announcement - FSInfo - Figure Skating Info Page
announcement - FSInfo - Figure Skating Info Page
Turnhout January 29 & 30 2016 23th Edition International Figure Skating Competition for ladies and men Senior, Junior, Novice Advanced and Novice A & B ANNOUNCEMENT The Kempen Trophy is an international competition for single skating in the categories: senior, junior, novice advanced and novice A & B under the regulations according ISU judging system 1. ORGANISATION The figure skating club New Olympia Turnhout with the support of the Royal Belgian Figure Skating Federation and the Flemish Figure Skating Organisation. Secretary: LUDO DAEMEN DE LINIEWEG 19 2380 RAVELS BELGIUM tel: +32 (0)474 83 84 87 e-mail: 2. ICE RINK Schaatsbaan Turnhout (60 m x 30 m) Otterstraat 151 2300 Turnhout Belgium GPS coordinates: N 51° 19' 16" E 04° 57' 28" website: e-mail: tel: +32 (0)14 419762 Training facilities on January 26 th and January 27th with music and on January 28 without music Snacks, lunch and drinks available in the cafeteria of the ice rink. It is not allowed to take your own drinks and food into the cafeteria. 3. COMPETITION 3.1. MUSIC Every skater shall provide in advance their competition music by emailing an MP3-file to the following email-address: The music must be send in the following format. File name format : FS or SP <Category> <Name> <Time> FS or SP = FS is Free Skating; SP is Short Programm <Category> = NOA, NOB, ADV, JUN, SEN <Name> = name + surname <Time> = time of your music Voorbeeld : FS ADV John Doe 2m34.mp3 Every skater shall have a CD (no rewritable) with their music as a backup. If you want to send more files, please use Kempen Trophy – Turnhout January 29 & 30, 2016 pag 2 3.2. Planned Elements Planned Elements must be sent before December 31th 2015 to the regional secretary of VKSB : and in CC also to : , the competition coordinator , the national secretary of KBKF , the organisation club 3.3 TECHNICAL DATA The competition consists of a Short and a Free skating program for Seniors, Juniors, Novices Advanced and a free skating program for Novice A & B 3.4. TIME TABLE Will be available on the website as soon as possible after the closing date. or 3.5. PRIZES Each competitor will be presented with a trophy. The results will be found on the internet. No protocol or trophy will be sent after the competition. Special prizes will be announced with the provisional time table. 4. DISCLAIMER In accordance with rule 119 the organising committee accepts no liability for injury or damage sustained by competitors. 5. ENTRIES 5.1. INVITATIONS Clubs will be invited from all over the world. Event website: 5.2. ENTRY FORM The closing date for entries is December 15th, 2015 Please use the official entry form on the website. State surname and name of participant and date of birth per category. Please be aware that, in case of too many entries, acceptation will be executed consecutively using your sequence. Kempen Trophy – Turnhout January 29 & 30, 2016 pag 3 5.3. LIMITATIONS The organisation committee will limit the entries, entries will be accepted on a first come , first served basis; up to the maximum in relation to the available ice. Following rules will be used: Every invited club has the right to enter five skaters for the category novice A & B girls. They can also enter substitutes for this category. The substitutes will be able to compete if there aren't enough competitors for the category concerned or in case of injury from an announced participant. The organising committee will inform the clubs in time in such case. There are no limitations in the other categories. Clubs subscribing seniors and juniors or boys will take precedence in completing the category novices adv. girls and novice a & b girls The organising club has the right to enter more participants. The organising club will follow the order mentioned on the entry form and there will be no further correspondence about these subscriptions. In case of a too high number of entries the organisers reserve the right to limit these entries. 