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Contact Camperdown - Camperdown College
Camperdown Contact
Term 3, Week 10, 19th September 2013
Principal Cherie Kilpatrick with Year 11 student Stephanie Wiffen.
Congratulations to Year 11 student Stephanie Wiffen who was one of just 22 students
from across Victoria to be awarded a prestigious Wannik Education Scholarship in 2013.
The Wannik Scholarships are a combined initiative of the Department of Education and
Early Childhood Development and the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association,
acknowledging high academic achievement and supporting future aspirations. Education
Minister, the Hon. Martin Dixon presented Stephanie with her scholarship at Queens Hall,
Parliament House last Wednesday. Well done Stephanie!
Cherie Kilpatrick
From the Principal’s Desk…
Last week, I spent a day with our Year 5/6 students and
staff on their Melbourne urban experience camp. Two
slow laps of the Icehouse Skating Rink left me feeling
very sore and sorry for myself, but I was inspired by the
efforts of our students, many of whom threw themselves
into this new experience determined to have fun and
conquer! Our Year 5/6 State hockey finalists took time
out of their camp program to play three very respectable
games on Thursday. Representing the College at this
level is a fine achievement for our students and will be an
experience to remember!
During the upcoming school holidays, our language
teacher Jenna French heads off to the Indonesian island
of Sulawesi, joining a small group of Australian teachers
on a Balai Bahasa study tour. This visit presents a
wonderful professional learning opportunity for Jenna
whilst also allowing for the exploration of opportunities
for our students in the future, including planning for our
first Indonesian trip in 2015. The Indonesian language
program has been a great success thus far, expanding this
term to include our Year 3/4 students. Next year, the
program will be further extended into Year 8 and will
continue to grow until our students have a genuine
language option all the way through to Year 12.
Thank you to our Parents & Friends Association for
launching the fundraising campaign for the relocation of
our historic Junior Campus gates by holding a cake stall
and barbeque at the Federal Election polling station at the
Senior Campus on Saturday 7th September. Thank you
also to the many volunteers who came along to last
Saturday’s Junior Campus Hall working bee. What a
difference a day makes!
Feedback about the recent Senior Campus Parent Teacher
Interviews was very positive, with parents again noting
that the location and format is convenient. Teachers
welcomed the opportunity to talk with students and
Tuesday – Wednesday
20th September
20th September
20th September
20th September
20th September
20th September
7th October
8th – 16th October
9th October
11th October
12th October
13th October
16th October
17th October
18th October
18th October
22nd October
23rd October
24th October
24th October
25th October
29th October
families about achievements and next steps. The format
of the mid semester progress reports will be reviewed to
ensure that the most useful and accurate information is
being conveyed.
Term 3 has been ushered to a suitably dramatic end with
our Junior Campus Concert on last night. Congratulations
to our Prep – Year 6 students on their fine performances
and thank you to our staff for the considerable time and
effort invested in this important annual event. I apologise
for any distress caused to students and families by the
film screened at the end of the concert, which contained
disturbing images of dancing teachers and somehow got
past the censors! It is no wonder indeed that the Victorian
State Schools Spectacular was just for students.
On behalf of College students and families, I would like
to extend my appreciation and best wishes to Georgia
Siltman, who has very capably replaced teachers on leave
from the Junior and Senior Campuses during Terms 2
and 3. Her enthusiasm and dedication have been greatly
Best wishes to our Year 12 students who are moving into
the final stages of their VCE, with revision lectures,
workshops and practice exams taking place in the
holidays. Ross Huggard, Chief Assistant Examiner for
English, will be conducting English revision lectures at
Camperdown College for our own students and others
from neighbouring schools. Year 12 students will return
to school for three weeks of revision before moving into
their study break and final exams. We have a number of
Year 11 students undertaking Year 12 subjects this year
also, many of whom are very well placed to succeed.
Happy holidays and I look forward to seeing you all on
Monday 7th October.
