Untitled - LEF 2016


Untitled - LEF 2016
LEF 2016 President’s Forewords .................................................................................................................... 3
One Country, Many Stories ............................................................................................................................ 4
Location – Pärnu............................................................................................................................................. 5
Orga-team ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
LEF 2016 Program ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Detailed Program ..........................................................................................................................................10
Registration and payment details ................................................................................................................ 17
How To Get There? ........................................................................................................................................18
Accommodation – Strand SPA & Conference Hotel
Good To Know .............................................................................................................................................. 20
What To Bring? .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Pre-program.................................................................................................................................................. 22
Contacts ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
Dear Leos,
As a big fan of many TV and book series, I know how hard it always is to wait for the next part. I hope
that you liked the beginning of our Leo Europa Forum story. Now, finally the teaser for LEF 2016 is out
and hopefully it will relieve the pain of waiting for the last part.
To complete our story, we have travelled around and discovered parts and places of our country new
even to ourselves. We have searched for ideas, help and advice from many people to make the story as
varied and interesting as possible. Now all the main locations are set, activities planned and we are just
waiting for the new characters to step in.
Thanks to the constitution all the LEF stories are similar. But just as you can read a good book many
times and discover new details, you can also attend many-many LEFs and still find something new and
exciting. And luckily there is also some space left for
variety and we are trying to take the maximum out of
it. So our story consists of parts written by charming
old towns, creepy prison and KGB buildings, cultural
opera house and cathedral ruins, sunny seaside,
peaceful bogs and adventures in the forest. And just
as old Estonians did at their gatherings we will play
and dance and sing, get to know Albert le Coq, go to
smoke sauna, walk on the beach and jump in the lake
for a refreshing swim. Besides all of that you will get
to observe Estonians in their natural habitat and
probably get to know more of them than ever before.
If you still doubt about coming to Estonia, then there are many other people and organizations that
have recognized our country in many different areas which make it a place worth to visit. For example,
Estonia is Lonely Planet’s best value destination for this year, it has the second freest economy in Europe
(after Switzerland) and is the eight most environmentally friendly country in the world. We have fifth
best airport in Europe and second best public WIFI in the world. One third of the people vote and 95%
of tax declarations are made online in Estonia which is just the sign that Estonians like everything fast,
clear and simple. And when we get a new idea, then it should have been done by yesterday.
Hopefully you will find more useful information below and will be convinced that you need to come to
Estonia! We will keep working hard for next 6 months to make this event as memorable and special for
you as possible.
We wish to see you all here in August. Until then, keep up the Leo spirit! Come on, let’s do it!
Best regards,
Marite Promvalds
LEF2016 President
For the first time ever, Leo District 120 Estonia is
organizing the Leo Europa Forum (LEF). We invite you
to LEF 2016 Destination Estonia!
Estonia is located in Northern Europe, bordering
Russia and Latvia with Finland just across the Gulf of
Finland. Although we do not have real mountains or
deep valleys, the landscape is diverse including sandy
beaches, virgin forests, meadows and bogs, number
of lakes and more than 2200 islands. As nearly half of
Estonia is covered in birches, pines, aspens and more,
it is one of the most densely forested countries in the
Estonians are one of the longest settled European
people, whose fore-bearers lived on the south-eastern
shores of the Baltic Sea over 5,000 years ago. Time
and time again, we have been ruled by foreign
powers. We will not tell you the long and complex history of the country, we will only say that it has
been very eventful and we have lived in an independent Estonia for a rather short time. Most of the
orga-team members were born in the Soviet Union or straight after the disintegration of the union in
There are only 1.34 million people living in Estonia from
whom 69% are Estonians and 26% Russians. Although
most of Estonians are at least bilingual, we still treasure
our own language highly. You just have to when your
language has words like terviseks, asjaajaja, öötöö,
jalalaba and täieõiguslik.
Although most European Leos know about Estonia, not
so many have actually been here. At LEF 2016
Destination Estonia we want to show you what our
small country has to offer. Estonia has a rich heritage
and colorful history which have built up the strength
and the Nordic temperament of the Estonian people. It
is a small country with the backdrop of untouched and beautiful nature but still offers the feel of a
European metropolis. Estonia has developed into one of the leading countries in e-services, innovation
and entrepreneurship without losing track of valuing our traditions.
