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Contact Camperdown - Camperdown College
Camperdown Contact
Term 3, Week 2, 23rd July 2015
Cherie Kilpatrick, Bu Jenna, Ben McKenzie and eleven students recently returned from the first Camperdown College Indonesian study tour
that was hailed a huge success
mazing is the word that all students and staff have used to describe their experience during our
recent Indonesian Study Tour.
From Sunday 5th – Tuesday 14th July, Ebony Prout, Sarah Blackley, Molly Helmore, Callum McIlveen,
Soraya Clark, Zharia Lawlor, Ethan Coates, Jack Leonard-Pekin, Katie Cecchini-Baxter, Ellie Walsh and
Sophie Sumner, along with Ms Kilpatrick, Mr McKenzie and Bu Jenna French spent nine sensational days
travelling the islands of Bali and Java, fully immersing themselves in the rich and diverse language and
culture that Indonesia has to offer.
The experience was a huge success and after returning to school, students and staff are still beaming with
enthusiasm when retelling the events of the trip. Some of the many highlights included watching the
students’ confidence grow when speaking with the locals; either when they were bargaining for souvenirs or
striking up conversations with tour guides or food vendors. It was also memorable to see the locals’ faces
light up in delight when our students used their language skills.
Bu Jenna, Indonesian Teacher
SENIOR CAMPUS 03 5593 1617
JUNIOR CAMPUS 03 5593 1438
From the Principal’s Desk…
I regularly have cause to feel very proud of
the efforts and achievements of our
students and staff. My recent experience of
joining our school’s inaugural study tour to
Indonesia served as a particularly powerful
reminder of the capability, goodwill and
determination of the people who make up
our unique Camperdown College community.
An international excursion does not occur without extensive
planning and groundwork and I am indebted to our
Indonesian teacher Jenna French for both her vision and
thorough preparations. Similarly, my appreciation is
extended to Ben McKenzie who relished the opportunity to
support and learn alongside our student travellers.
Our group of eleven students of varying ages and
background experiences rose to every challenge and took
full advantage of their trip of a lifetime to learn about and
appreciate the Indonesian ways of life. The students were
an absolute pleasure to travel with and must be commended
on their maturity, stamina, and willingness to embrace new
opportunities and challenges. All were fine ambassadors for
Camperdown College and for Australia and, in his or her
own way, every participant added value to the trip and
contributed to the success of the experience.
Congratulations and thank you to you all!
We were all overwhelmed and humbled by the warm
welcome we received at our sister-school in West Java,
Junior High School SMPN2 Leuwisadeng. Two members
of our student group, Molly Helmore and Jack LeonardPekin, addressed the whole school community to convey
the good wishes of our College and thank our hosts for the
generosity of our reception. We look forward to exploring
the ways in which our students and staff can establish and
maintain relationships to enrich the experiences of both
school communities.
It is intended that the Indonesian Study Tour will become
a regular, biennial event on our school calendar for middle
and senior secondary students continuing their study of
Indonesian language. There is already a great deal of
interest for 2017!
A number of facilities projects were completed over the
July holidays, including the sanding and polishing of the
AG Daws Hall floor, additional internal and external
signage at the Senior Campus, the construction of a new
fence adjoining the Junior Campus Arts Precinct and the
landscaping of the new Senior Campus entrance. In
addition to our new geographically appropriate front
fence, extensive planting of native shrubs has occurred and
two grass areas have been sown. Elsewhere in the
newsletter, you will see a call to arms for volunteers to
assist with some further yard projects at the Junior
Campus. All contributions to planned working bees will be
greatly appreciated.