Ms Cherie Kilpatrick
Tree Planting in Naroghid for Year 1 – 5 students
Footy Colours Day for Prep – Year 12 students See page 4
Parents & Friends Footy Colours Day Footy Lunch for Junior Campus students See page 4
Year 6 vs Staff/Parents Footy Match at the Junior Campus from 12.30pm See page 4
Final Junior Campus Assembly for Term 3 from 2.15pm in the BER Building
Final day for Term 3 – 2.30pm dismissal
First day for Term 4
Year 5/6 Somers Camp
Parents & Friends Meeting in the Junior Campus Staffroom from 7.30pm
RSA Course for Year 11/12 students at the Senior Campus See page 7
Geography Excursion to Melbourne University
Psychology Revision Lecture at Brauer College
Senior Campus Sport Day
Year 8 LEAP into Design
Year 3 – 6 Regional Athletics in Ballarat
Parents & Friends Trivia Night See page 5
Secondary State Track n Field
Year 12 Final Assembly
Year 12 Mystery Bus Trip
Western District Schools Spelling Competition in Warrnambool at 7pm
Victorian State Cycling Final in Ballarat
Wilson Street News
Another busy term has passed. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all students on their efforts this term. Students
have worked very hard to improve their abilities and have embraced the extracurricular opportunities that have been offered. The
behaviour of students has been commendable both within and outside the classroom. They have once again shown that they are caring
and most tolerant of individual differences. The majority of students have ensured that they attend school in appropriate uniform and
take pride in their appearance. Thank you to parents for supporting all facets of your child’s education.
As the term draws to a close, we prepare to farewell three staff members. Georgia Siltman has capably filled Mr Robertson’s shoes
and has ensured that our Mathematics and Accounting students have been fully engaged and challenged. Georgia is taking up a
position at Western Heights Secondary College next term and we wish her well in this position and thank her for her work this term.
Pre-service teachers Lisa Tripp and Chloe Taylor’s energy and enthusiasm has been greatly appreciated as they have worked
alongside Mrs Fox and Ms Grundy in Art and English. We wish them all the best as they transition to full time teaching next year.
R U Ok?
Through the efforts of our Welfare team, BRICKs mentors and the SRC, both staff and students were exposed to the importance of
looking out for each other through celebrating R U Ok Day. Often friends and workmates are the first to notice when something is not
quite right and it is important to listen to concerns without judgement and take time to follow up.
The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) has identified an error in the placement of some of the
national average indicators in the Year 7 NAPLAN student reports. This has required the reprinting of student reports with a
consequent delay in distribution. It is expected that delivery of these reports will not take place until early in Term 4.
National History Challenge – State Level Judging:
Lauren McIlveen, Bernadette Bellman and Ellie Walsh travelled to Melbourne Boys Grammar School on the weekend to be judged at
State level in the National History Challenge. On all accounts, the students acquitted themselves very well. Bernadette and Ellie
wowed the judges with their video on Chrissy Amphlett as did Lauren with her essay on Dorothea McKellar.
Parent Teacher Interviews:
Thank you to all parents who attended Parent Teacher Interviews last week. We really appreciate your interest in your child’s progress
and value the opportunity to work as a team in order to bring about the best results possible for your child.
Year 10 Deakin Experience Day:
Year 10 students visited Deakin University’s Waurn Ponds Campus last week. Students listened to presentations about courses
offered and then participated in workshops on either Psychology, Sports and Exercise Science, Nursing and Law.
Party – Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma in Youth:
Year 11 Health and Human Development students participated in this outreach program conducted by the Alfred Hospital Trauma
team. The program aims to inform students about the risks associated with alcohol and risk taking behaviours. The program was
confronting and involved the students rotating around five activities – mock trauma and intensive care unit, trauma and burns activity,
trauma survivor talk, a presentation about the 4 steps for life, a talk from a paramedic, rehab activity and a safe partying activity. The
program made students think about the choices that they make and the consequences for these choices. All students enjoyed the
program and found it very worthwhile.
Year 12 Revision:
Most course work has been completed for Year 12 subjects and now students must focus on revision content and preparing responses
for the exams – Year 12 students should be very busy over the holidays! Students have been given a timetable outlining the revision
sessions that have been organised during the first week of the holidays and beyond. Thank you to teachers for putting time aside to
deliver and organise these valuable sessions.
