Natural Muscle`s -


Natural Muscle`s -
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
*When combined with increased exercise and a low calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended
ended to diagnose,
diagnose treat,
treat cure or prevent any disease.
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
November 2007
Tricks of the Trade
by: “Tricky” Ricky Jackson
Muscleology Series- Chest
by: Eric Hoult
Training Plateaus!
by: Hugo Rivera
Quick ab workout
by: Walt Ostarly
The Fit Gourmet
by Danielle Nagel
Quick and Healthy Meals
by: Gina Ostarly
Kristal Richardson-Fitness for Her
24 Pz’s Perspective
by Pz Hopkins
Welcome to my World by Coach A
Photo by: Walt Ostarly
Cover designed by:
Alex Gonzalez
of Axis Design
On the cover: Alizia Gutierrez
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Olympia Expo
Work those abs
after a day at
the office
59 RFC 9 Caged Warriors 46
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Explosive Lean Muscle Growth with
Research-Proven Science!
can enter muscle cells without bothering with the regular creatine transporters like sugar etc. This
means up to 98% can enter the muscle compared to regular creatine where only 4% makes it into
the muscle! CEX® does not cause bloating, cramping, or stomach discomfort because it doesn’t
sit in the stomach - it gets into muscle tissue fast to support the more production of ATP for massive intra-cellular volumization, muscle size, power, and strength We’ll continue to explore our
innovative 10-Compound-Protocol matrix but first, it is important that you become familiar with the
science of exponential muscle growth in regard to training and supplementation:
If you want to speed up lean muscle growth, get this one fact straight: Insulin is the most Anabolic
(muscle building) of all hormones. In fact, insulin triggers more lean muscle growth than Anabolic
Steroids or Growth Hormone! Consequently, the goal of the sugar-free N.O. Shotgun®/SyntheSize® Stack is to promote massive increases in insulin without the use of high glycemic index
carbohydrates and thus, prevent insulin resistance. Therefore, the Shotgun/SyntheSize Stack
provides a carbohydrate free approach utilizing research-proven compounds to boost insulin that
have no adverse effect on blood sugar. This method keeps the body highly sensitive and responsive to insulin resulting in greater lean muscle growth and destruction of fat tissue. Efficient insulin
with an
ounced in
the muscle superior ethyl esterified chemical structure stabilized
There are three ways muscles can get larger. The first and most limiting is called muscle Hypermetabolism also allows you to continually access stored body fat to use as energy. The end result
trophy. This is where you practically kill yourself in the gym to force your genetically pre-existing
Impact Diet Strategy” is a ripped and muscular physique!
of muscle to get larger in size. Most of us struggle with our God given genetics; however,
his condition brought allows one to train with the insanity and intensity that
the great
news is that Hyperplasia can level the playing field between the genetically challenged
le with nutrient dense the process of splitting muscle fibers and causing new
the genetically gifted!
cell formation to reach our goal of HYPERPLASIA!
The Science of Exponential Muscle Growth
The Training/Supplementation Connection
Making Carbohydrates Obsolete
sequently, Arnold was
In assembling the pieceswhen
of the scientific
was formulated
I run puzzle,
into the
at the gym,Stack
Classic or Olympia,
ted the pain/pleasure
when existing muscle actually forms new muscle fibers and can occur by
to mimic the insulin response generated by high glycemic (high GI) carbs (i.e. sugar) to activate
™ story occurs
mp as better
two different mechanisms. The first is actual fiber division resulting in splitting or branching of
stimulate whole body creatine retention! One of the solutions was to use bisshare with me. Just to give you a heads up—don’t
NO-to form more muscle fibers. Hyperplasia X-1 (HX-1) occurs during muscle trauexisting
Maltalato Oxo-Vanadium (BPOV) which is a potent form of chemically altered Vanadium that
if you’re
to walk
your ma
such as heavy negative reps and high volume/high intensity training. Redline’s® unparalmakes beta-cells super responsive
to insulin.
to stimuenergy
technology contained in NO-Shotgun® is the driving force behind the intensity you
and cry
that you’re
late research-proven
retention! In fact, these tears
two compounds
are far more
extra trauma
to occur whole-body
™ need to trigger HX-1-induced muscle growth. I’ll get real with you, without insanely attacking
ubjected to INTENSE
the weights, HX-1
™, I just isn’t going to freakin’ happen. Redline’s the catalyst that fuels episodes
- water retention, bloating,
and anDuring
increase inmy
fat. You trainchest
to get lean, with
hard, and
muscle ispumped
a result
with crisp, water-free muscle separation, and this is where the sugar free Shotgun/Syn™
benched weight that I hadn’t done since my competitive days,
the blood-engorged
theSize Stack out-performs the competition!
or HX-2 is new muscle fiber that forms when muscle fiber pree fibers rub violently then after endless set and reps, wrapped up training
51 dips. contained
The next
I threw three, cursor
45 lbcells
known as satellite cells are stimulated. This is where the NOResearch
has that
proven that
the cutting-edge
in the
y personal
® matrix shines a potent biochemical light. Nitric Oxide is the
work synergistically
to effectively
insulin secretion.
used®a shoulder
a quarter
on each
side ofVPX
oods the
scientific carb-free approach
that that opens veins and capillaries literally floodscientifically proven 9 reps and did the Rear Delt machine with 170 for 14
ing the muscle with massive amounts of powerful muscle building
tage of the efficient insulin spiking abilities of protein hydrolysates and the potent anabolic amino
an insane
like, Branched
Chain was three more reps with 40 more pounds which is
compounds. If you review the studies on arginine or glutamine,
acid, L-Leucine. When post-exercise insulin is increased in the presence of protein hydrolysates
is what
lanine Ethyl
acids were infused into the blood intravenously to
and leucine, massive amounts of muscle building amino acids flood the blood resulting in signifiI mean
I say,theNO-Shotgun™
the catalyst
that Nitric
Oxide or GH (growth hormone). This is why simple
changes cant
in the
net protein
being deposited
muscle. Finally,
ingestion of creatine inis
AKG chemical salts of Arginine (Arginine AKG) have proven to
and cells
high-GI carbs
is no longerof
to stimulate
creatine retention! The
and new proteins
be ineffective at increasing muscle size in three clinical studies.
This Stack re-wrote cutting edge carb-free muscle science.
, HX-1 AND HX-2 take There’s another special creatine in NO-Shotgun that
the BAD,
Research-Proven 10-Compound-Protocol to FEEL
med and muscle
odly amounts of HX-1Ignite Synthesis of Lean Muscle
FOR ABOUT $75,000,000! Take home message:
or NO2-type products containing
studies prove
by getting jacked on a message here is don’t let your NO-Shotgun using
1) Whey and Casein Protein
these extraordinary
increase insulin producArginine
simply do NOT work. Further, Argicompetitor
you! Theproteins
tion by 110% greater than
carbs alonestaying
and increase
by 35%.
nine should
be consumed with Citrulline in order
after the
Casein Protein Hydrolysates are far superior to intact proteins such as whey, casein and egg
to produce nitric oxide. NO-Shotgun® contains
nd the off-the
for promoting
nitrogen utilization and muscle growth. The powerful lean muscle building effect
the sophisticated compound, Arginine Ethyl
are existing
occurs after
consuming Protein Hydrolysates prior to, during and after training. These specialEster HCl (AEX®) which does not need to be
and is further enhanced with Citrulproduction of the
powerful anabolic
hours events
of the line
– necessaryinto facilitate NO production.
ng new increased
lean muscle
™these radical new compounds
result in a potent anabolic
the body. Shotgun
Along with
the artin laboratory
to and
be the first
generation VPX’s
contain copious amounts of Whey and Casein Protein Hydrolysates. These potent protein fracto induce
a serious
I’m Nitric Oxide Pump.
e tissue tions
are comprised of 22% Glutamine Peptide, 41% total peptide bonded Essential Amino Acids
The Nitric Oxide Releasing Factor,
eroids, testosterone,
(EAA’s) and 21% peptide bonded BCAA’s (Branched Chain Amino Acids)! This is important beGBBEE (Gamma-Butyrobetaine
if they
that their
cause muscle consists ofof
and EAA’s
are the most potent
researchEthyl product
Ester) was combined
is better
proven muscle building amino
acids. in a double blind University Study at producing
along with the
most powerful NO-inducing-Arginine
affeine interferes with muscle, greater ATP production, more explosive workouts
2) L-Leucine intermixed with
Protein Hydrolysates
has an even greater-effect
on insulin
produc- pumps!
known to science called,
Nitric Oxide-induced
hat caffeine
interferes initiating
tion and muscle growth than Protein Hydrolysates alone. Shotgun and Synthesize are rich in
ALCA™ (Acetyl-L-Carnitine
he first ever
added free
form L-Leucine and Leucine Peptides.
-- making
affeine because of its
VPX CEO and Chief Scientific
all other Officer.
forms of Argin3) Cutting Edge High Tech Creatines: It is well documented research that insulin transports Creatine into muscle tissue. Further, Creatine combined with protein increases creatine retention
within the muscle cell and results in increased lean muscle mass. More insulin means more creatine = greater muscle mass, quicker recovery and increased strength! Shotgun and Synthesize
contain the most anabolic proteins known to man and several cutting edge high tech Creatines
such as, Creatine Taurinate that all exert specialized effects in promoting lean muscle growth,
strength and ATP Resynthesis! Creatine Ethyl Ester HCl (CEX®) was another cutting edge compound brought first to the market by VPX. We know that creatine is the most proven and potent supplement to increase lean muscle mass and strength and the specific “CEX” form takes
creatine to a whole new level! CEX® is a membrane permeable form of creatine ethyl ester that
ine obsolete. Nitric Oxide
(N.O.) is the mother of all
compounds at filling the muscle
(and other body parts) with nutrient
dense, blood-engorged hard, dense
pumps! Spiking the Pump even further, “MTB Pump™” (Magnesium
Tashinoate B) was combined with
the powerful compound BPOV
noted for insulin-induced pumps
*When combined with strength training & a sensible diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
and muscle fullness. And, of course, all of these cutting edge nutrients and compounds work in
concert with Arginine Ethyl Ester and Citrulline to further improve NO output and set off a biochemical chain of events that aid in rapid muscle recuperation.
There’s more: NO-induced vasodilation results in killer pumps in the gym. The greater the pump
the more muscle fiber trauma. The greater the muscle trauma, the more potential you have for
growth – that is as long as you are using Whey and Casein Protein Hydrolysates, Leucine and
Creatine and Beta-Alanine etc. found in N.O. Shotgun and Synthesize for repair and recuperation. N.O. (Nitric Oxide) over fills the muscle with nutrient dense blood to produce a NASTY
PUMP™! The physiologic response to Nitric Oxide causes extra trauma to occur when the bloodengorged muscle is subjected to INTENSE weight training. Greater injury to the muscle is a
result of significantly increased internal pressure (the blood-engorged pump) within the muscle
when muscle fibers rub violently against each other during training. It is my personal theory that
when the vascular (veins etc.) system floods the damaged muscle with powerful and scientifically
proven protein synthesis stimulating compounds like, Peptide Bonded Branched Chain Amino
Acids along with Beta-Alanine Ethyl Ester, added L-Leucine and Creatine Ethyl Ester, massive
physiologic changes in the muscle take place and muscle fibers can be split and new satellite
cells can be formed to actually cause muscle HYPERPLASIA! This is where both mechanisms
of hyperplasia, HX-1 AND HX-2 take place i.e., where new satellite cells are formed and muscle
fibers branch and split. Until now, gaining ungodly amounts of HX-1 and HX-2-induced muscle
occurred only by getting jacked on a poly-pharmacy of bodybuilding drugs.
And, obviously with a massive pump and the off-the chain bioactive compounds present, so to
are existing muscle cells getting larger (hypertrophy). The Shotgun/Synthesize Stack is the muscle hypertrophic/hyperplasic™ TRIFECTA for gaining and creating new lean muscle tissue! The
NO-Shotgun® subculture will be the first generation to be able to actually create new muscle tissue (hyperplasia) without injecting massive amounts of steroids, testosterone, insulin and IGF-1!
Lastly, why have caffeine present when caffeine interferes with creatine absorption? Well studies
show that caffeine interferes with regular creatine absorption. CEX®, the first ever Creatine Ethyl
Ester, and along with the all new Creatine Taurinate appears to be unaffected by caffeine because
of its superior ethyl esterified chemical structure stabilized with an HCl molecule. Further, Redline’s explosive energy technology allows one to train with the insanity and intensity that initiates
the process of splitting muscle fibers and causing new satellite cell formation to reach our goal of
HYPERPLASIA! Hopefully when I run into you at the gym, Arnold Classic or Olympia, you’ll have
your own outrageous NO-Shotgun story to share with me. If you don’t believe me, the footage of the NO-Shotgun® Tour at the 2007 Arnold Classic will back me up. Log on to www. and see for yourself, as the crowd counted the reps for the girl who
curled the EZ Curl bar for 301 ground-breaking repetitions after taking NO-Shotgun®!! And
then there is the guy whose bench press went up by 20 lbs after only using Shotgun® once!