Simply put - one country, many stories.
LEF 2016 Destination Estonia will welcome you in the south-western part of Estonia at our beautiful
Summer Capital Pärnu. The sunny seaside city has been a well-known resort for already 175 years and is
still a very popular tourist attraction. Pärnu has a beautiful long beach, green parks, clean air and
delightful views.
The history in Pärnu region actually dates back as long as 11 000 years making it the first settlement area
in Estonia. Pärnu is still a true pearl for architecture and history. The city itself was established 1251 and
became one of the rich vibrant Hanseatic cities during medieval period.
Pärnu is an adorable small city in Estonia which truly comes to life in the summer and become the capital
of the country. There is a popular Estonian saying that if you have not seen your friends during the year
you will meet them all in the summer in Pärnu! This makes it the perfect spot for our LEF holiday!
Marite Promvalds | President | marite@lef2016.org
Sille Sarap | Vice President | sille@lef2016.org
Karin Künnapas | Vice President | karin@lef2016.org
Kaisa Jette Särekanno | Program Manager | kaisa@lef2016.org
Triin Eamets | Secretary | triin@lef2016.org
Silvia Kinger | Treasurer | silvia@lef2016.org
Liina Eamets | Social Activity Coordinator | info@lef2016.org
Kadri Kabanen | Estonian Night Coordinator | info@lef2016.org
Kristel Torop | City Trip Coordinator | info@lef2016.org
Jaanika Lill | Sports & Activity Day Coordinator | info@lef2016.org
Rainer Rooma | City Trip Coordinator | info@lef2016.org
Jürgen Jõgeva | Webmaster | info@lef2016.org
Andra Perv | City Trip Coordinator | info@lef2016.org
Helpers and many more!
Alari Kasvand, Märten Osijärv, Louis Brandt, Hilja Illak, Rauno Oja, Kristjan Anderson, Kätlin Vau, Taavi
Ilu, Doris Reva, Maarja Tagel, Kaie Anderson, Helina Muld, Raiki Kalda, Eva Roosaar
Leo Europa Forum (LEF) brings Leos from across Europe and
Mediterranean countries together once a year for an 8-day
long convention. LEF is a week full of activities – presentation
of hosting country, serious and fun workshops, a social
activity, sightseeing trips, culinary and cultural presentation
of countries, Leo movement updates as well as fancy gala
evening and other evening entertainment. LEF is also the
venue of the yearly meeting of International Liaison Officers
(ILOs) from Europe and the Mediterranean countries.
LEF 2016 will take place on August 13-20 2016 at Pärnu,
Estonia. Join the Leo Europa Forum 2016 Facebook event
Ceremony +
of Countries
City Trip
Sports and
Sea day
Check Out
Pärnu City
meeting /
of Countries
SPA and
free time
Arrivals &
Free time
of Countries
After POC
Saturday, August 13
We will welcome Leo friends across the world in beautiful Pärnu for Leo Europa Forum 2016. The event
will start with ILO and Delegation Leader’s (DL) meetings to give them an update on what will happen
during the week. If you are a Newcomer and it is your first Leo Europa Forum, then do not fear. You will
have a special workshop where you will learn all
about the different parts and traditions of the forum
from long time LEFfers.
As on this evening the whole city of Pärnu is
enchanted in the vibe of a street festival called
Augustiunetus or Sleeplessness in August. It would
be a shame not to visit it and get a taste of what
summer in Pärnu feels like. We will have a fun team
activity at the festival so you get to see the area but
also get to know other LEFfers.
The night will continue with the Welcome Party at
the hotel.
Sunday, August 14
We will officially begin the Leo Europa Forum 2016 with the Opening Ceremony. It will include the flag
ceremony as two members of each delegation will bring in their country’s flag with their anthem while
wearing national costumes to see all the delegations present, we will have welcoming speeches from
Leos and Lions and finish the ceremony with the Serious Presentation of Countries (Serious POC). The
dress code for the Opening Ceremony is business formal, more easily a suit for guys and a dress or a
business suit for girls. Also traditional clothes are appreciated.
This is the first time the Serious POC and Opening Ceremony are held together as
one. Serious Presentation of Countries means that countries will present what Leo
activities and projects they have done in the last year which they would like to
share with others for inspiration and ideas. After the Opening Ceremony and
serious POC we will take official delegation photos.