9am – 12.15pm
1pm – 3.15pm
English – practice exam
Information Technology
Monday 23rd September
English – revision lectures
Friday 27th September
Studio Art
Tuesday 1st October
Further Maths
PE – Warrnambool (2.30pm – 5.30pm)
Wednesday 2nd October
Geography (Revision Lecture): Saturday 12th October in Melbourne.
A reminder to parents of the following important dates in the lead up to the end of Year 12:
 Wednesday 23rd October – Last day of classes and Final Assembly commencing at 1.40pm
 Thursday 24th October – Staff and student breakfast and Mystery Bus Trip
 Wednesday 30th October – English Exam
 Wednesday 20th November – Year 12 Formal at the 5 Star Function Centre
Ms Vicki Angus, Senior Campus Assistant Principal
Brooke Street News
The end of another term has quickly arrived! Tomorrow is the last day of Term 3 and we’ll be having a quick assembly at 2.15pm
prior to dismissal at 2.30pm. I wish everyone an enjoyable and restful holiday break and look forward to seeing you all back safe and
well on Monday 7th October.
Year 5/6 Melbourne Camp:
Last week saw our Year 5/6 students, along with Mr Bennett, Ms Norton, Mrs Nelson and Mrs Vagg, head off on their Melbourne
Camp. They were fortunate enough to visit many and varied landmarks in Melbourne, along with some dining in Lygon Street, ice
skating and a spot of shopping at the Vic Market! My personal thanks goes to the team of teachers for coordinating and facilitating the
camp for our students, Mrs Green for going out of her way to join the group for a day’s activities, as well as a big pat on the back to
our students for conducting themselves in a way that makes us proud to be part of Camperdown College. Well done!
Year 5/6 Hockey 7s State Final:
During their camp last week, eleven of our Year 5/6 students competed in the Victorian State Hockey Championships in Footscray. It
was a huge effort on the part of our team who represented themselves, as well as us as a school, with great pride and dedication. We
are all very proud of your achievements!
AFL 9’s Footy Clinic:
Ms Duynhoven has coordinated two AFL 9’s Footy Clinics for our Year 3 – 6 students over the last two weeks of term so that our
students can learn a new strand of AFL that promotes higher involvement through modified rules. Last week, our 3/4 students were
put through their paces and this week it was the Year 5/6 students’ turn. All students thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of adapting to
the modified rules of AFL 9’s.
Footy Colours Day, Lunch and Match:
Tomorrow is Footy Colours Day at the Junior Campus and all students are invited to wear their footy clothes for a gold coin donation.
All monies raised will be donated to State Schools Relief. Students will also be enjoying their pre-ordered lunch of nibble pies and
juice that has kindly been organised by our dedicated Parents & Friends Association.
To conclude the day and term, the annual staff/parents vs Year 6 students football match will take place on the Junior Campus oval
from approximately 12.30pm. It is not too late to put your name down – if you would like to be a part of the staff/parents team, please
contact Amy in the Junior Campus Office. I am very much looking forward to this event and cannot wait to see some of our past and
future stars in action!
Junior Campus Hall Working Bee:
Many, many thanks to all of the parents and volunteers who came along to the working bee on the weekend to help us polish up the
Junior Campus Hall to finalise its revamp. The hall is looking fabulous from both the inside and out now!
Prep – Year 6 Tree Planting:
Starting today, all Junior Campus students have been involved in tree planting at our revegetation site at Naroghid. This is a fantastic
way for our students to be involved in the preservation of our planet and doing their bit is a very satisfying experience. Our thanks to
Ms Grundy for coordinating this event.
National History Challenge:
A selection of Year 5/6 students have been busily working on projects for the National History Challenge. There was a lot of time
spent on these projects at school and they were presented to be judged within our school. Five students were then selected to go onto
Regional level judging, from which two were chosen to present at State level. Zoe Wilkinson and Jack Helmore travelled to
Melbourne (again!) on Sunday to attend their interview as part of the judging. Both Zoe and Jack were pleased with how they
presented in their interview and we wish them the very best of luck for a great outcome!