This is what I mean when I say, NO-Shotgun® is the catalyst that fuels episodes of psychotic
physical intensity.
There’s another special creatine in NO-Shotgun® that allowed rats to swim several hundred
percent longer than the control group who incidentally drowned. Sad but true, the take home
message here is don’t let your NO-Shotgun® using buddy or competitor bury you! The bloodengorged pumps, the killer workouts, staying hard long after the gym and actually making noticeable gains in muscularity are what you and I live for.
Jack Owoc, VPX CEO and Chief Scientific Officer.
4) Beta-Alanine Ethyl Ester HCl – Another compound found only in NO-Shotgun and SyntheSize!
This beta amino acid is also sometimes referred to as carnosine. Research shows that it supports
lean muscle mass and can enhance muscle fiber synthesis. This nutrient actually helps create
carnosine in muscle tissue. Carnosine is mainly found in muscle tissue and can help buffer
H+ (normalizing PH) so we can exercise longer and harder-basically, it helps delay fatigue.
Research shows that the higher the carnosine levels in muscle, the greater the power.
Regular carnosine is not absorbed well, so the Beta-Alanine is used to maximize carnosine production in muscle tissue. A recent study showed that just 4 weeks of Beta-Alanine
supplementation significantly increased lean muscle mass. More reps and less fatigue
equal muscle growth! Most importantly, radically improves whole body Creatine retention and muscle Carnosine, consequently, vastly improving strength, repetition capability,
endurance and lean muscle growth. The synergy of intermixing Protein Hydrolysates,
Leucine, Creatine and Beta-Alanine along with resistance training results in explosive
muscle growth! Beta-Alanine is so powerful you can actually feel it working within seconds because of the unique parasalsys action of the muscles and skin.
Cutting Edge Beta-Alanine Research
ß-alanine stands up to even the most stringent scientific criteria because it is backed by
research and also supported by real world results in the gym. Many times, supplements may
meet research criteria but fail to work in the real world setting of a hard core gym.
What is this hot new compound and
how does it work?
ß-alanine is the only naturally occurring beta amino acid; however, it is not used in the biosynthesis of any major proteins or enzymes. It is also known as 3-aminopropionic acid. And,
in the non- ß-form, L-alanine is also one of the 20 amino acids most widely used in protein
synthesis, second to leucine!
ß-alanine works by buffering the build-up of hydrogen ions or H+. For instance, have you ever
felt that nasty burn at the end of a 400 meter sprint? Or the last rep of leg extensions? That’s a
build up of H+. Because acidic buildup occurs in all types of activity, in all muscle fiber types, and
ß-alanine can buffer it, it makes sense that by supplementing with ß-alanine, your workouts become better, more intense, with the end result you being bigger, faster, and stronger. Furthermore,
ß-alanine is used to make something called carnosine. It is actually carnosine, in your muscles,
that acts as a buffer. Carnosine is a di-peptide or two amino acids bound together found primarily
in fast-twitch muscle. Higher carnosine levels in muscle prevent a drop in pH. With H+ buffered,
you continue to sprint longer and jump higher at a high intensity (meaning with less rest time) and
simply lift heavier weights for more reps!
Dr. Jeff Stout, one of the leading researchers in the field of sports supplements, recently tested
the effects of ß-alanine. He examined the effects of ß-alanine supplementation on Physical Working Capacity at Fatigue Threshold (PWCFT) in untrained young men. Subjects consumed either
1.6g of ß-alanine or sugar placebo four times per day for six days, then 3.2 grams per day for
22 days. The results revealed a significantly greater increase in PWCFT of 14.5%. This means
greater work capacity to perform more reps with more weight and more sets per workout. Simply
put, greater muscle stress yields greater lean muscle gains.
Another study conducted in the U.K. by leading expert Roger Harris, Ph.D. examined thirteen
male subjects who supplemented with ß-alanine. Muscle carnosine significantly increased by a
whopping 58.8% and 80.1% after 4 and 10 weeks of ß-alanine supplementation. Initially Carnosine was elevated 1.71 times higher in Type IIa fibers and increased equally in both Type I and
IIa fibers. Four weeks of ß-alanine supplementation resulted in a significant increase in exercise
performance measured as total work performance. What happens when you combine creatine
and ß-alanine? A study just hot off the press done at the College of New Jersey studied the
effects of creatine and creatine plus ß-alanine on strength, power, body composition, and endocrine changes during a 10-wk resistance training program in collegiate football players. Thirtythree male subjects were randomly assigned to either a placebo (P), creatine (C), or creatine plus
ß-alanine (CA) group. The dosage taken was 10.5 g/d of creatine monohydrate and 3.2 g/d of
ß-alanine. During each testing session subjects were assessed for maximum bench press and
squat strength, power (Wingate anaerobic power test, 20-jump test), and body composition.
Researchers discovered that creatine plus ß-alanine supplementation had the greatest effect on
lean tissue growth and reduced body fat composition.
Hyperplasia – the splitting of muscle fibers
to form new muscle!
Now that you realize that creatine and ß-alanine are an awesome duo, here’s more information
that’ll get you pumped, literally! (2) If you paid attention in cell biology class (okay, I’m one of a
few geeks to actually take cell biology), you’d know that satellite cells are cells that basically sit on
‘top’ of muscle fibers or cells. When you damage your muscle fibers, you ‘turn on’ these satellite
cells. What happens to the satellite cells? Well for one, satellite cells help repair damaged muscle
fibers. That’s good news for anyone who exercises. Number two, satellite cells can contribute
to increased muscle fiber mass or size. And number three, perhaps in rare instances, satellite
cells can fuse and form new muscle fibers known as muscle fiber hyperplasia. Guess what? A
recent study showed that “creatine supplementation in combination with strength training amplifies the training-induced increase in satellite cell number and myonuclei concentration in human
skeletal muscle fibers, thereby allowing an enhanced muscle fiber growth in response to strength
training.”(3) So with ß-alanine, you have a supplement that will help you work out harder because
of its buffering ability (via carnosine); and when combined with creatine, this super stack found
in SyntheSize and Shotgun increases stored energy and whole body creatine retention, activates
satellite cells and turns on genes that ultimately result in increased muscle protein synthesis.
The data suggests that the timing of N.O. Shotgun and Synthesize is of utmost importance. ßalanine should be taken in divided doses throughout the day because there is a slight flushing
and tingling effect with high doses called paraesthesia. This is resolved by taking smaller doses
more frequently throughout the day. The second reason for taking multiple doses is to ensure the
constant presence of ß-alanine which helps drive it into the muscle cell were it synthesizes into
carnosine. Therefore, your pre-workout anabolic shake should consist of N.O. Shotgun which
contains the maximum tolerable amount of ß-alanine and your stimulant-free post-workout anabolic SyntheSize shake which also contains a second dose of the maximum tolerable amount of
ß-alanine for some major muscle mass building effects.
Scientific References:
1. Hill CA, Harris RC, Kim HJ, et al. Influence of beta-alanine supplementation on skeletal muscle
carnosine concentrations and high intensity cycling capacity. Amino Acids 2006.
2. Dangott B, Schultz E, Mozdziak PE. Dietary creatine monohydrate supplementation increases
satellite cell mitotic activity during compensatory hypertrophy. Int J Sports Med 2000;21:13-6.
3. Aagaard P. Creatine Supplementation Augments the Increase in Satellite Cell and Myonuclei
Number in Human Skeletal Muscle Induced by Strength Training. J Physiol 2006.
5) BCAAEX® (Branched Chain Amino Acid Ethyl Ester) Matrix – Another first in the exclusive array
of compounds found in NO-Shotgun® SyntheSize®! the Ethyl Ester version of these key muscle
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
protein synthesizing amino acids. BCAA’s have been shown to promote lean muscle mass by
increasing protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in muscle tissue. Studies have shown that
subjects who consume BCAA’s while dieting have greater levels of lean muscle mass retention.
And, another study showed that BCAA consumption had a powerful nutrient partitioning effect
resulting in rapid fat loss in the abdominal and thigh regions, two areas of concern for many men
and women in regards to fat loss. Consequently, this makes BCAAEX®/ NO-Shotgun® a prime
choice for contest prep or any other intense dieting. NO-Shotgun® also contains the potent Arginase enzyme inhibitor, L-Nor Valine! This novel Nor Branched Chain Ethyl Ester Amino maximizes
the active life of the AEX® (Arginine Ethyl Ester) by preventing the body from destroying AEX® and
allows it to increase GH and Nitric Oxide for extended periods of time.
6) 22% Peptide Bonded Glutamine - This powerful amino acid is the most abundant amino acid
found in human muscle and plasma, thus, addressing the major Glutamine absorption problem
by allowing it to be maximally absorbed - as much as 80% of regular L-glutamine cannot be
absorbed by the gut. L-glutamine can help increase muscle “fullness”, increase protein synthesis
(the making of muscle), and decrease catabolism (the breakdown of protein). It can also boost
immune function, boost GH levels, enhance glycogen re-synthesis. New research shows glutamine is highly correlated with glutathione (the muscles most powerful antioxidant) and can help
protect muscles from damage. According to some very interesting research out of the Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences, glutamine concentration is 10% higher in type II muscle fibers
vs. VA I fibers. Type II muscle fibers have a large disposition for growth and are used mainly in
weight training. After exercise, the same researchers showed a 45% decrease in glutamine in
both fiber types. This is why di- and tri-peptide boded Glutamine is critical for lean muscle growth
and serious pumps.
7) BPOV (bis-Maltalato Oxo-Vanadium) increases the beta cell’s sensitivity and responsiveness
to insulin. This is hugely important because the kinetics and dynamics of insulin dictate that it is
not how much you produce, but more importantly, how “insulin responsive” or efficient your body
utilizes insulin to shuttle Creatine, Beta-alanine, Leucine and other muscle energetic compounds
into the muscle cell to manufacture more lean muscle. Sixty seven percent (67%) of Americans
are insulin resistant to some degree. If you have any degree of insulin resistance, your ability
to use insulin is compromised. Therefore, it doesn’t really matter how much insulin your body
releases because you are “resistant” to insulin’s ability to build muscle (anabolism). Less overall
carbohydrate consumption (glycemic load) and elimination of high glycemic index dietary carbs
along with higher protein intake, BPOV supplementation and increasing muscle mass via resistant training are all factors that increase insulin sensitivity and utilization.
8) Arginine Ethyl Ester HCl or AEX® - mechanism of action is boosting nitric oxide (NO) produc-tion which amplifies the effects of all muscle building compounds. Boosting nitric oxide in muscle
tissue can have many anabolic effects including increased nutrient transport and vasodilation
(increased blood flow which leads to massive muscle pumps!). Arginine can even boost natural
Growth Hormone (GH) levels as seen in a study published in the journal, Medicine and Science in
Sports and Exercise. A published study conducted at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore showed that two
weeks of arginine supplementation in healthy, older individuals increased serum IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) levels and created an improved and positive nitrogen balance (creating a more
LIKE “OLD SCHOOL” ARGININE AKG, this is a powerful, stabilized Arginine Ester that is highlyy
bioactive. Think about it, would you want an outdated six year old computer or the latest version?
Well, AEX® is the latest and greatest! If that wasn’t potent enough, NO-Shotgun® also contains
citrulline, a compound that MUST be used in conjunction with Arginine to cause the
The N.O. Shotgun®/SyntheSize® Stack was Designed to Enhance:
--Unparalleled Training Intensity
--Mental Acuity and Focus
--Whole Body Creatine Retention
--Insulin Sensitivity and Responsiveness
--Insulin Mediated Muscle Growth
--Lean Muscle Mass and Fat Loss
--Muscle Hyperplasia and Hypertrophy
--Muscle Fullness and Blood-Engorged Pumps
--Strength, Power, Endurance & Recuperation
--Crisp, Water-Free Muscle Density & Separation
--Blood Flow & Nitric Oxide (N.O.) Levels
A Special Message from Jack Owoc, VPX CEO & Chief Scientfic Officer,
At VPX, we take the latest in science and marry it to the best of r eal-world experience. With that
dynamic combination, VPX has set a new standard by breaking into uncharted scientific ground
by introducing NO-Shotgun! NO-Shotgun takes advantage of the potent satellite stimulating effects of creatine with the hydrogen ion buffering capacity of ß-alanine. Furthermore, NO-Shotgun
contains the key amino acids that are engineered with Ethyl Ester pharmaceutical delivery enhancements. This special and highly advanced “EX” technology shuttles all NO-Shotgun compounds across the muscle cell membrane where they can cause explosive growth! We know that
creatine is the most proven and potent supplement to increase lean muscle mass and strength.