Ms Cherie Kilpatrick
Calendar of Events
Monday – Friday
Monday – Friday
27 – 31 July
28th July
28th July
28th July
28th July
29th July
30th July
30th July
3rd – 7th August
3rd August
4th August
Year 10 Work Experience Week 1
ICAS English Competition
Ilbigerri performance for Senior Campus students
Year 6 Transition: Food Technology lesson at the Senior Campus
Sporting Schools Australia After School Program begins at the Junior Campus
Junior Campus Parent Teacher Interviews from 1pm – 6pm
Debutante Ball Flower Girl and Page Boy Expression of Interest slips due today See page 5
Scholastic Book Club due for Prep – Year 6 students
Year 10 Work Experience Week 2
Prep 100 Days of School Celebration from 11.30am – 1pm
Year 6 Transition: Art lesson at the Senior Campus
5th August
6th August
6th August
6th August
7th August
7th August
10th August
Instrumental Music Winter Concert from 5pm in the BER Building at the Junior Campus
Year 12 English Excursion to Warrnambool
VSSS Rehearsal in the Senior Campus Hall
Kindergarten children visit the Junior Campus from 9.30am
Hooptime – Year 3/4 Rookies
Prep – Year 6 Royal Disco in the Senior Campus Hall from 6pm – 8pm
Later Years Information Session for Year 10 students at 1.40pm in Room 5
10th August
11th August
11th August
12th August
20th August
20th August
Family Fun Science Night from 7pm at the Senior Campus
Later Year Information Session for Year 9 students at 11.10am in Room 13
ICAS Mathematics Competition
Parents & Friends Meeting at the Junior Campus from 7.30pm
Kindergarten children visit the Junior Campus from 9.30am
Deakin University presentation for Year 11 students & Years 12 SEAS presentation
Our Mission:
Camperdown College will provide exemplary teaching and learning programs within excellent facilities which foster school pride,
aspiration and persistence to achieve high levels of learning for all students.
Senior Campus News
Welcome back to all students and their families for Term 3. We have a busy term ahead with many engaging and
challenging activities planned in order to extend all students. All parents would have received their child’s reports
during the last week of term. If there is any aspect of the report that you would like to follow up on please feel free
to make contact. It is hoped that students have read their reports carefully and have thought about how to address
areas for future improvement. Parent Teacher Interviews will be conducted on Tuesday 8th September but please
don’t hesitate to make contact with teachers before this if you have any concerns.
This term, we also welcome back Mrs Charles and Mrs Timilsina who have spent the first half of the year on long
service leave. Students have enjoyed reacquainting themselves with them and participating in their subject offerings.
We also welcome Miss Lucy Jubb who will be teaching English and Humanities. Miss Jubb is teaching Year 7W English, Year 9
Humanities, Year 7B Drama and team teaching Year 9 English with Mrs McKenzie.
ICAS Results:
Over the holidays we received the results of two of the ICAS competitions that were conducted last term. Congratulations to the
following students:
Digital Technologies:
Ben Micallef, Stacey James, Louie Fagan (Credit)
Louie Fagan (Participation)
Tim Fagan (Distinction)
Tim Fagan (Distinction)
Stacey James (Credit)
Ben Micallef (Merit)
Debutante Ball
Dance lessons have commenced for the thirty-six students who will be participating in the Debutante Ball on Friday 28th August.
Students are really enjoying the challenge the mastering their dances. Expressions of interest are now being taken from Year 2/3
students who would like to have their names placed in the draw to be the pageboy and flowergirl. Names will be drawn from a hat by
the executives of Parents & Friends. Please return the slip in this newsletter to the Junior Campus Office by Thursday 30th July.
Work Experience:
Year 10 students will be participating in our work experience program for the next two weeks. Quite a range of occupations will be
experienced with students travelling to Hamilton, Torquay, Warrnambool, Geelong and throughout the local district to complete their
work placements. We trust that the students will enjoy this opportunity to assist their career education.
Year 7 Information Night:
The Year 7 Information Night was a very exciting event for all concerned with staff and students having the opportunity to proudly
showcase the offerings at the Senior Campus. Our Year 7 students turned up in full force and did a fantastic job conducting subject
based activities whilst parents had the opportunity to speak with subject teachers.
State Cross Country:
Congratulations to Jack Helmore who participated in the State Cross Country in Bundoora last week. Jack was unwell in the lead up
to the event but showed excellent fortitude just to compete. Well done Jack on an excellent effort!
Charlton Driving School:
Our VCAL students spent two days last week at the Charlton Driving School. They participated in theory and practical sessions and
all learned a great deal about being safe and responsible drivers. All students showed improved skills behind the wheel over the
course of the two days through experiencing different weather and road conditions. The students camped at the local caravan park and
woke up to ice covered tents! Thank you to Mrs Maskell for organising this great experience and to her and Mr Robertson for
Vicki Angus, Senior Campus Assistant Principal
Junior Campus News
It was great to see all students and staff back at school last Monday. We have another very busy term ahead and
most likely some challenging weather too.
