Here - Lewisville ISD


Here - Lewisville ISD
Lewisville High School
SENIOR DATES TO REMEMBER WAYS FOR SENIORS TO STAY INFORMED ROSECUTTING INFORMATION SENIOR HONORS NIGHT INFORMATION SENIOR REVUE/TALENT INFORMATION SENIOR PICNIC INFORMATION/PERMISSION FORM GRADUATION INFORMATION/PHOTOS AND DVD SENIOR CLASS ADVISOR -­‐ MRS. ALLISON STAMEY ROOM G144 -­‐ -­‐ 469-­‐948-­‐3120 -­‐CELL 214-­‐543-­‐6717 DOCUMENTS ALSO FOUND ON: HTTP://LHS.LISD.NET ALL DATES AND INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE, SO PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE BEFORE EVENTS! SENIOR DATES AND INFORMATION FOR THE CLASS OF 2016 Facebook: Lewisville High School Class of 2016 Twitter: @lewisvillestuco REMIND TEXT FOR SENIOR EVENTS: Text @farmer16 to phone 81010 *Seniors Must Participate In Event – Others events are optional. Dates are subject to change. Check for updates. • TAKE YOUR SENIOR PORTRAITS FOR YEARBOOK AT PRESTIGE PHOTOGRAPHY IN LEWISVILLE THIS SUMMER BEFORE SEPTEMBER! . Phone 972-­‐608-­‐3970. Or stop by to schedule-­‐ 1288 W. Main St. #228, Lewisville, TX 75067 • AUGUST 12, 2015-­‐SCHEDULE PICK UP AT LHS AT 9AM OR 1PM! Come pay for parking, iPads, etc. during this time. • Jostens Ring Orders due for any senior needing a ring: Sept. 17 & 18 during lunch. $50 deposit needed. Packets in Room G144. • Prestige Senior Roundup – Sept. 18 – SPACE IS LIMITED. It’s better to take them over the summer. • Yearbook Sales/Senior Yearbook Ad –Senior Ads and Yearbook purchases on Order early before prices increase in October. Nov. 20 is the Ad deadline for seniors. Questions-­‐Ms. Hayes in G213 or • Homecoming Week October 13-­‐17. Volleyball Oct. 13, Chalk the Walk, Oct. 14, Parade Oct. 15, FB Game Oct. 16, and Dance, Oct. 17. • *MANDATORY Senior Meeting for ordering caps and gowns –Tuesday, October 27 at 9:45am in Auditorium. Receive packet to bring home. Orders due the following week. If you order individually after December 11, rates will double! • *CAP AND GOWN ORDERS DURING LUNCH IN THE CAFETERIA ON TUES. NOV. 3 AND WED. NOV. 4 AND BULK RATE USED. BE SURE AND ORDER DURING THIS TIME!!! Pay in full or $80 deposit needed if ordering invitations or items that will be more than $80. Caps and gowns come with tassel and are usually between $25 and $30 if ordered before Dec. 11. JOSTENS WILL BE HERE TO TAKE ORDERS FROM PACKETS RECEIVED AT THE OCT. 27 MEETING OR YOU MAY ORDER ONLINE AT JOSTENS.COM. • ***LAST DAY TO ORDER CAP AND GOWN/ BULK RATE: DECEMBER 11TH. AFTER THIS DATE, IT DOUBLES!*** • *Senior Panoramic Picture– Wear Maroon! Tues. Oct. 27th after Assembly –Pay the next day during lunch $30/$40 packets. Checks to Loudermilk Panoramics. • Senior Cap/Gown/Jostens Pickup for all who ordered on time. March 17 & 18 in the Library during lunch. 11a-­‐12:30p. • Prom – Saturday, April 16th – DFW Hyatt Regency in the airport (Terminal C). Doors open at 6pm. Dinner begins at 7pm. Ends at 11:30pm. Come to Room G144 with questions. Cost: $65-­‐75 each and may lower. • Senior Revue Performance – (Talent show for seniors) Wednesday, April 6 – 7pm Auditorium -­‐ $5 (helps to pay for senior gift and picnic). Mandatory Meeting is Thurs. Mar. 24 at 3:30pm in Room G144. Practice dates April 4 & 5 @6pm. • Senior Honors Night – Tuesday, May 10 – 7pm in the auditorium– see your counselor with questions. Here is the link to enter scholarships/academic awards won. (case sensitive) Senior Participants arrive at 6:15 in the arena in dress clothing. Please enter on link any scholarship offers and awards you have received by April 20. What a great night honoring the offers of over 12 million dollars in scholarship offers! Dress Code: Males: Slacks, shirt, tie; no jeans. Females: Dress/Skirt/Nice pants, Modest attire; no jeans. Please wear heels you can be comfortable in while walking up and down stairs! • *Rosecutting – Tuesday, May 17 -­‐ LHS Auditorium 7:00p.m. SEND PICTURES OF SENIORS TO No portraits please…we get the senior portraits from prestige. We just need pictures of senior activities with the seniors and their th