6. EXPENSES 6.1. ENTRANCE FEE Senior, Junior, Novice Adv: 85 € for each skater Nov A & B 55 € for each skater The total amount must been payed within 10 days after receiving an invoice from the organising club, Nieuw Olympia Turnhout. No refunds will be given Payment after deadline: + 10 € administration costs Argenta Bank Account Holder: Nieuw Olympia Turnhout IBAN : BE24 9730 8830 9238 BIC : ARSPBE22 No charges for the beneficiary. Clubs are responsible for the bank charges related to the subscription. No cheques will be accepted. 6.2. TRAVEL & LODGING The organising committee does not pay travel or lodging expenses for the participating skaters. 6.2. SPECTATORS Entrance fee for spectators: 5 € for the event. Every skater will receive 2 free event tickets. These tickets will be available at the info desk. Kempen Trophy – Turnhout January 29 & 30, 2016 pag 4 7. JUDGES 7.1. JUDGE PANEL The participating members may propose a Judge qualified to at least national championship level. Entries from foreign clubs who bring a Judge with them will be preferred in case of too many entries. Names of the candidates should be made available to the organising committee before December 15th 2015. Please indicate required hotel accommodation and meals. 7.2. TRAVEL AND LODGING Travel expenses of foreign Judges will not be reimbursed, but hotel accommodation and meals will be provided for all drawn Judges and Referees starting with breakfast on the first competition day until dinner on the last competition day. Belgian Judges will receive a compensation for travel as described by the KBKF. 7.3. JUDGE MEETING/DRAWING The judge meeting will be held on Thursday after opening draw (19.30h). Details will be sent with the provisional time table. Time and place of the drawing will be forwarded with the tentative time table. 8. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS 8.1. CEREMONIES OF AWARDING PRIZES When the final results have been calculated, the winner and then the second and third placed competitors are announced and are called to the winners platform on the ice. The Referee and the representative of the organiser congratulate the prize winners. 8.2. SPECIAL PRIZES Special prizes will be awarded by the Referees. 9. COACHES 9.1. BADGES Only named coaches on the entry form will receive a badge for entering the restricted zone. Kempen Trophy – Turnhout January 29 & 30, 2016 pag 5 10. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS Transportation to the ice rink has to be organised by the participant. Participants have tomake reservation themselves with reference to the Kempen Trophy Toerisme Turnhout Website : Hotels Bed & Breakfast De Joker 3 rooms 2 studio Bed & Breakfast De Tweede Kamer 2 studio's Bed & Breakfast Bon-Bon Jour 3 rooms Bed & Breakfast Edelweis 6 rooms Bed & Breakfast Villa Hortensia 1 room 1 studio Bed & Breakfast De Hessie 3 rooms 6 km 50 m 1 km 1,5 km 3 km 5,2 km tel: +32 14 421180 mobiel: + 32(0)478 285272 email: website: Otterstraat 189 - 2300 Turnhout tel +32 14 433487 website: Victoriestraat 10 - 2300 Turnhout tel: +32 494 788837 email: website: de Merodelei 91 - 2300 Turnhout tel: +32 1 42 12 56 email: website: tel: +32 14 710574 mobiel: + 32 499 710712 email: website: Heizijde 108 - 2300 Turnhout mobiel: +32 479 303812 email: website: Kempen Trophy – Turnhout January 29 & 30, 2016 pag 6 Bed & Breakfast Wepa-Hof 2 rooms Bed & Breakfast Het Puy Domein 3 rooms Bed & Breakfast Hildegarden 4 rooms Bed & Breakfast Ginnekenshoeve 1 room 1 studio Bed & Breakfast De Casteleer 5 rooms Bed & Breakfast Alverweghe 4 rooms Bed & Breakfast De Hertog van Baerle Hotel Viane Appartments 5,6 km Jagersstraat 17 - 2360 Oud-Turnhout mobiel: +32 474 691347 email: website: 6,4 