We have exciting things planned for this term. Integrated Studies for the term are: Prep – Me and My Community;
Year 1/2 students will turn back the clock to complete a unit on Dinosaurs: our Year 3/4 students will complete a
unit of study on Continuity and Change Over Time with a focus on the local history of Camperdown and our Year
5/6 students will study Federation in preparation for their Melbourne camp in September. Our Junior Campus Disco
is also on the calendar, along with Hooptime for our Year 3/4 students, Book Week/Literacy & Numeracy Week for
all students and our annual Junior Campus Concert that will take place in the last week of the term and is always a showstopper!
With a busy term, it important that we also keep the focus on teaching and learning. Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for next
week, so please fill out a booking form if you haven’t already done so. Please contact your child’s teacher at any time throughout the
term if you would like to know what your child’s focus areas for improvement are. Please see the education tips for some interesting
statistics on why it is SO, SO, important for young people to keep up their reading practice every day. It is also important that they are
practising with texts that are just right for them. This means that they are not making any more than three or four errors per page of
100 words.
Parent Teacher Interviews:
A reminder that Junior Campus Parent Teacher Interviews will be held next Wednesday 29th July between 1pm – 6pm. Session times
will be sent home by tomorrow.
Excellence ~ Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Caring ~ Honesty
ICAS Digital Technologies Competition:
Congratulations to the following students who were presented with their certificates at Friday’s
assembly for their performance on the ICAS Digital Technologies Competition:
Participation: Lewani Bateman
Darcy Micallef
I would like to take this opportunity to point out that Darcy’s performance placed him in the top 11% of
students in Australia for this area of study which is a tremendous effort!
This term we welcome Sybella Gavin to our College. Sybella has come to us from Ocean Grove Primary School and is in Year 1 in
Mrs Nelson’s room.
Camp Quality:
On Monday, all our students were entertained with a puppet show performed by
Camp Quality. Camp Quality is a children’s family cancer charity with the sole
purpose to make a better life for every child living with cancer in Australia. The
show gave both students and teachers a positive message of optimism, friendship
and tolerance for children affected by cancer. Our very own Mrs Downie even
took to the stage to participate in a dance which of course caused tremendous
laughter amongst our students.
Kinder Transition:
Today over fifty excited kindergarten students visited our school as part of our transition program. The students participated in a
Literacy activity centred on an old time favourite picture story book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. This is the first of three visits
which will take place over the term.
Thank you:
Thank you to Brendan Pekin and his family for giving up some of their holiday time to clean up and mulch the area at the rear of the
Junior Campus. The work was unexpected and very much appreciated!
Educational Tip:
Clare Monk
Junior Campus Assistant Principal
Excellence ~ Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Caring ~ Honesty
Junior Campus communication sent to parents this week:
Year 3/4 Camperdown Walk
Year 5/6 Weekly Email T3 Wk 1
Year 3/4 Weekly Email T3 Wk 1
Prep – Year 6 Royal Disco
Prep Parent Helpers – Term 3
Community Service
Year 5/6 Camp – Medical & Permission
Year 1/2T & 3/4A Parent Information
Australian Early Development Census – Prep
Prep 100 Days of School
Senior Campus communication sent to parents this week:
Study Tour Slide Night
Junior & Senior Campus Canteen Roster
Monday 27 July
Tuesday 28th July
Wednesday 29th July
Thursday 30th July
Friday 31st July
Family Fun
The show starts at 7pm on Monday 10th August
In the Senior Campus Science Room
Light supper at 8pm following the show
Renowned Science TV personality, Nicholas Johnson, will present a
show that will intrigue, fascinate and blow your mind…!
Tickets on sale now from the Junior and Senior Campus Offices ($1 per child and $2 per adult)
Get in quick because places are limited
Assorted badges will be on sale on Friday at the Junior and Senior Campus Offices and also the Senior Campus
Library for $1. One of the badges is prize winning and should be worn on the night to receive a prize.