friends for the senior final slideshow. This is the 81 Annual Rosecutting Ceremony! Seniors need to be in the arena no later than 6:15pm to line up with their friends as we connect the class together by the rose and the ribbon. Rosecutting is an LHS tradition of the senior class since 1935. It is a celebration of your unity as a class, and commemorates the beginning of your life beyond high school. Each senior will be brought to the front of the stage with their friends to cut the ribbons. You will need to sign up to participate so enough roses and ribbons can be ordered. $2 fee. Dress code: Males: Slacks, not jeans; shirt, tie required; suits certainly welcomed. Female: dresses/skirts; modest attire; no denim/jeans. Do NOT wear heels that you can’t walk in comfortably up and down the stairs. • Senior Male Sale – Wed. May 18. Dress up Thurs. May 19 with fashion show 8am Cafeteria. • *Graduation Practice – Friday, May 27th at 8 am in the auditorium. When practice ends, seniors will put on caps/gowns for senior panoramic graduation picture and will then report to their bus to go to Circle R Ranch. Attendance will be taken at practice and on the bus. Seniors not attending will follow their normal schedule. • Senior Picnic – Friday, May 27th -­‐ Circle R Ranch. Please see Picnic information sheet coming soon. Cost $30/$35. • *Graduation – Sunday, June 5, 2016 at 8pm. UNT Coliseum 600 Avenue D, Denton, TX 76201 Seniors arrive no later than 7:15pm through the West Tunnel. More details to follow concerning procedures. Dress Code: Males: Black slacks, WHITE shirt, black neck tie, black shoes-­‐no sneakers. Females: dresses or skirts shorter than graduation gown, not to show beyond the neckline or sleeves of gown, dress shoes to walk up and down stairs. No sandals or sneakers. No decorations on grad cap and only pre-­‐approved cords and sashes are allowed at the coliseum. You will not be allowed to bring in anything except the key to your trunk. No purses, keys or cell phones allowed on any senior. PARENTS AND GUESTS ARE WELCOME AT ALL PUBLIC EVENTS – NO Tickets Needed! QUESTIONS ABOUT SENIOR CLASS, contact Mrs. Stamey at 469-­‐948-­‐3120 or or 214-­‐543-­‐6717. January and March Graduates may not be in the database to receive mailouts about spring events. It is the student’s responsibility to contact LHS. Senior Activities Change of Address (by February 2016) Jostens (graduation items/rings) Allison Stamey Linda Hrubo Justin Ray 469-­‐948-­‐3120 469-­‐948-­‐3105 1-­‐800-­‐JOSTENS SENIORS STAY INFORMED! • REMIND NOTIFICATIONS FOR CLASS OF 2016: Text @16farmers to phone number 81010 • FACEBOOK: Lewisville High School Class of 2016 • LHS FACEBOOK: • TWITTER: @LHSFarmers2016(Senior activities) • TWITTER: @lewisvillestuco (All activities) •
EMAIL PHOTOS FOR SENIOR SLIDE SHOW TO: (PHOTOS NEED TO BE GROUP SHOTS OF SENIORS TOGETHER) If you’re a senior and you want to showcase your talent for the last time on the stage, please sign up! Thursday, March 24 – Meeting for all interested in participating. 3:30pm Rm G144 Thursday, March 31– Senior Revue Forms Due to Mrs. Stamey in Room G144 Thursday, March 31 – Submit a video link of your performance by 4pm to Monday, April 4: Practice scheduled at assigned times from 3:30 – 6p in Cafeteria or 6-­‐9pm in Auditorium Tuesday, April 5: DRESS REHEARSAL at 3:30pm -­‐7:30pm in Auditorium Wednesday, April 6: Senior Revue Performance @ 7pm LHS Auditorium Name: ________________________________________________ ID #: ____________ Cell #: _________________________________ Other #: __________________________ What is your act? __________________________________________________________ Talent/Group Title: ________________________________________________________ Singing? List the name of song & artist: ________________________________________ Other Members in your group: (MUST BE ENROLLED AT LHS) 1.) __________________________________________________ ID#: _______________ 2.) __________________________________________________ ID#: _______________ Describe equipment needed and explain what you will bring: _________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ **ALL TALENTS AND PERFORMANCES MUST BE SCHOOL APPROPRIATE. ANY FOUL LANGUAGE, OBCENITIES OR UNPROFESSIONAL DANCE WILL BE ELIMINATED IN DURING TRY-­‐OUTS WITH NO EXCEPTIONS AND IF INNAPPROPRITE BEHAVIOR IS USED DURING PERFORMANCE, THE STUDENT WILL NOT PARTICIPATE IN GRADUATION.