356 DesigNr - 356 Group Northwest
356 DesigNr - 356 Group Northwest
356 DesigNr 356 Group Northwest June / July — 2013 www.356groupnw.org Issue 116 The Official Publication of the 356 Group Northwest Front Cover: Doug Naef’s 1953 coupe at the first Volume 18 Number 15 Issue 116 June/July 2013 Tubday What’s in this issue . . . (Mike Grabowski Photo) Above: At speed at the 2012 SOVREN historic races, July 4th weekend. (Rick Danielson Photo) 18 20 President’s Message Editor’s Comments Upcoming Breakfasts Upcoming Activities Tribute to Garrett Goldsmith Mt. Hood Show & Shine Kim’s Tour Notice Bull Session Announcement Updated Website Notice The First NW Tubday International 356 Meeting, Strasbourg FR Treasurer’s & New Member’s Report 2 Volume 18—Number 15 - Issue 116 * 356 Group Northwest 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 18 20 21 356 DesigNr 356 DesigNr Editor Copy Editor (STILL OPEN) David Berner 2013 Officers President – Rick Danielson PO Box 184 Graham WA 98338 253-279-4922 sami2go@msn.com Membership - Tina Richards 1555 5th Street Hood River OR 97031 541-386-2243 hoodrivernow@embarqmail.com Vice-President—Paul Hatfield 206-459-9310 65c356@comcast.net Event Coordinator – Mike Grabowski 11003 Canyon Road East Puyallup WA 98373 marksmansales@comcast.net 253-951-8000 Secretary - David Berner P.O Box 1116 Enumclaw WA 98022 206-714-9988 davidberner@hotmail.com Treasurer - Perry Richards 1555 5th Street Hood River OR 97031 541-386-2243 hoodrivernow@embarqmail.com Vintage Racing – Rick Danielson PO Box 184 Graham WA 98338 253-279-4922 sami2go@msn.com Webmeister – Eric Cherneff 2519 Mica Place Coquitlam BC Canada V3E 3K7 778-320-4056 eric@356a.com Check out our brand new website for the latest events, articles, newsletters, and Group information. http:// www.356groupnw.org 356 DesigNr is the official publication of the 356 Group Northwest, a non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to the interests, needs, and concerns of the 356 Porsche automobile, its custodians, and enthusiasts. The 356 DesigNr is published six times per year beginning with the April/May issue. Membership dues are $18.00 per year in the U.S. and $21.00 in Canada. Send checks payable in US funds to 356 Group Northwest Membership Chairperson. Send all re-printable information, letters, technical and restoration tips, articles, photographs, graphics, computer discs and constructive criticism to the Editor (TBD). 356 DesigNr reserves the right to edit or refuse any submitted materials. Permission is hereby granted for other Porsche newsletters to reproduce any article, provided that credit is given to both the 356 DesigNr and the appropriate author. Commercial Advertising Rates—Payment for the amount of the ad must accompany the ad copy Business Card Quarter Page Half Page Full Page Inside Covers B/W (full page) Inside Covers color (full page) 1 Issue 2 Issues 6 Issues (one year) $ 6.00 $ 9.00 $ 14.00 $ 27.00 $ 33.00 $ 99.00 $ 14.00 $ 22.00 $ 33.00 $ 66.00 $ 83.00 $280.00 $ 22.00 $ 36.00 $ 53.00 $106.00 $132.00 $550.00 3 www.356 Group Northwest.org . June/July 2013 NOTES FROM THE PREZ: Mark Your Calendar 2014 marks the 20th year of the 356Group NW. It was in February of 1994 that we had a “logo” on the fledgling issue of the club newsletter. As some of you may recall, that logo was in the shape of the Reutter coachworks body badge, except our design was inverted. Now, in order to commemorate our twentieth year, we have available for purchase, a grille badge in similar format. We used traditional Porsche colors, and added the inscription of “20 years of Rallying” at the bottom of the badge. (“Rallying” defined as coming together for a common purpose). That common purpose being FUN! The layout and design of the badge was done by Perry Richards, the production art work by Robert Cugini, and Diane Morrill, 356 Goodie store, was responsible for manufacturing the badge. One grille badge is available for each current dues- paying member at the price of $35 each, including shipping. Our initial production of 100 badges can be supplemented as needed to fill member’s orders, if necessary. The debut of the badges now will allow you to display it proudly throughout the 2014 anniversary year. Badges are available from our Treasurer, Perry Richards, and Membership Chairman, Tina Richards, 1555 5th St, Hood River, OR 