Attention: All Year 9 and 10 Students and Parents
Later Years Information Sessions
Information on VCE, VCAL, VET in school programs,
School Based Apprenticeships and Structured Workplace Learning
Year 10 – Monday 10th August from 1.40pm in Room 5
Year 9 – Tuesday 11th August from 11.10am in Room 13
Expression of Interest for Pageboy and Flowergirl
I would like to have my child’s name added to the draw for the position of Flowergirl and Pageboy for the
Camperdown College Debutante Ball on Friday 28th August. All expression of interest slips are to be
returned to the Junior Campus Office by next Thursday 30th July.
Year 2/3 Student Name: ...................................................................................................................................................
Parent Signature: .................................................................. Contact Number: ..............................................................
Excellence ~ Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Caring ~ Honesty
Sanur, Bali was the first stop and two jam-packed
days were spent here. It only took a few hours after
arriving in Indonesia for students to make use of
their language and cultural skills. A walk on the first
evening found us at a local market and students were
already trying to get the best price for their first
souvenirs. Impressively, some students were able to
bargain the price down to half of the original amount
offered! Other highlights from the time in Bali
included our friendly and informative guide Gustu, a
tour of the beautiful, beach located temple of Tanah
Lot, an up close and personal experience with the
macaque monkeys at Alas Kedaton temple and
feeling overwhelmed at the Bali Bombing Memorial.
After a brief opportunity for hair-braiding, fish spas
and some last minute shopping, it was time to head
back to the airport for our flight to Yogyakarta,
central Java. This trip was also memorable because
we flew past the erupting Mt Raung in East Java. A
fantastic photo opportunity for all!
Six, action-packed days were spent in Yogyakarta, a
much quieter cultural hub of Indonesia. We stayed at
Indraloka Homestay, which was built in the 1930’s
for a noble Dutch family. The whole group were
speechless when, upon arrival, we noticed the huge
banner hanging from the front with Selamat datang
Camperdown College Australia ke Yogyakarta
(Welcome Camperdown College Australia to
Yogyakarta). Highpoints of the time in Yogya
included a guided tour of the Buddhist temple
Borobudur, which included elephant rides for some,
exploring the many Hindu temples at the Prambanan
site, finding more bargains on the famous shopping
strip of Jalan Malioboro, travelling through the
ancient village of Kota Gede by becak, engaging
with traditional Arts in a batik, dance and gamelan
music classes, night walks to the Galleria; embracing
the evening atmosphere along the way and frequent
visits to the local restaurant, Pam’s, to chat with the
locals to name a few.
Before we knew it, we were back at the airport
again, headed this time for Jakarta. Just a quick
glimpse of this mega city through the bus window
was all we had time for, as we made our way to
Bogor to meet up with our friends from SMPN2
Leuwisadeng; Pak Dian and Pak Janwar. Pak Dian
was our personal guide through the beautiful
botanical gardens in Bogor, which look onto the
stunning presidential palace. There was great
excitement when students initially thought they saw
a komodo dragon wandering the grounds of the
palace. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a water
monitor. For dinner we were joined by Pak
Kuridana, the Principal of SMPN2 Leuwisadeng and
also Pak Erby and our group was treated to a special
Ramadan banquet at our hotel. Then it was back to
our rooms for an early night because our final day
was going to be huge!
Balinese Gate, Tanah Lot
Batik class, Yogyakarta
Elephant rides at Borobudur Temple,
Ramayana Ballet Performance, Yogykarta
Visiting our sister-school SMPN 2
Leuwisadeng on the last day was truly
unforgettable. Our group was warmly
welcomed by the entire student population
forming a guard of honour and applauding as
we entered the school grounds. This was
particularly remarkable because currently in
Indonesia, all students are enjoying their end
of year break and these students made the
effort to attend school during their holidays to
welcome us. Upon arrival, we were also
welcomed with a traditional Jaipong dance
performance and formally introduced at an
assembly. This was such an emotional
experience, something that will remain with
everyone forever.