** MUST BE A SENIOR TO PERFORM!!!! Student(s) Signature of understanding: ____________________________________________________ This form MUST be turned in by March 31 to Room G144! Tuesday, May 10, 2016
7pm - LHS Auditorium
Seniors must arrive to the practice gym at 6:15pm
dressed nicely. No jeans!
To be recognized at Senior Honors Night, you must go to the link: and fill out the Honors Night Form by Friday, April 15. This awards ceremony is a must for any senior that has received any scholarships or awards, even if you are not attending the school that gave you the scholarship. It is an elegant evening with family and friends as they watch you, the senior, receive these awards on stage. Please turn in the information on the online link for scholarships as you know it by the deadline. A reception will follow the event in the cafeteria. Y O U W I L L B E R E C O G N I Z E D F O R T H E F O L L O W I N G : •
Senior Scholarship Information from each offer (regardless of school attending) Top Ten Seniors Seniors, please plan to be in the Lewisville Top Ten Percent High School cafeteria by 6:15pm on May 10th Perfect Attendance so we can line up. We will enter with top ten A Honor Roll first, then alpha. UIL Honors and Awards You must be in attendance for the event to be included in the drawings for IPADS and
the attendance scholarships.
Dress Code: Males: Slacks, shirt, tie; no jeans or denim. Females: Dress/Skirt/Nice pants, Modest attire; no jeans or denim QUESTIONS ABOUT HONORS NIGHT: Contact Debbie Lewis in the counseling office at 469-­‐948-­‐3110 or . You will need to enter your information on the following link by Friday, April 15, 2016! Link to Enter Info:
Senior Rosecutting
81st Celebration!
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
7pm in the LHS Auditorium
All seniors are invited to attend the beautiful Rosecutting
Ceremony for the Class of 2016. Rosecutting has been a
Lewisville tradition since 1935. This night is very special to
seniors as they show their unity and enjoy their last time
together as an entire class before graduating. Each senior will
be able to select what friends they want to sit with during
Rosecutting since graduation is in alphabetical order. All
seniors are connected by a long maroon ribbon tied to their
rose. They will walk in together as a class holding the rose,
joined by the ribbon. Rosecutting symbolizes the separation
from their class and high school as they move on to the next
stage of life. Seniors will go to the stage with their groups of
friends and cut the ribbon that connects them. Parents and
guests are encouraged to attend this free event and take photos
or video. Lewisville High School expects all seniors to
participate in this momentous occasion. The evening will end
with a senior slide show presentation. If you want to be in the
slideshow, send pictures of you and your friends together to
Seniors must be in the arena NO LATER than 6:15pm dressed in appropriate attire.
Guests will go to the Auditorium. The ceremony will begin at 7:00pm.
A Final Senior Memory Slide Show will be shown so please send any senior pictures in a
group: (seniors only) to
There is a dress code enforced to keep the event elegant:
(Gentlemen: Slacks, NO DENIM; tie REQUIRED; suits certainly welcomed)
(Ladies: Dress/ Skirt/Nice pants, modest attire required, NO DENIM)
Please detach and turn in $2 cash to Room G144 or the School store during lunch.
Senior Name: ___________________________________________
Please attach $2 Cash to this section and turn in.
