pp 6 x 9˝ Michael Krüger Seasonal Time Change Selected Poems `595 | Cloth 978 08574 2 246 0 | 120 pp 5 x 8.5˝ Inka Parei The Cold Centre Sherko Fatah The Dark Ship TRANSLATED BY KATY DERBYSHIRE TRANSLATED BY MARTIN CHALMERS `495 | Cloth 978 08574 2 231 6 | 128 pp 5 x 8.5˝ `495 | Cloth 978 08574 2 213 2 | 158 pp 5 x 8˝ `625 | Cloth 978 08574 2 036 7 | 420 pp 6 x 9˝ Martin Mosebach What Was Before Volker Braun Rubble Flora Selected Poems Ingeborg Bachmann The Radio Family TRANSLATED BY JOSEPH GIVEN TRANSLATED BY KÁRI DRISCOLL TRANSLATED BY MIKE MITCHELL TRANSLATED BY DAVID CONSTANTINE, KAREN LEEDER `595 | Cloth 978 08574 2 214 9 | 248 pp 6 x 9˝ `495 | Cloth 978 08574 2 218 7 | 144 pp 5 x 8.5˝ `595 | Cloth 978 08574 2 191 3 | 400 pp 5 x 8.5˝ Alois Hotschnig Ludwig’s Room Christa Wolf August Peter Handke Storm Still TRANSLATED BY TESS LEWIS TRANSLATED BY KATY DERBYSHIRE TRANSLATED BY MARTIN CHALMERS `495 | Cloth 978 08574 2 204 0 | 146 pp 5 x 8˝ `325 | Cloth 978 08574 2 186 9 | 80 pp 5 x 8.5˝ `495 | Cloth 978 08574 2 181 4 | 112 pp 5.5 x 7.75˝ Peter Pannke Singers Die Twice A Journey to the Land of Dhrupad Tilman Rammstedt The King of China Sibylle Lewitscharoff Apostoloff TRANSLATED BY KATY DERBYSHIRE TRANSLATED BY KATY DERBYSHIRE `695 | Cloth 978 08574 2 104 3 | 226 pp 22 halftones, 1 map, 1 diagram 6 x 9˝ `495 | Cloth 978 08574 2 165 4 | 184 pp 5 x 8˝ `495 | Cloth 978 08574 2 088 6 | 288 pp 5 x 8˝ Abbas Khider The Village Indian Franz Fühmann The Jew Car Fourteen Days from Two Decades Thomas Lehr September: Mirage TRANSLATED BY SAMUEL P. 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