Junior Campus Concert:
Last night, I was so privileged to be involved in my first Junior Campus Concert. I was absolutely blown away by the talent that we
have at Camperdown College! Both students and staff put in an amazing effort to practise and refine their skills in order to perform an
amazing show!
We are so fortunate to be part of such an enthusiastic, dedicated and talented school community. Well done to all staff and students
for their efforts; to the students who stepped outside their comfort zones and also those who felt more confident in the spotlight, to the
staff who put in the extra time, effort, organisation and thought to ensure their class were well versed and prepared and also to the
parents who ensured that their children were well rehearsed and dressed on the night!
I’d also like to extend my personal thanks to the staff who, even though they were not successful in their Victorian State School
Spectacular tryouts, were able to give up some of their own time to ensure the night finished with a bang!
Mrs Angela Hall, Junior Campus Assistant Principal
JSC and SRC Footy Colours Day
All students are invited to participate in Footy Colours Day for a gold coin donation tomorrow, Friday 20 th September.
Junior Campus students are permitted to wear their entire footy outfit and enjoy their pre-ordered nibble pies, whilst
Senior Campus students are invited to wear a jumper, jersey or t-shirt with their uniform. Money raised from the Junior
Campus will be donated to State Schools Relief and Senior Campus funds raised will go to the Fight Cancer Foundation.
A Year 6 students vs staff/parents footy match will be held during lunchtime (from 12.30pm) on Footy Colours
Day tomorrow at the Junior Campus. If any parents would like help fill the staff/parents team, please contact Amy
in the Junior Campus Office. It will be loads of fun!
Judy Downie, Julie Nelson, Jenna French and Katie Taylor, JSC & SRC Mentors
Thank you on behalf of the Parents & Friends Association
I would like to thank all of those people who baked the delicious goodies for the cake stall on the weekend of the Federal Election,
Saturday 7th September. Everything sold really quickly and there were lots of positive comments about how delicious the food looked.
Thank you also to those people who volunteered their time to help man the stalls and cook the barbeque. We also sold out of sausages
on the day and despite the rain, which seems to appear every time we set up the new marquees, the day was deemed extremely
Kim Helmore, Parents & Friends President
R U Ok Day
Last Friday 13th September, Senior Campus students celebrated R U Ok Day; a national
day to raise awareness of mental health issues in young people and for everybody to ask
family, friends and colleagues are you ok? The day aimed to highlight that staying
connected with others is crucial to our general health and wellbeing.
The student welfare team, Claire Blackstock and Megan Vandenberghe, worked with the
BRICKs and SRC students to arrange the day of celebrations. There was casual dress,
with a dress down theme where students came to school donning their favourite onsies
and pyjamas. At recess, there were cupcakes and hot chocolates for sale. During
lunchtime, students again showed that food is the key to fundraising at Camperdown
College, with a sausage sizzle that was cooked by the BRICKs students. Students were
also invited into the recently refurbished theatrette to watch an episode of The Simpsons.
A total of $345.90 was raised throughout the day, which was a fantastic effort! The
money will be donated to Headspace, Australia’s national youth mental health
foundation. Thank you to everyone who assisted on the day, with a special thank you to
Claire and Megan.
Jenna French, SRC Mentor
Pictured top: Isabel Bateman-Venning, Chelsea Poole, Zharia Lawlor & Soraya Clarke; Above: Alexandra Eastwood,
Brooke Hedrick, Stephanie Davis, Saffron Scott and Sierra Ryan all donned their onesies for R U Ok Day.
Sulawesi Trip
On Friday 27th September, I will be travelling to Indonesia to participate in an in country study program. I will be spending eleven
nights in Sulawesi, a large island north east of Bali. During that time, I will be touring historic and culturally significant sites and also
spending three days in a school in Kendari, a city in the south east of Sulawesi. There I will be teaching English lessons whilst staying
with a host family from the school.