This is why Shotgun contains creatine, but not just any old-school creatine. NO-Shotgun potent
matrix contains Creatine Ethyl Ester HCl (CEX) – the most powerful creatine known to man. And,
CEX does not cause bloating, cramping, or stomach discomfort because it doesn’t sit in the
stomach - it gets into muscle tissue fast to support the more production of ATP for massive
intra-cellular volumization, muscle size, power, and strength! Furthermore, we’d added precise
amounts of Beta-Alanine Ethyl Ester HCl (BAEX). This beta amino acid is also sometimes referred
to as carnosine. Research shows that it supports lean muscle mass and can enhance muscle
fiber synthesis. This nutrient actually helps create carnosine in muscle tissue. Carnosine is mainly
found in muscle tissue and can help buffer H+ (normalizing PH) so we can exercise longer and
harder – with insane intensity. More reps and less fatigue equal increased muscle growth! From
the study discussed above, we know that combining even regular creatine and Beta-Alanine results in satellite muscle cell division along with protein synthesis – huge news because these are
direct indicators of muscle hyperplasia! However, NO-Shotgun contains the super potent CEX
creatine and the infinitely more powerful type of ß-alanine called, Beta-Alanine Ethyl Ester! These
two ingredients are only the tip of a very huge biochemical iceberg regarding the star studded
matrix of ingredients contained in the World’s Most Potent Muscle Building NO-Shotgun!
9) N.O. + Pumping Agents: Finally, we added some radical new compounds to induce a seri-ous Nitric Oxide Pump. The Nitric Oxide Releasing Factor, GBBEE (Gamma-Butyrobetaine
Ethyl Ester) was combined along with the most powerful NO-inducing-Arginine known to sci-ence called, ALCA™ (Acetyl-L-Carnitine Arginine HCl) - making all other forms of Arginine
obsolete. Nitric Oxide (N.O.) is the mother of all compounds at filling the muscle (and otherr
body parts) with nutrient dense, blood-engorged hard, dense pumps! Spiking the Pump even
further, “MTB Pump™” (Magnesium Tashinoate B) was combined with the powerful compound
BPOV noted for insulin-induced pumps and muscle fullness. And, of course, all of these cut-ting edge nutrients and compounds work in concert to set off a biochemical chain of eventss
that aid in rapid muscle recuperation.
10) Redline’s® Unparalleled Energy Technology - There’s a reason Redline® is #1 in GNC, #1 in
Bally’s Total Fitness and Vitamin Shoppe – It kicks serious @$$! Redline’s the catalyst that fuelss
episodes of psychotic physical intensity and also promotes rapid fat loss! And, NO-Shotgun®
contains Redline’s potent energy technology which is the driving force behind the intensity you
need to trigger muscle growth. I’ll get real with you; without insanely attacking the weights, new
muscle growth just isn’t going to occur. Redline® is the neuro-energetic catalyst that fuels epi-sodes of psychotic physical and mental intensity necessary to stimulate new muscle tissue to
form! SyntheSize does NOT contain Redline’s® unparalleled energy technology because it’s a
post workout matrix that can also be used in the evening when stimulants are undesirable. SyntheSize is also ideal for individuals wanting to eliminate stimulants from their diet. Further, the
Redline® compounds contained in NO-Shotgun were also designed to burn fat at an unprecedented rate. Fat loss records totaling a 127 and 190 pounds have been set using Redline for just
12 weeks! See and for amazing transformation details.
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle Magazine is distributed to
select gyms and health related businesses
throughout the USA. If you would like to carry
the magazine at your location please call 813961-4806, email, fax 813-9618736, or order online at www.naturalmuscle.
net. There is a one time fee for this. Natural
Muscle Magazine is available free of charge at
select locations, limited to one copy per reader.
No person, without written permission, may
take more than one copy of each issue.
Email for submission guidelines. Publisher assumes no liability for safeguarding or return of unsolicited material. We
reserve the right to edit all material for clarity,
content and length. Natural Muscle Magazine
does not knowingly accept false or misleading editorial or advertising. Natural Muscle
Magazine will assume that all material is being
submitted for publication and if published, no
compensation is due the submitting party without prior agreement.
Natural Muscle Magazine does not necessarily
agree with the views in articles and assumes no
responsibility for any claims or representations
contained in this magazine or in any advertisement. Copyright © 2007 Natural Muscle
Magazine, Inc., all rights reserved. Readers are
advised to consult their physician before starting a diet or exercise program.
Debbie Baigrie
Art Director
Alex Gonzalez
Shelly Dickson
Contributing Writers
Dr. John Atherton
Sherry Goggin
Eric Hoult
Pz Hopkins
Brenda Kelly
Skip Lacour
Richard Nannis
Danielle Nagel
Gina Ostarly
Kristal Richardson
Hugo Rivera
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
John Atherton
Debbie Baigrie
Skip Faulkner
Eric Freimanis
Alex Gonzalez
Walt Ostarly
David Paul
Gordon Smith
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
of the
by “tricky” ricky jackson
IFBB Pro bodybuilder
The Euphoria of 40,000 Chocolate Bars
that removes fat like a Blow Torch!
Meltdown® by VPX is the most profound scientific fat loss innovation of
the decade. Meltdown has a star studded ingredient profile of newly invented exclusive fat loss compounds designed to burn fat faster
and longer by kicking up a thermogenic storm! And, that’s
just the tip of a very large iceberg of fat burning science.
Meltdown will radically increase energy levels, take
mental acuity and alertness into the stratosphere and
induce an intense mood-altering euphoric effect that is
going to re-write fat loss biochemistry. Meltdown is also
highly pro-sexual. Visit
First Order
What is the best way to
build round delts?
To build nice big round deltoids, you
must hit the shoulders from a variety of
angles. There are three heads on the deltoid muscle that must be attacked. The
front head, the side head, and the rear
head of the deltoid. Most of your pressing movements
are going to hit
your front and
side head indirectly depending
on where you
lower and raise
the bar or dumbell. Because of
this, I usually
like to start with
1 or 2 pressing
movements. This
gets the deltoid
properly warmed
up and these
exercises are
easier to handle
heavier weights
for building size.
Examples include
military press
machine, dumbell shoulder press, and/or front barbell
shoulder presses (*And occassionally
behind the neck presses- but be carefull
with behind the neck presses because
they may lead to shoulder injury (rotator cuff) if done to frequently of with to
much weight). Now that the shoulder
is warm and swelled with blood we can
isolate the individual heads with lateral
movements. Use front laterals for the
front head, side laterals for the side head,
and reverse flyes for rear delts. I like to
do atleast to pressing movements to start
my shoulder routine followed by two
deltoid head isolation exercises. And I
vary the combination of the later each
workout. I like to do 3-4 set each exercise and keep my reps between 8 and 15.
As your shoulder and pecs get stronger a
lot of stress is placed on the rotator cuff.
So, I finish my shoulder workout with 23 sets of external/ internal rotation, low
weight, 12-15 reps.
How can I
the muscles
in my lower
The muscles in he
lower back you
are referring to are
called erectors.
They are actually a
very small muscle
group. Because
of this, I typically
advice people to
use minimal weight
when training this
area. In alot of
cases bodyweight
is ample enough
weight to strengthen the erectors. Exercises of choice include hyperextensions,
and good mornings. Deadlifts also hit
the area indirectly and more weight can
be used because so many other muscles
are also called upon during this exercise like quads,hams,glutes,arms, and
traps. Also, remember that some times
erectors muscle are weak due to weak
abdominals muscle. So, when training
the low back remember to throw in some
crunches and reverse crunches to balance
out these antogonist muscle groups.
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Get Going and Keep Going
Men and women, whatever your sport or activity—running, cycling, working
out, dancing, gardening or just cleaning the attic—you need physical and mental
energy to get going and keep going. First Order gives you both, in one easy-to-use,
easy-to-mix powder.
You get the feeling and the reality of genuine energy, improved mental focus,
and high endurance, without caffeine or other stimulants. That’s because First Order
works naturally with your metabolism to give you the physical and mental energy
you need for whatever you do.
The first order of business in any endeavor
is to get going, and that’s what First Order
helps you do. Then, it helps you keep going
with agents that speed recovery from exercise
and activity. Again, all of this happens with all
natural ingredients and without caffeine or other
stimulants. First Order contains first class and
first-in-class ingredients that give you physical
and mental energy you can feel. It’s a feeling of
genuine energy (not “jitters”) that you’ll recognize the first time you drink First Order.
First Order isn’t just for athletes. It’s for
anyone who wants more physical and mental energy. Doesn’t that include you?
Founders of BodyWell Nutrition.Jimmy Mentis,
Augusto Vidaurreta, Tom Richardson
Now available at all Texas Nutrition
Depot locations!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
fitness for her
IFBB pro
kristal richardson
kind of activities
for each body part
– at least three
balanced workouts
a week
etting physically fit is like getting an education.
Instead of the 3Rs of reading, writing and ‘rithmatic’, fitness demands R-R-O-P
Let’s face it, too many people join fitness centers
thinking they can magically exercise themselves into
shape. We all know that there is exercise – the kind
folks quickly abandon without any positive results - and
THERE IS EXERCISE – the type that gradually enhances
every dynamic of your life – mental, emotional, sexual,
and physical.
Exercise is critical in weight loss and weight control.
– working vigorously and long
enough to overload your body
above its normal
resting level
–gradually increasing
the intensity, frequency,
and/or duration of
activities over time
On a day-to-day basis, expending only as many calories
as you take in will help maintain fairly constant body
weight, while taking in more or fewer calories than you
burn up through exercise and the activities of daily living
will result in weight gain or loss.
For those committed to weight loss, increased
aerobic exercise – walking, running, swimming, cycling
– burns body fat provided your caloric intake remains
the same. However, if you consume even 100 calories
a day more than your body needs – that’s less than one
12-ounce can of Coke-you will gain approximately 10
pounds a year. WOW!
That’s why an effective
combination of exercise and diet
or diet and exercise is critical to
getting into shape.
Remember, muscle burns
additional calories and, when
combined with aerobic (cardiovascular) and weight training,
helps take fat-based weight off
and keep it off. Don’t let the
gym or bathroom scale fool you
though. As you burn off fat and
gain muscle your weight may not
change as much or as quickly as
you might plan. Don’t get hung
up on a number.
In addition to helping you
control your weight, 30-60 minutes of physical activity each day
can help reduce stress, increase
energy, and improve sleep. It
also helps in decreasing risks of
heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and
high blood pressure. The key, of course, is finding the
exercise(s) just right for you, developing a sensible approach to training, and starting out at a safe and steady
Depending on your age and physical condition (including
any possibility of pregnancy), there’s always a critical
caution: check with your physician. Begin with 10 minutes of light exercise then work your way up and follow
these simple tips:
• Make it fun. That’s why God created iPods, televisions screens in front of treadmills and stationary bikes,
and made those plastic things that you can put a book
on while using an elliptical machine. Or, try walking
at the mall – leave your credit cards at home and don’t
• It’s your time. Do something you enjoy. If you don’t,
you will quickly join the “wouldda-shouldda-couldda
club” of out-of-shape dropouts. Try zumba or playing
tennis, beach-walking or spinning (but start out slowly
and with brief periods)
• Get a partner – Chose someone you will feel guilty
about leaving stranded because you didn’t show up- someone who will encourage and support you.
• Find the time that’s best for you – Try not to exercise too soon after eating or too close to bedtime. Let
your body tell you what time is best for you – morning,
afternoon or evening.
• Give yourself time – It may take a few weeks to
begin to feel and see results. This is NOT a sprint…it’s
a marathon!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Tricky Ricky Jackson, with the Florida connection!
Brenda Kelly and Jamie Eason at
Shawn and Louis from Neogenics
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Sherry Goggin, with Sherry Goggin
Natural Freak, Flex Wheeler
ia expo
photos by Debbie Baigrie
Cover Models, Holly and Marzia, with photographer Walt Ostarly
Kim Nicklow shows the results of her anytime workout
Marzia loves her does everyone else! (at Gaspari
WWE’s John Cena took time out of greeting fans at the ABB booth to check out NM
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
I joined the VPX gang for an amazing dinner at the Wynn
IFBB pro Tanji Johnson
Me and the Accuguys!