97031. Perry’s & Tina’s email is: hoodrivernow@embarqmail.com. While you and I might have been tinkering on our 356s getting them ready for those elusive sunny and warm Northwest days, one of our members, Bob Forman and his wife, were attending the International 356 Meet in France. Look for Bob’s introductory photos and personal account of this unique international experience in this issue of the DesigNR and the complete story on your 356 Group NW website at www.356GroupNW.org. 4 Volume 18—Number 15 - Issue 116 * 356 Group Northwest Please check the website often for updated information on events past and planned, parts and cars for sale, and member’s postings of information and projects. Mark your calendar for upcoming events such as Hood River, OR Show-nShine June 15th, Kim’s Tour ‘Round the Mountain and BBQ at the Danielson’s, Portland, OR PIR Historics / Car Corral June 28, 29 & 30, the Pacific NW Historics over the July 4 weekend at Pacific Raceways in Kent, and our signature event, the Bull Session at Denny Aker’s Hobby Shop on August 11. Our goal is to get a record number of 356’s at the Bull Session. Drive, drag, push or pull your 356 to Denny’s on August 11 to help us get over 100 356s there this year. Our South End Breakfast meeting place will change to Mitzel’s in Kent, likely in July. Watch for the notice in your email and on the website. The Mitzel’s location in Fife has been sold and will close. The nearby casino will take over the site. Your 356 Group NW Board has unanimously voted to submit a proposal to the Registry Trustees for approval to host the 2014 West Coast Holiday in the Northwest. Stay tuned for more details as we move forward in our proposal to the Registry. In the meantime, Rev it Up! Mark your calendars for a 356 event. I look forward to seeing you there! Rick Danielson Prez From the Editor’s Seat . . .. It is somewhat hard to believe that the transition from paper copy to digital format for the DesigNr occurred nearly eighteen months ago. Over this period we have implemented changes in the DesigNr format that allow the increase in the use of color photographs as well as the incorporation of more personal driving articles and experiences. Of course, a major benefit has been the reduction in cost of publishing the DesigNr to near zero dollars. Furthermore, the 356 Group Northwest website has been expanded to incorporate a wider range of features including the ability to post articles, check on the latest events, obtain pertinent 356 information, and a host of other functions. In effect, the website has become a much broader and more up-to-date source for information relating to the Group’s operation. Plus, updates and details may be input on an ongoing basis. With a wider range of publishing options now available to the Group the 356 GNW board is considering the inclusion of the DesigNr into the website. Event dates, notices, articles, and pictures would appear in the various new and existing tabs of the Group website as a continuing process. This would also allow members to post their articles and comments quickly and easily as well as access at any time. As part of this change the Board would also consider publishing a short monthly newsletter that would highlight upcoming events and activities. This would be emailed in lieu of the full DesigNr newsletter as now available. As always, your comments and input are very welcome. Jack Keyes DesigNr Editor, Pro Tempore 5 www.356 Group Northwest.org . June/July 2013 6 Volume 18—Number 15 - Issue 116 * 356 Group Northwest Your 356 Group Northwest Breakfast Calendar June 8 July 13 August 10 Western Washington North End Breakfast – 9:00 AM - Saturday Chuck Wagon/Patty's Egg Nest – 6720 Evergreen Way Everett, WA From the north take 41st St. exit West, turn left (South) on Evergreen Way for about 2 miles. Patty's is on the right just before Madison. From the south on I-5, take the 526 (Mukilteo Ferry) exit West, Evergreen Way is the first exit. Turn right (North) for about one mile; Patty's is on the left just past Madison. Western Washington South End Breakfast – 9:00 AM - Saturday June 15 Mitzel’s Restaurant – 5472 Pacific Highway E. Fife WA From the north or south take exit 137 and proceed to the north side of I-5. Turn right at the first light. Mitzel’s is on the right only a hundred feet or so from the corner. July 20 