INDEPENDENT LEARNING IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION: INFLUENCES ON THE MAINTENANCE OF A PHYSICALLY ACTIVE LIFE STYLE APRENDIZAJE AUTÓNOMO EN EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA: INFLUENCIA EN EL MANTENIMIENTO DE UN ESTILO DE VIDA FÍSICAMENTE ACTIVO Eloísa Lorente Catalán University of Bedfordshire (United Kingdom)/Institut Nacional d‟Educació Física de Catalunya (Spain) Sport Education Daryl Siedentop Values Orientation “Pedagogy Autogestionnaire” Cathy Ennis Michel Lobrot LONGITUDINAL CASE STUDY 12 years 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 2003 2007 Gregory Lapassade cooperation affiliation empathy self-management respect responsibility Responsibility Model agreement trust Model based practice (TPSR) 13-14 years old “Teaching centred pupils” Carl Rogers equity Don Hellison make decisions dialogue David Kirk Juan M. Fernández-Balboa communities of learning Ramón Flecha Spanish Syllabus LOGSE 1990, LOE 2002, 2007. Secondary school Autonomy, habits, participation, respect, cooperation Two groups become one (18) 14-15 years old New teacher and a “different” Physical Education METHODS: METHODS: Sporadic CONTENT ANALYSIS Documents and unit OBSERVATION OBSERVATION-field notes (24 lessons) reflection Critical Pedagogy Two mixed groups (25+25) STUDENTS‟ QUESTIONNAIRE Students‟ QUESTIONNAIRE Teacher‟s INTERVIEW One mixed group (18) One mixed group (18) 8 Students: 1 Student: 15-16 years old 21 years old 25 years old METHOD: METHOD: SEMISTRUCTURED INTERVIEWS IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW METHODS: Students: 16-17 years old METHODS: Sporadic OBSERVATION Student‟s QUESTIONNAIRE Teacher‟s INTERVIEW Sporadic OBSERVATION Student‟s QUESTIONNAIRE Teacher‟s INTERVIEW Student‟s interviews Teacher‟s IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW Under teacher’s influence Outside teacher’s influence “I have learned to know what is good for my body and what is bad, I have learned to mix with others much more, I have learned to live healthily, educating my physical self is to educate my life, my mind, my body, my health, I have no words to tell everything that Physical Education has contributed in my life". (Javier, 21 years old) FINDINGS PRACTICE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY : High awareness of the need for physical activity in order to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. HABITS Most study participants (6 from 8) still practice some form of exercise recognizing the influence of school Physical Education lessons in their decision to practice. - According to Peter Hastie (2010), to develop a notion of “me as a mover” we need to promote positive experiences, a good perception of one‟s own competence and opportunities to engage in physical activity and, in researching it, matching these characteristics with outside engagement, perceptions of success, motivation, and the probability of continuous engagement. TYPE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: collective (4) individual (2) taking place in a sport club, fitness club or in a swimming pool. -Former students‟ interviews showed behaviours and thoughts very close to the Spanish Syllabus intentions and the teacher‟s beliefs. There is evidence of impact. REASONS TO PRACTICE: release tension, improve strength, fun, connect with friends, make new friends, disconnect from problems, feel good about themselves, burn calories or maintain weight. - Most continued to engage in the practice of physical activity. Lifelong participation? TYPE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Most prefer organised practice to autonomous practice. Reasons: a greater commitment with the activity and the relational aspect, but they feel confident to manage their own practice. 5 former students have led groups related with physical activity. AUTONOMY RESPECT CONCLUSIONS IMPACT OF SELF MANAGEMENT: Students recognised the influence of the self-management lessons: "It‟s helped to me to organise the time, both levels, studies and leisure. A study schedule for me consists in three parts as a session: warm-up (read agenda), session (study), calm down (refreshed and rested). In terms of free time, now I don‟t already get bored, I am always thinking „what could I do?‟.” RESPECT FOR ONESELF: Most reject and stay outside of drugs or diseases related to eating habits as an indicator of moral autonomy and respect for themselves. Only one recognised having developed some bad habits, but however, when he felt wasn’t fit he applied to join a gym. This person recognised physical activity habits changed when the habits of his friendship group changed. Acknowledgments: D. Kirk, A. Joven, E.L (teacher) and the students participants on this research - Former students recognised usefulness of the self-management experience to become more autonomous. - To become more autonomous is not enough to ensure that students enjoy and wish to do physical activity and to keep this desire outside the influence of the teacher. They also need to have sufficient resources, autonomy and self confidence to self-regulate their behaviour accordingly. -The results of this longitudinal investigation corroborate findings from other researchers (Cardon, G. M., Haerens, L. E., Verstraete, S., & de Bourdeaudhuij, I., 2009; Dowda, M. C., Sallis, J. F., McKenzie, T. L., Rosengard, P. R. & Kohl, H. W.,2005), i.e. an increase of awareness and motivation for practicing physical activity, greater autonomy for choose an activity to suits one‟s own characteristics, and increased confidence in oneself to self-regulate their behaviour when it deviates from what is desirable. - It is commonly accepted that physical education should have an important influence in the maintenance a physical active life. Nevertheless, according to Kirk (2010) Physical Education has failed to achieve the goal of lifelong participation for a majority of adults. We need to engage in “radical reform” if we do not want a future that is “more of the same” or, perhaps, the “extinction” of Physical Education. - Cardon, G.M.; Haerens, L.L.; Verstraete, S. & Bourdeaudhuij (2009) Perceptions of a School-Based Self management Program Promoting and Active Lifestyle Among Elementary Schoolchildren, Teachers and Parents. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 28, 141-154. Human Kinetics, Inc. - Hastie, P. (2010) 'Putting pedagogy back into sport pedagogy research: A case for more applied research in physical education„, paper presented in the SIG BERA .Invisible College. U.Warwick . - Kirk, D. (2010). Physical Education Futures. Routledge. London and New York. - Lorente, E. (2005) Autogestión en Educación Física. Un estudio de caso en Secundaria. Tesis doctoral. Universidad de Barcelona. - Lorente,E & Joven,A (2009) Autogestión: Una investigación etnográfica. Cultura & Educación. 21. 67-69. - Marcoux, M., Sallis, J.F., McKenzie, T.L., Marshall, S., Armstrong, C.A., & Goggin, K.J.(1999). Process evaluation of a physical activity self-management program for children: SPARK.Psychology & Health, 14, 659–677.