IDS’, Joe and entourage.
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Matt and Rob at Star Mark
Eddie Robinsom with his October article
Natural Muscle cover model, Jamie Franz
Hugo and TJ at Prolab
Riko from Closegrip
Bodywell’s Jimmy Mentis and John Montegna
Bob Bonham and Antionette Forte
Check out Timea in the SAN ad...HOTT!
Vladamir and Jorge, from Bentacourt Nutrition
Natural Muscle writer, Cynthia Bridges
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
If you do it, do it with RESISTANCE!
esistance training has now gone
on everyone’s radar and rightfully
so, because resistance training gets
you doubles the results you originally
wanted to achieve in the same amount of
time or sometimes less. Whether you go
to the gym and use free weights or the
nautilus equipment resistance training is
the best way to strengthen your muscle
and improve their firmness but it also is
key in burning calories and ultimately
fat faster.
That is why the weighted vest has become a valuable piece of equipment in
any type of resistance training. It is currently used world wide, and by all types
of people, and age groups.
There are a lot of vests but only one The
“Close Grip Vest”, what makes it the
best product out their in the vest category or arena is convenience, comfort
and price.
• Close Grip Vest is the only vest that is
designed to insert any weights any gym
• It is easy to put on and can be used during any activity or work out including
walking (which as become the fastest
growing cardio vascular activity).
• It is light weight, durable and machine
washable for longer lasting use.
• Its front zipper is excellent for putting
on and taking off quickly and safely.
• Can be used for any gym, outdoor
activity whether it is land or water sport
and it improves your overall resistance
• It is made to fit close to the body
through its breakaway Zipper, side and
shoulder Velcro adjustment.
• It uses breathable material for perspiration.
• It contours both the male and female
bodies for a more secure fit almost like a
piece of workout clothing.
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
• An extension piece designed to fit
larger sizes.
Pricing of The Close Grip Vest will
set new standards, it competes with all
the other vests in the market place and
excels in its durability, comfort,
aesthetic look and design.
Most importantly it is
priced competitively
when benchmarked
against other vests,
and it stands above
all its competition
on what you get in an
overall product for its
great holiday
gift idea!!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Nutrition in the Kitchen with Gina Ostarly
Selecting the right protein powder for
your body
Image By Walt Ostarly
Before deciding on a protein powder for your body,
here are just a few tips to help you select one of the
thousands of different protein powders on the market
Whey, Casein and Soy are some of the most popular....
so lets take a look at these three shall we.
Here is a little background on the three:
4 Large Egg Whites
1 Scoop Protein Powder
Smidge Of Water
favorite :)
•Blend water and protein powder brieftly.
•Combine egg whites.
•Pour 1/3 batter in a nonstick pan (spray pan with
no-stick spray if necessary). Cook until bubbles
form. Flip or Roll, cook 10 more seconds.
•Repeat with rest of batter.
Serving suggestions: fill with 100% Libby’s pumpkin puree, ricotta creme, sugar free fruit spread, etc.
Top with sugar free maple syrup, sugar free fruit
spread, etc.
Makes 1 generous serving of 3 crepes.
try these ideas!
*Combine your protein with your oatmeal
anytime of day
*Mix your protein powder into your sweet
*Mix one scoop protein powder with a can
of libby’s 100% pure pumpkin
(2 splenda optional)
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Whey protein makes up 20% of total milk protein.
Whey is recognized for its excellent amino acid profile,
high cysteine content, rapid
digestion, and interesting variety of peptides.
Casein protein makes
up 80% of total milk protein.
Casein is recognized for its
excellent amino acid profile,
slow digestion and interesting variety of peptides. Since
casein is slowly digested into
your bloodstream, don’t use
it during workouts or after
workouts – you need a fast
absorbing protein at these
Soy protein is the
most controversial of all
protein types. While the
soy groupies have gone to great lengths to label soy as
a super food with magical effects, there is also a good
amount of research that suggests soy protein may be
contraindicated in many situations. Because of all the
*Protein Blends are generally a combination of
several types of protein blends such as whey protein
concentrate, whey protein isolate, egg protein, casein
protein, and soy protein.
What do the different types of protein
actually do for you?
Whey Protein:
Whey protein is a pure, natural, high quality protein
from cow’s milk. It is a rich source of the essential
amino acids needed on a daily basis by the body. In its
purest form, as whey protein isolate, it contains little to
no fat, lactose or cholesterol.
Whey protein is an excellent protein choice for
individuals of all ages. It provides a number of benefits
in areas including sports nutrition, weight management, immune support, bone health, and general wellness. New information on the health benefits of whey
protein continues to become available as researchers
discover new applications for both whey protein and its
unique individual protein components.
Casein Protein:
Casein protein is derived from milk products. In fact,
after casein protein curdles during the cheese making
process, it is collected and processed into supplemental
form. The quality of casein is the most imperative issue surrounding this supplement. The grade of casein
protein can be very high or very low. The casein protein
that is low in quality is often labeled as caseinate or
calcium caseinate. Caseinate is collected before the
protein has curdled which makes it a
low end product.
Casein protein is less expensive
than most protein products because it is
the least refined of all the milk protein
supplements. The effects of not being extra refined is that it moves more
slowly throughout the system. This allows for a higher absorption rate of the
amino acids and the effects to be present
longer. This basically means that the protein is capable of providing a full effect
when using it as a meal replacement. In
fact, it is among the best choices for meal
replacements for that very reason. It is
capable of sustaining the body for longer
periods of time in between meals.
Soy Protein:
Isoflavones in soy foods may inhibit the breakdown of
bones. Daidzein, a type of isoflavone, is actually very
similar to the drug ipriflavone, which is used throughout Europe and Asia to treat osteoporosis. One compelling study completed by Erdman in 1993 focused on
post-menopausal women who consumed 40 grams of
isolated soy protein daily for 6 months. Researchers
found that these subjects significantly increased bone
mineral density as compared to the controls. Another
study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in
September 2005 also found that intake of soy food was
associated with a significantly lower risk of fracture,
particularly among early post-menopausal women.
In theory most of your protein should come from
meat, fish, poultry and eggs. However welcome to the
real world, with a busy schedule on the run constantly
getting all your protein from real food is not practical.
My suggestion when trying to get in six meals a day
have three of them come from your brand of protein
shake.....look to get in at least 1 gram of protein per
pound of body weight.
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
pz’s perspective
11 years of
photo by Billy the Kid
pure pa
by: Pz
leven years is a long time. It’s more
than a decade. During a span of
that length so much can happen.
So much can take place. The world is in
constant flux. Not much stays the same.
Fashion trends come and go. Waistlines
go down. Waistlines go up. Pant-legs go
in. Pant-legs go out. Presidents—even
those who serve more than one term-come and go. Poll numbers go up. Poll
numbers go down. Relationships begin
and end and begin again. Sitcoms begin
and end and begin again. Wars begin and
end and begin again. People come and
go, and sometimes they even die. Despite all that has changed and all that has
come and gone over these past 11 years,
one thing has remained a constant.
From its humble beginnings as a
newsletter in 1996, Natural Muscle has
grown to become a first class fitness
publication enjoyed by thousands nationwide. At the helm is its founder and
publisher, Debbie Baigrie, whose pure
passion has been the driving force that
has made the magazine what it is today.
Ford has nothing on Natural Muscle.
Built on pure passion it’s that passion
that makes Natural Muscle tough.
It’s that passion that is the reason
why, after a whopping 11 years, it’s still
standing. Passion is a powerful thing.
Passion applied is even more powerful.
Debbie has taken her passion, her vision, and her love of the fitness industry,
and created a winning formula. She has
taken bold chances, to entertain, educate,
and captivate her audience. The reader’s
best interest is squarely at the heart of
each issue she produces. At this juncture,
to still be alive and thriving is quite an
accomplishment. We can all take a page
out of her passion play book and apply it
to our own.
Like the comfort of a blankie or an
old shoe—Ever notice how we get attached to items or objects like that old
pair of sneakers, that ripped up sweat
shirt, or those faded jeans that have long
seen their better day? Just as a baby
seeks out and holds onto his blankie for
comfort and solace, we, human beings,
like familiarity and have a certain affinity for what we have learned to know
and trust. Natural Muscle has become
that familiar friend we have
come to expect on a regular
basis. There is just something
special about it that is hard to
fully explain. We rely on it to
be there and for all of the past
eleven years it has been.
Practice makes perfect—The longer
we keep at something the better the
chance we have at improving. It’s a
simple concept but difficult to sustain.
The more we exercise the better the
shape and condition of our body. When
we stop it doesn’t take long for that great
shape to leave us and the hard work to
disappear. Trace any accomplishment
to its origin and you’ll see a trail of trial
and error. For those who have achieved
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
at the highest levels of their craft, it is
not without practice, practice, and more
practice. Natural Muscle has developed
and evolved and remains on that upward
path. Although the state of perfection
is relative and in the eye of the beholder—we can strive, nonetheless, for
a more perfect outcome. It is through a
concerted commitment to excellence that
our goals become a reality.
Finding a way -- It’s no secret many
business ventures fail. Most fail in the
last a little longer
than eventually find a
way to go under. The
magazine industry is
no exception. Even
with the talent, success, and notoriety
of a John F. Kennedy Jr., the magazine,
George, which he co-founded before he
died, could not survive. Natural Muscle
has survived over the years for a number
of reasons. The most important being
the determination of its publisher to find
a way. She faces down the challenges
that arise, month-in and month-out, and
meets them head-on. She turns those
lemons into lemonade time and again
and produces a product the readers
value, depend upon, and enjoy.
Follow the leader—When you’re looking for the formula to success, begin the
search by looking to successful people.
Look to those who have come before
you. Analyze and evaluate what they
have done and how they have gone about
it. They have found a way to apply winning principles to their lives. Find out
what principles make sense for your
life and zero in on them. The wheel has
already been invented. There is no need
to waste time reinventing the same one.
Your calling may be to develop a new
and improved, bigger or better wheel.
Your calling may be to use that wheel
in a way no man has even thought to
use. Your calling may be to
change the world with your
wheel. From the beginning
of time there have been
stand outs among the crowd.
They have come from all
cultures in all shapes and
sizes. They still walk among
us today and continue to
leave their imprint. We can
learn from those individuals
and become a leader ourselves if we make the effort
to look and follow their lead.
Finding a need to fill— We are on
this planet for a reason. About this I am
sure. Each of us has a role in the grand
design. Each of us matter. Some of us
play a more obvious or active role. Some
of us play a quiet behind the scenes-type
role. If you don’t believe you are a part
of what makes the world go ‘round, then
you may be breathing but you sure aren’t
living. When you can determine what
need you are here to fill then you will
feel the broader connection to the fabric
of humankind. You will be able create
“Chase down your passion like
it’s the last bus of the night.” ---Glade Byron Addams
You’ve been hurt.
Your heart has been broken.
Your world is about to come unglued.
In Pz’s upcoming book,
You’ll find the answers.
a different destiny for you and others.
Don’t sell yourself short. Don’t think
you are just one person who doesn’t
have anything to say or nothing to share.
When you focus on what you do best
and become passionate about your gifts
you will be able to share those talents to
do the most good. In return, you’ll have
so many unexpected rewards come your
Team up with like minds—When you
attract those who think and act similar
to you it can strengthen you on many
levels. This applies to both the positive
and negative. Take note of how negative
energies and negative people perpetuate more of the negative. That’s a major
factor why criminals repeat crime when
released from prison. They team up with
other criminals while incarcerated, never
learn new and positive ways of living,
so they maintain that criminal mindset
when they return to society. Negative
people and behaviors feed upon each
other. The same applies to the positive.
I’m referring, of course, to all that is
positive. Whenever possible surround
yourself with positive energies. Many of
us are in toxic relationships—personal
and professional—that instead of nurturing us bring us down. Strive to walk on
that positive road alongside others who
are traveling in the same direction. If
you need help or fall back they will pull
you along. That’s what supportive people
do. They assist whenever possible. They
offer help which translates into hope.
You can be more passionate about life
when the input you receive is hopeful
not hopeless.
Although I wasn’t on board from
the start, I’ve been a part of the Natural
Muscle family now for over nine years.
It has been quite a remarkable journey
that I hope will go on. I’ve come to
know the publisher and am proud to call
her my friend. I’ve been surrounded by
a group of expert and knowledgeable
contributors whom I admire and respect.
I’ve come to know you, the reader, and
am grateful when you take your valuable time to read my column and share
your opinions. Everywhere I go I get
such positive feedback. Everyone loves
the magazine and gets something from
it. It has changed lives because people
tell me so. They have gotten a wealth
of information on training and diet and
supplements and health that has given
them real results. They have been moved
or motivated by stories and articles that
have given them real hope. They have
been inspired to do better and be better
and make the world a better place. Natural Muscle is one of those wonderful diamonds in the rough—a little gem floating around in a vast sea of sameness.