Mitzel’s Restaurant — 22330 84th Ave. South, Kent, WA August 17 From the south on Hwy 167, take the 84th St. exit. At the stop light, turn right; Mitzel’s is on the right within ½ block of the off-ramp. From the north on Hwy 167, take the 84th St. exit and stay in the left lane. Continue under the overpass onto North Central Ave., through the light. Mitzel’s will be on your right. May through October — Every 2nd & 4th Saturday Mid-Columbia Gorge Breakfast, OR/WA – 10:00 AM – Saturday First Saturday of Each Month Join us for coffee and goodies for an hour or two of good conversation. (For more information about location & time, contact Perry Richards at 541.386.2245, or email at hoodrivernow@embarqmail.com ) Obsolete Porsche Breakfast of Oregon– 8:30 AM - Saturday The American Café – 176 West 3rd St. Lafayette OR Contact Bill Moore at 503-472-4652 for more information 7 www.356 Group Northwest.org . June/July 2013 Your 356 Group Northwest Activities Calendar (Jack Keyes & Perry Richards Photos) June 15th The All Sports Car, Show-n-Shine Mt. Hood Winery Hood River OR (See page 8 for further details) July 5th, 6th & 7th Pacific NW Historics - 10 to 5 pm Pacific Raceways, Kent Tribute to 50 years of 911 July 13th Concours at the Wood — “All Things Italian” - 1 to 5 pm Presented by Alderwood-Terrace Rotary Lynnwood Golf Course July 21st Kim’s Tour—9:00 to ??? McDonald’s Restaurant Enumclaw WA (See page 9 for further details)) August 11th 27th Annual Bull Session - 10 am to 3 pm Denny’s Hobby Shop Bothell WA September 7th Kirkland Concours d’ Elegance LeMay - America’s Car Museum Tacoma WA September Olympic Odyssey Olympic Peninsula Tour Hosts—Paul & Rochelle McHugh October 5th & 6th Maryhill Hill Climb 8 Volume 18—Number 15 - Issue 116 * 356 Group Northwest A Tribute to One of the Founders of the 356 Group Northwest Bull Session Garrett Goldsmith “We have lost a passionate and avid 356 enthusiast that was instrumental in organizing and hosting our GNW Bull Sessions, early on. He fought a courageous and arduous battle with MS, but passed away on May 28, 2013.” Rick Danielson President 356 Group Northwest Bull Session No. 11 Bull Session No. 12 “I met Garrett at the first Bull Session I attended which he hosted in his back yard, probably around 1996/97. He had an A coupe that he was restoring at the time, but if I remember correctly the MS was just starting to affect him, so he wouldn't be completing the car. It was a great event, with lots of cars in a picturesque setting ("back yard" doesn't do it justice as it was a private park with a creek running through it!), and I remember feeling welcomed even though I wasn't a 356 GNW member at the time. I made a point of saying hello and having a chat with him at every Bull Session I saw him - his passion for the cars and people was always obvious. I met him for the last time at the Bull Session last summer; unfortunately I wasn't able to go down for his last event in April. It's very sad that he went before his time, along with Bill Mitchell who I also met at my first Bull Session. It's a reminder of something the late Orr Potebnya said to me one of the last times I saw him: "it's about the people!"“ Eric Cherneff Webmeister 356 Group Northwest 9 www.356 Group Northwest.org . June/July 2013 10 Volume 18—Number 15 - Issue 116 * 356 Group Northwest Kim’s Tour In Memory of Kim Lee we had decided to rename the popular “Round the Mountain Tour” led by Eric and Kim Lee, Kim’s Tour Sunday, July21st start at 9:00 AM McDonald’s, 110 Roosevelt Ave. E. Enumclaw 98022 Again, this year we will take SR 410 through Greenwater and enter Mt. Rainier in the direction of Longmire. Our first stop is planned at the Box Canyon rest area. After touring around the park, we will return back to the home of Rick & Sally Danielson, 10608 238th St. East, Graham, WA 98338 for a BBQ. Bring your own grill item. Salads/side dishes, condiments, and beverages will be furnished. Please RSVP to Rick Danielson at sami2go@msn.com no later than July 14th. Rev it Up! 11 www.356 Group Northwest.org . June/July 2013 RETURN TO DENNY’S 356 GROUP NORTHWEST ANNUAL SUNDAY AUGUST 11th 10 ‘TIL ????? SEE THE WEBSITE FOR MORE UPDATES www.356groupnw.org 12 Volume 18—Number 15 - Issue 116 * 356 Group Northwest th The 2014 20 Anniversary Grille Badge is here !!! Place your order now as follows: “One per