km 11 km 11,5 km 13 km 13 km 14 km 1 km Steenweg op Diest 101 - 2300 Turnhout tel: +32 14 440744 mobiel: +32 485 174968 email: website: Meikloklaan 26 - 2275 Gierle tel: +32 494 737552 email: website: Ginnekenshoek 32 - 2340 Beerse mobiel: +32 478 500966 email: website: Pastorijstraat 38 - 2460 Kasterlee tel: +32 14 727725 email: website: Lipseinde 36 - 2330 Merksplas tel: +32 14 635750 email: website: Zondereigen 18 - 2387 Baarle Hertog tel: +32 14 828883 mobiel: +32 494 697347 email: website: Heilig Hartstraat 49 - 2300 Turnhout tel: +32 14 462800 email: website: Kempen Trophy – Turnhout January 29 & 30, 2016 pag 7 Hotel Viane 1 km Hotel Turnhout City 1,5 km Hotel Tegenover 1,5 km Hotel Terminus 0,6 km Hotel Ter Driezen 0,6 km Hotel Priorij Corsendonk 6 km Hotel Den en Heuvel 10 km Hotel De Watermolen 10 km Korte Vianenstraat 2 - 2300 Turnhout tel +32 14 889600 email: website: Stationstraat 5 - 2300 Turnhout tel: +32 14 820202 email: website: Stationstraat 46 - 2300 Turnhout Tel +32 14 434705 email: website: Grote Markt 72 - 2300 Turnhout tel +32 14 412078 email: website: Herentalsstraat 18 - 2300 Turnhout tel. +32 14 41 87 57 email: website: Corsendonk 5 - 2360 Oud-Turnhout tel: +32 14 462800 email: website: Geelsebaan 72 - 2460 Kasterlee tel: +32 14 850497 email: website: Houtum 61 - 2460 Kasterlee tel: +32 14 852374 email: website: Kempen Trophy – Turnhout January 29 & 30, 2016 pag 8 Hotel De Klepel 10,5 km Hotel Residentie 10 km Jeugdherberg (Hostel)Gagelhof 28 km Jeugdherberg (Hostel) Poneyhoeve 10 km Lindelaan 24 - 2340 Beerse tel: +32 14 618979 email: website: Steenfortstraat 5 - 2460 Lichtaart tel: +32 14 551814 email: website: Gagelhoflaan 18 - 2980 Zoersel +32 3 385 16 42 email: website: Steenweg op Baarle Hertog 118 - 2300 Turnhout +32 14 65 58 90 email: website: 11. PRESS AND COMMUNICATION Local television as well as national press will be invited. Results will be forwarded by Belga press agency to the participating countries. Kempen Trophy – Turnhout January 29 & 30, 2016 pag 9 LOCATION MAP Schaatsbaan Turnhout Otterstraat 151 2300 Turnhout Belgium GPS coordinates: N 51° 19' 16" - E 04° 57' 28" Kempen Trophy – Turnhout January 29 & 30, 2016 pag 10 Seniors ISU ISU judging system Age: according ISU regulations 1. Short program : see latest ISU Regulations Figure Skating and all communications according ISU judging system 2. Free Skating : see latest ISU Regulations Figure Skating and all communications according ISU judging system Starting order will be in reverse of the result of the short program. Juniors ISU ISU judging system Age: according ISU regulations 1. Short program : see latest ISU Regulations Figure Skating and all communications according ISU judging system 2. Free Skating : see latest ISU Regulations Figure Skating and all communications according ISU judging system. Starting order will be in reverse order of the result of the short program. Novices Advanced ISU judging system AGE : according ISU regulations 1. Short program : see latest ISU Regulations Figure Skating and all communications according ISU judging system 2. Free Skating : see latest ISU Regulations Figure Skating and all communications according ISU judging system. Starting order will be in reverse order of the result of the short program. Novice B ISU judging system AGE : according ISU regulations only Free Program: see latest ISU Regulations Figure Skating and all communications according ISU judging system Novice A ISU judging system AGE : according ISU regulations Only Free Program: see latest ISU Regulations Figure Skating and all communications according ISU judging system Kempen Trophy Synchro – Turnhout April 4-5, 2015 12 Turnhout March 26- 27, 2016 Synchronized Skating Competition Senior, Junior, Novice, Juvenile, Mixed Age & Adult Kempen Trophy Synchro – Turnhout April 4-5, 2015 13 Kempen Trophy Synchro – Turnhout April 4-5, 2015 14