LEF Scholarship Information - Lewisville ISD Council of PTAs


LEF Scholarship Information - Lewisville ISD Council of PTAs
For Immediate Release
November 13, 2015 Contact: Cinnamon Dilts LEF Communica@ons and Marke@ng Specialist diltsc@lisd.net or (469) 948-­‐8202 LEF Set to Award 250 Scholarships Totaling $162,000 Applica'on Opens November 15 at lisdef.com The Lewisville ISD Educa3on Founda3on (LEF) will open the 2015-­‐2016 Scholarship Applica3on on Sunday, November 15, 2015, at lisdef.com. LEF, now in its 25 year, invites all Lewisville ISD (LISD) seniors to apply before the applica3on closes January 29, 2016. One applica3on puts students in the running for all 250 scholarships, based on criteria set by the benefactor of each award. Criteria are broad, based on academic achievement, financial need, extra-­‐
curricular interests, schools aQended and future plans. All LISD seniors should apply. “We have a wide variety of scholarships,” LEF Programs Coordinator Sherah Robinson said. “I think some3mes kids hear ‘scholarship’ and think it is only for the valedictorian, but the truth is there will be a wide variety of students awarded. The awards night, where we present most of the scholarships, is the most inspiring event of the year, as a diverse group of LISD seniors, with varying interests, accomplishments and abili3es take the stage to receive their scholarship and to be honored for what sets them apart.” LEF hosts scholarships for booster clubs and PTAs across LISD. Addi3onally, LEF houses endowed scholarships in memory or in honor of individuals who have contributed to LISD’s culture of student success. Applicants will be no3fied via email in April as to the status of their applica3on. Those selected will be invited to par3cipate in LEF’s annual Awards Night on May 9 at Lewisville High School’s Stuver Auditorium, where benefactors will be on hand to present awards. Applicants should visit lisdef.com to apply. Those interested in crea3ng a scholarship should contact Sherah Robinson at robinsonsl@lisd.net or (469) 948-­‐2020. ####