Now it is time to get to know, hopefully sunny, Pärnu. All the participants will go
to a walking tour of the city which will include the Old Town; Pärnu moat and
Tallinn gates which were the starting point of an old postal route; the seaside as
well as the piers.
Once we get back to the hotel we will have a bit of free time to relax and get ready
for the evening. We will go to Maria Talu for Estonian Night. It is the same location where we had the
Estonian Winter Activity at LEPF 2016. It is about 40 minute drive outside of Pärnu. The dress code for
the evening is blue, black and white also known as the colors of the Estonian flag. With a bit of luck
hopefully the weather will be merciful to us, we will be under a rooftop, but still outside, so make sure
you bring a cardigan or a coat as the Estonian summer nights can get chilly.
During the evening we will show you the story of Estonian
culture with folk dancers and musicians, you can visit the
smoke and regular sauna while enjoying delicious Estonian
cuisine. It will be a proper old time Estonian village party
with long tables, dancing and music and a lot of fun. Make
sure to dust off your dancing shoes and be prepared to
learn some steps to dance along with the Estonians!
When we get back from Maria Talu and you still feel like it
is too early to sleep, we can continue the night in the hotel
party room.
Monday, August 15
Today it is all about the reason why we all are Leos –
the social activity Let’s Do It @ LEF 2016. Just to give
you a bit of the backstory, Estonians have always
liked to do things together. In the old times when
there were big works to be done around the farm, it
was quite common that the neighbors were asked
to come to help and vice versa. So all the hard work
was done together.
Let’s Do It started in a similar way from an idea that
more can be achieved together. It is a civic led mass
movement which began in Estonia during 2008
when 50,000 people gathered to clean up the entire
country in just five hours. By today, the movement
has spread to 112 countries where communities are organizing clean up actions to leave a cleaner
environment for ourselves and the future generations. In 2018, the organization is planning to have a
worldwide cleaning day.
At LEF 2016, we will get our hands dirty at a beach near Pärnu and will clean up the strip from the
garbage left there during the summer. Valgerand beach strip is a popular location among locals, but not
that well known by tourists yet. Nevertheless,
garbage has a bad habit of accumulating. In
cooperation with the local government we will
try to fix that, spend a day together outside and
hopefully inspire you to organize similar clean
up actions in your home countries.
After lunch and when we are back in the hotel, DLs and ILOs will have time for another meeting while
the rest of the delegation can start preparing for the Presentation of Countries (POC). POC is an evening
when all the participating countries present their food and drinks to rest of the participants. So you can
get a taste of the Italian pasta, Texan chilly and so much more! Bring your delegation shirts, good native
food and drinks and your best mood.
If you need to cook something in the kitchen, make sure
that your DL lets the orga-team know. We will also
organize a trip to the store if you need to do some last
minute shopping for POC. If you don’t have to be in the
meeting or prepare anything, then you can just relax from
the social activity day outside and enjoy the spa and get
your energy up for the POC.
POC is definitely one of the highlights of the LEF week as
it is hard to describe it with just words. It is an evening
when it is very easy to get to know everyone else and it is
an event you need to experience firsthand!
After POC, we will continue in the great mood in the hotel
party room!
Tuesday, August 16
We hope you will get some sleep after POC and are ready to explore Estonia a bit more. There are two
options for city trips – Tallinn and Tartu! You will be able to choose where to go in the registration
Tallinn is the capital city of Estonia and is located in the northern coast of Estonia with only about half a
million citizens but it is the largest city in the country. Medieval Tallinn Old Town dating back as far as
the 11th century, one of the best preserved Hansaetic town centers in the world, is under UNESCO world
heritage protection. We will start off the day at the Song Festival Grounds as it is the vital part of our
history as the singing nation, we will walk around in the cobblestone streets of the Old Town and you
will get to know the story of Tallinn, we will climb the 232 steps up to the Oleviste church tower which
has been claimed as the highest building in the world for centuries after being built.