The $2 Fee will include Rose and Ribbon to connect the class.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Circle R Ranch, FM 1171 in Flower Mound
• Graduation Practice at 8am in the Arena (Bring caps and gowns for panoramic photo)
• Panoramic Picture in Caps and Gowns at 9am (sold next school day for $25, $35 or $40 at lunch)
• Leave LHS for Circle R Ranch at 9:30am – Return to LHS at 2:30pm and students return home.
• Bus Transportation Only; no student-driven vehicles
• SAVE MONEY!!!! $30 per person from now – April 21 and $35 from April 25–May 13th and
all students that pay early will receive a free t-shirt with senior names on the back. While
supplies last. 600 t-shirts ordered.
ALL INCLUSIVE •PICNIC INCLUDES: FREE Official Senior 2015 T-­‐shirt with •names of the class on back if paid on time! *Use of Pavilion complete w•ith dance floor and arcade room Game Room with billiards, a•ir hockey, shuffleboard, foosball •
Two Story Bouncy Water Slide • -­‐ Two Half-­‐Basketball Courts Three Sand Horseshoe Courts Three Sand Volleyball •Courts -­‐ One Softball Field Swimming Pool w•ith certified lifeguards •
Amazin’ Maze and Tractor-­‐Drawn Wagon Rides FREE Bus •Transportation *Co-­‐Ed Volleyball Tournament (bring •some sort of shoes to play in..rough sand) P L U S ….. ALL – YOU – •CAN – EAT BARBECUE LUNCH •
Smoked Barbecue Brisket and Sausage with Circle R’s famous BBQ Sauce! •
Southern Potato Salad and Crispy Cole Slaw • Style Beans Texas Ranch Assorted Relishes &• Dinner Rolls with Butter • self-­‐service drinks and iced tea Fudge Brownies and Unlimited HOW TO PAY: Pay during lunch at the school store anytime or in Room G144. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR PERMISSION FORM TO PAY! See cost and dates above. Checks to LHS SENIOR CLASS put student name/ picnic in the memo line. PARENTS CAN MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR PAYING OUT THE PICNIC WITH MRS. STAMEY OR 469-­‐948-­‐3120 OR CELL 214-­‐543-­‐6717. *Minimal extra fee for arcade games. *Actual Cost of picnic, t-­‐shirt and transportation is $36 per student, so your Senior Class and Mr. Kajs will make up the difference. You’re gonna love it!
Lewisville Independent School District - School Related Absences - Parent/Guardian Form
This form must be turned in when payment is made for PICNIC
I am aware that _________________________ will be attending the Senior Picnic at
(Print Name of Student)
Circle R Ranch in Flower Mound on Friday, May 27, 2016. Graduation practice will be in
the arena at 8am that morning for roll check. SENIORS MUST BRING THEIR CAPS,
GOWNS, AND TASSELS TO PRACTICE! After practice, seniors will take a panoramic
picture and then leave on a bus at 9:30am from Lewisville High School to the picnic. No
one will be allowed to drive their own vehicle. (List of activities on flyer) A Barbeque
lunch is provided. The bus will return to LHS at 2:45pm. Cost for the event is $30 if paid
by Thurs. April 21 and $35 from April 25th – May 13th and includes a free senior t-shirt
while supplies last. 600 are ordered. I release Lewisville ISD, Lewisville High School
and their sponsors and teachers from any liability should an accident occur during this trip.
Call Circle R Ranch or Mrs. Stamey (214) 543-6717 if you have an emergency.
Student Name (Printed)
(Signature of Parent/Guardian, Emancipated Minor, 18 Year Old)
(Telephone Number of Parent/Guardian)
(Cell/Pager number)
______________________________ T-shirt size: _______ (YL, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL)
Student Signature
THIS FORM IS DUE WHEN YOU PAY. The cost of the picnic is $30 between now – 4/21. Cost is $35
from 4/25 – 5/13. You receive a free senior t-shirt worth $10 while supplies last. 600 ordered.
It is a Texas Education Association rule and a Lewisville Independent School District policy that this form be completed for all
situations where a child leaves a school during the school day to attend a school-related activity.
THIS FORM MUST BE TURNED THE DAY YOU PAY FOR THE PICNIC! Graduation Info for the Class of 2016!