The main aims of this trip are to develop real teacher – student connections between teachers and students from both Australia and
Indonesia, to boost my Indonesian language skills and to provide me with an opportunity to learn about the history and culture of the
south east Sulawesi area. It is also hoped that as a result of this trip, Camperdown College will be able to establish a sister – school
relationship, with the school in Kendari and to also lay the foundations for a potential study tour open to students in 2015.
Bu Jenna, Indonesian Teacher
Operation Christmas Child
Students have again been busily collecting donations for Operation Christmas Child this year. We have recently reminded Prep – Year
6 students of suitable items that can be donated, but will happily accept any of the following items from the wider Camperdown
College community:
* Something for personal hygiene * Something to wear
* Something to draw/write with
* Something to love
* Something to play with
* Something special
All contributions will be put into little boxes (girl boxes and boy boxes) and they will be sent overseas to
children in third world countries. Please, no earrings or war items can be accepted and all items have to be brand
new. Thank you for your support!
Leanne Coates
Operation Christmas Child Coordinator
Year 3/4 and 5/6 AFL 9’s Footy Clinics
Students in Year 3 – 6 have been lucky to have Allan Thompson, the AFL
Victorian Development Manager (Hampden Region) recently introduce the
official modified version of Australian Rules Football, known as AFL 9’s. It has
been designed to allow both girls and boys of all ages and abilities play in an
environment where participation, enjoyment and safety are a priority.
The game is played with nine on the field which is divided into three zones, a
mid zone and two scoring zones. A tackling option can be modified to a two
handed touch with disposal within three steps or seconds. A goal scored by the
female forward is worth nine points which makes a female player become more
valued in a game situation!
All the students were actively involved, with lots of laughs and grins when kicks
didn’t quite go where expected! Many were very pleased to see how much they
had improved and surprised at how they thoroughly enjoyed the game, especially
the girls. They walked away feeling a lot more confident in taking on the boys in
a game of footy.
Pictured top right: Lara Brown, Jordan Watson
Caroline Duynhoven
Prep – Year 6 Sport Coordinator
and Benjamin Waterfall surround Marissa Ingham;
Bottom right: Tess Gronbeck, Marissa Ingham,
Lara Brown and Krystal Park with AFL Victorian
Development Manager, Allan Thompson.
Year 5/6 Hockey 7s State Finals
Last Thursday 12th September, eleven very excited and nervous Year 5/6 students made
their way to Footscray for the Hockey 7s State Finals. The team played very competitive
hockey and only had four goals scored against them in the three games combined!
Unfortunately, this was not enough to be successful in gaining a place on the day. To
have reached this level of competition is indicative of the quality of our team and their
combined ability to play as an awesome force to be reckoned with. Well done, we are
very proud of your efforts!
Caroline Duynhoven
Prep – Year 6 Sport Coordinator
Prep – Year 2 students make toy cars…
On Friday 6 September, Prep – Year 2 students walked to the Senior Campus to build their own toy
cars to coincide with their study of toys. The students were able to work between three activities with
the help of Senior Campus staff and Year 8 students.
Prep – Year 2 students were able to experience what it is like to be a student at the Senior Campus and
use specialist rooms, such as the Wood Work and Art rooms. A huge thanks to Ben McKenzie and
Chelsea Fox for volunteering their time and expertise.
Warren Attrill
Year 1/2 Teacher
Pictured right: Scott Londregan enjoyed making his toy car at the Senior Campus.
Year 5/6 Melbourne Camp
Bruises, collisions and chills did not deter Year 5/6 students from
trying their hands at ice skating whilst on camp in Melbourne last
week. Our hectic schedule included the Melbourne Museum, the
State Library, Parliament House, the Australian Museum at
Federation Square and Etihad Stadium. Students became efficient
tram travellers and purchased many wonderful bargains at the
Queen Victoria Market.
Julie Nelson
Year 5/6 Teacher
Bottom left: Olivia Henzen enjoying ice skating;
Bottom right: Caelan Gration at Parliament House.
I would like to say a huge thank you to Mr Russell Fagan
(pictured above left with Jack Helmore) for presenting a talk and
slide show about Saudi Arabia. Children from Prep – Year 6
thoroughly enjoyed the talk and asked many interesting questions.