After lunch there are 4 different options:
Patarei Sea Fortress tour
If you have approached Tallinn from the sea, you have definitely seen the long walls of Patarei on the
seaside. The Patarei Sea Fortress was built on the Tallinn waterfront in the beginning of the 19th century
by Russian czar Nicholas I. It has had many functions from artillery battery, barracks, prison and now a
culture park. The former symbol of repressions of the nation has turned into a favorite location among
tourists and locals to explore. You will hear about the stories from the Soviet prison times and will get
to look into the eerie halls of the fortress. The tours are often given by former inmates or prison
employees, so they know what they are talking about.
KGB Museum
It is hard to miss one of the tallest building in the Tallinn city center
called the Viru hotel which is the location of the next option. The
hotel was built in the 1972 for the Moscow Olympics sailing regatta
held in Tallinn. Although at the time we were still deep in the Soviet
Union with two decades left until the collapse, foreigners were
actually allowed into the hotel. But obviously with KGB peeking
over their shoulder. The hotel has an interesting story of a hotel
floor that never officially existed. You get to visit that floor. The
KGB Museum gives you an unembellished look into the everyday
life during the Soviet Union. It is a story of creativity, ridiculousness
and keeping a good front to the outside world. You also get to
enjoy a panoramic view of Tallinn from the top floor of the hotel.
Estonia National Opera Tour
If you are more interested in culture, then you can go and visit the
Estonia National Opera. The building was completed in 1913 in art
nouveau style. It was the largest theatre and opera house in Estonia
at that time. One wing of the building is a theatre and a concert hall
and you get to go behind the curtains during the tour. You get to
explore the historic building and learn its story and what goes on in
an opera before the curtains go up. The tours are given by current
artists working in the opera.
If you feel tired from the days before, want to go shopping or just
chill at a café somewhere in the Old Town, you can go for the free
time option and catch up with us at the predestined meeting point.
Tartu, the University City on Emajõgi river, is the other option for a city trip. It is called the City of Good
Thoughts and has the largest population of students in the country, thus the city is always alive with
interesting and new events to entertain you. Tartu is Estonia’s second largest city and also the oldest
one in the Baltic States – first mentioned in 1030. Tartu has always been the intellectual capital of
Estonia. Our world famous Song Festival, Estonian Theater and Estonian State are all initiated there.
Also, our oldest and largest university is in Tartu.
The day in Tartu has three main parts. We will explore the Tartu Old
Town and the riverfront, see the university building, the Kissing
Students statue on the Town Hall square as well as look for some
interesting street art.
Then we will walk in the parks surrounding the Old Town to climb up
to the tower of the Tartu Cathedral ruins. Tartu Cathedral is one of the
biggest churches in Estonia and it took almost three centuries to build
it. Although the church was destroyed during the Livonian War, the
towers are renovated and opened to the tourists and have a lovely
view of the city and the surroundings.
Last but not least, visit the A Le Coq beer factory and museum. Tartu is the birthplace of Estonian beer
and it has been a beer city for almost a thousand years. The museum is located in the malt tower built
in 1898. The expositions tells the story of beer brewing around the world and in Estonia, shows the
equipment for brewing as well as introduces the beer drinking traditions of students. We are quite sure
that you will also get to taste some of the brew.
On our way back from Tartu, we will have a short stop
in Viljandi which is an ancient hilly city in South
Estonia. A visit to Viljandi means greenery, ancient
trees, impressive hilltop ruins of a powerful
Hanseatic castle, winding cobbled streets and a
beautiful lake. Viljandi is also the capital for our folk
music enthusiasts and the home of the biggest folk
music festival in Estonia.
We hope that in the evening you will still have energy
for a party. No theme. Just come as you are and have
a good night!
Wednesday, August 17
It is already the middle of the LEF week and you might be getting a bit tired, so this is the right time to
get some physical activity. It is time for sports and nature day! Bring your active wear based on the
activity you choose.
These are the options:
Valgeranna Adventure Park. Do you want to conquer new heights, jump on nets and over
obstacles, climb on top of trees and descend with zip-lines? Are you looking for some adrenaline?
This is the option for you. There are multiple trails with different levels of difficulty.
Archery Tournament. Do you feel that you have some Robin Hood blood in you? Or you have
never tried out a bow and arrows? This is for you. You get to have a real longbow tournament
of shooting at 3D animal figures and targets. If you have never held a bow in your life, then do
not worry, an instruction will start off the day with a lesson and will show you all the tips and
Aloha Surf. Does the sea call for you? Do you want to ride the waves and feel the wind in your
hair? Aloha Surf is a kitesurf and windsurf school on the Pärnu beach. Depending on the weather
conditions the instructors will teach you the basics of windsurfing, take you SUPing or kayaking.