There is real heart and soul in each and
every issue. From cover to cover it’s put
together with the same passion and TLC
that has existed from the very beginning.
Eleven years later, it’s still here—still
going strong. It’s good to know, in spite
of everything, we can depend on that.
Pz is the author of Club Shattered. As a motivational writer and personal power coach, Pz specializes in the
area of relationships and the human
Contact Pz with ideas, questions,
or feedback:
Visit her website
I’d like to take this opportunity to say,
“Great job, my dear friend! Thank you for all
you have given and for providing the industry
with a publication powered by pure passion.
Congratulations on your 11th anniversary. I
wish you many, many more years of happiness, health, and success.” Pz~ Cool Crystals and Rocks Emporium
Circle Books
Haslam’s Bookstore
St. Pete
Cool Crystals
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
ding th
Skip La Cour
Success/Life Coach
Six-Time National Bodybuilding Champion
here is a constant battle between appreciating
where you currently are and putting enough
pressure on yourself to take what you’ve already
accomplished to an even higher level.
If you do not take the time to appreciate where you
currently are and what you’ve already accomplished,
your journey through life will not be fulfilling. But, if
you spend too much time “patting yourself on the back,”
you’ll probably fall far short of what you are truly capable
of achieving in your life.
If you put too much pressure on yourself to make
continual improvements, you’ll overwhelm yourself.
You’ll eventually burn out. It’s difficult to be happy when
you constantly feel overwhelmed. But, if you don’t put
enough pressure on yourself, you will not get the most out
of your abilities and become the best you can be.
Finding the right mental balance for you is an
ongoing, day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month,
and year-to-year proposition. And, the requirements for
you to achieve that ideal sense of balance are constantly
changing, evolving, and being redefined. The bull’s eye,
so to speak, is moving all of the time.
What’s the solution to this dilemma in life? First, you
should realize that you are not alone. Everyone struggles
with this challenge.
You should also realize that the ideal state to be
always includes a certain amount of angst. Don’t expect
to be totally satisfied with where you are all of the time.
Learn to live with this angst. It’s your “friend” even though
it may not seem like it at times. You are a constant “work
in progress”-and you will be until the day you die.
Instead of assessing your level of happiness on a
short-term basis, evaluate how you feel about your journey in longer stretches of time. Instead of thinking about
how your day has gone, think about the quality of your
entire week. Instead of thinking only about your week,
take into account how your month has gone. Instead of
zeroing in on how well the past month has been for you,
take into account all the things that have transpired over
the last year.
The biggest illusion in life is that, once you’ve
worked hard enough and long enough, life will all of
sudden become “easy.”
The truth of the matter is that life never becomes
“easy.” No matter what you’ve done or how good things
are, they can always be better. If you don’t continually do
at least a little work on making your life better each and
every day, you’ll eventually get a rude awakening. You’ll
Life is a Self-Made Proposition
No matter how difficult your journey may seem at times, you must rely on your own mental and emotional strength
to pull yourself through.
It would be nice to always have someone around who is always available to listen to problems, anticipate your needs,
and support you when things aren’t going well, wouldn’t it? Unfortunately, people will not always be there for you
because they must deal with their own challenges,
Life is a self-made proposition. Many people unfairly expect someone else in their life to give them emotional support or motivational lifts every time they are down. They get disappointed when others aren’t there for them. These
unfair expectations of others can destroy relationships.
Don’t put the pressure on other people when problems come up in your own life. Put the pressure on yourself—right
where it belongs. Taking the pressure head on may be just what you need to overcome your challenges. Heck, who
knows? Maybe the other people in your life think that YOU should be there for THEM when you are wallowing
with disappointment.
Learn to become self-reliant. Expect to get through the tough times yourself--and be thankful for those times when
someone else is able to help you out.
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
eventually find yourself unhappy and unfulfilled.
Don’t ever expect the “fight” to be over . . . it’s
NEVER over! And, if it makes you feel any better, it’s
never over for anyone else either.
Visit Skip La Cour’s website at
Take your physique to the next level by ordering Skip
La Cour’s new DVD Packing On Muscle! Max-OT
Style. This two-disc, four-hour long training, instructional, and motivational DVD presentation includes a
complete week of training (explained in great detail
and jam-packed with perceptive insights), additional
exercises that were not included in the training week,
instruction and video footage of cardiovascular training,
inspirational action training segments, assorted detailed
and unique “next level” tips, contest footage, and a onehour live nutrition seminar.
The six-time national champion takes you into the
gym as his virtual training partner for an entire week of
workouts. You won’t just see the highlights. You’ll see
every set and every repetition. Additionally, La Cour’s
informational nutrition seminar
addresses the critical component of physique development
that other bodybuilding DVDs
just don’t deliver.
If you want to pack on slabs of
muscle in the shortest period of
time, Skip La Cour’s Packing
On Muscle! Max-OT Style is
for you! The two-disc, four
hour DVD set is only $49.99
(plus $8.50 shipping and handling; Total $58.49; International orders add $17.50 shipping and handling; Total
Order online at Credit card
orders call 1-800-655-0986. Or, send check or money
or to: Skip La Cour 712 Bancroft Road #259, Walnut
Creek, CA 94598 USA.
Meltdown® by VPX is the most profound scientific fat loss innovation of the
decade. Meltdown has a star studded ingredient profile of newly invented exclusive fat loss compounds designed to burn fat faster and longer by kicking up
a thermogenic storm! And that’s just the tip of a very large iceberg of fat burning
science. Meltdown will radically increase energy levels, take mental acuity and
alertness into the stratosphere and induce an intense mood-altering euphoric
effect that is going to re-write fat loss biochemistry. Meltdown is also highly
pro-sexual. In fact I’ll guarantee that you have the best sex you ever experienced shortly after taking Meltdown! However, we are only here today to
talk about fat loss.
Yohimbine is an alpha-2-antagonist which simply means it exerts its fat loss
magic by blocking the alpha-2 receptors. Blocking action of the alpha-2 receptors is critical for fat loss because it increases blood flow in adipose tissue and as
a result ramps up internal fat metabolism causing previously stored body fat to
be released into the blood stream and burned as energy. This process is known
as Lipolysis. Yohimbine also works by increasing Norepinephrine (NE) - one of
the body’s principal lipolytic (fat burning) hormones. The challenge is that when
NE is released it stimulates both the alpha and beta receptors. While stimulating
the beta receptors causes the desired effect of fat liberation, NE simultaneously
also stimulates the alpha-2 receptors which can have the undesired effect of
interfering with the process of body fat being burned as energy. Yohimbine is a
really cool substance because it exerts a kind of self-protective mechanism by
blocking the alpha-2 receptors and guarding one of the body’s key fat burning
hormones called Norepinephrine. Simply stated, it is almost like Yohimbine has a
mind of its own that says I’m going to increase NE to destroy body fat and nothing is going to get in my way.
Because of the sheer fat burning potency of Yohimbine, we analyzed this chemical
very closely and now introduce two new forms (along with Yohimbine HCl) of Yohimbine in Meltdown. Consequently, Meltdown contains three specialized forms
of the potent fat loss agent, Yohimbine. It’s no secret that when it comes to burning
fat, milligram per milligram, Yohimbine is even more effective than ephedra. Along
with pure Yohimbine HCl, Meltdown now contains 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine which
has unusually long half-life and, therefore, exerts a prolonged research-proven fat
burning effect for up to eight hours while increasing norepinephrine levels by up to
56%! This is important because Norepinephrine (NE) is one of the body’s principal
lipolytic (fat burning) hormones. Further, Meltdown also contains the rare alphaYohimbine compound. The scientific marvel is that Yohimbine HCl, 11-Hydroxy
Yohimbine and alpha-Yohimbine work synergistically to increases lipolysis. These
compounds work particularly well in the stubborn areas of the butt, thighs and
abdomen because of the Yohimbine receptor cites concentrated in those areas.
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Interestingly, most of these compound innovations contained in Meltdown
didn’t even exist and had to be chemically engineered in the lab. For example,
20 milligrams Synephrine is supposed to be a fairly decent fat loss compound
similar in action and chemical structure to ephedrine. So we set up a human
subject study and tested all the parameters of fat loss using 1) 25 mgs of pure
Synephrine then, 2) 50 mgs of pure Synephrine HCl (hydrochloride) and finally,
3) 200 mgs of pure Synephrine HCl. Even when these high amounts of pure
Synephrine were stabilized with HCl and bound to a polymer-lipid based delivery system, thermogenisis was not induced. Furthermore, energy, heart rate
and oxygen uptake did not increase nor were any other markers of fat loss apparent! We were about to give up on Synephrine until I came up with one last
creative effort to get this compound to work. We turned to several molecular
modifications of Synephrine to see if this scientific approach would make this
compound an effective fat loss agent. I must admit that there was a great deal
of apprehension because generally speaking, if an ingredient doesn’t work to
begin with, it normally doesn’t work no matter what you do to the chemical
structure. The answer to the Synephrine challenge was to chemically engineer
Methyl Synephrine. To our delight Methyl Synephrine didn’t make your heart
race or give you anxiety like ephedrine but provided almost equal amounts of
thermogenisis, energy and feeling of well being. After perfecting Methyl Synephrine, human subjects were excited about its effectiveness and our scientific
team was even more excited knowing how well beta andrenergic agonists
stack with alpha antagonists in regard to fat loss.
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
With Yohimbine HCl, 11-hydroxy Yohimbine, alpha-Yohimbine and Methyl Synephrine VPX could have easily stopped here and delivered the best fat burner
ever created. However, we had a great deal of other new compounds equally
important in assembling the most profound scientific fat loss innovation of the
decade. It is well documented in research that ephedrine and caffeine stacked
together have a significant synergistic effect to cut fat and that ephedrine and caffeine stacked with Yohimbine had an even greater capacity to destroy fat. Therefore, we theorized that combining caffeine with Methyl Synephrine (the chemical
cousin of ephedrine) would exert a similar fat loss effect. More importantly, we
theorized that we could even beat the old-school Ephedrine-Caffeine-Yohimbine combination with a more scientifically hip: Caffeine-Methyl SynephrineYohimbine HCl, 11-hydroxy Yohimbine, alpha-Yohimbine stack. And, human
subjects (including myself) confirmed that our theory was correct! All my
staff and I can say is that this combination rocks, period!
Phenylethylamine (PEA) processes the unique capacity to increase metabolism by stimulating your thyroid gland and inducing thermogenisis to
burn fat while eliciting the mild euphoria of eating a 1000 chocolate bars.
So imagine if you could take PEA and make it 40 to 60 times more effective? Meltdown may give you the buzz of 40,000 fat and calorie free
chocolate bars while melting fat off faster than a blow torch! Therefore, it
was now time to add our new breakthrough fat loss compounds called, R-ß-MPEA (R-ß-Methylphenylethylamine) and n-Methyl-ß-PEA (n-Methyl-ß-Phenylethylamine). We originally began working with ordinary ß-PEA and ß-PEA HCl
but found these compounds to have far too many limitations. First, they were
metabolized far too quickly and secondly, their ability to cross the blood brain
barrier was weak and could, therefore, be astronomically improved up to 40 to
60 times by using the R-ß-M-PEA and n-Methyl-ß-PEA versions! This is mind
boggling considering that most consumers and other supplement companies
are already satisfied with ordinary PEA. But remember, I’m staking my entire
career and reputation on my guarantee that Meltdown® is the most profound
scientific fat loss innovation of the decade!
we finally arrived at adding a Methyl functional group to Hordenine thus giving
birth to “Undisputed King of all MOA Inhibitors called, Methyl Hordenine AKA
High Powered Hordenine! - not to mention that Methyl Hordenine and Methyl
Synephrine are an outstanding beta adrenergic agonist fat loss stack that works
synergistically with the triple Yohimbine alpha 1 and alpha 2 andrenergic antagonists. And, we are all well aware from old days of the Ephedrine (an andrenergic
agonist), Caffeine and Yohimbine stack that Caffeine further enhances the effect
of andrenergic agonists like Methyl Hordenine/Methyl Synephrine and Yohimbine. And, our Methyl Hordenine innovation produced effects beyond our wildest imagination with real human subjects when combined with R-ß-M-PEA and
n-Methyl-ß-PEA and the other above-mentioned compounds in Meltdown. This
resulted in a super clean mild “X” buzz with unprecedented mental acuity that
lasted for hours and extended thermogenisis, carb Craving Control® and other
markers of fat loss.