Sunday, June 5, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. University of North Texas Coliseum 600 Avenue D, Denton, TX 76201 • Phone: 940-­‐565-­‐2557 Seniors arrive between 7:15pm and 7:30pm through the West Tunnel to be lined up. REMEMBER TRAFFIC IS HORRIBLE ON I35! Seniors won’t be allowed to enter until 7:15pm. Families may enter in the coliseum to get good seating. DVDs will be for sale at the event and Flash Photography will be taking two pictures of the graduates and mail you the proof, so make sure you have the correct address on file at school. Dress Code: Males: Black slacks, WHITE shirt, black necktie, black dress shoes—no sneakers or flip flops. Females: dresses or skirts shorter than graduation gown, not to show beyond the neckline or sleeves of gown, nice black shoes or dress sandals; no casual sandals, flip flops or sneakers. No decorations on grad cap and only pre-­‐approved cords and sashes are allowed at the coliseum. Graduates will have to walk through a metal detector (standard at all UNT graduations) and will not be allowed to bring in anything except your keys. No purses, cameras, hangers or cell phones allowed on any senior. You will only be allowed to enter with your cap, gown, tassel, and keys. MAKE SURE TO HOLD YOUR TASSEL TIGHTLY WHEN CARRYING YOUR CAP. IT WILL FALL OFF EASILY! TASSELS WILL BE FOR SALE AT THE COLISEUM FOR $10 IF NEEDED. PARENTS AND GUESTS ARE WELCOME AT ALL PUBLIC EVENTS NO TICKETS REQUIRED! GUIDELINES FOR GRADUATES AND GUESTS Guests, you may enter the coliseum at 6:30pm to get a good seat. If you want to see which side your graduate will be coming in on, please look at the row list and what side they are entering on Friday, June 3th after 8pm on our school web page at or a list will be posted on the front doors. However, the graduates will enter the stage are to receive diplomas from the right side of the stage and go left and exit the left side. DVD order forms are found on the web site and at each entrance as well as Flash Photography. If you have questions about the DVD, please contact Greg Ruuska at and the photographers taking close up shots will send you a proof to look over to your home. Questions about Flash Photography, please e-­‐mail At the end of graduation, the seniors will exit the tunnel and then be dismissed to find family and friends. The panoramic pictures that are taking on May 27 will be sold at LHS on Tues. May 31. Panoramic web site, or email There will also be flowers for sale at graduation as well as concessions. Graduation is a time of celebration, but the actual event is formal and appropriate behavior is a must. Please make sure to walk with dignity and class and when sitting with your fellow graduates, show Farmer Pride by showing classy behavior. When going across the stage, please smile and continue walking. Any form of misbehavior or any act undignified will cause you to not receive your diploma that day. Guests in the audience: We ask that the audience also show their respect for our graduation, by acting dignified and with class. Please follow the following rules of etiquette for graduation: ·∙ The audience should be seated and quiet throughout the entire ceremony. Please take the time to check that all cell phones, beepers, and watch alarms are OFF to eliminate distractions. This will insure a healthy listening atmosphere for all. ·∙ Please avoid entering and leaving the coliseum during the activities. If it is absolutely necessary to do so, move only between changes in speakers or musical pieces. ·∙ Feel free to exit the ceremony with small children that may become a distraction for others. It may be best to sit near an aisle and or doorway in case of the need for a speedy exit. ·∙ Please show your approval and support for the students and speakers with applause. Whistling, cheering, and/or whooping are considered inappropriate and would interrupt the ceremony for our Graduates. If you are cheering loudly for a long duration for your graduate, you will not be able to hear the name of the next graduate. ·∙ Conversations should be avoided. ·∙ Noise-­‐making devices, such as air horns, whistles, and other inappropriate distracting devices are not permitted. Items of distraction will be taken up by the coliseum Denton and Lewisville Police on security and the user will be asked to leave. By following these guidelines, parents and guests set the proper example for our graduates and will make the festivities a more enjoyable experience for all. Every parent and family should enjoy the ceremony without a distraction as well as being able to hear their graduate’s name as it is called. Thank you for celebrating with us and supporting the Lewisville High School Graduating Class of 2016. QUESTIONS ABOUT SENIOR CLASS, contact Mrs. Stamey at 469-­‐948-­‐3120 or or cell at 214-­‐543-­‐6717 or stop by Room G144. Directions to UNT Coliseum
From Lewisville:
Go North on I-35 E toward Denton.