Anyway, it is guaranteed fun in on the water.
Hike in the bog. Do you want to spend some time
outside, but in a bit calmer way then the other
options? Come and hike in the bog with us and a
guide. A bog is a certain type of wetland that
covers about 22% of Estonia. The nature is different
than in a regular forest with rare plants, the way is
paved with wooden boardwalks and you get to
enjoy it all from a seeing tower. You do have to be
ready for meeting some annoying mosquitos.
Beach Games. Do you want to see what the fuzz is all about in Pärnu beach or just lounge around
and catch some rays? Go for the beach games. Soak up the sun, play some volleyball and
football, go for a swim and join other activities on the seaside.
You will get to choose the option in the registration form. If more options are added to the mix, we will
let you know!
As the body gets its activity in the first half of the day, then the second half is to challenge your brain
with the serious workshops. You will go to two sessions of workshops.
Firstly, a discussion and brainstorming in the form of a Leo World Café. If
you have never participated in a workshop in this format, then a quick
explanation – a World Café is a format that aims to facilitate open and
intimate discussions in smaller groups in certain topics to link ideas within
a larger group. Participants move between a series of tables designated
to specific topics with a table leader. This aims to discuss and find
solutions to common Leo movement problems in different countries by
gathering the collective intelligence of all the LEFfers.
Secondly, there are a set of workshops that aim to develop and improve
skills that you can use in your work or student life. The workshops will be
very practical and hands on for all the participants and carried out by
fellow Leos or professional trainers. The topics are presentation skills,
marketing and project management. We will publish more information
about the trainers and the topics of the workshops later on.
Now it is time for some fun. The theme for the night is a Highlighter Party.
So wear a white top, t-shirt or all white, so others can use the highlighters
to write messages, draw pictures on it or whatever else they come up
with. We all go to the party with similar clothes, but come back with a
unique design on our shirts that will always remind us of that night.
Thursday, August 18
Thursday will begin with fun workshops. The specific topics are still in process, but we can say that you
can learn some Estonian language, learn some new skill or stretch your body. And a few more options.
Also the ILOs will carry out their own ILO workshop instead of the usual ILO quiz. It will be fun for sure.
We will let you know before the registration starts.
In the afternoon, DLs and ILOs will have another meeting. For everyone else, it is the time to relax in the
SPA or start preparing for the gala. Gala is the fanciest night of the event as the dress code is formal
wear, girls usually wear a long evening dress and
guys either a suit or a tuxedo.
There will be hairdressers in the hotel who can
do your hair for a special fee if you wish. You can
book the time at the LID. If you wish to buy your
gala date a rose, then of course we will also have
that option.
Then it is time for the highlight of the week – the
gala! Great location, good food, music and
dance. So dress up to the nines and be ready to
enjoy your night.
Friday, August 19
Pärnu is a city by the sea and it would be unthinkable that we would not take advantage of that. As it is
the last full day of LEF 2016 expect a nice relaxing day outside. We do not want to give too many details
out just yet, but we can guarantee that you will get to enjoy nice sea breeze and relax from the week!
The week as flown by and it is time to officially end the forum with the Closing Ceremony. Expect to
hear some speeches and a summary of the forum as well as see what to expect from the following LEFs
to come! The dress code is the same as for opening ceremony.
As the end of a LEF just means that it is before a LEF, it means
that it is time for the Dutch Leos to take over and obviously you
need to wear orange! The theme for the Dutch party is Kings’
Day! Be amazing, wear a crown and be simply orange! Gewoon
Saturday, August 20
We are very happy that you decided to come to LEF and spend a week in Estonia with us, but now it is
time for sad hugs and goodbyes. Thank you for sharing our story! See you at LEF 2017 in the Netherlands!
Registration will start on April 1 on www.lef2016.org.
Normal registration:
April 1 to June 13, 2016.
Price €580 (payment by June 13, 2016).
Late registration:
June 14 to July 13, 2016.
Price €630 (payment by July 14, 2016).
If you need further information considering the payment, please contact us via info@lef2016.org.