Julie Nelson and Judy Downie, JSC Mentors
6Pictured above right: Tim Fagan and Zoe Wilkinson in traditional Saudi -Arabian
Junior Campus Hall Working Bee
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the following parents, students and staff who attended the Junior Campus Hall
Working bee last Saturday. An enormous amount of work was completed, which is the final stage of its revamp.
Jodie, Cameron & Ellie McKenzie
Kellie, John, Jack, Charlie & Jordy Kempton
Kim, Rob, Jack & Riley Helmore
Kasey, Sam, Ruby, Sadie & Syd Walsh
Matt & Mirryn Ellerton
Annette Timilsina
Michelle Teal
Russell, Louie & Tim Fagan
Jane Bennett
Dave Wilkinson
Maz O’Neil
Cherie Kilpatrick, Principal
Camperdown College Skoolbag App:
We are conducting a trial of our own Skoolbag iPhone App to see whether this could be a useful tool to assist us to communicate with
our school community. We are trialling the iPhone version until the end of the holidays and would welcome your feedback.
During the trial period, we are asking parents/students to install our Skoolbag App and
then feedback your thoughts to us. To install, just look for our school name
Camperdown College in the Apple App Store and install it on your iPhone. If you
require any assistance with the installation, please phone 1300 661 031 or email
We look forward to hearing your thoughts. To provide feedback, please drop in or phone
the Junior Campus Assistant Principal Angela Hall on 5593 1438 or email
Friday 6th September 2013: Shaun Carter, Zoe Wilkinson, Blair Benson, Taylor Sanders and Damien Pillar; Inset: Taylor Bernaldo and Corey Jolly.
Friday 13th September 2013: Aimee Wilson, Kayleb Bignell, Lewis Regan, Patrick McGillivray, Mikayla Shaw.
Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation):
The information night for the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation) is to be held on Thursday 17 th October at St Patrick’s Catholic
Church in Walls Street from 7pm. The evening is designed to outline the program and to hand out the relevant information and
workbooks and an opportunity to answer any questions that you or your child may have.
The celebration of the sacrament will be held on Monday 18 th November from 7pm in the St Patrick’s Church, Camperdown. For your
child to be accepted into the program, they must have been baptised and the enrolment form must be completed with the payment of
$20 (this can be paid on the information night). The cost includes the text/work book, a candle, an information booklet and- 7the
transfer for their stole.
Come and do all of your shopping in one place! Ideal time for
Christmas presents whilst supporting the Cancer Council
At the Terang Civic Hall on Saturday 12th October
from 10am until 3pm.
Miche Handbags, Herbalife, LeReve, Michelle's all natural
products, Katee’s Craftworks, Katee’s Plus Sized Joy, Undercover
Wear, Partylite, Herbalife, Mary Kay, The Body Shop, It Works,
Juice +, Ocean View Photography, Your Inspiration at Home,
Lorraine Lea Linen, KRC Creations, Raycells Handcrafted Gifts,
Chandelles D'amour candles, Nutrimetics, Intimo, Tupperware,
Yayme, Arbonne, Avon and Postie Fashions.
More small business and party plan have been invited so there
may be more companies on the day. We will also have a garage
sale in the Rose Room, sausage sizzle and face painting.
Contact Juli on 0400 197 330 for further details.
HTA Junior Coaching/School Holiday Program
All levels from learners to advanced
Wednesday 2nd, Thursday 3rd and
Friday 4th October
From 10am-12pm
($40 per child-discount for families)
Tennis Australia Accredited Coaches
Please contact Donna Conheady on
0419 383 464 or Robyn Gordon on
0427 507 875 to secure your place.
Camperdown Theatre Company proudly announces auditions for…
Jack and his Amazing Multi-Coloured Beanstalk
A Christmas Pantomime
Written by: Geoff Bamber, Director: Cameron McAdam, Production Manager: Sandra Poole
You know the story… Jack's family are so poor that they must sell their treasured cow. Unfortunately they entrust the job to Jack,
whose profit is a handful of beans. The result is a beanstalk and an attempt to rescue the kidnapped princess.