member” $35.00 includes shipping … Mail Cash or Check U.S. funds only with your return address to: Tina Richards, Membership 1555 5th street Hood River, OR 97031 13 www.356 Group Northwest.org . June/July 2013 The 356 Group Northwest website has a new look! A transition to a new, interactive web platform has been completed and is now available for members to sign up and use. Some new features that are available now include: Classified ads - write your own ad, include some pictures, and post immediately! Member car pages - create a page with a write-up about your car(s) and include pictures in a gallery format. Edit or add to it later, it can be changed to reflect what you are doing with the car. View current and past 356 DesigNr's See the events calendar and DISCUSS - comments are available to members! Private mail within the website - correspond with classified ad buyer/sellers, or other members Use RSS feed to be alerted to new content on the site. Forums - members can post and view topics on events, technical, general, etc. We will be adding to the site and enabling new features in the near future (such as a photo gallery). The value of the site will increase as members add material to it, so please register and start using the site as soon as possible. To register, click on the "Create new account" link in the box at the lower left of the page on www.356groupnw.org If you have any questions or comments, or have a request about future site enhancements, send an email to admin@356groupnw.org BELOW IS JUST A SAMPLE OF WHAT YOU WILL NOW SEE! 14 Volume 18—Number 15 - Issue 116 * 356 Group Northwest 15 www.356 Group Northwest.org . June/July 2013 16 Volume 18—Number 15 - Issue 116 * 356 Group Northwest 17 www.356 Group Northwest.org . June/July 2013 Route 356 The First NW Tubday! Text and Photos by Mike Grabowski Ruth and I have really been looking forward to our 2013 driving season “Kick Off” tour. This was supposed to be the beginning of a new Northwest tradition- bringing the 356 enthusiasts from Oregon, Washington and maybe even Canada together in different parts of our region. This year we gathered in Longview, WA and next year we will meet in Oregon and after that maybe the Tri Cities, Coeur d'Alene, Vancouver B.C.; who knows what the beautiful Pacific Northwest holds in store for us. Well, let’s start back home on a beautiful and sunny Saturday of May 11th at 7:30 in the morning. We are ready to leave and to meet David Berner on the way to Longview. Our silver 356 is ready to go, oil checked, air checked, all things packed for the trip, Ruth waiting for me to pull the car out. As I am rolling out of the garage and ready to stop the car --- nothing---- no brakes---- the fence behind me is becoming bigger and bigger, and the car is still rolling back. In the rush I can’t find the e-brake, so I am shifting to first gear to let the clutch out and…. 1.5 seconds before impact (with the fence), the car stops. I find the e-brake, restart the car, first gear back into the garage. All is repacked and out comes the Boxster. This was not how it was supposed to start, but we left undeterred and proceeded to have a great time. 18 Volume 18—Number 15 - Issue 116 * 356 Group Northwest We met David on the way and convoyed on down to Longview. Rick and Linda Carns own and operate the Masthead Restaurant in Longview and graciously offered to host our first NW Tubday lunch. As we arrived, several 356’s were already lined up in our designated parking area. We were really impressed with Doug Naef’s 1953 bent window coupe (the oldest driving 356 in Oregon) and Ken Leach’s beautiful 1954 red cab. As always during these gatherings, old the trophy, all three agreed to facilitate next year’s NW Tubday in Oregon. Ken Leach’s ‘54 Cab friend ships were being refreshed and new friendships started. We counted a total of twelve 356’s and a few newer Porsches stopping by to visit. The tire kicking was in high gear, before we proceeded to gather for lunch inside the spacious restaurant. Rick and Linda officially welcomed our group and I started to explain the concept of our NW Tubday idea. After enjoying an excellent meal and camaraderie at the Masthead restaurant our tour moved on to the Hoffstadt visitor’s center on Mount St. Helens. One cannot find a nicer day in the Northwest, 85 degrees, sun and very few clouds. The drive