Account details:
IBAN EE182200221062257528
Liivalaia 8, 15040 Tallinn
The transfer has to be made free of charge for us. Cancellations will be dealt with individually. If you
need further information considering the payment, please contact us via info@lef2016.org.
Accommodation at LEPF 2016 is in double rooms. If you wish to stay with a special roommate, please
indicate so in the registration form. If you wish to stay in a single room, please write to info@lef2016.org
for price and details.
By airplane
Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport has direct air
links to numerous cities, including the
nearby Baltic capitals, Riga and Vilnius. It is
also easy to fly in direct from Amsterdam,
Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, Dublin,
Helsinki, Kiev, London, Moscow, Munich,
Oslo, Paris, Prague, Stockholm, St.
Petersburg and Warsaw.
We will have a free shuttle from Tallinn
airport and the ride to Pärnu will take
approximately 2h. Shuttles from Tallinn
airport are planned to leave at 11AM, 4PM
and 9PM. Shuttles back to Tallinn airport are planned to leave Pärnu at 5AM, 9AM and 1PM. The shuttle
times can change according to the demand based on registered participants’ flight times.
You can also fly to Riga International Airport in Latvia. Shuttle from Riga airport costs €45 and the ride
from Riga airport is about 3-4h to Pärnu. Shuttles from Riga airport are planned to leave at 12PM and
8PM. Shuttles back to Riga airport are planned to leave Pärnu at 5AM and 1PM. Also the shuttle times
from Riga airport can change to facilitate the flight times of participants’.
By car
Pärnu is located next to the ViaBaltica highway and it’s hard to miss. The distance between Tallinn,
Estonia’s capital, and Pärnu is approximately 130 kilometers or about 2 hours by express coach or car.
By boat
If you are arriving from Finland or Sweden with a ferry,
you will also be provided shuttles to Pärnu. When
choosing your boat time, please keep in mind the shuttle
times above. The pick up from the harbor is about 15
minutes before the planned shuttle time at the airport.
If you have any further questions, please contact us at info@lef2016.org.
With beautiful views and close vicinity to the beach, Strand SPA & Conference Hotel will fulfill our LEF
dream. Strand SPA & Conference hotel wears its **** mark proudly. The hotel has a total of 187
comfortable rooms, most of them with a beautiful view of the sea as well as 18 conference rooms. Lahe
Hall, our main party location, is located on the fifth floor of the hotel with a beautiful panoramic view of
the Gulf of Pärnu. The hotel is a non-smoking hotel, smoking is allowed outside of the hotel and inside
a special room at the Lahe Hall. All visitors can use the SPA facilities to their liking during the whole stay
at LEF. The hotel also has a minigolf, lobby bar and offers various treatments for additional cost.
All the rooms are supplied with:
air conditioning
a TV set 32''
coffee and tea making possibilities
mini bar
In addition to its great location, Strand also attracts people with its interesting history, because the
building was initially built as a boarding house for the Russian Information Agency APN in year 1985 and
at that time it was a mysterious institution, closed to the ordinary public. The hotel and rooms have
been renovated continuously, lastly in 2011.
Minimum Age. The minimum age for participants is 18. In order
to participate, you have to turn 18 before August 13, 2016.
Smoking. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the hotel.
Smoking inside restaurants, bars and clubs is strictly prohibited
in general in Estonia. There will be smoking areas outside and a
special smoking room in the party area.
Wi-Fi. Free Wi-Fi is available in every part of the hotel. The hotel
also provides an internet terminal in the lobby.
Water quality. Tap water is safe to drink everywhere in Estonia.
Estonian weather. The weather in Estonia can be tricky and a bit
unexpected. We will keep you updated before both LEPF and
LEF on what to expect. Nevertheless, you can also check what
they predict for Pärnu on various sites.
Money. Estonian national currency is the Euro (€). Cash is
available from cash dispensers (ATMs) with your credit or cash
card. The hotel and most places also accept payment by card.
Emergency Situations. In case of emergency call 112.
Official documents. Estonia is part of the EU, so for most of you
your personal ID will be enough. For visitors from outside the EU a passport for identification as
well as a visa will be required. If you need extra documents please contact us.
Electricity. Estonia has standard Europlug electricity at 220V and 50Hz. It is compatible with
most plugs used throughout Europe (except e.g. UK)
Parking. Parking is free for the hotel visitors.