About seventeen people of a variety ages make up the cast that includes speaking and non-speaking parts such as:
Jack’s Mother & Grandad
Old Lady
Lizzie (Jack’s sister) & Zak (her boyfriend)
Famers and Vet
Baron Smug and his henchmen Kutt & Thrust
And what would panto be without a cow!
Panto is lots of fun, often over the top and includes lots of over acting and audience interaction. Good voice projection and clear
diction will be crucial for this production as there will be no microphones and potentially large audiences.
Four daytime shows are planned:
Two x Friday 6th December for local primary schools and possibly aged care (Only business hours requirements)
Two x Saturday 7th December for the general public
The show will run around fifty Minutes.
Limited rehearsals where not all cast will be needed for every rehearsal will run before the VCE exams on October 6th, 8th, 13th, 15th,
20th & 22nd, then a break over VCE exams, followed by a short but very solid rehearsal schedule including November 17th, 19th, 21st,
23rd, 24th, 26th, 28th, 30th, December 1st, 4th, 5th.
Auditions are on Sunday 22nd September from 2pm – 5pm at the Theatre Royal. At the audition you’ll be asked to read a part/s.
The script for the show can be read on line at
For enquiries, contact the director, Cameron McAdam on 0425 774 780.
Senior teams need to complete a Registration Form that is available from Davis’ Milk Bar or Camperdown Picture Framing.
Midget & Junior Registration Form:
Name: ............................................................................................................................... Date of Birth: .................................................
Email Address: .................................................................................................................
 Junior or  Midget
Contact Phone Number: .............................................................................................................................................................................
Please note that the Basketball Association reserves the right to call an ambulance for any player or spectator that needs medical attention. All costs incurred will be the
responsibility of the player or spectator or their legal guardian. Health Care Card or Pension Card holders are covered for ambulance.
Ambulance Member Number: ............................................................ HCC/Pension Card Number: ....................................................
All players must be at least seven years of age or older by Tuesday 31st December 2013. Registration forms are to be returned to Davis’
Milk Bar or Camperdown Picture Framing by Friday 20th September.
Heart of Corangamite Parents/Carers Survey
Heart of Corangamite is a community based, health development initiative promoting physical activity and healthy eating in young
children and their families. The project, which is a joint effort of local government, health, education and community agencies, is
currently spending time in the community taking stock of what is currently happening; gathering information about issues or factors
that may be making it hard for kids and families to eat well and be active as they go about their daily lives. The survey takes less than
ten minutes to complete and all data gathered is confidential and de-identified.
We are asking all parents and carers who have children at the Junior Campus to complete the survey either by collecting a hard copy of
the survey from the Junior Campus Office or going online at
Complete the survey and provide your contact details to go in the draw to win a family pass to Australia’s Best Children’s Festival Fun
4 Kids in Warrnambool. We have three to give away. Visit for more information. Please note: contact details are
collected for the prize draw only and will not be used to identify the survey respondents.
Any queries about the project can be directed to Sandra Poole at Manifold Place Community Health Centre on 5593 1892.
Camperdown schools will receive
$1.00 from every sale item sold at
Help raise funds for Camperdown College whilst grabbing
yourself a bargain with ladies wear and childrens wear up to 50%
Coprice Cobden Spring Festival
Energy Australia
Fun Run
&Walk 2013
Sunday 20th October 2013
Walk (Rail Trail, Naroghid to Cobden – Distance 7.5 kilometres)
Start 9am, Registration 8am – 8.30am at the Cobden Technical
School Gym (bus shuttle to start point)
Prize value for walk and run $600
Run Start 9.30am Registration 8.30am – 9.15am at the Cobden
Technical School Gym
Male & Female Sections: Under 10, Under
12, Under 15 & Open
Under 10, Under 12 – 3.2 kilometres
Under 15 and Open – 6 kilometres
Entry Fee:
Walkers, Under 10, Under 12, Under
15 $5
Open $10
Registration and Entries on the day
of the event
- 10 -