up was spectacular, ten beautiful 356’s brought smiles to all. We took many pictures at the visitor’s center and vowed to do it again. Thank you again to Ric and Linda Carns for being such wonderful hosts and making this a memorable first NW Tubday for us all. We really enjoyed the goodie bags for all participants, that was very thoughtful of you. It was then time to pass the NW Tubday Trophy; this new trophy was presented to Doug Naef, Bill Strickland and Fred Otjen (all from Oregon). With the acceptance of (Editor’s note: Thank you Mike and Ruth for taking the initiative to establish a new (hopefully annual) driving event for the 356 Group Northwest!) 19 www.356 Group Northwest.org . June/July 2013 38th International 356 Meeting Strasbourg, France Text and Photos by Bob Forman Our journey to Strasbourg, France and the International 356 Meeting actually began amongst the hills of Woodinville, Washington. My wife and I participated in a charity walk/run event where the race results were posted at the finish-line. Because there were age groups, participant's ages were included with the outcomes. Upon perusing ages rather than elapsed times I discovered, at 67, I was by far the oldest contestant. This was a shocking epiphany. Simply stated: I'm not getting any younger and I'd better start doing those things now that I won't be able to in approaching years. Strasbourg was the first thing that came into my sights. With the decision made to attend, registration was accomplished, airline tickets procured, hotels reserved and we were on our way. . . . . . Editor’s Note: For the full text and more pictures of Bob’s adventure check out the complete article in the 356 Group Northwest website. A Covey of Cabs! 1953 Cabriolet 20 Volume 18—Number 15 - Issue 116 * 356 Group Northwest Bob and a lovely 904 2013 Treasurers Report To Date Treasurers Report Balance 3/16/13 $5,950.18 Income: Dues $100.00 Total: $100.00 Expenses: Member Supplies $54.10 Annual Report fee $50.00 Total: $104.10 Ending Balance 5/15/13 $5,946.08 Welcome New Members Dave Sweeney, 61 Roadster, Silver Enumclaw, WA 21 www.356 Group Northwest.org . June/July 2013 UnClassified Ads Ads in the DesigNr are free to members for non-commercial use only. Ads must contain the full name of the seller and the state in which the item is located and must contain no more than 50 words of typed copy. We reserve the right to reject illegible ads or assume the intent _ of your meaning; further, we reserve the right to edit or refuse publication and are not responsible for errors, omissions, or misrepresentath tions. Ads must be received by the 15 of the month prior to publication, e.g., January 15th for the February/March issue. B/C Parts –Still Available REDUCED! Custom-built, all-steel, dual-axle car trailer. Haul area: 6' x 16'. Features large, locking tool/storage box, Warn winch with handheld control switch, new InterState battery, 4 heavy-duty tie-down straps with ratchets. Ramps included. VG radial tires. Solid hauler, tracks straight. $2200. 360-378-5621. Frank Earle Luggage Rack; aluminum/ oak - $35.00 Lower Front Grille, right side - $15.00 4 Porsche Patches - $1.00/ea. Contact Jack Keyes at 253-740-3082, or email jkeyes356@gmail.com One Man Metal Shop Since1993 ELHOT METAL FAB 2101 9TH Ave. Seattle WA 98121 Floor Pans Closing Panels Longitudinals Battery Floors Door Skins Welding & Fabrication Instruction 206-623-3394 Stop by to view our latest 356C Coupe project 22 Volume 18—Number 15 - Issue 116 * 356 Group Northwest Support Your Local 356 Group Northwest Goodie Store! A FEW ITEMS STILL AVAILABLE FROM YOUR LOCAL 356 NORTHWEST GOODIE STORE! Tee Shirts - $14.00 Polo Shirts - $25.00 Leather Key Fobs – $15.00 Official Grille Badge - $30.00 Vinyl Decal - $1.00 Beige Summer Hats – $10.00, or two for $15.00 (Perry Richards Photos) Contact Robert Cugini, robertc@appart.com, or David Berner, davidberner@hotmail.com, to arrange for your purchase. 23 www.356 Group Northwest.org . June/July 2013 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SPONSORS! THE TOY BOX has room for your stuff! Cars - $125 per month Boats & Trailers by size Small project may be okay Newer heated building Call Brad Green Specializing in the Classics 1965 356SC Tel. 206-979-1503 I also list and sell houses and condos. 24 Volume 18—Number 15 - Issue 116 * 356 Group Northwest