Caution: Synephrine DOES NOT WORK! I hate to burst your bubble but Synephrine and Synephrine HCl are as useless as a screen door on a submarine. However, Methyl Synephrine is an off the chain version of Synephrine. This adrenergic
amine robustly accelerates fat metabolism and thermogenisis to simultaneously
speed up the fat burning process. Unlike its chemical cousin Ephedrine, Methyl
Synephrine has mild stimulating properties on the central nervous system which
is highly desirable because you get ultimate fat burning properties without the
It is commonly known to skilled biochemists that the kinetics of
any version of PEA can be extended when combined with an MAO
inhibitor. However, I was highly disappointed with lack of MAO
inhibiting capacity of Hordenine and Hordenine HCL. We needed
this compound to kick butt for two major reasons. To achieve the
desired MOA inhibition effect, we again had to alter the basic
chemical structure to create a super type of High Powered Hordenine. Unlike straight Hordenine or Hordenine HCl, this special
Hordenine had to be a potent MAO inhibitor to prevent PEA from
being metabolized by the monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme.
Blocking MAO would increase the duration of action of our brilliant R-ß-M-PEA and n-Methyl-ß-PEA inventions and permit easy
transport across the blood brain barrier. In medicine this is called
increasing the pharmacokinetic value. This would allow R-ß-MPEA and n-Methyl-ß-PEA – two of the most potent legal designer
fat loss compounds - to become even more efficacious.
Of equal importance, adding the appropriate functional group to
the chemical structure would also ramp up Hordenine’s intrinsic
andrenergic fat burning capacity. So, after attempting to stabilize Synephrine with HCl and failing at hydroxylation to make it
more soluble as was accomplished with 11 Hydroxy Yohimbine,
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Above is the chemical structure of yohimbine (R1 = R2
= H) and its 2 hydroxylated metabolites, 10-hydroxyyohimbine (R1 = OH, R2 = H) and
11-hydroxy-yohimbine (R1 = H, R2 = OH).
Combined with Owoc’s new Methyl Hodrelenine CCK-8
& Methyl Synephrine are the world’s most powerful fat
loss compounds - ALL contained in
Phenylethylamine (PEA) processes the unique capacity to increase metabolism by stimulating your thyroid gland
and inducing thermogenisis to burn fat while eliciting the euphoria of eating a 1000 chocolate bars. So imagine
if you could take PEA and make it 40 to 60 times more effective? Meltdown may give you the buzz of 40,000 fat
and calorie free chocolate bars while melting fat off faster than a blow torch!
racing heart and anxiety that ephedrine caused. This is because Ephedrine works
at the beta 2 receptor which acts on the CNS (central nervous system) and may
have side effects in unhealthy individuals while, Methyl Synephrine is one of the
adrenergic amines that stimulates the beta-3 receptors. This functions to increase
the metabolic rate without affecting heart rate or blood pressure. Synephrine releases epinephrine and norepinephrine primarily in the beta-3 receptor sites in
adipose (fat) tissue. Stimulation of the beta-3 receptor sites brings forth lipolysis
meaning it stimulates fat metabolism. Another distinctive physiological property
of Methyl Synephrine is its role as an Alpha-1 adrenergic agonist which plays
a major part in the metabolization and destruction of body fat by freeing up
stored body fat and allowing you to burn it for energy (lipolysis). Acting on
both Alpha 1 and Beta 3 receptors to induce fat loss is why Methyl Synephrine
will earn its reputation as a powerful lipolytic agent in scientific circles when is
released to the general public.
Further, adding a functional group to the chemical structure ramped up Synephrine’s Beta 3 intrinsic fat burning capacity so that it worked like its chemical cousin ephedrine. So, after trying stabilization of Synephrine with HCl and
failing at hydroxylation, we finally arrived at adding a Methyl functional group
to Synephrine thus giving birth to Methyl Synephrine This compound was so
impressive that we trade marked it as Super Synephrine™! And, of course our
Super Methyl Synephrine produced effects beyond our wildest imagination
with real human subjects when combined with R-ß-M-PEA and n-Methyl-ßPEA and the other above-mentioned compounds in Meltdown.
Tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA) is referred to in science as having pleiotropic
properties meaning that it produces many effects from a single compound.
As you probably expected, these effects all relate to monster fat loss! In fact,
the biological responses to TTA in regard to fat loss are so profound that it is
hard to believe a fat burning agent of this diverse nature actually exists. Guess
where fat is burned? It’s burned in the mitochondria of the muscle cell and TTA
induces mitochondrial proliferation (increases the number of mitochondria in
the cell). The more mitochondria contained within a muscle cell, the greater
your capacity to burn fat. So it’s no wonder that another biological response to
TTA is increased catabolism of fatty acids. You have probably heard the word
‘catabolism’ before in reference to destroying muscle tissue which is not good;
however, in the case of TTA we refer to catabolism in regard to destroying fat
which is highly desired! Meltdown does NOT contain TTA. About 10 years ago
I was tagged with the name “Supplement Guru” for a reason and that was
because I am somewhat of a freak in the field of research and development
science and also overly enthusiastic about bringing you new supplement innovations that have physique-altering properties. Therefore, although very powerful, I wasn’t going to use just TTA. Instead, the goal was to turn the heat up a
several hundred percent in Meltdown with M-TTA or Methyl TTA. M-TTA also
promotes anti-adiposity meaning it prevents you from storing fat along with
improving insulin sensitivity. If you read my Zero Impact Diet book or read the
newest N.O. Shotgun article, you would know the importance of insulin sensitivity in building muscle and annihilating body fat. Other biological aspects of
M-TTA are, reduced proliferation and apoptosis (death) to fat cells.
ing that this botanical contains
norepinephrine. You will only
find the pure R-ß-M-PEA and
n-Methyl-ß-PEA powerhouse
versions of PEA in Meltdown.
Well, guess what? There are
many other really cool fat loss
ingredients in Meltdown like the
CCK-8, and pure cAMP. However, unfortunately, I’m out of
time and this magazine was
supposed to go to print today
and here I’m spilling my heart
and soul out to you about the
greatest fat loss invention of
the 21st Century.
Rock On my friends - its time to get so ripped and shredded
to such a degree that on lookers will stare in disbelief and
offer you Band Aids for all those cuts.-DFN2ZRF
Meltdown is for persons
who are healthy and serious
about burning fat fast. It
is extremely potent and
therefore, you must read and
follow the entire label prior
to taking this product.
The first 700 people to
purchase Meltdown directly
from VPX will get a FREE copy
of Jack Owoc’s Zero Impact
Diet book. Just mention this
magazine ad to receive your
FREE book.
Call 954-641-0570 to
begin living your
Meltdown fat loss
dream today.
Meltdown is the world’s most scientifically sophisticated advanced fat
burner. Meltdown is powered by a pharmaceutically inspired polymer based
lipid delivery system called PolyLipid. This “steady state” technology delivers
both rapid and sustained controlled-release of the powerful active Meltdown
compounds. VPX is the father of liquid delivered fat burners in the nutritional
industry and to date has engineered and sold more liquid delivered fat burning
ingredients than all other companies combined! You won’t catch VPX doing any
mindless “capsule within a capsule” hocus pocus nonsense. PolyLipid Delivery
is advanced and authentic pharmaceutical science that dramatically improves
the pharmacokinetics of fat burning compounds.
Furthermore, you won’t find the herb form of PEA (Phenylethylamine) in Meltdown which some are falsely claiming is synthetic and also falsely advertis-
*When combined with increased exercise and a low calorie diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
The Fit Gourmet
Chicken Scaloppine
With Lemon Sauce
(and it’s low fat)
By Danielle Nagel, APCA
The Fit Gourmet©
Personal Chef/ Fitness Professional
Nutrition & Natural Health Consultant
each serving
Calories 285
Calories from Fat 51
Protein 34.8g
Total Carb 21.9g
Total Fat 5.7g
Sodium 586mg
This is a fantastic
lower-fat restaurantquality dish that’s
very easy to make, the
chicken alone even by
itself is so good, the
capers are only optional if you are a lover of
capers then add them
in, it really adds to
the flavour of this dish!
• 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts (pounded to
about 1/3-inch thickness)
This recipe is for 4 breasts, but can be
• 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
easily doubled. Make certain to use
• 2 eggs
only dry breadcrumbs as fresh will
• 1 cup dry breadcrumbs
not stick to the chicken as well. This
• 1/4 teaspoon poultry seasoning (or to taste)
complete recipe is made on top of the
• 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
stove. Cooking time is for browning
the chicken.
• seasoning salt
• olive oil (for frying)
• 2 tablespoons butter (optional)
• 1/4 cup chicken broth
Have a vegetarian family member?
You can made some eggplant
and use the sauce on it as well.
• 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
• 1 tablespoon capers (or to taste) (optional)
• 1/4 teaspoon salt (can use more to taste)
• 4-5 thin lemon slices
• fresh parsley, chopped
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
makes 4 servings
-In a small bowl, whisk together mustard and eggs; set
-Combine the dry bread crumbs, poultry seasoning,
garlic powder and seasoning salt; spread on a piece of
waxed paper.
-Dip the breasts in egg/mustard mixture (shake off any
excess egg).
-Then coat well with the crumb mixture.
-Heat the oil with 2 tablespoons butter(if using) in a
-Saute the chicken for 5 minutes on each side, or until
it is no longer pink inside.
-Remove and transfer to a plate to keep warm.
-In the same pan add in the broth, lemon juice, capers
(if using) and 1/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste) bring to a
boil, scraping brown bits from the pan.
-Add in lemon slices and parsley; mix to combine for
about 1 minute.
-Spoon the glaze/sauce over chicken.
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle’s
photos Walt Ostarly
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Using a weighted bar stand with
feet together bar hanging across
thighs, raise bar upward toward
shoulders then continue over
head, pause, then with elbows
remaining extended extend bar
out in front of your body continuing in a slow
motion downward until the
bar is hanging at your feet
hat if there was a place you could go to discover your highest fitness potential?
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Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
9 Caged Warriors
Matches with the winners underlined are as follows:
Jack Murphy vs. Gilbert Burgos
Daniel Vivieros vs. Miguel Gonzalez
Chino Duran vs. Chris Holder
James Austin vs.Dieulhomme Chera
Danny Castro vs. Peter Bolanis
Juan Barrantes vs. Edson Berto
Kris Masonvs. vs. Shamal McMillian
Eduardo Boza . vs. Chris Adams
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Photos & story by Richard Nannis
or those who enjoy these MMA articles, it has been
several months since the last one. The RFC 9 event
had been cancelled because several of the major
fighters were injured and could not appear. The
heads of the RFC, Joe Valdez and Jason Freyre demonstrated a lot of moral integrity by canceling the event.
I would have been satisfied to go with some alternates, but Joe & Jason did not want to disappoint these
fans who were looking forward to the championship
matches. There was a large loss, including the rent for the
USF Sun Dome. This was a brave step to take and they
deserve kudos for their courage.
The event on September 18 was very exciting &
successful consisting of eight matches including a title
match, There were about 4,000 in attendance.
The title match between Juan Barrantes and Edson
Berto was eagerly anticipated between these two top
fighters. Barrantes from Costa Rica, has a background
in Brazilian jiu jitsu and was trained by Ryan Gracie. He
has been on Showtime TV with a record of 1-1.
Berto comes from a fighting family. His is trained by
his dad, Dieusel Berto, a UFC and Pride fighter. Andre, his
brother is an Olympic boxer who is now a successful pro.
Berto is a local fighter out of Winter Haven Florida.
Typically the Brazilian fighters like to wrestle on
the ground with a submitting hold as the goal. Barrantes
tried this tactic time after time. Berto was having none
of it, preferring to stand and box, fighting a smart fight,
pounding Barrantes who bravely fought the last half
with a broken nose.
When the last fight started, I turned on my camera
and started to shoot the match. All I got was Chris Adams
unconscious on the mat. Within 14 seconds this 250 lb
heavyweight had been suplexed, and was out to the world.
We all held our breath waiting to see if he was ok. He
came to and recovered after a few minutes.
The next RFC match will be held at the USF Sun
Dome on November 10 .
Their web site is rfcmma,com.
Anyone who has any MMA questions may email me
at We will try to answer interesting questions in future articles.
2007-11 Years!
August 07
47 47
f you go to a commercial gym and you have been
a member for many years you see that there are
people that go day in and day out and look the same
every year. They complain about their lack of progress
but still you see that they very stoically go from one
machine to the next and do the same thing over and
over again. These people are typically the same ones
that attribute their lack of progress to bad genetics, to
age or perhaps for not being able to afford the latest
new supplement on the market that promises the world.
