!Systems!Thinking!&!Leadership! Leading(change(in(a(complex(world( Tracy!Benson,!Ed.D.! President/CEO!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !@watersfdn! Waters!FoundaEon!and!Systems!Thinking!Group ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@CEELOorg! !www.watersfoundaEon.org!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#systemsthinking! ! What!are!the!essenEal!elements!of!this! child’s!system?! What!are!the!essenEal!elements!of!this! child’s!system?! 1" 6" " """""""""" 2" " """""""""" " """""""""" 7" " """""""""" 3" 8" 4" 9" 5" 10" " """""""""" " """""""""" " """""""""" " """""""""" " """""""""" " """""""""" What!are!the!essenEal!elements!of!this! child’s!system?! 1" 6" " """""""""" 2" " """""""""" " """""""""" 7" " """""""""" 3" 8" 4" 9" 5" 10" " """""""""" " """""""""" " """""""""" " """""""""" " """""""""" " """""""""" How!is!this!child!impacted!when! essenEal!system!components!are! diminished!or!eliminated?!! ! 5!minute!table!conversaEon! ! 1" " 4" " " """"""""" 5" " " """"""""" " """"""""" " """"""""" 2" " 7" " """" " " """"""""" 3" """"""""" 8" " " " 6" " 10" " " """"""""" 9" " " """"""""" " """"""""" 1" " """""""""" " 2" """" " 4" " 5" " " """"""""" " """"""""" How!are!the!elements!! of!Weston’s!system! connected?!! !Would!a!change!in!one! element!affect!or!impact! a!change!in!another?! 3" " """"""""" 7" " " """"""""" 8" " """"""""" " " 6" " 10" " " """"""""" 9" " " """"""""" " """"""""" Characteris5cs"of"Complex"Systems" • Boundaries! • Parts!or!Elements! • Interdependencies! (RelaEonships)! • Goal!or!Purpose! • Dynamics! Systems!Thinking!Provides! EssenEal!Ways!of!Thinking!and!Tools!! for!Today’s!Leaders! Habits of a Systems Thinker Card Sort Make!a!pile!of!Habits!Cards!that!you!feel!! you!pracEce!on!a!consistent!basis.! I!am!especially!good!at! pracEcing!these!habits.! Seeks to understand the “big picture” Make!a!pile!of!Habits!Cards!that!you!feel!! you!pracEce!on!a!consistent!basis.! I!am!especially!good!at! pracEcing!these!habits.! Seeks to understand the “big picture” Choose!2!Cards!from!your!! “Good!pracEce”!Pile! I!am!especially!good!at! pracEcing!these!habits.! Seeks to understand the “big picture” Be"prepared"to"tell" a"1@minute"story" that"illustrates"how" you"have"put"the" habit"into"ac5on"for" each"of"your"chosen" cards." First!Grade!! ProblemXsolving ! !! Say! sorry ! !Mean Words! Break!up! the!group! R Play!a!game!with! only!one!team! Hurt Feelings! ! ! e Th ! ! r e h t a ! Fe e g n e l l a h C
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