Damages. Please note that you are responsible for any damage you cause and everything that
happens in your hotel room.
Extended stay. It is possible to book rooms before and after LEF 2016 if you wish to have a longer
stay. Please write to sales@strand.ee, the code word is LEF 2016 if you want to spend more time
in Pärnu and get a room with this discounted price.
The weather in Estonia can be tricky. As we like to say – it is like a woman, who cannot make up her
mind! We will keep our Facebook page updated with the weather predictions, but advise you to check
them yourself also.
What should you bring?
Business formal clothes for the Opening and Closing Ceremony. For example, a cocktail dress
for girls and a suit for boys. Or traditional clothes.
National costume for the Opening Ceremony flag bearers.
A presentation on your country’s Leo activity for Serious Presentation of Countries (optional)
Blue, black and white clothes for the Estonian evening dress code. Something warmer for the
evening outside.
Clothes suitable for working outside at the social activity that can get dirty. Gloves will be
Delegation shirt and national food and drinks for the Presentation of Countries evening.
Walking shoes and weather resistant clothes for the day trips and sea day.
Sports attire and proper shoes for your activity on the Sports and Nature Day.
A white shirt (or whole white outfit) for the highlighter party. Be sure that you are fine with
people writing on it with highlighters.
A gala evening dress or a suit for the Gala evening.
Orange clothes for the Dutch party.
If just a week of LEF is not enough for you, then
we are glad to announce that the Swedish Leos
are offering you a Pre-program in the amazing
city of Stockholm. What could be better than 7
days of LEFfing? 10 days of LEFfing, obviously!
Join the pre-program Facebook event here for
latest info and updates.
The theme for the pre-program is Swedish
summer! Everyone loves the summer in Sweden
and we want to celebrate it with you. The
program will start with warm welcomes and a
get-together beach party in the evening. The next day we will look around in Stockholm where we will
visit the City Hall and have a lunch cruise on Lake Mälaren. The sightseeing tour will end in the Old Town
(Gamla Stan), where you can do some shopping or have a traditional fika in one of the pretty cafés. In
the evening, we get all serious with Midsummer celebration, including traditional food and games. The
Midsummer is normally in June, but we want to celebrate the most important holiday in Sweden with
The last full day of the pre-program will start with
a tour of the Vasamuseum, which is the most
popular museum in Stockholm. The last activity in
Stockholm will be a hipster city race and then we
head off with the cruise boat towards Tallinn.
Being on a cruise is a big deal, so be prepared for:
“I’m on a boat!”
When we arrive in Tallinn, the Estonian Leos will
be there to pick us up and take us to Pärnu for Leo
Europa Forum 2016!
What’s included?
Transportation around Stockholm
Transport to Pärnu
Accommodation at STF Hotel & Vandrarhem Zinkensdamm in a 4 bedroom dorm
All meals in Stockholm
Cruise to Estonia: 4 bedroom cabin, dinner, breakfast + some drinks
Price: €225
Registration: From April 1 at www.lef2016.org
Good to Know:
Limited to 40 Participants at first come first serve basis. Your registration is complete once the
registration fee is received by the Swedish Leos.
Minimum age for participants is 20 years old due to Swedish alcohol law.
The Swedish currency is the Swedish Crown (SEK) and 1 EUR = 9,3 SEK. You should get away
with just using your credit or debit card in Stockholm. If you do need cash, you can use the local
ATMs or Forex.
Sweden is expensive, so make sure to bring what you need
If you need to go back to Stockholm after LEF, the Swedish Leos offer their help to book the
boat. Estimated price for a place in a 4 bedroom cabin: €35-45. Just contact us!
Contact: leos.sweden@gmail.com
Thu 11/08
Fri 12/08
Arrival& Welcome City Hall & Vasamuseum
& Snacks
Lunch Cruise Visit to Park
Beach Party
(Gamla Stan)
Shuttle to
Hipster City LEF 2016
Party ”I’ on a Destination
We do not have specific country contact persons. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact
us on our general e-mail info@lef2016.org or via personal e-mails as noted above in the orga-team
Get all the latest updates from www.facebook.com/lef2016 and www.lef2016.org.
Pictures copyrights: http://photos.visitestonia.com, www.puhkaeestis.ee, flickr.com, LEF orga-team