Fact is that their lack of progress is not because of any
of the reasons above.
After troubleshooting a lot of bodybuilding and
fitness programs of the people who are not making
progress, here are the main causes I have found for
their training plateaus:
1) Having a poorly designed routine.
A poorly designed routine I define as one that:
A) Takes too long to complete:
more than 1 hour in the gym decreases your testosterone levels so after 60 minutes you are wasting your
B) Lacks basic multi-jointed exercises:
A good routine needs to have exercises like squats, the
dead-lifts, lunges, pull-ups, dips, and presses. The trend
I see today is too much over reliance on the latest and
greatest machines which only serve to make a movement easier, and thus, do not provide the
stimulation that a properly executed free
weight and multi-jointed exercise provides.
C) Lacks change:
Exercise routines that do not change
keep the body the same. How many
times have I heard that the chest
routine that is not working any longer is 3 sets of bench, 3 of incline,
and 3 of flyes for 6-8 reps; mind
you that this is the same routine
that has been used for the past 4
years. Not changing your routine
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
allows the body’s nervous system to adapt and get used
to it. Once the body adapts there is no further gains. In
order to keep the body guessing, intermediate bodybuilders should change their routines every three weeks
or so. If you have read my previous articles or any of
my publications you know that I am a big proponent
of cycling the repetitions, set numbers and rest times
in a logical manner in order to make the most gains in
a minimum amount of time. These cycling principles
are nothing more than periodization of the workouts,
a tried and true technique that allows the gains to keep
coming while preventing stagnation. In any case, the
moral of the story is to change the workout routines.
A good indicator of when to change is that once you
don’t get sore it is time to change. The more advanced
you are, the more this becomes a reality. As a matter of
fact, highly trained bodybuilders change their routines
slightly every time that they go to the gym in order to
keep the body from going stagnant.
2) Having a poor diet.
This is the second factor for lack of gains. Many times
people think that they are eating a lot but what they
perceive as sufficient is not nearly enough to cause
muscle gains. In order to get the body to grow you
need at least 1.0-1.5 grams of protein per pound of
lean body mass (LBM-fat free weight). This protein
needs to come from lean sources (such as chicken, egg
whites, and white fish) and needs to be spread equally
in 6-8 meals (the larger you are the more meals you
need) spaced 2-3 hours apart in order to be able to
maintain a constant flux of amino acids
going into the system and to prevent
the body from going into a catabolic
state; a state that typically happens
after 3.5 hrs of no eating in which
the body starts using the body’s
amino acid supply (muscles) to feed
itself. Also you need sufficient
good fats in the diet to support the
production of hormones as well
as enough carbohydrates to fuel
your workouts. Good fats are in
the form of Flaxseed Oil or in the
form of Udo’s Ultimate Oil Blend. If muscle size is the
goal then Udo’s Oil is better (3 Tablespoons throughout the day should suffice most people over 150 and 2
if under 150). Use Flax Oil when fat loss is the goal.
Carbohydrate requirements vary based on metabolism.
A person with a slow metabolism that needs to gain
muscle should have anywhere from 1.0-1.5 grams
of complex carbohydrates (like brown rice, sweet
potatoes and grits) per pound of lean body mass (fat
free weight). A good way to start is using the 1.5 gram
figure and if you notice that your skinfold calipers
are showing a bigger number then reduce to a lesser
amount. If a high metabolism is your case then 2-3
grams per pound of LBM should be your requirement.
Also, ensure that after the workout anywhere from
50-100 grams of carbs are taken from higher glycemic
source such as cream of rice, or rice cakes, along with
whey isolate (a fast release protein) in order to re-fill
the muscle glycogen stores and provide the amino acids
that are much needed for repair in order to expedite the
recovery process.
3) Not enough rest.
Are you aware that a night of lost sleep can set back
your testosterone levels (which is one of the hormones
that is most responsible for muscle growth) for about 3
days? Not good if muscle growth is what you are after.
In addition, depressed sleep also causes insulin insensitivity; a condition where your muscle cells become
less receptive to the hormone insulin. This is not good
as insulin is the hormone that carries both the carbohydrates and the amino acids from protein into the muscle
cell. Insulin resistance short circuits the delivery of
nutrients into the cells. In addition to that, insulin resistance causes the body to start producing more insulin
as a means to overcompensate which will give you
low blood sugar levels along with increased fat storage
(since the body will take those nutrients that it can not
store in the liver or muscle cells and store them as fat
for future energy purposes). Couple all of this with
increased cortisol levels (hormone that destroys muscle
tissue and helps the body store fat) and you have a sure
fire recipe to a smaller and fatter you. If looking good
is your goal, 7-9 hours of sleep (9 is recommended for
By Hugo Rivera
the elite bodybuilders that
train twice
a day) is the
4)Too much
Yet another muscle
growth killer and fat
storage facilitator.
I’m not against and
occasional drink
or two but if you
are planning on
getting toasted
every weekend
say good-bye to
muscle gains and
hello to the bear
gut. Plan on buying bigger pants,
as alcohol gets
stored in the body
rather quickly in addition
to the fact that each gram
has 7 calories. So if muscle
growth is the goal, water
should be the main beverage
of choice with the prescription
being 0.66 times total bodyweight in
ounces of water per day.
5) Lack of consistency.
For any bodybuilding program to work, consistency
is absolutely necessary. If you are not consistent with
your diet, your training and your sleep, then do not
expect to get significant results from your bodybuilding program. Building a championship physique takes
years of consistent and intelligent application of the
training, nutrition and recovery variables.
While there are more
reasons out there why
there is no more muscle
growth in the gyms these
days these are the main
ones that come to mind.
Remember, success in bodybuilding equals Determination x
(Training + Nutrition + Recovery). By sabotaging one of the
components in the formula
you will get fewer results
than what you should be
getting. Incorporate all of
the components correctly
and you’ll be amazed
at how quickly you can
induce change. Your friends
will start accusing you of being
on steroids; I guarantee you!
Success in bodybuilding
equals Determination x
(Training + Nutrition + Recovery).
By sabotaging one of the components in the formula you will get
fewer results than what you should
be getting.
About The Author
Hugo Rivera,’s Bodybuilding Guide and ISSA Certified
Fitness Trainer, is an internationallyknown best-selling fitness author of
over 8 books on bodybuilding, weight
loss and fitness, including “The Body
Sculpting Bible for Men”, “The Body
Sculpting Bible for Women”, “The
Hardgainer’s Bodybuilding Handbook”,
and his successful, self published e-book, “Body
Re-Engineering”. You can visit Hugo Rivera at www., at, and his
new site
and Lack of Progress
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
chest trai
By Eric
One Arm Dumbbell Chest Press
I. One Arm Dumbbell Chest Press
II. Chest Pull Overs
III. Standing Cable Fly’s
IV. Incline Dumbbell Fly’s
Tips and Form:
• Always keep your feet flat on the ground
• Always keep a tight grip with thumb wrapped around
index fingers
• Keep arms tight at the starting position, pausing each
time you come back to this position
• Hold abs tight and blow out air in the push phase
• No BOUNCING keep tight movements during step 1
and step 2
D. Cullen Kolbach
Chest Pull Overs
Owner of
Muscleology:If the arm is in a raised
position the pectoralis major will depress the arm into the side of the chest.
Acting alone the pectoralis major
adducts and draws the arm forward
across the body in front of the chest.
The petoralis minor depresses the
point of the shoulder, and draws the
scapula (shoulder blade) downwards
and inwards to the thorax.
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Muscle Position and Execution:
• Position lying flat on bench
• Press both dumbbells up to the top for starting position
• Bring down one dumbbell to the body in a controlled
• Always press working arm to top before switching
• Keep opposite arm in a tight position during each one
arm press
• Do not over extend at the top of each movement
Muscle Position and Execution:
• Place top of shoulders on the side of flat bench and
lay back parallel to floor
• Feet should be shoulder width to help balance
• Grab dumbbell with both hands and lift straight off
your chest
• Bring dumbbell back over the top of your head in a
controlled fashion
• Only go as deep as it feels comfortable for you…DO
NOT over stretch
Tips and Form:
• When finishing the moving at the top, the weight
should be up over your chest
• Use a weight that you can control
• Do not lift your head up or down during this movement
• Blowing air out on the way up and breathing in on
the way down
Hoult B.S., Pro Bodybuilder
l Feature: D. Cullen Kolbach
hoto’s by
Cullen’s Current Workout Schedule
Monday- Chest/Biceps/Cardio
Tuesday- Quads/Hamstrings/Calves
Thursday-Shoulders/ Triceps
Friday-30 to 40min. Cardio
Standing Cable Fly’s
Muscle Position and Execution:
• Elevate arms parallel to the floor holding the
• Keep arms slightly bent, keep elbows locked
• Keep hands in a neutral position
• Step 1-Keep elbows slightly bent, arms straight out
where it feels comfortable
• Step 2-Bring weight together with arms slightly
bent(keep arms rounded like you are hugging a big
• Step 3- Slight pause at the end of movement and
repeat steps 1,2
Tips and Form:
• These should be done at a moderate tempo
• Do not use heavy weight with this movement
• Keep a tight grip with hands in a neutral position
• Keep top of back slightly arched, chest out at the
bottom of each movement
• At the top of each movement squeeze the chest
together and hold for 2 seconds
Incline Dumbbell Flies
Muscle Position and Execution:
• Press dumbbells to the top before starting movement
• Lower arms slowly outwards…bring elbows
slightly towards your sides
• Squeeze dumbbells inward and up at the same time
and squeeze chest at the top
• Step 1-come down in a controlled fashion
• Step 2- push back to the top of movement in a
smooth but powerful position
Muscle Anatomy: Pectoralis Major is a triangular muscle that is
thick, and broad. It arises from the sternal half of the clavicle bone,
also from the anterior surface of the sternum and attaches as low as
the sixth or seventh rib. The majority of the fibers converge towards
its insertion point, giving it a radiated appearance. Fibers coming
from the clavicle region run outwards and downwards, fibers from
the sternum and the lower ribs pass upwards and outwards, and the
middle fibers pass horizontally. Pectoralis minor is also a triangular
muscle that is thin and flat. Positioned at the upper end of the thorax,
attached to the 3rd, 4th, 5th ribs and inserting on the coracoid process,
this muscle is beneath the pectoralis major.
Tips and Form:
• These should be done at a moderate tempo
• Going to deep may cause discomfort in your
• If you can not dip your own body weight, try using
a machine that will assist you
• Keep top of back slightly arched, chest out at the
bottom of each movement
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
“Bulking Up ”
Is So “Old School”!
Skip La Cour
Success/Life Coach
Six-Time National Bodybuilding Champion
s it better to bulk up for added muscle
growth or stay lean and healthy-looking all year around?
The “old school” way of thinking
is that you must carry around a little
extra weight for a certain period of time
during the year to eventually build more
muscle. Or, is this just an excuse to go a
little overboard on your nutrition under
the guise of doing yourself some good?
It is true that there are some benefits to bulking up. The additional body
fat you’ll inherit with that extra weight
will not necessarily help you pack on
more muscle in the end. However, extra
food and excess body fat can help prevent your body from ever using its precious muscle as an energy source, help
you feel more energized than you may
on a calorie restricted meal plan, and
Is it really necessary to put
on excess weight
in order to gain muscle?
maybe even help you feel as though you
can train heavier in the gym.
But is it really necessary to put on
excess weight in order to gain muscle?
No. With a little extra discipline and
some consistent, scientifically-based
nutritional strategies, you can effectively
build muscle and remain looking lean
and healthy.
Heavy, overload training (Max-OT),
adequate recuperation from your training, and consistently eating high-quality
protein (VP2 Whey Isolate and Ny-Tro
PRO-40) are key ingredients to building
rock-solid muscle mass—not putting on
extra weight and delusional size (which
is really just excess body fat).
When it comes to eating to build
muscle, you must have an effective planof-attack. Eating the right foods before
and after
your workouts, putting
a high-priority
on eating the right
foods during the threehour window of muscle
building opportunity, and
consuming smaller, wellbalanced meals consistently
throughout the day is what the cutting-edge research says is the most effective way to build muscle, stay lean, and
maintain your health.
Sorry, guys. Your rationale for
getting fat and sloppy won’t work
any more. The “bulking up” theory
doesn’t stand up to the scientific research we have available to us today.
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
welcome to
my world
I love excellence in everything! In MY WORLD, excellence has
to do with laying it on the line, getting up again and again, and
persevering. And doesn’t seem strange that those possess these
traits seem to be ”lucky” and get all the breaks. I personally
don’t believe in luck - unless you define it as “persistence, perseverance and practice meeting opportunity.” Most people with
this “luck” are crowd champions by deed over words.