Exit Avenue D (North Texas Boulevard), and turn north toward the campus.
Physical Address of the Coliseum:
University of North Texas Coliseum
600 Avenue D, Denton, TX 76201 • Phone: 940-565-2557
View the locations of the Gateway Center and the Coliseum on the UNT campus map
(The Coliseum is right next to the Gateway Center)
Commencement Traffic & Parking Information at UNT
Incoming Commencement Traffic
Fouts Field (Lot #20) and other close lots (#21 & #27) will be the main parking area for high
school commencements. The majority of the traffic will be coming through the North Texas
Blvd (NTB) exit. These lots will get full and there will be a large amount of traffic congestion
at the NTB exit of I-35 and the intersections close to the lot and the Coliseum. We encourage
everyone to take the alternative routes both into and out of campus listed below utilizing
parking in the remote lots on the map to lessen waiting times and traffic congestion.
Alternatives to avoid traffic congestion @ North Texas Blvd
I-35E (from Lewisville, Carrollton, Dallas): Exit Ft. Worth Dr. or McCormick, take a right
heading north, turn left on Eagle Dr. and park in the UNT student resident hall parking lots
along Eagle Dr. (Lots #22, #23, #31, and #32) and other student parking along Maple and
Highland (Lots #24, #25, #30, #33, #34, #36, and #42).
Exiting Commencement Traffic: When your commencement ceremony is over and you
are ready to leave campus, we encourage you to travel east using W Hickory St., Highland
St., or Eagle Dr. All of these streets intersect Carroll Blvd., which runs south (take a right)
back to I-35 and north (take a left) back to Hwy 380 (University Dr.). Another alternative for
those who want to go south on I-35E towards Lewisville is to travel east on Eagle Dr. and take
a right on Dallas Dr. which becomes I-35E south.
Handicapped Parking Information
A Handicapped & disabled drop off area (indicated on map) is available along the east
side of the Coliseum on Ave D between Highland & Eagle Dr.
Handicapped parking is available in Lot # 27 which is located between Highland St,
Maple St, Avenue D, and Avenue C.
Hearing Impaired: If you have family members who are hearing impaired and need a
translator please contact Mrs. Stamey at or call 214-543-6717. Section
120 in the coliseum will be the area for the hearing impaired if it is needed.
(X INDICATES WHERE ROAD IS CLOSED) Graduates park in #20 and enter through West tunnel facing
parking by marquee.
North Tunnel
South Tunnel
120 119 118
213 &' 0/ 53 & 3 ) & 3 & 114
107 108
LEWISVILLE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2016 GRADUATION VIDEO DVD ORDER FORM (Produced by LISD's Dale Jackson Career Center Audio & Video Production class as a fundraising project!) Pre-­‐order your GRADUATION DVD and save by mail, or online: CLASS OF 2015 GRADUATION VIDEO c/o DJCC Media Tech Productions 1597 S. Edmonds Lewisville, Texas 75067 NEW! Buy your DVD online! Click on “Pre-­‐Order DVDs” Orders received after June 6, 2016 will be assessed an additional $5.00 per copy. COPIES TO BE MAILED 2-­‐3 WEEKS AFTER EVENT Quantity: Price/Each DVD ________ x $25.00 Totals $____________ Daytime Phone #: (________)-­‐_____________________ E-­‐Mail: _____________________________ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: DALE JACKSON CAREER CENTER Print clearly! This is your mailing label! Print clearly! This is your mailing label! ________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________, ________, ____________ Name: WATCH THE 2016 GRADUATION LIVE!
This year’s Senior Class Graduations may again be broadcast Live, worldwide over the
internet. Out of town relatives or friends, traveling parents, or those that cannot make it
in person can still enjoy the occasion over the web. Check for updated
streaming information as it becomes available.
Since 2001, the DJCC Audio Video Production students have produced the graduation video for all of the LISD high schools. Our students, shoot, edit, author, and publish the DVD's for the LISD community. Go to for more information. GRADUATION PHOTOS!!!
Here is the flyer from Flash Photography. You
will not order these photos until AFTER GRADUATION. But you will need their
contact to order, so keep this handy. After graduation, they will email and mail
photo proofs from our school database. Please make sure your address and email
is current for our school records. Contact Linda Hrubo at 469-948-3105 or email if you have questions and need to update your information.