Next there was an opportunity for staff and
students to get to know each other, before Ms
Kilpatrick met with Pak Kurdiana for a
discussion on the education systems in both
Australia and Indonesia and on ways in which
our sister-school relationship can grow. Our
students presented information to the local
students about aspects of their lives in
Australia, before teaching the staff and
students how to play AFL. The football lesson
concluded with a match – Camperdown
College vs SMPN2 Leuwisadeng, which was
played in 38 degree heat. After plenty of
photos, the local students went home for the
day and the Camperdown College group was
treated to a delicious lunch. This again was
impressive because all staff and students were
taking part in the month of Ramadan, which
meant that they were all fasting. We enjoyed
another batik lesson after eating and soon it
was time for the group to depart for the
airport. After an emotional farewell we left
with promises of returning again in 2017.
Macet (traffic jam) was a word that entered all
students’ Indonesian vocabulary as we made
our way back to the airport in Jakarta. We
each experienced what it would be like to live
in a city with a population of over 12 million
people. At the airport there was some time for
some last minute purchases before we boarded
our return flight to Melbourne. Students and
parents alike were delighted to be reunited at
Tullamarine Airport and the car journeys back
to Camperdown went by quickly with students
retelling their experience in Indonesia with
Candi Borobudur, Yogyakarta
Jack Leonard-Pekin
Gamelan lesson
Sarah Blackley and Ebony Prout
Becak ride, Yogyakarta
Overall, this study tour was a great success
and plans another trip for 2017 will begin next
Bu Jenna
Indonesian Teacher
Hello from our sister-school
SMPN2 Leuwisadeng
Prep – Year 6
Royal Disco
Friday 7th August in the Senior Campus Hall
From 6pm – 8pm
Admission is $5 per child or $10 per family
(payable on the night)
Music by BMac
Refreshments available
No Pass Outs
Strictly Supervised
Camperdown College Instrumental Music
Winter Concert
Wednesday 5th August from 5pm-6pm
In the BER Building at the Junior Campus
Family and Friends are warmly invited to see our
students perform solo and group items.
Please bring a plate of supper to share afterwards.
Equestrian Champions
In the recent school holidays, Stella and Lila
Horspole competed at the Equestrian Victoria State
Interschool competition in Werribee. Both girls were
very proud to be able to represent Camperdown
With their ponies, Donnie and Hurrah, they both
competed in the novelties and the handy mount.
Stella was also able to compete in her first combined
training. This consisted of a dressage test and a show
jumping course against fifty students from Prep –
Year 6. Stella was placed second in one of her
sections, which is a massive achievement for a Year
2 student at State level!
The presentation ceremony was held that evening
where the girls were overwhelmed to have made the
podium. During the ceremony, Stella was awarded a
second and sixth and Lila was also awarded a sixth in
her section.
The girls very proudly displayed their achievements
at the Junior Campus assembly last week.
Tickets on sale now at!
This year’s spectacular will be held at Hisense Arena on Saturday 12th September
with two shows at 1pm and 6.30pm.
Adult $44
Concession $33
Child Under 15 $22
Junior Campus Working Bee
On Saturday 22nd August from 9am – 12pm
The Grounds and Buildings sub-committee has identified a number of yard development tasks and projects
that will enable us to significantly improve the Junior Campus play space for our students. To work through
these projects we need the assistance of parent volunteers who could contribute small amounts of time
through working bees. The first of these will take place on the above day and time with the aim of removing
an old internal fence and the original outdoor stage, both of which are in a dilapidated condition.
Volunteers armed with gloves, jimmy bars, crow bars, sledge hammers and spades will be very welcome.
Please pass on your name to Amy in the Junior Campus Office if you can assist.
Many hands make light work!
Over the holidays, South West
Floor Sanding and Finishing
removed the old stadium lines
on the AG Daws Hall floor and
sanded and finished the surface
in readiness for our upcoming
Debutante Ball.
The floor is looking terrific and
this work has vastly improved
the overall appearance of the
hall, complementing the
painting that was done last year.
Woolworths Earn & Learn started officially
kicked off last week.
For every $10 that you spend at Woolworths, you will
receive a sticker to place on the sticker sheets
provided. Once completed, they can be placed in the
Earn & Learn boxes at the Junior and Senior Campus
Don’t forget to put your names on your sheets as there
will be a prize for the student who collects the most!
Charlton Driving School – VCAL
Last week David Robertson and myself took twelve VCAL students to the Charlton Traffic Safety Education Centre for a two day
driving program. The students engaged in all aspects of the program including theory, driving skills and night driving. The skill level
of the students varied from quite experienced drivers to ones who had never been behind the wheel of a car before, but all have come
away with increased knowledge, skills and the confidence to get their L's or P's.
