KnoWhat2Do brings in Results!


KnoWhat2Do brings in Results!
 KnoWhat2D brings in results! KnoWhat2Do spent September in high gear! September is National Preparedness month and this
year we hit the road to represent KnoWhat2Do at events across North Texas.
We partnered with Baylor Health Systems to share specially printed KnoWhat2Do guidebooks
that featured Baylor-specific content. These helped Baylor employees be prepared at home, on
the job and in the community. We distributed hundreds of guides at more than 10 Baylor
campuses and met a lot of wonderful health care workers and support staff who truly are invested
in the safety of others.
The professionals aren't the only ones who KnoWhat2Do. We took our program to the
University of North Texas campus where we found students very interested in our preparedness
resources. There's nothing like a move from home to take people out of their comfort zones!
UNT students appreciated the information we brought to campus and we give them an "A" for
At Lockheed-Martin in Fort Worth, we participated in the defense technology corporation's
Prepare Fair. Our guy on the scene never got a break! Lockheed employees stood in line to get
information on KnoWhat2Do, and we met more than 2,000 fantastic, committed people there
who anyone would be lucky to have as a well-informed friend or neighbor!
In Mesquite, we took part in Preparedness at the Park. We met some amazing families and
shared some great information with them. The event was truly a community get-together. We are
happy to share another example that in the midst of a huge metro area like North Central Texas,
small town America where neighbors care about neighbors is definitely part of every day life!
Head West, partners! In Lewisville, KnoWhat2Do lassoed some new friends in at the Western
Days Festival. Western Days is a family event that showcases Lewisville's rich history. It's a
tribute to pioneers- the ultimate role models for being prepared. We helped modern day
Westerners stock up on good old-fashioned smarts by sharing KnoWhat2Do disaster
preparedness materials. Thanks for having us out Lewisville, it was mighty family of ya.
Grapefest is a yearly event we always look forward to! What a peachy stroke of luck the
region's biggest Grape-shindig falls during National Preparedness Month! We love the fact that
families come out in force and stop by our booth to ferment fun with preparedness. We met a lot
of great people. There were so many kids in the crowd, our coloring pages and KnoWhat2Do
online quizzes and games got a great workout from lots of new friends.
We kicked off the month with a contest that ended the month with a brand new KnoWhat2Do
mascot! Meteorologists Colleen Coyle from WFAA, Evan Andrews from Fox 4, Krista Villarreal
from KRLD and Garry Seith of CBS11/TXA 21 joined us at our character contest kick-off event,
and served as celebrity judges. Our contest winner, fourth grader Kelby Woods from Red Oak,
won $500 for his winning entry, the Ant-E-Nator. Kelby's creation will soon be a familiar face
for preparedness in North Central Texas, and we hope he'll sniff out opportunity to educate
people all year long!