For the past 7 years I have been privileged by the BossLADY
of NMM to introduce you to MY WORLD. I hope you would
agree with me that there have been CHAMPIONS. This
month’s champion follows in a long line of “lucky people.
Point in fact, Amber Ameredes is a World Champion who
exhibits high-energy with consistent values I respect and appreciate. At first meeting she quietly beckons you to listen
and watch her. I love her smile, enthusiasm, and willingness
to go 110%. She is fast becoming a role model worth emulation and admiration and is on her way to the top of the fitness
Put an asterisk by her name and see if I am correct.
My Name is Coach A, Welcome to MY WORLD!
Interview and photos by:
Dr. “Coach” Atherton
amber amere
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
What do you consider your greatest triumphs?
My greatest personal triumph occurred when I was a senior in high school
and shattered my index finger playing football. I went Occupational Therapy
for my finger to get it to bend again, so I could go on to train and compete in
Milan, Italy for the Baton Twirling World Championship.My greatest achievement athletically was placing 6th in this past year’s Fitness Universe.
What do you do for a living?
I am working in a skilled nursing facility, in Fayetteville, NC, as an Occupational Therapist. I treat patients who have experienced a stroke, heart attack,
hip/knee replacements and other illnesses. I teach people to be independent
again in their daily living skills or daily occupations.
How/Why did you get involved in fitness?
I was a competitive dancer and baton twirler since the age of 6. I was also
a feature twirler in the West Virginia University Marching Band and a University of Pittsburgh “Golden Girl.” After graduating college, I still wanted
to perform on stage, perform for an audience, and do something to stay in
shape. Late one night, I was watching ESPN and saw the Fitness America
competition. I thought to myself “I can do this!” One year later, I was as fit
as can be, eating healthy, exercising, and placed 2nd in the Fitness America
ESPN2 Series, on TV!!!
Who influenced you the most?
The person who influenced me the most is my husband. He has made such
an impact in all aspects of my life. He has made me become a better person
in all aspects of my life and helped me find my faith. I would not be where
I am today without him.
Who do you admire the most?
Male? I admire my father the most. He is such a hardworking, family man.
Growing up, he would do anything for his family and still will. He always
puts others first before him and wants everyone to be happy. He is the best
father any girl could ever ask for.
Female? I admire my mother the most. She too, has always put her family
first and has done everything she could for her children. She has the kindest heart of anyone I know. She has been through many hardships in her
life, yet, you would never know it if you met her. She is my best friend and
always will be.
How do you want to be remembered as an athlete?
I want to be remembered as someone who always remained humble no matter the score or place I finished or how much media exposure I received. I
also want to be remembered as someone who always trained hard and was
willing to help others.
Born: Pittsburg
h, PA
Living now:Fay
etteville, NC
Marital Status:
Married for 4 w
onderful years, no ch
Education: Mas
ter’s Degree O
ccupational Therapy
Age: 30
Height: 5’7”
If you had a magic wand and could instantly change something about
your life, what would it be?
I would have helped more people in my past.
What else do you want the readers to know about you?
I have just be named Spokes model for Stretchalicious clothing line: www. and actually order directly from their site. This unique
line of active wear is made of Supplex AA, a highly breathable and shaping
fabric that never fades. It feels so good on - you never want to take it off!
Also, check my fitness videos and pictures on my personal website at
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Suzy’s Story
y name is Suzanne Shaheed. I
check out a Bodybuilding Contest. am a wife, a deputy sheriff, and
Reluctantly, I went and that is what
a lifetime natural bodybuilder. turned my life around. We entered
the hall while the Women Class was
Through out my bodybuilding career, I
on the stage. I remember seeing
have competed in 14 contests, winning
the finely sculpted bodies. I liked
10 class/division titles and 3 overall
titles. I love the idea of challenging mythe way those women looked and
self in this sport. Through bodybuilding,
the way they moved. I remember
I learned that with discipline, determinaseeing not only the power but also
tion, and desire all goals that I set can be
the femininity that those women
had. I also remember the confidence
achieved, not only in bodybuilding, but
in all aspects of my life. Bodybuilding
that glowed from each one, from
gave me confidence when I was at
the biggest women on the stage to
the lowest point of my life. Through
the person who was last in the class,
they all were sharp. I was totally
bodybuilding, I changed my attitude,
blown away by what I saw. I remy outlook, and it helped me to become
stronger mentally and physically.
member saying to myself “That is
Back in July 1997, I went to the
where I want to be. That is what I
want to do.”.(Side note: The class I
doctor regarding recurring aches, pains,
joint swelling, and a general feeling of
watched was the Women’s Middlefatigue. After various tests, the doctor
weight Class. When they called out
informed me, I had Systemic Lupus
the Heavyweights, my jaw hit the
Erythematosus(an autoimmune disorder
It took awhile to get that first
where the immune system is hyperactive
episode under control. But then, I
and attacks and injuries its own tissues
had another lupus flare. This time
and organs). I had a slight feeling of relief at this time, because my problem had the flare affected my kidneys. I had a
been recognized, there was also a feeling kidney biopsy and was then ordered
of depression because now I knew I had
by my nephologist(kidney doctor)
to deal with this illness for the rest of
to start monthly chemotherapy treatments to stop the damage to my kidneys. my life.
I cried. All I could think of was becom My first major flare involved my
heart and lungs. Both organs became
ing very ill all over again. But with
inflamed and
time, patience,
After various tests, the doctor informed me, and listening
required countI had Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
less trips to the
to my doctors I
doctor office and I had a slight feeling of relief at this time, got my health
hospital. During
on track and
because my problem had been
this time, I lost
could attempt
recognized, there was also a feeling of
weight, lost hair
depression because now I knew I had
I found
and struggled
with everyday
to deal with this illness for the rest of my an excellent
life trying to find
coach, Chris
Challenger. He
the energy to
is competitive
do the simplest
bodybuilder, with a passion to help his
things. Breathing was problem, eating
clients reach their potential. I explained
was hassle and I was just going through
the motions of life.
to Chris about my health concerns and
One day, a friend, who saw how
he came up with a diet plan and workout
regimen. I was now preparing for my
I was fading away, invited me to the
first contest. Orange County Convention Center to
The training was tough. The days I
had to go the hospital were even tougher. I would bring additional protein drinks
so I would not miss a meal. I knew
what to eat and not to eat on the hospital
tray. And as tired as I was, when I was
released from the hospital, the first thing
I would do is hit the gym for a cardio
session. It also helped to sweat out some
of the treatment. Nothing was going to
stop me from my goal.
In June of 2000, I competed and in
the Orlando Muscle Classic. I won the
Women’s Novice Division.
Bodybuilding was major personal
challenge to me due to my health concerns. But it taught me three important
discipline- follow the plan and success
will be yours
determination-you control your destiny,
not anyone or anything else
desire-If you want something,
and you work towards it, it
will be yours
And these are lessons
that you can use in any part of
your life.
I competed from 2000
- 2002. Applying these lessons,
in 2002, I left my office job
to become a deputy sheriff,
something else I always wanted to do. The good thing was
that many of the health and
fitness lessons that I learned in
my competitive years, I could
apply to my new career. In
2005, I married my longtime
sweetheart. The good thing
with change is that it keeps life
exciting, the bad thing is that
I had to hold off on competing until my life became more
Stability occurred in
2007. I returned to the sport
I love. I was back under the
guidance of Coach Chris Challenger. But my new job gave
me new obstacles to overcome. I needed 24 hours access to a
gym, due to my work schedule, and my
diet was very different due to the fact I
was no longer in an office. But when
you desire to compete, you will make all
the changes necessary to make it happen. I made all the necessary changes to make
it happen.
I competed three times in 2007, here are
the results:
Space Coast Heavyweight Division
Mid Florida Classic Women Overall
Winner and Best Poser
Musclemania 2nd Place Women’s Division
I am anxious for what my next
season hold for me. I love the thought of
competing with others. I love bodybuilding and I love the what it has done
for my confidence, my outlook and my
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Need a Quick
Ab Work Out
following a long
day at the office?
15-25 Reps
3 sets of each excercise
3-5 days a week
will do the trick!
Model: Christine Mascia
Photographer: Walt Ostarly
Workout outfit: BeBe sport
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Man on
orn and raised in Augusta, GA. I lived within15 months time.
life being a kid, having fun, and dream- A few years later, I was back into fiting of being, “somebody.” I wanted my ness/nutrition, and I began implementing
marketing into my church’s (New Life
life to count.
At 13yrs old, I was diagnosed with (Type Christian Center) youth ministry. I worked
1) Juvenile Diabetes, almost entering into out in the church’s gym and could only
a diabetic coma with a blood sugar of 680. commit to ONCE a week. I knew if I
With excruciating pain of Keto-acidosis, I were consistent, I would see results. After
went into Pediatric ICU for several days several months, I began working out 3
to learn I had diabetes. I had never heard times per week.
of it until then. I had a positive outlook, As a youth pastor, my youth group grew
so I began the diabetes education, nutri- from 15 teens per week to around 130-140
tion counseling and gave my second per week in a matter of months. I also
insulin shot to myself with
no problems. Some doctors
said it was typical for kids
to return with complications
within a matter of time. I was
determined to prove them
In high school, I played football and soccer. My older
brother and friend taught
me the importance of lifting
weights, and I immediately
signed up for weight lifting
class. I partied, played sports,
did drugs, got drunk, ran
after girls, and I also began
smoking marijuana and quit
football my senior year…
busted me and because I let
her down, I haven’t done it
since. The night I graduated
high school, I became a new
person. It was the moment Jesus became very REAL to me
and number one in my life.
As I entered college life, I laid
aside athletics and focused on
being successful. I attended
Rhema Bible Training Center
to major in youth ministry. I
was married, graduated college, became a youth minister,
and my daughter was born all
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
went from weighing 160lbs to 185lbs. I
wanted to look my best, but had a lot to
learn. I kept pushing, but there were many
hardships along the way. I went through
a tough divorce and custody battle, but
my family and good friends stood by me
along the way.
In 2001, I joined my first health club and
entered into a new level of training, commitment, and excitement. I was determined
to learn everything I could by reading
books, magazines, and studying it from a
diabetic’s perspective and became a certified personal fitness trainer.
In 2002, I began co-hosting the
Angel Award winning Christian
music TV show Roc House
Café and continued four seasons, hosted “The Movement”
youth conferences, the voice of
“LIVIN LOUD” radio spots for, and
traveled speaking in multi-racial/denominational churches.
In 2005, I began to see some
changes in my life. I hosted
one last season of RocHouse
Café, launched out from being
a youth pastor, and began building up my graphic design business. I even quit my full-time
job to focus on my business
venture. Despite all this, I was
still unhappy with my body. By
end of the year, I had the opportunity for a print modeling job
in Orange County, California.
They asked if I could have a
fitness physique in 12 weeks,
so I accepted the challenge and
got to work.
I did NOT know 2006 would
be such a monumental year of
my life!!! I began working out
5-6 times per week, sometimes
twice a day, and began to eat
clean. After that first job, I began using
my graphic design/marketing skills to
help promote modeling and work just
kept growing. My motive is to help my
clients/friends be successful just as much
as myself.
During the summer of 2006, I was selected as one of the top 16 male finalists
for Hard Body Entertainment’s World’s
Fittest Model Search at Olympia in Las
Vegas, NV. It was my first contest and
though I didn’t win, something sparked in
me that I could get better. So I competed
in Fitness Hollywood’s Model America
and placed 6th out of 34 guys. In 2007, I
placed 2nd in my first FAME/SNBF Male
Model competition, became FAS-NET’s
Oklahoma MALE MODEL Champion,
and then WON 2ND PLACE in the prestigious Model Universe. I’ve been on the
Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency TV
show, recently appeared on NBC’s new
game show, “Identity”. I’ve been published in several fitness magazines, but my
goals are high… and im still moving, not
giving up until I reach my MAXIMUM
I realize my calling in life is ultimately
to be as close to God as I can, but I also
want to be an inspiration by touching lives
as far as I can reach… especially the teen
and young adult generation. My priority
success goal is to be an influence in an ever
changing society.
Every one of us is given a life to live, a
race to run, and a chance to win. The question is, “How BAD do you want it?!” I’ve
learned you can do anything you want…
pay the price. Anything worth having in
life costs something so… pay the price.
You can pay now and play later or play
now and pay later; either way… you’ll
pay the price. Count the cost and give it
all you’ve got!!
Lovin God, Lovin People, Livin LIFE,
Jeremy Williamson aka Jmiah
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!
Natural Muscle November 2007-11 Years!