Some of the comments from the students included:
I was avoiding getting my L's because I thought I would be a terrible driver, but after the experience in Charlton I now have the
confidence to get my L's sooner.
This opportunity has taught me how to drive safely and to correctly position myself on the road at different times.
I think most of us left the camp with a whole new attitude to driving.
Being an average kid from the country, I have left my bad habits behind and learnt new skills such as safe ways
to control a car. This experience has made me more confident to go for my licence.
Mirror, mirror, signal; mirror, mirror, head check – this was drummed into us right from the start and one
of the important messages we received.
Sue Maskell, VCAL Coordinator
Nationally Consistent Collection of
Data on School Students with
Camperdown College, along with all other schools in
Australia, will participate in the Nationally Consistent
Collection of Data on School Students with Disability this
year. The Data Collection is an annual count of the number
of students with disability receiving educational adjustments
to support their participation in education on the same basis
as students without disability.
All education agencies are now required under the
Australian Education Regulation 2013 to provide information
on a student’s level of education, disability and level of
adjustment to the Australian Government Department of
Education and Training.
Please see
Html/Text#_Toc404934419 for information on Schedule 3 Amendments for the collection of data on students who are
persons with a disability Australian Education Regulation 2013.
Please note that data is de-identified which means no
student’s individual identity will be provided to the Australian
Government Department of Education and Training.
The collection of this information from states and territories
will inform future policy and program planning in relation to
students with disability.
If you have any questions about the data collection,
please do not hesitate to contact College Principal
Cherie Kilpatrick on 5593 1617 or 5593 1438, or the
Victorian Department of Education and Training Data
Collection Hotline on (03) 9651 3621.
For questions after 7 August 2015, please call the Australian
Government Department of Education and Training on
1300 566 046.
Indo Lingo
Complete the activity below and return it to Bu Jenna for your name to be entered into a prize
draw at the end of term. There will be a winner from both the Senior and Junior Campuses.
Colour the boxes according to the labels:
of Student:
26th June 2015: Fletcher Tolland, Lila Horspole, Pennylayne Norris, Kc Jenkins, Eagan Winsall, Taylor Bernaldo, Finn Tolland and Matilda Narik.
Inset: Stella Horspole.
17th July 2015: Lila Horspole, Taylah Blake, Georgia Walters, Ian Wilkinson, Charli Hewish and Corey Evans.
3yo & 4yo Camperdown Kindergarten Enrolments
Now being taken for 2016...
Enrolment forms are available at the Kindergarten or can be mailed
by phoning 5593 1936. Enrolments close Friday 21st August.
Camperdown College Policies
We would be very appreciative of any feedback from the school community in relation to our Bullying and Harassment Policy which
was ratified by School Council last year. Hard copies of the policy will be made available to families at the Junior Campus Parent
Teacher Interviews next week and also the Senior Campus interviews later in the term. Meanwhile, you are welcome to access this
policy on the College website ( and also our Skoolbag App or it can be collected from either campus
You are welcome to read the policy and contribute feedback by either writing it onto the document and returning it to either campus
office, or by emailing your feedback to ( with the subject heading: Bullying and Harrassment. The
Policy sub-committee will collect and consider all feedback prior to making recommendations to School Council.
Please submit your feedback at your earliest convenience this term.
A random sample of parents will be generated in the coming weeks to receive a 2015 Parent Opinion Survey. If you are one of
the lucky ones who receive one, we would be very appreciative if you completed and returned it at your earliest convenience.
One completed survey that has been returned by the due date will be lucky enough to receive a $20 credit at the Uniform Shop.
Thank you to Brendan Pekin for the work done over the holidays
to prepare an area at the rear of the Junior Campus for an orchard.
Thank you also to Dave Wilkinson, Andrew Tickner and Mark
Hem for laying the mulch to finish off the landscaping at new the
Senior Campus entrance.
Corangamite Branch
St Paul’s Anglican Church Hall
Church Street, Camperdown
2nd Saturday of every month
Play Session 10am – 11.30am
Gold coin donation